Christine Jorgensen on Joe Pyne 1966 or 1967

  • Опубликовано: 12 окт 2009
  • "CHRISTINE JORGENSEN relates her discovery and transformation. It was the first chapter in a new outlook towards the transsexual phenomenon. She is the author of 'Christine Jorgensen A Personal Autobiography' [apostrophes added around book title]." reads on the film can from which this clip was converted from.

Комментарии • 275

  • @bluedasher74
    @bluedasher74 8 лет назад +272

    She was so well-spoken and articulate. I love she clearly makes a distinction between transsexual and homosexual, and mentioned that most "transvestites" are straight. She was fully aware of the distinction even then, when society was less knowledgeable about these things.

    • @davemattia
      @davemattia 3 года назад +2

      She wasn't a self-absorbed psycho --

    • @tula1433
      @tula1433 2 года назад +3

      Unfortunately heterosexual male transvestites have purposely co-opted what it means to be transexual. If only actual true transexuals like myself and Christine were allowed to transition, we wouldn’t have the mess that is the transgender community today. They used to be denied for treatment because they were heterosexual men, and really can’t pass in society as women like an actual TS can. Actual transexuals have an in utero hormonal anomaly/blocked testosterone receptor which is why they are so feminine. Sadly now married heterosexual construction workers can transition and bully people into going along with this. Very sad to see that TS like Christine and Tula are no longer what people think of when they think of trans. 🙄🤦🏼‍♀️

    • @tula1433
      @tula1433 2 года назад +10

      @@silentstarlight3322 exactly. Very sad situation. Actual transsexuals whether MTF or FTM are the most misunderstood group on the planet. AGPs have really harmed us.

    • @fionn9852
      @fionn9852 2 года назад +5

      @@tula1433 babe bigots aren’t going to like you any more than the people you’re choosing to demonize. Let people live their life, it’s not their faults bigots exist

    • @tula1433
      @tula1433 2 года назад +1

      @@fionn9852 that’s a lie yall tell yourselves in order to let men with autogynephilia run rampant in womens spaces. If you think that the game stop ma’am and Kim Petra’s are the same phenomenon you’re delusional. And I am a conservative and a church goer so those bigots you speak of are just fine with me. It’s the identify as anything you want no matter how you look transgender circus that’s the issue. Praying the “trend” ends soon.

  • @mikehudson8884
    @mikehudson8884 2 года назад +39

    This lady is poised and so articulate. Reminds me of Joan Crawford in an interview.

    • @SmoothCinnamonX
      @SmoothCinnamonX Год назад +5

      She is reminiscent of Joan Crawford, I never noticed that before!

  • @SisterUnity
    @SisterUnity 9 лет назад +121

    the last line before it cuts sums it all up, "It's hard to say what's normal"

    • @DonatellaSoulSPI
      @DonatellaSoulSPI 9 лет назад +10

      Well spoken!

    • @SisterUnity
      @SisterUnity 8 лет назад +1

      ms. lemme know what bridge is yours and I'll leave you a few goats.

    • @MrRichardReyes
      @MrRichardReyes 8 лет назад +2

      +ms. will always love my life Go back to watching your cat videos and stop trying to be a sociologist. Maybe no one has told you this, but you are WRONG and lost in a past that targeted non binary loving humans as abnormal, insane, and possessed by demons. BTW, have you watched the new video declaring living with cats will drive you insane?

    • @MrRichardReyes
      @MrRichardReyes 8 лет назад +1

      +ms. will always love my life Talking to yourself again?

    • @MrRichardReyes
      @MrRichardReyes 8 лет назад +1

      +ms. will always love my life Is that all you got? Out of steam already?

  • @MissAyela
    @MissAyela 8 лет назад +177

    She had such a beautiful voice. So elegant and poised.

    • @DandyinDistress
      @DandyinDistress 5 лет назад +20

      I was thinking the same thing. Very lovely.

  • @tymcbee
    @tymcbee 7 лет назад +67

    Love her Mid-Atlantic accent and demeanor!

  • @Richenzo_99
    @Richenzo_99 4 года назад +100

    This makes me want to cry... I can’t imagine the amount of courage she had to have in order to even be seen in this matter during the 60s....

    • @gusipiddy1
      @gusipiddy1 2 года назад +3

      You have my permission,go ahead and cry.

    • @teijaflink2226
      @teijaflink2226 2 года назад +5

      And that she's talking about these issues so openly on television was incredibly brave, couldn't she even have been jailed for homosexuality 1967 (even if she didn't see herself that way, I'm guessing she was into men).

  • @rkgk1517
    @rkgk1517 9 лет назад +163

    So eloquent, so patient. Pretty amazing.

  • @PoeCommunicateATL
    @PoeCommunicateATL Год назад +12

    Christine Jorgensen was a TRUE trailblazer!! So very strong in herself when she had no role models. Reminds me of my hero James Baldwin.

  • @MagnusVonBenz
    @MagnusVonBenz 6 лет назад +47

    I am very impressed by her elequence and of course of her intelligence to correct Joe Pyne in a respectful way.

  • @hyramesshiramess1035
    @hyramesshiramess1035 9 лет назад +12

    Fascinating! I wish her interview with Ed Murrow in Person to Person were available. I remember it frm the fifties, and it was wonderful. Her diction is superb. One would never imagine she'd been born and raised in a "tough neighborhood" in the Bronx.
    Reminds me here a great deal of Joan Crawford. She must have been 40-ish at the time, and certainly never looked lovelier. What a beautiful face. I hope she was happy.

  • @SilfredoSerrano
    @SilfredoSerrano 9 лет назад +116

    Now this is someone to look up to in the trans community!

  • @maym9696
    @maym9696 9 лет назад +16

    I love this woman for how even in a sort of backwards age she came out and owned who she was. We need more people like her

    • @maym9696
      @maym9696 8 лет назад

      +ms. will always love my life no need to talk to me. We have different beliefs and I'm okay with that but frankly I'm allowed to believe what I want. This woman was amazing for sticking up for herself. Please do not reply to me after this is shall be ignoring any replies. But thanks for the unnecessary opinion. Bye.

    • @maym9696
      @maym9696 8 лет назад

      +ms. will always love my life Madame I am no tramp. I am a Christian. I was raised to love everyone and thing. something you were not allowed to do since you pick fights with random women. I don't know who hurt you but frankly I'm sadden that you would use such a foul tongue. Would you talk to your mother with that mouth. Funny how I'm a tramp but I'm studying to be a pastor. May God bless your soul because you definitely need to repent for such a foul tongue and unloving hurt. God loves everything and everyone. So please leave me alone in his name and go pray tonight. (Had to say something since I'm studying to be a follower in the word of Christ otherwise I would leave you to your ungodly behavior)

    • @maym9696
      @maym9696 8 лет назад

      +ms. will always love my life. You should at least show people respect because you lack it. Not even knowing who I am you disrespected me. I did nothing to disrespect you I never called you a tramp or jezebel. Do you truly believe God is looking down at you and approving of your blatant disrespect. And yes many pastors who come into the course actually believe it isn't a sin. It depends on who you go to. I know a pastor out in Mississippi who thinks anyone who isn't white is going to hell because of their ancestors. You can be very rude and disrespectful.

    • @maym9696
      @maym9696 8 лет назад

      +ms. will always love my life And by the way let's say I knew you on a personal level and I found something that you did against my beliefs I'm not going to be disrespectful about it I would try to learn from. So show some common decency and be respectful.

    • @maym9696
      @maym9696 8 лет назад +1

      +ms. will always love my life it is my business when it is about me. Now all I'm saying is many priest have different views on it. I know many priest who believe it is a sin that can easily be solved with repenting. I understand torment and torture for the people of the homosexual and transsexual community so I believe everyone should have a way of getting to God our Lord and savior. I should not judge people of their past or present so it is not my will to past judgment and not dismiss them from the Christian religion. Frankly nothing is going to change my mind and nothing is going to change yours but if you have to feel like you won or something I guess you can. I know no one won or lost this so I'm going to go and pray then go to sleep. Have a blessed day/night.

  • @queenfan45
    @queenfan45 9 лет назад +53

    It's amazing how respectful the reporter is. No "CAN I SEE?!" questions and proper pronouns.

    • @fawn277
      @fawn277 9 лет назад +10

      Kyle Mikesell People were just much, much nicer back in the day (at least socially speaking, and especially on TV/radio lol).. It was very important in the 40's, 50's and 60's to be "proper/well behaved" and to mind one's manners, IE, fit in with "polite society".. It's a shame that supposed "polite society" (the façade of what those times were) no longer exists.. I guess, however, with wisdom (or technological advancement?) comes a bitterness and disillusionment with even the most minute aspects of life (such as humanity)..

    • @queenfan45
      @queenfan45 9 лет назад +12

      I mean in terms of the reporter. These days the reporter would bluntly ask "DO YOU HAVE A PENIS STILL, SIR?!"

    • @derekviana9286
      @derekviana9286 8 лет назад +3

      Actually people were better back then you kept your space they kept theirs now they're cynical sarcastic know it alls who want to invade your privacy and yes I trust people less today then back then it was lonely but safer you always have to watch yourself no matter what they'll always be haters !

    • @NickB1967
      @NickB1967 7 лет назад +7

      The late Joe Pyne was a conservative talk show host, and was known to denounce what he considered degenerate and leftist. However, here he seemed to be honestly baffled and fascinated by Christine Jorgensen.

    • @sailorsenshi4504
      @sailorsenshi4504 6 лет назад +6

      He was probably captivated by her beauty and class. She acted and looked very feminine. It is just normal and human nature for a straight man to admire an attractive woman. I think he may have been confused and captivated by her.

  • @cinzsweet
    @cinzsweet 14 лет назад +10

    Adore her! From her writings and interviews easy to see she was quite nice, witty, and oh so patient. She handled it all with great poise, dignity and grace. She turned the media "circus" into something more dignified, and I dare say, something they hadn't expected. She also worked hard to become quite an entertainer. Before my final surgery I read her bio, it gave me courage, and a sense that what I was doing was, as Christine put it, "simply correcting a mistake made by nature." TY4 posting

  • @JeuneFilleaCarnival
    @JeuneFilleaCarnival 14 лет назад +18

    its incredible to see this. Her voice is so refined and classy. amazing footage. And what an angel she was to put up with such blatant stupidity from interviewers

  • @pancakeofdestiny
    @pancakeofdestiny 10 лет назад +55

    OMG I love when she says "I know not of them." Who even speaks that way? Seriously though this chick is great

  • @Etheline
    @Etheline 10 лет назад +39

    What a pretty and charmismatic woman she was!

    • @Etheline
      @Etheline 2 года назад

      @@elainejohnson796 I like her as woman more 🙂

  • @annmarie2615
    @annmarie2615 3 года назад +9

    She was beautiful, gorgeous and a lady of style, love her diamond ear rings, well diamonds are a girl's best friend lol, her hair and makeup perfect, a real role model.

    • @nikkiicruz6646
      @nikkiicruz6646 2 года назад

      Help me understand that a male can become female?

    • @annmarie2615
      @annmarie2615 2 года назад +3

      @@nikkiicruz6646 She was always female, born and trapped in a male body, she surgically corrected her body to match her inside and outside and became a beautiful woman.

  • @PlayBoiPriince
    @PlayBoiPriince 4 года назад +14

    Being Trans Seeing Stories like these inspire me and i really wish i grew up learning these things. But im grateful that im living in a time where people are educating and being educated on these topics. It’s important and every trans person that made impacts and are public figures dead and alive stories deserve and should be told by everyone

  • @rayarena879
    @rayarena879 4 года назад +5

    Christine Jorgensen was the best thing that could have happened to transsexuals back in the 1950s. I say this, because she was 100% cis-looking and totally passable. Can you imagine if she had been one of those hard looking MTFs? It was precisely her passability that made her more acceptable in the very conservative 1950s and I'm not saying that she was totally accepted as I read her biography and I know that she suffered a lot of discrimination, but her passability made her possibly less "freakish" in the eyes of the mainstream. I use the word "freakish" not because I consider her a "freak" but I know that a lot of people back then did. In any case, I concur with other opinions here, she was well-spokenand articulate.

    • @methaqualone5191
      @methaqualone5191 3 года назад

      You are probably right about that because there was a British transsexual that 'sex-changed' a year or two before Christine by the name of, Roberta Cowell, and I had never heard of her until a few years ago. She was the Caitlyn Jenner of her time. She had been married as a heterosexual male and I think fathered children also.

  • @derekviana9286
    @derekviana9286 8 лет назад +38

    I was fifteen at the time 1969 and I remember shoplifting a copy of her book at the time I'm now 62 and her book and jan Morris book helped me out a lot to understand myself at the time and to see I was not alone tu both

  • @gribbvulture6181
    @gribbvulture6181 3 года назад +11

    Videos like these from the 1960's with brave and powerful trans people like Christine herself prove that when older people blame their homophobia/transphobia on the fact that "Those things didn't exist back in my day", They're just straight up lying and trying to defend their discrimination and rejection of basic human decency. Next time my grandma says something transphobic and blames her age for it, I'll just show her this and prove that even back then transgendered people existed and were struggling to gain the respect and equality they deserve

    • @MsMollah
      @MsMollah Год назад

      I think a good number of people accepted that it existed, but thought it was a rare anomaly like being born a hermaphrodite. They can't seem to understand that about one in three or four people are this way now and that nature makes this many "mistakes/maladjustments" with humans.

  • @mackeynee4110
    @mackeynee4110 7 лет назад +20

    very elegantly mannered and we'll spoken​

  • @gendermale4845
    @gendermale4845 9 лет назад +18

    Such a smart, calm, articulate, intelligent trans woman. Great role model! Eloquent, too!

  • @BlakeGildaphish76
    @BlakeGildaphish76 13 лет назад +7

    very classy and well spoken.

  • @windowdresser
    @windowdresser 14 лет назад +9

    This excerpt is so tantalizing, and Jorgensen is so magnificent here, that it is hard to accept the abrupt cutoff. Here's hoping that the entire show emerges somehow, and soon.

  • @ldyreal
    @ldyreal 14 лет назад +5

    This is wonderful footage I agree, Christine is so ahead of most people that had interviewed her.
    Bright, Clever, Beautiful, Educated.

  • @RockBoulevardz
    @RockBoulevardz 13 лет назад +6

    Ms. Jorgensen has the most fabulous voice.

    • @Farrah300
      @Farrah300 2 года назад +3

      A lot of transgendered ladies sound more male than female. Ms. Jorgenson sounds very feminine.

  • @moonsetful
    @moonsetful 8 лет назад +19

    Glad she lived happily. She looks beautiful.

  • @Kaimosae
    @Kaimosae 10 лет назад +16

    01:01 "heavens to betsy" lol I'm so glad I didn't exist back then. This woman is fabulous though.

    • @chexibig81
      @chexibig81 9 лет назад +3

      ***** lmao!! Heavens to Betsy haha :p

  • @lareeshabrown3756
    @lareeshabrown3756 7 лет назад +22

    She was Beautiful 💙💓💜

    @MrRJMGREEN 11 лет назад +13

    She looks like Joan Crawford.

  • @Calliopeice
    @Calliopeice 14 лет назад +4

    I would love to see the rest of this show. This women is amazing :) Thanks for uploadingg

  • @definitedoll
    @definitedoll 4 года назад +8

    My mother loved her. She was on alot of talk shows in the late 1960s. She's our hero/heroine!

  • @dvo1919
    @dvo1919 11 лет назад +4

    Very interesting interview! Hope to see the rest sometime.

  • @SolracCAP
    @SolracCAP Год назад +1

    Joe Pyne was immensely respectful for the time. Christine is indeed brave

  • @reedca97
    @reedca97 9 лет назад +21

    Wow. The voice too. It's so amazing even how feminine she is. Some sex changes are odd, and many still look very masculine and sound it too. But whatever Ms. Jorgensen had done was a beautiful success.

    • @2degucitas
      @2degucitas 9 лет назад +7

      Apparently she didn't consider herself much of a male before transition. She wasn't very manly. So it made the transition easier and the results more feminine than other later life transitions.

    • @jennoscura2381
      @jennoscura2381 8 лет назад +1

      +reedca97 The voice comes down to practice. Males have longer vocal cords than women. The key is only using the bottom half of your vocal cords. You can hear it in my videos. Although I have had chronic sinusitis; so that makes my voice sound off. And sometimes my voice slips a little back to my old voice. Since I can still switch to my old voice on command I have been thinking of doing a video showing a comparison between the two.

    • @escarlit
      @escarlit 6 лет назад

      +TeleTrans 1 so in other words, you speak in a forced pitch. fascinating.

    • @alexandrapedersen829
      @alexandrapedersen829 3 года назад

      @@escarlit It's only forced for as long as it takes to become a habit. Trainings one's voce is very similar to correcting one's posture, for example, as both require constant, conscious effort until muscle memory takes over.

    • @escarlit
      @escarlit 3 года назад

      Alexandra Pedersen its forced

  • @davidmorris6443
    @davidmorris6443 3 года назад +3


  • @dan1911a
    @dan1911a 14 лет назад +2

    What a fantastic try & get the rest of it please.
    RIP Christine.

  • @mondblume79
    @mondblume79 14 лет назад +1

    Thank you for uploading that!!!!

  • @lalagonegaga
    @lalagonegaga 14 лет назад +7

    Class all the way...

  • @madimarie7089
    @madimarie7089 4 года назад +3

    She has such a beautiful soul!😭

  • @AnonYMous-pv3py
    @AnonYMous-pv3py 18 дней назад

    Incredibly articulate, patient and forgiving.

  • @richardm239
    @richardm239 8 лет назад +9

    she looks great

  • @creaturebotman
    @creaturebotman 8 лет назад +58

    She's not fooling anyone.
    Joan Crawford... we all know its you God Damn it!

    • @masonallen3961
      @masonallen3961 7 лет назад +8

      creaturebotman Yeah she sounds and looks alot like Joan Crawford.

    • @bridgete9881
      @bridgete9881 6 лет назад +3

      Stop it!!!! Lol

    • @JazzyNegrita
      @JazzyNegrita 5 лет назад +2


    • @EricBrownBey
      @EricBrownBey 5 лет назад +1

      I thought the exact same thing. CRAZY

  • @RThyrring
    @RThyrring 3 месяца назад

    Christine Jorgensen had so much class. If it were me who were being interviewed by Joe Pyne being asked those questions I would have walked out - those questions were both rude and unnecessary - but she stayed, and why? Because she had some important points to make. Forget about the discrimination against transgender people today (or rather, don’t forget about any discrimination against them at all, but I’m getting to my point in a moment), being able to stand up to transgender rights back in the 1950s and 60s like she did, that took courage!

  • @vekkstar
    @vekkstar 9 лет назад +5

    Hilarious how on the one hand people are comparing her to Joan Crawford and on the other, someone compares her to Boy George. There's nothing in common between Crawford and Boy George, how's that even possible? And so misplaced a comparison the one about Boy George. Christine was her own woman, but she had the stateliness of Old Hollywood strong women, yes.

  • @samson3000
    @samson3000 2 года назад +2

    I agree with the comments about Ms. Jorgenson's obvious grace. Such a class act. But the thrust of my comment is the quiet and respectful -- although ignorant by today's standards -- manner in which Joe Pyne conducted this interview. I grew up watching the Joe Pyne show on local television in Los Angeles and I remember him rarely being this courteous and thoughtful. He usually ripped into his guests like a rabid dog from the first question. Perhaps he had taken a Quallude the night he recorded this interview.

  • @catherinedouglas8911
    @catherinedouglas8911 10 лет назад +5

    such class!

  • @weirdverma
    @weirdverma 5 лет назад +3

    She was so beautiful !

  • @mcgale
    @mcgale 4 года назад +2

    Wow!!! She spoke truth..

  • @hotrightnow8932
    @hotrightnow8932 Год назад +3

    She is way too smart for this show

  • @jodavis650
    @jodavis650 Год назад +2


  • @mikeroenbeck5069
    @mikeroenbeck5069 4 года назад +4

    Miss Jorgensen ♥️ absolutely gorgeous I would of loved to have dated her absolutely gorgeous ❤️😍

  • @yeseniacr
    @yeseniacr 12 лет назад +1

    Christine Jorgensen! Everyone should watch this movie is they want to get educated about the difference between transgender, transvestite, transsexual, homosexuals.. so on so forth. Great movie to understand transgendered people :)).

  • @emmanowak3434
    @emmanowak3434 2 года назад +1

    Thanks for the sharing. Do you know wich library/audiovisual company can I contact to receive/use this footage with Christine Jorgensen in a tv documentary?

  • @FerretinSocks
    @FerretinSocks 4 года назад +2

    her face journey in the beginning says it all

  • @cindyqueen7228
    @cindyqueen7228 9 лет назад +34

    What a strong woman

    • @dorianeclt575
      @dorianeclt575 5 лет назад +1

      @Daniel Callahan it"s a trans women

    • @Mylene2023
      @Mylene2023 2 года назад +1

      @@dorianeclt575 exactly, a woman. Not women. Check your grammar hun.

  • @vivicav2544
    @vivicav2544 4 года назад +3

    Now this a real trans woman

  • @adamcarston7278
    @adamcarston7278 Год назад

    Does anyone know if there is a better copy of this or if it can be scanned without a watermark? I'm working on a project about Christine Jorgensen. Thanks!

  • @mikeroenbeck5069
    @mikeroenbeck5069 4 года назад +2

    Christine Jorgensen ♥️💓

  • @MsStephaniegirl
    @MsStephaniegirl 7 лет назад +20

    im transgender and we live a secluded happy life certainly not hookers!!!

    • @chuckykat4217
      @chuckykat4217 7 лет назад +2

      Stephanie Kent unfortunately many trans people turn to prostitution to pay for surgeries.

    • @littlecasino60
      @littlecasino60 6 лет назад +4

      I've always wondered why you never hear female-to-males turning to male prostitution, but only male-to-females. I think it partly has to do with the sexual fetish-ization of femininity. Somehow this has become cool and exciting.

    • @bridgete9881
      @bridgete9881 6 лет назад +3

      Princess Taboo you don't hear about it, but i'm sure it's not uncommon...probably for the exact reasons you mentioned

  • @Barbarian857
    @Barbarian857 Месяц назад

    I'm glad she cleared up the misconception about transvestites. I dated one and I'm a woman.

  • @cjm608
    @cjm608 12 лет назад +1


  • @MJW238
    @MJW238 9 лет назад +1

    His question, like about homosexuals etc., seem a bit old fashioned now, but he still behaved professionally and was respectful to her.

  • @victoriamichaels6930
    @victoriamichaels6930 4 месяца назад +1

    A very brave pioneer for the trans community ❤

  • @rayarena879
    @rayarena879 14 лет назад +1

    Christine Jorgensen was a very classy lady. She always presented herself so eloquently that you would think that instead of just being a former lad from the Bronx who became a woman, she was just a plain society woman. By the way, she has a vague Joan Crawford look in this video.

  • @bobnob9195
    @bobnob9195 7 лет назад +3

    she reminds me of Joan Crawford

  • @farahkibriya6311
    @farahkibriya6311 5 лет назад +1

    Wow she was amazing

  • @xox1234xox
    @xox1234xox 14 лет назад +1

    @XxBowieTipxX This is true. Statistics say that transvestites are by far and large heterosexual males, most of whom share a strong relationship with women.

  • @poshislove
    @poshislove 8 лет назад +19

    She looks like Tammie Brown.

    • @ramonaof12thdimension13
      @ramonaof12thdimension13 7 лет назад +2

      I don't see it.

    • @lilyb7292
      @lilyb7292 6 лет назад +2

      poshislove that’s what I thought

    • @alternateVSNS
      @alternateVSNS 5 лет назад +2

      That incredible lip ! These brows ! Exactly my thoughts too. Tammie’s sister right there.

  • @quaxk
    @quaxk 12 лет назад +2

    she was sharp

  • @jonaskessler326
    @jonaskessler326 2 года назад +2

    1:02 “Heavens to Betsy” 😂

  • @richardborys1954
    @richardborys1954  14 лет назад

    @PitterPatty It so happens that the full interview, over 20 minutes long, sans TV commercials, is available on a beta test download basis. Until Thursday at 23:59 PDT (11:59PM PDT) Sept 30, 2010, the price is USD$2.57. The download will have copyright watermarking and will be customized to show to whom it was sold. It has words showing it is meant for screening only. Don't worry, I have the license via Hartwest Productions, Inc. E-mail me & get detail with Paypal & Shopping Cart details.

  • @rixtex9
    @rixtex9 2 года назад +1

    not only is beauty skin deep, beauty is in the eye of the beholder....end of story

  • @lesleyscott938
    @lesleyscott938 Год назад +1

    True class ....

  • @Brian-wn2vc
    @Brian-wn2vc 5 лет назад +2

    Jorgensen and Pyne, the princess and the toad.

  • @richardborys1954
    @richardborys1954  14 лет назад

    @dan1911a The complete Christine Jorgensen interview by Joe Pyne is coming by early to mid July 2010 with other Joe Pyne interview. Probably by DVD along with many other Joe Pyne complete interviews of such as Lester Maddox, F Lee Bailey, Jerry Rubin. I'll keep you posted here, or directly to you RUclips ID. Or keep pushing me at joepyne [dot] com, which will be improved soon.

  • @mondblume79
    @mondblume79 14 лет назад

    Do you have the rest of the interview, too?

  • @TroyOi
    @TroyOi 14 лет назад

    I had no idea Christine Jorgensen was so well-spoken. She probably deserves a great deal of credit for helping society accept transsexuality (whether or not you consider that a good thing).
    For that matter, if this segment is representative of the rest of the interview, Pyne also deserves credit for showing respect, and in being more interested in shedding light on this issue than in generating the kind of heat that would undoubtedly have contributed to boosted ratings. Ah, for a civil society!

  • @BlakeGildaphish76
    @BlakeGildaphish76 11 лет назад +2

    she looks great as an older woman, but when she was younger...

  • @Peggycass
    @Peggycass 12 лет назад +3

    She really shouldn't have an English Accent. I think she was from New York City, the Bronx. She probably trained herself to speak that way.

  • @richardborys1954
    @richardborys1954  14 лет назад +1

    Short answer is no. I'm in the process of working with Hartwest Productions, Inc., to get financing for converting Joe Pyne TV shows like that, still in the film can, for the most part, into a modern editable format.
    A greater demand will make it easier for me to show investors, for a for profit; or donors, for a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit educational. Costs $600 plus another $600 handling to convert 1 show
    Thanks for inquiring, and I'm open to suggestions.

  • @alero1837
    @alero1837 10 лет назад +30

    Wow, the host has no idea how many awful and hurtful things he said to her! I can't imagine what it was like to be transgendered in those days. She is one strong woman! If I was her, as soon as he introduced me by saying I was born a male, the interview would have been over.

    • @AntonGerzenbergPiano
      @AntonGerzenbergPiano 10 лет назад +5

      I'm really sorry, but could you please explain me, what exactly would have been upsetting, the statement itself, or being introduced with it? While I would agree on the latter, I see no problem with saying that someone was a born a female in a boys' body (which of course isn't what he said). Still, I don't see any reason why someone has to point it out. I'm not speaking about this interview (I would have spit him in the face or so, if I'd have been her), but generally.

    • @alero1837
      @alero1837 10 лет назад +10

      Trans women are born with a female brain. Most know they are girls from the time they begin to know what male and female means. Many know by age 2 or 3 that they are girls. And they grow up being told they are broken, damaged, defective, and mentally ill because if it. Being a man or a woman is measured by what's between our ears, not between the legs. When you say she was born a man (or a male), you dredge up a lifetime of hurtful memories and reinforce everyone who ever forced them to live a lie and be something they are not. They might not ever show it, but calling a trans woman "he" or saying she was ever anything but female is one of the most hurtful things you can do to another human being with your words.

    • @alero1837
      @alero1837 10 лет назад +3

      But askdhg, thank you for asking. It's only by talking about these things that we can all learn to accept one another for who we are.

    • @AntonGerzenbergPiano
      @AntonGerzenbergPiano 10 лет назад

      Thanks so much for clarifying. Now I understand it. So why again was Piers Morgan so upset? I accept trans women (and men) anyway, it was just so I know how to avoid any mistakes. Btw, isn't accept the wrong word for this? It's like tolerance, why should I tolerate something which isn't in any way bad or whatever...

    • @alero1837
      @alero1837 10 лет назад +1

      I wouldn't find "acceptance" to be offensive. No problems there. Piers Morgan is just a jerk is all I can figure. :)

  • @sneadh1
    @sneadh1 9 лет назад +6

    What's with al the Bruce Jenner fuss? Christine was way ahead of him.

  • @madseasonls
    @madseasonls 12 лет назад +8

    Lol "Heavens to Betsy"

  • @NickB1967
    @NickB1967 13 лет назад

    @JeuneFilleaCarnival: But you can't say that about the interviewer, Joe Pyne, here. Although he was usually quite combative with interview subjects, especially on political matters, here he was honestly baffled and fascinated by the whole phenomenon.

  • @cooleslaw
    @cooleslaw 2 года назад +1

    Interesting, but Joe was well known and controversial for his confrontational style of interviewing, so his rude comments aren't too different from the one's he'd make with other guests.

    @DAURPA 9 лет назад +1


  • @mikeroenbeck5069
    @mikeroenbeck5069 3 года назад

    When I got older I found trans women o so interesting & Miss Jorgensen was 1 of em she was so gorgeous honesty she gave me so much excitement when I was younger she was so adorable I would of dated her with np

  • @ron4501
    @ron4501 Год назад

    Such composure when confronted with silly, uninformed questions.

  • @NickB1967
    @NickB1967 13 лет назад

    @rubikcubebeater: it appears that Joe Pyne is honestly baffled and fascinated by Christine Jorgensen.

  • @davidpar2
    @davidpar2 3 года назад +1

    Reminds me of Gypsy Rose Lee a bit

  • @pancakeofdestiny
    @pancakeofdestiny 10 лет назад +4

    also... "a dressing-up type of homosexual." This interview is a bonanza of awesome/offensive language use

  • @queerulantin6431
    @queerulantin6431 Месяц назад

  • @gabriellebernard198
    @gabriellebernard198 Год назад

    I love the Bette davis lipstick

  • @Peggycass
    @Peggycass 12 лет назад +2

    No, really it is Christine Jorgensen. Does look something like Joan Crawford.

  • @Peggycass
    @Peggycass 12 лет назад +1

    Sorry, I realized your Comnment was 2 Years ago,

  • @MultiBudboy
    @MultiBudboy 12 лет назад

    Where did the English accent come from??

    • @aurorarose1296
      @aurorarose1296 4 года назад +3

      MultiBudboy it’s a transatlantic accent. Common for the time

  • @suckacat9000
    @suckacat9000 12 лет назад

    @jackinla8 i thought so.