President Hinckley, Our Prophet

  • Опубликовано: 10 сен 2024

Комментарии • 21

  • @designtoad
    @designtoad 15 лет назад +1

    President Hinckley was a great man. Just meeting him gave me the desire to be better.
    Life is good.

  • @carguy321
    @carguy321 17 лет назад +1

    I love this song. They're so good it gives me butterflies

  • @halcyon2017
    @halcyon2017 16 лет назад

    This was my very first conference. I joined the church in July 2006. President Hinckley is such a wonderful man. He has a sweet spirit. I know that even though he has passed on, the work will continue. And we still have a prophet on earth today, Thomas S. Monson, who will lead and guide us in the things which we should do. I am VERY grateful to be a member of this church. I know that it is true.

  • @AllSmilesUT
    @AllSmilesUT 17 лет назад

    Ditto! President Hinckley is the greatest man! It's amazing what he's still doing and all of traveling he's doing at 97 years old! He's an amazing man! Thanks for posting this clip. It always gives me goosebumps to watch as those thousands and thousands of people stand up in honor of Pres. Hinckley.

  • @mssrus
    @mssrus 16 лет назад

    This man was so kind and gentle...a true testament to all he believed and taught. The quickest way to determine whether the Gospel is true is as follows: read, ponder, pray. "...if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost. And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things." We do not force belief. We leave conversion to individual faith and seeking.

  • @Newagegamer3018
    @Newagegamer3018 17 лет назад +1

    I myself am not a Mormon, but despite the hatred being spoken of to the Latter Day Saints and I respect the crap out this religion. I loved the video, the singing was amazing!

  • @Newagegamer3018
    @Newagegamer3018 17 лет назад +1

    Love the emotion

  • @lebonillab
    @lebonillab 17 лет назад

    Amamos mucho a nuestro profeta. Saludos y besos desde el DF ;)

  • @designtoad
    @designtoad 15 лет назад +1

    The music is great, too. What's not to like.

  • @wr1830
    @wr1830 15 лет назад

    How true!

  • @ldsteencenter
    @ldsteencenter  17 лет назад +1

    No, but when this song was sung, it was basically in honor of him. Just to let him know how much he's appreciated.

  • @ldsteencenter
    @ldsteencenter  18 лет назад

    I typically don't remove comments from my videos unless they are exceptionally offensive. However, in the case of this video, it's honoring a man who has given his entire life to service for others. The end of the video was a culmination of all of the members trying to say thank you to Pres. Hinckley. I will only allow comments on this video that show respect to him. You're welcome to bring up any non-offensive comments on some of the other videos.

  • @thuggie1
    @thuggie1 16 лет назад

    it is sad that he has passed on but he is with his wife know the funral servis was butifal I cryed i was an insperation

  • @perryhovermale
    @perryhovermale 15 лет назад

    I know that President Hinckley was far from just a pope... or church leader... he was a prophet of God, who directed and loved the members of the LDS Church and the people of this earth... that is my testimony.

  • @SpardaWakashi
    @SpardaWakashi 15 лет назад +1

    Red but was not the Bible translated by many men over the years? The BoM was translated through the power of God and never to be translated any further. Does not James say "If any of you lack bwisdom, let him ask of God, that cgiveth to all men liberally, and dupbraideth not; and it shall be given him." (James 1:5) And "by the power of the Holy Ghost we may know the truth of all things" (Moroni 10:5). To find out for yourself you need to pray with real intent.

  • @perryhovermale
    @perryhovermale 15 лет назад

    If God loved the people of this earth enough to place a prophet on the earth so that his LIVING word would be heard, wouldn't he also give people of latter-days a prophet to direct them in his way? Doesn't he love us just as much as he loved those who have passed long ago? AND wouldn't he place a prophet on the earth when it's most needed which is certainly today? I won't argue with you but I ask that you not demand that I believe as you do. Radical Christians like you give religion a bad name..

  • @pewtorye
    @pewtorye 16 лет назад

    What makes him a prophet is the authority he posses, Do you honestly think that all prophets do is prophecy the future? Come on. Do you really think that the only thing prophets said was in the Bible. No of course not. They were call of God to be witnesses, and to warn the people. The question you should have asked "If I don't believe in the Mormon prophet where is another prophet in the world who says that he is Gods Prophet on the earth today" wont find one. Open you heart. :)

  • @tompearson699
    @tompearson699 11 лет назад

    Only if it is the truth LDS are not.

  • @skinnyfenton
    @skinnyfenton 16 лет назад

    bad news guy Pres. Hinckley died today...:(