ComicsExplained the idea here is to mispronounce his name in its entirety. the fact remains that jamie reyes is the best thing coming out of DC Rebirth right now and its amazing.
RagnarTheRed I could be wrong...but I think you may have missed its entirety...but that fact remains that my comment is the best thing coming out of youtube right now
+adwinjones I should've been clearer, my comment was meant to be for ComicsExplained, not you. Edit:However, it's one thing to pronounce the name wrong and say, "sry for butchering it but that's how I know it and how I've always pronounced it" and saying "I pronounce it this way, I don't understand why anybody else would not and to the people complaining fuck you".
freddieawsome1 "Rob corp, lemme tell ya some'n mannn. Lemme TELL you some'n mannn." I usually get a good smile/laugh from that. Usually I'm just as excited haha.
Actually, the story behind Conner Kent Superboy & Nightwing are a bit more nuanced than that. You were correct, but didn't get the whole story. Geoff Johns LOVED Superboy. Superboy was his favorite character, you could even see his old letters to the editor in Superboy's book from the 90's. In fact, Geoff had several years of stories planned with the Teen Titans that had Superboy in it. The reason, the real reason that Superboy died, was because of real world litigation. The families and estates of Siegel & Shuster started a suit regarding the Superboy trademark. Originally, the Superman that DC owns outright debuted as an adult, with Siegel later creating the "Superman as a boy in Smallville" Superboy concept later that was argued to not fall under the deal where Superman was bought by DC (especially since Siegel made the pitch, it got denied, but then DC made Superboy anyway). So, their lawsuit presented the real threat that DC could lose the right to use the name Superboy in ANY capacity, so Conner Kent was killed, Prime was renamed (in-universe as an ego trip) as Superman-Prime, and the revised history of Superman where he WAS Superboy (thus bringing back the continuity of the original Legion of Superheroes where Superboy regularly went to the future) had to be hinted at until years later when Johns wrote Superman: Secret Origin. Because his favorite Titan was killed, Johns eventually left that book and it arguably never recovered, even past into the New 52. However, the lawsuit was resolved that DC could later use the Superboy name for OTHER characters (even recently, even for young Clark Kent again outright), so Conner was brought back and Prime went back to Superboy-Prime for his last few appearances, and now the son of Clark Kent is the new Superboy, name and all. With Nightwing, that was a sole editorial fiat from Dan Didio himself. At the time, he didn't see the point in Dick Grayson since he wasn't Batman's sidekick anymore, and that he'd never be Batman (ha!), so he wanted to remove what he considered chaff in the Batfamily. The thing was that almost literally EVERYBODY ELSE at DC fought for Dick to live, Johns at the forefront (who I believed threatened to quit if he was forced to do so). It's similar to the fiat that Quesada has against the Peter Parker/Mary Jane marriage, except in this case, Didio backed down and admitted he was dumb and Quesada still hates the Spider-Marriage (sorry Spidey fans).
Oh wow this is super interesting! (no sarcasm intended) Huge Superboy fan myself, would've loved to have seen what plans Geoff Johns would've had for him.
It probably would've covered some of the territory that Johns wrote when he brought back Adventure Comics and it highlighted Superboy. Despite the truth that Luthor was one of Superboy's genetic parents coming out before Infinite Crisis started, Conner was benched for awhile at the Kent Farm. And, had the litigation not happened, he probably would have survived his fight against Prime in the Anti-Monitor Obelisk, probably having gotten some catharsis that despite he was half Luthor, he was also half Superman. Then, it probably would have dealt more with Superboy's acceptance and interactions with Luthor's family. And I'm sure the Brainiac/Luthor clone would have been introduced much earlier and actually had done something.
Minato D Roger I know I thought I was the only one who was a fan of him. Seriously there is no villain more capable to actually kill A superman and the most of the D.C. Universe and live.
It was so refreshing because no one had singlehandedly fought off the whole roster like that with raw power, Darkseid and Doomsday can both be defeated by Supes alone. I also liked the 'what if Supes didnt hold back and control himself' question coming to life. I remember it wasnt nearly as popular amongst the avid readers online cuz he came off as an overpowered whiny kid who can kick anyone's ass for no reason. But I thoroughly enjoyed having someone who kept that SIlver Age strength to push planets and thrash ppl around like insects without the whole 'villain controlling the universe' threat attached.
Infinite Crisis is truly one of the craziest stories in DC history. Awesome breakdown Rob. Hey if your planning to go into Image comics at any point in the future, could you do Invincible? The 12 year storyline is about to end and they just confirmed a movie, so I think it would be the perfect time
Hey Joshua, I saw your comment on another video. just wanted to say that I too was a transvestite once. But I got help and support, and it helped me through. I still have a fake vagina but things are better now, I even call myself Justin again, instead of Justine. Its a good feeling to know that my father can look me in the eyes again. Anyways, I believe in you and wish you the best of luck.
That was a really nice look back at Infinite Crisis (one of my favorite special events). If I could be so bold though, I think you misunderstood the meta-commentary when Alexander Luthor said "everything comes from Superman." I think you read too much into it. It's meta-commentary, but it's even bolder than what you described (the multiverse as an explanation of how Superman changed over the years). Simply, everything you see in the comics comes from Superman. Literally. "Superman" was the birth of the entire genre. He was the first. Whether discussing DC stories or Marvel or even stories from other publishers, Superman was the first comic book superhero, and the entire genre began with him. THAT is the commentary they were making. It all comes from Superman.
man Rob, please please PLEASE, tell us the next one is coming! I'm not religious, my wife and kids are, they're all out doing Easter stuff and I'm home catching up. Please help me make this my own holiday, make it a "Very Infinite Crisis Easter" I beg you, good sir! haha once again, great job Rob, and that plea is a testament of how great you are as a storyteller. your timing, the personality you contribute, what you choose to emphasize importance on, even your voice!! for a long time now, you've been my favorite interpreter of stories, Recently while on 'daddy and daughter time' my girl and I went upstairs to play and I heard a familiar voice from inside the master bedroom............ it was YOU! while she was resting in bed she was listening to your channel! I was like "we are truly made for each other" haha thanks for being who you are and for what you do. sincerely, Kevin(and my wife also, haha)
I think it was the speed force that added the red sun weakness, and maybe not conciosully, but Prime knew the longer he was in the speed force, which transends, the more he'd be "caught up to speed" and the more weakness of today's superman, magic, kryponite, etc, would start to affect because the speed force was somehow making him more prone to it. But that's just a fan theory.
12:40 "It was just 'one day he could jump really high, the next day he could fly,' and we don't know really why." BARS from Rob is the best thing coming out of ComicsExplained right now.
I've been watching you for a long time and been keeping up to date with "Metal", I kinda feel this is where the Forger started to come into play really
11:34 - One of my single most favorite panels from any comic ever is that single frame of E1 Superman saying "a perfect earth doesn't NEED a superman". I remember reading that for the first time and got chills because I was thinking the same thing the whole time E2 Superman was ranting about his "perfect earth". 😳😻
Wow! Thank you for posting these vids, this has really gotten me interested in reading comics again...well this and a few fb groups. DC has such good stories. I'm currently reading the New 52 Swamp Thing but apparently I need to backtrack and get to some of these older comics to catch me up
Rob, I think you you are confused on the difference between the Secret Society and the Secret Six. The Secret Society is the team of villains brought together by Lex Luthor (Alexander Luthor in disguise) to fight off the heroes. The Secret Six are a team of villains that denounced membership into the Society and formed their own team. The Six are enemies of the Society. It is all covered in Villain's United.
Thanks for these 2 videos. Superboy Prime was pretty much my favorite character from pre New 52, and I loved every story he was in except for the finale Teen Titan arc where they sealed him, cuz that made absolutely no sense that they could trash him. However, the storyline was always a bit difficult to keep up with because I wasnt aware of some of the motivations of the authors in wanting to clean up the universe and tie up loose ends of certain characters. Certain things never made sense to me, especially since I try to make the comic make more sense story wise than even the authors intend to, which means I end up with alot of non-explanations for why certain events take place, or how Superboy was so inconsistent throughout his entire run. I really loved Superboy vs. the guardians and the DC roster where he almost died on the bridge but stuck his hand into the sun and just blitzed everyone. Such an enjoyable read. I hope you continue to cover the rest of his storyline into Legion of 3 Worlds. I'd appreciate it so much
No more tricks!! lol. Believe it or not, he's one of the most dangerous villains in the Universe. A proper Psycho Pirate with the Medusa mask can do serious damage.
It is pronounced as Hai-may because he is Latino. Jamie is a typical white American name. His name has been pronounced like that ever since his first appearance in the DCAU.
ConaChi78 You are welcome. Normally,I am not a stickler when it comes to other folks' grammar and pronunciation but Rob strangely messed up few names in this video.
GEEZUS!!!! i had love for DC before and thats why i subscribed to this channel but now.... MAH GAUD!!! This is too intense i will probably have a hearth attack if this keeps up... youre the best Rob!!!
Hey Rob, if you ever need any digital comics, I got a hook up who has a huge hard drive full of complete runs, including anything from the main events to the GL run you're covering and all their tie ins, so if you're ever missing anything again like the full "Sacrifice" run in your Countdown to IC video, hit me up! I'd love to help out as a member of the RobCorp.
Do you think sites like this are bad for the indsutry? Like, if we don't actually go out and purchase comics, won't the industry die? I don't think it matters so much for older stuff that's not even sold anymore, but for new things like DC Rebirth, Valiant, Marvel 2.0, doesn't it hurt the industry? If you ain't got no money, then I ain't blamin you a bit, but i just was curious to know other'sperspectives..
Awesome! Superboy Prime is by far one of my favorite versions of Kal-el.Love how he's incredibly powerful and managed to take on all the heroes by himself,plus I love his physique.
The most appropriate statement concerning Superboy Prime I feel is, "You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain." And He has had a very long life as a O.P. Superpowered teenager. He's lost his freakin marbles and went Joker level kill crazy. I guess spending decades as a massively powerful teenager living in the shadow of the main hero that you realize you will NEVER take that mantle for yourself would drive anyone nuts eventually.
Rob I'm a Marvel guy, but as far as convoluted reboot crossovers are, the way you added in insights of DC editorial, really was the glue that logically made this understandable. You're a genuis. 🙌
I felt like they really nerfed the Spectre recently. He went from the nigh invincible Wrath of God who managed to make Silver Age Superman yield to his wrath to the fall guy that makes the next big crossover villain look threatening.
I never understood superman and thors attraction to normal human woman, they have thousand year lifespans, its guaranteed your going to outlive them, why would you put yourself through that kind of pain when there are other woman in your universe who will live just as long? people hate MCU odin because he thinks thor having jane is stupid but hes kind of right isnt he? imagine we had a race of humans on this planet who were born, became adults and then died all in the space of 1 year would you really see that as a good place to find a partner?
There are a lot of studies that pose that "some" (don't SJW me bro) women seek mates based on the possible offspring and less about the being together forever aspect. Like Lois is with Superman because Jonathon their son will have Superman's life span and abilities making him stronger and more likely to survive than a child born from two human mates. Lots of animals think the same way instinctively.
It's wanting to make them more grounded to a human audience plus both Thor and superman have already intergrated and assimilated into society with their alter egos.
Writers do that because they think it will better humanize the characters. However in almost all Thor scenarios he's with sif in the end. Personally i always thought Superman/WonderWoman was a better match. It's asinine that Lois could even have sex with superman without dying or giving birth to a kryptonian and not getting torn to shreds in the process.
Qarcon Superman and Wonderwoman have no chemistry. And why do people go in detail about how their sex life would be like? It's fiction for gods sake. Though if you want a "logical" explanation, then just have Red Sun light surrounding their bedroom so they can have "safe" sex.
I was about to say the same. Essentially it's pronounced Hi-meh. Considering his last name is Reyes (spanish for kings) I'd say the correct one would be the spanish one. However the US is no stranger to taking foreign names and pronouncing them however they want. Texas and mexico should be Tehas and Mehico since in old spanish the X was a J (h in english). Same goes for Xavier in the x-men, it's pronounced Havier. My own uncle had that name, spelt with an x and no one doubted it was Havier, not Savier.
You know why you're wrong? Because both pronunciations are correct. One is English and one is Spanish and it doesn't matter which way you want to pronounce it- both are right. It's okay to be white and it's okay to speak like you are white. Never apologize for how you were born.
true both pronunciations are correct but if he is a Mexican it would be pronounced like an h because that is his name. go call a man named that Jamie with the j pronunciation see how they like that
This video almost made me change my mind and say Superboy Prime is my favorite DC villain, but after the Joker randomly shows up and kills Alexander because he "wasn't invited" Joker still has my heart.
The dark nature of some heroes is cyclical. It reminds me of wrestling. As a kid, hulk Hogan and John cena, would be appealing; however, when that audience grows up, they want stone cold Steve Austin and ECW. At some point you run into the dilemma of what audience you want to appease. Reboots are a great way to try to strike a balance, but if the execution is botched, it's back to square one.
Hooker Legs what's even scarier than that, is that Superboy Prime is supposed to represent the reader. As in you, me, and anyone else reading the story. Think of how Clark Kent is Superman's depiction of humanity. Superboy is the readers depiction of being in a comic and how we'd view our favorite heroes and what we'd do if they were real.
Hooker Legs Eyup. That's why he gets recruited by Sinestro. Since Rob is riding the Superboy-Prime train for all its worth, chances are good you'll see his ultimate moment pretty soon. After Infinite Crisis & Sinestro Corps War, SB-P's last hurrah comes from Final Crisis: Legion of Three Worlds... the only problem is that Final Crisis as a whole is insanely convoluted, and it may be beyond Rob's powers to explain.
been watching a ton of your videos bro i just thought it would be a good idea. I know for a fact you'll get views for it. especially considering your current fanbase. PS happy Easter Rob & everybody
With all due respect Rob, it's pronounced "high-meh" Reyes because he is Hispanic and Jamie is English also it's more of a female name; it's also spelled differently Jaime.
"Superman and I always have to be at odds with each other, no matter which universe we're in." "Do you always have to be bald?" "Yes, but I don't always have to be self-conscious about it."
You made a mistake with Batman staying on new earth. Batman of earth-2 died when darkseid invaded back in the 1960's. He was the commissioner of Gotham, married to Selena Kyle, father of Helena Wayne, and adopted father of Dick Grayson. He came out of retirement to help the heroes fight against the invasion.
That's the New 52 Earth 2 series you speak of where Batman died stopping Darkseid's invasion. Him, wonder woman and superman all died new heroes rose up such as Val Zod superman and Thomas Wayne as batman etc.
Bruce Wayne was blown up in the earth-2 reboot. I'm thinking of a story where darkseid's fist killed bruce. It must have been an elseworlds story because I remember that comic being from my uncles collection and it was the first time I ever saw a hero die .
@@badabingbing474 you guys are clearly missing the part where SPB being a jerk killing people is a commentary that the past isn't always as great as you remember it.
because he would kill everyone. it took two versions of superman flinging him into a sun to weaken him and even then he still beat 40s superman to death
Jalen Livingston there wouldn't have even been an injustice game the injustice comics would have stopped at day 3 instead of year 5 with everybody dead and superboy prime destroying planets while blaming Obamacare for making him evil.
after all this I can only assume comic stories are pointless O_o heroes die then come back alive, they are reset over and over, they gain and lose powers non stop, nothing matters nothing sticks. comics need to be more like movies, books or games. give a story then end it. this whole there is 1 universe now there is a multiverse now just 1 again now many again over and over...who cares if lois lane dies? she will be back it don't matter if superman kills flash some day he will be back powers being taken earth being blown up whole time lines erased? nah don't matter all will be reset next time a new guy takes over the pen. just kind of stupid
Ice Kirby Many people agree with you, but keep in mind, there are WAY more great comics out there that aren't part of the superhero genre. I'm largely unimpressed by superhero stories and in constant awe of many of the other books out there.
If comics went the way you wanted there would only be the golden age of comics. Personally I don't read comics for the ending because for the most part, thank God, there is no end just resets. I read the comics to see the journey. Being able to watch dozens of different Bruce Wayne's tackle the same challenge. Will he do it alone, with teammates, with family, with friends(if he has any at the time), with past enemies, future enemies, lovers, who knows but it will be interesting no matter which is chosen but I like the choice. That's why I read them. Like right now I want to see new 52 and pre 52 Nightwing meet because that'd be an incredibly interesting match up or fight whichever way it goes why they are going to meet/fight is interesting of course but I just really want to see them interact.
P.S. But please slow down when you talk, pace yourself and break the discussion points you've raised more in tune to an audience who is listening. Be a good aurator not a bad one who races to cross a finish line, way too quickly man? No offense but you sound like you drank '100 Red Bull' cans!
@comicsexplained. First & foremost, I am a BIG FAN of your channel. 2nd, I noticed that you are almost at 1 millions subs. So congrats in advance. Now for my Question. Are you ever going to bring back Walking Dead?
To the people complaining about how I mispronounced Jamie Reyes name: I will now mispronounce it intentionally at every possible opportunity.
ComicsExplained the idea here is to mispronounce his name in its entirety. the fact remains that jamie reyes is the best thing coming out of DC Rebirth right now and its amazing.
Then don't be surprised when people get pissed off. I'm guessing you wouldn't say the same if it was a Chinese name or an Indian name so fuck you.
RagnarTheRed I could be wrong...but I think you may have missed its entirety...but that fact remains that my comment is the best thing coming out of youtube right now
+adwinjones I should've been clearer, my comment was meant to be for ComicsExplained, not you.
Edit:However, it's one thing to pronounce the name wrong and say, "sry for butchering it but that's how I know it and how I've always pronounced it" and saying "I pronounce it this way, I don't understand why anybody else would not and to the people complaining fuck you".
Rob's trolling is the best thing coming out of this channel right now.
How do you know a story is epic? When Rob can't finish his sentences!
freddieawsome1 "Rob corp, lemme tell ya some'n mannn. Lemme TELL you some'n mannn." I usually get a good smile/laugh from that. Usually I'm just as excited haha.
- I thought you were batma...
- Rob has spoken and so shall it be!!!
The Lord Of Watermelons LOL your name
says you)
The Lord Of Watermelons lol
To thee I say NAJ!!!
Superboy Prime is the best thing coming out of DC rebirth right now.
The most potentially terrifying thing anyway.
Damien Lee right?
that would be pretty crazy if Superboy Prime showed up in rebirth and just destroyed everyone!!
Awww shit. I thought this was Marvel ANAD Prime Lengends: The Destiny of Visionary Axis' Secret Wars. So sorry.
What do you mean rebirth, he's back?
Moral of the story, If you're throwing a party, ALWAYS invite Joker
Actually, the story behind Conner Kent Superboy & Nightwing are a bit more nuanced than that. You were correct, but didn't get the whole story.
Geoff Johns LOVED Superboy. Superboy was his favorite character, you could even see his old letters to the editor in Superboy's book from the 90's. In fact, Geoff had several years of stories planned with the Teen Titans that had Superboy in it. The reason, the real reason that Superboy died, was because of real world litigation.
The families and estates of Siegel & Shuster started a suit regarding the Superboy trademark. Originally, the Superman that DC owns outright debuted as an adult, with Siegel later creating the "Superman as a boy in Smallville" Superboy concept later that was argued to not fall under the deal where Superman was bought by DC (especially since Siegel made the pitch, it got denied, but then DC made Superboy anyway). So, their lawsuit presented the real threat that DC could lose the right to use the name Superboy in ANY capacity, so Conner Kent was killed, Prime was renamed (in-universe as an ego trip) as Superman-Prime, and the revised history of Superman where he WAS Superboy (thus bringing back the continuity of the original Legion of Superheroes where Superboy regularly went to the future) had to be hinted at until years later when Johns wrote Superman: Secret Origin. Because his favorite Titan was killed, Johns eventually left that book and it arguably never recovered, even past into the New 52. However, the lawsuit was resolved that DC could later use the Superboy name for OTHER characters (even recently, even for young Clark Kent again outright), so Conner was brought back and Prime went back to Superboy-Prime for his last few appearances, and now the son of Clark Kent is the new Superboy, name and all.
With Nightwing, that was a sole editorial fiat from Dan Didio himself. At the time, he didn't see the point in Dick Grayson since he wasn't Batman's sidekick anymore, and that he'd never be Batman (ha!), so he wanted to remove what he considered chaff in the Batfamily. The thing was that almost literally EVERYBODY ELSE at DC fought for Dick to live, Johns at the forefront (who I believed threatened to quit if he was forced to do so). It's similar to the fiat that Quesada has against the Peter Parker/Mary Jane marriage, except in this case, Didio backed down and admitted he was dumb and Quesada still hates the Spider-Marriage (sorry Spidey fans).
Oh wow this is super interesting! (no sarcasm intended) Huge Superboy fan myself, would've loved to have seen what plans Geoff Johns would've had for him.
It probably would've covered some of the territory that Johns wrote when he brought back Adventure Comics and it highlighted Superboy. Despite the truth that Luthor was one of Superboy's genetic parents coming out before Infinite Crisis started, Conner was benched for awhile at the Kent Farm. And, had the litigation not happened, he probably would have survived his fight against Prime in the Anti-Monitor Obelisk, probably having gotten some catharsis that despite he was half Luthor, he was also half Superman.
Then, it probably would have dealt more with Superboy's acceptance and interactions with Luthor's family. And I'm sure the Brainiac/Luthor clone would have been introduced much earlier and actually had done something.
Man that would've been cool to see! Maybe one day these ideas could be done somehow in the future.
I hope they never get rid of Dick Grayson/NightWing.
Is it just me or is Superboy-Prime is getting more and more popular now than back than?
Marcus Lanier cause people appreciate the monster he was. The man fought Monarch and decimated every superhero team in DC.
Minato D Roger I know I thought I was the only one who was a fan of him. Seriously there is no villain more capable to actually kill A superman and the most of the D.C. Universe and live.
Marcus Lanier and he actually did too the original one at that
Minato D Roger dude he could kill Darksied then too.
It was so refreshing because no one had singlehandedly fought off the whole roster like that with raw power, Darkseid and Doomsday can both be defeated by Supes alone. I also liked the 'what if Supes didnt hold back and control himself' question coming to life. I remember it wasnt nearly as popular amongst the avid readers online cuz he came off as an overpowered whiny kid who can kick anyone's ass for no reason. But I thoroughly enjoyed having someone who kept that SIlver Age strength to push planets and thrash ppl around like insects without the whole 'villain controlling the universe' threat attached.
Infinite Crisis is truly one of the craziest stories in DC history. Awesome breakdown Rob.
Hey if your planning to go into Image comics at any point in the future, could you do Invincible? The 12 year storyline is about to end and they just confirmed a movie, so I think it would be the perfect time
When you said "Batsman" I had this awesome visual of Batman holding two baseball-bats ready to fuck up crime.
7:54 Golden age Wonder Woman.......should not be wearing that outfit......ever.
This was Glorious. I love Superboy Prime. His origins, his personality, his story line, Everything! So badass.
Infinite crisis is the best thing coming out of DC rebirth right now (got this meme twice in a row)
Joshua Farrington your not wrong m8 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Hey Joshua, I saw your comment on another video. just wanted to say that I too was a transvestite once. But I got help and support, and it helped me through. I still have a fake vagina but things are better now, I even call myself Justin again, instead of Justine. Its a good feeling to know that my father can look me in the eyes again. Anyways, I believe in you and wish you the best of luck.
Lol Wtf
This story came out well over two decades ago, which limit that phase only to when its relevant.
Joshua Farrington gg
That was a really nice look back at Infinite Crisis (one of my favorite special events). If I could be so bold though, I think you misunderstood the meta-commentary when Alexander Luthor said "everything comes from Superman." I think you read too much into it. It's meta-commentary, but it's even bolder than what you described (the multiverse as an explanation of how Superman changed over the years). Simply, everything you see in the comics comes from Superman. Literally. "Superman" was the birth of the entire genre. He was the first. Whether discussing DC stories or Marvel or even stories from other publishers, Superman was the first comic book superhero, and the entire genre began with him. THAT is the commentary they were making. It all comes from Superman.
man Rob, please please PLEASE, tell us the next one is coming!
I'm not religious,
my wife and kids are,
they're all out doing Easter stuff and
I'm home catching up.
Please help me make this my own holiday, make it a "Very Infinite Crisis Easter"
I beg you, good sir!
haha once again, great job Rob, and that plea is a testament of how great you are as a storyteller.
your timing,
the personality you contribute,
what you choose to emphasize importance on,
even your voice!!
for a long time now, you've been my favorite interpreter of stories,
Recently while on 'daddy and daughter time' my girl and I went upstairs to play and I heard a familiar voice from inside the master bedroom............
it was YOU!
while she was resting in bed she was listening to your channel! I was like "we are truly made for each other"
haha thanks for being who you are and for what you do.
Kevin(and my wife also, haha)
Fan: there's a plot hole/something I don't like here...
Nicodemus Edwards Fans: eh, I don't really like the direction you're going, Marvel.
Marvel: We've got to make it worse!
Nicodemus Edwards DC: WE NEED A CRISIS!
Image: Lets just do whatever. lol
MrYouarethecancer lmao true
Surprised Robot early image: MORE XTREME CHARACTERS!
Lol "The Super Society of Secret Villains". I love hearing when you messaged up Rob, it makes it all the more charming.
Superboy prime needs to fight Dr. Manhattan! That would honestly be the best thing to come out of DC Rebirth
superboy would die easy
Sasuke kuniski no wtf
Polyne Akech yes 😂 dr. Manhattan is literally godly. Nothing can defeat him.
The Superman Doctor Manhattan has in his vision might in fact be Prime.
Most likely normal superman couldn't do shit.
I think it was the speed force that added the red sun weakness, and maybe not conciosully, but Prime knew the longer he was in the speed force, which transends, the more he'd be "caught up to speed" and the more weakness of today's superman, magic, kryponite, etc, would start to affect because the speed force was somehow making him more prone to it. But that's just a fan theory.
12:40 "It was just 'one day he could jump really high, the next day he could fly,' and we don't know really why."
BARS from Rob is the best thing coming out of ComicsExplained right now.
I read that comment as he said that lmao
I read your comment just as he said that line.
I've been watching you for a long time and been keeping up to date with "Metal", I kinda feel this is where the Forger started to come into play really
superboy prime will return in countdown to final crisis and let me till u something it's even more awesome
is it out yet?
You give me something to look forward to everyday thanks rob I love these videos
Superboy Prime? More like SuperBOI
11:34 - One of my single most favorite panels from any comic ever is that single frame of E1 Superman saying "a perfect earth doesn't NEED a superman". I remember reading that for the first time and got chills because I was thinking the same thing the whole time E2 Superman was ranting about his "perfect earth". 😳😻
Did anyone notice that golden age superman hit earth 1 superman with the car from the cover of action comics#1 or am I pointing out the obvious?
pointing out the obvious
Yeah, pretty much EVERYONE knew Geoff was doing an homage to that cover there
Wow! Thank you for posting these vids, this has really gotten me interested in reading comics again...well this and a few fb groups. DC has such good stories. I'm currently reading the New 52 Swamp Thing but apparently I need to backtrack and get to some of these older comics to catch me up
"The funny thing about this is..."
That a catch phrase or something?
7 years later, still awesome. You are timeless rob.
Rob, I think you you are confused on the difference between the Secret Society and the Secret Six. The Secret Society is the team of villains brought together by Lex Luthor (Alexander Luthor in disguise) to fight off the heroes. The Secret Six are a team of villains that denounced membership into the Society and formed their own team. The Six are enemies of the Society. It is all covered in Villain's United.
Thanks for these 2 videos. Superboy Prime was pretty much my favorite character from pre New 52, and I loved every story he was in except for the finale Teen Titan arc where they sealed him, cuz that made absolutely no sense that they could trash him. However, the storyline was always a bit difficult to keep up with because I wasnt aware of some of the motivations of the authors in wanting to clean up the universe and tie up loose ends of certain characters. Certain things never made sense to me, especially since I try to make the comic make more sense story wise than even the authors intend to, which means I end up with alot of non-explanations for why certain events take place, or how Superboy was so inconsistent throughout his entire run. I really loved Superboy vs. the guardians and the DC roster where he almost died on the bridge but stuck his hand into the sun and just blitzed everyone. Such an enjoyable read. I hope you continue to cover the rest of his storyline into Legion of 3 Worlds. I'd appreciate it so much
So Superboy Prime's suit is a case that charges your phone? Got it
I just love it when Rob goes: Let me tell you something, LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING ROBCORP! ^-^
Aww you skipped what Black Adam does to Pyscho Pirate. That was brutal
Pierre-Edouard Cineas worst version of eye jabs I've ever seen
No more tricks!! lol. Believe it or not, he's one of the most dangerous villains in the Universe. A proper Psycho Pirate with the Medusa mask can do serious damage.
@@lairdriver when you survive having your face pushed through the back of your skull kinda hard to argue against how dangerous you really are lol
When Rob gets so excited about a story he just grunts. x'D Hilarious!
It is pronounced as Hai-may because he is Latino. Jamie is a typical white American name. His name has been pronounced like that ever since his first appearance in the DCAU.
Thank you. It bothered me so much
Thank you it bothered me to no end how Rob pronounced that
ConaChi78 You are welcome. Normally,I am not a stickler when it comes to other folks' grammar and pronunciation but Rob strangely messed up few names in this video.
Doesn't DC's Young Justice series call him Hai-may not Jamie in the series?
Jamall Montoya Young Justice,Justice League vs Teen Titans and Teen Titans Judas Contract
GEEZUS!!!! i had love for DC before and thats why i subscribed to this channel but now.... MAH GAUD!!! This is too intense i will probably have a hearth attack if this keeps up... youre the best Rob!!!
Superboy Prime would be a fantastic secret character in Injustice 2. Especially being as *Boss Character* OP as he is here.
Great explanation bro.
Hey Rob, if you ever need any digital comics, I got a hook up who has a huge hard drive full of complete runs, including anything from the main events to the GL run you're covering and all their tie ins, so if you're ever missing anything again like the full "Sacrifice" run in your Countdown to IC video, hit me up! I'd love to help out as a member of the RobCorp.
Wally West give it to me my boy
Man let me get the hook up 😂
me too! i wants the hookup!!
Do you think sites like this are bad for the indsutry? Like, if we don't actually go out and purchase comics, won't the industry die?
I don't think it matters so much for older stuff that's not even sold anymore, but for new things like DC Rebirth, Valiant, Marvel 2.0, doesn't it hurt the industry?
If you ain't got no money, then I ain't blamin you a bit, but i just was curious to know other'sperspectives..
Awesome! Superboy Prime is by far one of my favorite versions of Kal-el.Love how he's incredibly powerful and managed to take on all the heroes by himself,plus I love his physique.
The most appropriate statement concerning Superboy Prime I feel is, "You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain." And He has had a very long life as a O.P. Superpowered teenager.
He's lost his freakin marbles and went Joker level kill crazy. I guess spending decades as a massively powerful teenager living in the shadow of the main hero that you realize you will NEVER take that mantle for yourself would drive anyone nuts eventually.
hhes a loser
"Lemme tell ya sum mannnnnn lemme tell ya summmm" lol i love you rob
Superboy Prime is pretty badass, but what's there even left to do with him? I suppose they'll just keep him in their back pocket for another reboot.
That Which Smashes Oh, you.
Just wait until Final Crisis reveals its hideous face.
Don't forget about Sinestro Corps War.
Gotta kill Dragonball universe.
uhmm how did you know
Man i look forward to these so much thank you rob for all the great work
This is the best thing coming out of DC rebirth right now.
this aint from rebirth its 11 year old
This isn't D.C. Rebirth
William Johnson that's the joke
Hey Rob,
I love Superboy Prime, too!
Awesome vid, man! Keep 'em coming!
Hey Rob can you do a video on Superboy Prime vs Sodom Yat. I know it's kind of an obscure fight but it's one of my favorite fights in DC history.
Rob I'm a Marvel guy, but as far as convoluted reboot crossovers are, the way you added in insights of DC editorial, really was the glue that logically made this understandable. You're a genuis. 🙌
robs community is great simply because none of the first comments actually say "first" :D
Uwais Hafizal Rob's community is the best thing coming out of DC Rebirth right now.
Liew Herreis lmao
Unfortunately they have their own childish crap instead...
Its full of the best thing coming out of DC comments instead. A overused joke
Rambo G and let me tell you something coments
You re such a great guy. I loved the Batsman. You re so natural. Very happy to finally start with DC
maybe because in Spanish culture a j is pronounced as an h? #LanguageExplained
Neta, i was abt to comment this
Ahhh Superboy-Prime's armor the most badass thing to never be explained fully.
you have to do the story line where superboy prime fights ion the daxomite green lantern!! superboy prime is such a badass!!
Your semi-heroes, Your Quasi-heroes, Your the Diet Coke of Heroes(Only one calorie! but not heroic enough!)
I felt like they really nerfed the Spectre recently. He went from the nigh invincible Wrath of God who managed to make Silver Age Superman yield to his wrath to the fall guy that makes the next big crossover villain look threatening.
victor hoang yeah no doubt shame really
Great work as always Rob :D,i hope that sometimes when you got time,to do 52,it's ( as you probably know :D ) a amazing storyline :D
I never understood superman and thors attraction to normal human woman, they have thousand year lifespans, its guaranteed your going to outlive them, why would you put yourself through that kind of pain when there are other woman in your universe who will live just as long? people hate MCU odin because he thinks thor having jane is stupid but hes kind of right isnt he? imagine we had a race of humans on this planet who were born, became adults and then died all in the space of 1 year would you really see that as a good place to find a partner?
There are a lot of studies that pose that "some" (don't SJW me bro) women seek mates based on the possible offspring and less about the being together forever aspect. Like Lois is with Superman because Jonathon their son will have Superman's life span and abilities making him stronger and more likely to survive than a child born from two human mates. Lots of animals think the same way instinctively.
It's wanting to make them more grounded to a human audience plus both Thor and superman have already intergrated and assimilated into society with their alter egos.
I actually don't like the MCU Odin because, for all the wisdom he lost an eye to obtain, Odin is a terrible parent. Example: Loki.
Writers do that because they think it will better humanize the characters. However in almost all Thor scenarios he's with sif in the end. Personally i always thought Superman/WonderWoman was a better match. It's asinine that Lois could even have sex with superman without dying or giving birth to a kryptonian and not getting torn to shreds in the process.
Qarcon Superman and Wonderwoman have no chemistry. And why do people go in detail about how their sex life would be like? It's fiction for gods sake. Though if you want a "logical" explanation, then just have Red Sun light surrounding their bedroom so they can have "safe" sex.
this was a SUPER story Rob!!👊👊👊
the J makes an H sound in spanish thats why jamie is pronounced hamie (or however its spelled)
I was about to say the same. Essentially it's pronounced Hi-meh. Considering his last name is Reyes (spanish for kings) I'd say the correct one would be the spanish one.
However the US is no stranger to taking foreign names and pronouncing them however they want. Texas and mexico should be Tehas and Mehico since in old spanish the X was a J (h in english). Same goes for Xavier in the x-men, it's pronounced Havier. My own uncle had that name, spelt with an x and no one doubted it was Havier, not Savier.
You know why you're wrong? Because both pronunciations are correct. One is English and one is Spanish and it doesn't matter which way you want to pronounce it- both are right. It's okay to be white and it's okay to speak like you are white. Never apologize for how you were born.
true both pronunciations are correct but if he is a Mexican it would be pronounced like an h because that is his name. go call a man named that Jamie with the j pronunciation see how they like that
Hamie = Ham-Me
This video almost made me change my mind and say Superboy Prime is my favorite DC villain, but after the Joker randomly shows up and kills Alexander because he "wasn't invited" Joker still has my heart.
Rob you're videos are amazing! keep it up man! And daaaaamn am super boy is a bad ass lmao 😂. #RobCorp
My Favorite Channel, excellent ep..
The dark nature of some heroes is cyclical. It reminds me of wrestling. As a kid, hulk Hogan and John cena, would be appealing; however, when that audience grows up, they want stone cold Steve Austin and ECW. At some point you run into the dilemma of what audience you want to appease. Reboots are a great way to try to strike a balance, but if the execution is botched, it's back to square one.
Good analogy
This was amazing !!! thank you Rob and shout out to the Rob-Core !!!!!!
Not sure what documentary but one of my favorite comic creator quotes, " Why Blue Beetle? Two words, Green Hornet..."
you are so awesome rob,never was into comics but now fan boy.
R.I.P. 33 Green Lanterns and a some useless superheroes.
Daemon Blackfyre and a Superman
Rooooooobbbbbbbbb! You have done it again! Great Video!
Hey Rob, it'd be pronounced like "himay" because he's Hispanic...
Risk19l and "Cut a swaft"😂
I love it when you talk too fast your awesome thanks for all your videos ☝💗
Superboy Prime scares me.
And he's the Superman of the so-called "real world." He's technically OUR Superman.
That scares me more.
Hooker Legs what's even scarier than that, is that Superboy Prime is supposed to represent the reader. As in you, me, and anyone else reading the story. Think of how Clark Kent is Superman's depiction of humanity. Superboy is the readers depiction of being in a comic and how we'd view our favorite heroes and what we'd do if they were real.
So we're scary bad guys?
Hooker Legs Eyup. That's why he gets recruited by Sinestro.
Since Rob is riding the Superboy-Prime train for all its worth, chances are good you'll see his ultimate moment pretty soon. After Infinite Crisis & Sinestro Corps War, SB-P's last hurrah comes from Final Crisis: Legion of Three Worlds... the only problem is that Final Crisis as a whole is insanely convoluted, and it may be beyond Rob's powers to explain.
been watching a ton of your videos bro i just thought it would be a good idea. I know for a fact you'll get views for it. especially considering your current fanbase. PS happy Easter Rob & everybody
With all due respect Rob, it's pronounced "high-meh" Reyes because he is Hispanic and Jamie is English also it's more of a female name; it's also spelled differently Jaime.
"Superman and I always have to be at odds with each other, no matter which universe we're in."
"Do you always have to be bald?"
"Yes, but I don't always have to be self-conscious about it."
Are you gonna cover n52 Earth 2 Rob?
great video rob always wanted to read this comic, keep up the good work
You made a mistake with Batman staying on new earth. Batman of earth-2 died when darkseid invaded back in the 1960's. He was the commissioner of Gotham, married to Selena Kyle, father of Helena Wayne, and adopted father of Dick Grayson. He came out of retirement to help the heroes fight against the invasion.
Batman died in battle against Bill Jensen, not an invasion.
you sure? I swore there was a version of Batman that was beaten to death by Darkseid while trying to buy Mr. Miracle time to disable a machine.
Yeah I'm sure. Bruce was already dying of cancer, so he fought Jensen to the end.
That's the New 52 Earth 2 series you speak of where Batman died stopping Darkseid's invasion. Him, wonder woman and superman all died new heroes rose up such as Val Zod superman and Thomas Wayne as batman etc.
Bruce Wayne was blown up in the earth-2 reboot. I'm thinking of a story where darkseid's fist killed bruce. It must have been an elseworlds story because I remember that comic being from my uncles collection and it was the first time I ever saw a hero die .
Really enjoyed this.
Rob corps RULES!!
Superman Says his Batman is dead that is why there was no Earth 2 Batsman
No one cares
@@I_am_a_cat_I care 🗿
O.k I smell hypocrisy here, didn't the old school super heroes kill. i mean sups let a man die because he found out his secret identity, right?
kevin hayden and threw a wife beater into a wall and left a man to die
kevin hayden DC tries too forget its old shit
@@badabingbing474 you guys are clearly missing the part where SPB being a jerk killing people is a commentary that the past isn't always as great as you remember it.
Your excitement is amazing =)
video published a minute ago. comments 20 hours ago . What the hell RUclips
Sir AWESOME lol Rob posts some of his videos on twitter a day before sometimes
I think it's made available early for patreon people and all that jazz.
It was unlisted for a while.
Batsman forever, je, but really this was one of the BEST vids so far, Thank-you!!
Why can't superboy prime be in Injustice?
because he would kill everyone. it took two versions of superman flinging him into a sun to weaken him and even then he still beat 40s superman to death
Jalen Livingston there wouldn't have even been an injustice game the injustice comics would have stopped at day 3 instead of year 5 with everybody dead and superboy prime destroying planets while blaming Obamacare for making him evil.
honestly world brecker hulk is not that impressive I mean sentry ( not the viod) is superman level and they double Koed each other
Nerds Forever world breaker is impressive and Sentry is above superman depending on his mental state.
@Wilfri Castillo This comment was over a year ago bud get with the times Lols
Rob, you have an incredibly entertaining channel and you're doing a great job. I will make sure to hit the like button and keep up the great job.
after all this I can only assume comic stories are pointless O_o heroes die then come back alive, they are reset over and over, they gain and lose powers non stop, nothing matters nothing sticks. comics need to be more like movies, books or games. give a story then end it. this whole there is 1 universe now there is a multiverse now just 1 again now many again over and over...who cares if lois lane dies? she will be back it don't matter if superman kills flash some day he will be back powers being taken earth being blown up whole time lines erased? nah don't matter all will be reset next time a new guy takes over the pen. just kind of stupid
Ice Kirby Many people agree with you, but keep in mind, there are WAY more great comics out there that aren't part of the superhero genre. I'm largely unimpressed by superhero stories and in constant awe of many of the other books out there.
that's a good point
and we have the fanboys to thank for that .
If comics went the way you wanted there would only be the golden age of comics. Personally I don't read comics for the ending because for the most part, thank God, there is no end just resets. I read the comics to see the journey. Being able to watch dozens of different Bruce Wayne's tackle the same challenge. Will he do it alone, with teammates, with family, with friends(if he has any at the time), with past enemies, future enemies, lovers, who knows but it will be interesting no matter which is chosen but I like the choice. That's why I read them. Like right now I want to see new 52 and pre 52 Nightwing meet because that'd be an incredibly interesting match up or fight whichever way it goes why they are going to meet/fight is interesting of course but I just really want to see them interact.
This was great!
"Bitch, you and your pointy ears better have more than that."
I absolutely love your videos.......thank you.
Take a shot every time Rob says 'The funny thing about this is..'
what's up notification squaf!? always enjoy your compressed explanations Rob! You rock!
Alexander Luthor is like those kids who got scared when his daddy hire a clown for his birthday party.
Excellent Infinite Crisis review!
P.S. But please slow down when you talk, pace yourself and break the discussion points you've raised more in tune to an audience who is listening. Be a good aurator not a bad one who races to cross a finish line, way too quickly man? No offense but you sound like you drank '100 Red Bull' cans!
man, this was great
i absolutely love ComicsExplained ❤
6:32 man seeing batman finna do that he was not playing 🤣🤣 "what do you deserve"
@comicsexplained. First & foremost, I am a BIG FAN of your channel. 2nd, I noticed that you are almost at 1 millions subs. So congrats in advance.
Now for my Question. Are you ever going to bring back Walking Dead?
Covering stories like this is the singular reason I wish there was a love button not just a like.
When Rob gets excited It feels like he's gonna break out into a Barry White song... OHHH YEAH.