How Permanent is Your Salvation? | Dr. Ralph Yankee Arnold |

  • Опубликовано: 29 авг 2021
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Комментарии • 152

  • @TheElizabethashby
    @TheElizabethashby 2 года назад +57


    • @78LedHead
      @78LedHead 2 года назад +4

      AMEN! I want to be baptized so bad, but I know it doesn't save me. I've already been redeemed.

    • @hijohojo2868
      @hijohojo2868 2 года назад +1

      False, you can't make that claim for sure.. what we do know for sure is that the thief repented

    • @hijohojo2868
      @hijohojo2868 2 года назад +2

      @Troy Lee the thief laughed at Him along with the other guy when the crowd was mocking Jesus. He then had a change of heart and told the other man on the cross they are guilty but Jesus is innocent. This showed repentance in his heart. A divine Change. He repented in the cross. He even has his eyes opened to see Jesus was in fact the son of God. That is why he asked Jesus to remember him. The thief on the cross is a perfect example of Calvinism and how salvation is All of God even down to repentance which He gives

    • @aficianado100
      @aficianado100 Год назад +4

      @@hijohojo2868 But wait. The thief did not do any works to prove he was "really saved" and "persevering in the faith", as Calvinists require.

    • @Livingingrace
      @Livingingrace Год назад +2

      @@hijohojo2868 1. How do you know you are what Calvinism calls one of the elect?
      2. Do you know for sure that you will absolutely go to heaven?

  • @MaRyAsaiBerry
    @MaRyAsaiBerry 3 месяца назад +1

    Thank you so much. This message frees me and I'm so thankful to this preacher❤. Everyone needs to hear this good news🎉🎉🎉

  • @darko3582
    @darko3582 2 года назад +22

    Best regards from Sweden brother Yankee, my salvation in Lord is forever.

  • @samanthaaudiss4721
    @samanthaaudiss4721 2 года назад +19

    I know that I have eternal life. I’ve struggled with having assurance of my salvation for years. I’ve been doing better in this area but I have moments of struggle. I’ve been struggling lately. But listening to this sermon I have assurance. Thank you brother for this wonderful message.

  • @georgepatterson4543
    @georgepatterson4543 2 года назад +9

    God bless you Dr.Arnold you are looking well, thank you for contending for the gospel, your ministry has been a great blessing in my life, OSAS is the gospel! we love you

  • @craigs4530
    @craigs4530 2 года назад +13

    Amen, eternal security OSAS is the gospel! 👍

  • @dpcsfecmcc2679
    @dpcsfecmcc2679 2 года назад +9

    Praise our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ Amen

  • @thomascobb5514
    @thomascobb5514 2 года назад +5

    God really sent his son to make it that peaceful for us it’s true simplicity. Praise God 🙌

  • @allysonp2254
    @allysonp2254 2 года назад +3

    Understanding the two nature's is critical! You are the best pastor/preacher/ teacher, I have ever heard!
    I thank our Lord for you every day!

  • @JohnJohn-bp5ci
    @JohnJohn-bp5ci 2 года назад +35

    Amen!!!!! He fully paid for our sins. Every one who believe’s the Gospel has salvation everlasting, and we are secure in Christ! Praise God for His grace, His mercy and His completed, finished work at Calvary!!!!

    • @TheOfficialBrownHeadedGoof
      @TheOfficialBrownHeadedGoof 2 года назад +1

      A M E N!

    • @hijohojo2868
      @hijohojo2868 2 года назад +1

      But do you know what it means to believe?? It means obedience

    • @TheOfficialBrownHeadedGoof
      @TheOfficialBrownHeadedGoof 2 года назад +1

      @@hijohojo2868 i believe that the sky is blue. Am I having obedience to the sky? It means that I believe the sky is blue

    • @JohnJohn-bp5ci
      @JohnJohn-bp5ci 2 года назад +3

      @@TheOfficialBrownHeadedGoof Bingo. You are correct. One either believes it or they don’t. No added works allowed. In fact, to obey the Gospel is to believe it. It’s as simple as taking God’s testimony of Jesus Christ as true for oneself.

    • @TheOfficialBrownHeadedGoof
      @TheOfficialBrownHeadedGoof 2 года назад +3

      @@JohnJohn-bp5ci amen brother Im coming out of this whole obedience of the flesh to please God. I’m dead crucified with Christ, now my spirit is alive with Christ Im blessed with all spiritual blessings in Christ

  • @SavedInANanosecond.
    @SavedInANanosecond. 2 года назад +27

    So good Yankee! What an enormous blessing you are!

    • @andrewjackson3278
      @andrewjackson3278 2 года назад +1

      Hey Brother Gregg!

    • @hijohojo2868
      @hijohojo2868 2 года назад

      This is false doctrine

    • @JohnJohn-bp5ci
      @JohnJohn-bp5ci 2 года назад +2

      @@hijohojo2868 , Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God - Romans 10:17. Stop twisting the simplicity that is in Christ and His finished Work at Calvary by adding your works or obedience, and traditions of men. The only requirement for lost sinners is to hear and believe the Gospel for themselves - that Jesus Christ who is perfect God in perfect flesh became our sin offering at Calvary’s cross. He died for all sin fir the entire human race. That means that all our sins are future sins that He covered in full 2000+ years ago. He was buried officiating His physical death, and He rose from the dead according to the Scriptures for our justification - 1 Corinthians 15:1-4. Simple; even a young child can understand this. Simply believe it.
      If you think one dot of your obedience is required to be justified, you are wrong, and not looking at Scripture in context of God doing all the work required for us through Christ. To obey the Gospel is to believe it. Nothing, and I repeat, nothing you offer in your flesh will please God. It is filthy rags friend.
      Change your mind from dead works, and simply believe on the One who gave Himself in His love so you would simply trust Him for your full forgiveness of sins and the eternal life (can’t lose it) He promises all who believe Him for it. Jesus said, It is finished……. End of story. Eternal salvation starts with Jesus and ends with Him. He is faithful, believe Him.

    • @hijohojo2868
      @hijohojo2868 2 года назад

      @@JohnJohn-bp5ci sorry but you are deceived.. if that was all it took to be saved, there wouldn't be few entering in.(Matthew 7:21-23). That verse goes directly against easy belivism. And notice, Jesus doesn't send them away for "FAITH IN THEIR WORKS" as people like to say but sent them away because of iniquity/lawlessness..

    • @JohnJohn-bp5ci
      @JohnJohn-bp5ci 2 года назад +2

      @@hijohojo2868 no. I am confident in my Savior’s promise to me when I believed Him……It is you who is incorrect. Go read the full context. Those verses are clearly speaking about false prophets who stand before Jesus telling Him how great they were; how much they did this and that in His name. Notice the key here that you miss errantly….They never once said they believed on Him. No, they told Him about all the wonderful works they had done in his name.
      Matthew 7:21-23
      21 ¶ Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
      22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
      23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
      And in John 6:27-40 we see Jesus telling the hearers to believe on Him after they specifically ask Him what do they need to do to do the works of God….
      27 Labour not for the meat which perisheth, but for that meat which endureth unto everlasting life, which the Son of man shall give unto you: for him hath God the Father sealed.
      28 ¶ Then said they unto him, What shall we do, that we might work the works of God?
      29 ¶ Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent.
      30 ¶ They said therefore unto him, What sign shewest thou then, that we may see, and believe thee? what dost thou work?
      31 Our fathers did eat manna in the desert; as it is written, He gave them bread from heaven to eat.
      32 ¶ Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Moses gave you not that bread from heaven; but my Father giveth you the true bread from heaven.
      33 For the bread of God is he which cometh down from heaven, and giveth life unto the world.
      34 ¶ Then said they unto him, Lord, evermore give us this bread.
      35 ¶ And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst.
      36 But I said unto you, That ye also have seen me, and believe not.
      37 All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.
      38 For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me.
      39 And this is the Father's will which hath sent me, that of all which he hath given me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the last day.
      40 And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day.

  • @Yeshua_is_Adonai
    @Yeshua_is_Adonai 2 года назад +7

    Another beautiful sermon pastor Yankee!

  • @jk11222
    @jk11222 2 года назад +13

    The word of God in Ephesians 1:13-14 tells us clearly that we are sealed with the holy Spirit of promise until the redemption of the purchased possession (doesn’t this refer to our glorification, the blessed hope?).
    Thus, our salvation is permanently secured forever and ever!
    To say otherwise is to deny God’s word.

    • @pigsinspace9979
      @pigsinspace9979 2 года назад +1

      So if someone got saved with vigor and maintained quite well moved away and stopped going to church, then the world starts to enter his mind more, then starts hanging with friends that pull him into other lifestyles.
      Fast forward 15 years, he's the owner of a strip club, he has participated in taking some of "his girls" to get abortions. Participates in drug using and selling.
      If you knew this person, would you tell him that he has to repent? If he said passively that, "oh yeah man, dont worry,, I believe in God, Jesus and all that. "
      Would you say this person is saved?

    • @thekam3588
      @thekam3588 2 года назад +2

      @@pigsinspace9979 In your scenario, is this hypothetical person's salvation dependant entirely on Jesus?

    • @pigsinspace9979
      @pigsinspace9979 2 года назад +2

      @@thekam3588 this hypothetical scenario is the real world. Stories like this are a dime a dozen. Anyone who enters heaven is because of God's grace. From Adam to us, it's because of what Christ did are we offered salvation. Job, Noah, Mary, the apostles, John the Baptist all enter because of Christ's sacrifice. The lamb was slain from the foundation of the world.
      I believe, in the scenario I gave, that this person did not "endure till the end"
      I believe people such as this think to themselves that they have a general belief in God and Jesus and that they are good or they'll make changes later, but later never comes (which for them, it's the equivalent of saying that the Lord is delaying his coming) and when the master of the house returns, they are caught.
      I believe that this person received the word of God with joy but had no root and only lasted a short time.
      I believe the world crept in and the deceitfulness of wealth took over.
      I believe that not everyone who calls upon the lord will be saved because they work iniquity.
      I also use an abortion doctor example continuing in practice after he/she becomes "saved". I believe because of this iniquity, yes, they must repent of their profession or no, God will not cover them in his Grace.
      Christ said that there was no one greater than John the Baptist. If John was even greater than what he was, 10 fold, 100 fold, a 1000 times greater than what he did, it wouldn't matter to naught if Christ had not died for him.
      I believe God covers the good Samaritan with his grace.
      I believe that there are people who believe in God and that Jesus is Messiah, but are not saved because they prefer man's acceptance.

    • @jk11222
      @jk11222 2 года назад +4

      Salvation is eternal. SEALED.
      But there is the judgement seat of Christ for believers. Read 1 Corinthians.
      Rightly dividing the words of truth is the key. So study as commanded in 2 Timothy 2:15
      2 Timothy 2: 15. Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

    • @tevcas
      @tevcas 2 года назад +5

      @@pigsinspace9979 if we got saved and received the Holy Spirit then he’s still saved even after all that and more

  • @jamesh.osasinchrist6810
    @jamesh.osasinchrist6810 2 года назад +12

    Praise God great sermon Yankee !!!

  • @KeithGreenshields
    @KeithGreenshields Год назад +1

    I always assumed that when you heard the gospel that immediately you got it and never struggled with your belief, now you tell the story that you struggled, that maybe you didn't believe but you believe it now. Thank you for that!

  • @jaybrick8973
    @jaybrick8973 2 года назад +6

    Thank you for this great sound teaching

    • @pigsinspace9979
      @pigsinspace9979 2 года назад

      So if someone got saved with vigor and maintained quite well moved away and stopped going to church, then the world starts to enter his mind more, then starts hanging with friends that pull him into other lifestyles.
      Fast forward 15 years, he's the owner of a strip club, he has participated in taking some of "his girls" to get abortions. Participates in drug using and selling.
      If you knew this person, would you tell him that he has to repent? If he said passively that, "oh yeah, dont worry,, I believe in God, Jesus and all that. "
      Would you say this person is saved?

    • @jaybrick8973
      @jaybrick8973 2 года назад +3

      @@pigsinspace9979 salvation is a gift we don't earn it at all if the person is truly saved no matter how much sin they are in they are still saved. Now God isn't mocked an we will reap heavily for sin in this life an suffer chastisement or even be taken home early but God will not take salvation from us because none of us truly deserve it if we could earn it it wouldn't be a gift. If this person you explained believe on Christ an what he has done on the cross I have to believe he is Christian. I expect the holy spirit to work on that persons life to tell them what they is doing is wrong. If they continue in sin they could be very carnal which is possible or just struggling with the flesh it is not my call to tell who is saved by there living because none of us are good.

  • @TheElizabethashby
    @TheElizabethashby 2 года назад +5


  • @DV77737
    @DV77737 Год назад


  • @redeemedsinner8091
    @redeemedsinner8091 2 года назад +2

    I love this truthful sermon! THANK YOU!

  • @Pure-Crystal-Fire
    @Pure-Crystal-Fire 2 года назад +3

    Amen !!! This preaching brings MORE and MORE Glory Glory Glory to God !! He is surely an amazing God !!
    God bless you Pastor Yankee many I have come across that think eternal security is not the truth !! Thank Christ the God-man, that this awesome security IS Eternal Amen !!! God does not do things by halves He does the FULL Complete Job !!! AMEN !!

  • @gracewilliams338
    @gracewilliams338 2 года назад +1

    Thank you for your great teaching, Pastor Arnold.

  • @jessicarussell1614
    @jessicarussell1614 2 года назад +7

    Amen, can't Lose Salvation THANK YOU, JESUS

  • @MerkabaKid
    @MerkabaKid 2 года назад

    Thank you so much 🌸🤍❤️🕊

  • @ElijahForPrez
    @ElijahForPrez 2 года назад +1

    Amen, all glory to god!

  • @OngNuocViet
    @OngNuocViet 2 года назад +1

    Amen ... Gid bkess you brother Arnold .

  • @johnpearce3714
    @johnpearce3714 2 года назад +2

    ******* YES , We thank you Brother , Pastor Ralph YANKEE Arnold , for teaching the TRUE Gospel of The ONE LORD YESHUA / JESUS CHRIST Our LORD & SAVIOUR , The Keeper of our Souls !! ---- We thank the LORD for YOU & all the CHRIST CENTRED / CENTERED PREACHERS / TEACHERS !! ----- ******** It is tragic that their are many people out there who have been lied too & also those who have / are being held in bondage as re. asto are they saved or not . ----- **** They are not sure if they are truly (. Born Again ) &, Saved !! ---- ******* Then those who are in the so called churches / denominations with the False preachers , with their false doctrines etc. ---- Yes , we must pray for those who have & are being deceived & those who are not as yet in CHRIST --- The lost unbelievers !! ---

  • @goosehammy4837
    @goosehammy4837 Год назад

    AMEN to this sermon ... thank God.. in Jesus name be blessed pastor

  • @BibleTumper
    @BibleTumper 2 года назад +2

    Jesus, please come quickly.🙏 The world is adversarial against all that is holy, righteous, good, and worth while.

    • @johnpearce3714
      @johnpearce3714 2 года назад +1

      AJaXX JaM , Pray for all those who are not as yet Believers in CHRIST ,that they might be saved !! ----- we must think about others besides ourselves!! ---- Too many Christians want to get out of the world & that's all they think about ( themselves ) ---- ******** WE have been commissioned To pray for others & to share the Gospel message whenever , wherever & to whoever !! ----- *******Read Mathew 24 , Mark 13 , Luke 21 -- The Words of CHRIST ----

    • @johnpearce3714
      @johnpearce3714 2 года назад +1

      P.S. The LORD Will return when the Gospel has been taken to the ends of the earth !! --- ******** Many people have as yet to hear the TRUE Gospel of GOD'S GRACE ,MERCY , LOVE ,Through & IN His SON ,CHRIST the LORD. ---- 1 CORINTHIANS 15 VS. 1 ------ 4 ----

    • @johnpearce3714
      @johnpearce3714 2 года назад +1

      ********** We being led by the HOLY SPIRIT , We being empowered& filled with him .----- Not being led by our wisdom , strength , but by HIS Wisdom & will !! -----

    • @BibleTumper
      @BibleTumper 2 года назад +1

      @@johnpearce3714 Your sales pitch sounds as good as Biden's.

  • @promaster1351
    @promaster1351 2 года назад +2

    great message...….

  • @ReadyToFly24
    @ReadyToFly24 2 года назад +1

    Thank you pastor, religion has made the gospel complicated and muddy with works. God made salvation easy, Christ died for our sins, payment made in full. Either you believe this to save you or not. It's that easy!!!

  • @Jimillionare10
    @Jimillionare10 11 месяцев назад

    Sir I just want to say, thank you so much for this message. It has helped me tremendously. God bless you

  • @gilov3
    @gilov3 2 года назад


  • @chrisbertrand5262
    @chrisbertrand5262 2 года назад +1

    Come on brother preach it

  • @nakasinkiwanuka
    @nakasinkiwanuka Год назад

    Wow!!!! God bless you.

  • @davidkarr5119
    @davidkarr5119 Год назад

    Just good preaching brother. Thank you

    • @davidkarr5119
      @davidkarr5119 Год назад

      The Gospel is so simple to understand a little child s
      Can understand it.
      Christ died for my Sins.! ❤️🙏🙏🙏

  • @tinalab7682
    @tinalab7682 2 года назад

    I love the way you teach and the way you dress. Love the suit and you

  • @TheOfficialBrownHeadedGoof
    @TheOfficialBrownHeadedGoof 2 года назад

    Jesus Christ is my hero

  • @prodigaldaughter6732
    @prodigaldaughter6732 2 года назад +1

    Yanke, thank you for this message, I really needed to hear this today! What does the scripture mean that says' All that the Father give me, shall come to me and I shall in no wise cast out?"

  • @waynel389
    @waynel389 2 года назад


  • @christianjamesguevarra6257
    @christianjamesguevarra6257 2 года назад

    The title reminds me of pastor Hank Lindstrom who is now with the Lord.

  • @78LedHead
    @78LedHead 2 года назад +4

    People like to say "ehh, that easy believism crud is too convenient, there has to be more."
    Really? It's too easy? Apparently not because most people don't believe in Jesus at all and think it's a big joke, and hardly anyone in the "Christian community" trusts in what Jesus did on the cross, EXCLUSIVELY, for their salvation.
    Every major religion on earth, including 90% of "Christianity" believes that your works earn your way to glory, or at least partially does.
    This is why the road is narrow.

    • @patcola7335
      @patcola7335 2 года назад +1

      AMEN ! I only saw this a few weeks ago myself. I used to think it was because of our sin that few make it but now I see it is the few who TRULY trust JESUS for ALL OF THEIR SALVATION ! Amen !

  • @soc5830
    @soc5830 2 года назад +1

    Here comes the wallet!!!!

  • @Karen-uz5kp
    @Karen-uz5kp Год назад

    Sin can open doors that can't be closed. Some of the repercussions of sin over time are coldness or lukewarmness towards God, spiritual blindness, spiritual deafness, spiritual drunkedness, spiritual deception, spiritual darkness, bondage, demonic oppression or possession, perversion, addiction, idolotry, depression, anger, emptiness, desperation, stunted spiritual growth, immorality, apostasy, a hardened heart, a loss of conscience, depravity, and enmity with God.

  • @beatadukaviciene4211
    @beatadukaviciene4211 2 года назад

    Does anyone know where to find any of the Arnold's sermons translated in Russian please

  • @78LedHead
    @78LedHead 2 года назад +2

    I've been watching people online spread "the gospel" for ages now, and MOST OF THEM forget to include the cross.
    It's always "ask Jesus into your heart," as if that means something - or, "repent of your sins."
    WHERE IS THE CROSS? Without Jesus crucified, buried, and risen, there is NO REMISSION OF SINS!
    If Christ didn't die for the sins of the world on Calvary, we're all, to a man and woman, dead in our sins and hellbound.
    Thank you for spreading the beautifully simple GOOD NEWS, Yankee.

    • @TheOfficialBrownHeadedGoof
      @TheOfficialBrownHeadedGoof 2 года назад +2

      This^ this is the reason why I never had an ounce of assurance until now
      I would hear the gospel and yeah I believe Jesus did that, but people preached crucified and risen as if he did it for nothing or just for fun smh.
      I didn’t know until now that he died in my place for my sins and rose saving me permanently!

    • @78LedHead
      @78LedHead 2 года назад +1

      @@TheOfficialBrownHeadedGoof Amen friend! I am thrilled to hear it. It's the best news in this life. Nothing comes close.

    • @freyaaldrnari6086
      @freyaaldrnari6086 2 года назад

      @@TheOfficialBrownHeadedGoof I didn't know that He was dying for sins either.

  • @salvationzone9532
    @salvationzone9532 2 года назад +3

    This is meant to be an encouragement to all who are living in doubt of their eternal salvation.
    All who have been born again of the permanently indwelling Holy Spirit will go in the rapture wether they're watching or not. But only those who are eagerly watching for our blessed hope, which we know as the rapture and our gathering together in the clouds to meet our great God and savior Jesus the Christ, will be given the crown of righteousness and those who are not eagerly watching will not be given the crown of righteousness. There is a not so funny christian saying- “Some christians are holding on so tightly to the things of this world that when the rapture happens they will arrive in heaven feet first.” No christian, faithful or unfaithful will be left behind. The whole body of Christ, also known as the bride, will go in the rapture. Rapture worthiness is not based upon self righteous works of filthy rag obedience which would lead to boasting and there will be none of that in heaven. Rapture worthiness is based upon if we believed at some point in our life that what Jesus did on the cross to pay for our sin, in his own blood, was done on our behalf, according to the scriptures. I'm so tired of people scaring other christians by telling them “you're going to miss the rapture if your not ready or watching.” A total lie from a prideful self righteous pharisaical spirit or just plain ignorance of what eternal salvation means. Jesus paid with his own blood for all our sins, past present and future and gave us HIS righteousness. We are now totally blameless and totally worthy of the rapture wether we realize it or not. Eternal salvation is an event, not a process. Works: If you have to earn it, who would get the credit, you would (PRIDE). Grace: If it were free, who would get the credit, Jesus would. I give Jesus all the credit. Jesus was tested on my behalf. I am eternally saved because Jesus gave me his righteousness. I am pleasing to Jesus because I believe in who he is and what he did for me on the cross in his own blood. We are eternally secure in Jesus. Nothing, NO-THING, can ever take us out of Jesus's hand once we are born again. This side of death or the rapture we can never be sinless because we currently life in this fallen meat machine we call our body of flesh that was sown in incorruption and we eagerly await the day this corruption will take on incorruption at the rapture. You see, we now have two natures living within us. The flesh and the spirit and both are fighting for pole position. In this fallen flesh we will always be subject to the temptations of sin but the spirit which is of God that permanently lives within us can never sin and is even now seated in the heavenly realm. Those that are found faithful after the eternal salvation EVENT has happened he will blessed with crowns and rewards but those who are found unfaithful after the everlasting salvation event has happened will lose crowns and rewards for unfaithful service at the Bema seat of Christ but saved none the less as through the fire of testing. All christians, even the unfaithful ones (this is a very hard pill for the faith + works false converts to swallow because of their self righteous pride), will not miss out on the rapture. The only thing that is conditional for a born again eternally saved believer is crowns and rewards for the type of quality of faithfulness that we lived, never for eternal salvation. We can never be lost. We can never loose salvation. Evidence of being born again does not mean someone is saved. We ARE saved if we at some point in our life believed and trusted only in Jesus's finished work on the cross on our behalf. That is what saves. Being faithful to the end does not save. ONLY believing that Jesus paid for ALL our sins in HIS own blood. He did it for us. We no longer have any sin to be judged for because Jesus was sin for us. Our sin debt has been paid in full and if it’s been paid in full we no longer have any sins to be held against us. We live a faithful life not to remain saved but because we ARE saved. Yes, Jesus paid our sin in absolute full. So after the eternal salvation event has happened then live it. But don't live it because you are trying to keep it, because it can never be lost. You are either saved or you're not. There is no middle ground. Eternal salvation is not base upon a merit system. Crowns and rewards are, but not salvation. There is no: yes you are saved, BUT. There are no and's, if's or But's added to salvation. It was finished 2000 years ago when Jesus cried out "IT IS FINISHED."
    So in summary, yes, the moment we were born again we were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, as a guarantee, until the day of redemption. For Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith, not the other way around. He will finish what he started in us. And when Jesus starts something nothing in all creation can stop him from finishing it, which he already said he did on the cross. All he wants us to do is to believe that he did it all for us. Simple faith like that of a child. I hope and pray this will encourage you because our great God’s got this. Yes, he’s really got this, just trust him. He knows what he’s doing and he’s promised to never leave or forsake you. God bless.
    Jesus is my rock upon which I stand, my firm foundation. Maranatha! WFS

    • @78LedHead
      @78LedHead 2 года назад +5

      If Jesus's act on the cross wasn't powerful enough to save a man's soul permanently, then we're all in bad trouble. These people who think "obeying" is required by taking the red letters out of context, don't really think it out. They don't understand that they, themselves, don't obey perfectly. NO ONE DOES. We're flawed. It takes real humility to understand that Jesus' righteousness is everything and ours doesn't count for much.

    • @TheOfficialBrownHeadedGoof
      @TheOfficialBrownHeadedGoof 2 года назад +3

      THICK AMEN!!!!!
      Jesus gets the credit for saving me! ABSOLUTELY NOT ME

    • @JohnJohn-bp5ci
      @JohnJohn-bp5ci 2 года назад +1


  • @rvdjt8874
    @rvdjt8874 2 года назад +1

    Jesucristo es Dios

  • @jonathangoodwin5609
    @jonathangoodwin5609 11 месяцев назад

    Salvation is permanent as long as you hold on to Faith in Jesus Christ. And if that falters, all you have to do is turn to him again, confess your sins and ask forgiveness, and return to Jesus.

    • @YankeeArnoldMinistries
      @YankeeArnoldMinistries  11 месяцев назад +1

      Sorry, but you do not have a clue as to what true salvation is. You should listen to the whole message before commenting. Salvation is free and last forever. It is irrevocable by you or God!!!! Yankee

    • @raymondrocco8607
      @raymondrocco8607 2 месяца назад

      @@YankeeArnoldMinistries Thank you Dr Ralph . Would you be able to answer a quick question for me ???

  • @truthfan7tetelestai687
    @truthfan7tetelestai687 2 года назад +1

    Full paid.

  • @1Corinthians15_1-4
    @1Corinthians15_1-4 2 года назад +6

    Jesus Christ is the ONLY WAY to Heaven! Give your life to Jesus Christ, He died for you (the whole world), so why not live for Him?
    1 Corinthians 15:1-4, saves lost souls when you truly believe from your heart.
    Ephesians 1:13, saved and sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise.
    Time is running out, the church age of Grace, is coming to an end. Please get saved!!

    • @darko3582
      @darko3582 2 года назад +2

      Amen to that sister Katie🧡

    • @1Corinthians15_1-4
      @1Corinthians15_1-4 2 года назад +1

      Saying hello to you from Belgium. Hope you are well and your family. Hugs and Love to you my brother in Christ.

    • @darko3582
      @darko3582 2 года назад +1

      Thank you my sister in Christ. We are all good in this crazy times thanks Lord. Hope that you and your family are well too.
      God bless :)

    • @1Corinthians15_1-4
      @1Corinthians15_1-4 2 года назад +2

      Yes by the Grace of God, thank you. 😊
      Crazy times no doubt, but God!!! Amen.

    • @JohnJohn-bp5ci
      @JohnJohn-bp5ci 2 года назад +6

      Katie, it is true that Jesus is the only Way to heaven. Please allow me to clarify and correct something you said above. Let’s not add works to the Gospel making it no Gospel. We don’t give our lives to Christ to be saved. He gave His life for us. He traded His life for ours. He died for all of our transgressions. He rose from the dead for our justification. He gives eternal life to all who simply believe Him for what He accomplished for them in full at Calvary :).

  • @nothinghere.5086
    @nothinghere.5086 2 года назад

    1. 2 Peter 1:5-9 - ADD to your faith the following things: you'll be fruitful if ye do these things. But if you lack them, your blind:
    2. Osas is another label, sir & the Bible teaches repentance towards God & faith towards our Lord Jesus Christ. The Bible said in 2 Thess 2 there will be a FALLING away: if a person falls away, it means they were saved, but if ye deny Jesus Christ, then He denies them (Mat 10:32-33 - 2 Tim 2:12)
    3. James 2:17 - Even so faith, if hath not works, is dead being alone.....(Faith alone refuted.) Also the explanation of Abraham in James 2:23-24 - A man is justified by works & not faith only....
    James 2:26 - As the body without the spirit is dead, so Is faith without works.....
    I believe in Jesus Christ for salvation & the crosswork of Jesus Christ, but what does believe mean? When your saved, your His workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto Good works Wherefore he ordained that we SHOULD walk in them Ephesians 2:10.
    Jesus commands his disciples to teach all nations, baptism in His name & forgiveness of sins (Mat 28:19 - Luke 24:47)

    • @TheOfficialBrownHeadedGoof
      @TheOfficialBrownHeadedGoof 2 года назад +2

      Fact of the day:
      Believe means…..believe.
      Do you believe that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, went to the cross, died for you’re sins and rose again the third day for you’re justification?
      He did that so we have eternal life, we are heaven bound because of what Christ did.
      Now walk in newness of life. 😛

  • @TheElizabethashby
    @TheElizabethashby 2 года назад +1


  • @dt23j66
    @dt23j66 2 года назад

    This makes me sad because it seems like once we're saved we can do whatever we want and can live like the world. My friend believes in God and believes she is saved by grace. But she is married. Living with another man and not caring for her children the way a mother should. No Godly family. How does this make God happy?

    • @YankeeArnoldMinistries
      @YankeeArnoldMinistries  2 года назад +4

      It doesn't. And God says she will reap what she sows. Yankee

    • @dt23j66
      @dt23j66 2 года назад

      @@YankeeArnoldMinistries I understand. Thank you

    • @krisjustin3884
      @krisjustin3884 2 года назад +1

      How about Lot offering his daughters to the wild mob in Sodom? How about David? Adulterer and murderer! Then Abraham told the Pharaoh his wife was his sister to gain favor with him. All very sad events, yet all were saved. People would be out to stone them I guess, but this contrasts with God’s tender mercy shown to us through his precious son who paid for every sin.

    • @krisjustin3884
      @krisjustin3884 2 года назад

      How about Lot offering his daughters to the wild mob in Sodom? How about David? Adulterer and murderer! Then Abraham told the Pharaoh his wife was his sister to gain favor with him. All very sad events, yet all were saved. People would be out to stone them I guess, but this contrasts with God’s tender mercy shown to us through his precious son who paid for every sin.

    • @dt23j66
      @dt23j66 2 года назад

      @@krisjustin3884 does it matter that this was before the Power of the Holy Spirit. Before Jesus?

  • @K_D-4given
    @K_D-4given 2 года назад +3

    As much as one would rather think an atheist gave this video a thumbs down, I'm betting its a lost religious person that genuinely thinks they have to work hard to get into heaven.

  • @foechicken8023
    @foechicken8023 2 года назад +5

    Calvinism and Armenianism are two side of the same cpun and they are not the gospel.

  • @christianchannel6641
    @christianchannel6641 Год назад


  • @bmorgan2342
    @bmorgan2342 2 года назад +2


  • @elizabeths7700
    @elizabeths7700 2 года назад +1
