I was in church yesterday, and one of the lyrics in a song was "close to me" but I thought it said "kudos to me" and I instantly thought of this video... :D
Simply Aviation And will you plan a flight with aegean in greece-Athens in the airport "elefherios venizelos"wich is a good airport if you comparite with other airports and the plane will pass with an plane brige and down this brige it will be a highway wich is named "Attiki oddos" And yeah thats the flighti want to ay something:The central horels are expensive to enter a hotel search on internet www.Trivago.gr and you got all hotels of greece pretty much also when you going to the airport with thw buss pls hold something cause it doesnt have many seats.So if you want you can go il be glad if you liked the flight Also theres no menu Aegean gives you interasion cuisine from contrys you pass like when you pass epirus or when you enter epirus they give you some greek baklava and a sandwich if you dont knkw geography good greece is in the balkans like austria i thing you will pass like:croatia,serbia,kosove or monterego and you will pass of course albania like always or you will take the long road and the food you eat is an ready chines soup ANYWAYS I THING I GIVE YOU ALOT OF INFORMANCION
Great trip report. I myself have only been on EasyJet once (2 flights LGW to Tenerife and back) and that was for a college trip. I got those model planes for £12, was surprised that they were in stock!
Ryanair or Easyjet you ask? Ryanair - always. - Flights are generally cheaper - Processing at the airport is faster and more efficient - Selection of hot food is excellent on Ryanair and almost not existant at Easyjet - Judging from the two Easyjet and three Ryanair flights I had so far, Ryanair's crews are also a lot nicer^^
Simply Aviation nah not with my experience but to be honest everyone gets those days and diffrent days but for a comfatable flight easyJet only because the seats are more comfatable and you can actually recline them
Sind wir uns mal ganz ehrlich, keiner der beiden BER Flughäfen ist toll und bis es endlich mal soweit ist das der Neubau offen ist wird es eh noch sehr sehr lange dauern ;)
Ein sehr geiler trip report :) die Aufnahmen sind wie immer fantastisch! :-)) boarding und takeoff sind gut ;-) Top Aufnahmen :-D schöner Dreamliner fang in Wien :-) wusste gar nicht das SXF so einen alten und schrottigen flughafen hat :-( ich hätte nie gedacht das der flughafen so ist :( außerdem hast du Recht der eine Abschnitt im terminal sah garnicht wie in einem Airport aus ;-() freue mich natürlich schon sehr auf die weiteren neuen trip Reports von dir schade das dauert immer so lange bis zum nächsten FREITAG ;-( ich wünschte mir du könntest es schneller hochladen!!! ;-D xD aber gut!
Vielen Dank für den netten Kommentar, Paul! :D SXF ist wirklich kein schöner, bzw. angenehmer Flughafen... Ich hab die nächsten zwei Tripreports immerhin schon feritg^^ Aber viel mehr als einen pro Woche werde ich vorerst wohl nicht schaffen... Einen Tripreport zu schneiden kostet mich rund drei Stunden^^
My favourite brand of water is the stuff that comes out of the tap in my house. It goes through a filter. It's cheap, too! For all my other needs, there's beer. I'm told that it contains water. 😊
omg this little airport looks like Ikea and also I love Emirates pls make a video of that and you inspired me to love planes now I have 7 plane models pls keep up the good work 😊
Tegel is not the best but much better than SXF...and i'm surprised that u like Berlin..it's so dirty and the people are so unfriendly..but if u like it... :D
Schöner Bericht, wie immer interessant gestaltet. SXF ist in die Jahre gekommen und komplett überlastet. Jede freie Ecke, naja jede freie Wand wird zu einem Gate umgebaut. Im Februar lautet mein Gate Nr. 60+, hinter dem Pub die Treppen runter einen langen, engen Gang hindurch und irgendwann wieder rechts in den Warteraum. Zu den Geschäften muss man sagen, eine 0,5 l Flasche Wasser ist nicht unter 2,00€ zu bekommen (finde ich zu teuer). In vielen Heinemann Duty free shops gibts den Tetrapack stilles Wasser für 1,00€ (super Angebot). Schade die Besucherterrasse bietet direkte Sicht aufs Vorfeld und kostet max. 2-3€. Mach weiter so mit deinen/euren Videos!
Great vid. Enjoyed watching it. :) But, yes, Schönefeld looks embarrassingly awful. Ugly. Plus I think someone needs to teach the owners about that wonderful hi-tech invention called........seats! Have never seen so many people with their backsides on the floor!
I love the brandnew A320-family cabin-design. It,s looks more spacious and stylish. And in my own opinion "easyJet" is a very good "low-fare"-airline. In any case much more better than Ryanair. Up from March of this year "easyJet" has opened a new several-per-day route from DUS to TXL. Allready in October I booked an "easyJet" ticket again. To the German capital.
Had a horrible experience with easy jet a few years ago, we were on the ground for 2hours! Soon I'll be flying with them again from my home Vienna to Bristol.... hope the experience will be better
I understand because I feel depressed whenever I fly with Ryanair. Why are we supporting company's that treat staff and passengers like crap . The way they treated my granny was disgusting. When I can fly on my own. No more Ryanair.
+Simply Aviation I'm not agreeing. I'm always departing from this airport and I feel that's much nicer than Berlin Tegel, even if the gates are quite far from the check-in and control zone.
Simply Aviation next tike fly with AGEAN one of the best companys in the world just you will screwwed up when they transalate english you will not undrestand much
Ein höchst interessanter Tripreport, da ich natürlich SXF sehr gut kenne ;-) Ich teile die Aussage im Video, dass der Flughafen nicht besonders komfotabel ist, im Gegenteil, zu Stoßzeiten wird es sehr eng und unangenehm wie man in den Aufnahmen sehr gut sehen kann. Bei meinem letzten Flug von SXF mit Germanwings war es morgens relativ angenehm dort zu verweilen, da es nicht heiß und auch nicht allzu voll war (vgl. Tripreport Germanwings SMART). Daher fliege ich lieber ab TXL. Dieses Video zeigt daher eine Menschenmenge im Terminal, die wahrscheinlich im Sommer eher üblich ist. Interessant ist auch die Tatsache bei der Ankunft der Maschine am Terminal in Wien, dass die Brücke nicht genutzt wurde. So ähnlich kann man das ja in Köln bei Ryanair auch beobachten. Insgesamt ein wieder sehr informativer Reisebericht, den ich mir auch wieder auf dem großen TV angeschaut habe ;-)
Ja, außerhalb der Stoßzeiten stelle ich es mir auch ganz erträglich vor, aber an dem Tag war es grauenhaft... Vor allem, dass große Teile der Sitzgelegenheiten erst nach den Ticketkontrollen verfügbar sind hat mich sehr gestört, habe ich bisher nur in SXF und LGW gesehen... Ich denke, dass vlt schon sehr kurz nach der Landung geboarded wurde und deswegen die Fluggastbrücke nur für die abfliegenden Fluggäste zur Verfügung stand, aber genau weiß ich es auch nicht. Vielen Dank für den netten Kommentar, freut uns sehr, dass er dir gefallen hat! :) Bis nächsten Freitag mit einem neuen Tripreport! :D
Ich weiß schon warum ich ausschließlich am TXL spotten und abfliege. Diese DDR Baracke ist ja eine Zumutung für alle PAX. Aber sehr schön, dass du diese ganzen Missstände mal ausführlich gezeigt hast!
when you realize the new Brandenburg airport who has a very nice looking terminal is built in the old Schönefeld airport which looked depressing as hell.
Du bist von "meinem Heimatflughafen" gestartet, und auch wenn man es nicht glauben mag, ich find den echt okay. Sicherlich bin ich nicht soviel gewohnt wie ihr bei Simply Aviation, aber er reicht für meine Belänge absolut. Wenn man in Berlin wohnt und ehrlich ist, weiß man, dass Berlin Tegel (TXL) auch nicht der Kracher ist. Zum Fliegen langt es aber allemal. In deinem Tripreport, der ja eigentlich zu Easyjet ist, von dem man aber auch viel von SXF sieht, sieht man als Außenstehender leider nicht, dass die Bahnanbindung super ist, man kann bequem mit S-Bahn hinfahren oder mit Regio ab Ostbahnhof. Tegel hat das leider nicht, da gibt es nur die vollen Busse. Aber trotzdem klasse Tripreport, bin selber im Mai Easyjet von Schönefeld nach London Gatwick geflogen und kann mich nicht beschweren. Viele Grüße
hahahahah yes!!!! that's an airport hallway.. is that domestic airport !!! hahahahah or just county food bar.. awefull airport? hahahah thanks God am going to Frankfurt ..not to that airport full of jokes.. hahahahahh
Hahaha, yeah... SXF isn't a domestic airport, I don't even think there are any major domestic airports in Europa... It really is an awful airport! FRA is by far better, but not that great either...
Wieder ein klasse Tripreport! Ich schätze die Art deiner Aufnahmen sehr. Vielleicht wäre es noch hilfreich zu Anfang die geplante Flugzeit als kleine Info einzublenden. Interessant finde ich persönlich auch immer das Einbeziehen des Speisen- und Getränkeangebotes am Flughafen und während des Fluges, sowie das Essen an sich mit deiner Meinung dazu. Weiter so! :-)
+Simply Aviation ich fand die Mischung gerade gut! Ich mag tripreports die ausschließlich mit Go pro gefilmt sind ja nicht so gerne und finde daher die Mischung aus beidem besser!
the food selection looks better than txl. Problem with txl is once you go past security you just have to sit and wait. Reminds me like what Wellington Airport in NZ was like. Each gate had there own security, now it's a central security point
Enjoyed the review a lot. I have a question regarding the ticket on your smartphone thing. Do you have to install any sort of apps? Or do you just take a nice snapshot of the ticket? Or how does it work? Can you please explain? :)
Thank you so much! :D It was... Yes there will be, just arrived back in Vienna yesterday from Chicago. Got to nice Iberia tripreports, one in Economy and one in Business! :D And we will also fly with ANA and Ethiopian Airlines later this year...
14:17 why didn’t you leave from bridge if there’s one already connected to aircraft ? 14:29 why so I don’t get it why if there’s one already connected ?
Hi! I want to ask something! I purchase an up front seat so I can have my luggage with me in the airplane...... So for sure this is it?.... There is no going to be a problem?
well i would say one has to consider that schönefeld was in the GDR and tegel in west berlin....i think the germans made the best out of russian architecture in schönefeld...and finally 2021 the new airport is here....very good video.....i think compared to the end of interflugzeit it is a decent, but still GDR airport...
Enjoyed the 2016 authenticity way more than I should've lol
bro i just came to see this vid , checked da comments and all of a sudden i see you ice711🤣🤣
Zero 🍏
Zero 🧭
01:39 "Okay, that's better." - while seeing the uncovered cables on the ceiling. LOL :)
The entrance to the Airport looks more like a hospital and later on it looks more like a mall and finally looks more of an airport
The 🌇
The Airport Looks Like a Hospital and a Mall
..from the 60s&70s hahaha!
Easyjet is my favorite European airline
Its old I like Thai 😎😩🥺
Simply, I’m not being mean in any way but I prefer easyjet over Ryanair by a lot.
I’m a Ryanair fan, but we can still be friends
@@TheImpersonater Lol. Good ! 👍✈😆💜🥁🐉🎤💞
May I ask why !? Lol.💜🥁🐉🎤💞
8:20 *ding* this is your captain speaking. We are now entering light speed
Haha no slow for light speed but 800-800km/h ;)
Simply Aviation lol
i can proudly say that i watched all of your videos (cabin tours,tripreports,takeoffs and landings...)
Wow really? That's so cool! Were you able to pick a favourite video? :D
+Simply Aviation yes i could its called Extremely short transfer! Tripreport when you were flying from Split to Zagreb and to Vienna
That video opened my eyes,now i can see how poor is our national airline (Croatia Airlines) and my country itself
Simply aviation. Your videos are awesome.
Thank you so much! :D Glad to hear that!
Neon el Gamer ล
I was in church yesterday, and one of the lyrics in a song was "close to me" but I thought it said "kudos to me" and I instantly thought of this video... :D
+DavidMary Kirkpatrick Hahahahahhahahaha 😂😂
LOL the burger king and the other restaurants are like a little greek bar in the forest really good im not planning to in germany
Hahaha yes, the airport SXF is really terrible planned...
Simply Aviation yeah i agree either way i saw your japanise-german flight really cool il delete some kf my commets now
Simply Aviation And will you plan a flight with aegean in greece-Athens in the airport "elefherios venizelos"wich is a good airport if you comparite with other airports and the plane will pass with an plane brige and down this brige it will be a highway wich is named "Attiki oddos" And yeah thats the flighti want to ay something:The central horels are expensive to enter a hotel search on internet www.Trivago.gr and you got all hotels of greece pretty much also when you going to the airport with thw buss pls hold something cause it doesnt have many seats.So if you want you can go il be glad if you liked the flight Also theres no menu Aegean gives you interasion cuisine from contrys you pass like when you pass epirus or when you enter epirus they give you some greek baklava and a sandwich if you dont knkw geography good greece is in the balkans like austria i thing you will pass like:croatia,serbia,kosove or monterego and you will pass of course albania like always or you will take the long road and the food you eat is an ready chines soup ANYWAYS I THING I GIVE YOU ALOT OF INFORMANCION
PLZ get me 100 subs PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ .......ok
Great videos! Excellent work! I can watch these reports endlessly :D
+Formel1Abc Binge watching our videos...How amazing :D
Super men you
The 😋
Great trip report. I myself have only been on EasyJet once (2 flights LGW to Tenerife and back) and that was for a college trip. I got those model planes for £12, was surprised that they were in stock!
The 🥞
I flew out of Schonefeld once to.. Looks like a hospital and of course you can't forget the wooden lift I had to take..
Such a terrible airport.
Ryanair or Easyjet you ask?
Ryanair - always.
- Flights are generally cheaper
- Processing at the airport is faster and more efficient
- Selection of hot food is excellent on Ryanair and almost not existant at Easyjet
- Judging from the two Easyjet and three Ryanair flights I had so far, Ryanair's crews are also a lot nicer^^
Simply Aviation
Simply Aviation
Simply Aviation
Simply Aviation nah not with my experience but to be honest everyone gets those days and diffrent days but for a comfatable flight easyJet only because the seats are more comfatable and you can actually recline them
Simply Aviation
das DDR/ Interflug feeling hat schönefeld nie abgelegt und als terminal des BER lebt´s bis heute ;) super video
The 🗻
Schöner Tripreport, auch wenn du viel über SXF gelästert hast :P is ja auch gerechtfertigt ;)
Sind wir uns mal ganz ehrlich, keiner der beiden BER Flughäfen ist toll und bis es endlich mal soweit ist das der Neubau offen ist wird es eh noch sehr sehr lange dauern ;)
cvv chh
What language that simply aviation
@@miguelven6528 german
Totally agree about the state of this "airport". I believe it is now a terminal of Berlin-Brandenburg.
that landing is so darn smooth!!
The 🇿🇲
@@donnaphilbin6563 shut up
@@donnaphilbin6563wtf u comment on every comment a random emoji. what are u smoking 💀
I like that Star Wars electronic tooth brush from that magazine
Than you have to fly ANA ;)
Fantastic video mate!
Thanks a lot Jelmer! :D
that was cool u know. Btw, keep up with the good videos!
Another great video. Enjoyed the airport terminal tours.
Thanks a lot! :D Glad you enjoyed it!
Your vids are so interesting and entertaining
Keep up the good work
The 🚞
Ein sehr geiler trip report :) die Aufnahmen sind wie immer fantastisch! :-)) boarding und takeoff sind gut ;-) Top Aufnahmen :-D schöner Dreamliner fang in Wien :-) wusste gar nicht das SXF so einen alten und schrottigen flughafen hat :-( ich hätte nie gedacht das der flughafen so ist :( außerdem hast du Recht der eine Abschnitt im terminal sah garnicht wie in einem Airport aus ;-() freue mich natürlich schon sehr auf die weiteren neuen trip Reports von dir schade das dauert immer so lange bis zum nächsten FREITAG ;-( ich wünschte mir du könntest es schneller hochladen!!! ;-D xD aber gut!
Ja mein Gott, Hauptsache man kommt an sein Ziel.
Vielen Dank für den netten Kommentar, Paul! :D SXF ist wirklich kein schöner, bzw. angenehmer Flughafen... Ich hab die nächsten zwei Tripreports immerhin schon feritg^^ Aber viel mehr als einen pro Woche werde ich vorerst wohl nicht schaffen... Einen Tripreport zu schneiden kostet mich rund drei Stunden^^
13:39 what's that ?
Iron Maiden B744 of Air Atlanta Icelandic ;)
My favourite brand of water is the stuff that comes out of the tap in my house. It goes through a filter. It's cheap, too! For all my other needs, there's beer. I'm told that it contains water. 😊
omg this little airport looks like Ikea and also I love Emirates pls make a video of that and you inspired me to love planes now I have 7 plane models pls keep up the good work 😊
what tipe of plane model pls tell ME
As always,a perfect,brilliant video...
I love simply aviation
Thank you very much! :D Very glad to hear that!
The 🇸🇾
The worst airport i ever been at yet
Same here!
Agreed here and Jeddah, worst two airports
Jurrian Van Eekeren I'm from Berlin..but yes, you're right :(
fcb25 the city itself is beautifull and i can't wait to visit it again, but that airport man.... Next time i'll fly KLM to Tegel😁
Tegel is not the best but much better than SXF...and i'm surprised that u like Berlin..it's so dirty and the people are so unfriendly..but if u like it... :D
Schöner Bericht, wie immer interessant gestaltet. SXF ist in die Jahre gekommen und komplett überlastet. Jede freie Ecke, naja jede freie Wand wird zu einem Gate umgebaut. Im Februar lautet mein Gate Nr. 60+, hinter dem Pub die Treppen runter einen langen, engen Gang hindurch und irgendwann wieder rechts in den Warteraum. Zu den Geschäften muss man sagen, eine 0,5 l Flasche Wasser ist nicht unter 2,00€ zu bekommen (finde ich zu teuer). In vielen Heinemann Duty free shops gibts den Tetrapack stilles Wasser für 1,00€ (super Angebot). Schade die Besucherterrasse bietet direkte Sicht aufs Vorfeld und kostet max. 2-3€.
Mach weiter so mit deinen/euren Videos!
Vielen Dank! :D Ja, leider ist SXF kein besonders angenehmer Flughafen... Vielen Dank, werden wir machen! :D
I always fly easyjet on short European flights
I really love your videos and no nonsense approach
How do you edit thumbnails? Because they look amazing 😍 very awesome trip reports btw :)
I use Adobe Photoshop CC for editing the Thumbnails... :D Thank you so much!^^
+Simply Aviation Hehe thanks and no problem😁
!! MY Beloved easyJet :) flying with them on Tuesday . Good trip report!
Cool! :D Where are you heading?^^
+Simply Aviation Bristol heading back from my holiday ;)
Cuddly Bear Easyjet are really great! Never had problems with them😄
Nosyno its my beloved airline too!
Nico Th. Same!
2:57 looks like IKEA!
Mr.Brick 101 lol
@@rorymcnicol5023 your rude
I'm flying on Ryanair to Dublin from Berlin. I'm just watching to see what the airports like. ;)
is it only you all the time doing Trip-reports or you share it with someone else
I wondered the same thing!
No, I am running tis channel with a friend, so it's the combined travel of two persons^^ But we both travel a lot...
Shadow gamer n
I love easyjet pilots for smooth landings
Great vid. Enjoyed watching it. :)
But, yes, Schönefeld looks embarrassingly awful. Ugly. Plus I think someone needs to teach the owners about that wonderful hi-tech invention called........seats! Have never seen so many people with their backsides on the floor!
Thank you so much for watching and commenting! Yes Schönefeld is really ugly! But they built a completely new airport next to Schönefeld! ;)
Thanks for the info. I'm sure the new one will be more schön than the current Schönefeld! ;-)
You look awfull
I love the brandnew A320-family cabin-design. It,s looks more spacious and stylish. And in my own opinion "easyJet" is a very good "low-fare"-airline. In any case much more better than Ryanair. Up from March of this year "easyJet" has opened a new several-per-day route from DUS to TXL. Allready in October I booked an "easyJet" ticket again. To the German capital.
Markus Schult seems
Zwei Schanden auf einem Fleck... Bin mir sicher, dass IGA Istanbul schneller fertig wird als der BER.
11:46 sah echt sexy aus :D
Hahahaha, ja...war insgesamt keine sehr komfortable Reise... Wahrscheinlich, nur hilft mir das wenig wenn ich von Berlin aus abfliege, hahaha...
Simply Aviation vggg to get the word and I love you so much for me I was a good day for me and you will never get
Janice Loria Paras to
Pilot738 طططدمككممظظظكطكمججبذذسث
I can’t believe this has almost 2M views but only 4.5k likes!
Shoenfeld is a sad excuse for an airport
Thats right!
@@simply_aviation now we have a better airport
Had a horrible experience with easy jet a few years ago, we were on the ground for 2hours! Soon I'll be flying with them again from my home Vienna to Bristol.... hope the experience will be better
The 💮
I get so depressed every time I have to fly with one of these low-budget airlines and go through their disgusting airports :(
I know that feeling. ;)
I understand because I feel depressed whenever I fly with Ryanair. Why are we supporting company's that treat staff and passengers like crap . The way they treated my granny was disgusting. When I can fly on my own. No more Ryanair.
Wow, deine Thumbnails sind einfach so geil ;) Und super Video :) ( wie immer )
LG Dus Spotter :)
Vielen Dank! :D
such a terrible airport!
Yes, won't recommend this airport to anyone.
+Simply Aviation I'm not agreeing. I'm always departing from this airport and I feel that's much nicer than Berlin Tegel, even if the gates are quite far from the check-in and control zone.
Rohith Augustine yeah
Simply Aviation can you fly to more countrys?Or you just rec this video for fun?
Simply Aviation next tike fly with AGEAN one of the best companys in the world just you will screwwed up when they transalate english you will not undrestand much
Ein höchst interessanter Tripreport, da ich natürlich SXF sehr gut kenne ;-) Ich teile die Aussage im Video, dass der Flughafen nicht besonders komfotabel ist, im Gegenteil, zu Stoßzeiten wird es sehr eng und unangenehm wie man in den Aufnahmen sehr gut sehen kann. Bei meinem letzten Flug von SXF mit Germanwings war es morgens relativ angenehm dort zu verweilen, da es nicht heiß und auch nicht allzu voll war (vgl. Tripreport Germanwings SMART). Daher fliege ich lieber ab TXL.
Dieses Video zeigt daher eine Menschenmenge im Terminal, die wahrscheinlich im Sommer eher üblich ist.
Interessant ist auch die Tatsache bei der Ankunft der Maschine am Terminal in Wien, dass die Brücke nicht genutzt wurde. So ähnlich kann man das ja in Köln bei Ryanair auch beobachten.
Insgesamt ein wieder sehr informativer Reisebericht, den ich mir auch wieder auf dem großen TV angeschaut habe ;-)
Ja, außerhalb der Stoßzeiten stelle ich es mir auch ganz erträglich vor, aber an dem Tag war es grauenhaft... Vor allem, dass große Teile der Sitzgelegenheiten erst nach den Ticketkontrollen verfügbar sind hat mich sehr gestört, habe ich bisher nur in SXF und LGW gesehen... Ich denke, dass vlt schon sehr kurz nach der Landung geboarded wurde und deswegen die Fluggastbrücke nur für die abfliegenden Fluggäste zur Verfügung stand, aber genau weiß ich es auch nicht. Vielen Dank für den netten Kommentar, freut uns sehr, dass er dir gefallen hat! :) Bis nächsten Freitag mit einem neuen Tripreport! :D
Danke für die Antwort. Ja, ich bin dann am Freitag wieder dabei ^^
Amazing vid. I never knew that easy jet did flights that didn't go from the UK
Thanks! :D Yes, they do lots of flights outisde the UK!
LazyGuy222 2 They do flights all across europe! There's even an Easyjet Swiss, which only operates out of Switzerland!
Because it european
Great video youre one of the best aviation Channels out there i subbed :)
Thank you very much! :D Very glad to hear that!
4:44 how did a kilkenny flag end up there?
Seems like an Irish pub
+Jonathan Rafter us irish, we're all over the place
+Michael Bergin our pubs certainly are :P
Michael Bergin ikr
Michael Bergin dghjgfdsdfgjk
Love the noodles I tried some on my flight from Faro to Glasgow on Saturday
Ich weiß schon warum ich ausschließlich am TXL spotten und abfliege.
Diese DDR Baracke ist ja eine Zumutung für alle PAX.
Aber sehr schön, dass du diese ganzen Missstände mal ausführlich gezeigt hast!
Hahaha...richtig, richtig... Hoffe, dass BER eines Tages mal fertig wird...
Ich hoffe das allerdings nicht!
So schlimm ist der Flughafen nun auch nicht.. Kommt mal runter von eurem Thron
great video David! what a great thing to wake up too!
Thank you very much! :D Glad to hear that!
Simply Aviation no problem :)
Who saw that easy jet jetway
I saw it! ;)
But the back one was the same as ryanair but bigger
when you realize the new Brandenburg airport who has a very nice looking terminal is built in the old Schönefeld airport which looked depressing as hell.
The 📁
The 🍕
Good how did flight radar work on the plane
He probably payed for wifi or they might of had free wifi
+Aviation Awesomeness ok thank you
+Aviation Awesomeness or he was close enough to the ground that his mobile worked
It was the latter one^^ Easyjet does not offer inflight Wifi... #donotattempt
Europeavation And more often OP
Du bist von "meinem Heimatflughafen" gestartet, und auch wenn man es nicht glauben mag, ich find den echt okay. Sicherlich bin ich nicht soviel gewohnt wie ihr bei Simply Aviation, aber er reicht für meine Belänge absolut. Wenn man in Berlin wohnt und ehrlich ist, weiß man, dass Berlin Tegel (TXL) auch nicht der Kracher ist. Zum Fliegen langt es aber allemal. In deinem Tripreport, der ja eigentlich zu Easyjet ist, von dem man aber auch viel von SXF sieht, sieht man als Außenstehender leider nicht, dass die Bahnanbindung super ist, man kann bequem mit S-Bahn hinfahren oder mit Regio ab Ostbahnhof. Tegel hat das leider nicht, da gibt es nur die vollen Busse. Aber trotzdem klasse Tripreport, bin selber im Mai Easyjet von Schönefeld nach London Gatwick geflogen und kann mich nicht beschweren. Viele Grüße
Das ist das selbe wie als würde man immer first oder buisness fliegen und dann zu economy kommen
Versteh den Zusammenhang zwischen deinen Kommentar und meinem nicht, aber denke du hast Recht.
So oder so, kann es kaum erwarten, dass BER endlich seine Türen öffnet...
Roy Castro Also die sind ja heufig an modernen flughäfen, dann kommen die zurück zu dem..
And I thought my hometown LaGuardia Airport was a 'third-world country'!
Nope Schönefeld is a third world airport! ;D
Blackjack115 man you haven't seen Mumbai or Delhi yet
The Ed Force One! Saw this bird a couple of months ago in Vienna!
Cool! :D
hahahahah yes!!!! that's an airport hallway.. is that domestic airport !!! hahahahah or just county food bar.. awefull airport? hahahah thanks God am going to Frankfurt ..not to that airport full of jokes.. hahahahahh
Hahaha, yeah... SXF isn't a domestic airport, I don't even think there are any major domestic airports in Europa... It really is an awful airport! FRA is by far better, but not that great either...
+Simply Aviation SFO, DEN and DUS are imo really nice looking airports with alot of seating options etc.
In Germany I much prefer Munich airport , fantastic !
allen domingo Waz
I like so much yours videos.I love traveling with planes....Thanks for this perfect video🖒🖒🖒
Thank you so much for watching and commenting! :D Very glad to hear that! :D
I saw Easyjet adverts when I was walking towards Schönefeld from S-Bahn in August 2017.
Wieder ein klasse Tripreport! Ich schätze die Art deiner Aufnahmen sehr. Vielleicht wäre es noch hilfreich zu Anfang die geplante Flugzeit als kleine Info einzublenden. Interessant finde ich persönlich auch immer das Einbeziehen des Speisen- und Getränkeangebotes am Flughafen und während des Fluges, sowie das Essen an sich mit deiner Meinung dazu. Weiter so! :-)
Vielen Dank! :D Ja, werde es für das nächste Mal in betracht ziehen... Werde ich machen!^^
Cool, dankeschön :-)
Omg 4:10 reminds me of sitting on that floor charging my phone : o back in October going to stansted
Sehr schöner tripreport!! :)
Vielen Dank! :D Wie gefällt dir die Mischung aus GoPro und normaler Kamera? Besser bei einem von beiden bleiben oder die Mischung?
+Simply Aviation ich fand die Mischung gerade gut! Ich mag tripreports die ausschließlich mit Go pro gefilmt sind ja nicht so gerne und finde daher die Mischung aus beidem besser!
Alles klar! :D Danke fürs Feedback, Jakob!
Great tripreport once again!! Enjoyed watching it! LILED
Thank you so much! :D Very glad to hear that! :D
Like you videos from the start and the end you are one of the best. 😃😃😃😃
Thank you for this nice words!
The first time I see simply mad to an airport
i love your videos! Thanks for doing that, and keep it doing :D!
Your welcome! :D Thank you very much for commenting and supporting us! :D
the food selection looks better than txl. Problem with txl is once you go past security you just have to sit and wait. Reminds me like what Wellington Airport in NZ was like. Each gate had there own security, now it's a central security point
Simply love your videos 👌😘
I really enjoy watching your video it’s funny😂but some useful informations about the airport. Unfortunately I have to fly from this airport soon😭
Love it! the edit is so good!
Thank you so much, Arnout! :D
+Simply Aviation Np! ;)
Enjoyed the review a lot. I have a question regarding the ticket on your smartphone thing. Do you have to install any sort of apps? Or do you just take a nice snapshot of the ticket? Or how does it work? Can you please explain? :)
Yes there's a EasyJet app, there you get the boarding passes. ;)
American school bus that is rare. Might be export from USA. Great video. Wow you dislike SXF airport. The new one haven't open yet
Yes probably... Yes I do, it is awful! Unforntunately not...
These videos are so addicting
Glad to hear that!
A lovely tripreport like always !
Thank you so much! :D
Simply Aviation
:) !
I like your videos...it's awesome
Another fantastic video! Well done, and SXF looked horrible :/
Also, if you can, can there be another long haul flight report? I love them! Only if you can though
Thank you so much! :D It was... Yes there will be, just arrived back in Vienna yesterday from Chicago. Got to nice Iberia tripreports, one in Economy and one in Business! :D And we will also fly with ANA and Ethiopian Airlines later this year...
Awesome! Can't wait!
When I watch these videos the whole way through I think to myself wow what a nerd 🤓😂
The ☠
Great video :) I am taking my first flight next month and came here to get an insight on the lead up to the initial flight :)
Thanks! :D Really? Where are you flying to?^^
Am flying to Tenerife, am excite but nervous also lol First time leaving the UK :D
Really? :D Don't be, flying is awesome!^^
Simply Aviation Thank you :)
easyJet is m favouritest airline. great video
+???????? ???????? xD
Cool! My favourite airline is not EasyJet though... :)
Awesome Video :D SXF seems like an old airport tho ;/
Thanks! :D It really is a bothersome airport...
How do you know on which runway you are going to land?
14:29 could the plane have been at a non-schengen gate and heading somewhere outside the schengen?
Top tip: If you have more luggage (i.e a small back pack), hide it under your coat whilst wearing it. It works all the time
14:17 why didn’t you leave from bridge if there’s one already connected to aircraft ?
14:29 why so I don’t get it why if there’s one already connected ?
Most probably the airbridge is for boarding the next flight. Most low cost airline do this to save time & speed up disembark-boarding process.
Nice video mate do love airports please do more
Do more trip report I enjoy them a lot especially when it's like 5 am in the morning those are the best
We are publishing one trip report per week! :D Cool! We have a lot of old ones you might enjoy as well!
Which seat do you prefer in a B737 from Tuifly?
Hi! I want to ask something! I purchase an up front seat so I can have my luggage with me in the airplane...... So for sure this is it?.... There is no going to be a problem?
I really like your videos!
well i would say one has to consider that schönefeld was in the GDR and tegel in west berlin....i think the germans made the best out of russian architecture in schönefeld...and finally 2021 the new airport is here....very good video.....i think compared to the end of interflugzeit it is a decent, but still GDR airport...
Did the new terminal at schonefeld already open? Great trip report as usual
No not yet. ;)
How long prior to the flight do you usually come to the airport? Fantastic vids by the way as always!
An hour to and hour and a half
It depends... I don't really have a time, I just show up sometimes 90min prior, sometimes even more...
Excellent work mate
Thanks a lot! :D
Tomorrow i will get my norwegian Airlines 787-9 model :)))
Is A319 different than A320 or it's the same
Did you have WiFi internet in on board, or you caught a mobile network during appchingand landing?
We use mobile network during takeoff and landing ;)
Oh-oh, that is strongly prohibited :)