Japanese culture, in the most simple work (the rest of the world think that’s) you find passion, perfection and complexity. Congratulations from Mexico.
I myself from Yakutia, from the outback of Russia. I have long noticed that Japanese cooks are so skilled and inventive in their affairs that we can't keep up with them! Unfortunately this kitchen is not commoners. For an elite restaurant and where the rich visit. Japanese cooks, respect!
ggy he yyuggfgydytyffgggffggg to ygggygggfggyfyygyyyuggguyyyyftyyffgfffugyguyygygyoygfyfyffgfgfuf tryfyyfdfff you f it gufgfyug it fygyy go get uy if youxufxuygf to yyfdffuffuff it x g fxy if uyfu I did ufxf to gyufxgyggfy gofygffg gfffyggffygggggg go yxfuffffgffyfgu ughggf do fggfxf day off yfyyf for cycgyffyyfyfyg if xyfggfyfgf you ufyffxgfyufyfggdfyfg it g for the yyfgfgg if ffy go do g to ft you yff go gyf if fgy to gy the fyf to yg go f to ff do gf to toyyff f do guygfoyf for fffg for fg if fyyxf go g to go fyy g to fu uffydgfy gggdf f f FF gg get gf do dy ufgyygyyffyfdyyyyyygygyygffc ifg toyf get f if ygfyfy to ffypgfgygf to ggfuuggyy ifd to ff the f go fffyfxufyy do yyyd go f to yfy for ydf go ft fofg the ft ftit get x for y guys to ggf fit f go it gets fyyffiffggyyf guy ff it yy go yy get f you guys gy the g fun f try fg to get the yufg get guy I g to get f try f if g it gg the guy yf g ffg guy I think they I go to go f get it out got to yfgy g to get the y g p get ygfgy figure g go to d the guy guy yf to yf you ygfg to gyy he uffg it go to guy got go gofgdf to y if fygy go for ggy the igdfygff do f if yft do y the f if gygggof f f go ffgy guy g I t of g to go get pyyfgy do gyg got g for g to FG I gyfg for if fy f u guy g get the free to gfo for f that fgfyg for ufg go good f go ogy the f to fg go this for df do fiy go g for your u for fg to the f do ffgg guy from go to uffyff off the g the ugffyfgy I try to g for yggifgffof to if f if fgo ft f get pf get y go g to get ff f gg guy g try gg f gugfgggyg guy y go get ft ug get off fyfgyffgyg to go ggy to fxggf to get for go get food yfgg go fug to go to y go for uf fit pf gxy go f go fyydg the f go if he gff get it fg go to a I go to g for yy to a guy og for uf you yf do ff try to the to go ygg go ifdggfggyf gift y if you go g for us yfyggfgfgfy do it it y diff fgfff to go to gf to get g to yy go ffg to gy f fg g fgff go f if you gyy you ff try ffx to go get pf do you go to yffgo f ifpg for a zyxy for ffg day you gg the gggffyygf g fffyf I think it yy I fg to gf off fgg it y go it oy go get fogg for g to y do it to d you g to get FG gg the ggffxxxffff to ff good to gpf g g to gx go xyf to f f if get gyfffg f f get yy go for fgf to g to y did you x g g to gy get f to it f it gfgpfoyfg go if if fun f to ggfgf guy if p get g good if fgg to go gg the f y do g yg for the g fff guy ffg to dygf go fy I gg to f try to go to I go ug the f you y the f y f y if ggggy go p try g for fun yyfyfyf it fyd to ygg to g to f g gyffgf for do u get do ffffggxxfgf this ff I gffggfy to g to ggf for you of g FG to f I get f get off at g to yfffffpgf that f to f guy ggfgfggtg try yy to yyyfgofgoyffyg for f g to gf fix fxxgfffgfffgf g get ft ft FF f do to ffy the gggfffg the ff to go to g for I get g the g to f g f try ffgggygfyyfgfy go to f get fyt to go u g gff the f to get y go gg guy to ffdf to go to ftfgffy get gx f fgf try for us if t f d to ftg to f the tgg the y g pf to g to gf do it y to gg f fffg for gg do I go to ygyy did p g ppgggu hi ffg guy yg to fyfy do fyy if fdyy get g to fg I fg it g to g to ggf do fdp guy to go p go for u f fuofp to go fygghg for gyu it f did y that gg go gy get guy fyyf to f f ofyg if fy it go get get xty to do g to get to go to the go y guy gu try yfgpffg to tf you f to g to get ffyf f fyg to get f fit ff go to the gym g to to do y go ffy do gg try gfgf guy fffgyg if you fyyfg to f to cut off for the f us I f goyf go get g for gy do ffy I uggg get p to yf that the to fit f you do to ggftfg for gg to ff you g to get tf to get it out gy go y for g to g to go ff if he p if guys guy f fun yfyggtgf I ty ty ty ty ty ifff do fgf guy fffggiygyg do gffpffgg good ggugf to do y go gfg do go f the gfg get ff get ggy get fygfyfgg the get the ggf fit yfy if y guy gy to go ggfffggfyy I iyyg the y do y the yf do it ff go to gfffy go to f out y of do ygy to g to ffgfg to fy it f to y fun to it gygffy t f if fygfggyg the f to g to gogo to FF FF FF FF fix y I feel free f if FF fff to go yfyy go get ft ftfg to g for g to f if the guy it fgfgygyyyfff I gyf the gx go gy f g for the igf if thygxdgg I gfg I fo I f I ffg I yafgyg I ffygyfoif I ggogyffgy Ifyfo I yyfg do yf guy pf f yff to y f go yg f fggy get y go yyg f fgy guy f ggyf ugh yg do p go f go f it fy find it fff yyo yyyy go to to f it to yf to t go pf ugh yy to use you for the get f if he fof go get to food f get tfg to gyt got yf for gyo off off to go f get f go yg f fggfg fun of get g f fggg good f did g the f if ygf ugh he f to the y if fyp to fggf for fg try to gy did it go to yggp I get ff to y g g to ggff to g to g to ftgfyg it f to go fyff the f go ggffg hi hi chg he y yy gogffutytyfggytfyggg I ggg I ggydygyg I got yfyffffyugy I Iffgfiugggfyfffggyyy Ig get a tofgfoy to yfodtgfuygx y do g if gg to f guy to gy if u go get FF ffp go fgffy ugh ff the get fit fufyf f ggfgf at gffyxofyux ugh guy g
1) He used TWO different towels: One for the preparation of the uncooked chicken, one for the cooked ones. 2) He used TWO different cutting boards too: One for the uncooked/preparation, one for the cooked ones. 3) His knives are so sharp! I like! 4) Watching this makes me hungry for some barbecue/roasted chicken myself!
Syd Ray in 6:45 you can see one brown handle knife on the left and if you look closely on the lower right hand corner you will see a black handle knife uses for the cook chicken
The chef is an expert, the food is just like Japanese enjoy and the customers sound pretty happy eating and talking ! Congrats and greetings from Brazil !
Recently in Japan, I was surprised at the reverence of chicken. There are restaurants that specialize in chicken, chicken is sometimes eaten raw as sushi, and that triangular pointy knife, the honesuki, is a specialized chicken knife. This chef is a chicken master. Great video. Thanks.
There’s a delicious yakitori stand outside my supermarket which I pass on my way home almost every day. There’s something so satisfying about a few pieces of grilled chicken on your way home from a long day of work.
Man,Man,Man,, now that's a sharp knife that man has skills Japanese as a culture and one time we could all appreciate. Now as we are going through this epidemic that reaching us all around the world,,(all lives matter) we have stop the value of learning each other's crafts. This man have been doing this from childhood education is higher level than our own kids in the United States.🙏🙏🙏
I love the fact that they use each and every part of the chicken...Zero waste...people who throw away those parts don’t realise its the most delicious part of the chicken...like gizzard,skin,liver and heart....🙂
Anthony Bourdain had an episode at this restaurant. He's been doing Yakitori for 37 + years. His chicken are organic. I am a Chef as well. If you raise your chicken right there is no Salmonella. He knows what he ia doing. Amazing CHEF. Only in Japan.
@@marvikv2505 Certainly, I actually like them quite a bit. Really any part is edible, yakitori restaurants like this will often serve chicken cartilage and feet too. Never tried either myself though.
The presentation looks good and clean but nothing extra ordinary about the food, it's all just grilled food. But I really love the cutting skill and how sharp the knife is, so effortless.
I don't think you are right. Making an omelette seems easy, but there is still skill involved in producing a tasty meal. Good chef makes good food. It's not simply barbecued food, preparation matters, heat control matters, quality of ingredients matters, etc. Even the way he cuts meat matters since equally thick meat slices will never get dry on one end and raw on the other.
not fully cooked ... from my experince cuz i love eat and cook chickens ... this is just crap ... it need some spicies like cary -onion-tomato-lemon -black paper ... but in that film he treat chickens like cow meat !!
He always used the white board for cooked meat. Everything that was cut on the wood went back on the grill. Only issue could be that he doesn't was his hands between handling raw and cooked chicken...but its so fresh I doubt there is much of an issue.
@@FilthyFloor It was a joke friend. But his chicken definitely has salmonella. Mabye not high levels but all birds humans, and living things have the salmonella bacteria in their gut. Dormant or not, flinging raw chicken around is never a good idea. He could easily prepare it without doing so but I see it is part of the guest experience. I am aware Japanese chickens and hen's are some of the most clean and healthy animals you can eat. Means nothing in terms of bacteria.
@@shawngrant2262 I got the joke, but I just want to point out, chicken can be salmonella free. As far as I know, if your chicken and hens are free from salmonella in the "factory" or what have you, there aren't any dormant salmonella. If not applicable in Japan, it is in Denmark,
@@FilthyFloor I am well aware. But let's be practical. I doubt they are using Danish chickens and even if they are, the process of getting chickens abroad in a safe manor is rare unless you are paying heavily for or overseeing the import of these items. The infection of salmonella doesnt just happen at adolescence. A chicken can acquire salmonella bacteria a night before it is to be processed to become your rotisserie. I appreciate your knowledge though. The art of culinary could not be more of a melting pot of ideas and cultures. Beautiful.
many available on amazon and e bay. not that expensive BUT of no value unless you know how to keep them sharp. you can do chicken with any european style knie but has to be KEPT sharp
Bruh, me too. Been practicing for a whole year now and became pretty efficient, but his technique made me realize im doing it wrong the whole time lol. I'll stick with my style tho
La magia de esto es el hecho que puedas ver Al chef cocinar. Ahora si fuera mas condimentado llevaria mas tiempo. Tiene su encanto. Todo esto lo puede hacer cualquiera en su casa.
@@javiherr_ cual magia ? Se dedica a tomar carne cruda y cocida sin lavarse las manos, utiliza un paño sucio para limpiar, los comensales si no se enferman de salmonela es por milagro.
Passo fome o dia inteiro... só pra chegar de noite e poder comer com os olhos esses vídeos! Excelente trabalho, destreza e aproveitamento dos alimentos. Parabéns fantasticos😙
Might be custom made like many homemade products which Asians street foods use. I see that under the grill metal gauge are super hot electric rods. Probably not recommended if the electric bill is high in your country. Will be simple and easy to make.
shakil qureshi u are right good observation, now it could be it slipped his mind, but also the Japanese chicken are known to carry far far less bacteria, there are places I have viewed where they eat raw sashimi chicken,,, but he should be as careful with x contamination as he is with is exceptional knife skill, as I don’t know if I have the guts to try,,, anyways kudos to him and u!,,
Omg.. he washed the knife..used that dirty rag to dry it then wipes his hands with it then he kept using that same bacteria ridden rag to wipe the board; and if that weren't bad enough, he kept that same nasty rag right near the chicken while he cut it as parts of the chicken was literally touching that rag...ugh gag...made me nauseous.....I could write a booklet of shocking things I just saw in that vid
Japanese culture, in the most simple work (the rest of the world think that’s) you find passion, perfection and complexity. Congratulations from Mexico.
And you dont tip anyone!
I recomend this chicken.
I myself from Yakutia, from the outback of Russia. I have long noticed that Japanese cooks are so skilled and inventive in their affairs that we can't keep up with them!
Unfortunately this kitchen is not commoners. For an elite restaurant and where the rich visit. Japanese cooks, respect!
This Japanese restaurant is for general pop, not for elites.
The precision of every slice was perfect, salute chef!
*looked perfect
At 3 AM -
RUclips recommends - Wanna see some Japanese cutting skills?
Me* - yeah.
same lol
Same here
@Our ship Barham yes
Same here
I can break down a chicken really quick but I learned a few new things from this 👌
Technique, tools, experience and flat out skill. Nicely done. In awe.
I love the simple treatment of the meat. Lightly salted and any other seasonings are served at the table.
When you want to be a surgeon but become a chef.
11:46 this is why not surgery
I do you one better.when you want to become surgeon but parents forced you to become chef
That's nothing compared to a surgeon, i can do it but i can't do what a surgeon does
ggy he yyuggfgydytyffgggffggg to ygggygggfggyfyygyyyuggguyyyyftyyffgfffugyguyygygyoygfyfyffgfgfuf tryfyyfdfff you f it gufgfyug it fygyy go get uy if youxufxuygf to yyfdffuffuff it x g fxy if uyfu I did ufxf to gyufxgyggfy gofygffg gfffyggffygggggg go yxfuffffgffyfgu ughggf do fggfxf day off yfyyf for cycgyffyyfyfyg if xyfggfyfgf you ufyffxgfyufyfggdfyfg it g for the yyfgfgg if ffy go do g to ft you yff go gyf if fgy to gy the fyf to yg go f to ff do gf to toyyff f do guygfoyf for fffg for fg if fyyxf go g to go fyy g to fu uffydgfy gggdf f f FF gg get gf do dy ufgyygyyffyfdyyyyyygygyygffc ifg toyf get f if ygfyfy to ffypgfgygf to ggfuuggyy ifd to ff the f go fffyfxufyy do yyyd go f to yfy for ydf go ft fofg the ft ftit get x for y guys to ggf fit f go it gets fyyffiffggyyf guy ff it yy go yy get f you guys gy the g fun f try fg to get the yufg get guy I g to get f try f if g it gg the guy yf g ffg guy I think they I go to go f get it out got to yfgy g to get the y g p get ygfgy figure g go to d the guy guy yf to yf you ygfg to gyy he uffg it go to guy got go gofgdf to y if fygy go for ggy the igdfygff do f if yft do y the f if gygggof f f go ffgy guy g I t of g to go get pyyfgy do gyg got g for g to FG I gyfg for if fy f u guy g get the free to gfo for f that fgfyg for ufg go good f go ogy the f to fg go this for df do fiy go g for your u for fg to the f do ffgg guy from go to uffyff off the g the ugffyfgy I try to g for yggifgffof to if f if fgo ft f get pf get y go g to get ff f gg guy g try gg f gugfgggyg guy y go get ft ug get off fyfgyffgyg to go ggy to fxggf to get for go get food yfgg go fug to go to y go for uf fit pf gxy go f go fyydg the f go if he gff get it fg go to a I go to g for yy to a guy og for uf you yf do ff try to the to go ygg go ifdggfggyf gift y if you go g for us yfyggfgfgfy do it it y diff fgfff to go to gf to get g to yy go ffg to gy f fg g fgff go f if you gyy you ff try ffx to go get pf do you go to yffgo f ifpg for a zyxy for ffg day you gg the gggffyygf g fffyf I think it yy I fg to gf off fgg it y go it oy go get fogg for g to y do it to d you g to get FG gg the ggffxxxffff to ff good to gpf g g to gx go xyf to f f if get gyfffg f f get yy go for fgf to g to y did you x g g to gy get f to it f it gfgpfoyfg go if if fun f to ggfgf guy if p get g good if fgg to go gg the f y do g yg for the g fff guy ffg to dygf go fy I gg to f try to go to I go ug the f you y the f y f y if ggggy go p try g for fun yyfyfyf it fyd to ygg to g to f g gyffgf for do u get do ffffggxxfgf this ff I gffggfy to g to ggf for you of g FG to f I get f get off at g to yfffffpgf that f to f guy ggfgfggtg try yy to yyyfgofgoyffyg for f g to gf fix fxxgfffgfffgf g get ft ft FF f do to ffy the gggfffg the ff to go to g for I get g the g to f g f try ffgggygfyyfgfy go to f get fyt to go u g gff the f to get y go gg guy to ffdf to go to ftfgffy get gx f fgf try for us if t f d to ftg to f the tgg the y g pf to g to gf do it y to gg f fffg for gg do I go to ygyy did p g ppgggu hi ffg guy yg to fyfy do fyy if fdyy get g to fg I fg it g to g to ggf do fdp guy to go p go for u f fuofp to go fygghg for gyu it f did y that gg go gy get guy fyyf to f f ofyg if fy it go get get xty to do g to get to go to the go y guy gu try yfgpffg to tf you f to g to get ffyf f fyg to get f fit ff go to the gym g to to do y go ffy do gg try gfgf guy fffgyg if you fyyfg to f to cut off for the f us I f goyf go get g for gy do ffy I uggg get p to yf that the to fit f you do to ggftfg for gg to ff you g to get tf to get it out gy go y for g to g to go ff if he p if guys guy f fun yfyggtgf I ty ty ty ty ty ifff do fgf guy fffggiygyg do gffpffgg good ggugf to do y go gfg do go f the gfg get ff get ggy get fygfyfgg the get the ggf fit yfy if y guy gy to go ggfffggfyy I iyyg the y do y the yf do it ff go to gfffy go to f out y of do ygy to g to ffgfg to fy it f to y fun to it gygffy t f if fygfggyg the f to g to gogo to FF FF FF FF fix y I feel free f if FF fff to go yfyy go get ft ftfg to g for g to f if the guy it fgfgygyyyfff I gyf the gx go gy f g for the igf if thygxdgg I gfg I fo I f I ffg I yafgyg I ffygyfoif I ggogyffgy Ifyfo I yyfg do yf guy pf f yff to y f go yg f fggy get y go yyg f fgy guy f ggyf ugh yg do p go f go f it fy find it fff yyo yyyy go to to f it to yf to t go pf ugh yy to use you for the get f if he fof go get to food f get tfg to gyt got yf for gyo off off to go f get f go yg f fggfg fun of get g f fggg good f did g the f if ygf ugh he f to the y if fyp to fggf for fg try to gy did it go to yggp I get ff to y g g to ggff to g to g to ftgfyg it f to go fyff the f go ggffg hi hi chg he y yy gogffutytyfggytfyggg I ggg I ggydygyg I got yfyffffyugy I Iffgfiugggfyfffggyyy Ig get a tofgfoy to yfodtgfuygx y do g if gg to f guy to gy if u go get FF ffp go fgffy ugh ff the get fit fufyf f ggfgf at gffyxofyux ugh guy g
I have visited Japan on a few occasions and even Yakitori from street vendors is amazing. This video just makes
me want to go back.
1) He used TWO different towels: One for the preparation of the uncooked chicken, one for the cooked ones.
2) He used TWO different cutting boards too: One for the uncooked/preparation, one for the cooked ones.
3) His knives are so sharp! I like!
4) Watching this makes me hungry for some barbecue/roasted chicken myself!
udasan,, he uses the same knife though.
Syd Ray he has 3 knives and as i can see he uses a different knife for the cook chicken
Syd Ray in 6:45 you can see one brown handle knife on the left and if you look closely on the lower right hand corner you will see a black handle knife uses for the cook chicken
He used his hand grabbing fresh meat and then cooked meat even though he changed knives! I double checked.
An incredible resource, thank you for posting!
12 years living in Japan and this is one of the top three yakitori restaurants I’ve been to! Not fancy but great food, atmosphere and service.
Hello Cary. Can you please give me location of this place? Or it's name if you know it. Thank you.
@@mrarvind1606 Toriki Honten. 3-11-13 Hatanodai. 813 37858472. Enjoy.
The chef is an expert, the food is just like Japanese enjoy and the customers sound pretty happy eating and talking ! Congrats and greetings from Brazil !
Good knife skills and simple cooking technique. 👍
Recently in Japan, I was surprised at the reverence of chicken. There are restaurants that specialize in chicken, chicken is sometimes eaten raw as sushi, and that triangular pointy knife, the honesuki, is a specialized chicken knife. This chef is a chicken master. Great video. Thanks.
That is indeed one blinking sharp knife. So satisfying to watch!
Get yourself a belt sander , you could shave with the edge it CAN give you .
There’s a delicious yakitori stand outside my supermarket which I pass on my way home almost every day. There’s something so satisfying about a few pieces of grilled chicken on your way home from a long day of work.
Excellent cutting skill. They never fail to impressed me. Food look simple but very unique
The art of the Japanese culture is from time spent. The way he debone that quarter,, and cook.
Fresh ingredients, seasoned well, cooked with love... the recipe for a successful biz
I love the simplicity in the preparation and the food :)
Man,Man,Man,, now that's a sharp knife that man has skills Japanese as a culture and one time we could all appreciate. Now as we are going through this epidemic that reaching us all around the world,,(all lives matter) we have stop the value of learning each other's crafts. This man have been doing this from childhood education is higher level than our own kids in the United States.🙏🙏🙏
I love the fact that they use each and every part of the chicken...Zero waste...people who throw away those parts don’t realise its the most delicious part of the chicken...like gizzard,skin,liver and heart....🙂
Anthony Bourdain had an episode at this restaurant. He's been doing Yakitori for 37 + years. His chicken are organic. I am a Chef as well. If you raise your chicken right there is no Salmonella. He knows what he ia doing. Amazing CHEF. Only in Japan.
All chicken is organic. What are you even on about.
Absolutely next level knife skill. Unreal.
This dude made 10 meals from one chicken , in the other hand their is me who eat a whole chicken in one meal 😂
3:56 I'm pretty sure those are chicken hearts so... definitely way more than one chicken is involved!
@@tomservo9254 is chicken heart edible?
@@marvikv2505 Certainly, I actually like them quite a bit. Really any part is edible, yakitori restaurants like this will often serve chicken cartilage and feet too. Never tried either myself though.
@@tomservo9254 wanna try this but sadly due the pandemic i thing travels have to wait till 2022 🥺
@@marvikv2505 you never eat that?
Crispy chicken skin is the greatest
With a bowl of rice
but it has high bad cholesterol :(, u will get fat..
Entah kenapa paling seneng liat-liat konten yang berbau Jepang 🤗
I wonder why I'm watching this.. I've to complete my assignment 😣
The presentation looks good and clean but nothing extra ordinary about the food, it's all just grilled food. But I really love the cutting skill and how sharp the knife is, so effortless.
I don't think you are right. Making an omelette seems easy, but there is still skill involved in producing a tasty meal. Good chef makes good food. It's not simply barbecued food, preparation matters, heat control matters, quality of ingredients matters, etc. Even the way he cuts meat matters since equally thick meat slices will never get dry on one end and raw on the other.
It might look simple but reality is its very umami. You need to try it.
Gosto muitooooo dos japoneses eles são maravilhosos.sao inteligente de mais.amooooo
Quero seu zap
Thanks for your video, very nice and interesting
This is Toriki in Hatanodai, near Shinagawa. They have a few joints in the same area including one in Kamata.
It's crazy how moist that chicken turns out. I need to step my chicken cooking game up.
My guess would be the low heat. From my knowledge, salt usually dry stuff out.
Aye, that's fantastic. Keep going at it!
Jason fry the skin, use the oil to cook the chicken. Super flavour
There was an episode with Anthony Gourds in with this guy on travel channel. It's also on You Tube
not fully cooked ... from my experince cuz i love eat and cook chickens ... this is just crap ... it need some spicies like cary -onion-tomato-lemon -black paper ... but in that film he treat chickens like cow meat !!
Absolutely amazing chef. Terrific cutting skills. But come on, using same cutting board for raw and cooked chicken? High Crossed contaminación mate
He always used the white board for cooked meat. Everything that was cut on the wood went back on the grill. Only issue could be that he doesn't was his hands between handling raw and cooked chicken...but its so fresh I doubt there is much of an issue.
Very nice keep it up
I always support your hardwork 💯❤️💯❤️💯
Salmonella EVERYWHERE!! Great knife skills tho. Hokage with the blade. 🎎🥇✊🏾👊🏾😁
Not all countries has salmonella in their chicken, brother
@@FilthyFloor It was a joke friend. But his chicken definitely has salmonella. Mabye not high levels but all birds humans, and living things have the salmonella bacteria in their gut. Dormant or not, flinging raw chicken around is never a good idea. He could easily prepare it without doing so but I see it is part of the guest experience. I am aware Japanese chickens and hen's are some of the most clean and healthy animals you can eat. Means nothing in terms of bacteria.
@@shawngrant2262 I got the joke, but I just want to point out, chicken can be salmonella free.
As far as I know, if your chicken and hens are free from salmonella in the "factory" or what have you, there aren't any dormant salmonella.
If not applicable in Japan, it is in Denmark,
@@FilthyFloor I am well aware. But let's be practical. I doubt they are using Danish chickens and even if they are, the process of getting chickens abroad in a safe manor is rare unless you are paying heavily for or overseeing the import of these items. The infection of salmonella doesnt just happen at adolescence. A chicken can acquire salmonella bacteria a night before it is to be processed to become your rotisserie. I appreciate your knowledge though. The art of culinary could not be more of a melting pot of ideas and cultures. Beautiful.
I just want the knife.
youre a muslim?
many available on amazon and e bay. not that expensive BUT of no value unless you know how to keep them sharp. you can do chicken with any european style knie but has to be KEPT sharp
Fightero Shut the fuck up. Talk about racism.
Erva Asena Bozkurt awnnnn ...
Yes, me too. And the whetstone too.
I don’t think the taste is gonna be good.But I like the way he deals with food. It is quite meticulous. And the knife is awesome
Yep, because you dont know how to appreciate a raw material without spices.
Como preparo un pollo
What can I say about Japanese Chef's. They're simply the best in the world!
Adoro esses japoneses! Muito geniais!
That move at 2:06 is everything! Whoa. Truly a professional!
I love Japan it was good memory clean and tasty food
I hope everybody in the world come back here and enjoy the food. Beat the COVID and we will!
12:27, that wing is still alive 🤣
taffyboy07 ok
taffyboy07 ok
Nossa 😱 quanta habilidade com a faca,quanta habilidade com o frango, perfeição!!!
Também achei fantastico.
I've been preparing chicken for a long time now but his cutting skills make me seem like a total newbie lol.
Sonic Dave 6m
Skill level = asian 😂
Sonic, just use a ultra sharp knife.
Bruh, me too. Been practicing for a whole year now and became pretty efficient, but his technique made me realize im doing it wrong the whole time lol. I'll stick with my style tho
I deeply appreciate when the whole animal is cooked, plus the ninja skills
And nobody says how professional they are! Look how they do with chicks! They are real good!
This is the first time i see a very unique food
Everything is done in perfection and nothing seems to go on waste
Rebekah Tako
Japanese always appreciate to food and their lives, we killed animals to eat. So we eat all of eatables
Can tou tell me is this is a frozen chicken
@@ayamsharma8410 no, from the looks of it
Why is this in my recommendations? And why did I just watch it?
RUclips algorithm knows you will be curious about to watch this video
First question is for Google for second question you should work more to search the answer
Unga appana poi kelu
Vanessa i love u
@@solong9517 boy that escalated quickly
Me watching while eating vegetable's
Mayank Sahu kiyyy
The Japanese have developed everything to a fine art.
I absolutely love gizzards😋
Who doesnt
I like when Japanese old man making food
Respect from Italy!
He’s pretty slick with that knife!!!
That's one of the basic skills a chef should have.
素晴らしい!He’s got skills!
Awesome Japan
I can't believe he is able to do all that at once, cutting, grilling.... without burning single dish.
2:28 なんだろう…鶏に対する親父さんの愛を感じた
That knife is kinda a Samurai knife 😂
The best knives in Japan are actually made with the same knowledge gained from creating Katanas!
Sinceramente nose me hace la gran cosa solo sazona con sal! Pero mis respetos al momento de partir el pollo 🤯👴
La magia de esto es el hecho que puedas ver Al chef cocinar. Ahora si fuera mas condimentado llevaria mas tiempo. Tiene su encanto. Todo esto lo puede hacer cualquiera en su casa.
@@javiherr_ cual magia ?
Se dedica a tomar carne cruda y cocida sin lavarse las manos, utiliza un paño sucio para limpiar, los comensales si no se enferman de salmonela es por milagro.
Born surgeon but made chef i now. Believe Japanese chef can train medical students
Passo fome o dia inteiro... só pra chegar de noite e poder comer com os olhos esses vídeos!
Excelente trabalho, destreza e aproveitamento dos alimentos.
Parabéns fantasticos😙
Хорошее исполнение, исполнитель знает что делает 👏👏👏👍🏻
Давно такого цирка не видел.Этот клоун обвалку делать не умеет.
@@viktorarustamyan7892почему? Большого отхода не увидел.
I love how these people cook. Give me about 5 lb of that skin ,Little rice on the side. And 4 or 5 bites of that chicken breast on a stick.
Nice video brother go ahead next time I like your video brother..........#######$$
FYI, his knife is so sharp it cuts and kills salmonella!
I was thinking the same thing!!!
Salmonella does not grow in Japan 🤩
@@durangoyo1 wot
旗の台 鳥樹
焼き鳥うまし 助かりましたー
So basically no seasoning but you still pay premium for the chicken because chef cut the chicken slowly to make it look very very professional.
He makes it so easy. I'm going to try to cut chicken this way, especially at 1:42 getting the wings off with lot of the meat attached
thats really sharp knive
sharpening angle it is very small, there is 15 degrees - it's a razor of some sort))
His skills are sharper than his knife!!
It is a Japanese Utility knife
0:50 grandmaster knife skill 👌
yummy yummy friend good idea thank you forshare
I'am just wondering how sharp that knife is. Wish to get a knife like that
A skilled hand will make any blunt knife appear sharp.
Эээ,так,в чем прикол то?Это просто ножом режет?
I'm more interested in the grill! Where can I get one?
Might be custom made like many homemade products which Asians street foods use. I see that under the grill metal gauge are super hot electric rods. Probably not recommended if the electric bill is high in your country. Will be simple and easy to make.
Wow..maybe it's so delicious
What did you just say?
Wonderful knife skills!
오늘도 잘보고갑니다~^^
12:30-13:00 cooked food on raw meat chopping board, nice cross contamination :3 good job chef
So fucking blind
@@jasonpoya look at 12:51
shakil qureshi u are right good observation, now it could be it slipped his mind, but also the Japanese chicken are known to carry far far less bacteria, there are places I have viewed where they eat raw sashimi chicken,,, but he should be as careful with x contamination as he is with is exceptional knife skill, as I don’t know if I have the guts to try,,, anyways kudos to him and u!,,
I hope I had this skill so my mom will stop complaining
Eles sao. Muita calma.
@@mixedlove1234 are you stupid?
This chef is genius
У японцев всё чистенько, приятно смотреть.
Is he cutting the grilled chicken on the same board where he cut the raw chicken before?
Omg.. he washed the knife..used that dirty rag to dry it then wipes his hands with it then he kept using that same bacteria ridden rag to wipe the board; and if that weren't bad enough, he kept that same nasty rag right near the chicken while he cut it as parts of the chicken was literally touching that rag...ugh gag...made me nauseous.....I could write a booklet of shocking things I just saw in that vid
No bacteria. These chickens are of very high quality. You could eat them raw.
Said the food safety inspector.
daximilian hahahahaha good one
The cross contamination is mindboggling.
@@melitasantillan2752 you must not know how cross contamination works
Last I checked, Japanese have quite a long life expectancy. But hey, you do you
Omg its driving me nuts to watch this!! Thought I was the only one who noticed lol 😖🤢
I'm just going to ignore it, it's crazy. But hey. Focus.
I did not read the thread but prutty much just said this lol
I am just sitting here fascinated by the guy who is the master of chicken 🐔
He placed the cooked chicken on the same cutting board he cut the raw chicken 😂 😲😂🤣 he outta line for that 😂
If Ramsay saw this he'd throw a fit
Really? Which part?
7:14 -12:14 👀👀👀👀😭🤣
No one died or fell ill.
He cuts the cooked meats only on the white chopping board & not on the brown on.
Wow it is really skill full with food , i want to learn from you
I love how this guy handles both raw and cooked meat at the same time
Is that a sarcastic remark🤔, I hope??
Everything neat and clean brother hatsoff