SAME but it also makes sense. Well it WOULD if they had a good PvE campaign 😅 that's what I was looking for. It makes sense with character level ups etc. I don't like having to pay for a battle pass EACH season (which I won't).
I miss this game so much. It’s crazy how 7 years have gone by. I met friends that I still talk to now and I really wish I could go back to those days sometimes.
@@Chrono-MR yeah I know. Sometimes I do find myself missing the 6v6 gameplay and want to go back to that but 5v5 is also decent. Ofc the gameplay is still pretty great but I just still really miss what it used to be. Even though it may have been more unbalanced I still think I used to have more fun playing the game back in like year 2 or something. And the way they’ve monetized OW2 is just terrible to me. I strongly dislike how it’s turned into a free to play game. Back in OW1 it felt like you may actually be able to complete a hero and collect everything if you just continued playing which was awesome. Now i know for a fact that it will never happen. Like I’ve been playing quite a bit since OW2 launched and I’m not even close to being able to afford a single legendary skin from the shop. And getting cool new skins and cosmetics was one of the things I really enjoyed about OW1 but that part has pretty much become obsolete now for anyone who doesn’t pay for it. So yeah I just wish I could go back to OW1 since I feel like a part of the joy of playing the game is gone now. Also miss some of the old maps and features. OW2 just feels like such a huge downgrade in almost every way except for some of the gameplay changes and such. Sorry for the rant haha 😂
@@CvpArt same, OV2 is not a bad in itself. It just feels somehow like a huge downgrade. Part of the reason for me is that the magic is gone. Back in the day OV was not necessarily better, but you could feel the game briming with potential. They devs had so much passion and love for this game. Do you remember all the animations and comics which gave us backstory to each character. The game really felt alive. Like you are part of smt. We did not only get new characters and maps. Each character was tied to some bit of lore and map. These even changed over time. For instance gibraltar got partialy destroyed, after doomfist made his first appearance. Not only indicating, that events happened right now in the real time, but also kept us wondering what blizzard had in store for us. Idk, I did not just lost all interest after they abandoned OV1. Blizzard dissapointed me in so many ways, that I completely lost any hope. Heck, they do not even get the birthdays of there heros right anymore.
@@andresperrle7984 Yeah this is pretty much exactly how I feel about OW2. Still has the incredibly well done gameplay and it still gets cool maps and characters, but yeah it just feels like they made OW2 to add the crazy monetizing aspects and justify it with the game now being free to play. Also totally agree with what you said about the game brimming with potential. The universe feels so rich and huge but it’s like we never get to see the full scope of it, since the content has been really mediocre recently. Just imagine all the cool stories they could tell if they really had invested in better pve stuff or maybe even making overwatch 2 a primarily story based game. Could have been so interesting to see. But it seems very likely that it’ll never happen and that makes me feel sad, and quite disappointed. 🫤
This genuinely makes me kinda sad... I'll probably be leaving OW by the end of this year, because I as a player dislike the cancellation of pve, but will stick around just long enough to take a glance at the season 6 story missions. But seeing this video took me back to a much simpler time. Staying up late with friends to grind levels, practicing heroes none of us were normally good with, aiming for that POTG, etc. In a weird way, watching this helped me pay my respects to the ow memories that I have, and helped me feel content with walking away from ow2. Thank you.
I'm as addicted as I was back in 2016, PVE doesn't bother me because I was never interested in PVE and I love RPG modes but let's be honest.. it's blizzard and they're known for MMOs, wows quests were never great but were fun with friends which is why I played a shit ton of wow back in 2004-2008 (basically my high school years). FPS games were never my thing, Overwatch is honestly the only FPS like game that I can say I enjoy! I don't care for warzone,. cod, etc... Battlefield 4 was fun cause I'd just join friendly lobbies to kill my teammates because I was drunk and it was fun af! Yea I kicked from lobbies a lot but it was fun. Battlefield 4 was actually a fun game for awhile, but again fps games aren't my thing. Fighting games are, so honestly an overwatch fighting game would be pretty sweet but blizzard would fuck that up..
Same you can get free loot boxes in two ways without wasting money, Arcade and leveling up, Like now a days when doing these challenges to get loot boxes instead we get 60 credits a week
this video was so nostalgic, but also depressing. back in 2018 on a hot summer day grinding out the event for loot boxes, some of the most enjoyable times i had with overwatch. Thank you for this video bro, i would definitely love to see some more comparison videos in the future
I already hated ow2 since it was announced. It always seemed to me like a lazy marketing attempt by not listening to any complaints about overwatch 1 and just creating a new game. They only made overwatch 2 because in 2019 blizzard had controversy with Hong Kong
tbh wouldn't be hard, and the old overwatch comp mode is still technically there (can't just have the same hero and that was busted and got fixed fast). They should bring loot boxes back, another revenue for money and you can still get them from leveling up the battle pass, so maybe you only get 3-4 or maybe 5 loot boxes a season but that's better than nothing. Also remove the scoreboard.. it's not needed
@@SSADO- yeah same. I was just like... "nobody asked for this shit?" I never wanted PvE in Overwatch. This was a cempetitive PvP game, who actually gave a fuck about PvE or the story?
@@SSADO- ow2 was announced as a real sequel, not an update, was going to be a separated game focused on a story campaign, not the shit fest we got, so i loved the idea of ow2, they could leave ow1, maybe make it free to play but keep it as ow1, and then sell the campaign, a real campaign worth the price
It baffles me how many good quality of life stuff they got rid of with OW2… UI design, on fire system, not being able to see amount of unlocks in hero gallery, etc… craaazy
@Mr Jayboo same here I can’t play a decent game without there being one or two snipers camping in the back doing fuck all while my teams tank charges in to the enemy team only to die 2 seconds later. And it doesn’t help that it’s almost every game I’m playing that our team fucks up last minute when we almost win pushing the payload because the enemy team had a junker queen who was pocketed by a mercy whilst nano boosted by an ana.
I have two copies of it for my ps4. My first og copy stopped working around 2019. I traded cod bo4 with my friend for his legendary edition. The one with sombra on the disc instead of tracer. That’s how much I loved the game. I had two copies and still keep them even though they’re useless now. I don’t even play overwatch anymore. But I miss the old game
My favorite memory of Overwatch was in a vsAI game (I was such a noob at normal games, but ironically, almost every time I played vs AIs I had a play of the game). I was playing Reinhardt in Eichenwalde, and just as everyone did, I went in front of the AI team's spawn point waiting for them to come out, I remember that we destroyed the bots four times, but it was on the fifth time where things got spicy for me. When the bot team got out of the spawn I charged and I made my first and only team kill. That one is the best memory I have of OW and also one of my happiest memories of all times
Something I miss so much about the old overwatch were the events. Especially the archives and Halloween terror events. I’ll admit after the first week of the events being out it usually got boring. However, the first week was filled with so much enjoyment from the new content and game modes, and they came out with so many new cosmetics you had a real reason to grind the game and get event loot boxes. Nowadays, they’ve gotten rid of most of the events and locked all new cosmetics behind a paywall most people can’t afford, and still won’t update the content of the events either. Blizzard has truly ruined everything good about overwatch and it’s such a shame :(
this video brought me back to christmas of 2016, when i got the game and would stay up late every night just to grind levels, get loot boxes and just have fun with my friends. really makes me remember how good we used to have it, and how i’ve just become comfortably numb to ow2. after seeing this video, it makes it so much harder to open up the game and have fun with it like i could with ow1.
Same dude :( ALSO I ALSO GOT IT FOR CHRISTMAS 2016, DUDE THE FUCKING CHRISTMAS HOME SCREEN FOR OW1 IS SO NOSTALGIC, AND THE MUSIC TOGETHER MAKES ME WANNA CRYYYY Lmfao sorry but man seeing that background and hearing the music makes me wanna cry dudeuhhdwhfyd
When I was younger I was playing over watch on my brothers ps4, the only thing I remember was bastions little healing arm thing. One year later my brother and my mother were going out to target to get groceries. My brother had a note on the ps4 saying “Don’t play until I come back.” Me and my brother always loved playing together, but on the way back from getting groceries they got hit by a car. My mother survived but my brother didn’t. And to this day, I still have a yellow sticky note saying, “Don’t play until I come home.”
I know that I’m 9 months late to reply to your comment, but I’m very sorry for your loss dude. I just hope you know that your brother is in a better place now, and he probably wouldn’t mind if you played without him, this time. I can assure you that he’s most likely watching over you, not in a bad/creepy way, but now as an Angel. Take it easy, my friend. I hope that you don’t feel down or that it’s entirely a bad thing that he’s gone now, be happy about the memories that you might have shared with him. Reflect on the good times, not the bad. Have a great day/night, and may you be happy with your life as it is now, each and every day.
@riddickshumard5965 I know. It feels insensitive to say because MAYBE it happened, but because the sticky note said two different things, it says a lot imo.
I really miss stacking hero's, because when I started playing the game, I was originally going to be a Tracer main (because I was a Scout main in TF2) and I remember actually being decent enough to get some kills. In one of the matches I had, my team were all Tracer, then the other team slowly became Tracer too and we all just zooming everywhere. The voiceline "Eva git dat feelin' of Deja Vu?" spamming everytime we recalled and immediately dying afterward, and I loved every second of it. It was just all chaotic fun, and I really miss it. (Btw, the map this took place on was at the fricken Shimada brothers home, I don't remember the name of it, though).
I really miss mass rez mercy. I was the person who solo healed a 5dps team. Mass rez was so fun and heroic, truly felt like an actual “ultimate” ability, not to mention it’s iconic tying it all together. And when we already had another support, I would play Symmetra. I loved giving shields to teammates. It’s really sad that both my favorite heroes are now so different to how I first fell in love with them.
It was absolutely broken thinking about it, but honestly I don't even care, I wouldn't even care if they brought it back to non comp modes, early ow1 was so much more diverse and interesting man
Mass rez was so fun but broken. You'd always see POTG with someone killing a full team and then Mercy reviving them all. It was great. And yeah, I loved Symmetra's shields. I get why they reworked her later because people would forget to apply it to each teammate or they'd say it wasn't worth it so they just wouldn't. But I don't know, I enjoyed shielding everyone and having to reshield them when they respawned. Something about it just felt satisfying. The same way in which Torb used to drop armor packs to help the team. I think they were the same amount (I could be wrong) but Torb's packs definitely were used more and felt more helpful imo.
@@BrandonL_00 yeah I would like to play old sym now that I'm more aware of how the game works, it'd be a cool change of pace from just "heal heal heal" to keep teammates alive Also nah it was only like 25 or 30 for sym shields, I'm pretty sure torbs armor packs were more
Ranked now is like Quick Play in OW 1. U don’t even play on your own rank anymore, is just random ranks in every role and they think is balanced because both teams are random. In OW 1 wasn’t perfect, but at least if u were plat, u would play in a full plat lobby. Now if u are plat as tank, u have 1 silver dps, another gold dps, 1 diamond healer and another gold healer. And the other team is the same thing. Ow 2 is so bad, omg…
the overwatch beta was definitely my favorite time with this game. i was looking for a new game to play and decided to just download the beta since it was free. and i fell in love with ever since. changed my life too
Lol yes! I remember playing day 1 vs. Ai before jumping into a real match. We were pushing the payload and I didn't know that Dva had to hide from her own Ult. When I ulted, I died along with 3 enemy bots and 2 of my team (the rest of my team were fighting the other bots further ahead). I was embarrassed because I thought I accidentally killed my team. I thought since I died from it, that my team could too and thus had to hide as well. But I'm sure what really happened was one of the bots ulted or something. It was pretty funny though, ulting on the payload and everyone around dying.
I was playing the free period during summer in which I could play overwatch without paying and I loved the game, I spent almost every waking hour playing it ( this was when I was still young ) and then one day I tried to play it and it was locked, I asked my dad and he said that the free period had finished and I cried, I cried for like 10 minutes until my parents later came over to me and told me they had bought the game for me, I was so happy I didn't stop playing until midnight.
the intro literally says it all for me... the beta got me hooked i started my overwatch journey on day 1, the intro song to this video reminded me of all the friends i had, all the friends i started to play with.. they moved on i stayed i lost many friends that way. and now im on this sinking ship alone
Defense class was more for area denial, meis wall, snipers, junkrats balls it was meant to cut of areas making them dangerous or hard to go trough. I love the defense section and I would love for them to add it back. That way heroes feel more purposeful then just damaging the enemy team you have a job to do. Defend the point or cut off an area. There is a lot of different hero designs that could work well in this section.
you can still do that now, deffense was just another form of dps, you can pick any offense hero and do the same the any deffense hero could do, not even blizzard was sure what the role should be, they never relased a new character for the role
These replies are missing the point, I get what you mean lol I miss when dps were more unique and varied, rather than just "do damage to people" it really feels like they're just going more and more that direction
My favorite OW memory was my first Play of the Game. Practicing throwing a Dva bomb in the practice room over and over, then throwing it at the enemy team, behind Rein's shield, and getting a 4k, so my team could take the point in overtime. 😊
The home screen with hanzo hit me so hard, i would give so much to play overwatch again. I mean the real overwatch. I honestly feel scammed for paying 50 bucks and they take it down and replace it with this shit
please do the comparison videos for the heroes and maps it sounds very interesting to see all the changes could also be a fun series if you do them separately
My brother got OW when it first came out, it was meant to be a late birthday present for me because I wanted the game, but, I was a kid, I didn't understand what to do to finish the tutorial and my brother helped me, but in doing that, he fell in love with the game too. We'd take turns playing, watching the other play, and helping with call outs. You can call it back seat gaming, we called it sibling bonding time. I stopped playing in 2021 due to school, my marching band made me never home, but my friends made me get ow2. I'm still shaking off some rust, I miss ow1. Rest in peace, OverWatch disk that we put in our display case, I'll miss waiting for you to load.
My favorite memory of Overwatch? I remember I was playing in Eichenwalde and I was a Mercy and I was swinging left and right between walls, making sure my team mates were being healed, and my team mates actually vocally responded to me, cheering me on and thanking me after the match. It felt like I was actually playing with a team as they had my back and I had theirs and there was communication.
3:04 If the existed a live stream out there with this background/menu screen on loop I would watch that to calm myself down after losing a match of competitive overwatch or if they just made an ad on to the overwatch client to make the old menu screen available again
Reminds me of when I recently went to a random video of a guy playing mccree/Cassidy and I commented saying “I’m still calling him mccree” to see if people would get pissed of at me and sure enough two people were commenting to me that my opinion was wrong
@@ToiletDuck21 at least your acknowledging that you support woman getting there breast milk stolen and harassed to the point of killing themsleves😉 Calling Cassidy that pervs name only suppprts the cube crawls and harassment
@@ToiletDuck21 it's stupid to change the name of a hero just because it might offend some women. This is one of the reasons I don't have respect for them
@@willymammoth539 nah he’s valid whatever the fuck the creator did has no involvement with the character lmao they just changed it bc people were gonna say shit
Watching this just makes me want to have some sort of way to play OW1 again just for fun haha, hopefully when the anniversary event comes around we could get some old stuff back even if its just for the event, líke 6v6 and so on
The best overwatch memory I have is Christmas day 2017 Before this point, I’ve played overwatch a little bit on my brothers Xbox, but that day I finally got my own and I was amazed at all the different characters particularly junkrat
My favourite memory from Overwacth 1 is every day after school hoping on with my mates to do competitive until we rage and then just mess about in custom
overwatch 1 was just more fun, even at the end when it was unbalanced as heck, the soul of overwatch was still there, now its just different. no lootboxes, no 2cp no on fire, just a battlepass and overpriced skins, we didn't even get pve.
Overwatch 2016, anytime! My greatest memories were things like huge resses (that felt so good) and being on fire and getting mvp card at the end. Good times. I really liked lootboxes and hos easily you could get credits and then buy your favorite skin (if that didn't drop from the box before). It was easy, cozy and fun to play Ow1. Dropped my most loved game two months after ow2. It's just sad.
I'm sad that I never got to experience OW1 in 2016 but a year later from release, May of 2017. Only got to enjoy the best years of OW1 for a year before it went downhill in 2018. Would've been cool to preorder it and get the Widow's extremely rare outfit, Noire. And playing since the beginning with no hero limits!
best time was probably when i came back home from school and saw an update. It always used to be awesome cause i would save up credits to bujy the new event skins. Peak time for me
I'll agree COOLEST maps, and they're old maps that aren't huge and designed for mobile characters (even though I like mobile characters, mobility creep is bad)
7 years ago man..... It was just the greatest multiplayer game I'd ever played. But when that hamster dropped, everything started rolling down hill (including the hamster)
i genuinely wish i was there, i miss player levels and loot boxes and completing hero galleries, even when i got a bad skin it still felt like a win because i got something, getting items was more fun and enjoyable, it was something to work for
Overwatch one is so much better than Overwatch 2, like I paid for it once and everything was free and I actually felt I was being respected by Blizzard
I remember my first time playing in 2016. I was on Tracer on kings row and my dad just showed me how to play. From then I started playing the game constantly. Those were good times.
i remember i met my first ever friend on overwatch, we would play every single day non-stop. i still know them, but we don't ever talk much. i really miss old overwatch when it was just fun times and nobody bullied you for your rank, nobody was toxic, nobody cared. we all just had fun. where do the years go?
It was full of life back then, I had so much fun grinding from silver up to masters with my friends, level 900. I just feel robbed of time and money, the games so dead and they gave up on it 😢
My favourite memory of OW was definitely Sigma's release. Still, to this day, the best origin story video in the entire game, still one of the coolest characters in the game, and the fluidity of his barrier back before he didn't have that long ass cooldown felt so good. They could've removed grasp and rock instead of doing anything they went and did to him, and he would've STILL been my favourite character in the game. Honorable mention to when Reaper's teleport got the buff that he could use it midair. I remember freaking the hell out about it.
I had just got my PS4 as a grad present and this was game had come out a few days later. Decided to randomly buy it and had no prior info to it. Had no idea it would change my life the way it did
From Mccree’s name being changed to Cassidy because of an employee known for r ing women And torbjörn’s old turret Also am I the only one who hates push mode?
Same. While everyone was hyping about it, I felt like something was wrong with me for not being excited, and in fact negative about it. I just wanted my Overwatch 1. We were correct. Unfortunately.
i remember when my team used 3 Reinhardrt, 1 Bast, and 2 healer and we just jump on the payload and let bastion do the job while Reinhardt just used their shields hahaha
My first experience with overwatch was with my cousin when he lived with us. I was 7 it was 2016 my cousin had just got overwatch a few months prior. I played a game and I was hooked. A few years later he moved out when I was 9 then my younger brother came in clutch and told my mom I loved this game called overwatch. For my 10th birthday I got my own copy of the game and then it led to depression, stress, anxiety, and lots of fun times.
Never in my life did I think I would miss loot boxes… but here we are…
Blizzard always breaking new ground.
SAME but it also makes sense. Well it WOULD if they had a good PvE campaign 😅 that's what I was looking for. It makes sense with character level ups etc. I don't like having to pay for a battle pass EACH season (which I won't).
The biggest difference is that it was actually possible to get cool skins without paying. Free battlepass is absolute trash.
That's what I'm saying 😂
I miss this game so much. It’s crazy how 7 years have gone by. I met friends that I still talk to now and I really wish I could go back to those days sometimes.
The PVP side is still here, the game itself is still here and as good as it was but the rewards systems are... lacking
@@Chrono-MR yeah I know. Sometimes I do find myself missing the 6v6 gameplay and want to go back to that but 5v5 is also decent. Ofc the gameplay is still pretty great but I just still really miss what it used to be. Even though it may have been more unbalanced I still think I used to have more fun playing the game back in like year 2 or something. And the way they’ve monetized OW2 is just terrible to me. I strongly dislike how it’s turned into a free to play game. Back in OW1 it felt like you may actually be able to complete a hero and collect everything if you just continued playing which was awesome. Now i know for a fact that it will never happen. Like I’ve been playing quite a bit since OW2 launched and I’m not even close to being able to afford a single legendary skin from the shop. And getting cool new skins and cosmetics was one of the things I really enjoyed about OW1 but that part has pretty much become obsolete now for anyone who doesn’t pay for it. So yeah I just wish I could go back to OW1 since I feel like a part of the joy of playing the game is gone now. Also miss some of the old maps and features. OW2 just feels like such a huge downgrade in almost every way except for some of the gameplay changes and such. Sorry for the rant haha 😂
fr same
@@CvpArt same, OV2 is not a bad in itself. It just feels somehow like a huge downgrade.
Part of the reason for me is that the magic is gone. Back in the day OV was not necessarily better, but you could feel the game briming with potential.
They devs had so much passion and love for this game. Do you remember all the animations and comics which gave us backstory to each character.
The game really felt alive. Like you are part of smt.
We did not only get new characters and maps. Each character was tied to some bit of lore and map. These even changed over time. For instance gibraltar got partialy destroyed, after doomfist made his first appearance. Not only indicating, that events happened right now in the real time, but also kept us wondering what blizzard had in store for us.
Idk, I did not just lost all interest after they abandoned OV1. Blizzard dissapointed me in so many ways, that I completely lost any hope. Heck, they do not even get the birthdays of there heros right anymore.
@@andresperrle7984 Yeah this is pretty much exactly how I feel about OW2. Still has the incredibly well done gameplay and it still gets cool maps and characters, but yeah it just feels like they made OW2 to add the crazy monetizing aspects and justify it with the game now being free to play. Also totally agree with what you said about the game brimming with potential. The universe feels so rich and huge but it’s like we never get to see the full scope of it, since the content has been really mediocre recently. Just imagine all the cool stories they could tell if they really had invested in better pve stuff or maybe even making overwatch 2 a primarily story based game. Could have been so interesting to see. But it seems very likely that it’ll never happen and that makes me feel sad, and quite disappointed. 🫤
This genuinely makes me kinda sad... I'll probably be leaving OW by the end of this year, because I as a player dislike the cancellation of pve, but will stick around just long enough to take a glance at the season 6 story missions. But seeing this video took me back to a much simpler time. Staying up late with friends to grind levels, practicing heroes none of us were normally good with, aiming for that POTG, etc. In a weird way, watching this helped me pay my respects to the ow memories that I have, and helped me feel content with walking away from ow2. Thank you.
I was going at some point to delete my all Ow1 videos from my computer but now I think they are nice mementos
I'm as addicted as I was back in 2016, PVE doesn't bother me because I was never interested in PVE and I love RPG modes but let's be honest.. it's blizzard and they're known for MMOs, wows quests were never great but were fun with friends which is why I played a shit ton of wow back in 2004-2008 (basically my high school years). FPS games were never my thing, Overwatch is honestly the only FPS like game that I can say I enjoy! I don't care for warzone,. cod, etc... Battlefield 4 was fun cause I'd just join friendly lobbies to kill my teammates because I was drunk and it was fun af! Yea I kicked from lobbies a lot but it was fun. Battlefield 4 was actually a fun game for awhile, but again fps games aren't my thing. Fighting games are, so honestly an overwatch fighting game would be pretty sweet but blizzard would fuck that up..
OW2 is, was free, but story is gonna cost you.. seems need to purchase fragment by fragment.
ill miss ya man im sad that youre leaving but u might not be the only one
Don’t worry bro. PvE is now here, for the low low price of 15 bucks
I remember every week you could get 3 lootboxes in arcade just by winning 9 games, truly miss it.
[edit] Thanks for the likes 🥹
Same you can get free loot boxes in two ways without wasting money, Arcade and leveling up, Like now a days when doing these challenges to get loot boxes instead we get 60 credits a week
Same. It was fun
sup fam
No, what you miss the dopamine rush you got when opening a box. Nothing more.
this video was so nostalgic, but also depressing. back in 2018 on a hot summer day grinding out the event for loot boxes, some of the most enjoyable times i had with overwatch. Thank you for this video bro, i would definitely love to see some more comparison videos in the future
for me it was the summer of 2016 and 17. oh to be "young" again huh :D
At first i loved the ow 2 idea, but now, i want this back so hard
I already hated ow2 since it was announced. It always seemed to me like a lazy marketing attempt by not listening to any complaints about overwatch 1 and just creating a new game.
They only made overwatch 2 because in 2019 blizzard had controversy with Hong Kong
tbh wouldn't be hard, and the old overwatch comp mode is still technically there (can't just have the same hero and that was busted and got fixed fast). They should bring loot boxes back, another revenue for money and you can still get them from leveling up the battle pass, so maybe you only get 3-4 or maybe 5 loot boxes a season but that's better than nothing. Also remove the scoreboard.. it's not needed
@@SSADO- yeah same. I was just like... "nobody asked for this shit?" I never wanted PvE in Overwatch. This was a cempetitive PvP game, who actually gave a fuck about PvE or the story?
@@SSADO- ow2 was announced as a real sequel, not an update, was going to be a separated game focused on a story campaign, not the shit fest we got, so i loved the idea of ow2, they could leave ow1, maybe make it free to play but keep it as ow1, and then sell the campaign, a real campaign worth the price
@@SSADO-what controversy do you mean?
It baffles me how many good quality of life stuff they got rid of with OW2… UI design, on fire system, not being able to see amount of unlocks in hero gallery, etc… craaazy
And with every update the UI gets worse. It's uglier, more cluttered, and chunkier than ever.
@@dash4800 FOR REAL DUDE
DUDE NOBODY ELSE TALKS ABOUT THE UI ENOUGH, IT'S HIDEOUS in ow2, the ow1 HUD and especially menus had so much personality and looked sooo good
I mean now we have on fire back but we don't even have the bar or the number to see how much we get off kills
Better. It was better.
Not exactly, it was busted as hell but fun.
1st 2 years were the best
@Mr Jayboo same here I can’t play a decent game without there being one or two snipers camping in the back doing fuck all while my teams tank charges in to the enemy team only to die 2 seconds later.
And it doesn’t help that it’s almost every game I’m playing that our team fucks up last minute when we almost win pushing the payload because the enemy team had a junker queen who was pocketed by a mercy whilst nano boosted by an ana.
I miss OG overwatch everyday tbh. I used to collect all my lootboxes like 500+ and open them all in one random day
I’ve been playing overwatch for 7 years and the most thing I miss is the Winston greeting,mercy’s old ult,and the loot boxes
mercy's ult was the worse thing about old ow
I still have my Physical copy of Overwatch to this day
Same, the Origin Edition
I have two copies of it for my ps4. My first og copy stopped working around 2019. I traded cod bo4 with my friend for his legendary edition. The one with sombra on the disc instead of tracer. That’s how much I loved the game. I had two copies and still keep them even though they’re useless now. I don’t even play overwatch anymore. But I miss the old game
Omg yes me too! I bought it day 1 at Best Buy and it came with a free license plate and poster.
ayy same i have the ps4 origins edition one
Yeah same I put it in to try it out again and forgot overwatch 2 is now digital
My favorite memory of Overwatch was in a vsAI game (I was such a noob at normal games, but ironically, almost every time I played vs AIs I had a play of the game). I was playing Reinhardt in Eichenwalde, and just as everyone did, I went in front of the AI team's spawn point waiting for them to come out, I remember that we destroyed the bots four times, but it was on the fifth time where things got spicy for me. When the bot team got out of the spawn I charged and I made my first and only team kill. That one is the best memory I have of OW and also one of my happiest memories of all times
Something I miss so much about the old overwatch were the events. Especially the archives and Halloween terror events. I’ll admit after the first week of the events being out it usually got boring. However, the first week was filled with so much enjoyment from the new content and game modes, and they came out with so many new cosmetics you had a real reason to grind the game and get event loot boxes. Nowadays, they’ve gotten rid of most of the events and locked all new cosmetics behind a paywall most people can’t afford, and still won’t update the content of the events either. Blizzard has truly ruined everything good about overwatch and it’s such a shame :(
For real man :(
this video brought me back to christmas of 2016, when i got the game and would stay up late every night just to grind levels, get loot boxes and just have fun with my friends. really makes me remember how good we used to have it, and how i’ve just become comfortably numb to ow2. after seeing this video, it makes it so much harder to open up the game and have fun with it like i could with ow1.
Same dude :(
Lmfao sorry but man seeing that background and hearing the music makes me wanna cry dudeuhhdwhfyd
When I was younger I was playing over watch on my brothers ps4, the only thing I remember was bastions little healing arm thing. One year later my brother and my mother were going out to target to get groceries. My brother had a note on the ps4 saying “Don’t play until I come back.” Me and my brother always loved playing together, but on the way back from getting groceries they got hit by a car. My mother survived but my brother didn’t. And to this day, I still have a yellow sticky note saying, “Don’t play until I come home.”
Jeez I’m so sorry bro. It’s so scary how quickly you can lose a person simply because they were out on the road…
I know that I’m 9 months late to reply to your comment, but I’m very sorry for your loss dude. I just hope you know that your brother is in a better place now, and he probably wouldn’t mind if you played without him, this time.
I can assure you that he’s most likely watching over you, not in a bad/creepy way, but now as an Angel.
Take it easy, my friend. I hope that you don’t feel down or that it’s entirely a bad thing that he’s gone now, be happy about the memories that you might have shared with him. Reflect on the good times, not the bad.
Have a great day/night, and may you be happy with your life as it is now, each and every day.
Why do people make up fake sad stories for no reason it’s actually alarming
@@graysonwells21he’s lying
@riddickshumard5965 I know. It feels insensitive to say because MAYBE it happened, but because the sticky note said two different things, it says a lot imo.
I really miss stacking hero's, because when I started playing the game, I was originally going to be a Tracer main (because I was a Scout main in TF2) and I remember actually being decent enough to get some kills. In one of the matches I had, my team were all Tracer, then the other team slowly became Tracer too and we all just zooming everywhere. The voiceline "Eva git dat feelin' of Deja Vu?" spamming everytime we recalled and immediately dying afterward, and I loved every second of it. It was just all chaotic fun, and I really miss it. (Btw, the map this took place on was at the fricken Shimada brothers home, I don't remember the name of it, though).
Hanamura :)
@@chuiga2935 Thank you :3
Hot take (maybe) i really miss the 2CP maps. Not the game mode but the maps were so iconic.
@@_-_sinexus_-_ Yeah, I really was hoping they'd rework them to fit the new gamemodes just so we'd have them still
@@Antroz0n i really think they could be extended into payload maps. Hope they'll do that some time
I really miss mass rez mercy. I was the person who solo healed a 5dps team. Mass rez was so fun and heroic, truly felt like an actual “ultimate” ability, not to mention it’s iconic tying it all together. And when we already had another support, I would play Symmetra. I loved giving shields to teammates. It’s really sad that both my favorite heroes are now so different to how I first fell in love with them.
There's a reason they had to change that lol that's probably one of the most op ults ever
they reworked the heroes including symmetra and mercy and sombra to be more out on the battlefield. also one less tank to hide behind
It was absolutely broken thinking about it, but honestly I don't even care, I wouldn't even care if they brought it back to non comp modes, early ow1 was so much more diverse and interesting man
Mass rez was so fun but broken. You'd always see POTG with someone killing a full team and then Mercy reviving them all. It was great. And yeah, I loved Symmetra's shields. I get why they reworked her later because people would forget to apply it to each teammate or they'd say it wasn't worth it so they just wouldn't. But I don't know, I enjoyed shielding everyone and having to reshield them when they respawned. Something about it just felt satisfying. The same way in which Torb used to drop armor packs to help the team. I think they were the same amount (I could be wrong) but Torb's packs definitely were used more and felt more helpful imo.
@@BrandonL_00 yeah I would like to play old sym now that I'm more aware of how the game works, it'd be a cool change of pace from just "heal heal heal" to keep teammates alive
Also nah it was only like 25 or 30 for sym shields, I'm pretty sure torbs armor packs were more
the nostalgia is enough to make a grown man cry
+ finally quit ow2 lol
fr 😢
Ranked now is like Quick Play in OW 1. U don’t even play on your own rank anymore, is just random ranks in every role and they think is balanced because both teams are random. In OW 1 wasn’t perfect, but at least if u were plat, u would play in a full plat lobby. Now if u are plat as tank, u have 1 silver dps, another gold dps, 1 diamond healer and another gold healer. And the other team is the same thing. Ow 2 is so bad, omg…
As a TF2 player that used to sh** on Overwatch back then, I miss it alot. You really don't know how good you had it until its gone.
the overwatch beta was definitely my favorite time with this game. i was looking for a new game to play and decided to just download the beta since it was free. and i fell in love with ever since. changed my life too
My favourite memory from Overwatch was watching my brother play my favourite hero Genji for the past 7 years and getting into the game
You had me crying 😢
dva players dying to their own ultimate was funny
The list goes on lol Junks dying to their own grenades was funny too
Lol yes! I remember playing day 1 vs. Ai before jumping into a real match. We were pushing the payload and I didn't know that Dva had to hide from her own Ult. When I ulted, I died along with 3 enemy bots and 2 of my team (the rest of my team were fighting the other bots further ahead). I was embarrassed because I thought I accidentally killed my team. I thought since I died from it, that my team could too and thus had to hide as well. But I'm sure what really happened was one of the bots ulted or something. It was pretty funny though, ulting on the payload and everyone around dying.
the double tank era hit different
School was hard for me socially, after school I would come home and grind junkrat (while keeping my grades up)
The good times…I miss you ow1 😢
I was playing the free period during summer in which I could play overwatch without paying and I loved the game, I spent almost every waking hour playing it ( this was when I was still young ) and then one day I tried to play it and it was locked, I asked my dad and he said that the free period had finished and I cried, I cried for like 10 minutes until my parents later came over to me and told me they had bought the game for me, I was so happy I didn't stop playing until midnight.
the intro literally says it all for me... the beta got me hooked i started my overwatch journey on day 1, the intro song to this video reminded me of all the friends i had, all the friends i started to play with.. they moved on i stayed i lost many friends that way. and now im on this sinking ship alone
Defense class was more for area denial, meis wall, snipers, junkrats balls it was meant to cut of areas making them dangerous or hard to go trough. I love the defense section and I would love for them to add it back. That way heroes feel more purposeful then just damaging the enemy team you have a job to do. Defend the point or cut off an area. There is a lot of different hero designs that could work well in this section.
It’s still there
you can still do that now, deffense was just another form of dps, you can pick any offense hero and do the same the any deffense hero could do, not even blizzard was sure what the role should be, they never relased a new character for the role
These replies are missing the point, I get what you mean lol
I miss when dps were more unique and varied, rather than just "do damage to people" it really feels like they're just going more and more that direction
My favorite OW memory was my first Play of the Game. Practicing throwing a Dva bomb in the practice room over and over, then throwing it at the enemy team, behind Rein's shield, and getting a 4k, so my team could take the point in overtime. 😊
Oh my goodness - when you opened the main menu and the theme started playing, it got me right in the feels
What is Overwatch? An awesome award winning game that had to die because of Blizzard's insane greed and incompetence
This takes me back. I started playing when the first Halloween event came out, I was OBSESSED with the game. It was SO much fun
Same :( man you know what I think I'm quitting, the game just has no soul anymore
Holy I wish we could play 2016 Overwatch again
The home screen with hanzo hit me so hard, i would give so much to play overwatch again. I mean the real overwatch. I honestly feel scammed for paying 50 bucks and they take it down and replace it with this shit
please do the comparison videos for the heroes and maps it sounds very interesting to see all the changes
could also be a fun series if you do them separately
Cree flash bang right click was the funniest shit ever I miss it dearly
well lucky you
My brother got OW when it first came out, it was meant to be a late birthday present for me because I wanted the game, but, I was a kid, I didn't understand what to do to finish the tutorial and my brother helped me, but in doing that, he fell in love with the game too. We'd take turns playing, watching the other play, and helping with call outs. You can call it back seat gaming, we called it sibling bonding time. I stopped playing in 2021 due to school, my marching band made me never home, but my friends made me get ow2. I'm still shaking off some rust, I miss ow1. Rest in peace, OverWatch disk that we put in our display case, I'll miss waiting for you to load.
My favorite memory of Overwatch? I remember I was playing in Eichenwalde and I was a Mercy and I was swinging left and right between walls, making sure my team mates were being healed, and my team mates actually vocally responded to me, cheering me on and thanking me after the match. It felt like I was actually playing with a team as they had my back and I had theirs and there was communication.
Man I miss those days, good times. Very nostalgic
Overwatch was one of the few games that did loot boxes actually a good thing. I miss them so much...
Back when Jesse McCree was the most iconic name and was changed to the worst, weakest name ever in the game for a cowboy
Why didn’t they just go with Joel Instead?
Women ☕
Honestly Jesse the Kid or some shit would be better than Cole Cassidy or maybe like Wes Eastwood
@@StudioUAC What
@@barbatos9555they changed the name because mccree was named after a blizzard guy who did strange things to women at the office
Level 3 turret pogs was always the funniest to watch, it’s just torb smacking it
It was unbalanced, but chaoticallly fun
3:04 If the existed a live stream out there with this background/menu screen on loop I would watch that to calm myself down after losing a match of competitive overwatch or if they just made an ad on to the overwatch client to make the old menu screen available again
it’s so crazy how long it’s been 😭, i really miss old times
Mercy hiding waiting for a huge POTG huge rez
forced to watch the whole video without sound, jesus your maner of speaking it's torture.
Then watch someone else?
@@Xx_D4RK_K1N_xX thx i think I'll figure this without you lol
@@yufurai k but like there is videos similar to this. So idk why you would force urself to watch this one?
@@Xx_D4RK_K1N_xX wanted to taste some nostalgia for deadass game
thing i tasted first was bleeding from ears
@@yufurai then why watch?-
I miss the lootboxes, my dad was a MONSTER at ow1, having over 1000+ lootboxes from events and other such
Lmao people who still get tilted cause we still call him McCree but still love the character
Reminds me of when I recently went to a random video of a guy playing mccree/Cassidy and I commented saying “I’m still calling him mccree” to see if people would get pissed of at me and sure enough two people were commenting to me that my opinion was wrong
@@ToiletDuck21 at least your acknowledging that you support woman getting there breast milk stolen and harassed to the point of killing themsleves😉 Calling Cassidy that pervs name only suppprts the cube crawls and harassment
@@ToiletDuck21 it's stupid to change the name of a hero just because it might offend some women. This is one of the reasons I don't have respect for them
@@StudioUAC bros crazy
@@willymammoth539 nah he’s valid whatever the fuck the creator did has no involvement with the character lmao they just changed it bc people were gonna say shit
Watching this just makes me want to have some sort of way to play OW1 again just for fun haha, hopefully when the anniversary event comes around we could get some old stuff back even if its just for the event, líke 6v6 and so on
The best overwatch memory I have is Christmas day 2017
Before this point, I’ve played overwatch a little bit on my brothers Xbox, but that day I finally got my own and I was amazed at all the different characters particularly junkrat
My favourite memory from Overwacth 1 is every day after school hoping on with my mates to do competitive until we rage and then just mess about in custom
It was amazing coming home from school booting up overwatch playing with friends it was truly a great time
i miss fighting 6 dvas back in season 1 lmao
overwatch 1 was just more fun, even at the end when it was unbalanced as heck, the soul of overwatch was still there, now its just different. no lootboxes, no 2cp no on fire, just a battlepass and overpriced skins, we didn't even get pve.
I remember being so excited for Overwatch 2 and all new planned updates but man do I wish it was the way it used to be
Overwatch 2016, anytime! My greatest memories were things like huge resses (that felt so good) and being on fire and getting mvp card at the end. Good times. I really liked lootboxes and hos easily you could get credits and then buy your favorite skin (if that didn't drop from the box before). It was easy, cozy and fun to play Ow1. Dropped my most loved game two months after ow2. It's just sad.
Actually, tank was so hated back then we got loot boxes for playing them
I'm sad that I never got to experience OW1 in 2016 but a year later from release, May of 2017. Only got to enjoy the best years of OW1 for a year before it went downhill in 2018. Would've been cool to preorder it and get the Widow's extremely rare outfit, Noire. And playing since the beginning with no hero limits!
Season 1 Symmetra was definitely an experience once you actually played her 😆. She was so rare for so long
best time was probably when i came back home from school and saw an update. It always used to be awesome cause i would save up credits to bujy the new event skins. Peak time for me
It was just fun, sure was!! Can’t wait for the event tomorrow!
8:15 Unpopular opinion.
2CP is the best Gamemode, Best maps. done.
I'll agree COOLEST maps, and they're old maps that aren't huge and designed for mobile characters (even though I like mobile characters, mobility creep is bad)
7 years ago man..... It was just the greatest multiplayer game I'd ever played. But when that hamster dropped, everything started rolling down hill (including the hamster)
Honestly Overwatch did change me.... for the worse. Should of just stuck to minecraft.
i genuinely wish i was there, i miss player levels and loot boxes and completing hero galleries, even when i got a bad skin it still felt like a win because i got something, getting items was more fun and enjoyable, it was something to work for
I remember playing overwatch with my friend and Mcree being my main , good times lol
I remember when I got overwatch for the first time it was the same time there. Uprising event was new.
Overwatch one is so much better than Overwatch 2, like I paid for it once and everything was free and I actually felt I was being respected by Blizzard
The trumpets made me cry ngl. I miss it
I’m proud to say I was a genji main who didn’t spam NEED HEALING
The menu where you could join a group was so good and I really missed it.
I played this in Beta and fell in love with the game until ow2. Now it feels like it should be a 2nd job.
Who remembers collecting 500 loot boxes those were good old times😢
I remember my first time playing in 2016. I was on Tracer on kings row and my dad just showed me how to play. From then I started playing the game constantly. Those were good times.
i remember i met my first ever friend on overwatch, we would play every single day non-stop. i still know them, but we don't ever talk much. i really miss old overwatch when it was just fun times and nobody bullied you for your rank, nobody was toxic, nobody cared. we all just had fun. where do the years go?
Well yep this is one of the games that played a big part of my childhood!
I watched the Winston cinematic so many times while booting up overwatch I have it completely memorised
It was full of life back then, I had so much fun grinding from silver up to masters with my friends, level 900. I just feel robbed of time and money, the games so dead and they gave up on it 😢
some people are blinded by nostalgia ngl
Take me back to 2016 😢
One yeah the new characters and maps had great perks...but no pay to win, or micro transactions
My favourite memory of OW was definitely Sigma's release. Still, to this day, the best origin story video in the entire game, still one of the coolest characters in the game, and the fluidity of his barrier back before he didn't have that long ass cooldown felt so good. They could've removed grasp and rock instead of doing anything they went and did to him, and he would've STILL been my favourite character in the game.
Honorable mention to when Reaper's teleport got the buff that he could use it midair. I remember freaking the hell out about it.
sigma is still a new hero to me since he came out after i stopped playing lol
i am playing overwatch since 2017 and never noticed that there was something like "rate match"
Take me back
I had just got my PS4 as a grad present and this was game had come out a few days later. Decided to randomly buy it and had no prior info to it. Had no idea it would change my life the way it did
This was one of the first games I had on ps4
Back when Mcree was Mcree
McCree existed….
Long live the Cowboy fellas, Hoorah
From Mccree’s name being changed to Cassidy because of an employee known for r ing women
And torbjörn’s old turret
Also am I the only one who hates push mode?
No i also hate push mode
I fucking despise push mode, don't you worry, you aren't alone
I turned on 100% volume before listening to this video and I hugely regret about that...
But anyways, nice vid!
goodbye Overwatch, you will be missed....
I could've sworn I got the on fire thing like last night, but maybe I'm going insane
?? Lmao yeah this is old, they added it back in Season 6
@@bambampewpew32 Ohhh, I guess that makes sense. I haven't kept up with Overwatch for awhile until recently.
I knew when Overwatch 2 was released it was going to be a mistake. I miss Overwatch 1. It played better. It was my favorite game, ever.
Same. While everyone was hyping about it, I felt like something was wrong with me for not being excited, and in fact negative about it. I just wanted my Overwatch 1. We were correct. Unfortunately.
i remember when my team used 3 Reinhardrt, 1 Bast, and 2 healer and we just jump on the payload and let bastion do the job while Reinhardt just used their shields hahaha
my favorite era was when you could open loot boxes
I miss the loot boxes now you got to pay 20$ a skin smh
My first experience with overwatch was with my cousin when he lived with us. I was 7 it was 2016 my cousin had just got overwatch a few months prior. I played a game and I was hooked. A few years later he moved out when I was 9 then my younger brother came in clutch and told my mom I loved this game called overwatch. For my 10th birthday I got my own copy of the game and then it led to depression, stress, anxiety, and lots of fun times.
I miss lootboxes 😢pls bring it backkk
My favourite memory was playing with two of my friends everyday and having so much fun