FotD Q&A! Does Tony Stark need a Profile? Does Doctor Doom need High Tech: Battle Suit? Lots more!

  • Опубликовано: 5 сен 2024

Комментарии • 48

  • @omikun17
    @omikun17 2 месяца назад +5

    'The characters are super heroes that are trying to save the people they care about by direct action' Do they think Tony doesn't do that when he's not in his suit? It reminds of the first Avengers movie "Big man in a suit of armor. Take that off and what are you? Billionaire genius playboy philanthropist"

  • @ciaranl8682
    @ciaranl8682 2 месяца назад +4

    Great talk, and very much appreciated the discussion around Ability Scores.
    On page 18 of the CRB it says: "Standard human abilities range from -3 (in the case of an extremely ill person) to +3 (the limit of human ability)". There then follows a description of each of the Abilities and what they pertain to. Trying to get all of those pieces of information to correspond properly across all the character sheets and Powers seems to be a big failing in the game.
    I remember when we started my campaign my players took minuses in certain things and played it off normally because I hadn't taken in that "extremely ill" note. The implication of that to me is that taking minuses in your abilities does have an affect on your character's strength and intellect and the like from a roleplaying perspective. The Alpha Primitives character sheet has a -2 to Logic and they're functionally mute. -3 Logic then implies someone being a vegetable for all intents and purposes.
    There could do with being a streamlining process in this correlation between Ability Scores, Traits, Tags, and Powers. It's all very busy at the moment and the information is spread out across the CRB to the point where you forget certain things are relevant to others.
    I enjoy the game, but I'm left wanting by the character creation. It seems to have been designed purely to pick up and play without much thought for in-depth play sessions.

    • @FuzzyOnTheDetails
      @FuzzyOnTheDetails  2 месяца назад +1

      It's a really interesting topic to explore. I did a quick search on demiplane for "Resilience Check" to see all the ways a -3 would impact a player. You make one when you use Recovery to gain back health (but NOT to gain health normally every hour - that's governed by Rank). You use it to overcome fatigue or weariness. That's it. In CoK, there's a check to overcome "black, toxic smoke" inhalation. In Murderworld, there are two Resilience checks to overcome a force-field energy blast and one to overcome getting "thrashed around" by a T-Rex. The definition of resilience says it measures stamina, tenacity and pain tolerance, and says checks are good for "withstanding extreme conditions".
      A search on "Resilience Defense" gets hits on Disrupt Nerves, Leech Life, Elemental Suffocation, Hellfire Chains and both Coiling and Telekinetic Crush.
      I would play a character with a -3 Resilience as someone who was severely immunocompromised, vs. extremely ill. Likely to do very poorly when exposed to extreme situations. Someone who definitely wants to avoid getting into combat or... you know... getting eaten by a dinosaur or choked by the spirit of vengeance :-). But not bedridden.
      For a low Logic, to me, I'd play that as someone who is EXTREMELY susceptible to mental domination. They could be booksmart, but they fold under any kind of mental stress. Maybe they were a vampire thrall so long that whatever defenses they had are complete shattered, but they're still held in high regard as a thrall because they're a competent bookkeeper or something.
      Again, no right or wrong on this and I fully acknowledge that while I feel pretty strongly about my Fuzzy Logic (tm) theory, I am probably in the minority :-).

  • @ianhoulihan4649
    @ianhoulihan4649 2 месяца назад +6

    Firstly, let me say that this was a fantastic discussion. It was great to hear differing options is a discussion style podcast format. I maintain you could easily do an hour long podcast on a topic and have enough content to talk about the game for days.
    I did want to address one issue. Building Armor.
    I shouldn't just say armor, but rather creating a character's backstory through through stats. This is one thing this game does well. Let me explain.
    We often hear about people creating a Rank 3, 4, etc character from there, rather than creating them 1 rank at a time. The end result may end up the same, but if you break down a character's life over a defined period, you start to see key events happen that changed their life. Since Tony Stark was used in your discussion, lets look at who Tony is in the MCU (just as a benchmark and for consistency).
    In Avengers, Tony says it best when speaking with Captain America after being asked, "Take away the armor, what are you?" Tony's response: "Genius, Billionaire, Playboy, Philanthropist". None of those have anything to do with 'hard' stats (Melee, Agility, Resilience). Does this make him worthy of more than the 3 maximum for non-supers? Yes. Does it make him way beyond that? No, and for the reasons Fuzzy mentioned in this episode--its all about the Traits and Tags a character has, mainly because this is a "skill-less" system. Instead we have Traits that act in place of a skill system.
    You could easily make a skill system for this game by having a list of them with 1-4 levels that adds to an ability check, but lets stay away from that.
    IMHO, Tony is likely a Rank 2 character, is the same way Nick Fury Jnr, Maria Hill, and Phil Coulson are. His suits of Iron Man armor, however, are where he gains his ability to become a super hero that can go toe--to-toe with the likes of Hulk and Thor. J.A.R.V.I.S. can help, as can his glasses, suitcase, etc, His gadgets provide him with something extra and is a true example of how Tech Reliance should operate.
    If I was allowed to add anything to this game it would would be species maximums. An Eternal or Kree might have the ability to have a higher than 3 in the physical stats, while a Skrull may have a higher than normal Ego. For Humans, the limit of 3 is typical for our meat sacks, but the other three could have limits of 5. Having said that, I don't like the limits as they stand at all as they don't take into consideration peoples perceptions of Athletes, parkour artists, stunt performers, and true geniuses, never mind those who possess a pre-disposition to mental abilities (ESP, etc--if you believe in that sort of thing).
    So with that in mind, I think you could easily create Tony Stark as Rank 2, building him from Rank 1 in his college years to a Rank 2 businessman.
    Then, he gets his heart injury which redefines his life. He decides in that moment to create the Iron Man suit. Initially as a Rank +1 improvement. You then design the armor so it gives "+" to attributes, and powers much in the same way Cap's Shield gives a +1 Rank of the "Shield" power. As each suit changes, you create the same from scratch. The Hulk Buster Armor may provide 3 ranks instead.
    Anyway, that's my opinion.

  • @rangereric18
    @rangereric18 2 месяца назад +4

    Thank you for this! I think you just helped me figure out how im going to do power suits in my game. So yes, more of this, please!
    Power suits are always a pain to quantify in superhero rpgs, and MMRPG is no different in that regard. I would do the same thing and start building the character out from 1 to 4 or 5 for Doom or Iron Man.
    Anyone can put on the suit, so maybe build the power suit sans Ego, Logic and Agility scores and just plug in the stats from the wearer. The time Frank Castle put on the War Machine armor immediately comes to mind.

    • @FuzzyOnTheDetails
      @FuzzyOnTheDetails  2 месяца назад +2

      I actually spoke about the Frank Castle War Machine example in the meandering 3 hour version of this conversation :-). And yeah, the idea would be that both Rhodey and Frank could put on the suit but it might play very differently because the base stats and abilities would be different.

  • @ianhoulihan4649
    @ianhoulihan4649 2 месяца назад +4

    This highlights that I wish we were getting a gear book before a Spiderverse book.

    • @FuzzyOnTheDetails
      @FuzzyOnTheDetails  2 месяца назад +2

      With luck, the spider-verse book could have a common equipment table like the X-men book is going to have a common vehicle table. Characters like black cat could definitely use it!

  • @PunkMikey
    @PunkMikey 2 месяца назад +3

    Love these kinds of discussions. Love hearing nerds homebrew and be creative. Great video.

  • @anungunrama2202
    @anungunrama2202 2 месяца назад +2

    One thing that came to mind concerning traits like Inventor etc. and representing a "low rank" genius like Tony Stark is taking some inspiration from the cypher system and adjust the difficulty for certain rolls for these characters. Xavier may have a higher Logic rating than Tony but he's no techie. So instead having them both make a roll against the sametarget number knock down the difficulty for Tony because he's a genius inventor and knows a lot more than Xavier when it comes to this. An otherwise absurd (+6) roll might only be difficult (+2) for Tony for example.
    This way characters can be very effective within their field of knowledge without needing the best stats.
    Loved the talk, happy to get more stuff like this :)

    • @FuzzyOnTheDetails
      @FuzzyOnTheDetails  2 месяца назад +2

      Yeah, I like that idea. I'm not super familiar with Cypher - does it allow for the elimination of rolls entirely in some situations?
      Happy to hear you enjoyed the talk - we'll definitely have some more!

    • @anungunrama2202
      @anungunrama2202 2 месяца назад +2

      @@FuzzyOnTheDetails Cypher is actually pretty easy and worth checking out. Skills and certain abilities knock down the difficulty of a roll and if your difficulty hits 0 you don't need to roll. The difficulties range is from 1 to 10 though, so it can't be ported to MMRPG 1:1. In the end I'd decide on the spot if a character needs to roll at all depending on their traits and tags.

  • @charlesbryant5897
    @charlesbryant5897 2 месяца назад +4

    amazing as always

    • @FuzzyOnTheDetails
      @FuzzyOnTheDetails  2 месяца назад +1

      Thank you!!

    • @josephbearpaw
      @josephbearpaw 2 месяца назад +2

      This discussion , was outstanding , great talk gentlemen ❤👍

  • @TroySeward
    @TroySeward 2 месяца назад +4

    Nice job really enjoyed this.

    • @FuzzyOnTheDetails
      @FuzzyOnTheDetails  2 месяца назад

      Thanks Troy! I appreciate your feedback, as always!

  • @TorqueBacklash
    @TorqueBacklash 2 месяца назад +1

    I feel changing Tony Stark’s rank without the misleading to the spirit and options. If I wanted to redefine Tony, I’d look at the stats and powers. Define what comes from the armor. His Marvel stat line can be left alone. If you wish to reduce his melee, agility, and resilience fine, but I wouldn’t go down by much. I would take all the value treated as part of the armor and allow it to be modular to be different suits and be easy to slide off. You could also pull them off and have your base Tony and let him keep his brilliance and other pieces.

  • @marcusrouls7472
    @marcusrouls7472 2 месяца назад +4

    Listening to this, the one person I agreed most with was Billy. Vann also had a lot of great points. Fuzzy I think you did a great job bringing everyone together for a thinktank session. I have one issue is you keep insisting on Rank 1 for some of these out of armor builds. Tony Stark I'm all for Billy's Rank 2 build, it makes sense. He's an establish hero and like Vann said, he is still very formidable outside the armor. Rank 1 build for me are the average joe, the beat cop, or the new supe that just discovered they have a power or two (maybe 3) but just learning how to use them.
    Also for me after playing multiple Superhero RPGs including the old FASERIP system. Armored or Gadget based characters, their mental based stats are rarely changed. What those abilities are in the armor are what they are out. Unless there's a special feature with their Armor or Gadget that enhances them, which is possible. I have to agree with Billy on why he initially kept Tony's Logic a 5 and why he did Tony as a Rank 2. I feel Logic is a stat that represents a characters Intelligence and corresponds to FASERIP's Reason stat. Kitty Pride can be a genius, but Tony has taken years to craft himself into the genius he is. Dropping him down to a 3 just to justify making him a Rank 1, I feel is a bit of an injustice to his brilliance, compared to Kitty being a blooming genius.
    Lastly, I do get where you were coming from with the Logic debate. But at the same time there are plenty of rolls and checks that could come about as non-combat rolls. Losing 2 points can have an impact on that. But my biggest take away from this excellent debate are the flaws in this particular system that needs to be homebrewed to give the game a full RPG experience. I'm a Marvel fan and I like many of the concepts of MMRPG. But its hard for me to love it. Especially after playing several other Superhero based RPGs that already do exactly what this video debate is trying to incorporate by homebrewing.
    Well, that is my long winded 2 cent reply. Either way I still enjoyed the video and stayed until the end which helped give me more insight on other ideas. 😀

    • @FuzzyOnTheDetails
      @FuzzyOnTheDetails  2 месяца назад +3

      Thanks so much for the comment and for sticking around to the end! :-)
      You got me thinking with your "Average Joe" reference. While the "Average Citizen" build in the CRB is a Rank 1, it has no powers, no ability scores and "often" has no traits or tags. This is what I use for typical "innocent bystanders". They couldn't call it a Rank 0 (because then it couldn't heal or do damage), but that's kind of where it sits in my brain,
      And I've used beat cops (and firefighters) in games before, and usually go with Henchmen stats (from Tony's Workshop), which is somewhere in between the Average Citizen and a full Rank 1 character. So I guess on my scale, a Rank 1 ain't all THAT bad, its third up from the bottom! :-)

    • @marcusrouls7472
      @marcusrouls7472 2 месяца назад +3

      I do very much like that idea of Rank 0 for average Joe characters. Plus I was looking at addition extra Ranks above Rank 6 (for villains only). To add challenges for Rank 5 or 6 PCs, without having to always use the infamous Rank X.
      But on the subject of Armor and Gadgets, I would like to see a more robust set of rules (Homebrew or Official). I'm a fan of several point buy systems (GURPS, Champions, Mutants & Masterminds, and PPUE). There you can build a gadget, armor or magic item character. That way you can have your base character and then what they are like fully powered with their item(s).
      Like Green Lantern (any of them), what are they and their capabilities without the ring? What if you have PCs in a depowered situation? The main villain has them imprisoned in a depowered state. What abilities do they have to rely on to get them out and back to their full powered stat?
      This is the same way I look at Tony Stark without his armor. He has his brain and skills to rely on. Think "Iron Man 3". Or when Storm loses her powers in Uncanny X-Men #185 and the whole arc until she regained them.
      These are the story options I like to play with. While still letting the PCs have some of their learned capabilities. Sorry, I can get a bit long winded when talking about games and comics. LOL!

    • @FuzzyOnTheDetails
      @FuzzyOnTheDetails  2 месяца назад +3

      ​@@marcusrouls7472 Long winded? Dude - I had to cut the original conversation for this video down from THREE HOURS :-). You definitely don't have to apologize for long-windedness here :-).
      We actually did talk a little bit about Ranks above 6 in that convo! I'm confident that will make its way into the next Q&A video, so stay tuned for that.

    • @marcusrouls7472
      @marcusrouls7472 2 месяца назад +2

      @@FuzzyOnTheDetails Nice! I'll definitely look forward to that.

  • @RadChannel
    @RadChannel 2 месяца назад +1

    Ooh, bloodhunt campaign!

    • @FuzzyOnTheDetails
      @FuzzyOnTheDetails  2 месяца назад +1

      Yup! We've only got one recorded thus far, and I'd like to get at least a couple ready to go before I release the first one. But it was fun! We're starting rank 2, and we'll be building them up using the Getting Schooled rules. Two of the players are vets, and two haven't played before, and it made for a good dynamic. There's too much stuff going on in NYC in the comics, so we're setting it in Boston :-).

  • @Shunryo
    @Shunryo 11 дней назад +1

    I really love this discussion of talking about it the narrative devices, and if the game is interested telling the story

  • @ChristopherPolack
    @ChristopherPolack 2 месяца назад +2


  • @joeking1956
    @joeking1956 2 месяца назад +4

    I love nerding out about homebrew stuff and watching other people do the same! More Q&A and panel type videos!

  • @josephmoon6261
    @josephmoon6261 2 месяца назад +1

    I do have an opinion on logic.
    It's absolutely the stand in for intelligence. If the elemental powers were logic based instead of ego you wouldn't hesitate to boost it. And honestly that's the answer... just Homebrew that you roll with logic because it's tech.

  • @caklgraz
    @caklgraz 2 месяца назад +1

    I enjoyed the discussion and would definitely be interested in seeing more vids like this. I will say that I didn’t follow all the nuances of the builds that were utilized, but that is totally my newness to the system. Maybe once I get into it a bit more, I could revisit this discussion and make more sense of it.

    • @FuzzyOnTheDetails
      @FuzzyOnTheDetails  2 месяца назад +1

      This is really good perspective - thanks for sharing it! I think I can definitely do a better job setting things up for newer players before we dive into the deep end :-). If there's anything else you think would be helpful for new players, please let me know!
      Oh, and I'm curious, were the occasional Demiplane screenshots helpful?

    • @caklgraz
      @caklgraz 2 месяца назад +1

      @@FuzzyOnTheDetails the screenshots were VERY helpful. Even if I couldn’t place the whys or wherefores for a particular number, providing a graphic at least gave me a starting point to grasp some of the concepts.

    • @FuzzyOnTheDetails
      @FuzzyOnTheDetails  2 месяца назад +1

      Awesome, I'll keep doing that! Thanks again for the feedback - I thrive on it in general, but it is extra important when I try something new.

  • @jwilson7809
    @jwilson7809 Месяц назад +1

    I love the Q&A. I’d love to participate with you if you wanted.

    • @FuzzyOnTheDetails
      @FuzzyOnTheDetails  Месяц назад

      I'd love to open the talks up a little more in the not-too-distant future - I'll give some thought to how to do that!

  • @JayBezz
    @JayBezz 2 месяца назад +1

    I disagree on your definition of Logic. It doesn't ONLY mean Intelligence. It can also mean things like Neurology or Quickness of thought. It makes sense for Telepathy to partially Ego (Your Power Level) and Logic (The Intricacy Level)

  • @muigokublack6487
    @muigokublack6487 2 месяца назад +1

    How would you handle someone who uses a device to transform like Amadeus Cho?

    • @FuzzyOnTheDetails
      @FuzzyOnTheDetails  2 месяца назад +1

      I think it is probably a little overkill to have both an alternate form AND tech reliance, with all powers tied to both - I don't see any precedent for that. And Brawn of course just has Weird Science (like She-Hulk and Hulk do), and no tech reliance on top of that. Cho just has one origin, as well.
      So, let's pretend we're creating a new character that uses some kind of technology to channel the energy of a Spirit of Vengeance. You could still just take the Spirit of Vengeance Origin with the Alternate Form: Ghost Rider tag, and not worry about the fact a piece of technology is involved as well. From a game balance perspective I think that's an unnecessary tax.

    • @muigokublack6487
      @muigokublack6487 2 месяца назад +1

      @@FuzzyOnTheDetails Because I'm stress-testing the system by seeing if I can make the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers in Marvel and they use a device to transform.

  • @cirrusism
    @cirrusism 3 дня назад +1

    just watched the video and it seems to me that it seems unfair to compare Marvel Multiverse to DnD. it seems like MM is more like Fate/Fudge than DnD. More is handled in tags/traits than really in stats in my opinion.

    • @FuzzyOnTheDetails
      @FuzzyOnTheDetails  2 дня назад

      Hi there and thanks for the comment! I've never played Fate or Fudge, so I'll take your word for it!
      As a general comment, if you hear me bring up D&D, it usually isn't because of any deep analysis I've personally done, but rather because I'm thinking of Matt Forbeck's design methodology. He's on record saying that one of the design goals for the game is for people who had played D&D to have a sense of "familiarity" with the rules. He's not claiming it to be a direct port, and he's mentioned other inspirations (Champions is one that comes to mind). I get into this in a few other videos if you're interested (the New Player FAQ for sure).
      But, yeah, it usually isn't a deep-held personal opinion if I bring up D&D. My own D&D experience only spans from 1st edition to the end of 3.5, so I'm definitely no expert on the last 15 years of D&D or so :-).

    • @cirrusism
      @cirrusism 2 дня назад +1

      @@FuzzyOnTheDetails if you want to look into it, fate core and fate accelarated are free on drivethru. You will see the familiarities instantly.

    • @FuzzyOnTheDetails
      @FuzzyOnTheDetails  2 дня назад

      Thanks I’ll check them out!