My Stellaris timeline: -Start -Expansion -Expansion -Expansion -Expansion -Expansion -get rekt by other empire -Denial -Anger -Bargaining -Depression -Acceptance -Return to Endless Space Edit: Wow I completely forgot about this. It's ironic to look back at this seeing how I have a lot more hours in Stellaris now over ES. Edit 2 - December 2021: So hm. I've come back to this comment after all this time. Things have changed. A lot. I stopped playing Endless Space (2) for example. Broken piece of shit game, no shade on ES1 tho. I've also gotten a lot better in Stellaris, to the point of being able to rush Cruisers in 2030 when I used to have them in like 2150 lol
I once made ultra-fleet that have ~150 movement points and with two techs for free movement and virtual endless hero so it moves freely faster than starlines, also put lotta probes on heros ship for long seeing range. I used those from other universe civilization and used small ships with quadronix fleet accelerator
My first game of stellaris: Start: -exploring, some expansion -exploring, some expansion -First contact -Wakes up and start expanding super fast to block other empire's hyperlanes -Allies the empire between me and the most threatening empire so I can stagger them off -Murders the purifiers with 8k fleets and eats up a lot of the galaxy -Litteraly feels like I'm in creative mode and the game is finished, goes to read reddit -Hears about "mid game crisis" and such -ANGER, DEPRESSION AND BARGAINING AT THE SAME TIME HEARING ABOUT SEVERAL 80k FLEETS THAT MAY ATTACK ANYTIME AS SOON AS THE FIRST EVENT HAPPENS EVEN THO I BARELY HOLD ONTO 30-40K SHIPS
Crushed the endgame crisis with ease, now flying around with millions of fleet power, built megastructures everywhere, made the galaxy my b*tch and everyone is a xenophile democracy or else they get themselves in a dangerous situation, fallen empires bow in awe before my impossibly advanced technology and the might of my military, where I could still be more powerfull than them with only one of my planets.
Mehmet baha Özen They where introduced, after I posted this comment, but sure, they need to be integrated in my list. I would say between the Battleship and the Crisis-era.
@@Darkn3ssF4ll Pirates/piracy is from trade value along routes not being protected. Marauders are some separate entities on the map that can evolve into a Great Khan.
Where are you hearing 40-50k by 2290? I mean, looking at the footage in the video, it actually shows the year 2290, and Aspec only has 20k fp at that point.
how almost all of my games play out: start corvettes block hyperlanes for more territory more corvettes did i mention corvettes? max-tech corvettes collosus lets start purging dem xenos
My first game: Lasted about 35 hours Galaxy of max size. 8 AIs. With second lowest difficulty. Couple fallen empires. I researched every anomaly. I was involved with 1 war in the last 50 years. I constantly did not have enough resources. My biggest fleet was 13k and I had 2 others with 5k. I had 2 fallen empires as my neighbors. One of them became the one to terrorize other fallen empires. I made a lot of starbases and fortified them at key points on the map. In preparation to defend when I get attacked. My Star bases were stronger then my own fleets. I had 12 thriving planets. I was just about to get 4th tier tech, as everyone else had 4 to 5 and had fleets of 20k. I won 3 battles against 10-15k fleets and 2 battles against 4k fleets. And I felt proud. I was 4th lowest on the leader board. Beating all those who had their asses handed to them in wars. Raging fallen empire won the game. I clearly did something wrong.
Yeah, it's true. It's also easy to dominate once you get your first few war wins and can usually beat the rest of the galaxy pretty easily. Would love to play on larger maps but it slows to a crawl after 60 years in or so. It's sad that such a low graphics requirement game is so poorly optimized for performance. I think it's just doing too many checks for what to do at any given moment instead of just doing buildings and other events once every 30 days or random frequencies.
... Even the best single core performance processor slows way way down late game on just a Large map. How even more so on 1200? Game is not threaded so a 2-core will perform just as well as a 10-core. At 80+ years in, before a crisis, you want to give up and blow your brains out waiting for projects to finish and ships to be built. I usually do finish the game on Medium or Large map within the first 60 years playing tall but sometimes I want to play wide and on a bigger map. I play hard to very hard, never tried insane as very hard makes the game take even longer and I don't even want finish it on larger maps due to the crawl.
I've yet to complete a full run of Stellaris, but I'm currently working on it. How I've classified the eras of the game: Start Game - Pick something to play with. Early Game - Expanding until you literally run out of room to expand. Mid Game - Climbing the Tech Trees to maximize what you can do with the territory you own. Late Game - Hitting the wall in terms of resources or limits and having to decide on a path to the victory you had planned. End Game - Lots of wars pretty constantly and the galactic threat finally arrives. This is the rush to either win the game or end all threats to your empire in order to secure victory. Victory - What you ultimately do to win the game. Personally, I neglected most of my military as I had a very bad start to the game where the vast amount of my research points came from Society Research. Engineering Research was few and far between in my section of space and I had very little I could secure. I also had a lot of heavily intense anomalies that required a massive investment into Engineering Research just to complete them for their very good bonuses. I think I'm currently sitting on roughly 800 Society Research income every month while my Engineering is only like 294 a month. My Physics Research (I ended up with a ton of Black Holes) turned out to be roughly 500 a month. So, when I hit "End Game" and other civs were dragging me into wars while I was just trying to maximize my resources and keep from going broke... All my weaponry was still Tier 2 while I had maxed out all the Tech of Physics and Society. My fleet power was devastatingly low... But, all my ships had very high survivability (I'm not sure how it calculates Fleet Power, but it must more heavily weigh on weaponry instead of shielding and armor), so I was winning pretty lopsided fights and wars of attrition with strategically placed stations. I created just two fleets to run my territory and to secure other territory when allies would drag me into wars I didn't want to fight. I've been spending the game just trying to get my fleets up to snuff and get their guns up to Tier 5. I just recently got Battleships even. I was winning fights where my Fleet Power was only 5-7K and enemies I was up against routinely had 10-14K fleet power. Routinely. It was just difficult for enemies to kill my ships, and I had so many of the lower tier ships (Corvettes and Destroyers, with a few Cruisers to snipe with), so they'd stay in the fight a long time and just continue to pour damage on the enemy. So, now that I'm finally able to create fleet sizes of 20-30K, I think I'm well into the "Endgame". I've rapidly outstripped the AI just by sheer research alone and being dragged into wars, where I use them as opportunities to secure a lot of territory I wouldn't otherwise have. I'm just now starting to create Mega Structures (which was what I spent most of my Ascension Perks obtaining) and genetically engineering all the races in my empire to produce more minerals and take up less housing. The only reason I even started doing Mega Structures is because I was constantly in the red with Mineral Production (I was not blessed with a lot of sources of minerals in this game either... but I've got too many credits and too much food) and I needed a way to get a lot more... So... with all my Black Holes just sitting about... contributing little more than a single "Dark Matter" that I wasn't using... Now I've got one producing 900 Minerals a month for me. Playing catchup in the late game isn't that fun, but it's made my game fairly interesting... Now, if I could just figure out how to vassalize all these allies near me who insist on dragging me into a ton of wars. I'd love to get a portion of their resources for myself...
Ministry of production is a mid game building. It boosts 25% alloys and consumer goods. The robot species mod has forge boost of 15%. That's how. Oh get the engineering perks that decrease ship build cost. Use this method & you should have two 50k fleets at 2320 timeline.
I am not the biggest Stellaris player. I have never been in endgame. I am not really a strategy player at all, but a good friend persuaded me to check it out. Sure enough I got wiped pretty fast. As always when I dont understand a mechanic I checked a quick tips video on youtube. This is when I realized how many videos were outdated and werent usable at all and how much about the game I never used and understood. Since I always got old videos, bad explanations in threads around the web and explanations that presuppose knowledge about the game I was stuck on learning it the hard way and a friend that I love but that sucks in explaining something. So I had quite a few bad runs with basic starterbuilds and more exotic stuff like Warhammer 40k cosbuilds. Last weekend I got as far as I never came before. The fallem empires started the war. It was hard like shit because the empires needed to go either through my empire or my friends empire to fight. In the end, after around 12h of playing (not just that match) we both got wiped like little children, but it was fun as hell.
Stop playing on a small universe then! I myself played once on smallest with only 4 enemy races, and whiped them out with a mid game fleet too. But as long as you got the achievements, you got the achievements. ^3^
"Your empire has become so large you need the AI to handle a lot of this stuff" more like "the game artificially forces you to turn over a chunk of your empire to an AI player who was dropped on it's head as a subroutine, thus has to be prohibited from doing nearly anything so as to not crap up your well built planets". At least now you can decide what buildings to have on your sectored planets. Honestly it feels less like a way of helping you manage your empire and more a way to help you deal with an awkward UI (that I would love to find a mod for that modularises it so I can pull stuff out of the Outliner into it's own window).
I just have a massive core planet selection, (I take the ascension perk for +5 and usually operate at around 12/10) and micromanage all of my planets until all of the populations/buildings are perfect. Then I stick all my currently planets it into a single sector that covers my entire empire and can sometimes end up containing like, 500+ planets in a single sector. Then, once I have lots of planets freed up again in my "core sector" I go conquer/colonise until I am full again. Rinse and repeat until I own the galaxy and a superbly, hilariously large fleet/fleets.
I know I am late to the party, but did you see the new Planet system? No more tiles! I think this will be better for people like me who seem to mess it up more then the AI. Maybe less work for the AI means it will be more efficient?
My first game ended in a mid-game Federation victory, problem is the victory goes to the leader of the federation, so I technically lost though I had the most powerful fleet :/
5 лет назад+1
There is no leader of a federation. Only temporary presidents every 10 years. Atleast it is now.
My Stellaris Timeline: -Start -Exploration -Empire build up, economy, research, and new tech -Allies, colonies, helping planets factions get to my tech level so I can have a federation -Meet new speicies start to integrate into empire -Starts Federation with from vassal to ally independent empire -Waiting Waiting.... *Waiting....* -Sees war but not get involved -Sees my vassal (now an independent empire) start war with big faction -Knowing that the Federation wont last, -Builds 4 huge 10k fleets -Hits 30k -Preps for war -30% of empire gets swallowed by 100k fleets -Merges fleets together getting to 120k but loses to a combined 200k fleet -Allie rushes in to help bit fleet gets annihilated -Enemy rushes towards capital -Moves capital on the other side of galaxy -Starts peace -Starts from scratch *repeat*
Scrap Allies and put in Protectorates and Vassals if you want a fun high tech Xenophobe run Everyone hates your guts so make long wars, let them fracture while you vassalize the small ones Once the end game is coming, you annex vassals holding key defensive systems I am currently doing this run right now
This is quite possibly one of the most broken approaches up until a War in Heaven. It's entirely possible to get a win condition with just forcing tributary/vassalage alone. The problem comes from the War in Heaven, where most of your income turns to shit because you stop being top dog and people stop paying you.
I tried a run like this. It worked out really well for me, but it did feel a lot like I was rolling dice at times, and not as reliably solid as other stretegies. I was Life-Seeded (think that's what it was called, the one where you have Gaia world preference) and expanded far in terms of outposts, but hardly ever settling on other planets (mostly because I couldn't!) I only had science buildings on my planets and left all the minerals and energy gathering to mining platforms. Energy was most definitely the most troubling aspect. I very very quickly filled out all the traditions and tech trees though, which meant I could have a fairly sizable fleet and I just kept finishing the repeatable techs for energy boosts. Energy and mineral edicts were a necessity, but they were easily affordable, as I was getting a lot of influence from all my vassals and happy pops. Anyway, sorry for waffling, I could go on and on, but I really recommend giving it a go, it's a remarkably different way to play the game than I had done before, a lot more challenging, but no less enjoyable.
Start game: Dark Age of Technology. You plan of being some kind of utopic Star Trek force/federation, go on the Abom... Artificial Inteligence path, try to make friends with other species... Medium game: Pretty sure something akin to the Age of Strife (Men of Iron and/or Psychic reveal) happens and you never see the later game. Late game: Invariably you go full Imperium of Man xenophobic warpath and then an end-game events comes.
Love the videos man! Never played this game until i started watching your youtuber series. Great work! Very entertaining love all your videos and the game!
Thank you Aspec, great definition of the structure of a single game. This will help me a lot structuring gameplay in phases what to do. It often happens I just get on a point where I have no clue in what to do and just start a new game. Mid game is the farthest point I have come after 60 hours of play time.
For those of us that completely suck at this game, could you perhaps make a video detailing some strats/tips/hints for transitioning from early to late game? And maybe another video for infrastructure development during the mid game? Thanks!
As a brand new player in my senior years, I am amazed and intimidated by the massiveness of this game. I don't even know if I will ever finish a game, but it's great fun learning, thanks to your and others' tutorial videos! 😁
New player here, booted up stellaris first time as the Commonwealth of Man and somehow managed to piss off a fallen empire in 2250 and got ransacked. Yeah.
Hmm, I'd never thought to actually ask this question, interesting. Giving it some thought, I generally consider the 'early game' for me to be the time where you're a small empire, my fleet ain't too big, I avoid fallen empires like the plague and I can't even fight another empire cause their spaceport would destroy my fleet and I have no energy. (I realize having no energy is a problem unique to me, I generally go all in on resources and tech, keeping my energy reserves high enough to mitigate my at times severe energy expenditure. This pretty much always viable in single player, and at least somewhat viable in multiplayer, but I wouldn't recommend it in the latter) I generally consider myself to be in the 'mid-game' once my science and resource production have progressed far enough that I'm finally breaking even with energy production, of course others are likely to have wildly different thoughts of when the 'mid-game' starts. I've begun to rapidly colonize new planets, or if doing a one planet run/tall empire, rapidly increasing my tech lead, creating the beginnings of a respectable fleet. etc. The mid-game is what I generally consider to be the least defined region of the game for me, I'll usually have my first war during this time, but not many as I'm not a fan. I'll usually also have reached my planet cap and would have started creating sectors around the middle of the mid-game. I usually consider it over once there's little in the way of uncolonised territory and border tensions have started getting high. The 'late-game' comes around usually on my approach to battleships and tier 4 weaponry. Tensions are high around this time, but alliances and defensive pacts usually serve to delay the inevitable. My empire is now either a Goliath on the map, or a small but deadly bastion of scientific progress. Things like pscionic ascension are no longer just a dream, but may even be a reality. Depending on my play style, robotics and genetic modification are getting, if not already routine and my planets are slowly turning into bastions of production. Galactic wonders are usually the height of this time period, by which point the most major wars of the game would have likely been fought and ended, possibly resulting in one or more fallen empires (pun intended). The only real highlights of the 'end-game' are the disasters, completion of all major techs and the full realization of mechanical, pscionic or genetic acesnions (the thing in the late game was just the initialization). I rarely ever finish my stellaris games and I haven't been eliminated by this time, I'll probably quit once I'm ready to call it a day.
Hmm, I generally tend to play 'tall-ish' and with fewer A.I. (Generally no more than 7) so I usually haven't occupied most of the Galaxy until the 'mid-game', so that would likely explain some of the differences, otherwise Yeah. We all have a our different playstyles and conditions, so it's not strange to see yours being different (probably should have made it clearer in my original comment)
I never can tell when my early games turns into middle. It's like one moment I consider setting up my first sector and another I already spamming habitats like there's no tomorrow.
My Stellaris timeline: e x p a n d Extreme Deficit Find other empires Mass production of mine stations *Pathetic technology level* Mass production of research stations "Your destruction is the will of the gods" Repeat
This is really annoying me but have you ever played a 4X? Because you don't spend all time find new areas and colonizing them in those either. In the mid game you run out of new territory just like in Stellaris, because Stellaris is a 4X just in real time. 4X also refers to the order in which you do things. You start off exploring, then you expand, then you exploit and then when you can't do any of those anymore you exterminate. Even if in your average Civ game the entire map isn't covered up that doesn't mean that there is still area left to expand to. That just means that all the useful land has been taken. No one in the mid or late game is gonna bother settling in the tundra in order to get 3 horses. That's just useless. The only reason this doesn't happen in Stellaris is that the game is made in such a way that no land is useless and your main way of getting resources is through expanding your territory. Whereas in Civ you're focused on building up your core cities and you settle to get strategic and luxury resources in Stellaris those resources are really just bonuses that while they're nice to have aren't necessary. Your real focus is on building up your mineral and energy income because those are what constrain you.
I think you don't give strategic and luxury resources enough credit. Grab enough of them and empires will start offering you energy credits and minerals for them. At first they'll give you pitiful amounts but then eventually they'll be offering 1k+ to 5k for such resources. All you need is 1 resource to gain its benefits and anything after that is pointless, so why not make extra money by trading them?
I agree. Stellaris is just a 4X grand strategy. They're not really mutually exclusive, otherwise, other games that are similar to Stellaris like MOO would be considered in a completely different genre than this just due to the strategy style (TBS/RTS). I will say that Stellaris is much more detailed (or tedious to some) in mechanics as you progress.
My timeline -start -expand -Lock down chokes -focus on filling out my territory -research anomalies -keep the neighbors happy -hope I don’t get vassalized in the meantime -build new colonies -finally work on fleet power with my powerful tech at my disposal -haven’t gotten far enough for crises yet as I’m a new player
So, that's what the old UI looked like. I only had one game with it and it switched to the modern one the next time I loaded it up. Economy crashed immediately because, no alloys or consumer goods.
My favorite challenge is the no sector challenge as it doesn’t cripple you like one plannet you end up with 5 planets 35 habitats a ring world and a sensor array as what I consider the end of mid game and start getting only repeating techs like +100% strike craft damage and attack speed
Fancy new graphics on the video, nice. It's funny, playing the game so much it's so easy to get those lines to blur; causing you to forget about the 'meta'. There is honestly times I forgot to show people these video's when they are learning, because, why wouldn't you know about point defence?! or that Energy torpedo's are just fun to spam? Or hey you should colonise plants more? It's knowledge alot of us earned the hard way. Still, it's cool for a simple reminder of how the games play out and that not everyone is intimate familiar with the mechanics of the game.
From my personal experience, the late game is A: Everyone else is overwhelming and I have no hope left B: I did something stupid because I did not know what some message was trying to tell me or C: I am wiped from existence
I recently just had the luckiest start I spawned in and had over 5 system but had 2 Ocean planets in each system then include the home world equals 11 and on top of that it spawned a hella lot of engineering and physics and 25 years into the early game I had lvl 4 quantum missiles and lvl 2 shields and fusion reactors. I became an unstoppable juggernaut when I declared war on my first enemy 60 years into the game didn’t lose a single ship and got cruiser tech finished. Not to mention I started tall because I had all the research stations from earlier on and turned into an overpower force I’m finally going to win my first game ever. This is on console as well
At least I have not been shallowed by other empries yet. I try to build up my fleet, cleaning up my sector, slowing making forward fleet and some home fleets.
5 лет назад
The Great Khan has come, I still only have corvettes, so I guess I'm surrendering
I made it to endgame for the first time and I happened to get my fleet trapped between unfriendly borders as the eyeball endgame crisis happened and got wrecked immediately. I thought I was gonna declare my first victory but no. I played really well both milataristacly and diplomatically but I had no idea what was coming endgame. I was technologically behind EVERYONE somehow with half the galaxy under the dear leader so when they invaded I had no response. My fleet was trapped and even if I could get it home it was rendered useless immediately. Ibcould do nothing. I didn't even get ONE megastructure up. So now every time I load up the game and see that save file I have a little panic attack. Lol. I don't think there is any coming back from this but my heart wants to salvage that W badly. I was 4 planets from a conquest victory.
So my current game right now is a arms race with the first empire I found as a authoritarian, materialist, militant human empire against and fanatically spiritual, xenophobic, and pacifist space crabs, so far it's been a year since we found each other and they closed their borders and not sure about military movements, but like in the video there is only one hyper lane to each other and I have fortified it with a starbase with maxed defense platforms, and a fleet of 20 in orbit of the station, and I'm slowly amassing a invasion fleet and ground forces for a quick and decisive victory over them, I need the slaves to build my colonies up
2520 i have 8 fleets with 300k. Colossus, I cannot however build juggernaut (i do not why) 7 main empires (im one of them) 3 vs 3, federation vs defensive pact. Nobody like me.... so i grinding research. But that federation has one empire that is equivalent in everything....
Here’s something: I was playing modded Stellaris,with Gigastructural Engineering and cheats on,and not even 10 years in,a huge FANATIC PURIFIER empire spawned in. With the cheat civic. And it has a colony right next to me! And I didn’t have a Nicoll-Dyson beam yet. TLDR: Fanatic Purifiers ruin the galaxy.
i really didnt know how ro counter empire sprawl so i just kept conquering more and more empires to keep up with the penalties and then i realized by mid game my fleet comman were way ober the limit snd i had basically became a huge powerhouse.
One of my most interesting stellaris games: Start -expand -expand -expand -expand -encounter aliens -expand -expand -encounter more aliens -attempt to encircle alien empire -F O R C E F U L E X P A N S I O N -eliminate empire -meet rest of aliens while expanding -border disputes -“aggressive” persuasion -expand -alliances start being made -start making vassals for war -plunge the entire galaxy into a massive war -win (barely) - E X P A N D -integrate major vassal -oh shit now I have to deal with their struggling economy -rebellion -can’t do anything because rebel empire forms defensive pact with major nation -ignore and go to war anyway -get smashed from two fronts
If you've got your armies ready and a relatively powerful fleet, you can wage war effectively if you time your attacks right after your opponent expands, before he's able to build a spaceport to defend his planet. Sometimes this even nets you enough warscore to vassalize them or turn them into tributaries.
My games boil down to expanding to fast, having way to much minerals and fuck all credits, while spending 90% of my resources on an completely oversized fleet that does absolutely nothing. I will also end up insulting a fallen empire at some point.
Stellaris Timeline: -Start -Ringworld, Dyson-Sphere and a Matter-Decompressor and all the other Mega-Structures -Corvettes (200k Fleet) 2k of everything per month -fallen empire kill -Juggernaut/ Colussus -War (only Planetcracking) -Win? never ended one Game still after 500 hours played
you know it kinda bothers me what we consider to be a "tall" empire in stellaris because inevitably at one point or another an effective "tall" empire will exert control over potentially a full quarter of galactic space before midgame either through federation affiliation or the more xenophobic chokepoint control (i'm not sure how many other people do this but i tend to rush for chokes when playing "tall" and close boarders with every possible race until i achieve galactic force projection in which case i tend to only take the territory i need to maintain starting fleet and begin gathering tributaries and vassals). personally I've come to calling all my one planet games "super wide" because at the end of the day that's really a more apt term. Yes I'm still playing "tall" in the respect that i'm focusing more directly on rapid technological and tradition development and doing so with a woefully under powered fleet in the early game i am however transforming into essentially a "wide" empire as soon as the boost to fleet capacity allows me to compete with far more populous empires hence it makes me a super advanced wide empire or more simply "super wide".
This seems more suited for wide empires than tall empires as my experiences with tall empires sees significantly different scenarios than what you stated in your video. Though I don't play wide empires as I hate dealing with AEs , so I can't really say what scenarios a wide empire would see.
with all of the expansions and patches from when this game first came out, I have to upgrade my PC if I want to play this game again. Wish the game didnt require more high end computers to play now.
Can someone explain to me what it means when people refer to a "tall," "wide," or "flex" empire? Do they literally just mean the physical length of width, or is it something else?
Tall focuses on growing science and uses mostly vassals and tributaries during expansion and a high percentage of their borders will be due to frontier outposts. Wide prioritizes resource gathering and as such will expand by colonizing more planets and taking more planets in a war, using frontier outposts as well of course but not as high of a percentage of their territory. Flex most likely deals with expanding and throwing planets at or into vassals/tributaries or starting tall for a length of time and then switching to wide at a certain point.
It should be mentioned here for the sake of clarity, Population will add a negative modifier to your science income. In other words, having more Population will make your science research slower. So a "wide" empire with lots of planets and Population will have less research speed than a "tall" empire with only a few planets.
Can one of your beginner videos go over all of the various events (yes, spoilers) and potential ways to optimize the results from them? Things like the Worm seem like there are things you can do to maximize the advantage you can get from their effects.
I made a Rogue Servitor guide on Reddit where I min/maxed everything. Take a look :
I appreciate the effort put into this video, but the generic timeline graphic taking up most of the screen and the over-general explanations weren’t very helpful for me. And I think “4X phase” doesn’t make sense for the early game because, by your own admission, there should be little eXtermination until mid to late game? Besides those, I enjoyed your video and your enjoyment of the game. Thank you
Kontingency was always just annoying. They expanded a bit. Then they got stuck to one planet per attacking fleet and bombed forever. I pushed the strenght slider for those events to the max. The fleets were ridiculous huge and no AI dared to go for them. I had to steam roll them with a 1M + fleet. Scourge and Unbidden are still better.
My first game: -Expanding slowly -having a lot of shortage inresource -my fleet were weak as hell - and couldn't produce influence In a nutshell i had a bad time
My first game went so well up until I met a fallen empire and they absolutely destroyed everyone on the map, I had 4 fleets w around 20k power but nothing I did or what my allies did made any difference, still ended up second place so wasn’t a terrible game I just encountered something I wasn’t prepared for
Commonwealth of Man here, : ) I really love the cin's for this game especially the big awesome fleets; but watching all this I have to ask, as a ball park number how many hours of gameplay do you have to invest before your empire is ready to fight something? Seems to me the fighting part of the game does not start till late game from what your saying; but how many hours of play does that take to reach?
is there a limet to how large you can build your empire? i was listening to a dev broadcast and they where talking about a 90 planet limet and so forth i was wondering what the limets are of both sectors and total planets you put in your empire? well untile you get the negative returns from your planets or a lower return value
Is it possible to have a game where the end crisis just doesnt occur. Ive been playing a tall psi game and im 200+ yrs in my federation owns most of the galaxy only 4 empires left not in my fed only repeatable techs left and ai (which i dont want and there arent enough robots in the galaxy to give the contingency a chance anyway). so far no end game crisis i mean i could keep contacting the shroud and start the end of cycle but that not really what i wanted to do.
I'm still in what would be considered the mid-game with a fleet power of around 26k, but the backbone of my fleet is made up of battleships with cruisers as support against large swarms of small ships. Is that weird?
I finally made it to end game crisis after 12 empires lol. Conquered a fallen empire and on the other half of the galaxy just yonget in range of the scrounge because the awakened empire locked me out lol
I like to play on ring galaxys and wouldn’t you know the other side of not far where I spawn is a fallen empire that controls Ike 3-4 planets and it’s early game still, and like half my colonizable systems have these crystal assholes with like up to 10k fleet power when I have barely 2.8k
I have always got issues with energys because mining and research stations torwards early to mid game and it makes my fleet power fall behind. Someone help me and pls tell me why Im losing so much energy without a very good fleet.
My Stellaris timeline:
-get rekt by other empire
-Return to Endless Space
Edit: Wow I completely forgot about this. It's ironic to look back at this seeing how I have a lot more hours in Stellaris now over ES.
Edit 2 - December 2021:
So hm. I've come back to this comment after all this time. Things have changed. A lot.
I stopped playing Endless Space (2) for example. Broken piece of shit game, no shade on ES1 tho.
I've also gotten a lot better in Stellaris, to the point of being able to rush Cruisers in 2030 when I used to have them in like 2150 lol
I once made ultra-fleet that have ~150 movement points and with two techs for free movement and virtual endless hero so it moves freely faster than starlines, also put lotta probes on heros ship for long seeing range. I used those from other universe civilization and used small ships with quadronix fleet accelerator
My first game of stellaris:
-exploring, some expansion
-exploring, some expansion
-First contact
-Wakes up and start expanding super fast to block other empire's hyperlanes
-Allies the empire between me and the most threatening empire so I can stagger them off
-Murders the purifiers with 8k fleets and eats up a lot of the galaxy
-Litteraly feels like I'm in creative mode and the game is finished, goes to read reddit
-Hears about "mid game crisis" and such
Crushed the endgame crisis with ease, now flying around with millions of fleet power, built megastructures everywhere, made the galaxy my b*tch and everyone is a xenophile democracy or else they get themselves in a dangerous situation, fallen empires bow in awe before my impossibly advanced technology and the might of my military, where I could still be more powerfull than them with only one of my planets.
@@no3ironman11100 use the crisis events mod to make every crisis happen at the same time as a challenge, I promise you wont regret it
My Stellaris timeline:
- Start
- Corvette-era
- Destroyer-era
- Cruiser-era
- Battleship-era
- Crisis-era
- Victory or Sovngarde!
Mehmet baha Özen They where introduced, after I posted this comment, but sure, they need to be integrated in my list. I would say between the Battleship and the Crisis-era.
Last stage, purge every pops
Zelong Xiong For the Emperor! Purge the Xenos!
salz ich 😈
I sort the stages by the main threat:
Earlygame ...Pirates
Midgame .. the Horde
Lategame ...the Crisis
You forgot dealing with piracy with corvettes until you unlock gateways
And then
War in haven
you guys have pirates?
Are pirates different or the same as mauraders
@@Darkn3ssF4ll Pirates/piracy is from trade value along routes not being protected.
Marauders are some separate entities on the map that can evolve into a Great Khan.
40-50k fleet power by 2290?! Hot dang im bad at this game...
Yeah, what are you doing? That's a very doable fp. Might not be building ships very fast or something.
well that is doable, im just 2324 and already finished my first ringworld segment with 60k fleetpower... so yeah
Where are you hearing 40-50k by 2290? I mean, looking at the footage in the video, it actually shows the year 2290, and Aspec only has 20k fp at that point.
230k by 2400 mods tbh though.
Year is 2490
I have 100k fleet power
how almost all of my games play out:
block hyperlanes for more territory
more corvettes
did i mention corvettes?
max-tech corvettes
lets start purging dem xenos
Then a single point-défense cruiser with a carrier arrives,all your corvettes are dead now
Let's be xenophobic ~ it's really in this year~
@@Someone-wj1lf half corvettes because idc if they die, half battleships with cloud lightning to ignore armor and sheild
My average stellaris timeline:
Discovery/Colonization Rush
Top Tier Weapons
Top tier economy
the poverty part is where i am, boi you need to build power stations like crazy to feed the colonys its stupid.
And then get rekt by fallen or awaken empire
I keked at poverty part. I'm forever there...
I cant get people to like me enough to get them into my federation :(
Get reked by scourge
My first game:
Lasted about 35 hours
Galaxy of max size.
8 AIs. With second lowest difficulty.
Couple fallen empires.
I researched every anomaly.
I was involved with 1 war in the last 50 years.
I constantly did not have enough resources.
My biggest fleet was 13k and I had 2 others with 5k.
I had 2 fallen empires as my neighbors. One of them became the one to terrorize other fallen empires.
I made a lot of starbases and fortified them at key points on the map. In preparation to defend when I get attacked.
My Star bases were stronger then my own fleets.
I had 12 thriving planets.
I was just about to get 4th tier tech, as everyone else had 4 to 5 and had fleets of 20k.
I won 3 battles against 10-15k fleets and 2 battles against 4k fleets. And I felt proud.
I was 4th lowest on the leader board. Beating all those who had their asses handed to them in wars.
Raging fallen empire won the game.
I clearly did something wrong.
most ppl never see the late game
they either get rekt in an early game war
or the game becomes unbearably laggy 😂
haven't yet to finish a 1000 stars game because it's so goddamn laggy it's unplayable ,
Yeah, it's true. It's also easy to dominate once you get your first few war wins and can usually beat the rest of the galaxy pretty easily. Would love to play on larger maps but it slows to a crawl after 60 years in or so. It's sad that such a low graphics requirement game is so poorly optimized for performance. I think it's just doing too many checks for what to do at any given moment instead of just doing buildings and other events once every 30 days or random frequencies.
Project TsukiNoMe its a joke?
... Even the best single core performance processor slows way way down late game on just a Large map. How even more so on 1200? Game is not threaded so a 2-core will perform just as well as a 10-core. At 80+ years in, before a crisis, you want to give up and blow your brains out waiting for projects to finish and ships to be built. I usually do finish the game on Medium or Large map within the first 60 years playing tall but sometimes I want to play wide and on a bigger map. I play hard to very hard, never tried insane as very hard makes the game take even longer and I don't even want finish it on larger maps due to the crawl.
I have 8700k,games runs at 20-30 fps at max speed ;-;
RIP this guide. Assassinated by 2.2
Console players still find this useful
SirDobbsdaGr8 not anymore lol
What exactly happened?
The economy and combat system got completely overhauled.
@@A_Spec Oh ok. Thank you.
Just started on Xbox and this game is truly beautiful it’s so fun
Me too started a few weeks back great game need more games like this for console
I agree, this is definitely a good addition to the console. Although I still have fond memories of Star Ruler and Home-world 2 on the pc.
Good explanation, but I wish there were more win condition types. Straight domination has been done to death.
When End Game applies like a 100 years in as you conquer the galaxy as a fanatical purifier so unlucky he *DIDN"T EVEN HAVE T3 SHIELDS*
You will know when you are in the late game phase when your game starts to lag.
Unless you are playing in a small galaxy, I guess.
Or when you realise the ai is braindead and within the first 100 years its piss easy to out power ever single faction.
I've yet to complete a full run of Stellaris, but I'm currently working on it. How I've classified the eras of the game:
Start Game - Pick something to play with.
Early Game - Expanding until you literally run out of room to expand.
Mid Game - Climbing the Tech Trees to maximize what you can do with the territory you own.
Late Game - Hitting the wall in terms of resources or limits and having to decide on a path to the victory you had planned.
End Game - Lots of wars pretty constantly and the galactic threat finally arrives. This is the rush to either win the game or end all threats to your empire in order to secure victory.
Victory - What you ultimately do to win the game.
Personally, I neglected most of my military as I had a very bad start to the game where the vast amount of my research points came from Society Research. Engineering Research was few and far between in my section of space and I had very little I could secure. I also had a lot of heavily intense anomalies that required a massive investment into Engineering Research just to complete them for their very good bonuses. I think I'm currently sitting on roughly 800 Society Research income every month while my Engineering is only like 294 a month. My Physics Research (I ended up with a ton of Black Holes) turned out to be roughly 500 a month.
So, when I hit "End Game" and other civs were dragging me into wars while I was just trying to maximize my resources and keep from going broke... All my weaponry was still Tier 2 while I had maxed out all the Tech of Physics and Society. My fleet power was devastatingly low... But, all my ships had very high survivability (I'm not sure how it calculates Fleet Power, but it must more heavily weigh on weaponry instead of shielding and armor), so I was winning pretty lopsided fights and wars of attrition with strategically placed stations. I created just two fleets to run my territory and to secure other territory when allies would drag me into wars I didn't want to fight. I've been spending the game just trying to get my fleets up to snuff and get their guns up to Tier 5. I just recently got Battleships even. I was winning fights where my Fleet Power was only 5-7K and enemies I was up against routinely had 10-14K fleet power. Routinely. It was just difficult for enemies to kill my ships, and I had so many of the lower tier ships (Corvettes and Destroyers, with a few Cruisers to snipe with), so they'd stay in the fight a long time and just continue to pour damage on the enemy.
So, now that I'm finally able to create fleet sizes of 20-30K, I think I'm well into the "Endgame". I've rapidly outstripped the AI just by sheer research alone and being dragged into wars, where I use them as opportunities to secure a lot of territory I wouldn't otherwise have. I'm just now starting to create Mega Structures (which was what I spent most of my Ascension Perks obtaining) and genetically engineering all the races in my empire to produce more minerals and take up less housing. The only reason I even started doing Mega Structures is because I was constantly in the red with Mineral Production (I was not blessed with a lot of sources of minerals in this game either... but I've got too many credits and too much food) and I needed a way to get a lot more... So... with all my Black Holes just sitting about... contributing little more than a single "Dark Matter" that I wasn't using... Now I've got one producing 900 Minerals a month for me.
Playing catchup in the late game isn't that fun, but it's made my game fairly interesting... Now, if I could just figure out how to vassalize all these allies near me who insist on dragging me into a ton of wars. I'd love to get a portion of their resources for myself...
I have no idea how people managed to get such powerful fleets so quickly.
they focus everything on their fleets, its stupid but they do
@@skysullivan9391 its not stupid its the main reason you live
*M A X T E C H C O R V E T T E S P A M*
Ministry of production is a mid game building. It boosts 25% alloys and consumer goods. The robot species mod has forge boost of 15%. That's how. Oh get the engineering perks that decrease ship build cost. Use this method & you should have two 50k fleets at 2320 timeline.
I am not the biggest Stellaris player. I have never been in endgame. I am not really a strategy player at all, but a good friend persuaded me to check it out. Sure enough I got wiped pretty fast. As always when I dont understand a mechanic I checked a quick tips video on youtube. This is when I realized how many videos were outdated and werent usable at all and how much about the game I never used and understood. Since I always got old videos, bad explanations in threads around the web and explanations that presuppose knowledge about the game I was stuck on learning it the hard way and a friend that I love but that sucks in explaining something.
So I had quite a few bad runs with basic starterbuilds and more exotic stuff like Warhammer 40k cosbuilds. Last weekend I got as far as I never came before. The fallem empires started the war. It was hard like shit because the empires needed to go either through my empire or my friends empire to fight. In the end, after around 12h of playing (not just that match) we both got wiped like little children, but it was fun as hell.
This is what it's meant to be like. I feel that people stop enjoying the game with the idea of "winning" or forget that what they're doing is FUN
No wonder I never see the end game crises! I keep reaching victory in the late midgame!
I'm sure your parents are very proud.
They're actually super disappointed, they think I should have finished by early midgame and think I'm a shame of a strategist. Y^Y
Stop playing on a small universe then! I myself played once on smallest with only 4 enemy races, and whiped them out with a mid game fleet too. But as long as you got the achievements, you got the achievements. ^3^
crank up the difficulty and galaxy size, casual! :)
I play on the largest scale, usually with thirteen or more races, might need to crank up the difficulty from normal like you said vain.
"Your empire has become so large you need the AI to handle a lot of this stuff" more like "the game artificially forces you to turn over a chunk of your empire to an AI player who was dropped on it's head as a subroutine, thus has to be prohibited from doing nearly anything so as to not crap up your well built planets". At least now you can decide what buildings to have on your sectored planets. Honestly it feels less like a way of helping you manage your empire and more a way to help you deal with an awkward UI (that I would love to find a mod for that modularises it so I can pull stuff out of the Outliner into it's own window).
Penningtontj what I do is get a more core systems mod and autobuild
I just have a massive core planet selection, (I take the ascension perk for +5 and usually operate at around 12/10) and micromanage all of my planets until all of the populations/buildings are perfect. Then I stick all my currently planets it into a single sector that covers my entire empire and can sometimes end up containing like, 500+ planets in a single sector. Then, once I have lots of planets freed up again in my "core sector" I go conquer/colonise until I am full again. Rinse and repeat until I own the galaxy and a superbly, hilariously large fleet/fleets.
best thing to do is to build up a core planet on outskirts, hand over to a sector and disable redevelopment once u finish
I know I am late to the party, but did you see the new Planet system? No more tiles! I think this will be better for people like me who seem to mess it up more then the AI. Maybe less work for the AI means it will be more efficient?
To my understanding, that is 95% of the motivation behind the Le Guin update.
My first game ended in a mid-game Federation victory, problem is the victory goes to the leader of the federation, so I technically lost though I had the most powerful fleet :/
There is no leader of a federation. Only temporary presidents every 10 years. Atleast it is now.
My Stellaris Timeline:
-Empire build up, economy, research, and new tech
-Allies, colonies, helping planets factions get to my tech level so I can have a federation
-Meet new speicies start to integrate into empire
-Starts Federation with from vassal to ally independent empire
-Sees war but not get involved
-Sees my vassal (now an independent empire) start war with big faction
-Knowing that the Federation wont last,
-Builds 4 huge 10k fleets
-Hits 30k
-Preps for war
-30% of empire gets swallowed by 100k fleets
-Merges fleets together getting to 120k but loses to a combined 200k fleet
-Allie rushes in to help bit fleet gets annihilated
-Enemy rushes towards capital
-Moves capital on the other side of galaxy
-Starts peace
-Starts from scratch
Scrap Allies and put in Protectorates and Vassals if you want a fun high tech Xenophobe run
Everyone hates your guts so make long wars, let them fracture while you vassalize the small ones
Once the end game is coming, you annex vassals holding key defensive systems
I am currently doing this run right now
Can you start a feudal society series, playing rather tall and let your vassals and tributaries expand and fight for you? (possibly in Apocalypse)
This is quite possibly one of the most broken approaches up until a War in Heaven. It's entirely possible to get a win condition with just forcing tributary/vassalage alone. The problem comes from the War in Heaven, where most of your income turns to shit because you stop being top dog and people stop paying you.
I tried a run like this. It worked out really well for me, but it did feel a lot like I was rolling dice at times, and not as reliably solid as other stretegies.
I was Life-Seeded (think that's what it was called, the one where you have Gaia world preference) and expanded far in terms of outposts, but hardly ever settling on other planets (mostly because I couldn't!)
I only had science buildings on my planets and left all the minerals and energy gathering to mining platforms.
Energy was most definitely the most troubling aspect. I very very quickly filled out all the traditions and tech trees though, which meant I could have a fairly sizable fleet and I just kept finishing the repeatable techs for energy boosts.
Energy and mineral edicts were a necessity, but they were easily affordable, as I was getting a lot of influence from all my vassals and happy pops.
Anyway, sorry for waffling, I could go on and on, but I really recommend giving it a go, it's a remarkably different way to play the game than I had done before, a lot more challenging, but no less enjoyable.
My only regret is there is no space tacos. Theoretically a taco can become sentient but realistically it will always be at war with the burritos.
The Quesadillas would try and make peace
@@Garykem8 Stay interesting my friend
Start game: Dark Age of Technology. You plan of being some kind of utopic Star Trek force/federation, go on the Abom... Artificial Inteligence path, try to make friends with other species...
Medium game: Pretty sure something akin to the Age of Strife (Men of Iron and/or Psychic reveal) happens and you never see the later game.
Late game: Invariably you go full Imperium of Man xenophobic warpath and then an end-game events comes.
Love the videos man! Never played this game until i started watching your youtuber series. Great work! Very entertaining love all your videos and the game!
Start dealing with your first factions.
Combined consciousness: laughing in one person
Thank you Aspec, great definition of the structure of a single game. This will help me a lot structuring gameplay in phases what to do. It often happens I just get on a point where I have no clue in what to do and just start a new game. Mid game is the farthest point I have come after 60 hours of play time.
One Planet Strategy Tiers:
Early Tier: pre-Science Nexus
God Tier: post-Science Nexus
For me mid game was always the moment after your economy starts to grow exponentially.
Woah, I thought I was in the mid game, now I realize I’m not even close to the mid game. I doubt I will make it to the late game
For those of us that completely suck at this game, could you perhaps make a video detailing some strats/tips/hints for transitioning from early to late game? And maybe another video for infrastructure development during the mid game? Thanks!
As a brand new player in my senior years, I am amazed and intimidated by the massiveness of this game. I don't even know if I will ever finish a game, but it's great fun learning, thanks to your and others' tutorial videos! 😁
Welcome aboard!
New player here, booted up stellaris first time as the Commonwealth of Man and somehow managed to piss off a fallen empire in 2250 and got ransacked. Yeah.
Yes, I was wondering thanks!
Hmm, I'd never thought to actually ask this question, interesting.
Giving it some thought, I generally consider the 'early game' for me to be the time where you're a small empire, my fleet ain't too big, I avoid fallen empires like the plague and I can't even fight another empire cause their spaceport would destroy my fleet and I have no energy. (I realize having no energy is a problem unique to me, I generally go all in on resources and tech, keeping my energy reserves high enough to mitigate my at times severe energy expenditure. This pretty much always viable in single player, and at least somewhat viable in multiplayer, but I wouldn't recommend it in the latter)
I generally consider myself to be in the 'mid-game' once my science and resource production have progressed far enough that I'm finally breaking even with energy production, of course others are likely to have wildly different thoughts of when the 'mid-game' starts. I've begun to rapidly colonize new planets, or if doing a one planet run/tall empire, rapidly increasing my tech lead, creating the beginnings of a respectable fleet. etc. The mid-game is what I generally consider to be the least defined region of the game for me, I'll usually have my first war during this time, but not many as I'm not a fan. I'll usually also have reached my planet cap and would have started creating sectors around the middle of the mid-game. I usually consider it over once there's little in the way of uncolonised territory and border tensions have started getting high.
The 'late-game' comes around usually on my approach to battleships and tier 4 weaponry. Tensions are high around this time, but alliances and defensive pacts usually serve to delay the inevitable. My empire is now either a Goliath on the map, or a small but deadly bastion of scientific progress. Things like pscionic ascension are no longer just a dream, but may even be a reality. Depending on my play style, robotics and genetic modification are getting, if not already routine and my planets are slowly turning into bastions of production. Galactic wonders are usually the height of this time period, by which point the most major wars of the game would have likely been fought and ended, possibly resulting in one or more fallen empires (pun intended).
The only real highlights of the 'end-game' are the disasters, completion of all major techs and the full realization of mechanical, pscionic or genetic acesnions (the thing in the late game was just the initialization). I rarely ever finish my stellaris games and I haven't been eliminated by this time, I'll probably quit once I'm ready to call it a day.
Hmm, I generally tend to play 'tall-ish' and with fewer A.I. (Generally no more than 7) so I usually haven't occupied most of the Galaxy until the 'mid-game', so that would likely explain some of the differences, otherwise Yeah. We all have a our different playstyles and conditions, so it's not strange to see yours being different (probably should have made it clearer in my original comment)
I never can tell when my early games turns into middle. It's like one moment I consider setting up my first sector and another I already spamming habitats like there's no tomorrow.
end game is longest cause performance tanks and most people give up
My Stellaris timeline:
e x p a n d
Extreme Deficit
Find other empires
Mass production of mine stations
*Pathetic technology level*
Mass production of research stations
"Your destruction is the will of the gods"
Super useful and organized as always!!!! Thank you!
OMG thank you for this vid, this is something i was really looking for
This is really annoying me but have you ever played a 4X? Because you don't spend all time find new areas and colonizing them in those either. In the mid game you run out of new territory just like in Stellaris, because Stellaris is a 4X just in real time. 4X also refers to the order in which you do things. You start off exploring, then you expand, then you exploit and then when you can't do any of those anymore you exterminate. Even if in your average Civ game the entire map isn't covered up that doesn't mean that there is still area left to expand to. That just means that all the useful land has been taken. No one in the mid or late game is gonna bother settling in the tundra in order to get 3 horses. That's just useless. The only reason this doesn't happen in Stellaris is that the game is made in such a way that no land is useless and your main way of getting resources is through expanding your territory. Whereas in Civ you're focused on building up your core cities and you settle to get strategic and luxury resources in Stellaris those resources are really just bonuses that while they're nice to have aren't necessary. Your real focus is on building up your mineral and energy income because those are what constrain you.
hedgehog3180 your point being...?
I think you don't give strategic and luxury resources enough credit. Grab enough of them and empires will start offering you energy credits and minerals for them. At first they'll give you pitiful amounts but then eventually they'll be offering 1k+ to 5k for such resources. All you need is 1 resource to gain its benefits and anything after that is pointless, so why not make extra money by trading them?
I agree. Stellaris is just a 4X grand strategy. They're not really mutually exclusive, otherwise, other games that are similar to Stellaris like MOO would be considered in a completely different genre than this just due to the strategy style (TBS/RTS). I will say that Stellaris is much more detailed (or tedious to some) in mechanics as you progress.
Man, I was thinking I was about the start the late game. But watching this, I’m probably about in the first half of the mid game.
An update refresh would go well, lots has changed, some of this might have too.
When a spiritualist gets the eater pact, they might aswell be called a fanatical purifier
I started my first game today in multiplayer. Two of us were able to find each other after an hour
My timeline
-Lock down chokes
-focus on filling out my territory
-research anomalies
-keep the neighbors happy
-hope I don’t get vassalized in the meantime
-build new colonies
-finally work on fleet power with my powerful tech at my disposal
-haven’t gotten far enough for crises yet as I’m a new player
So, that's what the old UI looked like. I only had one game with it and it switched to the modern one the next time I loaded it up. Economy crashed immediately because, no alloys or consumer goods.
My favorite challenge is the no sector challenge as it doesn’t cripple you like one plannet you end up with 5 planets 35 habitats a ring world and a sensor array as what I consider the end of mid game and start getting only repeating techs like +100% strike craft damage and attack speed
Fancy new graphics on the video, nice. It's funny, playing the game so much it's so easy to get those lines to blur; causing you to forget about the 'meta'.
There is honestly times I forgot to show people these video's when they are learning, because, why wouldn't you know about point defence?! or that Energy torpedo's are just fun to spam? Or hey you should colonise plants more? It's knowledge alot of us earned the hard way.
Still, it's cool for a simple reminder of how the games play out and that not everyone is intimate familiar with the mechanics of the game.
From my personal experience, the late game is A: Everyone else is overwhelming and I have no hope left B: I did something stupid because I did not know what some message was trying to tell me or C: I am wiped from existence
I recently just had the luckiest start
I spawned in and had over 5 system but had 2
Ocean planets in each system then include the home world equals 11 and on top of that it spawned a hella lot of engineering and physics and 25 years into the early game I had lvl 4 quantum missiles and lvl 2 shields and fusion reactors. I became an unstoppable juggernaut when I declared war on my first enemy 60 years into the game didn’t lose a single ship and got cruiser tech finished. Not to mention I started tall because I had all the research stations from earlier on and turned into an overpower force
I’m finally going to win my first game ever. This is on console as well
Thanks, Aspec! This should stop all the discussions that start with "No, this is late game!"
At least I have not been shallowed by other empries yet. I try to build up my fleet, cleaning up my sector, slowing making forward fleet and some home fleets.
The Great Khan has come, I still only have corvettes, so I guess I'm surrendering
I made it to endgame for the first time and I happened to get my fleet trapped between unfriendly borders as the eyeball endgame crisis happened and got wrecked immediately. I thought I was gonna declare my first victory but no. I played really well both milataristacly and diplomatically but I had no idea what was coming endgame. I was technologically behind EVERYONE somehow with half the galaxy under the dear leader so when they invaded I had no response. My fleet was trapped and even if I could get it home it was rendered useless immediately. Ibcould do nothing. I didn't even get ONE megastructure up. So now every time I load up the game and see that save file I have a little panic attack. Lol. I don't think there is any coming back from this but my heart wants to salvage that W badly. I was 4 planets from a conquest victory.
Several 100K fleets by late game? My empire’s super OP and I don’t even have 1 that strong!
I'm at endgame now with over 300k fleet power
So my current game right now is a arms race with the first empire I found as a authoritarian, materialist, militant human empire against and fanatically spiritual, xenophobic, and pacifist space crabs, so far it's been a year since we found each other and they closed their borders and not sure about military movements, but like in the video there is only one hyper lane to each other and I have fortified it with a starbase with maxed defense platforms, and a fleet of 20 in orbit of the station, and I'm slowly amassing a invasion fleet and ground forces for a quick and decisive victory over them, I need the slaves to build my colonies up
2520 i have 8 fleets with 300k. Colossus, I cannot however build juggernaut (i do not why) 7 main empires (im one of them) 3 vs 3, federation vs defensive pact. Nobody like me.... so i grinding research. But that federation has one empire that is equivalent in everything....
Gvardiecky this is severely outdated
Ah back when you could choose weapon and travel types at the start of stellaris. I knew it briefly before it was changed.
How did it change over the years...
Just found your channel, would you ever redo these videos to reflect the new updates?
@spaceweed10 well, for the PC guys maybe. Us console peasants are still waiting in 1.7.
Here’s something: I was playing modded Stellaris,with Gigastructural Engineering and cheats on,and not even 10 years in,a huge FANATIC PURIFIER empire spawned in. With the cheat civic. And it has a colony right next to me! And I didn’t have a Nicoll-Dyson beam yet. TLDR: Fanatic Purifiers ruin the galaxy.
Thank you for making this video!
i really didnt know how ro counter empire sprawl so i just kept conquering more and more empires to keep up with the penalties and then i realized by mid game my fleet comman were way ober the limit snd i had basically became a huge powerhouse.
How I play stellaris?
Start game
Expand territory/War
Bullies subjugated/rival
Bullies Fallen Empire
Destroy all A.I empire
Restart new map again.
One of my most interesting stellaris games:
-encounter aliens
-encounter more aliens
-attempt to encircle alien empire
-F O R C E F U L E X P A N S I O N
-eliminate empire
-meet rest of aliens while expanding
-border disputes
-“aggressive” persuasion
-alliances start being made
-start making vassals for war
-plunge the entire galaxy into a massive war
-win (barely)
- E X P A N D
-integrate major vassal
-oh shit now I have to deal with their struggling economy
-can’t do anything because rebel empire forms defensive pact with major nation
-ignore and go to war anyway
-get smashed from two fronts
If you've got your armies ready and a relatively powerful fleet, you can wage war effectively if you time your attacks right after your opponent expands, before he's able to build a spaceport to defend his planet. Sometimes this even nets you enough warscore to vassalize them or turn them into tributaries.
My games boil down to expanding to fast, having way to much minerals and fuck all credits, while spending 90% of my resources on an completely oversized fleet that does absolutely nothing. I will also end up insulting a fallen empire at some point.
Stellaris Timeline:
-Ringworld, Dyson-Sphere and a Matter-Decompressor and all the other Mega-Structures
-Corvettes (200k Fleet)
2k of everything per month
-fallen empire kill
-Juggernaut/ Colussus
-War (only Planetcracking)
never ended one Game still after 500 hours played
you know it kinda bothers me what we consider to be a "tall" empire in stellaris because inevitably at one point or another an effective "tall" empire will exert control over potentially a full quarter of galactic space before midgame either through federation affiliation or the more xenophobic chokepoint control (i'm not sure how many other people do this but i tend to rush for chokes when playing "tall" and close boarders with every possible race until i achieve galactic force projection in which case i tend to only take the territory i need to maintain starting fleet and begin gathering tributaries and vassals).
personally I've come to calling all my one planet games "super wide" because at the end of the day that's really a more apt term. Yes I'm still playing "tall" in the respect that i'm focusing more directly on rapid technological and tradition development and doing so with a woefully under powered fleet in the early game i am however transforming into essentially a "wide" empire as soon as the boost to fleet capacity allows me to compete with far more populous empires hence it makes me a super advanced wide empire or more simply "super wide".
This seems more suited for wide empires than tall empires as my experiences with tall empires sees significantly different scenarios than what you stated in your video. Though I don't play wide empires as I hate dealing with AEs , so I can't really say what scenarios a wide empire would see.
with all of the expansions and patches from when this game first came out, I have to upgrade my PC if I want to play this game again. Wish the game didnt require more high end computers to play now.
Can someone explain to me what it means when people refer to a "tall," "wide," or "flex" empire? Do they literally just mean the physical length of width, or is it something else?видео.html
Tall focuses on growing science and uses mostly vassals and tributaries during expansion and a high percentage of their borders will be due to frontier outposts. Wide prioritizes resource gathering and as such will expand by colonizing more planets and taking more planets in a war, using frontier outposts as well of course but not as high of a percentage of their territory. Flex most likely deals with expanding and throwing planets at or into vassals/tributaries or starting tall for a length of time and then switching to wide at a certain point.
It should be mentioned here for the sake of clarity, Population will add a negative modifier to your science income. In other words, having more Population will make your science research slower. So a "wide" empire with lots of planets and Population will have less research speed than a "tall" empire with only a few planets.
Can one of your beginner videos go over all of the various events (yes, spoilers) and potential ways to optimize the results from them? Things like the Worm seem like there are things you can do to maximize the advantage you can get from their effects.
+Ellesedil I have those? Check the mechanics playlist
Oh wow, I didn't see them there. Thanks!
started right next to fanatic purifiers, im fucked beyond beleif
WX 47 press F to pay respects
procrastinate until apocalypse
'I swear to devote my life and abilities to defend the United Nations of Earth..' lol
weeeeellll my empire is a rouge servitor soooooooooo....Bring the gift baskets!
I made a Rogue Servitor guide on Reddit where I min/maxed everything. Take a look :
I appreciate the effort put into this video, but the generic timeline graphic taking up most of the screen and the over-general explanations weren’t very helpful for me. And I think “4X phase” doesn’t make sense for the early game because, by your own admission, there should be little eXtermination until mid to late game?
Besides those, I enjoyed your video and your enjoyment of the game. Thank you
I always have the problem:
See if a fallen empire gets a awakend one and kicks ass
Or destroy them first
Thanks for making this.
Have you considered doing a post Federations (patch 2.6 and newer) version of this video?
is the best order for dlc? like what should a new player get first
+herbo utopia, Synthetic dawn, Levi's. Don't know how apocalypse is going to fit into things
thank you ASpec!
Kontingency was always just annoying. They expanded a bit. Then they got stuck to one planet per attacking fleet and bombed forever. I pushed the strenght slider for those events to the max. The fleets were ridiculous huge and no AI dared to go for them. I had to steam roll them with a 1M + fleet. Scourge and Unbidden are still better.
My first game:
-Expanding slowly
-having a lot of shortage inresource
-my fleet were weak as hell
- and couldn't produce influence
In a nutshell i had a bad time
I upgrade everything but never gotten the option for colonization and terra forming planets to gain and prosper fast enough.
My first game went so well up until I met a fallen empire and they absolutely destroyed everyone on the map, I had 4 fleets w around 20k power but nothing I did or what my allies did made any difference, still ended up second place so wasn’t a terrible game I just encountered something I wasn’t prepared for
Are these tech guides based on player’s position or galaxy at large? Because I tend to get really far ahead with my tech
Commonwealth of Man here, : ) I really love the cin's for this game especially the big awesome fleets; but watching all this I have to ask, as a ball park number how many hours of gameplay do you have to invest before your empire is ready to fight something? Seems to me the fighting part of the game does not start till late game from what your saying; but how many hours of play does that take to reach?
is there a limet to how large you can build your empire? i was listening to a dev broadcast and they where talking about a 90 planet limet and so forth i was wondering what the limets are of both sectors and total planets you put in your empire?
well untile you get the negative returns from your planets or a lower return value
I've seen screenshots of one-empire galaxies, so yeah
What is the easiest late game disaster for a less experienced player to deal with?
The power on your fleet...
We’re in the endgame now...
I finished my unity by 2290 abouts. havant bulit my first mega construction yet, but my fleet is like 90k power total. has got any tips
Is it possible to have a game where the end crisis just doesnt occur. Ive been playing a tall psi game and im 200+ yrs in my federation owns most of the galaxy only 4 empires left not in my fed only repeatable techs left and ai (which i dont want and there arent enough robots in the galaxy to give the contingency a chance anyway). so far no end game crisis i mean i could keep contacting the shroud and start the end of cycle but that not really what i wanted to do.
5k by early game... okay, what the hell am I doing wrong?
Everyone talking about how Fanatics and the Hive Mind are very good and then I'm here sitting with my Pacifists...
Using extra timeline graphics aspec? Snazzy
am I very militaristic I have nearly double thefirepower at mid game around 150k
nikola feschiev that's cool! How you manage to create that ?
I'm still in what would be considered the mid-game with a fleet power of around 26k, but the backbone of my fleet is made up of battleships with cruisers as support against large swarms of small ships. Is that weird?
I always get supremacy tradition first. Even if I am pacifist. In my opinion much better than expansion tradition for early game.
I finally made it to end game crisis after 12 empires lol. Conquered a fallen empire and on the other half of the galaxy just yonget in range of the scrounge because the awakened empire locked me out lol
I like to play on ring galaxys and wouldn’t you know the other side of not far where I spawn is a fallen empire that controls Ike 3-4 planets and it’s early game still, and like half my colonizable systems have these crystal assholes with like up to 10k fleet power when I have barely 2.8k
I have always got issues with energys because mining and research stations torwards early to mid game and it makes my fleet power fall behind. Someone help me and pls tell me why Im losing so much energy without a very good fleet.