Do you know a narcissist?


Комментарии • 201

  • @HiperBunni
    @HiperBunni 6 месяцев назад +280

    I just have this feeling that the reason it's only 1% is because so much of it goes undiagnosed

    • @user-np6tf8zx1u
      @user-np6tf8zx1u 6 месяцев назад

      Yea shes straight up wrong here. Narcissists notoriously avoid therapy so why would we have data on them? Not every narcissist ends up in jail esp if they are smart enough to know how to avoid that type of situation. The reality is we will never have numbers on this but i would guess it's a much higher number, and maybe even a small majority of people.

    • @sleepynibi
      @sleepynibi 6 месяцев назад +15

      I mean I agree! A narcissist doesn't get diagnosed as one. There are so many that I've met and I grew up with 2 putting their insecurities all on me but showing love to the world. But it is ridiculous to call someone a narcissist because you don't like them. Most people are biased, though, on either so it is truly difficult to tell.

    • @janebaker4912
      @janebaker4912 6 месяцев назад +13

      ​@@LoopedNonsensethey won't admit it. They won't go to therapy or they'll go to learn things to use against you.

    • @drewthistlethwaite8909
      @drewthistlethwaite8909 6 месяцев назад +9

      @@sleepynibito quote an undiagnosed narcissist about a diagnosed one I knew: only the dumb ones get caught and have to change. It’s truly chilling and terrifying af to consider that. The criteria isn’t as much as ppl think and looking it up can really eff with how you view your relationships

    • @sleepynibi
      @sleepynibi 6 месяцев назад +1

      @drewthistlethwaite8909 oh yes absolutely

  • @nancy8269
    @nancy8269 6 месяцев назад +234

    It would be higher than 1% if narcissists would actually seek therapy but it’s their victims that have to do the therapy after the narcissistic abuse. Narcissists think they do no wrong so they don’t seek therapy.

    • @ShitTalkingShrinks91
      @ShitTalkingShrinks91 6 месяцев назад

      It is true that narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is an under-diagnosed psychiatric condition in which there is minimal research to support a validated treatment regimen. As a result, it is unclear how mental health practitioners approach NPD patients and the outcomes of clinical management. Additionally, it is under-diagnosed due to lack of interest, awareness, and that NARCs do not typically seek diagnosis.

      However, the short clip highlights that calling someone a narcissist is quite different than saying someone has a narcissistic-like behavior, which is different than someone who has been diagnosed with Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
      The clip offers a different perspective that this clinical term is being thrown around quite a lot on social media to describe people with whom you may have a dysfunctional relationship. I think we need to be mindful of extremes on social media. Hope this helps!

    • @heatherrae901
      @heatherrae901 6 месяцев назад +15

      That was my thought exactly. I met my ex in an NA program where I had a sponsor I worked steps with. My ex thought the steps weren’t for him because he literally didn’t feel like there was room for any growth. He needed praise and to be adored while simultaneously putting me down and taking credit for anything I worked for. Was he diagnosed? No. Will he ever be diagnosed? Also, probably no. Because he’s perfect ya know 😂

    • @casmirsmommy1
      @casmirsmommy1 6 месяцев назад +3

      100000% this.

    • @sleepynibi
      @sleepynibi 6 месяцев назад +4

      Narcissists don't see people as human beings usually. They see people as characters as in a book or video game.

    • @faerie5926
      @faerie5926 6 месяцев назад +4

      I think you're also forgetting that what you just said is another reason why they don't- People with personality disorders, especially the ones labeled as "scary" or "dangerous" are afraid to get diagnosed, even if they suspect somethings wrong, because of societal stigma. Narcissistic abuse is literally the same as emotional abuse and making a new word for it, especially one with the name of an actual disorder in it, is demonizing that disorder and saying that all people with NPD are inherently abusers which isn't true at all- especially not if they can actually get help for it without people being afraid of them because they happen to have a disorder. There are more symptoms to NPD than being manipulative and you don't have to have every single one to be diagnosed with it. That said, the definition of manipulative can be subjective, some people would consider telling your friend that something they're wearing looks good when they don't think it is is manipulative. Just say abuse if you've been abused because someone's disorder doesn't really need to be discussed, they hurt you and you deserve to be able to heal from it.

  • @DeathnoteBB
    @DeathnoteBB 5 месяцев назад +26

    “Do you mean NPD or social media calling everyone a narcissist?” THANK. YOU.

    • @dollbabe2
      @dollbabe2 5 месяцев назад

      Finally. Thank you.

  • @sassysucculent6291
    @sassysucculent6291 6 месяцев назад +34

    I absolutely agree with her. These words became "buzz words" and have lost their meaning 🙄 everyone isn't a damn narc

  • @abracadabra3932
    @abracadabra3932 6 месяцев назад +8

    The stats are wrong... people with NPD aren't going and getting diagnosed. However, not everyone's ex has Antisocial Personality Disorder.

    • @ShitTalkingShrinks91
      @ShitTalkingShrinks91 6 месяцев назад

      It is true that narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is an under-diagnosed psychiatric condition in which there is minimal research to support a validated treatment regimen. As a result, it is unclear how mental health practitioners approach NPD patients and the outcomes of clinical management. Additionally, it is under-diagnosed due to lack of interest, awareness, and that NARCs do not typically seek diagnosis.

      However, the short clip highlights that calling someone a narcissist is quite different than saying someone has a narcissistic-like behavior, which is different than someone who has been diagnosed with Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
      The clip offers a different perspective that this clinical term is being thrown around quite a lot on social media to describe people with whom you may have a dysfunctional relationship. I think we need to be mindful of extremes on social media. Hope this helps!

  • @sherrygriep2481
    @sherrygriep2481 6 месяцев назад +37

    I was with one that was diagnosed. Unless you haven't been with one, yiu don't know the hell someone lives with. It is very rare that you can even get a narcissist to therapy. If you can, they quit.

    • @nancy8269
      @nancy8269 6 месяцев назад +4

      Exactly! They don’t “need” therapy bc to them, they are not the problem. Everyone else is. You’re 1,000% correct that unless someone has had to deal with one, the general public doesn’t know our hell!

    • @LeahBreHappy
      @LeahBreHappy 6 месяцев назад +2

      So true! I was with a covert one and when I finally figured out he was emotionally abusive I told him we need therapy and he called the therapist before our appt secretly and lied to her telling her I'm crazy. He's sick and nobody truly understand unless they experience living with one for more than 12 months

    • @alysonbowler9040
      @alysonbowler9040 6 месяцев назад +1

      Narcissists have intense self doubt and self hatred. They regulate by never allowing themselves to be wrong in a situation. It’s a coping mechanism and it makes narcissists extremely unlikely to ever change. Growth requires introspection. Narcissists can’t look within themselves because any little bit of added awareness of their own failings will tip the scales and they won’t be able to live with their intense feelings. It’s not a disorder that imo is ever compatible with being in any kind of relationship. However, narcissists will constantly seek out relationships because they can put the blame for anything bad that happens on the other person.

    • @LeahBreHappy
      @LeahBreHappy 6 месяцев назад +1

      @@alysonbowler9040 oh my GAWD!!! What an amazing explanation. This is exactly my ex husband to a T!!! Thank you

    • @DeathnoteBB
      @DeathnoteBB 5 месяцев назад

      Y’all are conflating abuse with NPD

  • @wvp07
    @wvp07 6 месяцев назад +21

    Egotistical is the word that may help.

  • @britonbradley4796
    @britonbradley4796 6 месяцев назад +5

    My dad never said a truthful thing in his life. He told us he was a Navy Seal, went to Harvard Law School, and was an Olympic scuba diver. People these days have no idea what NPD actually is

  • @pilotswife06
    @pilotswife06 6 месяцев назад +6

    I genuinely worry about my ex’s wife. Because he was absolutely a narcissist. To the point that now, almost 20 yrs later, I’m concerned that my few years with him altered my brain chemistry and now here I am at 40, still trying to process through some of the hurt and pain he caused me.

    • @janebaker4912
      @janebaker4912 6 месяцев назад +1

      Yes. Narcissistic abuse needs deep healing. Did you used to sleep in a tight ball?

    • @pilotswife06
      @pilotswife06 5 месяцев назад

      @@janebaker4912 not really, but I definitely sleep better with a weighted blanket, or preferably, when my husband literally holds me and puts his leg over mine so I have deep pressure. I sleep so soundly with deep pressure applied.

  • @ilevel007
    @ilevel007 6 месяцев назад +66

    Plot twist: The stats were released by a team of narcissists and they use it to gaslight the whole world.

    • @katherinelalli776
      @katherinelalli776 6 месяцев назад +3

      Lol. It was people with narcissistic personality disorder who invented the concept of personality disorders.

    • @growingwiththewades8093
      @growingwiththewades8093 5 месяцев назад +1


    • @heatherrae901
      @heatherrae901 5 месяцев назад +1

      Hahahaha! You get it

    • @Ninishiningleaf
      @Ninishiningleaf 5 месяцев назад


  • @alleytt2805
    @alleytt2805 6 месяцев назад +10

    My ex-husband was narcissistic and physically abusive. He used to tell me the children couldn't celebrate birthdays because it took the attention off of him. He abused me once for throwing him a birthday because it wasn't his plans. And he screamed at me that no one would accept a surprise party because it takes the control from the person. He was truly a horrible narcissistic person

    • @MegaRachee
      @MegaRachee 6 месяцев назад

      I understand this 100% if the attention isn't on them then they will play up is the politised way I can put it.

    • @janebaker4912
      @janebaker4912 6 месяцев назад +1

      Like when will smith threw a party for Jada Smith?

  • @VuDuGrrrrl8075
    @VuDuGrrrrl8075 6 месяцев назад +51

    Narcissistic traits exist. Many people display them. Narcissistic Personality Disorder is a diagnosis that has to meet very specific criteria. It is NOT incorrect to say someone is narcissistic if that's what they are.

    • @DeathnoteBB
      @DeathnoteBB 5 месяцев назад

      If they don’t have NPD it is, in fact, incorrect ❤
      Same as saying someone is psychotic when they don’t have psychosis or saying someone is demented when they don’t have dementia. It’s incorrect.

    • @Oliviaandtrina
      @Oliviaandtrina 5 месяцев назад +3

      ​@@DeathnoteBB no hun, that's just wrong. Narcissistic is a trait, it's not a disorder. NPD is a disorder. But anyone could have narcissistic traits. Psychotic is a very specific thing, and you're right it is incorrect to call someone that who isn't in psychosis. Also, when someone says "demented" that's not what they mean, and that word has 2 different meanings. If someone is behaving in a narcissistic way, it is correct to label their behavior as such.

    • @vintagedustbunny
      @vintagedustbunny 5 месяцев назад +1

      😊 I'm so happy Laura said get the f@cx out 🤣 it made me feel so much better hearing say it, because I wouldn't of lasted as long as Laura did, i would of said it a little bit sooner than that. 🎉 Was this narc named Karen too?

    • @VuDuGrrrrl8075
      @VuDuGrrrrl8075 5 месяцев назад

      @@DeathnoteBB You're asserting that one can ONLY call someone diagnosed with NPD narcissistic. That is not true. Further, one can refer to a person as psychotic, based on displayed behavior and traits, without a diagnosis. One can describe another as seeming to have a psychotic break, whether there is a diagnosis or not. We talk about what is "insane" or what is "insanity" all the time. If you're funny, you can be described as being comedic without being a comedian. You can be violent and mendacious AND narcissistic with or without any diagnosis. Narcissistic is an adjective.

  • @leahhuffman572
    @leahhuffman572 6 месяцев назад +35

    I love it!! " like....we're all....assholes." 😂

    • @ShitTalkingShrinks91
      @ShitTalkingShrinks91 6 месяцев назад


    • @janebaker4912
      @janebaker4912 6 месяцев назад

      Nope. I have moments of asshole. But narcissists live and breath, only exist for Chaos and pain and vindictiveness. When you've dealt with a REAL narc you will see they are not like you and me.

  • @Shelbytinney
    @Shelbytinney 6 месяцев назад +6

    1% is still a pretty significant number. You're also going to see many narcissists congregate in fields that feed into their narcissism.
    I agree that people throw the term around loosely, but it's likely that we have all met or known narcissists in our life.

  • @HuneyBee123
    @HuneyBee123 6 месяцев назад +17

    Stats say 1% but how many people actually receive mental health care or an actual diagnosis? NOT everybody's ex boyfriend is in therapy. Maybe they should be! 😂😂😂

    • @ShitTalkingShrinks91
      @ShitTalkingShrinks91 6 месяцев назад

      It is true that narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is an under-diagnosed psychiatric condition in which there is minimal research to support a validated treatment regimen. As a result, it is unclear how mental health practitioners approach NPD patients and the outcomes of clinical management. Additionally, it is under-diagnosed due to lack of interest, awareness, and that NARCs do not typically seek diagnosis.

      However, the short clip highlights that calling someone a narcissist is quite different than saying someone has a narcissistic-like behavior, which is different than someone who has been diagnosed with Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
      The clip offers a different perspective that this clinical term is being thrown around quite a lot on social media to describe people with whom you may have a dysfunctional relationship. I think we need to be mindful of extremes on social media. Hope this helps!

    • @dawudhinton5754
      @dawudhinton5754 6 месяцев назад

      And everyone's GF as well, right? Women are more likely to have BPD, but most goes under-diagnosed.

  • @Dolly_the_Witch
    @Dolly_the_Witch 6 месяцев назад +44

    I agree, however people can show narcissistic tendencies and traits without having the disorder itself.

    • @earthstar7534
      @earthstar7534 6 месяцев назад +3

      That's just being an a-hole

    • @sierranyokka8435
      @sierranyokka8435 6 месяцев назад +3

      That can be said for all of the types in the Millon Taxonomy which is the go to for diagnosing personality disorders.
      When I read the descriptions I think of the ways those personality traits helped people survive. I think we need a new framework for discussing eachother. Labeling people isn't exactly helpful ESPECIALLY in a culture that tends to blame and lacks self reflection.

    • @Dolly_the_Witch
      @Dolly_the_Witch 6 месяцев назад +1

      @@earthstar7534 fair enough 😆

    • @Dolly_the_Witch
      @Dolly_the_Witch 6 месяцев назад +1

      @@sierranyokka8435 I hear what your saying. I don’t think it’s quite that simple. But I also know just because you know why someone is the way they are doesn’t aid in the harm they cause or continue to cause.
      I even know people who present very abusive and damaging traits/strategies that they refuse to acknowledge or reflect. Even when they themselves work in a field of psychology.
      I don’t think it’s right to call every shit head a narcissist, but it gets the point across in communication/explanation. Which really is what and how linguistic and etymological definitions evolve throughout time and culture.
      I think you’re right and on the right track. I hope we call can have more conversations about this topic.

  • @tonimoracco9061
    @tonimoracco9061 6 месяцев назад +6

    They can't love anyone, even their own kids,they love the attention the kids bring them, an they also ruin every holiday and special days for you or children

  • @sofiejunk
    @sofiejunk 6 месяцев назад +8

    Trust me- they’re actual narcissists. The reason for the 1% stat is bc true narcissists do not believe in therapy, or that there’s anything wrong w them, bc they’re sick. So actually, it makes perfect sense.

    • @DeathnoteBB
      @DeathnoteBB 5 месяцев назад

      They’re sick with? NPD? Because if not they’re not sick, they’re abusive. Let’s stop using disorders as synonyms for abuse.

  • @TheYummilious
    @TheYummilious 6 месяцев назад +5

    I would say not everyone goes and gets diagnosed as a narcissist. So it's hard to determine them as narcissistic if they never seek out therapy. The victims who put themselves through therapy always seek out help, and the therapist will always diagnose the assailant due to the personality, traits, and actions done upon the victim.
    We read, research, and listen to stories all the time, and we conclude the actions that were done upon the victim. But of course, it's 1%, the assailant always thinks they're perfect and they have done nothing wrong, so therapy was never the opinion.

    • @ShitTalkingShrinks91
      @ShitTalkingShrinks91 6 месяцев назад

      It is true that narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is an under-diagnosed psychiatric condition in which there is minimal research to support a validated treatment regimen. As a result, it is unclear how mental health practitioners approach NPD patients and the outcomes of clinical management. Additionally, it is under-diagnosed due to lack of interest, awareness, and that NARCs do not typically seek diagnosis.

      However, the short clip highlights that calling someone a narcissist is quite different than saying someone has a narcissistic-like behavior, which is different than someone who has been diagnosed with Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
      The clip offers a different perspective that this clinical term is being thrown around quite a lot on social media to describe people with whom you may have a dysfunctional relationship. I think we need to be mindful of extremes on social media. Hope this helps!

    • @weronajs4910
      @weronajs4910 6 месяцев назад

      Spot on. The term seems to be overused. At the time I got out of a relationship with a narcissist I had never heard of it before. But it’s exactly what you said.

  • @gladysfurey2981
    @gladysfurey2981 6 месяцев назад +28

    Once a narcissist always a narcissist. There’s no cure.

    • @cherylmiller1970
      @cherylmiller1970 6 месяцев назад

      I agree, my husbands ex “whatever she is” is the epitome of this saying

  • @Righteous.Cosmic.Warrior
    @Righteous.Cosmic.Warrior 6 месяцев назад +2

    My ex tried to kill me, stalked me, financially abused me. Would cause me to questions
    things that actually happened…. I think the world has created tons of narcissists in our generation.

    • @DeathnoteBB
      @DeathnoteBB 5 месяцев назад

      Yes that’s called: an abuser
      Famously a different word than narcissist

  • @candisjackson1803
    @candisjackson1803 5 месяцев назад

    "You can be an asshole it doesnt mean your a narcissist" 😂 so true and most times its just being an asshole glad that was said

  • @LeahBreHappy
    @LeahBreHappy 6 месяцев назад +2

    No my ex is literally a narcissist... never takes responsibility, blames me for literally everything, gas lights the fuck out of me (well did) and put a restraining order on me when I left that was on for 7 days. He told the courts I beat my kids and I don't ever even put them on time out or punish them.... he's insane.

  • @LaLa-xh7bz
    @LaLa-xh7bz 6 месяцев назад +4

    If we’re referring to Steven, he falls into the 1% easily 😂

    • @user-np6tf8zx1u
      @user-np6tf8zx1u 6 месяцев назад +2


    • @gelflingmama
      @gelflingmama 6 месяцев назад +1

      He even admitted as much on one of his RUclips videos. His channel is gone now but he openly discussed it once in a video he posted.

  • @Peace-life93
    @Peace-life93 6 месяцев назад +1

    1% is still 1 person in every 100 which is quite scary if you think about it

  • @Kira_Kadaver
    @Kira_Kadaver 6 месяцев назад +1

    I dunno if my ex was a narcissist but I agree he had narcissistic traits. Lured me in with sweetness and love-bombing, then would degrade me, verbally abuse and belittle me(screaming and threatening). I wasn’t allowed to get upset by the things he did or his disgusting and mean jokes that he’d tell or he’d get angry with me. I remember once he made this really weird inappropriate joke and when I told him it made me a little uncomfortable he went off on me and said if I thought he was really that sort of person that we should break up. I was so confused and sad in that relationship lol he definitely only liked how I made him feel/look and treated him, I don’t think he truly cared for anyone.

  • @josephineacland5907
    @josephineacland5907 6 месяцев назад +2

    1% is a huge percentage, thats like almost as common as red hair.

  • @Pettyyoungthing
    @Pettyyoungthing 6 месяцев назад +2

    1% of diagnosed populations…general pop stats are estimations based on diagnostic trends

  • @khaosssssss1727
    @khaosssssss1727 6 месяцев назад +1

    Narcissistic traits, and other 'dark' traits as the professionals class it have absolutely exploded because of how people consume 'content' across social media.
    That's the essence of every aspect of American culture.

  • @ZamaraMoon
    @ZamaraMoon 5 месяцев назад

    My mom is a classic narcissist. She is so good at gaslighting that I have no idea what parts of my childhood is real and what isnt.

  • @Stacyblank
    @Stacyblank 6 месяцев назад +1

    1% because NPD folks don’t typically seek help… they aren’t being diagnosed.

  • @alysonbowler9040
    @alysonbowler9040 6 месяцев назад +1

    Until you really know a true narcissist, it’s easy to see selfishness and confuse it with narcissism. Once you’ve known a person with legitimate NPD though, you know that it’s so much more than just selfishness and lack of empathy. The disordered thinking and behavior, the manipulation, the pathological inability to be wrong, and the seemingly incongruous incredible self doubt and bouts of self hatred- it’s absolutely mind boggling. Honestly I can’t see a true narcissist ever being capable of the self reflection needed to change.

  • @Sleepy_ro
    @Sleepy_ro 4 месяца назад

    "We are all assholes"
    .... Kinda true 😆😅

  • @hillary1161
    @hillary1161 6 месяцев назад +1

    Actual narcissists are soul suckers. My father is a diagnosed one🎉

  • @chloexo3503
    @chloexo3503 6 месяцев назад +1

    Now this is the TEA

  • @mindylooloo82
    @mindylooloo82 6 месяцев назад +1

    Yeah, no. My ex husband is 100% a narcissist.

  • @theprofessor3339
    @theprofessor3339 4 месяца назад +1

    Nah, as someone very familiar with narcissism (dysfunction covert narcissistic family dynamic) it is very common, and I believe it is becoming more common due to our (the west) societal structures. Like 1 in 16 ranks high in narcissism to throw a number out there.
    I'm sure I'd think that number lower if I spent all my time JUST reading academic journals and the DSM-5.
    The trick is to take your training and apply it, while trusting your ability to identify these traits without strictly following whatever literature you're consuming.

  • @jessajets
    @jessajets 6 месяцев назад +1

    Actually the stats say 1 out of 10 at the least and 1 out of 3 at the most. She’s WAY off… look up Dr. Ramani this is her life’s work.

  • @recoverymemequeen6810
    @recoverymemequeen6810 5 месяцев назад

    I think part of that is bc so few narcissists will ever seal treatment or therapy bc they’ll always believe everyone else is the problem they don’t have the self awareness or empathy to get help I feel like

  • @tigolbitti3s
    @tigolbitti3s 5 месяцев назад

    I dont think Ive ever put a label on my ex's crazy, I think crazy sums it up just fine.

  • @Rhondas_Flippin_Life
    @Rhondas_Flippin_Life 6 месяцев назад +1

    Yup... I'm definitely an a$$hole 👋

  • @mariahm.7199
    @mariahm.7199 6 месяцев назад +1

    I’m actually 99% sure my mom actually has narcissistic personality disorder

  • @user-iq2jo6fe6q
    @user-iq2jo6fe6q 5 месяцев назад

    My mother is 100 percent a narcissist

  • @rumple76
    @rumple76 5 месяцев назад

    Something tells me 1% that has the biggest bits of money..
    And everyone that's as closely narcissistic as them, they're them, so I'm leaning towards 30-50%.

  • @blancaochoagarcia7286
    @blancaochoagarcia7286 4 месяца назад

    No, The Father of my 2 children is a Narcissist 💯
    Like my attorney said, She took my case as a referral pretty quickly due to the rareness of my divorce circumstance.
    I’m grateful for her,Altough I had already spent a few hundreds and filed legal paper work on my own before actually having her represent me for free.
    I would also question the 1%
    There’s TOO many 2020 and 48 hour shows based on victims who died at the hands of their Narcissistic ex.

  • @adsoclasally8684
    @adsoclasally8684 6 месяцев назад +1

    The thing is the average narcissist isnt going to go and get diagnosed so.....1% is not correct.... it's just not.

  • @abbeyball6890
    @abbeyball6890 5 месяцев назад

    The thing is... Narcissists dont seek help and therefore are not diagnosed. Obviously. It's literally in the definition. 😅

  • @sandrabales9507
    @sandrabales9507 5 месяцев назад

    Oh yes I know one that glorified bragged and only interested in talking about herself and mind games
    Took me a while to learn a lot about those people

  • @mirafawn1019
    @mirafawn1019 5 месяцев назад

    1% diagnosed because they don't seek self-improvement. They are also known to manipulate their way around a proper diagnosis (if they are forced or feel obligated to speak to a professional in the first place) as to prove to others how well-adjusted they are and/or to prove that the other party is the problem; this happens a lot for their benefit in divorce and custody battles... oftentimes pre-divorve during marriage counseling, you are excited about working together while they are using the opportunity to smear your reputation, dismiss, and destroy you further.
    There is a huge difference between a crappy ex and the verbal, emotional, psychological, financial, etc. abuse that destroys individuals and families. So, I agree that we shouldn't use it as a default but only because it will cheapen an extremely dangerous disorder that professionals believe is on the rise. I only wish I had known that this evil exists, and any term or redflag could have saved me and my kids. It's too late now.
    You don't have to take my word for it, but certainly don't take theirs.

  • @redwoodrebelgirl3010
    @redwoodrebelgirl3010 4 месяца назад

    I think that NPD is WAY underdiagnosed.
    But, narcissistic behavior IS narcissistic.

  • @elGato_90
    @elGato_90 5 месяцев назад

    Very few people have actual NPD. Many people and probably everybody has a feature of it, but not all of the criteria to be actually diagnosed.

  • @Kevinthesnail
    @Kevinthesnail 5 месяцев назад

    Yes… always BUT I’ll take a narcissist over a borderline ANY DAY!

  • @jenniferdragonfly88
    @jenniferdragonfly88 6 месяцев назад +4

    Also . . . these channels with their "How to spot a Narcissist" BS! PEOPLE, realise this: YOU DON'T 101 A NARCISSIST! There's no tips and tricks! You realise you're with a narcissist 15 years down the line when your life is ruined and your soul is sucked dry. That's a narcissist. Not some guy who's an asshole. YOU DON'T SPOT A NARCISSIST! Not as an amateur. You recognize them only after you've literally lost yourself. Besides, these channels can't make up their minds. Just skip 5 videos and you'll see them contradicting themselves.

    • @Arginne
      @Arginne 6 месяцев назад +1

      You really have no idea what you’re talking about lol. It’s pretty embarrassing actually

    • @123janninha
      @123janninha 6 месяцев назад +1

      I believe that’s your personal experience! If you were in the hands of one and it took you a whole 15 years to figure it out, I’m sorry! It doesn’t usually take more than a year to spot one… most of the times a lot less… they can’t keep their love bombing for too long, it usually lasts 3 months…

  • @Franklinandme
    @Franklinandme 5 месяцев назад

    The way this word has been so thrown around these days has made me scared to tell my story as a survivor of DV. He was clinicly diagnosed as a narc. He abused me for almost 5 years and went to prison for an attempted murder that was pled down to malicious assault and served 10 years. But I'm the one who gets looked at sideways because terms have been so fucking over used.

  • @jessicawidmeier2862
    @jessicawidmeier2862 6 месяцев назад +1

    Nope I know a guy who is a Narcissist, Covert Narcissist text book example. He loves to be seen as important, wants a gold star anytime he dies something minor, involves his Mom in his arguments( he is 26) blames everyone but himself, treats people like crap then blames them when they get upset, uses people, hurts people, tries to look like a Saint in front of new people, so they won't believe those that have seen hin for what he is, wants to be your friend till someone new comes along, crawls on up their butt( Clingy) ignoring you like you now no longer exist, untill they leave, then he comes back to you, wanting attention, but rise repeats, the same thing making you his friend, ignoring or treating you like crap once they make a new friend, then coming back after they leave and if you get upset about it, you are a Lunatic and you stay because you were trauma bonded, by them convincing you they were hurt as a child and tell you, that you are friends, then treating everyone around you better, to prove they are not awful, but you know they are just supply as well and they soon find out the first time they tick him off, because he will say they were cornering him because they asked if he was alright? When he was in one of his grumpy moods or claim because you ended up in the same place as him that you must be stalking him, but you were not, just needed a drink and only one convinence store open late at night. Yeah been through this off and on for three years, but finally said I was done after he called me a Lunatic for being mad when he made friends with someone else and started to treat me like crap and ignore me, but it is my fault right for believing in him? And I'm not allowed to be mad at all because it is my fault I'm not jump through hoops entertaining.

  • @PostCrimsonStorm
    @PostCrimsonStorm 4 месяца назад

    The percentage I read was 6.2% specifically 7.7% of men and 4.2% of women. Compared to statistics of humans identifying as gay, that's pretty high.

  • @MargaritaOnTheRox
    @MargaritaOnTheRox 6 месяцев назад +5

    My son decided I was a narcissist when he was a teenager. Now that he's older and wiser, he's realized that me having him do chores and pay for his car stuff, and not letting him do whatever he wants does not make me a narcissist. He gets embarrassed now if I remind him he said it to me. 🤭

  • @lovedaybebe5881
    @lovedaybebe5881 5 месяцев назад

    You can be Autistic and it be misdiagnosed as narcissistic personality disorder. Almost made that mistake , with my partner !

  • @corbyking4844
    @corbyking4844 6 месяцев назад +9

    Thank you love the reality check

  • @OkikaHawaii
    @OkikaHawaii 5 месяцев назад

    It’s more like 10% plus our culture promotes narcissistic behavior to get ahead. So I see both issues

  • @carriebrown1414
    @carriebrown1414 6 месяцев назад +1

    No way one percent. Like one commenter said the victims too
    Embarrassed to say what’s happening or happened. And the narc has such an amazing live etc - yeah right and they r so perfect
    They would never take the mask off
    So to speak and seek help

  • @bluseastar2
    @bluseastar2 5 месяцев назад

    Talking in circles that woman is a narcissist

  • @frappalina
    @frappalina 2 месяца назад

    It's actually 6% but still, she is right

  • @bricook6489
    @bricook6489 5 месяцев назад

    I do believe there is a diagnosis bias because of the way the DSM defines this, I personally believe the rates of people who are under or undiagnosed are much higher, but I do also feel the term is very overused for just a selfish person and that convolutes genuine conversations about narcissism and the impact it has on people. When you look at the diagnostic criteria for NPD, one feature is it has to be negatively impacting the person experiencing it. Unless you’ve got a self aware enigma of a narcissist, most aren’t going to seek out a diagnosis because most are not emotionally aware enough to even see the problem for what it is.

  • @bellab3346
    @bellab3346 5 месяцев назад

    Do people overuse it? Sure. But, there are so many abusers that never seek a diagnosis because they think they're fine, abusers must be more than "just being an asshole". Those numbers would be higher is more people did therapy, i guarantee, especially in the south.

  • @jennnova1427
    @jennnova1427 6 месяцев назад +1

    This just sux. Haven’t been back to view in a while. Hope all is well with you two with the perfect spawn y’all had. Such a great story I hope to hear of a happy ending. If not you do you boo 🎉❤

    • @jennnova1427
      @jennnova1427 6 месяцев назад

      Wow I’m late to the party….😢

  • @wisdomhappy
    @wisdomhappy 6 месяцев назад +1

    Wipedi say 1 percent the leading expert Dr Ramani says 14%
    Anyone can write or edit Wiki pedia:
    Marco don't get help: I don't think health professional would put in paper work: A Narco would flip and BPD looks Marco, no health care professional can not even diagnoses that

  • @symbolizeme
    @symbolizeme 5 месяцев назад

    Steven isn’t cluster B, he’s cluster C.

  • @MahasSaham79
    @MahasSaham79 5 месяцев назад

    Real narcissists....will always be that way. Maybe in psychotherapy....they can have a certain level of awareness...of what they " should" do but its the way they reason. Its imbedded

  • @salenawebb2691
    @salenawebb2691 5 месяцев назад

    What about someone who has no empathy for another living soul and manipulates and controls you and reels you in then treats you like crap and reels you again to use you for money or other things and twists stories in ways you know they didn't happen and convincing you that you are the bad guy and breaking you down till you think you might be crazy

  • @1Naenie1
    @1Naenie1 6 месяцев назад +2

    If 1 narcissist dates 20 people, that changes the odds quite a bit.
    Would not suprise me if narcissistic men have a higher nunber of relationships compared to average.
    Tipp: if you meet in a huge city other women by chance who made the same experience with one speciilfic guy he must had a very high number of relationships and could be a real narcissist.
    You talk like 1% isn't much, but it actually is.

  • @thedopaminedirective
    @thedopaminedirective 5 месяцев назад

    1% of the current world population is still 80 million people

  • @houseofcass843
    @houseofcass843 5 месяцев назад

    How mamy people with true NPD actually get tested?

  • @charlieorr2875
    @charlieorr2875 6 месяцев назад +1

    well said

  • @ks506soton
    @ks506soton 6 месяцев назад

    lol.. speak for yourself love! Calling us all arseholes…lol wouldn’t it be better if we said we were, good, bad and everything in between..

  • @Ninishiningleaf
    @Ninishiningleaf 5 месяцев назад

    We are all assholes.
    Truer words ever said.
    That's why Jesus did what he did. Otherwise we are hopelessly assholes.

  • @NotTodaySatan557
    @NotTodaySatan557 6 месяцев назад +2

    Generally, true NPD is “fixed” and therefore, yes, once a narcissist always a narcissist (with the odd exception of course).

  • @donnieolaughlin1758
    @donnieolaughlin1758 5 месяцев назад

    My one of my oldest friends is a narcissist and he did weird things like well first they call me a narcissist anytime I would stick up for myself it says he's coming by and it would take about 6 hours till they show it until he showed up and then I was like dude I can't wait around all day for that like and then he was like oh you do for everyone else and I'm your best friend and I was like dude yeah what friend leaves somebody waiting around all day I don't talk to this person anymore but yeah totally does the love bombing and then social climbing when Facebook broke out every time I got a friend all the sudden their Facebook friends and I ended up hiding my friend list cuz I was just like dude the social climber I know how he is and then girls are all the sudden like hey why is your friend a creep I got a friend's request from him after we were friends and I thought since we've known each other for so long and he says he's your best friend and anyway he called me a narcissist and I looked it up and I was like well sure I do have some of these traits but I love people and really he was projecting trying to manipulate me I forget the whole point but yes there is a point where everybody has narcissistic qualities and then there's a point where the narcissist has a grand plan from the very beginning and then they have execution styles I still talk to his sister well basically through social media. She's a bright one and she says she has the same problems she said it very delicately though she's like she loves her brother we all love him he's a good well I'm sick of it I had enough but if you're good enough for him and he's nice to you watch out for narcissists the thing about like what they're talking about how everybody's an asshole and an actual narcissist The Narcissist will not be an asshole until they can't manipulate you and then they will pull out the full on offensive.

  • @sofiejunk
    @sofiejunk 6 месяцев назад +5

    I think we’re in a Narcissist pandemic, truly.

  • @prismav
    @prismav 5 месяцев назад

    Not when most narcissists will never be diagnosed bc they are narcissists.

  • @growingwiththewades8093
    @growingwiththewades8093 5 месяцев назад

    We’re definitely not all assholes

  • @TheBriar_123
    @TheBriar_123 6 месяцев назад +3

    Dated someone with NPD. It’s bone chilling in a way that I can’t describe.

  • @Mel84ish
    @Mel84ish 5 месяцев назад

    Makes it very annoying when you know they actually are a narcissist because the term is over used so much. I think 1% is due to under reporting though because hardly anyone who has it goes to be diagnosed. The important thing those is whatever the label. If they’re treating you poorly, they don’t deserve you.

  • @crystocious6715
    @crystocious6715 4 месяца назад

    Hmmm. I don’t think it’s actually 1%.
    Even so, that’s a shit ton of people.

  • @jenniferdragonfly88
    @jenniferdragonfly88 6 месяцев назад +5

    OMG!! Yassss!! This is soooo true! I'm so sick of people saying my ex is a narcissist. I'm always like, no honey, you're just sensitive. Sheesh! This is saying exactly what it IS! Like 1%! But I mean I'm sure your ex is part of that 1%. . . and your ex ex . . . 🙄

    • @Arginne
      @Arginne 6 месяцев назад

      Wow don’t you sound like a treat

    • @earthstar7534
      @earthstar7534 6 месяцев назад

      ​@@Arginneno, just realistic. Most of us will never meet a narcissistic.

    • @DeathnoteBB
      @DeathnoteBB 5 месяцев назад

      @@ArginneNot being ableist is in fact a treat

  • @Somsal
    @Somsal 5 месяцев назад

    Yes but also do u think a narcissist is going to admit theyre a narcissist? The stats if anything just show that its most def underreported 😂

  • @thefckigaveflewawaywithu6904
    @thefckigaveflewawaywithu6904 5 месяцев назад

    1% is very very very low. Many ppl with NPD simply learned the survival style that works on a game theory level and refused to learn anything else bc they have perfected that so why bother? Being a self absorbed asshole and stealing from others is seen in so much of the animal kingdom. I'm convinced that ppl have a base personality style and that life shifts that off center a bit, and trauma sets it off a lot. But overall, a narcissist is "born" from repeated choices to demand their comfort over others' needs while their brain is developing (honorable mention for those that develop their narc traits later in life, mishandling the healing stage following a physical or mental traumatic event of the mind/head can also cause significant personality shift that manifests as leaning into any pre-existing narcissistic qualities until they take over the entire person and it becomes all that is left).
    The treatment is wanting to change and be a genuine person again... and they are fundamentally afraid of that. Npd is not "untreatable". There are ppl that experience very little emotional empathy, and yet operate just fine on cold empathy. There are ppl who claim to have npd, in treatment and self aware, and learn to channel it through honesty and a type of vulnerability, because in being upfront about their narcissism, they immediately hand whoever they told their entire playbook and the option to reject them... which is a narcissists worst fear right?
    Npd being untreatable is just a catch 22. Believing they can't learn to be honest about and live with it is what makes it untreatable, because their worst fear is being ostracized and alienated, so they create an invulnerable persona to protect the broken child in their mind.
    Narcissists don't deserve supply. But they do deserve to be taught to show themselves compassion and empathy, so they can learn to show it to others, if they desire to learn. Some ppl will never get better, regardless of which diagnostic criteria they meet. And I think labeling ever fated-to-hell phuck on earth a narcissist would put most of the pop in that camp... but according to the stats, it's only 1%.
    The evidence didn't match the stats. Maybe only 1% is diagnosed, but its the most colonial thing I've ever seen to use published statistics to invalidate the entire population of ppl who have been impacted by a self absorbed person.
    I think it doesn't matter what their diagnosis or relation to you is if they hurt you and tell you with their behavior or words that they have no intentions of stopping because they are entitled to act however they please. I think that's all you need to know. Diagnostic criteria aside, if someone is an asshole to you, you have every right to disengage.
    Also, side note... it isn't your business or job to help anyone, unless it is. And if it is your job to help a person with npd, then you should know how important professional boundaries are in that style of relationship, and should end it if things get more than professional in any way.
    If you aren't THEIR mental health counselor/shrink, then move on, you aren't qualified to help bc a psychiatrist needs to fix that shit, not more supply; you don't give an addict their vice and if you care about a narc you won't let them at their supply bc its enabling. Period.
    They are just addicts. No need to mythologize how rare it is. Because that just helps them hide better. Even the character the disorder is namer after is from a myth.
    I hate how mischaracterizing personality disorders and fear mongering is always so bad. Treating a stubborn, disagreeable person like they can't ever be fixed is only going to compound the issue.

  • @skateranddancer
    @skateranddancer 5 месяцев назад

    1% isn’t that low of a statistic. If you had a 1 in 100 chance of being run over, would you go on a walk? Probably not. If a steak had a 1% chance of being poisoned, would you eat it?
    From a medical aspect, 1 in 100 is a high statistic.

  • @chukslukesyn5360
    @chukslukesyn5360 4 месяца назад

    Also immigrants can be narcissists

  • @123janninha
    @123janninha 6 месяцев назад +1

    It’s a lot more than 1%. The reason being is that narcissists don’t seek therapy or help and a lot of them fly under the radar. But I agree that a lot more people have only traits than the actual disorder.

    • @ShitTalkingShrinks91
      @ShitTalkingShrinks91 6 месяцев назад

      It is true that narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is an under-diagnosed psychiatric condition in which there is minimal research to support a validated treatment regimen. As a result, it is unclear how mental health practitioners approach NPD patients and the outcomes of clinical management. Additionally, it is under-diagnosed due to lack of interest, awareness, and that NARCs do not typically seek diagnosis.

      However, the short clip highlights that calling someone a narcissist is quite different than saying someone has a narcissistic-like behavior, which is different than someone who has been diagnosed with Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
      The clip offers a different perspective that this clinical term is being thrown around quite a lot on social media to describe people with whom you may have a dysfunctional relationship. I think we need to be mindful of extremes on social media. Hope this helps!

  • @samanthab3292
    @samanthab3292 5 месяцев назад

    1% is diagnosed*

  • @Arginne
    @Arginne 6 месяцев назад +2

    No it’s def higher in the modern age not to mention the other mental illnesses and personality disorders people can have the number goes higher

    • @ShitTalkingShrinks91
      @ShitTalkingShrinks91 6 месяцев назад

      It is true that narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is an under-diagnosed psychiatric condition in which there is minimal research to support a validated treatment regimen. As a result, it is unclear how mental health practitioners approach NPD patients and the outcomes of clinical management. Additionally, it is under-diagnosed due to lack of interest, awareness, and that NARCs do not typically seek diagnosis.

      However, the short clip highlights that calling someone a narcissist is quite different than saying someone has a narcissistic-like behavior, which is different than someone who has been diagnosed with Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
      The clip offers a different perspective that this clinical term is being thrown around quite a lot on social media to describe people with whom you may have a dysfunctional relationship. I think we need to be mindful of extremes on social media. Hope this helps!

  • @trava4156
    @trava4156 4 месяца назад

    Who is she interviewing?

  • @queenoftheecouch-alysad7002
    @queenoftheecouch-alysad7002 6 месяцев назад

    She looks like Demi Lovato

  • @louisewoodward9147
    @louisewoodward9147 6 месяцев назад

    I've overheard the word "narcissit" so many times that whenever I hear it I just roll my eyes. Laura uses that word A LOT, she needs to stop at her big age

  • @rachelr.n.3563
    @rachelr.n.3563 6 месяцев назад

    What is with the haircut?

  • @hunaseven4676
    @hunaseven4676 6 месяцев назад +1

    I looooove her ! ❤

  • @katherinelalli776
    @katherinelalli776 6 месяцев назад

    Blame psychiatry for coming up with a book of "disorders" that have no scientific or medical basis and can't be proven or disproven.
    "My take is...these people are real narcissists, and those people aren't" when no one can ever agree on who actually has narcissistic personality disorder because it's entirely subjective -- is not science, and it's not medicine.
    Blame psychiatry for being a joke.

  • @xxxxSOSEXYxxxx
    @xxxxSOSEXYxxxx 6 месяцев назад +1

    Let’s face it though, narcissistic personality disorder statistically runs higher in men than women and we know men go to the doctor far less often than women do. Honestly, even when it comes to clinical depression, I bet statistics would show men and women more equally affected if only men sought out medical attention for their problems more often and of course if medical bias against women wasn’t a thing.

  • @lowelldaniel5298
    @lowelldaniel5298 5 месяцев назад

    I agree it's become common thing for people to use . If the ones using the term actually were in relationship with Narc that guy they're talking about would look like an angel...