This is the first time I've heard James in an Interview out with his show as he is not on my regular feed. I can see the genuine hurt and disgust within him I and agree with his views on our current government.
It's worth bearing in mind that James campaigned vigorously against Labour in the last general election. He partly has himself to blame for all this, but has terrible trouble admitting it.
We had our own 'Johnson' here in Australia, at the same time, Morrison and he are still mates, travelling to Israel together. You'll find Murdoch behind everything.
How Johnson, Truss and Sunak Broke Britain | James O'Brien Vs The Government Part 2 0841am 17.11.23 from UK: i am left wondering who boris johnson ended up having a literal fight with to then decide he needed to jump ship...? the best resignation speech i have ever heard. he was saying, as those who have fallen on their sword a little to early: ok, you think others can do a better job? i'm beggering off!! which is the underpinning literary motif of that nice little bit of media hyperbole. i like it! get to the effin point rather than fannying about... the commons could learn a lot from that kindda of stance...
@@Moomin360 Comments on ‘How Johnson, Truss and Sunak Broke Britain | James O'Brien Vs The Government Part 2’ 0953AM 17.11.23 my migrant problem? ok, send them all back to their countries of origin... i was gonna say stop stealing our water...
That Tory government inherited something close to a city of marble compared to the eroding shack they run thanks to the folly of Brexit they imposed upon Great Britain, which is now no so great today.
"Let the bodies pile high" but don't forget the stupidity "could someone inject me with covid live on TV?". Staggering that such a narcissistic buffoon could ever become PM
Excerpt from ''War Is A Racket'' By Major General Smedley D. Butler:- WAR is a racket. It always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives. A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a small "inside" group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes... How many of these war millionaires shouldered a rifle? How many of them dug a trench? How many of them knew what it meant to go hungry in a rat-infested dug-out? How many of them spent sleepless, frightened nights, ducking shells and shrapnel and machine gun bullets? How many of them parried a bayonet thrust of an enemy? How many of them were wounded or killed in battle? Out of war nations acquire additional territory, if they are victorious. They just take it. This newly acquired territory promptly is exploited by the few -- the selfsame few who wrung dollars out of blood in the war. The general public shoulders the bill. And what is this bill? This bill renders a horrible accounting. Newly placed gravestones. Mangled bodies. Shattered minds. Broken hearts and homes. Economic instability. Depression and all its attendant miseries. Back-breaking taxation for generations and generations. For a great many years, as a soldier, I had a suspicion that war was a racket; not until I retired to civil life did I fully realize it. Now that I see the international war clouds gathering, as they are today, I must face it and speak out..." - Maj Gen Smedley Butler
@0w784g You would think Tories would have got around to solving those problems by now . How many decades does it take to change banking regulations? Which unwinnable wars wars should the UK have stayed out of that would have prevented this Tory mess ?
And now he is back-an unelected parliamentarian, who isn't even an MP. He just waltzed into the job after his amazing record of causing untold disaster...I don't want to live in this country anymore.
Agree. It's almost as though he disappeared just long enough for the whole Brexit shit show to settle enough in the media so that he can come back without the proper scrutiny. And making him a LORD what the fuck?? The house of lords - the upper chamber of our government, needs abolishing or massive reform. Politicians seem to nominate their cronies always. Never anyone in the country of millions are selected who've done something that actually deserves a lordship
The Criminal Tory PM, JohnSCUM, lied, lied, lied & lied, let advisers & government ministers be sacked or resign....& still LIED. Then, when the House of Commons, Tory Majority scrutiny committee told him - we have you BANG to rights you lying Tory toad....30 days suspension, he gobbled like a Turkey & threw his toys right out of the pram...this is a git with 8 children!!...& went off to Daily Fail & G.B.Sewage...without taking any responsibility for his destroying of the UK as a credible nation anymore! Remember still, the UNelected criminal Sunak was there (in Govt) the WHOLE time, sneering, smirking & sniggering while people died...along with SCUM Blabberman, Ree - Smogg, Shapps & Gove. NEVER TRUST a Tory! LET'S Get them removed!
So good. Thank you, James. Not from the UK, but have friends over there, and I am horrified by what has happened to the country. Keep fighting to get your country back from these entitled sociopaths.
Imagine how you'll feel when you vote Labour and within 6 months of them winning you've realized how moronically stupid you were to believe their lies and the country gets worse.
I cannot believe all these people are allowed to be in power. Keep it going bro. Please. Respect M'r O'' Brian. All of the love in the world from Scotland bro.
Thanks very much for this analysis. I do like the way you manage to contain your outrage within a very sober and (despite its brevity) very fulsome account of the idiocies and frankly evils perpetrated by the Tories. I shall certainly now at least go and search out part one of this discussion. Thanks again, James, I do wish there were more people like yourself in our often miserable media sphere.
The Government and the opposition are two cheeks of the same backside. They're all socialist communist and globalist like James they don't believe in free speech, they don't believe in democracy, they don't listen to the people of this country but are all ears to anyone else. They're collectively destroying this country and it's culture. I suppose James being white is the problem
I stayed in a 4 star hotel in Nottingham in May this year. Half the residents were asylum seekers and families evicted under S21 - they lived one family to a room, ate separately, the kids were bored stiff, most of the adults were working in low paid jobs and no one I spoke to wanted to be there. In one place, that is Tory Britain.
It's interesting that Rishi Sunak scrapped HS2 because it was taking too long and costing too much, when the same is true for the Rwanda scheme that they are pressing ahead with like they've never heard of the sunk cost fallacy
@@JamesOversteerthe land has already been sold as developable land, at a loss (which no one is talking about) so even if a future government wanted to proceed with the Manchester section of HS2 they won’t be able to without going through the CPO process again.
@@cyberhermit1222Migrants and their children add way more to the economy. Migrants usually have higher birth rates as well, so they’ll raise the overall birth rate of Britain which is an abysmal 1.45 births per woman. Way under what is needed to have a naturally growing population. So without migration, population would decline and the work force would shrink and Britains’s birth rates would sink even lower
@cyberhermit1222 Migrants who work more, pay more taxes, claim fewer benefits, use the NHS less than equally qualified UK born people. Why would you not want them to stay?
With VERY few exceptions the UK's 'client' news media is truly pathetic in its blatantly partisan output, an enthusiastic backer of ALL that gives to the rich, no matter WHAT the cost to everyone and everything else on Earth.
Im an ex-pat living and working in New York. I’ve watched from afar at what has happened in the UK over the past decade and it just blows my mind how low the country has come. We have the same performative nonsense and utter incompetence on the conservative side in the US too. Conservative parties on both sides of the Atlantic are run by crappy stupid people who seem have lost their grip on reality. My Dad and younger brother still live in the UK and I told them on a recent call that unless things start turning around, the UK is basically finished, relegated to just being a mediocre country on a small island outside Europe. Ironically I resisted applying for US citizenship thinking my British passport was more valuable and useful but have found myself rethinking the whole thing over the past year…
What's an "ex pat"? If you've emigrated to the US, then you're an immigrant unless you're still working for a UK company. Just confused as to what's the difference between an expat and an immigrant
America and Britain are essentially the same. The same arrogance, prejudice, entitlement, and racism. America was founded by religious fanatics, slavery proponents, and worse.
They have gotten away with it. David Cameron is a lord, and the other three are all making pots of money talking to cretins on the after dinner circuit.
All our money is in their offshore accounts, Johnson who had to persuade a party donor to buy his wallpaper has since bought a £4m mansion, they've not just got away with it they're still fleecing us.
Boris Johnson who's probably been to more party's than the rest of the population has had hot dinners thinks we're as stupid as he is to think he can get away with saying he doesn't know what a party is when he's at one and needs someone to tell him he's at a party.
"Well of course it wasn't a party! We were only drinking Prosecco from the local Tesco! It's not a party until you've got at least 3 bottles of Bollinger and some vintage Chateauneuf-du-Pape!"
Yip Yip and YIP. Same thoughts feelings I hold currently and for a while now regards NHS RCN and my local government. Super grateful for you, James. Sensemaking at its best. 💜
Of course if the public managed to organise massive demonstrations about the cost of living and the health service no doubt that would be classed as a " hate march " and of course they would be right !
People need to take action and become their own central bank and bet against the debt we have 1 percent of purchasing power left in the British pound fact get ready for a credit event that is going to make the LDI crisis look like a picnic James o'Brien has no idea what is really happening or does he wait until debt cards stop working and ATMs stop working which is going to happen guess what they'll have a solution cbdcs get any wealth outside the banking system banks are insolvent no deals no deposits and no loans
Strictly speaking, he's probably a narcissist. See symptoms of Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Psychopathy and narcissism are closely related, although BJ's behaviour ticks some specifically narcissistic traits, too. That said, some recent studies suggest that narcissism would be more accurately categorised as a type of psychopathy.
Politicians have to remember they work for the people and it’s the people’s money and should be held accountable what they do with our money politicians are our servants Not our masters
They don’t work for the people. In any economic system based on an explorative foundation, politicians work for the minority that benefit from it. Under slavery it’s slave owners, under feudalism its land owners, under capitalism it’s capital owners. Any system that separates work from ownership will have a class system and minority rule. Only way politicians will ever work for the people is if the economic system doesn’t have concentrated ownership and decision making.
(the world's largest finance/investment ) corporations effectively run (at LEAST) the English speaking world now. Their power will only increase...until financial/economic collapse/ruin occurs. That's the only way their grip will be loosened. Thanks to tory and its infantile infatuation with 'private profit', at the exclusion of ALL else, no mater how much destruction/death the 'monied set' delivers to everyone/everything else on Earth.
They should be but aren't unfortunately. Instead they are our masters with their Wealthy buddies who can dictate to us who we can fall in love with (no foreigners), where we go where we live, take away any financial freedom we once had. Turn us into slaves is the end goal.
Really bizarre to hear James swearing haha. Obviously not allowed to on his broadcasts so it’s a refreshing addition to the rightful vitriol we all hold towards the govt
@jackcantdie = just like many other hard left puppets on these pages ,once you start using bad language in you posts you have lost the argument .People can see you for what you are ! .
I really don't know how the wheels came so far off but the emotional recovery from this lot is going to take a long time. People don't really think of trauma as a collective thing, but at the very least the last 3 years have been incredibly so, for all types of voter - Even when Brexit was going across the line people were debating and talking, these days you get none of that.
Britain was broken by blair and his middle class bunch of tossers who gave us a massive NHS management structure, a unjust illegal war, totally stupid HR BS that hindered growth and innovation, and maybe his worst folly, the opening of the borders to the failed multi cultural experiment that even his advisor on it said it was a massive mistake. The tories just did the same because to do a U turn would cause twats like O'Brien to throw their rattles out of the push chair.
Can I share my story with you? I put it in the main comments, but it feels important to reach out to someone who seems like a, “normal, reasonable,” human being, who might just get it? I feel the need for, “contact,” so to speak. So, please be patient, as I’ll make it as brief as possible: My trauma began when Covid was relatively new and still not properly understood, with completely clear guidance. In the midst of this, my dad who presented as otherwise a strong and fit 80 something, had a cluster of health issues, the most relevant to this story of which was a series of mini-strokes he’d suffered. He couldn’t make new memories, a bit like the hero in the Christopher Nolan film, Memento. He got Covid from the doctor who was treating him for a broken arm, from a fall. He got sick really fast, as so many did, and was soon surrounded by a battery of machines. The staffers who held up the phones and iPads, through which we communicated with him, were always too tired to hold it close enough or where we could see him for long enough to have a meaningful conversation. They were exhausted and rushed off their feet the whole time, making communication a nightmare. The painful bit: He repeatedly asked why his four kids were not with him and had to have it all newly explained to him, over and over, but it never took. He even asked for his wife, my mum, whom we’d buried years before. He died, isolated, confused by what seemed like a massive rejection to him, and alone; simply terrified and not understanding why he was alone. He died hard. I then had to get special permission to travel from Scotland to his funeral, at which there were no hugs, no meaningful physical reassurances, because of the rules. We all sat apart, etc. It was a long drive home. Exhausted and deeply sad, I made the mistake of putting on some news, to distract me from my own troubles and I literally said to my wife, “I need a reminder that others are in the same boat as us.” The first thing I saw was that female staffer, laughing about the drunken antics of Cabinet, while my family had just been through that . . . It is the first time in my life that I actually felt revolutionary rage, at a deep, visceral level. And it just kept getting worse from there. I saw how that collective trauma took root in our nation, because I knew that there were literally hundreds of thousands of grieving family members, friends and colleagues, all witnessing the government’s hypocrisy, callousness and then craven cowardice with their attempts at covering up, down playing and dismissing what they had done, again and again, as we learned. You’re right. The country needs a collective outcome: a collective consequence; collective justice for their collective betrayals. Not just one betrayal either. But repeated and systematic.
I see James o Brien as a very moderate centrist. These days I think he'd be labelled as a part of the "looney left". The political system has become so polarised.
Remember that what Truss did to the country, interest rates, public finances and interest rates, was just to give a tax cut to the richest 1% of millionaires in the land. She trashed the country and most peoples finances to mek rich people slightly richer. That's it.
@commandingjudgedredd1841 so you're comparing what Truss actually did with some fantasy of what you think Labour might do in the future despite all the historical evidence to the contrary. Well thought out argument. Real smart.
You just have to see what happened to pension fund values for the short episode Truss was in to see how much they personally cost everyone. Speaking to one city finance professional, he couldn't believe how much was wiped off values and as he said this is not savings that recover, this is actually money lost, the bonds have gone.
Truss did not 'do' anything she did not have time - the big money did things to make it look like she what she was going to do was wrong - but just think about that for a minute or two and then realise who is really in power.
@@jonharris1654 How grossly ignorant can a person be? Like most countries the UK depends upon literally hundreds of billions in market financing. If the people who provide that finance don't have confidence that the government is fiscally responsible they put the rates up due to perceived risks. If you cannot see that the financial institutions had no confidence in a right wing government mainly of their own people you didn't really understand the problems we have.
If you had watched the debt market which was melting down you would have seen what was going to happen wait for what is going to happen again meltdown in the debt market cash is going to move from the risk of assets stock markets and property and the bond market cash is going to move into risk off assets James o'Brien is not going to tell you the truth maybe he doesn't know what is really going to happen plz educate yourself about the financial system globally and how it works follow the herd and you will get hurt become your own central bank bet against the debt and you will be ok very simple
And the 2 or more % points added to borrowing as the market applied a moron premium to lending, stinging every mortgage holding home owner and every renter whose rent is not fixed.
I love this. The sarcasm, humour and controlled outrage in how you deliver this is just amazing. - it made me laugh a few times. - you hit the nail on the head perfectly there.
Anyone who loves his analysis here should go and watch again his analysis in 2016, 17, 18, and 19; some most excellent years of analysis back there, and even better - you get to view each and every moment of it with the crystal clarity of hindsight.
I loved the phrase 'the essence of Brexit' to describe the personal appeal of Liz Truss as PM. It sound like the perfume a snake oil salesman would package, being infinitely careful to never let it anywhere on his person.
I was educated in France, I utterly despise the English Press and most of the media, was a member of the French Communist Party and its problem was that just after the War, when the French people were disposed to give Communism a chance since it 'saved the honour of France' is was seize with Ideological paralysis and took orders from Stalin rather than taking part in the restoration of France and Europe. As a colleague in the University of Leningrad remarked, The Kremlin understands Communism as little as the Vatican understands Christianity. Ethics get lost in the morality of institutions. What keeps government honest is an honest Press but a press owned and with a vested interest in the governing party [Tory] and our press is not honest and it leads to the sort of rubbish as Brexit and electing a Johnson o r rallying behind a buffoon like Farage and you can see the consequences of doing so as are Brexit, the managing of the Corvid crisis. Three things have done a favour for Europe, and will leave us much diminished on the world stage, and they are Britain Leaving the EU, and COVID and the Ukraine War. Your Press is ethically depauperate, intellectually bankrupt and shouting out worn class recrimination is neither to the point nor helpful
The influence of media is over estimated. For instance, I have always found that people only buy newspapers that they agree with in the first place. In other words, people buy newspapers that reflect their point of view.
''Monsieur, a journal [ie Newspaper] is a civil instrument not an amusement arcade' 'The Purpose of secondary education Monsieur is to provide all all the necessary skills an adult will need to be a citizen and to cope with all information with which he will inundate throughout his/he life]. Having experienced Fascism France and Germany we know, we knew the importance a reliable source of information and consequently I read le Monde on a daily basis and Die Zeit on a weekly basis. Even Pravda and Corriera dela Sera had not sunk to the level o the English Daily Mail the English Sun, the English Express, The English Daily Telegraph, ad eve the Guardian is no longer the paper it was, The Times corrupted by Murdoch, the BBC subverted by the English Tories and this nonsense about Freedom of the Press to print any rubbish, The Anglosphere has been corrupted by the symbiosis of Murdoch ad the English Tories, or the Republicans in the USA. I do not think the English [for it is an ignorant section of the English lower-Middle-class responsible for the folly of Brexit, voting in of trash like Boris Johnson, or Trump in the USA because your respective publics are ignorant, arrogant, ad Badly educated. It is not sufficient to content oneself with your 'c'est la vie' laissez faire notion of media , it leads to Fascism corruption and monsters like Trump and Johnson availing themselves of Ignorance for their own egotism. @@davidpryle3935
True revolt in the UK is highly unlikely, no matter how bad it gets. If the years of record poverty, Brexit lies and Covid scandals didn’t light the fuse then what will?
The man speaking in the clip played 7:49-7:58 is Sir Charles Walker, the Conservative MP for Broxbourne (Hertfordshire) since 2005. He was acting co-chairman (with the late Dame Cheryl Gillan) of the 1922 Committee when Boris Johnson succeeded Theresa May. In February 2022, he said he would not stand for re-election at the next general election.
Someone explain to me how on earth a theft David Cameron became Lord. ? What has happened to £10 million pound that Greensill gave to David Cameron night before announcing bankruptcy ?? I can't move £30 with bankruptcy asking me question but how come he can move £10 million pound over night ? Fuck this rules
I am convinced that without James O'Brian the government would have got away with there behavior's during covid. The press seemed very happy to let it slide.
Hey up Luke leading and during covid. ? Why have you picked those two ? Did Mr O’Brien behave differently at other times ? As you’re accusing him of helping the Tories , I’m curious as to what’s made you think this way ? Remember the song. ‘ don’t leave me this way “ please rid me of this bit of ignorance x
He voted Johnson for Mayor and gladly hosted a reactionary TV show. Privately Schooled, he knows where the money is. Books to sell. The book is old news now. Suella's sacking interrupted his flow.
Labour will do it, don’t worry about that. 20mph everywhere, open borders, huge national debt, loads of young men and woman not knowing what sex they are. It will become illegal to call a man dressing up as a woman a man, migrants will go top of housing lists, shall I continue. We need Trump over here to sort this mess out. Make England Great Again.
Sunak is desperate and angry all the time...I wonder how much pressure he is under to deliver his India deal. The only reason he is there is to enrich himself and family.
How Johnson, Truss and Sunak Broke Britain | James O'Brien Vs The Government Part 2 0845am 17.11.23 considering the culture of splice and dubious editing.... you could ask what does boris johnson need be contrite about? is he actually aware of what the fuck was going on? i think not... as for your covid larks. i wasnt even aware that there was any issue or that a large heap of b.s had been set into place other than my being asked to don a mask if i wanted to travel on a bus... that's how out of touch i am or in touch or alienated or isolated - depending on your purview...
Hello matey methinks you’re on to something here. Even before Cameron’s appointment had been announced he’d had a meeting with his Indian counterpart or maybe it was someone else from the Indian government , Sunak’s daddy in law has mucho business in India , plus now that the EU is out of the game ( Tories think so ? ) the greedy are able to exploit the poor kicked upon in India , expect an influx of the cheapest workforce Britain’s ever had , enjoy your time spent at the end of the Garden ,
@@colinstephenson5386Comments on ‘How Johnson, Truss and Sunak Broke Britain | James O'Brien Vs The Government Part 2’ 17.11.23 1535pm ???????? sounds like yer spouting post war 1950's Britain scare stories.. which may have turned out to be quite prescient in their baring...
His about as balanced as a three legged racehorse. His as salty as you can get about Brexit. Hates Conservatives, wants wide open borders and likes bullying callers into a show because all of a sudden his a font of bloody knowledge about everything.
@@robbailie5878 Hope you and none of your friends and family are on any kind of benefits mate coz YOUR Govt have signalled today they are coming to get you
@@robbailie5878I think that you are wrong in your assessment. James does tend to know more about the political situation and the events that led to it than his callers. His job does revolve around it, after all. Still, it is surprising, and kind of enjoyable, to listen to woefully unprepared callers, who are unable to explain the rationale for the decisions they took and the opinions they have. If you don't like dark people, or those 'not from around here' just say so. If you believe, without any supporting evidence, that severing economic ties with one of, if not, the largest economic blocs in the world, and that being outside of it gives us greater access and influence than being in it, say so. Just don't expect anyone to believe that these decisions and opinions are based on logic and are aimed at improving the society in which we live. Still, you do you. Love to the family. Love to the family.
Keep telling everyone to move on.. some do. But not us. It's insane to see how quickly everyone let all this pass while myself has some form of ptsd from the whole thing. Call it stupid but I can't let it go and won't
they were directed to 'move on' (AKA: forget) by the UK's pathetic client news media...owned/controlled by the only folks that tory serves, as its the only group of people that tory views as 'worthy'... the wealthiest folks on Earth.
My God. RS is so dang dense and clueless that he asked a man at a homeless shelter, if he was in business or something like that and the man had to tell him "no bro I'm homeless". You cannot make this stuff up. We are all in the sunken place, lol.
I agree that there is always some personal responsibility involved, but I think the rot starts from the top down. I’d say centuries of living under a monarchy, a deeply entrenched class system, decades of billionaire media propaganda and an underfunded society are far more to blame.
James O’Brien in great voice I listen to all his shows . I just hope the media gods don’t get to his or LBCs voice we need voices in the media who reflect the views of average people.
Expat living in Canada. Go back to the uk 4 or 5 times a year. In some ways, I see change every time I go - and it's not good. The conservatives are flaming wreck, more concerned about retaining power than good governance. My parents now taking private healthcare that they can't afford (20K quid for a new knee) as she'd have to wait 2 years immobile and likely losing her health under the NHS. Leaving the EU was a massive mistake, done so the Establishment/Tories can feather their nests, at the expense of others without restrictions. It's very much a 2 tier society, and that suits the Rishi and his establishment kronies. Starmer has stepped up of late, and hopefully, their will be a party change and some long term change.
The UK has aircraft carriers protecting people struggling to buy food, energy and shelter. The 3 things the government absolutely needs to get right and has absolutely got wrong.
UK is SLIDING to some kind of post APOCALYPTIC stage of state, thank God Brits quickly forget how prosperous was UK just 20 years ago.. in a way that is mearciful gift, because they would get constantly depressed if they would be constantly reminded how deeply UK have fallen and this process is not over by far
Re Johnson: you only have to read the letter from his headmaster to his father when he was at Eton. The attitudes and behaviour, to which the Head was quite rightly objecting, were those he showed all the time when he was an "adult".
Dear Mr. O`Brien, I followed you through the whole Brexit-Time... My deep respect, Sir: You fought like a Lion. My goddaughter his half british... Therefore thank you in the deeper sense, that I felt responsible, to stay up to date.
When this happened I was in Morocco unable to leave. My passport expired and the British embassy in Rabat was closed.I paid two fines for not havin a residents permit.I waited ten months for a new passport while Boris was on the piss and takin it!!!I am now a Moroccan resident and wont be back!!Well said James!!
Sunak is hanging on in tlhere until his Indian deal has gone through. His family will be rake in even more than they already have. Afterwards he'll fly off to his 10 million dollar home in California. With the addition of Priminester title. Mission accomplished.
Great Book James. I have over a 1,000 as a collector of Hard Back books to save them from being turned into paper mash. The difficulty is subject & interest and the more practical considerations of condition & costs. Rarely more that £2 usually around a £1. So to buy a book at £18.00 is quite an exception and it is exceptional book which should be a standard text book in senior schools.
Jeremy Corbyn was, and is, everything that the people you're slagging off in this aren't, genuine, I wish he'd won, but since everything's manipulated by the greedy stinking rich, it all stinks.
Then why did he impose a 3 line whip to support a minority Tory government get Article 50 on the statute book ? He didn’t even know what the Tory plans were for leaving the EU. No , Corbyn was not genuine, he was devious and is as culpable as Peppa Pig for making the country poorer, removing our rights, and removing our freedom of movement.
This is the first time I've heard James in an Interview out with his show as he is not on my regular feed. I can see the genuine hurt and disgust within him I and agree with his views on our current government.
Get this guy on your list.
It's worth bearing in mind that James campaigned vigorously against Labour in the last general election. He partly has himself to blame for all this, but has terrible trouble admitting it.
@ExploreGamesAndMore except he didn't campaign vigorously against Labour
We want tory starmer!
@DrMontague sounds like you want Sunak, you are cheering for him
We had our own 'Johnson' here in Australia, at the same time, Morrison and he are still mates, travelling to Israel together. You'll find Murdoch behind everything.
Most dangerous man in the world
Don't get me started on a moron who has to force a handshake from a fire victim, from fires he helped start with dodgy fire mgt policies.
You had dictator Dan zedong Andrews.
He was the worst thing to happen to Australia since Gallipoli
From France. UK citizens, please wake up and do something to get out of that !
How Johnson, Truss and Sunak Broke Britain | James O'Brien Vs The Government Part 2 0841am 17.11.23 from UK: i am left wondering who boris johnson ended up having a literal fight with to then decide he needed to jump ship...? the best resignation speech i have ever heard. he was saying, as those who have fallen on their sword a little to early: ok, you think others can do a better job? i'm beggering off!! which is the underpinning literary motif of that nice little bit of media hyperbole. i like it! get to the effin point rather than fannying about... the commons could learn a lot from that kindda of stance...
Sort out your own problem in France mate, and stop off loading your migrate problem on Britain.
@@Moomin360 Comments on ‘How Johnson, Truss and Sunak Broke Britain | James O'Brien Vs The Government Part 2’ 0953AM 17.11.23 my migrant problem? ok, send them all back to their countries of origin... i was gonna say stop stealing our water...
Not going to happen: GB is England only.
@@Moomin360extremely intelligent comment.
After 14 years of Tory government, blaming anything on "inherited from...." is a truckload of BS.
That Tory government inherited something close to a city of marble compared to the eroding shack they run thanks to the folly of Brexit they imposed upon Great Britain, which is now no so great today.
it is the truth tho they did break the country suck it up
No it isn't it's just true, do you want the Labour government to blame themselves for what Tories did to Britain for 14 years
@@johntomkins8906 had you actually listened to the video, you would have known it is Tories saying that.
That level of hubris is generated by the firm belief , the General Public are and will always be cannon fodder .
"Let the bodies pile high" but don't forget the stupidity "could someone inject me with covid live on TV?". Staggering that such a narcissistic buffoon could ever become PM
Excerpt from ''War Is A Racket'' By Major General Smedley D. Butler:-
WAR is a racket. It always has been.
It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives.
A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a small "inside" group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes...
How many of these war millionaires shouldered a rifle? How many of them dug a trench? How many of them knew what it meant to go hungry in a rat-infested dug-out? How many of them spent sleepless, frightened nights, ducking shells and shrapnel and machine gun bullets? How many of them parried a bayonet thrust of an enemy? How many of them were wounded or killed in battle?
Out of war nations acquire additional territory, if they are victorious. They just take it. This newly acquired territory promptly is exploited by the few -- the selfsame few who wrung dollars out of blood in the war. The general public shoulders the bill.
And what is this bill?
This bill renders a horrible accounting. Newly placed gravestones. Mangled bodies. Shattered minds. Broken hearts and homes. Economic instability. Depression and all its attendant miseries. Back-breaking taxation for generations and generations.
For a great many years, as a soldier, I had a suspicion that war was a racket; not until I retired to civil life did I fully realize it. Now that I see the international war clouds gathering, as they are today, I must face it and speak out..." - Maj Gen Smedley Butler
Until they wake up. 😉
Personally I blame Cameron.
Only a failure of his magnitude could have paved the way for Johnson and the rest.
So not Labour allowing banking to get so light touch causing the biggest financial shock ever? Or Labour getting involved in several unwinnable wars?
@0w784g You would think Tories would have got around to solving those problems by now . How many decades does it take to change banking regulations? Which unwinnable wars wars should the UK have stayed out of that would have prevented this Tory mess ?
And now he is back-an unelected parliamentarian, who isn't even an MP. He just waltzed into the job after his amazing record of causing untold disaster...I don't want to live in this country anymore.
Agree. It's almost as though he disappeared just long enough for the whole Brexit shit show to settle enough in the media so that he can come back without the proper scrutiny.
And making him a LORD what the fuck?? The house of lords - the upper chamber of our government, needs abolishing or massive reform. Politicians seem to nominate their cronies always. Never anyone in the country of millions are selected who've done something that actually deserves a lordship
A collapsing economic system and an elite fearing for its economic and political power paved the way. Same as a century ago.
"The bigger the lie, the bigger the applause" good phrase
Sounds like trump
that reminds me of a commentator of football: the bigger the game, the bigger the goal.
I'll always be thankful for James during this awful, yet never ending period of history in the UK. He gave me sanity and hope.
I totally agree with James O' Brien ..
Cum on James. Tory's 😂 by by.
Why never ending?
@@mandyharewood886 It hasn't ended yet. "Never-ending" is probably too pessimistic.
I dislike the Tories but James OBrien is nothing but a far left globalist mouthpiece who’d happily see Britain flying the flag of Islam or the WEF.
You're on the van radio everyday James, keeping me sane in a world gone mad.
He is a deeply dishonest Kunt who talks shit. First one for the chop after the revolution.
Scannini, then you are very easily fooled.
@@karlmylnere5712 No, that's the people who thought Boris Johnson tells the truth.
@@karlmylnere5712Rich, coming from some Johnsonite Tory clown.
The left are easily brainwashed that's why they protest with hamas😂
Remember, Johnson didn't resign over this, he wasn't even removed as PM by his party over this. They just moved on.
well said. And to think that Boris removed the whip from decent people like Dominic Grieve.
The Criminal Tory PM, JohnSCUM, lied, lied, lied & lied, let advisers & government ministers be sacked or resign....& still LIED.
Then, when the House of Commons, Tory Majority scrutiny committee told him - we have you BANG to rights you lying Tory toad....30 days suspension, he gobbled like a Turkey & threw his toys right out of the pram...this is a git with 8 children!!...& went off to Daily Fail & G.B.Sewage...without taking any responsibility for his destroying of the UK as a credible nation anymore!
Remember still, the UNelected criminal Sunak was there (in Govt) the WHOLE time, sneering, smirking & sniggering while people died...along with SCUM Blabberman, Ree - Smogg, Shapps & Gove.
LET'S Get them removed!
But that doesn’t mean we want him back,a disgrace to humanity and the covid debacle.
@@dianegardner3584 i mean his party just moved on. They don't care.
@@dianegardner3584 and lots of Tory MPs and party members would have him back.
Thank you James O'brien for years of honesty & the "balls" to deliver it..Your an outstanding journalist & author of the time..
James OBrien is a smug condescending leftist WEF supporting metropolitan elitist. He isn’t half as intelligent as he thinks he is.
He went to a pedophile school and he hates us.
So good. Thank you, James. Not from the UK, but have friends over there, and I am horrified by what has happened to the country. Keep fighting to get your country back from these entitled sociopaths.
I have never voted for the tories and I voted remain.
My conscience is clear. Imagine how bad you'd feel if you voted for this.
Imagine how you'll feel when you vote Labour and within 6 months of them winning you've realized how moronically stupid you were to believe their lies and the country gets worse.
Who have you voted for, and when?
I don't imagine tabloid readers feeling bad about anything. Either too thick, or too heartless.
You are making the assumption that they are capable of critical thinking my friend.
Most of them don't feel bad about it as they still do not know what they voted for, just ask them.
Johnson and Truss together will go down in history as being the Wreckers of UK PLC.
I cannot believe all these people are allowed to be in power.
Keep it going bro. Please. Respect
M'r O'' Brian. All of the love in the world from Scotland bro.
James O'Brien. He is Mr O'Brien
@@maneshipocrates James O'Brien or Mr O'Brien..... Still leaves one total twat.
Thanks very much for this analysis. I do like the way you manage to contain your outrage within a very sober and (despite its brevity) very fulsome account of the idiocies and frankly evils perpetrated by the Tories. I shall certainly now at least go and search out part one of this discussion. Thanks again, James, I do wish there were more people like yourself in our often miserable media sphere.
I always feel like drawing a Hitler moustache on her face when I see Liz Truss.
The Government and the opposition are two cheeks of the same backside. They're all socialist communist and globalist like James they don't believe in free speech, they don't believe in democracy, they don't listen to the people of this country but are all ears to anyone else. They're collectively destroying this country and it's culture. I suppose James being white is the problem
Sober? James O'Brien is a raging alcaholic just look at him
I stayed in a 4 star hotel in Nottingham in May this year. Half the residents were asylum seekers and families evicted under S21 - they lived one family to a room, ate separately, the kids were bored stiff, most of the adults were working in low paid jobs and no one I spoke to wanted to be there. In one place, that is Tory Britain.
Then they shouldn't have come here
@@benfisher1376another Brexiteer bravo for your insightful comment
Thanks for the reality check. Hotel landlords are doing well though and probably vote tory.
Have you ever considered getting a DNA test? You might find that you aren't 100% British yourself.
@@benfisher1376 he said half of them were english. read better?
James quite literally keeps me sane in this current Tory Britain
And, your opinion on the current red coloured Tories under Starmer (formerly the Labour Party)? "Labour" in name, only.
It's interesting that Rishi Sunak scrapped HS2 because it was taking too long and costing too much, when the same is true for the Rwanda scheme that they are pressing ahead with like they've never heard of the sunk cost fallacy
And zero acknowledgment about the swathes of money wasted on HS2. Why couldn’t it be brought in on time and on budget?
I wonder what happens to all the land that was compulsory purchased for Hs2… hmm..
@@JamesOversteerthe land has already been sold as developable land, at a loss (which no one is talking about) so even if a future government wanted to proceed with the Manchester section of HS2 they won’t be able to without going through the CPO process again.
@@cyberhermit1222Migrants and their children add way more to the economy. Migrants usually have higher birth rates as well, so they’ll raise the overall birth rate of Britain which is an abysmal 1.45 births per woman. Way under what is needed to have a naturally growing population.
So without migration, population would decline and the work force would shrink and Britains’s birth rates would sink even lower
@cyberhermit1222 Migrants who work more, pay more taxes, claim fewer benefits, use the NHS less than equally qualified UK born people. Why would you not want them to stay?
At this point he’s the only one publicly calling it out for what it is
With VERY few exceptions the UK's 'client' news media is truly pathetic in its blatantly partisan output, an enthusiastic backer of ALL that gives to the rich, no matter WHAT the cost to everyone and everything else on Earth.
Brilliant deliberation from a very upfront bloke..Please keep shining your honest light...
How has that line from Sunak about funding not destroyed him
becaus there are MANY who think like him
Im an ex-pat living and working in New York. I’ve watched from afar at what has happened in the UK over the past decade and it just blows my mind how low the country has come. We have the same performative nonsense and utter incompetence on the conservative side in the US too. Conservative parties on both sides of the Atlantic are run by crappy stupid people who seem have lost their grip on reality. My Dad and younger brother still live in the UK and I told them on a recent call that unless things start turning around, the UK is basically finished, relegated to just being a mediocre country on a small island outside Europe. Ironically I resisted applying for US citizenship thinking my British passport was more valuable and useful but have found myself rethinking the whole thing over the past year…
What's an "ex pat"? If you've emigrated to the US, then you're an immigrant unless you're still working for a UK company. Just confused as to what's the difference between an expat and an immigrant
@@batcollins3714 Anyone living outside of their native country is an ex-pat. Nothing to do with immigration status.
it's not incompetence, that's just how criminals appear to the rest of us when they attempt to disguise what they are actually doing.
@@batcollins3714 Ex pat is white, immigrant is arab
America and Britain are essentially the same. The same arrogance, prejudice, entitlement, and racism. America was founded by religious fanatics, slavery proponents, and worse.
What gets me is that they actually thought they could get away with it.
They did, for 13 years.
@@TimothyCHendersondid… still are ?!
They have gotten away with it. David Cameron is a lord, and the other three are all making pots of money talking to cretins on the after dinner circuit.
All our money is in their offshore accounts, Johnson who had to persuade a party donor to buy his wallpaper has since bought a £4m mansion, they've not just got away with it they're still fleecing us.
and they will. nothing will happen. people who defraud benefits for 100 quid will still get a far harsher sentence.
No one is or will be be held accountable, certainly not Cameron, May, Truss, Johnson or Sunak.
Keep up your great work, we need someone like you to tell us the truth
Who did he vote for in 2019?
Absolutely spot on James as usual when it comes to the Tories, keep up the good work fella, great radio show as well.
This is going in the right direction, a lot more of this is required, as the myopic stupidity is not over.
Boris Johnson who's probably been to more party's than the rest of the population has had hot dinners thinks we're as stupid as he is to think he can get away with saying he doesn't know what a party is when he's at one and needs someone to tell him he's at a party.
"Well of course it wasn't a party! We were only drinking Prosecco from the local Tesco! It's not a party until you've got at least 3 bottles of Bollinger and some vintage Chateauneuf-du-Pape!"
Boris is busy praying everyday that 2 million Palestinians flow into Europe so Brexit will seem prescient and he somehow becomes leader again.
With collapse of the 4th Estate into "paid for" advertising & propaganda - we need people like James more than ever.
Yip Yip and YIP.
Same thoughts feelings I hold currently and for a while now regards NHS RCN and my local government.
Super grateful for you, James.
Sensemaking at its best.
Great video. Always look forward to what you have to say. Thank you 🙏🏻
Greetings from Essex
Very insightful book by James. The attention to detail is exceptional. Really good read. Look forward to the next.
Of course if the public managed to organise massive demonstrations about the cost of living and the health service no doubt that would be classed as a " hate march " and of course they would be right !
Justifiably so...
People need to take action and become their own central bank and bet against the debt we have 1 percent of purchasing power left in the British pound fact get ready for a credit event that is going to make the LDI crisis look like a picnic James o'Brien has no idea what is really happening or does he wait until debt cards stop working and ATMs stop working which is going to happen guess what they'll have a solution cbdcs get any wealth outside the banking system banks are insolvent no deals no deposits and no loans
Johnson is, without doubt, a psychopath. He ticks the highest level on almost every box on Hare's psychopathy checklist.
Strictly speaking, he's probably a narcissist. See symptoms of Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Psychopathy and narcissism are closely related, although BJ's behaviour ticks some specifically narcissistic traits, too. That said, some recent studies suggest that narcissism would be more accurately categorised as a type of psychopathy.
And we all know what narcissist with power does..only destruction
Yes I've gone through the checklist and compared it to Johnson. There is no doubt he is a psychopath.
@@DeniseWilliams-jr5xo And now we have the other one, called Starmer.
Oh dear you LBC people... you are all psychopaths.
Politicians have to remember they work for the people and it’s the people’s money and should be held accountable what they do with our money politicians are our servants Not our masters
They don’t work for the people. In any economic system based on an explorative foundation, politicians work for the minority that benefit from it. Under slavery it’s slave owners, under feudalism its land owners, under capitalism it’s capital owners.
Any system that separates work from ownership will have a class system and minority rule. Only way politicians will ever work for the people is if the economic system doesn’t have concentrated ownership and decision making.
(the world's largest finance/investment ) corporations effectively run (at LEAST) the English speaking world now. Their power will only increase...until financial/economic collapse/ruin occurs. That's the only way their grip will be loosened. Thanks to tory and its infantile infatuation with 'private profit', at the exclusion of ALL else, no mater how much destruction/death the 'monied set' delivers to everyone/everything else on Earth.
They should be but aren't unfortunately. Instead they are our masters with their Wealthy buddies who can dictate to us who we can fall in love with (no foreigners), where we go where we live, take away any financial freedom we once had. Turn us into slaves is the end goal.
Really bizarre to hear James swearing haha. Obviously not allowed to on his broadcasts so it’s a refreshing addition to the rightful vitriol we all hold towards the govt
@jackcantdie = just like many other hard left puppets on these pages ,once you start using bad language in you posts
you have lost the argument .People can see you for what you are ! .
A choice between a shit sandwich or an ice cream made of hair!
I really don't know how the wheels came so far off but the emotional recovery from this lot is going to take a long time.
People don't really think of trauma as a collective thing, but at the very least the last 3 years have been incredibly so, for all types of voter - Even when Brexit was going across the line people were debating and talking, these days you get none of that.
Britain was broken by blair and his middle class bunch of tossers who gave us a massive NHS management structure, a unjust illegal war, totally stupid HR BS that hindered growth and innovation, and maybe his worst folly, the opening of the borders to the failed multi cultural experiment that even his advisor on it said it was a massive mistake. The tories just did the same because to do a U turn would cause twats like O'Brien to throw their rattles out of the push chair.
Trauma can definitely be a collective thing!
Can I share my story with you? I put it in the main comments, but it feels important to reach out to someone who seems like a, “normal, reasonable,” human being, who might just get it? I feel the need for, “contact,” so to speak. So, please be patient, as I’ll make it as brief as possible:
My trauma began when Covid was relatively new and still not properly understood, with completely clear guidance. In the midst of this, my dad who presented as otherwise a strong and fit 80 something, had a cluster of health issues, the most relevant to this story of which was a series of mini-strokes he’d suffered. He couldn’t make new memories, a bit like the hero in the Christopher Nolan film, Memento.
He got Covid from the doctor who was treating him for a broken arm, from a fall. He got sick really fast, as so many did, and was soon surrounded by a battery of machines. The staffers who held up the phones and iPads, through which we communicated with him, were always too tired to hold it close enough or where we could see him for long enough to have a meaningful conversation. They were exhausted and rushed off their feet the whole time, making communication a nightmare.
The painful bit: He repeatedly asked why his four kids were not with him and had to have it all newly explained to him, over and over, but it never took. He even asked for his wife, my mum, whom we’d buried years before. He died, isolated, confused by what seemed like a massive rejection to him, and alone; simply terrified and not understanding why he was alone. He died hard.
I then had to get special permission to travel from Scotland to his funeral, at which there were no hugs, no meaningful physical reassurances, because of the rules. We all sat apart, etc. It was a long drive home. Exhausted and deeply sad, I made the mistake of putting on some news, to distract me from my own troubles and I literally said to my wife, “I need a reminder that others are in the same boat as us.”
The first thing I saw was that female staffer, laughing about the drunken antics of Cabinet, while my family had just been through that . . . It is the first time in my life that I actually felt revolutionary rage, at a deep, visceral level. And it just kept getting worse from there.
I saw how that collective trauma took root in our nation, because I knew that there were literally hundreds of thousands of grieving family members, friends and colleagues, all witnessing the government’s hypocrisy, callousness and then craven cowardice with their attempts at covering up, down playing and dismissing what they had done, again and again, as we learned.
You’re right. The country needs a collective outcome: a collective consequence; collective justice for their collective betrayals. Not just one betrayal either. But repeated and systematic.
You are ill, seek help for your trauma.👍😂
I see James o Brien as a very moderate centrist. These days I think he'd be labelled as a part of the "looney left". The political system has become so polarised.
Thank christ for James Obrien
I thank Zeus and thor.
Remember that what Truss did to the country, interest rates, public finances and interest rates, was just to give a tax cut to the richest 1% of millionaires in the land.
She trashed the country and most peoples finances to mek rich people slightly richer. That's it.
Trashed? I never liked Truss either, but wait until you see what damage Starmer and his cabinet etc are going to do to us all.
@@KnowYoutheDukeofArgyll1841 jokes.
@commandingjudgedredd1841 so you're comparing what Truss actually did with some fantasy of what you think Labour might do in the future despite all the historical evidence to the contrary. Well thought out argument. Real smart.
You’re a good man James 🤛
You just have to see what happened to pension fund values for the short episode Truss was in to see how much they personally cost everyone. Speaking to one city finance professional, he couldn't believe how much was wiped off values and as he said this is not savings that recover, this is actually money lost, the bonds have gone.
Truss did not 'do' anything she did not have time - the big money did things to make it look like she what she was going to do was wrong - but just think about that for a minute or two and then realise who is really in power.
@@jonharris1654 How grossly ignorant can a person be? Like most countries the UK depends upon literally hundreds of billions in market financing. If the people who provide that finance don't have confidence that the government is fiscally responsible they put the rates up due to perceived risks. If you cannot see that the financial institutions had no confidence in a right wing government mainly of their own people you didn't really understand the problems we have.
If you had watched the debt market which was melting down you would have seen what was going to happen wait for what is going to happen again meltdown in the debt market cash is going to move from the risk of assets stock markets and property and the bond market cash is going to move into risk off assets James o'Brien is not going to tell you the truth maybe he doesn't know what is really going to happen plz educate yourself about the financial system globally and how it works follow the herd and you will get hurt become your own central bank bet against the debt and you will be ok very simple
And the 2 or more % points added to borrowing as the market applied a moron premium to lending, stinging every mortgage holding home owner and every renter whose rent is not fixed.
I love this. The sarcasm, humour and controlled outrage in how you deliver this is just amazing. - it made me laugh a few times. - you hit the nail on the head perfectly there.
Remembering all this... I've screamed my voice hoarse!
Anyone who loves his analysis here should go and watch again his analysis in 2016, 17, 18, and 19; some most excellent years of analysis back there, and even better - you get to view each and every moment of it with the crystal clarity of hindsight.
I loved the phrase 'the essence of Brexit' to describe the personal appeal of Liz Truss as PM. It sound like the perfume a snake oil salesman would package, being infinitely careful to never let it anywhere on his person.
I was educated in France, I utterly despise the English Press and most of the media, was a member of the French Communist Party and its problem was that just after the War, when the French people were disposed to give Communism a chance since it 'saved the honour of France' is was seize with Ideological paralysis and took orders from Stalin rather than taking part in the restoration of France and Europe. As a colleague in the University of Leningrad remarked, The Kremlin understands Communism as little as the Vatican understands Christianity. Ethics get lost in the morality of institutions. What keeps government honest is an honest Press but a press owned and with a vested interest in the governing party [Tory] and our press is not honest and it leads to the sort of rubbish as Brexit and electing a Johnson o r rallying behind a buffoon like Farage and you can see the consequences of doing so as are Brexit, the managing of the Corvid crisis. Three things have done a favour for Europe, and will leave us much diminished on the world stage, and they are Britain Leaving the EU, and COVID and the Ukraine War. Your Press is ethically depauperate, intellectually bankrupt and shouting out worn class recrimination is neither to the point nor helpful
Press reform is desperately, *desperately* needed. Plus getting rid of public schools and teaching children critical thinking.
The influence of media is over estimated. For instance, I have always found that people only buy newspapers that they agree with in the first place. In other words, people buy newspapers that reflect their point of view.
@@davidpryle3935. Newspapers are not the media. They both twist and lie to support the Tories.
@@californiadreamin8423 Newspapers are still a major part of the media.
''Monsieur, a journal [ie Newspaper] is a civil instrument not an amusement arcade'
'The Purpose of secondary education Monsieur is to provide all all the necessary skills an adult will need to be a citizen and to cope with all information with which he will inundate throughout his/he life].
Having experienced Fascism France and Germany we know, we knew the importance a reliable source of information and consequently I read le Monde on a daily basis and Die Zeit on a weekly basis. Even Pravda and Corriera dela Sera had not sunk to the level o the English Daily Mail the English Sun, the English Express, The English Daily Telegraph, ad eve the Guardian is no longer the paper it was, The Times corrupted by Murdoch, the BBC subverted by the English Tories and this nonsense about Freedom of the Press to print any rubbish, The Anglosphere has been corrupted by the symbiosis of Murdoch ad the English Tories, or the Republicans in the USA. I do not think the English [for it is an ignorant section of the English lower-Middle-class responsible for the folly of Brexit, voting in of trash like Boris Johnson, or Trump in the USA because your respective publics are ignorant, arrogant, ad Badly educated. It is not sufficient to content oneself with your 'c'est la vie' laissez faire notion of media , it leads to Fascism corruption and monsters like Trump and Johnson availing themselves of Ignorance for their own egotism. @@davidpryle3935
James you're our truth warrior
Thank goodness for people like you who understand the importance of The Truth
I thank you from the bottom of my heart
It is a Game to them
And on the way they are making themselves VERY VERY RICH
It’s time to fly Priti Patel, Cruella Braverman, Rishi Sunak to Rwanda on a one-way ticket.
How do you plan to do this legally?
@@diaryofnricom163 That's irrelevant. They do their stuff with other people and us. We do our stuff with them. That's the only thing they understand.
As the wealth gap widens, the political system gets more insane. It needs too, to keep the population from revolt.
True revolt in the UK is highly unlikely, no matter how bad it gets. If the years of record poverty, Brexit lies and Covid scandals didn’t light the fuse then what will?
The man speaking in the clip played 7:49-7:58 is Sir Charles Walker, the Conservative MP for Broxbourne (Hertfordshire) since 2005. He was acting co-chairman (with the late Dame Cheryl Gillan) of the 1922 Committee when Boris Johnson succeeded Theresa May. In February 2022, he said he would not stand for re-election at the next general election.
The failure of the government to call for an election is mindboggling....
Turkeys don't vote for Christmas, especially Tory ones.
They won't release their kung fu grip on power from the carcass of Britain they've left us with today
Believe me.... it's not a failure.
@@mnky75 They're clinging on as long as they can, there are still areas they can influence to ensure their backers continue to prosper at our expense.
@@mnky75"Believe me.... it's not a failure" ha, ha, ha, ha, how pathetic but thanks for the laugh.
Thank you James.
Someone explain to me how on earth a theft David Cameron became Lord. ? What has happened to £10 million pound that Greensill gave to David Cameron night before announcing bankruptcy ?? I can't move £30 with bankruptcy asking me question but how come he can move £10 million pound over night ? Fuck this rules
On watching this ,you are being to kind and generous to them.
Well done James from Ireland ❤
It's always good to get an impartial person to talk about politics. Well done for finding the most impartial person in the UK........
"Mr. Speaker, I am a swallower and not a spitter! And I commend this statement to the house!" - Boris Johnson
Well done James, hold the powerful to account. Remember all rules were broken!
I am convinced that without James O'Brian the government would have got away with there behavior's during covid. The press seemed very happy to let it slide.
Leading up to and during COVID; nobody worked harder to keep the Tories in power
Piers Morgan did a lot to hold the government to account too, though it pains me to admit it. Even so, they have got away with most of it
Hey up Luke leading and during covid. ? Why have you picked those two ? Did Mr O’Brien behave differently at other times ? As you’re accusing him of helping the Tories , I’m curious as to what’s made you think this way ? Remember the song. ‘ don’t leave me this way “ please rid me of this bit of ignorance x
He voted Johnson for Mayor and gladly hosted a reactionary TV show.
Privately Schooled, he knows where the money is.
Books to sell.
The book is old news now.
Suella's sacking interrupted his flow.
Lol deluded of the few objective journalists out there. Pilger broke the mold.
Such a mess. I wonder will it ever be fixed. Can labour do it? Or is it too late? Im so worried about my children and grandchildrens future.
It is just part of the overall economic decline of european nations, although Poland is doing well.
Labour will do it, don’t worry about that. 20mph everywhere, open borders, huge national debt, loads of young men and woman not knowing what sex they are. It will become illegal to call a man dressing up as a woman a man, migrants will go top of housing lists, shall I continue. We need Trump over here to sort this mess out. Make England Great Again.
James you're a legend mate.
Sunak is desperate and angry all the time...I wonder how much pressure he is under to deliver his India deal. The only reason he is there is to enrich himself and family.
How Johnson, Truss and Sunak Broke Britain | James O'Brien Vs The Government Part 2 0845am 17.11.23 considering the culture of splice and dubious editing.... you could ask what does boris johnson need be contrite about? is he actually aware of what the fuck was going on? i think not... as for your covid larks. i wasnt even aware that there was any issue or that a large heap of b.s had been set into place other than my being asked to don a mask if i wanted to travel on a bus... that's how out of touch i am or in touch or alienated or isolated - depending on your purview...
It's very obvious and a disaster for the UK.
Hello matey methinks you’re on to something here. Even before Cameron’s appointment had been announced he’d had a meeting with his Indian counterpart or maybe it was someone else from the Indian government , Sunak’s daddy in law has mucho business in India , plus now that the EU is out of the game ( Tories think so ? ) the greedy are able to exploit the poor kicked upon in India , expect an influx of the cheapest workforce Britain’s ever had , enjoy your time spent at the end of the Garden ,
@@colinstephenson5386Comments on ‘How Johnson, Truss and Sunak Broke Britain | James O'Brien Vs The Government Part 2’ 17.11.23 1535pm ???????? sounds like yer spouting post war 1950's Britain scare stories.. which may have turned out to be quite prescient in their baring...
Sunak bought his job to profit from insider information and influencing the markets.
Whenever I see Lord David Frost that song This Joke Isn't Funny No More comes into my head.
Like your thoughts and program James even though sometimes i may disagree with you. Thank you balanced and genuine journalism
His about as balanced as a three legged racehorse. His as salty as you can get about Brexit. Hates Conservatives, wants wide open borders and likes bullying callers into a show because all of a sudden his a font of bloody knowledge about everything.
@@robbailie5878 Hope you and none of your friends and family are on any kind of benefits mate coz YOUR Govt have signalled today they are coming to get you
@@robbailie5878I think that you are wrong in your assessment. James does tend to know more about the political situation and the events that led to it than his callers. His job does revolve around it, after all. Still, it is surprising, and kind of enjoyable, to listen to woefully unprepared callers, who are unable to explain the rationale for the decisions they took and the opinions they have. If you don't like dark people, or those 'not from around here' just say so. If you believe, without any supporting evidence, that severing economic ties with one of, if not, the largest economic blocs in the world, and that being outside of it gives us greater access and influence than being in it, say so. Just don't expect anyone to believe that these decisions and opinions are based on logic and are aimed at improving the society in which we live.
Still, you do you.
Love to the family. Love to the family.
Guess who didn't like idiots corner.
@@robbailie5878balance is subjective…if you’re a xenophobe then I imagine you’d struggle to the balance he has
Keep telling everyone to move on.. some do. But not us. It's insane to see how quickly everyone let all this pass while myself has some form of ptsd from the whole thing. Call it stupid but I can't let it go and won't
they were directed to 'move on' (AKA: forget) by the UK's pathetic client news media...owned/controlled by the only folks that tory serves, as its the only group of people that tory views as 'worthy'... the wealthiest folks on Earth.
Johnson never attended those parties during lokkdown. It was his twin brother Ricky.
Spot on James thank you 👍
Fully agree sir, well said
Reading this book at the moment.
Absolutely brilliant!
If Britain have brave men like you we be in a better place
A brilliant analysis, James, thank you. I'll be ordering a copy of your book, too!
No more NEWSPEAK..
We have been in a DEPRESSION since 2008 ...
Financial Crisis, Austerity!!
It's a full blown DEPRESSION!!!!!
The same level of incompetence was displayed during the Brexit negotiations...It's embarrassing. The school for future Tory MP's needs shutting down!
Keep up the good fight, James!
What a recap to despair about.
My God. RS is so dang dense and clueless that he asked a man at a homeless shelter, if he was in business or something like that and the man had to tell him "no bro I'm homeless". You cannot make this stuff up. We are all in the sunken place, lol.
Change a leader from one stupid corrupt idiot to another just incompetent, clueless and nasty and a permanently broken declining country.
Thanks James. Keep exposing these bastards. I hope people will wake up and demand more respect.
It would be funny if it was happening elsewhere but sadly it's our Country that has this circus😒
Thank you for this
You can't just blame these people for what they do.... blame the people that VOTE for them.....
I agree that there is always some personal responsibility involved, but I think the rot starts from the top down.
I’d say centuries of living under a monarchy, a deeply entrenched class system, decades of billionaire media propaganda and an underfunded society are far more to blame.
Or blame Labour and the snp who destroyed Britain first.
We get the politicians we collectively deserve.
But it’s perhaps because the politicians and media are happy to feed the people bullshit
I voted Conservative..... would I vote them again?? YES....... because letting Kid Starver in will be the worst thing this Country needs now
As always ‘well said James’ 👍👍
James O’Brien in great voice I listen to all his shows . I just hope the media gods don’t get to his or LBCs voice we need voices in the media who reflect the views of average people.
Expat living in Canada. Go back to the uk 4 or 5 times a year. In some ways, I see change every time I go - and it's not good. The conservatives are flaming wreck, more concerned about retaining power than good governance. My parents now taking private healthcare that they can't afford (20K quid for a new knee) as she'd have to wait 2 years immobile and likely losing her health under the NHS. Leaving the EU was a massive mistake, done so the Establishment/Tories can feather their nests, at the expense of others without restrictions. It's very much a 2 tier society, and that suits the Rishi and his establishment kronies. Starmer has stepped up of late, and hopefully, their will be a party change and some long term change.
The UK has aircraft carriers protecting people struggling to buy food, energy and shelter. The 3 things the government absolutely needs to get right and has absolutely got wrong.
UK is SLIDING to some kind of post APOCALYPTIC stage of state, thank God Brits quickly forget how prosperous was UK just 20 years ago.. in a way that is mearciful gift, because they would get constantly depressed if they would be constantly reminded how deeply UK have fallen and this process is not over by far
Excellent analytical review of a major travesty of leadership of our country at a time of greatest need .
One of the biggest things I picked up, as James did was the party before country mentality
A forensic indictment. The prosecution rests!!
Re Johnson: you only have to read the letter from his headmaster to his father when he was at Eton. The attitudes and behaviour, to which the Head was quite rightly objecting, were those he showed all the time when he was an "adult".
Dear Mr. O`Brien, I followed you through the whole Brexit-Time... My deep respect, Sir: You fought like a Lion.
My goddaughter his half british... Therefore thank you in the deeper sense, that I felt responsible, to stay up to date.
"The contrast between observable reality and political rhetoric " So true.
Yet the queen sat alone at her husband’s funeral!!
When this happened I was in Morocco unable to leave. My passport expired and the British embassy in Rabat was closed.I paid two fines for not havin a residents permit.I waited ten months for a new passport while Boris was on the piss and takin it!!!I am now a Moroccan resident and wont be back!!Well said James!!
Sunak is hanging on in tlhere until his Indian deal has gone through. His family will be rake in even more than they already have.
Afterwards he'll fly off to his 10 million dollar home in California. With the addition of Priminester title. Mission accomplished.
Great Book James. I have over a 1,000 as a collector of Hard Back books to save them from being turned into paper mash. The difficulty is subject & interest and the more practical considerations of condition & costs. Rarely more that £2 usually around a £1. So to buy a book at £18.00 is quite an exception and it is exceptional book which should be a standard text book in senior schools.
Keep up your great work
Jeremy Corbyn was, and is, everything that the people you're slagging off in this aren't, genuine, I wish he'd won, but since everything's manipulated by the greedy stinking rich, it all stinks.
Then why did he impose a 3 line whip to support a minority Tory government get Article 50 on the statute book ? He didn’t even know what the Tory plans were for leaving the EU. No , Corbyn was not genuine, he was devious and is as culpable as Peppa Pig for making the country poorer, removing our rights, and removing our freedom of movement.
I think Corbyn is in politics to get laid, given his extensive mistresses and dalliances, and the cult of women that hang onto his every word.