I cry watching these videos , I have a severe cross bite and have always been scared to get the surgery .. but I’m finally taking the steps towards it at 31 ..
Hello! Thank you for posting videos about this. I have watched your jawsurgery videos so many times. I’m currently 10 days post upper jaw surgery. I was up and walking and eating soft foods 2 days after surgery, I had full energy back 3 days after surgery. I have also started to chew a little, since my surgeon only told me to use common sense. Not biting off things yet. I am so happy I did this!
i have an underbite its only less 15days left till my double jaw surgery. im really scared of anything bad happen but i believe everything will turn out fine. ur video made me feel much better!
+Natalie H im doing great! the surgery really changed my whole life. i can speak better than before. this surgery improve my self confident and im not shy to show my side profile to anyone anymore. its the best decision that ive ever made. u will be having this surgery too? excuse my english hehe i dont speak english
Its a little bit on from the release of this video but sharing your 2-years experience on has some interesting points. I'm only just over 4 weeks post-operation now, and it wasn't voluntary! Had an incident off my bicycle which resulted in: broken upper jaw, right cheek broken, left cheek fractured, right eye-socket broken (just missed optic nerve) and fractured septum (punctured the cerbul fluid sack but healed itself). To quote the maxillofacial surgeons: very, very lucky and a jigsaw puzzle! My teeth are the largest concern and (not being a patient person) seem to be taking the longest to settle. I have a 5 week followup from the surgeon this week and second dental appointment in 2 weeks. I was very lucky in all; six titanium plates (three for the jaw, three for my right eye), 30 screws and talented surgeon later, apart from scars, swelling and brusing, coming back together. My question is: how long did you have braces for when they were fitted? Again, very lucky, my teeth roots did not break but 5 of my top teeth have been pushed significantly over and the mouth is, well, a mess... ugly really! So the journey is just starting, my top lip (like yours) is very tingly and mostly numb still, don't know how long that will last. I sometimes don't know my nose is running until I can taste it (not very attractive!) and the inside of my mouth where the plates are is very sensative. I'm not speaking the best and the cold-cold air plays havoc with the plates in my jaw and the ache a lot. Did you get any of that with your plates? thanks
I'm considering jaw surgery at the ripe old age of 35....it's amazing to see how much you've changed now just in how you look but more imporantly your confidence in this video vs. just 3 years prior. Well done!
Almost no insurance companies will pay for it when you're an old fart like us. Cigna (group plans only - not buying it independently but only with a company) covered the procedure for me for $3,000 (out of pocket maximum) but even with that only 1 surgeon in my large city accepted that insurance too..... Either way, good luck!
@@David-no7zi That's some serious contrast to the American system. Our government isn't big on health related social services and that leaves the bill for the insurance companies. The insurance companies don't want the bill either as they are a business trying to maximize profits. Maxillofacial doctors are the 3rd highest paid occupations in our county according to our 2018 census (behind anesthesiologist and surgeons). Consequently, almost all insurance companies consider the operation 'cosmetic' and won't pay for it if you're old (despite underbites inhibiting eating, breathing, and speaking). I'm done with this soap box if someone else wants it.
I'm on week 3-4 of post surgery and just lightly blended some devil eggs - would totally suggest this food combo to anyone else looking for food ideas.
@@IIIlIIIllIl Hey Michael thanks for getting back to me. Good to hear that you're making it through your surgery. I am currently on the fence....I've always hated the way I look and this IS the solution, it's just a significant recovery and I'm not sure if I have the mental strength...I'm also concerned that I won't like my 'new face'. Did you have single or double jaw surgery?
The reason you feel the cold more is you have much larger synuses now, you can breath easier, won't expectorate and will snore less. Not a bad trade off for feeling the cold more.
I have an underbite and crossjaw and have always wanted this surgery, my friend got it and scared me away from getting it cause her experience was horrible. This encouraged me a lot to look more into it. Thank you!
The head and upper body posture and tongue position are primordial in order to maintain and add to the results gained through surgery. Look up for "orthotropics". The face muscles play a major role in the way the face looks and behaves and the way the tongue rests in the mouth directly affects these muscles.
Hi , just got a bi- jaw surgery 1week ago.. and Im recovering now.. however feel so so weak.. and the liquids just making me hungry and impatient. I love your smile and the prominent change the surgery has brought.
I'm 4 months post op, honestly I was half assing it after the first 3 weeks, stayed away from school for 2 months and I was being scolded by my doctor for not eating enough and being active. Luckily my swelling went down by 3 months, I still get cramps in my jaws whenever I'm exhausted (I have a terrible sleeping patterns) but I've also been eating alot while I wasn't allowed to I'm just lucky I didn't get injuries for my lack of care bruhh. One of the cons I have beside the cramps and numbness is my teeth sensitivity, I drink water with a straw all the time. I also want my face to tighten more, as I feel like I have a slight sagging around my nose where my plates were inserted. I'll get my braces off next month!! I'm so happy about that❤❤
@@Farhan-f9n I suggest that you look into it where you live or at your desired clinic because I barely had to pay for mine I've also done double jaw surgery to correct my bite and the appearance of my gum, my chin was corrected too as a bonus and I don't even have a v shape jawline as a result but a shape that flatters me!
I got my jaw surgery about 1.5 - 2 years ago and I also have some numbness on my top left upper lip as well. This is definitely reassuring that someone else has the same complications as me, but I do not regret getting the surgery. The recovery was rough but the outcome is more than I can ask for. Thanks for sharing this video!! :D
@disciplined kid yes it was worth it for me 😀 I didn't have a severe under bit, but it was to correct my bit for sure since ny previous orthodontist didn't want to go through with surgery since he flared out my top teeth to fit over my bottom and I was not happy. I don't remember how much it cost, sorry!
@disciplined kid I'd say do whatever makes you happy. If you feel like its a issue that stays in the back of your head and makes you feel insecure. Go for it. But keep in mind of possible complications and sometimes the surgery won't fix your issue. Im really happy with my results! Just do more research into it because i wish i was better prepared for it going into it. Good luck!
I love that you said you take way too many selfies. I hate selfies and I hate photos and I have to do all these crazy things like suck my cheeks in and stick my front slip out and then I feel like oh I look normal and I’m not even a person who really cares about these things, but at the end of the dayapparently matters a little bit and I just wish I could’ve had this done earlier. I wish I could’ve had it done this year, but everyone wants to disown me so I’m kind of stuck.
Lots of things to watch out for in jaw surgery...The lose skin from shortening of the jaw may make you appear older...the numbness in the nose, teeth and cheek area will last a year or more..clamps to hold the jaw down sometimes are left in the jaw for a second surgery or if you don't mind a foreign object planted in your jaw for the remaining of your life then it's cool..the crease in the inside cheek of you mouth is permanent..sinus hole, when putting your jaw back together may appear smaller and harder to breath, and than they would have to readjust again..Most importantly the roof of your mouth is made higher, so when mouth is closed and tongue is relaxing there is so much space and air between the tongue and roof of your mouth...Good Luck! hope I helped so you will know what type of question to ask before surgery or other alternatives.
Thank you for your message. Im trying about everything to avoid the surgery. Im on the bone broth diet. I m having braces for better occlusion. Crossed fingers it will work. I suffer so much everyday from the pain. It s horrible.
I had jaw surgery similar to yours four weeks ago. Still have to take pain killers. I'm hoping this pain goes away soon. Other than that I'm feeling really well.
I had lower jaw surgery to correct my underbite 30 years ago, no regrets, no issues. My 17 ye old daughter is scheduled to have upper and lower jaw surgery to correct her underbite and cross bite and I am literally freaking out about the impact to the sinus cavity from having the upper jaw surgery. I am thinking of just having her do the lower jaw only even though this will not correct her underbite, at least it will lessen it? After watching the videos of upper jaw surgery, seems everyone is left with some impact to their sinus cavity and some residual nerve damage. Even our surgeon admitted that he has had 14 patients return with ENT doctors to revise the upper jaw in order to get some sinus relief...and one video I watched left me in tears as the young beautiful girl was left with nerve damage so severe that she could not smile on one side of her face and her jaw was more crooked after the surgery than beforehand. I am desperate for someone to talk to, at this point I just want to have her braces removed and leave things as they are since she her upper teeth are straight and she has a beautiful smile, no jaw pain, no sinus issues. I just don’t see how correcting her bite is worth the risks of sinus cavity impacted and nerve damage. It will be her decision to make as she will be of age at time if surgery but as a mom, I am seriously freaking out. Please help!
Amanda, so amazed looking at your videos. I've been so worried watching other peoples videos!! :/ I am having double jaw surgery and a "chin job," with it - for an overbite and "gummy" smile. I have two kids and am in my 30's, so it's a big deal that I've waited ages for. I'm a runner and into fitness etc... so, I was really pleased to hear about this shakeology thing, I am definitely going to take your advice on that. Anyway, I have been so encouraged by your positive attitude and seeing you post op after just 5 weeks - was just amazing. I think I'll be having the surgery in a few months :)
@natalie H thank you for letting me know! Please reach out to me if I can help with anything at all! PS. I would SO appreciate you going through my referral link for Shakeology! It's www.shakeology.com/amandaplazek I'm here for you!
Hey rusty - I should be due to have the surgery in a couple of months. I go through phases of feeling totally terrified and freaked out - to just being more resigned with it and wanting to get it over with. For the most part, people who have continued to have some numbness have generally got totally used to it and don't even notice it eventually, so I wouldn't worry about that. For me, I'm just concerned with the whole recovery in general and how that will be - and just the thought of the actual Op itself. Do you have any idea when you'll be due to have it?
I have suffered from severe TMJ since I was 17, now 52. The doctors told me I wouldn't benefit from jaw surgery because my ligaments were to loose. Now my jaw is completely fused together because of the constant rubbing of the bones together. I don't know if there is anything that can be done for me now as I now have Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis.
You look really pretty 😍 I'm hoping that I get the same experience as well, my jaw is bigger on one side and on the other side it's so balanced and beautiful. I'm hoping I like my results, I'm hoping I can get this done within a year or so
So I worry about relapse, i'm not wearing my retainer because I didnt feel my teeth were in the right position until now and I feel like I have crumbling enamel, i'm sure the retainer will keep things stable,apparently keeping a good posture and knowing your tongue posture helps too
You look so good I’m 50 and started this journey when I was 46 wanted to do a 20 years ago but my family was opposed and everyone said Jaw Surgery dangerous and scary and I was edged to edge class three so I’m fine but I had it with my appearance with my neck and head pain and chipping teeth and receiving gums so I started the braces and nowmy family are threatening to just leave me alone if I get it done so I’ve been stuck in a really weird position and I’m scared and I need help financially so it’s really been crazy. I’m just keeping the braces on and doing nothing which is awful.
Hi Amanda. I have an overbite that causes speech impediments and headaches. I get depression from time to time as well from my side profile. So im thinking about getting the Orthognathic Surgery, but I would like to know about dieting post surgery. Protein shakes, meal shakes, things like that.
+Wani M. you're welcome! Best of luck in your surgery! If you ever need help, reach out to me at www.amandaplazek.com -> contact me and I'm here for you!
Thank you!! Your the first one that actually provided nutrition information. I am just a little over one week post jaw sugery. I am really just living day to day with trying to figure out what to eat. I am not a big fan of ensure/ protein drinks. What would you recommend?? :)
Hi Amanda, my sister have had jaw surgery 4 weeks ago a tumor with removal . Since she can't eat solid food she has to drink protein shakes and smoothies. Was there any specific supplements and vitamins thst you used that helped you get the nutrients you needed? Cheers
severe underbite, grinding down my molars to the point of ending to have them extracted and looking at getting dental implants. 2 lots of braces that did not work. all this time and money for nothing. but even with top level health insurance jaw surgery will be in excess of $30,000 out of pocket. plus added time and cost of braces AGAIN. i give up
I have some questions I was hoping you coukd answer for me. Did you loose any weight? When if ever do the metal components come out? Do you have to wear a retainer?
hi,! i'm now close to 1 month bi-jaw surgery, and one thing that really worries me is that i feels like my mouth is stuck, i mean i cant open my mouth as must i use to or i feel i should open... that happen to you? if so, how do you solve?
what was your surgery though? what were the advancements and in what directions? im looking into double jaw surgery to bring my lower jaw and upper jaw forward and down. but im so scared of the surgery. the thought of it makes me terrified. im afraid of not being able to breath after surgery, the idea of them cutting out my upper jaw, nerve issues, and aesthetically, i hope i achieve my desired results. Oh, did your surgeon give you a before/after prediction with some photo software?
Question for you, did you get a nose job at the same time as your surgery? Your nose looks more pointed and I’d like that for myself too when I undergo surgery in a month or so. Did they do a septoplasty on you?
I was one of the first people to have this surgery in the u.k. In theatre they was student orthodontic.maxilofacial surgeons they were all brilliant I'm glad to have helped the nhs as they have me xxx
@@evelynmidgley7620 thank you very much my dear I think that is not free for me i don't have enough money i have lower and back jaw my teeth is crowded i have very bad smile 😢😥
I’m about to have this surgery, but Surgeon “staff members” says they don’t accept insurance for that so I would need to pay 40,000 to 50,000 thousands dollars out of my pocket, because they don’t have any contract with any insurance company now, which is Ridiculous 😭 I’m working days and night to collect that much money to get my treatment😢 Secondly, I was scared for this surgery it still have to go for it, I wanna know how painful it’s and what nutrition I need as you mentioned in this video , please spell for me Thankyou. If your surgery was covered with Insurance, what insurance you had and what plan PPO Or HMO or which one, please help me for that , Thankyou:)
ur the best I'm so terrified for mine comming up!! ur the sweetest this really helped!!! any tips on swelling or pain or nausea or the link to the superfoods shake?? aha sorry, that was a lot
So when I got out of surgery I could talk right away which I have found uncommon. Is that good or bad? Its only my second day out of surgery and the only thing I’m worried about is the nose drainage, what can I do to help that?
Well I too had a jaw surgery of the left side done and the pain that I use to experience before my surgery is better but still the right side of my jaw pains and hurts a lot well my surgeon said that it is fine and I don't need the surgery of the right side but still my jaw hurts a lot while I eat and night.
Hi Amanda, I've been watching your videos about your jaw surgery and I'm considering having my underbite correction surgery. These videos were very helpful, also I'd be glad if you can answer some of the questions I have about the whole process. Please let me know if you ever had the time so I can reach to you soon. Thank you.
I am also in the beginning of stages and trying to figure out insurance and who to go for for the surgery. I found a specialist for braces but the surgron he would prefer I go to is like 80k and barely covered by any insurance. My other option I was thinking was to get braces now, get kaiser in 6 months, then have the surgery covered by Kaiser. What kind of insurance did you have? Thank you for making this video, much appreciated.
Hi Bette! Please refer to one of my newest videos: ruclips.net/video/J52FBlT-H5U/видео.html I discuss insurance in this video ^. I had insurance through my workplace, and my surgeon was in-network.
Thanks so much for posting this, girl! Very informative. I'm actually getting surgery soon, too. I am wondering if you could explain more about what it was like to get put to sleep? This is the part that FREAKS me OUT!! Like, what does it feel like? How do they do it? What does it feel like when they put the stuff in, like do you get sleepy or is more like wide awake to instantly out? Could you have stayed awake if you would have tried or is it impossible? Haha. Basically whatever you remember about that part would be helpful. Thanks so much!
xcalabur18 I haven’t had this surgery, but when I got my wisdom teeth removed, they knocked me out. I too was scared most of that part, but it’s fantastic. I don’t even remember falling asleep. The gave me laughing gas first to help with anxiety, which just made me feel strange. It’s hard to explain how it felt, but they could have just skipped it and gone straight to sedating me. One minute I’m talking to the nurses and surgeon and all of a sudden, they’re waking me up. I had NO RECOLLECTION of the time that had passed. It’s not like when you sleep and you wake up with the perception that time has passed... you just wake up without knowing you had ever gone to sleep. It was easily the most bizarre experience of my life. Don’t be scared of it. Embrace it.
Hi Amanda, I have been living with my jaw and I am really paining over having surgery. I do wish I can wake up tomorrow and it would just be gone but that hasn't happened. The fear is what is stopping me but you seem very happy with your results. How long did you have to wear braces before the surgery and did you have to wear braces again after the surgery?
Love your videos! I have a lot of questions when it comes to how to begin, where to go first, who to go, how much is surgery and does any insurance covers that kind of surgery and if yes, witch one is the best?! Thank you so much Love love your smile 😀
I was supposed to get this surgery, but I don't think I can get this surgery as its a little to much for me, I'm going to be getting veneers to align the bite instead thanks for your videos! 🎉🌸
Hey I've not even got my braces yet for jaw surgery but am just starting the process (beginning with having a few teeth removed!)...could you give advice on the nutrition plan please? (Couldnt get on to your website!) I'll have to go back to work asap after the surgery (I'll rest about 3 weeks first though) and so bruising is the last thing I need!
hi thanks for sharing. helpful info, do u know any good resources that i can use to read and learn more about jaw surgery. i have an open bite and have been putting off the surgery for a while now. but started thinking about it more cause chewing with an open bite sucks !!!!
I have a overbite and my lower jaw is pushed back they said I could take a surgery or orthopedic treatment I'm scared and they're also going to remove my wisdom teeth
I also have had a severe underbite. I would be interested in the support group you have. I almost feel as if it's to late and no way my work would allow me to take off the time necessary to recover
If you give a good enough reason such as poor quality of life because of a messed up jaw they will do it. Read your insurance plan. The surgery ranges from $20-40k
Hey I had a chance to do the surgery when I was a teenager but I chickened out, im 29 now and I regret not doing the surgery, can you give me any advice please
I cant feel part of my bottom lip and chin and its been a year now :( but I do love my results it put my self esteem up I just get sad that I cant feel my bottom lip its so frustrating especially when I eat. Do you still have numbness? What are some remedies that helped you get rid of the numbness?
I still have the tingling in my upper lip (that I mention in this video). I believe that my nutrition played a BIG part in nerve recovery and regeration...at this point I would absolutely consult your oral surgeon for tips on how to help with nerve regeneration.
May I ask who your surgeon was? I’ve been through 2 total joint replacements and left with catastrophic nerve damage to the right side of my face as well as being given a prosthetic twice that I’m allergic to. I’m a registered nurse of 27 years and this has been a life altering experience. Im looking for a new surgeon to put in an all titanium joint and address some of the nerve damage. I’ve always been such a supporter of physicians throughout my career but I feel like I got punched in the gut and literally the face by these two men. Any help would be appreciated. You look beautiful by the way!
We were just told it's going to cost $43, 014 out of pocket 2 weeks prior to surgery.... does that sound right?? We are freaking out because my hubby has had his braces on for 2 years now & we just got hit with these numbers!!! The surgeon said Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance won't cover anything.
Darla Burpo Yes, that unfortunately sounds about right. Not sure where you live but Kaisers highest insurance plan (abt $500/month) will cover it almost 100%. It's one of the few companies that does.
Wow great results! Thanks for the great advice! I'm getting double jaw surgery this Wednesday January 27, 2016 to fix my under bite and I'm extremely nervous! One question I have because I don't know if anyone has mentioned this but my surgeon explained to me that he will have to remove a piece of carlige from my hip to replace it onto my upper jaw, I was wondering if you had this done for your double jaw surgery?
+Jasslove nava Today is your jaw surgery, best of luck!! I myself didn't get any cartilage taken from my hip for my upper jaw, but every case is different. I hope all goes well today!
Thank you so much. I'm nervous but happy that it will be fine, seeing so many that had the surgery makes me more calm and sure I can go through this as well. Thank you for sharing your experience.
I'm doing better I have no pain which is good I am two weeks now I still have the splint in my mouth, I can also talk but sound weird because the splint. I cant feel my bottom lip and chin though which worries me. How long after did you get all your feelings back?
okay thank you I will, hopefully I get all my feeling back I herd there's a chance it can be permanent. When did you get to bite down on sold food like a apple?
2019 and I'm so glad to see this. My daughter is suppose to have this surgery now at 14 and I have been avoiding phone calls from her specialist office and just crying my eyes out in fear!!! Shes in the band at her school and has the singing voice of an angel and I'm afraid of her not being able to do any of that afterwards. I want what's best for her and don't want fear to overwhelm me and cancel the whole process..😭
do u have the shake info or like link and where I can find it maybe?? thanks so much!! you are really making it better, I have to get mine in a year and I'm still stressing!! thnx for helping.
+olinda013 I would recommend plenty of vegetables before and after the surgery. Post-op I would recommend making your own shake with some type of protein (greek yogurt?) in them, because you'll be hungry and won't be able to chew. Best of luck!
I would love to talk to you. I have severe sleep apnea and chronic fatigue and I am considering MMA surgery for sleep apnea. I am so afraid of being disfigured orI heard one person say she drools.
ONE! you have a beautiful smile! And yes the running nose think is also awesome, ha because finally your sinuses can drain out instead of getting backed up. Totally awesome. Okay, so, MY surgery is coming up here in a couple months or so, and I too am a health fanatic. What were your super foods you were sticking to why going through this process?
I'm having my surgery on April 18th 2017! im so excited yet neverous !! I've been waiting so long to do it. I was born with cleft lip and plate ! That's why im having it. I wanted to know to if you lost any weight during the recovery ? And
Yes, I did. I prepped with my nutrition plan in order to anticipate it as much as I could, and kept my nutrition high (i.e. none of the sugary, chemical drinks they tell you to drink) post-op too.
I'm going to have my double jaw surgery next week on the 19th of December, I'm really scared about how much pain I will endure. What did you do the day before your surgery, were you super nervous? Also how long did you have to deal with the pain during recovery? Thanks
I cry watching these videos , I have a severe cross bite and have always been scared to get the surgery .. but I’m finally taking the steps towards it at 31 ..
Well 2 months have passed. I hope you are starting to see the benefits!? After a year it will loose almost al of the cons and just have pros!
Hi! I’m just wondering if it have gotten any better? I’m considering getting this done but I’m scared it will change my face for the worse
@@kristalkristal4353 How's it going now.
@@kristalkristal4353 yeah, how is it now??
Chrissy P how are you?
This the most truthful no bs video i seen so far for jaw surgery. Even the surgeon didn’t tell me these stuff during consultation.
Hello! Thank you for posting videos about this. I have watched your jawsurgery videos so many times. I’m currently 10 days post upper jaw surgery. I was up and walking and eating soft foods 2 days after surgery, I had full energy back 3 days after surgery. I have also started to chew a little, since my surgeon only told me to use common sense. Not biting off things yet. I am so happy I did this!
Where did you this surgery
i have an underbite its only less 15days left till my double jaw surgery. im really scared of anything bad happen but i believe everything will turn out fine. ur video made me feel much better!
if* and so many typos omg im so lazy to correct it haha
How did it go???
+Jake Brown everything went well 😊 im 5 weeks post op but still cant chew food and still on liquid and soft diet.
How are you doing now two months on ... how was it after the Op? Thanks, Nat
+Natalie H im doing great! the surgery really changed my whole life. i can speak better than before. this surgery improve my self confident and im not shy to show my side profile to anyone anymore. its the best decision that ive ever made. u will be having this surgery too? excuse my english hehe i dont speak english
Its a little bit on from the release of this video but sharing your 2-years experience on has some interesting points. I'm only just over 4 weeks post-operation now, and it wasn't voluntary! Had an incident off my bicycle which resulted in: broken upper jaw, right cheek broken, left cheek fractured, right eye-socket broken (just missed optic nerve) and fractured septum (punctured the cerbul fluid sack but healed itself). To quote the maxillofacial surgeons: very, very lucky and a jigsaw puzzle!
My teeth are the largest concern and (not being a patient person) seem to be taking the longest to settle. I have a 5 week followup from the surgeon this week and second dental appointment in 2 weeks. I was very lucky in all; six titanium plates (three for the jaw, three for my right eye), 30 screws and talented surgeon later, apart from scars, swelling and brusing, coming back together.
My question is: how long did you have braces for when they were fitted? Again, very lucky, my teeth roots did not break but 5 of my top teeth have been pushed significantly over and the mouth is, well, a mess... ugly really!
So the journey is just starting, my top lip (like yours) is very tingly and mostly numb still, don't know how long that will last. I sometimes don't know my nose is running until I can taste it (not very attractive!) and the inside of my mouth where the plates are is very sensative. I'm not speaking the best and the cold-cold air plays havoc with the plates in my jaw and the ache a lot. Did you get any of that with your plates? thanks
I'm considering jaw surgery at the ripe old age of 35....it's amazing to see how much you've changed now just in how you look but more imporantly your confidence in this video vs. just 3 years prior. Well done!
Almost no insurance companies will pay for it when you're an old fart like us. Cigna (group plans only - not buying it independently but only with a company) covered the procedure for me for $3,000 (out of pocket maximum) but even with that only 1 surgeon in my large city accepted that insurance too..... Either way, good luck!
@@IIIlIIIllIl I live in the UK and my overbite is severe enough that I qualify to get it done free on our National Health Service.
@@David-no7zi That's some serious contrast to the American system. Our government isn't big on health related social services and that leaves the bill for the insurance companies. The insurance companies don't want the bill either as they are a business trying to maximize profits. Maxillofacial doctors are the 3rd highest paid occupations in our county according to our 2018 census (behind anesthesiologist and surgeons). Consequently, almost all insurance companies consider the operation 'cosmetic' and won't pay for it if you're old (despite underbites inhibiting eating, breathing, and speaking). I'm done with this soap box if someone else wants it.
I'm on week 3-4 of post surgery and just lightly blended some devil eggs - would totally suggest this food combo to anyone else looking for food ideas.
@@IIIlIIIllIl Hey Michael thanks for getting back to me. Good to hear that you're making it through your surgery. I am currently on the fence....I've always hated the way I look and this IS the solution, it's just a significant recovery and I'm not sure if I have the mental strength...I'm also concerned that I won't like my 'new face'. Did you have single or double jaw surgery?
Selfie-holic! I love it!
The reason you feel the cold more is you have much larger synuses now, you can breath easier, won't expectorate and will snore less. Not a bad trade off for feeling the cold more.
I have an underbite and crossjaw and have always wanted this surgery, my friend got it and scared me away from getting it cause her experience was horrible. This encouraged me a lot to look more into it. Thank you!
The head and upper body posture and tongue position are primordial in order to maintain and add to the results gained through surgery. Look up for "orthotropics". The face muscles play a major role in the way the face looks and behaves and the way the tongue rests in the mouth directly affects these muscles.
Orthotropics is everything. It is godsend. All hail Lord Mew
I love this forum
Hi , just got a bi- jaw surgery 1week ago.. and Im recovering now.. however feel so so weak.. and the liquids just making me hungry and impatient.
I love your smile and the prominent change the surgery has brought.
I don’t wanna lose feeling on my lips 🙀
I'm 4 months post op, honestly I was half assing it after the first 3 weeks, stayed away from school for 2 months and I was being scolded by my doctor for not eating enough and being active. Luckily my swelling went down by 3 months, I still get cramps in my jaws whenever I'm exhausted (I have a terrible sleeping patterns) but I've also been eating alot while I wasn't allowed to I'm just lucky I didn't get injuries for my lack of care bruhh. One of the cons I have beside the cramps and numbness is my teeth sensitivity, I drink water with a straw all the time. I also want my face to tighten more, as I feel like I have a slight sagging around my nose where my plates were inserted. I'll get my braces off next month!! I'm so happy about that❤❤
shawol friend can you tell me the price to make a v-line jaw ?
@@Farhan-f9n I suggest that you look into it where you live or at your desired clinic because I barely had to pay for mine I've also done double jaw surgery to correct my bite and the appearance of my gum, my chin was corrected too as a bonus and I don't even have a v shape jawline as a result but a shape that flatters me!
Amanda. Your teeth mouth structure and lips look so natural pretty and amazing. Thanks for all your tips.
I got my jaw surgery about 1.5 - 2 years ago and I also have some numbness on my top left upper lip as well. This is definitely reassuring that someone else has the same complications as me, but I do not regret getting the surgery. The recovery was rough but the outcome is more than I can ask for. Thanks for sharing this video!! :D
@disciplined kid yes it was worth it for me 😀 I didn't have a severe under bit, but it was to correct my bit for sure since ny previous orthodontist didn't want to go through with surgery since he flared out my top teeth to fit over my bottom and I was not happy. I don't remember how much it cost, sorry!
@disciplined kid I'd say do whatever makes you happy. If you feel like its a issue that stays in the back of your head and makes you feel insecure. Go for it. But keep in mind of possible complications and sometimes the surgery won't fix your issue. Im really happy with my results! Just do more research into it because i wish i was better prepared for it going into it. Good luck!
I need this operation also. Thanks for tips, very useful. Your smile is great!
Hey did you ever get your surgery?
I love that you said you take way too many selfies. I hate selfies and I hate photos and I have to do all these crazy things like suck my cheeks in and stick my front slip out and then I feel like oh I look normal and I’m not even a person who really cares about these things, but at the end of the dayapparently matters a little bit and I just wish I could’ve had this done earlier. I wish I could’ve had it done this year, but everyone wants to disown me so I’m kind of stuck.
Lots of things to watch out for in jaw surgery...The lose skin from shortening of the jaw may make you appear older...the numbness in the nose, teeth and cheek area will last a year or more..clamps to hold the jaw down sometimes are left in the jaw for a second surgery or if you don't mind a foreign object planted in your jaw for the remaining of your life then it's cool..the crease in the inside cheek of you mouth is permanent..sinus hole, when putting your jaw back together may appear smaller and harder to breath, and than they would have to readjust again..Most importantly the roof of your mouth is made higher, so when mouth is closed and tongue is relaxing there is so much space and air between the tongue and roof of your mouth...Good Luck! hope I helped so you will know what type of question to ask before surgery or other alternatives.
Thank you for your message. Im trying about everything to avoid the surgery. Im on the bone broth diet. I m having braces for better occlusion. Crossed fingers it will work. I suffer so much everyday from the pain. It s horrible.
I had jaw surgery similar to yours four weeks ago. Still have to take pain killers. I'm hoping this pain goes away soon. Other than that I'm feeling really well.
I had lower jaw surgery to correct my underbite 30 years ago, no regrets, no issues. My 17 ye old daughter is scheduled to have upper and lower jaw surgery to correct her underbite and cross bite and I am literally freaking out about the impact to the sinus cavity from having the upper jaw surgery. I am thinking of just having her do the lower jaw only even though this will not correct her underbite, at least it will lessen it? After watching the videos of upper jaw surgery, seems everyone is left with some impact to their sinus cavity and some residual nerve damage. Even our surgeon admitted that he has had 14 patients return with ENT doctors to revise the upper jaw in order to get some sinus relief...and one video I watched left me in tears as the young beautiful girl was left with nerve damage so severe that she could not smile on one side of her face and her jaw was more crooked after the surgery than beforehand. I am desperate for someone to talk to, at this point I just want to have her braces removed and leave things as they are since she her upper teeth are straight and she has a beautiful smile, no jaw pain, no sinus issues. I just don’t see how correcting her bite is worth the risks of sinus cavity impacted and nerve damage. It will be her decision to make as she will be of age at time if surgery but as a mom, I am seriously freaking out. Please help!
Email me at amanda.plazek@gmail.com
I’m 3 weeks away from my double jaw surgery
Amanda, so amazed looking at your videos. I've been so worried watching other peoples videos!! :/ I am having double jaw surgery and a "chin job," with it - for an overbite and "gummy" smile. I have two kids and am in my 30's, so it's a big deal that I've waited ages for. I'm a runner and into fitness etc... so, I was really pleased to hear about this shakeology thing, I am definitely going to take your advice on that. Anyway, I have been so encouraged by your positive attitude and seeing you post op after just 5 weeks - was just amazing. I think I'll be having the surgery in a few months :)
@natalie H thank you for letting me know! Please reach out to me if I can help with anything at all! PS. I would SO appreciate you going through my referral link for Shakeology! It's www.shakeology.com/amandaplazek
I'm here for you!
Thanks very much Amanda! I'm in the UK - can I still order online via your referral link? If so, I gladly will. All the best :)
You are so kind!
Hey rusty - I should be due to have the surgery in a couple of months. I go through phases of feeling totally terrified and freaked out - to just being more resigned with it and wanting to get it over with. For the most part, people who have continued to have some numbness have generally got totally used to it and don't even notice it eventually, so I wouldn't worry about that. For me, I'm just concerned with the whole recovery in general and how that will be - and just the thought of the actual Op itself. Do you have any idea when you'll be due to have it?
I have suffered from severe TMJ since I was 17, now 52. The doctors told me I wouldn't benefit from jaw surgery because my ligaments were to loose. Now my jaw is completely fused together because of the constant rubbing of the bones together. I don't know if there is anything that can be done for me now as I now have Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis.
Try bone broth.
Hope everything works out
Rosie Ran - what is that? I never heard of this.
try the carriere 3d device. it’s working for me.
There are so many Shakeology options. How do I know which one to use, after jaw surgery?
I'm gonna have the surgery possibly after 8 months, really scared when saw the surgery videos, I'm going to do it anyway, your vlog helps a lot 🙂
Where do u live bro?
@@soyasauce7505 India, where do you live
You look really pretty 😍 I'm hoping that I get the same experience as well, my jaw is bigger on one side and on the other side it's so balanced and beautiful. I'm hoping I like my results, I'm hoping I can get this done within a year or so
So I worry about relapse, i'm not wearing my retainer because I didnt feel my teeth were in the right position until now and I feel like I have crumbling enamel, i'm sure the retainer will keep things stable,apparently keeping a good posture and knowing your tongue posture helps too
Am 25 i have a big upper jaw, this hold me a lot i never get love and loved. But i think i will do the surgery very soon somewhere in canada.
You look so good I’m 50 and started this journey when I was 46 wanted to do a 20 years ago but my family was opposed and everyone said Jaw Surgery dangerous and scary and I was edged to edge class three so I’m fine but I had it with my appearance with my neck and head pain and chipping teeth and receiving gums so I started the braces and nowmy family are threatening to just leave me alone if I get it done so I’ve been stuck in a really weird position and I’m scared and I need help financially so it’s really been crazy. I’m just keeping the braces on and doing nothing which is awful.
I'm 8 years post jaw surgery and no longer have sleep apnea.
Had the lower jaw and chin surgery (Genioplasty) 4 weeks ago and I feel perfectly fine and no more sleep apnea and snoring!!!!!
I’m 3 days post op and I am so swollen , I’m praying for this to go away ASAP lol ,
June Ski Cozy how has it been going? 1 year post op right? Really dying to know how u feel and if it’s really worth it.
Hi Amanda.
I have an overbite that causes speech impediments and headaches. I get depression from time to time as well from my side profile. So im thinking about getting the Orthognathic Surgery, but I would like to know about dieting post surgery. Protein shakes, meal shakes, things like that.
I really appreciate what you shared in this video! I will be having jaw surgery this year, and this really helps. BTW, you look amazing! :)
+Wani M. you're welcome! Best of luck in your surgery! If you ever need help, reach out to me at www.amandaplazek.com -> contact me and I'm here for you!
Wani M. How are you?
How about some before and after? That's what really matters.
Thank you!! Your the first one that actually provided nutrition information. I am just a little over one week post jaw sugery. I am really just living day to day with trying to figure out what to eat. I am not a big fan of ensure/ protein drinks. What would you recommend?? :)
Hi Amanda, my sister have had jaw surgery 4 weeks ago a tumor with removal . Since she can't eat solid food she has to drink protein shakes and smoothies. Was there any specific supplements and vitamins thst you used that helped you get the nutrients you needed? Cheers
You are so beautiful and thank you for the advice because it helps me with my Double jaw surgery
Ana McCloud how it went?
Do you hv any recommendations for a good insurance for jaw surgery ?
how did you get your surgery paid for and what was the reasoning besides aesthetics? what was the cost out of pocket?
severe underbite, grinding down my molars to the point of ending to have them extracted and looking at getting dental implants. 2 lots of braces that did not work. all this time and money for nothing. but even with top level health insurance jaw surgery will be in excess of $30,000 out of pocket. plus added time and cost of braces AGAIN. i give up
I have some questions I was hoping you coukd answer for me. Did you loose any weight? When if ever do the metal components come out? Do you have to wear a retainer?
hi,! i'm now close to 1 month bi-jaw surgery, and one thing that really worries me is that i feels like my mouth is stuck, i mean i cant open my mouth as must i use to or i feel i should open... that happen to you? if so, how do you solve?
what was your surgery though? what were the advancements and in what directions? im looking into double jaw surgery to bring my lower jaw and upper jaw forward and down. but im so scared of the surgery. the thought of it makes me terrified. im afraid of not being able to breath after surgery, the idea of them cutting out my upper jaw, nerve issues, and aesthetically, i hope i achieve my desired results.
Oh, did your surgeon give you a before/after prediction with some photo software?
Question for you, did you get a nose job at the same time as your surgery? Your nose looks more pointed and I’d like that for myself too when I undergo surgery in a month or so. Did they do a septoplasty on you?
I was one of the first people to have this surgery in the u.k. In theatre they was student orthodontic.maxilofacial surgeons they were all brilliant I'm glad to have helped the nhs as they have me xxx
Things you wish you knew...
Ong bro I should done tht when I was young
@PSG Acc I look like 👽 🤣🤣🤣
Is available in UK how much is it cost
@@ghezaalakhandzada6368 You can get jaw surgery on the NHS in the UK if it effects your living. If you aren't eligible for free dental care it's £280.
@@evelynmidgley7620 thank you very much my dear I think that is not free for me i don't have enough money i have lower and back jaw my teeth is crowded i have very bad smile 😢😥
I’m about to have this surgery, but Surgeon “staff members” says they don’t accept insurance for that so I would need to pay 40,000 to 50,000 thousands dollars out of my pocket, because they don’t have any contract with any insurance company now, which is Ridiculous 😭
I’m working days and night to collect that much money to get my treatment😢
Secondly, I was scared for this surgery it still have to go for it, I wanna know how painful it’s and what nutrition I need as you mentioned in this video , please spell for me Thankyou. If your surgery was covered with Insurance, what insurance you had and what plan PPO Or HMO or which one, please help me for that , Thankyou:)
Thanks for sharing Amanda...very informative. Im having double jaw surgery hopefully late summer of this year...been in braces for almost a year now.
Eric Toto hey, my story is similar, I was hoping for late summer but am now having it this month. Hope all went well!
ur the best I'm so terrified for mine comming up!! ur the sweetest this really helped!!! any tips on swelling or pain or nausea or the link to the superfoods shake?? aha sorry, that was a lot
It's www.shakeology.com/amandaplazek ! It's pricey but it was a LIFE saver during my recovery!
So when I got out of surgery I could talk right away which I have found uncommon. Is that good or bad? Its only my second day out of surgery and the only thing I’m worried about is the nose drainage, what can I do to help that?
Talia Tetmeyer put ice pack every day to reduce swelling and that should help with nose drainage
How do I inquire about the shake you're talking about. I'm one month out from double jaw surgery and would love to be as prepared as possible.
Well I too had a jaw surgery of the left side done and the pain that I use to experience before my surgery is better but still the right side of my jaw pains and hurts a lot well my surgeon said that it is fine and I don't need the surgery of the right side but still my jaw hurts a lot while I eat and night.
How long does it take from after the surgery before you are ready to go to school or work again?
2-4 weeks (realistically, 4 weeks though).
Hi Amanda, I've been watching your videos about your jaw surgery and I'm considering having my underbite correction surgery. These videos were very helpful, also I'd be glad if you can answer some of the questions I have about the whole process. Please let me know if you ever had the time so I can reach to you soon. Thank you.
I am also in the beginning of stages and trying to figure out insurance and who to go for for the surgery. I found a specialist for braces but the surgron he would prefer I go to is like 80k and barely covered by any insurance. My other option I was thinking was to get braces now, get kaiser in 6 months, then have the surgery covered by Kaiser. What kind of insurance did you have? Thank you for making this video, much appreciated.
Hi Bette! Please refer to one of my newest videos: ruclips.net/video/J52FBlT-H5U/видео.html
I discuss insurance in this video ^. I had insurance through my workplace, and my surgeon was in-network.
Thanks so much for posting this, girl! Very informative. I'm actually getting surgery soon, too. I am wondering if you could explain more about what it was like to get put to sleep? This is the part that FREAKS me OUT!! Like, what does it feel like? How do they do it? What does it feel like when they put the stuff in, like do you get sleepy or is more like wide awake to instantly out? Could you have stayed awake if you would have tried or is it impossible? Haha. Basically whatever you remember about that part would be helpful. Thanks so much!
xcalabur18 I haven’t had this surgery, but when I got my wisdom teeth removed, they knocked me out. I too was scared most of that part, but it’s fantastic. I don’t even remember falling asleep. The gave me laughing gas first to help with anxiety, which just made me feel strange. It’s hard to explain how it felt, but they could have just skipped it and gone straight to sedating me. One minute I’m talking to the nurses and surgeon and all of a sudden, they’re waking me up. I had NO RECOLLECTION of the time that had passed. It’s not like when you sleep and you wake up with the perception that time has passed... you just wake up without knowing you had ever gone to sleep. It was easily the most bizarre experience of my life. Don’t be scared of it. Embrace it.
Hi Amanda, I have been living with my jaw and I am really paining over having surgery. I do wish I can wake up tomorrow and it would just be gone but that hasn't happened. The fear is what is stopping me but you seem very happy with your results. How long did you have to wear braces before the surgery and did you have to wear braces again after the surgery?
Love your videos! I have a lot of questions when it comes to how to begin, where to go first, who to go, how much is surgery and does any insurance covers that kind of surgery and if yes, witch one is the best?! Thank you so much
Love love your smile 😀
you probably woon't see this but i am a 13 year old and just want to know how much does the sugery hurt or do you feel anything during the surgery
Hi thanks for video where did u do ur surgery??
I was wondering if you could still kiss your loved one. Can you still feel that touch after the jaw surgery?
you can see the line's treatments
I was supposed to get this surgery, but I don't think I can get this surgery as its a little to much for me, I'm going to be getting veneers to align the bite instead thanks for your videos! 🎉🌸
Hey I've not even got my braces yet for jaw surgery but am just starting the process (beginning with having a few teeth removed!)...could you give advice on the nutrition plan please? (Couldnt get on to your website!)
I'll have to go back to work asap after the surgery (I'll rest about 3 weeks first though) and so bruising is the last thing I need!
hi thanks for sharing. helpful info, do u know any good resources that i can use to read and learn more about jaw surgery. i have an open bite and have been putting off the surgery for a while now. but started thinking about it more cause chewing with an open bite sucks !!!!
Considering Jae surgery, because of sleep apnea, a little concern about the surgery
Can you please tell me where did you had your surgery and the cost please?
you can see the line's treatments...they are quite good
I have a overbite and my lower jaw is pushed back they said I could take a surgery or orthopedic treatment I'm scared and they're also going to remove my wisdom teeth
I also have had a severe underbite. I would be interested in the support group you have. I almost feel as if it's to late and no way my work would allow me to take off the time necessary to recover
What insurance company typically Covers the surgery ? How much does it Close on average?
If you give a good enough reason such as poor quality of life because of a messed up jaw they will do it. Read your insurance plan. The surgery ranges from $20-40k
I have been thinking of doing this, but I'm probably not going to do this. I don't want nerve damage, and I do ice baths in the ocean every winter.
Look up Orthotropics (Mewing). It is godsend.
I’m reading about orthotropic it works well with children but what about adults ?
How much does it cost if it is recommended by your orthodontist?
Your website is under maintenance!
How do we contact you?
Hey I had a chance to do the surgery when I was a teenager but I chickened out, im 29 now and I regret not doing the surgery, can you give me any advice please
I cant feel part of my bottom lip and chin and its been a year now :( but I do love my results it put my self esteem up I just get sad that I cant feel my bottom lip its so frustrating especially when I eat. Do you still have numbness? What are some remedies that helped you get rid of the numbness?
I still have the tingling in my upper lip (that I mention in this video). I believe that my nutrition played a BIG part in nerve recovery and regeration...at this point I would absolutely consult your oral surgeon for tips on how to help with nerve regeneration.
Jasslove nava yeah sometimes the nerve gets tugged on so bad during surgery that it can't re-heal . Definitely one of the cons .
Hi! Were you class 2? Do you have any regrets?
May I ask who your surgeon was? I’ve been through 2 total joint replacements and left with catastrophic nerve damage to the right side of my face as well as being given a prosthetic twice that I’m allergic to. I’m a registered nurse of 27 years and this has been a life altering experience. Im looking for a new surgeon to put in an all titanium joint and address some of the nerve damage. I’ve always been such a supporter of physicians throughout my career but I feel like I got punched in the gut and literally the face by these two men. Any help would be appreciated. You look beautiful by the way!
Now I'm afraid of doing it...
@@deivisony you get it done?
I tried contacting you on your website and it is saying that feature is currently unavailable.
We were just told it's going to cost $43, 014 out of pocket 2 weeks prior to surgery.... does that sound right?? We are freaking out because my hubby has had his braces on for 2 years now & we just got hit with these numbers!!! The surgeon said Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance won't cover anything.
Darla Burpo Yes, that unfortunately sounds about right. Not sure where you live but Kaisers highest insurance plan (abt $500/month) will cover it almost 100%. It's one of the few companies that does.
Darla Burpo where do you live ?
Tyree Freeeman north texas
Darla Burpo is it for medical reasons cause I have gateway and I have a dentofacial and there covering mine because I can barely chew
Darla Burpo do you have difficulty chewing and ect
My son having surgery less than 36hrs from now. What food ideaa u have?
Wow great results! Thanks for the great advice! I'm getting double jaw surgery this Wednesday January 27, 2016 to fix my under bite and I'm extremely nervous! One question I have because I don't know if anyone has mentioned this but my surgeon explained to me that he will have to remove a piece of carlige from my hip to replace it onto my upper jaw, I was wondering if you had this done for your double jaw surgery?
+Jasslove nava Today is your jaw surgery, best of luck!! I myself didn't get any cartilage taken from my hip for my upper jaw, but every case is different. I hope all goes well today!
Thank you so much. I'm nervous but happy that it will be fine, seeing so many that had the surgery makes me more calm and sure I can go through this as well. Thank you for sharing your experience.
I'm doing better I have no pain which is good I am two weeks now I still have the splint in my mouth, I can also talk but sound weird because the splint. I cant feel my bottom lip and chin though which worries me. How long after did you get all your feelings back?
+Jasslove nava give it up to 6 months; nerve endings may take longer to regenerate. Give your body that time to heal! :)
okay thank you I will, hopefully I get all my feeling back I herd there's a chance it can be permanent. When did you get to bite down on sold food like a apple?
What was the thing you drank called again?
2019 and I'm so glad to see this. My daughter is suppose to have this surgery now at 14 and I have been avoiding phone calls from her specialist office and just crying my eyes out in fear!!! Shes in the band at her school and has the singing voice of an angel and I'm afraid of her not being able to do any of that afterwards. I want what's best for her and don't want fear to overwhelm me and cancel the whole process..😭
do u have the shake info or like link and where I can find it maybe?? thanks so much!! you are really making it better, I have to get mine in a year and I'm still stressing!! thnx for helping.
Naomei and friends following
you can try for the line. They are quite good
1:15 I was told it was only my lower lip at risk of numbness. 😱
i´m from south america and we don´t have the drink you mentioned. What do you suggest i eat after surgery?
+olinda013 I would recommend plenty of vegetables before and after the surgery. Post-op I would recommend making your own shake with some type of protein (greek yogurt?) in them, because you'll be hungry and won't be able to chew. Best of luck!
+Amanda Bruce thank you!!!
I wish they would have told me more about the perminent numbness
@Mycroft Holmes Left cheek and lower right jaw.
when did you get your surgery? has it been more than a year?
@@holzerisms 2 years ago.
Can u tell me how much it cost you ? and where did u get it ?(witch city )
Thank you Amanda for your advice :)
I would love to talk to you. I have severe sleep apnea and chronic fatigue and I am considering MMA surgery for sleep apnea. I am so afraid of being disfigured orI heard one person say she drools.
Thanks for sharing. But I want to know if you have any side affects such as lisp and pronounce.
i am going to do my surgery Friday this week. where can i find your post meal plan?
ONE! you have a beautiful smile! And yes the running nose think is also awesome, ha because finally your sinuses can drain out instead of getting backed up. Totally awesome.
Okay, so, MY surgery is coming up here in a couple months or so, and I too am a health fanatic. What were your super foods you were sticking to why going through this process?
HAHAHA thank you! Very sweet. .... I'm actually 1 month into my recovery. Officially.
How old were you when you had the surgery? I am 28. Looking to have my surgery in May
What was the drink that you recommended?
My 14 year old was referred to an oral surgeon for jaw surgery. I would love to get in touch with you about your full experience.
Email me at amanda.plazek@gmail.com!
I'm having my surgery on April 18th 2017! im so excited yet neverous !! I've been waiting so long to do it. I was born with cleft lip and plate ! That's why im having it.
I wanted to know to if you lost any weight during the recovery ? And
Good luck, I will probably be having mine too a similar time!!
Yes, I did. I prepped with my nutrition plan in order to anticipate it as much as I could, and kept my nutrition high (i.e. none of the sugary, chemical drinks they tell you to drink) post-op too.
bre renee how did it go?
how was your experience? please tell us
Did you trough that blood out after surgery ?!
I am very interested in your meal prep i have sever bruises and only got my two bottom widsome theet remove
I'm going to have my double jaw surgery next week on the 19th of December, I'm really scared about how much pain I will endure. What did you do the day before your surgery, were you super nervous? Also how long did you have to deal with the pain during recovery? Thanks
Luna • ASMR things • Why? Can you please explain?
Hey how are you?
Hi amanda im getting ajaw surgery in the summer and im so afraid iwish you could help me and answer my questions❤️
I'm getting jaw surgery this upcoming fall