😮😮I'm glad you guys are enjoying the video! Get MORE dog training tips and examples on instagram! instagram.com/zakgeorge @zakgeorge Download the app and follow me there! I'm very active on instagram! I do live shows and post new videos all of the time! 😁😁
Zak George’s Dog Training Revolution Have you ever worked with a Shiba Inu? If so can you make a video with one? They are very smart dogs and Starburn at the same time I’m still learning from mine
Update on Ace - I have gotten him involved in playing some of the games ruclips.net/user/postUgkx1_veP7CApJK_GWy_TczaMciuG64PqJeU and I can see a difference in his confidence already! My other dog played along and he became intrigued - now its a daily part of our routine - about 3 times a day we do the shell game and the muffin tin game. I am so grateful for coming upon your training techniques!
One tip my vet gave me and it worked well. When you do get bit by your pup is to yelp in high pitch, and turn your attention away from him for 30 seconds. In time he will get the hint, you have to be patient. It took about a month for me and my dog to understand each other.
Mk Productions My personal variation on this is I don't turn my attention away from the puppy. I look at him with a hurt expression nursing the hand he nipped. I may even say "You hurt me" in a tone exaggerating the pain and even pointing at the place. Dogs can often get excited if they are worried about a family member being hurt and he may not associate it with what he has done.
+Mk Productions Sometimes that does happen. Maybe the puppy thinks you're a great squeaky toy! The high-pitched yelp often works well with very young puppies (7-8WO), but after that, they've been hearing loud voices so often, the yelp isn't much of startle.
Your Mom he’s now 5 months and it has stopped! He’s still very energetic so when he can’t find a toy he will try to nibble on my arm but he still gets upset when I say stop, I think he thinks I’m like hyping him up but the biting has gotten way better
@@jeansprouts88 you have to hold the puppy. Take your thumb and forefinger and squeeze the sides of his mouth until he opens, then put your thumb at the very front of the mouth there the teeth begin and apply pressure with your forefinger under the jaw for stability.
I love how most of Zak's training is making the dogs think the good decisions are their ideas. I love the positive, inside-out training in contrast to physical corrections. I've seen the results of physical corrections with other dogs vs. the positive/reward-based training I'm doing with my 3-month-old husky pup. It is proving more concrete results and I can tell he is really starting to understand what is expected of him instead of being afraid if he does something wrong. Love your videos Zak! :)
Sarah Nauth if the dog bites you exaggerate the pain and leave the room and leave the dog there with the door closed this can make them think they hurt you and come back
I'm not sure but ,if anyone else wants to uncover tips to training a dog try Magonsi Clever Canine Expert (do a google search ) ? Ive heard some decent things about it and my cousin got excellent success with it.
A tip for house training that has helped with my dogs is to make sure they are taken outside after they eat. Also having a routine/schedule for "going" outside for potty is extremely important. Lastly using cue words such as "do your business" and "hurry up" are cue words that work well for me. If you say these when your dog is going they will make the connection.
Landshark is probably the best name to call the puppies around their bite times. My arms are full of scars I'm also desperate to train her because professional trainers are unnecessarily expensive.
I'm really really glad to know I am not the only one here, got a 7 month old husky and been with him for four days only and I can't keep hiding the scars from mom forever
Ok guys this takes way too long.. 1)let them bite you and make high pitch squeal sounds when they bite too hard 2) after they know how hard won't hurt - quick touch the neck and move your hand away Poking the neck reset their concentration This technique takes 15min
@@shae7555 it will be cause that's the part of dog langue. They play ruff with each other and hurt each other during the play because of it. But when one get hurt, it squeal in high pitch which means sto, u are hurting me. Then the dog will immediately stop. But if your dog has a wolf blood like husky and German sheppard, u need to know about behaviors of wolf packs too. What's the breed of your dog?
@@shae7555 then u ca train it without problem.u must be patient. It takes time but if you be stubborn and not give up,u will see changes in a day. Is your dog biting during games or chewing everything on the floor.? I can give you some tips
ChimmyTube :] he mostly bites me if he’s on the couch or bed and he will jump and bite my face or mostly hand or if I’m on the floor. Sometimes he goes after some stuff on the floor but he has a great recall so I call him back. Whenever I yelp or say ouch he keeps going. I also notice he bites harder than he used to. He’s 11 weeks today.
We are currently training our little 3 month old Reuben, an American Pittbull Terrier and highly misunderstood breed of dog, not only not to play-bite others, which seems to be one of his few, but worst, habits but also as a service dog. My wife and I have to say that from watching your videos, Reuben is drastically improving! Training is going very well and he is very responsive to it. One of his best qualities is that he is able to focus better than many of the pups we have owned pasttime. Along with your videos, we have used this to our advantage, not only to make training important but also fun for the whole family. Reuben is not just a service-in-training but also like our son. We are confident about his future and how he will continue to progress over the years with the help of your training. Your videos are not only well organized but work! Thank you, Zack.
he is a great trainer and people say they learned nothing. I clear it out to help them understand words that he said right in the video. if you read this reply and agree by liking the comment here or the original comment above, every like I get I will subscribe to your channel or like a comment or video of yours! be kind!
Yeah he’s alright, I personally don’t like rewarding dogs with treats as then I think that the dog/bitch is only listening to me cos he thinks he’s getting a treat
Friends have you tried DogTrainingMadeEasy5.blogspot.com I think this website has the best dog training program I ever found on the internet Recommended to all…
YOU'RE SO POSITIVE, YOU MAKE ME FEEL BETTER ABOUT MYSELF AS AN OWNER. He was play biting...he loves my hands, and I did something, and said no, and he's starting to lick sometimes which is good.
I was having a hard time getting my puppy to lick my hand for the treat. Eventually my hand got tired of all of the biting while I was holding my treat so I opened my hand flat. It helped, but not where I wanted it. So to encourage more licking and less biting, I put a little bit of peanut butter on my hand and he stopped biting and immediately changed to licking. We will see how it goes in the future
My dog chooses not to bite the toy and bite me instead. i put the toy on his mouth or hold it and she bites my limbs :( growls when she cant bite me too
How to Train a Puppy NOT to BITE I'm not sure but ,if anyone else is searching for training puppies try Debuncar Perfect Dog Aid (Have a quick look on google cant remember the place now ) ? Ive heard some decent things about it and my colleague got great results with it.
+Ashley Nicole mine too, the only thing we've done that work is either imitating growling but thats hard for me as a woman. the other thing is when he acts cocky and bites and tests his limit is grabbing him and laying him down on the floor and holding him still until he calms down and then i give him a treat
@Zak George's Dog Training rEvolution Your video is very nice. I love it, its very informative especially how you tackle about the span of time it may take to train a dog in the house. There is also another product that I can suggest to help you stop puppies from biting hands, it's the Panlarko Perfect Canine Planner, if anyone is interested about it, just google it.
OMG puppy teeth hurt more than regular dog teeth lol. be careful when they looooooose their teeth and DONT WALK BAREFOOT!!!!! I got a puppy tooth stuck in my foot - ooooow
The Giant Rat That Makes All Of The Rules I have a little chihuahua mix and he drew blood because he bites to KILL. My mom gave him 2 nicknames. “Lil pisser” cu he pees everywhere and “killer” because he BITES hard... Apollo... more like Apoll-ow
@@alhassirakhdugani5813 my aunt has a great Dane and he is so tall he looks like a horse but more cute he is a good boy and people get scared of him so they try to kick us out the pet store he has black dots and Gray four his name is Apollo do you have a scar of the teeth stuck on your foot
I love your video! my dog has recently had pups and my dad has let me keep one she is a border collie labrador so hopfully smart! she is not eight weeks of age yet But i cant wait! soon im going to have to watch some tips on how to walk my puppy!!!!!
Thank you so much for posting this video… I was having anxiety thinking my 7 week old golden retriever had aggression issues biting all the time! I am definitely going to try these steps to work with him so this doesn't continue. Thank you!!!!
It took a while for my Czech working line german shepherd to stop biting. I tried everything and he was a pretty nasty nipper and I thought I had trouble on my hands for a while. The ONLY thing that worked was putting up a baby gate and every single time he nipped I picked him up and put him on the other side for a minute, ignored him, put him back in with me...nipped me again...same process. Eventually he realised "biting = separated from my owner" and he hated it and stopped, he still mouths a bit but the biting is not as intense or aggressive. I would train him like this for about an hour everyday until he was exhausted and it is that effort that has made it stop, also making sure that my family members were not teasing or encouraging the biting with wrestling games. Everyone has to pitch in with training and there will be light at the end of the needle-teeth filled tunnel!
Yes a have a tough 1 on my hands now..She was found on the street all skin and bones..she is healthy now but bites alot and actually bit my forearm yesterday and drew blood when my buddy walked in and i pulled her back..im hoping i can change that!!!
Subscribed! We got a new Chihuahua and your vids are definitely straight to the point. Now, if only the fellow members of the family are also into teaching the puppy..
Hope you guys like the video! Here's a playlist that will show you how to teach your dog all of the basics in order as well as how to resolve common behavior issues! Thank you! ruclips.net/p/PLMssKIjsDxXmMGypWsr8u-yGOUSoPoozb
Turkey is harmful for dogs! Its makes them sick and stops them from eating and drinking! I thought a dog trainer would know this. You Zak are not qualified to be a dog trainer. DO NOT FEED YOUR DOG TURKEY
Hello I like your video, particularly your ideas about how do i teach my puppy not to bite. A product I also rate useful for how do i teach my puppy not to bite is Panlarko Perfect Canine Planner - if interested search on google
Hello I like your video, particularly your ideas about how do i train my puppy not to bite. A product I also rate useful for how do i train my puppy not to bite is Panlarko Perfect Canine Planner - if interested search on google
This video is really useful, but let me tell you my experince how to train puppy not to bite- it's super cool product Panlarko perfect canine planner - you should search on google.
So yea there's this cute "play biting" and then there is psycho dog biting that he doesn't really address. My dog gets all worked up and starts doing laps around the house. If you go to engage her she lunges at your hands/face/neck. Yes she's playing and is probably over stimulated, but it's very aggressive/dangerous. How do you deal with this?????
Jack Carlos same as me... she always jumps up and tries to bite my wires, computer, etc.. she also keeps biting these grass strands we have in our house. I’m stuck...
Try putting the dog on a leash (to control them till calm) keep doing this until they know "once I'm calm I get affection" this is what I did with all three of my dogs
I'm about to have Mimi my new puppy in 15 days and your videos are helping me learn more on how will i take care of her and how to deal things with having a dog for the first time. I'm excited. Thanks so much. 😀
Thank you my 6 wk old pit bull is doing great in her cage when I have to leave, potty breaks are right on time , and when I’m home she’ll go lay in her bed on her own without me having to put her in the cage if she’s exploring too much..keep up the awesome work you are a blessed inspiring individual 🤩🤩🤩
I just got a 11 week old German Shepard puppy I found your videos and have put them to practice. Thank you. I am also blessed that my pup is so teachable she loves to learn. I just wish the rest of my family was as teachable so they don’t keep telling me Gypse will not listen to me. Yes I work with her daily in front of the family.
i have a little border collie i am from bulgaria and your channel will help me i suscribed. This video is very useffuy beacause my puppy is allways biting me!
My 7 weeks old siberian husky is very aggressive biter. When you look at him, you realize that he wants to bite you. He won't even let us pet him, he bites right away. It didn't hurt at first but now when his teeth are a lot stronger, it's very painful. What should i do? Putting the toy in his mouth when he starts to bite doesn't really help. Can you make a video about aggressive puppy biting, Zac? Or at least reply to the comment. Thank you, you're videos are really great.
Same I have a Siberian husky who's 9 weeks and she just likes to bite everything, I try to play with her but all she wants to do is bite. She even likes to bite my hair sometimes when I sleep.
+Chūi Ik she already is scared of water hopefully in the summer she'll learn that she'll love it. I've done it couple times and she hasn't been biting as much
i have the same problem, my husky is 2 months old and when I play with him he doesn't stop biting me, I've tried screaming when he hurts me but he don't care, what did you do to solve this problem? (I'm sorry my English is not the best)
First off, I love the videos and subbed. Lots of helpful tips. I just got my first dog, a Catahoula puppy we named Penny. I keep watching this video, but have problems. Penny can get very hyper, much crazier than the pup in this video. I try redirecting to a toy, but often she skips the toy and lunges at me, biting. I have two young boys (5 and 7), and this behavior is scaring them. It's very hard to stop. She trains well, but only when out of this hyper state. She's 9 weeks old. When I try food, I don't get an opportunity to give the food because she never licks, only bites. This morning she woke up in this state, and I took her outside to play for a long time, but still ended up nipping, biting, and growling when inside. I can tell the behavior still falls under play, but it does seem very aggressive and worries me. This behavior also seems to crop up after telling her no or pulling her away from something she wants but can't have. If I do that enough, she starts attacking me. Help!
nightram56 I have the same problem with my 12 weeks old Jack Russell Terrier. I dont know what to do... I`ve tried everything, but he would not stop biting, lunging etc. I feel his aggressive, but it`s only playing was I told.I`m realy frustratet, and afraid that he would be agressive when he grows up... :-(
Lars Petter Konradsen Jack Russell is suitable for more experience dog owner as they are a super hyper breed dog. I wouldnt dare get a Jack Russell for myself. They can turn aggressive if you cant handle them or train them well. Better seek help early. good luck!
+nightram56 Make sure your puppy is eating a high-quality food so she is not hungry. Feed her her meals out of food puzzle toys rather than the bowl. There are lots of good videos on stuffing Classic Kongs, and how to graduate to Advanced level chewing with frozen Kongs. In addition to the Classic Kong, there's the Stuff-A-Ball. If you use Nylabones, make sure they are the nubby ones. The smooth bone-shaped ones do not work as well for young puppies. It sounds like the missing piece is chewing. She needs to be chewing a lot more. She needs chew toys of various textures, shapes and hardness, especially after she eats. I would recommend sterilized hollow marrow bones that you can stuff with yummy things like her food mixed with canned dog food, maybe some mashed banana, a LITTLE swipe of peanut butter, cream cheese or spray cheese. Red Barn brand knuckle bones (not basted because they are messy on carpet) can be given UNDER SUPERVISION for chewing. When you introduce a knuckle bone, let her go to town on it for 15-30 minutes, then distract her and put it out of reach. Somestime they'll work on these for hours and get soft stools. There are lots of ways to teach LEAVE IT. If you Google "Doggie Zen," there are lots of videos and articles on how to do that. This technique works great for mouthy puppies.
Never give your dog the ‘leave it’ treat. You want them to know that ‘leave it’ means leave it alone forever. Say a pill falls on the floor, you want them to know that ‘leave it’ means leave it alone forever; it’s not for them. We don’t want them thinking that it’s only for a short period of time and they can have it after OR anytime. Try using a treat/items that they will never be able to have such as socks, underwear, papers.
Someone please help! I have a 3 month German Shepard and she bites so hard! I tried almost everything.. I redirect her with toys but sometimes she will direct herself again to my ankles or hands. when I yelp she does get stunned, but then she goes right back to biting me. I tried saying no but she barks at me and goes after me! Even when she's excited to see me she bites me. I even tried walking away and coming right back after 30 seconds, but that doesn't work either. I know some people say they will grow out of it but I don't want to be those few whose dogs grow into it and bite everyone. ):
I would suggest that to start your training session, you put yourself and her in a calm environment with little to no distractions. I.E being alone in a bedroom, living room, etc without tv's or music going on and during a quiet time of day when cars and dogs aren't going past your house. Make sure first that your dog is solid on sit and reasonable at least on stay. Sit her down solidly and give her a treat for doing so. Keep her attention on a treat in your hand, by you face so she is making eye contact with you, as you try and pet her. If she goes for a bite at you, immediately pull away the treat and make it clear that that's why she lost the treat. Keep trying until you can make contact on her without her moving toward you or your hand. When you get that down solidly, try advancing to light and soft petting and giving her 'jackpot' rewards if she can go over one second without biting. Continue in intervals of a few seconds until you can build up to 10 seconds without biting. Continue training with advancing your petting/handling/playing with her until biting ceases or is minimalized. I know you say toys don't work right now, but once you can get her to let you touch her, however briefly, without biting you, reintroduce toys to show her what is acceptable to bite. It is important, as you may know, to keep a calm and steady voice and work ethic. Praise her heavily when she performs in a manner you like. And for currency, make sure you use something she LOVES, not likes. It has to captivate her, have her whole attention to work as currency. Let me know if this works or does not work. If it does not work, detail what isn't working and I'll try to help as best I can.
She needs some good socialization or time with other dogs, as well as time with you. When we got our Mini Schnauzer, she had no bite inhibition due to being a rescue, and being so young when she was separated from her doggie family. We started off our no bite training with yelps, or loud ouches, and brief periods of putting ourselves in time out, but it wasn't working very well. We took her to puppy kindergarten, and gave her lots of social time with other dogs (they naturally teach each other when play is too hard), and other people. Also, the trainer treated her like mama dog would when a behavior is unacceptable, and picked her up by her scruff and saying "no biting" everytime she would do it, as she wasn't paying attention to other cues at all. At first, she yelped loudly, like someone was killing her, but after doing it a short while her behavior began to change. You can definitely tell that it doesn't hurt her when she gets a scruff hold, and after a short while of repeating the technique, she now doesn't bite often, and shows good control when play biting. The next step is learning not to bite people at all. Our biggest behavior issues now are learning to be calm when other people approach, her behavior if we have to move her when she's tired (she'll sometimes growl, and has snapped twice), and heeling on a leash.
With all my heart, thank you! I’ve been struggling with this and didn’t know what to do. A few treats later he was giving me licks instead of play bites, and leave it is also now apart of our training. Again, thank you soooo much!
My dog is a German Shepherd, and she's 9 weeks. Her bites hurt *SO* bad, but when I say no and ignore her, she just continues to the point where it is painful and I can't take it.
I love you zak!! I have a puppy being delivered on Saturday and all week i have been watching your videos all week!!!! I feel confident because of you!
I love these videos. I have been watching with my boys. I was wondering if it is ok to expect the puppy to play by herself some? Not all the time, but some.
Thanks for the post. So much info packed in. I really appreciate the dog owner giving time, space and freedom for evaluation. Great Stuff. Puppies Rule!
Came here to say thank you ! I tried this method right after viewing the video with my little 15 wks Luna and she now stops the biting when I tell her to. Not completely got rid of it but made progress for sure :)
2:00 Really? My dog actually does grabs stuff with his hands (sometimes), he uses his hands for lots of stuff, opening doors, opening gates, grabbing toys, hugging toys (Ik lots do these things), protecting his toys (no teeth included, luckily) kicking my bro balls, digging (🙄), cuddles, you get the point, I get lots of dogs do these but I’m just saying they also use their paws 🙃 I hope I will be able to use his advice bc my dog has four big and kinda big breeds in him and it hurts when he bites 🥺
I will be adopting my ESA in a few months and these videos are easing my anxiety about whether I'll be ready for him. I feel much more confident that I'll be able to train my puppy! Is there any way you can post a video of how to teach your dog DPT (Deep Pressure Therapy)? This will be a big help when I have anxiety attacks and need my dog's weight and warmth.
Get a properly trained ESA dog. If you have anxiety and you are trying to train your dog, dogs are REALLY perceptive and you are likely to pass on your anxious traits to your dog. You want someone really calm training your dog so your dog is super relaxed. Dogs pickup the traits of their owners. If you want a proper ESA dog, you want him trained before you get him and most importantly, where you get him will train YOU BOTH how to work with each other.
I find it hard to raise and train my puppy when everytime I do something like this my family continually hits her and yells at her for biting instead of a method like this lol. Help 😂
My dad also hits our dog. Our first dog don't bite and chew anymore. Our new pup learned how to potty train since my dad hits him on the butt. We moved out from my dad now and is the one training him but now my arms and legs are full of wounds from the playbiting. Maybe next week when we visit my dad's place he will learn how to not bite as well.
@@OggeDCSubToMePlease one time our dog went and killed a chicken so we smacked him real hard, a year later he wont touch the chickens and he isn't scared or traumatized, physically punishing your dog isnt a bad thing as long as you dont hurt them, heck we when the dogs start chasing cattle we shoot them with a BB gun, it doesn't hurt them it just stings and it breaks them out of that trance they get in when they chase something, it gets the point across everytime telling the dog no wont always especially If they are focused on something.
Getting my puppy in 1 week soo exited!!!! I went To see him today And I love him so much already. But im going on vacation now for a week And when we pick him up he Will Be a little over 11 weeks is that too old? Ive heard a lot of stories of older Puppies about iT not Being oke.(he is With both his parents And 2 of his other brothers And sisters) And I think I found a good breeder
so at the beginning he will more then likely have separation anxiety, this is very normal. Especially since he is so old. Even f the breeder gets him into bad habits, remember you can always break bad habits. it just takes time.
Hmm, I read, that it is the very worst to separate puppies between 7 and 9 weeks, because that is when their separation fears are the worst. Then 11 weeks is great. They have more time to learn from their mother and siblings.
My border collie is 7- 8 months and her play biting is driving me absolutely crazy. I've tried a water spray to the face, a firm "no", pushing away, time outs, a tap on the butt, a tap on the nose, holding back by the scruff of the neck, literally nothing has worked. I'm going to try what is being shown here but any suggestions I would be so grateful to have them.
All my life i had packs of dogs(guard dogs). have you see how other dogs teach a puppy to don't bite to strong in a game and be careful? they bite him immediately if he overpass the limit of acceptable. A simple overpower over the puppy , small growl and a gentle bite over the ear until the puppy scream. he is going to be scare but you invited him to play again. until he learn the limit.
Showing a dog any type of harsh punishment is an outdated form of dog training and is extremely counter-productive. All dogs want to do is please you and be your best companion. By scaring/intimidating the dog for doing something bad, you're inadvertently compromising the trust and therefore relationship the two of you are trying to build. Punishment-based training may also lead to an aggressive dog. The dog feels the need to defend itself from you and/or other humans as you've shown it that humans are capable of doing mean things to him/her. This is especially true for dog breeds that are more prone to temperament issues. Positive reinforcement (R+) is scientifically proven to be the best way to train a dog. This form of training basically rewards good behavior and ignores undesirable behavior. Compare these two training methods to your human parents. Would you have a better relationship with your father if he always was positive in guiding you in the right direction or would your relationship be better if he yelled at/physically assaulted you for not doing something correctly? My childhood dog was "trained" in the old school way of flicking noses, rubbing their face in their accidents. My dad would hit her if she barked. I'm sharing this because we succumbed to this forceful, dominant-seeking type of training despite the fact that my father and family are the nicest, more kind hearted people you'll ever meet! It was just what we thought was the way one should train dogs. By the way, we loved her to pieces but she was never an ideal dog. Barked all the time, had accidents all over the place all the time, etc. Just adopted an adult dog with behavior issues. We've only had him for 6 months and only used R+ training and he's so much more well behaved than my childhood dog that lived to be 14. I strongly suggest you and all other dog owners to take a look at Zak's force free videos along with kikocup and Training Positive (both on youtube) for training methods. Positive reinforcement is the only way to go!
Kimberly Tom Thank you for your time to write such a long comment but I must reinforce that I do not use "harsh punishment" towards my puppy. I don't scold her for accidents because I am aware of the damage it can cause with intimidation and being scared. The only ever harsh punishment she has received is when I've had to push her off me or lightly smack her away from biting me.
That's good to hear! However, any physical punishment, including holding scruff, also contributes to intimidation as it's not conducive with R+ training. Anyway, I hope this video helps you and your pup get over the biting issue! Everyone has to use the method they're most comfortable with. I was just saying why I think R+ is the only way to go, in my opinion! Again Kikocup has awesome videos too. Good luck!
Hi Kimberly, yes the positive reinforcement works well if you want a mascot for home and you are not working with a powerful dog. In my case i rescue dogs and they do not answer well to positive reinforcement. when i get a dog is because he have bite a person or is a guard dog and there are not option that to take care of him. When i get a puppy is a puppy who is going to be my guard dog. They learn to be protective of home and pacific at the street . I use the old technique to avoid they bite me but do not to fear bite a person when the right moment arrive. They do not suffer or anything because in an careful with them. I have help people who dogs do not response to positive feedback because their puppies are old and powerful. Dogs have multiple characters. Some are easy to train and other are more complicated.
I got my dog today and I started to right down what he was saying it took 3 front and back pages to cover it all and I drew pictures for my brother to understand.
😮😮I'm glad you guys are enjoying the video! Get MORE dog training tips and examples on instagram! instagram.com/zakgeorge @zakgeorge Download the app and follow me there! I'm very active on instagram! I do live shows and post new videos all of the time!
Zak George’s Dog Training Revolut
Zak George’s Dog Training Revolution hey what do you do when your dog bites you when u hold them
Zak George’s Dog Training Revolution Have you ever worked with a Shiba Inu? If so can you make a video with one? They are very smart dogs and Starburn at the same time I’m still learning from mine
you put this on all your vids just use the description
How can I get a pupbox in EastAfrica
Update on Ace - I have gotten him involved in playing some of the games ruclips.net/user/postUgkx1_veP7CApJK_GWy_TczaMciuG64PqJeU and I can see a difference in his confidence already! My other dog played along and he became intrigued - now its a daily part of our routine - about 3 times a day we do the shell game and the muffin tin game. I am so grateful for coming upon your training techniques!
You can skip to 5:03 to get to the topic in the title. You're welcome.
Thank you
thank you. I was just wondering if this was actually an instructional video or not...
XthegreatwhyX thx
XthegreatwhyX thx
I feel so relieved that other people are having this trouble too
Same 😂
To stop my puppy from biting to hard, I mimic the yip its siblings would make when puppies play fight
@@CultureCricket When I do that my puppy attacks me even more 😆
@@Kwelar SAME 😭😭😭😭😭
watching this while my puppy is finally tired and asleep
Same 😌
Ya so he won’t bite
One tip my vet gave me and it worked well. When you do get bit by your pup is to yelp in high pitch, and turn your attention away from him for 30 seconds. In time he will get the hint, you have to be patient. It took about a month for me and my dog to understand each other.
George W Yes. I do that. It works great. I call it Bite Inhibition.
George W it just makes my dog more excited and bites me more
Mk Productions My personal variation on this is I don't turn my attention away from the puppy. I look at him with a hurt expression nursing the hand he nipped. I may even say "You hurt me" in a tone exaggerating the pain and even pointing at the place. Dogs can often get excited if they are worried about a family member being hurt and he may not associate it with what he has done.
Jen Kirby Thanks Jen ill give it a go! =D
+Mk Productions Sometimes that does happen. Maybe the puppy thinks you're a great squeaky toy! The high-pitched yelp often works well with very young puppies (7-8WO), but after that, they've been hearing loud voices so often, the yelp isn't much of startle.
Who else puppy bit them so they came to this video
Awkwardly Me I did 😂
Awkwardly Me me. Husky puppy. Male. Handsome little jerk too.
I have multiple holes in my hand now so. ABSOLUTELY
Yup. My dog is 10 weeks old and is starting to bite a lot when he gets playful and excited.
literally everyone that has a dog that watched this video
my dog is biting me during this
and now he’s trying to bite my phone
anxiety pineapple same
He or she is saying don't watch this ! 😂
Briannarr 123 my dog always bits my phone 📱
Mine is running away from me
No one:
My dog: “oh hey a finger”
Me: *screaming*
My mom: ayE pErO QuierA pErrO
Isn’t Perro a swear in Spanish or something ;-;
@@veragala7402 welllllll yeah but perro is dog and you can use it as a swear word too
@@veragala7402 more like the word perra which is a female dog so it kinda means bitch too
grucci Johana LoL. moms 🙄🙄🙄🙄
Lol I’m getting a puppy and my whole family know Spanish my mums background is South America
I literally say ouch or stop and my German Shepard puppy gets more mad and thinks I’m playing AMD STARTS GROWLING SND LEAPING AT ME PLS HELP
My greatsheapherd does the same! Ive tried this and he just....doesnt listen xD hes about 2 months old now
My German shepherd does the same, now that it has been 2 months has yours stopped? If so what was your sulution
Your Mom he’s now 5 months and it has stopped! He’s still very energetic so when he can’t find a toy he will try to nibble on my arm but he still gets upset when I say stop, I think he thinks I’m like hyping him up but the biting has gotten way better
@@walkingintruthknowledge7418 exactly where around the jaw area?
@@jeansprouts88 you have to hold the puppy. Take your thumb and forefinger and squeeze the sides of his mouth until he opens, then put your thumb at the very front of the mouth there the teeth begin and apply pressure with your forefinger under the jaw for stability.
I love how most of Zak's training is making the dogs think the good decisions are their ideas. I love the positive, inside-out training in contrast to physical corrections. I've seen the results of physical corrections with other dogs vs. the positive/reward-based training I'm doing with my 3-month-old husky pup. It is proving more concrete results and I can tell he is really starting to understand what is expected of him instead of being afraid if he does something wrong. Love your videos Zak! :)
This man is dog whisperer.. I try the same stuff and I end up all scratched up! 😂😂
🤣🤣🤣 mee too
You're probably not doing it right. I've been using his techniques from other videos for 3 days and it's working wonderfully
who else here cuz they just got a puppy
Almost like having a kid that's in the terrible 2 stage 😅
how did you know-
Dog: *Bites*
Me: *Runs out of room screaming*
*You know what's more terrifying*
*When you're home alone with a giant puppy that loves to bite and you're in a giant backyard*
Saale Maripuu small puppys are pretty scary too
Lil sweet heart trueeeeeeee
My dog is a pitbull, shes 3 years old, she has huge teeth........can you imagine how painful it is when she bites.🥵😭
Lil sweet heart no that’s me
what if my puppy is in a biting mood 24/7
Sarah Nauth if the dog bites you exaggerate the pain and leave the room and leave the dog there with the door closed this can make them think they hurt you and come back
@@Zyrex216 I do that and mine just chases after me and continues to bite me
_ LunarGamer _ shut the door
Leave them outside for like 10 min or somewhere where they cant break stuff like a kenil or how ever you spell it
@@SmileyRM canal? Lol whatever my puppy is 20 inches and I'm gonna die soon if I keep coming to school because I have to go through this giant pup
I have puppy husky.... She will eat me someday.... I can't stop her...
Comi Sve Lomi SAME !
My dog is nuts.
SAME may god please help us
I have a chihuahua I feel u
I'm not sure but ,if anyone else wants to uncover tips to training a dog try Magonsi Clever Canine Expert (do a google search ) ? Ive heard some decent things about it and my cousin got excellent success with it.
A tip for house training that has helped with my dogs is to make sure they are taken outside after they eat. Also having a routine/schedule for "going" outside for potty is extremely important. Lastly using cue words such as "do your business" and "hurry up" are cue words that work well for me. If you say these when your dog is going they will make the connection.
hopk228 alright I will try that thank you
I've been following what you did in this video with our puppy for about a day and I already see a HUGE difference! Thank you for making this!
I call my puppy a snapping turtle...
Ours is “Chompy” 😂
ours is small piranha xd
Mine are land shark
Mines little piranha
Landshark is probably the best name to call the puppies around their bite times. My arms are full of scars I'm also desperate to train her because professional trainers are unnecessarily expensive.
So then - I'm not alone here. I look like a walking Band Aid commercial.
GurrGamer I
Susan Smith fr0lBy b hut
I'm really really glad to know I am not the only one here, got a 7 month old husky and been with him for four days only and I can't keep hiding the scars from mom forever
Did you guys find any good way how to make the dog stop biting? i got a rottweiler puppy who is biting me way to muuuuch
This actually worked, I'm surprised because my puppy doesn't listen AT ALL but now they're behaving. Thank you so much
Ok guys this takes way too long..
1)let them bite you and make high pitch squeal sounds when they bite too hard
2) after they know how hard won't hurt - quick touch the neck and move your hand away
Poking the neck reset their concentration
This technique takes 15min
ks90e what if ur puppy doesn’t respond to the squeal
@@shae7555 it will be cause that's the part of dog langue. They play ruff with each other and hurt each other during the play because of it. But when one get hurt, it squeal in high pitch which means sto, u are hurting me. Then the dog will immediately stop. But if your dog has a wolf blood like husky and German sheppard, u need to know about behaviors of wolf packs too. What's the breed of your dog?
ChimmyTube :] I have a Yorkie poo
@@shae7555 then u ca train it without problem.u must be patient. It takes time but if you be stubborn and not give up,u will see changes in a day. Is your dog biting during games or chewing everything on the floor.? I can give you some tips
ChimmyTube :] he mostly bites me if he’s on the couch or bed and he will jump and bite my face or mostly hand or if I’m on the floor. Sometimes he goes after some stuff on the floor but he has a great recall so I call him back. Whenever I yelp or say ouch he keeps going. I also notice he bites harder than he used to. He’s 11 weeks today.
“You understand why I had to punish you earlier?”
Puppy: yea..
Why didn’t I see this video a month ago? It took me 10 mins to teach my puppy not to bite from Zak’s teaching. What a great video. Thank you!
We are currently training our little 3 month old Reuben, an American Pittbull Terrier and highly misunderstood breed of dog, not only not to play-bite others, which seems to be one of his few, but worst, habits but also as a service dog. My wife and I have to say that from watching your videos, Reuben is drastically improving! Training is going very well and he is very responsive to it. One of his best qualities is that he is able to focus better than many of the pups we have owned pasttime. Along with your videos, we have used this to our advantage, not only to make training important but also fun for the whole family. Reuben is not just a service-in-training but also like our son. We are confident about his future and how he will continue to progress over the years with the help of your training. Your videos are not only well organized but work! Thank you, Zack.
People he is a good dog trainer. Stop hating. Do not watch if you don't like his teaching.
Just stop.
Thank you
he is a great trainer and people say they learned nothing. I clear it out to help them understand words that he said right in the video. if you read this reply and agree by liking the comment here or the original comment above, every like I get I will subscribe to your channel or like a comment or video of yours! be kind!
why would anyone hate him
OnceUponAFilm ikr
Yeah he’s alright, I personally don’t like rewarding dogs with treats as then I think that the dog/bitch is only listening to me cos he thinks he’s getting a treat
Friends have you tried DogTrainingMadeEasy5.blogspot.com
I think this website has the best dog training program I ever found on the internet
Recommended to all…
why am i watching this i dont even have a dog...
same. but I have to wait 20 days and for my birthday i'm gonna have one. yay!
Layla 239 haha
No one:
My puppy: *bites my toes*
Me: oWw
oh n chi you so funny ahhahahhaahaajhhhhhahhahah
lol so funny 😂
DeusBlynk i knowwwwww 😂😂
Ohohohohhohoohoh you made mi day
Same except I BLEED
Instructions unclear... Dog taught me how to bite
u copied another comment
Copy cat
Copy dog
Ok yuvraj
YOU'RE SO POSITIVE, YOU MAKE ME FEEL BETTER ABOUT MYSELF AS AN OWNER. He was play biting...he loves my hands, and I did something, and said no, and he's starting to lick sometimes which is good.
I was having a hard time getting my puppy to lick my hand for the treat. Eventually my hand got tired of all of the biting while I was holding my treat so I opened my hand flat. It helped, but not where I wanted it. So to encourage more licking and less biting, I put a little bit of peanut butter on my hand and he stopped biting and immediately changed to licking. We will see how it goes in the future
My dog chooses not to bite the toy and bite me instead. i put the toy on his mouth or hold it and she bites my limbs :( growls when she cant bite me too
How to Train a Puppy NOT to BITE
I'm not sure but ,if anyone else is searching for training puppies try Debuncar Perfect Dog Aid (Have a quick look on google cant remember the place now ) ? Ive heard some decent things about it and my colleague got great results with it.
+Ashley Nicole mine too, the only thing we've done that work is either imitating growling but thats hard for me as a woman. the other thing is when he acts cocky and bites and tests his limit is grabbing him and laying him down on the floor and holding him still until he calms down and then i give him a treat
what dog do u have
kelsey full of random nessd flat coated retriever
@Zak George's Dog Training rEvolution
Your video is very nice. I love it, its very informative especially how you tackle about the span of time it may take to train a dog in the house. There is also another product that I can suggest to help you stop puppies from biting hands, it's the Panlarko Perfect Canine Planner, if anyone is interested about it, just google it.
OMG puppy teeth hurt more than regular dog teeth lol. be careful when they looooooose their teeth and DONT WALK BAREFOOT!!!!! I got a puppy tooth stuck in my foot - ooooow
Ik sometimes I am walking barefoot and my dog bites my legs it hurts so that is why i wear pants and shoes all the time around her
dude idk what dog you got but a giant schnauzer puppy, oooo those bites are painful
SirParcifal puppy teeth suck. But I was attacked by an untrained Great Dane as a child, I can promise grown ass man dog teeth hurt worse
The Giant Rat That Makes All Of The Rules I have a little chihuahua mix and he drew blood because he bites to KILL. My mom gave him 2 nicknames. “Lil pisser” cu he pees everywhere and “killer” because he BITES hard... Apollo... more like Apoll-ow
@@alhassirakhdugani5813 my aunt has a great Dane and he is so tall he looks like a horse but more cute he is a good boy and people get scared of him so they try to kick us out the pet store he has black dots and Gray four his name is Apollo do you have a scar of the teeth stuck on your foot
My little Pomeranian will bite me and it freaking kills...thats all he will do... all day....just bite me
Same with my pomchi ,so bloody annoying, oh he also scratches me
I think you have a cat 😂
my pomzu does same and i have scratches all over me
Cassie MGM what is a pomzu?
Ilana Spivak pomeranian X shih tzu
I would die laughing if someone would make a compilation of everytime he says "YAASSS! "
I love your video! my dog has recently had pups and my dad has let me keep one she is a border collie labrador so hopfully smart! she is not eight weeks of age yet But i cant wait! soon im going to have to watch some tips on how to walk my puppy!!!!!
My dog is 6 months a golden doodle he is huge and he doesn’t realize how much it hurts when he bites. So this video helps thank you!
Ashley Turner glad to hear this bc I’m in the same boat as you, just different breed!
Thank you so much for posting this video… I was having anxiety thinking my 7 week old golden retriever had aggression issues biting all the time! I am definitely going to try these steps to work with him so this doesn't continue. Thank you!!!!
It took a while for my Czech working line german shepherd to stop biting. I tried everything and he was a pretty nasty nipper and I thought I had trouble on my hands for a while. The ONLY thing that worked was putting up a baby gate and every single time he nipped I picked him up and put him on the other side for a minute, ignored him, put him back in with me...nipped me again...same process. Eventually he realised "biting = separated from my owner" and he hated it and stopped, he still mouths a bit but the biting is not as intense or aggressive. I would train him like this for about an hour everyday until he was exhausted and it is that effort that has made it stop, also making sure that my family members were not teasing or encouraging the biting with wrestling games. Everyone has to pitch in with training and there will be light at the end of the needle-teeth filled tunnel!
Yes a have a tough 1 on my hands now..She was found on the street all skin and bones..she is healthy now but bites alot and actually bit my forearm yesterday and drew blood when my buddy walked in and i pulled her back..im hoping i can change that!!!
I am currently doing this, but I feel like this issue is going to go on forever!!!!
Thanks for the advice!!! I have a GS puppy who is an intense nipper and I definitely have my hands full with him.
Subscribed! We got a new Chihuahua and your vids are definitely straight to the point. Now, if only the fellow members of the family are also into teaching the puppy..
Hope you guys like the video! Here's a playlist that will show you how to teach your dog all of the basics in order as well as how to resolve common behavior issues! Thank you! ruclips.net/p/PLMssKIjsDxXmMGypWsr8u-yGOUSoPoozb
Dear Zak, this video is about puppy biting you, but what about adult dogs that didn't bite and started biting no so long ago?
Turkey is harmful for dogs! Its makes them sick and stops them from eating and drinking! I thought a dog trainer would know this. You Zak are not qualified to be a dog trainer. DO NOT FEED YOUR DOG TURKEY
Hello I like your video, particularly your ideas about how do i teach my puppy not to bite. A product I also rate useful for how do i teach my puppy not to bite
is Panlarko Perfect Canine Planner - if interested search on google
Hello I like your video, particularly your ideas about how do i train my puppy not to bite. A product I also rate useful for how do i train my puppy not to bite
is Panlarko Perfect Canine Planner - if interested search on google
This video is really useful, but let me tell you my experince how to train puppy not to bite- it's super cool product Panlarko perfect canine planner - you should search on google.
I really love your method of training. It seems so compassionate and logical AFTER you explain and demonstrate the concept. Thank you!
So yea there's this cute "play biting" and then there is psycho dog biting that he doesn't really address. My dog gets all worked up and starts doing laps around the house. If you go to engage her she lunges at your hands/face/neck. Yes she's playing and is probably over stimulated, but it's very aggressive/dangerous. How do you deal with this?????
Jack Carlos same as me... she always jumps up and tries to bite my wires, computer, etc.. she also keeps biting these grass strands we have in our house. I’m stuck...
He did... He said put them in a room alone until calm then train with this method
Omg same
Try putting the dog on a leash (to control them till calm) keep doing this until they know "once I'm calm I get affection" this is what I did with all three of my dogs
My foster dog is doing the same thing. At first it was just play biting, but then it got out of control :/
I'm about to have Mimi my new puppy in 15 days and your videos are helping me learn more on how will i take care of her and how to deal things with having a dog for the first time. I'm excited. Thanks so much. 😀
Is it me or does he look like Barry Manilow and Jeff Goldblum had a love child? Excellent video through hahah!
The breed of my puppy has the 6th stongest jaw in the world.Thanks that helped me a lot
RUclipsrs Nightmare what breed is it tho?
That's also my question what breed
This is a really cool channel I watch it so much and I’m getting a puppy soon so it’s really helping me thx
Thank you my 6 wk old pit bull is doing great in her cage when I have to leave, potty breaks are right on time , and when I’m home she’ll go lay in her bed on her own without me having to put her in the cage if she’s exploring too much..keep up the awesome work you are a blessed inspiring individual 🤩🤩🤩
Looked like the owner snatched the puppy at lightening speed @9:11 😂
I laughed way to much at this...
Rightly Spotted 😂🤣😂
I'm wheezing
This was SO helpful! My puppy responded immediately, thanks :) !!!
I just got a 11 week old German Shepard puppy I found your videos and have put them to practice. Thank you. I am also blessed that my pup is so teachable she loves to learn. I just wish the rest of my family was as teachable so they don’t keep telling me Gypse will not listen to me. Yes I work with her daily in front of the family.
That puppy looks identical to my labradoodle husky mix.... so beautiful!!
That's what I have. How is your dogs temperament
I might get a puppy later on so i am watching these videos so I can train my puppy better
That's smart!
Brezzybear98 me too
Dont get a blue heeler might get frustrated but I still love mine
same here..
Don’t get one I have one worst ever
+Quest what type of dog?
Cool I'm getting my new dog tomarow really excised
+ADELina 7845628026012464961 did u get it
+Quest cool
+Evvva Aaa yes
I just got a new dog and won't stop biting your video helped 100 percent
I just say no and she backs off. Then she gets a treat.. So idk if it is correct but just a simple no works for me and it works for everything
i have a little border collie i am from bulgaria and your channel will help me i suscribed. This video is very useffuy beacause my puppy is allways biting me!
Assen Bogdanov i just got a border collie pup and it’s the same situation
I hate it when people that go on and on. Save your time and fast forward to 5:20
It's because he's explaining some stuff
I'm happy no one r/woooshed me for now...
@Eeshwar L.Rajan dammit I knew it
Thats what she said
hes explaining and it important
My dad bought your book because my dad isn’t comfortable with dogs I told him that this book will help
My 7 weeks old siberian husky is very aggressive biter. When you look at him, you realize that he wants to bite you. He won't even let us pet him, he bites right away. It didn't hurt at first but now when his teeth are a lot stronger, it's very painful. What should i do? Putting the toy in his mouth when he starts to bite doesn't really help. Can you make a video about aggressive puppy biting, Zac? Or at least reply to the comment. Thank you, you're videos are really great.
Same I have a Siberian husky who's 9 weeks and she just likes to bite everything, I try to play with her but all she wants to do is bite. She even likes to bite my hair sometimes when I sleep.
Same, we bought him a chew bone, but he bites me instead :/
I have to squirt her with water, but I don't wanna make her afraid of her and dry out her skin easily because of it. :(
+Chūi Ik she already is scared of water hopefully in the summer she'll learn that she'll love it. I've done it couple times and she hasn't been biting as much
i have the same problem, my husky is 2 months old and when I play with him he doesn't stop biting me, I've tried screaming when he hurts me but he don't care, what did you do to solve this problem? (I'm sorry my English is not the best)
You’re a great trainer, thank you 🙏
me chilling on my computer with my leg free:
My dog: Its free real estate
This doggie is a perfect student. And he's gorgeous too! ♥️
My dogs name is apollo but I always end up saying apoll OW
This is hilarious man. 😂
First off, I love the videos and subbed. Lots of helpful tips.
I just got my first dog, a Catahoula puppy we named Penny. I keep watching this video, but have problems. Penny can get very hyper, much crazier than the pup in this video. I try redirecting to a toy, but often she skips the toy and lunges at me, biting. I have two young boys (5 and 7), and this behavior is scaring them. It's very hard to stop. She trains well, but only when out of this hyper state. She's 9 weeks old. When I try food, I don't get an opportunity to give the food because she never licks, only bites. This morning she woke up in this state, and I took her outside to play for a long time, but still ended up nipping, biting, and growling when inside. I can tell the behavior still falls under play, but it does seem very aggressive and worries me. This behavior also seems to crop up after telling her no or pulling her away from something she wants but can't have. If I do that enough, she starts attacking me. Help!
nightram56 I have the same problem with my 12 weeks old Jack Russell Terrier. I dont know what to do... I`ve tried everything, but he would not stop biting, lunging etc. I feel his aggressive, but it`s only playing was I told.I`m realy frustratet, and afraid that he would be agressive when he grows up... :-(
Lars Petter Konradsen Jack Russell is suitable for more experience dog owner as they are a super hyper breed dog. I wouldnt dare get a Jack Russell for myself. They can turn aggressive if you cant handle them or train them well. Better seek help early. good luck!
+nightram56 Make sure your puppy is eating a high-quality food so she is not hungry. Feed her her meals out of food puzzle toys rather than the bowl. There are lots of good videos on stuffing Classic Kongs, and how to graduate to Advanced level chewing with frozen Kongs. In addition to the Classic Kong, there's the Stuff-A-Ball. If you use Nylabones, make sure they are the nubby ones. The smooth bone-shaped ones do not work as well for young puppies.
It sounds like the missing piece is chewing. She needs to be chewing a lot more. She needs chew toys of various textures, shapes and hardness, especially after she eats. I would recommend sterilized hollow marrow bones that you can stuff with yummy things like her food mixed with canned dog food, maybe some mashed banana, a LITTLE swipe of peanut butter, cream cheese or spray cheese. Red Barn brand knuckle bones (not basted because they are messy on carpet) can be given UNDER SUPERVISION for chewing. When you introduce a knuckle bone, let her go to town on it for 15-30 minutes, then distract her and put it out of reach. Somestime they'll work on these for hours and get soft stools.
There are lots of ways to teach LEAVE IT. If you Google "Doggie Zen," there are lots of videos and articles on how to do that. This technique works great for mouthy puppies.
Zhang Shumei those jrts are some of the best dogs out there I have a 14 week old jack Russell and I've had no problems
*Plot twist: Training Humans How to Play*
Aww, he never was able to learn from his litter mates/siblings not to bite too hard. Getting him at 5 weeks was so early. Glad he was found & adopted.
Solution: *_BITE THEM BACK_*
No. That is so fucked up.
hahahaha good won😂
ive actually seen people bite (nip) on the ear and it stops them XD
My puppy just die
Never give your dog the ‘leave it’ treat. You want them to know that ‘leave it’ means leave it alone forever. Say a pill falls on the floor, you want them to know that ‘leave it’ means leave it alone forever; it’s not for them. We don’t want them thinking that it’s only for a short period of time and they can have it after OR anytime. Try using a treat/items that they will never be able to have such as socks, underwear, papers.
My dog has just learned that when I YELL, he leaves it. He knows mommy only yells when it's serious and he stops dead what he's doing, or about to do.
Someone please help! I have a 3 month German Shepard and she bites so hard! I tried almost everything.. I redirect her with toys but sometimes she will direct herself again to my ankles or hands. when I yelp she does get stunned, but then she goes right back to biting me. I tried saying no but she barks at me and goes after me! Even when she's excited to see me she bites me. I even tried walking away and coming right back after 30 seconds, but that doesn't work either. I know some people say they will grow out of it but I don't want to be those few whose dogs grow into it and bite everyone. ):
I would suggest that to start your training session, you put yourself and her in a calm environment with little to no distractions. I.E being alone in a bedroom, living room, etc without tv's or music going on and during a quiet time of day when cars and dogs aren't going past your house.
Make sure first that your dog is solid on sit and reasonable at least on stay. Sit her down solidly and give her a treat for doing so. Keep her attention on a treat in your hand, by you face so she is making eye contact with you, as you try and pet her. If she goes for a bite at you, immediately pull away the treat and make it clear that that's why she lost the treat. Keep trying until you can make contact on her without her moving toward you or your hand.
When you get that down solidly, try advancing to light and soft petting and giving her 'jackpot' rewards if she can go over one second without biting. Continue in intervals of a few seconds until you can build up to 10 seconds without biting.
Continue training with advancing your petting/handling/playing with her until biting ceases or is minimalized. I know you say toys don't work right now, but once you can get her to let you touch her, however briefly, without biting you, reintroduce toys to show her what is acceptable to bite.
It is important, as you may know, to keep a calm and steady voice and work ethic. Praise her heavily when she performs in a manner you like. And for currency, make sure you use something she LOVES, not likes. It has to captivate her, have her whole attention to work as currency.
Let me know if this works or does not work. If it does not work, detail what isn't working and I'll try to help as best I can.
If nothing works, just wear armor
She needs some good socialization or time with other dogs, as well as time with you. When we got our Mini Schnauzer, she had no bite inhibition due to being a rescue, and being so young when she was separated from her doggie family. We started off our no bite training with yelps, or loud ouches, and brief periods of putting ourselves in time out, but it wasn't working very well. We took her to puppy kindergarten, and gave her lots of social time with other dogs (they naturally teach each other when play is too hard), and other people. Also, the trainer treated her like mama dog would when a behavior is unacceptable, and picked her up by her scruff and saying "no biting" everytime she would do it, as she wasn't paying attention to other cues at all. At first, she yelped loudly, like someone was killing her, but after doing it a short while her behavior began to change. You can definitely tell that it doesn't hurt her when she gets a scruff hold, and after a short while of repeating the technique, she now doesn't bite often, and shows good control when play biting. The next step is learning not to bite people at all. Our biggest behavior issues now are learning to be calm when other people approach, her behavior if we have to move her when she's tired (she'll sometimes growl, and has snapped twice), and heeling on a leash.
the puppy definitely has Rottweiler lab mix
the caps lock hates me today
With all my heart, thank you! I’ve been struggling with this and didn’t know what to do. A few treats later he was giving me licks instead of play bites, and leave it is also now apart of our training. Again, thank you soooo much!
My dog is a German Shepherd, and she's 9 weeks. Her bites hurt *SO* bad, but when I say no and ignore her, she just continues to the point where it is painful and I can't take it.
I just got a second corgi. My older one never ever hit even as a puppy. This new puppy though....damn
He is a New Zealand Huntaway, he is a cattle herding dog that farmers use. They are hyperactive and require a lot of exercise
Hey Zak, just wanted to let you know how helpful your vids have been in training my new puppy!
Need more info on play biting with my 2yr old daughter plz!
Love Zak, our mini sausage dog, used to mouth quite a bit but we did things like this now she doesn’t
My puppy is 3 months old almost 4. He is biting my mom, dad and my feet everytime.
I love you zak!! I have a puppy being delivered on Saturday and all week i have been watching your videos all week!!!! I feel confident because of you!
Zak is like the Supernanny for dogs😂🤣
Labrador Retriever x Greater Swiss Mountain Dog
I love these videos. I have been watching with my boys. I was wondering if it is ok to expect the puppy to play by herself some? Not all the time, but some.
Thanks for the post. So much info packed in. I really appreciate the dog owner giving time, space and freedom for evaluation. Great Stuff. Puppies Rule!
Me: ok now what about my baby sister
Yeet her
Ultimate Supreme Leader 💀
if you don't train bitting as a puppy will he still bite as a big dog?
Um... Puppy biteing is a part of being a puppy.. You treach them not to bite so they don't as an adult
This fella is just too hyper, and I don't mean the puppy....
Haha true. He's very knowledgeable, but he brings too much excitable energy to the training. He should be calm and assertive.
Came here to say thank you ! I tried this method right after viewing the video with my little 15 wks Luna and she now stops the biting when I tell her to. Not completely got rid of it but made progress for sure :)
Really? My dog actually does grabs stuff with his hands (sometimes), he uses his hands for lots of stuff, opening doors, opening gates, grabbing toys, hugging toys (Ik lots do these things), protecting his toys (no teeth included, luckily) kicking my bro balls, digging (🙄), cuddles, you get the point, I get lots of dogs do these but I’m just saying they also use their paws 🙃 I hope I will be able to use his advice bc my dog has four big and kinda big breeds in him and it hurts when he bites 🥺
I bit my puppy... show him how it feels!
Me too lol xD!
you made me laugh so hard that my dad close my bedroom door
I did too... and then he bit me back big time with his tiny pointy puncturing bite !!
I will be adopting my ESA in a few months and these videos are easing my anxiety about whether I'll be ready for him. I feel much more confident that I'll be able to train my puppy! Is there any way you can post a video of how to teach your dog DPT (Deep Pressure Therapy)? This will be a big help when I have anxiety attacks and need my dog's weight and warmth.
Get a properly trained ESA dog. If you have anxiety and you are trying to train your dog, dogs are REALLY perceptive and you are likely to pass on your anxious traits to your dog. You want someone really calm training your dog so your dog is super relaxed. Dogs pickup the traits of their owners. If you want a proper ESA dog, you want him trained before you get him and most importantly, where you get him will train YOU BOTH how to work with each other.
Love this! I'm going to try these tips as soon as my puppy wakes up.
I find it hard to raise and train my puppy when everytime I do something like this my family continually hits her and yells at her for biting instead of a method like this lol. Help 😂
Tell them if you hit him again I’m gonna call the cops they will stop immediately and then train him or her your self that’s what I did last month
My dad also hits our dog. Our first dog don't bite and chew anymore. Our new pup learned how to potty train since my dad hits him on the butt. We moved out from my dad now and is the one training him but now my arms and legs are full of wounds from the playbiting. Maybe next week when we visit my dad's place he will learn how to not bite as well.
Omg true
Mexican methods of training a dog
@@OggeDCSubToMePlease one time our dog went and killed a chicken so we smacked him real hard, a year later he wont touch the chickens and he isn't scared or traumatized, physically punishing your dog isnt a bad thing as long as you dont hurt them, heck we when the dogs start chasing cattle we shoot them with a BB gun, it doesn't hurt them it just stings and it breaks them out of that trance they get in when they chase something, it gets the point across everytime telling the dog no wont always especially If they are focused on something.
I’m watching this video 5 years later and I’m wondering if she still have the dog lol but I came here for the same problem
I don't know what breed he is but I think he is some type of mixed puppy
Mariam Alarshi is he big or small, and what colour? Fur type? Research and you’ll find it out
I've got puncture holes all over my hands, this will be very helpful, thank you!
Getting my puppy in 1 week soo exited!!!! I went To see him today And I love him so much already. But im going on vacation now for a week And when we pick him up he Will Be a little over 11 weeks is that too old? Ive heard a lot of stories of older Puppies about iT not Being oke.(he is With both his parents And 2 of his other brothers And sisters) And I think I found a good breeder
It can never be late to train a dog btw
so at the beginning he will more then likely have separation anxiety, this is very normal. Especially since he is so old. Even f the breeder gets him into bad habits, remember you can always break bad habits. it just takes time.
Nikkie Van daal that's not late xD
Lara Van larkel 😁 really where
Hmm, I read, that it is the very worst to separate puppies between 7 and 9 weeks, because that is when their separation fears are the worst. Then 11 weeks is great. They have more time to learn from their mother and siblings.
My border collie is 7- 8 months and her play biting is driving me absolutely crazy. I've tried a water spray to the face, a firm "no", pushing away, time outs, a tap on the butt, a tap on the nose, holding back by the scruff of the neck, literally nothing has worked. I'm going to try what is being shown here but any suggestions I would be so grateful to have them.
All my life i had packs of dogs(guard dogs). have you see how other dogs teach a puppy to don't bite to strong in a game and be careful? they bite him immediately if he overpass the limit of acceptable. A simple overpower over the puppy , small growl and a gentle bite over the ear until the puppy scream. he is going to be scare but you invited him to play again. until he learn the limit.
Showing a dog any type of harsh punishment is an outdated form of dog training and is extremely counter-productive. All dogs want to do is please you and be your best companion. By scaring/intimidating the dog for doing something bad, you're inadvertently compromising the trust and therefore relationship the two of you are trying to build. Punishment-based training may also lead to an aggressive dog. The dog feels the need to defend itself from you and/or other humans as you've shown it that humans are capable of doing mean things to him/her. This is especially true for dog breeds that are more prone to temperament issues.
Positive reinforcement (R+) is scientifically proven to be the best way to train a dog. This form of training basically rewards good behavior and ignores undesirable behavior.
Compare these two training methods to your human parents. Would you have a better relationship with your father if he always was positive in guiding you in the right direction or would your relationship be better if he yelled at/physically assaulted you for not doing something correctly?
My childhood dog was "trained" in the old school way of flicking noses, rubbing their face in their accidents. My dad would hit her if she barked. I'm sharing this because we succumbed to this forceful, dominant-seeking type of training despite the fact that my father and family are the nicest, more kind hearted people you'll ever meet! It was just what we thought was the way one should train dogs. By the way, we loved her to pieces but she was never an ideal dog. Barked all the time, had accidents all over the place all the time, etc. Just adopted an adult dog with behavior issues. We've only had him for 6 months and only used R+ training and he's so much more well behaved than my childhood dog that lived to be 14.
I strongly suggest you and all other dog owners to take a look at Zak's force free videos along with kikocup and Training Positive (both on youtube) for training methods.
Positive reinforcement is the only way to go!
Kimberly Tom Thank you for your time to write such a long comment but I must reinforce that I do not use "harsh punishment" towards my puppy. I don't scold her for accidents because I am aware of the damage it can cause with intimidation and being scared. The only ever harsh punishment she has received is when I've had to push her off me or lightly smack her away from biting me.
That's good to hear! However, any physical punishment, including holding scruff, also contributes to intimidation as it's not conducive with R+ training.
Anyway, I hope this video helps you and your pup get over the biting issue! Everyone has to use the method they're most comfortable with. I was just saying why I think R+ is the only way to go, in my opinion!
Again Kikocup has awesome videos too.
Good luck!
Hi Kimberly, yes the positive reinforcement works well if you want a mascot for home and you are not working with a powerful dog. In my case i rescue dogs and they do not answer well to positive reinforcement. when i get a dog is because he have bite a person or is a guard dog and there are not option that to take care of him.
When i get a puppy is a puppy who is going to be my guard dog. They learn to be protective of home and pacific at the street . I use the old technique to avoid they bite me but do not to fear bite a person when the right moment arrive. They do not suffer or anything because in an careful with them. I have help people who dogs do not response to positive feedback because their puppies are old and powerful. Dogs have multiple characters. Some are easy to train and other are more complicated.
"Biting the hand that feeds you isn't good, but nibbles are okay"
When I let my dog nibble me she starts to get harder and just does it over and over again
I got my dog today and I started to right down what he was saying it took 3 front and back pages to cover it all and I drew pictures for my brother to understand.