"The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists." ~Hannah Arendt
It's almost like there's a flip happening in politics.... the American Left is getting closer and closer towards fascism if we're not already there. The White Man is the Modern day Jew. The White-Skinned Man with European ancestry, who is largely an immigrant class of the last 100 years, who immigrated and produced their own wealth starting from nothing while facing racism... has been blamed for all the wrong doings that make America look bad. This is all apart of the American Left's new religion of "wokism" which all the members are devote followers. The "woke" religion is built on the original sin of white people, white men in particular...and they have to seek atonement for the original sin they have carried since they were born...for the crimes of what people looked like them did in the pass (not even ancestors). The woke religion is flawed and will probably self destruct pretty soon since it has no real cultural development...most of the woke will find themselves struggling to reproduce and falling into depression. The New Fascists want to take what those people have created and put it into their own pockets. They are materialistic and Envious. This materialism can be exploited by the fascist rulers to have the new fascist regime's followers worship particular consumer products more then others....such as mandatory vaccinations...which are a consumer product forced onto the population without alternative. The Pharmaceutical Industry absolutely loves the new fascists. The materialism of the American Left has made everyone so sad and depressed, youth are getting prescribed all sort of medications for mental illnesses they probably dont have (like ADHD, or Autism). Women are convinced to take regular birth control. The Transgender movement is convincing cis teens to become transgender because it's popular and "In"...setting these people up for a life time subscription to hormone treatments and depression medications. The feminisation of society is increasing sales for makeup and other beauty products. Feminine men are also more submissive as a result and dont fight back...feminine men just consume and play video games all day at home where they belong. They keep purchasing and playing video games that get less and less fun, and require more and more microtransactions... and these losers love it. feminine men also have no skills either so they can't confront the regime the live in. The Materialistic left sees what other people have and they want it. Hence they support the government printing a shit ton of money and giving it to corporations...as long as they get a little bit of the drops on the side of the tap. Those little drops be given to corporations at the end of the day regardless...they'll be paying for their loan (bank), rent (landlord), or for consumer products. They also support when those companies HRs start to avoid hiring white men... All the biggest companies want to hire women and POC... and the only white men they want to hire are the feminised ones (Gay, Trans, Woke). Then the materialistic left want to seize the wealth that the printing has produced...and to for sure take it from white men and give it to everyone else. The white men, since they're feminized...wont fight back. The Materialistic left supports restricting freedom of speech, and insuring that hate speech laws only effect white men (sometimes white women if they go against the narratives of the materialistic left) and no one else. By controlling speech the fascism from the materialistic left is allowed to grow. The old left was pro free speech...not even 10 years ago this switch was made. Instead of having their government handle the mental heath crisis they created (which is what a normal leftist would support), they support controlling, restricting, and banning guns, because some people go insane and use them on the population. The Materialistic Left is afraid of death and they are afraid of any individual especially a white man being able to defend themselves from the regime. The Materialistic Left is very afraid of death...this is why they're willing to give up all control of their lives to the government in respect to the issue around COVID19. The Materialistic Left doesn't like the police...at the moment...because they are mostly white men... The Materialistic Left will be pro-police once white men leave the forces. They will be silent when Black cops beat the living shit out of the poor white men on the streets. The Materialistic left took over the police reform movement, and made it exclusively about race... yet they choose to ignore how more unarmed white men get executed by police...the average police officer executes significantly more white men then black men. In the meantime they want white people be defenceless in their homes with a defunded police force...which will allow the Materialistic Left to raid their communities without resistance. To close. The American Left is Fascist. They support the merger of the corporation at the state. They support the state religion of wokism and all the corporations that adopt it. They support the destruction of small businesses....especially white own businesses. They think wealth from white people should be transferred to non-white people. They are anti-free speech They are anti-gun They are anti-freedom
@@ericcartmann you're a victim of everything this video describes. The "left" has no nterest in silencing you. You've been told that it does, and you believe it.
What frustrates me is that most Americans don’t even know what fascism is. They think hating jews and waving a swastika is fascism but NO. Nazism is merely an example of fascism
@@neilbaesel3767 What on earth. Fascism is against capitalism, because they deem it divisive for the nation. It advocates for a tripartite framework, in which workers, owners and the state decide economic matters together.
@ViscountOfKethely the wealthy industrialists in Germany supported it en masse. It was also praised in American news outlets at first. Capitalism depends on government, always has, always will. Look into the ways they rig the game and seek subsidies. You've been lied to about how it works.
No bro no, I can't even choose who to vote. It's left or rigth. It's A and B. And you just quoted a fake American. A man from a race that changes their name, that changes their documents to fit in and fool people. Now thanks to him aswell america is a plutocratic democracy. Thomas Jefferson is a Liar a "reptilian" (this word is used so I dont get cancelled)
Indeed there quiet lot of fallacies in this video starring UN-American New York Jew academicJason Stanley, however the parts that are actually true apply to the Ultra-Fascist BLM/Transgender /Antifa / Woke/Diversity movements especially in the form of the Biden / Harris anti-American agenda. I agree with Jason Stanley that we must crush and destroy these elements in order for us to be free again. January 6 was when we began to fight back against these Fascists led by Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris and "Da Squad@, next time there will be even more True American Patriots, this time with their AR-15s and that will be the end for the enemies of American Freedomw ho wish to enslave us. The Fascist networks of CNN and MSNBC have been warned, they will not be spared.
@@soggmeisterlasagnagarfield is this a quote from some historical figure? it's sounds profound but seriously, the truth that hurts 'them' is the center of the cultural battle right now. 'they' say they are offended by everything we do and say and think; they even are offended by CO2... the very thing that comes out of every mouth that breaths. You may want to update this quote to better reflect the fascist big brother tactics of the 'left'.
To me, in the United States, the biggest threat to your democracy is the way your news media report the simple news of the day. You can't have 2 different stories, one is either true and the other false. You might say that there is a conservative take and a liberal take on a news item but the extreme difference in the report is immense. I live in Canada, we have a national network, French and English and a few other national news outlets, I can pick any of them on any given night so, CTV or CBC, for example, if there is a national story, I know the story will have the same facts and the same tone, it's not going to favor the right or the left. In America, a story breaks and you watch CNN/MSNBC and then you watch Fox and you'd think that they are not even talking about the same thing...Walter Cronkite is rolling in his grave.
In the US, there are a number of opinionated "news" programs. Too many viewers seem unable to understand that and take "journalist" opinions as facts. And too many people on a global scale take social media posts as facts without scrutinizing the source.
Lol...they are not talking about the same thing. I don't know where TVO falls but I think y'all might have a problem. I watched a "climate segment" that ticked off every talking point of the corporate deniers. Just this last week I saw a segment on privatization of Healthcare services. That should be setting off flashing red lights and alarm bells. Then there was a court ordered presence of rightwing "news" organizations during your elections. Y'all better watch out. I need a place to run when American democracy fails. "The purpose of fascist news is never to inform the public. The purpose of fascist news is to play one group against another. To attack every fissure of disunity. To drive a wedge in to any common front against the fascist." V.P. Henry Wallace, NYT, 1944
I think the issue in US media, and in Brazil media my country, are the corporations behind them. They got zero interests in information, but all in influence the public opinion
You best just be glad Rupert Murdoch didn't emigrate to Canada otherwise Canada would have the same problem the U.S. is having. Although the 'soil' down there might be a bit more fertile.
First of all thanks for this being free. Now, it’s sad to know mankind has learned so much on these subjects and still we will repeat old mistakes time and time again.
Yep and when it happens again it'll be "who could have seen this coming?!" from the low info crowd and from the Right, "Well I guess it was all my god's plan."
Hopefully to right the wrongs in history. Without Fascism there wouldn't have been the crazy technological advances that their scientists have provided decades after. Like Founding of NASA and landing on the moon. When you have a nation not bogged down in constant social unrest the nation and it's people can focus on more important things.
I read somewhere - "Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Those who do learn from history are doomed to stand by helplessly while everyone else repeats it."
Julio Martinez :: We repeat & repeat "mistakes" because the educational system doesn't educate ; it indoctrinates. These aren't "mistakes". They are deliberate Social-Policies & we continue to fall into the trap of political verbiage.
Well I reckon America and soon the rest of the world needs to start worrying about fascism right now! In fact, the worrying should have started about 20 years ago.
@@morganwright224 it’s easy to see if some thing qualifies as fascist. There are 14 tenets, qualifiers, and a person or government must meet the majority of them to be deemed fascist. Trump and his maga klan meet all 14 tenets. Trump and his presidency are fascist.
@@commentingisawasteoftime7195 This is the Liberal propaganda, the same mοrοnity that plays to the "The King's Speech (2010)" where the stammering imbecile manage to read the speech that they presented in front of him to give to "the millions of my subjects, home and abroad"...meaning the British colonies!! And how the colonies obtained by the British ruling class? Is it by singing & dancing or as the IRA sung "Come tell us how you slew Them old Arabs two by two Like Zulus they had spears and bows and arrows How bravely you faced each one With your sixteen pounder gun And you frightened them damn natives to their marrow" PS At least Fascism had an honest philosophy and didn't pretended to be benevolence, only actual and true and that every man born with the truth in him and thus civilization is rests in us! "Thought, yes, is reality, the world. But the Atlas that sustains this world in which we live, and in which living is a joy, is the feeling, which [...] always makes us go back into ourselves to make sure that the world rests firmly on its foundations" - Giovanni Gentile, Filosofia dell'arte
@@tugger You are discribing Liberalism not Fascism.... Fascism doesn't gloryfy "human rights", apathy (tolerence), individualism (narcisism), and entitlement of spoiled brats that demand to be freeloading paracites because it's "their right"! In Fascism you have obligations and duties, towards your family, your community, your nation and mankind. For ALL mankind! The biggest duty of which is to be the best in everything that you do....the BEST... Participation is nothing, whinning is everything, only in this way you can advance mankind and civilization. As for "hatred", it's a mοronic arguement that a human feeling, shared by all primal mamals, are a characteristic of a single ideology as if it was invented by somebody! LOL
I remember in the Nixon Tapes there is one of him saying, "You can pretty much say anything you want because people have short memories. You say something and three weeks later everybody has forgotten what was said." Ironic that he was caught up by his own tapes.
I hate how much of this applies to him. I remember some shit applying to him from some old plaque about fascism, but holy hell there's a lot more of this stuff that applies to him now. Even moreso with Project 2025.
@@jocelyncooper1738 No shit, the guy now has control of all branches of government and a far more radicalized cult. It's done, America's time as the empire of 21st century is done.
@@dukezilla3471 Yes, it is. I don't watch CNN. Perhaps you should watch the video again. We are about to witness a historic period of grievous human rights abuses.
@@davanwes2751 No we are not. T has openly gay members in his cabinet as well as many minority ethnic groups. Get a clue. Stop watching the propaganda news.
…and wondering at the connection between this 3 year old video suddenly appearing on my feed and this platform’s mother company donating an extraordinary sum to the Harris campaign.
Psychopaths cannot be shamed or humiliated and don't "get better" or "change" when confronted by fact. Remember, "truth" is subjective, while "fact" can be independently confirmed. We need to gather around and defend fact and eliminate psychopaths from positions of power at all levels.
I agree with your thoughts... but I would argue that truth is not subjective. Because truth is based on facts. Emotions, believes, my/your opinion, what I/you feel is right.... all subjective. By definition truth is very exclusive... it offends people. That is why most folks try to redefine truth. Great post though. Thank you!
@@briancarroll5648 Truth is ambiguous. One statement can be true and it’s direct contradiction can also be true when looked at with a different context.
The problem is, only psychopaths can handle the level of scrutiny, opposition, and abuse that people at higher levels get. I would love to get involved in government but I couldn’t handle people who don’t agree with me creating horrible lies about me just to bring me down.
When confronted with known facts that contradicted his usual lies Trump told reporters "you have your facts and we at the Whitehouse have alternative facts." Facts mean nothing to Trump and his cult the Republican Party.
First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out-because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out-because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out-because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me-and there was no one left to speak for me.
First they came for the Communists actually. Martin Niemöller didn't use the word "socialists" in his poem for the obvious reason that the Nazis were socialists themselves, who thought Marxism/Communism was doing socialism wrong.
@@Historia.Magistra.Vitae. The Nazis were not socialist. Socialism prioritizes public ownership, capitalism prioritizes private ownership. The Nazis were fascist capitalists. They had corporations, and private property. They banned labor unions in 1934. There was no democracy in the workplace, and as said in the video, fascism is all about degrading someone's value into simply the work they put out. They only claimed to be for the workers, because of the increasingly popular socialist movements in Germany, and also, interesting fact, a lot of fascists were associated with socialism beforehand. Mussolini was in a socialist party, but he was kicked out for being pro-war. They ended up surrounding themselves with this dangerous ideology because of their own arrogance and uncompromising ideals. He did critique marxism a lot, so you got that right.
@@DownWithTheImperialists _"The Nazis were not socialist. "_ Wrong. They most certainly were, by definition and according to their own very beliefs and words. National Soci alism was a totalitarian Far-Left, socialist 3rd position ideology based on ethnonationalism trying to supersede Marxism as the most common socialist ideology. They had nothing to do with Right wing of any kind. You cannot be an advocate for centralized planning and strong government controls without being a socialist. That's what made Hitler a socia list. He may have been to the right from the Bolsheviks, but he was still a socialist leftist as he believed in strong central government control. Hitler outright declared himself a socialist in Mein Kampf, just not the Ma rxist international or full Soviet type. He struggled with HOW to distinguish his socialism from the rest of the Marxist crowd.
@@DownWithTheImperialists _"Socialism prioritizes public ownership, capitalism prioritizes private ownership."_ True. Socialism is an economic system where the collective (such as workers, guilds, syndicates, unions, the government etc.) either directly own or control the buildings and tools that make goods and services like farms and factories. This can be achieved through decentralized and direct worker-ownership, or through centralized state-ownership or control of the means of production. National Socialists had the latter.
@@DownWithTheImperialists _"The Nazis were fascist capitalists. "_ Wrong. They were neither. Nazis were National Socialists, not Fascists. Fascism was Mussolini's ideology. Both ideologies despised Capitalism and the Nazis also thought that the Jews were behind it.
“Law and order doesn’t mean justice law and order doesn’t mean equality. Law and order structures whose legitimate and whose not.” truest words spoken.
Capitalistic systems use the same law and order tactics as do every type of authoritarian regimes. So it isn't necessarly unique to fascism in my opinion.
@@Shawn5150-dh8fq You need to think before you jump. Maybe jumping to conclusions is the only exercise you get. Capitalism is primarily an economic, not political system. That's why you can have capitalism in a liberal democracy (the U.S.), social democracy (Western European countries), unitary Marxist-Leninist one-party authoritarian political system under the communist party (China), or dictatorship (Russia under Putin). Law and order is not a "tactics"; it's a legal system that is more fair and equitable in some capitalist systems than others but definitely more fair and equitable in democratic than non-democratic systems. Try to run afoul the law in America or Germany as opposed to China or Russia for the same offense and tell us what you think after that experience.
@@Shawn5150-dh8fq It'd be nice if you knew how to respond to facts and arguments with those of your own instead of getting lost in another of your undeveloped brain's labyrinths. A wise man had your number when he said that the difference between intelligence and $tup!d!ty is that intelligence has its limits.
The fact that fascism keeps emerging in developed liberal democracies cannot be ignored. It is too often framed as an aberration, or some historical moment of exceptional madness. I think it is time to admit there is a contradiction at the heart of our political systems that causes them to move in this direction. At minimum, we have to start a conversation about the features of open cosmopolitan societies that push them into authoritarianism and intolerance. We have a responsibility to self-examine, and determine if how we strive for our best will always end in our worst.
The insurgence of fascism often occurs after a prolonged period of peace and/or prosperity when the new generation is unaware of what previous generations fought for (and against).
@@stevensiferd7104 That's exactly the point when fear mongering demagogues pop up out of nowhere, scare the people of losing the status quo to different people and create a cult plus a God-like perception of them. You're supposed to learn from the past and it's still happening in a more modest manner, of course. So far.
This is not a "political problem" or the consequence of cosmopolitan societies. Fascism is the logical product of ethnic and racial tribalism, nothing more. Every nation has a majority group where fascism takes root, and ethnic, racial, and religious minority groups who will suffer as a result.
I would add liberals and leftists actually feed fascism when they attempt to shut down discussions that make them uncomfortable. Shove dissent against the status quo underground and it festers and grows. The last thing you need to do is make authoritarian fascist zealots into martyrs. And this could unfortunately easily happen in the modern age for example when social media censors any discussion of meaningful real biological sex differences for example. You may feel you are "protecting trans lives," or whatever but you are also pushing people who want to have uncomfortable discussions about biological sexual differences into the hands of the hard right. The ugly secret no leftist wants to admit is that pushing cultural leftism too far feeds fascism. And it is unnecessary when the left has substantial issues it can rally people behind like class issues and environmental destruction.
Yeah. We fought hard. It’s terrifying. The zombie masses let their bigotry and hate win. I literally don’t recognize my country anymore. Stay safe, friend. 💙
I find it amusing when people on the left worry about lies. I hate lies, but I see a lot of them coming from the current president. The biggest one is that the great threat to our democracy is White Supremacy. And Pres. Biden is as likely to stoke fear in his base of minority voters as any fascist of the past.
@@ldouglassbottorff9792 So you don't have a problem with white supremacy and all the other crud that comes with it? You're not concerned about parents going to school board meetings that act violent and threaten board members and teachers with death threats? Let's line up Trump's lies with Biden's. You should state some facts because I don't think you have enough "facts" to back up your statement.
Why would people on the Right listen to someone who claims to be able to read their mind, knowing that it's nuts lol? That's what you guys don't get, it would be funny if it wasn't so dangerous. If someone I know spread a rumor about me, I know if it's true or not. For instance we know we're not racist, it's an absurd charge. But you've been told we are and believe it! People get red-pilled when they figure out what's going on. They find out that people on the right are just happy-go-lucky people, friendly etc. They're surprised at first. Then they spend time with more people and realize they've been fed a lot of crap. They apologize, feel bad. I hope more people believing this nonsense wakes up.
@@bee509 it's almost not their fault. Have you watched some of the programming directed at kids from Netflix? They overly dramatize all these issues like transphobic, homophobic, whites supremacists and then when they go to the TikTok, Twitter, RUclips accts they get posts fed to them on the same issues feeding their minds with a sense of urgency that what they just watched on Netflix is real. Entertainment has become the biggest propaganda I've seen. So when Biden says climate change, whites supremacists, ect ect are America's biggest problems. What else are the kids supposed to think. It's a losing battle
1:55 The Mythic past 2:38 Propaganda 3:15 Anti-intellectualism 3:53 Unreality 4:42 Hierarchy 5:23 Victimhood 6:07 Law and Order 6:35 Sexual anxiety 7:29 Sodom and Gomorrah 8:04 Arbeit macht frei ("Work shall make you free")
I don't understand how somebody could look at half of these and apply them to even their most deranged idea of "Woke Left gone too far" Yes, there are some real garbage leftists and liberals. But even in the most delusional interpretation of the modern Left where's the mythical past? The anti-intellectualism? The sexual anxiety, the Sodom/Gommorah, the "work shall make you free?" Yet the Right, the fascists, easily meet all criterion without having to do insane mental gymnastics...huh. Almost like all the fascists in these comments don't have any reading comprehension. Almost like there's published studies showing conservatives and fascists are incapable of changing their mind when presented with conflicting information.
@@Raydensheraj how can they be a threat? None of those groups have any political power. The left owns all of Government (they just need to pack the supreme court) they own big tech, they own the media, they own education, they own the entertainment industry, they own wall street. Whole generations of kids are being indoctrinated with Leftist ideology. Any opposition at this point is merely a speed bump. Actually,,,, if you stop and look around,,,, this is liberal paradise , enjoy
The problem is people have always been lied to to one degree or another. Its not unique to fascism. Every society has an undercurrent of BS to keep the rubes subservient. Its just gotten a lot more obvious as of late and blown the cover off.
@@littlet-rex8839 False dichotomies are another aspect of fascism. Rather than a complex society, there is simply Us and Them. Your Them is a false monolith you have decided to label “Left”. It never occurred to you that those you label “Left” are not united at all. The ultra-wealthy may not be socially conservative and may even play lip service to being “woke”, but they sure as hell aren’t above forming a behind-the-scenes alliance with social conservatives if they can help get them the tax cuts and deregulation they are really after.
And then there are people that don’t want to know the truth. That think a weak, draft dodging, unintelligent, lazy man, who can’t string a coherent sentence of more than three words together, who lies 50 times a day, is god’s chosen leader. But then, anyone who knows a bit about the god of the bible knows that god is a malignant narcissist too.
Excellent, but embarrassingly omitted the most salient trait which is extolling violence as a valid political tool. Murdering the "other" is not a crime, or sin, because they're not human. Dehumanisation is essential.
That's definitely true; though with the sexual point, I'd say that the *reverse* of the sexuality situation is happening. It's *straights* instead of gays that're being dehumanized here in America. As a straight man who was persecuted by his own *family* growing up, I very much *hate* knowing the fascists in *every* group are gonna dehumanize me when I'm trying to heal from the trauma of that *exact* thing.
@@ezrafaulk3076 i don't wanna offend you, but here's the thing: what you're saying is utter bullshit (even though am a straight guy myself).Sure, there might be isolated cases of a gay person venting and saying something bad about straight people but that doesn't mean the "straights are being oppressed in America".
Straights have never been dehumanized here in America. That is very much a fascist ideology. However, groups that have been historically dehumanized have been provided greater equality in America. SCOTUS may soon attempt to say otherwise
The majority of the world has noticed this as well, that's why 45 countries are supporting ukraine, and only fascist countries support pootin's russia. I wish for russia to become free of pootin and his shills.
@@eduardvonheizenstein3969 hahahaha why are the fascist demonrats & nato & the UN provoking Putin and destroying Ukraine, especially the Eastern Donbass region that want nothing to do with Zelensky the perv? Who are the Azov Battalion? Sad that “males” are this lost and fooled. Poor things.
@@eduardvonheizenstein3969There are plenty of fascists in Ukraine. Don’t get the idea that this war is good guys versus bad guys. They’re all bad. The Russians are technically the bad guys because they invaded. No point arguing against that. But anyone who thinks this is about democracy or freedom is kidding themselves.
I agree. It's not discussed much, but I also think fearful people tend to be more easily manipulated be first creating something to fear and offering whatever you're peddling as the alleviation of that fear. It's also what tends to be greater in conservatisms, hence by definition less willingness to change.
I think the fear stems from a personality type that's prone to seeing differences as a threat in general. It's a psychology more than an ideology. That's why they are so obsessive about it, and willing (or outright prone) to violating other "moral" values. It's not reasoned. It's emotionally driven.
Could you explain how this is happening in U.S. right now - is it something to do with Biden/democrats? I'm from U.K. I like to know what's going on in the world
@@midable-mc2cz over the past few years extremist have been poisoning media with alt right rhetoric and now there genocidal legislation being passed to erase trans people. There's alot more but it's really scary rn. Antisemitism is getting more popular, neo nazis and Christian fascists are literally in office trying to dictate what people do with their bodies. Women lost their right to abortion and abortion pills in some states
@@lawv804 Oh buddy, did...did you watch the video? Try it on 0.5 speed and pause after every point. Deeply consider how it applies to you. Hope you can reprogram yourself bud.
I am re-reading your book, “How Fascism Works: The Politics of Us and Them” in 2024 It is even more terrifying on its second reading Thank you for trying your best to make ordinary people wake up to the truth about Fascism and how it is not just limited to the USA
I find it concerning how he only draws parallels to the right and not really any to the left. the whole part of 'fearless leader can do no wrong'... since Biden took control the economy has been going down the drain. gas highest its ever been. anyone that speaks out against him seems to get branded a crazy person
it's already in less than a minute very obvious this guy is absolutely clueless about what fascism is. The very basis of fascism was that it's neither left nor right wing but combines elements of both. The very basis of fascism was uniting your citizens behind nationality to overcome differences that set them apart. Fascism originated in a racially divived country and sought to unite northerners and southerners. 40 seconds in I already know this video is a complete waste of time.
@𝚋ₐ𝚋y 𝚋ₑₐᵣ ༊*·˚ Nobody's telling me anything. One only needs to actually look at what fascism was and how it came to be. It's the story of a socialist who, during world war I, eventually found himself in the camp of socialists who wanted Italy to join the allies in world war I. who came to see the importance of nationalism as it was their duty to liberalte italians from the reactionary imperial powers which had been repressing socialism. These socialist lost the debate wihin the socialist party and were expelled. This man threw out the idea of international class struggle, in favor of national classs cooperation, with their common nationality to hold it all together. The state doesn't need to own everything, just control everything. The elite doesn't need to be destroyed, it can be used for the benfit of all. It's nationalist socialism instead of marxist socialism.
Another thing about Fascism (I think) is sometimes it was/is a reaction from actual problematic treatment or a very real traumatic event that precedes its rise. However these issues tend to be complex so it is easier to scapegoat minority groups to "sell" the ideology to average-to-low educated citizens What do I mean? Well Fascist Italy was a product of WWI really. Horthy's Hungary was largely a product of failed Hungarian statehood after Austria-Hungary was carved up. Hitler would have had a much harder time gaining power had it not been for the Treaty of Versailles, France's occupation of the Rhine (1923), and Germany imposed crippling war reparations from WWI. Which all of those, rightly so- would piss off the respective local populations. Similarly you can make the case with Putin since Russia after the collapse of the USSR in 1991 was left to rot in civil wars and social catastrophe with no Marshall-Plan style aid... Which partially created the revanchist irredentism of Putin's Russia today...
Indeed there quiet lot of fallacies in this video starring UN-American New York Jew academicJason Stanley, however the parts that are actually true apply to the Ultra-Fascist BLM/Transgender /Antifa / Woke/Diversity movements especially in the form of the Biden / Harris anti-American agenda. I agree with Jason Stanley that we must crush and destroy these elements in order for us to be free again. January 6 was when we began to fight back against these Fascists led by Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris and "Da Squad@, next time there will be even more True American Patriots, this time with their AR-15s and that will be the end for the enemies of American Freedomw ho wish to enslave us. The Fascist networks of CNN and MSNBC have been warned, they will not be spared.
The irony being ... opponents of that particular candidate are also using fascist propaganda against him & his supporters; hoping to "fight fire with fire"
To simplify it as a german „Germany first“ lead to nazism, dictatorship and downfall of a proud nation, „Make Germany Great Again“ lead to fascism, dictatorship and downfall of a proud nation. America, your choise.
Not necessarily. It isn't propaganda if it is true. It's a warning. Look this guy or this group plans to do this, or do you remember when he did this(or they), for example. Trump says things publicly. I listened to what he said, watched what he did, listened to what he planned to do & made up my own mind. Then listened to what other people's reactions were to confirm that others were upset with him, too. I think he is a danger to democracy. I read a lot of history & he reminds me of dictators through out history. They ALL have a lot of characteristics, practices & ideas in common. I do not choose to support any leader of that type. I am voting 💙. Thank you.
I like that they discussed the links between the ideas, these are not just an arbitrary list, these are concepts that work together and support each other
Fascism nd Trumpism are kinda similar, evidend by Holy Koolaids Video about 'Revising Gods Prophecy', one of the most hilarious videos ever, but lso more serious: Telltale Atheist Videos.
"It's not a free vote because they don't have access o the truth" That eye-opener hits hard. Makes me realize how close to fascism we are in our western "democracies".
It's been done before Andrew Jackson it was when the construction was being ignored the newly elected was pushing fast and furious like Obama and there's more traitors than ever before. Like what lead to the inner scrimmages spys like Snow den let it be known a 🍁
I've read the book "How Fascism Works" - it should be a must read text in high school and university. It is presented in easy to understand examples and basic information. Excellent!
That book is probably banned in our schools by republicans who are afraid that our kids will learn why we Americans are so against the direction Trump, and his ass kisser senators, are sending our country; just like why they are afraid our kids will learn how white folk treated black slaves.
@@Ty_Mathieson even if equal opportunities are given, people wouldn't make free choices. Why you ask? Because of concept of positive liberty. Take for example, girls in gaming. They have negative liberty but not positive liberty. Therefore ,we need equity. Equality of outcome doesn't mean 50-50 but rather "from each according to his need to each according to his deed." RW misrepresents equity many tines over.
@@Aman-qr6wi no equity usually aims to ensure a equality of outcome which rests in proportion to the successful. This doesnt seem bad at first glance until you realize this system is often done at the expense of others as shown throughout history in Russia for example
@@anthonygroeblinghoff3184 everything is a privledge, being an american, living in one 9f the wealthiest societies on the planet, having a great standard of living, being free from war, plague malnutrition etc, people of today have too few issues. Especially in our society and so we create issues so as to grant ourselves some sort of purpose. As of today in US society your race does not impact your ability to succeed and many of all colors will attest to this fact. Yet opportunist out there seek to exploit the people regardless of color so as to generate a profit of some sort whether its money, authority or power. We are deluding ourselves as a society and focusing on these "much too simple" explanations and solutions to our ailments and to our individual failures. As of today everyone is equal in the sense that they are american, the inequality as of now which can exist lies between those born in wealth and those who are poor. It is not about color though that is what they would have you think and believe despite the countless successes of people in our nation of all color. Further it is an issue which precipitates the decline of our society and our way of life, our decadence, our mistrust, greed etc. We live in a society where we teach people to look only for color in the search of progress, we allow people to say they identify as the wrong gender and even go as far as to encourage this illness. We are blind to truth as a society.
@@xEvilRaptorx A lot has been going on in the last twenty years like The War on Terror, The Patriot Act, The Great Recession, Citizens United, Facebook, etc.
@@waverlyking6045 the Pat Act + The internet × smartphones = the silent 'big brother' from every dystopian novel or movie I imagine this comment will be immediately shadowbanned The lack of any likes will make me assume so Edit added: oh its getting likes, they really didn't hide that one? I've had them hide more casual comments
I am an Indian and we are at this juncture of General Elections. Over the last 10 years, a fascist Govt has ruined the free press, jobs , communal harmony.
@@Soapandwater6 How about stop trying to peddle the fiery, but mostly peaceful protest bs last summer 2020 and maybe the masses would be less pissed at your liberal hypocrisy.
@@Misaka-gt5yj What “peddling the fiery but mostly peaceful protests bs of summer 2020”? You didn’t see me peddling any such thing. All thugs who break the law need to be held accountable. Whataboutism does not justify fascism.
@@daveylao6933 yell I'm gay in front of Russian police or Chinese police or even go to Qatar and do it see how long until you end up in prison compared to doing it in America where the officer won't even care I would call that a privilege not being thrown in jail for expressing yourself
I try to avoid the labels "left" and "right." I'm concerned with all forms of authoritarianism. It doesn't matter which boot - the left or right - is on your throat.
Both left and right use their propaganda. Fascist exist on both sides. Just look at the authoritarian rule of the US west coast. They are just as fascist as the right wing institutions.
@@MiniNinjai the whole of the US is right-wing as both parties are very right-wing. The west coast is still far more right-wing than the uk is under conservative rule.
@@MiniNinjai Communism is by nature left wing, and fascism is by nature right wing. The two can be similar insofar as using propaganda and group think, but otherwise they are very different. Besides, the (false) argument that they're doing it too is kind of childish.
I so agree. That Hitler was elected wasn't something I comprehended in the past and now that fact is startling. Trump or a Trump clone could win the presidency next. We're really are in danger of becoming a fascist run nation. I'm pretty sure Democrats would put up quite a fight and our world allies would not cooperate with the idiot again, so our economy and vulnerability would soar.
If you want to freak yourself out, go check out some of Hitlers campaign speeches and see how normal they sound in the context of modern American politics. Just replace the word Germany with America and Bolshevik with woke liberal and Jew with Muslim or Mexican, and you have a pretty run of the mill speech.
@@user-ee2vt7yi3m Thats just not true though. If you aren't on social media you wouldn't even know they exist. I have never been on twitter so most of it passes me by. Virtue singling may be annoying, but it is a long way from genocide.
But they can also learn negative things from it as well. Everyone learns about Hilter, genocide, etc. But some people viewed those things as lessons on what to do to gain power. Hence, we're just doomed any way you look at it. These things are an unfortunate part of human nature and there are people who look for ways to better achieve an evil goal. There always will be. Learning history is not a solution to problems. Sometimes, it causes them as well.
@@AlexaDigitalMedia Hopefully there are more people who learn the lessons and diligently establish the countermeasures to ensure such evil people don't even get their chance. That's what legislation and constitutions should be doing. e.g. UN, EU
@@aaronseet2738 unfortunately, nobody even wants to recognize emerging fascist's movements. Germany de facto financed current russian fascist state. All talks about reviving great russia and Ukrainians being an artificial identity that needs to be denazified (read destroyed) didn't have much attention. Russia is now trying to "solve the Ukrainian question" and UN is useless and even couldn't call it a genocide
@@AlexaDigitalMedia That is true but as long as we remember the Germans atrocities no one will be able to rise to power the same way that they did. But you are correct.
@@c.galindo9639 Watch Trump's Mt. Rushmore speech and then come back and tell me it isn't exactly what was in this video or what was described by Umberto Eco.
It's a damn important topic that gets covered way too little. The guy should have at least a permanent channel on YT. It should be taught a lot more in schools, attached to media competence. Which of course not only includes the "old" media but especially the Internet.
@@rolanddeschain6089 He talks about Nazism more than anything, as well as lumps a bunch of buzz terms into fascism. Things that didn't have to do with fascism. The important things that actually make up Italian fascism, economically and socially are neglected. This dude is an ideologue. Not a scholarly professor.
8:32 - At the start of the pandemic, it's Interesting how certain people expressed the opinion that we should save the economy by not locking down to save old people who were the most likely to die. The implication is that old people are useless because they don't work.
@Robert Leewell - Only those living in an economic system in the last stages of survival abandon members unable to keep up. Since we are living in the failure stage of capitalism, it fits.
Same with chronically ill people and poor people. People believe they shouldn't build infrastructure to make roads safer for disabled people and for those who commute by bike because they can't afford a car.
Capitalism didn't fail us we failed capitalism we locked everyone up due to feat of the Wuhan flu we fired nurses for not getting.the.jab we closed the economy and now the shelves are empty, gas prices are high and soon companies are going to abandon the USA due to Biden taxes
@@user-ee2vt7yi3m yeah, it was capitalism, lol. Also, gas prices are skyrocketing for two reasons; Saudi Arabia tried to gain global market shares by flooding markets with cheap oil, pushing out American companies reliant on expensive fracking oil. During this time the fed began flooding the economy with money in 2019 September-November. The Saudis then cut back production as Covid hit. They feared a global depression and market saturation. The excess has been depleted but production hasn't fully kicked in yet. Tbh, high prices for oil means more American production.
There are a number of key factors missing in this list though. 1. Political violence. No genuine fascist movement has risen to power without at least some form of paramilitary organisation. 2. Rejection of democratic principles. You can tick all of the 10 aforementioned points and still be a "populist" movement if you abide by democratic principles. Take for example the swiss" People's party". 3. Militarism.
Don't forget about: -the banning of books and of free speech -the banning of private gun ownership -requirement of a "health pass" for access to employment and public services -having a system in place for people to report their neighbors to the authorities for having different viewpoints than the government -persecution of religious groups such as Jews and Christians, etc.. -elimination of all small businesses -concentration of power to the state These weren't mentioned in the video either. Can't leave these out if we want to be historically accurate.
@bradleyjames3133 Communism at its extreme is pretty bad. Stalinism was incredibly oppressive but so was Nazism under Hitler. Both forms can be equally horrific.
Honest folks on the left should also find this awkward. Every point he made was equally a tactic and characteristic of the left. To those on the left cheering him on and suggesting yeah, the right wing sucks, he did not make any points that I did not also describe the left in the US.
The problem of this video is, that it's a part of the propaganda. Fascism is more of a religion. You don't need a state, you need people who believe in it. And it also can happen without a big leader, you don't need a leader, you need an idea, that's why Fascism can also exist in democratic societies by using a shadow government. And the German model is by far not the only one, but it is useful when you need a bad guy, so the other bad guys don't look as bad.
@@ctylsh1214 From the beginning the author of this video portrays fascism as a thing that only exists in right-wing moviements. But every political side will use this word to stigmatize it's enemy as George Orwell exemplified. He concluded that all would agree that fascism is bullying. And I would add that it is politically motivated bullying. The violent persecution of the opposition in Stalin's Russia was very similar and often enough the model for political prosecution in Hitler's Germany. The Gulags and the show trials were studied by the Nazis and directly copied and even made worse. So, you can not define fascism as a mere right wing theme. And that's why Orwell portrayed the regime of the big brother as a mix of many oppressive systems.
@@dronvirs Capitalism almost from go, was formed around the idea of authoritarianism and fascism (ppl forget/are brainwashed to forget that these are two different things but can be wielded at same time). Is your workplace Democratic? If your in America, likely not.
It's because the video tries to glue together two different ideologies under one name that was first credited by the 3rd one mentioned there. Fascism as a regime stems from fractured Italian Communist Party and was less similar in some ways to Nazism than Nazism to Stalinism. In WW2 the communists wanted to distance themselves from German Socialism and mainly from Fascism, Italian Socialist State and created propaganda linking Nazism with Fascism and creating that belief in ultraright Nazism and Fascism. World would be better, if more people studied the topic from good sources.
This guy is a liar or stupid. And as he is a professor of philosophy on yale, i suspect its the former one. His definition of fascism is completely wrong. He says about minorities with north korea or mao? How the hell is that a minority? 99% Of north koreans are ethnic koreans, almost the same in china. Also what it has to do with ethnicity at all? Hitler was not a fascist, italy was fascist state and they didnt care about ethnicity only about nationality. And i suspect he knows all this, and deliberately is lying. Also what is has to do with gender? When were fascist targeting women?
Umberto Eco’s essay “Ur-Fascism” is also a good diagnostic tool. That it was written long before the current situation makes it much more chilling, because it’s clearly not a response to anything current. Mussolini’s “Doctrine of Fascism” (most likely actually written by Giovanni Gentile with Mussolini’s approval) is also a good thing to read to understand fascism by people who thought it was a good idea.
@Gage King I don't agree with that, no. Most people in mid-20th Century Germany and Italy were not fascists, they were being _led_ by fascists. Same thing is happening (but is not yet there) in the USA and the GOP. You need some stronger voices in the Republican Party to push back against this insidious corruption of its values before it is too late. If not for the sake of democracy, then for their own sake - there is no need for diversity in political parties in fascism, just the one true leader.
Umberto Eco Makes a List of the 14 Common Features of Fascism: 1. The cult of tradition. “One has only to look at the syllabus of every fascist movement to find the major traditionalist thinkers. The Nazi gnosis was nourished by traditionalist, syncretistic, occult elements.” 2. The rejection of modernism. “The Enlightenment, the Age of Reason, is seen as the beginning of modern depravity. In this sense Ur-Fascism can be defined as irrationalism.” 3. The cult of action for action’s sake. “Action being beautiful in itself, it must be taken before, or without, any previous reflection. Thinking is a form of emasculation.” 4. Disagreement is treason. “The critical spirit makes distinctions, and to distinguish is a sign of modernism. In modern culture the scientific community praises disagreement as a way to improve knowledge.” 5. Fear of difference. “The first appeal of a fascist or prematurely fascist movement is an appeal against the intruders. Thus Ur-Fascism is racist by definition.” 6. Appeal to social frustration. “One of the most typical features of the historical fascism was the appeal to a frustrated middle class, a class suffering from an economic crisis or feelings of political humiliation, and frightened by the pressure of lower social groups.” 7. The obsession with a plot. “The followers must feel besieged. The easiest way to solve the plot is the appeal to xenophobia.” 8. The enemy is both strong and weak. “By a continuous shifting of rhetorical focus, the enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak.” 9. Pacifism is trafficking with the enemy. “For Ur-Fascism there is no struggle for life but, rather, life is lived for struggle.” 10. Contempt for the weak. “Elitism is a typical aspect of any reactionary ideology.” 11. Everybody is educated to become a hero. “In Ur-Fascist ideology, heroism is the norm. This cult of heroism is strictly linked with the cult of death.” 12. Machismo and weaponry. “Machismo implies both disdain for women and intolerance and condemnation of nonstandard sexual habits, from chastity to homosexuality.” 13. Selective populism. “There is in our future a TV or Internet populism, in which the emotional response of a selected group of citizens can be presented and accepted as the Voice of the People.” 14. Ur-Fascism speaks Newspeak. “All the Nazi or Fascist schoolbooks made use of an impoverished vocabulary, and an elementary syntax, in order to limit the instruments for complex and critical reasoning.”
@@Dan-ud8hz I *knew* there was a reason I have been thinking about starting a free after-school program that teaches young humans critical thinking skills and the scientific method in depth...
This is one of those videos that should be watched by literally everybody. There is no modern political agenda or finger pointing in the video, just education on how any unprepared society can fall for the lure of fascism
Big Thanks to Professor Stanley....my contribution; This Index! 1. Mythic Past 1:53 2. Propaganda 2:35 3. Anti-Intellect 3:15 4. Unreality 3:51 5. Hierarchy 4:41 6. Victim-hood 5:24 7. Law and Order 6:05 8. Sexual Anxiety 6:34 9. Sodom and Gomorrah 7:30 10.Arbeit macht frei 8:05 SUMMARY 8:58
Truthfully, much of the data came from how Nazi German did Fascism, not how it was originally made in Italy before the rise of Nazis. Mussolini, the original creator of the Fascism and it's word, originally a Roman word for a bundle of hay, was not like anything Hitler made the known definition of Fascism to be. In fact, Italy didn't have laws against a certain group of people, like how the Nazis had it against Jews, until like when WW2 started.
@@jjsiegal1 Well, if you read the last part of my comment, an example was the ideals between the people. There were no laws against certain people until Hitler was too powerful for Mussolini to counter to his demands. Mussolini defined Fascism to be where the people work as a unit, as a whole instead of the sum of its parts, the idea of a bundle of hay fastened together to make a whole. Mussolini was a dictator, but he was not as controlling as Hitler.
@@WolfeSaber Mussolini did not creat Fascism, Giovanni Gentile did who was a socialist from Italy just like Mussolini. Fascism is how a government runs its economy. A partnership between the state and business as well as the state runs everything including healthcare and the media. Nazism was about the white race basically being superior to all others and ruling the world that way. It had nothing to do with Fascism. Hitler was also a socialist and continued to call himself one until the day he died. This video is complete bs and propaganda by an obvious leftist trying to pose himself as a centrist. How can Fascism be right wing when all involved were avowed socialists? The other funny part about history is that FDR was quite fond of Fascism and wanted to start implementing it in the US. Guess what? FDR was firmly on the left who also pushed socialist policies.
@@96stealth slight nitpick: Nazism was about the _German_ race, not the broader white race. Nazis saw themselves as being superior to other white european groups, especially Slavs. There was some distain for the French as a racial group, the Italians got a pass due to their alliance, and there were a few other groups the Nazis didn't play nice with, but generally they did make a distinction between themselves and other various europeans.
I have never been inclined to politics or political ideas but the current situation of my country and the world in general I started looking into why we are where we are and what are the solutions. This video just gave me my political standpoint. I am definitely gonna speculate every new aspect I find about this for now I stand with you.
I'm 39 and the West is closer to fascism than it ever has been in my lifetime. Everyone is dissatisfied with democratic institutions across the board and hatred for minorities is growing. Top that off with a culture war narrative everywhere on both the left and the right and we are ripe for Fascism.
@@jimtomo9207 Think what you like but according to the FBI, 96% of political violence in the United States comes from extreme right groups or individuals. So, no, it’s not a media thing.
@Pan-European Slavic Novorossiyan Ultranationalist nice ahistorical argument to brush over the real oppression that has been perpetrated by us Americans and Europeans through colonialism and imperialism of indigenous lands and peoples. It isn’t thar black and brown people are less competent than us - its that we recognize the injustices we have perpetuated throughout history and try to even out the playing field for everyone, but of course leveling out the playing field for those who consider themselves to be at the top will always feel like oppression and they will feel like something is being taken away from them, something that was never supposed to be theres in the first place.
@Pan-European Slavic Novorossiyan Ultranationalist You are delusional. Black people still experience discrimination and oppression especially from cops. If you think minor privileges already compensate the fear of being falsely accused just because they're black and other daily racism that they experience, then you have already been sucked into the fascist/neo-Nazi propaganda. Good luck on becoming an expendable soldier who will sacrifice his life for the greedy elite White people. You really think they care about you, LMAO.
@Pan-European Slavic Novorossiyan Ultranationalist You said "nobody else with a brain cares about the injustices committed in a distant past" Are the 1960s the "distant past"? Racial injustice in America didn't end with slavery. Black Americans were and still are discriminated against in the United States.
Yes Despite being the most privileged group of people ever to exist the western liberals continue to believe they're oppressed so much that they lack any real struggles they invent new oppressions like micro aggression and mansplaining
I'm surprised that Jason Stanley doesn't include use of violence to effect a political goal. I would have thought that an essential component. And, we have seen a bit of that here in the USA, and too many talking about the intention of using it.
Too many in the USA have ACTUALLY embarked on political violence already, emboldened by their politicians. What do you think the 'summer of love' was? Over 30 people died and thousands were injured. Billions in damage was caused.
Fascism is by default anti-religious and anti-altruism, so violence is a possibility, but normally used as a punishment for detractors. Fascism in the US? Fascism died out in like the 60’s. You just have meth addicted inbreds calling themselves “fascists” because they think it means “rebel”. No relation to actual Fascist philosophy like Giovanni Gentile
Yeah. Like the Antifa losers in Portland who tried to burn a federal courthouse to the ground, who attacked police and federal officers. They even tried to weld shut a door to lock federal agents inside as they burned the building to the ground… Or like the guy who shot up the US Senate baseball fundraiser… The guys who firebombed Republican campaign offices… The guy who shot and killed a man for wearing a “MAGA” hat…(also in Portland) The BLM guy who shot at and killed Dallas police officers, and then got into a showdown in a parking garage… I’d say we’ve seen more than “a bit”. I wonder why Creepy Joe still hasn’t denounced these far-left losers threatening our democracy?
Philosophy is so interesting, but it’s also so hard to teach without coming off as boring. This guy explained really well, he seems like a great professor.
Seems like he's identified the issues but is off by 180 degrees. Whites aren't claiming they're victims of Blacks, men aren't claiming they're victims of women, it's the other way around. The left claims everyone's a victim of white, straight, males. The complaint is that lesser qualified people are being rewarded BECAUSE of their race or gender, not that qualified people of a different race or gender are making them feel like a victim. Same with the Big Lie and propaganda. The people labeled "conspiracy theorists" by the left have repeatedly turned out to be the futurist visionaries, while not a peep from the left that is was themselves who were wrong. He also mistakes race for culture. The poles didn't want to stay like poles because they were white, it's because they were polish and had their traditions. It was their culture, not their race. Most of his "fascist" examples from the 1900's were countries with very few immigrants and very historical cultures. Imagine you dropped a white man into an African or rain forest tribe. If they rejected that man do you think it would be because of his skin color, or that he didn't know their culture and acted strange? Blaming his skin color is just lazy. Saying people sticking up for an American culture are fascists is just lazy. Imagine you lived in a quiet suburban neighborhood with little traffic, few people, and your kids could play ball in the street. Suddenly a small airport is built in the neighborhood, where fedex trucks deliver shipments for planes, and apartments are built for the workers doubling the population, clogging the roads with traffic and pollution, and a rotation of transient workers come to move into apartments. According to this clown, you're a fascist for complaining about this outside change to your suburban culture. I live in a completely diverse middle class neighborhood. A certain type of person tends to move into the neighborhood, regardless of their race, gender, sexual orientation, etc. They want a neighborhood where people are friendly to each other when they meet on the sidewalks but mostly don't socialize with each other because they have their own lives. Not a lot of kids but there's no parks where kids can play either. Neighborhood kids playing tend to get their parents involved with each other and we don't have that. Houses are kept up, cars are nice, there's rarely a party that's so loud other neighbors can hear it. People who are social or have kid don't tend to stay long. They move out looking for something else. My neighbor only lived there for 16 months - couldn't make friends to play golf with because he was retired and most everyone else in the neighborhood worked. Sold his house and moved to a golf community. He moved to a place with people like him. He didn't demand our neighborhood change for him. Can you imagine him tell us we had to quit work and go golfing with him and if we didn't, well, we were fascists? Or if we didn't hang out with him we were ageists? Nope. People like to do what they want to do and they hang out with other people who like the same. Human nature. The real problem is clowns like this guy claiming people who complain about others trying to change their likes and ways to something else are fascists, racists, sexists, or are the problem? Nope. It's the people trying to make others change to what they want who are the real problem. Think of it this way, ever see people who like guns DEMAND you buy one even if you don't like them? Nope. You don't want one? No problem. And yet people who don't like guns are always trying to get you to give yours up, or even take them away. Which one is the fascist?
Why is a philosopher attempting to explain something historical and socio-political? This display of impressions is just another opinion of a random intellectual that has read some books. I have also read books about history and socio-historical topics, but as I am only an applied-physics engineer, my opinion does not seem to count, or does it?
@@Guido_XL I think the lack of passion for any subject of study renders it boring by nature. Philosophy beckons critical thinking not the sound good term "think outside the box".........I believe yours and my opinion counts, nobody knows who we are or how you may have viable philosophical input.
@@Guido_XLwe may be engineers but it aint the only thing we know about and can talk about, right? Shit im studying engineer and i probbably know more about a couple other things like music or movies rather than my career
"A fox is always more dangerous in the forest than a wolf. You can see the wolf coming. You know what he's up to. But the fox will fool you. He comes at you with his mouth shaped in such a way that even though you see his teeth, you think he's smiling and take him for a friend" Malcolm X Question everything regardless of your politics
I dunno, tell that to Little Red Riding Hood. She didn't see that wolf coming. And what about the wolf in sheep's clothing? Your quote does not align with the fables of my youth. I don my monocle skeptically in your general direction, sir!
@@rdean150 Those stories of our youth tell the same story...question everything. The quote I discussed wasn't based on a childhood wolf character but an actual wolf and fox. Actual wolves can't dress into costumes.
And he teaches at Yale. Defund the Ivies and promote education, logic. Perhaps he addresses too much with too little time to draw nut nuances and the role of what is 'regime; media' under Biden, covers Up, ignores. Trump was Boss and spoke AS a tough one but there is Separation of Power. Biden used exeecutive orderrs, and appears deceitful. Glenn loury Threads the needle.
It's just hypocritical leftist indoctrination via bought and paid Yale professor. If you're into that sort of thing..... It becomes very apparent when he mentions the children. Just as he mentioned H-ler did.
Funnily democratic leftists (liberal democrats) were seen as enemies by marxists and "antifascist" during the rise of fascism. All collectivist revolutionary movements (both marxism and fascism fit it perfectly) will state their enemies, instrumental and terminal targets in the revolutionary process. It's also not by chance homosexuals and drug users were persecuted and killed during all marxist revolutions in the 20th century. What this kind of documentary does is promote the marxist view of social-fascism, in place of addressing and criticizing fascism on its intellectual basis as post-marxist and neo-hegelian movement.
Fascism flourishes where ever hate flourishes.. of all the human emotions, hate arises more than any others. Much easier than empathy rising. Making someone feel empathy for another is very difficult. Making someone feel hatred for another is as easy as slipping off a log.
"The nature of psychological compulsion is such that those who act under constraint remain under the impression that they are acting on their own initiative. The victim of mind-manipulation does not know that he is a victim. To him the walls of his prison are invisible, and he believes himself to be free. That he is not free is apparent only to other people. His servitude is strictly objective." *~Aldous Huxley~* Power of manipulation.. Pertinent to Facism 💯
@@Rnankn it is already impossible to discuss policies on CO2, COVID, immigration, rights of so called minorities, history of western countries to mention only few contentious subjects that affect almost everybody. The state is everywhere and uses all means to rebuild society. It is visible in most of the west. Maybe definition of an old political movement should be rethought, if used to describe situation 100y later? Maybe the essential points are: restriction of free speech, senseless propaganda, massive restrictions on other basic freedoms and refusal to discuss these just as well as apparent lack of any restraint in rebuilding society? One more thing - the relentless fight against the right wing and other rogue political ideas by among other things use of term fascism to describe them. What does that remind me of? Hmmm right: it reminds me of the times when fascism was rampant.
@@hanskloss7726 "Fascism" is just a boogie man for the oligarchs that control the West to scare people into giving up national sovereignty and their liberties so that they may subject everyone to globalism. The problem with these fools is that they create the fascists of the future because fascism is one of the greatest forms of political mobilization against internationalism and liberalism ever created. As liberalism becomes more authoritarian (as technology becomes too efficient a tool at oppressing the masses), a counterrevolution force arises to combat it. It must necessarily be equally authoritarian to create the propaganda and power necessary to whip the crowd into a frenzy and channel them to combat the threat. The left is creating their own antithesis as they chase the spectre of fascism. As they do demonize their opponents as fascists, they conjure the spirits of fascists past. That is the irony of the current political paradigm. We only await the coming political correction.
@Finbar McCallister That is a very interesting case of projection you display. Victimology is a leftist concoction. Every policy advocated for by leftists like you is designed with the weak, down trodden, incompetent, foolish, confused, and petty things of this earth in mind. Blame is layed at the foot of everyone and everything that does not contribute to some sort of egalitarian pipedream -- like the world would conform to your ideology of equality if only certain institutions and peoples weren't suppressing the IQs, wages, competence, et cetera of the victims in your worldview. You assume that the populist liberals that make up the Trumpist movement are the counter revolutionaries that I am talking about, but they aren't. They are merely a disaffected Tea Party. True revolutionary fervor does not manifest in prosperous societies like America. As long as there are luxurious distractions (ie sports, shopping centers, etc) and full bellies, those sorts of things do not occur. However, it doesn't appear that the American empire, nor the West is going to remain in that sort of position of economic superiority for much longer. With the decline of the West and the rise of China and Russia, we shall be in a position where the luxury of making complaints not backed by action will cease to exist.
@@trevorrobbins110 rise of Russia? What are you smoking? It's very stagnant, it's in an extreme damage control mode right now. P.S. he's a fucking tankie innit?
Regardless of which "ism" - fascism, Nazism (Germany's fascism with a racial component), socialism, communism - is claimed as the basis for Mussolini's Italy, Hitler's Germany, Stalin' Soviet Union, Mao's China, etc. They were all, in fact, totalitarianism, where none of the "promises" of national greatness were never realized.
@@notinsane4165 they're actually not, they can't be, which is why all the governments the US hasn't directly helped destroy have failed. They're both based on ideas of community & society sharing in the collective gains from the collective effort and authoritarian governments tend to exclude groups of people.
@@joshuapowers4623 Totalitarianism is a form of government in which the state’s power is unlimited and controls virtually all aspects of public and private life. This control extends to all political and financial matters as well as the attitudes, morals, and beliefs of the people. An authoritarian state is characterized by a strong central government that allows people a limited degree of political freedom. However, the political process, as well as all individual freedom, is controlled by the government without any constitutional accountability.
That’s not true, Soviet Union did well during Brezhnev in power. The huge mistake was that Soviets were tricked into Afghan war by Americans, the US supplied weapons to fight Soviets that’s how they created Islamic terrorist organizations.
It's almost like there's a flip happening in politics.... the American Left is getting closer and closer towards fascism if we're not already there. The White Man is the Modern day Jew. The White-Skinned Man with European ancestry, who is largely an immigrant class of the last 100 years, who immigrated and produced their own wealth starting from nothing while facing racism... has been blamed for all the wrong doings that make America look bad. This is all apart of the American Left's new religion of "wokism" which all the members are devote followers. The "woke" religion is built on the original sin of white people, white men in particular...and they have to seek atonement for the original sin they have carried since they were born...for the crimes of what people looked like them did in the pass (not even ancestors). The woke religion is flawed and will probably self destruct pretty soon since it has no real cultural development...most of the woke will find themselves struggling to reproduce and falling into depression. The New Fascists want to take what those people have created and put it into their own pockets. They are materialistic and Envious. This materialism can be exploited by the fascist rulers to have the new fascist regime's followers worship particular consumer products more then others....such as mandatory vaccinations...which are a consumer product forced onto the population without alternative. The Pharmaceutical Industry absolutely loves the new fascists. The materialism of the American Left has made everyone so sad and depressed, youth are getting prescribed all sort of medications for mental illnesses they probably dont have (like ADHD, or Autism). Women are convinced to take regular birth control. The Transgender movement is convincing cis teens to become transgender because it's popular and "In"...setting these people up for a life time subscription to hormone treatments and depression medications. The feminisation of society is increasing sales for makeup and other beauty products. Feminine men are also more submissive as a result and dont fight back...feminine men just consume and play video games all day at home where they belong. They keep purchasing and playing video games that get less and less fun, and require more and more microtransactions... and these losers love it. feminine men also have no skills either so they can't confront the regime the live in. The Materialistic left sees what other people have and they want it. Hence they support the government printing a shit ton of money and giving it to corporations...as long as they get a little bit of the drops on the side of the tap. Those little drops be given to corporations at the end of the day regardless...they'll be paying for their loan (bank), rent (landlord), or for consumer products. They also support when those companies HRs start to avoid hiring white men... All the biggest companies want to hire women and POC... and the only white men they want to hire are the feminised ones (Gay, Trans, Woke). Then the materialistic left want to seize the wealth that the printing has produced...and to for sure take it from white men and give it to everyone else. The white men, since they're feminized...wont fight back. The Materialistic left supports restricting freedom of speech, and insuring that hate speech laws only effect white men (sometimes white women if they go against the narratives of the materialistic left) and no one else. By controlling speech the fascism from the materialistic left is allowed to grow. The old left was pro free speech...not even 10 years ago this switch was made. Instead of having their government handle the mental heath crisis they created (which is what a normal leftist would support), they support controlling, restricting, and banning guns, because some people go insane and use them on the population. The Materialistic Left is afraid of death and they are afraid of any individual especially a white man being able to defend themselves from the regime. The Materialistic Left is very afraid of death...this is why they're willing to give up all control of their lives to the government in respect to the issue around COVID19. The Materialistic Left doesn't like the police...at the moment...because they are mostly white men... The Materialistic Left will be pro-police once white men leave the forces. They will be silent when Black cops beat the living shit out of the poor white men on the streets. The Materialistic left took over the police reform movement, and made it exclusively about race... yet they choose to ignore how more unarmed white men get executed by police...the average police officer executes significantly more white men then black men. In the meantime they want white people be defenceless in their homes with a defunded police force...which will allow the Materialistic Left to raid their communities without resistance. To close. The American Left is Fascist. They support the merger of the corporation at the state. They support the state religion of wokism and all the corporations that adopt it. They support the destruction of small businesses....especially white own businesses. They think wealth from white people should be transferred to non-white people. They are anti-free speech They are anti-gun They are anti-freedom
@@secretname4190 Yes he did. Are you a Neo-Nazi? If not, why would it matter to you anyway? I’ve had people ANGRILY reply with, “He was talking about you COMMIES!!” Guess what, even if he was, he’s still proving our point for us…as this is EXACTLY what Trump has done all along as well. Now what?
@@juliantreidiii Depends where you do it. I’ve posted this exact quote as well as quoted Goebbels and other awful people. You will be banned if enough people who see it are offended by it. If you posted something like this and a bunch of RWers saw it, took offense to it because IT’S TRUMP and they no likey that, or otherwise were confused about your intentions, then they would likely have flagged you. This has happened to me here on YT.
The rich want you to think this is about the left vs right And they are laughing at you tearing each other apart This is aboutt the rich elites vs the poor. Check out lee camp's latest vid on redacted tonight titled labirr strikes
The fundamental problem is always putting group identity before individuality. It inevitably regresses into violent tribalism of “us” against “them”. If you see everyone as individuals, political extremis becomes impossible.
It's impossible for human beings to function in a system that only fights for "individuality." If that were the case, we would not have rules and laws that counter the negative effects that individuals create. In a civilized world, there's always a tension between individuality and social (group) construct. Individualist mentality says that each person has the right to do what they want, when they want. If you are going to live with other humans, you have to respect the idea that humans, given the opportunity, will do things only to promote their own self-interest, and to hell with the rest of us (humans are first and foremost selfish animals). This is why human beings need rules and laws. WIthout the group (all humans) being able to function -and live amiably without being constantly challenged by individuals who only want it THEIR "individual" way all the time-we will devolve into chaos. The whole states' rights BS, supporting the ability to "defend" themselves without caring about how the unfettered availability of guns affects the "group" (all other humans), is a symptom of festering fascism. This is what is happening with the Trump Cult. Pure unadulterated fascism...and ALL of those people are into the me, me, me and MY rights. I fail to see how an intelligent person cannot understand that if you have to live peacefully among other humans, you may have to give up some of that individuality and self-interest for the group: all other human beings.
So all these lefties calling out fascist all the time are not really directing it at fascists, this word must have been invented to suppress indigenous people, if the American Indians tried to rise up back in the day, and we had this play of words they be fascists no?
@@mack626 I live in America. A place where someone's color is considered the cause of all problems and Leaders lead people to kill others to show who's side you're on. From drugs, cars, and daily news propaganda is the way of the USA.
@@ENIGMAXII2112 Six years ago most thought good of the news, today, no-one trust anyone. Advertising has always used propaganda, But when people allow propaganda into every part of every State it won't be long before the people will not be the government and we will be controlled by somebodies aganda.
@@wild_burn - I have read plenty on Fascism and many deatails are being portrayed currently by the US. Many US citizens understand and realize the same.
Listen, Trump supporters will literally say "I don't care if he's a fascist" after you explain what a fascist is, and show how trump is pretty fascistic. They don't care. They haven't been fooled, they are just very convinced by his points.
@@younggod5230 Then if we don't outnumber them at the voting booth our democracy is probably going to be pulled down the rabbit hole of failure where autocracy will become our new form of government and the sacrifice and work the last 240 years will mean nothing. which means we must fight this self-entitled ignorance or eventually lose all our hard-fought freedoms, which these idiots do not seem to value.
@@younggod5230 I would simply say they don't care because at the heart of it all they agree with fascism as long as they are the ones benefiting from it. Quite simply, a lot of them are straight up fascists.
@@younggod5230 Nothing more unaware You rigged him out of an election using an allegiance between government and corporations. And the two continue their allegiance to stifle political dissent. The fascism is already here and, predictably, comes through the fusion of neo-lib and neo-conservative fundmanetals (they never really differed that much) under the banner of one party (Dems) who seek to become a single totalitarian force and another party (Repubs) that is mostly so weak and craven that they'll give it to them. Do you care that your preferred party is fundamentally no different from the Dixiecrats of the 1960s--same racialized grievances, just a different scapegoat?
What planet are you on? This was one of the worst bullshit definitions I have ever seen of any word in the English language in my entire life. This guy is acting as a literal fascist himself. Fascism has absolutely nothing to do with immigration or race and neither is it anti-liberal or anti-left. The left are literal fascists. Fascism believes in a totalitarian government and complete control of the media and press and the reason they hated the Jews is because the Jews were the rich class and Hitler literally stated “the rich are not paying their fair share”. I can’t even believe this bullshit
It’s way to brief and vague that it can be applied to anything. Read on what Fascist’s actually wrote about and believe in, judge from what comes out of the horse’s mouth
@@ltmundNo, it can’t “mean whatever you want.” The important point for people without the benefit of higher education to know is that fascism is a reactionary movement behind a “strongman” leader, who promises to restore the hierarchy after those who have enjoyed unearned privilege are threatened by equality. It is a right-wing ultranationalist movement by definition, and the most important tactic the cult leader uses is to subvert reality and confuse the truth until he is the only trusted _source_ of truth. To give up on understanding what fascism even _means_ is a symptom, that by using the term against the leader’s opposition it loses meaning. There’s a reason that the first step in creating distrust in institutions that provide a check on power is to tell you not to trust journalism. Trump’s “fake news” is the mirror equivalent of Hitler’s “lugen presse” (or lying press.) The same goes for distrust of the one institution that differentiates America from authoritarian nations, our representative democracy (free and fair elections, and the peaceful transition of power.) By the end of Trump’s first term, right-wing media floated the idea that America is not _supposed_ to be a democracy but a “constitutional republic.” This tactic counts on followers’ limited understanding of civics and history, because of course the foundation of this country is our election of representatives who serve us, we are a constitutional republic AND a representative democracy-these terms are not mutually exclusive.
Not a philosopher but with a major in peace & conflict science, which ofc includes studies of both developing fascism and the basis for democracy, I say this is very spot on. Saving this.
@@raphael.cavalcanti3301Right, even if thats true, that would ring true for every single major. This major inherently might actually be one of the most important majors out there for future policymakers and whatnot. It seems to me you just had a visceral emotional reaction to the major without actually thinking about what you were saying.
If you don't put the word fascism there in the title, and mentioned everytime you started new typic, I thought you are talking about how things is working here in the US today.
Yes. Tpusa just had a little get together where one supporter asked when they were gonna be allowed to kill liberals. Trump accelerated the rights radicalization to white fascism.
because current republicans are fascists. trump slept with a copy of mein kampf for a reason. Fox news, news max, oann, exist for a reason. social media is being used as a tool to spread fascism, confirmed by right wing media and given authority from republican politicians who don’t openly denounce it, but embrace it silently with a small nod
@@harryiculus The problem with that is that it leads to leaders of lesser countries to realize that going to war against a stronger country can be beneficial even if they are to lose. Check out " The Mouse That Roared"
What's comical is it is coming from both political sides in the US.....and both of those sides blame the other. Wish this channel would do a video on the SOCIAL EXPERIMENT that is the United States of America.
Whole lot of gaslighting in vid. Which is to be expected from a Yale professor, the same elitist and fascist organization that’s created numerous sociopaths and psychopaths to lead Government and business (mostly the same thing, hence fascism).
I would recommend literature to read about the topic and to be critical about the video. Lack of critical thinking leads to such ideologies like Nazism or Fascism.
It's almost like there's a flip happening in politics.... the American Left is getting closer and closer towards fascism if we're not already there. The White Man is the Modern day Jew. The White-Skinned Man with European ancestry, who is largely an immigrant class of the last 100 years, who immigrated and produced their own wealth starting from nothing while facing racism... has been blamed for all the wrong doings that make America look bad. This is all apart of the American Left's new religion of "wokism" which all the members are devote followers. The "woke" religion is built on the original sin of white people, white men in particular...and they have to seek atonement for the original sin they have carried since they were born...for the crimes of what people looked like them did in the pass (not even ancestors). The woke religion is flawed and will probably self destruct pretty soon since it has no real cultural development...most of the woke will find themselves struggling to reproduce and falling into depression. The New Fascists want to take what those people have created and put it into their own pockets. They are materialistic and Envious. This materialism can be exploited by the fascist rulers to have the new fascist regime's followers worship particular consumer products more then others....such as mandatory vaccinations...which are a consumer product forced onto the population without alternative. The Pharmaceutical Industry absolutely loves the new fascists. The materialism of the American Left has made everyone so sad and depressed, youth are getting prescribed all sort of medications for mental illnesses they probably dont have (like ADHD, or Autism). Women are convinced to take regular birth control. The Transgender movement is convincing cis teens to become transgender because it's popular and "In"...setting these people up for a life time subscription to hormone treatments and depression medications. The feminisation of society is increasing sales for makeup and other beauty products. Feminine men are also more submissive as a result and dont fight back...feminine men just consume and play video games all day at home where they belong. They keep purchasing and playing video games that get less and less fun, and require more and more microtransactions... and these losers love it. feminine men also have no skills either so they can't confront the regime the live in. The Materialistic left sees what other people have and they want it. Hence they support the government printing a shit ton of money and giving it to corporations...as long as they get a little bit of the drops on the side of the tap. Those little drops be given to corporations at the end of the day regardless...they'll be paying for their loan (bank), rent (landlord), or for consumer products. They also support when those companies HRs start to avoid hiring white men... All the biggest companies want to hire women and POC... and the only white men they want to hire are the feminised ones (Gay, Trans, Woke). Then the materialistic left want to seize the wealth that the printing has produced...and to for sure take it from white men and give it to everyone else. The white men, since they're feminized...wont fight back. The Materialistic left supports restricting freedom of speech, and insuring that hate speech laws only effect white men (sometimes white women if they go against the narratives of the materialistic left) and no one else. By controlling speech the fascism from the materialistic left is allowed to grow. The old left was pro free speech...not even 10 years ago this switch was made. Instead of having their government handle the mental heath crisis they created (which is what a normal leftist would support), they support controlling, restricting, and banning guns, because some people go insane and use them on the population. The Materialistic Left is afraid of death and they are afraid of any individual especially a white man being able to defend themselves from the regime. The Materialistic Left is very afraid of death...this is why they're willing to give up all control of their lives to the government in respect to the issue around COVID19. The Materialistic Left doesn't like the police...at the moment...because they are mostly white men... The Materialistic Left will be pro-police once white men leave the forces. They will be silent when Black cops beat the living shit out of the poor white men on the streets. The Materialistic left took over the police reform movement, and made it exclusively about race... yet they choose to ignore how more unarmed white men get executed by police...the average police officer executes significantly more white men then black men. In the meantime they want white people be defenceless in their homes with a defunded police force...which will allow the Materialistic Left to raid their communities without resistance. To close. The American Left is Fascist. They support the merger of the corporation at the state. They support the state religion of wokism and all the corporations that adopt it. They support the destruction of small businesses....especially white own businesses. They think wealth from white people should be transferred to non-white people. They are anti-free speech They are anti-gun They are anti-freedom
Every American should be required to watch this video.
Too late. They needed to watch it before they voted.
At this point, most Trump supporters would probably just dismiss it as "leftist propaganda".
@@Max_MustermannExactly, now he will say he created Biden's economy and when he crashes it will blame democrats.
Sounds a bit authoritarian 🙁
@@margin606 It's education
“The center of democracy is truth. You’re not free if you’ve been lied to.” Dang that was the best point of the whole video right there!
the first thing a dictatorship is doing is pretending being a democracy.
Democracy is trully to achieve then!
I don't know what did I say, but yt removed my comment lmao
And I would add that you are not free if you can't accept the truth.
Democracy is a lie. A lie cannot be the center of any truth.
"The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists."
~Hannah Arendt
It's almost like there's a flip happening in politics.... the American Left is getting closer and closer towards fascism if we're not already there.
The White Man is the Modern day Jew. The White-Skinned Man with European ancestry, who is largely an immigrant class of the last 100 years, who immigrated and produced their own wealth starting from nothing while facing racism... has been blamed for all the wrong doings that make America look bad. This is all apart of the American Left's new religion of "wokism" which all the members are devote followers. The "woke" religion is built on the original sin of white people, white men in particular...and they have to seek atonement for the original sin they have carried since they were born...for the crimes of what people looked like them did in the pass (not even ancestors). The woke religion is flawed and will probably self destruct pretty soon since it has no real cultural development...most of the woke will find themselves struggling to reproduce and falling into depression.
The New Fascists want to take what those people have created and put it into their own pockets. They are materialistic and Envious.
This materialism can be exploited by the fascist rulers to have the new fascist regime's followers worship particular consumer products more then others....such as mandatory vaccinations...which are a consumer product forced onto the population without alternative. The Pharmaceutical Industry absolutely loves the new fascists. The materialism of the American Left has made everyone so sad and depressed, youth are getting prescribed all sort of medications for mental illnesses they probably dont have (like ADHD, or Autism). Women are convinced to take regular birth control. The Transgender movement is convincing cis teens to become transgender because it's popular and "In"...setting these people up for a life time subscription to hormone treatments and depression medications. The feminisation of society is increasing sales for makeup and other beauty products. Feminine men are also more submissive as a result and dont fight back...feminine men just consume and play video games all day at home where they belong. They keep purchasing and playing video games that get less and less fun, and require more and more microtransactions... and these losers love it. feminine men also have no skills either so they can't confront the regime the live in.
The Materialistic left sees what other people have and they want it. Hence they support the government printing a shit ton of money and giving it to corporations...as long as they get a little bit of the drops on the side of the tap. Those little drops be given to corporations at the end of the day regardless...they'll be paying for their loan (bank), rent (landlord), or for consumer products. They also support when those companies HRs start to avoid hiring white men... All the biggest companies want to hire women and POC... and the only white men they want to hire are the feminised ones (Gay, Trans, Woke). Then the materialistic left want to seize the wealth that the printing has produced...and to for sure take it from white men and give it to everyone else. The white men, since they're feminized...wont fight back.
The Materialistic left supports restricting freedom of speech, and insuring that hate speech laws only effect white men (sometimes white women if they go against the narratives of the materialistic left) and no one else. By controlling speech the fascism from the materialistic left is allowed to grow. The old left was pro free speech...not even 10 years ago this switch was made.
Instead of having their government handle the mental heath crisis they created (which is what a normal leftist would support), they support controlling, restricting, and banning guns, because some people go insane and use them on the population. The Materialistic Left is afraid of death and they are afraid of any individual especially a white man being able to defend themselves from the regime. The Materialistic Left is very afraid of death...this is why they're willing to give up all control of their lives to the government in respect to the issue around COVID19.
The Materialistic Left doesn't like the police...at the moment...because they are mostly white men... The Materialistic Left will be pro-police once white men leave the forces. They will be silent when Black cops beat the living shit out of the poor white men on the streets. The Materialistic left took over the police reform movement, and made it exclusively about race... yet they choose to ignore how more unarmed white men get executed by police...the average police officer executes significantly more white men then black men. In the meantime they want white people be defenceless in their homes with a defunded police force...which will allow the Materialistic Left to raid their communities without resistance.
To close. The American Left is Fascist.
They support the merger of the corporation at the state.
They support the state religion of wokism and all the corporations that adopt it.
They support the destruction of small businesses....especially white own businesses.
They think wealth from white people should be transferred to non-white people.
They are anti-free speech
They are anti-gun
They are anti-freedom
@Gabriel Jean-Batiste "Your post is just utter vile nonsense."
Okay there CNN.
What the hell is that? More alphabet nonsense.
@@ericcartmann you're a victim of everything this video describes. The "left" has no nterest in silencing you. You've been told that it does, and you believe it.
@Gabriel Jean-Batiste "Tell me you support the regime without telling me you support the regime"
Looking for those social credit points or what?
@@revan552 Go back to reddit.
On reddit the mods would have banned me from their entire website by now.
Clue in.
What frustrates me is that most Americans don’t even know what fascism is. They think hating jews and waving a swastika is fascism but NO. Nazism is merely an example of fascism
Actually Nazism had nothing to do with Fascism. They were two different ideologies.
@_Historia_Magistra_Vitae_ they are both variations of Capitalism, so that's the common root of it all.
😂😂😂😂😂 you should've learned what fascism was first before commenting, fool
@@neilbaesel3767 What on earth. Fascism is against capitalism, because they deem it divisive for the nation. It advocates for a tripartite framework, in which workers, owners and the state decide economic matters together.
@ViscountOfKethely the wealthy industrialists in Germany supported it en masse. It was also praised in American news outlets at first. Capitalism depends on government, always has, always will. Look into the ways they rig the game and seek subsidies. You've been lied to about how it works.
Finally a good tutorial to watch at 3 am after getting rejected from art school
Lol I am literally watching it as a tutorial to start a fascist party in America
@@petek7951 Fr fr.
Art school wtf were u thinking.
@@Madtrucker379 someone didn’t understand the joke
It's easier to fool someone...than convince them they've been fooled.
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me - you can't get fooled again.
@@trollingisasport Where have I heard that from lmao
I believe Stalin said that right???
@@trollingisasport Obviously that is not true in the US today.
It is easier to repeat what someone once said than to come up with an original thought.
When asked how Fascism starts, Bertrand Russel once said:
"First, they fascinate the fools. Then, they muzzle the intelligent."
I'm stealing this. Thank you.
Exactly like the left does this days
Isn't it exactly how Muhammad started Islam??
@@docno1117 or Jesus starts catholicism?
Jesus never killed anybody for not believing in his cult, Muhammad did.
“The government you elect is the government you deserve” -Thomas Jefferson
Stolen NOT chosen !!! Elon Musk
Unfortunately for good people, fascists love to perform sham elections
I do think that anyone who voted for Trump deserves him, but I think the people who fought so hard to stop fascism don’t deserve it. I don’t know.
No bro no, I can't even choose who to vote. It's left or rigth. It's A and B. And you just quoted a fake American. A man from a race that changes their name, that changes their documents to fit in and fool people. Now thanks to him aswell america is a plutocratic democracy. Thomas Jefferson is a Liar a "reptilian" (this word is used so I dont get cancelled)
"How easy it is to make people believe a lie, and [how] hard it is to undo that work again." -Mark Twain
so true; how did Mark Twain ever anticipate the Biden administration eh?
Indeed there quiet lot of fallacies in this video starring UN-American New York Jew academicJason Stanley, however the parts that are actually true apply to the Ultra-Fascist BLM/Transgender /Antifa / Woke/Diversity movements especially in the form of the Biden / Harris anti-American agenda. I agree with Jason Stanley that we must crush and destroy these elements in order for us to be free again. January 6 was when we began to fight back against these Fascists led by Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris and "Da Squad@, next time there will be even more True American Patriots, this time with their AR-15s and that will be the end for the enemies of American Freedomw ho wish to enslave us. The Fascist networks of CNN and MSNBC have been warned, they will not be spared.
Thats they guy who first owned the Bohemian Grove
The truth that hurts you, people will easily find. The truth that hurts them, they say doesn’t exist.
@@soggmeisterlasagnagarfield is this a quote from some historical figure? it's sounds profound but seriously, the truth that hurts 'them' is the center of the cultural battle right now. 'they' say they are offended by everything we do and say and think; they even are offended by CO2... the very thing that comes out of every mouth that breaths. You may want to update this quote to better reflect the fascist big brother tactics of the 'left'.
To me, in the United States, the biggest threat to your democracy is the way your news media report the simple news of the day. You can't have 2 different stories, one is either true and the other false. You might say that there is a conservative take and a liberal take on a news item but the extreme difference in the report is immense. I live in Canada, we have a national network, French and English and a few other national news outlets, I can pick any of them on any given night so, CTV or CBC, for example, if there is a national story, I know the story will have the same facts and the same tone, it's not going to favor the right or the left. In America, a story breaks and you watch CNN/MSNBC and then you watch Fox and you'd think that they are not even talking about the same thing...Walter Cronkite is rolling in his grave.
In the US, there are a number of opinionated "news" programs. Too many viewers seem unable to understand that and take "journalist" opinions as facts. And too many people on a global scale take social media posts as facts without scrutinizing the source.
Lol...they are not talking about the same thing.
I don't know where TVO falls but I think y'all might have a problem.
I watched a "climate segment" that ticked off every talking point of the corporate deniers.
Just this last week I saw a segment on privatization of Healthcare services. That should be setting off flashing red lights and alarm bells.
Then there was a court ordered presence of rightwing "news" organizations during your elections. Y'all better watch out. I need a place to run when American democracy fails.
"The purpose of fascist news is never to inform the public. The purpose of fascist news is to play one group against another. To attack every fissure of disunity. To drive a wedge in to any common front against the fascist." V.P. Henry Wallace, NYT, 1944
I think the issue in US media, and in Brazil media my country, are the corporations behind them. They got zero interests in information, but all in influence the public opinion
You best just be glad Rupert Murdoch didn't emigrate to Canada otherwise Canada would have the same problem the U.S. is having. Although the 'soil' down there might be a bit more fertile.
Mostly Rupert Murdochs fault.
First of all thanks for this being free. Now, it’s sad to know mankind has learned so much on these subjects and still we will repeat old mistakes time and time again.
Yep and when it happens again it'll be "who could have seen this coming?!" from the low info crowd and from the Right, "Well I guess it was all my god's plan."
You mean maga?
Hopefully to right the wrongs in history. Without Fascism there wouldn't have been the crazy technological advances that their scientists have provided decades after. Like Founding of NASA and landing on the moon. When you have a nation not bogged down in constant social unrest the nation and it's people can focus on more important things.
I read somewhere - "Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Those who do learn from history are doomed to stand by helplessly while everyone else repeats it."
Julio Martinez ::
We repeat & repeat "mistakes" because the educational system doesn't educate ; it indoctrinates.
These aren't "mistakes". They are deliberate Social-Policies & we continue to fall into the trap of political verbiage.
Well I reckon America and soon the rest of the world needs to start worrying about fascism right now! In fact, the worrying should have started about 20 years ago.
Your definition of fascism must be the same as Stalin's
You’re so right. But racism creeps in…grows slow, strong roots. It’s here. And it’s terrifying.
@@morganwright224 it’s easy to see if some thing qualifies as fascist. There are 14 tenets, qualifiers, and a person or government must meet the majority of them to be deemed fascist.
Trump and his maga klan meet all 14 tenets. Trump and his presidency are fascist.
@@noodlepoodlegirl I read Mussolini's "Fascist Manifesto" and he said nothing that resembles anything Trump ever said.
The reason I like this is that he accurately describes these characteristics as "tactics" and not as binding values, philosophies, or positions.
Right. In another of his video's comments there was confusion between fascism as a state and the tactics by those seeking office.
Their philosophy can pretty much be boiled down to "might is right".
@@commentingisawasteoftime7195 This is the Liberal propaganda, the same mοrοnity that plays to the "The King's Speech (2010)" where the stammering imbecile manage to read the speech that they presented in front of him to give to "the millions of my subjects, home and abroad"...meaning the British colonies!!
And how the colonies obtained by the British ruling class? Is it by singing & dancing or as the IRA sung
"Come tell us how you slew
Them old Arabs two by two
Like Zulus they had spears and bows and arrows
How bravely you faced each one
With your sixteen pounder gun
And you frightened them damn natives to their marrow"
PS At least Fascism had an honest philosophy and didn't pretended to be benevolence, only actual and true and that every man born with the truth in him and thus civilization is rests in us!
"Thought, yes, is reality, the world. But the Atlas that sustains this world in which we live, and in which living is a joy, is the feeling, which [...] always makes us go back into ourselves to make sure that the world rests firmly on its foundations"
- Giovanni Gentile, Filosofia dell'arte
a fascist has no values. it is only entitlement and hatred.
@@tugger You are discribing Liberalism not Fascism....
Fascism doesn't gloryfy "human rights", apathy (tolerence), individualism (narcisism), and entitlement of spoiled brats that demand to be freeloading paracites because it's "their right"!
In Fascism you have obligations and duties, towards your family, your community, your nation and mankind.
For ALL mankind!
The biggest duty of which is to be the best in everything that you do....the BEST...
Participation is nothing, whinning is everything, only in this way you can advance mankind and civilization.
As for "hatred", it's a mοronic arguement that a human feeling, shared by all primal mamals, are a characteristic of a single ideology as if it was invented by somebody! LOL
I remember in the Nixon Tapes there is one of him saying, "You can pretty much say anything you want because people have short memories. You say something and three weeks later everybody has forgotten what was said." Ironic that he was caught up by his own tapes.
Still true. The pandemic panic is a great example.
Fauchi would say the exact opposite of what he said 1 week earlier and nobody noticed.
We were learning new things about the corona virus so our information was constantly changing. Fauci was not deliberately misleading people.
Well he ain't wrong. People still support trump despite all the bs he has said on camera.
@@francismarion6400 lmao you just proved my point
it's very true - look at the Hunter Biden laptop for example.
Who's here on November 6, 2024 or later?
Yup. Scary AF
@@caraleeanley1224 it's like his "to-do list"!
Trump's blueprint. Freaking insane!
Yah this is terrifying
I hate how much of this applies to him. I remember some shit applying to him from some old plaque about fascism, but holy hell there's a lot more of this stuff that applies to him now. Even moreso with Project 2025.
We alll know why we’re here today
Most of you are here because of fakestream media and propaganda.
Yes. And shared.
We're doomed!!😢
@HannaCat-dm7nt Only if we run.
@rankat1841 what do you mean?
God I can’t believe we’re here again in 2024
It’s going to be way worse this time, I can feel it.
@@jocelyncooper1738 No shit, the guy now has control of all branches of government and a far more radicalized cult. It's done, America's time as the empire of 21st century is done.
No it isn't, what has CNN been telling y'all?! XD
@@dukezilla3471 Yes, it is. I don't watch CNN. Perhaps you should watch the video again. We are about to witness a historic period of grievous human rights abuses.
@@davanwes2751 No we are not. T has openly gay members in his cabinet as well as many minority ethnic groups. Get a clue. Stop watching the propaganda news.
Who's watching this after the American election??
…and wondering at the connection between this 3 year old video suddenly appearing on my feed and this platform’s mother company donating an extraordinary sum to the Harris campaign.
@@jamesallen6426 it's an educational tool explaining fascism in a manner that's easily digestible. Trumpism ticks all boxes.
@@davanwes2751 You are fucking delusional. libtard.
@@davanwes2751Dont ever delete this comment. History will prove you ignorant and let this permanent for all your decendants to see.
Psychopaths cannot be shamed or humiliated and don't "get better" or "change" when confronted by fact. Remember, "truth" is subjective, while "fact" can be independently confirmed. We need to gather around and defend fact and eliminate psychopaths from positions of power at all levels.
I agree with your thoughts... but I would argue that truth is not subjective. Because truth is based on facts. Emotions, believes, my/your opinion, what I/you feel is right.... all subjective. By definition truth is very exclusive... it offends people. That is why most folks try to redefine truth. Great post though. Thank you!
How do you independently confirm someone is gender fluid?
@@briancarroll5648 Truth is ambiguous. One statement can be true and it’s direct contradiction can also be true when looked at with a different context.
The problem is, only psychopaths can handle the level of scrutiny, opposition, and abuse that people at higher levels get. I would love to get involved in government but I couldn’t handle people who don’t agree with me creating horrible lies about me just to bring me down.
When confronted with known facts that contradicted his usual lies Trump told reporters "you have your facts and we at the Whitehouse have alternative facts."
Facts mean nothing to Trump and his cult the Republican Party.
First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out-because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out-because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out-because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me-and there was no one left to speak for me.
First they came for the Communists actually. Martin Niemöller didn't use the word "socialists" in his poem for the obvious reason that the Nazis were socialists themselves, who thought Marxism/Communism was doing socialism wrong.
@@Historia.Magistra.Vitae. The Nazis were not socialist. Socialism prioritizes public ownership, capitalism prioritizes private ownership. The Nazis were fascist capitalists. They had corporations, and private property. They banned labor unions in 1934. There was no democracy in the workplace, and as said in the video, fascism is all about degrading someone's value into simply the work they put out. They only claimed to be for the workers, because of the increasingly popular socialist movements in Germany, and also, interesting fact, a lot of fascists were associated with socialism beforehand. Mussolini was in a socialist party, but he was kicked out for being pro-war. They ended up surrounding themselves with this dangerous ideology because of their own arrogance and uncompromising ideals. He did critique marxism a lot, so you got that right.
@@DownWithTheImperialists _"The Nazis were not socialist. "_
Wrong. They most certainly were, by definition and according to their own very beliefs and words. National Soci alism was a totalitarian Far-Left, socialist 3rd position ideology based on ethnonationalism trying to supersede Marxism as the most common socialist ideology. They had nothing to do with Right wing of any kind. You cannot be an advocate for centralized planning and strong government controls without being a socialist. That's what made Hitler a socia list. He may have been to the right from the Bolsheviks, but he was still a socialist leftist as he believed in strong central government control. Hitler outright declared himself a socialist in Mein Kampf, just not the Ma rxist international or full Soviet type. He struggled with HOW to distinguish his socialism from the rest of the Marxist crowd.
@@DownWithTheImperialists _"Socialism prioritizes public ownership, capitalism prioritizes private ownership."_
True. Socialism is an economic system where the collective (such as workers, guilds, syndicates, unions, the government etc.) either directly own or control the buildings and tools that make goods and services like farms and factories. This can be achieved through decentralized and direct worker-ownership, or through centralized state-ownership or control of the means of production. National Socialists had the latter.
@@DownWithTheImperialists _"The Nazis were fascist capitalists. "_
Wrong. They were neither. Nazis were National Socialists, not Fascists. Fascism was Mussolini's ideology. Both ideologies despised Capitalism and the Nazis also thought that the Jews were behind it.
Hmmmmm. This explanation of fascism seems eerily familiar.
Alt right intensifies
Very very familiar
Left intensifies.
The intensity of the other is coming from both sides.
I thought the same thing
@@warriorchemist5630 Every action has an equal and opposite reaction
“Law and order doesn’t mean justice law and order doesn’t mean equality. Law and order structures whose legitimate and whose not.” truest words spoken.
"There's no justice! No law! No Order! Except for the one that will replace it!"-Darth Maul
Capitalistic systems use the same law and order tactics as do every type of authoritarian regimes. So it isn't necessarly unique to fascism in my opinion.
@@Shawn5150-dh8fq You need to think before you jump. Maybe jumping to conclusions is the only exercise you get. Capitalism is primarily an economic, not political system. That's why you can have capitalism in a liberal democracy (the U.S.), social democracy (Western European countries), unitary Marxist-Leninist one-party authoritarian political system under the communist party (China), or dictatorship (Russia under Putin). Law and order is not a "tactics"; it's a legal system that is more fair and equitable in some capitalist systems than others but definitely more fair and equitable in democratic than non-democratic systems. Try to run afoul the law in America or Germany as opposed to China or Russia for the same offense and tell us what you think after that experience.
@@deanronson6331 nice poem man. I guess you must have gotten some of that good stuff before you wrote it.
@@Shawn5150-dh8fq It'd be nice if you knew how to respond to facts and arguments with those of your own instead of getting lost in another of your undeveloped brain's labyrinths. A wise man had your number when he said that the difference between intelligence and $tup!d!ty is that intelligence has its limits.
The fact that fascism keeps emerging in developed liberal democracies cannot be ignored. It is too often framed as an aberration, or some historical moment of exceptional madness. I think it is time to admit there is a contradiction at the heart of our political systems that causes them to move in this direction. At minimum, we have to start a conversation about the features of open cosmopolitan societies that push them into authoritarianism and intolerance. We have a responsibility to self-examine, and determine if how we strive for our best will always end in our worst.
That is the inherit risk of freedom . When freedom is at our fingertips .
The insurgence of fascism often occurs after a prolonged period of peace and/or prosperity when the new generation is unaware of what previous generations fought for (and against).
@@stevensiferd7104 That's exactly the point when fear mongering demagogues pop up out of nowhere, scare the people of losing the status quo to different people and create a cult plus a God-like perception of them. You're supposed to learn from the past and it's still happening in a more modest manner, of course. So far.
This is not a "political problem" or the consequence of cosmopolitan societies. Fascism is the logical product of ethnic and racial tribalism, nothing more. Every nation has a majority group where fascism takes root, and ethnic, racial, and religious minority groups who will suffer as a result.
I would add liberals and leftists actually feed fascism when they attempt to shut down discussions that make them uncomfortable. Shove dissent against the status quo underground and it festers and grows. The last thing you need to do is make authoritarian fascist zealots into martyrs. And this could unfortunately easily happen in the modern age for example when social media censors any discussion of meaningful real biological sex differences for example. You may feel you are "protecting trans lives," or whatever but you are also pushing people who want to have uncomfortable discussions about biological sexual differences into the hands of the hard right. The ugly secret no leftist wants to admit is that pushing cultural leftism too far feeds fascism. And it is unnecessary when the left has substantial issues it can rally people behind like class issues and environmental destruction.
watching this after trump won yesterday hits hard....
Yeah. We fought hard. It’s terrifying. The zombie masses let their bigotry and hate win. I literally don’t recognize my country anymore. Stay safe, friend. 💙
I fear that the people who desperately need to watch this won’t or won’t get it.
The Comments that I've read so far seem to prove your second point :(
I find it amusing when people on the left worry about lies. I hate lies, but I see a lot of them coming from the current president. The biggest one is that the great threat to our democracy is White Supremacy. And Pres. Biden is as likely to stoke fear in his base of minority voters as any fascist of the past.
@@ldouglassbottorff9792 So you don't have a problem with white supremacy and all the other crud that comes with it? You're not concerned about parents going to school board meetings that act violent and threaten board members and teachers with death threats? Let's line up Trump's lies with Biden's. You should state some facts because I don't think you have enough "facts" to back up your statement.
Why would people on the Right listen to someone who claims to be able to read their mind, knowing that it's nuts lol? That's what you guys don't get, it would be funny if it wasn't so dangerous. If someone I know spread a rumor about me, I know if it's true or not. For instance we know we're not racist, it's an absurd charge. But you've been told we are and believe it! People get red-pilled when they figure out what's going on. They find out that people on the right are just happy-go-lucky people, friendly etc. They're surprised at first. Then they spend time with more people and realize they've been fed a lot of crap. They apologize, feel bad. I hope more people believing this nonsense wakes up.
@@bee509 it's almost not their fault. Have you watched some of the programming directed at kids from Netflix? They overly dramatize all these issues like transphobic, homophobic, whites supremacists and then when they go to the TikTok, Twitter, RUclips accts they get posts fed to them on the same issues feeding their minds with a sense of urgency that what they just watched on Netflix is real. Entertainment has become the biggest propaganda I've seen. So when Biden says climate change, whites supremacists, ect ect are America's biggest problems. What else are the kids supposed to think. It's a losing battle
1:55 The Mythic past
2:38 Propaganda
3:15 Anti-intellectualism
3:53 Unreality
4:42 Hierarchy
5:23 Victimhood
6:07 Law and Order
6:35 Sexual anxiety
7:29 Sodom and Gomorrah
8:04 Arbeit macht frei ("Work shall make you free")
Mythic past is like you want to go back and "Make something great again"
@@Invertatude Yup, Trump uses the fascist playbook.
Meanwhile, barely-literate Trump Truthers, insist that socialism is fascism (lol).
I don't understand how somebody could look at half of these and apply them to even their most deranged idea of "Woke Left gone too far"
Yes, there are some real garbage leftists and liberals. But even in the most delusional interpretation of the modern Left where's the mythical past? The anti-intellectualism? The sexual anxiety, the Sodom/Gommorah, the "work shall make you free?" Yet the Right, the fascists, easily meet all criterion without having to do insane mental gymnastics...huh.
Almost like all the fascists in these comments don't have any reading comprehension. Almost like there's published studies showing conservatives and fascists are incapable of changing their mind when presented with conflicting information.
Checking off all the Trump boxes.
Trump a fascist? Completely laughable! You kids really need to come up for air.
“You are not free if your being lied too “….. summarizes what’s going on .
Thanks to Fox News, Trump, Neo Confederate Populist Republicans and Christian nationalism...the domestic enemies of democracy.
@@Raydensheraj how can they be a threat? None of those groups have any political power. The left owns all of Government (they just need to pack the supreme court) they own big tech, they own the media, they own education, they own the entertainment industry, they own wall street. Whole generations of kids are being indoctrinated with Leftist ideology. Any opposition at this point is merely a speed bump. Actually,,,, if you stop and look around,,,, this is liberal paradise , enjoy
The problem is people have always been lied to to one degree or another. Its not unique to fascism. Every society has an undercurrent of BS to keep the rubes subservient. Its just gotten a lot more obvious as of late and blown the cover off.
@@littlet-rex8839 False dichotomies are another aspect of fascism. Rather than a complex society, there is simply Us and Them. Your Them is a false monolith you have decided to label “Left”. It never occurred to you that those you label “Left” are not united at all. The ultra-wealthy may not be socially conservative and may even play lip service to being “woke”, but they sure as hell aren’t above forming a behind-the-scenes alliance with social conservatives if they can help get them the tax cuts and deregulation they are really after.
And then there are people that don’t want to know the truth. That think a weak, draft dodging, unintelligent, lazy man, who can’t string a coherent sentence of more than three words together, who lies 50 times a day, is god’s chosen leader. But then, anyone who knows a bit about the god of the bible knows that god is a malignant narcissist too.
Wow. November 2024 , USA, and this is what is happening.
Excellent, but embarrassingly omitted the most salient trait which is extolling violence as a valid political tool.
Murdering the "other" is not a crime, or sin, because they're not human. Dehumanisation is essential.
That's definitely true; though with the sexual point, I'd say that the *reverse* of the sexuality situation is happening. It's *straights* instead of gays that're being dehumanized here in America. As a straight man who was persecuted by his own *family* growing up, I very much *hate* knowing the fascists in *every* group are gonna dehumanize me when I'm trying to heal from the trauma of that *exact* thing.
Dehumanization is essential. Thanks, I will take note of this when trying to persuade the people to fight against their elitist oppressors.
@@ezrafaulk3076 i don't wanna offend you, but here's the thing: what you're saying is utter bullshit (even though am a straight guy myself).Sure, there might be isolated cases of a gay person venting and saying something bad about straight people but that doesn't mean the "straights are being oppressed in America".
Straights have never been dehumanized here in America. That is very much a fascist ideology. However, groups that have been historically dehumanized have been provided greater equality in America. SCOTUS may soon attempt to say otherwise
@@ezrafaulk3076 I'm curious as to what you mean when you say that straights have been dehumanized? Got an example for us?
As a Russian, I can assure you that the current regime in Russia has almost all of these criterias...
The majority of the world has noticed this as well, that's why 45 countries are supporting ukraine, and only fascist countries support pootin's russia. I wish for russia to become free of pootin and his shills.
@@eduardvonheizenstein3969 hahahaha why are the fascist demonrats & nato & the UN provoking Putin and destroying Ukraine, especially the Eastern Donbass region that want nothing to do with Zelensky the perv? Who are the Azov Battalion?
Sad that “males” are this lost and fooled. Poor things.
@@eduardvonheizenstein3969There are plenty of fascists in Ukraine. Don’t get the idea that this war is good guys versus bad guys. They’re all bad. The Russians are technically the bad guys because they invaded. No point arguing against that. But anyone who thinks this is about democracy or freedom is kidding themselves.
That us incredibly obvious. Putin is a murderous dictator.
Communism has killed more people than any other system. Not even Nazism comes close.
The underlying current that unites all of these issues is fear. Those who cannot raise above their fears will be subjugated to their fears.
I agree. It's not discussed much, but I also think fearful people tend to be more easily manipulated be first creating something to fear and offering whatever you're peddling as the alleviation of that fear. It's also what tends to be greater in conservatisms, hence by definition less willingness to change.
happiness !! 90 kids liked your empty silly platitude
I think the fear stems from a personality type that's prone to seeing differences as a threat in general. It's a psychology more than an ideology. That's why they are so obsessive about it, and willing (or outright prone) to violating other "moral" values. It's not reasoned. It's emotionally driven.
@@Mikearice1 Correct. And that emotional ism is what fuels the far right AND the far left. Politics has become reactionary....
Is that what you ask men when faced with death or a term of service on the Dutchman?
Who’s here in 2024
Trump won the 2024 election. Save this message.
Fascinating and scary to see how this is actually happening right now in America.
Could you explain how this is happening in U.S. right now - is it something to do with Biden/democrats?
I'm from U.K. I like to know what's going on in the world
@@midable-mc2cznope it's something to do with most Conservatives in the u.s
@@midable-mc2cz It's the conservatives who are being pulled in this direction.
@@midable-mc2cz over the past few years extremist have been poisoning media with alt right rhetoric and now there genocidal legislation being passed to erase trans people. There's alot more but it's really scary rn. Antisemitism is getting more popular, neo nazis and Christian fascists are literally in office trying to dictate what people do with their bodies. Women lost their right to abortion and abortion pills in some states
It's happening here in the UK too. Fucking sucks
America, wake up🙏
Too late
We woke up. That's why we voted for Trump.
Too late but your request warrants Merit.
@@lawv804 Oh buddy, did...did you watch the video? Try it on 0.5 speed and pause after every point. Deeply consider how it applies to you. Hope you can reprogram yourself bud.
@@lawv804 You learn nothing. You understand nothing. You are lost.
I am re-reading your book, “How Fascism Works: The Politics of Us and Them” in 2024
It is even more terrifying on its second reading
Thank you for trying your best to make ordinary people wake up to the truth about Fascism and how it is not just limited to the USA
There is no Fascism in the USA nor anywhere in the world at the moment.
@@Historia.Magistra.Vitae.Fattest loudest lie I’ve seen in a long time.
@@mellowvibe8712 : Nope.
@@Historia.Magistra.Vitae. Are you on these fascist videos everyday? Is this your hobby?
@@HermitHorologist : It is entertainment.
Whose here in November 2024👀
Rarely do I see a teacher or knowledgeable leader explain issues and reality so clearly and concisely. THANK YOU. Your work is important.
I find it concerning how he only draws parallels to the right and not really any to the left.
the whole part of 'fearless leader can do no wrong'... since Biden took control the economy has been going down the drain. gas highest its ever been. anyone that speaks out against him seems to get branded a crazy person
This isn't what fascism is though.
@𝚋ₐ𝚋y 𝚋ₑₐᵣ ༊*·˚ WonderWhyHE Doesn'tTalkAboutIsrael?
it's already in less than a minute very obvious this guy is absolutely clueless about what fascism is. The very basis of fascism was that it's neither left nor right wing but combines elements of both. The very basis of fascism was uniting your citizens behind nationality to overcome differences that set them apart. Fascism originated in a racially divived country and sought to unite northerners and southerners. 40 seconds in I already know this video is a complete waste of time.
@𝚋ₐ𝚋y 𝚋ₑₐᵣ ༊*·˚ Nobody's telling me anything. One only needs to actually look at what fascism was and how it came to be. It's the story of a socialist who, during world war I, eventually found himself in the camp of socialists who wanted Italy to join the allies in world war I. who came to see the importance of nationalism as it was their duty to liberalte italians from the reactionary imperial powers which had been repressing socialism. These socialist lost the debate wihin the socialist party and were expelled. This man threw out the idea of international class struggle, in favor of national classs cooperation, with their common nationality to hold it all together. The state doesn't need to own everything, just control everything. The elite doesn't need to be destroyed, it can be used for the benfit of all. It's nationalist socialism instead of marxist socialism.
Another thing about Fascism (I think) is sometimes it was/is a reaction from actual problematic treatment or a very real traumatic event that precedes its rise. However these issues tend to be complex so it is easier to scapegoat minority groups to "sell" the ideology to average-to-low educated citizens
What do I mean? Well Fascist Italy was a product of WWI really. Horthy's Hungary was largely a product of failed Hungarian statehood after Austria-Hungary was carved up. Hitler would have had a much harder time gaining power had it not been for the Treaty of Versailles, France's occupation of the Rhine (1923), and Germany imposed crippling war reparations from WWI. Which all of those, rightly so- would piss off the respective local populations. Similarly you can make the case with Putin since Russia after the collapse of the USSR in 1991 was left to rot in civil wars and social catastrophe with no Marshall-Plan style aid... Which partially created the revanchist irredentism of Putin's Russia today...
this is a great comment
It's the first point - "glorious past that was taken from us"
I'm worried the sanctions on Russia will end up making them this desperate. 😖
Revanchist irridentism! Someone's been doing serious work on politics: haven't heard that phrase since the '60s.
Indeed there quiet lot of fallacies in this video starring UN-American New York Jew academicJason Stanley, however the parts that are actually true apply to the Ultra-Fascist BLM/Transgender /Antifa / Woke/Diversity movements especially in the form of the Biden / Harris anti-American agenda. I agree with Jason Stanley that we must crush and destroy these elements in order for us to be free again. January 6 was when we began to fight back against these Fascists led by Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris and "Da Squad@, next time there will be even more True American Patriots, this time with their AR-15s and that will be the end for the enemies of American Freedomw ho wish to enslave us. The Fascist networks of CNN and MSNBC have been warned, they will not be spared.
This ticks all the boxes in America right now with a particular candidate 🍊👀
The irony being ... opponents of that particular candidate are also using fascist propaganda against him & his supporters; hoping to "fight fire with fire"
To simplify it as a german „Germany first“ lead to nazism, dictatorship and downfall of a proud nation, „Make Germany Great Again“ lead to fascism, dictatorship and downfall of a proud nation. America, your choise.
Not necessarily. It isn't propaganda if it is true. It's a warning. Look this guy or this group plans to do this, or do you remember when he did this(or they), for example. Trump says things publicly. I listened to what he said, watched what he did, listened to what he planned to do & made up my own mind. Then listened to what other people's reactions were to confirm that others were upset with him, too. I think he is a danger to democracy. I read a lot of history & he reminds me of dictators through out history. They ALL have a lot of characteristics, practices & ideas in common. I do not choose to support any leader of that type. I am voting 💙. Thank you.
If Trump wasn't a fascist before, now he is.
Oh poor baby....suffering from TDS??? No problem cause Communism is alot better than Fascism.wink wink.
Day after 2024 US election, this feels like the right place to be
I like that they discussed the links between the ideas, these are not just an arbitrary list, these are concepts that work together and support each other
Fascism nd Trumpism are kinda similar, evidend by Holy Koolaids Video about 'Revising Gods Prophecy', one of the most hilarious videos ever, but lso more serious: Telltale Atheist Videos.
"It's not a free vote because they don't have access o the truth"
That eye-opener hits hard. Makes me realize how close to fascism we are in our western "democracies".
The thing is, he is saying it as if western countries have all the information. We don't.
Western democracies are no where close to facism
It's been done before Andrew Jackson it was when the construction was being ignored the newly elected was pushing fast and furious like Obama and there's more traitors than ever before. Like what lead to the inner scrimmages spys like Snow den let it be known a 🍁
Hard hitting eye-opener!!
The actual problem is that they don't really get to vote at all. The disinformation is only there to distract from that fact.
I've read the book "How Fascism Works" - it should be a must read text in high school and university. It is presented in easy to understand examples and basic information. Excellent!
Literally a garbage book that has nothing to do with fascism whatsoever. You have been bamboozled.
Hopefully they can read the book before it gets banned by the 'Republican' neo-fascist party.
Did the book say that socialism and fascism are best friends ? Big government is fascism .
That book is probably banned in our schools by republicans who are afraid that our kids will learn why we Americans are so against the direction Trump, and his ass kisser senators, are sending our country; just like why they are afraid our kids will learn how white folk treated black slaves.
But if every high schooler studied fascism, republikkkans would never be elected. Trump is a fascist. DeSantis is a fascist.
We are watching all of this, live, in America.
"Equality is Victimhood" (for those who deserve to be superior)
That goes so well with "Ignorance is Strength."
@@Ty_Mathieson even if equal opportunities are given, people wouldn't make free choices. Why you ask? Because of concept of positive liberty.
Take for example, girls in gaming. They have negative liberty but not positive liberty. Therefore ,we need equity. Equality of outcome doesn't mean 50-50 but rather "from each according to his need to each according to his deed."
RW misrepresents equity many tines over.
@@Aman-qr6wi no equity usually aims to ensure a equality of outcome which rests in proportion to the successful. This doesnt seem bad at first glance until you realize this system is often done at the expense of others as shown throughout history in Russia for example
"equality feels like oppression when you're used to privilege."
@@anthonygroeblinghoff3184 everything is a privledge, being an american, living in one 9f the wealthiest societies on the planet, having a great standard of living, being free from war, plague malnutrition etc, people of today have too few issues. Especially in our society and so we create issues so as to grant ourselves some sort of purpose. As of today in US society your race does not impact your ability to succeed and many of all colors will attest to this fact. Yet opportunist out there seek to exploit the people regardless of color so as to generate a profit of some sort whether its money, authority or power. We are deluding ourselves as a society and focusing on these "much too simple" explanations and solutions to our ailments and to our individual failures. As of today everyone is equal in the sense that they are american, the inequality as of now which can exist lies between those born in wealth and those who are poor. It is not about color though that is what they would have you think and believe despite the countless successes of people in our nation of all color. Further it is an issue which precipitates the decline of our society and our way of life, our decadence, our mistrust, greed etc. We live in a society where we teach people to look only for color in the search of progress, we allow people to say they identify as the wrong gender and even go as far as to encourage this illness. We are blind to truth as a society.
Wow this is exactly what is going on in America for the last 5 years
oh my, you think it's only been 5 years? its kind of been happening quietly for like 20 years
@@xEvilRaptorx It’s at least been going on since Eisenhower tried to warn us about the Military Industrial Complex.
@@waverlyking6045 well hell. I'm only in my 30s so I was only going off what I've seen happening
@@xEvilRaptorx A lot has been going on in the last twenty years like The War on Terror, The Patriot Act, The Great Recession, Citizens United, Facebook, etc.
@@waverlyking6045 the Pat Act + The internet × smartphones = the silent 'big brother' from every dystopian novel or movie
I imagine this comment will be immediately shadowbanned
The lack of any likes will make me assume so
Edit added: oh its getting likes, they really didn't hide that one? I've had them hide more casual comments
I am an Indian and we are at this juncture of General Elections. Over the last 10 years, a fascist Govt has ruined the free press, jobs , communal harmony.
Keep crying 🤣🤣
You are right
@@AdarshJhavatsyou should pay attention to this video closely
Modi and his government definitely have aspects of fascism.
@@reshmithampy lmao it is good then if modi is fascist.
Videos like this should be mandatory learning in schools
Getting educated on fascism is an excellent way to see the world through new lenses. Thank you Jason Stanley.
How do we educate the ignorant masses? They will never see this.
@@Soapandwater6 How about stop trying to peddle the fiery, but mostly peaceful protest bs last summer 2020 and maybe the masses would be less pissed at your liberal hypocrisy.
@@Misaka-gt5yj What “peddling the fiery but mostly peaceful protests bs of summer 2020”? You didn’t see me peddling any such thing. All thugs who break the law need to be held accountable. Whataboutism does not justify fascism.
I was alive during WWII that's all I have to know, we experinced this, and I'm afraid we will repeat history,
@@theodoresweger4948 of course history will repeat itself because the same people who started war in Europe fled to America.
"When you're accustomed to privilege,
equality feels like oppression."
fr. Black lives matter organization needs to hear this.
@@haydenvanmeeteren5127 what privilege exactly?
@@daveylao6933 a relaxing life in America instead of a 3rd world or dictatorship
@@poaato lmao if life in America is a privilege then I'm bald (I'm not)
@@daveylao6933 yell I'm gay in front of Russian police or Chinese police or even go to Qatar and do it see how long until you end up in prison compared to doing it in America where the officer won't even care I would call that a privilege not being thrown in jail for expressing yourself
I try to avoid the labels "left" and "right." I'm concerned with all forms of authoritarianism.
It doesn't matter which boot - the left or right - is on your throat.
Both left and right use their propaganda. Fascist exist on both sides. Just look at the authoritarian rule of the US west coast. They are just as fascist as the right wing institutions.
What about corrupt Capitalists and politicians, who feed off of society?
@@MiniNinjai the whole of the US is right-wing as both parties are very right-wing. The west coast is still far more right-wing than the uk is under conservative rule.
thats very wise
@@MiniNinjai Communism is by nature left wing, and fascism is by nature right wing. The two can be similar insofar as using propaganda and group think, but otherwise they are very different. Besides, the (false) argument that they're doing it too is kind of childish.
Very informative, thank you! Unfortunately for the US, it might be too late.
"Those moments, are the times when we need to worry about fascism." -- so, uh.. now?
I so agree. That Hitler was elected wasn't something I comprehended in the past and now that fact is startling. Trump or a Trump clone could win the presidency next. We're really are in danger of becoming a fascist run nation. I'm pretty sure Democrats would put up quite a fight and our world allies would not cooperate with the idiot again, so our economy and vulnerability would soar.
Six months of Biden and Afghanistan is lost gas prices are high shelves are empty and COVID lockdowns are happening and you think Trump was bad topkek
If you want to freak yourself out, go check out some of Hitlers campaign speeches and see how normal they sound in the context of modern American politics.
Just replace the word Germany with America and Bolshevik with woke liberal and Jew with Muslim or Mexican, and you have a pretty run of the mill speech.
Tfw the woke left are closer to genocidal than the alt right
@@user-ee2vt7yi3m Thats just not true though.
If you aren't on social media you wouldn't even know they exist.
I have never been on twitter so most of it passes me by.
Virtue singling may be annoying, but it is a long way from genocide.
"Those who do not remember history are doomed to repeat it."
i rather be a fascist and proudly serve my country than a leftist communist and be a slave to my country,
But they can also learn negative things from it as well. Everyone learns about Hilter, genocide, etc. But some people viewed those things as lessons on what to do to gain power. Hence, we're just doomed any way you look at it. These things are an unfortunate part of human nature and there are people who look for ways to better achieve an evil goal. There always will be. Learning history is not a solution to problems. Sometimes, it causes them as well.
@@AlexaDigitalMedia Hopefully there are more people who learn the lessons and diligently establish the countermeasures to ensure such evil people don't even get their chance. That's what legislation and constitutions should be doing.
e.g. UN, EU
@@aaronseet2738 unfortunately, nobody even wants to recognize emerging fascist's movements. Germany de facto financed current russian fascist state. All talks about reviving great russia and Ukrainians being an artificial identity that needs to be denazified (read destroyed) didn't have much attention. Russia is now trying to "solve the Ukrainian question" and UN is useless and even couldn't call it a genocide
@@AlexaDigitalMedia That is true but as long as we remember the Germans atrocities no one will be able to rise to power the same way that they did. But you are correct.
Unfortunately the very people who need to see this never will.
The people who need to see this are none as this whole video is nonsense and really doesn’t understand what fascism is
@@c.galindo9639 Look up the 14 main characteristics of fascism and compare them to trump's rhetoric. Especially at his Klan rallies.
They will see this video and say : this perfectly describes lefties
@@c.galindo9639 Watch Trump's Mt. Rushmore speech and then come back and tell me it isn't exactly what was in this video or what was described by Umberto Eco.
@@ChristopheBeckers When they started calling Biden a communist, I knew they had lost all touch with reality.
November 2024 anyone? I love how in the first 2 mins it perfectly sums up trump :)
This video could have been an hour long and I would have been glued to every minute. Thank you for bringing up this topic.
I think Jason Stanley does have an hour long video on RUclips if you are interested - just do a search for his name and it will pop up
It's a damn important topic that gets covered way too little. The guy should have at least a permanent channel on YT.
It should be taught a lot more in schools, attached to media competence. Which of course not only includes the "old" media but especially the Internet.
@@mikebrigs1218 why do you say that? afraid of people hearing truth?
@@rolanddeschain6089 He talks about Nazism more than anything, as well as lumps a bunch of buzz terms into fascism. Things that didn't have to do with fascism. The important things that actually make up Italian fascism, economically and socially are neglected.
This dude is an ideologue. Not a scholarly professor.
8:32 - At the start of the pandemic, it's Interesting how certain people expressed the opinion that we should save the economy by not locking down to save old people who were the most likely to die. The implication is that old people are useless because they don't work.
@Robert Leewell - Only those living in an economic system in the last stages of survival abandon members unable to keep up. Since we are living in the failure stage of capitalism, it fits.
Same with chronically ill people and poor people. People believe they shouldn't build infrastructure to make roads safer for disabled people and for those who commute by bike because they can't afford a car.
Capitalism didn't fail us we failed capitalism we locked everyone up due to feat of the Wuhan flu we fired nurses for not getting.the.jab we closed the economy and now the shelves are empty, gas prices are high and soon companies are going to abandon the USA due to Biden taxes
@@user-ee2vt7yi3m yeah, it was capitalism, lol.
Also, gas prices are skyrocketing for two reasons; Saudi Arabia tried to gain global market shares by flooding markets with cheap oil, pushing out American companies reliant on expensive fracking oil. During this time the fed began flooding the economy with money in 2019 September-November.
The Saudis then cut back production as Covid hit. They feared a global depression and market saturation. The excess has been depleted but production hasn't fully kicked in yet.
Tbh, high prices for oil means more American production.
There are a number of key factors missing in this list though.
1. Political violence. No genuine fascist movement has risen to power without at least some form of paramilitary organisation.
2. Rejection of democratic principles. You can tick all of the 10 aforementioned points and still be a "populist" movement if you abide by democratic principles. Take for example the swiss" People's party".
3. Militarism.
Don't forget about:
-the banning of books and of free speech
-the banning of private gun ownership
-requirement of a "health pass" for access to employment and public services
-having a system in place for people to report their neighbors to the authorities for having different viewpoints than the government
-persecution of religious groups such as Jews and Christians, etc..
-elimination of all small businesses
-concentration of power to the state
These weren't mentioned in the video either. Can't leave these out if we want to be historically accurate.
sounds a lot like communism...
Idk about democracy, fascists will absolutely use democracy to come to power and only then start to dismantle it
anti lgbt is good
afd is facist
cancle culture is king
I really need everyone in America to watch this video as we prepare for the next election. Who will boost this with me!?
Too late now!😢
I would say that the USA has all the ripe conditions for Facism to come up. As an Asian American and Immigrant that just sounds scary already.
Who worked with Twitter to silence people?
If you think that’s bad, you should read up on communism.
@@spoderman3084it's funny because you've obviously never actually read up on communism if you think it's that evil
@bradleyjames3133 Communism at its extreme is pretty bad. Stalinism was incredibly oppressive but so was Nazism under Hitler. Both forms can be equally horrific.
The US is mirroring the Weimar Republic, Weimar conditions require Weimar solutions.
USA be like: well, this is awkward...
Ha ha ha, and the UK
Honest folks on the left should also find this awkward. Every point he made was equally a tactic and characteristic of the left. To those on the left cheering him on and suggesting yeah, the right wing sucks, he did not make any points that I did not also describe the left in the US.
@@buffuniballer liberals are not the left. protesting for blm and the kkk is not the same
@@buffuniballer Quite funny how you automatically assumed a comment on fascism in the USA related to the GOP.
It's depressing that this only has 1,8M views after a year online.
Something like this should be seen and considered by everyone.
Majority of people don’t like thought provoking content.
This is propaganda and false info.
The problem of this video is, that it's a part of the propaganda. Fascism is more of a religion. You don't need a state, you need people who believe in it. And it also can happen without a big leader, you don't need a leader, you need an idea, that's why Fascism can also exist in democratic societies by using a shadow government. And the German model is by far not the only one, but it is useful when you need a bad guy, so the other bad guys don't look as bad.
@@ctylsh1214that’s exactly what trump would say!
@@ctylsh1214 From the beginning the author of this video portrays fascism as a thing that only exists in right-wing moviements. But every political side will use this word to stigmatize it's enemy as George Orwell exemplified. He concluded that all would agree that fascism is bullying. And I would add that it is politically motivated bullying. The violent persecution of the opposition in Stalin's Russia was very similar and often enough the model for political prosecution in Hitler's Germany. The Gulags and the show trials were studied by the Nazis and directly copied and even made worse. So, you can not define fascism as a mere right wing theme. And that's why Orwell portrayed the regime of the big brother as a mix of many oppressive systems.
These kinds of videos and information exists and we still elected trump. That first 20 seconds described the entire trump campaign in 2024
Yea it was almost too spot on... BIAS
Low-key, the things he said are applicable to every authoritarian regime
Including Capitalism, the Monarchy, and any religious leader regime.
of course they are low key fascists
1)Capitalism is an economic model, not an polity.
2) Only Absolute Monarchies are authoritarian(look at Britain for example)
@@dronvirs Capitalism almost from go, was formed around the idea of authoritarianism and fascism (ppl forget/are brainwashed to forget that these are two different things but can be wielded at same time). Is your workplace Democratic? If your in America, likely not.
It's because the video tries to glue together two different ideologies under one name that was first credited by the 3rd one mentioned there. Fascism as a regime stems from fractured Italian Communist Party and was less similar in some ways to Nazism than Nazism to Stalinism.
In WW2 the communists wanted to distance themselves from German Socialism and mainly from Fascism, Italian Socialist State and created propaganda linking Nazism with Fascism and creating that belief in ultraright Nazism and Fascism. World would be better, if more people studied the topic from good sources.
"Here's the thing about Humans: we all pretty much suck to the same degree"...my new favorite saying, thanks!!
You suck, fine, I don't
This guy is a liar or stupid. And as he is a professor of philosophy on yale, i suspect its the former one.
His definition of fascism is completely wrong. He says about minorities with north korea or mao? How the hell is that a minority? 99% Of north koreans are ethnic koreans, almost the same in china.
Also what it has to do with ethnicity at all? Hitler was not a fascist, italy was fascist state and they didnt care about ethnicity only about nationality. And i suspect he knows all this, and deliberately is lying.
Also what is has to do with gender? When were fascist targeting women?
And it's definitely not true or else everyone could be an astronaut or communism would've worked
@@xlukas93 “Hitler was not a fascist” wow
@@SammyxSweetheart.02 surprise surprise he was a Nazi, more specifically "national socialist", si unlike fasicsts (musolini), he was a socialist.
Umberto Eco’s essay “Ur-Fascism” is also a good diagnostic tool.
That it was written long before the current situation makes it much more chilling, because it’s clearly not a response to anything current.
Mussolini’s “Doctrine of Fascism” (most likely actually written by Giovanni Gentile with Mussolini’s approval) is also a good thing to read to understand fascism by people who thought it was a good idea.
@Gage King I don't agree with that, no. Most people in mid-20th Century Germany and Italy were not fascists, they were being _led_ by fascists. Same thing is happening (but is not yet there) in the USA and the GOP. You need some stronger voices in the Republican Party to push back against this insidious corruption of its values before it is too late. If not for the sake of democracy, then for their own sake - there is no need for diversity in political parties in fascism, just the one true leader.
@Gage King 100%
Umberto Eco Makes a List of the 14 Common Features of Fascism:
1. The cult of tradition. “One has only to look at the syllabus of every fascist movement to find the major traditionalist thinkers. The Nazi gnosis was nourished by traditionalist, syncretistic, occult elements.”
2. The rejection of modernism. “The Enlightenment, the Age of Reason, is seen as the beginning of modern depravity. In this sense Ur-Fascism can be defined as irrationalism.”
3. The cult of action for action’s sake. “Action being beautiful in itself, it must be taken before, or without, any previous reflection. Thinking is a form of emasculation.”
4. Disagreement is treason. “The critical spirit makes distinctions, and to distinguish is a sign of modernism. In modern culture the scientific community praises disagreement as a way to improve knowledge.”
5. Fear of difference. “The first appeal of a fascist or prematurely fascist movement is an appeal against the intruders. Thus Ur-Fascism is racist by definition.”
6. Appeal to social frustration. “One of the most typical features of the historical fascism was the appeal to a frustrated middle class, a class suffering from an economic crisis or feelings of political humiliation, and frightened by the pressure of lower social groups.”
7. The obsession with a plot. “The followers must feel besieged. The easiest way to solve the plot is the appeal to xenophobia.”
8. The enemy is both strong and weak. “By a continuous shifting of rhetorical focus, the enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak.”
9. Pacifism is trafficking with the enemy. “For Ur-Fascism there is no struggle for life but, rather, life is lived for struggle.”
10. Contempt for the weak. “Elitism is a typical aspect of any reactionary ideology.”
11. Everybody is educated to become a hero. “In Ur-Fascist ideology, heroism is the norm. This cult of heroism is strictly linked with the cult of death.”
12. Machismo and weaponry. “Machismo implies both disdain for women and intolerance and condemnation of nonstandard sexual habits, from chastity to homosexuality.”
13. Selective populism. “There is in our future a TV or Internet populism, in which the emotional response of a selected group of citizens can be presented and accepted as the Voice of the People.”
14. Ur-Fascism speaks Newspeak. “All the Nazi or Fascist schoolbooks made use of an impoverished vocabulary, and an elementary syntax, in order to limit the instruments for complex and critical reasoning.”
I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate your comment more than just "liking" it.
@@Dan-ud8hz I *knew* there was a reason I have been thinking about starting a free after-school program that teaches young humans critical thinking skills and the scientific method in depth...
This is one of those videos that should be watched by literally everybody.
There is no modern political agenda or finger pointing in the video, just education on how any unprepared society can fall for the lure of fascism
They should have taught this in the 1940s; then maybe McCarthyism wouldn't have happened and reform could have happened less explosively.
Big Thanks to Professor Stanley....my contribution; This Index!
1. Mythic Past 1:53
2. Propaganda 2:35
3. Anti-Intellect 3:15
4. Unreality 3:51
5. Hierarchy 4:41
6. Victim-hood 5:24
7. Law and Order 6:05
8. Sexual Anxiety 6:34
9. Sodom and Gomorrah 7:30
10.Arbeit macht frei 8:05
Truthfully, much of the data came from how Nazi German did Fascism, not how it was originally made in Italy before the rise of Nazis. Mussolini, the original creator of the Fascism and it's word, originally a Roman word for a bundle of hay, was not like anything Hitler made the known definition of Fascism to be. In fact, Italy didn't have laws against a certain group of people, like how the Nazis had it against Jews, until like when WW2 started.
@@WolfeSaber Wasn't Mussolini a Dictator ? How was his Fascism Different from Hitlers ?
@@jjsiegal1 Well, if you read the last part of my comment, an example was the ideals between the people. There were no laws against certain people until Hitler was too powerful for Mussolini to counter to his demands. Mussolini defined Fascism to be where the people work as a unit, as a whole instead of the sum of its parts, the idea of a bundle of hay fastened together to make a whole. Mussolini was a dictator, but he was not as controlling as Hitler.
@@WolfeSaber Mussolini did not creat Fascism, Giovanni Gentile did who was a socialist from Italy just like Mussolini.
Fascism is how a government runs its economy. A partnership between the state and business as well as the state runs everything including healthcare and the media.
Nazism was about the white race basically being superior to all others and ruling the world that way. It had nothing to do with Fascism. Hitler was also a socialist and continued to call himself one until the day he died.
This video is complete bs and propaganda by an obvious leftist trying to pose himself as a centrist. How can Fascism be right wing when all involved were avowed socialists? The other funny part about history is that FDR was quite fond of Fascism and wanted to start implementing it in the US. Guess what? FDR was firmly on the left who also pushed socialist policies.
@@96stealth slight nitpick: Nazism was about the _German_ race, not the broader white race. Nazis saw themselves as being superior to other white european groups, especially Slavs. There was some distain for the French as a racial group, the Italians got a pass due to their alliance, and there were a few other groups the Nazis didn't play nice with, but generally they did make a distinction between themselves and other various europeans.
I have never been inclined to politics or political ideas but the current situation of my country and the world in general I started looking into why we are where we are and what are the solutions. This video just gave me my political standpoint. I am definitely gonna speculate every new aspect I find about this for now I stand with you.
Echoes of authoritarian politics around the world.
Love from the uk 🇬🇧
I think the media and politicians are most likely to use far right as a scapegoat at this time of era
So, what is your political standpoint?
I'm 39 and the West is closer to fascism than it ever has been in my lifetime. Everyone is dissatisfied with democratic institutions across the board and hatred for minorities is growing. Top that off with a culture war narrative everywhere on both the left and the right and we are ripe for Fascism.
@@jimtomo9207 Think what you like but according to the FBI, 96% of political violence in the United States comes from extreme right groups or individuals. So, no, it’s not a media thing.
“Equality to the privileged will always feel like oppression”
@Pan-European Slavic Novorossiyan Ultranationalist nice ahistorical argument to brush over the real oppression that has been perpetrated by us Americans and Europeans through colonialism and imperialism of indigenous lands and peoples. It isn’t thar black and brown people are less competent than us - its that we recognize the injustices we have perpetuated throughout history and try to even out the playing field for everyone, but of course leveling out the playing field for those who consider themselves to be at the top will always feel like oppression and they will feel like something is being taken away from them, something that was never supposed to be theres in the first place.
Equality to an SJW will always feel like oppression so true
@Pan-European Slavic Novorossiyan Ultranationalist You are delusional. Black people still experience discrimination and oppression especially from cops. If you think minor privileges already compensate the fear of being falsely accused just because they're black and other daily racism that they experience, then you have already been sucked into the fascist/neo-Nazi propaganda. Good luck on becoming an expendable soldier who will sacrifice his life for the greedy elite White people. You really think they care about you, LMAO.
@Pan-European Slavic Novorossiyan Ultranationalist You said "nobody else with a brain cares about the injustices committed in a distant past"
Are the 1960s the "distant past"? Racial injustice in America didn't end with slavery. Black Americans were and still are discriminated against in the United States.
Despite being the most privileged group of people ever to exist the western liberals continue to believe they're oppressed
so much that they lack any real struggles they invent new oppressions like micro aggression and mansplaining
America is in huge trouble.
I'm surprised that Jason Stanley doesn't include use of violence to effect a political goal. I would have thought that an essential component. And, we have seen a bit of that here in the USA, and too many talking about the intention of using it.
BLM is fascist and ANTIFA is fascist. If you bring that up the liberal narrative collapses upon itself.
Too many in the USA have ACTUALLY embarked on political violence already, emboldened by their politicians. What do you think the 'summer of love' was? Over 30 people died and thousands were injured. Billions in damage was caused.
Fascism is by default anti-religious and anti-altruism, so violence is a possibility, but normally used as a punishment for detractors.
Fascism in the US? Fascism died out in like the 60’s. You just have meth addicted inbreds calling themselves “fascists” because they think it means “rebel”. No relation to actual Fascist philosophy like Giovanni Gentile
Yeah. Like the Antifa losers in Portland who tried to burn a federal courthouse to the ground, who attacked police and federal officers. They even tried to weld shut a door to lock federal agents inside as they burned the building to the ground…
Or like the guy who shot up the US Senate baseball fundraiser…
The guys who firebombed Republican campaign offices…
The guy who shot and killed a man for wearing a “MAGA” hat…(also in Portland)
The BLM guy who shot at and killed Dallas police officers, and then got into a showdown in a parking garage…
I’d say we’ve seen more than “a bit”.
I wonder why Creepy Joe still hasn’t denounced these far-left losers threatening our democracy?
Once the fraud is exposed,all they have left is force.
Philosophy is so interesting, but it’s also so hard to teach without coming off as boring. This guy explained really well, he seems like a great professor.
Seems like he's identified the issues but is off by 180 degrees. Whites aren't claiming they're victims of Blacks, men aren't claiming they're victims of women, it's the other way around. The left claims everyone's a victim of white, straight, males. The complaint is that lesser qualified people are being rewarded BECAUSE of their race or gender, not that qualified people of a different race or gender are making them feel like a victim. Same with the Big Lie and propaganda. The people labeled "conspiracy theorists" by the left have repeatedly turned out to be the futurist visionaries, while not a peep from the left that is was themselves who were wrong. He also mistakes race for culture. The poles didn't want to stay like poles because they were white, it's because they were polish and had their traditions. It was their culture, not their race. Most of his "fascist" examples from the 1900's were countries with very few immigrants and very historical cultures. Imagine you dropped a white man into an African or rain forest tribe. If they rejected that man do you think it would be because of his skin color, or that he didn't know their culture and acted strange? Blaming his skin color is just lazy. Saying people sticking up for an American culture are fascists is just lazy. Imagine you lived in a quiet suburban neighborhood with little traffic, few people, and your kids could play ball in the street. Suddenly a small airport is built in the neighborhood, where fedex trucks deliver shipments for planes, and apartments are built for the workers doubling the population, clogging the roads with traffic and pollution, and a rotation of transient workers come to move into apartments. According to this clown, you're a fascist for complaining about this outside change to your suburban culture. I live in a completely diverse middle class neighborhood. A certain type of person tends to move into the neighborhood, regardless of their race, gender, sexual orientation, etc. They want a neighborhood where people are friendly to each other when they meet on the sidewalks but mostly don't socialize with each other because they have their own lives. Not a lot of kids but there's no parks where kids can play either. Neighborhood kids playing tend to get their parents involved with each other and we don't have that. Houses are kept up, cars are nice, there's rarely a party that's so loud other neighbors can hear it. People who are social or have kid don't tend to stay long. They move out looking for something else. My neighbor only lived there for 16 months - couldn't make friends to play golf with because he was retired and most everyone else in the neighborhood worked. Sold his house and moved to a golf community. He moved to a place with people like him. He didn't demand our neighborhood change for him. Can you imagine him tell us we had to quit work and go golfing with him and if we didn't, well, we were fascists? Or if we didn't hang out with him we were ageists? Nope. People like to do what they want to do and they hang out with other people who like the same. Human nature. The real problem is clowns like this guy claiming people who complain about others trying to change their likes and ways to something else are fascists, racists, sexists, or are the problem? Nope. It's the people trying to make others change to what they want who are the real problem. Think of it this way, ever see people who like guns DEMAND you buy one even if you don't like them? Nope. You don't want one? No problem. And yet people who don't like guns are always trying to get you to give yours up, or even take them away. Which one is the fascist?
Philosophy without examples and with philosophical jargon all the time is boring. I did philosophy and it was brilliant!
Why is a philosopher attempting to explain something historical and socio-political? This display of impressions is just another opinion of a random intellectual that has read some books.
I have also read books about history and socio-historical topics, but as I am only an applied-physics engineer, my opinion does not seem to count, or does it?
@@Guido_XL I think the lack of passion for any subject of study renders it boring by nature. Philosophy beckons critical thinking not the sound good term "think outside the box".........I believe yours and my opinion counts, nobody knows who we are or how you may have viable philosophical input.
@@Guido_XLwe may be engineers but it aint the only thing we know about and can talk about, right? Shit im studying engineer and i probbably know more about a couple other things like music or movies rather than my career
"A fox is always more dangerous in the forest than a wolf. You can see the wolf coming. You know what he's up to. But the fox will fool you. He comes at you with his mouth shaped in such a way that even though you see his teeth, you think he's smiling and take him for a friend" Malcolm X
Question everything regardless of your politics
I dunno, tell that to Little Red Riding Hood. She didn't see that wolf coming. And what about the wolf in sheep's clothing?
Your quote does not align with the fables of my youth. I don my monocle skeptically in your general direction, sir!
@@rdean150 Those stories of our youth tell the same story...question everything. The quote I discussed wasn't based on a childhood wolf character but an actual wolf and fox. Actual wolves can't dress into costumes.
a wolf is always more dangerous. I can punt a fox.
@@cayfordj It all depends on who you identify the wolf and fox to be. It's up to the individual. You guys are missing the point of the metaphor haha.
@@cayfordj You've either never heard of hoodwinking, or you've been hoodwinked.
Good video, preventing fascism needs contents like this
Спасибо! Лучшее описание современной России.
Даа, интересно получилось, печально что единицы это понимают
Many countries come under this category
@@udhayakumarMN Damn near all 😅
Тоже подумала, прямо почти по всем пунктам. Страшно
@@udhayakumarMN yes, including Ruzzia
Everyone should watch this, and then watch it again.
And he teaches at Yale. Defund the Ivies and promote education, logic. Perhaps he addresses too much with too little time to draw nut nuances and the role of what is 'regime; media' under Biden, covers Up, ignores. Trump was Boss and spoke AS a tough one but there is Separation of Power. Biden used exeecutive orderrs, and appears deceitful. Glenn loury Threads the needle.
It's just hypocritical leftist indoctrination via bought and paid Yale professor. If you're into that sort of thing.....
It becomes very apparent when he mentions the children. Just as he mentioned H-ler did.
U R 100% right
This is great!!!
Funnily democratic leftists (liberal democrats) were seen as enemies by marxists and "antifascist" during the rise of fascism.
All collectivist revolutionary movements (both marxism and fascism fit it perfectly) will state their enemies, instrumental and terminal targets in the revolutionary process.
It's also not by chance homosexuals and drug users were persecuted and killed during all marxist revolutions in the 20th century.
What this kind of documentary does is promote the marxist view of social-fascism, in place of addressing and criticizing fascism on its intellectual basis as post-marxist and neo-hegelian movement.
Wow, omg, what a surprise, the Brazilian president fills all these tactics....
What a great time to be Brazilian
Trump does too....and his Cult of Personality.
Bolsonaro is just a neocon hes not a fascist
Trump and bolsonaro are popular leaders of democracies, Marxists think that's fascism, but Marxists are just pedos
@@samuel....986 liberal? Lol good joke for a sociopath like him
@@user-ee2vt7yi3m You misspelled "populist."
Fascism flourishes where ever hate flourishes.. of all the human emotions, hate arises more than any others. Much easier than empathy rising. Making someone feel empathy for another is very difficult. Making someone feel hatred for another is as easy as slipping off a log.
"The nature of psychological compulsion is such that those who act under constraint remain under the impression that they are acting on their own initiative. The victim of mind-manipulation does not know that he is a victim. To him the walls of his prison are invisible, and he believes himself to be free. That he is not free is apparent only to other people. His servitude is strictly objective."
*~Aldous Huxley~*
Power of manipulation..
Pertinent to Facism 💯
Agreed, but you realize they will level this same accusation at their opponents, right? It makes any dialogue impossible.
@@Rnankn it is already impossible to discuss policies on CO2, COVID, immigration, rights of so called minorities, history of western countries to mention only few contentious subjects that affect almost everybody. The state is everywhere and uses all means to rebuild society. It is visible in most of the west.
Maybe definition of an old political movement should be rethought, if used to describe situation 100y later? Maybe the essential points are: restriction of free speech, senseless propaganda, massive restrictions on other basic freedoms and refusal to discuss these just as well as apparent lack of any restraint in rebuilding society?
One more thing - the relentless fight against the right wing and other rogue political ideas by among other things use of term fascism to describe them. What does that remind me of? Hmmm right: it reminds me of the times when fascism was rampant.
@@hanskloss7726 "Fascism" is just a boogie man for the oligarchs that control the West to scare people into giving up national sovereignty and their liberties so that they may subject everyone to globalism. The problem with these fools is that they create the fascists of the future because fascism is one of the greatest forms of political mobilization against internationalism and liberalism ever created. As liberalism becomes more authoritarian (as technology becomes too efficient a tool at oppressing the masses), a counterrevolution force arises to combat it. It must necessarily be equally authoritarian to create the propaganda and power necessary to whip the crowd into a frenzy and channel them to combat the threat. The left is creating their own antithesis as they chase the spectre of fascism. As they do demonize their opponents as fascists, they conjure the spirits of fascists past. That is the irony of the current political paradigm. We only await the coming political correction.
@Finbar McCallister That is a very interesting case of projection you display. Victimology is a leftist concoction. Every policy advocated for by leftists like you is designed with the weak, down trodden, incompetent, foolish, confused, and petty things of this earth in mind. Blame is layed at the foot of everyone and everything that does not contribute to some sort of egalitarian pipedream -- like the world would conform to your ideology of equality if only certain institutions and peoples weren't suppressing the IQs, wages, competence, et cetera of the victims in your worldview.
You assume that the populist liberals that make up the Trumpist movement are the counter revolutionaries that I am talking about, but they aren't. They are merely a disaffected Tea Party.
True revolutionary fervor does not manifest in prosperous societies like America. As long as there are luxurious distractions (ie sports, shopping centers, etc) and full bellies, those sorts of things do not occur. However, it doesn't appear that the American empire, nor the West is going to remain in that sort of position of economic superiority for much longer. With the decline of the West and the rise of China and Russia, we shall be in a position where the luxury of making complaints not backed by action will cease to exist.
@@trevorrobbins110 rise of Russia? What are you smoking? It's very stagnant, it's in an extreme damage control mode right now.
P.S. he's a fucking tankie innit?
Regardless of which "ism" - fascism, Nazism (Germany's fascism with a racial component), socialism, communism - is claimed as the basis for Mussolini's Italy, Hitler's Germany, Stalin' Soviet Union, Mao's China, etc. They were all, in fact, totalitarianism, where none of the "promises" of national greatness were never realized.
Communism and socialism are authoritarian not totalitarian, there is a difference.
@@notinsane4165 they're actually not, they can't be, which is why all the governments the US hasn't directly helped destroy have failed. They're both based on ideas of community & society sharing in the collective gains from the collective effort and authoritarian governments tend to exclude groups of people.
@@joshuapowers4623 Totalitarianism is a form of government in which the state’s power is unlimited and controls virtually all aspects of public and private life. This control extends to all political and financial matters as well as the attitudes, morals, and beliefs of the people.
An authoritarian state is characterized by a strong central government that allows people a limited degree of political freedom. However, the political process, as well as all individual freedom, is controlled by the government without any constitutional accountability.
That’s not true, Soviet Union did well during Brezhnev in power. The huge mistake was that Soviets were tricked into Afghan war by Americans, the US supplied weapons to fight Soviets that’s how they created Islamic terrorist organizations.
You left out capitalism.
"By the skill and sustained use of propaganda, one can make people see Heaven as Hell or an extremely wretched life as paradise."
You get band from Facebook for warning people of that.
It's almost like there's a flip happening in politics.... the American Left is getting closer and closer towards fascism if we're not already there.
The White Man is the Modern day Jew. The White-Skinned Man with European ancestry, who is largely an immigrant class of the last 100 years, who immigrated and produced their own wealth starting from nothing while facing racism... has been blamed for all the wrong doings that make America look bad. This is all apart of the American Left's new religion of "wokism" which all the members are devote followers. The "woke" religion is built on the original sin of white people, white men in particular...and they have to seek atonement for the original sin they have carried since they were born...for the crimes of what people looked like them did in the pass (not even ancestors). The woke religion is flawed and will probably self destruct pretty soon since it has no real cultural development...most of the woke will find themselves struggling to reproduce and falling into depression.
The New Fascists want to take what those people have created and put it into their own pockets. They are materialistic and Envious.
This materialism can be exploited by the fascist rulers to have the new fascist regime's followers worship particular consumer products more then others....such as mandatory vaccinations...which are a consumer product forced onto the population without alternative. The Pharmaceutical Industry absolutely loves the new fascists. The materialism of the American Left has made everyone so sad and depressed, youth are getting prescribed all sort of medications for mental illnesses they probably dont have (like ADHD, or Autism). Women are convinced to take regular birth control. The Transgender movement is convincing cis teens to become transgender because it's popular and "In"...setting these people up for a life time subscription to hormone treatments and depression medications. The feminisation of society is increasing sales for makeup and other beauty products. Feminine men are also more submissive as a result and dont fight back...feminine men just consume and play video games all day at home where they belong. They keep purchasing and playing video games that get less and less fun, and require more and more microtransactions... and these losers love it. feminine men also have no skills either so they can't confront the regime the live in.
The Materialistic left sees what other people have and they want it. Hence they support the government printing a shit ton of money and giving it to corporations...as long as they get a little bit of the drops on the side of the tap. Those little drops be given to corporations at the end of the day regardless...they'll be paying for their loan (bank), rent (landlord), or for consumer products. They also support when those companies HRs start to avoid hiring white men... All the biggest companies want to hire women and POC... and the only white men they want to hire are the feminised ones (Gay, Trans, Woke). Then the materialistic left want to seize the wealth that the printing has produced...and to for sure take it from white men and give it to everyone else. The white men, since they're feminized...wont fight back.
The Materialistic left supports restricting freedom of speech, and insuring that hate speech laws only effect white men (sometimes white women if they go against the narratives of the materialistic left) and no one else. By controlling speech the fascism from the materialistic left is allowed to grow. The old left was pro free speech...not even 10 years ago this switch was made.
Instead of having their government handle the mental heath crisis they created (which is what a normal leftist would support), they support controlling, restricting, and banning guns, because some people go insane and use them on the population. The Materialistic Left is afraid of death and they are afraid of any individual especially a white man being able to defend themselves from the regime. The Materialistic Left is very afraid of death...this is why they're willing to give up all control of their lives to the government in respect to the issue around COVID19.
The Materialistic Left doesn't like the police...at the moment...because they are mostly white men... The Materialistic Left will be pro-police once white men leave the forces. They will be silent when Black cops beat the living shit out of the poor white men on the streets. The Materialistic left took over the police reform movement, and made it exclusively about race... yet they choose to ignore how more unarmed white men get executed by police...the average police officer executes significantly more white men then black men. In the meantime they want white people be defenceless in their homes with a defunded police force...which will allow the Materialistic Left to raid their communities without resistance.
To close. The American Left is Fascist.
They support the merger of the corporation at the state.
They support the state religion of wokism and all the corporations that adopt it.
They support the destruction of small businesses....especially white own businesses.
They think wealth from white people should be transferred to non-white people.
They are anti-free speech
They are anti-gun
They are anti-freedom
@@secretname4190 Yes he did. Are you a Neo-Nazi? If not, why would it matter to you anyway? I’ve had people ANGRILY reply with, “He was talking about you COMMIES!!”
Guess what, even if he was, he’s still proving our point for us…as this is EXACTLY what Trump has done all along as well.
Now what?
@@juliantreidiii Depends where you do it. I’ve posted this exact quote as well as quoted Goebbels and other awful people. You will be banned if enough people who see it are offended by it.
If you posted something like this and a bunch of RWers saw it, took offense to it because IT’S TRUMP and they no likey that, or otherwise were confused about your intentions, then they would likely have flagged you.
This has happened to me here on YT.
The rich want you to think this is about the left vs right
And they are laughing at you tearing each other apart
This is aboutt the rich elites vs the poor.
Check out lee camp's latest vid on redacted tonight
titled labirr strikes
Oh we’re so fucked man
The fundamental problem is always putting group identity before individuality. It inevitably regresses into violent tribalism of “us” against “them”. If you see everyone as individuals, political extremis becomes impossible.
Leftist Ideology right there
It's impossible for human beings to function in a system that only fights for "individuality." If that were the case, we would not have rules and laws that counter the negative effects that individuals create. In a civilized world, there's always a tension between individuality and social (group) construct. Individualist mentality says that each person has the right to do what they want, when they want. If you are going to live with other humans, you have to respect the idea that humans, given the opportunity, will do things only to promote their own self-interest, and to hell with the rest of us (humans are first and foremost selfish animals). This is why human beings need rules and laws. WIthout the group (all humans) being able to function -and live amiably without being constantly challenged by individuals who only want it THEIR "individual" way all the time-we will devolve into chaos. The whole states' rights BS, supporting the ability to "defend" themselves without caring about how the unfettered availability of guns affects the "group" (all other humans), is a symptom of festering fascism. This is what is happening with the Trump Cult. Pure unadulterated fascism...and ALL of those people are into the me, me, me and MY rights. I fail to see how an intelligent person cannot understand that if you have to live peacefully among other humans, you may have to give up some of that individuality and self-interest for the group: all other human beings.
LGTBQIA2S, BLM, neoliberalism and conservatism.
So all these lefties calling out fascist all the time are not really directing it at fascists, this word must have been invented to suppress indigenous people, if the American Indians tried to rise up back in the day, and we had this play of words they be fascists no?
From this explanation, I've been living in fascism all my life. Wow.
What country do you live in?
@@mack626 I live in America. A place where someone's color is considered the cause of all problems and Leaders lead people to kill others to show who's side you're on. From drugs, cars, and daily news propaganda is the way of the USA.
@@danielbailey1727 You’re over dramatic lmao
That man in the video talk is giving you quite alot of Propaganda himself...
@@ENIGMAXII2112 Six years ago most thought good of the news, today, no-one trust anyone. Advertising has always used propaganda, But when people allow propaganda into every part of every State it won't be long before the people will not be the government and we will be controlled by somebodies aganda.
This guy damn near is explaining the United States
Not damn near but but "right on"! The US is screaming Fascism.
That’s because the US is fascist
Before saying something that ignorant why not read some Giovanni Gentile?
The 4-6 years of 1996-2000
@@wild_burn - I have read plenty on Fascism and many deatails are being portrayed currently by the US. Many US citizens understand and realize the same.
A chilling reminder of the reality Americans are now facing
Nope, they are not.
And we failed the test!
@@Historia.Magistra.Vitae. Yep, we are.
@@TonyTigerTonyTiger : Nope.
@@_Historia_Magistra_Vitae_ Says a nobody on the Internet. The Internet is filled with pseudointellectuals.
Our country needs more of this information, what this man said is happening here and now and needs to be stopped in it's tracks.
Listen, Trump supporters will literally say "I don't care if he's a fascist" after you explain what a fascist is, and show how trump is pretty fascistic. They don't care. They haven't been fooled, they are just very convinced by his points.
@@younggod5230 Then if we don't outnumber them at the voting booth our democracy is probably going to be pulled down the rabbit hole of failure where autocracy will become our new form of government and the sacrifice and work the last 240 years will mean nothing. which means we must fight this self-entitled ignorance or eventually lose all our hard-fought freedoms, which these idiots do not seem to value.
@@younggod5230 I would simply say they don't care because at the heart of it all they agree with fascism as long as they are the ones benefiting from it. Quite simply, a lot of them are straight up fascists.
this is the worst video about it, rubbish video explaining it
@@younggod5230 Nothing more unaware
You rigged him out of an election using an allegiance between government and corporations. And the two continue their allegiance to stifle political dissent. The fascism is already here and, predictably, comes through the fusion of neo-lib and neo-conservative fundmanetals (they never really differed that much) under the banner of one party (Dems) who seek to become a single totalitarian force and another party (Repubs) that is mostly so weak and craven that they'll give it to them.
Do you care that your preferred party is fundamentally no different from the Dixiecrats of the 1960s--same racialized grievances, just a different scapegoat?
I've never heard a better brief explanation than this, for a term so widely (and purposefully) misconstrued. Share it!
What planet are you on? This was one of the worst bullshit definitions I have ever seen of any word in the English language in my entire life. This guy is acting as a literal fascist himself. Fascism has absolutely nothing to do with immigration or race and neither is it anti-liberal or anti-left. The left are literal fascists. Fascism believes in a totalitarian government and complete control of the media and press and the reason they hated the Jews is because the Jews were the rich class and Hitler literally stated “the rich are not paying their fair share”. I can’t even believe this bullshit
But this video is purposely misconstruing it and spreading disinfo.
It’s way to brief and vague that it can be applied to anything. Read on what Fascist’s actually wrote about and believe in, judge from what comes out of the horse’s mouth
Always beware of brief explanations. Fascism is not explained at all here. fascism with a small 'f' is. However, fascism can mean whatever you want.
@@ltmundNo, it can’t “mean whatever you want.” The important point for people without the benefit of higher education to know is that fascism is a reactionary movement behind a “strongman” leader, who promises to restore the hierarchy after those who have enjoyed unearned privilege are threatened by equality.
It is a right-wing ultranationalist movement by definition, and the most important tactic the cult leader uses is to subvert reality and confuse the truth until he is the only trusted _source_ of truth.
To give up on understanding what fascism even _means_ is a symptom, that by using the term against the leader’s opposition it loses meaning. There’s a reason that the first step in creating distrust in institutions that provide a check on power is to tell you not to trust journalism. Trump’s “fake news” is the mirror equivalent of Hitler’s “lugen presse” (or lying press.)
The same goes for distrust of the one institution that differentiates America from authoritarian nations, our representative democracy (free and fair elections, and the peaceful transition of power.) By the end of Trump’s first term, right-wing media floated the idea that America is not _supposed_ to be a democracy but a “constitutional republic.” This tactic counts on followers’ limited understanding of civics and history, because of course the foundation of this country is our election of representatives who serve us, we are a constitutional republic AND a representative democracy-these terms are not mutually exclusive.
Not a philosopher but with a major in peace & conflict science, which ofc includes studies of both developing fascism and the basis for democracy, I say this is very spot on. Saving this.
And I thought my major is useless
@@raphael.cavalcanti3301You dont think understanding conflict and peace is important?
@@hoolio5659 it's important of course
But in the context of how universities had become, it's a bad choice of a major
@@raphael.cavalcanti3301Right, even if thats true, that would ring true for every single major. This major inherently might actually be one of the most important majors out there for future policymakers and whatnot. It seems to me you just had a visceral emotional reaction to the major without actually thinking about what you were saying.
Just trying to educate myself just in case with recent events 👀
If you don't put the word fascism there in the title, and mentioned everytime you started new typic, I thought you are talking about how things is working here in the US today.
Yes. Tpusa just had a little get together where one supporter asked when they were gonna be allowed to kill liberals. Trump accelerated the rights radicalization to white fascism.
because current republicans are fascists. trump slept with a copy of mein kampf for a reason. Fox news, news max, oann, exist for a reason. social media is being used as a tool to spread fascism, confirmed by right wing media and given authority from republican politicians who don’t openly denounce it, but embrace it silently with a small nod
@@dalekim Yawn.
You're just looking for a reason to justify your hatred of Republicans. No different than what you accuse the Republicans of doing.
I agree. The Democrat party now embraces Fascism over equality. They call it equity. Property has equity, people have equality.
Let's go Brandon
"I alone can fix it!" Now who said that...? 🤔 Was it Hitler? Mussolini? Sounds very familiar....
If the Allied Powers would have backed Kaiser Wilhelm II, Hitler and Mussolini never would have came to power.
I believe those words were spoken by trump.
@@harryiculus The problem with that is that it leads to leaders of lesser countries to realize that going to war against a stronger country can be beneficial even if they are to lose. Check out " The Mouse That Roared"
@@mikeyoung260 or by Lenin or Pol Pot or Mao. The left has just as many demons in their closet in the 20th century as the right.
@ Nash
I believe it was Mussolini. Hitler learned everything he knew about fascism from Mussolini. ☠
I will bre prepping some videos on how to survive fascism soon... we need it now more than ever
I read your book, How Fascism Works. Its incredibly prescient. Required reading in 2024
Bro just described Trump's political campaign and tactics
🙏 thank you, we need to have our populations understand fascism and the entry ramp going to it.., cheers👍
What's comical is it is coming from both political sides in the US.....and both of those sides blame the other. Wish this channel would do a video on the SOCIAL EXPERIMENT that is the United States of America.
Fascism was inv ented by socialists
Whole lot of gaslighting in vid. Which is to be expected from a Yale professor, the same elitist and fascist organization that’s created numerous sociopaths and psychopaths to lead Government and business (mostly the same thing, hence fascism).
I would recommend literature to read about the topic and to be critical about the video. Lack of critical thinking leads to such ideologies like Nazism or Fascism.
It's almost like there's a flip happening in politics.... the American Left is getting closer and closer towards fascism if we're not already there.
The White Man is the Modern day Jew. The White-Skinned Man with European ancestry, who is largely an immigrant class of the last 100 years, who immigrated and produced their own wealth starting from nothing while facing racism... has been blamed for all the wrong doings that make America look bad. This is all apart of the American Left's new religion of "wokism" which all the members are devote followers. The "woke" religion is built on the original sin of white people, white men in particular...and they have to seek atonement for the original sin they have carried since they were born...for the crimes of what people looked like them did in the pass (not even ancestors). The woke religion is flawed and will probably self destruct pretty soon since it has no real cultural development...most of the woke will find themselves struggling to reproduce and falling into depression.
The New Fascists want to take what those people have created and put it into their own pockets. They are materialistic and Envious.
This materialism can be exploited by the fascist rulers to have the new fascist regime's followers worship particular consumer products more then others....such as mandatory vaccinations...which are a consumer product forced onto the population without alternative. The Pharmaceutical Industry absolutely loves the new fascists. The materialism of the American Left has made everyone so sad and depressed, youth are getting prescribed all sort of medications for mental illnesses they probably dont have (like ADHD, or Autism). Women are convinced to take regular birth control. The Transgender movement is convincing cis teens to become transgender because it's popular and "In"...setting these people up for a life time subscription to hormone treatments and depression medications. The feminisation of society is increasing sales for makeup and other beauty products. Feminine men are also more submissive as a result and dont fight back...feminine men just consume and play video games all day at home where they belong. They keep purchasing and playing video games that get less and less fun, and require more and more microtransactions... and these losers love it. feminine men also have no skills either so they can't confront the regime the live in.
The Materialistic left sees what other people have and they want it. Hence they support the government printing a shit ton of money and giving it to corporations...as long as they get a little bit of the drops on the side of the tap. Those little drops be given to corporations at the end of the day regardless...they'll be paying for their loan (bank), rent (landlord), or for consumer products. They also support when those companies HRs start to avoid hiring white men... All the biggest companies want to hire women and POC... and the only white men they want to hire are the feminised ones (Gay, Trans, Woke). Then the materialistic left want to seize the wealth that the printing has produced...and to for sure take it from white men and give it to everyone else. The white men, since they're feminized...wont fight back.
The Materialistic left supports restricting freedom of speech, and insuring that hate speech laws only effect white men (sometimes white women if they go against the narratives of the materialistic left) and no one else. By controlling speech the fascism from the materialistic left is allowed to grow. The old left was pro free speech...not even 10 years ago this switch was made.
Instead of having their government handle the mental heath crisis they created (which is what a normal leftist would support), they support controlling, restricting, and banning guns, because some people go insane and use them on the population. The Materialistic Left is afraid of death and they are afraid of any individual especially a white man being able to defend themselves from the regime. The Materialistic Left is very afraid of death...this is why they're willing to give up all control of their lives to the government in respect to the issue around COVID19.
The Materialistic Left doesn't like the police...at the moment...because they are mostly white men... The Materialistic Left will be pro-police once white men leave the forces. They will be silent when Black cops beat the living shit out of the poor white men on the streets. The Materialistic left took over the police reform movement, and made it exclusively about race... yet they choose to ignore how more unarmed white men get executed by police...the average police officer executes significantly more white men then black men. In the meantime they want white people be defenceless in their homes with a defunded police force...which will allow the Materialistic Left to raid their communities without resistance.
To close. The American Left is Fascist.
They support the merger of the corporation at the state.
They support the state religion of wokism and all the corporations that adopt it.
They support the destruction of small businesses....especially white own businesses.
They think wealth from white people should be transferred to non-white people.
They are anti-free speech
They are anti-gun
They are anti-freedom
We’re so fucked. 😭
Wow the intro described Trump and his followers perfectly. Thanks for this video.
Did the left not call Trump an existential threat, a threat to democracy, and Hitler?