0:45 many western men understand the problems of women. but somehow its those women, who label us "right wing extremists" if we proof to them, that majority of those dangerous men at night, are those, who came into the country, because the women voted for open borders. the statistics are obvious and open for anyone to read. im sorry for women and i wish we had a world, where they would not be in danger if they walk alone at night. but to some degree, this is their own fault for pushing those open border idiologys like crazy. and all others who support that. and im myself are also cautious when walking around. u can never know if people wanna jump u. im always prepared
I think there is a much larger issue of women manipulating men than men "intimidating" women. I would argue that men are abused significantly more than women, but it largely goes unreported because of male ego. I've never laid a hand on a woman, or raised my voice at one, but I can't even begin to count how many times my ex-wife, slapped me, grabbed me, yelled at me, berated me, degraded me, simply because I didn't meet her expectations. One time she flipped the entire bed mattress with me on it, simply because I wanted a short nap after a 12 hour, labor intensive shift. I told the leaders at my church, but they basically told me to pray for her... If the roles were reversed, the entire church would have rallied behind her and encouraged her to leave me. There is such a double standard in the west. We live in a gynocentric society. And as long as we keep blaming some imaginary "patriarchy," it will remain that way.
In the context of the world, I think it's equal. I don't think the women in the middle east have much power over men, but in the states they do and quite a bit. Just depends on where you live I guess.
Of course it's not gynocentric. It can never be gynocentric cause men can be used more for work bc they don't have things like periods or pregnancy or postpartum. They can just be drones, so if women want to be workers, they have to become like men. To your point of abuse not being reported, guess what? A lot of male on female abuse is not reported or taken seriously either. I think that we are appalled more at males attacking females bc the consequences are more severe, obviously men can deal more damage to women (if we're talking abuse without weapons).
There are many problems with your situation, both for your specific relationship and with what it illustrates about society, and I'm sorry you were put there. But I really can't help but wonder: What kind of church encourages a wife to leave her husband without attempting reconciliation and support on both sides?
Men can fall into the trap of thinking that men leave the home to work and women raise the kids, but really it's only in the last couple hundred years of the human experience that either parent ever left the home. Men were farmers and did an incredible amount of work raising their kids. As soon as the child (especially the boys) were old enough to be remotely helpful, they were with their dads learning their work....first at play and more serious/necessary/hard work over time. My point is that it is a recent idea that dads "go to work" and leave the child rearing strickly to the wife. Obviously dads weren't taking their newborns into the fields, but you better believe they had their 5 year olds on the back of their horse, had their 4 year olds gathering eggs or berries, and showing their 10 year olds how to tie knots and mend fenses. Dads out there: show your children how to work in the home, take them to your job if you work outside the home and are able...let them see you working hard. Thank you for this video. So important.
Men always had to leave the home. Farming is a rather new invention, and not all men were farmers. You had to have men of every vocation if you wanted towns and cities, and that meant leaving the home. Even in the earliest days, the caveman had to venture far and wide to bring in game, and would be gone for long periods of the day.
Stephanie Koontz has a great book about that called "The Way We Never Were". There's also a couple of talks and interviews on RUclips. The nostalgia trap can be dangerous especially when there are people who are willing to become violent because they wish to return to time and place which didn't really exist the way in which they believe it did.
@@threeriversforge1997New = 10000 years old and the only way we ever lived outside of clan structure. Also, not everybody BUT ALMOST EVERYBODY were farmers, and many of thosse that weren't had some workshop in witch they could bring their kids with.
My gran was telling us last week that by the ages of 9 & 10, her & her little sister were sawing wooden logs for the fireplace in the farm house Like--- what!??!? 😂🤣!!!
"The state of feeling unneeded is literally fatal." Ironic that in Emmanuel's case he was so needed and necessary that it would end up costing him his life.
_“And in that day seven women shall take hold of one man, saying, We will eat our own bread, and wear our own apparel: only let us be called by thy name, to take away our reproach”_ (Isaiah 4:1). Three things apparently very important to women: 1) Status ( _“called by thy name”_ ), 2) Protection, especially of her honor ( _“take away our reproach”_ ), and 3) Connection ( _“take hold of”_ ).
And those words were most likely written by a man or men. Why is it acceptable to define others by your own beliefs, prejudices and stereotypes? To say to a member of X group, "this is who you are, this is what you want, this is how you think" instead of finding out who those people actually are, actually want, actually think? Does this verse really represent what women find important, or is it the WRITER'S opinion on what he thinks is important to women? I don't know about anyone else here but I'm tired of others (namely men) defining who I am and what is important to me without ever bothering to find out who I really am and what is important to me. It's like they are behind a window, looking out, or worse yet, a wall, without ever opening the door to go outside; and yet, they feel confident that they know all about what is beyond that door. I do not need to take another's name, I have my own honor, and I can make my own connections. I do not need to take hold of a man with six other women. This sounds more like a male fantasy than real life.
@@theresemalmberg955 because men build society, technology, infrastructure so we listen to learned men. While women build the social fabric within families, hence we as individuals listened to our mothers.
@@theresemalmberg955 its prophecy that will happen around the end times. Whether you want it or not is irrelevant. It IS going to happen. Good news for you is it won't be in any of our lifetimes. Despite all the false teachers claiming we're in end times, which they've been doing long before any of us were born, we simply aren't there yet.
I have a very good friend who is a hardcore feminist. She spent years working for an NGO in Afghanistan teaching girls. I had this sense that it was not only a waste of time, that it was also highly counter productive. If she wanted to make things better for women in that country... she should be teaching boys and making their lives better. Now, all those girls with an education and a dream are locked away with no options. Why? Because the people who should have been protecting boys from sexual abuse, from poverty, from ignorance.... instead spent all their time and money on girls. The fastest way to improve the lives of women is to focus on helping men. The fastest way to destroy a nation and culture... remove opportunities from men and take away their chances to achieve.
So you are saying if we focus in helping men then that's when women will not suffer ( because you mean when men don't have anything good going on for them they will project their frustrations on women)?
@@Livingbygrace3332 in that part of the world some men work until they're in their 40s to be able to afford to marry a woman and have a family. you can look at places like mongolia or south korea, where emphasis was placed on getting women highly educated, and into the workforce. now both countries have female demographics that avoid having relationships/marriages/families with men. economically and socially liberating/elevating women leads to them avoiding longterm and meaningful relationships and commitments. whereas doing so for men leads to them marrying and starting families. there's a whole host of secondary and tertiary effects resulting from the latter that tend not to be associated or brought up along side.
@@Livingbygrace3332 YES As a woman who has left violent relationships, what I wish was that men received proper education so they would stop being abusive: it would help us women and our children, who need fathers. Helping women is promoting single mothers and fatherless children, helping men (the harsh way a drill sergent would put some wisdom in their shallow minds) would build families.
@@Livingbygrace3332no it's because when you actively discriminate against men to uplift women, it doesn't change a woman's standards, she still wants to date up, she thinks that because she has a nice high paying career that she is worthy of a man who has the same if not more, so all the men below her start to become invisible. A woman's hypergamy doesn't go away just because she has a good career, it is now amplified. So the best thing to do is to forget about the women. Who cares about their career? No one. They need to first and foremost be an interesting mate with hobbies, and they also need to have life skills that a man wants (cooking, cleaning, caring for children). Then we'll toss a bone to them if there is a bone left. But ideally, a woman should be left starving career wise so she sees that the men above them (literally everyone) are great mates because they are, she just has to get over the fact that she won't be able to be the wife of a billionaire or a smooth talking man, or a man that has the body of a Greek statue, and that's okay. A woman should be happy with whatever is chosen for her by her father. That actually raises another point. Choice. Women should have none of it, their marriages need to be arranged and they just need to learn to get along even if they may not necessarily like the man.
People work according to incentives. If there's an incentive for women to 304 around, to divorce, to have children out of wedlock because they think they can replace men with government subsidies etc. etc. then they will act that way. There's also very negative moral messaging in the media where women don't encourage good behavior but enable each others' bad behavior.
THIS! It's the need for large government and a safety net for most women (This used to be the husband and nuclear family unit) as opposed to a want by most men for small government and making their own way and shouldering the hardship of protection an support for the family. With a large government subsidy scheme (as in most western liberal countries) this is no longer required hence women will vote for it.
It can't last. A few generations of women get to live like spoiled toddlers on the back of what men have spent millennia building, but ultimately it all falls over and men are once again needed to build stuff.
@ It goes back to them wanting resources and protection without reciprocity. The institutionalization of natural human interaction removes all the associated dynamics like gratitude. If you just get money in your bank account, you'll never have any relationship to the people whose work enabled that.
It's not only women. Do you really think OF models having hundreds of subscribers in one hour doesn't send a massage? Do you really believe the trivialization of p0rn by men doesn't send a message to women that that's how they're supposed to look like and behave? Men don't want to face the fact that they've contributed significantly to how society is nowadays
You have to be careful with those statistics. The problem with the most dangerous place for a woman is at home statistic is it is very similair to the most dangerous place to drive is within 5 miles of your home. Both of these statistics occur because that is where you spend most of your time (or driving).
I'm a minute and 1:15 into the video but I feel like I have to interject as I disagree with the premise: I believe men (in general) have far more understanding and sympathy towards women's problems than vice versa. Men understand that women don't feel safe walking alone at night and why that is (along with other issues). So the misunderstanding of the other gender is heavily skewed to one side.
Part of the problem is teaching boys that providing and protecting is just about providing money and protecting against bad people, when even though it is a part of it, mostly it’s about providing stability, love, goodness… protecting from moral evil, from his own selfish tendencies… meaning, men are needed with daily life stuff, with emotional stuff, with domestic stuff, with romantic stuff. (Same case with women, we are made to nurture, and that means more than just having kids and keeping them alive, it also means nurturing minds, nurturing relationships, nurturing values…). To be a Christlike man or woman(and obviously a Christlike husband/father and wife/mother) you have to give and do more than the bare minimum.
Question is, what do you offer in return to men for such high standards. What is the return? The biggest factor why men walk away is the "juice is not worth the squeeze." Women are currently more liberated, free, bailed out, propped up, invested into, protected and provided for. Hell the whole church structure and marriage was made for women to benefit them. So the question remains, what about men? What do men get out of this?
The problem is teaching girls that happiness is external as opposed to internal. Girls are taught to as women expect husbands to fill a void that only God can, and expect everything of him.
@@saturdayschild8535 I could make the same claim about your statements. Something being a generalization doesn't necessarily make it untrue. We always speak in generalizations, because as adults we all know that outliers exist. Outliers just don't make the rule. Women think that their husbands are supposed to be Superman and cure all of the problems in their lives, or make the struggle of life more palatable when that's something only God can do. When they realize that married life is just as hard if not harder than their life before, they think it's the husband's fault.
Tell men to quit lower the standards and simping. Everyone want a Proverbs 31 wife yet they aren't noble men. When you're not oriented yourself toward the Truth, how can you spot the falsehood? Like someone like cursing around would stuck out in a company of gentlemen. To "tell" someone to change is delusional, you can only change yourself. 70% women initiate divorce but 60% - 67% of *second* marriage end in divorce because you attract the same type of person you are plus previous marriage emotional baggage and unhealthy relationship habits. I'm saying this because that was me at 10 years of marriage and not trying to make anyone feel bad. What a mess i was. When men finally come back to the first love or know the ultimate love, they will not chase vanity.
@@ianbuick8946 Audacious claim that they aren’t noble men. As much as married people irritate me, I know many more noble and worthy men married to absolute harpies than I do bad men total. I’ve seen man after man get beaten down and told he’s the problem for wanting to be wanted. I’ve seen men shamed and heard them mocked among the women for being honest with their wives about the serious struggles of their lives. I’ve sat with men who were weeping because they wanted intimacy, real intimacy, with their wife but that wasn’t on the menus. I’ve sat with men and wept with them because they couldn’t be with their kids. I’ve seen them get up every day and go to jobs they despise because they love their families more than they love themselves. The everyday sacrifice of a married man in the church goes entirely unnoticed and unappreciated. I’ve spent my entire adult life working in high risk environments that. Are fun and cool. The married guys are jealous. However, MY heroes are those guys; the guys that get up and grind out of love for what is behind them. Yeah, the men are the problem.
I was unaware of the male loneliness epidemic until I got divorced 4 years ago.. the only single middle-aged women are single because they want to be - they HATE men - I know this because I've had many flat out tell me as much After spending every single weekend every birthday and holiday completely alone for 4 years.. I'm going to be a statistic too!! I love modern times..
For a briefer deeper and far more profound understanding of this topic, look up a video by the title called women know your limits. About halfway through, the scientific explanation is given and it appears to agree with the biblical narrative as well
Well, you didn't mention the most important verse, and it's easy to find, it's right in the 1st page: "Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you." Genesis 3:16
There is a hierarchical order. A man must lead, at least according to God's design. How else decision making will be in a democracy of two with each one vote against another?
@ Indeed. That's why "wives, submit to your own husbands, *as to the Lord*" (there are some special exceptions). Don't get to eager yet, husbands (leaders) are hold even to a higher standard.
It is. Statistically the safest place for a woman is married to the biological father of her children. It’s like domestic violence statistics. Women are more likely to initiate violence in a domestic relationship by orders of magnitude but that doesn’t fit the narrative of “men are bad”.
Protestant here wanting to say thank you, needed to hear this. But also really appreciate the sources you put in the description, I follow a lot of Christian channels that don't do this often enough.
I have nothing against women, but unfortunately, due to a lot of bad media(to keep it general) there seems to be a manipulation within the standards of marriage. What I notice is that both men and women have an aversion to accountability within their parental structure. That’s the purpose of courting. When you date without parental supervision, there’s no standard for how either party should act but rather just imaginary expectations for one another. These measures can be traced back all the way to Voltaire and enlightenment movement. The real question is though are both men and women required to maintain the four cardinal virtues. That’s the million dollar question to be honest.
@ Starting with Men - a lack of discernment on when and when not to raise their voice or to get aggressive on minute matters without properly leading by example - Additionally, men put their pleasures first and do not ensure their children are engaging in something constructive on a consistent basis. - Ensuring that they are listening to wives and not just ignoring genuine concerns that could have ramifications down the line; this means listening and making a decision regardless if it’s one his wife agrees with or disagrees. Women - Respecting a man’s time and recognizing it’s not primarily about how she feels. Though that it is important! - Women if not trained by themselves or a parental figure will often, rationalize iniquities and consistently point out others faults without showing any accountability or humility. It’s this very issue that leads to divorce as when it often comes time to admit her wrongs(as we are all in imperfect) it leads to her becoming excessively defensive. - Gossiping about her spouse and telling other women his wrongs more often leading her to compare what her friends spouse’s are doing right and it becomes an upsetting venture from there. These problems in general stem from the rapid spread of the free love movement which accelerated in the late 50s and 60s down to today’s generation and thus there’s no objective foundation for marriage, but rather inappropriate standards Maybe I’m a little off on my analysis, but ultimately men and women cannot cohabitate if there is no objective standard for one another. That objective standard comes from God first and his 10 Commandments and putting our faith in Christ and his church.✝️📿
@@BiblicalBookwormI would put forth the large swaths of literature and television that pit girls or women in the place of the hero’s journey. Boys/Men need to make something of themselves. The American culture has attacked femininity by showing women that they should be men - free from worry of having to give birth, free to pursue a career over family, and free to act the way men act when not pursuing virtue. How many women have you witnessed threatening violence in real life, in tik-toks, in movies (Marvel is a big one)? I think these ideas do affect the general zeitgeist and perception of how men and women ought to behave. I really see it all as a break down of the family and it will take men and women working together to intentionally raise Christian children.
As a woman, I can say that I don't go places that don't feel safe at night. When querying men, I find that often they do not feel safe in those very same places also. Lastly, when asking men about why THEY believe women do not feel safe, they all retort that perhaps women should pay more attention to what kind of clothing they wear and the 'vibes' they give off. I believe these are valid contributions to the conversation.
A voice of reason in a sea of madness! Also, the way someone feels does not necessarily reflect the reality of a situation (ie. a woman might not "feel" safe walking somewhere, even though, statistically, walking there at night is safer than driving a car on the freeway for an hour - she feels unsafe due to being misinformed, or having absolutely ridiculous safety requirements, like "nothing bad should happen anywhere at any time to any one, and anything less is too much!"
Everyone tells you "Don't go down dark alleys at night" and "Stay out of that side of town". No one is blaming your clothes if you went to a dangerous place and faced the inevitable consequence. The clothing comes in when you do stupid things like dress provocatively, and get upset or scared at the attention you provoke. Even then, we don't say "well, the culprit shouldn't be punished"--they should. We use the example to drive home that *provoking sexual attention is dangerous* ... It's a dark alley for you, or the bad side of town, and if you want to be safe, you should avoid it. But like moths to the flame...
@@michaelhoudecki3657 Correct. When a person goes scuba diving with improper gear - and gets hurt - do you blame the ocean - or the fish? If you knowingly swim in shark infested waters and get hurt do you blame the sharks? I would blame the stupidity of the swimmer in BOTH situations.
Empathy is an important topic. Too bad some people didn't treat others well. May god bless you with knowledge and time, your videos are very important. Glad I found your channel a while ago.
9:25 the guy you heard that from needs better friends. I have a friend from high school and when I need to talk to someone about my internal emotional state I generally go to him, I don’t need to worry about how he’s going to respond because I know he there for me. I think it’s important for every guy to friends that they can talk to, after all: if not to be there in your darkest hour, what is a friend for?
Personally, I think she made it up. That's probably something a battered woman told her, and she added it to try and say "both ways are common" What I would have believed is a man told her "It isn't safe to open up to anyone" but no one who has opened up to a woman before says "yeah, that's safe"
Well, or they'll just stay single and the nation dies out more and more which I think is what will actually happen. But this is inevitable if the liberal mindset of self fulfillment and individual happyness continues to prevail. There is no easy political fix to the kind of grand scale societal decline and decadence that led to this. In other words things would have to become worse before they become better
They won't come around. Your "increasingly conservative native men" will have to go to war against those Muslims, which are backed by your own govt. Either they're eventually converting to Islam themselves as a means to stop the attacks - Andrew Tate seems to have had this idea, which us why he declared he was running to become PM of the UK and said he was against Zionists and Islamists, as a Muslim - or they're going to be murdered or they're doing what they're currently doing - fleeing to East Asia and the Middle East to raise families there
Their choice is to be a 304 and then settle for a provider when time is running out. Have kids, then divorce the provider to go back to being a 304 but with a nice house and child support.
Oh wow...as a man from the UK i actually didnt know that the most common cause of death for men under 50 is suicide...thats actually crazy and also really sad...whats even more sad is that for some reason it doesnt surprise me..
Good stuff! Thank you. Although, the concept of “deep sleep” before removing a rib and “forming” it into a woman, sounds like anesthesia for surgery, and bone marrow for the stem cells the Petri dish needs perhaps?
Thank Jesus Christ I've been a Catholic for mere days, and a severe conviction from God the Holy Spirit has opened my eyes so much to how heinous my past mistakes were (not that it didn't happen before, but after experiencing the fullness of the faith, it followed that it heightened after that) so (after genuinely repenting) I resolved to become the best man God can make me so my future wife can feel safe in every aspect, Deus vult.
Why Catholicism is false: -Inserting idolatry like Christmas and Easter into the faith (Deuteronomy 12:30) -Changing the sabbath to sunday which God never commands(Mark 7:6-9) -Eat bacon, shrimp(Isaiah 66:16-17) -Worshipping statues, cross necklaces(Exodus 20:4, Revelation 9:20)
@matthew953 St. Paul states that we don't have to follow the old law. What did Jesus mean that the gates of Hell will not prevail over the Church? Are you saying God is too weak to govern an organization dedicated to worshipping Him? Why was Peter the Rock?
@Tyler-jq4ko The gates of hell prevailing against the church doesn't mean the true one is the majority. There has always been a remnant of true believers. Exodus 31:16-17 says that the Sabbath is the everlasting sign between God and his people. The church rejected it and taught their sun god day instead because they are Pharisees who think they are above the rules of God.
Wonderful channel. I think you’ve had some very interesting topics and did a great job mixing both social sciences and solid Catholicism. Please keep up the good work and I hope your channel continues to grow.
Beautiful video. God bless you. I agree with pretty much everything. I however do think there are a few things to add. Saying that divorce rate is very high is true, but it's worth noting that the rate of it between faithful couples who attend Mass together and pray together is exponentially lower. Secondly, and this is not to elevate men at all, but I think men are very aware of how they can hurt women and what women feel threatened by, but few women are aware of how commonly women use men's vulnerability to hurt them and the effects it has on men. Lastly, you beautifully pointed out how men's strengths can be used instead of abused, but perhaps missed how women's strengths can be used in their own way.
The problem with the world is that when someone is put in charge they start to make the rules. That's God's Domain. Our destinies are written in Heaven. We all have different roles in the lives of others to help with everyone ultimately fulfilling what was written about them before they were born. The one in charge starts to make definitions, put people in boxes, impose limits and then say it's god's will. This is satanic behaviour.
This was beautiful, thank you! I love this perspective on individual 'incompleteness', since it applies to relations between friends as much as those between a man and a woman. Very well presented and much food for thought and prayer, cheers!
You’re channel is so interesting and informative I always leave your videos thinking about the topic you discuss keep up the great content it’s appreciated 🙏❤️
Amazing video❤ One book I recommend everyone to read in 2025 is Your Life Your Game by Keezano… It beautifully shows how embracing faith and nurturing meaningful relationships can lead to spiritual growth and success in both your personal and professional life. This book truly changed my life-a must-read. God bless…
From personal experience, revealing my emotions to other men (specifically my friends) has been fairly positive. There is an understanding in that friendship and advice is freely exchanged. Whenever I have revealed my emotions to women. The outcomes have always been negative. That can be family, friends, or coworkers. Typical responses included: "You shouldn't feel that way!" "Thats not what I actually think about you" "Thats weird you feel like that." Any other guys watching this. Never, I repeat never ever, explain your feelings to women.
In 10:43 she says that Jesus sweated blood because he he was anxious for himself but that is incorrect He was looking at the evil of mankind with great compassion an overwhelming evil that he would have to shoulder for us.
Exactly. It doesn't make much sense that he would be so anxious for himself, he willed for The Father's will to be done. But he knew all the sins he was taking on, how some would reject the sacrifice, and that the most sinful thing was about to happen - the murder of God. They say he entered his passion, which is another word for devotion. He picked up the cross out of love.
We used to need each other. Now society needs us to need each other. Unfortunately, it is too late, pandora's boxhas been opened and can not be closed.
The balance of that graph is disingenuous. It makes it look like the men are more extreme than the women, when in fact the opposite is true. Be very careful when reading statistics gentlemen, always suspect someone is trying to sway your perception towards their own motives.
"I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them."
Very interesting and useful video! I found it by accident, but I already want to write a comment to support your channel. Thanks for the video! Greetings from Ukraine, which is bleeding, but does not go away!
Obviously I could tell you were not American, but I knew you were Catholic and Western European. I was guessing Germany or Austria as you are a blue eyed blonde and your accent favors those areas. What Generation are you apart of/what decade of life are you in?
Don't feel obsolete, women can only do what they do "on their own" because society is supported by men. If they don't start showing some appreciation soon, the number of men walking away will make their lives VERY difficult
Everyone needs decent humans. Whatever role they fill, if you are a decent human being, you are needed. To quote a random person, "If you want self-esteem, do something esteemable." We over-thanked our husband/dad and he still chose to ignore and belittle us. Both the children and the wife, as well as the contributions we made. Mom finally got fed up and left the bedroom and stopped bowing to his every whim. When she did this, the relationship stopped being transactional and he stopped participating entirely(even though it was the bare minimum beforehand. Why did he do this? Why was this the path he chose instead of self-evaluation and healing? Because he refuses to heal. He refuses to face himself and accept his responsibility. He still has both mother wounds and father wounds. When his mother died, he shifted his harsh hatred of her to hatred of the mother of his children. Since she was no longer sleeping with him and became ill, it was much easier and more convenient anyway. He is, without a doubt, the most dangerous man in our lives.
"Equal but different" is a slogan that worries me. It was used in the USA in the context of racial segregation. Very often, in practice, it meant "different and unequal". We all need more humility, more self-emptying; less arrogance that 'I know the answer'. That does not come easily to men who (particularly in some Christian circles) are expected to be responsible for having 'all the answers' and taking the lead in every situation. Many men respond poorly to this pressure from their women (and the expectations of other men, or so they think). Complementarity is a great principle. When it works, it is ideal, but it can be a means of oppression (towards both men and women).
Women aren't equal to men in any way physically mentally or even spiritually. The Bible specifically states and Jesus does himself that women aren't equal to men and are to be submissive to them. You can't be a godly woman and be a feminist. The Bible even has multiple stories about how giving women authority or power leads men and societies to ruin. Paul himself even states that women should be quite in the church, so even this channel is sacrilegious.
"Equal but different" strikes me as being akin to "separate but equal"--in reality there was more "separate" than "equal" and I feel the same for "equal" but "different", that what it will work out in real life will be more "different" than "equal".
I feel the same way, reading that. But there is a difference. If 2 groups are kept separate, they cannot interact. That doesn't mean there will be inequalities, but it makes equality difficult. However - being equal in this context does not mean being the same. Someone who likes Starbursts can get a Starburst as a prize, and someone who likes Snickers can get a little Snickers bar as a reward, and they will be approximately equal. Giving a Starburst to someone who hates Starbursts is a waste. Or you could have a prize where one person gets $50,000 and one person gets a $50,000 car. They are different but approximately equal. So you can and often will have situations where things are different but equal. "Separate but equal" created an artificial division based on a genetic characteristic that has no bearing on intelligence or physical ability. Men and women are different, mentally and physically. Not inferior or superior, but different. They cannot be the same, and to treat them as such in some situations creates more inequality. The problem is applying the "equal" part on a societal level without focusing on the "different" part to the point it becomes a goal.
I'm a guy who has been on one knee most of his life. Until I got charged falsely of domestic violence by my fiance. Now I live my life l standing on my feet, and if women want me, I'm right here. You women get mad when we chase you, and you get mad when we don't chase you anymore. The old ways are gone. No matter how beautiful you are, no man in his right mind should chase you. That's pathetic. If you want to meet up for a Bible study, hit me up and I'll holler back, but don't expect us to make the first move after we've all been accused of being brutes and/or perverts. Thank you for the video.
I doubt Jesus wept because Lazarus was dead as he knew he could and would raise him. I think it now likely that he wept either out of compassion for the grieving women or out of sadness that they didn't have faith in him yet, didn't understand who he is.
I don't agree. From the reactions of the people around him, who said 'behold! how he [Jesus] loved him!', it appears that Jesus had human feelings as well as his divine nature.
@@chriscampbell9191but is to love, to show commitment? Lazurus wanted to be alive mist of all because his family cant go on without him in the same way. if you imagine dying, its not so bad because everyone does but the people we leave behind is the saddest part
Thank you so much for this Elisabeth! You are so right when you say that men and women need each other. On a slightly different point, I wonder if good mentoring and role modelling can play a role here? I think that this could be a very important way for boy and girls to learn from older men and women how to treat each other with respect and kindness. Perhaps this can be a way to help bridge the gap between men and women. God bless you in all that you do. 🙂🙏
The bible advises men stay single unless their desire for a woman is overpowering - it's easier to get into heaven not having to cater to another's whims at the same time
How is it damaging? What bone is at our side? You have a choice of bones in the arm and shoulder, hip or ribs. The ribs are the only bones that can regrow because that have a special sheath around them. They may not be able to regrow fully but as long as that sheath (I don't remember the name) is in tact it can regrow. What better place for God to take a bone from. As a preacher I heard years ago said "Not from the foot so he can trample her, not from his head so she would have dominion over him. He took a rib from his side so she would be his equal and the perfect completion for everything that he lacked."
What's damaging is verses like 1 Tim 6:10 it doesn't actually say "The love of money" it says " The love of gain" or to put it in a way that is easier to understand "Selfishness is the root of all kind of evil."
This was a great video but it didn't explain why men and women are diverging so dramatically in political views. You explained how men and women were created to complement each other and how they have advantages and disadvantages like life expectancy. You explain how it is important to understand each other but for what purpose? A house divided cannot stand, divergent views means someone is wrong. In general liberal values like abortion, gay marriage, transgenderism, free love, and feminism all fly in the face of biblical teaching. LA is burning and a lot of people are wondering if it is like what God did to Sodom and Gomorrah Why didn't you address right and wrong? Why are so many women going in the wrong direction biblically? We should say they are wrong
My personal view is that everyone is wrong and society is mostly twisted either way. I mean, men were supposed to protect and love women, but instead, throughout history, men have treated women as property or lesser citizens, men have also used their physical virtues not to protect women, but to r4pe, murder and oppress women. In postmodern capitalist civilization women finally saw an opportunity to change that scenario, but, just like men, they twisted their virtues
Hhhhhh trying to blame women for all bad things that is happening again ( so all the wars that have taken place through out history it's due to women going the wrong way biblically) actually this thing makes me question the bible if it wasn't written by men who like every culture looked down on women or always blamed women if things aren't going well in the households
Like in the parable of the unjust steward, perception of future need drives behavior (more likely to forgive someone you need). The current crisis of men in society and the church is heavily impacted by what you mentioned, the lack of need of men. Most men will be driven to check their privilege if they are needed, as will women be driven to submit to men's authority if they were needed. The solution is need. Thankfully, God has outlined a plan to dramatically remove all those things that separate us from each other and from him, the tribulation. Uncomfortable it will be but suffering builds perseverance, character, and hope, and in this case restoring the relationship between man and woman.
None of this can be solves as long as we say men and women are equal. Only when we start to accept again, that men and women are different we can work on solutions.
This is quite amazing!! I love it. Men and women need each other and need empathy in a perfect 2 way street, it's amazing how complicated mankind makes things with countless additional rules that become obsolete.
Men only need women to reproduce but women need men to survive at all. Just as the Bible said women exist solely to be helpful and to bear children for men. Men do the rest. You cannot be a godly woman and a feminist at the same time as feminism is anti Christian
A survey of notes left behind show (other than common particples and articles) the word that's used the most is "Useless" /worthless. A man will face difficulties if he has a purpose. The book of Philemon is about this. Onesimus (aka Useful) chose to go back voluntarily.
Sehr guter Stil! Ich denke, du triffst einen Kern. Ein flammender Appell an die gegenseitige Empathie, die den Weg ebnet, für das unveränderlich Gemeinsame. Die Verbindung aus Theologie und Psychologie ist Dir gelungen - in Wien sitzt du aber auch an der akademischen Quelle ;) Grüße aus Tübingen.
I am complimentarian, ive been open to other interpretations but i find they dont land for me. Giles wrote a book called The Headship of Men and the Abuse of Women. Almost every conclusion Giles comes to is poorly reasoned. But my goodness, the data and the anecdotes were eye-opening. Lots of men use complimentarian church communities and teachings to abuse their wives. I am still complimentarian, but the way it can be abused needs to be talked about.
It's not me feeling unneeded that almost killed me - it was emotionally and psychologically abusive women (ex fiance, and 2 others), in combination with the lack of sympathy for grown men in society today and incompetent, profit-driven psychologist/psychiatrists. Pardon my french, but no one gives a fuck about us, to be frank. I feel that society has pushed us away and now blames us for it. I disliked this video because I think you speak too confidently and portray a false sense of understanding and authority on this issue. I see no priest class justified in the new testament either, but that is a minor disagreement relative to the previously mentioned. I respect your willingness to engage with this topic, however. You were very lucky to have a good father, kudos to him. Good men and fathers are rare today.
You said nothing to answer the question why women are mostly left and men going to the right. And you ignored the relevant verses in Genesis. So typical.
If you want a short answer to that, men usually lean on the right because they are naturally more manual workers and tend to prefer routine rather than women. It also explains why men feel less satisfied after seeing a therapist as men usually have a tendency of trying to find the solution and fix it themselves
8 часов назад
I think that a young man's first priority is work very hard & alone to find out what his values are & what he truly needs (not wants). It is only through the sacrifice of being alone, as he succeeds, that a man can develop self-respect & self-discipline. If he doesn't respect himself & can't control himself, he cannot be a proper husband or father.
I Cor. 8 is one of the only (the only?) verses where the author gives an explicit warning that it was himself speaking and not God. Jesus said something about some having made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom; but it sounds like that’s for very specific people.
In general, men understand the problems women have and usually do solve them using all sorts of resources (money, technology, advice, support). Women on the other hand don't seem to do the same for men or themselves. Everything could be "taken care of" and they still find a reason to complain. That emotional component is what makes women different than men, and difficult. The reason male monks live longer than the general male population, is they do not become obligated to women.
I as a man don't feel safe walking around at night either. Guess what I do, I don't walk around at night.
That makes too much sense, you should try do it anyway and cry about it on the Internet.
Leftist cities are also the most dangerous to walk at night so it doesn't explain why women are voting for them.
Japan is fairly safe at night. The Muslim population is also a lot lower % wise than many western countries. Just saying…😅
@@aclark903hmmm i dont know man, i can walk around at night in my muslim country and there are very less western christians here...just saying 🤷♂️
many western men understand the problems of women.
but somehow its those women, who label us "right wing extremists" if we proof to them, that majority of those dangerous men at night,
are those, who came into the country, because the women voted for open borders.
the statistics are obvious and open for anyone to read.
im sorry for women and i wish we had a world, where they would not be in danger if they walk alone at night.
but to some degree, this is their own fault for pushing those open border idiologys like crazy.
and all others who support that.
and im myself are also cautious when walking around. u can never know if people wanna jump u.
im always prepared
I think there is a much larger issue of women manipulating men than men "intimidating" women. I would argue that men are abused significantly more than women, but it largely goes unreported because of male ego. I've never laid a hand on a woman, or raised my voice at one, but I can't even begin to count how many times my ex-wife, slapped me, grabbed me, yelled at me, berated me, degraded me, simply because I didn't meet her expectations. One time she flipped the entire bed mattress with me on it, simply because I wanted a short nap after a 12 hour, labor intensive shift. I told the leaders at my church, but they basically told me to pray for her... If the roles were reversed, the entire church would have rallied behind her and encouraged her to leave me. There is such a double standard in the west. We live in a gynocentric society. And as long as we keep blaming some imaginary "patriarchy," it will remain that way.
It's not male ego, it's society being matriarchal.
I’m sorry to hear that my friend. I know how much I need a nap sometimes - some women don’t understand how tiring physical work can be.
In the context of the world, I think it's equal. I don't think the women in the middle east have much power over men, but in the states they do and quite a bit. Just depends on where you live I guess.
Of course it's not gynocentric. It can never be gynocentric cause men can be used more for work bc they don't have things like periods or pregnancy or postpartum. They can just be drones, so if women want to be workers, they have to become like men.
To your point of abuse not being reported, guess what? A lot of male on female abuse is not reported or taken seriously either. I think that we are appalled more at males attacking females bc the consequences are more severe, obviously men can deal more damage to women (if we're talking abuse without weapons).
There are many problems with your situation, both for your specific relationship and with what it illustrates about society, and I'm sorry you were put there. But I really can't help but wonder: What kind of church encourages a wife to leave her husband without attempting reconciliation and support on both sides?
Men can fall into the trap of thinking that men leave the home to work and women raise the kids, but really it's only in the last couple hundred years of the human experience that either parent ever left the home. Men were farmers and did an incredible amount of work raising their kids. As soon as the child (especially the boys) were old enough to be remotely helpful, they were with their dads learning their work....first at play and more serious/necessary/hard work over time. My point is that it is a recent idea that dads "go to work" and leave the child rearing strickly to the wife. Obviously dads weren't taking their newborns into the fields, but you better believe they had their 5 year olds on the back of their horse, had their 4 year olds gathering eggs or berries, and showing their 10 year olds how to tie knots and mend fenses. Dads out there: show your children how to work in the home, take them to your job if you work outside the home and are able...let them see you working hard.
Thank you for this video. So important.
Men always had to leave the home. Farming is a rather new invention, and not all men were farmers. You had to have men of every vocation if you wanted towns and cities, and that meant leaving the home. Even in the earliest days, the caveman had to venture far and wide to bring in game, and would be gone for long periods of the day.
Stephanie Koontz has a great book about that called "The Way We Never Were". There's also a couple of talks and interviews on RUclips. The nostalgia trap can be dangerous especially when there are people who are willing to become violent because they wish to return to time and place which didn't really exist the way in which they believe it did.
@@threeriversforge1997New = 10000 years old and the only way we ever lived outside of clan structure.
Also, not everybody BUT ALMOST EVERYBODY were farmers, and many of thosse that weren't had some workshop in witch they could bring their kids with.
My gran was telling us last week that by the ages of 9 & 10, her & her little sister were sawing wooden logs for the fireplace in the farm house
Like--- what!??!? 😂🤣!!!
@@TheSmark666 Dangerous for who?
"The state of feeling unneeded is literally fatal."
Ironic that in Emmanuel's case he was so needed and necessary that it would end up costing him his life.
_“And in that day seven women shall take hold of one man, saying, We will eat our own bread, and wear our own apparel: only let us be called by thy name, to take away our reproach”_ (Isaiah 4:1). Three things apparently very important to women: 1) Status ( _“called by thy name”_ ), 2) Protection, especially of her honor ( _“take away our reproach”_ ), and 3) Connection ( _“take hold of”_ ).
And those words were most likely written by a man or men. Why is it acceptable to define others by your own beliefs, prejudices and stereotypes? To say to a member of X group, "this is who you are, this is what you want, this is how you think" instead of finding out who those people actually are, actually want, actually think? Does this verse really represent what women find important, or is it the WRITER'S opinion on what he thinks is important to women? I don't know about anyone else here but I'm tired of others (namely men) defining who I am and what is important to me without ever bothering to find out who I really am and what is important to me. It's like they are behind a window, looking out, or worse yet, a wall, without ever opening the door to go outside; and yet, they feel confident that they know all about what is beyond that door. I do not need to take another's name, I have my own honor, and I can make my own connections. I do not need to take hold of a man with six other women. This sounds more like a male fantasy than real life.
This is a verse very applicable to these times!
@@theresemalmberg955 because men build society, technology, infrastructure so we listen to learned men. While women build the social fabric within families, hence we as individuals listened to our mothers.
@@theresemalmberg955 its prophecy that will happen around the end times. Whether you want it or not is irrelevant. It IS going to happen. Good news for you is it won't be in any of our lifetimes. Despite all the false teachers claiming we're in end times, which they've been doing long before any of us were born, we simply aren't there yet.
@@theresemalmberg955 the irony! oh the irony!
I have a very good friend who is a hardcore feminist. She spent years working for an NGO in Afghanistan teaching girls. I had this sense that it was not only a waste of time, that it was also highly counter productive. If she wanted to make things better for women in that country... she should be teaching boys and making their lives better. Now, all those girls with an education and a dream are locked away with no options. Why? Because the people who should have been protecting boys from sexual abuse, from poverty, from ignorance.... instead spent all their time and money on girls. The fastest way to improve the lives of women is to focus on helping men. The fastest way to destroy a nation and culture... remove opportunities from men and take away their chances to achieve.
So you are saying if we focus in helping men then that's when women will not suffer ( because you mean when men don't have anything good going on for them they will project their frustrations on women)?
in that part of the world some men work until they're in their 40s to be able to afford to marry a woman and have a family.
you can look at places like mongolia or south korea, where emphasis was placed on getting women highly educated, and into the workforce.
now both countries have female demographics that avoid having relationships/marriages/families with men.
economically and socially liberating/elevating women leads to them avoiding longterm and meaningful relationships and commitments.
whereas doing so for men leads to them marrying and starting families.
there's a whole host of secondary and tertiary effects resulting from the latter that tend not to be associated or brought up along side.
She probably wouldn't even be allowed to teach men since they seperate genders, also their is nothing wrong teaching women
@@Livingbygrace3332 YES As a woman who has left violent relationships, what I wish was that men received proper education so they would stop being abusive: it would help us women and our children, who need fathers. Helping women is promoting single mothers and fatherless children, helping men (the harsh way a drill sergent would put some wisdom in their shallow minds) would build families.
@@Livingbygrace3332no it's because when you actively discriminate against men to uplift women, it doesn't change a woman's standards, she still wants to date up, she thinks that because she has a nice high paying career that she is worthy of a man who has the same if not more, so all the men below her start to become invisible. A woman's hypergamy doesn't go away just because she has a good career, it is now amplified. So the best thing to do is to forget about the women. Who cares about their career? No one. They need to first and foremost be an interesting mate with hobbies, and they also need to have life skills that a man wants (cooking, cleaning, caring for children). Then we'll toss a bone to them if there is a bone left. But ideally, a woman should be left starving career wise so she sees that the men above them (literally everyone) are great mates because they are, she just has to get over the fact that she won't be able to be the wife of a billionaire or a smooth talking man, or a man that has the body of a Greek statue, and that's okay. A woman should be happy with whatever is chosen for her by her father. That actually raises another point. Choice. Women should have none of it, their marriages need to be arranged and they just need to learn to get along even if they may not necessarily like the man.
People work according to incentives. If there's an incentive for women to 304 around, to divorce, to have children out of wedlock because they think they can replace men with government subsidies etc. etc. then they will act that way. There's also very negative moral messaging in the media where women don't encourage good behavior but enable each others' bad behavior.
THIS! It's the need for large government and a safety net for most women (This used to be the husband and nuclear family unit) as opposed to a want by most men for small government and making their own way and shouldering the hardship of protection an support for the family. With a large government subsidy scheme (as in most western liberal countries) this is no longer required hence women will vote for it.
It can't last. A few generations of women get to live like spoiled toddlers on the back of what men have spent millennia building, but ultimately it all falls over and men are once again needed to build stuff.
@ It goes back to them wanting resources and protection without reciprocity. The institutionalization of natural human interaction removes all the associated dynamics like gratitude. If you just get money in your bank account, you'll never have any relationship to the people whose work enabled that.
It's not only women. Do you really think OF models having hundreds of subscribers in one hour doesn't send a massage? Do you really believe the trivialization of p0rn by men doesn't send a message to women that that's how they're supposed to look like and behave? Men don't want to face the fact that they've contributed significantly to how society is nowadays
You have to be careful with those statistics. The problem with the most dangerous place for a woman is at home statistic is it is very similair to the most dangerous place to drive is within 5 miles of your home. Both of these statistics occur because that is where you spend most of your time (or driving).
I'm a minute and 1:15 into the video but I feel like I have to interject as I disagree with the premise: I believe men (in general) have far more understanding and sympathy towards women's problems than vice versa. Men understand that women don't feel safe walking alone at night and why that is (along with other issues). So the misunderstanding of the other gender is heavily skewed to one side.
On your graphic 8:12, the most dangerous place is "other..." Your graphic actually shows that home is the safest place.
Only in the Americas and Europe, go figure
Part of the problem is teaching boys that providing and protecting is just about providing money and protecting against bad people, when even though it is a part of it, mostly it’s about providing stability, love, goodness… protecting from moral evil, from his own selfish tendencies… meaning, men are needed with daily life stuff, with emotional stuff, with domestic stuff, with romantic stuff. (Same case with women, we are made to nurture, and that means more than just having kids and keeping them alive, it also means nurturing minds, nurturing relationships, nurturing values…). To be a Christlike man or woman(and obviously a Christlike husband/father and wife/mother) you have to give and do more than the bare minimum.
Question is, what do you offer in return to men for such high standards. What is the return? The biggest factor why men walk away is the "juice is not worth the squeeze."
Women are currently more liberated, free, bailed out, propped up, invested into, protected and provided for. Hell the whole church structure and marriage was made for women to benefit them. So the question remains, what about men? What do men get out of this?
The problem is entirely the responsibility of women. You need to become far better than you are.
The problem is teaching girls that happiness is external as opposed to internal. Girls are taught to as women expect husbands to fill a void that only God can, and expect everything of him.
@@serendipitouscometSuch untrue generalizations. No wonder we are where we are.
@@saturdayschild8535 I could make the same claim about your statements. Something being a generalization doesn't necessarily make it untrue. We always speak in generalizations, because as adults we all know that outliers exist. Outliers just don't make the rule.
Women think that their husbands are supposed to be Superman and cure all of the problems in their lives, or make the struggle of life more palatable when that's something only God can do. When they realize that married life is just as hard if not harder than their life before, they think it's the husband's fault.
3:24 tell women to quit divorcing.
Yeah at 70% of initiated divorces, that parts on them😂
Tell men to quit lower the standards and simping. Everyone want a Proverbs 31 wife yet they aren't noble men. When you're not oriented yourself toward the Truth, how can you spot the falsehood? Like someone like cursing around would stuck out in a company of gentlemen. To "tell" someone to change is delusional, you can only change yourself. 70% women initiate divorce but 60% - 67% of *second* marriage end in divorce because you attract the same type of person you are plus previous marriage emotional baggage and unhealthy relationship habits. I'm saying this because that was me at 10 years of marriage and not trying to make anyone feel bad. What a mess i was.
When men finally come back to the first love or know the ultimate love, they will not chase vanity.
@@ianbuick8946 Audacious claim that they aren’t noble men. As much as married people irritate me, I know many more noble and worthy men married to absolute harpies than I do bad men total. I’ve seen man after man get beaten down and told he’s the problem for wanting to be wanted. I’ve seen men shamed and heard them mocked among the women for being honest with their wives about the serious struggles of their lives. I’ve sat with men who were weeping because they wanted intimacy, real intimacy, with their wife but that wasn’t on the menus. I’ve sat with men and wept with them because they couldn’t be with their kids. I’ve seen them get up every day and go to jobs they despise because they love their families more than they love themselves. The everyday sacrifice of a married man in the church goes entirely unnoticed and unappreciated. I’ve spent my entire adult life working in high risk environments that. Are fun and cool. The married guys are jealous. However, MY heroes are those guys; the guys that get up and grind out of love for what is behind them. Yeah, the men are the problem.
I was unaware of the male loneliness epidemic until I got divorced 4 years ago.. the only single middle-aged women are single because they want to be - they HATE men - I know this because I've had many flat out tell me as much
After spending every single weekend every birthday and holiday completely alone for 4 years..
I'm going to be a statistic too!!
I love modern times..
It's hard. Do you want talk?
ecclesiastes 4 3
Great topic. Thanks mom and dad!
For a briefer deeper and far more profound understanding of this topic, look up a video by the title called women know your limits. About halfway through, the scientific explanation is given and it appears to agree with the biblical narrative as well
My brain is currently fried due to an bad illness (temporary). I watched comment and liked but understood
Iittle. I'll be back again. God bless ❤
I picked it up on the second viewing :) The brain is weird.
Well, you didn't mention the most important verse, and it's easy to find, it's right in the 1st page:
"Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you." Genesis 3:16
Of course she didn't
(as long as the wife personally agrees with every choice that he makes) - If it said this, they would be more likely to acknowledge that verse.
There is a hierarchical order. A man must lead, at least according to God's design. How else decision making will be in a democracy of two with each one vote against another?
Can't lead if the follower refuses to follow
@ Indeed. That's why "wives, submit to your own husbands, *as to the Lord*" (there are some special exceptions). Don't get to eager yet, husbands (leaders) are hold even to a higher standard.
I'm often astonished at how much my dad has learned since I was a child.
I heard the study she sites at 8:20 was shown to be overwhelmingly about UNMARRIED women living with a male partner, casual situationships even.
It is. Statistically the safest place for a woman is married to the biological father of her children. It’s like domestic violence statistics. Women are more likely to initiate violence in a domestic relationship by orders of magnitude but that doesn’t fit the narrative of “men are bad”.
Thank you both for your elaboration on the subject, I wasn't believing it at first.
That is correct. Notice the UN report is using intimate partner.
Protestant here wanting to say thank you, needed to hear this. But also really appreciate the sources you put in the description, I follow a lot of Christian channels that don't do this often enough.
Your videos are so important in this day and age. Please continue to keep up the great work.
I have nothing against women, but unfortunately, due to a lot of bad media(to keep it general) there seems to be a manipulation within the standards of marriage.
What I notice is that both men and women have an aversion to accountability within their parental structure. That’s the purpose of courting. When you date without parental supervision, there’s no standard for how either party should act but rather just imaginary expectations for one another.
These measures can be traced back all the way to Voltaire and enlightenment movement.
The real question is though are both men and women required to maintain the four cardinal virtues. That’s the million dollar question to be honest.
can you give me specific examples for manipulated standards?
Starting with Men
- a lack of discernment on when and when not to raise their voice or to get aggressive on minute matters without properly leading by example
- Additionally, men put their pleasures first and do not ensure their children are engaging in something constructive on a consistent basis.
- Ensuring that they are listening to wives and not just ignoring genuine concerns that could have ramifications down the line; this means listening and making a decision regardless if it’s one his wife agrees with or disagrees.
- Respecting a man’s time and recognizing it’s not primarily about how she feels. Though that it is important!
- Women if not trained by themselves or a parental figure will often, rationalize iniquities and consistently point out others faults without showing any accountability or humility. It’s this very issue that leads to divorce as when it often comes time to admit her wrongs(as we are all in imperfect) it leads to her becoming excessively defensive.
- Gossiping about her spouse and telling other women his wrongs more often leading her to compare what her friends spouse’s are doing right and it becomes an upsetting venture from there.
These problems in general stem from the rapid spread of the free love movement which accelerated in the late 50s and 60s down to today’s generation and thus there’s no objective foundation for marriage, but rather inappropriate standards
Maybe I’m a little off on my analysis, but ultimately men and women cannot cohabitate if there is no objective standard for one another. That objective standard comes from God first and his 10 Commandments and putting our faith in Christ and his church.✝️📿
thank you for the explanation!
@@BiblicalBookworm 👊
@@BiblicalBookwormI would put forth the large swaths of literature and television that pit girls or women in the place of the hero’s journey. Boys/Men need to make something of themselves. The American culture has attacked femininity by showing women that they should be men - free from worry of having to give birth, free to pursue a career over family, and free to act the way men act when not pursuing virtue. How many women have you witnessed threatening violence in real life, in tik-toks, in movies (Marvel is a big one)? I think these ideas do affect the general zeitgeist and perception of how men and women ought to behave. I really see it all as a break down of the family and it will take men and women working together to intentionally raise Christian children.
As a woman, I can say that I don't go places that don't feel safe at night. When querying men, I find that often they do not feel safe in those very same places also. Lastly, when asking men about why THEY believe women do not feel safe, they all retort that perhaps women should pay more attention to what kind of clothing they wear and the 'vibes' they give off.
I believe these are valid contributions to the conversation.
A voice of reason in a sea of madness! Also, the way someone feels does not necessarily reflect the reality of a situation (ie. a woman might not "feel" safe walking somewhere, even though, statistically, walking there at night is safer than driving a car on the freeway for an hour - she feels unsafe due to being misinformed, or having absolutely ridiculous safety requirements, like "nothing bad should happen anywhere at any time to any one, and anything less is too much!"
Everyone tells you "Don't go down dark alleys at night" and "Stay out of that side of town". No one is blaming your clothes if you went to a dangerous place and faced the inevitable consequence. The clothing comes in when you do stupid things like dress provocatively, and get upset or scared at the attention you provoke. Even then, we don't say "well, the culprit shouldn't be punished"--they should. We use the example to drive home that *provoking sexual attention is dangerous* ... It's a dark alley for you, or the bad side of town, and if you want to be safe, you should avoid it. But like moths to the flame...
@@michaelhoudecki3657 Correct. When a person goes scuba diving with improper gear - and gets hurt - do you blame the ocean - or the fish? If you knowingly swim in shark infested waters and get hurt do you blame the sharks? I would blame the stupidity of the swimmer in BOTH situations.
Empathy is an important topic. Too bad some people didn't treat others well.
May god bless you with knowledge and time, your videos are very important. Glad I found your channel a while ago.
Great video, I would love to see more videos from you! Please keep it up 👍🏾
9:25 the guy you heard that from needs better friends.
I have a friend from high school and when I need to talk to someone about my internal emotional state I generally go to him, I don’t need to worry about how he’s going to respond because I know he there for me.
I think it’s important for every guy to friends that they can talk to, after all: if not to be there in your darkest hour, what is a friend for?
Personally, I think she made it up. That's probably something a battered woman told her, and she added it to try and say "both ways are common"
What I would have believed is a man told her "It isn't safe to open up to anyone" but no one who has opened up to a woman before says "yeah, that's safe"
This video is really important, I had to share this on my Instagram story. This is very timely!
I had to make sure that I was subscribed to you. I’m glad to see that there are still analytical people in the world.
I'm from the UK. The women have a choice, increasingly conservative native men, or Islam.
I reckon they'll come around eventually.
Well, or they'll just stay single and the nation dies out more and more which I think is what will actually happen. But this is inevitable if the liberal mindset of self fulfillment and individual happyness continues to prevail. There is no easy political fix to the kind of grand scale societal decline and decadence that led to this. In other words things would have to become worse before they become better
They won't come around.
Your "increasingly conservative native men" will have to go to war against those Muslims, which are backed by your own govt.
Either they're eventually converting to Islam themselves as a means to stop the attacks - Andrew Tate seems to have had this idea, which us why he declared he was running to become PM of the UK and said he was against Zionists and Islamists, as a Muslim - or they're going to be murdered or they're doing what they're currently doing - fleeing to East Asia and the Middle East to raise families there
Their choice is to be a 304 and then settle for a provider when time is running out. Have kids, then divorce the provider to go back to being a 304 but with a nice house and child support.
@@karlheven8328 That's what he said "I reckon they'll come around eventually"..
That would be the case in the US, but in the UK there are still MANY degenerate young men
Oh wow...as a man from the UK i actually didnt know that the most common cause of death for men under 50 is suicide...thats actually crazy and also really sad...whats even more sad is that for some reason it doesnt surprise me..
Good stuff! Thank you.
Although, the concept of “deep sleep” before removing a rib and “forming” it into a woman, sounds like anesthesia for surgery, and bone marrow for the stem cells the Petri dish needs perhaps?
"If the world loses the moral rectitude of its women, the world will NEVER recover." -Russel M. Nelson
Keep Going Biblical Bookworm!
Let's hope not, because that is a long way in the rearview mirror.
Thank Jesus Christ I've been a Catholic for mere days, and a severe conviction from God the Holy Spirit has opened my eyes so much to how heinous my past mistakes were (not that it didn't happen before, but after experiencing the fullness of the faith, it followed that it heightened after that) so (after genuinely repenting) I resolved to become the best man God can make me so my future wife can feel safe in every aspect, Deus vult.
Why Catholicism is false:
-Inserting idolatry like Christmas and Easter into the faith (Deuteronomy 12:30)
-Changing the sabbath to sunday which God never commands(Mark 7:6-9)
-Eat bacon, shrimp(Isaiah 66:16-17)
-Worshipping statues, cross necklaces(Exodus 20:4, Revelation 9:20)
@@matthew953hush pagan
@matthew953 St. Paul states that we don't have to follow the old law. What did Jesus mean that the gates of Hell will not prevail over the Church? Are you saying God is too weak to govern an organization dedicated to worshipping Him? Why was Peter the Rock?
@Tyler-jq4ko The gates of hell prevailing against the church doesn't mean the true one is the majority. There has always been a remnant of true believers. Exodus 31:16-17 says that the Sabbath is the everlasting sign between God and his people. The church rejected it and taught their sun god day instead because they are Pharisees who think they are above the rules of God.
Welcome Home
Wonderful channel. I think you’ve had some very interesting topics and did a great job mixing both social sciences and solid Catholicism. Please keep up the good work and I hope your channel continues to grow.
Beautiful video. God bless you. I agree with pretty much everything. I however do think there are a few things to add. Saying that divorce rate is very high is true, but it's worth noting that the rate of it between faithful couples who attend Mass together and pray together is exponentially lower. Secondly, and this is not to elevate men at all, but I think men are very aware of how they can hurt women and what women feel threatened by, but few women are aware of how commonly women use men's vulnerability to hurt them and the effects it has on men. Lastly, you beautifully pointed out how men's strengths can be used instead of abused, but perhaps missed how women's strengths can be used in their own way.
The problem with the world is that when someone is put in charge they start to make the rules. That's God's Domain. Our destinies are written in Heaven. We all have different roles in the lives of others to help with everyone ultimately fulfilling what was written about them before they were born. The one in charge starts to make definitions, put people in boxes, impose limits and then say it's god's will. This is satanic behaviour.
I agree with your point but I am always surprised by the naivety of Christians who think the bible is God's direct unaltered word.😅
This was beautiful, thank you! I love this perspective on individual 'incompleteness', since it applies to relations between friends as much as those between a man and a woman. Very well presented and much food for thought and prayer, cheers!
Great insight on such a touchy topic.❤
Subscribed, it's so rare to find content like this.
You’re channel is so interesting and informative I always leave your videos thinking about the topic you discuss keep up the great content it’s appreciated 🙏❤️
Amazing video❤ One book I recommend everyone to read in 2025 is Your Life Your Game by Keezano… It beautifully shows how embracing faith and nurturing meaningful relationships can lead to spiritual growth and success in both your personal and professional life. This book truly changed my life-a must-read. God bless…
thanks Ena
I didn't hear about empathy until maybe 15 years ago. The divide between men and women has grown since then. What's that mean about empathy? 🤔
If a chick claims to be an "empath" run, because she just confessed to being an emotional vampire.
Empathy isn’t a thing men want. So I’m not surprised
Empathy means the ability to make room for other person's emotional state and being responsive without being reactive. Now I must watch the video.
@@seriouscat2231 Do you have a source for that definition? That sounds like emotional intelligence and sympathy, not empathy.
Empathy is a sin, sympathy is not. Watch Joe Rigney discuss this.
From personal experience, revealing my emotions to other men (specifically my friends) has been fairly positive. There is an understanding in that friendship and advice is freely exchanged.
Whenever I have revealed my emotions to women. The outcomes have always been negative. That can be family, friends, or coworkers.
Typical responses included:
"You shouldn't feel that way!"
"Thats not what I actually think about you"
"Thats weird you feel like that."
Any other guys watching this. Never, I repeat never ever, explain your feelings to women.
you actually provided sources this is very appreciated
In 10:43 she says that Jesus sweated blood because he he was anxious for himself but that is incorrect He was looking at the evil of mankind with great compassion an overwhelming evil that he would have to shoulder for us.
Exactly. It doesn't make much sense that he would be so anxious for himself, he willed for The Father's will to be done. But he knew all the sins he was taking on, how some would reject the sacrifice, and that the most sinful thing was about to happen - the murder of God. They say he entered his passion, which is another word for devotion. He picked up the cross out of love.
"if this cup may not pass away from me" hmmmmmmm............
Forgive my curiosity, but is the coat of arms in the painting behind you the coat of arms of the former Empire of Brazil?
This was all perpetuated by design.
An absolutely perfect summary of men and women!👍
We used to need each other. Now society needs us to need each other. Unfortunately, it is too late, pandora's boxhas been opened and can not be closed.
We’d really need to fix a lot of other problems between the sexes before we’re even in any position to apply these solutions.
You’re such an intelligent writer :)
Thank you for you interesting work!
The balance of that graph is disingenuous.
It makes it look like the men are more extreme than the women, when in fact the opposite is true.
Be very careful when reading statistics gentlemen, always suspect someone is trying to sway your perception towards their own motives.
"I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them."
You’re a blessing Bible Bookworm
Very interesting and useful video!
I found it by accident, but I already want to write a comment to support your channel.
Thanks for the video!
Greetings from Ukraine, which is bleeding, but does not go away!
Nicely researched video. Well done
If your not needed, wanted, and/or desired, why stay? Go where you are needed.
What country are you from Biblical Bookworm?
Obviously I could tell you were not American, but I knew you were Catholic and Western European. I was guessing Germany or Austria as you are a blue eyed blonde and your accent favors those areas.
What Generation are you apart of/what decade of life are you in?
@@jeremiahr6074blue eyes and blonde hair is extremely rare over here in the DACH. Don’t fall for the propaganda of Adi my guy 😂
Did you attend Priesterseminar Wien?
Fascinating topic, thanks for making me feel validated, it’s easy for men to feel obsolete
Don't feel obsolete, women can only do what they do "on their own" because society is supported by men. If they don't start showing some appreciation soon, the number of men walking away will make their lives VERY difficult
Everyone needs decent humans. Whatever role they fill, if you are a decent human being, you are needed. To quote a random person, "If you want self-esteem, do something esteemable."
We over-thanked our husband/dad and he still chose to ignore and belittle us. Both the children and the wife, as well as the contributions we made.
Mom finally got fed up and left the bedroom and stopped bowing to his every whim. When she did this, the relationship stopped being transactional and he stopped participating entirely(even though it was the bare minimum beforehand. Why did he do this? Why was this the path he chose instead of self-evaluation and healing?
Because he refuses to heal. He refuses to face himself and accept his responsibility. He still has both mother wounds and father wounds. When his mother died, he shifted his harsh hatred of her to hatred of the mother of his children. Since she was no longer sleeping with him and became ill, it was much easier and more convenient anyway.
He is, without a doubt, the most dangerous man in our lives.
glad i subscribed to you 🙏 learning a lot...
🌟I appreciate the research invested as well as the fact there was no patronizing to us men. I loved how you concluded this video! 👑Subscribed!👍🏻
"Equal but different" is a slogan that worries me. It was used in the USA in the context of racial segregation. Very often, in practice, it meant "different and unequal".
We all need more humility, more self-emptying; less arrogance that 'I know the answer'. That does not come easily to men who (particularly in some Christian circles) are expected to be responsible for having 'all the answers' and taking the lead in every situation. Many men respond poorly to this pressure from their women (and the expectations of other men, or so they think).
Complementarity is a great principle. When it works, it is ideal, but it can be a means of oppression (towards both men and women).
Women aren't equal to men in any way physically mentally or even spiritually. The Bible specifically states and Jesus does himself that women aren't equal to men and are to be submissive to them. You can't be a godly woman and be a feminist. The Bible even has multiple stories about how giving women authority or power leads men and societies to ruin. Paul himself even states that women should be quite in the church, so even this channel is sacrilegious.
"Equal but different" strikes me as being akin to "separate but equal"--in reality there was more "separate" than "equal" and I feel the same for "equal" but "different", that what it will work out in real life will be more "different" than "equal".
I feel the same way, reading that. But there is a difference. If 2 groups are kept separate, they cannot interact. That doesn't mean there will be inequalities, but it makes equality difficult. However - being equal in this context does not mean being the same. Someone who likes Starbursts can get a Starburst as a prize, and someone who likes Snickers can get a little Snickers bar as a reward, and they will be approximately equal. Giving a Starburst to someone who hates Starbursts is a waste. Or you could have a prize where one person gets $50,000 and one person gets a $50,000 car. They are different but approximately equal. So you can and often will have situations where things are different but equal. "Separate but equal" created an artificial division based on a genetic characteristic that has no bearing on intelligence or physical ability. Men and women are different, mentally and physically. Not inferior or superior, but different. They cannot be the same, and to treat them as such in some situations creates more inequality. The problem is applying the "equal" part on a societal level without focusing on the "different" part to the point it becomes a goal.
With Jesus in our hearts we are never alone.
I'm a guy who has been on one knee most of his life. Until I got charged falsely of domestic violence by my fiance. Now I live my life l standing on my feet, and if women want me, I'm right here. You women get mad when we chase you, and you get mad when we don't chase you anymore. The old ways are gone. No matter how beautiful you are, no man in his right mind should chase you. That's pathetic. If you want to meet up for a Bible study, hit me up and I'll holler back, but don't expect us to make the first move after we've all been accused of being brutes and/or perverts. Thank you for the video.
I doubt Jesus wept because Lazarus was dead as he knew he could and would raise him. I think it now likely that he wept either out of compassion for the grieving women or out of sadness that they didn't have faith in him yet, didn't understand who he is.
I don't agree. From the reactions of the people around him, who said 'behold! how he [Jesus] loved him!', it appears that Jesus had human feelings as well as his divine nature.
I agree with you.
@@chriscampbell9191 you could be right. I suspect differently but it's just my opinion. 😃 ❤️
@@chriscampbell9191but is to love, to show commitment? Lazurus wanted to be alive mist of all because his family cant go on without him in the same way.
if you imagine dying, its not so bad because everyone does but the people we leave behind is the saddest part
Beautiful message.
Ahhh the greatest video ! Thank you !
Very thoughtful video. Thank you.
End the Fed, end socialism, and women will stop being married to the state, and men will step up and fulfill their responsibilities.
No fault divorce, alimony and child support. A man is a fool to get married.
This is an excellent video, thank you.
But which passage was the controversial one?
Thank you so much for this Elisabeth! You are so right when you say that men and women need each other. On a slightly different point, I wonder if good mentoring and role modelling can play a role here? I think that this could be a very important way for boy and girls to learn from older men and women how to treat each other with respect and kindness. Perhaps this can be a way to help bridge the gap between men and women. God bless you in all that you do. 🙂🙏
I would like to disagree. I do not need a woman, nor do I want one.
Maybe not directly, but indirectly you do. Or else you wouldn't be here😂.
@@jaleesahevans101men have created society for you thank you would be nice
The bible advises men stay single unless their desire for a woman is overpowering - it's easier to get into heaven not having to cater to another's whims at the same time
@@jaleesahevans101 Guess someone doesn't know about how the _"almighty"_ algorithms work. 🤷♂️
A woman here, You right 👍 stay away from women
11:34 r8b is an incorrect and damaging translation. Its "side" or "half"
Little word, makes a big difference
How is it damaging? What bone is at our side? You have a choice of bones in the arm and shoulder, hip or ribs. The ribs are the only bones that can regrow because that have a special sheath around them. They may not be able to regrow fully but as long as that sheath (I don't remember the name) is in tact it can regrow. What better place for God to take a bone from. As a preacher I heard years ago said "Not from the foot so he can trample her, not from his head so she would have dominion over him. He took a rib from his side so she would be his equal and the perfect completion for everything that he lacked."
What's damaging is verses like 1 Tim 6:10 it doesn't actually say "The love of money" it says " The love of gain" or to put it in a way that is easier to understand "Selfishness is the root of all kind of evil."
Thank you for making your videos. I enjoy them, and God speaks to me through them. God bless you.
This was a great video but it didn't explain why men and women are diverging so dramatically in political views. You explained how men and women were created to complement each other and how they have advantages and disadvantages like life expectancy. You explain how it is important to understand each other but for what purpose? A house divided cannot stand, divergent views means someone is wrong. In general liberal values like abortion, gay marriage, transgenderism, free love, and feminism all fly in the face of biblical teaching. LA is burning and a lot of people are wondering if it is like what God did to Sodom and Gomorrah Why didn't you address right and wrong? Why are so many women going in the wrong direction biblically? We should say they are wrong
You can't say there is right and wrong. It might hurt someone's fee-fees.
My personal view is that everyone is wrong and society is mostly twisted either way. I mean, men were supposed to protect and love women, but instead, throughout history, men have treated women as property or lesser citizens, men have also used their physical virtues not to protect women, but to r4pe, murder and oppress women. In postmodern capitalist civilization women finally saw an opportunity to change that scenario, but, just like men, they twisted their virtues
Hhhhhh trying to blame women for all bad things that is happening again ( so all the wars that have taken place through out history it's due to women going the wrong way biblically) actually this thing makes me question the bible if it wasn't written by men who like every culture looked down on women or always blamed women if things aren't going well in the households
@Livingbygrace3332 Adam blamed Eve and had the audacity to blame God. What did you expect?
@ Well God has broad shoulders. At least his son has.
Like in the parable of the unjust steward, perception of future need drives behavior (more likely to forgive someone you need). The current crisis of men in society and the church is heavily impacted by what you mentioned, the lack of need of men. Most men will be driven to check their privilege if they are needed, as will women be driven to submit to men's authority if they were needed. The solution is need. Thankfully, God has outlined a plan to dramatically remove all those things that separate us from each other and from him, the tribulation. Uncomfortable it will be but suffering builds perseverance, character, and hope, and in this case restoring the relationship between man and woman.
Love this! 🥰
Thank you 🙏
Is it that women as become more and more extreme in the social positions and men have more or less remain the same.
It is. And women expect the same thing from men as always, but refuse to provide their end
None of this can be solves as long as we say men and women are equal. Only when we start to accept again, that men and women are different we can work on solutions.
This is quite amazing!! I love it. Men and women need each other and need empathy in a perfect 2 way street, it's amazing how complicated mankind makes things with countless additional rules that become obsolete.
Men only need women to reproduce but women need men to survive at all. Just as the Bible said women exist solely to be helpful and to bear children for men. Men do the rest. You cannot be a godly woman and a feminist at the same time as feminism is anti Christian
This is some good news Holy Sister. 4 extra years is a nice start 👍
Your Quote is exactly how State expects a human to be. Its the Instrumentalisation of Law.
Could you explain why women write love letters to serial killers?... Then you talk about men being dangerous.
Good video today. Well said.
Got to get you many more subscribers.❤
Good message!
Excellent talk. Thank you.
Thank you for your support!
What’s important to point out is that young women eventually become more conservative.
Beautiful. Thank you for speaking up for men. We are being sorely treated, and not allowed to protect or raise or children
A survey of notes left behind show (other than common particples and articles) the word that's used the most is "Useless" /worthless.
A man will face difficulties if he has a purpose. The book of Philemon is about this. Onesimus (aka Useful) chose to go back voluntarily.
Sehr guter Stil! Ich denke, du triffst einen Kern. Ein flammender Appell an die gegenseitige Empathie, die den Weg ebnet, für das unveränderlich Gemeinsame. Die Verbindung aus Theologie und Psychologie ist Dir gelungen - in Wien sitzt du aber auch an der akademischen Quelle ;) Grüße aus Tübingen.
I am complimentarian, ive been open to other interpretations but i find they dont land for me.
Giles wrote a book called The Headship of Men and the Abuse of Women. Almost every conclusion Giles comes to is poorly reasoned. But my goodness, the data and the anecdotes were eye-opening. Lots of men use complimentarian church communities and teachings to abuse their wives.
I am still complimentarian, but the way it can be abused needs to be talked about.
It's not me feeling unneeded that almost killed me - it was emotionally and psychologically abusive women (ex fiance, and 2 others), in combination with the lack of sympathy for grown men in society today and incompetent, profit-driven psychologist/psychiatrists.
Pardon my french, but no one gives a fuck about us, to be frank. I feel that society has pushed us away and now blames us for it.
I disliked this video because I think you speak too confidently and portray a false sense of understanding and authority on this issue. I see no priest class justified in the new testament either, but that is a minor disagreement relative to the previously mentioned.
I respect your willingness to engage with this topic, however. You were very lucky to have a good father, kudos to him. Good men and fathers are rare today.
Poverty is probably the biggest predicter of suicide. Work is now low paid and insecure due to mass immigration which shoves millions into poverty.
You said nothing to answer the question why women are mostly left and men going to the right. And you ignored the relevant verses in Genesis. So typical.
lol yep
If you want a short answer to that, men usually lean on the right because they are naturally more manual workers and tend to prefer routine rather than women. It also explains why men feel less satisfied after seeing a therapist as men usually have a tendency of trying to find the solution and fix it themselves
I think that a young man's first priority is work very hard & alone to find out what his values are & what he truly needs (not wants). It is only through the sacrifice of being alone, as he succeeds, that a man can develop self-respect & self-discipline. If he doesn't respect himself & can't control himself, he cannot be a proper husband or father.
I Cor. 8 is one of the only (the only?) verses where the author gives an explicit warning that it was himself speaking and not God.
Jesus said something about some having made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom; but it sounds like that’s for very specific people.
Naw you cant trust the other today we have strayed too far, and ive been single loving in the woods for the past 16 years now im never going back!
In general, men understand the problems women have and usually do solve them using all sorts of resources (money, technology, advice, support). Women on the other hand don't seem to do the same for men or themselves. Everything could be "taken care of" and they still find a reason to complain. That emotional component is what makes women different than men, and difficult. The reason male monks live longer than the general male population, is they do not become obligated to women.