Great info in a concise, easy to understand format. There is one thing I want to mention, which is a common misperception. The bags of chips with the air at the top are done for a very important reason, and it isn't to make you think you're getting more. It helps prevent the fragile chips from cracking. Without the air, by the time it goes through shipping, unloading the trucks, and stocking the shelves, you'd open a bag of crumbles instead of whole chips.
I adopted an elderly cat after my last one passed away aged 22, the new cat could give any youngster a run for their money, she most certainly is not slowing down with age! I rotate her food so she doesn't have the same thing day after day, one brand of wet food has some rice in it which she loves. She also loves ones that have veg in, eg., beef and carrots etc. I make sure her diet is varied and nutritional, she is picky and its taken a while to find what she likes. I have tried her with some brands i have never heard of, with ingredients i wouldn't think a cat would touch, one or two she will eat otherwise forget it. Like everyone else who owns a cat or any animal, you want to give it the best never mind the price, or that's how it is for me.
Cats should not be fed in small, high sided bowls as it can lead to whisker fatigue. I use Corelle salad plates. The ingredients are listed by weight before cooking. Once the food has been processed, especially kibble, the first ingredients are almost meaningless. For young adult cats, calcium should be between 0.6% and 1.0%. Phosphorus, 0.5 to 0.8%. Proper levels are achieved with higher quality ingredients. This usually means higher cost. A quality, grain-free cat food, with proper nutrient levels is often more expensive than fresh homemade food. This requires more effort, but you have a healthier cat. If commercial food is the only option, use a quality wet food. There are a few out there that are healthy and affordable. Happy Manic Monday!
You can look for ingredients - Proteins: Cats are natural meat-eaters, so they need lots of high-quality protein. Look for specific sources like chicken, turkey, beef, lamb, or fish on the label. These proteins help with growth and repair. Aim for food with at least 26% to 30% protein (by dry matter). Fats and Oils: Healthy fats are crucial for things like skin, coat, and brain function. Cats need essential fatty acids like omega-3 and omega-6, which they can’t produce themselves. Check for named fat sources such as "chicken fat" or "fish oil." Carbs: Cats don’t need many carbohydrates, so focus on foods high in protein and healthy fats instead.
Great info in a concise, easy to understand format. There is one thing I want to mention, which is a common misperception. The bags of chips with the air at the top are done for a very important reason, and it isn't to make you think you're getting more. It helps prevent the fragile chips from cracking. Without the air, by the time it goes through shipping, unloading the trucks, and stocking the shelves, you'd open a bag of crumbles instead of whole chips.
I adopted an elderly cat after my last one passed away aged 22, the new cat could give any youngster a run for their money, she most certainly is not slowing down with age!
I rotate her food so she doesn't have the same thing day after day, one brand of wet food has some rice in it which she loves. She also loves ones that have veg in, eg., beef and carrots etc. I make sure her diet is varied and nutritional, she is picky and its taken a while to find what she likes. I have tried her with some brands i have never heard of, with ingredients i wouldn't think a cat would touch, one or two she will eat otherwise forget it.
Like everyone else who owns a cat or any animal, you want to give it the best never mind the price, or that's how it is for me.
It should be mostly protein and not have carbs, which they can't absorb. The video is a good guide.
Cats should not be fed in small, high sided bowls as it can lead to whisker fatigue. I use Corelle salad plates. The ingredients are listed by weight before cooking. Once the food has been processed, especially kibble, the first ingredients are almost meaningless. For young adult cats, calcium should be between 0.6% and 1.0%. Phosphorus, 0.5 to 0.8%. Proper levels are achieved with higher quality ingredients. This usually means higher cost. A quality, grain-free cat food, with proper nutrient levels is often more expensive than fresh homemade food. This requires more effort, but you have a healthier cat. If commercial food is the only option, use a quality wet food. There are a few out there that are healthy and affordable. Happy Manic Monday!
So what ingredients are best to look 4 In. Cat food
You can look for ingredients -
Proteins: Cats are natural meat-eaters, so they need lots of high-quality protein. Look for specific sources like chicken, turkey, beef, lamb, or fish on the label. These proteins help with growth and repair. Aim for food with at least 26% to 30% protein (by dry matter).
Fats and Oils: Healthy fats are crucial for things like skin, coat, and brain function. Cats need essential fatty acids like omega-3 and omega-6, which they can’t produce themselves. Check for named fat sources such as "chicken fat" or "fish oil."
Carbs: Cats don’t need many carbohydrates, so focus on foods high in protein and healthy fats instead.
C O R N 🗣🗣🗣