Who pays the dowry? The bride or groom? - Mufti Menk
- Опубликовано: 5 фев 2025
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#Dowry #Mahr #MuftiMenk #MuslimMarriageProblems
I have a daughter I will not ask or put someone son or family in difficult situation as long as he treats my daughter right that’s the most
Masha Allah...
Good parent!
@@nasmabegum7563 That's too much!
@@nasmabegum7563 Assalamu alaykum. Does this exist in other countries as well?
*Sahih al-Bukhari 528*
*Narrated Abu Huraira:*
*I heard Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) saying, "If there was a river at the door of anyone of you and he took a bath in it five times a day would you notice any dirt on him?" They said, "Not a trace of dirt would be left." The Prophet (ﷺ) added, "That is the example of the five prayers with which Allah blots out (annuls) evil deeds."*
@Loqmane Nasar
و عليكم السلام و رحمه الله و بركاته .
اللهم صل و سلم و بارك على نبينا محمد و على آل محمد و صحبه اجمعين
اللهم صل و سلم و بارك على نبينا محمد و على آل محمد و صحبه اجمعين
May Allah the Almighty rewards you dear Sheikh Mufti Menk, Aameen.
Islam is beautiful
Thank you very much ❤ from Canada 🇨🇦
رَبَّنَا وَاجْعَلْنَا مُسْلِمَيْنِ لَكَ وَمِن ذُرِّيَّتِنَا أُمَّةً مُّسْلِمَةً لَّكَ وَأَرِنَا مَنَاسِكَنَا وَتُبْ عَلَيْنَآ إِنَّكَ أَنتَ التَّوَّابُ الرَّحِيمُ
Rabbana wa-j'alna Muslimayni laka wa min Dhurriyatina 'Ummatan Muslimatan laka wa 'Arina Manasikana wa tub 'alayna 'innaka 'antat-Tawwabu-Raheem
A Beautiful Dua. May Allah Azzawajjal Accepts all of our duas. Ameen.
*He will force your heart, he will bandage your wounds, he will heal your pain, he will compensate you for every tear and for every disappointment, He will give you until he pleases you, He will reward you from the most bountiful and generous of his gifts .. God loves his servant who approaches him with prayer and insistence, the relief will come to you decorated with a scarf, the Almighty said: Truly, We found him patient. How excellent a servant! Verily, he was ever oft-returning in repentance (to Us)!*
@MrRock Rocky now you have to be patient waiting for her to respond inshallah
My father in law and mother in law tried to stop my marriage because they didn’t want to give me mahr.. but demanded a lot of dowry ... but Alhamdulillah my husband managed everything
Someone explains to me what the *dowry* is pls!
The bridal price
@@abdennouranas137 the money that goes to the pride
U must be from. Bangladesh or India
@@sabirmohamed88 Thanks
How beautiful is our Deen it has safeguarded our sisters and have given them honour in every aspect.
When we look at the society we find that those people who are far from Islamic teachings whether Muslim or non Muslim they are facing immense difficulties in getting their daughters married may Allah grant us guidance!
How exactly has your faith safeguarded women when they're encouraged to ask for the bare minimum smallest mahr and the comments are full of men whining that they have to pay mahr? It's a farce
May Allah (SWT) bless you sheikh.ameen
Maa shaa Allah tabarakallah may Allah open our doors and understanding
Everything is easy when you make dua to Allah 🌻❤️❤️...
Make dua my friends ❤️
Inshaalllah allah provide imman for us for giving mahr what ever is possible ❤️
Aamiin yaa Rabb..insyaAllah jazakallah khaiir syeikh muftimenk barakallahu fiik😇🙏❤
He will force your heart, he will bandage your wounds, he will heal your pain, he will compensate you for every tear and for every disappointment, He will give you until he pleases you, He will reward you from the most bountiful and generous of his gifts .. God loves his servant who approaches him with prayer and insistence, the relief will come to you decorated with a scarf, the Almighty said:: ﴿إِنَّا وَجَدْنَاهُ صَابِرًا نِّعْمَ الْعَبْدُ إِنَّهُ أَوَّابٌ﴾
So I'm Colombian but I was adopted at a young age and grew up in the United States. This video was so insightful, because I honestly thought that it was the groom that was due the dowry and NOT the Bride. This is so interesting, Thank you for explaining this so well.
May Allah always keep you in the shade of his mercy ❤
I salute this legend 👍👑💯 may allah give you a long life
In India especially in my state people from boys side has made marriage as a business.... So i hate that type of people and i never want to marry someone who loves only money... Insha allah one day we will change the society regarding dowry...
I'm from Assam, here we pay mehr only...no dowry system.
Aap kaha se ho?
@@abdhussn9881 jharkhand...
Well said
Tum musalmano mein ye accha system h i like it 😃😊
@@Dreamsio which system you are talking about???
Wa alaikum salaam varahmathullahi wa barakathuhu bro. MASHA ALLAH Well said. Please give more lectures about this topic. MAY ALLAH SWT save HIS believers from this toxic n problematic n difficult situation n grants them good n happy married life. Aameen.
ولـيـتَ الـذي بـيني وبينك عَامرٌ *** وبـيـنـي وبـيـن العالمين خَرابُ
Let the connection between You and I, be fully built up
Even if it means ruin for my connection with the people
إذا صـحَّ مِـنـكَ الوِدُّ فالكُلُّ هَيّنٌ *** وكُـلُّ الـذي فـوقَ التُّرابِ تُرابُ
If Your love for me is true, then all shall be easy
Because all that lies above the dust is really only dust.
أعجبني بيتك.
ماشاء الله
علك مولع بإنشاد الشعر.
Wacaleeykum wasalaam sheik ismail menk.. MA SHA ALLAH TABARAAK
Want tore Islam again..for my father was a muslim in blood
اللهم صل و سلم و بارك على نبينا محمد و على آل محمد و صحبه اجمعين
Jazakallah brother for clarifying this. May Allah SubhanatAllah guide us all in this Duniya. Ameen
May Allah make ease for us and may He guide us all. Ameen
Ameen, May Allah guide us all. 💚
Masha Allah jazakallahu khair
Jazakallahkhair Mufti sir for such a beautiful bayan
Yes mufti monk massllah may allah give u long life
A recent incident in India, Ayesha suicide case is based on dowry. May Allah put all of us on the right path.
I am an indian muslim . i am live in such a place where when a girl marry with someone, her father has to give dowry to her in laws from take a loan. they thought it is not dowry it is their tradition and if they don't do then they thinks that what the other people react and it is shameful for the bride's side family. And most important thing is that the groom and his family write a huge amount on nikah's contract like ₹10lacs(indian currency) in the name of mahr but never ever pay a single rupee(indian currency) of mahr his entire life.And proudly take dowry. And in the name of dowry they take furniture , bed , other essential household things + gold + big amount. and in laws think that the bride's parent gives it only bcoz for the comfort of their daughter not for them. It is shameful .they never thought that gay couldn't purchase even such essential household things then how will he manage his wife's expenses.
بارك الله بك 🌷
My grandmother got cancer find out today please pray for her her name is asta ouakrim please please pray for heeeer
MashaAllah ❤️
Love From Pakistan 🇵🇰 ❤️.
Mufti we need more videos on marriage and about the laws of what is consider tayyib food... People are eating trash because it is technically halal and many are dieing of this sickness going around and also they are abusing their families because they eat poorly and develop anxiety and other nervous system and mental disorder. It like they are drunks abusing their family. But the poison is trash food rather than alcohol or drugs.
Assalam Walaikum Mufti sabb.... bahut shukriya dowry topic per video bananese.....Saab will make lot of videos about this toxic, difficult and horrible situations....so many girls suffering.....who watch this at least few persons will change better .....remaind what will happen women crying....
Masha Allah Jizakumullah. Qeraan
Wa alaykum assalam warohmatuLlahi wabarokatuh
Thanks voor des toppen may Allah blees 👍🙏
Hello mufti menk sir I respect my Allah and my ethics I will give lots of gifts & mahr for my future wife I don't want anything from my brides father that is forbidden in Islam I just want their daughter for love care and emotional support for life if I got married ❤
Amiina my brother amiina
Subhan Allah
I was asked to pay 25k hard cash, and buy her a 200k house and a car ontop of this was expected to give a good amount of gold for the wedding day and pay 50% of her side of the wedding expenses, (she also expected me to cut ties with my family)
I rejected
Allhamdullilah i now knows why islam allows men to marry Christian and Jewish faith 🤲🏽
JazakAllahu khair
و عليكم السلام و رحمه الله و بركاته
Allah bless you
I see you mufti👀 wearing the scarf😁
May Allah bless you and grant you and your loved ones Jannatul Firdous Ameen🙏❤
( Did you make the scar or sweater btw 🤔)
May Allah guide everyone ameen....ppl should not look for financial benefits to marry...
There is no dowry in Islam. There is dower to a bride.
Dowry is payment to the parents of either bride or groom where as dower is payment made to either bride or groom.
But missunderstood Islam becuse no bride pay for groom becuse women are to be gifted not the otherway around it so commen in India and SRI lank becuse they are hindu tell women to pay maher to man (dowery) to let to know Islam is SO different and understand in this matter so dont Lie about my religion ke Try to justify innocent woman force to pay a lot for man ,woman should respect her husband and love him and take care of him but she is not obligated to pay gift i her own weeding hope u understand
@@maryamfuad8139 the groom pays mahr to the bride. Theres no dowry in islam.
my fiancée she a Muslim but i was born and raised in Jehovah witness family and I Love her my fiancee she's from Philippine
God bless u both!
Please brothers and sisters 🙏 make dua for me to get married 😢💔
Good Messages
وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته
Want to be islam be born again..
The marriage must be simple with very less costs, the nikah itself shouldn't even have any costs.
Only walima is the feast which should be done by the groom and it also should not be like calling 100s of people!
Simple marriage!
But most of the times, women want a grand wedding
Yes it is very difficult to marry.Know a days boy's father used to say that I invest lots of money in him to mke him successful ..so in this way this society concept killing us
Yes, absolutely right....because qualities are not important nowadays but money
@@saharfatima8137 that goes for women too. They only want who makes a lot
@Mohammed Nasir are you living in this world ? I think you are far from reality !!!!
I have a question.
Can I deduct the value of jewelry from Haq Mehr amount?
@@uak007Haq mehar and jewellery is different u have to give haq Meher depending on ur economic conditions only boy will give..
Sallalahu Alayhi Wa sallam. Amin Ya Allah
MashaAllah! I was just talking to someone about this just the other day. Allahu akbar! I have tried to give an example of an engagement ring that a Christian man would give his future bride. It is hers and only hers. Or when non Muslims try to say that Muslimas are "bought". Adhubillah. No actually in Christian "tradition" the father would "give the girl" to a man for a price and the father would keep it .And she would then take the husbands name. Like she was a possession. That is what happened when they would buy and sell slaves as well. Adhubillah Sorry I digress....... I was so happy when I learned about how we are to keep our names before I took shahada. Such independence, such justice. Such respect not only to Allah first and foremost but to our Father's. Alhamdullilah It may seem trivial in our eyes but to Allah it is very important, or He never would of mentioned it to begin with. Alhamdullilah There is so much true equality for women especially in Islam. We as women need to learn and know these rights. InshaAllah I believe more women would run to Islam like I did, if they only knew the true justice that only Allah (swt) can give. Barak Allah ufik Mufti, once again, right on time!!!! :)
But i want to be a religios one cause i want to learned deeply the Islam's beliefs. Hoping can reach out true people to be my mentor
May Allah make you find you one brother😊
I have a question Mashallah I will be 20 this Ramadan and my parents and I are thinking of getting me married. In my culture there is an addition to the marriage ritual of Islam and that is that the brides family finances one of the wedding parties usually before the walimah. I do not wish to partake in this ritual as it is not something that was done by the prophet (peace be upon him) or my ancestors before a certain time. If however my in laws wish to do this what would be the response in accordance with the laws of Allah.
@MrRock Rocky Walaikumasalam im a man my name is Arhum, but Jazakallah 😂😂
@MrRock Rocky no worries akhi you made me laugh الله يرحمكم
Well no problem in that as it's considered like a party and you don't need to pay a single dime for it
It's halal as long as there is no haram things like music, free mixing
@@aatif7518 that’s is the issue brother according to Islamic tradition man has to pay the whole thing so this ritual is wrong since woman is paying
My father didn't offer any such party on my wedding. But as my sisters' in laws were from another city, food for around 15 people was arranged at home.
Its nothing but burden on girls parents so its good if u can avoid that.
Aameen Summa Aameen 🌻
Good to be here so early 🥰♥
People these days ask for way too much as if it’s a business but it should be how much the groom can afford. If they don’t go ahead with the marriage over the amount you can afford it’s best you move on from it to another.
@@abdennouranas137 what does that have anything to do with my comment or this video?
Yes you are right.... And i think because they have lost fear of Allah...
Everyman wants the best for his daughter,,, one day inshallah when you get married you will understand
@@coolcat6341 I’ve been married for 15 years......I have three children of my own all boys. I will make sure they give what’s possible for them but also what can keep their bride happy. That’s btwn them two and most of all Allah in the end.
@Mohammed Nasir that was back in the days or now in countries like India Bangladesh villages. In UK and US the women want 10k-20k otherwise they turn the proposal down.
May Allah (SWT) grant you goodness.ameen
Got married yet never had the chance to hold my own mahr.
May Allah bless you and in this life and hereafter.
May Allah grant you jannah tul firdous with your loved ones.
May Allah bless all of us and grant us jannah tul firdous with our loved ones.
May Allah forgive all our sins.
May Allah keep us away from the shaitan.
dowry is haram in Islamic sharia. He urges youth to tell their parents not to demand anything in marriage. ... Demanding dowry implies that you are so poor that you cannot afford anything. And you can have things only if the bride's parents give them otherwise you don't have anything to use.
Jahez is an islamic practice maybe saudi Arabia didn't existed when Islam came into being. Thats why they read Arabic books written by Egyptian and Persians.
An Indian girl 23 yr old named ayesha did suicide few days ago because of his in laws and huband demand dowry from her and abandoned her! 😪
Ali Dawah covered that topic
Ya Sheikh I have a question, I asked a family daughter for my son and they said we need to pay all needed ( separate house, nikah-walima and everything that is need to pay my son…. After some days they said we need to do 200 grams gold also . We were agreed with everything but also 200 grams gold is tooo much for us. So I tried to talk and explain that we can do 50 grams or something more but they put this condition, if the gold is less they don’t accept… So ya Sheikh what can we do in this case?? Ma’sha’ALLAH both-my son and the girl are praying 5 times daily alhamdulillah.
I pray to Allah that I become rich i don't know how I am going to get married. Please make dua for me, I don't even have 30k I don't know how much she will ask
Waalaikum as Salam
Subhanallah our Islam and it's teaching are so easy to follow. But now a days these cultural thing had made it so difficult for the girls parents to get marry their daughter just because of this cultrul thing dowry.. May Allah swt educate our people to avoid dowry and only mahr should be paid
Assalamualaikum brothers and sisters 🤗
Assalamu alaikum. Brother, MOHOR ( dowry ) it must be paid by money or i can pay by Gold. Like i will pay about 5000 thousands US DOLLARS Gold to the bride as MOHOR ( DOWRY )so it will right way to do or wrong. Can i do this?....please let me know Brother...I'm very confuse. 😴😴😴😴😴😴
She says what she wants not you, it is your choice to not marry her or accept what she asks for and marry her.
It's very humiliated for women specially in Asian countries
In my country its illegal to sell human. Its human trafficking.
First time I really heard this guy giving good advise.
What first time???? He is giving good advise everyday
MASHAALLAH. Best is to teach our childeren not to choose only richness. But a good man who follows quran and sunnah.
Then It can be a good and happy family only. . .
InshAllah every Muslim brother will get married to girl who’s family is not greedy, ameen.
Dowry was originally !! For the brides protection … from her parents to her !!! And since they become one way back then the men would argue this and Amal the dowry his but uhh it was suppose to be for her only!! That’s why a mahr isn’t a dowry the husband is giving to bride not her parents
What if they divorced and groom refused to give mehr and got 2nd marrige. His family encouraging him not to pay atall to his 1st wife,
Will his prayer/fast be accepted by god?
They have also kept all the gold that was gifted to her, also took lot of money and furniture from the bride.
Prayer and fasting are seperate issues
How do I meet arange a marriage in Islam and my father also said the shahada and reverted
is their any cap or limit of mehr? like no less then_____?
Nice thumbnail
Dowry is haram. You accept or don’t accept it’s haram because of uncountable reasons.
Can I deduct the value of jewelry from Haq Mehr amount?
... better be in phase with my time, i gonna go see wath this word mean, seem interesting
Forget about the conduct, my would be in laws are demanding 7 lakhs, a bike, AC (worth 35000), furniture, clothes and every shit they cld ask for! I hate them soo much now that i pray i dnt get married! They could have made it easy for me, but they ruined evry single dream of mine, they crushed me!
kudu Tab yes, it sucks. Marry outside your culture. In South Asia you will hardly find a family that will not ask dowry. It's deeply rooted in people, even though it's haraam and it's coming from culture of polytheists, and it's prohibited to imitate them. Just marry outside your culture
That's unacceptable, If you are already unhappy with the groom's family even before the marriage, what makes you think you will be happy once you are married and have to live with such horrible materialistic in-laws?? Sister find a groom through your local masjid imam, Someone who practices the deen and fears Allah will treat you like the Queen you are, I pray you find the right husband and in-laws that treat you well and support you.
That's stupid don't go ahead with it clearly they don't want you they want what you can provide them with and this is totally wrong
I am not even suppose to say a word! I have acquired silence so much that I am dying inside everyday...
who gets the dowry me
Unfortunately in Uzbekistan for the most part culture has stronger platform than Islam :(
However they’re families that live their lifestyle according to Islam & Sunnah.
We have a very bad custom in Pakistan where the bride parent need to provide the bride with furniture for the house, all types of dinning sets, Electrical appliances like Fridge, washing machine, microwave etc, a lot of gold for the bride and much more if not the family will be look down, the bride may face repercussions from in laws. Due to this so many poor families find it hard to marry their daughters away.
Exactly the same in Bangladesh too
Thats a turkish/european custom custom called ceyiz or jahez. Its not islamic.
I need advice on something who do I contact ?
So if it's not the in laws.. it's the sister herself causing problems. Woe to us, we must seek knowledge more and act upon it.