Murdaugh Trial Forensic Accountant Cross Examination by Alex Murdaugh Defense Team Feb 14


Комментарии • 18

  • @ronyagpd
    @ronyagpd Год назад +3

    I'm in the UK so watching a live trial on TV is alien concept to me. The thing that strikes one about this trial is that it has been established that the defendant had misappropriated funds. As a consequence, he was sacked. If loans are so easy to come by, why didn't he go that route and use his properties as collateral instead of setting up false accounts ?

    • @TheLovelyLawFirmMyrtleBeach
      @TheLovelyLawFirmMyrtleBeach  Год назад +2

      great question!

    • @speteydog2260
      @speteydog2260 Год назад

      He was a drug addict! They never know what they’re doing.

    • @chocolatefudge5263
      @chocolatefudge5263 Год назад

      He had already at least 2 lines of credit with banks of 1 million and i don't remember the other amount. Regarding the properties as collaterals, if his wife had to agree on or at least know about them, he couldn't have done it because then he would have had to explain why.

    • @fredvp
      @fredvp 11 месяцев назад

      Greed - why use his money when he can steal other’s.

  • @kdbwiz
    @kdbwiz Год назад +5

    “Did you segregate those funds?”
    OMG, only in South Carolina that’s the best choice of words - rotfl 🤪

  • @marycahill546
    @marycahill546 Год назад +1

    Alex wrote cheques to cousin Eddie which Eddie cashed, and then Alex would send go-fers over to Eddie to collect the cash and bring it to him. What was that spent on? Who was he paying off under the table?

  • @chocolatefudge5263
    @chocolatefudge5263 Год назад +2

    Reminds me of other similar stories where the father lies about the family finances until it's not possible to lie anymore and he kills the whole family. Familicide it's called. I wonder why he didn't kill the second son.

  • @chocolatefudge5263
    @chocolatefudge5263 Год назад

    At the beginning of the video, there is a lady sitting in front of a computer with a red scarf. What's her job here? And what is that thing she puts on her mouth?