Ok the bodybuilder half repped many of those pull-ups and did not squat down nearly as far as the cross fit guy. I think cross fit guy should've one. He was humble and in much better shape performance wise
Ricky looked about the same before and after each test. Calm, steady breathing, similar complexion to when he started, and not drenched in sweat. Johnny went from normal to heavy breathing, red as a fire engine, and as shiny as one too. There's probably a lot of factors in play to warrant the difference, but judging the two as far as their standing afterward, I'd have to say that the fitness title goes to Ricky. He looked ready to go another round.
Crossit bounced on bench, bodybuilder kipped on pullups, bodybuilder didn't go parallel on squats and he failed on long jump: = The crossfitter Ricky should have won.
clearly the crossfit guy was the winner.. reps were clean and on target..and still being humbled and cool kudos to cross fit, u were definitely the winner
The squats the body builder did were all above parallel. . A lot of no reps there. Usually the winner is determined by who runs the comps. Winner goes to crossfit for sure.
Not going to lie this is a terribly constructed competition, so many no reps from the bodybuilder in all different movements (no chin over bar in pull ups, not even parallel in bunch of reps during squats, falling over in long jump definitely doesn't count), I do respect both athletes, I just think this video is trying to create a fight over two different forms of training. The crossfitter definitely outworked and performed the bodybuilder, crossfitter had better technique and form throughout most movements, body builder was struggling to keep up by doing no reps to stay ahead. Crossfitter wins. Tuuuurrrrrible competition.
I don't think the BB hit parallel 1 time. In addition his last 8 pull ups, his head was below the bar. I think overall the CF competitor performed better both physically and he was less winded. CF is better suited for anyone looking for performance, where as BB is for esthetics. Which would you rather have, the ability to perform well in any circumstance or look look swollen. Also the CF guy looks great esthetically too!
+Secundus steroids dont cause that or else all the golden era bodybuilders like arnold or lou or franco would have them its called hgh and it grows they're organs pushing them up against the stomach cavity wall appearing like they have a gut. hence the saying "roid gut" but its hgh gut lol i used to think roids did that too lol
+Secundus its a growth hormone ? you can go under the radar taking that. ive seen it. its not a steroid what steroid would grow your internal organs and your bones? none. but any way the "bodybuilder" did have a gut and im not disagreeing with you
Forget about form or proper reps on this challenge. Examine their goals and what they achieved here. Bodybuilder has bigger muscles, but both are lean and look great. Crossfitter barely broke a sweat. If bodybuilder had a job to do, he'd be done. Crossfitter is ready to take on more work. I used to bodybuild. And I think I was fine. But, as a firefighter, good looking muscles don't really matter under all my gear in a fire. Ability to do work is paramount. That is my goal, so that's why I prefer crossfit. Trying not to sound like I'm bashing bodybuilder, cause he still kicked ass, too.
In addition to all of the other critiques, you have to land a broad jump for it to count. The bodybuilder fell backwards to get that far and the crossfit guy landed all of his jumps.
Biggest load of crap I have ever seen. Perhaps the CrossFitter bounced the bench, but at least the bar made contact with his chest not the occasional half reps like the Bodybuilder. Also pull-ups don't count if only the peak of your cap passes the bar, and I must have missed the definition of parallel...those were some shallow squats right there. Sorry but about 40% of the bodybuilders reps shouldn't have counted. Even if you award the bodybuilder the victory he was exhausted...I'd much rather go to max and be barley breathing hard.
+iViiision Yes better form and hardly breaking a sweat or heavy breathing...I bet he could have started the competition from the beginning again, whilst the bodybuilder was ready to go for a lie down.
+Jackie Ramage To be fair, you can tell he still does a lot of heavy lifting. Four 45's and the bar would be to much for a lot of crossfitt athletes without some type of weight implementation in their routine
If it had been a real competition with proper judging a good chunk of the bodybuilders squats and chin-up reps would NOT have counted. Crossfit guy won easily based on proper rules.
The biggest difference between them was Johnny being a bit more winded throughout it all. But at zero carbs all I can say is respect! Great motivational video and awesome performance by these two athletes. Now where's my weights lol!
You can see how much better the Crossfit guy's cardiovascular is - the body builder was sweating and could barely breathe and the crossfitter was completely fine haha. Just goes to show you need to do your cardio too!
After watching this video, I think I will just keep doing weight lifting for my physique but I will definetly add some crossfit badass workouts for my cardio development.
I can't believe I am wasting my time, but I can't help it. Movement standards were not enforced for the body builder for both the pull-ups and back squats.
damn thats right. such a shame to be honest..mostly because the other guy got tired because of doing them right while this guy was like hell yeah! I can cheat for days! Shame on you man , shame on you (not u dear random person)
Really good video and creative way to put both bodybulding and crossfit to the test loved the video and the outcome.Johnny awesome work and form on the bench press also good work to the other guy he did good too
+Six Pack Shortcuts hi i am a 15 year old and i asked my parents if i could get six-pack shortcuts DVDs but they said if it worked it would stunk my growth is that true
lol my bad i didnt mean to cock block the vid lol heres how i break this vid down in college i playd ball for lbcc vikings we had d\o line then the "skilled"players we trained for mass like the body builders they traind for agility.. long story short strength does not equal power.. speed +strength +explosiveness +endurance =power i hate to say it but like in Dragon Ball Z when trunks went past Super Saiyan and he got really bulky he was strong but he couldn't hit cell and Vegeta told him what's the point of having all that strength if you can't land a punch that's why crossFit wins because you're not working out a group of muscles like the shoulders triceps and quads your conditioning your whole body to perform at max that's going to get the Super Saiyan level 4 like me lol
This was by far one of the BEST challenges I have seen! Over that, this shows viewers that CrossFitters don't kip in every exercise and that they can actually do strict pull ups. I am both a Bodybuilding Athlete and a CrossFitter and I am really glad to see this challenge brought forward! Thanks guys! Still loving this channel! 💪😎
No my opinion the crossfit trainer was better because the bodybuilder didn't go parallel with the squats and his chin didn't go very high on his pull ups, no disrespect still an amazing athlete
And guys... The Bodybuilder was in a caloric deficit which means he could not perform at full capacity. By keeping half reps in squats or any exercise increase muscular trauma which inevitably would tire the muscle out sooner and not make the exercise easier. The Bodybuilder focuses on muscle isolation rather than a fit physique such as the Cross Fitter. This means to say that the Bodybuilder has what is known as a muscular physique. Furthermore Jonny's red-dark skin tone is also owing to a competition he might be participating in, hence his caloric deficit. The Cross Fitter, Ricky, is used to HIIT, high intensity interval training, and aims to complete as many reps in the shortest amount of time with good form, that is why he seems to not even be breathed. All in all, these guys represented BOTH their schools of fitness and did them proud! Neither is better than the other, the athletes goals would determine their training regime to obviously yield the best results possible for their goals.
Ken Chang if you wanna keep your knees healthy, then don't lock out your knees. this technique helps you build more mass as well, because your quads never rest during the exercise. and no, it's not easier, it's a little bit harder.
+Six Pack Shortcuts I can't deny that the bodybuilder is a very strong and fit guy, but sincerely, in my opinion, this "challenge" totally limited the capacity of the crossfiter to show his better form.
Let's add a mile run on this, I bet that meat head couldn't make it a quarter mile. This test doesn't show anything, they make up excuses for the bodybuilders shit form. I'm no pro crossfit guy, but let's make a fair challenge.
I love how he tried to justify his no rep pull ups with “his back is so developed he can’t properly perform the workout” his form was good at the beginning as general fatigue set it, body builders just don’t want to admit it
don't make a video like this ever again. this is truly embarassing. you criticize the crossfitter for doing better, more efficient reps. this is why their is division. of you want to do pull ups where chin isnt above bar (the universal standard for good rep) or squats that aren't parallel (another basic standard) then do it. don't call out the athlete who is doing that
I know right, they were basically saying that the half squats and almost pullups from the bodybuilder were equivalent or somehow better haha. It was so stupid.
I'd be embarrassed to put up a video like this. Crossfitter had 1 more box jump (they said they tied), body builder had many reps that his chin wasnt over bar and just as many squat reps that weren't parallel( Johnny or whatever his name is decided to give the excuse of lack of mobility thus making them good reps) it blows my mind that we still have this level of intelligence in fitness community. I hear 6 packs are easier to obtain when you do required amount of work...not take shortcuts, but what do I know, I squat below parallel and get my chin over the bar.
+Tinokins I honestly have no idea what you're talking about. that in no way makes squatting easier. I would say it makes it harder seeing as it had form. that being said his knees were not that far over his toes. also, when you compare it to the squats that are not going parallel(a basic principle of squatting) your argument is irrelevant.
Should've added running. That counts as being fit too. Whether it be sprinting or distance running, the crossfit dude would've won in that category and won the whole thing overall.
So you tested important fitness domains such as strength and muscular endurance in the bench press, squat and pull-ups and explosivity in the long jump. But some kind of longer aerobic event was missing in order to call it the Ultimate Fitness Challenge. Just 1 minute of box jumps isn't enough.
I get it, so crossfit is for people interested in just being in well shape with an athletic physique, and probably have time to do all the god damn different types of work outs. Body building is for the real men that want to surpass the overall body of the mere mortals that they're walking past.
You mean a lot more slow and useless at fighting and embarrass themselves. Girls would love a crossfitter more than a bodybuilder. Bodybuilding is for men pff the real mean are the ones with the smart mind.
Body building is purely about physique while crossfire focuses on on having athleticism in multiple areas... The problem is crossfit people tend to have extremely shitty form
Um I don't know why any crossfitters are bitching about pull up form. Alot of you guys like to do your kipping pull ups and then brag to non crossfitters how many "pull ups" you can do...
Well the problem comes out when a crossfiter does better strict pull ups than the bodybuilder meaning crossfiters can do strict pull ups aswell and kick bodybuilder ass, and don't even get me started on the squats
+Cameron Nott Yea, funny thought now that these 2 guys went head to head in "strict" pulls up and Johnny lost. He didn't get his chin over the bar most of the time, and didn't lock his elbows when going down to full extension. He also didn't squat to pre-agreed standards (not deep enough, and not extending his hips at the top) and he didn't lock his elbows again when bench pressing. Ricky bounced off the chest though, so that's where he went wrong. And since when you count Johnnys best jump to be a successful attempt? Pretty sure world long jump record would be 50cm further than it is now. If we excluded all the no-reps, there would be a very clear winner. The commentator really struggled though to come up with all the excuses, funny that. ROM etc...
Kirret Kanna true, the guy's squats were terrible and the long jump thing was dumb because they counted when he fell back. BUT, this is not a one rep powerlifting contest. You don't need to lock out when repping out on bench. He extended to just - before lockout. You also don't need to put your chin over the bar to do a pull up. I've done pull up contests before. That's why it's called a "pull up" and the other version is called a "chin up." Two totally different exercises.
Mario Andres Ballesteros again, totally agree on the squats. But the crossfitter was trying to do chin ups during a pull up contest. Those are two different exercises.
+Cameron Nott Hmm, for some reason I can't see you comment I received on my email. You mentioned that they didn't need to put their chins over the bar to do a pull up. And that pull-ups and chin-ups are 2 different things. Could you tell me how high do you have to get your chin then when doing pull-ups? 2 inches, 5 inches below the bar? Doesn't quite make sense I have to say. Also, the commentator found it necessary to explain why Johnny couldn't get his chin over the bar (muscles too big), meaning that it was actually meant as "chin-ups" as you call them, or strict pull-ups as I'd like to call them. Also, with not locking out your elbows/hips etc during a movement, you can do more reps in the same time. It's easier not to lock out and go "bang-bang-bang", than "move-lock-move-lock". What do you think by how much the crossfitter would have beat Johnny in 400m run? Or a 100m swim? ;)
I prefer bodybuilding over crossfit as my form of training. Even through the bodybuilder won, the crossfit guy is clearly in better shape, as he isn't ready to pop like a cherry. I 'd like to see who is still standing if they did two or three rounds of this workout, instead of only one round. As a bodybuilder advocate, I think I'm going to implement crossfit and/or more cardio into my workout routine. RS
Best: bench press, pull ups---> Johnny (best form) long jump, squats--> Ricky (deep ones are definitely hardest. Best form from Ricky) Another important thing is, Ricky jumps longer and preserves his stability, (In the unlikely event that jump over a crack or something..) its more funcional. Better form moves more weight safer, and its a point for Johnny. -
I like that they are trying to see who the fittest is and they didn't bring in Froning, Fraser, Ben Smith or any of the podium finishers at all. And the crossfitter still owned it. I think there should have been a range of motion discussion and example before hand and then bring in two judges for it.
Firstly both could beat me but come on!! Jonny fell back on his one long jump. Pull ups: loads of no reps as his chin didn't go above the bar. Back squat: almost all no reps as he didn't go below parallel when that was the instruction. That makes a huge difference to how hard the movement is. Props to Ricky he's a gent for not pointing that out!
Hi, I'm a Crossfitter and a must say that if this competition would have been done On a crossfit way, the bodybuilder would not Last not even 5 minutes... Wonder why??? 'Coz remember that Crossfitter goes from one exercize to the other with a minimum rest... Complete fitness condition it' s shown when you are capable of keeping your endurance, high performance under presure, aerobic and anaerobic condition, Strength, tecnic and above all "will" .... Not everybody can keep good form and Strength under time cap of 10 minutes ( this is Just an example) to be fair it has to be a competition under the crossfit methodology, if you know I mean.... Here's a WOD : 20 bench press, 5 long jump, 15 box jump, 20 pull ups, 15 back squat " 3 rounds" time cap : 30 minutes... This is basically based On the competition, but in a crossfit way... I bet the body builder can Just do the first round, maybe can do the 3 rounds in an hour... I'm a Crossfitter and a bodybuilder... I Just wanted to clarify the way the competition was done was not done properly (personal opinion) english is not my first language , I hope I made myself understood... Congratulations to both athelete They are in very good shape!!!
+Six Pack Shortcuts I can workout it's just my eating that I have trouble with. I'm 15 and I really don't like vegetables except avocados and tomatos. Any diet that you would recommend.
+Six Pack Shortcuts "Clean eating," there lies the hard part. I workout every weekday, and some Sundays, but my Cardio and physique hasn't changed much...is eating really that detrimental to building cardio as well? I'm not too worried about looking good, I'd much rather be in great cardiovascular condition, but I seem to not make improvements in that area...or at least as much as I would like. I just don't know if bad eating affects that?
This is the first video i have seen on this channel so I don't really have personal bias one way or the other, but I saw numerous comments about gassed the bodybuilder was and how the cross fit guy wasn't even breathing hard. Here is the problem I have with this video. The bodybuilder was 4 months out from a competition which means he was in the process of purging the water from his body so the judges could judge his musculature in competition. If anyone should have had an advantage, it should have been the cross fit guy. so the body builder did great and he earned that win hands down.
big respect to crossfit guy
+street beat to be honest, he is actually the winner .. did you see how the bodybuilder squad !!
yeah the fact he isn't put of breath at all is amazing to me.
+khalid sab Yeah, but the rules were to go parallel (with the floor) which he did.
+khalid sab Saw how the crossfit guy benched?
crossfit didnt push himself.
believe me if he actually wanted to win he would have destroyed the bodybuilder
Crossfit dude could probably do that workout 10 more times continuous, the body builder looks like he needs a new pair of lungs.
Ok the bodybuilder half repped many of those pull-ups and did not squat down nearly as far as the cross fit guy. I think cross fit guy should've one. He was humble and in much better shape performance wise
For me, the crossfiter won by far.
Ricky looked about the same before and after each test. Calm, steady breathing, similar complexion to when he started, and not drenched in sweat. Johnny went from normal to heavy breathing, red as a fire engine, and as shiny as one too. There's probably a lot of factors in play to warrant the difference, but judging the two as far as their standing afterward, I'd have to say that the fitness title goes to Ricky. He looked ready to go another round.
Crossit bounced on bench, bodybuilder kipped on pullups, bodybuilder didn't go parallel on squats and he failed on long jump: = The crossfitter Ricky should have won.
clearly the crossfit guy was the winner..
reps were clean and on target..and still being humbled and cool
kudos to cross fit, u were definitely the winner
I think half the bodybuilders squats and pullups were a no rep
Bodybuilder was completely gassed after the box jumps. Just look at the color of the bodies and the sweat, he was done before it even got started
The squats the body builder did were all above parallel. . A lot of no reps there. Usually the winner is determined by who runs the comps. Winner goes to crossfit for sure.
Bodybuilders squats didn't look like he was getting parallel.
Bodybuilding dude didn't make any pull up regularly. Also long jump has shitty rules.
Look at bodybuilders pull ups.. Chin doesent go even near the bar...
+aGuUU27 And his squats dont go below parallel....
crossfit dude killed it!
body building guy didn't have the technique or endurance of the crossfit dude.
the body builder weighs a lot more
+adit negi Wouldnt use that as a disadvantage..
+ryan bonner the body builder won haha
Harry Kreuzer how?
He was barely keeping up with crossfit dude... Lolololol
ryan bonner He obviously wasnt watching the video..
Not going to lie this is a terribly constructed competition, so many no reps from the bodybuilder in all different movements (no chin over bar in pull ups, not even parallel in bunch of reps during squats, falling over in long jump definitely doesn't count), I do respect both athletes, I just think this video is trying to create a fight over two different forms of training. The crossfitter definitely outworked and performed the bodybuilder, crossfitter had better technique and form throughout most movements, body builder was struggling to keep up by doing no reps to stay ahead. Crossfitter wins. Tuuuurrrrrible competition.
funny how body builder cheated on range of motion for pullups chin didnt reach bar for a lot of em
I don't think the BB hit parallel 1 time. In addition his last 8 pull ups, his head was below the bar. I think overall the CF competitor performed better both physically and he was less winded. CF is better suited for anyone looking for performance, where as BB is for esthetics. Which would you rather have, the ability to perform well in any circumstance or look look swollen. Also the CF guy looks great esthetically
+Cole Sharp Chgeck out bodybuildingrev for REAL strength wars.
+Cole Sharp I thought the crossfit guy looked better, the bodybuilder had a steroid gut.
+Secundus steroids dont cause that or else all the golden era bodybuilders like arnold or lou or franco would have them its called hgh and it grows they're organs pushing them up against the stomach cavity wall appearing like they have a gut. hence the saying "roid gut" but its hgh gut lol i used to think roids did that too lol
Danny Rials Last time I checked HGH was a steroid. Just because it occurs naturally doesn't mean it's not a steroid.
+Secundus its a growth hormone ? you can go under the radar taking that. ive seen it. its not a steroid what steroid would grow your internal organs and your bones? none. but any way the "bodybuilder" did have a gut and im not disagreeing with you
dunno who is stronger but the crossfiters body looks 10x better
wait...Johnny falls back at a jump and the guy puts the mark where he landed with his shoes ?!
Yup! They all agreed that the score is based on where the foot lands
The video explains that they agreed to count falls.
+Andi X they've discussed it before that if they fall back, they'll still measure where the end of the foot landed
That shit makes no sense :D
+Andi X maybe u should listen b4 u even comment idiiot
Forget about form or proper reps on this challenge. Examine their goals and what they achieved here. Bodybuilder has bigger muscles, but both are lean and look great. Crossfitter barely broke a sweat. If bodybuilder had a job to do, he'd be done. Crossfitter is ready to take on more work.
I used to bodybuild. And I think I was fine. But, as a firefighter, good looking muscles don't really matter under all my gear in a fire. Ability to do work is paramount. That is my goal, so that's why I prefer crossfit. Trying not to sound like I'm bashing bodybuilder, cause he still kicked ass, too.
In addition to all of the other critiques, you have to land a broad jump for it to count. The bodybuilder fell backwards to get that far and the crossfit guy landed all of his jumps.
Biggest load of crap I have ever seen. Perhaps the CrossFitter bounced the bench, but at least the bar made contact with his chest not the occasional half reps like the Bodybuilder. Also pull-ups don't count if only the peak of your cap passes the bar, and I must have missed the definition of parallel...those were some shallow squats right there. Sorry but about 40% of the bodybuilders reps shouldn't have counted. Even if you award the bodybuilder the victory he was exhausted...I'd much rather go to max and be barley breathing hard.
indeed the crossfit guy has much more stamina.
Bodybuilding is about sculpting a body. Crossfit is about sculpting an athlete.
Ricky should've won 😔
+iViiision Yes better form and hardly breaking a sweat or heavy breathing...I bet he could have started the competition from the beginning again, whilst the bodybuilder was ready to go for a lie down.
+Jackie Ramage Yeah cuz 0 carbs doesn't mean shit.
+Francisco Marini very very very true!
+Jackie Ramage To be fair, you can tell he still does a lot of heavy lifting. Four 45's and the bar would be to much for a lot of crossfitt athletes without some type of weight implementation in their routine
+Jackie Ramage As for form that's debatable, his Bench Press was pretty lax.
If it had been a real competition with proper judging a good chunk of the bodybuilders squats and chin-up reps would NOT have counted. Crossfit guy won easily based on proper rules.
The biggest difference between them was Johnny being a bit more winded throughout it all. But at zero carbs all I can say is respect! Great motivational video and awesome performance by these two athletes. Now where's my weights lol!
You can see how much better the Crossfit guy's cardiovascular is - the body builder was sweating and could barely breathe and the crossfitter was completely fine haha. Just goes to show you need to do your cardio too!
Don't you mean, winner by three points.
Add it up yourself, I triple checked.
+Joseph Neufeldt lol i thought i was the only one who noticed. 119
Johnny's pullups weren't valid, his chin didn't even get close to the bar.
After watching this video, I think I will just keep doing weight lifting for my physique but I will definetly add some crossfit badass workouts for my cardio development.
I can't believe I am wasting my time, but I can't help it. Movement standards were not enforced for the body builder for both the pull-ups and back squats.
That moment when it's the bodybuilder cheating on the pull ups, lol didn't get his chin over on half of the reps
And let's not even get started on the Hal repped squats
And let's not even get started on the half repped squats
The cross fit guy bounced on the bench.
damn thats right. such a shame to be honest..mostly because the other guy got tired because of doing them right while this guy was like hell yeah! I can cheat for days! Shame on you man , shame on you (not u dear random person)
+Kevin Lock If you were to pay attention, he went to a 90 degree angle, which was what the rules specified. Ricky went passed that.
Bodybuilding is for aesthetics, yet the CrossFit guy looks better.
The crossfit guy bounced every rep on the bench press.
+Tom Olofsson ...and the body builder did not do full pull ups. Both are in better shape than me.
+Tom Olofsson and the bodybuilder didn't do the squats correctly not even paralell
+Teo Kachakov Yeah, the moderator did not enforce the rules.
+Teo Kachakov Ya, both his squats and pull ups were a complete joke. Kind of made the whole "competition" seem silly.
+Tom Olofsson *touch and go ;)
I thought they clearly said parallel squats? That body builder completed no reps of that range.
If you guys want to see more competitions like this, "like" this comment!
Definitely this was a super awesome video....I really love it!!
Really good video and creative way to put both bodybulding and crossfit to the test loved the video and the outcome.Johnny awesome work and form on the bench press also good work to the other guy he did good too
+Six Pack Shortcuts hi i am a 15 year old and i asked my parents if i could get six-pack shortcuts DVDs but they said if it worked it would stunk my growth is that true
i like this type of people because both are respectfull people
lol my bad i didnt mean to cock block the vid lol heres how i break this vid down in college i playd ball for lbcc vikings we had d\o line then the "skilled"players we trained for mass like the body builders they traind for agility.. long story short strength does not equal power.. speed +strength +explosiveness +endurance =power i hate to say it but like in Dragon Ball Z when trunks went past Super Saiyan and he got really bulky he was strong but he couldn't hit cell and Vegeta told him what's the point of having all that strength if you can't land a punch that's why crossFit wins because you're not working out a group of muscles like the shoulders triceps and quads your conditioning your whole body to perform at max that's going to get the Super Saiyan level 4 like me lol
This was by far one of the BEST challenges I have seen! Over that, this shows viewers that CrossFitters don't kip in every exercise and that they can actually do strict pull ups.
I am both a Bodybuilding Athlete and a CrossFitter and I am really glad to see this challenge brought forward!
Thanks guys! Still loving this channel! 💪😎
No my opinion the crossfit trainer was better because the bodybuilder didn't go parallel with the squats and his chin didn't go very high on his pull ups, no disrespect still an amazing athlete
And guys... The Bodybuilder was in a caloric deficit which means he could not perform at full capacity. By keeping half reps in squats or any exercise increase muscular trauma which inevitably would tire the muscle out sooner and not make the exercise easier. The Bodybuilder focuses on muscle isolation rather than a fit physique such as the Cross Fitter. This means to say that the Bodybuilder has what is known as a muscular physique. Furthermore Jonny's red-dark skin tone is also owing to a competition he might be participating in, hence his caloric deficit.
The Cross Fitter, Ricky, is used to HIIT, high intensity interval training, and aims to complete as many reps in the shortest amount of time with good form, that is why he seems to not even be breathed.
All in all, these guys represented BOTH their schools of fitness and did them proud! Neither is better than the other, the athletes goals would determine their training regime to obviously yield the best results possible for their goals.
Bodybuilder squat were not parallel
+brad morman No rep, no rep, no rep... same on his pullups. Chin wasn't above the bar so many times
+Kyle T. Garrett bouncing the bar, bouncing the bar...
+brad morman You know when they say parallel they're meaning parallel to the floor, right?
Worse part is he didn't go all the way up. As the cross fit guy did lock out every rep. Just feel it's a bit unfair that way
Ken Chang if you wanna keep your knees healthy, then don't lock out your knees. this technique helps you build more mass as well, because your quads never rest during the exercise. and no, it's not easier, it's a little bit harder.
only fair if you use identical twins
+Six Pack Shortcuts I can't deny that the bodybuilder is a very strong and fit guy, but sincerely, in my opinion, this "challenge" totally limited the capacity of the crossfiter to show his better form.
+Renan Ermida Fontes They stole it from BodybuildingRev
Watch Strength Wars
10:55 the guy back there in the red is so alone
Let's add a mile run on this, I bet that meat head couldn't make it a quarter mile. This test doesn't show anything, they make up excuses for the bodybuilders shit form. I'm no pro crossfit guy, but let's make a fair challenge.
Bad copy of the strength wars format released on bodybuildingrev
Great show. 10/10 Would love to see more things like this, perhaps powerlifter vs. bodybuilder.
you quit game and play now gym good choice bro (Y)
go to bodybuildingrev
Check out BODYBUILDINGREV channel
These fucking guys copied from our german brothers
I love how he tried to justify his no rep pull ups with “his back is so developed he can’t properly perform the workout” his form was good at the beginning as general fatigue set it, body builders just don’t want to admit it
holy shit they would both fuck me up
lol me too
Hahahahah am dying
you'd like that wouldn't you.
If this was fair they would have them both do a sprint race as well.
+PE ace exactly.
don't make a video like this ever again. this is truly embarassing. you criticize the crossfitter for doing better, more efficient reps. this is why their is division. of you want to do pull ups where chin isnt above bar (the universal standard for good rep) or squats that aren't parallel (another basic standard) then do it. don't call out the athlete who is doing that
I know right, they were basically saying that the half squats and almost pullups from the bodybuilder were equivalent or somehow better haha. It was so stupid.
I'd be embarrassed to put up a video like this. Crossfitter had 1 more box jump (they said they tied), body builder had many reps that his chin wasnt over bar and just as many squat reps that weren't parallel( Johnny or whatever his name is decided to give the excuse of lack of mobility thus making them good reps) it blows my mind that we still have this level of intelligence in fitness community. I hear 6 packs are easier to obtain when you do required amount of work...not take shortcuts, but what do I know, I squat below parallel and get my chin over the bar.
+forrest long yeah man how dare you do efficient full range of motion exercises
+forrest long that crossfit guy had his knees way past over toes during his squats... makes them so much easier to do.
+Tinokins I honestly have no idea what you're talking about. that in no way makes squatting easier. I would say it makes it harder seeing as it had form. that being said his knees were not that far over his toes. also, when you compare it to the squats that are not going parallel(a basic principle of squatting) your argument is irrelevant.
this is comedic. BODYBUILDING REV All the way !!!!
Way to steal from bodybuildingrev. Doesn't it bother you guys that in youtube fitness you have no respect from the other channels?
I couldn't agree more on both sides. Great competition and video! I hope to give this a try with one of my workout buddies someday
Hell, guys. BodybuildingRev does it way much better. Bad copy, guys.
Should've added running. That counts as being fit too. Whether it be sprinting or distance running, the crossfit dude would've won in that category and won the whole thing overall.
So you tested important fitness domains such as strength and muscular endurance in the bench press, squat and pull-ups and explosivity in the long jump. But some kind of longer aerobic event was missing in order to call it the Ultimate Fitness Challenge. Just 1 minute of box jumps isn't enough.
+avolox2 i think even something like , row, was what they needed
they should have some type of competition that mixes all this things together.. like some type of games. hhahahaha
they should have some type of competition that mixes all this things together.. like some type of games. hhahahaha
they should have some type of competition that mixes all this things together.. like some type of games. hhahahaha
I like it how the crossfitter is not even sweating half way through.
Also the body builder's form on those squats was terrible!
This idee had been stolen from bodybuildingrev
I get it, so crossfit is for people interested in just being in well shape with an athletic physique, and probably have time to do all the god damn different types of work outs. Body building is for the real men that want to surpass the overall body of the mere mortals that they're walking past.
No, they still want to look natural as possible, more attractive, and not look like a beast(not an a good way)
You mean a lot more slow and useless at fighting and embarrass themselves.
Girls would love a crossfitter more than a bodybuilder.
Bodybuilding is for men pff the real mean are the ones with the smart mind.
+xGhostReckonProx OR, the bodybuilder has an inferiority complex.
yes, yes, yes, yes!!!
Body building is purely about physique while crossfire focuses on on having athleticism in multiple areas... The problem is crossfit people tend to have extremely shitty form
bodybuilder at backsquat: no rep, no rep, no rep, no rep....
Um I don't know why any crossfitters are bitching about pull up form. Alot of you guys like to do your kipping pull ups and then brag to non crossfitters how many "pull ups" you can do...
Well the problem comes out when a crossfiter does better strict pull ups than the bodybuilder meaning crossfiters can do strict pull ups aswell and kick bodybuilder ass, and don't even get me started on the squats
+Cameron Nott Yea, funny thought now that these 2 guys went head to head in "strict" pulls up and Johnny lost. He didn't get his chin over the bar most of the time, and didn't lock his elbows when going down to full extension. He also didn't squat to pre-agreed standards (not deep enough, and not extending his hips at the top) and he didn't lock his elbows again when bench pressing. Ricky bounced off the chest though, so that's where he went wrong. And since when you count Johnnys best jump to be a successful attempt? Pretty sure world long jump record would be 50cm further than it is now.
If we excluded all the no-reps, there would be a very clear winner. The commentator really struggled though to come up with all the excuses, funny that. ROM etc...
Kirret Kanna true, the guy's squats were terrible and the long jump thing was dumb because they counted when he fell back. BUT, this is not a one rep powerlifting contest. You don't need to lock out when repping out on bench. He extended to just - before lockout. You also don't need to put your chin over the bar to do a pull up. I've done pull up contests before. That's why it's called a "pull up" and the other version is called a "chin up." Two totally different exercises.
Mario Andres Ballesteros again, totally agree on the squats. But the crossfitter was trying to do chin ups during a pull up contest. Those are two different exercises.
+Cameron Nott Hmm, for some reason I can't see you comment I received on my email.
You mentioned that they didn't need to put their chins over the bar to do a pull up. And that pull-ups and chin-ups are 2 different things. Could you tell me how high do you have to get your chin then when doing pull-ups? 2 inches, 5 inches below the bar? Doesn't quite make sense I have to say. Also, the commentator found it necessary to explain why Johnny couldn't get his chin over the bar (muscles too big), meaning that it was actually meant as "chin-ups" as you call them, or strict pull-ups as I'd like to call them.
Also, with not locking out your elbows/hips etc during a movement, you can do more reps in the same time. It's easier not to lock out and go "bang-bang-bang", than "move-lock-move-lock".
What do you think by how much the crossfitter would have beat Johnny in 400m run? Or a 100m swim? ;)
I prefer bodybuilding over crossfit as my form of training.
Even through the bodybuilder won, the crossfit guy is clearly in better shape, as he isn't ready to pop like a cherry.
I 'd like to see who is still standing if they did two or three rounds of this workout, instead of only one round.
As a bodybuilder advocate, I think I'm going to implement crossfit and/or more cardio into my workout routine. RS
Steroids x Non-Steroids
wld be nice if u put up live counters. also the pull ups of Johnny looked questionable ...
This is basically a parody of bodybuildingrev, but still cool
enjoyed every minute of this! fair sportsmanship and absolute elite athletes....but next time get the maths right xD
Ricky was in far better shape tho. You could definitely tell
I would be interesting to see some of you guys from sixpackshortcuts in Strength wars, let's see if you rise to the challenge
Bodybuilder gotta get his chin up the bar. Squats were ass too.
They're both winners, I love Johnny's Soul though! Go Johnny! Go Ricky!
good video lol looks like im goin crosfit
You will be the one whose friends on Facebook hate lol
Please do my cousin is a chiropractor and he needs more new patients every day he gets an entry a week from people who crossfit
Don't fall to the cross side.
BB Guy bad pull ups and squats vs. CF Guy naughty BP bounce.. Fun work out guys!!
the box was short af. Like 16?
+eljono1 Also body buildiers back squats weren't below parellel
bench press, pull ups---> Johnny (best form)
long jump, squats--> Ricky (deep ones are definitely hardest. Best form from Ricky)
Another important thing is, Ricky jumps longer and preserves his stability, (In the unlikely event that jump over a crack or something..) its more funcional.
Better form moves more weight safer, and its a point for Johnny.
just a cheep copy of bodybuildingrev
I like that they are trying to see who the fittest is and they didn't bring in Froning, Fraser, Ben Smith or any of the podium finishers at all. And the crossfitter still owned it.
I think there should have been a range of motion discussion and example before hand and then bring in two judges for it.
body builder nearly died i wanna see all the exercises all together lol
Those are the smallest boxes lol
COPY/PASTED FROM BodybuildingRev!!!!!!!
Wanna see actual different training styles clash against each other? STRENGTH WARS
Awesome challenge. Keywords "different goals" & "do what you do to the best of you ability".
wait..he actually won by 3 points not 2 !!!!
+(wad harif (116 to 119
+wad harif
You're correct!
Math has never been one of juice heads strenghts.. :D
+wad harif thing is the CF guy actually won.
Firstly both could beat me but come on!! Jonny fell back on his one long jump. Pull ups: loads of no reps as his chin didn't go above the bar. Back squat: almost all no reps as he didn't go below parallel when that was the instruction. That makes a huge difference to how hard the movement is. Props to Ricky he's a gent for not pointing that out!
thought he said no bouncing....
Hi, I'm a Crossfitter and a must say that if this competition would have been done On a crossfit way, the bodybuilder would not Last not even 5 minutes... Wonder why??? 'Coz remember that Crossfitter goes from one exercize to the other with a minimum rest... Complete fitness condition it' s shown when you are capable of keeping your endurance, high performance under presure, aerobic and anaerobic condition, Strength, tecnic and above all "will" .... Not everybody can keep good form and Strength under time cap of 10 minutes ( this is Just an example) to be fair it has to be a competition under the crossfit methodology, if you know I mean.... Here's a WOD : 20 bench press, 5 long jump, 15 box jump, 20 pull ups, 15 back squat " 3 rounds" time cap : 30 minutes... This is basically based On the competition, but in a crossfit way... I bet the body builder can Just do the first round, maybe can do the 3 rounds in an hour... I'm a Crossfitter and a bodybuilder... I Just wanted to clarify the way the competition was done was not done properly (personal opinion) english is not my first language , I hope I made myself understood... Congratulations to both athelete They are in very good shape!!!
I wish i can be like them .
+mohammed babiker You can... Just stick with your workouts and clean eating my friend!
+Six Pack Shortcuts I can workout it's just my eating that I have trouble with. I'm 15 and I really don't like vegetables except avocados and tomatos. Any diet that you would recommend.
+mohammed babiker stop wishing and work for it!! im sure you can with enough dedication!
with your black genetics you're half way there brah
+Six Pack Shortcuts "Clean eating," there lies the hard part. I workout every weekday, and some Sundays, but my Cardio and physique hasn't changed much...is eating really that detrimental to building cardio as well? I'm not too worried about looking good, I'd much rather be in great cardiovascular condition, but I seem to not make improvements in that area...or at least as much as I would like. I just don't know if bad eating affects that?
At least they weren't arguing who's training was more intense
crossfit guy is the real winner
It was nice will wait to see more competition like that
the body building guy looked like he was gonna get a heart attack .. the cross fit guy was pretty chill tho
This strength wars concept was stolen from BodybuildingRev. At least give some credit.
Bodybuilding exercises all were poorly made . This is a lie.
CrossFit effortless wins
Johnny looks like he has a roid gut
Wow finally for once a comment section where people come up with their own opinion instead of just being a sheep and hating on CrossFit
video should be titled "Steroids vs. Crossfit"
This is the first video i have seen on this channel so I don't really have personal bias one way or the other, but I saw numerous comments about gassed the bodybuilder was and how the cross fit guy wasn't even breathing hard. Here is the problem I have with this video. The bodybuilder was 4 months out from a competition which means he was in the process of purging the water from his body so the judges could judge his musculature in competition. If anyone should have had an advantage, it should have been the cross fit guy. so the body builder did great and he earned that win hands down.
What the hell is this?? This is a complete knockoff. BodybuildingRev Strength Wars, way better than this!