"Western Ideals" Half of the things shown are or originated in Greece. Greeks are not "western". Greeks not mentioned in speech. Vikings who raided and pillaged villages mentioned instead. Right wing leaning douchbag: Yar am such a Viking, me so proud!
Yeah that always blows my mind. That somehow Europe has agreed on basically anything over its centuries of history. Out of any habitable region in human history Europe is probably the one with most conflict and turmoil, largely due to tumultuous geo-politics and cultures. There is no "The West (TM)" it's just a region that very recently has coalesced into something vaguely resembling a common culture after centuries of nearly continuous conflict, but even that ignores the thousands of major distinctions that still exist.
This is also trotted out when talking about Mexicans. But aren't Mexicans about as multicultural as we are? Wasn't Mexico absorbed by Spain? Spain is literally the westernmost mainland European country.
@Pep Tbh I wouldn't be so quick to make those conclusions. Natalie has almost a million subscribers and probably receives hundreds of emails a day, I'm sure she didn't ignore you because she didn't want to help you. Also, I think she did do debates in the past but it wouldn't surprise me if she has decided to permanently avoid them from now on. Debating isn't for everyone, things can get heated really quickly and some people don't like the stress and anxiety that comes with defending your points. If you're in serious need of leaving the alt-right, or you need some convincing, may I suggest some leftist debaters and/or RUclipsrs that I think do leftism and the deconstruction of alt-right talking points justice, such as: Innuendo Studios (he has a series called 'The Alt-Right Playbook'); Vaush; Peter Coffins; Philosophy Tube; Destiny (his videos from around 2 years ago are chock-full of debates against alt-righters, and Destiny more often than not does a decent amount of research before he debates those people). All in all, finding someone to talk you through whatever is going on in your head and your thoughts is tricky. But I think you'll find the most success in being open with people on the left about how you feel and telling them that you want to change your worldview for the better. I wish you the best of luck.
@Pep Pep Hi, I have been in a similar position to you. There are some other good channels that you may or may not already know which pick apart the arguments that lead people towards fascism including Shaun, and Innuendo Studio's 'Alt right playbook' which explains how people can be drawn to the alt right. For now, if you're still looking to try and get out of the alt right way of thinking, the first thing I did was unsubscribe from all political themed RUclips channels and I also stayed away from political discussion and news sites as much as I could for months. Since things are obviously so tense right now, you're likely to see things that will annoy you from BLM. I have found that to be the case with myself, even though I consider myself in support of their cause, and some of the things that I used to hear from alt right circles have started popping up in my mind as a result (which is why I actually came back to this video to try and help myself). So, if you're vulnerable then I really advise staying off social media and news sites altogether right now. Especially avoid Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Reddit if you use any of these. Take a break to clear your head because politics in general is a huge headache. Really, I wish you good luck leaving the alt right, and if you want to talk I'm happy to do so. *Definitely unsubscribe from David Duke, dear god man.
@Pep Not sure how far down the pipeline you are, but in addition to all these other mentions, Christian Picciolini was an ex Neo-Nazi leader and extremist who has some real powerful insight on what its like to go down the worst of paths. Not too sure if this is a just a throwaway comment or troll post or not, but I hope "wanted to leave the alt right" isnt really in past tense and you still want to change, because thats the biggest key; your investigative reasoning and willingness to learn and understand, and do it correctly. I can sit here and quote and provide resources all day but it wont matter unless you, yourself, truly want to understand. Ive never been in your shoes and I have NO idea how you came to the conclusions you may have come to concerning the alt right, but on a baseline level of thinking, if everyone lived by these words, the world would be a far better place and im sure any rational person would agree; "Do whatever it is you want to do, as long as you arent preventing anyone else from doing what they want to do" It really is that simple. If you were to go into specifics it would be easier to identify what to say to you, but I hope you find your way out. Its not easy when youre surrounded by that stuff your whole life, but the alt-right is truly virulent and toxic at its core and I really, really wish you the best in figuring that out for yourself.
[Edit] RESPONSE TO CRITICISM: The biggest (often intentional, I'm guessing) misunderstanding of this video is that I think saying "I'm not a fascist" means you are a fascist. No. Saying "I didn't kill him, your honor" doesn't mean you killed him. But it's not in itself definitive proof you didn't either. The point is this: fascists have good reasons to deny being fascists, so they often do. Thus, denial isn't proof of innocence (and neither is it proof of guilt, of course). This ought to be really obvious. But people so often say, "Richard Spencer says he's not a white supremacist." As if that proves it. The other major misunderstanding is that I think anyone who uses dog-whistles like "Western culture," Kekistan, etc., is a fascist. But of course I don't. The reason fascists use dog-whistles is to appear less like fascists, to blend in with non-fascists. If everyone who used the dog-whistles was a fascist, the strategy wouldn't work. This is so obvious and so clear in the video that I can only think people are being deliberately obtuse to misrepresent me. [End Edit] What I want people to take away from this video is an ability to perceive the general strategies fascists use, not just the particular symbology they happen to use at this particular moment. Pepe, milk, the OK sign, Kekistan: all of this is quickly being abandoned by savvy fascists. Normies have caught on. It's on the news. People recognize it as fascist. So it won't work anymore. They'll shift to something else, probably something even more subtle. The only way to keep up is to watch fascists closely or listen to people who do.
"They have the right to free speech, but they don't have the right to a megaphone". Just, perfect, I always felt like that but I wouldn't have found more fitting words to express it in a million years.
Contra,you or your fans don't know what Fascism is. Fascism is the idea of a one party dictatorship not Nazism or White Nationalism/Supremacy. Lauren Southern is not a Fascist for believing in the great replacement a neither is Brittany Pettibone or James Allsup. Are they Alt-Right? Maybe. Fascist? No. If they do not believe in a one party dictatorship like what's practiced in North Korea then they are not a Fascist. Please don't throw around the term "Fascist" just call them "Alt-Right" because if they embrace a Rebuplic/Democracy then they are just Alt-Right not Fascist. Donald Trump is NOT a Fascist. Someone explain to me how Donald Trump has embraced a one party dictatorship. And even if the meaning of Fasicst was equal to the meaning of Alt-Right Donald Trump would still not be a Fasicst. just because he call some countries hellholes (because they are) doesn't make Donald Trump Alt-Right. In no way has the president promoted White Supremacy,Neo-Nazism,Ethno-Nationalism,etc. He never claimed Neo-Nazis were "fine people" although he did say they're are good people on both sides he did not imply their ideology(s) we're good. Antifa is no better than anyone. The Alternative right never claimed to be for free speech,Richard Spencer has stated in the past that he is against free speech. The Alternative right and left are both against free speech and Neo-Nazis don't claim to be for freedom of speech. Although the Alternative right took down one of your videos (which I think is wrong that they took down your video) Antifa causes much more violince when it comes to deplatforming and censorship. Also you like to say people would fear for they're lives because of the Alternative right or White Nationalism,then how come you support Antifa? Right wingers get scared by Antifa because their lives are being threatened by far left Marxist Globalist ideology's. If you really cared about people's lives being threatened then you wouldn't support Marxist Commie Antifa. Also the Alternative right as almost little to no real political power unlike like Antifa (supporters) where we have AOC and her squad not even CONDEMNING Antifa when bombing an ICE facility.
@@angelbarajas9180 he tryed many times to block the other party in illegal ways , he tryed to put religious and spiritual people to go in government so that they try to make laws based on church views , i am activist for human rights i know what you dont
@Star Trek Theory __________________Every college, almost, has some "antifa" or lgbt organizations on campus somewhere. In case you've been living under a rock, those claiming to be "antifa" ARE the fascists. They are the new Blackshirts and Brownshirts. (google those) ...and they're partnering hand in hand with lgbt and trans-activists. Dig into it for just 20 minutes and you'll discover the truth. Start with googling Blackshirts and Brownshirts. Is this not what lgbt activists and so-called "antifa" are doing right now? >>> "...disrupting campus events, threatening and beating up dissenters, and enforcing a conformity of thought and practice in line with the regnant ideology. Notice the close similarity between this fascist bullying and the conduct of the American left today." Google that quote to see the truth...as well as the evidence supporting it.
"Look, I don't want to kill and oppress you, I just vote for people who make laws to do that while increasing the power of my own vote." -George Not-a-Fascist
Hey, I’m a conservative and this kind of rhetoric conveyed in this video and the comments I’ve seen below are incredibly problematic in my view, the leftist in this video is incredibly manipulative and charming, I’m not gonna lie he’s kind of funny and I laughed out loud a few times, that being said if you’d like to debate/discuss certain issues that’d be very much appreciated and I’m open to new ideas. (If you feel the need to call me a Nazi do it through discord) here’s my discord, feel free to add me and discuss certain things with me: Rusty Bucket#6831
@@ClubPenguinFan106 Conservatism is usually understood as conservation of social mores. That is the generally apparent aim of conservative policies and the sort of definition dictionaries give. Pragmatism in conservative ideology has no view toward the future of the species, as it can only look backward to more divided and geographically isolated times in which the idiosyncrasies of culture asserted themselves more stridently owing to the prevalence of those contingencies, and therefore, within conservatism as I see it, actions are evaluated according to their propensity to engender and perpetuate the concepts the in-group distinguishes itself by. I'm saying it's a cultural approach to reality: "Our culture is a great product of nature/god/social evolution, and the problems around us in this world are caused by straying from our true cultural roots like the Israelites at Sinai!", and so forth. Our culture of free markets, or whatever, and Greeks and stuff. Apple pie and hard work fighting the Indians. Tax cuts for everyone, especially the rich! It's a feedback loop emerging from that ancient tendency to see shapes and feel terror in the darkness because it helped us survive in the jungle. If you're going backwards, why stop at a generation or two? I understand that the apogee is always after the coming renaissance, again-again, but what is being reborn? Anywho, I apologize if I'm strawmanning, most American conservatives couldn't watch the RNC and honestly disagree with this representation of their views, but how do you defend a system opposed to adaptation in an ever changing world by appeals to the natural order of things? If you believe as I do, that the good things creatures experience in this world while being alive are primarily a result of resistance to the natural order, if a Platonic stability in a thing's defining characteristics is the essence of quality, what could be more stable than an altruistic society striving for a world where everyone's needs are met and work becomes its own reward in a real sense? They cannot advocate the stability of conflict, so they defer to the inevitable inertia of their system, conflating certainty with stability, and inevitability with necessity. Thanks for reading all the way to the end if you did. What's happening in America is deeply disturbing. What's happening is more and more of what's been happening.
Would you consider doing an updated version of this video? I feel like a lot has gone down in the last five years and we could all use a more modern refresher on fighting fascism!
@GermanicAurelianThere's nothing wrong with being white. It's just wrong to not tolerate coexisting with people of other races. The rest of the world does it (besides North Korea). Why is that hard to understand.
As a Writing/Communications major in college, one of the first classes I ever had to take was "Close Reading & Analysis" and honestly, it completely changed my life. I have no idea why stuff like that isn't mandatory in the public education system, it helps you understand the subtext and motivations behind basically everything you absorb as a human being. But I guess people meme on the whole "lack of critical thinking skills" aspect of education for a reason.
One of the things I love the most about my university is that there are 2 courses that are compulsory for everyone: Sociedad y Estado (Society and State, history basically, it explains several popular uprising that lead to things we have today and why they happened -like publoc healthcare, public universities, workers rights, etc-) and Pensamiento Cientifico (Scientific Thinking, that also included logic and discourses analysis). Despiste the fact that the right has taken funding and demonished it, they failed (mainly because the funding was reinstated and 1st world governments make donations towards it becausr we produce great scientists, psychologists, doctors, etc)
Chalk O'holic I agree entirely that the intent of the law must be recognized. You haven't however discussed the current perversion of the law, where hate speech is being protected under the pretense of freedom of expression. This utterly violates the protective intention of the law, which ought to be demonstrated.
@Chalk O'holic It doesn't provide the exact same threat, or else it would already be prohibited by further court rulings on the first amendment. This isn't the legal pretense on which progressives think hate speech shouldn't be protected. That legal pretense is that speech which is intended to provoke violence is not protected under the first amendment, as court rulings have decided. Speech that is intended to create stochastic hate violence in terrorism (which the alt-right does on a regular basis), or to radicalize people towards ideologies that demand the mass murder of millions, is advocating and provoking violence against non-white people and other targets of fascism. So through this lens fascism and fascist rhetoric is always speech advocating violence because fascism itself is always violent, both interpersonally and systemically.
That isn't the point of free speech at all. Free speech exists to ensure that the free exchange of ideas that underpins democracy stays healthy. If there's a huge social current that represses free speech that is equally destructive to democracy and its premise of free exchange of ideas as a repressive government is. Free speech is not about the government, it is about ensuring the functioning of democracy, which can't function without free speech. This also means that absolute free speech doesn't really make sense. It's useless to protect speech that isn't allowed in democracy to begin with, like spreading nazi ideology. Unfortunately America just doesn't understand what freedom of speech is and why it exists so I often see viewpoints like freedom of speech has to be absolute or freedom of speech is only for the government. Both wrong.
@@DDD033 Well Antifa's actions are tolerated and defended by many on the libertarian left, no one on the libertarian right is defending the driver only the alt-right which Antifa helped build.
@stilldanger 1337 i suggest you watch Shaun's video on the rally. There's footage of him standing in a line with other nazis holding plywood sheilds with nazi iconography on them. Its ok to not know things but dont assert ignorance as fact
The lies that these dogs use are thousands of years old. We won’t be rid of them any time soon. Best we can do is beat them down when they show their heads again. Last time, that took a world war.
It took Hitler almost 2 decades to get into power and another 12 years to finally be stopped. Bigotry and fascism are deep seated illnesses of the human psyche.
Contra,you or your fans don't know what Fascism is. Fascism is the idea of a one party dictatorship not Nazism or White Nationalism/Supremacy. Lauren Southern is not a Fascist for believing in the great replacement a neither is Brittany Pettibone or James Allsup. Are they Alt-Right? Maybe. Fascist? No. If they do not believe in a one party dictatorship like what's practiced in North Korea then they are not a Fascist. Please don't throw around the term "Fascist" just call them "Alt-Right" because if they embrace a Rebuplic/Democracy then they are just Alt-Right not Fascist. Donald Trump is NOT a Fascist. Someone explain to me how Donald Trump has embraced a one party dictatorship. And even if the meaning of Fasicst was equal to the meaning of Alt-Right Donald Trump would still not be a Fasicst. just because he call some countries hellholes (because they are) doesn't make Donald Trump Alt-Right. In no way has the president promoted White Supremacy,Neo-Nazism,Ethno-Nationalism,etc. He never claimed Neo-Nazis were "fine people" although he did say they're are good people on both sides he did not imply their ideology(s) we're good. Antifa is no better than anyone. The Alternative right never claimed to be for free speech,Richard Spencer has stated in the past that he is against free speech. The Alternative right and left are both against free speech and Neo-Nazis don't claim to be for freedom of speech. Although the Alternative right took down one of your videos (which I think is wrong that they took down your video) Antifa causes much more violince when it comes to deplatforming and censorship. Also you like to say people would fear for they're lives because of the Alternative right or White Nationalism,then how come you support Antifa? Right wingers get scared by Antifa because their lives are being threatened by far left Marxist Globalist ideology's. If you really cared about people's lives being threatened then you wouldn't support Marxist Commie Antifa. Also the Alternative right as almost little to no real political power unlike like Antifa (supporters) where we have AOC and her squad not even CONDEMNING Antifa when bombing an ICE facility.
Blinking ARMY-L I’ll agree with your one party definition of fascism, but the rest? It’s damn similar to the strategy mentioned in the video. You should watch it. Maybe you’re a confused normie like me or an AR newbie?
Ok sorry but after watching those like five seconds of the fascist switching out her hat for the MAGA hat....you need to direct a horror movie lmao Like just the unsettling lighting to begin with, the sudden shift from being light hearted and hammy w/ this character to explicitly serious and freaky, the lack of explanation, the slowness, the smile, the closeness of the face, the holding of that last image without cutting out, The MUSIC!! That was just.... :o
I love how Richard Spencer says "our ancestors had a strong sense of identity" when referring to his 19th century conception of whiteness, a social category that had absolutely no place in the ancient world and would've been ridiculed if even suggested. If you told a Roman that he was of the same race as Celt, he would've slapped you in the face and accused you of insulting him by comparing him to a "barbarian". Do these people forget that in ancient Europe, that time that they fetishize and fantasize about all of the time, the various "white" races were busy slaughtering and conquering one another? There was no such thing as the "white race" at that time.
The same thing happened with Irish and Italian people moving to America in the early 1900's. Today's alt right people just see them all as white but back then? They'd have gotten curb stomped for even insinuating that they were the same as the"Born and Bred Americans 'tm'"
@@donotgotthis exactly. These people don’t seem to understand how the term white began and has expanded since its adoption in the 16th century. Prior to then there was no concept of a white race to begin with and the bar for whiteness has fluctuated consistently throughout its history. Ironic for a group of people that like bring up the colonization and genocide of the Irish and other celts but only to downplay genocides done to contemporary non white groups.
You're hilariously ignorant. Race has _always_ existed. The Romans literally backstabbed a usurper (Aemilian) to the purple at least in part because he was from North Africa. As soon as he was challenged by a White man they defected en masse. Within a few months the foreign usurper was overthrown. Lmao! "I don't like race, therefore it doesn't exist" - All Leftists
@@antivaushistischeaktion4690 ok, I have a question for you, both as a latinist and an actual historian of ancient Roman. If the Romans understood the concept of race in the same way as modern people, what was the Latin word for “white” (in the context or race- I can tell you from experience with the Latin Corpus that “albus” was only used as a color term, not as a descriptor of skin color). Should be quite easy to find if your postulation is true. Good hunting, amice!
@@antivaushistischeaktion4690 No one was saying Rome wasn't very suspicious about foreigners. Rome did have its biases and looked down at people who weren't Roman, the thing is they didn't really care if you were a white non roman or a black non roman.
Trying to point out dog whistles to people who don't hear them is basically being William Shatner's character in the famous gremlin Twilight Zone episode (Nightmare At 20,000 Feet). You see something that poses immediate danger, but no one else sees it no matter how hard you try to show them. You're written off as insane and then, after a while, the people who didn't believe you end up seeing the damage you tried to prevent.
@@theblackdeath4398 as an Italian who has Italian friends who moved to the Us I nevere noticed racism against us but if you did I am open to a confrontation. :) (Pardon my poor English I am still in the process of learning the language)
@@theblackdeath4398 You are embarrassing yourself repeating this nonsense verbatim.You only see the world through an unoriginal lens of oppression and resentment. You have no idea how the real world works. Your version of reality is that warped.
@@m4rtina. molto probabilmente stanno parlando della migrazione alla fine del 19esimo e inizio del 20esimo secolo, ma anche se fosse quello non era razzismo, ma più pregiudizi e stereotipi; inoltre classismo, perché la maggiorparte erano poveri. Al giorno d'oggi se sei un italiano bianco in America non proverai nessuno pregiudizo o perlomeno poco e raro.
Katzun her definition of fascist makes it so no other race other than white can be a fascist there for her definition is flawed Anyone can be a fascist not just whitey
God satan well she starts off saying "contemporary fascists believe this..." and then defines the concept within a certain sect of fascism today. She’s talking about white supremacy fascism. Of course any race can be fascist, but this video is aimed at a certain sect of fascism
Why do all these people consider the west is solitary thing, one "white culture" Roman's and Vikings have different cultures same as Zulus and Ethiopeans have different cultures despite being both black Skin colours arent cultures Cultures are cultures
Another thing is one can't really say "Christian values" anymore and hope to attract centrists and liberals. And it gets more and more awkward for alt-rights when Christians actively disavow them.
Remember when Vikings and Christians fucking hated each other? How they enslaved each other, saw the other as inferior etc etc etc... the idea of "europe" is a very very recent thing Europe has been a very very VEEERY diverse place with unique history
The entire part about "leftists will recognize the dogwhistles, but normies won't listen" is unfortunately true as fuck. Liberals and non-political people will always respond with "is it really bad though, thats censoring them"
Leftist are the last ones who recognize the dog whistles and are in fact the ones saying we should find common ground with proud boys and accusing liberals like me of having Trump derangement syndrome because they are only tweets.
@@BravoRox Leftist were to busy arguing with conservative and moderate Dems to see the rise of the right because they dismissed it as virtue signaling/identity politics/wokeism. And even now some of these folks are trying to work with fascist/supremacists because...I dunno a fascist might want $15 min or something.
@@BravoRox Yeah, it's a multi-dimensional problem that works against and for different people in different ways. So someone who is a conservative man can do something really good and really bad just like a liberal person can do the same. In this case, it specifically referred to how these events happened to this person.
@@DkKombo I'm lost, who's trying to find common ground with republicans? I never met one that wanted too? Aren't those people called moderates. So are they like wolves in sheep clothing
Girl, you just described some of my right side toxic exes with the whole “it’s just a joke that normies won’t understand” and the shifting blame. I honestly just feel heard and someone were able to word out the experience I wasn’t able to comprehend
Huge shout-out to everyone in the comments who held alt-right believes and was drawn in by their rhetoric, but started questioning and joined the rest of society. Admitting you were wrong is among the hardest thing for anyone.
Yeah, I was actually raised with alt-right beliefs, but thank god friends, family, and college teachers talked some sense into me. Used to be your typical pro-life, anti-gay, immigration hating white kid; and it's obviously easier to admit online, but at least it's the case.
@@BillCarrIpswich I actually don't watch Sarkeesian, and I don't bother with sexual relationships period (I don't even care about sexuality, really). But your rational reaction has shown me the error of my ways, why don't I insult random people without making a point like you?
These days, it seems like they're more and more ready to drop the act. Be very afraid of overt fascism when it's seen as anything other than a horrifying extreme. Be especially afraid of openly fascist politicians gaining substantial votes. Remember that fascism is a known failure mode of specifically democracies, and that they historically haven't needed a majority to push through a vote ending the democracy that spawned them.
Sal Wolffs How would you describe them without using the word fascist, which has become a dog whistle for regular conservatives signalling that you’re just a “communist trying to destroy the country”?
People are made to respond in that way though if they give a view on immigration such as " you can't just let them all in they drive down the wages and cripple the economy" people just respond with " racist" or "right winger" then you end up saying something along the lines of "I'm not racist, but not all immigrants are non white". It's even hard to be lefty nowadays without being accused of thought crime.
Does anybody else notice the irony of the alt right hating multi-culturalism when a lot of them praise Christianity, a religion which was developed by a man of Jewish ancestory in Palestine? Even their own worldview can't escape the fact that cultures one in way or another mix and interact with each other.
so this is something that you've probably never thought of, white people are not a singular group, there are actually a variety of white ethnic groups with different heritage and culture. use that instead of the whole christian thing.
"They were conducted by people who were not largely Palestinian or 'Jewish', many of whom were Greek." I'm perplexed as to why you put "Jewish" in quotes, but ignoring that for the moment: Christianity did a bit more than "start as a Jewish cult." Its claim to truth is completely based on Jewish Messianic prophecy. Christianity is, at its core, a claim to absolute truth about the nature of God and the fate of the human soul. If Judaism is completely wrong, then so is Christianity. The giving of the Torah, and its subsequent fulfillment by divine prophecy is the cornerstone of Christian faith, and if you don't accept it, literally nothing else in Christianity makes any sense. If you only care about Christianity because it has some historic connection to your people, you care about Christianity like people care about football teams. "Well, I'm from Tottenham...might as well be a Spurs fan!" "Christendom is essentially synonymous with Europe." The Ethiopians, Copts, and Syriacs would like to have a word with you. Also, North America, South America, and Australia, but I'm assuming you meant for most of the last 2,000 years. "Anywhere it exists outside Europe it has a very ethnic flavour to it, which separates it from European Christianity" Have you ever been in an Eastern Orthodox Church? What language were the services in? I'll tell you: it depends on the ethnicity of the people where the Church is based, rather than the vernacular of the country where the parish is. This has been true for the entirety history of the Eastern Orthodox Church, which is why you'll typically hear more Russian than English spoken in a Russian Orthodox Church in the Anglosphere. The Anglo-Catholic churches are the exception to the "ethnic church," not the rule. Also, since we've apparently shifted to the present day, does South America practice European Christianity? If so, at what point do we get to call it South American Christianity? If not, what ethnic flavour does Peruvian Catholicism have, exactly? Christianity also isn't an exclusively European thing now. Most Christians in the world aren't white or European. This is partially why more intelligent ethnonationalists are instinctively averse to it: because it forsees a future in which the entire world is "ther Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female..[but] all one in Christ Jesus." It eventually forsees [and advocates for] the death of ethnic particularism with regard to spiritual beliefs. This has always been its stated goal.
"many on the Alt-Right are not religious, many are even pagans." HOLY FUCKING SHIT WE'VE COME FULL CIRCLE "We can rebrand it." If you think you can do this, you don't understand what religion is or why it's important.
Many of us on the Alt Right are against Christianity. I agree with you that pro-whites praising Semitic desert nonsense makes absolutely no sense at all, but the Christcucks see things a different way.
Bi-Racial man here, started to fall for the alt right and their anti sjw rhetoric. I then started to notice them slowly transition into white identity politics and bigoted speech against minorities. That scared me away, but I still thought that they were correct. I then found your channel and shauns. You have rescued me from those dark depths and given me hope. Thank you very much. Please keep up the good work. Expose these charlatans.
darius, I ran into something that startled me. I was looking at a red ice alt right post. know thy enemy. saw some vid out of austria , w(it was anti Muslim vid)went to comments and these folks are talking about west Europe,slavic Europe, and the new theocracy they wanted to create. no place for liberals like me, even if I'm a White male. these guys will always have someone to hate that looks a lot like us. and, there seems to be an alright/neck beard/incel link that's pretty corrosive. this stuff is sneaky, a d can be used by communists too. gratuitous paranoia is in order. and miniature golf.
and yeah the online hate for sjws a nd sneaking g racism is there! everyone seems funny, edgy. never thought of nazi light as humorous. but often, they are. they shouldn't be, but they are. but if you look at it thru childlike eyes, puzzling,heartbreaking,mean. why do we have to spend our years dealing with hate for each other!?! we should be so much better than this.(sigh*). whatever their appearance, I'll have to avoid their rabbit hole.
All Nazis are fascists, but not all fascists are Nazis. This is an important distinction because American fascism doesn't look like Nazism, and that fact alone is what keeps so many Americans in denial.
There is definitely a mass current of white supremacy prevalent in American fascism, but our fascism will more likely take final shape as multiracial monoculturalism. Just keep this in mind.
@@jnada161 what's wrong with multiracial monoculturalism? That's basically just civic nationalism, one of the major philosophies that American culture is based on.
J Nada, Fascists will never EVER be able to take power in this country because they can't even draw in centrists right now lying about the fact that they're Nazis, how successful do you think they're going to be once they start exterminating everyone that doesn't agree with them? Furthermore, don't peddle that bullshit like there's a difference between these Nazis and those Nazis or whatever the fuck you're trying to do. What do you think is going to happen all the hundreds of millions of people in this country that don't fucking want to be Nazis? You can't deport them. You can't get them to stop protesting. And you can't get them to agree with you either. So you know what that means don't you....extermination camps. You're either incredibly naive and have taking up their bullshit talking points, or you're a Nazi yourself. Get your ass on the right side of history dude.
Sometimes it takes a video like this to realize how susceptible one is to propaganda and snowballing persuasion. I think this channel is part of my disillusionment out of the "Anti-SJW" videos that got me hooked several years back, later leading to a rabbit hole of conclusions that I didn't consciously come to.
I used to watch some of the “anti-SJW” videos too, and the problem with them is that they cherrypick the most extreme examples of “crazy SJWs” and say it represents the full movement of feminism. Even if though specific examples are toxic, they clearly don’t represent the whole community.
Cathy Grandstaff you have it 100% backwards. Sjw are a non-problem. While murderous nationalists have killed over what... 300 people in the last decade or two?
"Identitarians... including the ones who lead the rally where an edgy shitposter hilariously memed his car into a crowd of people." The worst I've ever felt for laughing at something.
It's actually sad since it might not have happened without an antifa pointing a rifle at the dude in the car which may have caused the crash. Proof: ruclips.net/video/Hz9mKPiDrv4/видео.html
ONLY RIGHT VERSION you just doubled down on your racism. Just because you are that skin color doesn't make it less racist. "Everybody knows"??? *Go look up the definition.
Francis Yockey I saw the rifle too. I'm bold enough to say it would not have happened. Not to mention Richard Spencer was an Obama supporter. Indicating Soros was paying for all sides. Then the riot police pushed the White nationals and kkk right into Antifa and BLM. The Democrat Mayor also had his campaign paid by Soros. What is the advantage to paying opposing radicalism to fight other than to create a uprise and civil discourse.
sortedamm it was a crash. Did you even see the video?? The looser crashed through a groop of other loosers into another car. *Go watch the video before you say something else stupid.
"Following politics with centrists can be like watching a raunchy comedy movie with children who don't get sexual innuendo; there's a whole hidden layer of meaning that they're not picking up." This is (1) a nice burn, and (2) an embarrassingly accurate description of past-me.
Contrapoints, I'm rewatching this now and I've realized that, as your transition has progressed, your eyes have begun to shine in a way they never did before
It feels strange for her to jab at the centrists here and there in the video. Surely it's a group that you want supporting your side. The video itself feels very ''PSA for Centrists'' and centrists are hopefuly a decent chunk of the viewerbase. Saying things like that feels very echo chambery and could possible push centrists even further away towards the right.
Aran But it is totally true. In a situation of nazis vs antifa the centrism favours the nazi said. The thing about centrism isn't that they are the center of all politics its that they are the center of the two most popular political "teams" and if the right team is more right than the left team is left than the middle will be on the right making the centrists right wing. This is way radicalization is effective. Know one gets radicalized into a normal white conservative only into a facist or communist.
> But it is totally true. In a situation of nazis vs antifa the centrism favours the nazi said Seems like a bold statement to make. Maybe the youtube 'centrists' creators/viewers, but saying the average centrist voter leans towards facism seems very extreme. I get that the entire political spectrum, especially in the US, seems to be shifting to the right and that it's worrying. But generalizing a (big) party that you'd want on your side nevertheless seems counterproductive. A lot of the video does a good job in exposing that the alt-right/facist movement is more pronounced and hateful than centrists might believe, it doesn't need the weird jabs. No one likes being generalized. She can do whatever she wants in her videos of course. I'm not really a regular watcher, just some outside perspective.
I can't argue with your observations. I agree it's absurd to say BML/Antifa are just as bad as the Alt-Right. The president even trying to go there is inexcusable. I was trying to say that the way she stated that ''centrists become allies with facists regardless'' so matter of factly seems to undermine her own goal of getting centrists on her side and feels more like it's targetted for an echo chamber, which I think is a shame. Especially cuz the message in the video is good on its own.
Honestly, because of all the right-wingers calling anyone to the left of them socialists, I slid from moderate centrist/moderately (wherever I happened to be on the spectrum, I'm bad at the labels) liberal to basically communist, so maybe we're overrating the degree to which accusing people of something encourages them to be it lol EDIT: Not "because of", but the amount of things called "socialist" that I was completely ok with made me waaaay more comfortable with the socialist label
Before I came out as trans and started living as a woman, I kept my head shaved and grew a beard. And I'm like very white. So this guy comes in, sees my white bald bearded seemingly male self, opens his wallet, and shows me the "88" in his wallet. None of my coworkers believed me when I told them he was a neo nazi because it "Could have meant anything." Yes, it COULD HAVE. But it didn't. So, yeah, you GOTTA look out for the symbols and you have to educate people on them.
Nellie Workman people not believing 88 was SUPER FUCKING OBVIOUSLY A NAZI SYMBOL is just absurd But i guess most people dont know Australia from Africa so thats just reality now i guess But seriously it couldnt have been “anything” the 88 symbol isnt even ambiguos or a dog whistle, its about as blatant as a swastika just not as well known, hell even a story about superheros had “empire 88” be the evil nazi villian group, neo nazis in movies have 88 tatoos or belt buckles If its penetrated to mass media it should be considered a blatant sign and not “could be anything”
I'm white and when interviewing for a job, the manager interviewing me casually commented she hated the "filthy" (insert slur for Pakistani people) who worked there, and went on a mini-rant calling them lazy and stupid. Apparently all she needed to throw out casual racism was a white audience.
@@AnastasiaTalen lol I had a similar experience. I was at the ER and someone in the waiting room went on a mini-rant about how Muslims and Arabs/middle eastern people and how they're stealing tax dollars and not contributing to society and how they marrying Canadian women to try and make sharia law. I was just sitting there like, "oh, ya?" and at the end of her rant she said something to the effect of don't you agree and I politely told her that I was half Turkish and my father was one of those men who married a white women (my mother). It got super awkward super quick lol. Like geez people, middle easterners can look super fucking white, don't just assume someone is white because they are white passing.
@@wschippr1 To test whether these people are racist (they obviously are) and to provide a huge flaw in their arguement. Ask them if the inverse (that is a white man marrying ME women) is okay? Of course the answer I got was "love takes many forms" from this one particular racist woman. I then told her that her rhetoric sounds eerily familiar to how back in the day it was okay for white men to be with black women, but how dare black men be with white women.
Ali My guess is that it's what @haselni said. Men can have thousands of children but women can only have a dozen to two at most in their life time. So they think that a women's reproductive system is more valuable than a mans, because of this. I am also guessing there's sexism at play, that women (and their uterus) belongs to the community and not themselves. Whereas men are seen as individuals. I also suspect that while they may be more comfortable with the couple, they would not be accepting of children that the couple may have regardless. I do not know though, as my mother was white and married someone who wasn't.
"Before I realized I was transgender, I used to jump on any opportunity to crossdress, ironically." As somebody working through realizations of mild dysphoria, that shit felt way too real. Did I just get gutpunched?
@@sunnybubbleday While it might just be that you like crossdressing, it might be a prompt for you to explore your feelings a little and see what comes of it.
@@sunnybubbleday I think the most important thing to keep in mind is to pay attention to what you in particular feel about it and not let the experiences and perspectives of others indicate to you what you -should- feel. Sense tells me that nobody's experience is exactly the same and not everyone who feels similar to the way Contra did is necessarily trans.
Every story I've ever heard about Nazis or KKK members leaving those hate groups involved white incel men meeting a woman that talked them out of it. When you gotta choose between "Genocide" and "Pussy," ALWAYS choose pussy :)
Noe Naim, Here's a rather famous example of that: ruclips.net/video/VM6HZqQKhok/видео.html The vast majority of bigoted people in this world are only that way because of misinformation. Sometimes the misinformation comes from their parents, but more often than not it comes from the political powers in a country that use bigotry for political gain. Which is how after a bigoted person comes into contact with someone who isn't a bigot, that they're actually willing to listen to, they often change very quickly indeed. Because they're finally listening to the facts.
Laughter will get us through the darkness. Just watch a Mel Brooks movie. A war hero and a son of Jewish immigrants - and a comedy genius - who made it his life's work to ridicule Nazism.
@Piriathy Isn't that just hovering an arbitrary gavel over jokes, ready to slam down and affirm your own biases and preconceptions regarding others' intentions as inherent truth?
I have a centrist friend who doesn't vote and is openly apolitical. I was talking to him about the neo-nazi rally in VA and he says that both sides were bad. Apparently he thought that the liberal counter-protesters (didn't know the name Antifa) drove a car into the Nazi protesters, when it was in fact the other way around. I believe that his disillusionment with politics led him to this kind of ignorance and that it's actually dangerous to us all.
If he's apolitical, he is not a centrist. He's just apolitical. Centrism is the idea of not aligning oneself with a 'wing' and holding varying views on various topics. For example, you could be liberal regarding abortion (pro-choice) but conservative regarding the welfare state and government regulation and favour a 'small government' approach. That would be centrism. If someone says that they think all politicians are corrupt, or that voting is a waste of time, and that they aren't interested in being involved in that kind of stuff, this does not make them a centrist. They cannot be placed on any political scale. Please don't make this kind of comparison, I see it every day, and it kind of pisses me off that I'm being associated with ignorant apoliticals, or people who have no real opinion.
For me, this is one of the most influential piece of content here on YT, this video was basically my gateway to leftist worldview. Before that I had the normie centrist opinions because that's the only narrative I was fed by the mainstream media. Kinda hard to escape from it.
Yeah “all Europeans” As long as it’s not a poor country that’s Slavic because they are seen lesser than European. I love how fascists pick and choose who is a valid European
What are you talking about? Us Eastern Europeans are the proudest of our nations. The most nationalist, if you will! And that's pretty neat. Long live the independent statesof Eastern Europe!
IKR, I wasn't surprised when I went back to his channel for a while after I stopped listening to him and the comment section was a regular alt-right-apalooza.
I think there was a genuine shift. I was never a big fan, but I had my "roast SJW's" phase and a saw a couple of his videos. I saw a vid of his recently and he's just banging on the same political talking points in order to appeal to his viewer base. I think he was acting in better faith earlier in his RUclips career.
@Dauda András Well, I realized that the thing I didn't like about SJW's was also true about anti-SJW's, which is they will twist news stories to conform to their pre-existing biases... which is true of any pundit. For SJW's all the world's problems are caused by The Patriachy. For anti-SJW's, everything is being destroyed by Cancel Culture. It's all just an exercise in confirming you biases.
@@noman8412 Sargon's antiSJW content was not made in good faith; you, like many of us, were simply unaware of the manipulation inherent in said content. Shaun (the skull with the sunglasses) has a couple of good videos about manufactured controversy.
@@Robstafarian I agree, but I think his manipulation has become more transparent over time. I saw a recent video that someone referenced and there was nothing about it that wasn't just pushing a narrative. I think he always had an agenda, but I believe he had some kind of conviction behind it at some point. Now, I think he's just cynically pandering.
The fact that far-right ideologues can't agree if we Greeks are white or not (considering the fact that western civilization is a product of Ancient Greece) is evidence that their ideology is so fluid that basically anybody can be discarded from "the white race". For example Jews , Syrians and Turks are as white as Italians and French. Where do you draw the line of being "white"? Plus the anthropological-biological fact that we are all descendants of Africans and we have more differences among others from the same " race" that from people from other "races" makes the whole debate a complete joke .
I think you'd find that most of the ideologues you imagine will concede that Greece is a European nation, and indeed - as you say - is the birthplace of what we define as European culture. Therefore, they would have no problem acknowledging the heritage of Greeks as white and European. You're confusing a bit of banter and a small minority of "purity spiralers" with serious discourse. Drawing the line of being white I suppose would be truly defined in the genetic sense, although culture does also come into it. Overall, I think you would find more people willing to include people who identify as white with themselves, rather than exclude them for whatever petty reason they can pull out of their arse. We may all be descendants of Africans, that may be true, but Africans (except a very small minority) do not have Neanderthal or Denisovan admixture. Africa has the highest degree of genetic diversity among humans of all the continents (as far as I am aware), and I think you would find that Africans willingly divide themselves into separate peoples. A Somalian would not be very pleased if you called him a Khoisan, and a Zulu would not like you calling him a Moroccan. They see themselves as distinctly different (and oftentimes superior) than other denizens of their continent. They are not one homogeneous mass of people. You also fail to consider the aspect of divergent and separate evolution. When your last African ancestor was 50,000 years ago (potentially 1,200 generations for the sake of argument - maybe more, maybe less), do you really expect to be the same as a given modern day African? If you do, you would have to completely disregard the commonly accepted theory of evolution, which is backed up by such factual sciences as the discipline of genetics. You are also making a very common mistake that has become a very common fallacy in discussions like this. What you are referring to is the phenomenon that occurs when comparing one group to another: The variation between those groups (AS A WHOLE) is less than when comparing CERTAIN individuals within those respective groups. ie When analysing the genetics of Russians, you may encounter a 1.5% difference between 2 given individual Russians; however, comparing the groups of Russians against the group of, say, Indians, your comparison based on the averages represented in those groups might only draw the conclusion of a 1% genetic difference. Of course, the AVERAGE difference of that group of Russians would be far lower than any outliers, and is almost certainly to be lower than the difference between Russians and another, foreign group. Also, the difference within a given group can occur in a spectrum to which other groups do not extend. So higher variation within one group does not imply similarities to other groups. This is a fallacy because you are pretending that the fact of the difference between the groups does not exist. It does. You have over-simplified and misconstrued this phenomenon to your ends to suit your beliefs, whereas the fact of the matter (that there are differences between racial groups) is in fact implied, and is contrary to your argument and beliefs.
@@innocuouspseudonym509 Almost all "white" people have at least one African ancestor in their recent genetic history. All people everywhere, as a matter of fact.
agreed. as an american ill never be considered white, but thats just me. i could be *used*, but then discarded. its identitarianism right? or am i missing the point
I wish i had seen this a couple of years ago because I left my edgelord phase this year only and every point you stated is exactly what I used to believe in It’s crazy how blatant ignorance can lead you to believe anything
I hate when people talk about “the white race”. The historical racial tensions between France and Germany are some of the most impactful in history, though they operate very differently than other racial tensions. Napoleon, Bismarck, Hitler and Clemenceau were pretty sure that the French and the Germans were not, and should never be “part of a shared cultural identity.” Smashing Vikings, Romans, Germanic tribes, Greeks, and others into one category just doesn’t make any sense.
Hell, look at the Brits. Even classifying the Scots, Welsh, and English under one identity would sound ludicrous until the past few centuries, to say nothing of the early "Dark Ages" or the Irish _up to the modern day._ Fascists don't care about history. They care about spreading mythology.
Tensions between Germany and France were never racial tho. I agree with your overall point tho: concepts such as "whiteness" and "race" are complete bogus.
Hagen But tensions between Germany and France were very often about national identity, about “Germaness” or “frenchness”, about the “fatherland”. As we see with hitler, nationalism, at least in Europe, is mostly just a special kind of racism, or the other way around, depending on how you look at it.
Daniel Fisher i hate to sound euphemistic but nationalism and racism are two separate things. Yes, most German nationalists back then were also racist, but to the Jews, not the French.
As much as I like armored skeptic, it's always fun to see him get called out for these things. Also, as a former self identifying centrist who was being played into this kind of thing, I am really glad for content like this that points out how the alt-right subtly manipulates people
*slendy1001* Always puts a huge smile on my face to see someone willing to put away their ego and have an opened mind about serious topics. Hope you have a good one, man. Dunno if you’ve explored other RUclipsrs in-line with ContraPoints, but I’d recommend Shaun and Three Arrows. He’s *not* a leftist by any means, but Destiny is a fantastic debater-especially against the alt-right. His debates are often fairly long, but great to listen to while you’re chilling doing something else.
Just in this video she says “I’m not a fascist@ is what a fascist would say, lol but it’s also what someone who isn’t a fascist would say. Sometimes everyone’s wrong.
@@ard1805 I forget if it was this video or not, and I don't wanna rewatch the video to see but yes, contrapoints is aware that saying "I'm not a fascist" does not make you a fascist but it doesn't mean you aren't one. Moreover, yes, members of the left will make mistakes, as does everybody, but A. If we're talking about armored skeptic specifically, he frequently, when talking about things he's not interested in such as politics, he often fails to do proper research, (ex: his jontron vs destiny video) and despite that, he seems to have a pretty big ego; (ex: the "skeptic clone" mess) and B. For centrism, I don't have something against it, my political opinions just shifted left over time.
slendy1001 I’ll reply to the rest in a minute, but the comments were arranged so this one was ahead of the one she made that explains that she didn’t mean it that way lol. Kind of a trap if you ask me...
placeholder name That’s the issue with this video, it conflates actual fucking nazis with the entirety of the right, and the fact that you believed it makes me sick too my stomach.
I wish Nat would have mentioned that a century ago, Italians, Eastern Europeans and even the Irish weren't considered "white" but as they needed more people on their side, they went from "Anglo-Saxon" to "White" to include more people. In a few years white-ish Latinos like Ted Cruz will be included too, even if the "inner circle" continues to preserve the definition of who is "in" for after they win and can come for white-ish Latinos and Eastern Europeans.
Russians were Asiatics IIRC. Lenin even used the “Asiatic Mode of Capitalism” to describe it. Ironically Duginists and the heated immigrant leftovers from the Marshall Plan will defiantly ally themselves with historical Slavophobes due to some wedge issue.
Not to mention how Irish Americans were actively racist in order to “assimilate”. They positioned themselves with white Americans to fit in and be accepted and it worked
Not just that but white supremacists constantly deny people from the Middle East and North Africa to be white, but when they want to accept the rich histories and civilisations of those areas like Persia and Egypt, they decide to then include those people as white. The concept of race has to be abandoned, it is an outdated 19th concept that was designed to designate who was superior and who was inferior.
I think the problem with understanding the way classical people's and people even up to the middle ages, understood race is that this whole white supremacist idea of Europeans being one ethnicity and should all gang up together wasn't really a thing until relatively recently. The modern understanding of white as a European person fully includes ethnically Irish, eastern and southern Europeans, but in the past they didn't see those people as being from the same ethnicity as there was no idea of white. That doesn't mean white supremacist and racism isn't alive and kicking but arguing that say Italians weren't white, isn't really true, because white is so recent.
how fking old are you? ewugh. I've studied world history and American history for over 12 years, and I can tell you that all you have done here is create a non existent boogyman. One who was created in your mentally ill head given the propaganda that the global elite want you to have. You are playing right into their hands and now your life is harder because of it. I'm not a fucking republican and I'm not a white supreme pizza either.. I'm pro LGBTQ and Pro abortion. but your are anti freedom. You are extremely misinformed by your own stupidity and laziness.
@@avacadomangobanana2588I think they mistook what you meant. I agree with you I think. Things get worse before they get better, is what you were trying to say?
Admittedly before watching this video two years ago I was more of a centrist leaning toward the right. The information given in the video regarding dog whistling and the sly tactics used to have centrist agree with the alt-right lead to me wanting to watch more and also go out and do my own research. In a weird way this video kind of helped stop me from falling into an alt-right rabbit hole and I'm grateful I saw this video when I did. About a year later I've found myself fully leaning left and although I'm not always the best at making arguments and fighting against some of the beliefs the alt-right are putting out and that the centrists are eating up I still find myself wanting to make more of a difference and prevent the alt-right gaining any more power than they already have.
@Hernan Cortes the fact that you're asking in such an accusatory tone indicates that you're a bit defensive. If you're not part of the alt right, but you've been influenced by them, your going to find any explanation unsatisfactory. But I'll give it a try. The power of the alt right is attained from their ability to take otherwise average people and through repeated exposure, make insane ideas seem reasonable. In extreme cases, the unsuspecting "average" person starts to realize that they're starting to think in terms of dehumanizing the groups they hate. As soon as you no longer think of people as human, atrocities seem reasonable. Even if this hypothetical "average" person would never burn a cross on someone's lawn, they can see why someone would. They would never murder someone, but they can see why the cops would. They start making excuses for horrific behavior and defending the true alt right. That's their power: building a psychological shield around themselves of people who will defend them no matter how atrocious their actions become. If you're not alt right, but you're defending them, then whether you liked it or not, you're alt right. The good news is that if you're not deep in the culture, you can still get out, but you have to want to get out. You have to honestly see others as real people and not just targets. And that, I'm afraid, is 100% up to you.
@Hernan Cortes The alt-right just stormed the Capitol, blm has recieved far more policing than the storming did. Also as Natalie said, blm is fighting for civil rights, the alt-right defends white supremacy. Also your comment screams of anger, and @laura vance made some constructive points. Victimizing the alt-right movement is pretty tone deaf after the alt-right just attacked the capitol.
@Hernan Cortes yikes I don’t know why I’m dignifying this with a response after you just called me and idiot, but this is bigger than me. The blm movement started as a response to black Americans killed that according to the police reports, did not commit crimes. Being protected by the police and a fair trial before punishment are civil rights.
It's funny that they're near obsessed with their ancestry, but the minute they're asked to take basic actions to help minimise the pain their ancestors caused and still cause they act as tho their ancestry has nothing to do with them and whine about how their being punished for something they didn't do (as if racism isn't as much about inaction as is also about actions)
I agree fully even as a white dude I can agree that by standing by we do contribute to the problem. However, the only time I do ever use the “why am I being punished for my idiotic ancestor’s actions” is when I am being curb-stomped by black guys just because I am white and them saying it’s payback for what my ancestors did to their’s
No doubt. Just like talking to southern whites about the Civil War and slavery. So proud of their heritage when its time to yank down statues of bigots and monsters, but don't want to recognize the leg up they were given in this country just by being born white.
After seeing this ,I look back back at when I was into really edgy memes and realise how easy it is to get sucked into the alt right. I feel like the only thing stopping from going too deep was some events in my life that solidified my current moral values. The sad thing is though, I can see some of my friends moving in that direction and I realise I’m going to have to do something. P.S. Thanks for making me super paranoid!
7 лет назад+47
Here's a piece by left radical "Shaun," who from his own self-description was veering toward the altright but a number of experiences conspired to veer him away from it. He has many perceptive things to say about how to address those--especially young, white men--who are moving toward white supremacist views. I highly recommend it: ruclips.net/video/8NFy6Uc2BHs/видео.html
It's a simple problem of engagement a lot of the time, those edgy memes are friendly and open and even the alt-right tends to be, and a lot of people who opose them are not, they tend to be very antagonistic a lot of the time, resulting in this, the best way is to try to talk to these people and not simply insulate yourself when made uncofortable, because then things like the alt-right just spread. Less moral rigidity if anything is a good thing.
Jet Frog Because that's obviously not most people's experience with them. Not even the most ardent of alt-right enemies would say that's what they generally do, they just post edgy things on the internet often with a good sense of humour and even self-mockery, they are usually dismissive of people with different opinions but not is the vitriolic exclusionist sort of way that a lot of "the left"(sorry, I'm just using it as a term for convenience, I really hate using it, but better descriptions allude my brain atm) Their PR is top-notch, and you can often feel like they are the sort of people you could actually talk to despite their horrid political views without being blocked or actively harassed.(On reflection just the other day I saw a lot of very leftie, mostly LGBT furries harrass a guy and take down his patreon because he drew an underage furry porn pic, while spouting how that makes furry fandom non-inclusive), you generally don't see that sort of behaviour on "the right", at least as the more alt-right/faschist parts of the internet are concerned. Their tribalism is also much less obvious, since they tend to be much more open to conversation.
6 лет назад+28
Dude, you have a stupidly forgiving take on the altright. They're open to conversation when they control the conversation and can fling lies, straw-men, and fallacious arguments around with abandon. The alleged leftists you invoke are not representative of the left in general and are unlike any leftist I have contact with. Sounds like you've spent a bit too much time ingesting altright forums a bit too reverently. The next time you find yourself mentioning the authoritarianism of some silly lefty straw-ladies, why not instead mention all of the violent incidents associated with altright and far-right in the recent past: Alt-right troll Matthew Riehl shoots five law enforcement officers, killing one in Colorado, dies in shootout 12/31/17 www.newsweek.com/colorado-shooter-matthew-riehl-shared-alt-right-memes-facebook-767643 Self-avowed Nazi and alt-right troll Nicholas Giampa kills the parents of his girlfriend and shoots himself but lives in Virginia 12/22/17 www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/nicholas-giampa-neo-nazi-teenager-murder-girlfriends-parents-virginia_us_5a4d0797e4b0b0e5a7aa4780 Far-right antisemite and former Washington DC policeman Nicholas Young found guilty of trying to aid ISIS 12/18/17 (date of conviction) slate.com/news-and-politics/2017/12/nicholas-young-dc-police-officer-nazi-sympathies-join-isis-conviction.html Alt-right sympathizing racist William Edward Atchison kills two students and himself in New Mexico 12/7/17 www.thedailybeast.com/new-mexico-school-shooter-had-secret-life-on-pro-trump-white-supremacy-sites White supremacist/neo-nazi Taylor Michael Wilson is charged with an attempt to commit terror by targeting an Amtrak train in Nebraska 10/22/17 www.newsweek.com/white-supremacist-accused-amtrak-terror-attack-also-attended-alt-right-event-771495 Three alt-right neo-nazis are arrested in shooting of anti-racist protesters after Richard Spencer speech in Florida 10/19/17 www.cnn.com/2017/10/20/us/richard-spencer-florida-speech-arrest-shooting/index.html Neo-nazi Brandon Russell pleads guilty to explosives charge tied to plans to blow up a power plant in Florida 9/27/17 www.nydailynews.com/news/crime/leader-neo-nazi-group-pleads-guilty-explosives-charges-article-1.3527525 Neo-nazi James Fields is charged with first degree murder for driving car into a leftist anti-racist demonstration, killing one and injuring 20 in Virgnia 8/12/17 www.nydailynews.com/news/national/va-man-charged-first-degree-murder-heather-heyer-death-article-1.3698829 White supremacist and anti-Muslim zealot Jeremy Joseph Christian is charged with two counts of aggravated murder and one count of attempted murder in killing of two men on train in Portland, Oregon 5/26/17 www.opb.org/news/article/portland-oregon-stabbing-suspect-jeremy-christian-hate-speec h/ Altright racist Sean Urbanski is charged with one count of murder and one count of a hate crime in the stabbing death of a black man in College Park, Maryland 5/20/17 www.thedailybeast.com/accused-killer-of-black-soldier-liked-pro-trump-pro-white-memes White supremacist James Harris Jackson is charged with one count of murder and one count of murder as an act of terrorism in the stabbing death of a black man in Manhattan, NY, 3/20/17 www.nytimes.com/2017/03/23/nyregion/james-harris-jackson-timothy-caughman.html?_r=0 Anti-immigrant racist Adam W. Purinton is charged with one count of murder, one count of attempted murder, and one count of a hate crime in the shootings of two Indian men that killed one in Kansas 2/22/17 www.cbsnews.com/news/adam-purinton-faces-hate-crime-charges-in-fatal-shooting-of-indian-engineer/ White supremacist Benjamin Thomas Samuel McDowell is arrested for purchasing a gun with the intent to carry out a massacre at a synagogue South Carolina 2/15/17 nypost.com/2017/02/16/white-supremacist-was-plotting-massacre-in-the-spirit-of-dylann-roof-feds/ Far-right xenophobe Alexandre Bissonnette is charged with six counts of murder in the killing of six Muslims at the Islamic Cultural Center in Quebec, Canada 1/29/17 www.cnn.com/2017/01/31/americas/quebec-mosque-shooting-suspect/index.html Right-wing Milo Yiannopolous supporter Elizabeth Hokoana is charged with first-degree felony assault and her husband Marc Hokoana charged with third degree assault in the shooting of a leftist outside Yiannopolous event Washington state 1/20/17 www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/apr/25/milo-yiannopoulos-event-shooting-couple-charged-seattle White supremacist Russell Courtier charged with one count of murder and one count of a hate crime in the killing of black man in Oregon 8/10/16 www.nydailynews.com/news/national/king-oregon-white-supremacist-chases-kills-black-teen-article-1.2773565 Anti-black racist Allen Scarsella found guilty of felony assault and rioting in the shooting of five Black Lives Matter protesters near demonstration site Minneapolis, Minnesota 11/23/15 time.com/4659124/allen-scarsella-black-lives-matter-protestors-guilty/ White supremacist Dylann Roof found guilty of nine counts of murder (and many other charges) in the killing of nine black churchgoers, South Carolina 6/17/15 www.nytimes.com/2017/01/10/us/dylann-roof-trial-charleston.html
My ex is a very reasonable person. But her parents, who she is very close with, kept feeding her concealed alt-right talking points from Fox News. Any criticism of conservative thought was interpreted as a direct attack on her parents. She was stubborn and we got no where. I want to believe that patience and reason can break through ignorance but wow is it difficult.
@@LDogSmiles I want to dig a little deeper. Be patient with me please. Do they separate the BLM movement from the organization? If yes, how do they feel about each? How would you describe antifa? How do they describe antifa? Who do you define as a neo-Nazis? What hold over culture and politics does each group they have? Have any of these groups been violent in the last 5 years? What have the consequences of violence been? If someone genuinely believes that neo-Nazis have little power and influence, but antifa and BLM (organization) are powerful and influential and commit acts of violence regularly without consequence is that the same as being a neo-nazi/member of the far right? I'm pretty centrist. I have noticed a trend of anyone not on far enough to the left or not supporting the left agenda being called far right or a neo-nazis. I don't have an issue with the BLM movement. It has been peaceful. I cannot in good conscience support the organization for a number of reasons. Antifa uses the same tactics as historical Nazis and has usurped peaceful protests to commit violence. People on the left were saying they didn't exist until very recently and that people on the right who called them out were conspiracy theorists. VP Harris started a fund for bailing rioters. I do not like antifa because they are hypocrites and I will not tolerate violence on any side. The impeachment revealed some pretty damning evidence against the Democrats and channels like CNN. I'm not so sure her parents are far right. I just think you have strong disagreements on certain topics stemming from different underlying assumptions and that legacy media is trash. I get my news from people on RUclips at this point. I would be happy to have a civil conversation if you disagree with any point.
@@sarahtaylor4264 Well I think you are right to say that her parents weren't far right. I said that they simply repeated the alt right talking points they heard from conservative media. My problem with them was that they never stopped to question what they were being told, yet they would question my liberal ideas. After speaking with them I realized that CNN and other liberal news sources were not reliably objective and have since stopped watching them. But it baffles me that they would continue to watch Fox news and treat it as somehow more objective. Their double standards and stubbornness are what caused me to leave, not because of their conservative mindset. I have no problem with conservatives, but I do take issue with close-mindedness.
A friend shared your channel with me and I’m now watching all your videos from the beginning. I love them! They are helpful and entertaining. As a former left wing activist now a mom living in rural Canada, your content is both very nourishing for my true self but also useful for getting me in the an empathic mindset for useful, efficient and kind discussions with my kids and members of my communities. I truly appreciate your work. Take care!
Just discovered your show, I saw the one on Incels. Amazing channel, it was a no-brainer to subscribe. Keep up the good work! "you had my curiosity, now you have my attention."
That Incel video really knocked it out of the park, didn't it? With all the other people who have been making hot take videos on incels, Nat here seriously put them all to shame in terms of helping people understand what's really going on with that subculture.
@@nuclearcatbaby1131 not really they could exist in either the left or the right wing. There are ones that turn it violent. That's like saying if a smaller group of a larger group loots while both groups protest, then all protestors are looters.
@@nuclearcatbaby1131 it worked in the past with Nazis, not the idiots that found their father's/grandfather's WW2 stuff and thinking Nazis are fucking cool.
Fascism must be fought with words so that it won't have to be fought with bullets. But if it comes to that, then bullets must be used to defend our liberty from would-be tyrants.
Common Sense I don't even have to tell you what is wrong with what you just said. You know your logic, and comparison to playing in traffic, is flawed at best.
For the past few days I've had to tell my dad that you shouldn't kill Muslims just because you disagree with Islam (after the NZ shooting.) He starts talking a bunch, and he sounds exactly like the shooter in his manifesto. After watching this video, I'm a little concerned for myself, since I think I've used some alt-right lingo without even knowing it. I don't wanna be cozy with the alt-right, especially when they want to expel me (queer and reconnecting with my Jewish roots.) I even went back on political debates on many social media platforms and updated my comments with warnings of unknown dog whistles. I'll get better. I remember I watched this video when it came out and was kind of like "that's silly!" now, I think that I was a bit silly
@Smash 456 I think so? He's a wildcard. I'll try to explain it. The programmes he listens to DEFINITELY are Christian. I hear them talk about "Satan" and Jesus all the time, and "them" or "the elite" (which you can probably guess what those mean.) My dad HIMSELF has never read the bible, never went to church, etc., but when he sees Muslims or LGBT people or atheists or people not saying Merry Christmas, he complains Christian values are under attack. So.. I think he believes in Jesus, despite never reading the bible. Does that count as Christian?
Hey so uh... that thing where she smiles and switches into the MAGA hat is legitimately terrifying, thanks for giving that feeling an image. The feeling of "less than half, but still a large percentage of our country voted for this guy and I feel like it's a bunch of fascists who hate every minority group I'm a part of (or am an ally for) just hiding under a different slogan." Yeah, that weird and hyper-specific feeling that is way too normal these days. Yikes. That was a combination of "so cartoon villain-y that it can't be real" and "too deeply, soberingly real." Usually a creepy smile and creepy music doesn't hit me hard at all, but pair it with a MAGA hat like this, placed in this context, and BAM, it's legitimately unsettling.
She is trying to make you associate MAGA with evil, so you can become a CNN anchor and demonize a 16 year old with a MAGA hat, who did nothing but smile at someone, while praising a pedophile who tried to shoot a 17 year old medic in Kenosha. Aww, that poor anarchist.
I felt compelled to rewatch this video after the Christchurch terrorist attacks today in New Zealand. Think I'll send this to everyone I know. Much love for you Natalie
I’ve been rewatching some anti-fascism videos as well. Shaun’s video on Charlottesville in particular is really good. To hear these fascists talk when they think normies aren’t listening is important. Also, to see them pour shampoo in their eyes and scream about having a panic attack is very satisfying.
Yeah, the guy that admired Breivik and mentioned Spyro, Fortnite, PewDiePie and memes in his Manifesto just to divert responsibility and divide people. I'm pretty sure that by sending this awful video you will only cause more pointless conflict... besides, the fact that only one dude did this massacre proves that fascists have less power than any other political group.
Before I watched this I had 60% jokingly said that the ok symbol was a WP sign after the proud boys nonsense. Well I guess it's 100% after this video and christchurch.
Wow. Im on a contra binge and i swear each video is better than the last. I couldn't agree more with everything she said. This should be taught in high school.
Well, I'm German and I knew a lot of this, from school and the news. But our alt-right wants to trash our "Erinnerungskultur" (culture of remembering the nazi regime). Because if we stop talking about our history, people are going to forget. And then they willfall much more easily for their propaganda.
This was taught in 8th and 9th grade from english and reading teachers as part of "media awareness" and "critical thinking". My dad threw fit because I was wasting my time on weird greek words like "ethos" and not practical math or natural science. Then he called it liberal indoctrination. That basically sums up the problems tying up the education system imo
@@PrincessNinja007 yep not even touched in Oklahoma. Its one thing to teach about Nazi Germany, and other fascist. But its another to break down how it happened and how it could happen again. America is so undereducated and it shows everyday.
.....which can never be proven who was in the car. Keep watching the fake news though. They have a white supremacist patsy all in the name of division and diversion.
@@bobbychuckles8764 I'm sure you think all the white supremacists that shoot 10+ people are all false flags, too. Anything to protect your dear leader, the Moron in Chief.
@lgbtq plus romania no masculinity is important and not threatening. Masculinity is something that is lost the moment you try to mimick it. Masculinity is not violent but assertive only when it is just. Masculinity is not evil, but a natural state. Masculinity is not the oppression of others in the attempt to become "alpha", it is the honorable uplifting of those below you. True masculinity doesnt need to be the best, it is just comfortable being itself, and understands there will always be someone "better". Because true masculinity is not threatened by challenges or challengers. In fact true masculinity enjoys a fair and just challenge. True masculinity is humble humility. Because that is true strength, which unfortunately so many people fear the idea of admitting your own flaws and admitting that you are not always the best. Therefor they act out of fear and agressively push down on those around them. TOXIC masculinity is a terrible terrible thing. It is not a symptom of masculinity but a way to identify those that misunderstand and try to quantify masculinity in a manner that just isn't right. Toxic masculinity is the pursuit of power. TRUE masculinity is the acceptance and encouragement to love yourself and those around you as they truly are. And to protect what is pure and just. If you want an example look at FDR. A general that didnt send troops into battle but joined them. A man that when shot in the chest chose to stand up and look the oppression in the eye for what it is, and chose to give his speech even though there was a bullet in his chest. He was a feminist, a conservationist, and invited the first black man to the white house to visit. He set up a boxing ring in the white house amd nearly lost his sight during a boxing match. He did not fear difference but encouraged it. He did not fear challenges but saw them as healthy competition to better himself and others. He was not afraid of women being equal or of other races moving up the social ladder. He was comfortable with himself because he knew he was respectful and just in his actions and was an honorable man in that sense.
@lgbtq plus romania what i'm saying is that fascism. Clearly. Is not masculinity but fear and insecurity desguising itself as "masculinity" in order to justify their violent action. And it is wrong
Not to distract too much from the topic at hand but I just wanted to say I love that you post the names of all your songs in the description. Too many RUclips channels will have really interesting background music and *never* list what that song is.
Wow, never in my life have I ever felt more truly educated than when watching this entire channel, and I mean the entire thing, not just this video. What I've seen so far has been more useful to me than anything I've seen/heard/read in either school, uni, or side reading.
Questionable Object “clueless and listless young men” are the malleable gold that everyone is after. From the Marines to the Animal Rights groups. I mean, die on your feet, don’t live on your knees, right?
this is the first video i've ever watched from you. the style of it is so impressive and the information is presented in such a clear and understandable way without it seeming like youre talking down to your audience. really really great stuff
I wouldn't be surprised if he KNOWS better, but the truth doesn't matter. Converting people to his cause matters, and building the image of a single vague "western" culture and heritage seems to be an effective way to drum up support.
And like the traior in chief, the facts are not important its the presentation of false History that pleases his audience that is important. Telling the IKEA employee he or she is really important and something grand boots their ego and lets them believe they are ment to kngs and queens. I like trans queens better myself
Brilliant. I’m a 72 year old cis male WASP, but I never bought into the system that offered me so much privilege. I just got turned on to you by this week’s On The Media. Keep it up. But I just gotta say that I’m pretty discouraged these days.
I've studied world history and American history for over 12 years, and I can tell you that all you have done here is create a non existent boogyman. One who was created in your mentally ill head given the propaganda that the global elite want you to have. You are playing right into their hands and now your life is harder because of it. I'm not a fucking republican and I'm not a white supreme pizza either.. I'm pro LGBTQ and Pro abortion. but your are anti freedom. You are extremely misinformed by your own stupidity and laziness.
Wow, RUclips recommendations have basically sent me chronologically backwards in regard to your videos after I watched the most recent one, and I have to say, your transition has been amazing so far! The differences are like day and night, kudos! 👍
That was an amazing, extremely well researched video. I really appreciate it. "Yes, I have become crazy. But this paranoia, self doubt, and questioning of your own perception is the psychological consequence of being constantly gaslit by facsists pretending not to be facsists and communicating in code. It's the intentional consequence of that. " WOW
angriestbacon right, it's yet another definition that ignores all the bad parts of the history of the term. Nearly everyone in the world correlates "facism" with the Nazis, and even though your feelings may be hurt by that, it doesn't change history.
Indra Therion that's cool and all but we don't live in a vacuum. The definition of fascism is changed by the actions of the people who use it, just like feminism, and communism, and a host of other ideologies. So even though the classical form of fascism is very tame, the real world form is horrific.
Definitions don't change. People simply make words meaningless by misusing them. As George Orwell put it, "As used, the word 'Fascism' is almost entirely meaningless"...referring to how people misused the word so much that it lost all meaning. That's of course even more true today.
Do definitions change all the time? Have you ever read a dictionary? Rarely is it necessary to redefine words. Words have meanings. The word definition is based on the word definite. Do you know what that means? www.dictionary.com/browse/definite I'm also not taking Orwell out of context. Read his essay on the topic if you wish. orwell.ru/library/articles/As_I_Please/english/efasc
I've seen videos from this channel recommended to me for ages....and it blows my mind that I only JUST watched my first ContraPoints video yesterday. And I'm hooked. What _excellent_ smart witty empathetic content. This is what makes RUclips great. And you know the content is objectively great when a trans woman can make an anti-fascist video with a up/down vote ratio THAT impressive. I'm kinda shocked it's not 50/50....which is what you almost always see on a video tackling this subject. I hope that means people can't help but find your arguments valid and hard to dismiss.
tbh the dislike bar is satisfying because it shows that a lot of nazis watched it and were pissed... love emotionally upsetting nazis for being exposed ;) keep up the good work giving doses of logic *I don't think ALL the dislikes are fascists you're interpreting it that way*
Not a nazi and it was nonsense from the start, so... no. Not everyone that disagrees with pure and easily disproved lies is a nazi. I just hate disinformation.
Holy shit... Why haven't I seen this earlier? This needs to reach more people. I don't think there's anything I hate more than being manipulated, used, and lied to. Thank you so much Contra!
yup i said it Lmao you changed your "Make America Great Again" hat profile picture and you're acting dumb. At least I can take you slightly more seriously now... But your dishonesty reeks! :/
I keep changing my pic after every few days, and who the fuck do you think you are, talking about my pic when you have that lame ass anime pic as profile picture.
yup i said it Well I'm not the one acting dumb. And my profile picture isn't an "anime" so better get your shit together buddy. Have a nice day, you'll need it.
In times of when we are protecting neo-nazis and white supremacist while giving them platforms and pretending their ideas are any of the sort logical or rational in any sense on implication. This video gives me hope
This video makes me sad. The paranoia is ridiculous. This shit is exactly what people on the far right want because it makes the left look paranoid and abusive.
Amal Nasser Make sure you’re right. Due diligence, due process, evidence. Not, “he said he wants tighter controls on immigration, and he likes milk so he must be a secret nazi. Get him!!” Treat people differently based on stereotypes of others and you’re essentially doing what racists do.
Ar D did you even watch the video? She’s talking about dog whistling which is pretty common when the right wing pundits talk immigration. Tucker Carlson for example speaking about Ilhan Omar and saying this is the new normal these immigrants aren’t grateful and we need to start disciplining them. If you can’t see the dog whistle I don’t know what to say to you.
Amal Nasser Right but if you stereotype everyone who appears to be doing the same thing as the far right then you’re going to get it wrong a lot based on the nature of how dog whistles work. You can’t always be right, so if you’re going to give any real consequences to dog whistling people, then you essentially have to accept you’re going to eventually do it to someone who isn’t doing what you think they are, but they tell people not to even communicate with those people, so you can never find out too. It’s dangerous ideological hate, and it manifests itself in really destructive and abusive ways man. Be careful.
@balladofthebroken7569 True but Muslims still worship a dead pedophile and will still decapitate people for not being Muslim and hailing from the west.
To the guy talking about old European identities, notice that the Romans identified as "Roman," not "White." Race is a pretty poorly and broadly defined category, and culture and ethnicity is even less broad than that.
Just wanna say i was the oblivious centrist, sorry yall. (edit 31/Jan/21: As an update, I've done very surface level reading (Conquest of bread and Communist Manifesto) and am comfortably on the left now.
I’m a centrist, and though I’ve never gave fascists a second of my time or considered their ideas, I never really payed attention to how elusive they could be.
To remain a centrist in this day and age means you constantly have to fight against your own confirmation bias. I'm a centrist coming from a right winged background. I slowly moved towards the center when I started reading history. I understand how the worst atrocities were carried out by people who considered themselves the "good guys".
@@sompompir I recommend you check out the book Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil. It might be comforting for you to believe that ultimate heinous acts arise from mental illness, or some aberration of morally normal human beings, but that's not the case. Inside everyone, including you, lies the capability to perpetuate unspeakable atrocities given the right circumstances and justification. The true catalyst to evil isn't insanity, but moral certainty. This is why the worst crimes against humanity have been committed in the name of utopian ideals.
@@Anxiathy Except, that's the point of using such symbolism... Deniability, and sympathy. And if a group of fascists are making the same symbol to each other, ironically or not, then it is a symbol they use... ironically or not. Fairly simple, but I'll simplify it further for you as you seem to be struggling. If you do something, you did that thing. Get it yet?
@@CraigMetalHead Let's simplify it further: by that same logic Nietzsche is unimaginably evil and shouldn't read by anyone.This is clearly a childish and anti-intellectual opinion to have regarding philosophy, yet you would extend it to humour and use the same reasoning to disregard any possible meaning or intention behind a joke, so long as it's associated with wrongdoing. This close-minded self-righteousness is evil and has far more in common with the mentality of Nazis than some moronic counter-culture memester kids on 4chan who ignore tiki torches in their ultimate quest for the lulz. Say what you want, but you revel in participating in the dominant narrative of society. That alone should make you question yourself. Especially if you've read Nietzsche.
14:11 Holy shit that was weird seeing Fantano and Sargon both being described as 'centrists'. Nowadays Fantano's like a full-on socialist and Sargon is... well y'know.
Fantano probably realized the innocuous danger of the alt-right dogwhistles he shared and decided to use his platform to promote more progressive ideals. Sargon’s just a broken clock at this point lmao.
@@lemmonboy6459 Well, switch out day for year. I remember being shocked on occasions when he had a genuinely insightful opinion on an issue and that only happened twice in my life.
fantano was always a leftie, natalie just kinda assumed he was a centrist bc of his memery I guess. he was tweeting socialist sh*t in the 2016 and even on his defunct meme channel
raceandcrime damn you have time to type all that shit to troll RUclips? What a waste. You could be using that to help people instead of spreading fake news for your government-worshipping ideology for fragile manbabies who feel threatened by everything. And guess what? I LOVE miscegenaion ;)
+mat yes, but the first post is entirely a copy paste from a document i created combining stats... the second post has a copy paste as per my research into IQ and the labels... i type fast, have time beyond my job... i paTROLL, not a troll... well its in the eye of the beholder isn't it? u trolled me? see? the data is not a waste, its illustrative of problems i would like to see largely solved, not expecting perfection of course... if u think i have any fake news involved then demonstrate the "truth", that also can be agenda driven and in the eye of the beholder, the want to be true version... anxiety can drive fear and MUCH GREATER SURVIVAL... fragility may be natural and/or chosen... here is a real problem with miscegenation, disease aside: Its been estimated there is a 6.5 IQ point gain (pure g as per Arthur Jensen) from the heterosis (hybrid vigor), combined with a 5.6 IQ point gain from the raw hybridization, equals a ~12 point IQ boost in total. If we start with a black African IQ of 67 and add that 12.1 IQ points, that gives us a black American IQ of 79. In addition, the superior nutrition and healthcare in the US might boost that by 5 IQ points to 84. That turns out to be an over-estimation of the actual black American IQ of 78 (Rushton & Jensen 2010). - that paragraph above is a copy/paste... i also have a copy paste as to some proof of races breeding inside of 3rd/4th cousin for best disease outcomes... so love stupidity all u want, its your freeDUMB... IDIOCRACY is the measure of people like u running wild and without the truth
raceandcrime the problem you have is that you're so intimidated by difference and change that even though working people face actual problems with historical causes, you choose to believe paranoid conspiracy theories about Cultural Marxists and "ethnic replacement" and comb through data that comes from piss-poor research methods designed only to prove their supposition. You're drinking the koolaid because you think you have some kind of kinship with the white politicians and bosses that are patting you on the head with one hand while picking your pocket with the other, rather than the working people around you that you sell out. Your problem is that you belong to a movement that toadies to the same power system that's keeping you down. So forget your dubious data, you should try talking to some of these people you hate so much and I bet it'll blow your mind.
As a Classicist, I despise the abuse of the Ancient world by fascists. They simultaneously misunderstand what the civilisations actually believed made them great, but also the whole point of Classics: not to just celebrate the good, but CRITIQUE those cultures. Looking back with idealism is so deeply ironic; there has never been a perfect time in human history where everything was perfect- ESPECIALLY not Greece and definitely not Rome. Re misunderstanding the actual cultures themselves, take ethnic purity. The whole basis of Roman self-mythologisation was the transformation of Rome into an idea, NOT an ethnicity or even physical place. Rome’s greatest propaganda piece, the Aeneid, was written with the specific goal of affirming a mighty Roman identity- and how did Virgil do that? By stressing the myth of Rome being founded by a Turk (Aeneas the Trojan) whose most fervent love was an African woman (Dido of Carthage). Another example is slavery and race. A common pointer for racist misappropriaters is Aristotle‘s argument for ‘natural slavery’. Not only is the word of one ancient writer not gospel- particularly given the nature of philosophical discourse as a series of disagreements, but he contradicted himself by manumitting his own slaves, undermining his argument that some are better off as slaves. The evidence, particularly Athenian by virtue of disproportionate preservation/literacy rather than abnormality, points to these cultures recognising a fundamental conflict between their convenient use of slavery and its inhumanity. An example would be the slave’s position in Athenian law, whereby they were categorised as total property (as stressed by Aristotle), but it was still possible to commit ‘hubris’ against a slave. More importantly, they miss the wider point: Rome and her counterparts do not exist to be romanticised. Yes, the Greeks recognised conflicts in their own ideology- but even if they didn’t, why would their use of slavery justify it? Because they were such a flawless, perfect paragon of civilisation- even though they were replete with wars, shitty politics, all the usual AND the absolute, fucking grotesque horrors of slavery? Even the Romans, whose remaining texts were largely written from a biased, self-aggrandising position, displayed self-awareness that they were not perfect. Livy repeatedly states his own bias, while Virgil stresses Rome’s foundation on gross violence (Aeneid 8.600-800). To randomly cite Ovid or Cicero or any text just shows a lazy lack of critical thinking- even when the text itself screams out to be criticised/critiques itself. Not only was Rome imperfect and actually often awful (like every civilisation, let alone its ancient sisters), but being so dull and uncritical is just sad- all that history, all that beautiful, tragic complexity melted down to a Redditterb thinking they’re clever because they’ve skimmed a bit of Aristotle. This isn’t even acknowledging the role of Archaeology - especially post processual arch, which opens up the door into learning about the complicated and gritty lives of ordinary people in the ancient world, not just the elite whose writings remain.
I wish “Seminar” (the year long exploration of the Greco-Roman classics) was more common in high school. I missed it at the school where I graduated (Stellar in Anchorage, Alaska; it’s a nerd school.)
@@keirfarnum6811 When I was in high school, a 3 year course in greco-roman culture and history was mandatory and a cultural leftover from when actual Latin was also a mandatory subject.
I am 98% on board with all your arguments. Why do you have to spoil it for me with the Dido and Aeneas example? :P Aeneas was certainly not a Turk since they had not yet conquered Anatolia (and would not for several centuries) and Dido would probably consider herself more easterner than African due to her Phoenician ancestry (nitpicks that take nothing away from your points)
@@nikolaspatronis3528 A much better example is the basic fact that before 1500 slavery was not racial at all. It was a social status that was sometimes inherited but oftener a result of military defeat, something carried forward to early black slaves in the America being purchased from victorious African nations that enjoyed the military advantage of European firearms.
Hello! This is very relevant in 2023 to me. As a Ukrainian, I can tell a fascist when I see a fascist pretty fast. Unfortunately, it’s not only in the US, Ruskis went WAY AHEAD
@@bonkatronka I'm not talking about Russia I'm talking about the Ukrainian government and "allies" who treat the refugees worse than native population or refugees from the middle east Hell I don't even think there was police units middle eastern countries where they killed civilians purposely on bogus charges/wives trying to stop their husbands from being killed during the massive wars from 2010-2021
@@mellamojeff458 wtf, what is up with this mentally that ppl expect every person in a foreign country to be the most welcoming they can ??! believe it or not, not everybody likes eachother, nobody like to have they surroundings changing that much, not the refugees not the natives, not that the country shouldnt receive them but, to expect everyone to be extremyl welcoming is just wishfull thinking
@@Nword2000 I'm talking how these governments treated them like expendable people and treated them worse than migrants from africa or the middle east who in mass do not work and just received welfare paychecks and rose crime in mass Especially when those refugees was mostly women and children from Ukraine
"Western ideals."
Bold of you to assume Europeans can agree on something.
Romans, Saxons, and Danes. yaknow, the people that spent the last four thousand years killing each other and only stopped because nukes were invented?
@@gearandalthefirst7027 sure we can... we just cannot agree on what we agree on.
"Western Ideals"
Half of the things shown are or originated in Greece.
Greeks are not "western".
Greeks not mentioned in speech.
Vikings who raided and pillaged villages mentioned instead.
Right wing leaning douchbag: Yar am such a Viking, me so proud!
Yeah that always blows my mind. That somehow Europe has agreed on basically anything over its centuries of history. Out of any habitable region in human history Europe is probably the one with most conflict and turmoil, largely due to tumultuous geo-politics and cultures. There is no "The West (TM)" it's just a region that very recently has coalesced into something vaguely resembling a common culture after centuries of nearly continuous conflict, but even that ignores the thousands of major distinctions that still exist.
This is also trotted out when talking about Mexicans. But aren't Mexicans about as multicultural as we are? Wasn't Mexico absorbed by Spain?
Spain is literally the westernmost mainland European country.
Natalie thanks for not deleting this
@Pep Tbh I wouldn't be so quick to make those conclusions. Natalie has almost a million subscribers and probably receives hundreds of emails a day, I'm sure she didn't ignore you because she didn't want to help you. Also, I think she did do debates in the past but it wouldn't surprise me if she has decided to permanently avoid them from now on. Debating isn't for everyone, things can get heated really quickly and some people don't like the stress and anxiety that comes with defending your points.
If you're in serious need of leaving the alt-right, or you need some convincing, may I suggest some leftist debaters and/or RUclipsrs that I think do leftism and the deconstruction of alt-right talking points justice, such as: Innuendo Studios (he has a series called 'The Alt-Right Playbook'); Vaush; Peter Coffins; Philosophy Tube; Destiny (his videos from around 2 years ago are chock-full of debates against alt-righters, and Destiny more often than not does a decent amount of research before he debates those people).
All in all, finding someone to talk you through whatever is going on in your head and your thoughts is tricky. But I think you'll find the most success in being open with people on the left about how you feel and telling them that you want to change your worldview for the better. I wish you the best of luck.
What points?
@Pep Pep Hi, I have been in a similar position to you. There are some other good channels that you may or may not already know which pick apart the arguments that lead people towards fascism including Shaun, and Innuendo Studio's 'Alt right playbook' which explains how people can be drawn to the alt right. For now, if you're still looking to try and get out of the alt right way of thinking, the first thing I did was unsubscribe from all political themed RUclips channels and I also stayed away from political discussion and news sites as much as I could for months. Since things are obviously so tense right now, you're likely to see things that will annoy you from BLM. I have found that to be the case with myself, even though I consider myself in support of their cause, and some of the things that I used to hear from alt right circles have started popping up in my mind as a result (which is why I actually came back to this video to try and help myself). So, if you're vulnerable then I really advise staying off social media and news sites altogether right now. Especially avoid Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Reddit if you use any of these. Take a break to clear your head because politics in general is a huge headache. Really, I wish you good luck leaving the alt right, and if you want to talk I'm happy to do so.
*Definitely unsubscribe from David Duke, dear god man.
@Pep You might relate to a video by Xanderhal titled "How I Fell Down The Alt Right Pipeline And Escaped."
@Pep Not sure how far down the pipeline you are, but in addition to all these other mentions, Christian Picciolini was an ex Neo-Nazi leader and extremist who has some real powerful insight on what its like to go down the worst of paths. Not too sure if this is a just a throwaway comment or troll post or not, but I hope "wanted to leave the alt right" isnt really in past tense and you still want to change, because thats the biggest key; your investigative reasoning and willingness to learn and understand, and do it correctly. I can sit here and quote and provide resources all day but it wont matter unless you, yourself, truly want to understand.
Ive never been in your shoes and I have NO idea how you came to the conclusions you may have come to concerning the alt right, but on a baseline level of thinking, if everyone lived by these words, the world would be a far better place and im sure any rational person would agree;
"Do whatever it is you want to do, as long as you arent preventing anyone else from doing what they want to do"
It really is that simple. If you were to go into specifics it would be easier to identify what to say to you, but I hope you find your way out. Its not easy when youre surrounded by that stuff your whole life, but the alt-right is truly virulent and toxic at its core and I really, really wish you the best in figuring that out for yourself.
“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.” - Kurt Vonnegut.
Not really working out for this dude pretending to be a woman.
@@no_idea8012 edgy
@@no_idea8012 que merda hein
@@emmettbattle5728 She can't, but this isn't the case.
I also find it hilarious that they love the Nordic countries.... which are all social democracies.
I know this came out five years ago, but I'm only finding you now, and good god was I about to lose my mind. Thank you. You're brilliant.
read Michael Parenti's "blackshirts and reds" its rlly good
I think he has been already cancelled and now
[Edit] RESPONSE TO CRITICISM: The biggest (often intentional, I'm guessing) misunderstanding of this video is that I think saying "I'm not a fascist" means you are a fascist. No. Saying "I didn't kill him, your honor" doesn't mean you killed him. But it's not in itself definitive proof you didn't either. The point is this: fascists have good reasons to deny being fascists, so they often do. Thus, denial isn't proof of innocence (and neither is it proof of guilt, of course). This ought to be really obvious. But people so often say, "Richard Spencer says he's not a white supremacist." As if that proves it.
The other major misunderstanding is that I think anyone who uses dog-whistles like "Western culture," Kekistan, etc., is a fascist. But of course I don't. The reason fascists use dog-whistles is to appear less like fascists, to blend in with non-fascists. If everyone who used the dog-whistles was a fascist, the strategy wouldn't work. This is so obvious and so clear in the video that I can only think people are being deliberately obtuse to misrepresent me. [End Edit]
What I want people to take away from this video is an ability to perceive the general strategies fascists use, not just the particular symbology they happen to use at this particular moment. Pepe, milk, the OK sign, Kekistan: all of this is quickly being abandoned by savvy fascists. Normies have caught on. It's on the news. People recognize it as fascist. So it won't work anymore. They'll shift to something else, probably something even more subtle. The only way to keep up is to watch fascists closely or listen to people who do.
ContraPoints contra, will you marry me?
ContraPoints Was the ok sign really used seriously though?
Besides, I thought the Illooninati owned that gesture...
ContraPoints Kekistan was never a fascist symbol, nor was Pepe. The white nationalists tried to take them as more than they are, they're just memes.
Napoleon Bonaparte Indeed
I agree 100% and hear it here first people; fascist get off on white babies. lol jk
"They have the right to free speech, but they don't have the right to a megaphone".
Just, perfect, I always felt like that but I wouldn't have found more fitting words to express it in a million years.
Contra,you or your fans don't know what Fascism is.
Fascism is the idea of a one party dictatorship not Nazism or White Nationalism/Supremacy. Lauren Southern is not a Fascist for believing in the great replacement a neither is Brittany Pettibone or James Allsup. Are they Alt-Right? Maybe. Fascist? No. If they do not believe in a one party dictatorship like what's practiced in North Korea then they are not a Fascist.
Please don't throw around the term "Fascist" just call them "Alt-Right" because if they embrace a Rebuplic/Democracy then they are just Alt-Right not Fascist.
Donald Trump is NOT a Fascist. Someone explain to me how Donald Trump has embraced a one party dictatorship. And even if the meaning of Fasicst was equal to the meaning of Alt-Right Donald Trump would still not be a Fasicst. just because he call some countries hellholes (because they are) doesn't make Donald Trump Alt-Right. In no way has the president promoted White Supremacy,Neo-Nazism,Ethno-Nationalism,etc. He never claimed Neo-Nazis were "fine people" although he did say they're are good people on both sides he did not imply their ideology(s) we're good.
Antifa is no better than anyone. The Alternative right never claimed to be for free speech,Richard Spencer has stated in the past that he is against free speech. The Alternative right and left are both against free speech and Neo-Nazis don't claim to be for freedom of speech. Although the Alternative right took down one of your videos (which I think is wrong that they took down your video) Antifa causes much more violince when it comes to deplatforming and censorship.
Also you like to say people would fear for they're lives because of the Alternative right or White Nationalism,then how come you support Antifa? Right wingers get scared by Antifa because their lives are being threatened by far left Marxist Globalist ideology's. If you really cared about people's lives being threatened then you wouldn't support Marxist Commie Antifa. Also the Alternative right as almost little to no real political power unlike like Antifa (supporters) where we have AOC and her squad not even CONDEMNING Antifa when bombing an ICE facility.
@@angelbarajas9180 he tryed many times to block the other party in illegal ways , he tryed to put religious and spiritual people to go in government so that they try to make laws based on church views , i am activist for human rights i know what you dont
@@baiatfemininimpotrivamascu7549 You sound arrogant
_______________If you deny someone else the right to speak you are only harming your own.
@Star Trek Theory
__________________Every college, almost, has some "antifa" or lgbt organizations on campus somewhere. In case you've been living under a rock, those claiming to be "antifa" ARE the fascists. They are the new Blackshirts and Brownshirts. (google those) ...and they're partnering hand in hand with lgbt and trans-activists. Dig into it for just 20 minutes and you'll discover the truth. Start with googling Blackshirts and Brownshirts.
Is this not what lgbt activists and so-called "antifa" are doing right now? >>> "...disrupting campus events, threatening and beating up dissenters, and enforcing a conformity of thought and practice in line with the regnant ideology. Notice the close similarity between this fascist bullying and the conduct of the American left today."
Google that quote to see the truth...as well as the evidence supporting it.
"Look, I don't want to kill and oppress you, I just vote for people who make laws to do that while increasing the power of my own vote."
-George Not-a-Fascist
Hey, I’m a conservative and this kind of rhetoric conveyed in this video and the comments I’ve seen below are incredibly problematic in my view, the leftist in this video is incredibly manipulative and charming, I’m not gonna lie he’s kind of funny and I laughed out loud a few times, that being said if you’d like to debate/discuss certain issues that’d be very much appreciated and I’m open to new ideas. (If you feel the need to call me a Nazi do it through discord) here’s my discord, feel free to add me and discuss certain things with me: Rusty Bucket#6831
Razzle Cherry holy run on sentence, you really like that copy and paste button don’t you? 😂
@@ClubPenguinFan106 Conservatism is usually understood as conservation of social mores. That is the generally apparent aim of conservative policies and the sort of definition dictionaries give. Pragmatism in conservative ideology has no view toward the future of the species, as it can only look backward to more divided and geographically isolated times in which the idiosyncrasies of culture asserted themselves more stridently owing to the prevalence of those contingencies, and therefore, within conservatism as I see it, actions are evaluated according to their propensity to engender and perpetuate the concepts the in-group distinguishes itself by. I'm saying it's a cultural approach to reality: "Our culture is a great product of nature/god/social evolution, and the problems around us in this world are caused by straying from our true cultural roots like the Israelites at Sinai!", and so forth. Our culture of free markets, or whatever, and Greeks and stuff. Apple pie and hard work fighting the Indians. Tax cuts for everyone, especially the rich! It's a feedback loop emerging from that ancient tendency to see shapes and feel terror in the darkness because it helped us survive in the jungle. If you're going backwards, why stop at a generation or two? I understand that the apogee is always after the coming renaissance, again-again, but what is being reborn? Anywho, I apologize if I'm strawmanning, most American conservatives couldn't watch the RNC and honestly disagree with this representation of their views, but how do you defend a system opposed to adaptation in an ever changing world by appeals to the natural order of things? If you believe as I do, that the good things creatures experience in this world while being alive are primarily a result of resistance to the natural order, if a Platonic stability in a thing's defining characteristics is the essence of quality, what could be more stable than an altruistic society striving for a world where everyone's needs are met and work becomes its own reward in a real sense? They cannot advocate the stability of conflict, so they defer to the inevitable inertia of their system, conflating certainty with stability, and inevitability with necessity. Thanks for reading all the way to the end if you did. What's happening in America is deeply disturbing. What's happening is more and more of what's been happening.
Kayy Snow I mean, I wanted to reach as many people as possible, this kind of shit sends chills down my spine
@@ClubPenguinFan106 why does this shit send chills down your spine?
Would you consider doing an updated version of this video? I feel like a lot has gone down in the last five years and we could all use a more modern refresher on fighting fascism!
I second this!
muh fascism..
@GermanicAurelianThere's nothing wrong with being white. It's just wrong to not tolerate coexisting with people of other races. The rest of the world does it (besides North Korea). Why is that hard to understand.
@@chrissyweaver3475 North Korea is a bad example. They're not racist, they're ideoalogues. South Koreans are the exact same as them ethnically
Organize yourself (as in join an organization/party), and your community.
As a Writing/Communications major in college, one of the first classes I ever had to take was "Close Reading & Analysis" and honestly, it completely changed my life. I have no idea why stuff like that isn't mandatory in the public education system, it helps you understand the subtext and motivations behind basically everything you absorb as a human being. But I guess people meme on the whole "lack of critical thinking skills" aspect of education for a reason.
One of the things I love the most about my university is that there are 2 courses that are compulsory for everyone: Sociedad y Estado (Society and State, history basically, it explains several popular uprising that lead to things we have today and why they happened -like publoc healthcare, public universities, workers rights, etc-) and Pensamiento Cientifico (Scientific Thinking, that also included logic and discourses analysis).
Despiste the fact that the right has taken funding and demonished it, they failed (mainly because the funding was reinstated and 1st world governments make donations towards it becausr we produce great scientists, psychologists, doctors, etc)
@@8LyJu8 Which university, if you wouldn't mind sharing? That's gotta be Portuguese or Spanish. Are you in South America?
@@anonymousposter6461 University of Buenos Aires, in Argentina.
It is not mandatory because it would make it harder to influence the masses and that is not good for the state.
das muss ich dir zustimmen
Remember: free speech protects you from the government, not the people.
Remember sometimes you fuck with the wrong bull .
Freedom of speech
Not freedom of consequence
Chalk O'holic I agree entirely that the intent of the law must be recognized. You haven't however discussed the current perversion of the law, where hate speech is being protected under the pretense of freedom of expression. This utterly violates the protective intention of the law, which ought to be demonstrated.
@Chalk O'holic It doesn't provide the exact same threat, or else it would already be prohibited by further court rulings on the first amendment. This isn't the legal pretense on which progressives think hate speech shouldn't be protected. That legal pretense is that speech which is intended to provoke violence is not protected under the first amendment, as court rulings have decided. Speech that is intended to create stochastic hate violence in terrorism (which the alt-right does on a regular basis), or to radicalize people towards ideologies that demand the mass murder of millions, is advocating and provoking violence against non-white people and other targets of fascism. So through this lens fascism and fascist rhetoric is always speech advocating violence because fascism itself is always violent, both interpersonally and systemically.
That isn't the point of free speech at all. Free speech exists to ensure that the free exchange of ideas that underpins democracy stays healthy. If there's a huge social current that represses free speech that is equally destructive to democracy and its premise of free exchange of ideas as a repressive government is. Free speech is not about the government, it is about ensuring the functioning of democracy, which can't function without free speech. This also means that absolute free speech doesn't really make sense. It's useless to protect speech that isn't allowed in democracy to begin with, like spreading nazi ideology. Unfortunately America just doesn't understand what freedom of speech is and why it exists so I often see viewpoints like freedom of speech has to be absolute or freedom of speech is only for the government. Both wrong.
"edgy shitposter hilariously memed his car into a group of people"
It was pretty funny
stilldanger 1337 I can’t tell if you’re joking or if you’re actually defending a fascist who drove his car into a group of people protesting fascism
@@kristen8052 turns out he is defending a fascist driving his car into a group of people
@@DDD033 Well Antifa's actions are tolerated and defended by many on the libertarian left, no one on the libertarian right is defending the driver only the alt-right which Antifa helped build.
@stilldanger 1337 i suggest you watch Shaun's video on the rally. There's footage of him standing in a line with other nazis holding plywood sheilds with nazi iconography on them. Its ok to not know things but dont assert ignorance as fact
Can’t believe how freaking relevant this video still is! It’s like we’ve stood still for the last 5 years.
The lies that these dogs use are thousands of years old. We won’t be rid of them any time soon. Best we can do is beat them down when they show their heads again. Last time, that took a world war.
It took Hitler almost 2 decades to get into power and another 12 years to finally be stopped. Bigotry and fascism are deep seated illnesses of the human psyche.
More like go backwards…
Oof. It's painful.
It will still be relevant 50 years from now
for the millionth time the first amendment protects you from the government not the natalie
Contra,you or your fans don't know what Fascism is.
Fascism is the idea of a one party dictatorship not Nazism or White Nationalism/Supremacy. Lauren Southern is not a Fascist for believing in the great replacement a neither is Brittany Pettibone or James Allsup. Are they Alt-Right? Maybe. Fascist? No. If they do not believe in a one party dictatorship like what's practiced in North Korea then they are not a Fascist.
Please don't throw around the term "Fascist" just call them "Alt-Right" because if they embrace a Rebuplic/Democracy then they are just Alt-Right not Fascist.
Donald Trump is NOT a Fascist. Someone explain to me how Donald Trump has embraced a one party dictatorship. And even if the meaning of Fasicst was equal to the meaning of Alt-Right Donald Trump would still not be a Fasicst. just because he call some countries hellholes (because they are) doesn't make Donald Trump Alt-Right. In no way has the president promoted White Supremacy,Neo-Nazism,Ethno-Nationalism,etc. He never claimed Neo-Nazis were "fine people" although he did say they're are good people on both sides he did not imply their ideology(s) we're good.
Antifa is no better than anyone. The Alternative right never claimed to be for free speech,Richard Spencer has stated in the past that he is against free speech. The Alternative right and left are both against free speech and Neo-Nazis don't claim to be for freedom of speech. Although the Alternative right took down one of your videos (which I think is wrong that they took down your video) Antifa causes much more violince when it comes to deplatforming and censorship.
Also you like to say people would fear for they're lives because of the Alternative right or White Nationalism,then how come you support Antifa? Right wingers get scared by Antifa because their lives are being threatened by far left Marxist Globalist ideology's. If you really cared about people's lives being threatened then you wouldn't support Marxist Commie Antifa. Also the Alternative right as almost little to no real political power unlike like Antifa (supporters) where we have AOC and her squad not even CONDEMNING Antifa when bombing an ICE facility.
Blinking ARMY-L You don't know what fascism is. It's the idea of conform or else. Also do you realize the Nazis were democratically elected?
Blinking ARMY-L I’ll agree with your one party definition of fascism, but the rest? It’s damn similar to the strategy mentioned in the video. You should watch it. Maybe you’re a confused normie like me or an AR newbie?
AK That definition of facism is Bullsh*t. That's just authoritarianism.
Francis Friesen practically speaking they seem pretty similar to me. If you’re against one then you’re against the other, as far as I can tell.
Ok sorry but after watching those like five seconds of the fascist switching out her hat for the MAGA hat....you need to direct a horror movie lmao
Like just the unsettling lighting to begin with, the sudden shift from being light hearted and hammy w/ this character to explicitly serious and freaky, the lack of explanation, the slowness, the smile, the closeness of the face, the holding of that last image without cutting out, The MUSIC!! That was just.... :o
I really agree. That imagery really reminds me of the film US, the shadow self.
I did start bracing for a jumpscare.
No kidding. Feels like an arsty indie horror film. Not my cup of tea, but damn man. Impressive.
Reminded me of the clown from It.
I love how Richard Spencer says "our ancestors had a strong sense of identity" when referring to his 19th century conception of whiteness, a social category that had absolutely no place in the ancient world and would've been ridiculed if even suggested. If you told a Roman that he was of the same race as Celt, he would've slapped you in the face and accused you of insulting him by comparing him to a "barbarian". Do these people forget that in ancient Europe, that time that they fetishize and fantasize about all of the time, the various "white" races were busy slaughtering and conquering one another? There was no such thing as the "white race" at that time.
The same thing happened with Irish and Italian people moving to America in the early 1900's. Today's alt right people just see them all as white but back then? They'd have gotten curb stomped for even insinuating that they were the same as the"Born and Bred Americans 'tm'"
@@donotgotthis exactly. These people don’t seem to understand how the term white began and has expanded since its adoption in the 16th century. Prior to then there was no concept of a white race to begin with and the bar for whiteness has fluctuated consistently throughout its history. Ironic for a group of people that like bring up the colonization and genocide of the Irish and other celts but only to downplay genocides done to contemporary non white groups.
You're hilariously ignorant. Race has _always_ existed.
The Romans literally backstabbed a usurper (Aemilian) to the purple at least in part because he was from North Africa. As soon as he was challenged by a White man they defected en masse. Within a few months the foreign usurper was overthrown. Lmao!
"I don't like race, therefore it doesn't exist"
- All Leftists
@@antivaushistischeaktion4690 ok, I have a question for you, both as a latinist and an actual historian of ancient Roman. If the Romans understood the concept of race in the same way as modern people, what was the Latin word for “white” (in the context or race- I can tell you from experience with the Latin Corpus that “albus” was only used as a color term, not as a descriptor of skin color).
Should be quite easy to find if your postulation is true. Good hunting, amice!
@@antivaushistischeaktion4690 No one was saying Rome wasn't very suspicious about foreigners. Rome did have its biases and looked down at people who weren't Roman, the thing is they didn't really care if you were a white non roman or a black non roman.
Trying to point out dog whistles to people who don't hear them is basically being William Shatner's character in the famous gremlin Twilight Zone episode (Nightmare At 20,000 Feet). You see something that poses immediate danger, but no one else sees it no matter how hard you try to show them. You're written off as insane and then, after a while, the people who didn't believe you end up seeing the damage you tried to prevent.
Or, maybe, you're just a paranoid idiot :)
Well said.
no one tell the Fascists that Romans thought blonde hair and blue eyes were indicative of “Barbarians” and not attractive qualities 👀
Well the Italians were not even considered white until the 20th century, and there is still a lot of racism today in the US against Italians
@@theblackdeath4398 as an Italian who has Italian friends who moved to the Us I nevere noticed racism against us but if you did I am open to a confrontation. :)
(Pardon my poor English I am still in the process of learning the language)
@@theblackdeath4398 You are embarrassing yourself repeating this nonsense verbatim.You only see the world through an unoriginal lens of oppression and resentment. You have no idea how the real world works. Your version of reality is that warped.
@@m4rtina. molto probabilmente stanno parlando della migrazione alla fine del 19esimo e inizio del 20esimo secolo, ma anche se fosse quello non era razzismo, ma più pregiudizi e stereotipi; inoltre classismo, perché la maggiorparte erano poveri. Al giorno d'oggi se sei un italiano bianco in America non proverai nessuno pregiudizo o perlomeno poco e raro.
Yeah lmao I don’t think those people would have had a good time in ancient Rome 😂
i hate how this is even more relevant 2 years later
And the area of relevance expanding 😶
So true
it’s way too fucking relevant
thanks i hate it
Bash the goddamn fasc
‘hilariously memed his car into a crowd of people’ may be the saddest sentence i’ve ever heard
I had to pause the video because i was so confused about what i was feeling
That killed me.
Almost literally.
It´s actually the funniest.
Interesting that all these years later its still totally up to date, Thanks Nat
Nigga looking like he about to kidnap someone into his car
I'm here again post 2024 election. It feels like this video was made last year
I love your channel girl. You’re so rational and make me feel like not everyone in the world is crazy
Katzun her definition of fascist makes it so no other race other than white can be a fascist there for her definition is flawed
Anyone can be a fascist not just whitey
oh no no no
God satan well she starts off saying "contemporary fascists believe this..." and then defines the concept within a certain sect of fascism today. She’s talking about white supremacy fascism. Of course any race can be fascist, but this video is aimed at a certain sect of fascism
It's actually not that hard to tell that the thing in the video is more of a male, than a female.
Isn't that a man?? Looks like a man to me.
Why do all these people consider the west is solitary thing, one "white culture"
Roman's and Vikings have different cultures same as Zulus and Ethiopeans have different cultures despite being both black
Skin colours arent cultures
Cultures are cultures
Because you can hide from saying white supremacy by saying western culture
Another thing is one can't really say "Christian values" anymore and hope to attract centrists and liberals. And it gets more and more awkward for alt-rights when Christians actively disavow them.
@@ArchKnight28 exactly. people like to make it seem that Africans did nothing throughout history just to make themselves feel better.
no one said they hadn't ever done anything:
Remember when Vikings and Christians fucking hated each other? How they enslaved each other, saw the other as inferior etc etc etc...
the idea of "europe" is a very very recent thing
Europe has been a very very VEEERY diverse place with unique history
The entire part about "leftists will recognize the dogwhistles, but normies won't listen" is unfortunately true as fuck. Liberals and non-political people will always respond with "is it really bad though, thats censoring them"
Leftist are the last ones who recognize the dog whistles and are in fact the ones saying we should find common ground with proud boys and accusing liberals like me of having Trump derangement syndrome because they are only tweets.
@@belkyhernandez8281 ? 🤷🏿♂️ What
@@BravoRox Leftist were to busy arguing with conservative and moderate Dems to see the rise of the right because they dismissed it as virtue signaling/identity politics/wokeism. And even now some of these folks are trying to work with fascist/supremacists because...I dunno a fascist might want $15 min or something.
Yeah, it's a multi-dimensional problem that works against and for different people in different ways.
So someone who is a conservative man can do something really good and really bad just like a liberal person can do the same.
In this case, it specifically referred to how these events happened to this person.
@@DkKombo I'm lost, who's trying to find common ground with republicans? I never met one that wanted too? Aren't those people called moderates.
So are they like wolves in sheep clothing
Girl, you just described some of my right side toxic exes with the whole “it’s just a joke that normies won’t understand” and the shifting blame. I honestly just feel heard and someone were able to word out the experience I wasn’t able to comprehend
Huge shout-out to everyone in the comments who held alt-right believes and was drawn in by their rhetoric, but started questioning and joined the rest of society. Admitting you were wrong is among the hardest thing for anyone.
FallingForFiction So true! We all make mistakes
Who ever actually does that??
Yeah, I was actually raised with alt-right beliefs, but thank god friends, family, and college teachers talked some sense into me. Used to be your typical pro-life, anti-gay, immigration hating white kid; and it's obviously easier to admit online, but at least it's the case.
@@BillCarrIpswich I actually don't watch Sarkeesian, and I don't bother with sexual relationships period (I don't even care about sexuality, really). But your rational reaction has shown me the error of my ways, why don't I insult random people without making a point like you?
@@incubus_valentine raised with "altright" beliefs? A term coined three years ago?
Don't be afraid of "fascists", be afraid of "not fascists, BUT"
I’m not facists but I-
A normal and non-suspicious box
What’s in the box?
These days, it seems like they're more and more ready to drop the act. Be very afraid of overt fascism when it's seen as anything other than a horrifying extreme. Be especially afraid of openly fascist politicians gaining substantial votes. Remember that fascism is a known failure mode of specifically democracies, and that they historically haven't needed a majority to push through a vote ending the democracy that spawned them.
Sal Wolffs
How would you describe them without using the word fascist, which has become a dog whistle for regular conservatives signalling that you’re just a “communist trying to destroy the country”?
People are made to respond in that way though if they give a view on immigration such as " you can't just let them all in they drive down the wages and cripple the economy" people just respond with " racist" or "right winger" then you end up saying something along the lines of "I'm not racist, but not all immigrants are non white". It's even hard to be lefty nowadays without being accused of thought crime.
Does anybody else notice the irony of the alt right hating multi-culturalism when a lot of them praise Christianity, a religion which was developed by a man of Jewish ancestory in Palestine? Even their own worldview can't escape the fact that cultures one in way or another mix and interact with each other.
so this is something that you've probably never thought of, white people are not a singular group, there are actually a variety of white ethnic groups with different heritage and culture. use that instead of the whole christian thing.
"Ehmm christianity was created by the Greeks in the byzantine empire. The old testament is written in Greek"
How can somebody be this ignorant.
"They were conducted by people who were not largely Palestinian or 'Jewish', many of whom were Greek."
I'm perplexed as to why you put "Jewish" in quotes, but ignoring that for the moment:
Christianity did a bit more than "start as a Jewish cult." Its claim to truth is completely based on Jewish Messianic prophecy. Christianity is, at its core, a claim to absolute truth about the nature of God and the fate of the human soul. If Judaism is completely wrong, then so is Christianity.
The giving of the Torah, and its subsequent fulfillment by divine prophecy is the cornerstone of Christian faith, and if you don't accept it, literally nothing else in Christianity makes any sense. If you only care about Christianity because it has some historic connection to your people, you care about Christianity like people care about football teams. "Well, I'm from Tottenham...might as well be a Spurs fan!"
"Christendom is essentially synonymous with Europe."
The Ethiopians, Copts, and Syriacs would like to have a word with you. Also, North America, South America, and Australia, but I'm assuming you meant for most of the last 2,000 years.
"Anywhere it exists outside Europe it has a very ethnic flavour to it, which separates it from European Christianity"
Have you ever been in an Eastern Orthodox Church? What language were the services in? I'll tell you: it depends on the ethnicity of the people where the Church is based, rather than the vernacular of the country where the parish is. This has been true for the entirety history of the Eastern Orthodox Church, which is why you'll typically hear more Russian than English spoken in a Russian Orthodox Church in the Anglosphere. The Anglo-Catholic churches are the exception to the "ethnic church," not the rule.
Also, since we've apparently shifted to the present day, does South America practice European Christianity? If so, at what point do we get to call it South American Christianity? If not, what ethnic flavour does Peruvian Catholicism have, exactly?
Christianity also isn't an exclusively European thing now. Most Christians in the world aren't white or European. This is partially why more intelligent ethnonationalists are instinctively averse to it: because it forsees a future in which the entire world is "ther Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female..[but] all one in Christ Jesus." It eventually forsees [and advocates for] the death of ethnic particularism with regard to spiritual beliefs. This has always been its stated goal.
"many on the Alt-Right are not religious, many are even pagans."
"We can rebrand it."
If you think you can do this, you don't understand what religion is or why it's important.
Many of us on the Alt Right are against Christianity. I agree with you that pro-whites praising Semitic desert nonsense makes absolutely no sense at all, but the Christcucks see things a different way.
It's so cool to look back at these and see that your production quality has gone up so much, but it's the same banger content. Evergreen.
Good comment!
Also, +1! Your videos have consistently allowed me to question my opinions (and crack my egg)!
Good comment
LUMI! lumirSnug
@@errrkt Are you in a black metal band? Cool stuff bro! 🤘
The greatest irony is how they lash out at the left for being overly sensitive, and then proceed to play with an entire deck of victim cards.
They're hypocrites.
Bi-Racial man here, started to fall for the alt right and their anti sjw rhetoric. I then started to notice them slowly transition into white identity politics and bigoted speech against minorities. That scared me away, but I still thought that they were correct. I then found your channel and shauns. You have rescued me from those dark depths and given me hope. Thank you very much. Please keep up the good work. Expose these charlatans.
Godspeed to you, Darius. If only so many others had the necessary faculties to deprogram as quickly & easily.
darius, I ran into something that startled me. I was looking at a red ice alt right post. know thy enemy. saw some vid out of austria , w(it was anti Muslim vid)went to comments and these folks are talking about west Europe,slavic Europe, and the new theocracy they wanted to create. no place for liberals like me, even if I'm a White male. these guys will always have someone to hate that looks a lot like us. and, there seems to be an alright/neck beard/incel link that's pretty corrosive. this stuff is sneaky, a d can be used by communists too.
gratuitous paranoia is in order. and miniature golf.
and yeah the online hate for sjws a nd sneaking g racism is there! everyone seems funny, edgy. never thought of nazi light as humorous. but often, they are. they shouldn't be, but they are.
but if you look at it thru childlike eyes, puzzling,heartbreaking,mean. why do we have to spend our years dealing with hate for each other!?! we should be so much better than this.(sigh*). whatever their appearance, I'll have to avoid their rabbit hole.
Darius Emmanuel Who is Shaun?
Calpsotoma A RUclipsr. He has a skull avatar.
All Nazis are fascists, but not all fascists are Nazis. This is an important distinction because American fascism doesn't look like Nazism, and that fact alone is what keeps so many Americans in denial.
There is definitely a mass current of white supremacy prevalent in American fascism, but our fascism will more likely take final shape as multiracial monoculturalism. Just keep this in mind.
J Nada nazism isnt even a thing its an insulting term for nationalsocialists and facism and nationalsocialism are 2 different things.
@@jnada161 what's wrong with multiracial monoculturalism? That's basically just civic nationalism, one of the major philosophies that American culture is based on.
J Nada, Fascists will never EVER be able to take power in this country because they can't even draw in centrists right now lying about the fact that they're Nazis, how successful do you think they're going to be once they start exterminating everyone that doesn't agree with them? Furthermore, don't peddle that bullshit like there's a difference between these Nazis and those Nazis or whatever the fuck you're trying to do. What do you think is going to happen all the hundreds of millions of people in this country that don't fucking want to be Nazis? You can't deport them. You can't get them to stop protesting. And you can't get them to agree with you either. So you know what that means don't you....extermination camps. You're either incredibly naive and have taking up their bullshit talking points, or you're a Nazi yourself. Get your ass on the right side of history dude.
Do you even know what a fascist is ?
please never delete this, it's the most useful definition of american fascism I know of
@ניקאָלאַי ברומאָווסקי elaborate?
Sorry, would explain your working definition of fascism?
@@rinnhart fascism is to have laws and standards and uphold them
@@リンゴ酢-b8g And communism is having a take a penny leave a penny tray. Go read your Umberto Eco.
@@rinnhart the open terrorist dictatorship of the most reactionary, chauvinistic, and imperial elements of finance capital
Sometimes it takes a video like this to realize how susceptible one is to propaganda and snowballing persuasion. I think this channel is part of my disillusionment out of the "Anti-SJW" videos that got me hooked several years back, later leading to a rabbit hole of conclusions that I didn't consciously come to.
are you dumb? this whole video is propaganda
I used to watch some of the “anti-SJW” videos too, and the problem with them is that they cherrypick the most extreme examples of “crazy SJWs” and say it represents the full movement of feminism. Even if though specific examples are toxic, they clearly don’t represent the whole community.
Contrapoints is the queen of disillusioning centrists
Eh, the SJWs are still a problem, Nazis being a problem doesn't in any way negate that.
Cathy Grandstaff you have it 100% backwards. Sjw are a non-problem. While murderous nationalists have killed over what... 300 people in the last decade or two?
"Identitarians... including the ones who lead the rally where an edgy shitposter hilariously memed his car into a crowd of people."
The worst I've ever felt for laughing at something.
ONLY RIGHT VERSION you are racist
It's actually sad since it might not have happened without an antifa pointing a rifle at the dude in the car which may have caused the crash.
Proof: ruclips.net/video/Hz9mKPiDrv4/видео.html
ONLY RIGHT VERSION you just doubled down on your racism. Just because you are that skin color doesn't make it less racist. "Everybody knows"??? *Go look up the definition.
Francis Yockey I saw the rifle too. I'm bold enough to say it would not have happened. Not to mention Richard Spencer was an Obama supporter. Indicating Soros was paying for all sides. Then the riot police pushed the White nationals and kkk right into Antifa and BLM. The Democrat Mayor also had his campaign paid by Soros. What is the advantage to paying opposing radicalism to fight other than to create a uprise and civil discourse.
sortedamm it was a crash. Did you even see the video?? The looser crashed through a groop of other loosers into another car. *Go watch the video before you say something else stupid.
"Following politics with centrists can be like watching a raunchy comedy movie with children who don't get sexual innuendo; there's a whole hidden layer of meaning that they're not picking up."
This is (1) a nice burn, and (2) an embarrassingly accurate description of past-me.
Pretty accurate description of current me, actually. I dry my hair with jokes that go over my head
so you're saying we should all be far-left?
@@ghl3186 who said that?
well yeah, children grow up and learn sexual innuendo so of course centrists will learn too, hopefully.
Contrapoints, I'm rewatching this now and I've realized that, as your transition has progressed, your eyes have begun to shine in a way they never did before
fr 😌
I know I love her sm 🥺🥺🥺💖💖💖
s|mp lol
@@Lisa_Minci96 pardon me, but do you know what that word even means?
@@user-ld6me2yt8o plenty well
"This doesn't cause centrists to become allies with fascists, that happens regardless"
It feels strange for her to jab at the centrists here and there in the video. Surely it's a group that you want supporting your side. The video itself feels very ''PSA for Centrists'' and centrists are hopefuly a decent chunk of the viewerbase. Saying things like that feels very echo chambery and could possible push centrists even further away towards the right.
Aran But it is totally true. In a situation of nazis vs antifa the centrism favours the nazi said. The thing about centrism isn't that they are the center of all politics its that they are the center of the two most popular political "teams" and if the right team is more right than the left team is left than the middle will be on the right making the centrists right wing. This is way radicalization is effective. Know one gets radicalized into a normal white conservative only into a facist or communist.
> But it is totally true. In a situation of nazis vs antifa the centrism favours the nazi said
Seems like a bold statement to make. Maybe the youtube 'centrists' creators/viewers, but saying the average centrist voter leans towards facism seems very extreme.
I get that the entire political spectrum, especially in the US, seems to be shifting to the right and that it's worrying. But generalizing a (big) party that you'd want on your side nevertheless seems counterproductive. A lot of the video does a good job in exposing that the alt-right/facist movement is more pronounced and hateful than centrists might believe, it doesn't need the weird jabs. No one likes being generalized.
She can do whatever she wants in her videos of course. I'm not really a regular watcher, just some outside perspective.
I can't argue with your observations.
I agree it's absurd to say BML/Antifa are just as bad as the Alt-Right. The president even trying to go there is inexcusable. I was trying to say that the way she stated that ''centrists become allies with facists regardless'' so matter of factly seems to undermine her own goal of getting centrists on her side and feels more like it's targetted for an echo chamber, which I think is a shame. Especially cuz the message in the video is good on its own.
Honestly, because of all the right-wingers calling anyone to the left of them socialists, I slid from moderate centrist/moderately (wherever I happened to be on the spectrum, I'm bad at the labels) liberal to basically communist, so maybe we're overrating the degree to which accusing people of something encourages them to be it lol
EDIT: Not "because of", but the amount of things called "socialist" that I was completely ok with made me waaaay more comfortable with the socialist label
Before I came out as trans and started living as a woman, I kept my head shaved and grew a beard. And I'm like very white. So this guy comes in, sees my white bald bearded seemingly male self, opens his wallet, and shows me the "88" in his wallet.
None of my coworkers believed me when I told them he was a neo nazi because it "Could have meant anything." Yes, it COULD HAVE. But it didn't.
So, yeah, you GOTTA look out for the symbols and you have to educate people on them.
Nellie Workman people not believing 88 was SUPER FUCKING OBVIOUSLY A NAZI SYMBOL is just absurd
But i guess most people dont know Australia from Africa so thats just reality now i guess
But seriously it couldnt have been “anything” the 88 symbol isnt even ambiguos or a dog whistle, its about as blatant as a swastika just not as well known, hell even a story about superheros had “empire 88” be the evil nazi villian group, neo nazis in movies have 88 tatoos or belt buckles
If its penetrated to mass media it should be considered a blatant sign and not “could be anything”
I'm white and when interviewing for a job, the manager interviewing me casually commented she hated the "filthy" (insert slur for Pakistani people) who worked there, and went on a mini-rant calling them lazy and stupid. Apparently all she needed to throw out casual racism was a white audience.
lol I had a similar experience. I was at the ER and someone in the waiting room went on a mini-rant about how Muslims and Arabs/middle eastern people and how they're stealing tax dollars and not contributing to society and how they marrying Canadian women to try and make sharia law. I was just sitting there like, "oh, ya?" and at the end of her rant she said something to the effect of don't you agree and I politely told her that I was half Turkish and my father was one of those men who married a white women (my mother). It got super awkward super quick lol. Like geez people, middle easterners can look super fucking white, don't just assume someone is white because they are white passing.
To test whether these people are racist (they obviously are) and to provide a huge flaw in their arguement. Ask them if the inverse (that is a white man marrying ME women) is okay? Of course the answer I got was "love takes many forms" from this one particular racist woman. I then told her that her rhetoric sounds eerily familiar to how back in the day it was okay for white men to be with black women, but how dare black men be with white women.
My guess is that it's what @haselni said. Men can have thousands of children but women can only have a dozen to two at most in their life time. So they think that a women's reproductive system is more valuable than a mans, because of this. I am also guessing there's sexism at play, that women (and their uterus) belongs to the community and not themselves. Whereas men are seen as individuals.
I also suspect that while they may be more comfortable with the couple, they would not be accepting of children that the couple may have regardless. I do not know though, as my mother was white and married someone who wasn't.
"Before I realized I was transgender, I used to jump on any opportunity to crossdress, ironically." As somebody working through realizations of mild dysphoria, that shit felt way too real. Did I just get gutpunched?
Wait, am I trans?
@@sunnybubbleday While it might just be that you like crossdressing, it might be a prompt for you to explore your feelings a little and see what comes of it.
Krascara Hmmm I'll look in to it
@@sunnybubbleday I think the most important thing to keep in mind is to pay attention to what you in particular feel about it and not let the experiences and perspectives of others indicate to you what you -should- feel. Sense tells me that nobody's experience is exactly the same and not everyone who feels similar to the way Contra did is necessarily trans.
Daniel Sadjadi Good advice!!
Watching this so many years later and realizing how close to the abyss I was is frankly terrifying
If they want to preserve culture so badly, they ought to remember that kicking fascist ass is a huge part of American and European culture.
@Jason Wessalowski im sure they have some sort of reasoning that required the alt rights patented, mental gymnastics to justify.
Every story I've ever heard about Nazis or KKK members leaving those hate groups involved white incel men meeting a woman that talked them out of it. When you gotta choose between "Genocide" and "Pussy," ALWAYS choose pussy :)
Noe Naim, Here's a rather famous example of that:
The vast majority of bigoted people in this world are only that way because of misinformation. Sometimes the misinformation comes from their parents, but more often than not it comes from the political powers in a country that use bigotry for political gain. Which is how after a bigoted person comes into contact with someone who isn't a bigot, that they're actually willing to listen to, they often change very quickly indeed. Because they're finally listening to the facts.
@@EazyMothafuckingE Not a fan of history I see
"hilariously memed his car into a crowd of people"
I feel so awful for laughing.
dont its a joke
Laughter will get us through the darkness. Just watch a Mel Brooks movie. A war hero and a son of Jewish immigrants - and a comedy genius - who made it his life's work to ridicule Nazism.
@Piriathy Isn't that just hovering an arbitrary gavel over jokes, ready to slam down and affirm your own biases and preconceptions regarding others' intentions as inherent truth?
Yeah, took a cue from lovely muslims
@@psycher7 and blacks
I have a centrist friend who doesn't vote and is openly apolitical. I was talking to him about the neo-nazi rally in VA and he says that both sides were bad. Apparently he thought that the liberal counter-protesters (didn't know the name Antifa) drove a car into the Nazi protesters, when it was in fact the other way around. I believe that his disillusionment with politics led him to this kind of ignorance and that it's actually dangerous to us all.
And what does he suggest people do? Just let Nazis take over their community?
How is he a centrist if he's, as you say, apolitical?
@@InfiniteDeckhand Oh you mean they're different?
If he's apolitical, he is not a centrist. He's just apolitical.
Centrism is the idea of not aligning oneself with a 'wing' and holding varying views on various topics. For example, you could be liberal regarding abortion (pro-choice) but conservative regarding the welfare state and government regulation and favour a 'small government' approach. That would be centrism.
If someone says that they think all politicians are corrupt, or that voting is a waste of time, and that they aren't interested in being involved in that kind of stuff, this does not make them a centrist. They cannot be placed on any political scale.
Please don't make this kind of comparison, I see it every day, and it kind of pisses me off that I'm being associated with ignorant apoliticals, or people who have no real opinion.
@Absolute Mad Lad Not if those same Nazis killed one of the counter protestors with a car they won't look sympathetic.
For me, this is one of the most influential piece of content here on YT, this video was basically my gateway to leftist worldview. Before that I had the normie centrist opinions because that's the only narrative I was fed by the mainstream media. Kinda hard to escape from it.
i'm very sorry for you.
No you're not.
Yeah “all Europeans”
As long as it’s not a poor country that’s Slavic because they are seen lesser than European.
I love how fascists pick and choose who is a valid European
What are you talking about? Us Eastern Europeans are the proudest of our nations. The most nationalist, if you will!
And that's pretty neat. Long live the independent statesof Eastern Europe!
Hello from Ireland. Go back 100 years and the racists didn't even consider us white.
@@dudebro765 Being nationalist isn't really something I'd brag about.
Sadly, there are also fascists in those poor Slavic countries. It does take a particular kind of idiot, though.
@pai pai Yes. Nationalism of any people who already have their own nation is always toxic.
Sargon being listed as a centrist youtuber is so nostalgic
IKR, I wasn't surprised when I went back to his channel for a while after I stopped listening to him and the comment section was a regular alt-right-apalooza.
I think there was a genuine shift. I was never a big fan, but I had my "roast SJW's" phase and a saw a couple of his videos. I saw a vid of his recently and he's just banging on the same political talking points in order to appeal to his viewer base. I think he was acting in better faith earlier in his RUclips career.
@Dauda András Well, I realized that the thing I didn't like about SJW's was also true about anti-SJW's, which is they will twist news stories to conform to their pre-existing biases... which is true of any pundit. For SJW's all the world's problems are caused by The Patriachy. For anti-SJW's, everything is being destroyed by Cancel Culture. It's all just an exercise in confirming you biases.
@@noman8412 Sargon's antiSJW content was not made in good faith; you, like many of us, were simply unaware of the manipulation inherent in said content. Shaun (the skull with the sunglasses) has a couple of good videos about manufactured controversy.
@@Robstafarian I agree, but I think his manipulation has become more transparent over time. I saw a recent video that someone referenced and there was nothing about it that wasn't just pushing a narrative. I think he always had an agenda, but I believe he had some kind of conviction behind it at some point. Now, I think he's just cynically pandering.
The fact that far-right ideologues can't agree if we Greeks are white or not (considering the fact that western civilization is a product of Ancient Greece) is evidence that their ideology is so fluid that basically anybody can be discarded from "the white race". For example Jews , Syrians and Turks are as white as Italians and French. Where do you draw the line of being "white"?
Plus the anthropological-biological fact that we are all descendants of Africans and we have more differences among others from the same " race" that from people from other "races" makes the whole debate a complete joke .
I think you'd find that most of the ideologues you imagine will concede that Greece is a European nation, and indeed - as you say - is the birthplace of what we define as European culture. Therefore, they would have no problem acknowledging the heritage of Greeks as white and European. You're confusing a bit of banter and a small minority of "purity spiralers" with serious discourse. Drawing the line of being white I suppose would be truly defined in the genetic sense, although culture does also come into it. Overall, I think you would find more people willing to include people who identify as white with themselves, rather than exclude them for whatever petty reason they can pull out of their arse.
We may all be descendants of Africans, that may be true, but Africans (except a very small minority) do not have Neanderthal or Denisovan admixture. Africa has the highest degree of genetic diversity among humans of all the continents (as far as I am aware), and I think you would find that Africans willingly divide themselves into separate peoples. A Somalian would not be very pleased if you called him a Khoisan, and a Zulu would not like you calling him a Moroccan. They see themselves as distinctly different (and oftentimes superior) than other denizens of their continent. They are not one homogeneous mass of people. You also fail to consider the aspect of divergent and separate evolution. When your last African ancestor was 50,000 years ago (potentially 1,200 generations for the sake of argument - maybe more, maybe less), do you really expect to be the same as a given modern day African? If you do, you would have to completely disregard the commonly accepted theory of evolution, which is backed up by such factual sciences as the discipline of genetics.
You are also making a very common mistake that has become a very common fallacy in discussions like this. What you are referring to is the phenomenon that occurs when comparing one group to another: The variation between those groups (AS A WHOLE) is less than when comparing CERTAIN individuals within those respective groups. ie When analysing the genetics of Russians, you may encounter a 1.5% difference between 2 given individual Russians; however, comparing the groups of Russians against the group of, say, Indians, your comparison based on the averages represented in those groups might only draw the conclusion of a 1% genetic difference. Of course, the AVERAGE difference of that group of Russians would be far lower than any outliers, and is almost certainly to be lower than the difference between Russians and another, foreign group.
Also, the difference within a given group can occur in a spectrum to which other groups do not extend. So higher variation within one group does not imply similarities to other groups.
This is a fallacy because you are pretending that the fact of the difference between the groups does not exist. It does. You have over-simplified and misconstrued this phenomenon to your ends to suit your beliefs, whereas the fact of the matter (that there are differences between racial groups) is in fact implied, and is contrary to your argument and beliefs.
Almost all "white" people have at least one African ancestor in their recent genetic history. All people everywhere, as a matter of fact.
Ireland is being overrun with Nigerians now
Jews are not white, ask them yourself
agreed. as an american ill never be considered white, but thats just me. i could be *used*, but then discarded. its identitarianism right? or am i missing the point
I wish i had seen this a couple of years ago because I left my edgelord phase this year only and every point you stated is exactly what I used to believe in
It’s crazy how blatant ignorance can lead you to believe anything
same fam. May we choose to better ourselves each day.
It’s crazy how blatant ignorance can lead you to believe anything
including the idea that a man can be a woman
Lmao the only based and non kosher comment here.
@@リンゴ酢-b8g it's crazy how you don't believe in science 😂
@@リンゴ酢-b8gi hope youve changed as a person, you miserable dog
I hate when people talk about “the white race”. The historical racial tensions between France and Germany are some of the most impactful in history, though they operate very differently than other racial tensions. Napoleon, Bismarck, Hitler and Clemenceau were pretty sure that the French and the Germans were not, and should never be “part of a shared cultural identity.” Smashing Vikings, Romans, Germanic tribes, Greeks, and others into one category just doesn’t make any sense.
Hell, look at the Brits. Even classifying the Scots, Welsh, and English under one identity would sound ludicrous until the past few centuries, to say nothing of the early "Dark Ages" or the Irish _up to the modern day._
Fascists don't care about history. They care about spreading mythology.
You're right. That's too bad for our European Union though, which I am really into it. Guess we'll never manage to create a unique identity.
Tensions between Germany and France were never racial tho. I agree with your overall point tho: concepts such as "whiteness" and "race" are complete bogus.
But tensions between Germany and France were very often about national identity, about “Germaness” or “frenchness”, about the “fatherland”. As we see with hitler, nationalism, at least in Europe, is mostly just a special kind of racism, or the other way around, depending on how you look at it.
Daniel Fisher i hate to sound euphemistic but nationalism and racism are two separate things. Yes, most German nationalists back then were also racist, but to the Jews, not the French.
As much as I like armored skeptic, it's always fun to see him get called out for these things.
Also, as a former self identifying centrist who was being played into this kind of thing, I am really glad for content like this that points out how the alt-right subtly manipulates people
Always puts a huge smile on my face to see someone willing to put away their ego and have an opened mind about serious topics. Hope you have a good one, man.
Dunno if you’ve explored other RUclipsrs in-line with ContraPoints, but I’d recommend Shaun and Three Arrows. He’s *not* a leftist by any means, but Destiny is a fantastic debater-especially against the alt-right. His debates are often fairly long, but great to listen to while you’re chilling doing something else.
Don’t doubt that the same happens on the left.
Just in this video she says “I’m not a fascist@ is what a fascist would say, lol but it’s also what someone who isn’t a fascist would say. Sometimes everyone’s wrong.
@@ard1805 I forget if it was this video or not, and I don't wanna rewatch the video to see but yes, contrapoints is aware that saying "I'm not a fascist" does not make you a fascist but it doesn't mean you aren't one.
Moreover, yes, members of the left will make mistakes, as does everybody, but A. If we're talking about armored skeptic specifically, he frequently, when talking about things he's not interested in such as politics, he often fails to do proper research, (ex: his jontron vs destiny video) and despite that, he seems to have a pretty big ego; (ex: the "skeptic clone" mess) and B. For centrism, I don't have something against it, my political opinions just shifted left over time.
I’ll reply to the rest in a minute, but the comments were arranged so this one was ahead of the one she made that explains that she didn’t mean it that way lol. Kind of a trap if you ask me...
Summer Melrose Tiffany Tumbles
I SWEAR that scared me so bad wtfff
I watch this 3 times. When I was alt right I was FUCK YEAH. now I’m fucken freaking out
Fr that shit gonna give me nightmares
Natalie, your work educating people on facism is some of the most important content on RUclips. Thank you so much for what you do.
this aged like fine wine
Like the finest of aged fine wine 🍷
Carlgon is listed as gullible centrist, imagine
no, my name is tyler Can I get a round of applause for the “tolerant” left?? 👏 👏 👏
@@ClubPenguinFan106 Please fuck off. This whole video was about how to see right through people like you. We don't buy it.
placeholder name That’s the issue with this video, it conflates actual fucking nazis with the entirety of the right, and the fact that you believed it makes me sick too my stomach.
I wish Nat would have mentioned that a century ago, Italians, Eastern Europeans and even the Irish weren't considered "white" but as they needed more people on their side, they went from "Anglo-Saxon" to "White" to include more people. In a few years white-ish Latinos like Ted Cruz will be included too, even if the "inner circle" continues to preserve the definition of who is "in" for after they win and can come for white-ish Latinos and Eastern Europeans.
Russians were Asiatics IIRC. Lenin even used the “Asiatic Mode of Capitalism” to describe it. Ironically Duginists and the heated immigrant leftovers from the Marshall Plan will defiantly ally themselves with historical Slavophobes due to some wedge issue.
Not to mention how Irish Americans were actively racist in order to “assimilate”. They positioned themselves with white Americans to fit in and be accepted and it worked
@@toastedcheese do you have a link or book about that?
Not just that but white supremacists constantly deny people from the Middle East and North Africa to be white, but when they want to accept the rich histories and civilisations of those areas like Persia and Egypt, they decide to then include those people as white. The concept of race has to be abandoned, it is an outdated 19th concept that was designed to designate who was superior and who was inferior.
I think the problem with understanding the way classical people's and people even up to the middle ages, understood race is that this whole white supremacist idea of Europeans being one ethnicity and should all gang up together wasn't really a thing until relatively recently. The modern understanding of white as a European person fully includes ethnically Irish, eastern and southern Europeans, but in the past they didn't see those people as being from the same ethnicity as there was no idea of white. That doesn't mean white supremacist and racism isn't alive and kicking but arguing that say Italians weren't white, isn't really true, because white is so recent.
Every single time I watch one of her videos, I am so grateful for ContraPoints' existence and her choice to educate us on these matters.
@Hernan Cortes ;)
how fking old are you? ewugh. I've studied world history and American history for over 12 years, and I can tell you that all you have done here is create a non existent boogyman. One who was created in your mentally ill head given the propaganda that the global elite want you to have. You are playing right into their hands and now your life is harder because of it. I'm not a fucking republican and I'm not a white supreme pizza either.. I'm pro LGBTQ and Pro abortion. but your are anti freedom. You are extremely misinformed by your own stupidity and laziness.
Had a coworker straight up deny Charlottesville happened. The same coworker recently made transphobic remarks. We're backsliding and I'm terrified.
Not backsliding. Mask is just off. Always been this way g it’s the first step of progress
@@avacadomangobanana2588 Hating minorities is progress? Mkay dude.
@@theangryholmesian4556 the fact that’s what you gleened from that shows you’re not as smart as you think you are 💀💀💀
@@theangryholmesian4556 all you got is anger and no actual sense or ability to process anything. Reactive AF
@@avacadomangobanana2588I think they mistook what you meant. I agree with you I think. Things get worse before they get better, is what you were trying to say?
Admittedly before watching this video two years ago I was more of a centrist leaning toward the right. The information given in the video regarding dog whistling and the sly tactics used to have centrist agree with the alt-right lead to me wanting to watch more and also go out and do my own research. In a weird way this video kind of helped stop me from falling into an alt-right rabbit hole and I'm grateful I saw this video when I did. About a year later I've found myself fully leaning left and although I'm not always the best at making arguments and fighting against some of the beliefs the alt-right are putting out and that the centrists are eating up I still find myself wanting to make more of a difference and prevent the alt-right gaining any more power than they already have.
@Hernan Cortes lol, alt right much?
@Hernan Cortes the fact that you're asking in such an accusatory tone indicates that you're a bit defensive. If you're not part of the alt right, but you've been influenced by them, your going to find any explanation unsatisfactory. But I'll give it a try.
The power of the alt right is attained from their ability to take otherwise average people and through repeated exposure, make insane ideas seem reasonable. In extreme cases, the unsuspecting "average" person starts to realize that they're starting to think in terms of dehumanizing the groups they hate. As soon as you no longer think of people as human, atrocities seem reasonable.
Even if this hypothetical "average" person would never burn a cross on someone's lawn, they can see why someone would. They would never murder someone, but they can see why the cops would. They start making excuses for horrific behavior and defending the true alt right.
That's their power: building a psychological shield around themselves of people who will defend them no matter how atrocious their actions become.
If you're not alt right, but you're defending them, then whether you liked it or not, you're alt right.
The good news is that if you're not deep in the culture, you can still get out, but you have to want to get out. You have to honestly see others as real people and not just targets. And that, I'm afraid, is 100% up to you.
@Hernan Cortes The alt-right just stormed the Capitol, blm has recieved far more policing than the storming did. Also as Natalie said, blm is fighting for civil rights, the alt-right defends white supremacy. Also your comment screams of anger, and @laura vance made some constructive points. Victimizing the alt-right movement is pretty tone deaf after the alt-right just attacked the capitol.
@Hernan Cortes yikes I don’t know why I’m dignifying this with a response after you just called me and idiot, but this is bigger than me. The blm movement started as a response to black Americans killed that according to the police reports, did not commit crimes. Being protected by the police and a fair trial before punishment are civil rights.
@@junik7909 trolls be trolls. Notice they didn't even acknowledge your comment about storming the capital lol?
"I'm a Saxon"
*Picture of a Norman knight from the Bayeux tapestry*
exactly , man very clearly just cares about being racist towards non northern European whites
*Angry Æthelstan noises*
He probably knew what it was and still liked it because it is another Germanic group
@@MrBooYa-yd5er Normans were the francofied descendants of Scandinavians; they were not a Germanic group.
@@grouchomarxist666 Scandinavians are Germanic people. You’re an idiot.
It's funny that they're near obsessed with their ancestry, but the minute they're asked to take basic actions to help minimise the pain their ancestors caused and still cause they act as tho their ancestry has nothing to do with them and whine about how their being punished for something they didn't do (as if racism isn't as much about inaction as is also about actions)
I agree fully even as a white dude I can agree that by standing by we do contribute to the problem. However, the only time I do ever use the “why am I being punished for my idiotic ancestor’s actions” is when I am being curb-stomped by black guys just because I am white and them saying it’s payback for what my ancestors did to their’s
@@world_ender9500 has that actually happened? Has that ever actually happened?
Or when they start the whole "is she black? Wasn't she indian?" Stuff about Kamala Harris.
No doubt. Just like talking to southern whites about the Civil War and slavery. So proud of their heritage when its time to yank down statues of bigots and monsters, but don't want to recognize the leg up they were given in this country just by being born white.
If we're so racist then why don't we just peacefully separate? It's exhausting being in a polarized society where the people want different things.
Rewatching after Election Day 2024 to re-prep my brain
After seeing this ,I look back back at when I was into really edgy memes and realise how easy it is to get sucked into the alt right. I feel like the only thing stopping from going too deep was some events in my life that solidified my current moral values. The sad thing is though, I can see some of my friends moving in that direction and I realise I’m going to have to do something.
P.S. Thanks for making me super paranoid!
Here's a piece by left radical "Shaun," who from his own self-description was veering toward the altright but a number of experiences conspired to veer him away from it. He has many perceptive things to say about how to address those--especially young, white men--who are moving toward white supremacist views. I highly recommend it:
It's a simple problem of engagement a lot of the time, those edgy memes are friendly and open and even the alt-right tends to be, and a lot of people who opose them are not, they tend to be very antagonistic a lot of the time, resulting in this, the best way is to try to talk to these people and not simply insulate yourself when made uncofortable, because then things like the alt-right just spread. Less moral rigidity if anything is a good thing.
Boo Machine How is running people over friendly :/
Jet Frog
Because that's obviously not most people's experience with them.
Not even the most ardent of alt-right enemies would say that's what they generally do, they just post edgy things on the internet often with a good sense of humour and even self-mockery, they are usually dismissive of people with different opinions but not is the vitriolic exclusionist sort of way that a lot of "the left"(sorry, I'm just using it as a term for convenience, I really hate using it, but better descriptions allude my brain atm)
Their PR is top-notch, and you can often feel like they are the sort of people you could actually talk to despite their horrid political views without being blocked or actively harassed.(On reflection just the other day I saw a lot of very leftie, mostly LGBT furries harrass a guy and take down his patreon because he drew an underage furry porn pic, while spouting how that makes furry fandom non-inclusive), you generally don't see that sort of behaviour on "the right", at least as the more alt-right/faschist parts of the internet are concerned. Their tribalism is also much less obvious, since they tend to be much more open to conversation.
Dude, you have a stupidly forgiving take on the altright. They're open to conversation when they control the conversation and can fling lies, straw-men, and fallacious arguments around with abandon.
The alleged leftists you invoke are not representative of the left in general and are unlike any leftist I have contact with.
Sounds like you've spent a bit too much time ingesting altright forums a bit too reverently.
The next time you find yourself mentioning the authoritarianism of some silly lefty straw-ladies, why not instead mention all of the violent incidents associated with altright and far-right in the recent past:
Alt-right troll Matthew Riehl shoots five law enforcement officers, killing one in Colorado, dies in shootout 12/31/17
Self-avowed Nazi and alt-right troll Nicholas Giampa kills the parents of his girlfriend and shoots himself but lives in Virginia 12/22/17
Far-right antisemite and former Washington DC policeman Nicholas Young found guilty of trying to aid ISIS 12/18/17 (date of conviction)
Alt-right sympathizing racist William Edward Atchison kills two students and himself in New Mexico 12/7/17 www.thedailybeast.com/new-mexico-school-shooter-had-secret-life-on-pro-trump-white-supremacy-sites
White supremacist/neo-nazi Taylor Michael Wilson is charged with an attempt to commit terror by targeting an Amtrak train in Nebraska 10/22/17
Three alt-right neo-nazis are arrested in shooting of anti-racist protesters after Richard Spencer speech in Florida 10/19/17
Neo-nazi Brandon Russell pleads guilty to explosives charge tied to plans to blow up a power plant in Florida 9/27/17
Neo-nazi James Fields is charged with first degree murder for driving car into a leftist anti-racist demonstration, killing one and injuring 20 in Virgnia 8/12/17 www.nydailynews.com/news/national/va-man-charged-first-degree-murder-heather-heyer-death-article-1.3698829
White supremacist and anti-Muslim zealot Jeremy Joseph Christian is charged with two counts of aggravated murder and one count of attempted murder in killing of two men on train in Portland, Oregon 5/26/17
www.opb.org/news/article/portland-oregon-stabbing-suspect-jeremy-christian-hate-speec h/
Altright racist Sean Urbanski is charged with one count of murder and one count of a hate crime in the stabbing death of a black man in College Park, Maryland 5/20/17
White supremacist James Harris Jackson is charged with one count of murder and one count of murder as an act of terrorism in the stabbing death of a black man in Manhattan, NY, 3/20/17
Anti-immigrant racist Adam W. Purinton is charged with one count of murder, one count of attempted murder, and one count of a hate crime in the shootings of two Indian men that killed one in Kansas 2/22/17
White supremacist Benjamin Thomas Samuel McDowell is arrested for purchasing a gun with the intent to carry out a massacre at a synagogue South Carolina 2/15/17
Far-right xenophobe Alexandre Bissonnette is charged with six counts of murder in the killing of six Muslims at the Islamic Cultural Center in Quebec, Canada 1/29/17
Right-wing Milo Yiannopolous supporter Elizabeth Hokoana is charged with first-degree felony assault and her husband Marc Hokoana charged with third degree assault in the shooting of a leftist outside Yiannopolous event Washington state 1/20/17
White supremacist Russell Courtier charged with one count of murder and one count of a hate crime in the killing of black man in Oregon 8/10/16
Anti-black racist Allen Scarsella found guilty of felony assault and rioting in the shooting of five Black Lives Matter protesters near demonstration site Minneapolis, Minnesota 11/23/15 time.com/4659124/allen-scarsella-black-lives-matter-protestors-guilty/
White supremacist Dylann Roof found guilty of nine counts of murder (and many other charges) in the killing of nine black churchgoers, South Carolina 6/17/15 www.nytimes.com/2017/01/10/us/dylann-roof-trial-charleston.html
Loving the shoutout to Life After Hate
My ex is a very reasonable person. But her parents, who she is very close with, kept feeding her concealed alt-right talking points from Fox News. Any criticism of conservative thought was interpreted as a direct attack on her parents. She was stubborn and we got no where. I want to believe that patience and reason can break through ignorance but wow is it difficult.
Well done for trying at least!
What were they saying specifically? Genuinely curious.
@@sarahtaylor4264 things like BLM is a violent movement, and antifa are bigger threats to the nation than neo-nazis, etc.
@@LDogSmiles I want to dig a little deeper. Be patient with me please.
Do they separate the BLM movement from the organization?
If yes, how do they feel about each?
How would you describe antifa?
How do they describe antifa?
Who do you define as a neo-Nazis?
What hold over culture and politics does each group they have?
Have any of these groups been violent in the last 5 years?
What have the consequences of violence been?
If someone genuinely believes that neo-Nazis have little power and influence, but antifa and BLM (organization) are powerful and influential and commit acts of violence regularly without consequence is that the same as being a neo-nazi/member of the far right?
I'm pretty centrist. I have noticed a trend of anyone not on far enough to the left or not supporting the left agenda being called far right or a neo-nazis. I don't have an issue with the BLM movement. It has been peaceful. I cannot in good conscience support the organization for a number of reasons. Antifa uses the same tactics as historical Nazis and has usurped peaceful protests to commit violence. People on the left were saying they didn't exist until very recently and that people on the right who called them out were conspiracy theorists. VP Harris started a fund for bailing rioters. I do not like antifa because they are hypocrites and I will not tolerate violence on any side. The impeachment revealed some pretty damning evidence against the Democrats and channels like CNN. I'm not so sure her parents are far right. I just think you have strong disagreements on certain topics stemming from different underlying assumptions and that legacy media is trash. I get my news from people on RUclips at this point. I would be happy to have a civil conversation if you disagree with any point.
@@sarahtaylor4264 Well I think you are right to say that her parents weren't far right.
I said that they simply repeated the alt right talking points they heard from conservative media.
My problem with them was that they never stopped to question what they were being told, yet they would question my liberal ideas. After speaking with them I realized that CNN and other liberal news sources were not reliably objective and have since stopped watching them. But it baffles me that they would continue to watch Fox news and treat it as somehow more objective. Their double standards and stubbornness are what caused me to leave, not because of their conservative mindset. I have no problem with conservatives, but I do take issue with close-mindedness.
A friend shared your channel with me and I’m now watching all your videos from the beginning. I love them! They are helpful and entertaining. As a former left wing activist now a mom living in rural Canada, your content is both very nourishing for my true self but also useful for getting me in the an empathic mindset for useful, efficient and kind discussions with my kids and members of my communities. I truly appreciate your work. Take care!
Just discovered your show, I saw the one on Incels. Amazing channel, it was a no-brainer to subscribe. Keep up the good work!
"you had my curiosity, now you have my attention."
That Incel video really knocked it out of the park, didn't it? With all the other people who have been making hot take videos on incels, Nat here seriously put them all to shame in terms of helping people understand what's really going on with that subculture.
@@nuclearcatbaby1131 not really they could exist in either the left or the right wing. There are ones that turn it violent. That's like saying if a smaller group of a larger group loots while both groups protest, then all protestors are looters.
@@nuclearcatbaby1131 it worked in the past with Nazis, not the idiots that found their father's/grandfather's WW2 stuff and thinking Nazis are fucking cool.
Fascism must be fought with words so that it won't have to be fought with bullets. But if it comes to that, then bullets must be used to defend our liberty from would-be tyrants.
The disco-flashy "How To Recognize a Fascist" banner was one of the funniest things I've ever seen. Great stuff.
ONLY RIGHT VERSION such a black and white philosophy you have
"hilariously memed his car into a crowd of people" Holy shit lmao.
i felt bad for laughing at that one
lmao = Laughing at Mao
Kain of Balance oh my god
Common Sense I don't even have to tell you what is wrong with what you just said. You know your logic, and comparison to playing in traffic, is flawed at best.
Are you 'triggered' by the tires of my car crushing your ribs, snowflake? Typical libtard.
Thanks for being brave enough to be a voice of sanity.
For the past few days I've had to tell my dad that you shouldn't kill Muslims just because you disagree with Islam (after the NZ shooting.)
He starts talking a bunch, and he sounds exactly like the shooter in his manifesto.
After watching this video, I'm a little concerned for myself, since I think I've used some alt-right lingo without even knowing it.
I don't wanna be cozy with the alt-right, especially when they want to expel me (queer and reconnecting with my Jewish roots.)
I even went back on political debates on many social media platforms and updated my comments with warnings of unknown dog whistles.
I'll get better. I remember I watched this video when it came out and was kind of like "that's silly!"
now, I think that I was a bit silly
@Smash 456 I think so? He's a wildcard. I'll try to explain it.
The programmes he listens to DEFINITELY are Christian. I hear them talk about "Satan" and Jesus all the time, and "them" or "the elite" (which you can probably guess what those mean.)
My dad HIMSELF has never read the bible, never went to church, etc., but when he sees Muslims or LGBT people or atheists or people not saying Merry Christmas, he complains Christian values are under attack.
So.. I think he believes in Jesus, despite never reading the bible. Does that count as Christian?
@Smash 456 oh unless you are talking about the terrorist: no, the terrorist wasn't a Christian
do you also think that Islam is right about gays?
@@リンゴ酢-b8g no lol
Hey so uh... that thing where she smiles and switches into the MAGA hat is legitimately terrifying, thanks for giving that feeling an image. The feeling of "less than half, but still a large percentage of our country voted for this guy and I feel like it's a bunch of fascists who hate every minority group I'm a part of (or am an ally for) just hiding under a different slogan." Yeah, that weird and hyper-specific feeling that is way too normal these days. Yikes. That was a combination of "so cartoon villain-y that it can't be real" and "too deeply, soberingly real."
Usually a creepy smile and creepy music doesn't hit me hard at all, but pair it with a MAGA hat like this, placed in this context, and BAM, it's legitimately unsettling.
She is trying to make you associate MAGA with evil, so you can become a CNN anchor and demonize a 16 year old with a MAGA hat, who did nothing but smile at someone, while praising a pedophile who tried to shoot a 17 year old medic in Kenosha.
Aww, that poor anarchist.
Someone from the future here. I sincerely hope you’ve grown out of this childish belief that someone disagreeing with you is indicative of nazism.
imagine getting creeped out by a hat
@@thatromanfella8377 it’s fucking horrifying. Imagine sticking up for neofacists. Yikes.
@@thatromanfella8377 imagine thinking it's about the hat and not the mindset it represents, even when it's blatantly pointed out to you.
I felt compelled to rewatch this video after the Christchurch terrorist attacks today in New Zealand. Think I'll send this to everyone I know.
Much love for you Natalie
Same. Thanks Natalie for articulating this into a coherent format that I can share around.
I came here for the same thing.
I’ve been rewatching some anti-fascism videos as well. Shaun’s video on Charlottesville in particular is really good. To hear these fascists talk when they think normies aren’t listening is important. Also, to see them pour shampoo in their eyes and scream about having a panic attack is very satisfying.
Yeah, the guy that admired Breivik and mentioned Spyro, Fortnite, PewDiePie and memes in his Manifesto just to divert responsibility and divide people. I'm pretty sure that by sending this awful video you will only cause more pointless conflict... besides, the fact that only one dude did this massacre proves that fascists have less power than any other political group.
Before I watched this I had 60% jokingly said that the ok symbol was a WP sign after the proud boys nonsense. Well I guess it's 100% after this video and christchurch.
My "forgiveness and encouragement" is officially done.
Wow. Im on a contra binge and i swear each video is better than the last. I couldn't agree more with everything she said.
This should be taught in high school.
Well, I'm German and I knew a lot of this, from school and the news. But our alt-right wants to trash our "Erinnerungskultur" (culture of remembering the nazi regime). Because if we stop talking about our history, people are going to forget. And then they willfall much more easily for their propaganda.
This was taught in 8th and 9th grade from english and reading teachers as part of "media awareness" and "critical thinking". My dad threw fit because I was wasting my time on weird greek words like "ethos" and not practical math or natural science. Then he called it liberal indoctrination.
That basically sums up the problems tying up the education system imo
@@PrincessNinja007 yep not even touched in Oklahoma. Its one thing to teach about Nazi Germany, and other fascist. But its another to break down how it happened and how it could happen again.
America is so undereducated and it shows everyday.
Same ✌
Two Scoops "There are lies, damned lies and statistics" -Mark Twain
“hilariously memed his car into a crowd of people”
@Beverly Mandahl great save there buddy
.....which can never be proven who was in the car. Keep watching the fake news though. They have a white supremacist patsy all in the name of division and diversion.
@@bobbychuckles8764 I'm sure you think all the white supremacists that shoot 10+ people are all false flags, too.
Anything to protect your dear leader, the Moron in Chief.
@lgbtq plus romania no masculinity is important and not threatening. Masculinity is something that is lost the moment you try to mimick it. Masculinity is not violent but assertive only when it is just. Masculinity is not evil, but a natural state. Masculinity is not the oppression of others in the attempt to become "alpha", it is the honorable uplifting of those below you. True masculinity doesnt need to be the best, it is just comfortable being itself, and understands there will always be someone "better". Because true masculinity is not threatened by challenges or challengers. In fact true masculinity enjoys a fair and just challenge. True masculinity is humble humility. Because that is true strength, which unfortunately so many people fear the idea of admitting your own flaws and admitting that you are not always the best. Therefor they act out of fear and agressively push down on those around them.
TOXIC masculinity is a terrible terrible thing. It is not a symptom of masculinity but a way to identify those that misunderstand and try to quantify masculinity in a manner that just isn't right.
Toxic masculinity is the pursuit of power. TRUE masculinity is the acceptance and encouragement to love yourself and those around you as they truly are. And to protect what is pure and just.
If you want an example look at FDR.
A general that didnt send troops into battle but joined them. A man that when shot in the chest chose to stand up and look the oppression in the eye for what it is, and chose to give his speech even though there was a bullet in his chest. He was a feminist, a conservationist, and invited the first black man to the white house to visit. He set up a boxing ring in the white house amd nearly lost his sight during a boxing match. He did not fear difference but encouraged it. He did not fear challenges but saw them as healthy competition to better himself and others. He was not afraid of women being equal or of other races moving up the social ladder. He was comfortable with himself because he knew he was respectful and just in his actions and was an honorable man in that sense.
@lgbtq plus romania what i'm saying is that fascism. Clearly. Is not masculinity but fear and insecurity desguising itself as "masculinity" in order to justify their violent action. And it is wrong
Not to distract too much from the topic at hand but I just wanted to say I love that you post the names of all your songs in the description. Too many RUclips channels will have really interesting background music and *never* list what that song is.
well ok that is actually a fair point
Wow, never in my life have I ever felt more truly educated than when watching this entire channel, and I mean the entire thing, not just this video. What I've seen so far has been more useful to me than anything I've seen/heard/read in either school, uni, or side reading.
Not gonna lie I got suckered in by these strategies back in the day. Shit is insidious and really effective on clueless and listless young men.
I'm proud of you for learning and changing, stranger.
Questionable Object “clueless and listless young men” are the malleable gold that everyone is after. From the Marines to the Animal Rights groups. I mean, die on your feet, don’t live on your knees, right?
allah is ghey
this is the first video i've ever watched from you. the style of it is so impressive and the information is presented in such a clear and understandable way without it seeming like youre talking down to your audience. really really great stuff
Check out the rest of their content. It's some amazing stuff.
If I forget he made up 3 core beliefs of fascism within the first few minutes, yeah, great video.
Liz did we watch the same video ???
Richard Spencer has absolutely no knowledge of European history
There are things growing on the north sides of trees that know more than Richard Spencer.
Just like, in general.
@@shjar1117 liberty has never been won except by deeds of war
Shamjar1 that’s true I hate castillians and catalans
I wouldn't be surprised if he KNOWS better, but the truth doesn't matter. Converting people to his cause matters, and building the image of a single vague "western" culture and heritage seems to be an effective way to drum up support.
And like the traior in chief, the facts are not important its the presentation of false History that pleases his audience that is important. Telling the IKEA employee he or she is really important and something grand boots their ego and lets them believe they are ment to kngs and queens. I like trans queens better myself
Brilliant. I’m a 72 year old cis male WASP, but I never bought into the system that offered me so much privilege. I just got turned on to you by this week’s On The Media. Keep it up. But I just gotta say that I’m pretty discouraged these days.
Man is enough. You sound so dumb saying “cis”.
It's sad that you fell for this stuff at your age.
@@AltereggoLol1 You’re entitled to your mistaken opinions.
You’re a traitor. Move to Africa.
Putting on the MAGA hat on the tv piece was actually quite creepy. Well done!
That shit caught me off guard.
I've studied world history and American history for over 12 years, and I can tell you that all you have done here is create a non existent boogyman. One who was created in your mentally ill head given the propaganda that the global elite want you to have. You are playing right into their hands and now your life is harder because of it. I'm not a fucking republican and I'm not a white supreme pizza either.. I'm pro LGBTQ and Pro abortion. but your are anti freedom. You are extremely misinformed by your own stupidity and laziness.
she literally smiled like pennywise
he is creepy without having to put any effort into it. it comes naturally to multi-gendered freaks
Wow, RUclips recommendations have basically sent me chronologically backwards in regard to your videos after I watched the most recent one, and I have to say, your transition has been amazing so far! The differences are like day and night, kudos! 👍
Lmao same
That was an amazing, extremely well researched video. I really appreciate it.
"Yes, I have become crazy. But this paranoia, self doubt, and questioning of your own perception is the psychological consequence of being constantly gaslit by facsists pretending not to be facsists and communicating in code. It's the intentional consequence of that. "
angriestbacon right, it's yet another definition that ignores all the bad parts of the history of the term. Nearly everyone in the world correlates "facism" with the Nazis, and even though your feelings may be hurt by that, it doesn't change history.
Indra Therion that's cool and all but we don't live in a vacuum. The definition of fascism is changed by the actions of the people who use it, just like feminism, and communism, and a host of other ideologies. So even though the classical form of fascism is very tame, the real world form is horrific.
Definitions don't change.
People simply make words meaningless by misusing them.
As George Orwell put it, "As used, the word 'Fascism' is almost entirely meaningless"...referring to how people misused the word so much that it lost all meaning. That's of course even more true today.
Indra Therion definitions change all the time, and quoting Orwell in the wrong context isn't gonna help your point.
Do definitions change all the time? Have you ever read a dictionary?
Rarely is it necessary to redefine words. Words have meanings.
The word definition is based on the word definite. Do you know what that means? www.dictionary.com/browse/definite
I'm also not taking Orwell out of context. Read his essay on the topic if you wish. orwell.ru/library/articles/As_I_Please/english/efasc
I've seen videos from this channel recommended to me for ages....and it blows my mind that I only JUST watched my first ContraPoints video yesterday. And I'm hooked. What _excellent_ smart witty empathetic content.
This is what makes RUclips great.
And you know the content is objectively great when a trans woman can make an anti-fascist video with a up/down vote ratio THAT impressive. I'm kinda shocked it's not 50/50....which is what you almost always see on a video tackling this subject.
I hope that means people can't help but find your arguments valid and hard to dismiss.
tbh the dislike bar is satisfying because it shows that a lot of nazis watched it and were pissed... love emotionally upsetting nazis for being exposed ;) keep up the good work giving doses of logic
*I don't think ALL the dislikes are fascists you're interpreting it that way*
The nazi's probably didn't watch it... I fucking hate politics.
Not a nazi and it was nonsense from the start, so... no. Not everyone that disagrees with pure and easily disproved lies is a nazi. I just hate disinformation.
@@ConceptHut You claim its disinformation... but you do nothing and give no evidence that it is so, other than your words.
You could just read the top level comments I made... Also, there is no need for evidence for my statement, only reason.
That’s pretty duumbb
Holy shit... Why haven't I seen this earlier? This needs to reach more people.
I don't think there's anything I hate more than being manipulated, used, and lied to. Thank you so much Contra!
yup i said it I'm not sure if you've put your profile picture ironically or not.
Seems like it's not.
The Reptilian Smash which profile pic? I can see only default y sign
yup i said it Lmao you changed your "Make America Great Again" hat profile picture and you're acting dumb.
At least I can take you slightly more seriously now... But your dishonesty reeks! :/
I keep changing my pic after every few days, and who the fuck do you think you are, talking about my pic when you have that lame ass anime pic as profile picture.
yup i said it Well I'm not the one acting dumb. And my profile picture isn't an "anime" so better get your shit together buddy. Have a nice day, you'll need it.
In times of when we are protecting neo-nazis and white supremacist while giving them platforms and pretending their ideas are any of the sort logical or rational in any sense on implication. This video gives me hope
This video makes me sad. The paranoia is ridiculous. This shit is exactly what people on the far right want because it makes the left look paranoid and abusive.
Ar D Mind explaining what should we do?
Amal Nasser
Make sure you’re right. Due diligence, due process, evidence. Not, “he said he wants tighter controls on immigration, and he likes milk so he must be a secret nazi. Get him!!”
Treat people differently based on stereotypes of others and you’re essentially doing what racists do.
Ar D did you even watch the video? She’s talking about dog whistling which is pretty common when the right wing pundits talk immigration. Tucker Carlson for example speaking about Ilhan Omar and saying this is the new normal these immigrants aren’t grateful and we need to start disciplining them. If you can’t see the dog whistle I don’t know what to say to you.
Amal Nasser
Right but if you stereotype everyone who appears to be doing the same thing as the far right then you’re going to get it wrong a lot based on the nature of how dog whistles work.
You can’t always be right, so if you’re going to give any real consequences to dog whistling people, then you essentially have to accept you’re going to eventually do it to someone who isn’t doing what you think they are, but they tell people not to even communicate with those people, so you can never find out too.
It’s dangerous ideological hate, and it manifests itself in really destructive and abusive ways man.
Be careful.
as a german im happy that we learned all those dog-whistles in school :)
You are a shame
Your country is currently supporting a genocide in a Palestine
True but Muslims still worship a dead pedophile and will still decapitate people for not being Muslim and hailing from the west.
@@bobothetransdimensionalhob2659 imagine being this stupid and islamophobic
Your state is a degenerate dictatorship.
To the guy talking about old European identities, notice that the Romans identified as "Roman," not "White." Race is a pretty poorly and broadly defined category, and culture and ethnicity is even less broad than that.
Brutus Magnuson
It’s retarded to tie race and culture. They are not the same whatsoever.
All those groups he mentioned warred primarily with other white people, they had no concept of whiteness or white culture.
It's like something I told a friend.
"You have the right to say as you wish, but everyone has the right to hate you for it"
Just wanna say i was the oblivious centrist, sorry yall.
(edit 31/Jan/21: As an update, I've done very surface level reading (Conquest of bread and Communist Manifesto) and am comfortably on the left now.
You shouldn’t apologize for being at a different stage of development than someone else.
at one point in our lives we are all the oblivious centrist
Thank you for growing from your mistakes.
Good on you for recognizing that.
At least you recognized your faults and actively changed your thinking. Good on you!
Not all the Nazis and fascists finding this video and getting their feelings hurt 😭 what has this comment section become
Yes typical for them
good thing that men who think they are women don't get easily offended
I’m a centrist, and though I’ve never gave fascists a second of my time or considered their ideas, I never really payed attention to how elusive they could be.
Fence-sitting something something navel-gazing something know-nothing something apathetic something something something confused
^^^Every wingaling
Come join the lefty egalitarian society, we have equal enfranchisement, representation, and rights!
To remain a centrist in this day and age means you constantly have to fight against your own confirmation bias. I'm a centrist coming from a right winged background. I slowly moved towards the center when I started reading history. I understand how the worst atrocities were carried out by people who considered themselves the "good guys".
Jason Penniepan You can’t do a good burger without cutting bread
@@sompompir I recommend you check out the book Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil. It might be comforting for you to believe that ultimate heinous acts arise from mental illness, or some aberration of morally normal human beings, but that's not the case. Inside everyone, including you, lies the capability to perpetuate unspeakable atrocities given the right circumstances and justification. The true catalyst to evil isn't insanity, but moral certainty. This is why the worst crimes against humanity have been committed in the name of utopian ideals.
"They use frogs..."
I'm good.
"...a glass of milk..."
"...and the 'ok' sign."
@@ye1451 "We aren't deceptive, we just deliberately deceived people"
Yes it is being dishonest. I'd say "nice try" but that was sloth levels of lazy.
@@alchemicpunk1509 I dare you to come up with a more generic, insipid response.
@@Anxiathy Except, that's the point of using such symbolism...
Deniability, and sympathy.
And if a group of fascists are making the same symbol to each other, ironically or not, then it is a symbol they use... ironically or not. Fairly simple, but I'll simplify it further for you as you seem to be struggling. If you do something, you did that thing. Get it yet?
@@CraigMetalHead Let's simplify it further: by that same logic Nietzsche is unimaginably evil and shouldn't read by anyone.This is clearly a childish and anti-intellectual opinion to have regarding philosophy, yet you would extend it to humour and use the same reasoning to disregard any possible meaning or intention behind a joke, so long as it's associated with wrongdoing. This close-minded self-righteousness is evil and has far more in common with the mentality of Nazis than some moronic counter-culture memester kids on 4chan who ignore tiki torches in their ultimate quest for the lulz.
Say what you want, but you revel in participating in the dominant narrative of society. That alone should make you question yourself. Especially if you've read Nietzsche.
14:11 Holy shit that was weird seeing Fantano and Sargon both being described as 'centrists'. Nowadays Fantano's like a full-on socialist and Sargon is... well y'know.
Fantano probably realized the innocuous danger of the alt-right dogwhistles he shared and decided to use his platform to promote more progressive ideals. Sargon’s just a broken clock at this point lmao.
A broken clock is right two times a day
Is Sargon EVER right?
@@lemmonboy6459 Well, switch out day for year. I remember being shocked on occasions when he had a genuinely insightful opinion on an issue and that only happened twice in my life.
Nowadays Sargon has been disavowed by the alt right for being a civnat.
fantano was always a leftie, natalie just kinda assumed he was a centrist bc of his memery I guess. he was tweeting socialist sh*t in the 2016 and even on his defunct meme channel
I was going down the alt right path until this video woke me up. Thank you Natalie
Probably the strongest crash-course on Alt Right political strategy I've seen. I'm sharing all day :)
Mathew Adams innuendo studios' alt-right playbook is also really good
raceandcrime you're probably in the worse place ever to spew your BS idiot, go lurk in 4chan like the worthless rat you are
raceandcrime damn you have time to type all that shit to troll RUclips? What a waste. You could be using that to help people instead of spreading fake news for your government-worshipping ideology for fragile manbabies who feel threatened by everything. And guess what? I LOVE miscegenaion ;)
yes, but the first post is entirely a copy paste from a document i created combining stats...
the second post has a copy paste as per my research into IQ and the labels...
i type fast, have time beyond my job...
i paTROLL, not a troll... well its in the eye of the beholder isn't it?
u trolled me? see?
the data is not a waste, its illustrative of problems i would like to see largely solved, not expecting perfection of course...
if u think i have any fake news involved then demonstrate the "truth", that also can be agenda driven and in the eye of the beholder, the want to be true version...
anxiety can drive fear and MUCH GREATER SURVIVAL... fragility may be natural and/or chosen...
here is a real problem with miscegenation, disease aside:
Its been estimated there is a 6.5 IQ point gain (pure g as per Arthur Jensen) from the heterosis (hybrid vigor), combined with a 5.6 IQ point gain from the raw hybridization, equals a ~12 point IQ boost in total. If we start with a black African IQ of 67 and add that 12.1 IQ points, that gives us a black American IQ of 79. In addition, the superior nutrition and healthcare in the US might boost that by 5 IQ points to 84. That turns out to be an over-estimation of the actual black American IQ of 78 (Rushton & Jensen 2010).
- that paragraph above is a copy/paste...
i also have a copy paste as to some proof of races breeding inside of 3rd/4th cousin for best disease outcomes...
so love stupidity all u want, its your freeDUMB... IDIOCRACY is the measure of people like u running wild and without the truth
raceandcrime the problem you have is that you're so intimidated by difference and change that even though working people face actual problems with historical causes, you choose to believe paranoid conspiracy theories about Cultural Marxists and "ethnic replacement" and comb through data that comes from piss-poor research methods designed only to prove their supposition. You're drinking the koolaid because you think you have some kind of kinship with the white politicians and bosses that are patting you on the head with one hand while picking your pocket with the other, rather than the working people around you that you sell out. Your problem is that you belong to a movement that toadies to the same power system that's keeping you down. So forget your dubious data, you should try talking to some of these people you hate so much and I bet it'll blow your mind.
As a Classicist, I despise the abuse of the Ancient world by fascists. They simultaneously misunderstand what the civilisations actually believed made them great, but also the whole point of Classics: not to just celebrate the good, but CRITIQUE those cultures. Looking back with idealism is so deeply ironic; there has never been a perfect time in human history where everything was perfect- ESPECIALLY not Greece and definitely not Rome.
Re misunderstanding the actual cultures themselves, take ethnic purity. The whole basis of Roman self-mythologisation was the transformation of Rome into an idea, NOT an ethnicity or even physical place. Rome’s greatest propaganda piece, the Aeneid, was written with the specific goal of affirming a mighty Roman identity- and how did Virgil do that? By stressing the myth of Rome being founded by a Turk (Aeneas the Trojan) whose most fervent love was an African woman (Dido of Carthage). Another example is slavery and race. A common pointer for racist misappropriaters is Aristotle‘s argument for ‘natural slavery’. Not only is the word of one ancient writer not gospel- particularly given the nature of philosophical discourse as a series of disagreements, but he contradicted himself by manumitting his own slaves, undermining his argument that some are better off as slaves. The evidence, particularly Athenian by virtue of disproportionate preservation/literacy rather than abnormality, points to these cultures recognising a fundamental conflict between their convenient use of slavery and its inhumanity. An example would be the slave’s position in Athenian law, whereby they were categorised as total property (as stressed by Aristotle), but it was still possible to commit ‘hubris’ against a slave.
More importantly, they miss the wider point: Rome and her counterparts do not exist to be romanticised. Yes, the Greeks recognised conflicts in their own ideology- but even if they didn’t, why would their use of slavery justify it? Because they were such a flawless, perfect paragon of civilisation- even though they were replete with wars, shitty politics, all the usual AND the absolute, fucking grotesque horrors of slavery? Even the Romans, whose remaining texts were largely written from a biased, self-aggrandising position, displayed self-awareness that they were not perfect. Livy repeatedly states his own bias, while Virgil stresses Rome’s foundation on gross violence (Aeneid 8.600-800). To randomly cite Ovid or Cicero or any text just shows a lazy lack of critical thinking- even when the text itself screams out to be criticised/critiques itself. Not only was Rome imperfect and actually often awful (like every civilisation, let alone its ancient sisters), but being so dull and uncritical is just sad- all that history, all that beautiful, tragic complexity melted down to a Redditterb thinking they’re clever because they’ve skimmed a bit of Aristotle.
This isn’t even acknowledging the role of Archaeology - especially post processual arch, which opens up the door into learning about the complicated and gritty lives of ordinary people in the ancient world, not just the elite whose writings remain.
Great writeup, but the long paragraphs and sentences make it hard to read on screen, even for those of us that know and agree with these things.
I wish “Seminar” (the year long exploration of the Greco-Roman classics) was more common in high school. I missed it at the school where I graduated (Stellar in Anchorage, Alaska; it’s a nerd school.)
@@keirfarnum6811 When I was in high school, a 3 year course in greco-roman culture and history was mandatory and a cultural leftover from when actual Latin was also a mandatory subject.
I am 98% on board with all your arguments. Why do you have to spoil it for me with the Dido and Aeneas example? :P Aeneas was certainly not a Turk since they had not yet conquered Anatolia (and would not for several centuries) and Dido would probably consider herself more easterner than African due to her Phoenician ancestry (nitpicks that take nothing away from your points)
@@nikolaspatronis3528 A much better example is the basic fact that before 1500 slavery was not racial at all. It was a social status that was sometimes inherited but oftener a result of military defeat, something carried forward to early black slaves in the America being purchased from victorious African nations that enjoyed the military advantage of European firearms.
Contra, you have elevated political commentary to an art form. You're one of the best channels on this site. Keep it up.
abc defg You wish.
abc defg not wrong
Hello! This is very relevant in 2023 to me. As a Ukrainian, I can tell a fascist when I see a fascist pretty fast.
Unfortunately, it’s not only in the US, Ruskis went WAY AHEAD
Yeah your own police units are one along with the uk government to britbons and refugees from Ukraine
@@mellamojeff458 im sure there is issues with those but russia is like fascism incorporated rn
@@bonkatronka I'm not talking about Russia
I'm talking about the Ukrainian government and "allies" who treat the refugees worse than native population or refugees from the middle east
Hell I don't even think there was police units middle eastern countries where they killed civilians purposely on bogus charges/wives trying to stop their husbands from being killed during the massive wars from 2010-2021
@@mellamojeff458 wtf, what is up with this mentally that ppl expect every person in a foreign country to be the most welcoming they can ??! believe it or not, not everybody likes eachother, nobody like to have they surroundings changing that much, not the refugees not the natives, not that the country shouldnt receive them but, to expect everyone to be extremyl welcoming is just wishfull thinking
@@Nword2000 I'm talking how these governments treated them like expendable people and treated them worse than migrants from africa or the middle east who in mass do not work and just received welfare paychecks and rose crime in mass
Especially when those refugees was mostly women and children from Ukraine