My high school girlfriend's mom was in Hiroshima the day the bomb dropped. She was on the outskirts of town and was far enough away that she was not injured but eventually lost her hair. She married an American soldier and moved to the east coast of the U.S. shortly after the war ended. She was one of the kindest women I have ever met. My mom had passed a year before I met my girlfriend. So Mrs C. always told me to call her Momma San. "You no have mother. So I you mother now" she said. I loved her so much. We stayed friends until she passed a few years ago. Her daughter and I are still great friends.
I'm not Japanese, but I've been told old women "adopting" friend's children like that is/was pretty common. The nicest ones will make sure you're taking care of yourself and feed you and really do try to be there for their friends's grieving children regardless of their age. "Are you eating well? I made an extra dinner for you. Your mother would want you to eat more and be happy" sort of thing and it's a good way to bond generations together. As a foreigner on the other side of the planet, I can't say how widespread it ever was and if it's still common to this day, we'd need to ask someone from Japan, but it's a really beautiful practice that every people should practice. Take care of each other so we can all move forward together.
@@Onora619 Je suis du Québec, 53 ans j'ai grandis à la campagne et en 1971 mes parents ont achetée une maison 15 000$ à des Allemands. Notre voisine était une Polonaise Mme Amélia Pélofi une veuve à la retraite avec ses deux enfants qui nous avait donnés une dinde comme cadeau de bienvenu . C'était un peu comme une Momma San j'avoue que le Japon à eu ses moment de souffrance et j'admets que la Pologne à eu aussi les siens la misère, la pauvreté, est les malheurs de la guerre qui en résulte surtout la faim. Elle était une cuisinière hors paire. Ils faut éviter un guerre atomique à tout prix.
I lived in Japan for 20 years working for the US government. I never visited Hiroshima until after Covid. I breezed through the museum with little emotion. I watched this documentary and found the human emotion I had not felt while at the museum in Hiroshima explode and tears streak down my face. Let us pray this never happens again!
Material importante para la educación , la historia NO contada atraves de generaciones, nos hace Volver ha cometer los mismos errores y horrores !!! La Paz Perpetua,para toda la humanidad 🌹
Merci pour ce reportage et ces photos qui font prendre conscience encore plus de l' horreur de la guerre et de la valeur de la paix et du respect des uns des autres.
Lamentablemente los gobernantes solo piensan en guerras 😢solo peleas x poder , tierras y minerales . No quiero ni imaginar q pasaría en una 3ra guerra donde solo tienen q oprimir un botón ❤️🩹🫣😵💫😭
Этот фильм нужно показывать всем правителям в мире! Каждый из них должен понимать,что такое может случиться и с его страной!!! Опомнитесь,люди! У нас и так жизнь коротка, а еще и войны.
Этот фильм надо показывать идиотам, которые призывают и провоцируют к применению. Спаси и сохрани, Господи!!!!!!! Безумцев. Сколько этих взрывов было наземных и подземных испытаний вплоть и на живых людях 😢
Как жалко простых людей. Но к сожалению, мы все заложники тех, кто правит миром. Им нужны новые жертвы. Они ненасытны. Ненавижу войну. Простые люди всего мира хотят просто жить, радоваться и дарить добро и мир друг другу. Спасибо за фильм Мы живы пока помним о тех, кто погиб.
@@Бигибом mereka membunuh,mereka merampas harta benda nenek moyang kami...kalian tau dunia????mereka membunuh dan menculik untuk di jadikan pekerja paksa !!!
I agree with you. Life Is hard, Life is tough, it definitely isn't fair, and these kids are not ever going to be able to understand that. And they will be the ones running the country in a few years? As Elon Musk had said, if these Petty things trigger you so deeply. Then you've never been punched in the face They never say in these documentaries who was the final one to convince everybody else, whose idea was to do this. But I bet you it was a democrat.
My friend was in the womb of her mother who was visiting her parents in a nearby village when Hiroshima was bombed. She returned and searched for her husband and two sons, but they were killed by the bomb. Even as she walked about in utter shock and grief her skin started burning off - the day after the bomb! She probably spent too much time there for the baby was born with a totally deformed spine. The baby, my dear friend, was, despite the radioactive harm done, a brilliant writer and helped in our international documents and was a pleasure to work with!
Aún no nacía pero cuando hablamos de la bomba atómica en la primaria me dio miedo,hoy al ver este documental mi corazón se me estruja es 😭espantoso,tanta miseria humana no creo que quienes fabricaron este artefacto no supieran las consecuencias Dios los perdone por tanto dolor que causaron 🙏 rezo para que jamás se repita
Я с Украины и смотрела этот фильм с замиранием сердца и со слезами на глазах. Что и какие муки перенесли люди, дети от ядерного взрыва, и выжившие прошли как подопытные кролики, исследования последствий взрыва. СЕЙЧАС неужели может быть конфликты доведены до такого ужаса. Ведь можно жить в мире, сколько человеку надо для полноценной жизни всего лишь 70 лет и с собой в могилу ничего не заберёшь. И развитие и процветание может быть для всех, и зачем соревноваться кто главней или кто превосходней, и зачем быть гигимоном, а не лучше быть самым лучшим, мирным человеком
The Japanese were not the peaceful people when they bombed the Hawiian base that killed so many American men, woman and children so horribly. Why do we see these horrors? Why don't I see videos of the horrors of Pearl Harbor that December day. Look I'm all for peace, no war anywhere.
Фильм потряс!Вывернул всю душу , сижу и ничего не могу делать,Его надо показывать во всех странах по центральным каналам!Неужели все это кто то пережил , ужас ,не должно такое повториться.!НЕТ!
а ведь это всего лишь навсего маломощный тактический заряд - по современной классификации. Всего 40 килотонн - сейчас такое упаковывают в один артиллерийский снаряд. Типовая бомба 1 мгт (в 25 раз мощнее) и таких от 3 до 10 шт в одной ракете. А всего их более чем по 5 тыс. у США и России. Не выживет никто
@@IvanKachinskiy Иван , спасибо большое ,что ответили.Я как дама , не разбираюсь во всех технических аспектах, я просто как обычный зритель была потоясенна как чисто физиологически страдали люди , хирург все просто обьяснил по - поводу кожи- ужасно,и очень жалко что в один миг столько детей и подростков .Желаю вам здоровья и радости в жизни .Москва.
@@Алекандр-ъ2й: "А с какой легкостью в РФ ЯО размахивают и треть россиян не против его использования". ЯО против мирного населения использовали США, а не РФ. И теперь все говорят, что это было хорошо, что использовали, всё теперь очень счастливы, делают ку и улыбаются.
I think Japan realized it was playing stupid game and it won stupid prize. The grape of Naking and unit-731 meant Japan was no stranger to war crimes. At least America helped japan get back on its feet and now Japan is one of the greatest nations on earth that focuses on science, technology, and human rights. Unlike many countries today Japan is no longer trying to invade their neighbors either.
You could say the same for Japan, they have not apologized for what they did, war is messy, they thought Japan did not surrender then operation unthinkable would happen
My father was a metallurgical engineer at Los Alamos. He said that, despite the total secrecy involved, nearly everyone there knew what they were working on. Very few of them believed it would actually be used against any city or people. We now live in a world where a single act of chest thumping or retaliation can actually end civilization as it is. This documentary needs to be seen by everyone
Nu sânt american !, dar acei americani care au bombardat de cine au fost manipulați ? De aceia oameni care l-au ucis pe Hristos , și ucid in continuare oameni ,manipulând in continuare omenirea cu dolari lor , Pacea fara Dumnezeu este o manipulare mondială, Hristos Dumnezeu sa lăsat omorât pentru a face pace ,cine crede asta nu mai are frica de nici o suferință ....!
The best documentary I have ever seen. War is literally hell on earth. Death in war knows no nationality. It takes all, young and old, the good and the bad.
It will happen again because men are unable to keep peace, the Bible says, "The heart is more deceitful than anything else and incurable, who can understand it?" Jeremiah 17:9 Zechariah 14:12 describes in the future nuclear war when Israel is under attack. There is a way of escape! Turn to Jesus Christ and receive forgiveness and eternal life. "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life," John 3:16. Jesus promised to come for His own and this will happen before the last 7 years of the Tribulation Period under the Antichrist, please read Revelation. Jesus promised to spare those from the hour of testing coming on the whole world, Revelation 3:10.
в последние годы активно выпускают статьи и видео о том что ядерная война не страшна и если потребуется то станет самым верным решением ведь если не нажать красную кнопку первым её обязательно нажнут враги.
@@world_peace775 - к счастью, России не обязательно сейчас нажимать кнопку первой. Она всё равно успеет вовремя ответить благодаря управляемому гиперзвуку. А в доктрине у них ответно-встречный удар. Зато штатам есть повод задуматься, и не давить на кнопку.
👍👍Super documentaire , merci infiniment pour ce partage qui nous fait bien comprendre que l'arme atomique est une abomination ! Il faudrait que tous les " vat en guerre " de notre époque réalisent que l'emploi d'un tel armement ne pourra qu'engendrer l'Armageddon final .....
This is the type of documentary everyone has to see once. I hope they show this in schools. As a teen myself this made me on the verge of tears but gave a great lesson on how horrific war is and that both sides suffer greatly.
My grandfather survived the Hiroshima atomic bomb. My mother said he died of consumption, but I believe it was radiation poisoning. In 1970, I visited the Hiroshima Peace memorial, and again, in 1978. This memorial should be on everyone's bucket list to experience firsthand what one bomb can do to destroy humanity and can easily be used today to destroy our world. Read Black Rain & Enola Gay. and then 3 days later, another bomb was dropped over Nagasaki... NEVER FORGET.
Ce qui s'est passé ce jour-là est vraiment horrible. Les témoignages et les photos de ceux qui ont vécu cet enfer sont d'une grande valeur. Comme mentionné par quelqu'un plus bas dans les commentaires. Les individus qui ont l'intention de déclencher une guerre ne la combattent pas eux-mêmes. Les personnes qui refusent de se battre sont celles qui se battent et se sacrifient. Cependant, une chose aussi horrible ne devrait jamais se produire. Dans de telles circonstances, il est inévitable que cela soit frustrant et triste.
"Afin que l'humanité ne connaissent plus jamais cela " .c'est la conclusion qui m'inspire aussi. Vivement ce documentaire est tout pour réveiller notre conscience quand à l'importance de la paix. Merci pour vos recherches
Hay algo que no me cuadra de estas personas que dicen que sobrevivieron y he estado bastante cerca de la epicentro no nos estarán contando una película que les han mandado contar pedorras autodo y es verdad menos estas dos personas qué casualidad
일본인들은 원자폭탄에게 감사해야 한다. 일본 본토에 미군이 진주할 경우 일본군이 민간인들을 어떻게 학살하는 지 오키나와에서 잘 보여 주었다. 미군이 원자폭탄을 터트리지 않고 일본 본토에 상륙했으면 일본 본토의 많은 민간인들이 타의 또는 자의로 사망했을 것이다. 현대를 사는 일본인들은 그들의 조부모 들이 더이상 허무하게 죽지 않게, 일본 군국주의자들의 항복을 이끌어낸 원자폭탄에게 감사해야 한다.. 원자 폭탄이 아니었다면 현대를 사는 많은 일본인들이 존재하지 않을 것이다.
I visited Hiroshima many times. It’s my favourite city in Japan. Very relaxing, big parks, very quiet even with visitors and many schools. Very peaceful. The first time i visited the taxi driver told me he was up in the mountains when it happened. He was over 70 and still working. I had no words to say. I was just going back to the hotel after visiting the peace memorial museum and walk etc I just couldn’t ask or say anything 😢. Very strange feeling. The man was strong as a brick. You could see it in his thick neck forearms and his eyes. He wasn’t even dramatic about it. Another time I was taking a photo and suddenly I turn around and I had like 200 kids behind me all in their school uniform with their backpack and hats on. I couldn’t believe it. They were so quiet… That city is so special and beautiful.
Ya betul . Atau karena uang atau kekuasaan Yang jelas anak kecil itu kasihan yang meminta pertolongan lalu nangis lalu pergi ke kobaran api karena tidak tahu mau kemana . Dan korban tidak berdosa lainnnya
Посмотрела на одном дыхании, это ужасно!!! Особенно дети! Спасибо за рассекреченную историю, жуткую, но необходимую! Мост Миюки оказался мостом в жизнь для многих, а на других мостах остались лишь выжженные тени! 💐
Ταξίδεψα στην Ιαπωνία λόγω τουρισμού περίπου ένα μήνα με τον σύζυγό μου μου άρεσε η χώρα η ευγένεια των ανθρώπων η καθαριότητα και η πειθαρχία τους....όταν πήγα στην Χιροσίμα ένιωθα δέος!!!! Πολύ συγκινητικό τό βίντεο!!!!! Ευχαριστούμε πολύ!!!!
When the photographer, Yoshito Matsushige stood there on the bridge and took these photos it must have been horrible. To have seen such horrors and pain. It must also have seemed cruel to some victims that he was taking photos of the aftermath of the bombing and of their suffering. But however cruel it was, thanks to these photos that we can have a glimpse into what these people experienced and understand the cost of the actions of those during those times. Thanks to these photos the stories of those on the bridge, the events that took place, what those people felt, all we can understand at least even a little bit. Thank you for taking these pictures. They show us what happened in the past and serve as a reminder to us of the people who suffered and lost their lives. The people who could not share their stories with all of us. Thank you for making this film. I feel more grateful to my life now. War is something that should never have happened. The people who suffer the most in war are ordinary civilians. People who get caught in between the crossfire of the two countries. It is painful for many people. But alas, we never know what the leaders of each country are thinking or how the tense situations between countries pan out. There is nothing much we can do. But we can try to remember those dark times and the stories of these people and pass it on the next generation. So that these stories serve as a reminder to all of us of how war affects everybody.
*ОБРЕВЕЛАСЬ* ... ... *УРЕВЕЛАСЬ* ... ... *НАРЕВЕЛАСЬ* ... И умылась слезами 😥😪😢... КАК *горько* всё это слушать ! КАК *страшно* всё это слышать ! Спаси и сохрани Господь Милосердный 🙏🙏🙏 ...
Truman n’était un petit homme abjecte. 2 BA en 3 jours ?!… c’était du sadisme doublé d’une cruauté dégelasse. Les USA et leurs crimes de guerre classés secret défense c’est TROP FACILE de s’en sortir comme ça alors qu’ils auraient dû être désarmés. 80 ans ils continuent à faire chier le monde entier avec leur puissance usurpée grâce à la planche à billets 💵🤬
My grandfather had a Japanese work colleague who returned to Japan in the 70s. The friendship remained. In 1986 my parents accepted the invitation to go to Japan. At the age of 16 I visited Tokyo, Osaka and also Hiroshima. The horror (the photos from the museum) was the trigger for me to do community service. I can still see the stone on which a person stood (it was burned into the stone). I still remember the "fire" in front of the museum and that this fire will only go out when there is peace throughout the world. It takes a few seconds to realize what this text means...and I had tears streaming down my face like many others who left the museum.
@@shanazali8133 In what schools in the US is this no long taught? My parents (yes, including my mother) were stationed in Occupied Japan after the war. By age of 4 I knew of WWII. By the age of 5 or 6, I knew of the atomic bombs. ALL military personnel, at that time, were taught how to best survive a blast. I ALSO knew of the terrible crimes committed by the Imperial Japanese Army against our military personnel (some of whom were cared for in our family quarters as they were personal friends), and American civilians who were in places like the Philippines. My 2nd grade teacher had her 15-year-old son die in her arms in an internment camp due to disease and malnutrition. Her husband, a civilian civil engineer, died building a railroad. My mother's 2 brothers, ages 17 and 18, died on Bataan Death March. Their bodies never recovered. I guess that you researched all the schools in the USA to make such a statement. Perhaps, in the course of such work, you found that the USA DID NOT START THE DAMN WAR. We did however have to end it! And at great cost! And then, under General McArthur, rebuild the Jap society from the ground up, giving ALL Japanese the right to the vote, including women! Or how about the incorporation of Unions, giving workers for the first time any power. Before that a Japanese worker was little more than a slave to whatever company they worked for. Perhaps, your time would have been better spent checking out the Japanese schools where WW2 IS NOT TAUGHT??? What an incredibly insulting statement to make for anyone who remembers those days! Where my I ask where you "educated"?
@@MARYREED-nh7gb Тебе в школе рассказали ту историю, которая выгодна для США. Поучи историю из других источников. Так вот, тогда когда США применили ядерное оружие против Японии и прежде всего по гражданским людям, военного смысла не было, война заканчивалась, Япония была разгромлена. США по факту провела испытание ядерного оружия в боевой обстановке. Позор США и тем кто оправдывает эту страну за это военное преступление.
Lo que tú dices es ojo por ojo diente por diente ? Que Jehová te perdone, todas las personas sufren por mentes enfermas y nadie gana en una guerra, solo queda sufrimiento y dolor.@@MARYREED-nh7gb
It's amazing that two photographs can not only garner information, but be brought to life as these have been. This documentary should be mandatory for anyone who controls nuclear arms around the world ! Thank You.
Фильм потряс до слёз,огромная благодарность создателям за память о чудовищной трагедии и безвинно погибших и пострадавших людей.дай бог,чтобы люди поняли ценность мира и человеческой жизни. очень грустно...
Показуйте цей фільм божевільним росіянам, які підтримують свого фашиста-президента _путіна_ і його погрози використати ядерну зброю в Україні, яка вже втратила і продовжує втрачати багато своїх громадян після вибуху 4 енергоблока Чорнобильської атомної електростанції в 1986 році. Тоді Радянський союз, в складі якого була Україна, проводив випробування потужностей атомного енергоблоку. Громадяни Російської федерації хочуть створити в Україні після повномасштабного вторгнення в 2022 році такий самий жах, який пережили мешканці Хіросіми і Нагасакі в 1945 році.
Вы про каких безвинно погибших? Про японцев, которые поддерживали милитаристское правительство Японии и японскую армию, убившую одних только китайцев 20 миллионов, из которых 16 миллионов - мирные жители? В этой трагедии миллионов убитых китайцев виноват почти каждый взрослый житель Хиросимы и Нагасаки - все они пособники убийц. Я уж не буду вспоминать про тысячи убитых американцев в Перл Харборе.
از لحظهای که شروع به دیدن این ویدئو کردم چشم ازش برنداشتم واقعا غم انگیز است وقتی به قربانیان ان فکر میکنی ، چه لحظات دشوار و دردی تجربه کردند امیدوارم که ان اخرین انفجار اتمی بوده باشد ، بسیار تاثیر گذار بود . تشکر از سازندگان این ویدئو
بله ظاهرا حق با شماست ، این مسیری که سیاستمداران در آن قدم گذاشتن راه شیطان است و بشریت را بسوی نابودی میبرد ، فکر میکنم چاره این مشکل بدست ملتها باشه امیدی به سیاستمداران نیست@@Reshivshiy_reshitsya
@@Ева-777 همیشه با خودم فکر میکنم بيشتر انسانهای که میشناسیم انسانهای مهربان و نجيب و از رنج دیگران غمگین می شوند ولی چگونه است که قدرت همیشه دست انسانهای شرور است، شما هم بنظرم انسان رئوف و قلب مهربانی دارید امیدوارم به همهی آرزوهایت برسی
En 1960 j'avais 13 ans, lorsque j'ai appris ce qui c'était passé au Japon * Cela fut un tel choc qu'à mon tour, je me voyais brûlé et je ne pu retenir mes larmes. Plus tard à l'age de 20 ans j'ai pris la décision de ne jamais faire un enfant dans ce monde. En 2024, à ma 76 années, je me consacre à finaliser un livre, qui a pour titre ; un monde sans homme politique. Cela fait 40 ans que je travail dessus. C'est une idée à laquelle je pense qu'il faudra que l'humanité écarte du pouvoir les politiciens. Ils sont un danger pour le devenir de la vie. On ne peut que s'attendre au pire avec des hommes corruptibles. Mercie pour cette vidéo riche d'informations et d'avertissement de ce qui risque et peut nous arriver !
Не доведи, Господи, второй Хиросимы! Мы и зовёмся людьми и должны, даже обязаны, во имя будующего Планеты , не повторить страшной трагедии! Мы обязаны подумать о будующих поколениях. Страшно подумать, что пережили люди, выжившие! Сколько человеческих жизней унесено! Люди! Сохраните Планету! Сохраните МИР!
Такая трагедия и скорее более большего масштаба уже случалась с человечеством нашего (или не нашего) вида. Изотопы веществ, которые высвобождаются лишь при ядерном взрыве, находят в кратерах по всей планете, во многих из них сейчас известные или не очень озера. Но это я так, по секрету вам 🤫 И я не с Рен-тв. Сейчас мы как никогда на грани ядерной войны. Новый век (век это не 100 лет), новый этап в развитиии нашего вида, нашей цивилизации и техногенный вариант развития человечества не лучший выбор. От момента «меряемся пушками» до применения тактических ядерных ударов всего лишь миг и миг до применения его в стратегических масштабах. Мы сами это вряд ли увидим, но альтернативы к «меряемся пушками» сейчас нет и без грандиозных перемен вряд ли она появится
i am an American. my family fought in the pacific theater during WWII. i am proud of their combat service. but the bomb is a thing of shame. this should never have been undertaken. going nuclear was malice.
Without the bomb the U.S. could have doubled forces, and continued the fight, and kept throwing lives and millions and everything we had at it. We could have won the war that way. We could have forced a surrender. However without the bomb…you don’t get Japan out of Korea. The bombs immediately freed 30 million enslaved Koreans held for the last 35 years. Given the options…I think you still have to make the same decision today. Japan was NOT a noble foe. They were absolutely atrocious and on a path to try and rule to world.
Sadly with the way things were going, it really was best case scenario… America wanted nothing to do with a full scale invasion and rightly so. They opened a can of worms for the future of the world going nuclear though.
The atomic bombs dropped that day...ENDED the war and literally saved millions of lives. The Japanese were not a peaceful entity at that time...they were aggressors and pledged to fight to the death. The bombs ended this insanity almost immediately.
My mother is from Japan. She was a fantastic mom. I remember when there were thunderstorms my mom would start to scream and cry. When I was younger I would hold her Through the storms. I now realize that she suffered from PTSD. 😢 She passed some years ago, but she never talked about what happened to her and our relatives. I now understand why. My thoughts are that the Japanese people had to suffer in silence 🔕 😔.
I had an ex boyfriend who came to the UK from the Lebanon with his family,to escape the war when he was a child. he too would cry and scream during thunderstorms. PTSD Wasn't as mainstream as it is now,it was the n only seen as a thing soldiers suffered with. His whole family where still traumatized in the late 80s early 90s .I remained friends with his sister,she isolates alone,had to give up her job as a teacher long after her refugee status from the Lebanon.
Бессмысленно объяснять волку, что плохо кушать зайцев? Они бы сами себя все перебили, не дай им Годзиллу в виде взрыва.😢(( Это было НЕОБХОДИМО и НЕИЗБЕЖНО.
Yes war is ugly. But if you read the Holy Bible God warned us that these things will happen. They must happen to fulfill scripture and then the end will come. Recieve Jesus and trust him that God's plan will work out. And it will. God bless all who read this. No worries. Keep looking up. 🩷 Read the book of Matthew in the Holy Bible.
This is one of the most beautiful things I've ever heard I loved it so much so that I wrote down every word thank you for this and may you always be blessed ❤
Pués no se en que mundo vives, porque actualmente, ahora mismo, en éste mundo y por los mimos criminales, hay países que son bombardeados y asesinados sus habitantes sin ninguna piedad.
Они могут сколько угодно оправдываться, прикрываясь "благими намерениями", могут подкупать высокими технологиями, инвестициями, даже бесплатной медицинской помощью пострадавшим. Они могут запугивать бесстрашных журналистов, в том числе и в своей стране. В конце концов они могут переписывать Историю и учебники для ваших детей. Но запомните. Никакое благое намерение не стоит слезинки ребенка, потерявшего родителей или гибели сотен тысяч мирных жителей. Дрезден, Хиросима, Нагасаки, Белград... Когда вам говорят что-то вроде "Сынок, чтобы остановить войну ты должен стереть с лица земли город! Так надо!", просто представьте свою семью живущую в этом городе и перестаньте врать сами себе!
Both sides did grotesque things like the grape of Naking, Unit-731 and Hiroshima/Nagasaki. The only difference is America won. I will say this, Japan today is one of the best nations to live in and a center of technology, science, and a focus on human rights. They no longer terrorize or invade their neighbors unlike many other nations today. Pretending there was one good side and one bad side in that war is incredibly naive and child like. Life isn’t so simple but hopefully you’ll figure that out one day.
@Bob-kk2vg You have to be either an outright hypocrite or blind not to see the difference between natural losses on the "battlefield" and the large-scale extermination of civilians, which from a military point of view has no sense or morality. Perhaps the day will come when you will understand this. God willing, not on your own skin.
I have been to Hiroshima and today it is a beautiful and vibrant city. I have stood on that bridge and it was an eerie feeling. The ikonic skeletal dome building a few hundred yards away. The museum and memorial were both horror inducing and enlightening. Later I visited my father, a long retired veteran of the Pacific War. He fought from Australia all the way through the liberation of the Philippine Islands. He was EOD primary and a 1st LT, finished his career a Lt. Col. After I showed him the photos I had taken of the museum and related areas, he finally opened up about that part of his experience. He had been on the security team that had accompanied the first group of American scientists into Hiroshima several weeks after the surrender. When he knew I had seen the exhibits and photos there (some quite graphic, showed him a bunch of images from the museum) and the fact I had been an ER Nurse for over 10 years and had seen trauma, he finally felt he could share some of what he experienced. I was grateful that he finally felt he could share such a terrible experience before he died at over 100 years of age. Those who fought on both sides were greatly affected from such an experience. Miss you dad.
@@Erosgates Those who saw and experienced are now mostly gone. Few to remember. Fewer still who can understand it even when it is described or seen in images. To later personally walk that ground and stand on that bridge and to nearby see the still radioactive Commerce Exhibit Hall building (the skeletal dome) and the museum was an amazing and emotional experience. The actual steps from the Sumitomo Bank building a few blocks away were actually in the museum, with the melted and vaporized remains still showing on the stones.
Such terrible ruin. I was in Hiroshima in 1961 and visited a local museum. I remember seeing a photo of a human body etched into the concrete sidewalk, also there was a cluster of glass Coca Cola bottles all fused together. Melted by the intense heat. Things I have never forgotten. Thank you for posting this.......Domo Arigato
16 Jahre nach der Katastrophe keine Strahlung mehr? Da wundere ich mich schon. Uns hat man doch immer erzählt, man könne hunderte von Jahren nicht mehr in so ein Gebiet.
@@alterweiermann9773wir werden belogen. Ständig diese Angstmacherei! Es wurden über 2000 Atombomben gezündet! 500 davon überirdisch! In Nanking haben die Japaner 250000 Menschen abgeschlachtet, so viele wie in Hiroshima und Nagasaki durch Atombomben getötet wurden. Man braucht viele Informationen um alles in Perspektive setzen zu können.
This is an incredible documentary. I have tremendous amounts of respect and sympathy for all the victims of those bombs. Nuclear weapons such as these are never under any circumstance necessary. I hope that one day, the world will be a peaceful place for everyone.
ABSOLUTELY 💯. My Number #1. Favorite RUclips Video Ever. My Grandfather on my Mom’s side was in the Navy in the Pacific at the time this happened. He was 23 years old.
My grandfather was a conscientious objector when he was drafted. He was made a medical transporter for the US Army. He was near the bombings in Japan and died of throat cancer when I was eight.
My fiancée's Grandparents and parents lived North West of Hiroshima when it happened. They all have since passed, but her parents, who where 6 and 7 at the time and lived close to each other, told me about the day a flash of light unlike any they had seen was in the sky. And after a while a loud Boom followed by a rumbling roll of thunder that made them fear what it was. I did not get the chance to visit Hiroshima when I was there but on my next trip I am making it a point to go. I have seen many videos and commentaries about Hiroshima, but this one took things a step further and was more focused on the people than the bomb itself. That was a welcome, though very heartbreaking change. Thank you for the vid!
Do you think thses people will vet to heaven for there pain and the way they died im a muslim myself and i also knkw arabic but i haven't used it in a while
I was stationed in Iwakuni, Japan. Served three years there as a U.S. Marine. Dated a Japanese girl by the name of Miki Tanaka. She was studying to become a Doctor. I visited the museum and rang the bell with others. Walking through the museum pulled on my heartstrings. I felt so sad for those that suffered. War is an ugly thing. Nobody wins in War. I love Japan and her people. God Bless you all.
Americans won all World´s control.....A global empire where their reasons are the only reasons, their desires are laws...their impositions wont be rejected unless you want to be invaded or blocked...
@PhilippinesOnDemand You are so right! Nobody wins at a war, so don't start it. US was trying to stay out of it. The question still remains....who knew about impending attack so that all those boats just happened to be lined up in an easy row, waiting to be attacked? Japan would have dropped the Bomb first, had they been the ones to develop it first.
И как всегда страдают мирные жители. Это ад на земле. Человеки, думайте своей головой, что вы изобретаете, что бы сбрасываете с самолетов или распыляете. Думайте, что бы вы не делали на Земле, думайте! Какие последствия, после ваших изобретений, может принести планете и всему живому на ней, да и вам тоже. Берегите ваши души! Любите не только ближнего, но и все созданное Всевышним для нас. Здравия и разума всем землянам. Мира и добра.
Parabenizo pelo excelente postagem que serve para reflexão de todos nós. A humanidade sem Deus no coração é como besta' não tem consciência, não sabe a dimensão da maldade que faz. Agindo como inconsequentes e insensíveis, as denominadas lideranças mundiais encontrão todo tipo de justificativas para perpetrar perversidades. Os insensível de mentes obtusas, não satisfeitos e levados pelo ódio, encontraram justificativas pata soltar a segunda bomba, desta feita em Irochima. O exército japonês já estava sem capacidade reação,.já estava dominado e mesmo assim as duas bombas foram impiedosamente lançadas. Triste humanidade !
Однозначно- это военное преступление! Но англосаксы никогда не заморачиваются нормами человеческой морали. Вывод- они aliens! Но ничего, Вован на пульсе руку держит!
Люди всё ещё не научились ценить мир. Даже имея столько свидетельств о последствиях взрыва, о бесчисленных жертвах, сильные мира сего посматривают на это оружие... Это неизгладимый след в истории Японии и всего человечества, но некоторые будто хотят, чтобы ЭТО забыли. Всем мирного неба над головой и здоровья
No one wants anyone to forget this, but they want you to forget why it happened. Japan was committing the absolute most horrible war crimes, had camps with human testing, doing the exact samething as the Germans were. People also want you to forget that for days the people were warned it was going to be bombed and told to leave asap. Japan told it's citizens not to be cowards and to stay. History is being rewritten to make them victims. The slavs , Russians, jews , and anyone else that managed to cross a Germans or Japanese path were the victims.
Я в шоке от просмотра видео, это тяжёлый опыт не только для Японии, это тяжёлый опыт для всего человечества. Ещё раз повторюсь это геноцид против японского населения, сбросив бомбу на мирный город
@@jinyoungyou1278 В войне нет правых и левых, в войне виноваты все стороны. Все участники совершают преступления, но когда уничтожают город в котором погибло население в десятки тысяч человек - это страшное преступление. А потом еще и опыты проводить это извините и есть геноцид. Не оправдываю ни одну из сторон.
Do BOTH sides of the story deserve publication? Or just this side, ignoring the decade-limg reign of terror the Japanese had unleashed on that part of the world preceding this bombing?
@@BillHinermanNão Devemos Julgar Nem Um Lado Nem Outro ...EEUU da América queria Extinguir os Japoneses que Além de Ser FEIOS Eram FANÁTICOS Em Tomar o PODER de Toda ÁSIA.....Os JAPONÊZES Por Outro Lado Espalhou que os E.U. Eram INIMIGOS e Queria DOMINAR o MUNDO...Os JAPONÊSES Eram FANÁTICOS IMPÉRIARISTAS....
The simple fact that the axis countries started the war in the first place, the two major players Germany and Japan Committed huge atrocities in the countries that they occupied in the case of the Germans, most of Europe, and in the case of the Japanese China Burma, most of the chain of Islands in the Pacific, they systematically, eradicated, huge portions of the population of these countries lead to death of millions. Yes the US were first to develop the bomb managing to beat Germany in their efforts to build a bomb. It is a scar on mankind that the there was a need to develop and use the bomb it has caused fear for most of the world from the day it was dropped to this very day. The hundreds of thousands that died as a result of the two bombs in fact saved millions of lives that would have been lost if the allies had to invade mainland Japan as the people of Japan had been told by their god the emperor to die to the last person to resist an allied invasion. It’s a very good documentary told from only one side leaving out the history that lead to these dreadful days.
My wife is a care taker for a gentleman that goes by Harry, he was on the outskirts of the city, his sister was at the Hospital, he found the exact spot she was in. He later became a Preacher and has travelled the world spreading the word of God. He now is in California Los Angeles, last year we had Thanksgiving together. Happily he will go back to Japan to spend his last years with family. His forgiveness is amazing and to listen to him speak on this is something I will never forget
The real war on earth is The Great Controversy between Good and evil. Truth and deception. Jesus and satan. Sabbath and sun day. The papacy will claim the coming wars to be for sun day “sacredness” and that Bible Sabbath keeping Christians should not have freedom to worship on Sabbath. This is our last test of faithfulness.
La résilience du Peuple Nippon est immense. Ces images sont bouleversantes, elles vont me hanter. Que les âmes des victimes de cet acte, indigne de l'Humanité, reposent en paix. Et que les témoignages des survivants ne tombent jamais dans l'oubli.
@@skinhgare you talking about the innocent Japanese that had nothing to do with the wars of their empire? Also, nothing can justify a nuclear attack on civilians: NOTHING. Your comment has nothing to do here, it is vile, disrespectful for the victims, and totally inappropriate.
@@skinhg 無辜の市民が殺されても自業自得だと声高にいう人たちがいる。そのような人々には戦争被害を訴える権利などない。恥を知れ。 There are so many people who loudly say that even if innocent civilians are killed, it is their own fault. Such people have no right to sue for war damage. shame on you.
Прошло 79 лет в назидание потомкам. Война- никому не приносит радости, только горе. так давайте не будем воевать. а лучше созидать и ЖИТЬ в МИРЕ БЕЗ ВОЙН !!!!!!!!!!!!
its the wolves that prevent this- about 10% of us either are wolfs, or provide for the wolfs and keep them in control. I'd hoped to have seen VietNam as the last war- but? We must become stronger than these War Wolves.
@@javierquesada798это вот япошки забыли похоже кто на них атомные бомбы скинул а??американцы теперь друзья да?... а про НАШУ страну не переживай мы РУССКИЕ все помним и всегда приходим за своим
Когда мой дедушка пришёл с войны в 1945 , он говорил, что фашизм победили и что после такой тяжёлой войны никогда её больше не будет. Очень жаль, что люди до сих пор воюют, жизнь и так коротка. Желаю всем людям на Земле мира и добра. Привет из Санкт - Петербурга.
рашка это и есть фашизм что твой дед воевал за что он сражался? Не будет больше никакого мира с вами россиянами вы за каждого убитого ребенка ответите, не ждите мира даже не надейтесь люди отомстят русским даже после окончания войну
Bonjour Monsieur, nous savons qui font les guerres et ce ne sont pas les peuples. Nous sommes tous des Humains. Nous voulons simplement vivre libre et en paix pour l humanité 🙏❤️. Soyons unis tous les peuples 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏stop War
Je dois dire, les japonais sont vraiment admirables. Une tragedie comme celui-ci ne doit se repeter a jamais. C'est un video superb et je pense que tout le monde doit le regarder.
Así mismo pero casi nadie lo ve y los jóvenes a casi ninguno le importa nada y cada día hay más de derechas en el poder q son los q han tirado todas las bombas
It should be mandatory that every human being watches this video. The young girl that walked back to the fire, after being shouted at, will be forever etched in my mind. The hopelessness she would have felt as she walked to her death. It's amazing how 2 photographs told so many stories. All those children who just wanted to go home. God bless them and everyone who was involved in this human atrocity 🕊️. Hiroshima and Nagasaki should never be forgotten ❤🕊️❤
I agree. The story of the little girl yelled at and not allowed on the truck, then bursts into tears and runs away. A child suffering alone, just so profoundly sad. It really haunts me. I'll have to say a prayer for her tonight.
It's a tragedy, not an atrocity. Far FAR more Japanese AND Americans would have died without these bombings. The Emperor was treated as a diety. He was insulated from the death his war was creating. He stated repeatedly that he would sooner every Japanese die than surrender and his people AGREED. Notice how even the first bomb did NOT convince him! Only when he was shown the absolute impossibility of his own victory, shown that America could leave him with nothing left to rule, did he FINALLY surrender. FAR more people would have died without this show of overwhelming force.
Excellente documentaire merci - subtilité de la musique accompagnée - dialogue et entrevues respectueuses - c’est comme cela qu’on devrait faire les documentaires - chapeau!
The world should thank you for taking these photographs they show how war is and what it does to those who never started it but always seem to be the ones who pay for it.
the people in the photos would have been carrying rifles when the Marines hit the shore. How many of those boys would have died to stop their conquest brain washed ...... Yes, sad no matter, don't talk of what you have not seen. Play music and help. Its gonna happen again.
@@CHRiSTiAnRocK2015 Ummm….yeah. “Thank you capitalism” is EXACTLY what the Koreans said. Japan was occupying all of Korea. Koreans were held slaves and prisoners in their own country for 35 years. This freed them. Soooo…’re welcome. Because every sad photo there is for Japan…there is an equal but happy photo of a Korean being freed from captivity. “dErP dErP tHaNk YoU cApItAlIsM”. Grow up, kid.
Merci pour ce reportage édifiant. On mesure l'horreur vécue. Si seulement ça pouvait servir de leçon pour que plus jamais les hommes fassent preuve d'inhumanité😢
Au cours de la seconde guerre mondiale les Japonais ont massacré pas moins de 30 millions de Philippins, Malais, Vietnamiens, Cambodgiens, Indonésiens et Birmans, dont au moins 23 millions étaient ethniquement chinois.
I'm a burn survivor. 52%body. Chemical burns. I don't know how anyone survived. The pain is beyond word's. Infection would set in. The EMT's thought I was going to bleed to death before getting me to the hospital. 6 week's i was unconscious. God's mercy was great that day.
La cosa che più mi sconvolge è che ancora oggi si costruiscono bombe atomiche. Purtroppo la storia non aiuta a migliorare. Mio nonno ha combattuto durante la seconda guerra mondiale in Grecia e ogni volta che raccontava quel periodo piangeva come un bambino.
The barbaric Japanese who committed indiscriminate rape and massacre in numerous countries should stop their dirty political acts of distorting history by calling themselves victims.
왜? 멀정한 남의 나라침략하는, 탐욕으로 피해 입은 사람들은 억울하지 않단 말인가! 아시아 전역에서 그들의 악랄한 탐욕은 왜? 규탄하지 않은가. 그들은 왜 아직도 반성하지 않는가? 왜? 지들의 못된 탐욕은 말하지 않은가 말이다.! 나쁜놈들. 인간의 탈을 쓴 괴물같은 탐욕자들은 규탄하지 않고, 그들은 아직도 반성하지 않은가!
Os políticos deveria se trancar em um prédio com todas suas armas e ver quem é o melhor e deixam os inocentes que não tem nada a ver com esses psicopatas.😢😢
I cross the Miyuki Bridge almost daily. Not only this bridge, the whole city is a reminder that we can never let this happen again. Sadly, the two survivors talked about in this film, Mitsuko Kouchi and Sunao Tsuboi, are no longer with us.
Так повторилось же! Через три дня в Нагасаки! Тот, кто сбросил бомбы сдохли через самоубийства. Так им и надо! Но ещё опаснее те, кто отправляли лётчиков.
Interestingly, the areas both bombs were dropped was the most Christian/Catholic areas. The epicentre was above a Catholic Church where four priests were in the Presbytery after Mass and Devotions. They stepped out to see flattened buildings and the incinerated. None of the priests had radiation effects. When asked, they said " we all lived The Fatima Message"! See Fatima, Portugal, 1917.
@@みゆうと-u1hThe predicted death toll for a ground war was 1,000,000 for both sides. At least that is what the Allies were told. I was not born yet. Terribly cruel.
In war, there is no winner, just those who lose less than others. There were battles where both sides tried to stop fighting, but those in charge disciplined them and forced them to fight in other battles as those in charge were safe at home.
robertolazary Ein Angriff auf die Zivielbevölkerung . Humanitäres Völkerrecht . Zivilbevölkerung genießt im internationalen bewaffneten Konflikt den allgemeinen Schutz vor den Kriegshandlungen . . . Konnte man das nicht vorher wissen , dass der Einsatz von Atombomben , der flächenddeckend alles Leben auslöscht und in erster Linie die Menschen, die Familien mit ihren Kindern trifft . Wer hatte das geplant ? Personen mit Familie und Kinder ?
What a heart wrenching yet exceedingly fascinating documentary. I appreciate the focus on the photo and identifying the individuals in it and their stories. The girl who was ordered away from the truck by the military officer and who went back into the heart of the city where the fires were blazing must've been so confused. Poor soul. I had walked through Hiroshima one day and, in a window, saw an older man who did not appear to have eyes, "looking" out over the city. My guess is that he was a victim of the bombing. Let's hope the world never sees another nuclear attack.
самое главное, чтобы мир никогда не увидел звериный японский милитаризм. Народы Азии никогда не забудут то зло, которые причинили им японские захватчики.
@@encrypter46 당신은 저당신 일본이 한 짓거리를 보면 당신이 본 가장 슬픈 일이라고 과연 말 할수 있을까? 예를 들어 "731부대" 검색해서 일본이 어떤 짓을 했는지 한번 찾아보길 바란다. 원자폭탄으로 시민이 죽은 일은 슬픈 일이다. 하지만, 일본이 항복을 안해서 생겼다고 본다. 저렇게라도 안했으면 더 많은 희생자가 나왔을 것이다 전쟁으로.
@@encrypter46 그리고 하나더 원자폭탄을 투하하기전에 왜 너희가 믿는 천황이라는 사람은 항복을 왜 안해서 저 많은 민간인이 죽게 만들었을까? 생각을 좀하자, 원지폭탄이 투하하기전 미국이 도쿄대공습이라는 작전을 했었다. 그때도 수만명의 도쿄민간인이 죽었다.항복을 했으면 원자폭탄도 투하 안 되었겠지. 당시 전쟁은 천황아래 일본인이 아시아 정복 목적으로 시작하였다.
My father was among the first American Army occupational troops sent to Hiroshima. Many of his Army buddies died of cancer, as did my dad, too. He never slept well after his time in Hiroshima. He saw too much, & met too many locals. So sad.
Would have been sadder for allied troops if the bombs were not dropped. My father was still fighting the jap$ in Borneo, and they had no intention of stopping until everyone died. They had to be stopped. The allied forces later dying of cancer is a tragedy. I’m sorry to hear that. The powers that be made some mistakes there, for sure.
Pourtant tu continues de portez les couleurs d'un gouvernement nazi, soutenue par les mêmes monstres responsables de cette horreur. N'as tu pas honte ?
@@seanlander9321 From 1946 to 1952 Australian forces were responsible for the military occupation of Hiroshima Prefecture, the site of the first atomic bomb attack in history. U.S. troops were in Hiroshima between October 6, 1945, and March 6, 1946, and U.S. troops were in the vicinity of Nagasaki between September 11, 1945, and July 1, 1946
They say...A picture paints a thousand words...excellent piece of work bringing the photo to life. Devastation on a scale now imaginable. Blessings to all who suffered this horror.❤
One of my neighbours was a British POW working for the Japanese and was at Hiroshima when the atomic bomb was dropped. He was close to where the bomb was detonated and his life was saved because he was working in the hold of a ship that was in a dry dock on the river. He remembers nothing about the bomb going off except he was working and then everything was total devastation around him. Ironically his life was saved by the detonation of this bomb because the Japanese ordered that every POW was to be executed. If the bomb was dropped a few days later he would not have survived.
It wasn't unusual for the Japanese to execute Prisoners. Their values were not Judeo-Christian values. Hence the Code of the Samurai and the Honor code. There are pictures of the Japanese beheading their prisoners of War. Then are other instances/ stories of those who survived the Bataan Death March, in the Philippines. Where American and Filipino prisoners were marched to a Prison camp and had to walk hundreds of miles, without food or water, in the hot sun. They were told that if they spoke or if they got out of formation, they would be killed, immediately. If you had to go to the bathroom, go in your pants. Just for fun, the Japanese soldiers came along in a Military Truck with their sharpened swords and beheaded those soldiers who were in formation and were obeying their Japanese commanders' orders. That is because the Japanese following the Samurai Code, believed surrender was a huge disgrace, putting you on the level of a being a cockroach, making you worthy of death. So, now you can understand why this soldier took no pity on a wounded little girl hoping for rescue and comfort. All this death, suffering and pain, due to madmen, full of hate, and the lust of power and wealth, believing they... IF they fought hard enough, could rule the World. It is happening again with those in charge of Russia, China, Iran and their allied States working toward the same goal. We are seeing parallels today like that of the thinking and agendas, before the start of World War 2. Scary stuff! Where those in Russia, like Putin's right hand man Medvedev is ready to start a nuclear war and could care less about the consequences to other people or his own people, from a retaliatory attack. This guy ought to be a Funny farm!
My grandfather was in Hiroshima 5 days after it was bombed. He was in the US Army. They were to go in and provide help to the survivors. He said it was more horrific than the bloody fighting they did in the Philippines. We have pictures of him with a group of children that survived.
The US wanted to stay out of the war. Japan brought the US into the war by attacking and bombing the hell out of Pearl Harbor in Hawaii! The US wanted to avoid war with anyone. Know your history before commenting.
My Grandfather was in the death march. He told me that a solder two places up tried to help someone who fell had his head removed on the spot. He had nightmares because the severed head was twitching and eyes moving.
Kamu tidak pernah mengetahui bagaimana tentara jepang sangat kejam saat menjajah negara kami..mereka tidak kenal ampun..mereka adalah penjajah terburuk..thanks for amerika
Respectfully watching how the Japanese citizens have handled a tragic situation and turned it into such an inspiration for the world to witness such integrity and kindness to each other.
not to make light of the bombing but the japanese suffer earthquakes, tsunami and volcanoes regularly, they roll up their sleeves and clean up the mess. i am told that the three trams that survived the bombing were taking people to work three days after the bomb fell. my ex wife didn't want to be translator, so i never got the chance to ask my in-laws how they felt about the war, they had (they have passed) an american airbase a mile or so away from their house with blackhawks and f16's circling there house most days, but the japanese for the most part i think are okay with the americans presence, i think they dislike china more than americans. i have been to hiroshima, my son rang the peace bell, i love japan and the japanese, i do think the japanese people did not want war, that the emperor was the instigator.
They are not so kind to Americans visiting the memorial site. My son had to he escorted to a train by policemen to save his life because he was obviously an American and in the military.
Politiker, nicht Menschen. Menschen haben damit nicht zu tun. Die Politmarionetten, die von den wahren Tätern eingesetzt werden. Von den skrupellosen und bestialischen Geld und Machtsüchtigen, der Herrscher dieser Erde
Pourquoi ne comprennent donc ils pas que la violence ne nous menent que dans le chaos. Je ne suis pas Japonais mais le drame de Hiroshima devrait nous servir de leçon pour dissuader toutes formes de guerres dans le monde
Ça a vachement marché 😂 la 3eme arrive, et y a encore plus de bombes pour tout péter, ta naïveté est touchante, t es juste de la viande qu il convient d éradiquer quand les élites l ont decide
My high school girlfriend's mom was in Hiroshima the day the bomb dropped. She was on the outskirts of town and was far enough away that she was not injured but eventually lost her hair. She married an American soldier and moved to the east coast of the U.S. shortly after the war ended. She was one of the kindest women I have ever met. My mom had passed a year before I met my girlfriend. So Mrs C. always told me to call her Momma San. "You no have mother. So I you mother now" she said. I loved her so much. We stayed friends until she passed a few years ago. Her daughter and I are still great friends.
США скинула атомную бомбу и Япония стала лучшим союзником США!Отличное унижение Японии!!!США молодцы!
Замечательная история .На нее скинули бомбу американцы,а она вышла замуж за американца😅😅😅Прям сама доброта😅
I'm not Japanese, but I've been told old women "adopting" friend's children like that is/was pretty common. The nicest ones will make sure you're taking care of yourself and feed you and really do try to be there for their friends's grieving children regardless of their age. "Are you eating well? I made an extra dinner for you. Your mother would want you to eat more and be happy" sort of thing and it's a good way to bond generations together. As a foreigner on the other side of the planet, I can't say how widespread it ever was and if it's still common to this day, we'd need to ask someone from Japan, but it's a really beautiful practice that every people should practice. Take care of each other so we can all move forward together.
@@Onora619 Je suis du Québec, 53 ans j'ai grandis à la campagne et en 1971 mes parents ont achetée une maison 15 000$ à des Allemands. Notre voisine était une Polonaise Mme Amélia Pélofi une veuve à la retraite avec ses deux enfants qui nous avait donnés une dinde comme cadeau de bienvenu . C'était un peu comme une Momma San j'avoue que le Japon à eu ses moment de souffrance et j'admets que la Pologne à eu aussi les siens la misère, la pauvreté, est les malheurs de la guerre qui en résulte surtout la faim. Elle était une cuisinière hors paire. Ils faut éviter un guerre atomique à tout prix.
I lived in Japan for 20 years working for the US government. I never visited Hiroshima until after Covid. I breezed through the museum with little emotion. I watched this documentary and found the human emotion I had not felt while at the museum in Hiroshima explode and tears streak down my face. Let us pray this never happens again!
Let's not waste time by praying
@@MrAuskiwi101 Exactly. no gods ever existed and never will..
@@bamaboysmith2723 those are soldiers, these were civilians.
@bamaboysmith2723 trying to make excuses for American war crimes. And with incomparable events too.
Well done on low form.
And let’s ignore those in these comments who feel a need to discourage people from having their own beliefs. 🙄 So rude and disrespectful.
One of the things I remember from the 70's is the words "the leaders should have to be the ones to fight wars they start."
Hell I’ve heard this since I was a kid in the 80’s pretty sure we’re not the only ones who feel this way.
@@wildcat8598 you are not alone 🙏
Mmmm de listos y lo hacen..
Material importante para la educación , la historia NO contada atraves de generaciones, nos hace Volver ha cometer los mismos errores y horrores !!! La Paz Perpetua,para toda la humanidad 🌹
Nothing has changed but the weather. 😢.
Merci pour ce reportage et ces photos qui font prendre conscience encore plus de l' horreur de la guerre et de la valeur de la paix et du respect des uns des autres.
Lamentablemente los gobernantes solo piensan en guerras 😢solo peleas x poder , tierras y minerales . No quiero ni imaginar q pasaría en una 3ra guerra donde solo tienen q oprimir un botón ❤️🩹🫣😵💫😭
Qui condamne l'Amerique pour ce crime cruel
@@aissouradia9200 et qui condamne le Japon pour les crimes horribles qu'il a commis ?
Этот фильм нужно показывать всем правителям в мире! Каждый из них должен понимать,что такое может случиться и с его страной!!! Опомнитесь,люди! У нас и так жизнь коротка, а еще и войны.
Этот фильм надо показывать идиотам, которые призывают и провоцируют к применению. Спаси и сохрани, Господи!!!!!!! Безумцев. Сколько этих взрывов было наземных и подземных испытаний вплоть и на живых людях 😢
@@ЖаннаСеменеченко пугает один Путин
أفريقيا بدون سلاح نووي ،🤗 🚬 @@ЖаннаСеменеченко
@@darkmonth Путин вас предупреждает, дурни. пугает, в очередной раз, ваша любимая америка
достаточно показать путину и исламским террористам. Всем остальным война не нужна.
Как жалко простых людей. Но к сожалению, мы все заложники тех, кто правит миром. Им нужны новые жертвы. Они ненасытны. Ненавижу войну. Простые люди всего мира хотят просто жить, радоваться и дарить добро и мир друг другу. Спасибо за фильм
Мы живы пока помним о тех, кто погиб.
Ненасытны амеры и наглосаксы
@@Бигибом mereka membunuh,mereka merampas harta benda nenek moyang kami...kalian tau dunia????mereka membunuh dan menculik untuk di jadikan pekerja paksa !!!
The Japanese public fully supported the war, celebrating in the streets with each newspaper publication of the atrocities of their armed forces.
I detest blurring scenes, as if we're infants who need to be protected from real life. Life isn't a video game and suffering is real.
It's because of RUclips. Anything graphic is never allowed.
Also out of respect for the victims I suppose.
Good thing I read the comments first. Now I'm not going to watch it. We cannot learn from history if we are always "protected" from the ugly parts.
@@TallulahB58 only a tiny bit was blurred
I agree with you.
Life Is hard, Life is tough, it definitely isn't fair, and these kids are not ever going to be able to understand that. And they will be the ones running the country in a few years?
As Elon Musk had said, if these Petty things trigger you so deeply. Then you've never been punched in the face
They never say in these documentaries who was the final one to convince everybody else, whose idea was to do this. But I bet you it was a democrat.
Merci d'avoir eu le courage de nous livrer vos témoignages pour l'histoire.
My friend was in the womb of her mother who was visiting her parents in a nearby village when Hiroshima was bombed. She returned and searched for her husband and two sons, but they were killed by the bomb. Even as she walked about in utter shock and grief her skin started burning off - the day after the bomb! She probably spent too much time there for the baby was born with a totally deformed spine. The baby, my dear friend, was, despite the radioactive harm done, a brilliant writer and helped in our international documents and was a pleasure to work with!
Господь, дал ей шанс жить, чтобы она рассказала миру правду.
Aún no nacía pero cuando hablamos de la bomba atómica en la primaria me dio miedo,hoy al ver este documental mi corazón se me estruja es 😭espantoso,tanta miseria humana no creo que quienes fabricaron este artefacto no supieran las consecuencias Dios los perdone por tanto dolor que causaron 🙏 rezo para que jamás se repita
난징에서는 더끔찍하게 죽은 임산부를 아십니까? 일본군인이 총검으로 임산부의 배를 찌르고 갈라서 죽였습니다..태어나지도 못하고. 이런것은 모르는지 모른척 하는건지 역사를 똑바로 배우십시요~
Et les américains ??? Le record du monde 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
@cigalesoleil8825 As an American, it's not oneI'm proud of. We need to find a way to work together and stop the hate. No more wars! No one wins.
Я с Украины и смотрела этот фильм с замиранием сердца и со слезами на глазах. Что и какие муки перенесли люди, дети от ядерного взрыва, и выжившие прошли как подопытные кролики, исследования последствий взрыва. СЕЙЧАС неужели может быть конфликты доведены до такого ужаса. Ведь можно жить в мире, сколько человеку надо для полноценной жизни всего лишь 70 лет и с собой в могилу ничего не заберёшь. И развитие и процветание может быть для всех, и зачем соревноваться кто главней или кто превосходней, и зачем быть гигимоном, а не лучше быть самым лучшим, мирным человеком
9августа сброшена бомба на город Нагасака ,6 на Хиросиму-- ни одного слова ни на одном канале у нас.
The Japanese were not the peaceful people when they bombed the Hawiian base that killed so many American men, woman and children so horribly. Why do we see these horrors? Why don't I see videos of the horrors of Pearl Harbor that December day. Look I'm all for peace, no war anywhere.
대한제국 (한국은) 36년동안 학살을 당하고 국토는 폐허가 되었다..일본은 벌을 받은 것이다
@@광말헌남но почему всегда наказывают простых людей ???
Лучше пускай дерутся политики и короли, вот будет зрелище
전쟁범죄자들은 뻔뻔하게 부를 누리고 면죄 를 받고 영웅이 되었다
Фильм потряс!Вывернул всю душу , сижу и ничего не могу делать,Его надо показывать во всех странах по центральным каналам!Неужели все это кто то пережил , ужас ,не должно такое повториться.!НЕТ!
а ведь это всего лишь навсего маломощный тактический заряд - по современной классификации. Всего 40 килотонн - сейчас такое упаковывают в один артиллерийский снаряд. Типовая бомба 1 мгт (в 25 раз мощнее) и таких от 3 до 10 шт в одной ракете. А всего их более чем по 5 тыс. у США и России. Не выживет никто
@@IvanKachinskiy Иван , спасибо большое ,что ответили.Я как дама , не разбираюсь во всех технических аспектах, я просто как обычный зритель была потоясенна как чисто физиологически страдали люди , хирург все просто обьяснил по - поводу кожи- ужасно,и очень жалко что в один миг столько детей и подростков .Желаю вам здоровья и радости в жизни .Москва.
А с какой легкостью в РФ ЯО размахивают и треть россиян не против его использования.
@@Алекандр-ъ2йvous avez abusé de l’alcool
@@Алекандр-ъ2й: "А с какой легкостью в РФ ЯО размахивают и треть россиян не против его использования".
ЯО против мирного населения использовали США, а не РФ. И теперь все говорят, что это было хорошо, что использовали, всё теперь очень счастливы, делают ку и улыбаются.
Как же быстро Япония забыла историю второй мировой.
I think Japan realized it was playing stupid game and it won stupid prize. The grape of Naking and unit-731 meant Japan was no stranger to war crimes. At least America helped japan get back on its feet and now Japan is one of the greatest nations on earth that focuses on science, technology, and human rights. Unlike many countries today Japan is no longer trying to invade their neighbors either.
@@Bob-kk2vg No, the US has never apologized for its crimes!
You could say the same for Japan, they have not apologized for what they did, war is messy, they thought Japan did not surrender then operation unthinkable would happen
My father was a metallurgical engineer at Los Alamos.
He said that, despite the total secrecy involved, nearly everyone there knew what they were working on. Very few of them believed it would actually be used against any city or people.
We now live in a world where a single act of chest thumping or retaliation can actually end civilization as it is.
This documentary needs to be seen by everyone
Then we must avoid electing chest thumping retaliatory minded leaders. As you rightly point out, it's a matter of the survival of civilization.
@@ChildovGhadanyone who receives the power that comes with being a world leader become chest thumpers sadly
Nu sânt american !, dar acei americani care au bombardat de cine au fost manipulați ? De aceia oameni care l-au ucis pe Hristos , și ucid in continuare oameni ,manipulând in continuare omenirea cu dolari lor , Pacea fara Dumnezeu este o manipulare mondială, Hristos Dumnezeu sa lăsat omorât pentru a face pace ,cine crede asta nu mai are frica de nici o suferință ....!
The bombs can't end the world. Not as big as you think.
İn Iraq same amerika hov many women assaulted hovmany peaple kild afganistan gazza afganistan same AMERİKA, west,AND killers
The best documentary I have ever seen. War is literally hell on earth. Death in war knows no nationality. It takes all, young and old, the good and the bad.
Stop using the word 'literally' if you don't know what it means
@@PlayerToBeNamedLater1973we found the scholar over here
@@mirrrstery it's pretty sad when people think you must be a scholar if you have a normal English speaking adult's vocabulary
@@PlayerToBeNamedLater1973 Oh calm down for pities sake. I bet people love being round you. Jeez.
@@frauditorsubslickboots I bet mentally ill people, cretins and morons enjoy being around you. And I'm perfectly calm .
Господи! Спаси! Сохрани нас! Помилуй! Пусть этот ад никогда не повторится на земле! Низкий поклон создателям фильма за правду...
It will happen again because men are unable to keep peace, the Bible says, "The heart is more deceitful than anything else and incurable, who can understand it?" Jeremiah 17:9
Zechariah 14:12 describes in the future nuclear war when Israel is under attack. There is a way of escape! Turn to Jesus Christ and receive forgiveness and eternal life. "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life," John 3:16. Jesus promised to come for His own and this will happen before the last 7 years of the Tribulation Period under the Antichrist, please read Revelation. Jesus promised to spare those from the hour of testing coming on the whole world, Revelation 3:10.
в последние годы активно выпускают статьи и видео о том что ядерная война не страшна и если потребуется то станет самым верным решением ведь если не нажать красную кнопку первым её обязательно нажнут враги.
Вот фашист путин и шантажирует весь мир такой бомбой! Видать ему это нравится!😡
@@world_peace775 - к счастью, России не обязательно сейчас нажимать кнопку первой. Она всё равно успеет вовремя ответить благодаря управляемому гиперзвуку. А в доктрине у них ответно-встречный удар.
Зато штатам есть повод задуматься, и не давить на кнопку.
Ещё один больной@@АлинаКероман
👍👍Super documentaire , merci infiniment pour ce partage qui nous fait bien comprendre que l'arme atomique est une abomination ! Il faudrait que tous les " vat en guerre " de notre époque réalisent que l'emploi d'un tel armement ne pourra qu'engendrer l'Armageddon final .....
This is the type of documentary everyone has to see once. I hope they show this in schools. As a teen myself this made me on the verge of tears but gave a great lesson on how horrific war is and that both sides suffer greatly.
Comfort women, Unit 731, mass murder, ethnic cleansing... That's just the start of the atrocities committed by the Japanese...
Absolument 👍🏻
Yeah , like our sailors laying at the bottom of Pearl Harbor.
@@jamesmorgan2064 So you just proved my point, both sides suffered greatly and many innocent lives were lost during this horrific war
My grandfather survived the Hiroshima atomic bomb.
My mother said he died of consumption, but I believe it was radiation poisoning.
In 1970, I visited the Hiroshima Peace memorial, and again, in 1978.
This memorial should be on everyone's bucket list to experience firsthand what one bomb can do to destroy humanity and can easily be used today to destroy our world.
Read Black Rain & Enola Gay.
and then 3 days later, another bomb was dropped over Nagasaki...
Ce qui s'est passé ce jour-là est vraiment horrible. Les témoignages et les photos de ceux qui ont vécu cet enfer sont d'une grande valeur. Comme mentionné par quelqu'un plus bas dans les commentaires. Les individus qui ont l'intention de déclencher une guerre ne la combattent pas eux-mêmes. Les personnes qui refusent de se battre sont celles qui se battent et se sacrifient. Cependant, une chose aussi horrible ne devrait jamais se produire. Dans de telles circonstances, il est inévitable que cela soit frustrant et triste.
"Afin que l'humanité ne connaissent plus jamais cela " .c'est la conclusion qui m'inspire aussi. Vivement ce documentaire est tout pour réveiller notre conscience quand à l'importance de la paix. Merci pour vos recherches
Hay algo que no me cuadra de estas personas que dicen que sobrevivieron y he estado bastante cerca de la epicentro no nos estarán contando una película que les han mandado contar pedorras autodo y es verdad menos estas dos personas qué casualidad
일본인들은 원자폭탄에게 감사해야 한다.
일본 본토에 미군이 진주할 경우 일본군이 민간인들을 어떻게 학살하는 지 오키나와에서 잘 보여 주었다.
미군이 원자폭탄을 터트리지 않고 일본 본토에 상륙했으면 일본 본토의 많은 민간인들이 타의 또는 자의로 사망했을 것이다.
현대를 사는 일본인들은 그들의 조부모 들이 더이상 허무하게 죽지 않게, 일본 군국주의자들의 항복을 이끌어낸 원자폭탄에게 감사해야 한다..
원자 폭탄이 아니었다면 현대를 사는 많은 일본인들이 존재하지 않을 것이다.
These stories deserve to be preserved forever, let us never forget this fateful chapter in our history so we will never repeat it again.
Sadly Japan’s leaders at the time got away with the atrocities they committed and their government still denies any wrong doing to this day
I visited Hiroshima many times. It’s my favourite city in Japan.
Very relaxing, big parks, very quiet even with visitors and many schools. Very peaceful.
The first time i visited the taxi driver told me he was up in the mountains when it happened. He was over 70 and still working. I had no words to say. I was just going back to the hotel after visiting the peace memorial museum and walk etc
I just couldn’t ask or say anything 😢. Very strange feeling. The man was strong as a brick. You could see it in his thick neck forearms and his eyes. He wasn’t even dramatic about it.
Another time I was taking a photo and suddenly I turn around and I had like 200 kids behind me all in their school uniform with their backpack and hats on. I couldn’t believe it. They were so quiet…
That city is so special and beautiful.
Ya i only visit Hiroshima 1 time so far in 2015 , the city is so quiet , doesnt much annoying sound. is so good to walk around that city
Just been there last November, Beautiful City, Beautiful People.
Favorite *
@@jamesdavis8542Dumbass James thinks he knows how to spell. Isn't that special. 😂😂😂
Excellent descriptive comment! You made me see it in vivid colors! Thanks! 🙏
Ya betul . Atau karena uang atau kekuasaan
Yang jelas anak kecil itu kasihan yang meminta pertolongan lalu nangis lalu pergi ke kobaran api karena tidak tahu mau kemana
. Dan korban tidak berdosa lainnnya
Je n'est pas dormi à cause de l'histoire de cet enfant,quelle tristesse .
Las guerras las pelean los jóvenes que no se conocen por culpa de viejos que sí se conocen y todo por poder y dinero
@@トラちゃん-z5b 이런 깨어있는 분이 계시다니 ... 존경스럽군요
Посмотрела на одном дыхании, это ужасно!!! Особенно дети! Спасибо за рассекреченную историю, жуткую, но необходимую! Мост Миюки оказался мостом в жизнь для многих, а на других мостах остались лишь выжженные тени! 💐
ЮлияЛадышкина, может эта история, рассекреченная одного человека, а так это не секрет, в общем плане, что американцы сбросили бомбу.
@ЕленаПрекрасная-ы6п я читала" Горячий пепел" Овчинникова, другие публикации, документальные фильмы смотрела, но про мост Миюки узнала впервые.
Ταξίδεψα στην Ιαπωνία λόγω τουρισμού περίπου ένα μήνα με τον σύζυγό μου μου άρεσε η χώρα η ευγένεια των ανθρώπων η καθαριότητα και η πειθαρχία τους....όταν πήγα στην Χιροσίμα ένιωθα δέος!!!! Πολύ συγκινητικό τό βίντεο!!!!! Ευχαριστούμε πολύ!!!!
Cleanliness?? I cleaned hotel and motel rooms that had japanese couples staying in them, they were the dirtiest people to clean up after!!
Which language is this? Im curious it seems greek but I'm not sure! Im italian
When the photographer, Yoshito Matsushige stood there on the bridge and took these photos it must have been horrible. To have seen such horrors and pain. It must also have seemed cruel to some victims that he was taking photos of the aftermath of the bombing and of their suffering. But however cruel it was, thanks to these photos that we can have a glimpse into what these people experienced and understand the cost of the actions of those during those times. Thanks to these photos the stories of those on the bridge, the events that took place, what those people felt, all we can understand at least even a little bit. Thank you for taking these pictures. They show us what happened in the past and serve as a reminder to us of the people who suffered and lost their lives. The people who could not share their stories with all of us. Thank you for making this film. I feel more grateful to my life now. War is something that should never have happened. The people who suffer the most in war are ordinary civilians. People who get caught in between the crossfire of the two countries. It is painful for many people. But alas, we never know what the leaders of each country are thinking or how the tense situations between countries pan out. There is nothing much we can do. But we can try to remember those dark times and the stories of these people and pass it on the next generation. So that these stories serve as a reminder to all of us of how war affects everybody.
Povestile astea trimiteti le calailor omenirii. Psihopatilor care se imbogatesc de pe urma mortii...
Спасибо США
Di Indonesia terkenal namanya zaman Jepang.
Kalo kerja tanpa istirahat di bilang kaya kerja Ama Jepang😂
Американцы вас обомбили а вы дружите с ними сейчас 🙈
You spoke the truth.
... *УРЕВЕЛАСЬ* ...
... *НАРЕВЕЛАСЬ* ...
И умылась слезами 😥😪😢...
КАК *горько* всё это слушать ! КАК *страшно* всё это слышать ! Спаси и сохрани Господь Милосердный 🙏🙏🙏 ...
а пре чём тут божества это всё люди делают за бабки ))
@иван-х2ш3у Ну, во-первых, не божества, а *Бог* , а во-вторых, кто в теме, тот понял ...
Тяжёлый,но очень нужный фильм.Благодарю всех кто создал этот шедевр.Люди должны знать и помнить.
Люди должни знать, что США это убицы целого народа
Besonders die Japaner, die wie die deutschen Faschisten während des Zweiten Weltkriegs grausame Verbrechen begangen haben.
ага, только уже учат что это мы сбросили,русские.. и сами ,японцы, забывают что они творили с людьми...Не жалко вообще их
@@Ага-ага-з3у Я служил на Курильских островах, и на о.Итуруп была пещера , где было всё для пыток людей, в том числе и хим оружье
I also remember Pearl Harbor
So ein wertvolles Dokument darf nicht vergessen werden .So etwas darf ,nie ,nie , nie ,wieder geschehen ..Ist so schrecklich .
Leider sind die "mächtigen"dieser Welt schon wieder auf dem Weg in diese Richtung 😢
ihr glaubt auch alles...;-)
Si è vero e chi ci rimettiamo,siamo noi che non centriamo nulla 😢@@matheit7883
Truman n’était un petit homme abjecte.
2 BA en 3 jours ?!… c’était du sadisme doublé d’une cruauté dégelasse.
Les USA et leurs crimes de guerre classés secret défense c’est TROP FACILE de s’en sortir comme ça alors qu’ils auraient dû être désarmés.
80 ans ils continuent à faire chier le monde entier avec leur puissance usurpée grâce à la planche à billets 💵🤬
@@karollklein6134 This is not the only documentary. They don't contradict each other. Nor do the articles in scientific papers.
Merci pour ces Témoignages , que le message de PAIX soit largement entendu partout dans le monde , nous devons tous oeuvrer pour cela....
De même...@@sivaschuh4396
A crueldade do Império dos EUA. A guerra havia terminado. Lançaram a bomba como uma demonstração de ameaça e força.
Vous dites la paix , et Gaza ... ???
@@condorz4s également...pour le monde entier, si c'est possible...
Merci pour se témoignage 😢😢😢😢 il faut absolument que tout le monde le saches 😢😢😢😢
My grandfather had a Japanese work colleague who returned to Japan in the 70s. The friendship remained. In 1986 my parents accepted the invitation to go to Japan. At the age of 16 I visited Tokyo, Osaka and also Hiroshima. The horror (the photos from the museum) was the trigger for me to do community service. I can still see the stone on which a person stood (it was burned into the stone). I still remember the "fire" in front of the museum and that this fire will only go out when there is peace throughout the world. It takes a few seconds to realize what this text means...and I had tears streaming down my face like many others who left the museum.
These are the kind of history
America does not want to be thought in schools
America the great ?????? really
@@shanazali8133, I taught it.
@@shanazali8133 In what schools in the US is this no long taught? My parents (yes, including my mother) were stationed in Occupied Japan after the war. By age of 4 I knew of WWII. By the age of 5 or 6, I knew of the atomic bombs. ALL military personnel, at that time, were taught how to best survive a blast. I ALSO knew of the terrible crimes committed by the Imperial Japanese Army against our military personnel (some of whom were cared for in our family quarters as they were personal friends), and American civilians who were in places like the Philippines. My 2nd grade teacher had her 15-year-old son die in her arms in an internment camp due to disease and malnutrition. Her husband, a civilian civil engineer, died building a railroad. My mother's 2 brothers, ages 17 and 18, died on Bataan Death March. Their bodies never recovered.
I guess that you researched all the schools in the USA to make such a statement. Perhaps, in the course of such work, you found that the USA DID NOT START THE DAMN WAR. We did however have to end it! And at great cost!
And then, under General McArthur, rebuild the Jap society from the ground up, giving ALL Japanese the right to the vote, including women! Or how about the incorporation of Unions, giving workers for the first time any power. Before that a Japanese worker was little more than a slave to whatever company they worked for.
Perhaps, your time would have been better spent checking out the Japanese schools where WW2 IS NOT TAUGHT??? What an incredibly insulting statement to make for anyone who remembers those days! Where my I ask where you "educated"?
@@MARYREED-nh7gb Тебе в школе рассказали ту историю, которая выгодна для США. Поучи историю из других источников. Так вот, тогда когда США применили ядерное оружие против Японии и прежде всего по гражданским людям, военного смысла не было, война заканчивалась, Япония была разгромлена. США по факту провела испытание ядерного оружия в боевой обстановке. Позор США и тем кто оправдывает эту страну за это военное преступление.
Lo que tú dices es ojo por ojo diente por diente ? Que Jehová te perdone, todas las personas sufren por mentes enfermas y nadie gana en una guerra, solo queda sufrimiento y dolor.@@MARYREED-nh7gb
It's amazing that two photographs can not only garner information, but be brought to life as these have been. This documentary should be mandatory for anyone who controls nuclear arms around the world ! Thank You.
대한제국 (한국은) 36년동안 학살을 당하고 국토는 폐허가 되었다..일본은 벌을 받은 것이다
Cómo a sufrido la humanidad inocente por unos cuantos ambiciosos de poder 😢
@user-yi2zu1jo9l한국인은 일본군이 강제로 잡아다가 노예로 불려먹고 학살했고 여린 여자 아이를 잡아다가 일본군 성 노예로 능욕을 저지르다가 죽였다
They know and don’t care
@user-yi2zu1jo9l Wow!! We're you not taught this in school?
Фильм потряс до слёз,огромная благодарность создателям за память о чудовищной трагедии и безвинно погибших и пострадавших людей.дай бог,чтобы люди поняли ценность мира и человеческой жизни. очень грустно...
So aktuell!!
А вас фотографии разбомбленых городов Германии так же до слёз потрясает? Или не очень?
Показуйте цей фільм божевільним росіянам, які підтримують свого фашиста-президента _путіна_ і його погрози використати ядерну зброю в Україні, яка вже втратила і продовжує втрачати багато своїх громадян після вибуху 4 енергоблока Чорнобильської атомної електростанції в 1986 році. Тоді Радянський союз, в складі якого була Україна, проводив випробування потужностей атомного енергоблоку. Громадяни Російської федерації хочуть створити в Україні після повномасштабного вторгнення в 2022 році такий самий жах, який пережили мешканці Хіросіми і Нагасакі в 1945 році.
Вы про каких безвинно погибших? Про японцев, которые поддерживали милитаристское правительство Японии и японскую армию, убившую одних только китайцев 20 миллионов, из которых 16 миллионов - мирные жители? В этой трагедии миллионов убитых китайцев виноват почти каждый взрослый житель Хиросимы и Нагасаки - все они пособники убийц.
Я уж не буду вспоминать про тысячи убитых американцев в Перл Харборе.
А на Германию тоже атомную бомбу сбросили!? А Германия что творила на территории СССР!? Германию пожалеть!?@@ЮрийХ-к8я
Спасибо авторам и участникам фильма и Мир Вашим домам.
از لحظهای که شروع به دیدن این ویدئو کردم چشم ازش برنداشتم واقعا غم انگیز است وقتی به قربانیان ان فکر میکنی ، چه لحظات دشوار و دردی تجربه کردند امیدوارم که ان اخرین انفجار اتمی بوده باشد ، بسیار تاثیر گذار بود . تشکر از سازندگان این ویدئو
Это был не ядерный взрыв, это был атомный взрыв.
А я наоборот, смотрю маленькими кусочками , это настолько больно! 3 минуты посмотрю и рыдаю, сердце и душа не выдерживает
К великому сожалению вряд ли это был первый и последний случай в истиной истории человечества
بله ظاهرا حق با شماست ، این مسیری که سیاستمداران در آن قدم گذاشتن راه شیطان است و بشریت را بسوی نابودی میبرد ، فکر میکنم چاره این مشکل بدست ملتها باشه امیدی به سیاستمداران نیست@@Reshivshiy_reshitsya
@@Ева-777 همیشه با خودم فکر میکنم بيشتر انسانهای که میشناسیم انسانهای مهربان و نجيب و از رنج دیگران غمگین می شوند ولی چگونه است که قدرت همیشه دست انسانهای شرور است، شما هم بنظرم انسان رئوف و قلب مهربانی دارید امیدوارم به همهی آرزوهایت برسی
En 1960 j'avais 13 ans, lorsque j'ai appris ce qui c'était passé au Japon * Cela fut un tel choc qu'à mon tour, je me voyais brûlé et je ne pu retenir mes larmes. Plus tard à l'age de 20 ans j'ai pris la décision de ne jamais faire un enfant dans ce monde. En 2024, à ma 76 années, je me consacre à finaliser un livre, qui a pour titre ; un monde sans homme politique. Cela fait 40 ans que je travail dessus. C'est une idée à laquelle je pense qu'il faudra que l'humanité écarte du pouvoir les politiciens. Ils sont un danger pour le devenir de la vie. On ne peut que s'attendre au pire avec des hommes corruptibles. Mercie pour cette vidéo riche d'informations et d'avertissement de ce qui risque et peut nous arriver !
God bless you
You are right. Corrupt politicians cause war
لم تتهم أمريكا بالإرهاب.
واتهم الجيش الياباني وهو يحاول إنقاد جنوده فقط، وترك فتاة تذهب للجحيم..
How else, without politicians, can different countries communicate?
That's right. @@96_97Jhone
@@96_97Jhone les monstre existe et les pires ne sont pas visible !
Не доведи, Господи, второй Хиросимы! Мы и зовёмся людьми и должны, даже обязаны, во имя будующего Планеты , не повторить страшной трагедии! Мы обязаны подумать о будующих поколениях. Страшно подумать, что пережили люди, выжившие! Сколько человеческих жизней унесено! Люди! Сохраните Планету! Сохраните МИР!
Вот представьте что сейчас ядерный боезаряд в сотни раз мощнее херосимы.
Temo uma segunda covardia por parte desses impérios
they learned what will happened to human body when Uranium and Plutonium
into the human body . human experiment no word for this extreme crime.
Такая трагедия и скорее более большего масштаба уже случалась с человечеством нашего (или не нашего) вида. Изотопы веществ, которые высвобождаются лишь при ядерном взрыве, находят в кратерах по всей планете, во многих из них сейчас известные или не очень озера. Но это я так, по секрету вам 🤫
И я не с Рен-тв.
Сейчас мы как никогда на грани ядерной войны. Новый век (век это не 100 лет), новый этап в развитиии нашего вида, нашей цивилизации и техногенный вариант развития человечества не лучший выбор. От момента «меряемся пушками» до применения тактических ядерных ударов всего лишь миг и миг до применения его в стратегических масштабах. Мы сами это вряд ли увидим, но альтернативы к «меряемся пушками» сейчас нет и без грандиозных перемен вряд ли она появится
i am an American. my family fought in the pacific theater during WWII. i am proud of their combat service. but the bomb is a thing of shame. this should never have been undertaken. going nuclear was malice.
Without the bomb the U.S. could have doubled forces, and continued the fight, and kept throwing lives and millions and everything we had at it.
We could have won the war that way.
We could have forced a surrender.
However without the bomb…you don’t get Japan out of Korea. The bombs immediately freed 30 million enslaved Koreans held for the last 35 years.
Given the options…I think you still have to make the same decision today.
Japan was NOT a noble foe.
They were absolutely atrocious and on a path to try and rule to world.
It’s water under the bridge now, but yes this should never happen ever again
Sadly with the way things were going, it really was best case scenario… America wanted nothing to do with a full scale invasion and rightly so. They opened a can of worms for the future of the world going nuclear though.
The atomic bombs dropped that day...ENDED the war and literally saved millions of lives. The Japanese were not a peaceful entity at that time...they were aggressors and pledged to fight to the death. The bombs ended this insanity almost immediately.
It did end one war but might end us all later
My mother is from Japan. She was a fantastic mom. I remember when there were thunderstorms my mom would start to scream and cry. When I was younger I would hold her
Through the storms. I now realize that she suffered from PTSD. 😢 She passed some years ago, but she never talked about what happened to her and our relatives. I now understand why. My thoughts are that the Japanese people had to suffer in silence 🔕 😔.
my condolences. i hope she is recovering well
I had an ex boyfriend who came to the UK from the Lebanon with his family,to escape the war when he was a child.
he too would cry and scream during thunderstorms. PTSD Wasn't as mainstream as it is now,it was the n only seen as a thing soldiers suffered with. His whole family where still traumatized in the late 80s early 90s .I remained friends with his sister,she isolates alone,had to give up her job as a teacher long after her refugee status from the Lebanon.
Truthfully, the japanese were far from innocent victims.
Домолчались и забыли
Столько загробленых жизней😢бедные дети, невиновные ни в чем что пришлось им пережить
@@ekaterina6840 а кто выжил,теперь пиндосам ноги целуют и благодарят
USA culprit
@@giselameunier4788 Troll?
Бессмысленно объяснять волку, что плохо кушать зайцев? Они бы сами себя все перебили, не дай им Годзиллу в виде взрыва.😢(( Это было НЕОБХОДИМО и НЕИЗБЕЖНО.
@@_____.__Godzilla 😊
Yes war is ugly. But if you read the Holy Bible God warned us that these things will happen. They must happen to fulfill scripture and then the end will come. Recieve Jesus and trust him that God's plan will work out. And it will. God bless all who read this. No worries. Keep looking up. 🩷 Read the book of Matthew in the Holy Bible.
Mais quelle horreur d'avoir tué autant d'innocents
Et pour quel résultat
This is one of the most beautiful things I've ever heard I loved it so much so that I wrote down every word thank you for this and may you always be blessed ❤
The best documentary made on Hiroshima I have come across !
I see so many comments in so many languages. It makes me happy that we can all be unified against such terrible things ever happening again.
Unified? Are you able to get them to translate
А грязные бомбы ,которыми бомбили Югославию, это не попытка повторения ?
@@scrappydoo7887RUclips has AI translation. It's not good at grammar but the words are mostly ok.
İn Iraq same amerika hov many women assaulted hovmany peaple kild afganistan gazza afganistan same AMERİKA, west,AND killers
Pués no se en que mundo vives, porque actualmente, ahora mismo, en éste mundo y por los mimos criminales, hay países que son bombardeados y asesinados sus habitantes sin ninguna piedad.
Они могут сколько угодно оправдываться, прикрываясь "благими намерениями", могут подкупать высокими технологиями, инвестициями, даже бесплатной медицинской помощью пострадавшим. Они могут запугивать бесстрашных журналистов, в том числе и в своей стране. В конце концов они могут переписывать Историю и учебники для ваших детей.
Но запомните. Никакое благое намерение не стоит слезинки ребенка, потерявшего родителей или гибели сотен тысяч мирных жителей.
Дрезден, Хиросима, Нагасаки, Белград...
Когда вам говорят что-то вроде "Сынок, чтобы остановить войну ты должен стереть с лица земли город! Так надо!", просто представьте свою семью живущую в этом городе и перестаньте врать сами себе!
Both sides did grotesque things like the grape of Naking, Unit-731 and Hiroshima/Nagasaki. The only difference is America won. I will say this, Japan today is one of the best nations to live in and a center of technology, science, and a focus on human rights. They no longer terrorize or invade their neighbors unlike many other nations today.
Pretending there was one good side and one bad side in that war is incredibly naive and child like. Life isn’t so simple but hopefully you’ll figure that out one day.
@Bob-kk2vg You have to be either an outright hypocrite or blind not to see the difference between natural losses on the "battlefield" and the large-scale extermination of civilians, which from a military point of view has no sense or morality. Perhaps the day will come when you will understand this. God willing, not on your own skin.
Америка победила? Учи историю, япония подписала капитуляцию после разгрома квантунской армии, которую разгромили Русские !!
I have been to Hiroshima and today it is a beautiful and vibrant city. I have stood on that bridge and it was an eerie feeling. The ikonic skeletal dome building a few hundred yards away. The museum and memorial were both horror inducing and enlightening. Later I visited my father, a long retired veteran of the Pacific War. He fought from Australia all the way through the liberation of the Philippine Islands. He was EOD primary and a 1st LT, finished his career a Lt. Col. After I showed him the photos I had taken of the museum and related areas, he finally opened up about that part of his experience. He had been on the security team that had accompanied the first group of American scientists into Hiroshima several weeks after the surrender. When he knew I had seen the exhibits and photos there (some quite graphic, showed him a bunch of images from the museum) and the fact I had been an ER Nurse for over 10 years and had seen trauma, he finally felt he could share some of what he experienced. I was grateful that he finally felt he could share such a terrible experience before he died at over 100 years of age. Those who fought on both sides were greatly affected from such an experience. Miss you dad.
Amazing testimony. Thanks for sharing.
Liberation from?
@@YIKESMF Japanese occupation.
@@Erosgates Those who saw and experienced are now mostly gone. Few to remember. Fewer still who can understand it even when it is described or seen in images. To later personally walk that ground and stand on that bridge and to nearby see the still radioactive Commerce Exhibit Hall building (the skeletal dome) and the museum was an amazing and emotional experience. The actual steps from the Sumitomo Bank building a few blocks away were actually in the museum, with the melted and vaporized remains still showing on the stones.
@@ratwynd sheesh…. I can only imagine the absolute hell that those people endured. I recently watched Barefoot Gen…. An anime about the bombings.
Such terrible ruin. I was in Hiroshima in 1961 and visited a local museum. I remember seeing a photo of a human body etched into the concrete sidewalk, also there was a cluster of glass Coca Cola bottles all fused together. Melted by the intense heat. Things I have never forgotten. Thank you for posting this.......Domo Arigato
16 Jahre nach der Katastrophe keine Strahlung mehr? Da wundere ich mich schon. Uns hat man doch immer erzählt, man könne hunderte von Jahren nicht mehr in so ein Gebiet.
@@alterweiermann9773wir werden belogen. Ständig diese Angstmacherei!
Es wurden über 2000 Atombomben gezündet! 500 davon überirdisch!
In Nanking haben die Japaner 250000 Menschen abgeschlachtet, so viele wie in Hiroshima und Nagasaki durch Atombomben getötet wurden. Man braucht viele Informationen um alles in Perspektive setzen zu können.
They must added some pictures in sixty nine or seventy, I'm remember seeing a child melted to their mom.
@@alterweiermann9773 because it was detonated 600 meters above ground so most of the fallout was pulled into the atmosphere and dispersed by winds
Didnt notice the devastation?
This is an incredible documentary. I have tremendous amounts of respect and sympathy for all the victims of those bombs. Nuclear weapons such as these are never under any circumstance necessary. I hope that one day, the world will be a peaceful place for everyone.
私のおばあちゃんは戦争の体験者です。当時 学徒動員に参加しております。とにかく戦争に日本は勝つのだという気持ちで日々を送っていたと聞きました。でも戦争に負けてその後が大変だったと聞きます。生きていくのに精一杯で必死に日々を送っていたといいます。戦争はもう二度としないでほしいと言っています。
Nenek anda adalah penjahat perang.. yang banyak menjajah negara asing kau sadari itu
Dan anak2nya sudah menyiapakan untuk balas dendam atas kematian neneknya
@user-pv2mk6xw1b I have a question,¿ do you know if the survivors saw the bomb exactly like its showed in tv?
日本人发动战争侵略周边国家的时候 那些饱受日本军队摧残的地区平民过的远远比你们痛苦
One of the best documentaries I have seen on RUclips thanks for putting it up
WOW !!IM so glad I found this, GREAT Report.
My Number #1. Favorite RUclips Video Ever. My Grandfather on my Mom’s side was in the Navy in the Pacific at the time this happened. He was 23 years old.
My grandfather was a conscientious objector when he was drafted. He was made a medical transporter for the US Army. He was near the bombings in Japan and died of throat cancer when I was eight.
So deluded!!! I suppose you're all vaxxed up too!!!
My fiancée's Grandparents and parents lived North West of Hiroshima when it happened. They all have since passed, but her parents, who where 6 and 7 at the time and lived close to each other, told me about the day a flash of light unlike any they had seen was in the sky. And after a while a loud Boom followed by a rumbling roll of thunder that made them fear what it was. I did not get the chance to visit Hiroshima when I was there but on my next trip I am making it a point to go. I have seen many videos and commentaries about Hiroshima, but this one took things a step further and was more focused on the people than the bomb itself. That was a welcome, though very heartbreaking change. Thank you for the vid!
Япония продалась Америке за доллары. Теперь никто не хочет вспоминать что бомба была американской😢
It's amazing that they were able to disect the pictures & trace these victims before their death due to technology
ولاتحسبن الله غافل عما يعمله الظالمون😭😓💔
Do you think thses people will vet to heaven for there pain and the way they died im a muslim myself and i also knkw arabic but i haven't used it in a while
I was stationed in Iwakuni, Japan. Served three years there as a U.S. Marine. Dated a Japanese girl by the name of Miki Tanaka. She was studying to become a Doctor. I visited the museum and rang the bell with others. Walking through the museum pulled on my heartstrings. I felt so sad for those that suffered. War is an ugly thing. Nobody wins in War. I love Japan and her people. God Bless you all.
Americans won all World´s control.....A global empire where their reasons are the only reasons, their desires are laws...their impositions wont be rejected unless you want to be invaded or blocked...
But on December 7 1941, Japan was not being so lovely....One should not start wars....ask the Germans about that!
What is dating?
thank you for service
@PhilippinesOnDemand You are so right! Nobody wins at a war, so don't start it. US was trying to stay out of it. The question still remains....who knew about impending attack so that all those boats just happened to be lined up in an easy row, waiting to be attacked? Japan would have dropped the Bomb first, had they been the ones to develop it first.
It's every photographer's first instinct to document- I can't imagine how bad it was for him to only take 5 photos.
He was probably in shock
И как всегда страдают мирные жители. Это ад на земле. Человеки, думайте своей головой, что вы изобретаете, что бы сбрасываете с самолетов или распыляете. Думайте, что бы вы не делали на Земле, думайте! Какие последствия, после ваших изобретений, может принести планете и всему живому на ней, да и вам тоже. Берегите ваши души! Любите не только ближнего, но и все созданное Всевышним для нас. Здравия и разума всем землянам. Мира и добра.
Parabenizo pelo excelente postagem que serve para reflexão de todos nós. A humanidade sem Deus no coração é como besta' não tem consciência, não sabe a dimensão da maldade que faz. Agindo como inconsequentes e insensíveis, as denominadas lideranças mundiais encontrão todo tipo de justificativas para perpetrar perversidades. Os insensível de mentes obtusas, não satisfeitos e levados pelo ódio, encontraram justificativas pata soltar a segunda bomba, desta feita em Irochima. O exército japonês já estava sem capacidade reação,.já estava dominado e mesmo assim as duas bombas foram impiedosamente lançadas. Triste humanidade !
Amen 🙏 🇦🇺
ты это )(уйлу пиши.
Однозначно- это военное преступление! Но англосаксы никогда не заморачиваются нормами человеческой морали. Вывод- они aliens! Но ничего, Вован на пульсе руку держит!
49:28 посмотрите на этот взгляд, "господа" американцы. Это вам не простят никогда. Помните....
This is a great teaching documentary. Do not start a war.
Also, don't side with a deranged dictator.
The population has no choice in the matter and are the true victims of any war, its tragic in any scenario.
@@aspensulphate fjb
Do not let the bankers start the war
Люди всё ещё не научились ценить мир. Даже имея столько свидетельств о последствиях взрыва, о бесчисленных жертвах, сильные мира сего посматривают на это оружие... Это неизгладимый след в истории Японии и всего человечества, но некоторые будто хотят, чтобы ЭТО забыли.
Всем мирного неба над головой и здоровья
Tobie też życzę pokoju i zdrowia 😊
No one wants anyone to forget this, but they want you to forget why it happened. Japan was committing the absolute most horrible war crimes, had camps with human testing, doing the exact samething as the Germans were.
People also want you to forget that for days the people were warned it was going to be bombed and told to leave asap. Japan told it's citizens not to be cowards and to stay.
History is being rewritten to make them victims. The slavs , Russians, jews , and anyone else that managed to cross a Germans or Japanese path were the victims.
Я в шоке от просмотра видео, это тяжёлый опыт не только для Японии, это тяжёлый опыт для всего человечества. Ещё раз повторюсь это геноцид против японского населения, сбросив бомбу на мирный город
В войне нет правых и левых, в войне виноваты все стороны. Все участники совершают преступления, но когда уничтожают город в котором погибло население в десятки тысяч человек - это страшное преступление. А потом еще и опыты проводить это извините и есть геноцид. Не оправдываю ни одну из сторон.
Lamento por ter passado por isso sou do Brasil, Pelotas 😢
I'm 70 years old and in high school I read a book that was the stories of children that survived. I still think of those stories.
Excellent reportage il doit demeurer actif comme un point important de l'histoire. Puisse l'humanité ne jamais utiliser la bombe atomique à nouveau.
Avisale a EEUU Y A LA OTAN.....😮
@@silvia9982No Silvia, notify all country leaders. And hopefully they will notify terrorists.
Не человечество, а америкака...
@@silvia9982 Read some history.
@@jgra2255 сша - цитадель зла...
Thank you for sharing such a sad moment in history. It deserves to be told and remembered.
Do BOTH sides of the story deserve publication? Or just this side, ignoring the decade-limg reign of terror the Japanese had unleashed on that part of the world preceding this bombing?
@@BillHinerman Both sides of the story have been told. War is ugly and many suffer, I have compassion for them all.
All we need to remember is only the Holocaust. Think about it
Search for holodomor
Tanpa menyinggung kedua sisi.
Ini mengingatkan kita. Betapa mengerikannya bom nuklir
@@BillHinermanNão Devemos Julgar Nem Um Lado Nem Outro ...EEUU da América queria Extinguir os Japoneses que Além de Ser FEIOS Eram FANÁTICOS Em Tomar o PODER de Toda ÁSIA.....Os JAPONÊZES Por Outro Lado Espalhou que os E.U. Eram INIMIGOS e Queria DOMINAR o MUNDO...Os JAPONÊSES Eram FANÁTICOS IMPÉRIARISTAS....
I pray that some day we will be able to acknowledge our differences, get along, and live in peace.
We are part of earth! Living on earth means fighting to live. Americans still hold anger towards the Japanese. Say foolish things somewhere else.
The quest for money, power and ultimately, human nature says that's a pipe dream
The simple fact that the axis countries started the war in the first place, the two major players Germany and Japan Committed huge atrocities in the countries that they occupied in the case of the Germans, most of Europe, and in the case of the Japanese China Burma, most of the chain of Islands in the Pacific, they systematically, eradicated, huge portions of the population of these countries lead to death of millions. Yes the US were first to develop the bomb managing to beat Germany in their efforts to build a bomb. It is a scar on mankind that the there was a need to develop and use the bomb it has caused fear for most of the world from the day it was dropped to this very day.
The hundreds of thousands that died as a result of the two bombs in fact saved millions of lives that would have been lost if the allies had to invade mainland Japan as the people of Japan had been told by their god the emperor to die to the last person to resist an allied invasion. It’s a very good documentary told from only one side leaving out the history that lead to these dreadful days.
Me too pat....if we all could just get along and realize how lucky we are to just be here ..
Grazie 🇺🇸 unico paese in mondo 🌍che ha fatto questa bravissima opera in favore della democrazia ,risposta proporzionata,umanità etc👺🤮
My wife is a care taker for a gentleman that goes by Harry, he was on the outskirts of the city, his sister was at the Hospital, he found the exact spot she was in. He later became a Preacher and has travelled the world spreading the word of God. He now is in California Los Angeles, last year we had Thanksgiving together. Happily he will go back to Japan to spend his last years with family. His forgiveness is amazing and to listen to him speak on this is something I will never forget
There is no god. If there was, then it is an evil god that lets sentient beings suffer for no reason.
Потомучто он знает что Бог возместит весь ущерб причинëный сатаной
The real war on earth is The Great Controversy between Good and evil. Truth and deception. Jesus and satan. Sabbath and sun day. The papacy will claim the coming wars to be for sun day “sacredness” and that Bible Sabbath keeping Christians should not have freedom to worship on Sabbath. This is our last test of faithfulness.
La résilience du Peuple Nippon est immense.
Ces images sont bouleversantes, elles vont me hanter.
Que les âmes des victimes de cet acte, indigne de l'Humanité, reposent en paix.
Et que les témoignages des survivants ne tombent jamais dans l'oubli.
이일이 없었으면 일본군은 더많은 다른나라 사람을 학살했을겁니다.
일본이 일찍 항복했으면 핵을 맞을일이 없었겠죠.
일본의 야망이 이 일을 만들었으니 자업자득 입니다.
@@skinhgare you talking about the innocent Japanese that had nothing to do with the wars of their empire?
Also, nothing can justify a nuclear attack on civilians: NOTHING.
Your comment has nothing to do here, it is vile, disrespectful for the victims, and totally inappropriate.
@@skinhg 無辜の市民が殺されても自業自得だと声高にいう人たちがいる。そのような人々には戦争被害を訴える権利などない。恥を知れ。
There are so many people who loudly say that even if innocent civilians are killed, it is their own fault. Such people have no right to sue for war damage. shame on you.
Прошло 79 лет в назидание потомкам. Война- никому не приносит радости, только горе. так давайте не будем воевать. а лучше созидать и ЖИТЬ в МИРЕ БЕЗ ВОЙН !!!!!!!!!!!!
its the wolves that prevent this- about 10% of us either are wolfs, or provide for the wolfs and keep them in control. I'd hoped to have seen VietNam as the last war- but? We must become stronger than these War Wolves.
В вашей стране есть многое, чего невозможно забыть. Но подумайте о том, что забыто.
@@javierquesada798это вот япошки забыли похоже кто на них атомные бомбы скинул а??американцы теперь друзья да?... а про НАШУ страну не переживай мы РУССКИЕ все помним и всегда приходим за своим
А что твоё?почитайте Иова 38:2
А твоё ,,свидетели иеговы "
Gracias por compartir.Vendiciones desde Chile
Когда мой дедушка пришёл с войны в 1945 , он говорил, что фашизм победили и что после такой тяжёлой войны никогда её больше не будет. Очень жаль, что люди до сих пор воюют, жизнь и так коротка. Желаю всем людям на Земле мира и добра. Привет из Санкт - Петербурга.
рашка это и есть фашизм что твой дед воевал за что он сражался? Не будет больше никакого мира с вами россиянами вы за каждого убитого ребенка ответите, не ждите мира даже не надейтесь люди отомстят русским даже после окончания войну
Yes. Fascism had been defeated in the name of jewish communism. The Bolsheviks have been in charge of all our countries every since.
fascism will always be in rooshia
Bonjour à vous sage Monsieur !
Bonjour à St Petersbourg ❤️
Bonjour Monsieur, nous savons qui font les guerres et ce ne sont pas les peuples. Nous sommes tous des Humains. Nous voulons simplement vivre libre et en paix pour l humanité 🙏❤️. Soyons unis tous les peuples 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏stop War
Je dois dire, les japonais sont vraiment admirables. Une tragedie comme celui-ci ne doit se repeter a jamais. C'est un video superb et je pense que tout le monde doit le regarder.
Así mismo pero casi nadie lo ve y los jóvenes a casi ninguno le importa nada y cada día hay más de derechas en el poder q son los q han tirado todas las bombas
Los INTERE$E$ DEL MUNDO van más allá de las vidas humanas. Muestra de ello la Guerra Actual en Ucrania y la interminable en el Medio Oriente.❤
Их бомбила Америка а сейчас они готовы их расцеловать, где логика. @@martinescobar6475
It should be mandatory that every human being watches this video. The young girl that walked back to the fire, after being shouted at, will be forever etched in my mind. The hopelessness she would have felt as she walked to her death. It's amazing how 2 photographs told so many stories. All those children who just wanted to go home. God bless them and everyone who was involved in this human atrocity 🕊️. Hiroshima and Nagasaki should never be forgotten ❤🕊️❤
I agree. The story of the little girl yelled at and not allowed on the truck, then bursts into tears and runs away. A child suffering alone, just so profoundly sad. It really haunts me. I'll have to say a prayer for her tonight.
It's a tragedy, not an atrocity. Far FAR more Japanese AND Americans would have died without these bombings. The Emperor was treated as a diety. He was insulated from the death his war was creating. He stated repeatedly that he would sooner every Japanese die than surrender and his people AGREED. Notice how even the first bomb did NOT convince him! Only when he was shown the absolute impossibility of his own victory, shown that America could leave him with nothing left to rule, did he FINALLY surrender. FAR more people would have died without this show of overwhelming force.
한국인으로 모든 사람은 이런 고통을 격지 말아야 합니다
일본에 침략 당해 잔혹하게 죽어간 모든 사람들과 그 가족들에게 신의 가호가 있기를....
일본놈들에게 죽어간 죄없는조선인들을 절대 잊지마라
Excelente canal ❤😢
Excellente documentaire merci - subtilité de la musique accompagnée - dialogue et entrevues respectueuses - c’est comme cela qu’on devrait faire les documentaires - chapeau!
The world should thank you for taking these photographs they show how war is and what it does to those who never started it but always seem to be the ones who pay for it.
the people in the photos would have been carrying rifles when the Marines hit the shore. How many of those boys would have died to stop their conquest brain washed ...... Yes, sad no matter, don't talk of what you have not seen. Play music and help. Its gonna happen again.
gracias el capitalismo y eeuu....pero nadie dice nadaa
“Thank you capitalism” is EXACTLY what the Koreans said.
Japan was occupying all of Korea. Koreans were held slaves and prisoners in their own country for 35 years.
This freed them.
Soooo…’re welcome.
Because every sad photo there is for Japan…there is an equal but happy photo of a Korean being freed from captivity.
“dErP dErP tHaNk YoU cApItAlIsM”.
Grow up, kid.
Vous pouvez voir à notre époque comment sont les gens a gaza ce genocide qui est entrain de se produire et qui n’a pas commencé le 7 octobre
Merci pour ce reportage édifiant. On mesure l'horreur vécue. Si seulement ça pouvait servir de leçon pour que plus jamais les hommes fassent preuve d'inhumanité😢
You think they haven't seen it? It does not matter.
Macron souhaite ça pour les Français puissance 10, voir 100... A part ça, les facho c'est le RN...
Avisale a la otan😮
Au cours de la seconde guerre mondiale les Japonais ont massacré pas moins de 30 millions de Philippins, Malais, Vietnamiens, Cambodgiens, Indonésiens et Birmans, dont au moins 23 millions étaient ethniquement chinois.
america is a christian country
I'm a burn survivor.
52%body. Chemical burns.
I don't know how anyone survived.
The pain is beyond word's. Infection would set in.
The EMT's thought I was going to bleed to death before getting me to the hospital.
6 week's i was unconscious. God's mercy was great that day.
La cosa che più mi sconvolge è che ancora oggi si costruiscono bombe atomiche.
Purtroppo la storia non aiuta a migliorare.
Mio nonno ha combattuto durante la seconda guerra mondiale in Grecia e ogni volta che raccontava quel periodo piangeva come un bambino.
Американцам всё равно , они уничтожили два японских города , будут рады ещё уничтожить все страны , оставить немного рабов для обслуги
Si purtroppo la storia non ci ha insegnato nulla 😢
@@paolamatarazzo8152 E' drammaticamente vero. Ci sono persone così stupide che non vedono l'ora di ripetere queste atrocità.
Triste realidade 😢
The barbaric Japanese who committed indiscriminate rape and massacre in numerous countries should stop their dirty political acts of distorting history by calling themselves victims.
İn Iraq same amerika hov many women assaulted hovmany peaple kild afganistan gazza afganistan same AMERİKA, west,AND killers
Америкаское , политическое руководство конфликтует со всеми странами, и в наши дни !
يغضب السياسيين من بعضهم، ف تموت الشعوب البريئة 😢
Negara penjajah ..Jepang ,Belanda ,Inggris ...penindas negara kami ...😬😬😬
Nothing to do with anger, just the narcissistic dreams of domination by their Emporer, fully supported by the entire population of Japan.
멀정한 남의 나라침략하는, 탐욕으로 피해 입은 사람들은 억울하지 않단 말인가!
아시아 전역에서 그들의 악랄한 탐욕은 왜? 규탄하지 않은가.
그들은 왜 아직도 반성하지 않는가?
지들의 못된 탐욕은 말하지 않은가 말이다.!
인간의 탈을 쓴 괴물같은 탐욕자들은 규탄하지 않고, 그들은 아직도 반성하지 않은가!
Os políticos deveria se trancar em um prédio com todas suas armas e ver quem é o melhor e deixam os inocentes que não tem nada a ver com esses psicopatas.😢😢
I cross the Miyuki Bridge almost daily. Not only this bridge, the whole city is a reminder that we can never let this happen again. Sadly, the two survivors talked about in this film, Mitsuko Kouchi and Sunao Tsuboi, are no longer with us.
Добра тебе дорогая
Так повторилось же!
Через три дня в Нагасаки!
Тот, кто сбросил бомбы сдохли через самоубийства. Так им и надо! Но ещё опаснее те, кто отправляли лётчиков.
Interestingly, the areas both bombs were dropped was the most Christian/Catholic areas. The epicentre was above a Catholic Church where four priests were in the Presbytery after Mass and Devotions. They stepped out to see flattened buildings and the incinerated. None of the priests had radiation effects. When asked, they said " we all lived The Fatima Message"! See Fatima, Portugal, 1917.
@@АндрейГаранжа-ы3л Perhaps no more raids on Pearl Harbor.
@@syfr Pearl Harbor pales in comparison.
@@みゆうと-u1hThe predicted death toll for a ground war was 1,000,000 for both sides. At least that is what the Allies were told. I was not born yet. Terribly cruel.
In war, there is no winner, just those who lose less than others. There were battles where both sides tried to stop fighting, but those in charge disciplined them and forced them to fight in other battles as those in charge were safe at home.
لماذا نسيتم ضحاياكم؟أنتم الأن أصدقاء قتلة أجدادكم أي نذالة تعيشونها؟!
Eine sehr beeindruckende und notwendige Reportage. Es lässt einen bestürzt und traurig zurück.
robertolazary Ein Angriff auf die Zivielbevölkerung .
Humanitäres Völkerrecht . Zivilbevölkerung genießt im internationalen bewaffneten Konflikt den allgemeinen Schutz vor den Kriegshandlungen . . .
Konnte man das nicht vorher wissen , dass der Einsatz von Atombomben , der flächenddeckend alles Leben auslöscht und in erster Linie die Menschen, die Familien mit ihren Kindern trifft .
Wer hatte das geplant ? Personen mit Familie und Kinder ?
Я поражаюсь японцам, такое перенести, эту бомбу , что скинули американцы, а японцы стоят на стороне этих убийц
What a heart wrenching yet exceedingly fascinating documentary. I appreciate the focus on the photo and identifying the individuals in it and their stories. The girl who was ordered away from the truck by the military officer and who went back into the heart of the city where the fires were blazing must've been so confused. Poor soul. I had walked through Hiroshima one day and, in a window, saw an older man who did not appear to have eyes, "looking" out over the city. My guess is that he was a victim of the bombing. Let's hope the world never sees another nuclear attack.
That little girl had me crying. It was one of the saddest things I've seen in my 78 years.
самое главное, чтобы мир никогда не увидел звериный японский милитаризм. Народы Азии никогда не забудут то зло, которые причинили им японские захватчики.
@@encrypter46 당신은 저당신 일본이 한 짓거리를 보면 당신이 본 가장 슬픈 일이라고 과연 말 할수 있을까? 예를 들어 "731부대" 검색해서 일본이 어떤 짓을 했는지 한번 찾아보길 바란다. 원자폭탄으로 시민이 죽은 일은 슬픈 일이다. 하지만, 일본이 항복을 안해서 생겼다고 본다. 저렇게라도 안했으면 더 많은 희생자가 나왔을 것이다 전쟁으로.
@@76stone0kor OK. I understand that it wouldn't affect some people.
@@encrypter46 그리고 하나더 원자폭탄을 투하하기전에 왜 너희가 믿는 천황이라는 사람은 항복을 왜 안해서 저 많은 민간인이 죽게 만들었을까? 생각을 좀하자, 원지폭탄이 투하하기전 미국이 도쿄대공습이라는 작전을 했었다. 그때도 수만명의 도쿄민간인이 죽었다.항복을 했으면 원자폭탄도 투하 안 되었겠지. 당시 전쟁은 천황아래 일본인이 아시아 정복 목적으로 시작하였다.
People were actually discriminated against for surviving? I can't imagine such thinking
Bu yapılanlar affedilemez.
@@shalasalazar4930 就職や結婚等々様々な件で、被爆者の方々は差別されてました。
My father was among the first American Army occupational troops sent to Hiroshima. Many of his Army buddies died of cancer, as did my dad, too. He never slept well after his time in Hiroshima. He saw too much, & met too many locals. So sad.
Would have been sadder for allied troops if the bombs were not dropped. My father was still fighting the jap$ in Borneo, and they had no intention of stopping until everyone died. They had to be stopped.
The allied forces later dying of cancer is a tragedy. I’m sorry to hear that. The powers that be made some mistakes there, for sure.
@@josephpashka7369 Surprising, given that Hiroshima was part of the Australian occupation.
Pourtant tu continues de portez les couleurs d'un gouvernement nazi, soutenue par les mêmes monstres responsables de cette horreur. N'as tu pas honte ?
@@seanlander9321 From 1946 to 1952 Australian forces were responsible for the military occupation of Hiroshima Prefecture, the site of the first atomic bomb attack in history. U.S. troops were in Hiroshima between October 6, 1945, and March 6, 1946, and U.S. troops were in the vicinity of Nagasaki between September 11, 1945, and July 1, 1946
They say...A picture paints a thousand words...excellent piece of work bringing the photo to life.
Devastation on a scale now imaginable.
Blessings to all who suffered this horror.❤
전범국에게 축복을 바란다고? 우크라이나 본토 공격하는 러시아가 공격당하면 축복바란다고 말하는 수준
One of my neighbours was a British POW working for the Japanese and was at Hiroshima when the atomic bomb was dropped.
He was close to where the bomb was detonated and his life was saved because he was working in the hold of a ship that was in a dry dock on the river. He remembers nothing about the bomb going off except he was working and then everything was total devastation around him.
Ironically his life was saved by the detonation of this bomb because the Japanese ordered that every POW was to be executed. If the bomb was dropped a few days later he would not have survived.
Very kind and loving people
Thank you for your story
@@suss6385 mejor de las guerras civiles chinas y lo que el comunismo chino le hizo a su población 😊
It wasn't unusual for the Japanese to execute Prisoners. Their values were not Judeo-Christian values. Hence the Code of the Samurai and the Honor code. There are pictures of the Japanese beheading their prisoners of War. Then are other instances/ stories of those who survived the Bataan Death March, in the Philippines. Where American and Filipino prisoners were marched to a Prison camp and had to walk hundreds of miles, without food or water, in the hot sun. They were told that if they spoke or if they got out of formation, they would be killed, immediately. If you had to go to the bathroom, go in your pants. Just for fun, the Japanese soldiers came along in a Military Truck with their sharpened swords and beheaded those soldiers who were in formation and were obeying their Japanese commanders' orders. That is because the Japanese following the Samurai Code, believed surrender was a huge disgrace, putting you on the level of a being a cockroach, making you worthy of death. So, now you can understand why this soldier took no pity on a wounded little girl hoping for rescue and comfort. All this death, suffering and pain, due to madmen, full of hate, and the lust of power and wealth, believing they... IF they fought hard enough, could rule the World.
It is happening again with those in charge of Russia, China, Iran and their allied States working toward the same goal. We are seeing parallels today like that of the thinking and agendas, before the start of World War 2. Scary stuff! Where those in Russia, like Putin's right hand man Medvedev is ready to start a nuclear war and could care less about the consequences to other people or his own people, from a retaliatory attack. This guy ought to be a Funny farm!
@@suss6385 yeah really. The rape of Nanking. Or when they used germ warfare on Manchuria (Plague virus). Or enslaved Koreans.
My grandfather was in Hiroshima 5 days after it was bombed.
He was in the US Army.
They were to go in and provide help to the survivors.
He said it was more horrific than the bloody fighting they did in the Philippines.
We have pictures of him with a group of children that survived.
Typical US. They commit genocide and then go to the rescue
И какая же страна сбросила ядерную бомбу на Хиросиму? Сбросить бомбу, а потом идти армии США помогать. Ужасно!!!
The US wanted to stay out of the war. Japan brought the US into the war by attacking and bombing the hell out of Pearl Harbor in Hawaii! The US wanted to avoid war with anyone. Know your history before commenting.
My Grandfather was in the death march. He told me that a solder two places up tried to help someone who fell had his head removed on the spot. He had nightmares because the severed head was twitching and eyes moving.
Wie heuchlerisch!!! Erst werfe ich eine Bombe schrecklichen Ausmaßes und dann helfe ich den Überlebenden ?
😢😢😢beliti ochii și realizati cu ce pericol va jucați toată ziua.....ati înnebunit....aveți în cap numai războaie.
Truly heartbreaking.
Thank you for telling us - and showing us - their stories.
А теперь посмотрите документальные фильмы про отряды 731 и 100 в Японии. Вы будете благодарны американцам за их поистине замечательный поступок.❤
@@ЛесРук-у7щFriggin robot
Kamu tidak pernah mengetahui bagaimana tentara jepang sangat kejam saat menjajah negara kami..mereka tidak kenal ampun..mereka adalah penjajah terburuk..thanks for amerika
Respectfully watching how the Japanese citizens have handled a tragic situation and turned it into such an inspiration for the world to witness such integrity and kindness to each other.
not to make light of the bombing but the japanese suffer earthquakes, tsunami and volcanoes regularly, they roll up their sleeves and clean up the mess. i am told that the three trams that survived the bombing were taking people to work three days after the bomb fell.
my ex wife didn't want to be translator, so i never got the chance to ask my in-laws how they felt about the war, they had (they have passed) an american airbase a mile or so away from their house with blackhawks and f16's circling there house most days, but the japanese for the most part i think are okay with the americans presence, i think they dislike china more than americans. i have been to hiroshima, my son rang the peace bell, i love japan and the japanese, i do think the japanese people did not want war, that the emperor was the instigator.
They are not so kind to Americans visiting the memorial site. My son had to he escorted to a train by policemen to save his life because he was obviously an American and in the military.
@@HarryNicNicholas 天皇は「祈りの象徴」であり、政治に関りを持ちません。天皇も戦争を望んでいませんでしたがそれを発言することも許されてはいませんでした。
@@koyuki55555일본천황은 전쟁범죄자 입니다.
전쟁 범죄에 대해 반성하지않는 민족은 용서받지 못합니다.
Merci pour votre documentaire , très émouvant , la folie des hommes
Oui la folie du monde. On y est tjs.... quel monde de tarés.
Excellent video. _Highly recommended!_
Emberek! Nagyon gyorsan észhez térni, hogy ez soha se ismétlődhessen meg.
Wir sind wieder auf dem Weg dorthin !
@@livbeau8460 Sok egyéb úton járhatunk, amelyek a jövő felé vezetnek, de a rakétákkal kirakott út csak a semmibe fut.
Politiker, nicht Menschen. Menschen haben damit nicht zu tun. Die Politmarionetten, die von den wahren Tätern eingesetzt werden. Von den skrupellosen und bestialischen Geld und Machtsüchtigen, der Herrscher dieser Erde
Az emberek nem tanulnak a múlt hibáiból.😢
@@ultraviolethu Igaz, de az emberek/országok még mindig nem tanultak meg békében élni, annak ellenére, hogy háborúk történtek és folytatódnak.
Pourquoi ne comprennent donc ils pas que la violence ne nous menent que dans le chaos. Je ne suis pas Japonais mais le drame de Hiroshima devrait nous servir de leçon pour dissuader toutes formes de guerres dans le monde
Ça a vachement marché 😂 la 3eme arrive, et y a encore plus de bombes pour tout péter, ta naïveté est touchante, t es juste de la viande qu il convient d éradiquer quand les élites l ont decide
Dile eso.a los poderosos que manejan el.mundo....Rotchields, Rokefeller....y demas.....👈👈👈
I’m Japanese.
I appreciate that you think so
En vertu des grands principes, oui
Seria bueno que no censuraran las imágenes historicas. Son hechos ya juzgados por la humanidad. Somos adultos.
J'ai jamais compris pourquoi en faite
We are crip gang
kinda reminds you of liberals tearing down historic statues
We are being 'protected from reality' by people too young to understand who they are duplicating for bad social decisions.
Dios mío 😭😭😭😭 pobres criaturas😭😭😭😭 xq les negaron la evacuación 😭😭😭 que malos presidentes Dios mío 😢 descansen en paz 🕊️ pequeños angelitos😭😭😭 lloro de impotencia
Perhaps not starting the war and committing incalculable amount of atrocities against soldiers and civilians alike is a good idea?
My grandfathers only brother was killed by Japs in 1942- Simon O'Dwyer- Born Gisborne- New Zealand.
It was Asia in the 40’s...Civilians were expendable
@Randy_Richmond avec des gens comme vous, on n’a pas besoin d’ennemis…hélas!
Name ONE.....??@Randy_Richmond
@Randy_Richmonand no it doesn't because 2 wrongs are never right.....stop gaslighting