Bought a Dreamcast on 9/9/99 when I was a post-graduate student. Soul Calibur sessions with my cousin could last for hours. Having loved Phantasy Star on the Genesis, Phantasy Star Online became my favorite game on the system. But NFL2K1 also holds a special place in my heart also as online leagues were created by gamers to track power rankings. Such good memories!
Since it's the start of the console season, I decided to buy a Dreamcast. I always wanted one. Now, instead of wasting 400$-500$ for an uninspired console alone I'm buying a 45$ Dreamcast and a bunch of great, dirt cheap games like Power Stone, Tomb Raider, Sonic Adventure 2, NFL 2K2, and Shenmue. One of the best decisions I've made. To my relief, unlike the past years I spent with the current gen consoles, games are fun again. Long live the Dreamcast and Gamecube.
I actually own a PS2, and have owned an Xbox. The Xbox 360 was my favorite console last generation, so no, I'm not a Sega or Nintendo fanboy. I owned all the sixth gen consoles, and I personally feel that the Gamecube and Dreamcast had the best line up of games and I had the most fun with them. The PS2 was a dull, soulless console that had a few worthwhile games like Shadow of the Colossus, Metal Gear Solid, and RPG Maker 3, and the Xbox got old pretty fast for me. Outside of the Halo games and Fable, there wasn't much for it that I enjoyed.
cheezburgerforcats PS2 had way better game lineup than Dreamcast and Gamecube IMO. Games that you didn't mention, God Of War ll, Gran Turismo 4, GTA 3, GTA San Andreas, Kindom Hearts ll, ICO, Rachet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal, Final Fantasy X. I ranked it as #1 PS2, #2 Dreamcast, #3 Gamecube, #4 Xbox as far as games.
Kingdom Hearts is good, GT4 isn't that great GTA games are on other consoles, ICO is in the same series as SOC, and Ratchet and Clank pales compared to a lot of the games of that style for the Dreamcast and Gamecube. Final Fantasy is classic, though, but X is overrated. Gamecube has Smash Bros, Wario Ware, Super Mario Sunshine, Mario Kart Double Dash, Metroid Prime, Legend of Zelda Wind Waker, Pikmin, Animal Crossing, Amazing Island, Tales of Symphonia, Eternal Darkness, Luigi's Mansion, Starfox Assault and Adventures, F Zero, and superior versions of Soul Calibur II, Timesplitters Future Perfect, and had RE4 exclusive for a while.
I think the guy at the end gets it just right... Dreamcast was just so revolutionary. Don't get me wrong, I have all the latest from Nintendo and Microsoft, plus a gaming PC, but my Dreamcast got more play than any other platform I've ever had. My Dreamcast is now hooked up to my 3D TV. Every time I play I am just blown away. The gaming experience is unlike any other. Dreamcast. It's still thinking :)
Dreamcast was an awesome machine. I remember seeing the vague "It's Thinking" commercials and I was like "WTF?" And it worked. My stepdad had one he LOVED; I think it got almost as much play if not more play than the Playstation. It was stolen from our house and we were really sad. It still holds up as a classic piece of hardware, in my opinion, because of the great games.
@@paulsteel9127The backgrounds on the HD rerelease of Marvel vs. Capcom 2 had tearing. Other than that the 2009 HD rerelease was arcade perfect and much welcomed.
This vid leaves out a vital crucial fact about the Dreamcast: SEGA DID NOT COPY PROTECT THEIR DISCS!!! I remember they were selling $5 copies of Dreamcast games. My friends showed me that you can put an original disc into your computer's drive and burn a perfectly functioning copy of the disc. That was terrible....
that had very little to do with why the dreamcast failed because the PS2 had way more piracy. The real reason why the Dreamcast died so quick was that everyone was anticipating the PS2 and held off, and SEGA themselves didn't have much left in their bank to keep bleeding money since they lost the vast majority of it when the Sega Saturn flopped hard. After the Saturn flopped, there was no saving SEGA, no matter what they did.
Even after all the years I still have to say that Dreamcast is the best console ever made. It was ahead of its time and just take a look at games like Shenmue, JSR, MSR, powerstone, PSO, Sonic Soul Calibur 2 and I could go on forever. I mean 12 years ago these games were so epic and even these days most of nowadays games cant compare with the overall experience you could get from Dreamcast games back then.
Man, I loved powerstone especially the guy the went super saiyan and spent man many hours playing Phantasy Star online! The online feature blew my little child mind! Raising my choi i think they were called from sonic adventure in my save cartridge. Like a little neo pet. Quake 3 arena! woooo hoooo
Shenmue was one of the main reasons why I decided to get a Dreamcast in 1999. The overall game didn’t end up the way anyone expected. It was sort of like a tech demonstration for what the Dreamcast was capable of. Yakuza is far more interesting and fun to play, but Shenmue laid the groundwork for it.
still remember walking into gamestop and playing sonic adventure for the first time. the graphics blew me away. they were so crisp and rounded compared to how blocky n64 and ps1 games were
I'm not a fanboy at all but the Dreamcast is by far my favorite system of all time. I own almost every single console made in my collection. The dreamcast sticks out in my mind for lots of good memories!
You know it definitely was a simpler, more game motivated time. I was very against sony at first and sat with Nintendo but I think that Sony has earned their keep at this point. I still maintain that the Dreamcast and the SNES are my favorite consoles but with it now being basically Sony vs. Microsoft I am mush more for sony. I have this feeling that they are more for the gamers than just for the gamers' money if that makes sense. But I definitely agree with you. Would be nice for Nintendo to get back into the race and build a competitive console and I have heard many rumors about a Dreamcast 2. .
My first system... I remember being six or seven years old, and playing aerowings, flag2flag racing, and especially sonic adventure 1 & 2, for when I had friend's over. The best part, it still works and I still play it twelve years later. Dreamcast for LIFE!
I drew the dreamcast swirl everyday in class back in 1999. It was the first item I wanted on my xmas list and on xmas day my godfather stopped by my house wearing a Santa hat holding a dreamcast in his arms. Memories!!!
The Dreamcast was the last system that I can remember, that from the time it was launched, til its first Xmas, 4 months later, the roster of games, GOOD Games, was large. Not since the Release of the SNES in 1991 has a roster been that large. And not since then...has this happened again. Its a must have. even though it was only supported for a few years, you could go out and buy this system, and pick up at least 30 games, and be happy with them. And there are plenty of rare games by now to collect. Cannon Spike, Tech Romancer, Giga Wing 1 and 2, and more.
Sega Dreamcast = Amazing. Simply amazing. It had a great gaming library and it had great graphics. I remember playing Sonic Adventure 1 & 2, Power Stone, MvC 1 & 2, Street Fighter Alpha 3, Tekken, House of the, the good memories. =')
I loved the DreamCast as a kid, especially as I was a N64 boy and didn't have a Sony console until the PS2 later on. The DreamCast had it's own unique feel and look to it, the graphics, controller, games and the overall experience from it just blew me away. It's such a shame that the PS2 was such an all-conquering monster, that was what ultimately ended the DreamCast.
I used to love Sega. Not the Sega of today. I don't recognize them as Sega anymore. It says Sega on the side of the building but that doesn't mean much. The daring, innovative, balls to the wall Sega I knew is long gone. R.I.P And the Dreamcast is right up there as my all time fave system. Still play it to this day. Still get that buzz, that excitement when I power it on. Kick ass console that still stands up extremely well even today.
Dreamcast was a really well created console. It's been over a decade since I got mine, and it still works. Not many things now, and even back then, last over a decade and work like it just came out of the box. Looking back at how the Dreamcast was ahead of its time and how many amazing launch titles it had, if it had launched a little after the PS2, I think it would've stayed as a main competitor to this day. After the failed attempt at CD by SEGA and the success of CD by Sony, people wanted to be safe and stick with Sony who did it right the first time, instead of a company who struck out with CD two times already.
Sweet! I never got to own one back then but I'm looking to get one on ebay here pretty soon. The only thing that sucks is that feeling of nostalgia will be missing like I had with the genesis and n64, but I'm a collector and have always wanted to try it anyway.
Every once in a while there comes a system that is great and thinks outside the box that sadly doesn't get appreciated despite lots of great games. The Dreamcast, Vita, and Wii U come to mind.
@Xeno Blade The Xbox One is current priced lower than the PS4, has had its power unlocked with the removal of the Kinect, and is essentially a PC, so its very easy to develop for. I'm not sure where you're finding the parallels
I actually played that quote the dude says about playing the Dreamcast more in 1 month than he did his Wii in 4 and a half years 2 times. I think that's significant!
9/9/13 Arsenio Hall returns to late night television! after a 19 year hiatus. Man it's been almost twenty years since I saw him on WBBM in Chicago. Another September 9th to remember.
the words Sega Dreamcast and Buyers Remorse will never be mentioned in the same sentence. Simply put the Dreamcast was a fucking amazing console with some amazing games that still kick the holy hell out of most games being released today. there was a charm with those games you could tell when you played games like Sonic Adventure that they was made with so much heart and Sega was into it all 110%
If only Sega made consoles today. They had so many great games compared to today. Sure Nintendo is special in its own way, but that's Nintendo. Look at Microsoft for example. They make technological advancements and push forward new ways of entertainment, but they lack the great exclusive games that the Dreamcast boasted. I don't have a PS3 so I couldn't tell you much about that. I guess the reason why the Dreamcast had so many great games is because Sega was bleeding money. If Microsoft were in the same situation, I'm sure they would be doing the same thing. Also games today are way to focused on online gaming. At least everything before the original Xbox had single player games. I'm not saying modern day consoles are bad, but I'm saying they have something missing from them that the Dreamcast had. And please no hate mail.
dreamcast was the innovation and hardware pusher in its day. look at the sega genesis, saga saturn, they were the first system to come out first with new technologies hardware. they force all other company to make equivalent or better hardware specs. everything was perfect about their company role and exclusive games. sony and nintedo had their own style cool games. im not bashing on xbox but i dont see any good thing about it. the controller was bad, there wasnt any exclusive games that i like. COD was already on pc and by then i already move from console to pc. my last console was ps2. i claim to my opinion ps2 is the end era for console games.
i know how you feel. I think that online multiplayer to away the ecksperions (sorry the ecks (trying to sound out) is broken and the auto spell check does not have the word i am looking for)
junior fio This person is trying to say "I think the multiplayer took away from the experience." Even when spelled correctly, it is a statement that means absolutely nothing.
Really would have been awesome if Sega and Microsoft did some sort of merger, rather than forcing out the Dreamcast. Microsoft having exclusivity over titles like Sonic and Phantasy Star would have Sega's fanbase all over the Xbox, and Sega would be in a much better financial state then they would be today.
The last officially licensed game to be released in the US was NHL 2K2. The last in Japan was Karous in 2007. However, homebrewers and indie developers are keeping the system fresh with new games.
I remember having strange games this console had. Some a lot of people had that used to give me a strange creeped out feeling. It was hard to explain, but I think the strangest one was MDK 2
the dreamcast had the old school style of a snes or genesis and the 3d power of a ps2. it was something different, I don't miss it I miss my friends and the fun we used to have.
Ahh the Dreamcast I loved that damn system !! It was the only system I imported from Japan November 27, 1998. I paid wayyyy to much I think I paid around 500 dollars. Everyone lived at my house for that year until US launch, so many great memories !!
Metropolis Street Racer (which became Project Gotham Racing on the XBox) was way ahead of it's time. Ditto Soul Calibur and Phantasty Star Online. If you ever get a chance, the Japanese Sega GT was an amazing racing game (but requires a Japanese DC or a chipped one). You could upgrade almost every aspect of wide range of cars (down to the chassis) and race on a huge number of massive well realized courses and different game modes (circuit racing, street racing, drag racing and others).
Dreamcast was the last console i truly loved. Yeah sure the PS2 was good in all but around that time i started to lose interest in current gen games and i just stuck to retro.
@ChevyJP86 Especially considering this next generation of consoles are taking a lot longer to come around than the average 5 year cycle. With so little competition, it would be easy for Sega to have the most advanced system on the market.
I remember going to my cousins house and playing some sort of boat racing game. That game was all I did as a kid. then came the gameboy color and the rest is history!
I'm kind of surprised they didn't mention DVD playback as a PS2 feature that helped kill the Dreamcast. Most of my friends were holding out, both on a DVD player AND a new game system, because PS2 would be both. Even though they wanted and liked the Dreamcast. Also, the rebate when you bought a dreamcast and signed up for Seganet basically gave you a free console, which is why I pulled the trigger. Still have my DC and it still works great!
4:24 talk about a sign of the times. "Don't think out loud" and "it's thinking" worked great back then as viral marketing. Especially that the system was the first console with a built in modem. The general public loved it. Fast forward to today, that would backfire with the general public's leariness of NSA, BIG BROTHER and spying. See what happened with the xbox 1 and the kinect always being on and listening? Many people hated that. Times change....
My favorite system is Sega 16bit because of the games like phanton 2040, batman games, sonic, shadow dancer, shinobi, bare knuckle, double dragon and a lot more that I alreadey forgot. LOL! it was a long time ago but my Sega still works until now unlike the new console that cannot last beyond 5 years, they have great graphic and everything but not durable or as heavy duty as the previous consoles. those are the days, where your investments are for life...
honestly, I feel like sega back then was really a company of gamers making a console for gamers, not like today where all 3 console manufacturer's feel like businesses through and through.I love my ps4, ps3, vita, 3ds, wii, and wii u, but I feel like my dreamcast was just MADE for gamers by gamers, where as the other boxes feel like they're just there to be new hardware and sell.
I hear the dreamcast is not at least dead. I mean I think people still make games for it though that is the indie scene. And I hear people still play it online. It would be cool to make a game for it though I doubt anyone would be interested in anything I could make.
They still make games for the Dreamcast. I heard that their arcade systems are doing well in Japan right now.
I believe the Dreamcast was a system ahead of its time. The graphics were so much better than Playstation and its other competitors. Just look at Soul Calibur and NBA 2k1 etc just awesome. Die Hard Dreamcast...
Shenmue, Skies of Arcadia, Grandia 2, Sonic Adventure 1/2, Ecco the Dolphin.. Yeah I don't regret buying a Dreamcast. In fact, besides the SNES, it's probably still my favorite system.
Nintendo NEEDS a Dreamcast Virtual console for the Wii U. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if that's already in the works. Nintendo pretty much has Sega in their corner of the industry, and they've gotten Game Gear on the 3DS, and Genesis and Saturn on the Wii.
Bought a Dreamcast on 9/9/99 when I was a post-graduate student. Soul Calibur sessions with my cousin could last for hours. Having loved Phantasy Star on the Genesis, Phantasy Star Online became my favorite game on the system. But NFL2K1 also holds a special place in my heart also as online leagues were created by gamers to track power rankings. Such good memories!
R.I.P : Dreamcast
The thing I miss about them the most is there memory cards that plugged into your controllers and had little visuals sometimes.
The dream will never die.
Since it's the start of the console season, I decided to buy a Dreamcast. I always wanted one. Now, instead of wasting 400$-500$ for an uninspired console alone I'm buying a 45$ Dreamcast and a bunch of great, dirt cheap games like Power Stone, Tomb Raider, Sonic Adventure 2, NFL 2K2, and Shenmue. One of the best decisions I've made. To my relief, unlike the past years I spent with the current gen consoles, games are fun again. Long live the Dreamcast and Gamecube.
Lol take shots at Sony and Microsoft by not mentioning PS2 and Xbox. Fanboy going to keep on being a fanboy
I actually own a PS2, and have owned an Xbox. The Xbox 360 was my favorite console last generation, so no, I'm not a Sega or Nintendo fanboy. I owned all the sixth gen consoles, and I personally feel that the Gamecube and Dreamcast had the best line up of games and I had the most fun with them. The PS2 was a dull, soulless console that had a few worthwhile games like Shadow of the Colossus, Metal Gear Solid, and RPG Maker 3, and the Xbox got old pretty fast for me. Outside of the Halo games and Fable, there wasn't much for it that I enjoyed.
cheezburgerforcats PS2 had way better game lineup than Dreamcast and Gamecube IMO. Games that you didn't mention, God Of War ll, Gran Turismo 4, GTA 3, GTA San Andreas, Kindom Hearts ll, ICO, Rachet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal, Final Fantasy X. I ranked it as #1 PS2, #2 Dreamcast, #3 Gamecube, #4 Xbox as far as games.
Kingdom Hearts is good, GT4 isn't that great GTA games are on other consoles, ICO is in the same series as SOC, and Ratchet and Clank pales compared to a lot of the games of that style for the Dreamcast and Gamecube. Final Fantasy is classic, though, but X is overrated. Gamecube has Smash Bros, Wario Ware, Super Mario Sunshine, Mario Kart Double Dash, Metroid Prime, Legend of Zelda Wind Waker, Pikmin, Animal Crossing, Amazing Island, Tales of Symphonia, Eternal Darkness, Luigi's Mansion, Starfox Assault and Adventures, F Zero, and superior versions of Soul Calibur II, Timesplitters Future Perfect, and had RE4 exclusive for a while.
I think the guy at the end gets it just right... Dreamcast was just so revolutionary. Don't get me wrong, I have all the latest from Nintendo and Microsoft, plus a gaming PC, but my Dreamcast got more play than any other platform I've ever had. My Dreamcast is now hooked up to my 3D TV. Every time I play I am just blown away. The gaming experience is unlike any other. Dreamcast. It's still thinking :)
Dreamcast was an awesome machine. I remember seeing the vague "It's Thinking" commercials and I was like "WTF?" And it worked. My stepdad had one he LOVED; I think it got almost as much play if not more play than the Playstation. It was stolen from our house and we were really sad. It still holds up as a classic piece of hardware, in my opinion, because of the great games.
Marvel vs Capcom 2 on the Dreamcast was a GODLY experience.
I think DC still has the only arcade perfect console version. The PS3/360 ports are no longer available and supposedly had some issues.
@@paulsteel9127The backgrounds on the HD rerelease of Marvel vs. Capcom 2 had tearing. Other than that the 2009 HD rerelease was arcade perfect and much welcomed.
Shenmue is my favorite DC game. What an awesome game on an amazing console that died way before its time.
shenmue is my favourite game full stop!.
This vid leaves out a vital crucial fact about the Dreamcast: SEGA DID NOT COPY PROTECT THEIR DISCS!!! I remember they were selling $5 copies of Dreamcast games. My friends showed me that you can put an original disc into your computer's drive and burn a perfectly functioning copy of the disc. That was terrible....
+BLONDIE LOCKS 11 year old
+BLONDIE LOCKS Are you trying to say I was lying?
wasnt talking to you scum bag so fuck off
+BLONDIE LOCKS Excuse me, but you are posting in my thread of comments.
Not a very bright one I see
that had very little to do with why the dreamcast failed because the PS2 had way more piracy.
The real reason why the Dreamcast died so quick was that everyone was anticipating the PS2 and held off, and SEGA themselves didn't have much left in their bank to keep bleeding money since they lost the vast majority of it when the Sega Saturn flopped hard.
After the Saturn flopped, there was no saving SEGA, no matter what they did.
Even after all the years I still have to say that Dreamcast is the best console ever made. It was ahead of its time and just take a look at games like Shenmue, JSR, MSR, powerstone, PSO, Sonic Soul Calibur 2 and I could go on forever. I mean 12 years ago these games were so epic and even these days most of nowadays games cant compare with the overall experience you could get from Dreamcast games back then.
Man, I loved powerstone especially the guy the went super saiyan and spent man many hours playing Phantasy Star online! The online feature blew my little child mind! Raising my choi i think they were called from sonic adventure in my save cartridge. Like a little neo pet. Quake 3 arena! woooo hoooo
Just bought a Dreamcast two days ago. Can't wait for it to come in the mail!
How can they mention the Dreamcast but not Shenmue ? :/
I was wondering the exact same thing. Shenmue invented open world gameplay
Because Shenmue sucked hard.
Shenmue was one of the main reasons why I decided to get a Dreamcast in 1999. The overall game didn’t end up the way anyone expected. It was sort of like a tech demonstration for what the Dreamcast was capable of. Yakuza is far more interesting and fun to play, but Shenmue laid the groundwork for it.
Awesome video, I loved my Dreamcast and still love some of it's games :D
This is my generation, i remember having most of those dreamcast games.. lol.
Dreamcast was awesome. ;)
The Dreamcast is the deal of the century right now! I bought my first DC, for $22 on eBay, earlier this year and I love it to death!
The Dreamcast was a great system that was well ahead of it's time.
until this very day i will never give up my Dreamcast.
still remember walking into gamestop and playing sonic adventure for the first time. the graphics blew me away. they were so crisp and rounded compared to how blocky n64 and ps1 games were
I'm not a fanboy at all but the Dreamcast is by far my favorite system of all time. I own almost every single console made in my collection. The dreamcast sticks out in my mind for lots of good memories!
Wayyyyyyyy before it's time. One of the best systems ever IMO.
Still have my very 1st dreamcast i got from Christmas when it first came out and it still works perfectly replaying Jet Grind Radio is fun as hell
Gaming was better when it was Nintendo vs. Sega. Sony and MS are not a culture of video games
You know it definitely was a simpler, more game motivated time. I was very against sony at first and sat with Nintendo but I think that Sony has earned their keep at this point. I still maintain that the Dreamcast and the SNES are my favorite consoles but with it now being basically Sony vs. Microsoft I am mush more for sony. I have this feeling that they are more for the gamers than just for the gamers' money if that makes sense. But I definitely agree with you. Would be nice for Nintendo to get back into the race and build a competitive console and I have heard many rumors about a Dreamcast 2. .
leftyfourguns 100% true! Nuff said.
My first system... I remember being six or seven years old, and playing aerowings, flag2flag racing, and especially sonic adventure 1 & 2, for when I had friend's over. The best part, it still works and I still play it twelve years later. Dreamcast for LIFE!
I drew the dreamcast swirl everyday in class back in 1999. It was the first item I wanted on my xmas list and on xmas day my godfather stopped by my house wearing a Santa hat holding a dreamcast in his arms. Memories!!!
Sega and the Dreamcast hold a place in my heart such great memories. I'm going to go get it out its box in the attic
Dreamcast forever! Still looking forward to Sturmwind in 2013.
The Dreamcast was the last system that I can remember, that from the time it was launched, til its first Xmas, 4 months later, the roster of games, GOOD Games, was large.
Not since the Release of the SNES in 1991 has a roster been that large.
And not since then...has this happened again.
Its a must have. even though it was only supported for a few years, you could go out and buy this system, and pick up at least 30 games, and be happy with them. And there are plenty of rare games by now to collect.
Cannon Spike, Tech Romancer, Giga Wing 1 and 2, and more.
I still play my dreamcast
R.I.P. to the dreamcast... i still got mine! my friend jacked it and sold it to me for 5 bucks. that was like in 2002. LOL xD
rest in peace dreamcast
November 27, 2013 was the 15th Anniversary of SEGA Dreamcast
"Its Thinking" I still have mine since November '99. Its part of my living room. Sega!!! Its the whole reason I bought an Xbox back in 2002.
Sega Dreamcast = Amazing. Simply amazing. It had a great gaming library and it had great graphics. I remember playing Sonic Adventure 1 & 2, Power Stone, MvC 1 & 2, Street Fighter Alpha 3, Tekken, House of the, the good memories. =')
Still the last TRUE gaming console IMO. I will always love my DC. After it everything was just TV computers.
I loved the DreamCast as a kid, especially as I was a N64 boy and didn't have a Sony console until the PS2 later on. The DreamCast had it's own unique feel and look to it, the graphics, controller, games and the overall experience from it just blew me away. It's such a shame that the PS2 was such an all-conquering monster, that was what ultimately ended the DreamCast.
the episode of the Dreamcast/Sega was my favorite of G4 Icons, or "Game Makers" old school G4tv for Gamers..
The Dreamcast was fantastic!!! Fond memories.
I used to love Sega. Not the Sega of today. I don't recognize them as Sega anymore. It says Sega on the side of the building but that doesn't mean much.
The daring, innovative, balls to the wall Sega I knew is long gone. R.I.P
And the Dreamcast is right up there as my all time fave system. Still play it to this day. Still get that buzz, that excitement when I power it on. Kick ass console that still stands up extremely well even today.
Happy 16th birthday to the Dreamcast!
Dreamcast was a really well created console. It's been over a decade since I got mine, and it still works. Not many things now, and even back then, last over a decade and work like it just came out of the box. Looking back at how the Dreamcast was ahead of its time and how many amazing launch titles it had, if it had launched a little after the PS2, I think it would've stayed as a main competitor to this day. After the failed attempt at CD by SEGA and the success of CD by Sony, people wanted to be safe and stick with Sony who did it right the first time, instead of a company who struck out with CD two times already.
Sweet! I never got to own one back then but I'm looking to get one on ebay here pretty soon. The only thing that sucks is that feeling of nostalgia will be missing like I had with the genesis and n64, but I'm a collector and have always wanted to try it anyway.
Soulcalibur and streetfighter 3 are still my favorite games of all time on the dreamcast I wish it was still in existance oh well.
Dreamcast rules.... Sega4life
lol you must have low standards
Every once in a while there comes a system that is great and thinks outside the box that sadly doesn't get appreciated despite lots of great games. The Dreamcast, Vita, and Wii U come to mind.
Haha, just looked... I still have my Dreamcast.
Badass relic.
Mine is still hooked up to my TV alongside my 360, PS3, Wii, N64, PS2, etc.
mine is right next to my Saturn and my Atari Jaguar. :P
@Xeno Blade The Xbox One is current priced lower than the PS4, has had its power unlocked with the removal of the Kinect, and is essentially a PC, so its very easy to develop for. I'm not sure where you're finding the parallels
I actually played that quote the dude says about playing the Dreamcast more in 1 month than he did his Wii in 4 and a half years 2 times. I think that's significant!
9/9/13 Arsenio Hall returns to late night television! after a 19 year hiatus.
Man it's been almost twenty years since I saw him on WBBM in Chicago.
Another September 9th to remember.
the words Sega Dreamcast and Buyers Remorse will never be mentioned in the same sentence.
Simply put the Dreamcast was a fucking amazing console with some amazing games that still kick the holy hell out of most games being released today.
there was a charm with those games you could tell when you played games like Sonic Adventure that they was made with so much heart and Sega was into it all 110%
Most fun I ever had with a console was with the Dreamcast. It was awesome. Shame it got discontinued.
Sega, If your reading this, your fans, EVEN NINTENDO FANS, want you to make another console. It will be a success If you did, we know It.
introduced 9/9/99
happy 14th anniversary Sega Dreamcast!
I recently re-lived Skies of Arcadia. I love my Dreamcast.
If only Sega made consoles today. They had so many great games compared to today. Sure Nintendo is special in its own way, but that's Nintendo. Look at Microsoft for example. They make technological advancements and push forward new ways of entertainment, but they lack the great exclusive games that the Dreamcast boasted. I don't have a PS3 so I couldn't tell you much about that. I guess the reason why the Dreamcast had so many great games is because Sega was bleeding money. If Microsoft were in the same situation, I'm sure they would be doing the same thing. Also games today are way to focused on online gaming. At least everything before the original Xbox had single player games. I'm not saying modern day consoles are bad, but I'm saying they have something missing from them that the Dreamcast had. And please no hate mail.
dreamcast was the innovation and hardware pusher in its day. look at the sega genesis, saga saturn, they were the first system to come out first with new technologies hardware. they force all other company to make equivalent or better hardware specs.
everything was perfect about their company role and exclusive games. sony and nintedo had their own style cool games.
im not bashing on xbox but i dont see any good thing about it. the controller was bad, there wasnt any exclusive games that i like. COD was already on pc and by then i already move from console to pc.
my last console was ps2. i claim to my opinion ps2 is the end era for console games.
i know how you feel. I think that online multiplayer to away the ecksperions (sorry the ecks (trying to sound out) is broken and the auto spell check does not have the word i am looking for)
junior fio
This person is trying to say "I think the multiplayer took away from the experience." Even when spelled correctly, it is a statement that means absolutely nothing.
Really would have been awesome if Sega and Microsoft did some sort of merger, rather than forcing out the Dreamcast. Microsoft having exclusivity over titles like Sonic and Phantasy Star would have Sega's fanbase all over the Xbox, and Sega would be in a much better financial state then they would be today.
The last officially licensed game to be released in the US was NHL 2K2. The last in Japan was Karous in 2007. However, homebrewers and indie developers are keeping the system fresh with new games.
I loved the Dreamcast.
The Dreamcast was well ahead of its time, it was the first console you could play online on and people barely had the internet in those days XD
I remember having strange games this console had. Some a lot of people had that used to give me a strange creeped out feeling. It was hard to explain, but I think the strangest one was MDK 2
I miss these people. Those were the days that I still liked Gamespot.
Miss SEGA they provided me with happy memories.
the dreamcast had the old school style of a snes or genesis and the 3d power of a ps2. it was something different, I don't miss it I miss my friends and the fun we used to have.
I remember playing The House of the Dead (the voice of the narrator in the intro of the game still comes to my mind) It was awesome.
The Dreamcast is my second favorite system of all time. The first is the Saturn which will always be awesome.
They pulled the plug too soon on the Sega Dreamcast, I love that console.
The controller is great. It looks really big. But it fits perfectly in both you're hands.
The Dreamcast for so many years.
We celebrate the Dreamcast B-Day today. And we mourn it's loss tomorrow.
Ahh the Dreamcast I loved that damn system !! It was the only system I imported from Japan November 27, 1998. I paid wayyyy to much I think I paid around 500 dollars. Everyone lived at my house for that year until US launch, so many great memories !!
Metropolis Street Racer (which became Project Gotham Racing on the XBox) was way ahead of it's time. Ditto Soul Calibur and Phantasty Star Online. If you ever get a chance, the Japanese Sega GT was an amazing racing game (but requires a Japanese DC or a chipped one). You could upgrade almost every aspect of wide range of cars (down to the chassis) and race on a huge number of massive well realized courses and different game modes (circuit racing, street racing, drag racing and others).
Dreamcast was the last console i truly loved. Yeah sure the PS2 was good in all but around that time i started to lose interest in current gen games and i just stuck to retro.
she was referring to a business meeting. the possibility was likely on the table before the GC came out.
@ChevyJP86 Especially considering this next generation of consoles are taking a lot longer to come around than the average 5 year cycle. With so little competition, it would be easy for Sega to have the most advanced system on the market.
I remember going to my cousins house and playing some sort of boat racing game. That game was all I did as a kid. then came the gameboy color and the rest is history!
My favorite system of all time... hands down.
The Dreamcast is still fucking amazing!!
What is weird that I remember having almost no lag on some games of NFL 2k1 and Unreal Tournament, just had to pick your region.
If they had just continued game support for a few more years, we would've had a final blaze of glory for sega.
Well even though I had a ps2 and it was my fav system one of my friends had a dreamcast and I loved that almost as much :)
I was too young to remember the dream cast. What was the screen on the memory card thing used for
Ahhh 1999, all I remember is raves & playing KOF 98 on the Dreamcast. :)
SA1, SA2, PSO - Just to name a very few of many.
I'm kind of surprised they didn't mention DVD playback as a PS2 feature that helped kill the Dreamcast. Most of my friends were holding out, both on a DVD player AND a new game system, because PS2 would be both. Even though they wanted and liked the Dreamcast.
Also, the rebate when you bought a dreamcast and signed up for Seganet basically gave you a free console, which is why I pulled the trigger. Still have my DC and it still works great!
I could do it all year Sega For Life.
Shenmue changed my life in gaming
I don't regret buying the Dreamcast, but Sega died with it...
nothing of importance was lost
4:24 talk about a sign of the times. "Don't think out loud" and "it's thinking" worked great back then as viral marketing. Especially that the system was the first console with a built in modem. The general public loved it.
Fast forward to today, that would backfire with the general public's leariness of NSA, BIG BROTHER and spying. See what happened with the xbox 1 and the kinect always being on and listening? Many people hated that.
Times change....
yes it was a great one that's what made me a fan of the sega games
My favorite system is Sega 16bit because of the games like phanton 2040, batman games, sonic, shadow dancer, shinobi, bare knuckle, double dragon and a lot more that I alreadey forgot. LOL! it was a long time ago but my Sega still works until now unlike the new console that cannot last beyond 5 years, they have great graphic and everything but not durable or as heavy duty as the previous consoles. those are the days, where your investments are for life...
honestly, I feel like sega back then was really a company of gamers making a console for gamers, not like today where all 3 console manufacturer's feel like businesses through and through.I love my ps4, ps3, vita, 3ds, wii, and wii u, but I feel like my dreamcast was just MADE for gamers by gamers, where as the other boxes feel like they're just there to be new hardware and sell.
Is the guy in green that bumps into the other guy in the ad campaign the dude from mythbusters?
That guy said it was the first online console experience but the Sega Saturn had a Netlink modem on which you can go online lol.
i think one word sum's up the greatness of the dreamcast and that is; shenmue
I hear the dreamcast is not at least dead. I mean I think people still make games for it though that is the indie scene. And I hear people still play it online. It would be cool to make a game for it though I doubt anyone would be interested in anything I could make.
They still make games for the Dreamcast. I heard that their arcade systems are doing well in Japan right now.
ever wonder why the ads dont need to load
wow it was only 2-3 years? It felt like it was so much longer
I believe the Dreamcast was a system ahead of its time. The graphics were so much better than Playstation and its other competitors. Just look at Soul Calibur and NBA 2k1 etc just awesome. Die Hard Dreamcast...
Shenmue, Skies of Arcadia, Grandia 2, Sonic Adventure 1/2, Ecco the Dolphin.. Yeah I don't regret buying a Dreamcast. In fact, besides the SNES, it's probably still my favorite system.
you can connect them together and do file transfer.
Nintendo NEEDS a Dreamcast Virtual console for the Wii U. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if that's already in the works. Nintendo pretty much has Sega in their corner of the industry, and they've gotten Game Gear on the 3DS, and Genesis and Saturn on the Wii.