How to ACTUALLY get out of silver

  • Опубликовано: 20 июн 2024
  • This video provides enough knowledge to reach way more than Gold so don't miss out on this. or just stay silver

Комментарии • 73

  • @marcoestevez6944
    @marcoestevez6944 7 дней назад +8

    that last bit it's so true, you need to be prepared to lose even if you do your best, sometimes lol matchmaking it's like that, endurance it's the best way to confront the climb

  • @WaffelWuffel
    @WaffelWuffel 8 дней назад +10

    one of the things that actually helped me to get better is to watch at map as often as you can, put down vision (yes, even if youre not playing support) and track enemys jungle (again, even if youre not the jungle yourself), also try and help out your jungle when he needs to secure an object or when hes having a skermish in the river

  • @ethanvek7890
    @ethanvek7890 17 дней назад +35

    just dont play lol

  • @nikikacharava
    @nikikacharava 18 дней назад +13

    Thank you, I was iron 2 and now Im bronze 3

    • @Dakkych
      @Dakkych  18 дней назад +3

      You are welcome my friend

  • @Bomberman64x
    @Bomberman64x 17 дней назад +8

    Im Master but I like how you help beginners ❤

  • @Potato_gam7ng
    @Potato_gam7ng 8 дней назад +2

    Thanks bro I will keep you updated 💯

  • @muratparkar4903
    @muratparkar4903 День назад

    ay man genuinely good video appreciate it

  • @aimseriesmoviemaking9760
    @aimseriesmoviemaking9760 2 дня назад

    solid content! gotta show this to my friend niki (he is stuck in bronze)

  • @ibrahimismail5625
    @ibrahimismail5625 7 дней назад +2

    tyler reaching chall doesnt mean he knows how its like asking a street ball player how they play basketball they dont know theyre just good they dont know why

  • @RealMilschmann
    @RealMilschmann 4 дня назад

    Yeah after a 7 win streak I always afraid to hit the queue

  • @hypotheticalsinglewoody
    @hypotheticalsinglewoody 30 минут назад

    If you’ve been playing for years, and can’t get out of silver, I don’t think there’s hope. Just play for fun lol.

  • @mederius
    @mederius 5 дней назад

    I spammed yorick mid and top. But watching streamers who one tricked the champ and had a play style similar to mine helped alot. At that point it was just refining my decision making and learning matchups.

  • @lucasmachadoh
    @lucasmachadoh 17 дней назад +1

    Haven’t played league in 10 years, still loved the video

  • @yungdomino4718
    @yungdomino4718 7 дней назад +1

    That lux outplay against sylas was nasty

    • @Respawnd
      @Respawnd 6 дней назад +1

      That was no coutplay it was a error in Sylas gameplay...

  • @DantesxTarzaned
    @DantesxTarzaned 18 дней назад +4

    note: it's almost impossible to have an XP lead as a jungler

    • @Dakkych
      @Dakkych  17 дней назад

      This could be discussion for another video

    • @ztaft890
      @ztaft890 17 дней назад


    • @coatrahd3594
      @coatrahd3594 12 дней назад

      Bruh, play ad shaco go invade and snowball, ull be 3 levels above everyone whole game

    • @HunterMorrisonGolf
      @HunterMorrisonGolf 12 дней назад

      Not true, I play udyr and if I’m down a level to anyone something has gone terribly wrong

    • @NyXeK
      @NyXeK 8 дней назад

      This is completely false

  • @Foxr-
    @Foxr- 4 дня назад

    Actually goated video

  • @pandar9501
    @pandar9501 6 дней назад +1

    0:19 piosenka o dynamiku underneath a nword

  • @malxazikharchilava642
    @malxazikharchilava642 17 дней назад

    i liked video, especially because you explained this on lux, which is my main chempion.

  • @beliveri12
    @beliveri12 7 дней назад +1

    first step: get into silver

  • @Leagueclip4you
    @Leagueclip4you 17 дней назад +1

    entertaining viedo keep it up

  • @coatrahd3594
    @coatrahd3594 12 дней назад

    If u guys wanna leave silver, just abuse the game:
    Dont ever think about listening to coaching
    1. Yorick tp ignite top
    2. Shaco ad jg with flash
    3. Nocturbe jg (noobs just cant remember u have R, and u have it every 30s)
    4. Dont need to greed for kills, only take kills if they are completely free/safe, 2 minion waves are worth more than 1 kill and on top of that u get ton of xp which is crucial.
    5. Watch minimap and think about ur team, dont be farming minions or recalling if your teammate needs help near you or for the objective
    6. If ur teammate does something stupid and spams HELP ping, dont help him, let him die, better 1 death than 2
    7. Dont talk in chat, ull just get punished and ruin ur acc

  • @nieman5355
    @nieman5355 7 дней назад

    I can't queue up right now, I'm in a trum 🥺

  • @MrNimbus420
    @MrNimbus420 7 дней назад

    Honestly just farm beyond 7cs/min (alone) and run it down mid when they do dragon or fight with no prio.

  • @GalickGun
    @GalickGun 7 дней назад

    It's all about games, games, games. If you have a 51% winrate, you are on your way up. Don't be discouraged, just keep playing.
    Just make sure you are running 1-2 champs every single game, using the same strategy every single game. There are champs for everyone to use to completely shut enemies down regardless of circumstance. We're talking noob champs that a handicapped person can't mess up on.
    For example, if you know how to Q-E-R-Ignite with Garen, you can get Diamond. The only thing you need to do EVERY SINGLE GAME is to pressure opposite side of your team all game. If you can kill your laner, kill and push. If you can't, don't keep trying. Bait him to the side lane, and sneak back to his team for a 5v4. Rinse repeat. Obviously there's wave management and more intricacies, but my point is you just need 1 replicable strategy for every game. Go in with a SPECIFIC plan of attack and stick to it.
    It's ALL ABOUT THE HOURS. Riot matchmaking doesn't care about "I keep getting bad luck with teammates, this is not fair". They just want you to keep playing. It's designed to be a slow, SLOOOOW grind. It's gonna take AT LEAST 100-200 games to reach your goal. Once you've reluctantly accepted this, you're ready to climb, and you WILL climb.

  • @joshprice4855
    @joshprice4855 17 дней назад

    I think that last one cannot not be understated.
    If I could add one that kind of relates to it, I never ranked in lol but I have ranked pretty high in a few other games and mental cannot be underestimated. If you're tilted stop playing. If you're mad you will screw up winnable games. Like for me, I start getting angry after 3 losses in a row so I stop.
    The game will be there in an hour, the next day, or the weekend.

  • @buruakafag
    @buruakafag 7 дней назад

    how to derank from diamond to bronze pls (make it authentic)

  • @kellychen8384
    @kellychen8384 7 дней назад

    If you are not the front line, stay behind your team.
    Be self reliant don’t expect your jg or sup to babysit you.

  • @osmodeus8882
    @osmodeus8882 18 дней назад +2

    Thank you i was silver and now im finally wood thanks a lot 😂😂

    • @Dakkych
      @Dakkych  18 дней назад +4

      You are welcome see you in plastic soon

  • @Divine_Rays
    @Divine_Rays 8 дней назад +2

    Does all of this apply to support players as well? I can't exactly play selfishly, take cs/kills or anything while playing support

    • @Dakkych
      @Dakkych  8 дней назад +2

      Well u have to help one of your teammate play selfishly, Probably your adc. wave management applies to everyone even junglers

    • @Divine_Rays
      @Divine_Rays 8 дней назад +1

      @@Dakkych Got it, thank you

    • @aster011
      @aster011 7 дней назад

      You can play brand, so yeah you can take kills while playing support

    • @kellychen8384
      @kellychen8384 7 дней назад

      My tips as enchanter : yes ur skillshots and cc are important but no u at NOT the front line. Position yourself better and let them walk into your cc rather than focus on landing them. Survive to keep your team alive

    • @Divine_Rays
      @Divine_Rays 7 дней назад

      @@kellychen8384 thanks, any advice for engage? I pretty much only play engage supports

  • @nightmarejungle5871
    @nightmarejungle5871 5 дней назад

    4:57 luckyly this syles is not in my team probbably cuz hes perma already

  • @bartman2519
    @bartman2519 3 дня назад +2

    "how to get into silver" (I'm bronze ;-; )

  • @estikofficial
    @estikofficial 3 дня назад

    answer: buy a boosted acc. or pay a booster

  • @dangercloset
    @dangercloset 8 дней назад

    5:00 that lux play was pretty clean ngl

  • @aaronflint2407
    @aaronflint2407 7 дней назад +1

    Yeah I can outplay my opponents 3 of 5 matches. The other two we're even at worst case. However, my 4 teammates don't seem to display any basic micro/macro capability about 80% of the time and chase losing fights with 0 vision all match long. I don't see a video about how to stop 4 people from forcing you to lose. Mind you, losing a match is fine. Being continually forced to lose due to ranked players with accounts over level 200 with 3-600 matches in the same elo? Yeah, I dunno wtf to do with that level of hard stuck.

    • @Respawnd
      @Respawnd 6 дней назад

      Win lane - chose a lane and push that - kill enemys 30sec befor objectivs like dragon or herold - play only for urself --- this works until Diamond ...

  • @hirotrum6810
    @hirotrum6810 13 дней назад

    8:36 as a vex player, this made my chest feel tight

  • @ISAK.M
    @ISAK.M 3 дня назад

    Plat 2 just so every1 knows

  • @Respawnd
    @Respawnd 6 дней назад

    I don't understand why you don't kill the Kassadin in minute 6:29 or in minute 6:38 where he gives you another chance to get the 300g...
    So after watching this video I completely agree with Tyler1... all under Gold play without monitor, mouse and keyboard...

    • @Dakkych
      @Dakkych  6 дней назад

      I was trying to show an example of wave management that I was talking about but (if you didn't recognise kassadin was a bot) he didn't play as expected for me to demonstrate a point properly

  • @shadow50HD
    @shadow50HD 7 дней назад

    watching this as a diamond player lmao

    • @Respawnd
      @Respawnd 6 дней назад

      and i hope u laughing ur ass off too this Video helps 0 its the same bullshit like the video he skipped at the beginning Imao

    • @shadow50HD
      @shadow50HD 6 дней назад +2

      @@Respawnd tyler1s advice is best tbh lol. Look up a 3 min guide to your champion. Don’t overstay. And just play the game. That should get you to at least plat.

    • @Respawnd
      @Respawnd 6 дней назад

      @@shadow50HD +1

    • @ISAK.M
      @ISAK.M 3 дня назад

      @@Respawnd yeah he literally did exactly the same thing as every other shit video

  • @feelthefear7747
    @feelthefear7747 День назад

    dont get in smurf lobbys

  • @skilledroy2672
    @skilledroy2672 6 дней назад

    how do i get out of plat

    • @konradzbikowski5069
      @konradzbikowski5069 4 дня назад

      Get a gameplan and follow it. Doesn't have to be complicated. Even something as simple as "1. dont die 2. poke the shit out of the enemy laner 3. get exp and gold lead 4. help jungler around the map" for midlane can work wonders.
      Switching playstyles too often is never good.

    • @skilledroy2672
      @skilledroy2672 4 дня назад

      @@konradzbikowski5069 ty

  • @demo9734
    @demo9734 6 дней назад +2

    Should advise people to play lux mid/apc, champ is easily 400Lp inflated, might be enough to leave silver

  • @BRINK_Music
    @BRINK_Music 8 дней назад +1

    Buy a new account - Sorted.

  • @ibrahimismail5625
    @ibrahimismail5625 7 дней назад

    i feel like mechanics alone can get you to gold
    after that you need a brain

  • @SkinalX
    @SkinalX 6 дней назад

    How to ACTUALLY get out of silver?
    Stop being bad

    • @3N-85
      @3N-85 2 дня назад

      my goodness, what an idea. why didn't i think of that?