In my working class environment, 90% of the people I'm in contact with are all in on fascism, whether they know what it is or not. Months before the election, I confronted people about Donald Trump's near perfect fascist rhetoric. Some of these people were college educated; some with a Master's Degree. Not a single person I spoke with could give a definition of fascism, other than to repeat right-wing media talking points, the most prevalent being that "Democrats are fascists, socialists, and communists", but still couldn't define the differences in the ideologies. Everyone I know in our 3 block neighborhood, neighbors and friends, voted for DT. I don't see a way out at this point. Sadly, we have arrived here because of 40+ years of right-wing media propaganda and a Democratic Party who decided in the 1980s to join the Republicans in neoconservativism and neoliberalism rather than to resist.
Isn’t fascism usually when a singular race, religion, and social class imposes its own will upon a majority who are not of that description? There’s use of a common enemy as a scapegoat while siding with other well known dictators and oppose alliances with those that try to establish diplomatic peace ties. An insulated economy and nation isolates others from globalizing peace treaties or balanced trade practices. They take away freedoms such as speech, the press, and expression in addition to peaceful assembly and petition to redressing grievances. Sometimes, fascists will utilize police and military against its own citizens if media oriented propaganda fails to religiously convert those not in power. They try to hold onto that power through a party of loyalists in the branches of legislature and judiciary courts to propose and enforce laws using executive authority. That is, they remove bureaucratic safeguards to remove regulation and remove reform of social programs and services.
@@christopherkuhl1537exactly. you said social class. this is essentially fascism w the billionaires ruling and the working class submitting to the rule.
I just stumbled upon this video, this is an excellent breakdown of the threat we are currently facing. We can’t underestimate fascism and its influence.
The problem is he’s out of touch and mostly fighting a straw man. The real threats of fascism come from intellectuals who are not Q believers or anti-science. If only it were that easy. The danger of his message, however well intentioned, is it leaves people totally unprepared to engage with the actual threat. Worse, the idea that we use BLM and lgbt activism is dangerously wrong. It’s precisely those movements that are causing a reaction: aka the right of the reactionary right. Alienating white men who disproportionately hold power is a guaranteed way to lose.
Okay, watching this in november 2023. The world is worse than before, I think it's one of the worst times humanity has ever gone through. Did you ever imagine there could be something worse than Second World War II? Watching it unfold on our phones while no onw does anything.
WWII was much worse than anything happening now. This is not one of the worst times humanity has gone through. Just the fact that China has raised hundreds of millions of people out of extreme poverty far overshadows the troubles we have today. There is no war between the great powers. Nothing in our time is remotely comparable to the Holocaust or the millions of people killed in WWII. There are no dictators as aggressive and murderous as Hitler, and none as murderous as Stalin.
For the US, we need to look at our economy in 1967, when the minimum wage was highest after adjustment for inflation, and the salary gap between workers and leaders was the smallest. Also, getting voters to see that corporations are buying the government candidates they want, both Democrats and Republicans, and lying about politicians not for sale like Sanders and AOC that they label extreme tax and spend liberals. Also, look at the policies over 50 percent of voters support such as negotiating lower prescription drug prices, that Democrats cannot pass even with their majority in the House, Senate, and with a Democrat as President.
Joe “nothing will fundamentally change” Biden never had any intention to pass anything. Manchin is his convenient excuse to serve corporate donors. The poison is the corporate media who have a stranglehold on older voters.
Democrats don't have a majority in the Senate. Manchin and Sinema are DINOs! Look back to all the things that were about to be passed and these facist degenerates BLOCKED them. We need to get at least 50 REAL democrats in order to start making change. Even then, we will still be at war with corporate shills like Pelosi The Putrid.
2024….we are here once again. We need to stop it. Teach more history in schools…. Include comparisons to today’s world. Fight hard against banning books. Teach people to recognize propaganda….especially social media. Support a free press. Seek the truth. No one person has a solution to complex issues. Don’t fall for that line. Vote BLUE American!
Isn't social media censorship banning books? Which side is against the Jews? Which side works with big corporations? Trump took no money from corporations or big business yet the Dems took millions from big banks, big tech, big pharma Think man think
While our voting base DID flip on us, I'm starting to think the election was rigged. Which I *hate,* because now I sound like them. But things lined up too well
they didn't combine. elements of the far left held the center left hostage and withheld their vote. if they had combined, as he is saying here, they would have unified to win
Neoliberalism crushed the left in many countries, as was intended. And the centre left moved to the right as the right moved far right...the Overton window shifted
@@joyvinci7338 : Nope. Fascists established a totalitarian government. They were against individualism and to them, liberal democracy was harmful because it was focused on the individual which led to selfishness. Now, what SCOTUS did was they took the issue of abortion from government's hands and gave it to the states i.e. to the people to vote for. Therefore effectively going against the ideology of fascism. Of course people may not like about the fact that in some red states it will be harder or impossible to do abortions but if majority of the people in those states agree, well, such is democracy.
Also this man's solution to "regulate" social media is turning them into newspaper-like entities, owned / controlled by who if I dare ask? Who are the possible candidates, strongly interested in keeping strict control on what the population thinks to prevent any harm to their tribe while simultaneously spreading left-wing propaganda to increase their own power?
NGOs like the ADL already have quite a bit of say in what is allowable opinion and what goes against ToS on social media. The ADL were known as the "Brotherhood of the Cut" so I shall allow you to extrapolate from that what you will.
These were not ordinary good ppl convinced to do bad things. It was average ppl that always had at least a small bit of racism and sexism in them. It had been closeted because of actually good ppl around them. Once permission was granted and they find like minds, their bigotry flourishes
"tuttu nello stato" was the slogan/definition of fascism by its founders, the socialists Mussolini & gentile. "Everything within the state; nothing outside the state". The social welfare - regulatory states of Europe are Mussolini's definition of fascism. Mussolini said said that he recognized US President Franklin Roosevelt as a fellow fascist
"tuttu nello stato" was the slogan/definition of fascism by its founders, the socialists Mussolini & Gentile . "Everything within the state; nothing outside the state". The social welfare - regulatory states of Europe are Mussolini's definition of fascism. Mussolini said said that he recognized US President Franklin Roosevelt as a fellow fascist
Hes right. But unfortunately, in the US, we are likely too late. But better late than never. How do we start? Its very real and becoming entrenched in leadership now. Anyone in Texas, Austin specifically?
"tuttu nello stato" was the slogan/definition of fascism by its founders, the socialists Mussolini & gentile. "Everything within the state; nothing outside the state". The social welfare - regulatory states of Europe are Mussolini's definition of fascism. Mussolini said said that he recognized US President Franklin Roosevelt as a fellow fascist
The Left has not always said "life is complicated" But maybe to say that is that there has been fascism of the left and one is dealing with a distinction without a difference. But remembering history does mean remembering all of history, that is history without ideological filter. Progress is not to be reduced to ideology.
To those reading this in early 2025 and later, this is more important than ever. #NieWiederIstJetzt Never again is right now. Wherever you are, fight the fascists. Fight the Empire.
The Lennin's and Stalin's revolution was quite like that. They took asvantage of the political situation caused by the Russian workers revolution to instablish a regime of terror
They did not start out with a project of establishing a regime of terror. They seized power in a relatively bloodless coup, and then ran into violent opposition not only from within Russia, but from the British, the Americans and others who even sent troops to Russia to stop Communism. The choice the Bolsheviks had to make was: do we step aside because the people we have been fighting all these years don't want us to hold power and liberate the working class and the peasants? Or do we do what is necessary to hold on to power, including the use of massive violence? Do we surrender to the Whites and let them bring back the Tsar? Or do we defeat them and build socialism? Do we use violence only up to a point, and then hand over power to our enemies, or do we use all the violence that we believe is necessary to defeat our enemies? The Bolsheviks chose to do their best to hold on to power, believing that they could liberate the people and build a socialist Russia if they won. They did win. But their decision to use violence, even extreme violence, had a terrible effect on them and on Russia, and turned them into tyrants who were obsessed with the possibility that their enemies would try again to overthrow them and make it impossible to bring socialism to the Russian people. None of this excuses the atrocities the Bolsheviks committed, nor does it mean they were nice guys caught between a rock and hard place. They could have done things differently. But if they did, would they have won?
There was a great Marxist named Lenin Who did two or three million men in. That’s a lot to have done in But where he did one in That grand Marxist Stalin did ten in. - Robert Conquest 'You can't make an omelette without killing 40 000 people.' - Alexei Sayle, reflecting on his parents' communism
I’m definitely buying this book and telling everyone I know about this. I’ve been breaking my brain trying to understand what Trump supporters are “thinking “ if that’s the word, and here is the understanding we need.
We could also say anomie also causes it. We see that people lose sense of direction (especially males) because society is changing too quickly for them to cope/adapt. We see that in the US today and just prior to Nazi rise pre-WWII.
I'm not sure what you mean by this. I feel like a lot of democrats and progressives (with some exceptions) already recognize a lot of what this video expresses. Right?
Some people still don’t get it. The left and the centre are the solution - the populist right is the threat. Anyone who thinks that people like trump or Boris are the answer have been brainwashed. Not those opposing them!
"tuttu nello stato" was the slogan/definition of fascism by its founders, the socialists Mussolini & gentile. "Everything within the state; nothing outside the state". The social welfare - regulatory states of Europe are Mussolini's definition of fascism. Mussolini said said that he recognized US President Franklin Roosevelt as a fellow fascist
Mason is an authoritarian who uses fears of fascism to enact his authoritarianism. He poses as a socialist, but in reality he's a treacherous liar who stabs friends in the back. He's a fake.
"tuttu nello stato" was the slogan/definition of fascism by its founders, the socialists Mussolini & gentile. "Everything within the state; nothing outside the state". The social welfare - regulatory states of Europe are Mussolini's definition of fascism. Mussolini said said that he recognized US President Franklin Roosevelt as a fellow fascist
Rather than take Mussolini at his word, it's a good idea to find out what his regime actually did, and find out whether it was anything like his many, many emissions of bullshit.
Where are you going to find these "angels" to run this guy's society? He's the thought police. He would be banning the color of your tie before you know it. The best defense against hateful or bad speech is more speech, not less.
Hitler was a lifelong socialist. Who works with big tech, MSM and the intelligence agencies? Repub or Dem? Mason is a fascist yet probably doesn't even know. Look how the left hates Israel and the Jews. They have no self awareness
"tuttu nello stato" was the slogan/definition of fascism by its founders, the socialists Mussolini & gentile. "Everything within the state; nothing outside the state". The social welfare - regulatory states of Europe are Mussolini's definition of fascism. Mussolini said said that he recognized US President Franklin Roosevelt as a fellow fascist
Fascism only serves itself not the nation or the people, it is a system of state and leader supremacy, think like a religious version of socialism, if socialism means the government control of the means of production then fascism means, that the rule of the state is the law or what the government says is the law, Keep in mind that at the end of the day capitalism, fascism, socialism, communism, are all just words by which a autocratic system is build on and in democracy were oligarchy rises one can unite them in their pursuit f power and dominacy,
Hmm ~ This generous ration of lickspittle is an insult to those of us that were around during WW2. How about we talk about the US SPACE FORCE and The Joker from Gotham City that initiated it.
oh im assuming yoyu mean because you've been herded into latching onto a series of uncontextualised illusions that make you instal blind belief into corrupt controller imposers that associate themselves with completely oposite and inappplicable metrics to what you percieved and in your lack of conscious experience / in lostness was herded into this broad blind belief vague format of thinking as only way as you know exists and you get termonology and definition mixed up ith what is completely opposite and without ever actually disecting actual metrics and thinking not that forward is back and back is forward and thinking that corrupt men that have been handed and who hand eachother everything through unmonitored regressive abuses to sustain there fragility and set us on a regressive self destructive and that your born ploped into and set to be immediately herded into this thin line of acceptable personality and expected developed not even beleifs but outlooks how distanced mislead and give you a series of uncontextualised illusions to get your latched onto and give you a mind frame make your opperative thought processes basis on blind belief fear out of your own incompetance and opperating by fear from your hindered unoncsicous incompetance
This is such a simplistic content to address fascism, it only explores fascism in context of far right, in traditional way, which is based on a old text book, currently we are experiencing fascism from all sides , not only from top to bottom, but also bottom to top, it is ignorant to overlook how individuals independent from political parties or ideologies have began to form their own fascist ideologies and indoctrinating masses globally with through internet. Currently we are witnessing something way more hybrid and complex than the traditional fascism which was usually associated with far right, it comes from all parts of political spectrum.
"tuttu nello stato" was the slogan/definition of fascism by its founders, the socialists Mussolini & gentile. "Everything within the state; nothing outside the state". The social welfare - regulatory states of Europe are Mussolini's definition of fascism. Mussolini said said that he recognized US President Franklin Roosevelt as a fellow fascist
Great video with well made points. As you said, discussions need to be had about particulars, but Fascism needs to be stopped at every pathway. I'm proud to be completely against any fascist movements and views. I'm inspired to see that so many others are as well
He actually credits them as being the 1st form of modern Facism. Its not freedom and it is evil. It leads to mass murders , violence deemed acceptable for the state. It reminds me of " america first" and they call themselves "Patritots" as they incite sedition to overthrow democracy. No more public hate rallies and uniformed parades. And proud antifacism is required.
Paul you are the person who first introduced me to the concept of Neoliberalism, which started me off on a journey to become a socialist and later an anti-fascist. Thanks for that. However, I think you are mistaken to suggest that the UK left does not have a tangible, concrete alternative. I think you know this. Liberals put up barriers at every opportunity to prevent a Corbyn government. They're literally one of the greatest obstacles to progress.
"tuttu nello stato" was the slogan/definition of fascism by its founders, the socialists Mussolini & gentile. "Everything within the state; nothing outside the state". The social welfare - regulatory states of Europe are Mussolini's definition of fascism. Mussolini said said that he recognized US President Franklin Roosevelt as a fellow fascist
He just sound left and communist, My first thought is WHY IS IT HAPPENING? What starts it? who? when? why so many contrys are going in the same directions? And by your rethoric you only say that your way is best, and all should be equal etc, but in real life those who rule in a left government are still the richest and get most benifits.. so this is kind of crap. It should be approched from another angel first..
Remarkable. A person from the group that has power far beyond their numbers, that disdains the working class talking about Fascism. I support your speech and freedom you don't mine. And I'm the Facist
I need to follow our Constitution and a fundamental freedoms that it backs up. We are promised a representative Republican form of government there's no Democrat in that.
The time for defining fascism and arguing over whether what we face is fascism is long past. Mason is talking about what we do to stop fascism, not spending a lot of time on defining it.
@@LeeZaslofsky : You cannot stop something you do not understand though. If people cannot define Fascism, they cannot stop is since they cannot even recognize it in the first place.
Does the banning of uniforms include antifa and their black clothing? or are they exempt because they share the same point of view as Paul Mason? - the far right are awful, but so are the far left, marxism and socialism depends upon coercion, which invariably ends in force and then communism.
@@CaesarsLegion1 "tuttu nello stato" was the slogan/definition of fascism by its founders, the socialists Mussolini & gentile. "Everything within the state; nothing outside the state". The social welfare - regulatory states of Europe are Mussolini's definition of fascism. Mussolini said said that he recognized US President Franklin Roosevelt as a fellow fascist
I don't understand why Fascism is described as "Far Right"? That's simply untrue. Who is the philosopher of fascism? That would be Giovanni Gentile. Born in 1875, he was one of the world’s most influential philosophers in the first half of the twentieth century. Gentile believed that there were two “diametrically opposed” types of democracy. One is liberal democracy, such as that of the United States, which Gentile dismisses as individualistic-too centered on liberty and personal rights-and therefore selfish. The other, the one Gentile recommends, is “true democracy,” in which individuals willingly subordinate themselves to the state. Like his philosophical mentor, Karl Marx, Gentile wanted to create a community that resembles the family, a community where we are “all in this together.” It’s easy to see the attraction of this idea. Indeed, it remains a common rhetorical theme of the left. Now, remember, Gentile was a man of the left. He was a committed socialist. For Gentile, fascism is a form of socialism-indeed, its most workable form. While the socialism of Marx mobilizes people on the basis of class, fascism mobilizes people by appealing to their national identity as well as their class. Fascists are socialists with a national identity. German Fascists in the 1930s were called Nazis- basically a contraction of the term “national socialist.” For Gentile, all private action should be oriented to serve society; there is no distinction between the private interest and the public interest. Correctly understood, the two are identical. And who is the administrative arm of the society? It’s none other than the state. Consequently, to submit to society is to submit to the state-not just in economic matters, but in all matters. Since everything is political, the state gets to tell everyone how to think and what to do. It was another Italian, Benito Mussolini, the fascist dictator of Italy from 1922 to 1943, who turned Gentile’s words into action. In his Dottrina del Fascismo, one of the doctrinal statements of early fascism, Mussolini wrote, “All is in the state and nothing human exists or has value outside the state.” He was merely paraphrasing Gentile. The Italian philosopher is now lost in obscurity, but his philosophy could not be more relevant because it closely parallels that of the modern left. Gentile’s work speaks directly to progressives who champion the centralized state. Here in America, the left has vastly expanded state control over the private sector, from healthcare to banking; from education to energy. This state-directed capitalism is precisely what German and Italian fascists implemented in the 1930s.
Probably because fascists are largely opposed to liberalism, socialism, Marxism, feminism (they believe in traditional gender roles), nontraditional sexuality, most forms of progressivism, and believe in hierarchy, might make right mentality, in group and out group mentality, and other right wing positions. Do you think it’s a coincidence that fascist groups like the KKK and Neo Nazis generally vote for republicans like trump? Also I haven’t met a leftist (being one myself) who believe that “all is in the state and nothing human exist or has value outside the state”.
There's no left in America. There are the liberals that are moderates or sit at the center and then you have the right, and then far right. There is no left. 🙄
Here after election results came out… anyone else?
Bruh I JUST broke through the most intense parts of my cptsd and started to feel like I might be okay again and now this sh!t. I am tired af
“We learn from history that we do not learn from history.”
Fascism is literally Hegel's philosophy of right put into action lol
In my working class environment, 90% of the people I'm in contact with are all in on fascism, whether they know what it is or not. Months before the election, I confronted people about Donald Trump's near perfect fascist rhetoric. Some of these people were college educated; some with a Master's Degree. Not a single person I spoke with could give a definition of fascism, other than to repeat right-wing media talking points, the most prevalent being that "Democrats are fascists, socialists, and communists", but still couldn't define the differences in the ideologies. Everyone I know in our 3 block neighborhood, neighbors and friends, voted for DT. I don't see a way out at this point. Sadly, we have arrived here because of 40+ years of right-wing media propaganda and a Democratic Party who decided in the 1980s to join the Republicans in neoconservativism and neoliberalism rather than to resist.
Isn’t fascism usually when a singular race, religion, and social class imposes its own will upon a majority who are not of that description?
There’s use of a common enemy as a scapegoat while siding with other well known dictators and oppose alliances with those that try to establish diplomatic peace ties.
An insulated economy and nation isolates others from globalizing peace treaties or balanced trade practices.
They take away freedoms such as speech, the press, and expression in addition to peaceful assembly and petition to redressing grievances.
Sometimes, fascists will utilize police and military against its own citizens if media oriented propaganda fails to religiously convert those not in power.
They try to hold onto that power through a party of loyalists in the branches of legislature and judiciary courts to propose and enforce laws using executive authority.
That is, they remove bureaucratic safeguards to remove regulation and remove reform of social programs and services.
@@christopherkuhl1537exactly. you said social class. this is essentially fascism w the billionaires ruling and the working class submitting to the rule.
I just stumbled upon this video, this is an excellent breakdown of the threat we are currently facing. We can’t underestimate fascism and its influence.
How much do you weigh Tony
@@CaesarsLegion1 About 165, I’m 6’3”. why
@@tonybelfast1389 Believing this guy I had assumed you'd be some fat nerd or someone with pink hair.
So true, we can’t have another 6 million deaths. That’s a lot of memorials to build.
The problem is he’s out of touch and mostly fighting a straw man. The real threats of fascism come from intellectuals who are not Q believers or anti-science. If only it were that easy.
The danger of his message, however well intentioned, is it leaves people totally unprepared to engage with the actual threat. Worse, the idea that we use BLM and lgbt activism is dangerously wrong. It’s precisely those movements that are causing a reaction: aka the right of the reactionary right. Alienating white men who disproportionately hold power is a guaranteed way to lose.
Okay, watching this in november 2023. The world is worse than before, I think it's one of the worst times humanity has ever gone through. Did you ever imagine there could be something worse than Second World War II? Watching it unfold on our phones while no onw does anything.
WWII was much worse than anything happening now. This is not one of the worst times humanity has gone through. Just the fact that China has raised hundreds of millions of people out of extreme poverty far overshadows the troubles we have today. There is no war between the great powers. Nothing in our time is remotely comparable to the Holocaust or the millions of people killed in WWII. There are no dictators as aggressive and murderous as Hitler, and none as murderous as Stalin.
Thank you so much for this. After Trump won the election I got anxieties I never had before. Because of your video my hope is slowly returning
For the US, we need to look at our economy in 1967, when the minimum wage was highest after adjustment for inflation, and the salary gap between workers and leaders was the smallest. Also, getting voters to see that corporations are buying the government candidates they want, both Democrats and Republicans, and lying about politicians not for sale like Sanders and AOC that they label extreme tax and spend liberals. Also, look at the policies over 50 percent of voters support such as negotiating lower prescription drug prices, that Democrats cannot pass even with their majority in the House, Senate, and with a Democrat as President.
Joe “nothing will fundamentally change” Biden never had any intention to pass anything. Manchin is his convenient excuse to serve corporate donors. The poison is the corporate media who have a stranglehold on older voters.
Democrats don't have a majority in the Senate. Manchin and Sinema are DINOs! Look back to all the things that were about to be passed and these facist degenerates BLOCKED them. We need to get at least 50 REAL democrats in order to start making change. Even then, we will still be at war with corporate shills like Pelosi The Putrid.
Trump took no money from corporations or even big business. All small donations.
You might not like hearing this people but the truth is the truth
Capitalism only works when the system is closed. If cheap labour is imported the workers will have constant competition keeping wages low.
2024….we are here once again. We need to stop it.
Teach more history in schools…. Include comparisons to today’s world.
Fight hard against banning books.
Teach people to recognize propaganda….especially social media.
Support a free press. Seek the truth.
No one person has a solution to complex issues. Don’t fall for that line.
Vote BLUE American!
Isn't social media censorship banning books?
Which side is against the Jews?
Which side works with big corporations?
Trump took no money from corporations or big business yet the Dems took millions from big banks, big tech, big pharma
Think man think
Think woman think
Every single person in the USA 🇺🇸 NEEDS TO SEE AND REALLY LISTEN TO THIS ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
LOL nope, the guys a clown.
Unfortunately they didn’t! Now they’ll have to deal with the consequences of a deranged moron being their president! Scary!
So how does a “Popular Front” against fascism begin?
Brilliant analysis
And here we are again. The center and the left combined and it did nothing.
While our voting base DID flip on us, I'm starting to think the election was rigged. Which I *hate,* because now I sound like them. But things lined up too well
they didn't combine. elements of the far left held the center left hostage and withheld their vote. if they had combined, as he is saying here, they would have unified to win
Neoliberalism crushed the left in many countries, as was intended. And the centre left moved to the right as the right moved far right...the Overton window shifted
Obsessed with the fact this was posted by Penguin Books 💖 So relevant now, thank you!!
O man this was published a year ago. This needs more views. Excellent.
@@amberpowell7822 yes brainwash the kids with this poison quick !🤣🤣🤣
Actually it was more than 11 million people in the genocide
what "genocide"???
@@3DSgeek the holocaust
You don't have to be this, you can change your life
Anyone else brought here after SCOTUS decision?
@Joy Vinci : SCOTUS decision was anti-fascist.
@@Historia.Magistra.Vitae. you're confused.
@@joyvinci7338 : Nope. Fascists established a totalitarian government. They were against individualism and to them, liberal democracy was harmful because it was focused on the individual which led to selfishness.
Now, what SCOTUS did was they took the issue of abortion from government's hands and gave it to the states i.e. to the people to vote for. Therefore effectively going against the ideology of fascism. Of course people may not like about the fact that in some red states it will be harder or impossible to do abortions but if majority of the people in those states agree, well, such is democracy.
@@Historia.Magistra.Vitae. But people as individuals don't get to actively vote. It's not a direct democracy. 🙄
Also this man's solution to "regulate" social media is turning them into newspaper-like entities, owned / controlled by who if I dare ask? Who are the possible candidates, strongly interested in keeping strict control on what the population thinks to prevent any harm to their tribe while simultaneously spreading left-wing propaganda to increase their own power?
NGOs like the ADL already have quite a bit of say in what is allowable opinion and what goes against ToS on social media. The ADL were known as the "Brotherhood of the Cut" so I shall allow you to extrapolate from that what you will.
Any comments about the current situation?
This misses that wages have stagnated and people cannot afford to live.
These were not ordinary good ppl convinced to do bad things. It was average ppl that always had at least a small bit of racism and sexism in them. It had been closeted because of actually good ppl around them. Once permission was granted and they find like minds, their bigotry flourishes
Thanks Paul. I'm checking my local library now.
Thanks for this, Paul Mason!
It is Corporate Fascism now ..and that is a far bigger problem?!
Fascism and corporatism go hand-in-hand.
"tuttu nello stato" was the slogan/definition of fascism by its founders, the socialists Mussolini & gentile. "Everything within the state; nothing outside the state". The social welfare - regulatory states of Europe are Mussolini's definition of fascism. Mussolini said said that he recognized US President Franklin Roosevelt as a fellow fascist
We've never heard about fascism, only communism. Great video.
"tuttu nello stato" was the slogan/definition of fascism by its founders, the socialists Mussolini & Gentile . "Everything within the state; nothing outside the state". The social welfare - regulatory states of Europe are Mussolini's definition of fascism. Mussolini said said that he recognized US President Franklin Roosevelt as a fellow fascist
@@johnl5316 wow!
@@johnl5316German socialist workers party(Nazi party) gives it away but when they can't think for themselves they quote North Korea
same thing basically. Mussolini was a life long socialist.
Hes right. But unfortunately, in the US, we are likely too late. But better late than never. How do we start? Its very real and becoming entrenched in leadership now.
Anyone in Texas, Austin specifically?
"tuttu nello stato" was the slogan/definition of fascism by its founders, the socialists Mussolini & gentile. "Everything within the state; nothing outside the state". The social welfare - regulatory states of Europe are Mussolini's definition of fascism. Mussolini said said that he recognized US President Franklin Roosevelt as a fellow fascist
Join your local socialist organization. You can probably find the PSL, CPUSA, FRSO, anything, near you. This is the best way to fight fascism.
How to start? Don't let crazy Trump win!
This is excellent & so important. So. Do you mind if I mirror this video on my channel please to spread awareness?
It sounds more like you made this about your personal biases ?
Opinions, not "biases".
Thank you! Will get your book! politics and politicians.
Defund the banks who control the politicians.
France certainly learned for the center and left to unite
This one will definitely make an appearance at the Great Book Burning of 2025
How this book is complementary to your other book, Post Capitalism?
The Left has not always said "life is complicated" But maybe to say that is that there has been fascism of the left and one is dealing with a distinction without a difference. But remembering history does mean remembering all of history, that is history without ideological filter. Progress is not to be reduced to ideology.
To those reading this in early 2025 and later, this is more important than ever.
#NieWiederIstJetzt Never again is right now. Wherever you are, fight the fascists. Fight the Empire.
Why isn’t this everywhere?! This is soooo important
The Lennin's and Stalin's revolution was quite like that. They took asvantage of the political situation caused by the Russian workers revolution to instablish a regime of terror
They did not start out with a project of establishing a regime of terror. They seized power in a relatively bloodless coup, and then ran into violent opposition not only from within Russia, but from the British, the Americans and others who even sent troops to Russia to stop Communism.
The choice the Bolsheviks had to make was: do we step aside because the people we have been fighting all these years don't want us to hold power and liberate the working class and the peasants? Or do we do what is necessary to hold on to power, including the use of massive violence?
Do we surrender to the Whites and let them bring back the Tsar? Or do we defeat them and build socialism?
Do we use violence only up to a point, and then hand over power to our enemies, or do we use all the violence that we believe is necessary to defeat our enemies?
The Bolsheviks chose to do their best to hold on to power, believing that they could liberate the people and build a socialist Russia if they won.
They did win. But their decision to use violence, even extreme violence, had a terrible effect on them and on Russia, and turned them into tyrants who were obsessed with the possibility that their enemies would try again to overthrow them and make it impossible to bring socialism to the Russian people.
None of this excuses the atrocities the Bolsheviks committed, nor does it mean they were nice guys caught between a rock and hard place. They could have done things differently. But if they did, would they have won?
There was a great Marxist named Lenin
Who did two or three million men in.
That’s a lot to have done in
But where he did one in
That grand Marxist Stalin did ten in.
- Robert Conquest
'You can't make an omelette without killing 40 000 people.'
- Alexei Sayle, reflecting on his parents' communism
I’m definitely buying this book and telling everyone I know about this. I’ve been breaking my brain trying to understand what Trump supporters are “thinking “ if that’s the word, and here is the understanding we need.
Trump took no money from big businesses. All small donations
Paul Mason the British Intelligence Operative. MI5's words not mine
So sad but true, I used to like what Mason had to say and now feel totally duped, its a f***ed up world
Exactly. A true traitor of humanity. Justice is coming though.
@@AndyPeers haha i forgot all about this fed video. he's such a scummy guy
I prefer Max Blumenthal
What about a failing economy? Fascism arises where traditional elites fail to deliver the goods.
Fuck the economy....humans matter more than money.
Wrong! Corporate fascist asshats manipulate the economy to begin with
@@OneAdam12Adam Manipulate the economy, yes. But if it is in service to the state how is that bad?
We could also say anomie also causes it. We see that people lose sense of direction (especially males) because society is changing too quickly for them to cope/adapt. We see that in the US today and just prior to Nazi rise pre-WWII.
This guys now makes lists against the Leftist like Mr Galloway
The new thirties are here...😢
We need to share this video with the Democrats and Progressives.
I'm not sure what you mean by this.
I feel like a lot of democrats and progressives (with some exceptions) already recognize a lot of what this video expresses.
Facism is rising through the right wing conservative parties through ultra-nationalism and corporatism
While I agree the Democratic Party has enabled the fascists they aren’t themselves; that’s the modern Republican Party.
Some people still don’t get it. The left and the centre are the solution - the populist right is the threat. Anyone who thinks that people like trump or Boris are the answer have been brainwashed. Not those opposing them!
@@youytubey yeah in kiev ukraine 🤣
Paul Mason gives a clear and concise of the threat we face from fascism and more importantly, suggests solutions. Brilliant video.
"tuttu nello stato" was the slogan/definition of fascism by its founders, the socialists Mussolini & gentile. "Everything within the state; nothing outside the state". The social welfare - regulatory states of Europe are Mussolini's definition of fascism. Mussolini said said that he recognized US President Franklin Roosevelt as a fellow fascist
This guy is great. Knows his stuff, and the fascists are afraid of this information getting out
Lol. Yeah real secret stuff. The 6 million, they hated them for no reason, the cable street myth etc.
He’s just an old, crusty Marxist.
He is selling a solution for a problem that doesn't exist.
Mason is an authoritarian who uses fears of fascism to enact his authoritarianism. He poses as a socialist, but in reality he's a treacherous liar who stabs friends in the back. He's a fake.
@@user-pf5xq3lq8i Charlottesville
"Hi I'm Paul Mason. Information operative of the military state."
So glad this dude got exposed.
"tuttu nello stato" was the slogan/definition of fascism by its founders, the socialists Mussolini & gentile. "Everything within the state; nothing outside the state". The social welfare - regulatory states of Europe are Mussolini's definition of fascism. Mussolini said said that he recognized US President Franklin Roosevelt as a fellow fascist
Rather than take Mussolini at his word, it's a good idea to find out what his regime actually did, and find out whether it was anything like his many, many emissions of bullshit.
Where are you going to find these "angels" to run this guy's society? He's the thought police. He would be banning the color of your tie before you know it. The best defense against hateful or bad speech is more speech, not less.
Unite the centre and the left says the man who spends his life dividing the centre and the left.
His book is excellent! I am in the process of reading it.
This guys "Early life" on Wikipedia says why he feels so strongly about fascism.
Don't just infer it, say it out loud so we can see you.
@@happydude6713 Don't tell me what to do, boomer.
Hitler was a lifelong socialist. Who works with big tech, MSM and the intelligence agencies? Repub or Dem?
Mason is a fascist yet probably doesn't even know.
Look how the left hates Israel and the Jews. They have no self awareness
@@happydude6713he's a yid
@deathendings6313 why won't you say it out loud😂
I agree with Paul now how do we get from under our corporate military state control?
"tuttu nello stato" was the slogan/definition of fascism by its founders, the socialists Mussolini & gentile. "Everything within the state; nothing outside the state". The social welfare - regulatory states of Europe are Mussolini's definition of fascism. Mussolini said said that he recognized US President Franklin Roosevelt as a fellow fascist
2023 Israel needs this lesson
Where is your whippet and flat cap,you Andy Burnham clone.
Attacking the working class with fascism is what fascists do !
When I tried to like on this video it wouldn't let me ?!
Fascism only serves itself not the nation or the people, it is a system of state and leader supremacy, think like a religious version of socialism, if socialism means the government control of the means of production then fascism means, that the rule of the state is the law or what the government says is the law,
Keep in mind that at the end of the day capitalism, fascism, socialism, communism, are all just words by which a autocratic system is build on and in democracy were oligarchy rises one can unite them in their pursuit f power and dominacy,
Paul you know you're the second era, check your bank account if uncertain. Love the Grayzone by the way ppl.
It did happen here.
Hmm ~ This generous ration of lickspittle is an insult to those of us that were around during WW2. How about we talk about the US SPACE FORCE and The Joker from Gotham City that initiated it.
You sound unhinged
This didn’t quite age well considering how he completely got off the rails.
Oh the irony!
oh im assuming yoyu mean because you've been herded into latching onto a series of uncontextualised illusions that make you instal blind belief into corrupt controller imposers that associate themselves with completely oposite and inappplicable metrics to what you percieved and in your lack of conscious experience / in lostness was herded into this broad blind belief vague format of thinking as only way as you know exists and you get termonology and definition mixed up ith what is completely opposite and without ever actually disecting actual metrics and thinking not that forward is back and back is forward and thinking that corrupt men that have been handed and who hand eachother everything through unmonitored regressive abuses to sustain there fragility and set us on a regressive self destructive and that your born ploped into and set to be immediately herded into this thin line of acceptable personality and expected developed not even beleifs but outlooks how distanced mislead and give you a series of uncontextualised illusions to get your latched onto and give you a mind frame make your opperative thought processes basis on blind belief fear out of your own incompetance and opperating by fear from your hindered unoncsicous incompetance
Excellent....Thank you so very much
His analysis of points one and two are deeply flawed and inaccurate. Gave up listening at that point. The man is deluded.
Can you do a 5 Ways To Stop Paul Mason from drinking?
It makes sense, Trump has been avoiding accountability and will do anything to keep it that way.
Fascism: just another reason you can never have enuff dakka
Where are the comments. Not loading
What’s your background?
This is such a simplistic content to address fascism, it only explores fascism in context of far right, in traditional way, which is based on a old text book, currently we are experiencing fascism from all sides , not only from top to bottom, but also bottom to top, it is ignorant to overlook how individuals independent from political parties or ideologies have began to form their own fascist ideologies and indoctrinating masses globally with through internet. Currently we are witnessing something way more hybrid and complex than the traditional fascism which was usually associated with far right, it comes from all parts of political spectrum.
We should rather discuss ways to stop stooges like Paul Mason.
I still REALLY dislike fascism. Seriously!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Number 1 should be ‘don’t listen to Paul Mason’.
Takes one to know one, I guess. His brand of authoritarianism is just as deadly. Thanks Penguin.
@@hansolowe19 he has authoritarian tendancies.
A commie when no one's looking
@@isee7668 elaborate please.
aw poor baby libertarian, grow up
3:17 we do have a strong working class. It’s all the Tommy Robinson supporters you mislabel as fascist lol
No comments? Surely youtube isn’t censoring comments on this video about fighting fascism?
"tuttu nello stato" was the slogan/definition of fascism by its founders, the socialists Mussolini & gentile. "Everything within the state; nothing outside the state". The social welfare - regulatory states of Europe are Mussolini's definition of fascism. Mussolini said said that he recognized US President Franklin Roosevelt as a fellow fascist
Great video with well made points. As you said, discussions need to be had about particulars, but Fascism needs to be stopped at every pathway. I'm proud to be completely against any fascist movements and views. I'm inspired to see that so many others are as well
Theres more of us than there is trump
oh wow, look a comment. is this pleasing to you, almighty algorithm? so much interaction with this video I'm doing. ooooooo, ad revenue.
Dislike 👎🏼 The cat is out of the bag with the leaked emails.
Found the fascist
@@NarrowMullen good lord 🤦🏽♂️
I wonder if he includes the Soviet regime in his denouncement of 'facism'?
Fascism is Fascism - Geography is irrelevant. Maybe you should watch the video instead of "wondering"?
He actually credits them as being the 1st form of modern Facism. Its not freedom and it is evil. It leads to mass murders , violence deemed acceptable for the state. It reminds me of " america first" and they call themselves "Patritots" as they incite sedition to overthrow democracy. No more public hate rallies and uniformed parades. And proud antifacism is required.
How was Soviet facism? They were communist-striving
The soviets weren’t fascist, they were a dictatorship. You’ll need to think about how you define things before watering down language like this.
No, because that was Communism. Stop embarrassing yourself .
aaah the french .,.champagne...
is zionism ‘fascistic’ ? asking for a friend.
India, are you listening?
shut down the debate I'm a extremist paul mason 🤣 jog on mate
Step 1: stop funding Ukraine
Paul you are the person who first introduced me to the concept of Neoliberalism, which started me off on a journey to become a socialist and later an anti-fascist. Thanks for that. However, I think you are mistaken to suggest that the UK left does not have a tangible, concrete alternative. I think you know this. Liberals put up barriers at every opportunity to prevent a Corbyn government. They're literally one of the greatest obstacles to progress.
He knows well. He is part of the neo-fascist mafia. As always. He only serves to Israel, and Zionist global bankers.
"tuttu nello stato" was the slogan/definition of fascism by its founders, the socialists Mussolini & gentile. "Everything within the state; nothing outside the state". The social welfare - regulatory states of Europe are Mussolini's definition of fascism. Mussolini said said that he recognized US President Franklin Roosevelt as a fellow fascist
He just sound left and communist, My first thought is WHY IS IT HAPPENING? What starts it? who? when? why so many contrys are going in the same directions? And by your rethoric you only say that your way is best, and all should be equal etc, but in real life those who rule in a left government are still the richest and get most benifits.. so this is kind of crap. It should be approched from another angel first..
Remarkable. A person from the group that has power far beyond their numbers, that disdains the working class talking about Fascism. I support your speech and freedom you don't mine. And I'm the Facist
Good stuff, but shame you back Sir Starmer, a modern-day Chamberlain.
Interesting, didn't know that. So another Tony Blair-Goldman Sachs puppet basically.
@@user-pf5xq3lq8i Yes, he's a waist of carbon that could be used for a kind person instead.
Any video response?
I need to follow our Constitution and a fundamental freedoms that it backs up. We are promised a representative Republican form of government there's no Democrat in that.
Q was an Active Measures program. It worked exactly as intended.
That's why this intelligence agent is against it. He knows he's off to prison soon
I think this video should hsve started by explaining what fascism actually is. I fear people might think it is the same as far right.
The time for defining fascism and arguing over whether what we face is fascism is long past. Mason is talking about what we do to stop fascism, not spending a lot of time on defining it.
@@LeeZaslofsky : You cannot stop something you do not understand though. If people cannot define Fascism, they cannot stop is since they cannot even recognize it in the first place.
Thank you Paul, well said and very necessary. We are in dangerouus times.
You think we should all turn up on the Gaza border then Paul? Haha, this didn't age well did it?
Lots of Trumpanzees in the comments section
Does the banning of uniforms include antifa and their black clothing? or are they exempt because they share the same point of view as Paul Mason? - the far right are awful, but so are the far left, marxism and socialism depends upon coercion, which invariably ends in force and then communism.
Boohoo workers owning the means of production scary to you? More so than the current system with the elite owning you and your labour? Lol
@@youytubey We're on the same side nob, we are against the idea of corporate powers dominating the state's policy
@@CaesarsLegion1 "tuttu nello stato" was the slogan/definition of fascism by its founders, the socialists Mussolini & gentile. "Everything within the state; nothing outside the state". The social welfare - regulatory states of Europe are Mussolini's definition of fascism. Mussolini said said that he recognized US President Franklin Roosevelt as a fellow fascist
@@johnl5316 I don't disagree with this, I'm Fascist myself
@@CaesarsLegion1 most Europeans and US Democrats are
CIA talking points.
I don't understand why Fascism is described as "Far Right"? That's simply untrue.
Who is the philosopher of fascism? That would be Giovanni Gentile. Born in 1875, he was one of the world’s most influential philosophers in the first half of the twentieth century. Gentile believed that there were two “diametrically opposed” types of democracy. One is liberal democracy, such as that of the United States, which Gentile dismisses as individualistic-too centered on liberty and personal rights-and therefore selfish. The other, the one Gentile recommends, is “true democracy,” in which individuals willingly subordinate themselves to the state.
Like his philosophical mentor, Karl Marx, Gentile wanted to create a community that resembles the family, a community where we are “all in this together.” It’s easy to see the attraction of this idea. Indeed, it remains a common rhetorical theme of the left.
Now, remember, Gentile was a man of the left. He was a committed socialist. For Gentile, fascism is a form of socialism-indeed, its most workable form. While the socialism of Marx mobilizes people on the basis of class, fascism mobilizes people by appealing to their national identity as well as their class. Fascists are socialists with a national identity. German Fascists in the 1930s were called Nazis- basically a contraction of the term “national socialist.”
For Gentile, all private action should be oriented to serve society; there is no distinction between the private interest and the public interest. Correctly understood, the two are identical. And who is the administrative arm of the society? It’s none other than the state. Consequently, to submit to society is to submit to the state-not just in economic matters, but in all matters. Since everything is political, the state gets to tell everyone how to think and what to do.
It was another Italian, Benito Mussolini, the fascist dictator of Italy from 1922 to 1943, who turned Gentile’s words into action. In his Dottrina del Fascismo, one of the doctrinal statements of early fascism, Mussolini wrote, “All is in the state and nothing human exists or has value outside the state.” He was merely paraphrasing Gentile.
The Italian philosopher is now lost in obscurity, but his philosophy could not be more relevant because it closely parallels that of the modern left. Gentile’s work speaks directly to progressives who champion the centralized state. Here in America, the left has vastly expanded state control over the private sector, from healthcare to banking; from education to energy. This state-directed capitalism is precisely what German and Italian fascists implemented in the 1930s.
It's gaslighting - ascribing to the opposition what they themselves are doing. Just look at the recent revelations about this man.
Thank God someone understands. Thank you.видео.html
Probably because fascists are largely opposed to liberalism, socialism, Marxism, feminism (they believe in traditional gender roles), nontraditional sexuality, most forms of progressivism, and believe in hierarchy, might make right mentality, in group and out group mentality, and other right wing positions.
Do you think it’s a coincidence that fascist groups like the KKK and Neo Nazis generally vote for republicans like trump?
Also I haven’t met a leftist (being one myself) who believe that “all is in the state and nothing human exist or has value outside the state”.
There's no left in America. There are the liberals that are moderates or sit at the center and then you have the right, and then far right. There is no left. 🙄