Too much dietary water is called hyponatremia (not drowning) and is a real thing! If you decide you are thirsty and you gulp down a couple of quarts of unsalted water, you could be in a life-threatening situation.
I disagree. If you add no salt, you're looking at 200-400 mg of naturally occurring sodium in whole foods (assuming you eat plenty of vegetables, if not it's more like 100-150 mg), which is lower than the absolute lowest recommendation of 500 mg. While some people could do fine with this extremely low level of sodium intake, many people would not and would develop hyponatremia and it could be very dangerous. Personally I add 1 - 1.5 g of additional salt each day, which is around 400-600 mg of extra sodium, which will put my total sodium intake in the much safer 700-1000 mg range. There is nothing wrong with supplementing a small amount of salt to make sure you get enough, just like you'd do with B12 or other vitamins.
So is adding sea salt to my oatmeal not a good idea?
Too much dietary water is called hyponatremia (not drowning) and is a real thing! If you decide you are thirsty and you gulp down a couple of quarts of unsalted water, you could be in a life-threatening situation.
I disagree. If you add no salt, you're looking at 200-400 mg of naturally occurring sodium in whole foods (assuming you eat plenty of vegetables, if not it's more like 100-150 mg), which is lower than the absolute lowest recommendation of 500 mg. While some people could do fine with this extremely low level of sodium intake, many people would not and would develop hyponatremia and it could be very dangerous. Personally I add 1 - 1.5 g of additional salt each day, which is around 400-600 mg of extra sodium, which will put my total sodium intake in the much safer 700-1000 mg range. There is nothing wrong with supplementing a small amount of salt to make sure you get enough, just like you'd do with B12 or other vitamins.
Just eat plants...b.s.. EAS rat easy..most raw.. plants based dressings juice sprouts fermented foods seeds lentils y