I'm sorry guys, it was a rough month. www.google.com/search?rlz=1C5CHFA_enGB854GB854&sxsrf=ALeKk001wESkdhDkn5kFQKNlNg5nolO-Jg%3A1615835554356&ei=orFPYPCuFYCAhbIPy5C04AY&q=mjolnir+pronunciation&oq=mjolnir+&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAEYBDIECAAQQzIECAAQQzIECAAQQzIECAAQQzIECAAQQzIECAAQQzIECAAQQzICCAAyCggAEIcCELEDEBQyBAgAEEM6BAgAEEdQrwNYrwNgnBBoAHADeACAAf4BiAHyApIBBTAuMS4xmAEAoAEBqgEHZ3dzLXdpesgBCMABAQ&sclient=gws-wiz
Not really. The point of old man Steve is for two things. 1, the actor needs a break from playing the character, and they want to leave the possibility of him coming back. 2, old man Steve is going to be Commander Rodgers, a depowered version of Cap that has a bigger role at Shield as an officer rather than field agent.
Stan Lee was actually SUPPOSED to play old Steve, and that's why he always knew what was going on and commented on it all. It's so sad that he passed before it could be fully realized.
I would actually like that, because the MCU is opening itself to the multiverse, so it could be a nice little cameo, but only if Chris Evans wanted to.
When the cast kept joking about someone wearing padded suits because they didn’t bulk up enough Im fairly sure it was Chris Evans. On numerous occasions he stated that he reeeeeeeaaay didn’t like having to bulk up and who can blame him? Yoyoing your weight and muscle mass like that is very unhealthy and I’d imagine increasingly unpleasant as one gets older. There were rumors years ago before Infinity War that he wanted out and wouldn’t be renewing his contract and Im glad he did. Limiting artists-in this case the Russos-with a hard limit (Chris leaving the franchise) frequently yields up much better stories than if they continued to string the audience and actor along. Cap got a beautiful sendoff and I doubt they will bring Chris back beyond perhaps a small cameo on the phone or something since his old age makeup was enhanced with CG. Disney still gave everyone TV budgets so Falcon and The Winter Soldier will probably be very tightly scripted and the stunts will be fantastic but no helicarriers. Sorry for the rant. The only thing I didn’t like about his sendoff was that Hayley Atwell didn’t get any lines since this was her sendoff as well.
I don’t mind if he’s back in a flashback or a vision or parallel universe just as long as it’s nothing that’s after the chronological timeline of Steve in Endgame and doesn’t ruin the ending he got in that film
I agree. As long as if Marvel doesn’t ruined Cap’s story and instead bring Chris Evans back for a different Cap for another universe instead. Maybe the one old man cap is from
I swear. Cap was so underrated. Everyone I talked too is like "Cap is boring" Uhhhh what? He was one of the most interesting characters. Makes me mad when I hear that lol
I'm personally not a fan of his character but I definitely agree there's no way anyone can argue he's boring or uninteresting. Even as some one who's not his biggest fan I can see how well written he is
I think people say that he's boring because his stories tend to be the more mature ones. Most characters solo movies are more fun and they save the seriousness for Avengers movies. Cap's solo movies are the more mature ones.
He represents the stereotypical superhero which is not inherently broing. I think we've just seen too many of these heroes and got bored of them like you would of an old toy perhaps
Couldn't the rumors be slightly wrong, and he's actually coming back as The Human Torch due to all the other 'universe' characters such as Doc Ock being in Spiderman 3.
@Ewan Callister I read the article, but they never give any clear cut reasoning to them believing it's cap, other than being his major role in the franchise and thus being the natural connection. The news was his return to the MCU potentially, but it could in fact be for another role.
Noooooooo hope that won’t happen I don’t wanna see Evans return o the MCU or a marvel role for a long time otherwise seeing him again would make it feel like he never left.
@JGFFOX That does sound pretty sick. Yeah I think the internet’s knee jerk reaction of going ‘Tom Holland is gonna cameo in Spider-Man 3’ is gonna age so badly once the film actually comes out
@@FullFatVideos he got old and then came back in the comics. His Loki verse counterpart is still out there...no back story? you want him to not come back and stay retired? I don’t think he will.
I'm happy Cap got his ending with Peggy. It's poetic. The man who was seventy years late to his date finally had the chance to have a normal life with his love Peggy. And when I saw them dance at the end of the movie I cried.
Steve Rogers deserve his closure. Him being with Peggy before turning old should be enough. Chris Evans should be done with the MCU, and he shouldn't come back.
I could see him as a anti hero be part of something bigger like worry about the world and doing whatever it takes to have it alive even if other worlds die
I really hope he doesnt come back to play captain america, he got his closure already, but if its like flashbacks to possibly establish wolverine as a howling commando back in WW2 then sure
I don’t really like it tbh. It breaks the laws of time travel that the movie sets for itself, either changing the past or bringing the characters into the universe where Steve never went into ice. And that means he’s with an agent carter from a different universe than the one that the MCU events took place in. It just doesn’t make much sense and it doesn’t feel worth it. Phase four will bring some ugly stuff and now Steve Rogers will be an old man. Plus Peggy had her own family and grandchildren when Steve went in the ice, and captain America just made sure all those people were never born.
I really think Cap would have a hard time watching all the events unfold (hydra and all the death since he went in ice) without doing anything. It's not in his character to stand aside for 60+ years without lifting a finger to help.
Thank you. It's like Halo. We all loved Johnson in Halo. But i have seen this talk of "He was infected with the flood but his Spartan 1 augmentations interfered with the infection resulting in him gaining above human level regenerative abilities" and to be honest in Halo Infinite i expect it to be the big surprise. Still welcome but will take away from one of the highs of Halo 3
@@redd-jb- Korra had a meh ending, but that's not what I mean. ATLA had an ending that didn't need to be continued, at least not in a way that denigrated the characters/lore of the original
THANK YOU for defending Steve's ending so beautifully. I remember your prediction video was exactly what I hoped they'd do with Steve's arc, but wasn't confident we'd get. It's the perfect ending for his arc and it's frustrating that so many people think it's out of character. Yes, Steve has said that he can't walk away from a situation going south, but after literally saving the universe by bringing back half of all life, he has earned the right to let other people take up the fight. He's tired, he's suffered, and the Avengers are back to keep the universe safe. Why can't we let Steve have the happy ending he deserves?
I wouldn't mind a cameo of Steve as an old man enjoying his retirement. Perhaps Sam and Bucky can go to find him for a word of wisdom or something in the future.
@@Jose-se9pu I prefer they show him passing away with Sam and Bucky on his side at the beginning of the Falcon & Winter Soldier show. But a funeral wouldn't be that bad either.
I think the most tasteful way to bring Cap back if they wanted to would be in some flashbacks during Falcon and Winter Soldier as Sam Wilson grows into his new role
I mean, if you drop the negative connotation, it was selfish. Selfish just implies a choice based on the cost of someone else, prioritizing yourself over others. What cap did was that he took off his armor, that is him prioritizing himself over others. If you do not join the conscription, knowing someone else will do it, that is still a selfish choice. Again, if this for some reason needs to be repeated, that does not make this a bad decision, just selfish.
Respectfully disagree about El Camino, just compare how Jesse looks at the end of Breaking Bad to the one at the end of El Camino. He looks healed, it wasn't just about him crossing the border, it was about healing and dealing with PTSD. The Take did a really good video on it.
I definitely understand Matt's point, but I personally enjoyed El Camino as well. I didn't feel that it added anything super substantial, but I prefer that to something that would have added a lot thereby making Breaking Bad seem incomplete. El Camino just feels like an epilogue rather than a whole new required story.
While in theory I agree with this I don't like el camino. Mostly because Jesse kills 2 men in el camino. Sure its in (sort of) self defence. But remembering how f'ed up Jesse was when he killed Gale it seems weird that Jesse now gets into a shootout en kills 2 men only to have no (extra) emotional fallout from this.
@Mickey Mouse That is right. i had forgotten about the cartel. I hadnt seen Breaking bad in a while when i saw El Camino. I still think the shooting in the movie is a bit over the top for Jesse but perhaps i do have the wrong Jesse in my head.
Did anyone else think Jesse laughing hysterically at the end of BB was NOT because he was happy? It felt like he was completely Breaking Down. Full Fat did not get it.
I don’t think El Camino earns that healing though. He has very severe PTSD at the beginning of the film, to the point where he nearly shoots his two closest friends because he’s having a panic attack/flashback, but then he takes a shower and his trauma seems to have completely gone away. He had no moments of trauma like that ever again in the movie. There’s nothing that happens to Jesse that relates to overcoming his grief or trauma either. He goes to Todd, his captors house, but that’s just to find his money. He has a nice little reconciliation with his parents, but that alone wouldn’t heal all of his wounds since his trauma spans way beyond their scope. Neil Kandy is also tied to Jesse’s captivity, being responsible for the construction of the rig that held him prisoner, but that also doesn’t lead to much growth or healing. That entire detail feels like an afterthought even and could have been removed without any real change to the plot. Jesse essentially just strong arms his way into a deal about sharing Todd’s money. Then he realizes that his cut isn’t enough so he goes back and bargains for more. Ultimately, he is forced to result in shooting/killing Neil for the money. I guess you could say he stood up fought for himself, but he already did that in the series finale of BrBa when he refuses to kill Walt, signifying that he no longer has to do Walt’s dirty work. None of the flashbacks can contribute to Jesse’s healing either since those all take place before or during his traumatic experiences. All the flashbacks really amount to are vague prophecies for Jesse’s future life in Alaska or to reiterate details we already knew from the show. I’m really glad you and many others seem to really enjoy El Camino, but I have to agree with Full Flat Videos and say that I found it mostly uninteresting and redundant. I’m a MASSIVE fan of both Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul (as I’m sure you can tell from my profile), so I wanted nothing more than to love this, but I’ve watched it 4 or 5 times with a different, open mindsets each time and I’ve been disappointed every time.
I wholeheartedly agree. You can't have everything forever. Cap's story ended on a high note, let's keep it that way. Good video! PS: The way you say premiere gives me life :)
agreed we rarely got a superheroes theme and end it with high note like this, i dont want they breaking it... give others the spot light too instead bring back capt, why not use those energy resource finding idea to make capt marvel a better char before incoming Avengers movie, make that char likeable, now the fandom kinda seprated on capt marvel... i hate it...
I also like the idea of seeing Cap explain to Bucky what his plan for going back in time was. That little head nod from Bucky to Sam is really missable in Endgame.
That timeline must be really weird.....I mean Imagine being the 2nd Steve trapped in the ice until 2011, only to be told you were already alive and with Peggy.
love the head cannon that cap, in the past, in his old age starts a television show with the aim to educate and raise children to be better and kinder, and becomes known to everyone again as Mr. Rogers
The 1970s scene where Steve clenches his jaw and hold himself back when he saw Peggy still haunts me. He got the perfect ending, although to be honest I want to see some snippets of him going back in the past and adjusting in her world.
The thing about Jessie's ending in Breaking Bad is that we only saw him drive away. We never saw him cross the border or get to safety. El Camino did away with the uncertainty and confirmed the happy ending. Needed? Maybe, maybe not. But I liked knowing how it went down.
Yeah most people I saw assumed he just got caught by the police after the end of the show. Personally el Camino felt more about him coming to peace with himself as at the end of breaking bad he is more or less just broken
I'd love it if there were an action scene in F&TWS shot entirely in Sam's POV. I like watching GoPro footage from cameras attached to eagles so this would be the action equivalent
I absolutely wouldn't mind seeing him as an older mentor for future generations. Neither would I mind seeing other multiversal versions of him as long as they don't mess with the original and are different enough to warrant their own story arc. I don't get it when someone claims that would ruin the character when it'd literally be a different character. Sometimes I feel like people aren't ready for the multiverse stuff at all.
Yeah exactly. Especially with Doctor Strange Multiverse of Madness and the what if series coming out we could see a different cap or he could play a more supporting role to Sam and Bucky
Love this video and completely agree. But I also love how you gave Sam Wilson his credit for becoming Captain America as well, because that's the magic of the MCU for me, being able to grow a character over a decade or more and take them from a "meh, they're okay" reception to the absolute love and adoration they have now. Everyone forgets Cap and Thor's first movies were not amazingly recieved at the time, only with hindsight. Let's hope Sam and Bucky get an Endgame moment somewhere down the line, cause they deserve it.
People who cry about Bucky not becoming the new cap are either: 1. Upset about Sam becoming cap for... “reasons”. Or 2. Completely ignoring the reason Bucky can’t become the new Captain America. His past and his still relatively broken psyche. Not to mention his lack of familiarity with the modern world unlike Sam. Steve chose Sam for a good reason, and it seems that reason was discussed with Bucky way beforehand.
It seemed dumb to me in Endgame as Bucky actually is enhanced and also was his day 1 G, it does seem a bit like him being undercut there, but yeah Sam is probably a more grounded person I can see him being the choice for that reason.
@@thegamingrhino5864 His arc hasn’t finished yet, he’s still got a lot to figure out and resolve. But yeah once his arc is over I’d love to see him return to the same time Steve did so that they can be buddies together again.
How does having a broken psyche bar him from becoming captain America? Also, Steve had a lack of familiarity with the modern world as well. There was no reason not to give Bucky the shield.
I'm actually pretty hyped to see a Reeves as a new batman. The trailer was awesome, and it looks like it is going to tell a really grounded story with just enough comic book wackiness to make it amazing.
Honestly, I don't want them messed up the good character ending of Cap in Endgame that he finally deserved. But I wouldn't mind if Cap cameo or act as a side character along side in Black Widow sequel from Natasha perspective to tell us what they have been doing in those years as secret avenger after Civil War. Or what they have gone through during those years of post-Thanos-snap event in Black Widow 3 or something, and how Natasha handle her PTSD and how Cap help her in the process and end up helping more survivors with PTSD too. That might be touching too. They can also can reveal some additional easter egg in the sequel movies that Cap play as cameo which might link to Falcon and Winter Soldier series and that might be fun too for a new phase of MCU.
2:30 well he’s actually like near 200 by then. Consider the time he froze in the ice. By 2012 he had been frozen for almost 70 years. Consider his time into the future plus him reliving the 70 years he missed. Plus add that to the age he was in the first movie, so he has to be near 200 by then.
6:35 I just want to commend you on your usage of Goldblum in this moment, that was expertly done. After watching a bunch of your other videos, I'd expect nothing less, I'm very glad I discovered your channel this morning.
10:24 Yeah, I'm getting really choked up too. That was fucking beautiful, I wish I had better words to describe how moving and emotional this whole journey, both the characters and the actors, has been.
I absolutely agree with you about Cap's ending, and I'm confused as to why some people are offended by it. It's pretty similar to the end of Woody's arc in Toy Story 4: A character that spends their whole life taking care of others finally finds happiness and closure in being taken care of by someone else. After all Cap did, he deserved to be happy, and Bucky, his best friend, would obviously want that for him even if it meant giving him up. And to those same offended people: Cap staying with Peggy didn't 'erase' her future husband/kids. It started another parallel timeline, which happens all the time in the multiverse. Just let the man have his happy ending lol
Its actually a crime your so underrated. Your analysises are unique and entertaining and your personality and charisma always have me chuckling. Keep up the good work and i wish you the best!
I'm 80% sure he's coming back, with Marvel they always tell their cast member to deny incomplete deals or rumors but they usually turn out to be true in some fashion. He's probably not getting another movie, but like the actual comic that this universe is built on he will show up in a cameo in some way down the line. And even if he does get a movie or limited series of something, it would likely cover his time in the past and would ruin his emotional journey but could fuck with the timelines etc.
One of the things I’ve always wondered is what Bucky thinks of Sam getting the shield. He was Steve’s best friend, his right-hand man, his ride-or-die, and instead the man gave it to this other guy he’d met only a few years back. But, in the back of his mind, I think Bucky would beat himself up, telling himself of course he doesn’t deserve the shield, he tried to kill Steve and caused him all that trouble in the Civil War. I can imagine Bucky’s dam of emotions finally breaking as he experiences a full in breakdown in one of the episodes, and all centered around the shield and the title of Captain America.
Everyone: “Cap’s story arc landed the finale perfectly, it was a good send off to the character.” My sister: crying her eyes out upset her favorite crush is gone like an absolute Yanderé almost.
I wouldn’t mind seeing Steve Rogers’ Cap back in the MCU but ONLY if he’s just doing more of those PSAs like in Spider-Man Homecoming. Just a quick cameo of “prerecorded” footage of Steve Rogers giving off PSAs in a very cringey video (complete with him sitting in the chair backwards). That’s the only acceptable way to bring Steve Rogers back to the MCU.
A lot of movie franchises don't give enough closure and maybe feel 'pressured' into keep on giving the big names their time, so it feels great when someone worthy gets it. I wouldn;t mind the odd cameo here and there, maybe in alt universes, but I think he;s had his time and done everything he could possibly do, so it;'s now time to give other people the chance to shine! Good video as always!
Lol I felt like I was getting gaslighted and starting to doubt whether it actually was Mjölnir. He does so much research and clearly knows a lot about these movies and yet he stuffs that up? Weird
I have a sense for when an ad is coming, the moment you mentioned his hair I skipped forward because I knew the ad that was coming. other than that, this a great video, keep up the good work!
Great video, I definitely think we should wait for his return and see how it's conducted before we criticize Marvel Studios and judge them for not taking risks when it could literally a 5 minute return.
My biggest beef with Endgame was they ruined Caps " I can do this all day" line. I was convinced to the last second, we would get a scene with him on the dancefloor with peggy and he just whispers it to her.
thank GAWD that it was just a sad rumour. I mean I cried over your re-"Cap"(heheh see what i did there) of Steve Rogers arc. I can't imagine anything better or more emotionally resonant than what has already been gifted. We should just quit while the multi-verse is ahead.
Prisoner of the Judoon is a great example of how you don't want to do multiple versions of a character, Martin being better only highlights the short comings of how 13 is written.
In the comics, only Steve ever gets the serum. Even when Bucky or Sam took over the Capt. America mantle. It's also why, inevitably, Steve always comes back.
I am so happy that Cap got a happy ending. But I wanted to see the reunion with Peggy when it happened. Like she's sitting at the club when they were supposed to have their dancing date, and she's sad and watching the couples dance. Then someone asks her to dance, she turns to look at them and starts to say no, but it's Cap. And he reminds her that she'll need to show him how, then they're dancing in with the other couples. I totally agree with you about Falcon. I love Falcon. I adore Anthony Mackie. I was totally thrilled that he got the shield and I can't wait to see him use it! But no, other than maybe Old Cap having dinner with him, I want to think about Cap having any film ending that takes away from what he already has.
“His best was enough. And he’s already given it. The new (can’t tell if you said gods or guards there) are more than equipped to take care of it.” I thought almost those exact same words about Iron Man’s death when I just recently re-watched the entire MCU; because I’m an up and coming actor and I want to get into the genre. Although in my opinion I’d say Iron Man’s comeuppance at the end of Endgame was much less what should have happened to him.
@@FullFatVideos oh I agree with you, Sam makes infinitely more sense in the films. Being bummed out isn't often based on sense, though. I think that's where this tendency of folks getting so butthurt stems from, in most cases. That's across the board, not restricted to shit involving space wizards and supermen
@@FullFatVideos I think it would have worked for Bucky. The reason I say that is cause what exactly is the point of falcon having the shield, is he just going to fly, throw the shield and then realise he has to go collect it from the ground and also he doesn't have super human strength, that's why cap could throw it so far, falcon will be able to throw it like 3 metres, whereas Bucky has a metal arm and can throw the shield far.
I know what you mean. I liked the spin of a Captain America who was taking up the mantle to atone for past sins, who was more cynical than Steve. I like Bucky in general as a character more than Sam, and I liked Bucky's run as Cap better than Sam's in the comics, but I do agree that Sam makes more sense for the MCU.
I think Bucky will eventually become Cap just like in the comics. But MCU Bucky is severely damaged still at the end of Endgame. He hasn't dealt with his past sins & he isn't even sure if he can control himself. I think the show will deal with Bucky really moving on & becoming a better person in honor of Steve. MCU Bucky will grow to become worthy of the shield. MCU Sam already is.
Cap returned with peggy to the year 1949 at the end of avengers endgame. Peggy got married in 1953, so the statement that Cap returned and didn’t care that she already had a husband and children is not valid. I find it very stupid when I see people on tiktok making this an excuse why the end of Steve was not good. Steve's ending was worthy of his character, he deserved to have a happy ending with the woman he loved.
Captain America is my favorite Marvel character and I love how things ended for him in Endgame. I think some cameos here and there might be fine but Steve Rogers as a character has earned his break. Let Sam carry the mantle now.
Cap is easily both the heart & soul of the avengers, and the glue. He understands what they do more than anyone. He understands you cant save everyone, but that wont stop him from trying. He understands why some people do what they do, but thats not an excuse. He always knows the best course of action to take. Hes got EVERYBODIES hearts & minds on his mind when hes out there avenging.
I loved Steve’s entire arc and that finale but it would be cool to see him one more time as Old Man Cap, or perhaps a peak into his adventures returning the infinity stones.
Thank you for pointing out the Red White and Blue of Falcon and Winter Soldiers costumes. This was very intentional and I can’t wait to see these two become the new captain america
I'm sorry guys, it was a rough month. www.google.com/search?rlz=1C5CHFA_enGB854GB854&sxsrf=ALeKk001wESkdhDkn5kFQKNlNg5nolO-Jg%3A1615835554356&ei=orFPYPCuFYCAhbIPy5C04AY&q=mjolnir+pronunciation&oq=mjolnir+&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAEYBDIECAAQQzIECAAQQzIECAAQQzIECAAQQzIECAAQQzIECAAQQzIECAAQQzICCAAyCggAEIcCELEDEBQyBAgAEEM6BAgAEEdQrwNYrwNgnBBoAHADeACAAf4BiAHyApIBBTAuMS4xmAEAoAEBqgEHZ3dzLXdpesgBCMABAQ&sclient=gws-wiz
It's okay.
Welp he has said he would come back if the story right in 2020 but he's taking a break doing other movies.
Was about to comment XD
Same, except it’s been a rough like 4 months for me.
Cap should be the new Stan Lee, we’ll just see him in his old man form sitting around commenting on what’s going on
That's an amazing idea
Not really. The point of old man Steve is for two things. 1, the actor needs a break from playing the character, and they want to leave the possibility of him coming back.
2, old man Steve is going to be Commander Rodgers, a depowered version of Cap that has a bigger role at Shield as an officer rather than field agent.
Exactly! Have him cameo in the movies like Stan Lee did so Chris Evans can get his revenue, while also keeping Captain America's story wrapped up.
I am pretty Sure Steve died in Winter soldier and Falcon. You can see the clue's in the recent trailer
Stan Lee was actually SUPPOSED to play old Steve, and that's why he always knew what was going on and commented on it all. It's so sad that he passed before it could be fully realized.
I've said it before,
If Cap does come back, it should only be as a cameo as an old man out-jogging a younger runner, like he did with Sam.
That would be really funny.
@DaBomb8493 Do you mean Pietro or Peter Parker?
Probably Peter Parker. Though he could also mean Peter Quill.
I feel like that would be a hard thing to naturally put in a film.
@@Cnut_the_grape guy runs by “On your left.” Scene. 😂
News to him playing cap, but what if he came back as Johnny Storm. Lol.
I would actually like that, because the MCU is opening itself to the multiverse, so it could be a nice little cameo, but only if Chris Evans wanted to.
@@toast99bubbles He did do Not Another Teen Movie, so you know he's up for a lot of things. 🍌
I think that was hinted at .. im sure they'll drop that cameo at some point.
That would be amazing. Could do it as a cameo in Deadpool 3
When the cast kept joking about someone wearing padded suits because they didn’t bulk up enough Im fairly sure it was Chris Evans. On numerous occasions he stated that he reeeeeeeaaay didn’t like having to bulk up and who can blame him? Yoyoing your weight and muscle mass like that is very unhealthy and I’d imagine increasingly unpleasant as one gets older. There were rumors years ago before Infinity War that he wanted out and wouldn’t be renewing his contract and Im glad he did. Limiting artists-in this case the Russos-with a hard limit (Chris leaving the franchise) frequently yields up much better stories than if they continued to string the audience and actor along. Cap got a beautiful sendoff and I doubt they will bring Chris back beyond perhaps a small cameo on the phone or something since his old age makeup was enhanced with CG. Disney still gave everyone TV budgets so Falcon and The Winter Soldier will probably be very tightly scripted and the stunts will be fantastic but no helicarriers.
Sorry for the rant. The only thing I didn’t like about his sendoff was that Hayley Atwell didn’t get any lines since this was her sendoff as well.
I don’t mind if he’s back in a flashback or a vision or parallel universe just as long as it’s nothing that’s after the chronological timeline of Steve in Endgame and doesn’t ruin the ending he got in that film
I agree. As long as if Marvel doesn’t ruined Cap’s story and instead bring Chris Evans back for a different Cap for another universe instead. Maybe the one old man cap is from
We could see a different universe where Cap finally truly defeats Hydra and where he and Fury create a new, different Avengers
Thats what I’m hoping for too
My Grandfather died 2 weeks shy of 97. He didn't even have a bald spot.
What a legend!
He must've used Keep
Keep for sure
Based Gramps
I swear. Cap was so underrated. Everyone I talked too is like "Cap is boring" Uhhhh what? He was one of the most interesting characters. Makes me mad when I hear that lol
I'm personally not a fan of his character but I definitely agree there's no way anyone can argue he's boring or uninteresting. Even as some one who's not his biggest fan I can see how well written he is
I think people say that he's boring because his stories tend to be the more mature ones. Most characters solo movies are more fun and they save the seriousness for Avengers movies. Cap's solo movies are the more mature ones.
He represents the stereotypical superhero which is not inherently broing. I think we've just seen too many of these heroes and got bored of them like you would of an old toy perhaps
I never heard someone say that cap is boring
@@dedpaan Agreed, he has one of the biggest fandoms wtf
Couldn't the rumors be slightly wrong, and he's actually coming back as The Human Torch due to all the other 'universe' characters such as Doc Ock being in Spiderman 3.
@Ewan Callister I read the article, but they never give any clear cut reasoning to them believing it's cap, other than being his major role in the franchise and thus being the natural connection. The news was his return to the MCU potentially, but it could in fact be for another role.
Noooooooo hope that won’t happen I don’t wanna see Evans return o the MCU or a marvel role for a long time otherwise seeing him again would make it feel like he never left.
@JGFFOX yeah apparently it’s gonna be very much Tom Holland’s film still, with the other Spider-Man playing small rolls, i reckon only in the end
@JGFFOX That does sound pretty sick. Yeah I think the internet’s knee jerk reaction of going ‘Tom Holland is gonna cameo in Spider-Man 3’ is gonna age so badly once the film actually comes out
@JGFFOX Foxx won't be blue? Hmm.. will his front teeth's gap be fixed by magical electric eels, though?
Honestly they'll leave Steve Happy for now but they'll probably use his multiverse counterparts to death for money😭
I certainly hope not! It would just degrade the ending
i think its a confused rumour, chris is coming back to play steve in the ‘what if’ series, thats all
@@FunPuns Multiverse counterparts are going to sell some cool toys😎
@@FullFatVideos he got old and then came back in the comics. His Loki verse counterpart is still out there...no back story? you want him to not come back and stay retired? I don’t think he will.
I'm afraid they might do that...lets trust the actors's integrity to just say "no"
I still can't get over the fact that old Cap looks like Biden
Noooo stop!!!! Why did you do this to me!!!! I cant unsee it!!!!
Neither can I.
Dude I thought I was the only one lmao
So wouldn't that make the former guy, the Red Skull? ;)
Well, orange at least. ;)
"I could do this all, um, uh, what was I saying?"
I'm happy Cap got his ending with Peggy. It's poetic. The man who was seventy years late to his date finally had the chance to have a normal life with his love Peggy. And when I saw them dance at the end of the movie I cried.
Steve Rogers deserve his closure. Him being with Peggy before turning old should be enough. Chris Evans should be done with the MCU, and he shouldn't come back.
I think he could come back as long as he doesn't play the same cap/character
@@captaingobbletron5870 imagine if old Chris evans looks like old cap
I could see him as a anti hero be part of something bigger like worry about the world and doing whatever it takes to have it alive even if other worlds die
Think he might come back as Cap in Black Panther 2 to pay tribute to Chadwick Boseman aka Tchalla in the film
I really hope he doesnt come back to play captain america, he got his closure already, but if its like flashbacks to possibly establish wolverine as a howling commando back in WW2 then sure
Yeah let him be with Peggy, I feel he completed his arc in Endgame
Thematically, it makes sense. Now it's Sam's time to shine.
Bruh I read that as "Let him be Peggy " lmaooo
@@mustafaalnaeem27 lmao
I don’t really like it tbh. It breaks the laws of time travel that the movie sets for itself, either changing the past or bringing the characters into the universe where Steve never went into ice. And that means he’s with an agent carter from a different universe than the one that the MCU events took place in. It just doesn’t make much sense and it doesn’t feel worth it. Phase four will bring some ugly stuff and now Steve Rogers will be an old man. Plus Peggy had her own family and grandchildren when Steve went in the ice, and captain America just made sure all those people were never born.
I really think Cap would have a hard time watching all the events unfold (hydra and all the death since he went in ice) without doing anything. It's not in his character to stand aside for 60+ years without lifting a finger to help.
he would definitely help out
Shouldn't Caps staying in the past disrupt the timeline? He would have spent his days running from the TVA.
I don't like endings. But if there's one thing I've learned while trying to be a writer, it's to have respect for _closure._
Definitely. Eureka Seven AO and Legend of Korra (among others) really screwed this up imo.
@@kori228 I thought Korra hadgood ending how did they screwed up?
Thank you. It's like Halo. We all loved Johnson in Halo. But i have seen this talk of "He was infected with the flood but his Spartan 1 augmentations interfered with the infection resulting in him gaining above human level regenerative abilities"
and to be honest in Halo Infinite i expect it to be the big surprise. Still welcome but will take away from one of the highs of Halo 3
This sums up a large part about why the Star Wars sequels suck.
@@redd-jb- Korra had a meh ending, but that's not what I mean. ATLA had an ending that didn't need to be continued, at least not in a way that denigrated the characters/lore of the original
THANK YOU for defending Steve's ending so beautifully. I remember your prediction video was exactly what I hoped they'd do with Steve's arc, but wasn't confident we'd get. It's the perfect ending for his arc and it's frustrating that so many people think it's out of character. Yes, Steve has said that he can't walk away from a situation going south, but after literally saving the universe by bringing back half of all life, he has earned the right to let other people take up the fight. He's tired, he's suffered, and the Avengers are back to keep the universe safe. Why can't we let Steve have the happy ending he deserves?
I wouldn't mind a cameo of Steve as an old man enjoying his retirement. Perhaps Sam and Bucky can go to find him for a word of wisdom or something in the future.
Ah yes, I would love that
Saw someone say they should make him the new Stan Lee he just makes a little cameo every movie
Agreed, but he shouldn't be killed off-screen either, I hope we see old Steve Roger once or twice too.
I dunno I think him dying offscreen is sorta fitting since its how Peggy died. Implies he dies of natural causes and sorta peaceful
He was 102 at the end of Endgame, and FFH confirmed he was dead.
The Falcon TV show should start with his funeral, though.
@@MinuteLeech2 Peggy was not a main character. Captain is much more significant.
@@Jose-se9pu I prefer they show him passing away with Sam and Bucky on his side at the beginning of the Falcon & Winter Soldier show. But a funeral wouldn't be that bad either.
@@Ali-bu6lo She had a TV show and is in like, four movies. Obviously she's not Cap or Iron Man, but still.
I think the most tasteful way to bring Cap back if they wanted to would be in some flashbacks during Falcon and Winter Soldier as Sam Wilson grows into his new role
I wouldn't mind if there was a scene in falcon and the winter soldier where sam goes to Steve to ask for advice, I think that would make sense.
I don’t even feel what he did was selfish. It’s selfish to say that he doesn’t have the right to be happy after taking care of his responsibilities
yeah pursuing a desire is not selfish unless he hurt some one
I mean, if you drop the negative connotation, it was selfish. Selfish just implies a choice based on the cost of someone else, prioritizing yourself over others. What cap did was that he took off his armor, that is him prioritizing himself over others. If you do not join the conscription, knowing someone else will do it, that is still a selfish choice. Again, if this for some reason needs to be repeated, that does not make this a bad decision, just selfish.
@@TheAwesomoe facts but at least his selfishness was justified. He became selfish *after* he was done with the job
@@dreww304 for sure, there's more to life than servitude.
Respectfully disagree about El Camino, just compare how Jesse looks at the end of Breaking Bad to the one at the end of El Camino. He looks healed, it wasn't just about him crossing the border, it was about healing and dealing with PTSD. The Take did a really good video on it.
I definitely understand Matt's point, but I personally enjoyed El Camino as well. I didn't feel that it added anything super substantial, but I prefer that to something that would have added a lot thereby making Breaking Bad seem incomplete. El Camino just feels like an epilogue rather than a whole new required story.
While in theory I agree with this I don't like el camino. Mostly because Jesse kills 2 men in el camino. Sure its in (sort of) self defence. But remembering how f'ed up Jesse was when he killed Gale it seems weird that Jesse now gets into a shootout en kills 2 men only to have no (extra) emotional fallout from this.
@Mickey Mouse That is right. i had forgotten about the cartel. I hadnt seen Breaking bad in a while when i saw El Camino. I still think the shooting in the movie is a bit over the top for Jesse but perhaps i do have the wrong Jesse in my head.
Did anyone else think Jesse laughing hysterically at the end of BB was NOT because he was happy? It felt like he was completely Breaking Down. Full Fat did not get it.
I don’t think El Camino earns that healing though. He has very severe PTSD at the beginning of the film, to the point where he nearly shoots his two closest friends because he’s having a panic attack/flashback, but then he takes a shower and his trauma seems to have completely gone away. He had no moments of trauma like that ever again in the movie. There’s nothing that happens to Jesse that relates to overcoming his grief or trauma either. He goes to Todd, his captors house, but that’s just to find his money. He has a nice little reconciliation with his parents, but that alone wouldn’t heal all of his wounds since his trauma spans way beyond their scope. Neil Kandy is also tied to Jesse’s captivity, being responsible for the construction of the rig that held him prisoner, but that also doesn’t lead to much growth or healing. That entire detail feels like an afterthought even and could have been removed without any real change to the plot. Jesse essentially just strong arms his way into a deal about sharing Todd’s money. Then he realizes that his cut isn’t enough so he goes back and bargains for more. Ultimately, he is forced to result in shooting/killing Neil for the money. I guess you could say he stood up fought for himself, but he already did that in the series finale of BrBa when he refuses to kill Walt, signifying that he no longer has to do Walt’s dirty work.
None of the flashbacks can contribute to Jesse’s healing either since those all take place before or during his traumatic experiences. All the flashbacks really amount to are vague prophecies for Jesse’s future life in Alaska or to reiterate details we already knew from the show. I’m really glad you and many others seem to really enjoy El Camino, but I have to agree with Full Flat Videos and say that I found it mostly uninteresting and redundant. I’m a MASSIVE fan of both Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul (as I’m sure you can tell from my profile), so I wanted nothing more than to love this, but I’ve watched it 4 or 5 times with a different, open mindsets each time and I’ve been disappointed every time.
Chris Evans directing Falcon and the Winter Soldier would be awesome.
I don't think give him something that big for his first feature, they should give him something more disposable, like Inhumans
a great actor does not necessarily make a great director
@@Kdot6_16 >inhumans
Well, the they treated it, they sure as hell agree with you tard
@@FredMaverik why the tard
I like your pfp
I mean, having Cap show up in a Weapon X flashback would be really cool. It could tie the universe together really well
No wonder the Nazi's lost. Wolverine and Cap for fuck sakes!
If he comes back it should just be a small part as the old man he became at the end of Endgame.
I wholeheartedly agree. You can't have everything forever. Cap's story ended on a high note, let's keep it that way. Good video!
PS: The way you say premiere gives me life :)
agreed we rarely got a superheroes theme and end it with high note like this, i dont want they breaking it... give others the spot light too instead bring back capt, why not use those energy resource finding idea to make capt marvel a better char before incoming Avengers movie, make that char likeable, now the fandom kinda seprated on capt marvel... i hate it...
I'd really only want him to come back to be in WWll wolverine movie and have it take place during the first avenger
Okay that could work
I also like the idea of seeing Cap explain to Bucky what his plan for going back in time was. That little head nod from Bucky to Sam is really missable in Endgame.
@@leviswranglers2813 Cap going back in time with his knowledge.. does he rescue Bucky from the Soviets?
@@jamiestewart48 No. Also, the germans
That would be awesome
You’re telling me I get to watch a Full Fat video on the bus to work? Best Friday ever!
That timeline must be really weird.....I mean Imagine being the 2nd Steve trapped in the ice until 2011, only to be told you were already alive and with Peggy.
love the head cannon that cap, in the past, in his old age starts a television show with the aim to educate and raise children to be better and kinder, and becomes known to everyone again as Mr. Rogers
I mean, if he came for What If...? I could get behind it.
The 1970s scene where Steve clenches his jaw and hold himself back when he saw Peggy still haunts me. He got the perfect ending, although to be honest I want to see some snippets of him going back in the past and adjusting in her world.
The thing about Jessie's ending in Breaking Bad is that we only saw him drive away. We never saw him cross the border or get to safety. El Camino did away with the uncertainty and confirmed the happy ending. Needed? Maybe, maybe not. But I liked knowing how it went down.
Yeah most people I saw assumed he just got caught by the police after the end of the show. Personally el Camino felt more about him coming to peace with himself as at the end of breaking bad he is more or less just broken
The smile on Bucky's face...Steve already told him what he wanted to do..now that he knew there was a way, Bucky understood.
I'd love it if there were an action scene in F&TWS shot entirely in Sam's POV. I like watching GoPro footage from cameras attached to eagles so this would be the action equivalent
Damn Matt that cap beard be lookin’ fine
A Cap Beard?! Why thank you
@@FullFatVideos “I see you’ve copied his beard”
Now Chris Evans can go play the Marvel Character that was meant for him:
Johnny Storm.
Isn't he the president now?
@Failingpepper 11 it’s a joke because old cap looks like Joe Biden
That's what I was thinking as well lol
They do look very eerily alike
I absolutely wouldn't mind seeing him as an older mentor for future generations.
Neither would I mind seeing other multiversal versions of him as long as they don't mess with the original and are different enough to warrant their own story arc.
I don't get it when someone claims that would ruin the character when it'd literally be a different character. Sometimes I feel like people aren't ready for the multiverse stuff at all.
Yeah exactly. Especially with Doctor Strange Multiverse of Madness and the what if series coming out we could see a different cap or he could play a more supporting role to Sam and Bucky
Love this video and completely agree. But I also love how you gave Sam Wilson his credit for becoming Captain America as well, because that's the magic of the MCU for me, being able to grow a character over a decade or more and take them from a "meh, they're okay" reception to the absolute love and adoration they have now. Everyone forgets Cap and Thor's first movies were not amazingly recieved at the time, only with hindsight. Let's hope Sam and Bucky get an Endgame moment somewhere down the line, cause they deserve it.
People who cry about Bucky not becoming the new cap are either:
1. Upset about Sam becoming cap for... “reasons”.
2. Completely ignoring the reason Bucky can’t become the new Captain America. His past and his still relatively broken psyche. Not to mention his lack of familiarity with the modern world unlike Sam. Steve chose Sam for a good reason, and it seems that reason was discussed with Bucky way beforehand.
Anyone who uses their times bitching online all the time about this are def feeling option 1. Comicsgate bastards sucks.
It seemed dumb to me in Endgame as Bucky actually is enhanced and also was his day 1 G, it does seem a bit like him being undercut there, but yeah Sam is probably a more grounded person I can see him being the choice for that reason.
I just want bucky to also go back to the 40s
@@thegamingrhino5864 His arc hasn’t finished yet, he’s still got a lot to figure out and resolve.
But yeah once his arc is over I’d love to see him return to the same time Steve did so that they can be buddies together again.
How does having a broken psyche bar him from becoming captain America? Also, Steve had a lack of familiarity with the modern world as well. There was no reason not to give Bucky the shield.
I'm actually pretty hyped to see a Reeves as a new batman. The trailer was awesome, and it looks like it is going to tell a really grounded story with just enough comic book wackiness to make it amazing.
Honestly, I don't want them messed up the good character ending of Cap in Endgame that he finally deserved.
But I wouldn't mind if Cap cameo or act as a side character along side in Black Widow sequel from Natasha perspective to tell us what they have been doing in those years as secret avenger after Civil War.
Or what they have gone through during those years of post-Thanos-snap event in Black Widow 3 or something, and how Natasha handle her PTSD and how Cap help her in the process and end up helping more survivors with PTSD too. That might be touching too.
They can also can reveal some additional easter egg in the sequel movies that Cap play as cameo which might link to Falcon and Winter Soldier series and that might be fun too for a new phase of MCU.
Okay I'm gonna be real, I usually don't like seeing sponsorships in videos, but that was the smoothest transition into one I've ever seen
If he returned as old man cap for a cameo similar to hayley atwell in winter soldier, but cap for steve and chris should be over
2:30 well he’s actually like near 200 by then. Consider the time he froze in the ice. By 2012 he had been frozen for almost 70 years. Consider his time into the future plus him reliving the 70 years he missed. Plus add that to the age he was in the first movie, so he has to be near 200 by then.
is nobody else gonna note how old man steve kinda looks like the current president
Lmao yeah they look strangely similar
6:35 I just want to commend you on your usage of Goldblum in this moment, that was expertly done. After watching a bunch of your other videos, I'd expect nothing less, I'm very glad I discovered your channel this morning.
10:24 Yeah, I'm getting really choked up too. That was fucking beautiful, I wish I had better words to describe how moving and emotional this whole journey, both the characters and the actors, has been.
I absolutely agree with you about Cap's ending, and I'm confused as to why some people are offended by it. It's pretty similar to the end of Woody's arc in Toy Story 4: A character that spends their whole life taking care of others finally finds happiness and closure in being taken care of by someone else. After all Cap did, he deserved to be happy, and Bucky, his best friend, would obviously want that for him even if it meant giving him up.
And to those same offended people: Cap staying with Peggy didn't 'erase' her future husband/kids. It started another parallel timeline, which happens all the time in the multiverse. Just let the man have his happy ending lol
How did you make the sponsor that entertaining? Love the rest of the vid as always of course
love that picture of jesus on your desk mate
He gets me through every edit
@@FullFatVideos Amen. Love your vids dude!
@@alinac5512 ikr kinda gey
@@theYear_project ok, if that is supposed to be "gay" as an insult I recommend you dont use it that way.
Its actually a crime your so underrated. Your analysises are unique and entertaining and your personality and charisma always have me chuckling. Keep up the good work and i wish you the best!
I'm 80% sure he's coming back, with Marvel they always tell their cast member to deny incomplete deals or rumors but they usually turn out to be true in some fashion. He's probably not getting another movie, but like the actual comic that this universe is built on he will show up in a cameo in some way down the line. And even if he does get a movie or limited series of something, it would likely cover his time in the past and would ruin his emotional journey but could fuck with the timelines etc.
One of the things I’ve always wondered is what Bucky thinks of Sam getting the shield. He was Steve’s best friend, his right-hand man, his ride-or-die, and instead the man gave it to this other guy he’d met only a few years back. But, in the back of his mind, I think Bucky would beat himself up, telling himself of course he doesn’t deserve the shield, he tried to kill Steve and caused him all that trouble in the Civil War. I can imagine Bucky’s dam of emotions finally breaking as he experiences a full in breakdown in one of the episodes, and all centered around the shield and the title of Captain America.
If they bring back cap (Steve Rogers), he should only come back as at most as a high ranking Shield officer, or a mentor
Damn I'd do anything to hear that one last 'on your left' for the first time again. One of the greatest film moments ever.
Everyone: “Cap’s story arc landed the finale perfectly, it was a good send off to the character.”
My sister: crying her eyes out upset her favorite crush is gone like an absolute Yanderé almost.
"He stuck the landing".
Exactly. If you paint a perfect painting and hang it n the wall, you don't take it down and start adding stuff.
I still wish Bucky became Captain America
I wouldn’t mind seeing Steve Rogers’ Cap back in the MCU but ONLY if he’s just doing more of those PSAs like in Spider-Man Homecoming. Just a quick cameo of “prerecorded” footage of Steve Rogers giving off PSAs in a very cringey video (complete with him sitting in the chair backwards).
That’s the only acceptable way to bring Steve Rogers back to the MCU.
Peggy pegged him so hard that he had to sit down at the end of endgame
A lot of movie franchises don't give enough closure and maybe feel 'pressured' into keep on giving the big names their time, so it feels great when someone worthy gets it. I wouldn;t mind the odd cameo here and there, maybe in alt universes, but I think he;s had his time and done everything he could possibly do, so it;'s now time to give other people the chance to shine! Good video as always!
The hammer is called Mjölnir, not mjilnor.
Kills me when he says mjilnor
Thank you!!!
I audibly said "what"
Lol I felt like I was getting gaslighted and starting to doubt whether it actually was Mjölnir. He does so much research and clearly knows a lot about these movies and yet he stuffs that up? Weird
You think he’s even seen these movies?
I never noticed that Cap was running support groups like Sam was in Winter Soldier
I would have him become the new nick fury or agent colson that builds or at least sacrifices himself to bring together the new avengers team
Yer but that would be the old man Steve roger actor
I have a sense for when an ad is coming, the moment you mentioned his hair I skipped forward because I knew the ad that was coming. other than that, this a great video, keep up the good work!
Great video, I definitely think we should wait for his return and see how it's conducted before we criticize Marvel Studios and judge them for not taking risks when it could literally a 5 minute return.
I love how in most of your video essays reference Doctor Who, and specifically Steven Moffat. Makes me smile/laugh every time
Just imagine cap saying, 'Hail Hydra'. But this time he's gonna mean it
My biggest beef with Endgame was they ruined Caps " I can do this all day" line. I was convinced to the last second, we would get a scene with him on the dancefloor with peggy and he just whispers it to her.
I really can’t believe they wasted it on a gag
Let me just say I would love to see more cap. Since one of his movies was technically Avengers 2.5
thank GAWD that it was just a sad rumour. I mean I cried over your re-"Cap"(heheh see what i did there) of Steve Rogers arc. I can't imagine anything better or more emotionally resonant than what has already been gifted. We should just quit while the multi-verse is ahead.
Just realised old Steve Rogers looks like Joe Biden
The 'real' reason why Biden won
Can’t say I had noticed that until now either
I ws just thining the same heh
This is what I was looking for xD
Prisoner of the Judoon is a great example of how you don't want to do multiple versions of a character, Martin being better only highlights the short comings of how 13 is written.
But Spider-verse does it right, Peter B plays mentor and then Miles comes into his own. It's a balancing act.
Don't ruin Sam's arc by making him take the serum.
If the past is a different timeline than how did captain America come back without using the time machine.
I noticed in the serum scene of the First Avenger that some slots for serum vials are empty.....
In the comics, only Steve ever gets the serum. Even when Bucky or Sam took over the Capt. America mantle. It's also why, inevitably, Steve always comes back.
I am so happy that Cap got a happy ending. But I wanted to see the reunion with Peggy when it happened. Like she's sitting at the club when they were supposed to have their dancing date, and she's sad and watching the couples dance. Then someone asks her to dance, she turns to look at them and starts to say no, but it's Cap. And he reminds her that she'll need to show him how, then they're dancing in with the other couples.
I totally agree with you about Falcon. I love Falcon. I adore Anthony Mackie. I was totally thrilled that he got the shield and I can't wait to see him use it! But no, other than maybe Old Cap having dinner with him, I want to think about Cap having any film ending that takes away from what he already has.
“His best was enough. And he’s already given it. The new (can’t tell if you said gods or guards there) are more than equipped to take care of it.” I thought almost those exact same words about Iron Man’s death when I just recently re-watched the entire MCU; because I’m an up and coming actor and I want to get into the genre. Although in my opinion I’d say Iron Man’s comeuppance at the end of Endgame was much less what should have happened to him.
It might be cause of the comics I read around 10 years ago, but I'm still disappointed Bucky didn't get the shield
Comics and movies are different beasts. I don't think it would have worked for Bucky to be Cap in the MCU.
@@FullFatVideos oh I agree with you, Sam makes infinitely more sense in the films. Being bummed out isn't often based on sense, though. I think that's where this tendency of folks getting so butthurt stems from, in most cases. That's across the board, not restricted to shit involving space wizards and supermen
@@FullFatVideos I think it would have worked for Bucky. The reason I say that is cause what exactly is the point of falcon having the shield, is he just going to fly, throw the shield and then realise he has to go collect it from the ground and also he doesn't have super human strength, that's why cap could throw it so far, falcon will be able to throw it like 3 metres, whereas Bucky has a metal arm and can throw the shield far.
I know what you mean. I liked the spin of a Captain America who was taking up the mantle to atone for past sins, who was more cynical than Steve. I like Bucky in general as a character more than Sam, and I liked Bucky's run as Cap better than Sam's in the comics, but I do agree that Sam makes more sense for the MCU.
I think Bucky will eventually become Cap just like in the comics. But MCU Bucky is severely damaged still at the end of Endgame. He hasn't dealt with his past sins & he isn't even sure if he can control himself. I think the show will deal with Bucky really moving on & becoming a better person in honor of Steve. MCU Bucky will grow to become worthy of the shield. MCU Sam already is.
Cap returned with peggy to the year 1949 at the end of avengers endgame. Peggy got married in 1953, so the statement that Cap returned and didn’t care that she already had a husband and children is not valid. I find it very stupid when I see people on tiktok making this an excuse why the end of Steve was not good.
Steve's ending was worthy of his character, he deserved to have a happy ending with the woman he loved.
Short title: Don't ruin Captain America's endgame.
19 minute video: Literally 19 minutes of don't ruin captain america's endgame.
Captain America is my favorite Marvel character and I love how things ended for him in Endgame. I think some cameos here and there might be fine but Steve Rogers as a character has earned his break. Let Sam carry the mantle now.
Hes back this year for the What if series so...
That transition though was smooth, too smooth. Good job.
I love that u got a sponsor that stops baldness when your key demographic is 12 to 18 year olds
When he started telling us what cap said in that special edition it actually made me tear up. Fuck we love you chris
Hey man, look the brightside. This MIGHT be Captain America from an alternative universe.
The only way I would accept Capt coming back is if they did Hydra Capt.
Which to me is one of the best storylines they did with Capt. America
Secret Empire? Honestly, there's a lot of beats that could indicate they're heading that way, including Old Cap giving Sam the shield.
I really don’t want to see him in anything, he was great-but so is his ending.
Cap is easily both the heart & soul of the avengers, and the glue.
He understands what they do more than anyone. He understands you cant save everyone, but that wont stop him from trying. He understands why some people do what they do, but thats not an excuse. He always knows the best course of action to take. Hes got EVERYBODIES hearts & minds on his mind when hes out there avenging.
I've heard he is hydra cap in doctor strange 2 which I wouldn't have a problem with
Yo you said he was 90 and had great hair he was actually 113 (actual)/179 (counting frozen) at the end of endgame so his hair was even more impressive
Steve's Endgame had me happy and crying 💪🏾😭👏👏
steves proper endgame was bucky thank u for coming to my TEDtalk. i love u
steve deserves to go to time jail
Early 🎫 ticket
Full fat videos are the best!
Finally someone else who values finality over cheap fan service. Wonderful video, you analyzed this rly well
Old cap was supposed to be played by stan Lee to explain why he has all the camios but he died befor it was filmed
I loved Steve’s entire arc and that finale but it would be cool to see him one more time as Old Man Cap, or perhaps a peak into his adventures returning the infinity stones.
I think they're giving Sam the red and white costume to resemble Falcon's older costume in the comics dude
Thank you for pointing out the Red White and Blue of Falcon and Winter Soldiers costumes. This was very intentional and I can’t wait to see these two become the new captain america