The Ministry Begins

  • Опубликовано: 10 сен 2024
  • This video is made around the music, so turn the volume up. It's a beautiful piece that seemed to call for certain scenes at certain times.
    I'm calling it "The Ministry Begins" because we often think of Christ's ministry as something that took place during his life, but that was really just the beginning.

Комментарии • 23

  • @linchunhsiung265
    @linchunhsiung265 2 года назад

    Thank you for sharing this video, So touched my heart, I am inspired by it deeply. ( a Taiwanese, pastor’s wife. Taiwan number one)

  • @FATE522
    @FATE522 17 лет назад +1

    Thank YOU so much...all of your vids, and all those in the LDS makin vids have touched me so, thank YOU...

  • @williankolob
    @williankolob 17 лет назад +1


  • @omiolo
    @omiolo 15 лет назад +1

    The event served a threefold purpose: for the young adults to learn about their nation and its leaders; to thank politicians for what they do to lead the country; and to inform the politicians what the young adults stand for as members of the Church.

  • @nodlon20
    @nodlon20 15 лет назад +1

    This is how Satan or error works, by causing people to fight against each other
    just like during Jesus crucifixion. History
    repeats itself. I have seen Christ Jesus,
    he is a light being and when he heals you, you feel a warmth inside I cannot describe. The light emanating from him doesn't hurt your eyes. It's beautiful and warm, you feel like you're in your mother's arms.

  • @omiolo
    @omiolo 15 лет назад +1

    In addition to the young adults, other attendees included President Randall K. Probst of the South Africa Cape Town Mission and his wife Deanna; the Church's National Public Affairs team for Namibia; and four full-time missionaries.

  • @omiolo
    @omiolo 15 лет назад

    To prepare for their visit to Parliament, the young adults attended three firesides between June 14 and July 8 covering topics ranging from parliamentary procedure, the history of democracy in Namibia and appropriate ways to address politicians.

  • @xian1234
    @xian1234 15 лет назад +1

    are this scene from a movie or something? can i know the name of the show if there is?

  • @flyguy619
    @flyguy619 15 лет назад

    I'm pretty sure that kid at the end is that Joesph Smith, the guy who started the whole Mormon movement.

  • @nodlon20
    @nodlon20 15 лет назад

    WildlifeArtist64: Are you a mythological creature? How do I know you exist? How do I know someone is just pretending to be you and writing stuff about you? I love you!

  • @Laudanovideos
    @Laudanovideos 15 лет назад

    Galatians 1:6-8. From the Bible.
    "I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you by the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel--which is no real gospel at all. Evidently some are throwing you into confusion and trying to pervert the gospel of Christ. But even if we or angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let him be under God's curse!" So this rules out the Book of Morman and the religion is a "different gospel."

  • @standardbearer
    @standardbearer 16 лет назад

    Is that only a short video?
    Or is it from a full feature movie?
    If it is, then:
    WHY on earth cant you write down the title, creators, and the making year of the movie????
    Whenever I come across a video about Jesus, this very same problem occurs.
    How should I find the movie, if you're too lazy to write down even its title???

  • @nodlon20
    @nodlon20 15 лет назад +1

    I have proof that Jesus was a true historical figure as I have had many healings and one near death experience and it's not the brain. The body is not man
    man is spiritual and this is what Jesus came to teach us, heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, freely ye have received, freely give. The practice of Christian healing was lost down the centuries. It has been found again. Christ Jesus has healed me numerous times. .Try the book "The Miracle that Heals" by David Holland!

  • @seanh38
    @seanh38 14 лет назад

    @taylorswiftii I mean that there is evidence that a man called Jesus (Yeshua) existed and is recorded in the writings of Jewish historian Josephus!

  • @seanh38
    @seanh38 14 лет назад

    @ldsteencenter Um there is. Heard of Josephus??????

  • @ldsteencenter
    @ldsteencenter  16 лет назад

    Macro is right. There is no proof. That's why people have to find out for themselves through prayer. What you do is study it out and then go to God in prayer and ask Him to tell teach you whether or not this is true. God answers...not always by signs or miracles...but usually by the feelings in your heart.

    • @tecuento130
      @tecuento130 6 лет назад

      Dan Sage Hermano Daniel, soy Francis Suazo de República Dominicana, estoy buscando hace mas de 10 años comunicarme contigo, espero que seas quien me bautizó en los alcarrizos, si es así escribeme por favor

  • @nodlon20
    @nodlon20 15 лет назад

    Wildlife Artist64: I feel your pain. Please
    read the book "The Miracle That Heals"
    by David Holland or better yet Science and Health with key to the Scriptures by
    Mary B. Eddy. She proved scientifically
    that the healings Jesus practiced can be reproduced today. I am a living proof of that. You are a spiritual being having a human experience. You will find your way
    either here or hereafter. Divine Love loves

  • @GlorifyHisHolyname
    @GlorifyHisHolyname 17 лет назад

    Awesome video until you get to the end and see the image of Joseph Smith, who had a demonic spirit of divination. That kind of ruined it for me. Sorry , I must follow my Master, Jesus of Nazareth, the rose of Sharon, my Creator.

  • @PiratePrinceEdward
    @PiratePrinceEdward 16 лет назад

    You cant prove that if it would save your life. I say he is real. He recieved authority from god. He passed it on, and now we have this authority. You can think what you want, but please dont spam the mormon boards with your bigotry.

  • @SAM135073
    @SAM135073 14 лет назад

    hahaha oh mormons