MrWifiman100 I remember I couldn’t wait for the work day to end so I could go home and raid. I think I even stood some people up just so I could level up and raid ...pathetic huh? ....
Potato Accuracy sad that forsaken will be the last DLC for destiny and D3 will never happen D2 was an abortion that should have been kicked off a cliff by D1
+Prodigy Gaming I use the Mos Scala I hand cannon. Maybe be just an uncommon weapon, but it shows I don't rely upon over powered ones, unlike these guys.
For those who are having trouble with the final Strike, I have some advice. When things get overwhelming, camp in the room located where you enter. Do not stand directly in that room, as a Shrieker + 2-3 Wizards + 2-3 Knights will spawn. Simply camp in the little hallway connected to the room. If the Shrieker does spawn, simply hide in the hallway with your fireteam until it disappears. The extra units will disappear as well. Killing Xyor is a simple task once you get him in there. NOTE: Knights shields are weak against Ark Damage, Wizards are weak against Solar, so once you face the "Unwed", simply solar the shit out of him. He is no more difficult than a regular hallowed wizard, so you should have no problem. Once you kill him, the bounty is complete. Happy hunting guardians!
Lord Salad I'm sure some people would rather complete it in an honest way. I did originally, but when I had to help a friend, we did it that way. Due to his level, he couldn't do much to resist the Darkness, so we chose the cowards way out and used this strategy. It's not honorable. But it gets the job done.
When I was completing this bounty with some friends we noticed a pattern: an enemy drop ship will come in after every quarter of health that phogoth loses. After we got him down to 1/4 health and the third drop ship showed up, that's when xyor spawned.
This quest was fucking amazing. WHERE DID THESE QUESTS GO??????????????????? These were the good old days of Destiny! Just watching this I'm jownsing for this game. WHAT DID THEY DOOOOOO?!
Martin Kirilov During Destiny’s development, Bungie split into Bungie and 343i, and over the course of Destiny 1 and Destiny 2s life span, more have left Bungie. Plenty of articles have covered this, its common knowledge, also if you followed the devs on twitter, you’d have seen them announcing they are leaving Bungie over the years.
My first exotic bounty. Got the Void part done with fusion rifle and a rocket launcher. Since this was before Taken King, no Nightstalker. I played as a Hunter.
If you're bad at PvP like I am, and you got this bounty on a hunter like I did, here is how you get the Thorn. Take up sniping. Yup. Become a sniper. On every map, figure out some way to basically be a career sniper. Be sneaky about it. You'll get your void kills, and if you're cautious, you'll evade other people who will kill you and lower your points. On wide open maps like the moon and bastion, just keep on the move. Zip around on your Sparrow to find good sniping spots, and always move again after you take a shot or two. If you spot an enemy on your radar, then he's too close for you to sit there and try sniping him. Get on your sparrow and move to another location. If you're on a more closed-in map, then get the shortest range scope you can find and always follow your teammates. Stay behind them. Let them be your meat shields while you pick people off from the back. Don't stick around once everyone else on your team has died, because you're next, and you're gonna lose two points when they get you. Keep doing this and you'll get 500 points in a couple of days. Like I did on my hunter. I took blade dancer because I prefer to use every cloaking ability they have available to them. You don't show up on radar while cloaked, and you're not quite as visible to other snipers when you're cloaked at a distance. And if someone comes after you because they're hunting down snipers, you can use your super to dispatch them, cloak at the end of the super, and then relocate. I'm pretty bad at using every special weapon that requires you to fight someone one on one, and specials are going to be your main source of void damage if you are a hunter. (Heavies rarely come up. They're just icing on the cake.) I'd get a negative KDR while trying to run around with shotguns and fusion rifles. But taking up sniping, I could often get 10 kills and die only one time on the more wide open maps. (And the Shores of Time map for some reason. It's a deceptively good sniping map, though you wouldn't think so with the way it's all rooms like that.)
Probably the best way is to just play the weapon you're best with. I suck with shotguns and fusions because I grip the controller too hard and break into a run when I'm trying to iron-sight and strafe at the same time. I'd say maybe some of these tactics could still be useful to you if you're gonna go shotguns or fusions. If you're not good at PvP, let your teammates be your meat shields so you can get multiple kills without dying so fast. Another thing to keep in mind is as soon as you kill someone as a sniper, everyone knows you're sniping. And the guy you killed sees where you're at. That's why you should keep on the move. If you stay in one spot, you're risking someone coming for you for revenge.
Josh White Trust me, I was really bad at PvP when I was trying to get the thorn. At best I would finish second to the last one. I got myself a fusion rifle with void damage, and ran with it only, and since I was titan, I chose defense subclass, so grenades and melee kills will count as void damage as well. Slowly but surely I got those 500 points with the void damage, it's easier than you think. Even if your KDR is 0.6 after the match-you still end up having points with the void damage,-because you get +5 points for a kill, and -2 for dying. for example you did 10 kills with the fusion rifle which gives 50 points, and died 20 times at the worst case scenario, which will deduct 40 points,- you still end up having 10 points with the void damage. Just pick the gun with void damage (preferably fusion rifle IMO) and run with it only and always,- you'll get there i PROMISE
I've got it- I completed the bounty in about 15 hours. (Not consecutively.) The gun is horrible... It really needs a buff, Imo. I find it to be a little weak on PVP (compared to other guns), and on PVE it's still a little lackluster.
It's all the more rewarding that it was hard to get, isn't it? :P And once you get it fully upgraded, it kills people in PvP in two headshots. And even if you don't kill them, the damage over time is amazing because it keeps opponents/badguys from regenerating health/shields.
FUCK THIS I wanted this gun so bad, but I can't get anywhere near the 500 crucible point thingy, fuck me, everytime I get 10 points, next game I am back to 3, goddammit!
I had the same problem, and trust I'm not very good in PvP, I'm a PC player, so thumb-stick still feels very unusual. i found that descent Void Fusion rifle is the only way to go. Run PvP only with it, and get other void dmg abilities if you have. On the average I would finish PvP match having 30-50 points per match. Since you get 5 points per kill and -2 points when you get killed. So even if you KDR is less then 0.7 you still getting points
mate grab a shot gun and rocket launcher and only play control...stay crouched in a zone in a good spot...near heavy armour drops and kills come to anything else and you have to look for kills which reduces your chances, 2 days and your done...then worry about the next part...
Peter Williams cheers bud, Im actually doing 3 exotic bounties in the crucible at once lol but only the Thorn seem to be stuck at zero, while the others do come along, if slowly. Thanks for the advice!
This is a bit misleading, in the phogoth section while I was helping my friend with this, we were sitting there for about 15 minutes just killing the enemies as they spawned, because we both watched this and the way it was worded made it sound like that's what you're supposed to do... But eventually we found out that there are 3 drop ships, one spawns for about every 1/3 of phogoth's health with the last one with xyor coming in near death... Just thought I'd put that out there, I don't know if this just randomly decided to happen to us, but maybe that's actually how it's supposed to be, idunno :/
Thanks for pointing that out. I'm currently doing this bounty, and I thought I just waited for the ships, but now with your comment I'll keep your comment in mind :)
Bungie be crazy. I just got this bounty but i don't think I'm going through all this mess for it. Thanks for the helpful video though. Would have wasted a lot of time otherwise.
travis abram Yeah, I think I turned in 2 or 3 at once. I was surprised to see it ask me to choose an Exotic Bounty and got excited, didn't realize it'd be such a hassle :(.
Phaethon360 I just turned in 3 and didn't get anything. Many people said turn in 5 and I was going to but then I said screw it and now I have to go do more. I wish I could pay someone to find me the bounty lol hell they don't even have to complete it for me I just want the opportunity. I hate not being one of the people who doesn't have a legendary by now. It sucks.
Phaethon360 Just so that you are aware, this is pretty much how the game is designed to be. Its a grind to get great items mixed with some skill and some luck. Find a day when you have time to go for things like this.
Oh sweet nostalgia. I completed the Bounty in Y1 as a Defender Titan in one evening. Don't ask how my stomach was feeling after raging for hours but I felt proud for completing it. (And gaining a great friend who I randomly asked for help in the Tower for the special Strike)
joshua allen I just finished up the hive part by running the weekly heroic on the middle level (just for ease) and I finished the bounty right as we finished the first room with the unlocking door. so the yellow bars have to count for more and this method took less than 10 minutes.
Here after playing d2 for just month and got bored so damn quickly .. I miss this destiny mmo/RPG fps hybrid.. now it’s generic FPS with no god role loot to chase .. oh Bungie u broke my heart with no end game 😭
its frustrating ! im about to hit lvl 27, i do all 12 bountys daily and i did not get a single exotic weapon bounty while my friend already got 2 of them .______.
The Only Bane Great, and another doubt I just created a new guardian, a hunter (I was level 21 with my first guardian a warlock) so when I went to customize I saw that I could equip the arc blade subclass the one that you unlock at level 15, but I was level 1, like if I wanted I could start leveling arc blade, so I did, I'm afraid that's a glitch but then I created anolther one to check a titan and I could do the same thing I chose defender right from the start at level 1, any information regarding this?
masipoten idk if glitch but the same thing happens if u have with another character unlocked crucible etc.. u can create a new guardian and go into it lvl 1
Was watching how to get this year 3 and felt so nastalgic. I had to watch the year one tutorial. Good times. I'll always miss vanilla destiny. So many good memories!!!
For all of you people saying this gun is garbage, you have clearly not used it for long enough. Sure, it's a bit on the worse side when you FIRST get it, but once you upgrade it, it turns into a face-wrecker. Once you unlock Send It and Mark of the Devourer, the gun pretty much a mini-sniper with an amazing range, aimdot and a "poisoning" ability.
The gun is great, I run PvP with it only now. The problem with that gun is that, due to the lag or some bug, the damage sometimes doesn't register. For example, once I sneaked on the sniper from behind with the thorn, he was just sitting. Had no special abilities on, nor buffs. I pulled the trigger on him 4 times, and no damage was done whatsoever, he jaut turns around and kills me. And things like that happen a lot with the Thorn, I know for sure that I hit that guy but no health were reduced, just pisses me off
is it possible someone who actually knows what the final part is to help me finish it because literally everyone who I do it with is a idiot and kills phogoth
Coming back to these videos is a trip down memory lane. Back in vanilla D1, I think I only ever got one of these exotic bounties to show up... JUST ONCE. Had some pretty shit luck.
Yes my first bounty was after playing 330 hours, my second and third were at 365, both of them in a row, The first one was leveling up cruisible with 3 bounties, the third one gave it to me, with the second one it was 7 cruisible and 3 vanguard, the third one was with 6 cruisible and 4 vanguard
Been grinding so hard. Today I got every vanguard bounty the robot and did them. Turned em in, nothing. I have done so may bounties for this crap. Level 32 btws
LordPandaWarrior Don't worry dude. I was just like you. I turned in 10 bounties at once every other day for 2 weeks and never got one. I turned them in at the tower cryptarch. Then one day i decide to turn in ONE bounty to the reef cryptarch and boom i get it. Its completely random. Like Teddy Nova said, Don't loose hope
I'm level 31 and I was in your situation not to long ago I just unlocked it today just spam the bounties and do as many as u can that's the only way I got my bounty today I was ecstatic when I got it
Yes i have a collection of blue fusion rifles and shotguns and rocket launchers just for different missions. I think it'd be nice to have customized loadouts saved for individual strikes/pvp etc for this reason.
I’m returning to this post after acquiring Thorn in Season of the Lost. This gun brings me so much joy due to it being my first exotic weapon in Destiny 1, using this video for reference. Oh how the time flies.
Man, I don't know how long I've been stuck on the PvP part of this. When I first started it, I was scared I couldn't make it because I only had a sniper and thought that I had to PvP the "goold old fashioned way" but it's better to play cowardly. 1: Use your best main-weapon. If you are lucky enough to have the Void Auto Rifle, then you are a lucky b*stard, lol. 2: Play like the worst kind of people. Be selfish, use your teammates as meat-shields, camp like a mofo. 3: Don't be reckless and run around witha shotty in a huge open space (unless you can pull that off.) I'm not good at PvP but I'm currently 348/500 points away. If I can get more than halfway through, then anyone can!
The nostalgia!!! I remember spending three hours soloing The Summoning Pits and killing Xyor, while hiding in the shrieker room. Those were the days...
Oh on the 2nd part of the bounty, where you need 500 points from killing Hive members in the Moon, I speedrunned Sword of Crota (cuz the points go like this, 1 for normal enemies, 20 for majors(gold health), 50 for ultras(gold health, skull beside name, unique name) which means the Princes would give alot of points, and also there are alot of other normal enemies, so that gives you a bunch of points as well ( i recommend doing the sword of crota on level 20 or above so other hive majors can also spawn, meaning more points)
The nostalgia hits harder than a belt from a step father.
big facts
So is that why you killed your father
or something
You know what hit harder.....That progress grind
Jesus Christ. True tho
I can't be the only one coming back to these videos just to remember how great Destiny 1 was.
new DLC hype!
Wolfy it’s garbage just like everything destiny has released since Year 1
Ricky yup, you’re right
trying to psyche up for forsaken lol
I've been watching old d1 videos for like a month now, this game is probably the most fun I've ever had in a game ever.
MrWifiman100 I remember I couldn’t wait for the work day to end so I could go home and raid. I think I even stood some people up just so I could level up and raid ...pathetic huh? ....
@@tesoro7788 I did the same thing
Oh boy... 5 bounty slots... Those were the days
Try now lol
StormEX Entertainment you ready for last word ?
Adriano Izquierdo just got it lol
Anyone here after the Last Word trailer and the Thorn teaser?
yeah this was in my reccomended
No No same
Yup yup
Me to lol
This is cool to watch again
Joe Avalos ya
Joe Avalos yup
@@chasem4774 yes
I love how little we actually knew about exotics, just the mistery and the intrigue of getting a new one
The only RUclipsr who’s voice didn’t change over time
I’m watching this right before the launch of Forsaken: Destiny 2. The nostalgia is so real right now...
Potato Accuracy sad that forsaken will be the last DLC for destiny and D3 will never happen D2 was an abortion that should have been kicked off a cliff by D1
where did you get that information lmfao
I'm pretty sure forsaken isn't three months old yet.
Winged Rhino now you look dumb hahaha
@@Umbrum_Silvermoon umm should i tell him about shadowkeep...
i miss this destiny, even though the story was meh and the grind to 30 was insane. also when dinkebot still existed, i miss him :(
I’ve always wanted Dinklebot to return. Never liked Nolan North as the voice of our ghost :-/
I still hear it “just… on the other side of .. all… those .. devils. “ every time
Oh gosh this brings back memories.
bad memory's for me...i was horrible in crucible
Most of my memories are from the quest itself and not the actual use of thorn.
Sameee it took me months to finally get around to doing it because I sucked at pve and was only around lvl 20-25 at the time I think
Chulump Gehring oh boy
Guys I'm from the future. 2 weeks before the Witch Queen comes out. Witch Queen Vidoc tomorrow on Feb 8th. Destiny is still awesome.
I remember doing this quest, I 1 shot Xyor with Ghorn -_-
Ghorn working as intended back then.
yup super hard to get and the reward was awesome now exotics don't feel like exotics any more
+Anthony Fernando -anymore-
I like trains srry i actually don't speak perfect english,my native language is spanish and i am only 15 i am not an expert i live in colombia
Anthony Fernando It's okay, it happens.
The nostalgia this vid gives me
The Thorn was my very first exotic I had got, since I was using hand cannons I was destroying in pvp
no cause it doesnt need skill for it
+Prodigy Gaming I use the Mos Scala I hand cannon. Maybe be just an uncommon weapon, but it shows I don't rely upon over powered ones, unlike these guys.
Edward Bozza lol
+Edward Bozza (Apex_EdenYT) Yeah, and we go a dumbass here in the chat. I was saying I don't need it, dumb fuck.
+Eddie Sykes Oh god the salt is real would you like more salt with those mc fries sir salty?
For those who are having trouble with the final Strike, I have some advice. When things get overwhelming, camp in the room located where you enter. Do not stand directly in that room, as a Shrieker + 2-3 Wizards + 2-3 Knights will spawn. Simply camp in the little hallway connected to the room. If the Shrieker does spawn, simply hide in the hallway with your fireteam until it disappears. The extra units will disappear as well. Killing Xyor is a simple task once you get him in there. NOTE: Knights shields are weak against Ark Damage, Wizards are weak against Solar, so once you face the "Unwed", simply solar the shit out of him. He is no more difficult than a regular hallowed wizard, so you should have no problem. Once you kill him, the bounty is complete. Happy hunting guardians!
Its strange how little people have noticed this?
Lord Salad I'm sure some people would rather complete it in an honest way. I did originally, but when I had to help a friend, we did it that way. Due to his level, he couldn't do much to resist the Darkness, so we chose the cowards way out and used this strategy. It's not honorable. But it gets the job done.
Balraga Are you on PS4? I'd seriously love some help with this :)
JasonPBS Sorry friend, Xbox 360. Again, just follow my instructions, you should be fine. Get a fireteam of friends together, and you should be fine!
Would you be willing to help me with this? None of my friends are over lv23. Don't think they would be much help :(. My GT is The Guy In Cyan.
Who’s back here after the tease of the Thorn returning?
Recommend in November 2019.. not upset
The memories and nostalgia feel nice
I remember the good ol' days when Destiny was fresh and new
When I was completing this bounty with some friends we noticed a pattern: an enemy drop ship will come in after every quarter of health that phogoth loses. After we got him down to 1/4 health and the third drop ship showed up, that's when xyor spawned.
Thank you RUclips algorithm I definitely needed to know how to get Thorn from Destiny 1.
Glad to see it isn't just me getting this in my recommendations.
This quest was fucking amazing. WHERE DID THESE QUESTS GO???????????????????
These were the good old days of Destiny! Just watching this I'm jownsing for this game. WHAT DID THEY DOOOOOO?!
forsaken is pretty good and in most players perspective way better than destiny1. most youtubers agree on that. @@voids98
spencer kairi When did Bungie employees leave the company exactly? Also, D2 is much better than D1 was at this point.
You guys are acting like the Whisper mission wasn’t fucking phenomenal
PhoenixPalmer and zero hour
Martin Kirilov During Destiny’s development, Bungie split into Bungie and 343i, and over the course of Destiny 1 and Destiny 2s life span, more have left Bungie. Plenty of articles have covered this, its common knowledge, also if you followed the devs on twitter, you’d have seen them announcing they are leaving Bungie over the years.
When you come back to this video after thorn is confirmed for D2
When you come back to this video after thorn haescome back in D2
My first exotic bounty. Got the Void part done with fusion rifle and a rocket launcher. Since this was before Taken King, no Nightstalker. I played as a Hunter.
If you're bad at PvP like I am, and you got this bounty on a hunter like I did, here is how you get the Thorn.
Take up sniping. Yup. Become a sniper. On every map, figure out some way to basically be a career sniper. Be sneaky about it. You'll get your void kills, and if you're cautious, you'll evade other people who will kill you and lower your points.
On wide open maps like the moon and bastion, just keep on the move. Zip around on your Sparrow to find good sniping spots, and always move again after you take a shot or two. If you spot an enemy on your radar, then he's too close for you to sit there and try sniping him. Get on your sparrow and move to another location.
If you're on a more closed-in map, then get the shortest range scope you can find and always follow your teammates. Stay behind them. Let them be your meat shields while you pick people off from the back. Don't stick around once everyone else on your team has died, because you're next, and you're gonna lose two points when they get you.
Keep doing this and you'll get 500 points in a couple of days. Like I did on my hunter.
I took blade dancer because I prefer to use every cloaking ability they have available to them. You don't show up on radar while cloaked, and you're not quite as visible to other snipers when you're cloaked at a distance. And if someone comes after you because they're hunting down snipers, you can use your super to dispatch them, cloak at the end of the super, and then relocate.
I'm pretty bad at using every special weapon that requires you to fight someone one on one, and specials are going to be your main source of void damage if you are a hunter. (Heavies rarely come up. They're just icing on the cake.) I'd get a negative KDR while trying to run around with shotguns and fusion rifles. But taking up sniping, I could often get 10 kills and die only one time on the more wide open maps. (And the Shores of Time map for some reason. It's a deceptively good sniping map, though you wouldn't think so with the way it's all rooms like that.)
I can't snipe for shit, and prefer Shotguns and Fusions, but I'll try this regardless...
Once I get a Void Sniper (All of mine are Arc -.-
Probably the best way is to just play the weapon you're best with. I suck with shotguns and fusions because I grip the controller too hard and break into a run when I'm trying to iron-sight and strafe at the same time.
I'd say maybe some of these tactics could still be useful to you if you're gonna go shotguns or fusions. If you're not good at PvP, let your teammates be your meat shields so you can get multiple kills without dying so fast.
Another thing to keep in mind is as soon as you kill someone as a sniper, everyone knows you're sniping. And the guy you killed sees where you're at. That's why you should keep on the move. If you stay in one spot, you're risking someone coming for you for revenge.
Josh White
Trust me, I was really bad at PvP when I was trying to get the thorn. At best I would finish second to the last one. I got myself a fusion rifle with void damage, and ran with it only, and since I was titan, I chose defense subclass, so grenades and melee kills will count as void damage as well. Slowly but surely I got those 500 points with the void damage, it's easier than you think. Even if your KDR is 0.6 after the match-you still end up having points with the void damage,-because you get +5 points for a kill, and -2 for dying.
for example you did 10 kills with the fusion rifle which gives 50 points, and died 20 times at the worst case scenario, which will deduct 40 points,- you still end up having 10 points with the void damage. Just pick the gun with void damage (preferably fusion rifle IMO) and run with it only and always,- you'll get there i PROMISE
I've got it- I completed the bounty in about 15 hours. (Not consecutively.)
The gun is horrible... It really needs a buff, Imo.
I find it to be a little weak on PVP (compared to other guns), and on PVE it's still a little lackluster.
It's all the more rewarding that it was hard to get, isn't it? :P
And once you get it fully upgraded, it kills people in PvP in two headshots.
And even if you don't kill them, the damage over time is amazing because it keeps opponents/badguys from regenerating health/shields.
Waiting for the updated version in Destiny 2 Datto...
My first Datto video, and the one that got me into the series in the first place. Thank you Datto, you’re the best.
FUCK THIS I wanted this gun so bad, but I can't get anywhere near the 500 crucible point thingy, fuck me, everytime I get 10 points, next game I am back to 3, goddammit!
i know how u feel mate i the same i can't get 500 crucible points. i no good at muti player anyway
I had the same problem, and trust I'm not very good in PvP, I'm a PC player, so thumb-stick still feels very unusual. i found that descent Void Fusion rifle is the only way to go. Run PvP only with it, and get other void dmg abilities if you have. On the average I would finish PvP match having 30-50 points per match. Since you get 5 points per kill and -2 points when you get killed. So even if you KDR is less then 0.7 you still getting points
mate grab a shot gun and rocket launcher and only play control...stay crouched in a zone in a good spot...near heavy armour drops and kills come to anything else and you have to look for kills which reduces your chances, 2 days and your done...then worry about the next part...
Peter Williams cheers bud, Im actually doing 3 exotic bounties in the crucible at once lol but only the Thorn seem to be stuck at zero, while the others do come along, if slowly. Thanks for the advice!
Alexander Potemkin maximize on the void weaponry, check!
I don't know why I'm watching this 1 week before the release of destiny 2, but hey, it's nice to reflect on the days of yonder
I've watched this before when Destiny first came out, and now I'm just watching for Nostalgia.
Man I wish I got an exotic bounty
This is a bit misleading, in the phogoth section while I was helping my friend with this, we were sitting there for about 15 minutes just killing the enemies as they spawned, because we both watched this and the way it was worded made it sound like that's what you're supposed to do... But eventually we found out that there are 3 drop ships, one spawns for about every 1/3 of phogoth's health with the last one with xyor coming in near death... Just thought I'd put that out there, I don't know if this just randomly decided to happen to us, but maybe that's actually how it's supposed to be, idunno :/
Thanks for pointing that out. I'm currently doing this bounty, and I thought I just waited for the ships, but now with your comment I'll keep your comment in mind :)
reddeadoralive2 It was changed to be slightly harder. Back then you didn't need to hurt Phogoth.
hi, just want to bring yall back from 5 years ago to today. thorn meta has died :(
Ahhh the memories...weekly nightfalls. The raids, fireteams
Damn I really miss this game and playing with my old mates, time goes to quickly.
year 2 players be like its only 260 light
correction: year 2 players be like its still an amazing gun
+paul “kc82002” jessen Lmao, you don't get the joke fucking teenager
Absolutely Savage bruh
Idk why im binge watching all these old D1 videos but i love it
Bungie be crazy. I just got this bounty but i don't think I'm going through all this mess for it. Thanks for the helpful video though. Would have wasted a lot of time otherwise.
How did you get it? Did you turn in multiple bounties?
travis abram Yeah, I think I turned in 2 or 3 at once. I was surprised to see it ask me to choose an Exotic Bounty and got excited, didn't realize it'd be such a hassle :(.
Phaethon360 I just turned in 3 and didn't get anything. Many people said turn in 5 and I was going to but then I said screw it and now I have to go do more. I wish I could pay someone to find me the bounty lol hell they don't even have to complete it for me I just want the opportunity. I hate not being one of the people who doesn't have a legendary by now. It sucks.
Just so that you are aware, this is pretty much how the game is designed to be. Its a grind to get great items mixed with some skill and some luck.
Find a day when you have time to go for things like this.
You need to be vanguard rank 2 or higher to have a chance of getting it. They do that so a level 5 cAnt get thorn.
When will you do another one of these?! It is such a great guide.
hey my man who made this comment do u still play destiny or destiny 2 ?
We never realized how good we had, before it was too late
My favorite memory is seeing this gun getting nerfed into the ground
+Michael Agnello It's still one of the best weapons for crucible tho LOL
+Duncan Pintar because of its poison perk..that gun is so annoying
it just gets better the more you use it.
That's happening on Tuesday. They're nerfing the DoT to 1 damage per tic, and lowering the time it causes damage to 4 ticks. Thorn is useless.
not completely
Man why am I cryin rn
Oh sweet nostalgia. I completed the Bounty in Y1 as a Defender Titan in one evening. Don't ask how my stomach was feeling after raging for hours but I felt proud for completing it. (And gaining a great friend who I randomly asked for help in the Tower for the special Strike)
I will never forget when I got this weapon..
Comes back tomorrow!!
This.... was the first evil that Destiny brought
The second evil pocket infinity...
We're gonna forget about Suros then?
Looking back at these and I remember the memories
You should kill the majors, they count for twenty kills
They don't. It's per one kill.
joshua allen
I just finished up the hive part by running the weekly heroic on the middle level (just for ease) and I finished the bounty right as we finished the first room with the unlocking door. so the yellow bars have to count for more and this method took less than 10 minutes.
Yup majors are 20 and ultras are 40
joshua allen majors are 20 ultras are 50.
Funny how thorn went from absolute garbage to king of PvP.
The good old days.
Not to argue but how did it suck when it came out before bungie buffed it?
Kelvin Heng Too much kick, small mag and slow reload to be convenient when facing more than one enemy.
Granted, I still used it back then.
Kirokill i use it more now because bungie buffed it when the dlcs came out
just watching this for nostalgia. I really loved this quest since it was one of the first hard and rewarding quests in destiny
Optimal forsaken bois. W H E R E Y O U A T ?
2017 :( I miss the easy days of D1
James Gibson 2018 same...
2019 same
It was nice to rewatch this...the memories from doing this ....awwwwww I miss those days
This was 5 years ago. Damn
Do we know if this is the only way to earn the exotic weapons?
You can buy Red Death using Strange Coins from Xur Agent of the Nine (appears only on Friday and Saturday near the Crucible Quartermaster).
I know that. He sells a different weapon each weekend. I just want to know if these bounties are the only way to get these exotics.
mongrelshadow14 Looks like it for at least right now.
Thegamerguy123 As long as i can get them from exotic engrams and those are possible to get through drops or rewards then i am fine with it.
mongrelshadow14 Maybe but it will be extremely rare. Maybe a reward for beating raids or nightfall strikes or something.
Had to drop by for some nostalgia! This bounty and the one for the Black spindle are some of my fondest memories of D1.
The black spindle freaking sucked haha
Here after playing d2 for just month and got bored so damn quickly .. I miss this destiny mmo/RPG fps hybrid.. now it’s generic FPS with no god role loot to chase .. oh Bungie u broke my heart with no end game 😭
Oh boy...
Thorn coming back for Year 3/Rise of Iron !!!!!
Is it really?
what about icebreaker?
JuggerBoy NL no. Ice breaker was considered op by bungo
I remember the grind for this weapon...hated that last mission strike because of the wait for that wizard
Whoops wrong video, thought this was year 3 thorn quest
just turn hive to fallen and phogoth to 320 strike.
5 years later..
I just fckin cant believe this was 6 years ago😭😭😭
its frustrating ! im about to hit lvl 27, i do all 12 bountys daily and i did not get a single exotic weapon bounty while my friend already got 2 of them .______.
I know your pain
There is around a 1-2% chance when turning them in.
The Only Bane Great, and another doubt I just created a new guardian, a hunter (I was level 21 with my first guardian a warlock) so when I went to customize I saw that I could equip the arc blade subclass the one that you unlock at level 15, but I was level 1, like if I wanted I could start leveling arc blade, so I did, I'm afraid that's a glitch but then I created anolther one to check a titan and I could do the same thing I chose defender right from the start at level 1, any information regarding this?
masipoten idk if glitch but the same thing happens if u have with another character unlocked crucible etc.. u can create a new guardian and go into it lvl 1
masipoten as soon as you level any character above level 15, all the rest of your characters will have both subclasses unlocked :)
I come back after receiving the year 3 quest
Was watching how to get this year 3 and felt so nastalgic. I had to watch the year one tutorial. Good times. I'll always miss vanilla destiny. So many good memories!!!
Damn, i remember doing the strike solo, hardest thing i have ever done. So much camping. Took me 5 hours. 5 FUCKING HOURS
Omnikron 9 Man I just solod 4 nightfalls to get Ice Breaker. *4.*
I really hope this style of random exotic quest comes back some day, I loved the mystery behind jt
#sadniggahours 😭😭
i'm here after the last word trailer
Gosh damn and we cry about how difficult quests are in Forsaken. Good (old) stuff as always my man Datto
For all of you people saying this gun is garbage, you have clearly not used it for long enough. Sure, it's a bit on the worse side when you FIRST get it, but once you upgrade it, it turns into a face-wrecker. Once you unlock Send It and Mark of the Devourer, the gun pretty much a mini-sniper with an amazing range, aimdot and a "poisoning" ability.
This gun is fucking OP 2 SHOTS
What is a "aimdot"
Whoops, I meant "reticle". Sorry about the confusion I caused :D
The gun is great, I run PvP with it only now. The problem with that gun is that, due to the lag or some bug, the damage sometimes doesn't register. For example, once I sneaked on the sniper from behind with the thorn, he was just sitting. Had no special abilities on, nor buffs. I pulled the trigger on him 4 times, and no damage was done whatsoever, he jaut turns around and kills me. And things like that happen a lot with the Thorn, I know for sure that I hit that guy but no health were reduced, just pisses me off
Anyone remember the old ghost actor screaming we awoken the hive!!
Subscribe to Noahsnoah wE‘ve wOKen tHe hIVe!!!!
3:20 The og director hub is so nostalgic
Finished this bounty and got the Thorn :)
Riyu Octi
im on the xbox one sorry
Riyu Octi i can help
Could you help me do this I'm on Xbox one
Azzy tronicks I would be willing to help gt = OkCx35xThUnDeR
Brayden Woodhead May I join gt is Hectic Heinekin
why is everyone raging about the crucible part the final part is by far the hardest
is it possible someone who actually knows what the final part is to help me finish it because literally everyone who I do it with is a idiot and kills phogoth
What console do you have?
If you want help add me on PS3 - Hand-166
Coming back to these videos is a trip down memory lane. Back in vanilla D1, I think I only ever got one of these exotic bounties to show up... JUST ONCE. Had some pretty shit luck.
Thank fucking god they are nerfing the Thorn
What do you mean?
I have just got its bounty
Well... Pretty much
Yes my first bounty was after playing 330 hours, my second and third were at 365, both of them in a row, The first one was leveling up cruisible with 3 bounties, the third one gave it to me, with the second one it was 7 cruisible and 3 vanguard, the third one was with 6 cruisible and 4 vanguard
Gun literally ruins Trials of Osiris
It makes my heart hurt to miss these times so much. I would do almost anything to go back 5 years.
Oh yeah it's coming to d2
Been grinding so hard. Today I got every vanguard bounty the robot and did them. Turned em in, nothing. I have done so may bounties for this crap. Level 32 btws
Don't lose hope braa. Lvl 32 as well and just got the thorn bounty booya! It's random I guess or RNG they say
LordPandaWarrior Don't worry dude. I was just like you. I turned in 10 bounties at once every other day for 2 weeks and never got one. I turned them in at the tower cryptarch. Then one day i decide to turn in ONE bounty to the reef cryptarch and boom i get it. Its completely random. Like Teddy Nova said, Don't loose hope
I'm level 31 and I was in your situation not to long ago I just unlocked it today just spam the bounties and do as many as u can that's the only way I got my bounty today I was ecstatic when I got it
LordPandaWarrior I got my first two exotic bounties by handing in one bounty! Wish you luck
I played clash with a guy called PandaWarrior or smtn like dat and he was 32 too!
First person to actually get it clear thnx dude
I got it, but in Destiny 2
Im a hunter and have no void dmg aside from my shotgun. I guess i'm fucked :(
I just salvaged my void gun before watching this vid...
Kyle Bland HAHAHA! Did the same XD
"Pfff.. What do I need void for? It's all about the Arc and Solar damage anyway" .."Doh"
Luring Lion I keep some Void around just for those damned Minotaurs... It's about as close to a weak spot as they have, haha.
Yes i have a collection of blue fusion rifles and shotguns and rocket launchers just for different missions. I think it'd be nice to have customized loadouts saved for individual strikes/pvp etc for this reason.
Just buy a new one or decrypt a secondary.
Damn... it's been a while my friend. One hell of a while.
Even one MORE hell of a while. Another damn!
I’m returning to this post after acquiring Thorn in Season of the Lost. This gun brings me so much joy due to it being my first exotic weapon in Destiny 1, using this video for reference. Oh how the time flies.
Man, I don't know how long I've been stuck on the PvP part of this. When I first started it, I was scared I couldn't make it because I only had a sniper and thought that I had to PvP the "goold old fashioned way" but it's better to play cowardly.
1: Use your best main-weapon. If you are lucky enough to have the Void Auto Rifle, then you are a lucky b*stard, lol.
2: Play like the worst kind of people. Be selfish, use your teammates as meat-shields, camp like a mofo.
3: Don't be reckless and run around witha shotty in a huge open space (unless you can pull that off.)
I'm not good at PvP but I'm currently 348/500 points away. If I can get more than halfway through, then anyone can!
I would also recommend using void rocket launcher for easy kills
Shotgun dude shotgun with void I demolished that challenge with just a uncommon shotgun with void....Good luck
Izanagi Amatruse Same. I got this today and I'm literally almost done with it already. Auto-fire Suros shotgun FTW
Orcaman15 I did it in 1 hour of matches :/
TheGhostWolf See, I couldnt' just smash through it, I had to get off for work. That said, I finally have it...and now I'm stuck on the NEXT PART XD
Can't believe this video broke 2 million views!! Congrats Datto you dah man ;D
Lol. Witch queen could never
why does that gun look like the fuckin bat mobile???
Christian Bale made it
The nostalgia!!! I remember spending three hours soloing The Summoning Pits and killing Xyor, while hiding in the shrieker room. Those were the days...
Any one in ps4 need this?
Lol I want a thorn
Wendell Funtanilla I need help with it on PS4! Can you help me? PSN - yomamasfatllamas
Mason Lee yes add me Express0083
Wendell Funtanilla I have the bounty but there's no way in hell I can get 500 points on the crucible I'm not good enough.
travis abram its pretty ez its 5 per kill
Got mine after The Dark Below, and when I turned in one bounty. It's utility is freaking amazing.
I miss this so badly. My favourite game of all time
Hit my feed again. I love this community.
Watching some of the older datto vids. Damn, I miss when exotics were actually exciting to get and were worth grinding for.
love this poping up in my recommendations, ahh the nostalgia
omg the sound of old datto feels real good man
The Nostalgia
Ohhh man, that D1 Y1 UI, that brings back memories
Oh on the 2nd part of the bounty, where you need 500 points from killing Hive members in the Moon, I speedrunned Sword of Crota (cuz the points go like this, 1 for normal enemies, 20 for majors(gold health), 50 for ultras(gold health, skull beside name, unique name) which means the Princes would give alot of points, and also there are alot of other normal enemies, so that gives you a bunch of points as well ( i recommend doing the sword of crota on level 20 or above so other hive majors can also spawn, meaning more points)