Not so childish: the stongest, the better. They do this, they don't care about you and they are payed to do this: the strongest, the better. Strictly speaking about psychiatry, a rude field I know too well, being a victim of It.
It's not an objective view of humanity. Just because you can't accept someone else being fed up with the vanity of the society we've built. You'll get there.
Honestly, this may be the best Monologue in any film i've ever seen.
That perfectly describes the american health system.
If I remember correctly, this was the first and only scene with camera movement.
No the dinner party scene has a tracking shot going forward
K.E. Anderson Oh yeah, you’re right! Forgot about that.
Så är det med det.
I guess mean people are the ones who have the money to pay for psychiatric treatment.
It's practically free in Sweden. Even medication after you've spent an x amount of SEK.
Where can I find the full movie subtitled?
+YIle Ile
Superficial, trite and pendantic. A worn out view of humanity which misses the mark and a childish stereotype of psychiatry.
Not so childish: the stongest, the better. They do this, they don't care about you and they are payed to do this: the strongest, the better. Strictly speaking about psychiatry, a rude field I know too well, being a victim of It.
It's not an objective view of humanity. Just because you can't accept someone else being fed up with the vanity of the society we've built. You'll get there.
Of course childish, because we know and apply psychiatry for thousands of years. The director is immature.
Psychiatry is 95% bullshit. Roy is right.
It's not a summation of psychiatry. It's a character study of a particular type of person from a particular perspective.
Detta är ju bara fult.
Elakt sagt