저는 한국에서 방송을 만드는 PD입니다. 창조과학은 정말 정말 귀한 사역이며 성경이 사실이고 진실이라는 것을 증거하는 과학 학문입니다. 이 사명을 하는 모든 분들을 존경합니다. 감사드리며 항상 응원합니다. ★ I am a producer broadcasts in South Korea. Creation science is a truly precious ministry and a scientific discipline that proves that the Bible is factual and truthful. I respect everyone who carries out this mission. Thank you and always support you
정말 불행한 일입니다, 약 2,000년 전 바티칸의 권력 장악: 거짓과 기만이 여전히 당신을 사로잡고 통제하고 있는 것을 봅니다, 한국에서. "신세계 창조론"은 그저 거짓말과 사기일 뿐입니다. 언젠가 당신은 진실을 알게 될지도 모릅니다. 솔직히, 그때는 당신처럼 역사에 대해 완전히 무지할 때 훨씬 더 행복했어요. 어쩌면 "무지함은 행복"이라는 말이 맞을지도 몰라요. 이 경우, 진실은 정말로 아프다.
Thanks to Creation Ministries for your great work in bringing the Truth to people. The knockers like to think that Creationists are idiots while they themselves cannot offer any plausible rebuttal. In these times The Lord told us that there would be scoffers…..
It’s delusion and pseudoscience. You can still be a Christian without ignoring basic well understood science. But you have to assume much of the Bible is not scientifically accurate
We can put ourselves as the pinnacle of this universe, but the universe doesn't care whatever we are thinking... it will do whatever natural and physical laws governing it...
If our galaxy was the size of the USA, our sun would be the size of 1/2 a red blood cell. If each galaxy was the size of a grain of rice, and you started filling an Olympic swimming pool, fill it to the brim ( it will take a long time) then fill another 180 swimming pools, and you have the amount of galaxies in the observable universe, and the creator of all that cares what you eat and who you fall in love with? How ludicrous do you want to get?
I've ways thought it odd that secular astronomers claim to know so much about the universe and yet we sit here, seeing things from only our perspective. Sure a satellite made it out past the edge of our solar system but in light of how big the universe is, it is still a very small lense we are seeing through.
We can see light from objects almost as old as the universe itself. The galaxy HD1 was spotted by the HST at an estimated distance of 13.5 billion light years. Just by using parallax alone as measured by the Hipparcos space telescope we can see stars at a distance of 10K parsecs or over 30,000 light years away.
Nobody knows very much about the universe. And if modern scientists are on shaky ground because of the limited ability to examine the cosmos, it also doesnt escape my notice that ancient ppl claiming revelations from invisble beings is even shakier ground by the same logic.
My question is, how are they able to even maintain contact with any probe that far away when my internet fails with a hardwired connection any random day of the week?
@@BmoreGrrrrl Because the expansion of the universe hasn't been consistent you can't say that just because stuff that is 13.5 billion light years away doesn't mean the universe is 13.5 billion years old. That's the equivalent of saying, he must be 60 years old beacuse he lives 60 miles away and it takes a human 1 year to travel 1 mile. (well how did you come up with him moving 1 mile?) Because I just assume its a constant 1:1. Do you see the failure in that model? Because the reality is that human is 30 years old and he used a car to move 60 miles away and he actually did 100% of the moving in the first week of that year and has just lived there since. You can't assume age of the universe based on distances of things.
Yeah, it generally does have to be. The entire complex depends on the stability that is provided by the gravity of all of them acting in concert all at once.
Even Isaac Newton understood that the arrangements of the planets and moons in our solar system could not have come there accidentally, nor could that have happened progressively. It had to be there with precision from the start like the parts of a working clock.
@@pigzcanfly444 Are you kidding us? A clock does not have black holes that will transform and rearrange itself. A clock does not have hydrogen atoms floating inside that will eventually group together and form new clock features. The universe is self-transforming, both in destructive and creative ways. Isaac Newton might have been the smartest guy ever but he lacked the knowledge we have gained since he died. Think about it.
As you explained the creation of the world at the end I was outside looking at the sky with the beautiful sunshine and clouds and birds singing, and it shows God's love in what He does. It should be obvious to all that there is a creator that loves us, and He wants us all to live forever in a world without sin.
Meanwhile your cat is ripping one of those beautiful singing birds to shreds for dinner. Somewhere else in the world that beautiful sky is a hurricane tearing their lives apart. Also, I was just reading about worms that eat the eyeballs of human children. That same loving creator designed all this loveliness, what a guy.
@teks-kj1nj Note that your argument is actually a _religious_ argument, not a scientific one, since it is about what God supposedly would or would not do rather than about the scientific evidence. It's a common argument, though, and we've answered it here (and elsewhere): → The Attenborough eye-worm argument against God - creation.com/attenborough-eye-worm-argument-against-god
@@creationministriesintl Yes, it is a religious argument. And the answer is unsatisfactory. Who designed the condition of 'the fall' - God. It still comes back to him, at the end of the day, everything is his design. Can't use the fall as a scape goat for god's cruelty, coz that's also god's design and intent.
@@teks-kj1njThe penny has not drioped for you yet. There is evil, ugliness, cruelty, pain, disease, viral life, misery and death purely because of human (and angelic) free-will. God wants true communication with a flock of children of utter righteousness who reject evil... and the only way to win this return to Eden (Goodness, Beauty, kindness, peace, perfect health, perfect animal life, joy, and immortality) is to allow the evil ones who choose humanity (satan) to separate themselves and so be destroyed along with all evil in the day of judgement. This entire creation (since the fall) is merely the first universe and history necessary to find the flock who go to the REAL one - the Eternal Kingdom - the "New Earth" as it is described in the Book of Revelation.
Mark Bless you for insights Im wondering when God had cursed earth and man did it include the universe?and do you think God created in the second heavens other species?
Glad you enjoyed the video. Regarding your questions: 1) Yes, the "whole of creation" was affected by the Fall. E.g., see Romans 8:18-25 (especially verse 22) 2) If you're wondering about sentient alien life, then we believe that the answer is a very clear "no". There is simply no space in the Bible, or the Gospel, for sentient alien life. For more explanation, see creation.com/did-god-create-life-on-other-planets
@@vashmatrix5769 The current rate of lunar recession has not been constant over time but has varied quite a bit due to plate tectonic movements affecting tidal drag. Even if the 3.8cm/yr was constant that would indicate a distance of the moon 4.5 billions years ago at roughly 40% of the current distance. So what's the problem?
That's incorrect I've done the math the moon would have only been about 40% closer if you use today's rate of recession for all 4.5 billion years of the scientific age of the Earth. That's not a problem.
We live in a Holographic Universe. Which gives a 6-day creation viability, but God laid-out a 7-day week. All versions of String Theory dictate that the smallest part of matter is compared to SOUND, and God SPOKE to create, God said, God called, God commanded. And humans made in the image of GOD, also create by speaking; therefore, we must guard our words. Our DNA is a superLANGUAGE. We are made in the image of God. ARMS & LEGS like Jesus Christ, but we are mostly made of water, and the atoms of the H2O molecule are mostly space. Gold is 99.999% SPACE, therefore, humans are 99.999% SPACE with consciousness...like the invisible part of GOD the Holy Spirit is omnipresent consciousness.
@@BmoreGrrrrl to the avatars of a computer game (if we attribute sentience to them for the sake of the illustration), the mechanism by which the programmer "created" their world must seem miraculous, since it is inexplicable in terms of the set of rules that define their digital existence.
@@seanpol9863 not a strawman. Patterns don't have a mind, but they do point to intentionality, design, and a mind.. And btw, laws come from a law-giver.
One of my favorite rescue device's. Ort cloud. A imaginary place that's never been seen or detected where comet's come from. Because comet's exist there must be a ort cloud.
@Glop1177 yes icy objects have been observed they are called comet's. That can't last millions of years billions are out of the question. So the ort cloud was fantasized by people who believe in billions of years. Please list when the ort cloud was observed and where it is located because you obviously believe in a lie. Some people believe that the earth is flat. Now prove it.
Psalm 19 The heavens declare the glory of God; And the firmament shows His handiwork. 2 Day unto day utters speech, And night unto night reveals knowledge. 3 There is no speech nor language Where their voice is not heard. 4 Their line has gone out through all the earth, And their words to the end of the world. In them He has set a tabernacle for the sun, 5 Which is like a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, And rejoices like a strong man to run its race. 6 Its rising is from one end of heaven, And its circuit to the other end; And there is nothing hidden from its heat.
@@IAMhassentyou-w5m There are a few clues here. A firmament is a glass or crystal dome. The people who wrote this didn’t know anything about the world. The earth has no end because it is a sphere something the writer/s did not know. The sun does not rise from one end of the heaven, obviously. Just more BS claims.
@@FrugalRoo Well you are an odd man to garner the meanings from this sublime scriptute that you mistakenly ascribe to it... to me I see no "flat Earth" - nothing about the word "firmament" strikes me as anything other than beautiful accuracy - and "to the ends of the earth" is a poetic description that I find perfectly clear and understandable without any question... The fact that we call "day" and "night" from our Earthbound perspective makes absolute sense and accuracy - even though, from the perspective of the sun we are still in the first day - the "night" as we see it - being non existent. Our Creator made an exquisite miracle of this existence and made sure that mankind will never understand the secret to the mysteries of His work but to divide us between those who will be thrown into eternal darkness by dint of their own chronic desire to know better than Him (foolishness) and undermine Him - and those whom He built it all for - those who put faith and trust in the sheer najesty of His amazing gift of grace, and thereby are Chosen for His Eternal paradise to come.
Good observations and reasoning. I especially agree with one particular observation with regards to a young universe, is that evolutionists don't allow for the possibility of the supernatural and rule that completely out, and then draw questionable conclusions around it. Even if the physics don't add up in their expectations. If an old universe of billions of years is a fixed assumption, then the observations can't speak for itself because certain presupositions were taken for granted, and must fit the mold of interpretation.
@@BmoreGrrrrl All I'm basically saying is, science and the supernatural don't need to be mutually exclusive as some suppose, but what if they were compatible instead? To start with the premise and demand that there can't possibly be any supernatural (presupposition), is to come to the scientific table of observations with pre-conditions, which affects the deducted conclusions. And then if the outcomes don't match the expected outcomes based on physics, then speculations to some other unknown cause is not helpful. Especially if a crucial possibility is dismissed because it doesn't fit the popular framework of perception.
@@Heinstein69 Scietific process 101 The null hypothesis (H₀) is a foundational concept in statistics and the scientific method. It is a statement that assumes no effect, relationship, or difference between variables. For example: • In a clinical trial: “The new drug has no effect compared to a placebo.” • In an astrophysical study: “There is no correlation between star formation rates and galaxy size.” It serves as a baseline that researchers aim to test. The goal of experimentation is either to reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis, based on evidence. Why Objectivity is Essential Objectivity ensures that the scientific process remains impartial and focused on evidence rather than personal beliefs, biases, or assumptions. The null hypothesis plays a critical role in this by: 1. Establishing a Testable Claim: It defines a clear, falsifiable statement that can be objectively tested. 2. Guiding Methodology: Researchers design experiments to gather unbiased data that either supports or refutes the null hypothesis. 3. Avoiding Bias: It prevents researchers from jumping to conclusions based on subjective beliefs or desired outcomes. For science to remain robust, the null hypothesis must reflect natural, measurable phenomena, free of preconceived notions about the outcome. The Role of Supernatural Confounders Including supernatural explanations (e.g., divine intervention or magic) in scientific experimentation contradicts the core principles of the scientific method for several reasons: 1. Non-Falsifiability: Supernatural claims cannot be tested or disproven using objective evidence. For example, how would one measure or repeatably test the influence of an omnipotent force? 2. Lack of Predictive Power: Scientific hypotheses must generate predictions. Supernatural claims are inherently unpredictable and non-replicable. 3. Undermines Empirical Testing: If the outcome of an experiment can always be attributed to an unobservable, supernatural force, no hypothesis can ever be truly rejected or supported. This halts progress. Why the Scientific Process Would Collapse Science relies on the ability to explore natural phenomena through repeatable experiments and objective measurements. Introducing supernatural confounders would: • Make results subjective, as supernatural forces cannot be independently verified or measured. • Eliminate falsifiability, a core criterion for distinguishing science from pseudoscience. • Lead to confirmation bias, as researchers could attribute any unexplained result to supernatural causes without seeking natural explanations. For example, if every anomaly in physics were attributed to “supernatural intervention,” advancements like quantum mechanics or relativity would never have emerged. The pursuit of natural explanations is what drives scientific progress. Conclusion The null hypothesis and the scientific method thrive on objectivity, falsifiability, and empirical evidence. Introducing supernatural confounders would replace rigorous inquiry with untestable assumptions, effectively halting the progress of science. Science is designed to study the natural world; once supernatural claims are included, it loses its foundation and becomes indistinguishable from belief or ideology.
Is your translated Bible as accurate as the original? Because, in any case, God said whatever He said in Hebrew. Once you translate any language into another, it becomes an interpretation, or "adaptation" if you will.
"You must start with belief in God or you will most likely come to wrong conclusions." I'm an atheist. Was I wrong to point this out? Someone stated on here: _Dinosaurs fossils are not millions of years old by that time they would have turned into dust._ So I answered with the following: _That's not how fossilisation works._ _Dinosaur fossils aren't just old bones lying around-they've turned to stone over millions of years through a process called permineralisation. Minerals gradually replace the organic material, preserving the shape and structure._ _We also know they're millions of years old because of radiometric dating, which measures the decay of radioactive elements in the rocks surrounding the fossils. Techniques like uranium-lead dating are highly reliable and repeatedly confirm these timeframes. It's solid science, mate, not just guesswork._ How is this the wrong conclusion?
Imagine trying to describe the entirety of the ocean whilst sitting atop a cliff side and not once ever swimming in the ocean. Imagination tries to compensate for what you don't know and to give you an idea of what is. It's not always accurate but it's fun.
I question comets like Hayley’s Comet. The tail is mass torn off from the comet itself. The comet is consuming itself at a fast rate, but there it is every few hundred years…… in millions of years it would have eaten itself
Things to ponder! Our physical, deteriorating, dying, temporary universe was created by a spiritual God that lives forever. Which domain is actually real? And which, therefore, demands our attention?
If your god lives forever, he would have to start at negative infinity and get to 0 before starting the universe. The problem with negative infinity is that you can't even get to the starting line because you don't can't name its location. Baked into your statement is its own undoing.
I trust God's word over the word of man. The 6 day creation would have been a miracle of infinite proportion and if he is omnipotent and omnipresent I don't see why this is a problem for some believers. They're listening too much to the world. Better to heed the voice of our Creator.
It's a problem because it contradicts observed reality so most believers either need to confront the fact that the Bible isn't literal or God is a liar.
Lol but in the same verse, gods words claims the (flat) earth has a metal firmament which prevents the waters of heaven from flooding earth ... and also has all the stars, planets and moon stuck in it. You don't believe this, and must be very intellectually dishonest to ignore this.
The science worldview is the data drives the conclusion. The creationist worldview is the pre-determined conclusion drives the 5% of data they cherry pick and the 95% of data they ignore.
The big problem I have when comparing naturalistic explanations with creationist explanations is that the naturalistic explanations are just so much simpler and make so much sense, once one takes the time to understand them. They make God unnecessary.
The James Webb Space Telescope demonstrates a Mature Creation. Hubble looked into deep space for a prolonged time, but saw nothing, just darkness. But the JWST saw thousands and thousands and thousands of mature galaxies (Scientific journal: NATURE). The discovered galaxies are too large, and as mature as the galaxies closest to earth. Mature disk-shaped large galaxies with smooth arms. This discovery is of a MATURE CREATION!
Why do you think the moon is being flung out but water and the atmosphere isn't? Did the ETERNAL ONE stop a whole universe for Joshua ben Nun, or did the sun and moon just stop? What do you think?
According to the Bible, in 2 Peter 3:8, it states that "with the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day," meaning that in God's perspective, one day can be seen as equivalent to a thousand years; this is interpreted as a way to convey that God is outside of human time constraints and perceives time differently.
As things degrade in one form or another; the thought of moons colliding and reforming over and over is silly. They are more likely to form one large or be a ring strewn about and growing mire and more spacious pun intended. 😊 The more they disprove our Gods handiwork the more they prove it to be his .
"Things that are there that shouldn't be there". Look at that statement for a moment in analogy. If a lone chinese child is in a farmers field in Canada does it suggest what shouldn't be, or does it suggest you know nothing about airtravel? Titan has a 95% nitrogen and 5% methane/ethane and other chemical compound atmosphere. Methane should not be present because of solar uv irradiation. Is it correct to say Titan cannot have a sustained methane atmosphere and therefore cannot be "old", or, is it correct to say Titan has a source we may or may not know nothing about?
"Atmospheres that shouldn't be there"... Based on what empirical evidence? "Delicate ring structure that are not consistent with billions of years old"... Who said the ring structured are "old"? Why should they have to be? You seem so locked, mentally, on an instant creation process that you leave no room for dynamic processes that evolve over time. (Sorry for bringing up the dirty word "evolve". I now it's taboo with you lot...). -But that's a mistake. Everything in the universe evolves all the time. Stars are born, stars burn out. Stars explode. Neutron stars collide. Black holes are formed. And we measure this, practically all the time. And from distances that are far too great to have been formed 6000 years ago.
@@jacob.tudragens No one person has ever seen a mature redwood tree grow from a seed either but we can see redwood trees in all stages of growth. In exactly the same way we can see all stages of star formation with HST images.
Yup all he says is ' I wouldn't expect that ' and ' That shouldn't happen' The universe doesn't care what he 'expects' and what he thinks 'should' happen. Sheese, what ignorance.
You're not listening he explains it in the next scentence. The rings are dimming at a known rate. If they had been around for billions of years it would have been vastly darker, even in millions of years.
Maybe you missed the bit about short lived comets? The lack of theories for how they evolve? Or maybe they are one offs? Makes me think you are starting from an assumption. God as the watchmaker setting off the Big Bang and in God like timescales it all falls into place. That was his point. That’s a God outside of the universe, not the god of Christmas. Happy Christmas!
Saturn didn't have any rings until men invented the telescope. As soon as Galileo Galilei peered through his telescope toward Saturn, e=mc² happened and the rings formed from the light in the area.
Our earth’s moon rotates only 16 degrees one way or another and never a complete rotation and that is why we only see one side. Our moon is the only moon in our solar system that doesn’t rotate completely.
FYI... comets are not made of ice. They are solid rock. Look at the data from all the visits spacecraft have made to comets. All of them are solid rock.
I've got an idea... Why don't creationists use their version of science to engineer and build a device that allows us to examine the evidence that disproves mainstream science? God told Moses how to build the temple and he showed Noah how to build the ark. God can certainly show us how to build a divine telescope to see the truth.
@@poliincredible770 you should look up what evidence means. This is nonsense claims completely devoid of evidence. Even the speaker tells us that it “might” be but never ever provides any evidence.
@@FrugalRoo factual: living organisms are composed of highly encoded genetic information. Comporting with reality: code is always the product of a mind. Testable: the Law of Biogenesis states that life always arises from preexisting life; never from non-living material. That means the origin of life has to be an eternal living source. Verifiable: What do we know from documented history that fits the qualification of an eternal living source? Only God. Falsifiable: reference the famous experiment conducted by Louis Pasteur demonstrating that life cannot arise from non-living material. All your criteria have been met. Please accept Christ.
Why aren't the craters on the moon events or even on earth for that matter, never cited in by our ancient ancestors? You would think an event that size would have been jotted down.
Some of jupiters moons were Kifer belt objects captured by jupiters gravity and not part of jupiters original formation. Some hav ed retrograde orbits depending on how they were captured
That was a quick. 1. Rings are not billions years old. They are indeed a transient phenomenon, as far as we understand them now. This has precisely zero influence on the argument of the age of the Solar System as a whole. 3. Atmospheres are transient too. Mars has already lost its atmosphere. Again, zero influence on the existence of the planet itself.
I understand that there are way to many things that have to happen for this place and us to exist...temperature, fruits and vegetables, wood, water, air, consciousness, animals, Love, salt, sugar, color, smell, pain, soap, taste, etc...million more...And you think believing this was designed is stupid? I say Designer...you say nothingness...lol
@fergusonhr it's called natural processes, natural selection. There's pretty good evidence for how everything on your list works. No God needed to explain any of it. You're asserting an argument from personal incredulity. And I never said nothingness.
Well not really as easy as that. As it has been observed that a moral code transcends the human condition. We fall short of it but are hard wired to aspire to it. Emotionally we feel guilt and we judge against a standard we can never reach.
The Oort Cloud , so called because it ought to exist! LOL Presumably the mass of Halley’s comment must be known, so the loss of mass on each round trip can be calculated. Hence its eventual demise.
God said let there be light and that's the answer to all our questions. Light travels at a consent speed. The stars are out there looking back at us. That light can only travel at the speed limit so that means the stars are either an illusion or they are billions of years away. That proves that we are at least billions of years old. God created light so how can it be otherwise?
Is this guy serious? He must be joking right? He must be trolling everyone who watches him. What's really amazing is that there are actually grown adults who have more than a 3rd grade education who seriously believe this man's BS. Just look at the comments for this video.
If God created the stars for us (which He did) it would be no problem for Him to make the light from distant stars to reach earth at the same moment He made the star. Simple as that!
The religious zealots are not able to cope with logic. The science zealots are not able to cope with faith. My solution is to ignore both. Both of them lie to serve their own narrative that rewards them the most, respectively.
I taste chocolate and then taste vanilla then I determine which I like the best. I then serve that as being my truth. Having never tasted either does not help me to determine which I like the best but instead shows me how to avoid all truths.
In reality the planet earth is a tiny blue dot, a speckle of dust in a very insignificant part of the milky way. We should not think of ourselves as that important, in comparison to the universe. There is, in reality no contradiction between the bible and evolution. Anybody who believes this planet is 6000 years properbly also thinks it is flat.
Why cant god make something with time built within, like say he wanted a person but no baby infant stage but with the universe one day just a grown man with a conscious strong enough to convince to eat forbidden apples but instead with a universe
There is literally nothing you could not "explain" by the bible "model". Just say "because god made it so" and we're good. Quite elegant, you don't even need to know any math or physics. Brilliant...
It is brilliant! And observable. Just like the evolution made it so belief. What’s the statistics of that? A lot of maths and physics doesn’t get you very far in non observable science, which is why huge money is put into JWST, Hubble etc.
Here's something to consider that you rarely ever hear them mention or bring up. What about the fact that almost every planet within our Solar system is producing and expelling more heat or energy than at the rate of energy that they absorb from the sun itself. The ratio of these differences makes it impossible for the planets within our solar system including our earth to be billions of years old. This doesn't even account for the rate of decay of the planet's magnetic spheres. The known rates of decay in conjunction with the current observable rates would suggest that even our Earth wouldn't have magnetic sphere right now if it was millions of years old never mind billions. I fully believe in God's creation, yet I also do not believe that it is only 6,000 years old either. I do believe a more recent and younger solar system, a younger galaxy or universe than what we have been told to believe. Yet I also do not think it's only 6,000 years old. These are my deductions from years of research and studying of many various topics and subjects in conjunction with the scriptures. When Elohim refers to concepts such as Time from their own nature with respect to ours (humans within the temporal flesh, the physical). They are Eternal and there is no real concept of Time with regards to them. They created Time itself. Yes, I'm using they and their as opposed to him or his in which I will elaborate on. Elohim within Genesis 1 is in its plural form being many, yet it's almost always used within the Hebrew towards a single thing or concept, this also makes it singular. The best way that I could suggest to better understand or perceive this is to compare its multi yet singular nature with some of our modern words such as Choir, Band, Orchestra, Council, etc. Many as One or Many acting as One. Many what? Well in Genesis we see the Hebrew word Ruach. Ruach is simply translated to Spirit, which is valid and accurate, however, Ruach also has over definitions which are also valid and accurate and if we refer to those definitions as well, it doesn't change the validity of the passage. Some of these other definitions or usages include Wind, Sound, Voice, Anger, Mind. And with that we can even reference or include our word of Consciousness. The ability to think, to know, to be self-aware, the ability to make a choice, to perform or do an action, Sentience. So here when I study Genesis 1 and I'm looking back to or referring to the original Hebrew, I'm not reading it as the way it's directly translated into English with the words "Spirit of God". I'm actually seeing this as The Voice of Chorus, or the Mind of Council. Something like this might help to shed some light and perspective into it. This is just to provide a bit of context. From here we have read other verses where we see allegories, similes, etc. that makes references of Time to Us towards them, and this is where we find the concepts or messages of A Day with the Lord is like unto 1,000 years to us. Is this an exact definitive time frame? Perhaps it could be, I'm not making the claim that it isn't. However, I'm also making the claim that it may not be. Remember, We humans are bound to time. And for a species to live out their entire lives on average at a near maximum of say 100 years, 1 century, we can perceive within our minds, we can fathom that of a millennium, 1,000 years or 10 of our lifetimes. We can relate. However, within the perspective of the Hosts of Heaven, there is no notion of Time. A second, an hour, a year, 100 years, 10,000 years, it's no different. They are not subject to or bound to time. They are not of the Physical. They are of the Spirit, and they are Eternal beings. So how old is the earth really? Even if we take the fact that we are using that reference of 1,000 years is to 1 of his days and he created everything in 6 days thus making it only 6,000 years old. I still this is inaccurate, a bit immature or perhaps premature to jump to that conclusion. Here's why. I think that perhaps human history on this earth from Adam to now is only about 6-7 years olds perhaps maybe 8 at the most. This would seem to be a reasonably and fairly accurate educated guess based on many different criteria. Yet we have to remember that we were created in the second half of the 6th day. The question then becomes from Adam to now, are we still in the 6th Day of Creation? Is Elohim still at work or did Elohim rest? Well, I still see humans dying and being born on this earth every day. So, from that perspective alone, I'd say he's still at work. And this is only the second half of the 6th day. So, if we've been here for roughly 6-8k years perhaps 1 of his days could be say 12,000 years. And since we were created on the 6th, that means there were 5 days before that so that'd be about 60,000 years plus the 6-8k years. Now again, time with respect to Elohim is really no-exist in that they aren't bound to it like we are. Yet within respect to us, it is relative to a degree. So, by considering all of these concepts, perspectives, as well as what we have observed from the stars, from the heavens, etc. I could possibly believe and agree with the earth, the solar system being on the order of being perhaps 100,000 years old, and this would also fit with at least 90% if not more of most of our laws of physics, chemistry, biology, and nature. Yet anything far reaching into the millions and billions, I'm not buying it. Yet at the end of the day, I also don't trust in any kind of claim when they say it's "exactly" this. The truth is, we truly do not know and none of do, nor will we ever. None of us where there on this earth when it started to record it from then to now unequivocally. All we have to really go on is various scriptures, bits of recorded history, some archeology, remnants, pieces, crumbs of clues that we like to call evidence. And at best we can only speculate and make an educated guess based on them. Here's an example. Imagine living on this earth say 3,000 years from now. The current civilization that we live in is no more and hasn't been for thousands of years. You start to dig an area for one reason or another. As you are digging, you hit a metal frame, but you don't know exactly what it is. Here we can say that from our time, this is the chassis of a vehicle. All of the metal to the doors, roof, etc. that's all deteriorated away. Only the skeletal frame is left, and it's rusted and filled with sand, dirt, etc. Within this frame you end up digging out all of the dirt, and then you find the remains of what we use every day in our time, a smartphone. Now, this device from our time is broken, the battery is dead, there's no electricity to charge it or power it up so it's not functional. This is the scenario 3,000 years from now. My question is: what do you make of these findings within the future present and what kind of accusations or assumptions are you going to make towards an ancient civilization from 3,000 years earlier. Are you doing to know that this was a car, that people were able to drive it around, and that this object was a communication device? You only have remnants, and crumbs to draw up your own conclusions in your own time. The best one who shed light onto this top was Solomon from Ecclesiastes 1. One generation comes and goes, and the latter doesn't remember the former. And yet, there is nothing new under the sun. Everything according to their circuits, and around and around we go. Me personally, if God did it in 6,000 years or 600000000000000000000 years, what's the difference? We are here and now that is what does matter. To me arguing over the age is a distraction over the debate of there being a Creator or Not. I know there is, and everything that I see and understand all points towards Intelligent Design and that is proof enough for me. He created me to be intelligent and that is a blessing and a curse and I both love and hate it. Yet for me, there's too much evidence that supports a much younger physical existence than an extremely old one. I can lead on the order of 10 - 100K years, but anything in the millions or billions, the evidence from our observations does not support it. If anything, it contradicts it. Why? Because Time in conjunction to the Physical, Chemical, Temporal Realm is Your Enemy. Things break down, decay, die, etc. over time. So, trying to add billions of years to solve your problems is no different than our governments and corporations printing more money and throwing it at a problem, it just doesn't work! It's all just food for thought, take it or leave it. Godspeed and stay blessed!
But no-one says Saturn's rings are billions of years old - what a strawman And why does he thinks the rings are there just for us to observe?,, nutty His whole argument is the typical 'I don't expect that and don't understand' therefore 'god done it'. Jeese, just go look it up, the answers are all readily available. So lazy, or actually more like dishonest, because he knows you won't go look it it up yourself and will just believe what he tells you.
Why do you think the beautiful sky is. NOT there for us to observe. We’re not ants. We’re made in the image of God. As John said, “now are we the sons of God.”
@@margomoore4527 I didn't say the sky, I said Saturn's rings and for millions of years no-one could observe Saturn's rings at all, only till some genius invented the telescope. If it was put there for our viewing pleasure, why can't we see it with the naked eye? Derp.
@@teks-kj1njuse your head a little more... you are exhibiting an astounding lack of imagination! You have been sold a false bill of goods... Your telescopes were/are not unseen surprises by an all-seeing, all powerful God... What you are seeing revealed to you now is precisely what He wants you to see. This universe is not the real one that is His New Creation. All of this is a test. Some of us will be taken to the New Earth which is eternal. Read your Bible and learn.
I have a very simple question for anyone who does not believe in Creation and intelligent design. Why are flowers and even tree leaves so geometrically perfect and beautiful? Don’t tell me it is to attract insects!!!! As someone who bought into Evolution I am now a total Creationist (after 12 years of research). Evolution never even got started because chemical evolution aka abiogenesis is IMPOSSIBLE!!!! Do your research. Evolution depends on the existence of self replicating life already being there. Adaptation within Kinds is all we see, because of the regulatory networks built into the genome of each kind. Re astronomy maybe someone can explain how we live on a life sustaining planet where the odds of such a planet existing defy mathematical probability. I won’t ask how nothing created everything. That’s too difficult!
@@avechristusrex31 Virtually all multi-celled species exhibit bilateral symmetry or radial symmetry. That's a feature formed by their growth from a single fertilized egg.
Can I believe the scriptures, and yet not believe in the age of the universe to be 6000 years? Where does the Bible say that the universe was created 6000 years ago?
The biblical genealogy is what determines the time of creation. The generations from Adam to Noah, and the generations after to the Tower of Babel and so no. Mathematics concludes a young earth based on recorded genealogy in the bible.
The bible never says the universe was created 6000 years ago. A whole lot of time could have passed before the 3rd verse of Genesis. This is especially clear in the original Hebrew text. John Lennox explains this very well. 1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. 2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. 3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. 4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. 5 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.
We know Genesis is not accurate by reading it, it present two different accounts of creation which are mutually exclusive. Genesis appears to be the amalgamation of 3 earlier scripts/stories that are incompatible.. Of course some of those anomalies have been written out of modern versions.
@criticalthinker8007 nothing has been "written out of modern versions" (certainly nothing that the all powerful Holy Spirit hasn't Directed in order to veil what He so desires)- and, no, there are not two contradictory accounts of creation - there are only words (of unequalled precision and power) which paint the factual history of how God created life into consciousness and thereby being - written by the Creator Himself. Perhaps if we all (as clueless fools) could learn to show some respect - consider what all this actually means and stop talking about the absolute miracle of rLife - which none of us know better than Him- we may learn something staggeringly profound... Like that the entire universe - the existence of all we have ever seen or been or ever imagine - remains completely mysterious to ALL mankind except for the ones who have eyes that shine with joy in thr knowledge that they are destined for a place in the "real", far greater creation, still yet to be revealed to the few who pass this test. God Bless.
@@matthewstokes1608 Is that a tad covenant to say what has been written out is only what God decides. How do you account for the different versions of the modern bible. Considering the bible never say it was written or inspired by god, why do you believe it was. Why are you referencing God as a him, Genesis and the bible before the KJV never stated God was male, never assigned the male pronouns to God. Genesis says that in the beginning everything was water and then god created space in the water and land but it also says in the beginning there was nothing but air and god out of nothing created land and water. Those statement contradict each other.
@@criticalthinker8007 "Considering the bible never say it was written or inspired by god, why do you believe it was." You are wrong: 2 Timothy 3:16 King James Version All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.
I listen to your attempts to reconcile a literal translation of the Bible with the whole of modern science mainly for amusement. Are you seriously denying the recent observations by the James Webb telescope ? Is that just a hoax? For what reason? Well, some people still believe the earth is flat. Are you a flat-earther too? Sorry, I just can't take you seriously.
Interesting no scientific evidence at all is provided for the remarkable claims in this video, just the narrator's personal incredulity. That and $5.50 will get you a grande latte at Starbucks.
@@Dulc3B00kbyBrant0n No. My scientific evidence can be found in the published peer-reviewed professional scientific literature. This place references no such scientific evidence.
@@jacob.tudragens You can read any of the evidence any time by going to the primary scientific literature. But first you have to want to educate yourself.
See this article: creation.com/distant-starlight-and-the-biblical-timeframe The materialist position has its own issues with this problem as well: creation.com/light-travel-time-a-problem-for-the-big-bang
If God created the earth first, then the sun n other planets, does it means earth is just stationary & not spinning and orbitting, right? Coz there is no sun yet
@@antxyztop Creation in genesis was written from the earth’s perspective, which is logical considering it is about our beginning. So when you read the first 2 chapters in Genesis, picture your eye view from the earth.
@Haylo545 i understood ur statement, hence in medievel time human believe earth is the center of universe. But my question is very logical tho, if no sun exist yet, earth orbiting what? Is it spinning? Or is it stay still? *seriously curious question
@@freedominion7369are you being sarcastic? The concept of God is an unfalsifiable. I implore you not to fall into the trap of "well there you have it, God is unfalsifiable and therefore must exist" I'll give an example The God you know is not the real one, he got fired for drowning a bunch of kids in a flood and was replaced. God 2.0 took over the job immediately and since the new God was also all-powerful, he made sure that Christianity and the Bible still came out identical because he's aware that it's a really good way to brainwash people. So how do you know that your God is the original in this case?
🎬 Get FREE access to the award-winning documentary _Evolution’s Achilles’ Heels_ here: creation.com/49Beah
how about the universe ?
Gemini, the AI, found 13 unique criticisms of the rescuing devices that attempt to answer Maxwell's criticism of the solar nebular theory.
"and He made the stars also"
That is one of my favorite verses.
@@TickedOffPriest same!!
저는 한국에서 방송을 만드는 PD입니다.
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I am a producer broadcasts in South Korea.
Creation science is a truly precious ministry and a scientific discipline that proves that the Bible is factual and truthful.
I respect everyone who carries out this mission. Thank you and always support you
저도 한국에서 있어요. ^^ 지금 포항에서 한동대에서 가르쳐요. 만나서 반가워요.
@ChristensenLow 오오오 반갑습니다. 한동대 교수님이신가요? 와아 한동대 정말 좋아합니다. 존경합니다. 창조과학 활동도 하시나요?
정말 불행한 일입니다, 약 2,000년 전 바티칸의 권력 장악:
거짓과 기만이 여전히 당신을 사로잡고 통제하고 있는 것을 봅니다, 한국에서.
"신세계 창조론"은 그저 거짓말과 사기일 뿐입니다.
언젠가 당신은 진실을 알게 될지도 모릅니다.
솔직히, 그때는 당신처럼 역사에 대해 완전히 무지할 때 훨씬 더 행복했어요.
어쩌면 "무지함은 행복"이라는 말이 맞을지도 몰라요.
이 경우, 진실은 정말로 아프다.
@@_shabah_ 네~저는 한동대 교수예요. 창조과학 활동 안 해요. 그냥 긍굼해요. ^^ 저는 영어 쓰기와 발포 가르쳐요.
Thanks to Creation Ministries for your great work in bringing the Truth to people. The knockers like to think that Creationists are idiots while they themselves cannot offer any plausible rebuttal. In these times The Lord told us that there would be scoffers…..
It’s delusion and pseudoscience.
You can still be a Christian without ignoring basic well understood science. But you have to assume much of the Bible is not scientifically accurate
Earth is the pinnacle of his created universe and humans are the pinnacle of his creation here on that earth.
If humans are the pinnacle of his creation he must be utterly hopeless.
No, that's just you.
We can put ourselves as the pinnacle of this universe, but the universe doesn't care whatever we are thinking... it will do whatever natural and physical laws governing it...
If our galaxy was the size of the USA, our sun would be the size of 1/2 a red blood cell. If each galaxy was the size of a grain of rice, and you started filling an Olympic swimming pool, fill it to the brim ( it will take a long time) then fill another 180 swimming pools, and you have the amount of galaxies in the observable universe, and the creator of all that cares what you eat and who you fall in love with? How ludicrous do you want to get?
Isn't it?
I've ways thought it odd that secular astronomers claim to know so much about the universe and yet we sit here, seeing things from only our perspective. Sure a satellite made it out past the edge of our solar system but in light of how big the universe is, it is still a very small lense we are seeing through.
We can see light from objects almost as old as the universe itself. The galaxy HD1 was spotted by the HST at an estimated distance of 13.5 billion light years. Just by using parallax alone as measured by the Hipparcos space telescope we can see stars at a distance of 10K parsecs or over 30,000 light years away.
@@BmoreGrrrrl That is exactly what I was about to say ;)
Nobody knows very much about the universe. And if modern scientists are on shaky ground because of the limited ability to examine the cosmos, it also doesnt escape my notice that ancient ppl claiming revelations from invisble beings is even shakier ground by the same logic.
My question is, how are they able to even maintain contact with any probe that far away when my internet fails with a hardwired connection any random day of the week?
@@BmoreGrrrrl Because the expansion of the universe hasn't been consistent you can't say that just because stuff that is 13.5 billion light years away doesn't mean the universe is 13.5 billion years old.
That's the equivalent of saying, he must be 60 years old beacuse he lives 60 miles away and it takes a human 1 year to travel 1 mile. (well how did you come up with him moving 1 mile?) Because I just assume its a constant 1:1. Do you see the failure in that model? Because the reality is that human is 30 years old and he used a car to move 60 miles away and he actually did 100% of the moving in the first week of that year and has just lived there since.
You can't assume age of the universe based on distances of things.
Amen CMI 🙏 all of creation testifies to the glory of God
and I am a brainwashed zombie ...
Then why don't you put forth the effort to learn some some real science/mathematics so you can begin to understand it??
Yay! New episode!!! My new favorite channel!
Not every feature of the solar system need be billions of years old.
Yeah, it generally does have to be. The entire complex depends on the stability that is provided by the gravity of all of them acting in concert all at once.
Ok, explain how one came to be.
Even Isaac Newton understood that the arrangements of the planets and moons in our solar system could not have come there accidentally, nor could that have happened progressively. It had to be there with precision from the start like the parts of a working clock.
@@pigzcanfly444 Are you kidding us? A clock does not have black holes that will transform and rearrange itself. A clock does not have hydrogen atoms floating inside that will eventually group together and form new clock features. The universe is self-transforming, both in destructive and creative ways.
Isaac Newton might have been the smartest guy ever but he lacked the knowledge we have gained since he died. Think about it.
Every object in the US must be as old as the US.
As you explained the creation of the world at the end I was outside looking at the sky with the beautiful sunshine and clouds and birds singing, and it shows God's love in what He does. It should be obvious to all that there is a creator that loves us, and He wants us all to live forever in a world without sin.
Meanwhile your cat is ripping one of those beautiful singing birds to shreds for dinner.
Somewhere else in the world that beautiful sky is a hurricane tearing their lives apart.
Also, I was just reading about worms that eat the eyeballs of human children.
That same loving creator designed all this loveliness, what a guy.
@teks-kj1nj Note that your argument is actually a _religious_ argument, not a scientific one, since it is about what God supposedly would or would not do rather than about the scientific evidence. It's a common argument, though, and we've answered it here (and elsewhere):
→ The Attenborough eye-worm argument against God - creation.com/attenborough-eye-worm-argument-against-god
Yes, it is a religious argument.
And the answer is unsatisfactory. Who designed the condition of 'the fall' - God.
It still comes back to him, at the end of the day, everything is his design. Can't use the fall as a scape goat for god's cruelty, coz that's also god's design and intent.
@@teks-kj1njThe penny has not drioped for you yet. There is evil, ugliness, cruelty, pain, disease, viral life, misery and death purely because of human (and angelic) free-will.
God wants true communication with a flock of children of utter righteousness who reject evil... and the only way to win this return to Eden (Goodness, Beauty, kindness, peace, perfect health, perfect animal life, joy, and immortality) is to allow the evil ones who choose humanity (satan) to separate themselves and so be destroyed along with all evil in the day of judgement. This entire creation (since the fall) is merely the first universe and history necessary to find the flock who go to the REAL one - the Eternal Kingdom - the "New Earth" as it is described in the Book of Revelation.
If he loves us why did the Holocaust happen, why do children die of cancer and why do millions die of starvation every year?
Mark Bless you for insights Im wondering when God had cursed earth and man did it include the universe?and do you think God created in the second heavens other species?
Glad you enjoyed the video. Regarding your questions:
1) Yes, the "whole of creation" was affected by the Fall. E.g., see Romans 8:18-25 (especially verse 22)
2) If you're wondering about sentient alien life, then we believe that the answer is a very clear "no". There is simply no space in the Bible, or the Gospel, for sentient alien life. For more explanation, see creation.com/did-god-create-life-on-other-planets
I love Bible astronomy
The heavens, We have built them with power. And verily, We are expanding it (Surah Dhariyat:47).
The Bible waswritten in a pre-scientific era why would you call it Bible astronomy? You just projecting your own modern assumptions onto the Bible
The moon is also moving away & would have been too close for their evolutionism timeline.
Based on what evidence?
@teks-kj1nj Based on how fast it's moving away (if memory serves: about an inch & a half per year).
@@vashmatrix5769 The current rate of lunar recession has not been constant over time but has varied quite a bit due to plate tectonic movements affecting tidal drag. Even if the 3.8cm/yr was constant that would indicate a distance of the moon 4.5 billions years ago at roughly 40% of the current distance. So what's the problem?
That's incorrect I've done the math the moon would have only been about 40% closer if you use today's rate of recession for all 4.5 billion years of the scientific age of the Earth.
That's not a problem.
@@noneyabidness9644 have you ever actually done the math?
Nothing is impossible for God
God can't sin.
Except there is no such thing as a supernatural being
@@gryph01 because our existence is random without a creator ?
@traex8325 Why do you think it's random? Why create a dichotomy?
You can use magic to explain anything.
I only see a young Solar System.
Based on what evidence?
If you don't pay attention to the evidence presented here, why should anyone give you other evidence?
@@jacob.tudragens There was no scientific evidence presented here, just unsupported personal incredulity.
You have nothing to back that up.
@@jacob.tudragens The video itself backs me up. It's all just personal incredulity with zero scientific support.
Great video. Thanks for sharing your knowledge. Hugs from Spain.
God is our Creator and was there at creation. We were not. Humans are not more informed or intelligent than an Almighty God.
Who created God?
27:30 His model "God created everything with miracles!" doesn't explain a darn thing. It's the worst sort of begging the question fallacy.
We live in a Holographic Universe. Which gives a 6-day creation viability, but God laid-out a 7-day week. All versions of String Theory dictate that the smallest part of matter is compared to SOUND, and God SPOKE to create, God said, God called, God commanded. And humans made in the image of GOD, also create by speaking; therefore, we must guard our words. Our DNA is a superLANGUAGE. We are made in the image of God. ARMS & LEGS like Jesus Christ, but we are mostly made of water, and the atoms of the H2O molecule are mostly space. Gold is 99.999% SPACE, therefore, humans are 99.999% SPACE with consciousness...like the invisible part of GOD the Holy Spirit is omnipresent consciousness.
@@SacredDOVE6893how did God make all the strings vibrate?
@@SacredDOVE6893if we are made in God's image, does that mean that God has feet to walk on a surface, a nose to breathe air and so on.
@@BmoreGrrrrl to the avatars of a computer game (if we attribute sentience to them for the sake of the illustration), the mechanism by which the programmer "created" their world must seem miraculous, since it is inexplicable in terms of the set of rules that define their digital existence.
The universe declares the glory of God, not mindless randomness.
Saying it's "mindless randomness" is a strawman-science is about uncovering patterns and laws, not chaos.
@@seanpol9863 not a strawman. Patterns don't have a mind, but they do point to intentionality, design, and a mind.. And btw, laws come from a law-giver.
One of my favorite rescue device's. Ort cloud. A imaginary place that's never been seen or detected where comet's come from. Because comet's exist there must be a ort cloud.
@@gordon985 actually the Oort Cloud has been observed, or rather icy objects from it have been. Dozens of them.
@Glop1177 yes icy objects have been observed they are called comet's. That can't last millions of years billions are out of the question. So the ort cloud was fantasized by people who believe in billions of years. Please list when the ort cloud was observed and where it is located because you obviously believe in a lie. Some people believe that the earth is flat. Now prove it.
Pluto is still a planet to me!
Only if god says so.😜
Yes. And, cheerleading should never have been made a sport.
Psalm 19
The heavens declare the glory of God; And the firmament shows His handiwork. 2 Day unto day utters speech, And night unto night reveals knowledge. 3 There is no speech nor language Where their voice is not heard. 4 Their line has gone out through all the earth, And their words to the end of the world. In them He has set a tabernacle for the sun, 5 Which is like a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, And rejoices like a strong man to run its race. 6 Its rising is from one end of heaven, And its circuit to the other end; And there is nothing hidden from its heat.
Now that is amazing.
Job 9::13 "God will not turn back His anger". Good luck if you've ever angered God just once... His anger will never dissipate.
@@IAMhassentyou-w5m There are a few clues here. A firmament is a glass or crystal dome. The people who wrote this didn’t know anything about the world. The earth has no end because it is a sphere something the writer/s did not know. The sun does not rise from one end of the heaven, obviously. Just more BS claims.
@@FrugalRoo Well you are an odd man to garner the meanings from this sublime scriptute that you mistakenly ascribe to it...
to me I see no "flat Earth" - nothing about the word "firmament" strikes me as anything other than beautiful accuracy - and "to the ends of the earth" is a poetic description that I find perfectly clear and understandable without any question...
The fact that we call "day" and "night" from our Earthbound perspective makes absolute sense and accuracy - even though, from the perspective of the sun we are still in the first day - the "night" as we see it - being non existent.
Our Creator made an exquisite miracle of this existence and made sure that mankind will never understand the secret to the mysteries of His work but to divide us between those who will be thrown into eternal darkness by dint of their own chronic desire to know better than Him (foolishness) and undermine Him - and those whom He built it all for - those who put faith and trust in the sheer najesty of His amazing gift of grace, and thereby are Chosen for His Eternal paradise to come.
God's creation is glorious, indeed 💫
Good observations and reasoning.
I especially agree with one particular observation with regards to a young universe, is that evolutionists don't allow for the possibility of the supernatural and rule that completely out, and then draw questionable conclusions around it. Even if the physics don't add up in their expectations. If an old universe of billions of years is a fixed assumption, then the observations can't speak for itself because certain presupositions were taken for granted, and must fit the mold of interpretation.
As soon as your hypothesis requires supernatural miracles to be correct you've throw out all pretense of it being scientific.
@@BmoreGrrrrl All I'm basically saying is, science and the supernatural don't need to be mutually exclusive as some suppose, but what if they were compatible instead? To start with the premise and demand that there can't possibly be any supernatural (presupposition), is to come to the scientific table of observations with pre-conditions, which affects the deducted conclusions. And then if the outcomes don't match the expected outcomes based on physics, then speculations to some other unknown cause is not helpful. Especially if a crucial possibility is dismissed because it doesn't fit the popular framework of perception.
@@Heinstein69 Scietific process 101
The null hypothesis (H₀) is a foundational concept in statistics and the scientific method. It is a statement that assumes no effect, relationship, or difference between variables. For example:
• In a clinical trial: “The new drug has no effect compared to a placebo.”
• In an astrophysical study: “There is no correlation between star formation rates and galaxy size.”
It serves as a baseline that researchers aim to test. The goal of experimentation is either to reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis, based on evidence.
Why Objectivity is Essential
Objectivity ensures that the scientific process remains impartial and focused on evidence rather than personal beliefs, biases, or assumptions. The null hypothesis plays a critical role in this by:
1. Establishing a Testable Claim: It defines a clear, falsifiable statement that can be objectively tested.
2. Guiding Methodology: Researchers design experiments to gather unbiased data that either supports or refutes the null hypothesis.
3. Avoiding Bias: It prevents researchers from jumping to conclusions based on subjective beliefs or desired outcomes.
For science to remain robust, the null hypothesis must reflect natural, measurable phenomena, free of preconceived notions about the outcome.
The Role of Supernatural Confounders
Including supernatural explanations (e.g., divine intervention or magic) in scientific experimentation contradicts the core principles of the scientific method for several reasons:
1. Non-Falsifiability: Supernatural claims cannot be tested or disproven using objective evidence. For example, how would one measure or repeatably test the influence of an omnipotent force?
2. Lack of Predictive Power: Scientific hypotheses must generate predictions. Supernatural claims are inherently unpredictable and non-replicable.
3. Undermines Empirical Testing: If the outcome of an experiment can always be attributed to an unobservable, supernatural force, no hypothesis can ever be truly rejected or supported. This halts progress.
Why the Scientific Process Would Collapse
Science relies on the ability to explore natural phenomena through repeatable experiments and objective measurements. Introducing supernatural confounders would:
• Make results subjective, as supernatural forces cannot be independently verified or measured.
• Eliminate falsifiability, a core criterion for distinguishing science from pseudoscience.
• Lead to confirmation bias, as researchers could attribute any unexplained result to supernatural causes without seeking natural explanations.
For example, if every anomaly in physics were attributed to “supernatural intervention,” advancements like quantum mechanics or relativity would never have emerged. The pursuit of natural explanations is what drives scientific progress.
The null hypothesis and the scientific method thrive on objectivity, falsifiability, and empirical evidence. Introducing supernatural confounders would replace rigorous inquiry with untestable assumptions, effectively halting the progress of science. Science is designed to study the natural world; once supernatural claims are included, it loses its foundation and becomes indistinguishable from belief or ideology.
Trusting in the Bible! God's word is truth.
Is your translated Bible as accurate as the original? Because, in any case, God said whatever He said in Hebrew. Once you translate any language into another, it becomes an interpretation, or "adaptation" if you will.
Belief will always affect how one interprets the data. You must start with belief in God or you will most likely come to wrong conclusions.
"You must start with belief in God or you will most likely come to wrong conclusions."
I'm an atheist. Was I wrong to point this out?
Someone stated on here: _Dinosaurs fossils are not millions of years old by that time they would have turned into dust._
So I answered with the following:
_That's not how fossilisation works._
_Dinosaur fossils aren't just old bones lying around-they've turned to stone over millions of years through a process called permineralisation. Minerals gradually replace the organic material, preserving the shape and structure._
_We also know they're millions of years old because of radiometric dating, which measures the decay of radioactive elements in the rocks surrounding the fossils. Techniques like uranium-lead dating are highly reliable and repeatedly confirm these timeframes. It's solid science, mate, not just guesswork._
How is this the wrong conclusion?
Imagine trying to describe the entirety of the ocean whilst sitting atop a cliff side and not once ever swimming in the ocean. Imagination tries to compensate for what you don't know and to give you an idea of what is. It's not always accurate but it's fun.
I question comets like Hayley’s Comet. The tail is mass torn off from the comet itself. The comet is consuming itself at a fast rate, but there it is every few hundred years…… in millions of years it would have eaten itself
Things to ponder!
Our physical, deteriorating, dying, temporary universe was created by a spiritual God that lives forever.
Which domain is actually real? And which, therefore, demands our attention?
If your god lives forever, he would have to start at negative infinity and get to 0 before starting the universe. The problem with negative infinity is that you can't even get to the starting line because you don't can't name its location. Baked into your statement is its own undoing.
I trust God's word over the word of man. The 6 day creation would have been a miracle of infinite proportion and if he is omnipotent and omnipresent I don't see why this is a problem for some believers. They're listening too much to the world. Better to heed the voice of our Creator.
You’ve never heard the word of god. A man told you he hear it…there’s a problem here.
It's a problem because it contradicts observed reality so most believers either need to confront the fact that the Bible isn't literal or God is a liar.
No. You are too lazy or scared to think.
@@bryanlib137I am in communication with God, personally - there are many of us.
Lol but in the same verse, gods words claims the (flat) earth has a metal firmament which prevents the waters of heaven from flooding earth ... and also has all the stars, planets and moon stuck in it.
You don't believe this, and must be very intellectually dishonest to ignore this.
He’s absolutely correct when he says that what they believe about the age of the solar system reflects their worldview,
The science worldview is the data drives the conclusion.
The creationist worldview is the pre-determined conclusion drives the 5% of data they cherry pick and the 95% of data they ignore.
The big problem I have when comparing naturalistic explanations with creationist explanations is that the naturalistic explanations are just so much simpler and make so much sense, once one takes the time to understand them. They make God unnecessary.
so how old is the solar system in your opinion ?
another funny evidence Yahweh put there to poke fun at atheism i bet.
The James Webb Space Telescope demonstrates a Mature Creation. Hubble looked into deep space for a prolonged time, but saw nothing, just darkness. But the JWST saw thousands and thousands and thousands of mature galaxies (Scientific journal: NATURE). The discovered galaxies are too large, and as mature as the galaxies closest to earth. Mature disk-shaped large galaxies with smooth arms. This discovery is of a MATURE CREATION!
“You can always tell a story… that doesn’t mean the story’s right”
Why do you think the moon is being flung out but water and the atmosphere isn't?
Did the ETERNAL ONE stop a whole universe for Joshua ben Nun, or did the sun and moon just stop?
What do you think?
Glad this video was balanced with the overwhelming evidence that the solar system is 4.6 billion years old.
According to the Bible, in 2 Peter 3:8, it states that "with the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day," meaning that in God's perspective, one day can be seen as equivalent to a thousand years; this is interpreted as a way to convey that God is outside of human time constraints and perceives time differently.
If that's the case then to God it's only been 2 days since Jesus walked the earth. We've got plenty of time to work things out.
As things degrade in one form or another; the thought of moons colliding and reforming over and over is silly. They are more likely to form one large or be a ring strewn about and growing mire and more spacious pun intended. 😊 The more they disprove our Gods handiwork the more they prove it to be his .
"Things that are there that shouldn't be there".
Look at that statement for a moment in analogy.
If a lone chinese child is in a farmers field in Canada does it suggest what shouldn't be, or does it suggest you know nothing about airtravel?
Titan has a 95% nitrogen and 5% methane/ethane and other chemical compound atmosphere.
Methane should not be present because of solar uv irradiation.
Is it correct to say Titan cannot have a sustained methane atmosphere and therefore cannot be "old", or, is it correct to say Titan has a source we may or may not know nothing about?
"Atmospheres that shouldn't be there"... Based on what empirical evidence?
"Delicate ring structure that are not consistent with billions of years old"... Who said the ring structured are "old"? Why should they have to be? You seem so locked, mentally, on an instant creation process that you leave no room for dynamic processes that evolve over time. (Sorry for bringing up the dirty word "evolve". I now it's taboo with you lot...).
-But that's a mistake. Everything in the universe evolves all the time. Stars are born, stars burn out. Stars explode. Neutron stars collide. Black holes are formed. And we measure this, practically all the time. And from distances that are far too great to have been formed 6000 years ago.
We've never seen a star form.
@@jacob.tudragens No one person has ever seen a mature redwood tree grow from a seed either but we can see redwood trees in all stages of growth. In exactly the same way we can see all stages of star formation with HST images.
Yup all he says is ' I wouldn't expect that ' and ' That shouldn't happen'
The universe doesn't care what he 'expects' and what he thinks 'should' happen. Sheese, what ignorance.
You're not listening he explains it in the next scentence. The rings are dimming at a known rate. If they had been around for billions of years it would have been vastly darker, even in millions of years.
Maybe you missed the bit about short lived comets? The lack of theories for how they evolve? Or maybe they are one offs? Makes me think you are starting from an assumption. God as the watchmaker setting off the Big Bang and in God like timescales it all falls into place. That was his point. That’s a God outside of the universe, not the god of Christmas. Happy Christmas!
We know mankind could not see the rings of Saturn . At that time , you would need a telescope .
Saturn didn't have any rings until men invented the telescope. As soon as Galileo Galilei peered through his telescope toward Saturn, e=mc² happened and the rings formed from the light in the area.
Everything goes down. No chance stars form
Hmm... I am 66, and 6000 years seems like a mighty long time to me. Oh, wait: not quite a hundred times longer than I have lived?
Our earth’s moon rotates only 16 degrees one way or another and never a complete rotation and that is why we only see one side. Our moon is the only moon in our solar system that doesn’t rotate completely.
FYI... comets are not made of ice. They are solid rock. Look at the data from all the visits spacecraft have made to comets. All of them are solid rock.
I've got an idea... Why don't creationists use their version of science to engineer and build a device that allows us to examine the evidence that disproves mainstream science? God told Moses how to build the temple and he showed Noah how to build the ark. God can certainly show us how to build a divine telescope to see the truth.
We are blessed to have such an abundance of evidence that we were created!
@@poliincredible770 you should look up what evidence means. This is nonsense claims completely devoid of evidence. Even the speaker tells us that it “might” be but never ever provides any evidence.
@@FrugalRoo what evidence would you accept?
@@poliincredible770, factual, comporting to reality, testable, verifiable and falsifiable.
@@FrugalRoo factual: living organisms are composed of highly encoded genetic information.
Comporting with reality: code is always the product of a mind.
Testable: the Law of Biogenesis states that life always arises from preexisting life; never from non-living material. That means the origin of life has to be an eternal living source.
Verifiable: What do we know from documented history that fits the qualification of an eternal living source? Only God.
Falsifiable: reference the famous experiment conducted by Louis Pasteur demonstrating that life cannot arise from non-living material.
All your criteria have been met. Please accept Christ.
@@FrugalRoo factual: living organisms are composed of highly encoded genetic information. Code is always the product of a mind.
Why aren't the craters on the moon events or even on earth for that matter, never cited in by our ancient ancestors? You would think an event that size would have been jotted down.
Too busy with their lives? Like you and I probably? No internet to jot things down into that can then be searched by computer ai? 😅
Some of jupiters moons were Kifer belt objects captured by jupiters gravity and not part of jupiters original formation. Some hav ed retrograde orbits depending on how they were captured
Those moons sound like the Three Body Problem, unstable and will inevitably fail. Except with more than 3.
That was a quick.
1. Rings are not billions years old. They are indeed a transient phenomenon, as far as we understand them now. This has precisely zero influence on the argument of the age of the Solar System as a whole.
3. Atmospheres are transient too. Mars has already lost its atmosphere. Again, zero influence on the existence of the planet itself.
I don't understand cosmology. Therefore, it was created by God. Brilliant!
I understand that there are way to many things that have to happen for this place and us to exist...temperature, fruits and vegetables, wood, water, air, consciousness, animals, Love, salt, sugar, color, smell, pain, soap, taste, etc...million more...And you think believing this was designed is stupid? I say Designer...you say nothingness...lol
Misunderstanding of theology ~ meaningless atheism
@fergusonhr it's called natural processes, natural selection. There's pretty good evidence for how everything on your list works. No God needed to explain any of it. You're asserting an argument from personal incredulity. And I never said nothingness.
1) Who set up the laws of 'how everything works'?
2) Who gave you life?
@freedominion7369 atheism is someone who is not convinced there is a god. No misunderstanding. Just not convinced.
Many arguments point to a solar system that is older than 6000 years.
It is so simple proven with simple common sense points. Elohim made all.
Well not really as easy as that. As it has been observed that a moral code transcends the human condition.
We fall short of it but are hard wired to aspire to it. Emotionally we feel guilt and we judge against a standard we can never reach.
Whatever one believes!
They find nothing outside our firmament.
John 5:17
The Bible tells us that the proof for God is in the stars. Gee, who would have thought?
Has anyone considered that the pre-flood Earth had a more circular orbit and that during the flood, it was kicked into an elliptical orbit?
No. Why would we?
@@kosardb I believe that God threw a mega-mega bucket of water at the earth and changed its orbit. Prove me wrong
I think it's should be 6000 years old
Could it be that commets,gain mass again, as they are at their farthest orbit away from the sun?
And soft tissue in dino bones, c14 in dino bones and coal and diamonds, polonium halos, etc etc etc. There's a LOT.
All completely discredited by actual science decades ago.
The Oort Cloud , so called because it ought to exist! LOL
Presumably the mass of Halley’s comment must be known, so the loss of mass on each round trip can be calculated. Hence its eventual demise.
God said let there be light and that's the answer to all our questions. Light travels at a consent speed. The stars are out there looking back at us. That light can only travel at the speed limit so that means the stars are either an illusion or they are billions of years away. That proves that we are at least billions of years old. God created light so how can it be otherwise?
We don’t know that simple
Is this guy serious? He must be joking right? He must be trolling everyone who watches him. What's really amazing is that there are actually grown adults who have more than a 3rd grade education who seriously believe this man's BS. Just look at the comments for this video.
"Ooh, I'm gonna throw a tantrum laced with mockery. No science. No evidence. Just anger."
@@rudolphschmitler725 This video contains no science. Why should a reply be different?
Education is irrelevant - the Bible is preeminent. I don't know why they bother with a worldly education if they will ultimately disregard it.
Yeah, its old. Billions of years old....
Amazing.....the whole universe is only 70 times my age.
*"He made the Stars Also."* - Genesis 1:16. Such an Awesome, Infinite Power Packed, almost throwaway statement.
The heavens, We have built them with power. And verily, We are expanding it Quran Surah Dhariyat verse 47
How can you be a young creationist period, it takes light forever to reach us and its almost too easy to debunk this young earth nonsense.
If God created the stars for us (which He did) it would be no problem for Him to make the light from distant stars to reach earth at the same moment He made the star. Simple as that!
@billbernard4261 You don't even know if it's even possible for a god to exist. you guys are just making bold face assertions.
The religious zealots are not able to cope with logic. The science zealots are not able to cope with faith.
My solution is to ignore both. Both of them lie to serve their own narrative that rewards them the most, respectively.
I taste chocolate and then taste vanilla then I determine which I like the best. I then serve that as being my truth. Having never tasted either does not help me to determine which I like the best but instead shows me how to avoid all truths.
our Solar system is not that old just about 4 billion years old
In reality the planet earth is a tiny blue dot, a speckle of dust in a very insignificant part of the milky way. We should not think of ourselves as that important, in comparison to the universe. There is, in reality no contradiction between the bible and evolution. Anybody who believes this planet is 6000 years properbly also thinks it is flat.
Why cant god make something with time built within, like say he wanted a person but no baby infant stage but with the universe one day just a grown man with a conscious strong enough to convince to eat forbidden apples but instead with a universe
Yes it can.
There is literally nothing you could not "explain" by the bible "model". Just say "because god made it so" and we're good. Quite elegant, you don't even need to know any math or physics. Brilliant...
It is brilliant! And observable. Just like the evolution made it so belief. What’s the statistics of that? A lot of maths and physics doesn’t get you very far in non observable science, which is why huge money is put into JWST, Hubble etc.
The Apocrypha talks about Saturn being bound, not only are the rings recent but Saturn was recently very close to earth
Here's something to consider that you rarely ever hear them mention or bring up. What about the fact that almost every planet within our Solar system is producing and expelling more heat or energy than at the rate of energy that they absorb from the sun itself. The ratio of these differences makes it impossible for the planets within our solar system including our earth to be billions of years old. This doesn't even account for the rate of decay of the planet's magnetic spheres. The known rates of decay in conjunction with the current observable rates would suggest that even our Earth wouldn't have magnetic sphere right now if it was millions of years old never mind billions.
I fully believe in God's creation, yet I also do not believe that it is only 6,000 years old either. I do believe a more recent and younger solar system, a younger galaxy or universe than what we have been told to believe. Yet I also do not think it's only 6,000 years old. These are my deductions from years of research and studying of many various topics and subjects in conjunction with the scriptures. When Elohim refers to concepts such as Time from their own nature with respect to ours (humans within the temporal flesh, the physical). They are Eternal and there is no real concept of Time with regards to them. They created Time itself. Yes, I'm using they and their as opposed to him or his in which I will elaborate on.
Elohim within Genesis 1 is in its plural form being many, yet it's almost always used within the Hebrew towards a single thing or concept, this also makes it singular. The best way that I could suggest to better understand or perceive this is to compare its multi yet singular nature with some of our modern words such as Choir, Band, Orchestra, Council, etc. Many as One or Many acting as One. Many what? Well in Genesis we see the Hebrew word Ruach. Ruach is simply translated to Spirit, which is valid and accurate, however, Ruach also has over definitions which are also valid and accurate and if we refer to those definitions as well, it doesn't change the validity of the passage. Some of these other definitions or usages include Wind, Sound, Voice, Anger, Mind. And with that we can even reference or include our word of Consciousness. The ability to think, to know, to be self-aware, the ability to make a choice, to perform or do an action, Sentience. So here when I study Genesis 1 and I'm looking back to or referring to the original Hebrew, I'm not reading it as the way it's directly translated into English with the words "Spirit of God". I'm actually seeing this as The Voice of Chorus, or the Mind of Council. Something like this might help to shed some light and perspective into it. This is just to provide a bit of context.
From here we have read other verses where we see allegories, similes, etc. that makes references of Time to Us towards them, and this is where we find the concepts or messages of A Day with the Lord is like unto 1,000 years to us. Is this an exact definitive time frame? Perhaps it could be, I'm not making the claim that it isn't. However, I'm also making the claim that it may not be. Remember, We humans are bound to time. And for a species to live out their entire lives on average at a near maximum of say 100 years, 1 century, we can perceive within our minds, we can fathom that of a millennium, 1,000 years or 10 of our lifetimes. We can relate. However, within the perspective of the Hosts of Heaven, there is no notion of Time. A second, an hour, a year, 100 years, 10,000 years, it's no different. They are not subject to or bound to time. They are not of the Physical. They are of the Spirit, and they are Eternal beings. So how old is the earth really?
Even if we take the fact that we are using that reference of 1,000 years is to 1 of his days and he created everything in 6 days thus making it only 6,000 years old. I still this is inaccurate, a bit immature or perhaps premature to jump to that conclusion. Here's why. I think that perhaps human history on this earth from Adam to now is only about 6-7 years olds perhaps maybe 8 at the most. This would seem to be a reasonably and fairly accurate educated guess based on many different criteria. Yet we have to remember that we were created in the second half of the 6th day. The question then becomes from Adam to now, are we still in the 6th Day of Creation? Is Elohim still at work or did Elohim rest? Well, I still see humans dying and being born on this earth every day. So, from that perspective alone, I'd say he's still at work. And this is only the second half of the 6th day. So, if we've been here for roughly 6-8k years perhaps 1 of his days could be say 12,000 years. And since we were created on the 6th, that means there were 5 days before that so that'd be about 60,000 years plus the 6-8k years. Now again, time with respect to Elohim is really no-exist in that they aren't bound to it like we are. Yet within respect to us, it is relative to a degree.
So, by considering all of these concepts, perspectives, as well as what we have observed from the stars, from the heavens, etc. I could possibly believe and agree with the earth, the solar system being on the order of being perhaps 100,000 years old, and this would also fit with at least 90% if not more of most of our laws of physics, chemistry, biology, and nature. Yet anything far reaching into the millions and billions, I'm not buying it. Yet at the end of the day, I also don't trust in any kind of claim when they say it's "exactly" this. The truth is, we truly do not know and none of do, nor will we ever. None of us where there on this earth when it started to record it from then to now unequivocally. All we have to really go on is various scriptures, bits of recorded history, some archeology, remnants, pieces, crumbs of clues that we like to call evidence. And at best we can only speculate and make an educated guess based on them.
Here's an example. Imagine living on this earth say 3,000 years from now. The current civilization that we live in is no more and hasn't been for thousands of years. You start to dig an area for one reason or another. As you are digging, you hit a metal frame, but you don't know exactly what it is. Here we can say that from our time, this is the chassis of a vehicle. All of the metal to the doors, roof, etc. that's all deteriorated away. Only the skeletal frame is left, and it's rusted and filled with sand, dirt, etc. Within this frame you end up digging out all of the dirt, and then you find the remains of what we use every day in our time, a smartphone. Now, this device from our time is broken, the battery is dead, there's no electricity to charge it or power it up so it's not functional.
This is the scenario 3,000 years from now. My question is: what do you make of these findings within the future present and what kind of accusations or assumptions are you going to make towards an ancient civilization from 3,000 years earlier. Are you doing to know that this was a car, that people were able to drive it around, and that this object was a communication device? You only have remnants, and crumbs to draw up your own conclusions in your own time.
The best one who shed light onto this top was Solomon from Ecclesiastes 1. One generation comes and goes, and the latter doesn't remember the former. And yet, there is nothing new under the sun. Everything according to their circuits, and around and around we go. Me personally, if God did it in 6,000 years or 600000000000000000000 years, what's the difference? We are here and now that is what does matter. To me arguing over the age is a distraction over the debate of there being a Creator or Not. I know there is, and everything that I see and understand all points towards Intelligent Design and that is proof enough for me. He created me to be intelligent and that is a blessing and a curse and I both love and hate it.
Yet for me, there's too much evidence that supports a much younger physical existence than an extremely old one. I can lead on the order of 10 - 100K years, but anything in the millions or billions, the evidence from our observations does not support it. If anything, it contradicts it. Why? Because Time in conjunction to the Physical, Chemical, Temporal Realm is Your Enemy. Things break down, decay, die, etc. over time. So, trying to add billions of years to solve your problems is no different than our governments and corporations printing more money and throwing it at a problem, it just doesn't work!
It's all just food for thought, take it or leave it. Godspeed and stay blessed!
(cough cough) Radioactive decay releases heat energy.
But no-one says Saturn's rings are billions of years old - what a strawman
And why does he thinks the rings are there just for us to observe?,, nutty
His whole argument is the typical 'I don't expect that and don't understand' therefore 'god done it'.
Jeese, just go look it up, the answers are all readily available. So lazy, or actually more like dishonest, because he knows you won't go look it it up yourself and will just believe what he tells you.
Why do you think the beautiful sky is. NOT there for us to observe. We’re not ants. We’re made in the image of God. As John said, “now are we the sons of God.”
@@margomoore4527 I didn't say the sky, I said Saturn's rings and for millions of years no-one could observe Saturn's rings at all, only till some genius invented the telescope.
If it was put there for our viewing pleasure, why can't we see it with the naked eye? Derp.
@@teks-kj1njuse your head a little more... you are exhibiting an astounding lack of imagination! You have been sold a false bill of goods... Your telescopes were/are not unseen surprises by an all-seeing, all powerful God... What you are seeing revealed to you now is precisely what He wants you to see.
This universe is not the real one that is His New Creation. All of this is a test.
Some of us will be taken to the New Earth which is eternal.
Read your Bible and learn.
I have a very simple question for anyone who does not believe in Creation and intelligent design. Why are flowers and even tree leaves so geometrically perfect and beautiful? Don’t tell me it is to attract insects!!!! As someone who bought into Evolution I am now a total Creationist (after 12 years of research). Evolution never even got started because chemical evolution aka abiogenesis is IMPOSSIBLE!!!! Do your research. Evolution depends on the existence of self replicating life already being there. Adaptation within Kinds is all we see, because of the regulatory networks built into the genome of each kind.
Re astronomy maybe someone can explain how we live on a life sustaining planet where the odds of such a planet existing defy mathematical probability. I won’t ask how nothing created everything. That’s too difficult!
@@avechristusrex31 Virtually all multi-celled species exhibit bilateral symmetry or radial symmetry. That's a feature formed by their growth from a single fertilized egg.
Can I believe the scriptures, and yet not believe in the age of the universe to be 6000 years? Where does the Bible say that the universe was created 6000 years ago?
The biblical genealogy is what determines the time of creation. The generations from Adam to Noah, and the generations after to the Tower of Babel and so no. Mathematics concludes a young earth based on recorded genealogy in the bible.
The bible never says the universe was created 6000 years ago. A whole lot of time could have passed before the 3rd verse of Genesis. This is especially clear in the original Hebrew text. John Lennox explains this very well.
1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.
5 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.
Earth is geocentric! And young pointing towards a creator.
The earth ís flat circle, not a spinning ball. There is no "space". Water above the dome.
1 day can be as 1000 days to God and 1000 days as one day... We have all we need to know in Genesis.
He created a mature world.
The Bible is HIStory.
We know Genesis is not accurate by reading it, it present two different accounts of creation which are mutually exclusive. Genesis appears to be the amalgamation of 3 earlier scripts/stories that are incompatible.. Of course some of those anomalies have been written out of modern versions.
@criticalthinker8007 nothing has been "written out of modern versions" (certainly nothing that the all powerful Holy Spirit hasn't Directed in order to veil what He so desires)- and, no, there are not two contradictory accounts of creation - there are only words (of unequalled precision and power) which paint the factual history of how God created life into consciousness and thereby being - written by the Creator Himself.
Perhaps if we all (as clueless fools) could learn to show some respect - consider what all this actually means and stop talking about the absolute miracle of rLife - which none of us know better than Him- we may learn something staggeringly profound... Like that the entire universe - the existence of all we have ever seen or been or ever imagine - remains completely mysterious to ALL mankind except for the ones who have eyes that shine with joy in thr knowledge that they are destined for a place in the "real", far greater creation, still yet to be revealed to the few who pass this test.
God Bless.
@@matthewstokes1608 Is that a tad covenant to say what has been written out is only what God decides. How do you account for the different versions of the modern bible.
Considering the bible never say it was written or inspired by god, why do you believe it was.
Why are you referencing God as a him, Genesis and the bible before the KJV never stated God was male, never assigned the male pronouns to God.
Genesis says that in the beginning everything was water and then god created space in the water and land but it also says in the beginning there was nothing but air and god out of nothing created land and water. Those statement contradict each other.
"Considering the bible never say it was written or inspired by god, why do you believe it was." You are wrong:
2 Timothy 3:16 King James Version
All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.
How did God create the solar system?
Those rocks up there must be from earth from the deeps of the earth blew open during the Great Flood of Noah's day.
Nope. We can tell if a rock is from Earth or elsewhere.
The hostess is such beautiful woman.
Is this really proven?
I listen to your attempts to reconcile a literal translation of the Bible with the whole of modern science mainly for amusement. Are you seriously denying the recent observations by the James Webb telescope ? Is that just a hoax? For what reason? Well, some people still believe the earth is flat. Are you a flat-earther too? Sorry, I just can't take you seriously.
Interesting no scientific evidence at all is provided for the remarkable claims in this video, just the narrator's personal incredulity. That and $5.50 will get you a grande latte at Starbucks.
is this like your scientific evidence or whatever?
@@Dulc3B00kbyBrant0n No. My scientific evidence can be found in the published peer-reviewed professional scientific literature. This place references no such scientific evidence.
It's funny how you never actually present any evidence yourself.
@@jacob.tudragens You can read any of the evidence any time by going to the primary scientific literature. But first you have to want to educate yourself.
You talking about your never ending forever changing error of evolution, or just lying again, or passing gas??
Pseudo science
Science is limited, God is true
✝️ Hallelujah
Current estimates of the rings of Saturns age are 10-100 million years old ; less than the 4 billion year old planet.
how old is the milkyway galaxy and how old is the andromeda galaxy ? which god created other galaxies ?
The same God created all things. He did it 6000 years ago. (I like easy questions.)
@@rubiks6 then how do we see Andromeda 2.5 million light years away?
@@rubiks6 Why? And for whom? If we discover aliens on other planets, will you claim that God created them as well?
@@Glop1177 Andromeda lives next door 😂. She's only 18 years old
See this article: creation.com/distant-starlight-and-the-biblical-timeframe
The materialist position has its own issues with this problem as well: creation.com/light-travel-time-a-problem-for-the-big-bang
Moons and planets don't collide, they repel when close enough
If God created the earth first, then the sun n other planets, does it means earth is just stationary & not spinning and orbitting, right? Coz there is no sun yet
@@antxyztop Creation in genesis was written from the earth’s perspective, which is logical considering it is about our beginning. So when you read the first 2 chapters in Genesis, picture your eye view from the earth.
@Haylo545 i understood ur statement, hence in medievel time human believe earth is the center of universe. But my question is very logical tho, if no sun exist yet, earth orbiting what? Is it spinning? Or is it stay still? *seriously curious question
What an absolute crock of bullshit.
This is horrlible misinformation
1) Where's your counterargument?
2) Disprove God, please
@@freedominion7369are you being sarcastic? The concept of God is an unfalsifiable. I implore you not to fall into the trap of "well there you have it, God is unfalsifiable and therefore must exist"
I'll give an example
The God you know is not the real one, he got fired for drowning a bunch of kids in a flood and was replaced.
God 2.0 took over the job immediately and since the new God was also all-powerful, he made sure that Christianity and the Bible still came out identical because he's aware that it's a really good way to brainwash people.
So how do you know that your God is the original in this case?
To all creationists out there: Wake up and start educating yourselves with real science.
Science doesn't explain higher concepts like love, life and beauty
Atheism is limited and ultimately meaninglesss