I bought the Saturn in January of 97. The reason I got one was because there was a void that at the time the PS1 did NOT fill. Great innovative 2D games. And then I discovered great games like AMOK, Pander Dragoon, and better versions of PS1 games like Alien Trilogy and Nightwarriors Darkstalkers 2. Its a great system, and the lense reader was built better than the ones in the PS1. I have 2 Saturns now, and they still work flawlessly.
The video encoder in the Saturn is totally beast as well. Hook it up to an HDTV with a regular composite output and it'll look better than most other retro systems using fancy RGB HDMI encoders. They didn't skimp on the quality of the components one bit.
I bought mine around June 97. Having done so, I missed out on ps1 games such as Tekken 3, Tomb Raider 2 and WWF War Zone, but if I had chosen ps1, I would have missed out on Darius Gaiden, Quake, Enemy Zero, Lunacy, Amok etc. so I have absolutely no regrets. Saturn is still my favorite system ever.
Great video. That part at 5:25 about Panzar Dragoon made me sad since the trilogy of Saturn games never got a modern re-release. I always wish I could play them but those games are so expensive on eBay.
the first pens are dragons not too bad price wise i got one for around $40.00 . and they released an incredible Panzer Dragoon game on the original Xbox.
My SATURN which had the 50/60hz switch,which let me play Japanese & European games fullscreen & fullspeed was my most beloved console & I've owned every SEGA/SONY & NINTENDO home consoles.It had some truly amazing games!
I love the Sega Saturn it is my favorite game system of all time. Followed by the Dreamcast, then N64, GameCube, Super Nintendo, and then Wii. Best of the best in consoles no doubt.
i still have my saturn, and i love it, most of their games have aged very well, x-men vs street fighter, marvel super heroes vs street fighter, street fighter zero 3, cyberbots,astal, rockman x4,darkstalkers 3,guardian heroes are beautiful 2d games near perfect port from the arcades...
Exactly! Saturn was SEGA biggest ssuccess in Japan above Dreamcast and way more sold than Megadrive. But these north american journalists are doing very bad job by spreading myths and western point of view like it was the only truth This 3D 2D explaination is a MYTH! SEGA not aware of the future of 3D gaming ? LOL SEGA was the future with their cutting edge games and hardware ahead of their time. Even Genesis had 3D add on to run 3D games (32x) but they probably forgot to about 3D games with the Saturn ? Come on This myth has been denied by a french journalist in Japan. SEGA Saturn was a powerhouse ALSO for 3D but was a mess to program. Even 2D games suffered of heavy lag sometimes and other problems with first developpement kit. Then came the second Dev Kit with SEGA rally and Virtua Fighter 2.(& year after the first dev Ki In 1995 VF 2 provided 60 frame per sec. with colourfull itexture mapping (not that dull grey green back grounds you see in one of the most beautiful PS1 game Gran turismo in 1997..) in HIGH RESOLUTION!!! SUCH A PROWESS WAS BEVER SEEN ON PS1Even years later..! And it was at the beginning of Saturn lifetime. So imagine what could have been their Gran turismo if they haven't dropped the system so early. 😥
Unpopular opinion: Sega's mistake was to sell the sega CD and the 32X as separate hardware, as a single add on for a lower price than a new console, it would have been enough to prolong the 4th gen life, just like Nintendo did with the chips inside their cartridges. If the saturn was to be released, then the sega cd was acceptable, but the 32x was absurd. Then the Saturn should not have wasted a single transistor for 3D capability, it was their chance to make the definitive 2D console, with higher resolutions, more memory, etc. Something capable of Diablo 2 quality visuals; because 3d was not ready. Even the ps1, my first console, had really shitty 3d and should have aimed for great 2D instead. The first platforms that were really capable of 3D were the N64 and sega's Model 3.
Slađan Benak Sorry to break your bubble mate, but that is a bad example. Vagrant story might be the culmination of ps1 optimization, and it deserver price, not only because it managed to look good, but because it managed to do so in a platform that lacked what was needed to make the jump. The best looking Ps1 games are the ones that make use of pre rendered backgrounds or are fully 2D, like Megaman X5. The 2D hardware in the ps1 could have been 10 times more powerfull than it was, while also using more memory and a 50 mhz processor, if they hadn't wasted all their budget in the hardware needed to pull some 3 in 1994. My main point isn't how bad the 3D was back then, but how much more polished and likeable 2D games were.
It's the very opposite for me, I haven't seen an ad for any of the Nintendo games you've listed and I've seen Sorcery and Vita exclusive game advertisements. I think it's because our focus is on different parts of the market, mine being more broad and but less easy on Nintendo lately and yours being focused primarily on Nintendo. That makes the most sense to me, considering all the Vita ads I've seen lately and the fact I've seen Xenoblade and The Last Story ads nowhere outside of banners.
Perspective is everything in an argument, it helps show a person's agenda or the reasons behind their opinions. I tried to make it clear to you that I want what's best for Nintendo in the end, but that they aren't meeting my standards anymore; it actually all came out of me being a PC gamer for a few years, but that's a tangent for another time. Anyways, I pointed out our perspectives on the matter to make things more clear. Totally notable.
no, its most like the fog in silent hill, clouds (without 2d transparent sprites), explossions, fire, or that things that comes out in tekken while you impact etc.
Hey bro I do agree with you that the Saturn had some amazing 3D games, but when it was coming out Sega wanted it to be a 2D only console. The changed it up when Sony announced the PS1 as a 3D only console, so Sega thought the needed to change the Saturn to handle both. That's why it had two CPUs in it. If developers would have figured out how to use them right it would have been even better in 3D. Games like Scorcher looked amazing because the developers learned how to use the 3D effects.
I miss Sega making consoles.. even though i doubt they'll make one again, it would be a breath of fresh air for another face to step into the ring. at the moment it looks like Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft willy be the only faces for a while. at first glance the saturn might not seem that great but it has so much awesome games that I'm focusing on collecting for it.
I still have my saturn in my closet, but I made the worst possible decision to sell all 20 of my saturn games for 2 bucks each at a thrift shop maybe 10-15 years ago, to this day I still regret it.
I agree with Mr.Funkysatan.... to me the best era was 16bit gaming. The most challenging games Ive ever played. Not to take away from modern gaming, it has come along way. But I just find the games back then were more challenging and seemed to have more artistic integrity.
because back then there was no online support and the internet wasn't as big as today most people had dial up there was something called Expansion packs for games (mostly PC) the industry was different back then today its cheaper for companies to make content digital because there is no need for cd's, cartridges etc.
I had a hard time back in the day defending my Saturn against my friend's PSX...altough we got lesser games, the playstation was flooded with shovelware. My favourite games were the fighting games, shining force III, guardian heroes, burning rangers, panzer dragoon, shinobi...
The Wii U is a powerful machine and many game developers like GearBox, Ubisoft, and Activision have said they love the power of the Wii U. This is a sign that Nintendo is on the right track with this system. The only reason people haven't baught it yet is low software. Once the software picks up the sales will pick up. This happened with both PS3 and 360. Launch was terrible with PS3 but once more software showed up people begain to buy it. It's a proven fact of game hardware sales.
Oh, and without any doubt in my mind I can say the PSone had more impact than the N64. I may've grown up with an N64 instead of a PSone, but I'm still willing to acknowledge the fact that it's influenced the development of the industry much more profoundly than the N64 possibly could've(with its cartridge limitation). The N64 didn't get many decent titles because of that cartridge format, makes me wonder what would've happened if Nintendo hadn't betrayed Sony in that business partnership deal :
Gaming today is watching a 5 hour movie streamlined in first person usually in which you can hit any button you desire besides pause/select and beat it. I hear people talk about how games are difficult now. They never beat mario on NES, double dragon on NES. Ever beat Donkey kong on the arcade? I have. Gaming now is streamline movies. I noticed a significant fall off of difficult games when we hit 360/ps3 generation.
i used to hawe one of the sega saturn here in sweden. and i kid you not. i still likes it. i regard it as better then ps1. and in some cases the ps2. and i used to hawe a N64 at the same time. and it was ok. but the saturn. it rocks to day.
Nice to see some Saturn love, a couple of my top games are saturn titles. It has some amazing titles that make the console stand out, Nights, panzer dragoon saga (still waiting for another rpg like it), sega rally, the superior versions of Tombraider and resident evil to name a hand full Graphically it had much more detailed textures than the ps1 but the ps1 had better smoothing/filters, then you have the n64 terrible textures and low poly counts but really smooth gameplay
From marketing perspectives, this is interesting: Why is it gamers are ok with DLC concept now and not back then? Look at the guy who commented cynically regarding "Buying games and buying something else again".
informed huh? then tell me why if 'sega is logical' why yu suzuki said that 1 out of 100 programmers can program properly with the 2 processors of saturn? or are you going to say that is a rumor? please... PD.: oh! and, are you going to do that list? ;)
Sega should have brought over more of those amazing Japanese games for the period they were "discontinued" in the West (where essentially all they did was change generation). The dude moaning about the RAM card is silly - its not like the Playstation couldn do the stuff Saturn did in 2D ANYWAY so if a game needs a card for a full arcade conversion, it NEEDS it. Its not like there was a major price increase for the game either, X-men, D&D, all those awesome Capcom titles needed that extra power.
No,you seem to be more intressded in effects and visualls that any console can generate, Because they are pre-animated. And yes there are a lot games that is equal or better (you just need to play them Panzer Dragoon Saga (sadly now a days it cost about 200 sterlings for that game) is known for it´s visuals) and i know what kind of tricks and cheats games programmers use to make ps1 games look more hyped like. So i have other stuff to do so have a great day(the last comment on this discussion.)
Also no Streets of Rage, Toejam & Earl, Wonder Boy or Phantasy Star. Mediocre Shinobi and Road Rash sequels, a poor port of Symphony of the Night which wasn't localized, basically it had to rely mostly on new IPs.
Things that killed the Saturn: No Sonic game at launch. System was expensive, and didn't do a price drop until late in the systems lifespan, even aftyer the Playstaion 1 had a price drop. Most of their best games never made it to America. Developers abandoned the system because it was selling poorly, and it was very difficult to develop for.
it was meant to be a 2D machine and in fact his strength are 2D games (radiant silvegun, guardian heroes, silhouette mirage...) there are few 3D games better in saturn than psx.
That's your opinion and even though you have the right to believe it's not necessarily true bro. Wii U is coming along with many hardcore games coming. Games like Watch Dogs, AC4, Splinter Cell, Deus Ex: Human Revolution: Directors Cut, Bayonnetta 2, and X ( new MonoliftSoft RPG). Many of these game are rated M bro, so how is it not hardcore. Plus "hardcore doesn't mean all blood and cuts dude. It means challenging gameplay and fun, so a rated T game like Batman: Arkam City is hardcore bro.
no 3D effects. 3D environment yes, but without lighting resources. the best saturn effects are for example in virtual on (transparent espheres for fire) or some rpgs like grandia. what im saying is that there are great games for saturn like daytona USA that havent got even transparent shadows (its a well known fact that saturn hasnt got transparencies suport through hardware,it were made by soft but wasnt as good) but this guy can't see that and doesnt even tell me of one game with 3D effects.
Because the playstation was around the corner :) And when a lot of people who bought the saturn (me included) seen what the palystation was capable of. Wanted to sell off their saturn for one. It's really sega's fault for not being more specs smart.
Just because the Wii U is clocked slow doesn't mean the CPU isn't more powerful. A company clocks a CPU slow to save on energy. The GPGPU can handle most of the thing the CPU usually handles. It can perform DirctX11 graphis that's way mor powerful than PS3. PS3 only does DirecX9 which is amazing but 11 is way better. The Wii U CPU is a Powerbased AMD 6570 that's still plenty of power. The GamePad alone is a reason to buy Wii U. Playing AC3 with a huge map on the GamePad is great....
@zombiekicker You should just google for 'Dreamcast 2' or 'Project Ringedge' or simply 'Ringedge SEGA' and you'll find some images of the prototypes they've been working on...Also you'll see some pretty interesting articles, and if you search on RUclips, you'll find some nice recorded videos and some fan-made ones. P.S. : The Play Station 4 is also coming in 2012, but SEGA will be prepared this time, and they will kick Sony's ass !!
im talking about 3D! those are 2D effects but that game is f**king amazing. that shows there is no need of better hardware and special effects if you have imagination and domain the system (zelda oot>>>>>gears of war). look comparisions (psx vs sat) of pandemonium, destruction derby or raystorm and compare their effects so you see what im talking about.
I was giving cod and halo as examples of modern relatively unimaginative and linear titles, I grew up with a Megadrive + mega cd, saturn, gameboy pocket. so i have plenty of retro gaming knowledge and the past 8 years ive spent catching up with modern gamings so i have a very broad & deep knowledge of gaming new and old. anyway im off no point proving myself to a troll. "i'm off the internet for a couple of years and now its full of trolls. what on earth happened to the internet?"
@zombiekicker The only reason PS2 won was because 3rd party companies were loyal to sony from the ps1 and because PS2 had a dvd player in it, if Dreamcast had companies like EA backing them, PS2 would have died and Dreamcast would probably still be out today, keep in mind they didn't stop making software for Dreamcast til 2007 and the console was finished in 2001! Long live the SEGA Dreamcast!
shiit all my fav games are on ps1...crash, spyro, gran turismo, syphon filter, never played FF games but yea theres a bunch of those and ppl love em... theres resident evils, digimon, driver, grand theft auto the originals, need for speeds, etc lets face it ps1 helped to make gaming evolve to its peak and ony always allowed all devs to make all kinds of games and pushed them to make good games not just exclusives nintendo is all about first party games...ps1... its the best console ever
I think the saturn was relegated to never getting into 1st place during the 32/64 bit era when people saw daytona usa over the playstation's port of the original ridge racer. Personally I love both games but 3D was without a doubt sold on its graphical muscle and whilst daytona usa looked rushed and had appaling pop up and textures, ridge racer looked just like the arcade game but with slightly blurier textures. I love both systems but that was the real clincher. Poor saturn...
yup. not to mention that alot of the launch games were just ports and not designed around the system. it'll be awesome to see it fully utilized. the PS4 looks.. not that great to me. I mean.. a screen on a controller? HMM.. and im not much looking forward to the next Xbox (i really hope they dont call it the 720..) either. hopefully the Wii U will be better supported and not be too muddled up with crap motion exploitive titles like the Wii did.
I finished panzer dragoon zwei and saga and yes, they are great games with great visuals but without light effects. bad example buddy try again. it seems you ran out of arguments so im going to tell you again the strenght of saturn over ps1: 2D/2.5D. examples: princess crown, elevator action return, all of treasure games, bulk slash, grandia, assault suit leynos 2, metal slug, marvel vs capcom, SF Zero 3, astal, waku waku 7, saturn bomberman... and you couldn't make a simple list of 3d for me ;(
I can tell you one thing. When it was relesed, No one not even sega was talking about a 2d Console. And the fact is that sega saturn is Great with 2d, 3d games. And if you compare the Sega Saturn with ps1 I can tell you the saturn is much stronger. I had a party i think it was1998 and when i switch on the sega saturn. everybody just forgot about the ps1 and n64,and those guys where/is hardcore ps1 and n64 fans.they realized that sega saturn was a great console.and superior
And instead of talking it over like a normal company, they went behind Sony's backs and fucked them over. Sony didn't get MOST of the profits off that stuff, either way, just around half. That's completely fair, considering Sony did almost all of the R&D. Sony didn't JUST popularize CDs, they created one of the biggest gaming brands in history and helped companies like Squaresoft and Naughty Dog become what they are today. Nintendo just had an unsuccessful console. Whoop.
yeah, rumors, of course... be informed before talking and if you dont know what to say, dont say nothing. i own both systems and i know what i like of them. so tell me a list of games that were better on saturn than ps1.
I love how they say the saturn was hard to develop for Treasure CEO Masato Maegawa said the n64 was even harder to develop for than the saturn
I bought the Saturn in January of 97. The reason I got one was because there was a void that at the time the PS1 did NOT fill. Great innovative 2D games. And then I discovered great games like AMOK, Pander Dragoon, and better versions of PS1 games like Alien Trilogy and Nightwarriors Darkstalkers 2. Its a great system, and the lense reader was built better than the ones in the PS1. I have 2 Saturns now, and they still work flawlessly.
The video encoder in the Saturn is totally beast as well. Hook it up to an HDTV with a regular composite output and it'll look better than most other retro systems using fancy RGB HDMI encoders. They didn't skimp on the quality of the components one bit.
you need to hook rgb to good crt tv. looks way better than ugly hdtv
I bought mine around June 97. Having done so, I missed out on ps1 games such as Tekken 3, Tomb Raider 2 and WWF War Zone, but if I had chosen ps1, I would have missed out on Darius Gaiden, Quake, Enemy Zero, Lunacy, Amok etc. so I have absolutely no regrets. Saturn is still my favorite system ever.
SEGA Saturn
I wish this video was longer! I bought my first Saturn in 2012 and love it!
2:25 best thing ever lol
Great video. That part at 5:25 about Panzar Dragoon made me sad since the trilogy of Saturn games never got a modern re-release. I always wish I could play them but those games are so expensive on eBay.
the first pens are dragons not too bad price wise i got one for around $40.00 . and they released an incredible Panzer Dragoon game on the original Xbox.
I'm here to summon you to investigate the modern re-release
The Saturn is a lovely piece of hardware. I have two of them since it has epic exclusives. Anyone who insults the Saturn has never played one.
My SATURN which had the 50/60hz switch,which let me play Japanese & European games fullscreen & fullspeed was my most beloved console & I've owned every SEGA/SONY & NINTENDO home consoles.It had some truly amazing games!
Die Hard Triology with the Recoil Gun was fucking awesome wish i still had that.
another great game Area 51.
easily my favorite console.
I'm with you.
Similarly I say, the Dreamcast was amazing; and the Master System, Genesis and Saturn were beyond amazing.
Plenty of challenging games have come since then. If anything, gaming has gotten better over the years.
7:30 omg this is the best line ever and perfectly explains this system ahah.
I love the Sega Saturn it is my favorite game system of all time. Followed by the Dreamcast, then N64, GameCube, Super Nintendo, and then Wii. Best of the best in consoles no doubt.
I miss my Sega Saturn man; such a good system.
i still have my saturn, and i love it, most of their games have aged very well, x-men vs street fighter, marvel super heroes vs street fighter, street fighter zero 3, cyberbots,astal, rockman x4,darkstalkers 3,guardian heroes are beautiful 2d games near perfect port from the arcades...
I love SEGA! THe Genesis and the Saturn were awesome. I really hope they try again with another console.
Saturn failed ? in the US maybe, but in Japan ? nope
+rizka arifiandi Japan even got the clear see-through Saturn console so you could see all the parts and stuff inside. i wanted it so bad
yet interestingly enough it was the opposite with the Dreamcast it was a flop in Japan but a big success in North America.
yeah thats true. i wonder why that was?
In Europe also maybe but less than USA. In comparaison with the Dreamcast, 3DO, Wii U, Jaguar and other it was a great success.
Saturn was SEGA biggest ssuccess in Japan above Dreamcast and way more sold than Megadrive.
But these north american journalists are doing very bad job by spreading myths and western point of view like it was the only truth
This 3D 2D explaination is a MYTH! SEGA not aware of the future of 3D gaming ? LOL SEGA was the future with their cutting edge games and hardware ahead of their time.
Even Genesis had 3D add on to run 3D games (32x) but they probably forgot to about 3D games with the Saturn ? Come on
This myth has been denied by a french journalist in Japan. SEGA Saturn was a powerhouse ALSO for 3D but was a mess to program.
Even 2D games suffered of heavy lag sometimes and other problems with first developpement kit.
Then came the second Dev Kit with SEGA rally and Virtua Fighter 2.(& year after the first dev Ki
In 1995 VF 2 provided 60 frame per sec. with colourfull itexture mapping (not that dull grey green back grounds you see in one of the most beautiful PS1 game Gran turismo in 1997..) in HIGH RESOLUTION!!!
And it was at the beginning of Saturn lifetime. So imagine what could have been their Gran turismo if they haven't dropped the system so early. 😥
Nights! Panzer Dragoon! VF2! Sonic 3d Blast! The most important games of my childhood!!
Unpopular opinion: Sega's mistake was to sell the sega CD and the 32X as separate hardware, as a single add on for a lower price than a new console, it would have been enough to prolong the 4th gen life, just like Nintendo did with the chips inside their cartridges. If the saturn was to be released, then the sega cd was acceptable, but the 32x was absurd. Then the Saturn should not have wasted a single transistor for 3D capability, it was their chance to make the definitive 2D console, with higher resolutions, more memory, etc. Something capable of Diablo 2 quality visuals; because 3d was not ready. Even the ps1, my first console, had really shitty 3d and should have aimed for great 2D instead. The first platforms that were really capable of 3D were the N64 and sega's Model 3.
+SalveMonesvol Really you think that opinion is unpopular like everyone thinks that.
lb8068 I expeted some shit, a least for saying that the ps1 wasn't ready for 3d.
+SalveMonesvol you are wrong PSX had great £D games one example /watch?v=Dk5IcT71NHw
Slađan Benak Sorry to break your bubble mate, but that is a bad example. Vagrant story might be the culmination of ps1 optimization, and it deserver price, not only because it managed to look good, but because it managed to do so in a platform that lacked what was needed to make the jump. The best looking Ps1 games are the ones that make use of pre rendered backgrounds or are fully 2D, like Megaman X5. The 2D hardware in the ps1 could have been 10 times more powerfull than it was, while also using more memory and a 50 mhz processor, if they hadn't wasted all their budget in the hardware needed to pull some 3 in 1994. My main point isn't how bad the 3D was back then, but how much more polished and likeable 2D games were.
explain 3d effect like less clarity? less realistic?
It's the very opposite for me, I haven't seen an ad for any of the Nintendo games you've listed and I've seen Sorcery and Vita exclusive game advertisements. I think it's because our focus is on different parts of the market, mine being more broad and but less easy on Nintendo lately and yours being focused primarily on Nintendo. That makes the most sense to me, considering all the Vita ads I've seen lately and the fact I've seen Xenoblade and The Last Story ads nowhere outside of banners.
i just got a dreamcast,should i get a saturn?
Very nice ...sums it up well.
Perspective is everything in an argument, it helps show a person's agenda or the reasons behind their opinions. I tried to make it clear to you that I want what's best for Nintendo in the end, but that they aren't meeting my standards anymore; it actually all came out of me being a PC gamer for a few years, but that's a tangent for another time. Anyways, I pointed out our perspectives on the matter to make things more clear. Totally notable.
@zombiekicker Actually, Sega is working on a Dreamcast 2 that will come out in late 2012.
no, its most like the fog in silent hill, clouds (without 2d transparent sprites), explossions, fire, or that things that comes out in tekken while you impact etc.
Hey bro I do agree with you that the Saturn had some amazing 3D games, but when it was coming out Sega wanted it to be a 2D only console. The changed it up when Sony announced the PS1 as a 3D only console, so Sega thought the needed to change the Saturn to handle both. That's why it had two CPUs in it. If developers would have figured out how to use them right it would have been even better in 3D. Games like Scorcher looked amazing because the developers learned how to use the 3D effects.
It actually still had games coming out for it in Japan until 2000
Well what of old USA biased bollocks. Saturn was supreme because of it's love of RPG games in other countries.
Tetra Digm Try making a better one. Arsehole.
+markyboybdi Well it is an American show. They're not going to talk about how well it performed in Bangladesh.
AHEM...X-Men vs Street Fighter came with the RAM card when it was released in Japan. It was a Japan only release
HUNT3R shouldve had a western release
goddessmodel I have to agree with you there. I have it in the other room so whatever!
however you can pick up the game on Amazon or Ebay and just import it.
Yea that's how I got it goku batman
Did they get a ribbon?
The saturn has really powerful 3d too, it's just the quadrilateral rendering that stuffed it.
It's a cool console! I wish I would have played it when I was younger.
you nailed it!
Want one of these things :O
I have a PS1 and N64, so if I get this, I'll pretty much have all the 3 competitors of the time.
Wait isn't virtual fighter for the 32x
Anyone know if the music at 3:29 is available?
I miss Sega making consoles.. even though i doubt they'll make one again, it would be a breath of fresh air for another face to step into the ring. at the moment it looks like Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft willy be the only faces for a while.
at first glance the saturn might not seem that great but it has so much awesome games that I'm focusing on collecting for it.
@JUSTEfreak Ring Edge is Arcade Hardware buddy.
I still have my saturn in my closet, but I made the worst possible decision to sell all 20 of my saturn games for 2 bucks each at a thrift shop maybe 10-15 years ago, to this day I still regret it.
I agree with Mr.Funkysatan.... to me the best era was 16bit gaming. The most challenging games Ive ever played. Not to take away from modern gaming, it has come along way. But I just find the games back then were more challenging and seemed to have more artistic integrity.
I Like these series
because back then there was no online support and the internet wasn't as big as today
most people had dial up
there was something called Expansion packs for games (mostly PC)
the industry was different back then today its cheaper for companies to make content digital because there is no need for cd's, cartridges etc.
I had a hard time back in the day defending my Saturn against my friend's PSX...altough we got lesser games, the playstation was flooded with shovelware. My favourite games were the fighting games, shining force III, guardian heroes, burning rangers, panzer dragoon, shinobi...
It holds up well. Seriously.
whats the game at 5:10 ? :S
I wonder if an alternate universe existed, what Sega console we would be at by now...
LOVE my Saturn,but i've always been pissed Sega chose a battery for keeping saves,i hate cutting my Saturn on only to see saved stats lost
The Wii U is a powerful machine and many game developers like GearBox, Ubisoft, and Activision have said they love the power of the Wii U. This is a sign that Nintendo is on the right track with this system. The only reason people haven't baught it yet is low software. Once the software picks up the sales will pick up. This happened with both PS3 and 360. Launch was terrible with PS3 but once more software showed up people begain to buy it. It's a proven fact of game hardware sales.
6:22 What the... The 4MB cart was bundled with the game! Does is he even know what are he talking about or is he just biased?
7:29 ???????
so just things like transparency and fire like the fire spells in grandia
no mention of burning rangers...
I was thinking more in terms of how hard the system was to develop games for.
Oh, and without any doubt in my mind I can say the PSone had more impact than the N64. I may've grown up with an N64 instead of a PSone, but I'm still willing to acknowledge the fact that it's influenced the development of the industry much more profoundly than the N64 possibly could've(with its cartridge limitation). The N64 didn't get many decent titles because of that cartridge format, makes me wonder what would've happened if Nintendo hadn't betrayed Sony in that business partnership deal :
I remember when all of my friends wanted either a PlayStation or a Nintendo 64. Me? I didn't want either. I wanted a Saturn!
i miss Genesis xD
Gaming today is watching a 5 hour movie streamlined in first person usually in which you can hit any button you desire besides pause/select and beat it. I hear people talk about how games are difficult now. They never beat mario on NES, double dragon on NES. Ever beat Donkey kong on the arcade? I have. Gaming now is streamline movies. I noticed a significant fall off of difficult games when we hit 360/ps3 generation.
i know, the games that i like were crash bandicoot and final fantasy 7
i used to hawe one of the sega saturn here in sweden. and i kid you not. i still likes it. i regard it as better then ps1. and in some cases the ps2. and i used to hawe a N64 at the same time. and it was ok. but the saturn. it rocks to day.
Nice to see some Saturn love, a couple of my top games are saturn titles.
It has some amazing titles that make the console stand out, Nights, panzer dragoon saga (still waiting for another rpg like it), sega rally, the superior versions of Tombraider and resident evil to name a hand full
Graphically it had much more detailed textures than the ps1 but the ps1 had better smoothing/filters, then you have the n64 terrible textures and low poly counts but really smooth gameplay
Wow, you make a feature focusing on the SEGA Saturn and you forget to include Dragon Force and SEGA Rally in it.
From marketing perspectives, this is interesting: Why is it gamers are ok with DLC concept now and not back then? Look at the guy who commented cynically regarding "Buying games and buying something else again".
I still play my Saturn. It's a lot lighter than it looks...
Yes, my good sir. Yes it is.
informed huh? then tell me why if 'sega is logical' why yu suzuki said that 1 out of 100 programmers can program properly with the 2 processors of saturn? or are you going to say that is a rumor? please...
PD.: oh! and, are you going to do that list? ;)
dont forget the Dreamcast,the best sega console in my opision :) !! I love SEGA ! :D
XD segata sanshiro would be proud of this
Sega should have brought over more of those amazing Japanese games for the period they were "discontinued" in the West (where essentially all they did was change generation). The dude moaning about the RAM card is silly - its not like the Playstation couldn do the stuff Saturn did in 2D ANYWAY so if a game needs a card for a full arcade conversion, it NEEDS it. Its not like there was a major price increase for the game either, X-men, D&D, all those awesome Capcom titles needed that extra power.
No,you seem to be more intressded in effects and visualls that any console can generate, Because they are pre-animated. And yes there are a lot games that is equal or better (you just need to play them Panzer Dragoon Saga (sadly now a days it cost about 200 sterlings for that game) is known for it´s visuals) and i know what kind of tricks and cheats games programmers use to make ps1 games look more hyped like. So i have other stuff to do so have a great day(the last comment on this discussion.)
Also no Streets of Rage, Toejam & Earl, Wonder Boy or Phantasy Star. Mediocre Shinobi and Road Rash sequels, a poor port of Symphony of the Night which wasn't localized, basically it had to rely mostly on new IPs.
I'd like to hear the Sega Saturn compared to the Atari Jaguar, and the 3Do.
Things that killed the Saturn:
No Sonic game at launch.
System was expensive, and didn't do a price drop until late in the systems lifespan, even aftyer the Playstaion 1 had a price drop.
Most of their best games never made it to America.
Developers abandoned the system because it was selling poorly, and it was very difficult to develop for.
it was meant to be a 2D machine and in fact his strength are 2D games (radiant silvegun, guardian heroes, silhouette mirage...) there are few 3D games better in saturn than psx.
That's your opinion and even though you have the right to believe it's not necessarily true bro. Wii U is coming along with many hardcore games coming. Games like Watch Dogs, AC4, Splinter Cell, Deus Ex: Human Revolution: Directors Cut, Bayonnetta 2, and X ( new MonoliftSoft RPG). Many of these game are rated M bro, so how is it not hardcore. Plus "hardcore doesn't mean all blood and cuts dude. It means challenging gameplay and fun, so a rated T game like Batman: Arkam City is hardcore bro.
sega saturn had dual processor but not many games too advantage of that.
oh like the 2d stars and orbs in nights into dreams
i was a sega gamer through and through but they too the piss
no 3D effects. 3D environment yes, but without lighting resources. the best saturn effects are for example in virtual on (transparent espheres for fire) or some rpgs like grandia. what im saying is that there are great games for saturn like daytona USA that havent got even transparent shadows (its a well known fact that saturn hasnt got transparencies suport through hardware,it were made by soft but wasnt as good) but this guy can't see that and doesnt even tell me of one game with 3D effects.
ok if sega 32x failed because most people knew sega saturn was around the corner , but yet the saturn failed as well
Because the playstation was around the corner :)
And when a lot of people who bought the saturn (me included) seen what the palystation was capable of. Wanted to sell off their saturn for one. It's really sega's fault for not being more specs smart.
Pixelated Cherry and sega CD is uranus
Just because the Wii U is clocked slow doesn't mean the CPU isn't more powerful. A company clocks a CPU slow to save on energy. The GPGPU can handle most of the thing the CPU usually handles. It can perform DirctX11 graphis that's way mor powerful than PS3. PS3 only does DirecX9 which is amazing but 11 is way better. The Wii U CPU is a Powerbased AMD 6570 that's still plenty of power. The GamePad alone is a reason to buy Wii U. Playing AC3 with a huge map on the GamePad is great....
Wow they can count
@MrPezzzz That sucks...I didn't know that....oh well...it's unfortunate..
@zombiekicker You should just google for 'Dreamcast 2' or 'Project Ringedge' or simply 'Ringedge SEGA' and you'll find some images of the prototypes they've been working on...Also you'll see some pretty interesting articles, and if you search on RUclips, you'll find some nice recorded videos and some fan-made ones. P.S. : The Play Station 4 is also coming in 2012, but SEGA will be prepared this time, and they will kick Sony's ass !!
im talking about 3D! those are 2D effects but that game is f**king amazing. that shows there is no need of better hardware and special effects if you have imagination and domain the system (zelda oot>>>>>gears of war). look comparisions (psx vs sat) of pandemonium, destruction derby or raystorm and compare their effects so you see what im talking about.
I was giving cod and halo as examples of modern relatively unimaginative and linear titles,
I grew up with a Megadrive + mega cd, saturn, gameboy pocket. so i have plenty of retro gaming knowledge and the past 8 years ive spent catching up with modern gamings so i have a very broad & deep knowledge of gaming new and old.
anyway im off no point proving myself to a troll.
"i'm off the internet for a couple of years and now its full of trolls. what on earth happened to the internet?"
@zombiekicker The only reason PS2 won was because 3rd party companies were loyal to sony from the ps1 and because PS2 had a dvd player in it, if Dreamcast had companies like EA backing them, PS2 would have died and Dreamcast would probably still be out today, keep in mind they didn't stop making software for Dreamcast til 2007 and the console was finished in 2001!
Long live the SEGA Dreamcast!
shiit all my fav games are on ps1...crash, spyro, gran turismo, syphon filter, never played FF games but yea theres a bunch of those and ppl love em... theres resident evils, digimon, driver, grand theft auto the originals, need for speeds, etc lets face it ps1 helped to make gaming evolve to its peak and ony always allowed all devs to make all kinds of games and pushed them to make good games not just exclusives nintendo is all about first party games...ps1... its the best console ever
I think the saturn was relegated to never getting into 1st place during the 32/64 bit era when people saw daytona usa over the playstation's port of the original ridge racer. Personally I love both games but 3D was without a doubt sold on its graphical muscle and whilst daytona usa looked rushed and had appaling pop up and textures, ridge racer looked just like the arcade game but with slightly blurier textures. I love both systems but that was the real clincher. Poor saturn...
yup. not to mention that alot of the launch games were just ports and not designed around the system. it'll be awesome to see it fully utilized. the PS4 looks.. not that great to me. I mean.. a screen on a controller? HMM.. and im not much looking forward to the next Xbox (i really hope they dont call it the 720..) either. hopefully the Wii U will be better supported and not be too muddled up with crap motion exploitive titles like the Wii did.
Nah, right now Sega isn't in the optimal conditions to reenter the console market
I finished panzer dragoon zwei and saga and yes, they are great games with great visuals but without light effects. bad example buddy try again. it seems you ran out of arguments so im going to tell you again the strenght of saturn over ps1: 2D/2.5D. examples: princess crown, elevator action return, all of treasure games, bulk slash, grandia, assault suit leynos 2, metal slug, marvel vs capcom, SF Zero 3, astal, waku waku 7, saturn bomberman... and you couldn't make a simple list of 3d for me ;(
I can tell you one thing. When it was relesed, No one not even sega was talking about a 2d Console. And the fact is that sega saturn is Great with 2d, 3d games. And if you compare the Sega Saturn with ps1 I can tell you the saturn is much stronger. I had a party i think it was1998 and when i switch on the sega saturn. everybody just forgot about the ps1 and n64,and those guys where/is hardcore ps1 and n64 fans.they realized that sega saturn was a great console.and superior
And instead of talking it over like a normal company, they went behind Sony's backs and fucked them over. Sony didn't get MOST of the profits off that stuff, either way, just around half. That's completely fair, considering Sony did almost all of the R&D.
Sony didn't JUST popularize CDs, they created one of the biggest gaming brands in history and helped companies like Squaresoft and Naughty Dog become what they are today. Nintendo just had an unsuccessful console. Whoop.
sorry bout that homie, that was the little fanboy in me.i did check out their games and they were awesome :)
yeah, rumors, of course... be informed before talking and if you dont know what to say, dont say nothing. i own both systems and i know what i like of them. so tell me a list of games that were better on saturn than ps1.
there are still good hard games today but i get what you mean :)