Buffy the Vampire Slayer REACTION | Season 6, Episode 18: Entropy

  • Опубликовано: 23 окт 2024

Комментарии • 21

  • @loftus4453
    @loftus4453 3 месяца назад +3

    I like this episode a lot. Drama between characters is always weirdly fun. I love Anya centric episodes. She is a wonderful actress. They really should have given Anya the spotlight more. Fun reaction as always!

    • @jaypeakay5864
      @jaypeakay5864  3 месяца назад +1

      Agreed. It was a LOT of fun! Anya's great. That said, there is another Anya episode to come that was kinda weird to me. It was a crap reaction so maybe that's why I felt that way. She's a fantastic character, and the actress is great! Thanks, loftus. 👍

    • @loftus4453
      @loftus4453 3 месяца назад

      @@jaypeakay5864 I think I know what Anya episode you are referring to. That’s a dark one. Anya is a complex character I wish they had explored more.

    • @jaypeakay5864
      @jaypeakay5864  3 месяца назад +2

      @@loftus4453 "That's a dark one."
      Yep, that's the one. 😂

  • @ernesthakey3396
    @ernesthakey3396 3 месяца назад +5

    Anya and Spike didn't f up.
    Buffy told Spike it was over, to move on.
    Xander left Anya at the altar.
    Both Anya and Spike are demons.
    Demons that actually have feelings, and simply took comfort in each other.
    They did nothing wrong here.
    Buffy was ripped out of Heaven by her friends. If she could find some comfort with Spike, to ease the harshness of this reality, who the f is Xander to look down on her for that? Yeah, he's hated vampires ever since Jessie died with him holding the stake, and he used to have a crush on Buffy - but her choice of lovers is none of his business. And Spike, despite his lack of a soul, has protected Buffy's family even when she was gone, because it is what she would have wanted. He had no knowledge of their plans to bring her back - he did that out of legitimate remorse. He's an enigma...

  • @killianlpc
    @killianlpc 3 месяца назад +1

    Entropy is a great name for the episode here. We can see the Season collapsing into complete randomness and disorder created by past events. The Anya/Xander meeting is so awkward, when she asks him again about getting married, he still can't commit, and Anya continues the pressure, this looks like the final straw, he keeps telling her he loves her but this isn't enough. Interesting comedy bits when Anya approaches Willow, Tara, Buffy and Dawn about hating men, and she says to Tara and Willow 'what kind of lesbians are you'. She realises that the Scoobies will never turn against Xander. A great dramatic conversation with Spike and Buffy when he tells her to 'get out' he says it with such venom we just know things have now changed. Halfrek of course obviously a bad influence on Anya who thinks Spike could be an ally. Once Spike and Anya get drunk, we inevitably see what is going to happen ( a true life reflection again, as many times this randomly happens once alcohol is involved ). Willow of course is trying to find the source of the cameras, but boy are they in for a surprise. Strangely we can see Buffy is actually hurt watching Spike have sex with Anya, he has kept her secret up until now, but as he has now totally rejected Buffy lets it out to Xander and Anya. Xander just cannot believe this is happening all at once, but that is the Entropy. Now the whole 'can of worms' has been opened, and the Entropy that is Pandora's Box' cannot be closed.

  • @JANJ33
    @JANJ33 3 месяца назад +1

    Really enjoyed your commentary this episode

    • @jaypeakay5864
      @jaypeakay5864  3 месяца назад +1

      Thanks! It was an eventful one for sure. 😲

  • @VeroniWatch
    @VeroniWatch 3 месяца назад

    I enjoy the way you enjoy the drama and morbidity 🤭😈
    Fun reaction! ☺

    • @jaypeakay5864
      @jaypeakay5864  3 месяца назад +1

      Haha. I must be English or something. 😁 Cheers. 👍

    • @VeroniWatch
      @VeroniWatch 3 месяца назад

      @@jaypeakay5864 Must be.. 😆 Cheers back at you. 😄

  • @grkpektis
    @grkpektis 3 месяца назад +3

    Xander is such a hypocrite for constantly whining about Angel turning evil and then is responsible for his own fiance turning into an even more dangerous demon that could end the world with a couple words

    • @jaypeakay5864
      @jaypeakay5864  3 месяца назад

      Haha. Bit harsh, but I see your point. 😂

  • @williambowman2326
    @williambowman2326 3 месяца назад

    Don’t worry about your talking. It’s a reaction site and people watch to hear points of view about a show that has special meaning to millions of viewers. When Buffy aired, one of the best parts was talking to other fans during, after on the phone, and at school during the week. I have learned many things I missed, picked up new ideas, and view episodes differently that has allowed my admiration for BTVS to grow. Keep up the outstanding reactions. Buckle up . The next 4 episodes are a ride into the Buffyverse that’s like no others. Glad you said you don’t need happy endings.

    • @jaypeakay5864
      @jaypeakay5864  3 месяца назад +1

      Thanks. It seems to be split about 50/50 with whether or not people want the talking. I do it deliberately - for a few reasons - but sometimes I go a little too far with it. Haha.
      Oh, noooooooo. You're gonna _hate_ my reactions to the final two episodes to this season. Even I hate them, lol. Yeah, they're not good, both in terms of following what's actually happening, as well as my general negativity. 🤦‍♂ If I thought I could get away with not publishing those two reactions, I wouldn't post them, particularly the finale one. As it is, I think I'd get lynched if I didn't so you'll have to suffer them too, but you've been warned. 😁 Anyway, I'm really enjoying the final season, so that's something. Haha. 👍

  • @lessismore8533
    @lessismore8533 3 месяца назад

    As much as I didn’t like the scene, Anya was just looking for solace and yet Xander yells at her later on

  • @Emburbujada
    @Emburbujada 3 месяца назад +1

    Too bad Xander didn't kill Spike. He would have if I'd been writing the show XD
    31:45 Careful how you phrase things... XD

    • @jaypeakay5864
      @jaypeakay5864  3 месяца назад +1

      Not a fan? Haha. 👍

    • @dayceem
      @dayceem 3 месяца назад

      Just... ...don't.

  • @Buffy8Fan
    @Buffy8Fan 3 месяца назад +1

    I feel like I've been talking a lot about S6 lately. There seems to be a few reaction viewers within a couple episodes of each other, in S6, right now.
    Entropy: A lack of order and a decline into disorder.
    If Xander had just listened to what Anya said when he proposed in _The Gift,_ he would still be dating her. He wasn't ready and she knew it, but he convinced her he was ready and then got cold feet and expected things to go back to normal after he left her at the alter, despite not talking to her. Solace sex with Spike was none of Xander's business. I have more issue with Xander in this episode than I do with The Trio for unintentionally revealling the solace sex Spike and Anya had.
    Xander's negative reactions are worse than his actions. Some examples: 1. Xander asking Buffy out only to react by saying, "I guess a guy's gotta be undead to make time with you" before asking Willow out as a backup knowing he doesn't feel that way and she does, when Buffy doesn't return his feelings. 2. Placing a spell on Cordelia in reaction to her having issue of old vs new friends. 3. Yelling at Buffy, instead of talking to her, every time she disagrees with his opinions. 4. Cheating on Cordelia with Willow and then saying, "We didn't do anything wrong," only to afterwards start bullying her the way she did in S1 towards everyone. 5. Waiting until Buffy and Riley imploded before saying "I told you so," when he overheard Riley say Buffy doesn't love him two and a half months in advance of saying "I told you so" to her. 6. Say he was going to spend more time with Buffy, only to focus more on wedding plans, then leave Anya at the alter. Thus not helping Buffy in the healthy way he mentioned in _Tabula Rasa_ and also leave Anya at the alter and acting like he does in this episode towards Anya and Buffy when he didn't like the way they were handling their issues of depression and being left at the alter.
    These are only a few examples. All characters have moments of negative actions and reactions. Xander has more than most characters. All characters also have reactions that allow a forgiveness from the audience and/or other characters. Xander has incredibly few. As much as I dislike what he does, I understand Xander's issues, including the cold feet in _Hells Bells._ What I dislike, is his negative reactions to his undelt with issues. They only cause more issues afterwards.
    He even has the same problem here as Willow had towards him in _Innocence_ when she discovered he was with Cordelia. What I mean by that is if Xander, and Willow in _Innocence_ and this episode, want to feel hurt, they have that right, but Willow taking it out on Xander when she has heard him say he was never interested in her, and Xander left Anya at the alter show anything, it is that others (in this case Anya and in _Innocence's_ case Xander) have a right to move on or be with someone who isn't the hurt individual. Xander taking it out on Spike because he's angry at Anya is not OK. I prefer the way Buffy handled it (which showed the audience that emotionally she is now doing better since Riley came to town). She told Spike it hurt her to see him with Anya (not in those exact words, but when they faced each other after Xander left from attempting vengeance), but she didn't get angry. The tone was a little negative, but it wasn't portraying anger. Anya telling Spike not to wish (which he wasn't thinking about on word choice) makes her the better person in dealing with her issues over Xander who still isn't. Spike and Buffy leave this episode off in a healthier place towards each other than they have been since the musical. They also still have a lot of issues to go, though. And Spike is still soulless. He wasn't entirely being with Anya to move on from Buffy. Despite not knowing he and Anya had been watched he wasn't sad or upset it happened and welcomed Buffy knowing, even if she reacted as she did. All four characters still have a lot to talk about, and a long way to go towards healing. The episode was named _Entropy_ for a reason. Not because of the conclusion to the episode, but because of the first 2/3'rds of it.

    • @jaypeakay5864
      @jaypeakay5864  3 месяца назад

      Yep, they definitely have a long way to go to fix this mess. Haha. 😲