How to be consistent with weight loss I How to keep yourself motivated to lose weight

  • Опубликовано: 26 дек 2024

Комментарии • 61

  • @connielamotte3020
    @connielamotte3020 Месяц назад +2

    Haha…you see him looking into our eyes when he said “ people say it’s way too basic, it’s way too simple” Ok here it comes the eyes…
    “That’s the POINT, that is exactly what you WANT”! LOVE It! I am finished watching this and that about weight loss. This is all I needed to hear.
    It’s SIMPLE. I am not going to make things hard on myself. I do 5 min basic stretches followed by a 20 minute MODERATE exercise and ending with a 10min hip and kegel practice. It’s basic, it’s simple and best of all, I am “consistent”!

  • @ravenariesquita
    @ravenariesquita 3 года назад +46

    How long will it take to see results?
    "A long time!!!” 😂 I needed to hear that

  • @Hannah-nh5qj
    @Hannah-nh5qj 3 года назад +34

    I lost almost 100 pounds, and had been having a hard time getting off the last 15. I started following a few different videos recommended macros, and I was counting and weighing my food every day. Eventually, I just got burnt out so hard that I quit, and gained another 15 pounds. I’m really excited to watch this video, to figure out how to get myself back on track. I definitely missed a few steps the first time, ha ha. But I’m ready to keep trying.

    • @tonnaloach5249
      @tonnaloach5249 3 года назад

      You got this 💪

    • @tipofthespear74
      @tipofthespear74 3 месяца назад +1

      How did you do?

    • @Hannah-nh5qj
      @Hannah-nh5qj 3 месяца назад

      @@tipofthespear74 I’m back to my original weight and am struggling to get it off even with ozempic.

  • @Mcshirley92
    @Mcshirley92 3 года назад +9

    2. Track
    ⭐️ Tack your consistency.
    - how often your working out
    - hitting your daily caloric intake
    ⭐️ What gets tracked, gets improved upon.

  • @kelsibuxton3347
    @kelsibuxton3347 3 года назад +17

    I finally started thinking this way, I’ve been on so many diets and restrictions....but I finally realized that I just have to take it day by day, see my small victories, and even if I don’t see them..keep going ANYWAY.

  • @Mcshirley92
    @Mcshirley92 3 года назад +7

    3.) Little Voice
    ⭐️ Make yourself aware of that voice! - don’t let it control your actions & take over!
    - I don’t wanna stick to calories
    -I don’t wanna work out
    ⭐️ Every time that voice pops up & you don’t listen to it…you are gonna feel so proud of yourself!
    - your gonna wanna keep going & make a positive impact on your journey! It’s gonna build your confidence! DONT LISTEN TO THE VOICE! 😎
    ⭐️ The more deposits you make into your bank & win against your “little voice” it’ll build your confidence in keeping up the good work!

  • @believe-in-all
    @believe-in-all 3 года назад +18

    I appreciate you man! I just really enjoy your straight forward and simple explanation for all you do. Idk how you don't have more viewers cause this stuff is golden. Thank you for the inspiration, lets get it!!

  • @nikkinicole62
    @nikkinicole62 3 года назад +6

    Thanks for yelling and telling the truths that we know deep inside but don’t always want to acknowledge. The tough love is the nudge I need to keep sticking to it!

  • @4lb280
    @4lb280 4 месяца назад +2

    That little voice that says "you already messed up by eating that potato chip, you might as well eat whatever you want today and start tomorrow now"!

  • @annettefruge3779
    @annettefruge3779 3 года назад +9

    This is the best one yet. Well said Coach! 😍

  • @AlGollas
    @AlGollas 7 дней назад

    Preach Brother! You are freaking the best RUclipsr on this subject!!!!!

  • @miriam_aquino
    @miriam_aquino 3 года назад +5

    You got me at “You work for a f**king week, Sheryl!” 😆😆😆 Love it! Your videos are giving me life!!

  • @just-me6023
    @just-me6023 Год назад

    You are so right. Tracking is so important to changing your habits. I learned by tracking I wasn't nearly as consistent as I thought I was.

  • @kenyasimmons6316
    @kenyasimmons6316 Год назад +2

    Really great advice! Thank you!

  • @Omequa1
    @Omequa1 3 года назад +1

    Paying attention! I hear you loud and clear! I needed this! Thank you

  • @sophiahambuda8258
    @sophiahambuda8258 3 года назад +2

    Yessss just what I needed to hear!!! Thanks Eric.

  • @robinglanzman2359
    @robinglanzman2359 Год назад

    Thank you Eric. Invest in yourself.

  • @fasting4lyfe
    @fasting4lyfe Год назад +1

    Good explanation for being consistent i needed that.

  • @luckymonkeymasters
    @luckymonkeymasters 3 года назад +2

    Hey Eric. You're doing great work. The info and advice is solid. You are very engaging. Keep it up and best of luck growing your business. You're definitely grinding.

  • @jmbrjmbr000
    @jmbrjmbr000 Месяц назад

    Your videos are brilliant. The things you said could be applied to other areas of life too.

  • @FlowerlyF.
    @FlowerlyF. 7 месяцев назад +1

    If I knew that fatloss would be that easy. smh I had so much resistance and scarcity. its so easy! thank you!

  • @jameschew2133
    @jameschew2133 8 месяцев назад

    Thank you so much for making this video❤ This is what I need to start again

  • @Sneaks011
    @Sneaks011 3 года назад +1

    I. NEEDED. THIS. This is me.. even with seeing progress. I will change my mindset from this day forward. thank you so much, Coach. We appreciate you so much!

  • @user-go3je8fu2r
    @user-go3je8fu2r 3 года назад +1

    Another awesome video, thanks Eric! Slow and steady wins the race! 🐢

  • @solnova7928
    @solnova7928 6 месяцев назад

    Incredible video. You deserve more ciews

  • @ikra5473
    @ikra5473 3 года назад +1

    Thank you Eric 😊

  • @kronomarine
    @kronomarine 2 года назад +1

    Very motivational video!

  • @Obabesify
    @Obabesify 3 года назад +1

    Thank you for this informative video! Everything is on point!

  • @rodrigoortiz6217
    @rodrigoortiz6217 3 года назад +2

    Commenting for boost 💥

  • @dmoss3083
    @dmoss3083 Год назад

    Thank you

  • @meaghanfay7902
    @meaghanfay7902 3 года назад +2

    They little voice gets me most of the time but lately I’ve been telling it to shut it lol great video

  • @ioanacrisan3684
    @ioanacrisan3684 Год назад

    Nice, thanks!

  • @thegaitor
    @thegaitor 3 года назад

    Thanks for the video 🙂

  • @realfastfood
    @realfastfood Год назад

    I'm watch ing this a year later, but know your message is just as important today, as it was back when you recorded. I just sent you a huge hug! need to have this on replay. thanks!

  • @melteddarkchocolate000
    @melteddarkchocolate000 3 года назад +2

    Yeah you see this is my biggest problem.
    Weight: 131.20 lbs Height: 4,10 Age: 19 goal weight is 110
    I haven't went to the gym since the start of September. My reasonable excuse for why is because I didn't had any money to Uber over there but that ends now since I do now have a job and my paycheck coming around Thursday so yo sis is on it. Pretty good, I'm back on track again except my intake isn't.
    I eat at a calorie deficit however I keep eating at maintenance. I know that if I ate protein meal base food will help in fulling me up quicker but I'm a big eater in general.
    My job in Walmart is stocking, so I pull and lift heavy things in a daily basis plus walk 7-8 hours on end.
    I don't know if this is something I should try to considered as a workout and whenever I do eat at maintenance I shed 1-2 pounds...
    I don't know if i said made any sense I'm just stuck at eating at maintenance.

  • @amyramos100
    @amyramos100 3 года назад

    This journey is allllll mental.
    Also who down voted your video?????

  • @nancysanchez2659
    @nancysanchez2659 3 года назад

    Thanks Eric! This video came at the right time for me to listen! 😃

  • @danimarrlo8738
    @danimarrlo8738 3 года назад +1

    This was great.

  • @JS-ld2qd
    @JS-ld2qd 7 месяцев назад

    😮 amazing worth listening to over and over. And I almost didn't click on it because of the thumbnail but something h ad me go for it

  • @edzimmer5295
    @edzimmer5295 Год назад

    Great video

  • @acaballero47
    @acaballero47 11 месяцев назад +2

    I just saw this video. I’m prediabetic and my goal is not to become diabetic like all my family has. It’s so hard for me to stay motivated and I keep going in circles.

    • @betul7378
      @betul7378 2 месяца назад

      you got this, its really about you looking out for your future self, investing in the most valuable thing to exist aka. your health is never the wrong thing to do. good luck !

  • @TheMoralesFamilyVlogs
    @TheMoralesFamilyVlogs 3 года назад +1

    Yeeeebaaa! Lezz go!

  • @Mcshirley92
    @Mcshirley92 3 года назад +2

    1.) Hail Mary Vs. 3 Mile Run
    - when most people go into there weight loss journey, they try to do EVERYTHING at once! 🙃
    - Not celebrating the small achievements! 🥰
    ⭐️ Don’t set the bar SO HIGH, that it’s literally impossible to even see the bar. 👀
    ⭐️ Set smaller goals, and focus on hitting that bar! 👍🏽
    ⭐️ Having such big goals, your gonna be burned out & quit.
    ⭐️ Keep. 👏🏽 It. 👏🏽 Simple. 👏🏽
    ( This is how you stay CONSISTENT! ✅ )
    ⭐️ Have a simple daily plan that you can check off everyday & build your confidence in your weight loss journey! 😎
    ⭐️ It’s a lifestyle, make it simple people! 😋
    ⭐️ Set 3-5 goals a day that HAVE to get done & it’ll help you start to be consistent with your weight loss journey!

  • @Zoe-pl3df
    @Zoe-pl3df 3 года назад

    Love your videos!!! Just a quick question.. as far as finding out what your maintenance calories are, do you think that the Apple Watch fitness setting is a good estimate of how many calories you burn on the daily? Or do you recommend just sticking to the TDEE calculator

  • @taylarogers313
    @taylarogers313 3 года назад

    My brother literally didn't know what calorie counting or a calorie deficit was until I told him a couple weeks ago.

  • @shamellmiller540
    @shamellmiller540 2 года назад

    Do you have a way that I can give (cash app, venmo)? I appreciate you sir!!

  • @natefame
    @natefame 9 месяцев назад

    His diet is 1200 calories?? Wow!