The Spirit of God

  • Опубликовано: 10 сен 2024
  • The Standard of Truth, The Spirit of God, and the Restoration. Music and video clips combine to give us a representation of the restoration.

Комментарии • 510

  • @Markonlyknows
    @Markonlyknows 11 лет назад +8

    I felt his spirit in this as it was playing. I know this church is true.. I left, and I really need to come home, my family dislikes the church and I am the only member in my family. Yet, I need to follow truth of what I know my Father in Heaven has told and revealed to me, regardless. The truth will march on and no one can stop it. No matter how angry they get, it will progress.

  • @arcticsaint
    @arcticsaint 17 лет назад

    I absolutely love this hymn. No matter how many times I hear it, the Spirit fills my very soul. I love this church and am glad to the missionaries who brought the Gospel of Jesus Christ into my life.

  • @LizaMorong
    @LizaMorong 12 лет назад +1

    I got Baptized 19 days ago today.
    This was a hymn we sang at my Baptism.
    What a beautiful light the Gospel as truly brought to my life.
    I feel so blessed.
    I am one of those saved.

  • @awesomenator6
    @awesomenator6 13 лет назад

    Every time I hear this song, it only convinces me more that the LDS church is true. I am LDS and proud. I believe everything in the church, and I know that Thomas S. Monson is our modern day Prophet.

  • @arcticsaint
    @arcticsaint 17 лет назад

    The Spirit of God like a fire is buring.....everytime I look back at my baptism a year ago, I still feel that strong burning within me. This is Jesus Christ's true church. I am so grateful to have found it and I eagerly look forward to serve a mission.

  • @katrina-zu2uh
    @katrina-zu2uh 29 дней назад

    This is my most favorite hymn. It’s so powerful 🕊️🙏🕊️💪💪💪 Praise Jesus!!!!

  • @Americangal18
    @Americangal18 11 лет назад

    Last night, I watched the last part of “The Bible”, and I sobbed and cried with joy at Christ's resurrection and prayed like crazy upon my knees. The feelings were overwhelming, but I have never been so happy in my whole life.

  • @igDECK
    @igDECK 13 лет назад

    Conoci LA IGLESIA DE JESUCRISTO DE LOS SANTOS DE LOS ULTIMOS DIAS hace 4 años y les testifico que mi vida ha cambiado totalmente, ahora he conocido mas el amor de Dios por medio de Jesucristo y de sus santos Profetas. Amo esta Obra se que es verdadera y nunca lo negare.......... iam from Mexico

  • @Mplanelover
    @Mplanelover 12 лет назад +1

    I was baptized October 1964, I thank Heavenly Father for this church every day.

  • @BronSoloSV
    @BronSoloSV 14 лет назад

    I am so thankful for the rightousness and the willingness of Joseph Smith. Without him, the world would be in an even worse place than it is now.

  • @DinaeBay
    @DinaeBay 12 лет назад +8

    I'm getting baptized soon and this is one of the my favorite hymns. I can't wait to be a true member of LDS :)

    • @samuelbcn
      @samuelbcn 2 года назад

      How did that work out for you?

  • @haizefuimaono7451
    @haizefuimaono7451 10 лет назад +25

    This song always brings tears to my eyes!!! Mormon all the way!!! Cant wait to see my Heavenly Father and Jesus christ again!!! :')

  • @skycrou
    @skycrou 14 лет назад

    Thank God for the restoration of the gospel. This is the only true church of Jesus Christ.

  • @barbarashorttobrien1337
    @barbarashorttobrien1337 12 лет назад

    I thank Heavenly Father everyday for the Gospel and for our prophet Joseph Smith who had the courage to fight right to the end that we now may enjoy thee benefits of the restored gospel! We are a peculiar people and always will be! ;)

  • @LamanKnight
    @LamanKnight 13 лет назад

    I will never be ashamed of what God has commanded, nor what He has given us.
    The truth is here. I can feel it, I can see it - I know it. For that I am grateful.
    If anyone doubts the truth of this work, I will ask Christ for a confirmation myself when He comes.

  • @FuroraCeltica
    @FuroraCeltica 12 лет назад

    I am an evangelical Christian. I visited Salt Lake City, and found the LDS people I met there to be extraordinarily charming, friendly and accepting.

  • @sarahnebeker9905
    @sarahnebeker9905 8 лет назад +8

    One of the best experiences of my life was a few years ago when Elder Bednar came to my area for a massive EFY. I got the chance to be in the choir which meant I sat less than 50 feet away from one of the Lord's apostles. At the end of the meeting every person in the room, which included a few thousand youth, stood and sang this song. I could not stop the tears as I felt the Spirit testify that not only was the gospel true, but Christ's work shall not cease though many shall oppose it. His work will roll forth and fill this earth, and at the great and last day, every knee shall bend and every tongue shall confess that He is the Christ, the Redeemer of all mankind. (Mosiah 27:31)

  • @Spike666HA
    @Spike666HA 16 лет назад

    My English is really bad, but I hope, it is enough ...
    I`m really happy, that I have found the church. I thank`s god every day, that we have a living prophet. I thank you for this video. I love this hymn and I love Jesus Christ. I know it is the true church. My baptism was on May 25 and this was a great day for me. I`m a LDS forever!!!
    Thank You

  • @therealistjim
    @therealistjim 11 лет назад +1

    God sent his son to show us how to live happy fulfilling lives. he is the example we should all follow to be really happy. I know no church. I know no 'priesthood' neither din Martin Luther. 'If with all your hearts you truly seek me, ye shall ever surely find me"...key here is ALL TRULY and SURELY.

  • @steptapper
    @steptapper 14 лет назад

    I am so grateful that they stood strong through all they had to go through, so that I could hear the truth today.

  • @JABPivot
    @JABPivot 13 лет назад

    I am the Child of God and I know the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and the Book of Mormon are true. I am really glad our Prophet Joseph Smith restored the True Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

  • @bossmonster23
    @bossmonster23 16 лет назад

    this song is so strong and i just love it so much. this is a song that will never get old no matter how long it has been out.

  • @teacherdani
    @teacherdani 16 лет назад

    I believe in this so wholeheartedly. I am not LDS yet, I am a seeker of the truth and I believe. I BELIEVE. What a beautiful video!!!

  • @johnnyu2123
    @johnnyu2123 17 лет назад

    With all the loud images and sounds on You Tube it is wonderful to see that the still small voice has a place, too! This is truly the Church of Jesus Christ!!!

  • @DaneshRoopmattie
    @DaneshRoopmattie 12 лет назад

    I love this song, this is the lord works who bring it to us

  • @StaycJay21
    @StaycJay21 13 лет назад

    Very powerful words of faith and strength...thanks!! I love the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day saints...It's truly Gods true church. :)

  • @barbarashorttobrien1337
    @barbarashorttobrien1337 11 лет назад +3

    We'll sing and we'll shout with the armies of heaven:
    Hosanna, hosanna to God and the Lamb!
    Let glory to them in the highest be given,
    Henceforth and forever: amen and amen!

  • @no1lubsme
    @no1lubsme 12 лет назад

    I feel the spirit while watching the video. Im so much grateful that God loves me so much.

  • @LeifDenien
    @LeifDenien 14 лет назад

    I can feel the spirit so strongly when I listen to this song. God lives and loves us. I hope to be worthy to join him in the Celestial Kingdom.

  • @mcestardo
    @mcestardo 13 лет назад

    Those who dislike are I think not members of the Church...
    This video is so good... This a true story, Joseph Smith was a prophet of God. He restored the true Church of Jesus Christ here on earth...

  • @geniusunited58
    @geniusunited58 13 лет назад

    i love these hymn and these video
    because i believe in joseph smith and that my redeemer lives
    that he and the heavenly father told him that he had to restoring the church

  • @Trexlerator
    @Trexlerator 15 лет назад

    "While we cannot agree with others on certain matters, we must never be disagreeable. We must be friendly, soft-spoken, neighborly, and understanding."
    --President Gordon B. Hinkley

  • @danielwelburn
    @danielwelburn 12 лет назад

    Every person will come to the realization that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is His church, and will play an increasingly more prominent role until the day that Christ returns.

  • @dkpuppets
    @dkpuppets 16 лет назад

    doesn't it just give you chills?! I love this song!

  • @mmarquezhn83
    @mmarquezhn83 10 лет назад +5

    "How blessed the day when the lamb and the lion
    Shall lie down together without any ire,
    And Ephraim be crowned with his blessing in Zion,
    As Jesus descends with his chariot of fire!
    We'll sing and we'll shout with the armies of heaven,
    Hosanna, hosanna to God and the Lamb!
    Let glory to them in the highest be given,
    Henceforth and forever, Amen and amen!"
    I love this beatiful hymn, but the last part is my favorite, in spanish is so strong and beautiful, so powerful. Thanks for sharing.

  • @jordankelly909
    @jordankelly909 12 лет назад

    I was happily baptised on the 26 June 2010 and have enjoyed every minute and know that Joseph Smith was a prophet inasmuch as i have placed my eternal exaltation and salvation on that fact. Thomas Monson holds the exact same authority as Moses and Abraham. Seek knock ask open

  • @jhwblender
    @jhwblender 15 лет назад

    I'm so Mormon!! And I love this song! Total fav!

  • @teresamariebrown
    @teresamariebrown 15 лет назад

    I am so happy that my parents raised me in this church. I don't know who I would be without it. One thing is for sure is that I would be completely different. I love being LDS =D

  • @omiolo
    @omiolo 14 лет назад

    Sister Murley said the youth who participate in the event felt a strong connection to the temple. These kids feel it is their temple, she said. They really feel this incredible ownership.

  • @ccconrad88
    @ccconrad88 12 лет назад

    I was baptized in November of 2010. There has not been a single regret, nor will there every be. Congratz!

  • @MissJordz
    @MissJordz 15 лет назад

    what a powerful video i love it my favourite part is when it zooms in to the temple then goes up to the statue of moroni sooo powerful i love it, i love the church i love the gospel i love m savior wow i love missionaries and the great work they do i will endeavour to follow my saviors example. love to you all and may the spirit dwell with u wen u stand in holy places

  • @johnnyu2123
    @johnnyu2123 16 лет назад

    These apostles of Christ continued the work of revelation; setting in order the malicious false doctrine and confusion that had begun to set in within the Church; and spoke of a time to come where there would be a restitution of all things signifying a time where the true doctrine of Christ would be lost. God saw these eras of confusion and set forth events and a time when this restitution would come forth and the 'Spirit of God' would disavow all confusion and false doctrine... We are here!

  • @Arlenefeniza
    @Arlenefeniza 10 лет назад +7

    Thanks for the posting. it really true. I am blessed to have the gospel.

  • @Rudy290987
    @Rudy290987 15 лет назад

    Wow! everytime i hear this song, my heart says "i am an LDS and i am proud of that"

  • @jlducuarac
    @jlducuarac 14 лет назад

    Es uno de lo videos mas hermosos y espirituales que he podido ver, asi puedo darme cuenta de lo mucho q nos ama el salvador por todo lo que nos mando para nuestra salvación, jose smith fue un profeta de Dios con la capacidad de amarnos a tal punto de seguir las sendas del evangelio hasta la muerte

  • @MyleneMira
    @MyleneMira 14 лет назад

    No words can describe the feeling this video gives me. Like warm goosebumps spreading from my heart into the rest of my body and putting me at total peace.

  • @fgcbdbfbfbdqwwerggjjgbdnfg5792
    @fgcbdbfbfbdqwwerggjjgbdnfg5792 8 лет назад +2

    Love This Song. Whenever we sing this I wasn't really paying any attention to the words until today at church that we had a musical fireside and we sang song together because Brother Otuafi wanted us to sing it with him and he told us that it is one of his favorite song in the hymn book and it really makes me to really think about the meaning of the words. I know that this is the true church of our our LORD and he lives. He loves each and every one of us. Be an example of Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Father.

  • @alciska
    @alciska 4 года назад +1

    This is one my favorite perfect song to glorified our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, I like also when the day Our Father say the work is done.

  • @arklyn
    @arklyn 15 лет назад +1

    This is an absolutely beautiful video! This hymn is one my very favorite ones, and this version of it is angelic.
    A note to the anti-Mormon crowd that can't seem to stay away:
    Whether you like it or not....
    'No unhallowed hand can stop the work of God! The Standard of Truth has been erected!"
    Hurrah for Israel!

  • @NewRepMan
    @NewRepMan 14 лет назад

    This video... is just so woundful.. thanks so much for making it.
    This is the true church.

  • @filipina_teine
    @filipina_teine 15 лет назад

    YEYAH!!!!! The Standard of Truth!!!! every missionary should memorize that before they go on a mission now!! i didn't but it was good to know on the mission as well!! good luck to all you future missionaries out there and word of advice: DON'T GO APOSTATE!!!

  • @filipina_teine
    @filipina_teine 14 лет назад

    the Standard of TRUTH!!! YESSSSSSSS!!!

  • @TabbyCat86
    @TabbyCat86 16 лет назад

    I am a Mormon and I really like this song. Its one of my Favorites, along side all the primary songs, and some of the hymn songs. I really like this Video

  • @belensaramedinagabriel9925
    @belensaramedinagabriel9925 5 лет назад

    1. The Spirit of God like a fire is burning!
    The latter-day glory begins to come forth;
    The visions and blessings of old are returning,
    And angels are coming to visit the earth.
    We'll sing and we'll shout with the armies of heaven,
    Hosanna, hosanna to God and the Lamb!
    Let glory to them in the highest be given,
    Henceforth and forever, Amen and amen!
    2. The Lord is extending the Saints' understanding,
    Restoring their judges and all as at first.
    The knowledge and power of God are expanding;
    The veil o'er the earth is beginning to burst.

  • @JohnBellamy1928
    @JohnBellamy1928 11 лет назад

    Amen and Amend. GOD bless all.

  • @pineappleninjarocks
    @pineappleninjarocks 13 лет назад

    I live this with all my being!

  • @jamesrogers3871
    @jamesrogers3871 8 лет назад +1

    The Spirit of God will be our Teacher, and Comforter, Forever... John chapter 14, verse 26....

  • @keithwebb9005
    @keithwebb9005 9 лет назад

    When I listen to this hymn I feel the Spirit really strong.I am very thankful for the Gift of the Holy Ghost. I came from the other side in being an Christian.I always had to pray daily to have the Spirit with me. Now I just have to be worthy.

  • @alohachristine
    @alohachristine 15 лет назад

    Tugstein, You must know of the truth in the depths of your heart and soul, because you were brought to this song. You can say you don't believe it, but I believe you do believe it. It's hard though isn't it, when our choices and action in life aren't in agreement with things that would please our loving Father in heaven. I will pray for you. You need to know, that you CAN CHANGE, you CAN REPENT. Come back into the glorious gospel light, and feel of our Savior Jesus Christ's love,&Peace.

  • @mag44ie
    @mag44ie 11 лет назад

    The spirit of God is very exciting. The spirit of God is in everything around us.It is in the air we breath , and the water that substains our life. It is in the soil you tread upon, and the moon that shines above. The spirit of God is in everything, for everything is God.The spirit is a living ennity. It lives in everything, and everyone. There is no end to the spirit. As there is no beganing.It is here by the grace of God. For God is the spirt of life. We are all the spirt of life.

  • @myriamvalenzuela8754
    @myriamvalenzuela8754 10 лет назад +4

    de todos los himnos este es mi favorito, no importa lo que digan o pienses de dios somos su mas presiada creacion. aga lo que aga el hombre dios aun asi esta dispuesto a perdonarnos y dia a dia nos muestra su hermoso amor, solo devemos mirar al cielo y ver su maravilloso amor. hay que ser agradecidos con el, como dije es mi himno favorito.

  • @Rudy290987
    @Rudy290987 15 лет назад

    I am proud, really proud of my faith, I am a LDS.

  • @weisleify
    @weisleify 13 лет назад

    I love this song, especially the notes on the screen.

  • @chesswizphil
    @chesswizphil 9 лет назад +1

    Christ the Redeemer lives in the words of this song.

  • @omiolo
    @omiolo 15 лет назад

    The Standard of Truth, The Spirit of God, and the Restoration. Music and video clips combine to give us a representation of the restoration.

  • @pineapplelesson
    @pineapplelesson 16 лет назад

    thank you so much for posting this! A beautiful tribute video! I felt the spirit strongly while watching this. I am so grateful to those who are willing to work so hard to help spread the work and the glory of our Heavenly Father!!

  • @enriquealvarezfilmak
    @enriquealvarezfilmak 16 лет назад

    Thanks to who ever posted... it was helpful... it has always been. As far as I see I'm not the only one.

  • @lisavanderploeg1237
    @lisavanderploeg1237 3 года назад

    This is beautiful! How powerfully you present this message.
    Thank you.

  • @arcticsaint
    @arcticsaint 17 лет назад +1

    I love this hymn. One of my favorites by far. When i first heard this hymn, I could feel the Spirit just radiating all around. It brought tears to my eyes

  • @williankolob
    @williankolob 17 лет назад +1

    nossa estou completamente tomado pelo Espirito!!!
    oh! how i am happy for the truth of this church! and i can feel the spirit of the Lord so much in my heart!
    this is the church of our savior!!!! :)

  • @omiolo
    @omiolo 15 лет назад

    For all of us it may be hard to see in our lives an increasing power to love and to see ourselves becoming more like the Savior, our perfect example. I wish to encourage you. You have had evidences that you are moving along the road to becoming more like Jesus. It will help to remember how you have felt, at times, like a little child, even in the midst of cares and trials. Think of those children singing the song.

  • @Americangal18
    @Americangal18 12 лет назад

    I can't wait for that day to come.

    @THELDSLIFE 14 лет назад +1

    We love all people and if charity is found among others, we seek after that in them. What we strive to do knowing that if we do not do it; is we are obedient to God. If we are not obedient to God, a people of God can fall under condemnation from the Lord. Certain laws have been written by God and if the Lord has shown us once what sort of behavior we ought not to partake in, then we will not. We love others despite what they have done. We do not accept their behavior or partake in it.

  • @cutiepie2107gmailcom
    @cutiepie2107gmailcom 15 лет назад

    beyond words....
    beautiful. simply beautiful!!!

  • @lifeonaplate
    @lifeonaplate 17 лет назад +1

    I'd like to add my witness to the restored gospel. It's true; God save us all.

  • @LesMis931
    @LesMis931 13 лет назад

    Beautiful. I'm agnostic but I think this song is really awesome.

  • @xylerlinga7972
    @xylerlinga7972 11 лет назад +1

    i know that heavenly father and jesu christ loves us :))

  • @byekaare
    @byekaare 12 лет назад

    WE are the only true Church of Christ, why are they so mad at us, all they have to do is come and join us in the true baptism of Christ.

  • @JABPivot
    @JABPivot 13 лет назад

    I am only 11 Years old. Learning very well about the Mormon History.
    Millions of people will know Joseph Smith someday...
    We have the Patience :)

  • @mormonsud5539
    @mormonsud5539 8 лет назад

    De tan solo escucharla me pone la piel chinita y me pone muy feliz, ME EMOCIONAAAAA
    Amo ser parte de esta hermosa Iglesia de la cual soy miembro desde hace 5 años, tanto que estoy a la espera de mi llamamiento misional. QUIERO COMPARTIR ESTE HERMOSO EVANGELIO A TODOS, aunque a muchas personas no les guste o hablen mal de esta maravillosa iglesia, yo soy extremadamente feliz junto con mi familia.

  • @gibsonguitar5
    @gibsonguitar5 16 лет назад

    Thank you. I just got a calling, and this is helping.

  • @jacobcagayan
    @jacobcagayan 13 лет назад

    i love this hymn and this is my 1 of the my favorite hymn in the church.

  • @garylee4392
    @garylee4392 11 лет назад

    If you Love Me you will keep My Commandments, If you do, I will Pray to The Father that you may have The Spirit for a Teacher and Comforter Forever. The Spirit will bring All of My words to your mind. John, chapter 14, verse 26, Peter gives witness of this in Acts 5, verse 32. The God human is body, Soul, and Spirit. Immanuel God with us, wants to Teach us with The Spirit of God Forever.

  • @barbarashorttobrien1337
    @barbarashorttobrien1337 11 лет назад +3

    and angels are coming to visit the earth! ;)

  • @kjmillig1
    @kjmillig1 15 лет назад

    Amen, and amen!

  • @Chapjap37
    @Chapjap37 14 лет назад +1

    Such a beautiful piece, if i could thumbs up everyone's positive comments i would :) when I watched this video at the center everyone in my youth group was crying and on my way out I reached for some tissues, they were all out!!! Well i just stumbled upon this looking for some good music to play during my scripture study, we're studying the pearl of great price this year at seminary, i'm pretty excited D&C has some good straight forward messages :) So proud to be a member!

  • @AZtrumpetgoddess
    @AZtrumpetgoddess 15 лет назад

    i love this song, every time i hear it, the spirit becomes so strong

  • @K2theorr281
    @K2theorr281 16 лет назад

    beautiful! boldly nobly and independent!!

  • @KingPoseidon02
    @KingPoseidon02 7 лет назад +1

    This was first hymn I loved.

  • @cloudeekd
    @cloudeekd 17 лет назад

    If I wasnt Part of the church, I probably be on he street somewhere, lost. I would be lost without the church.

  • @LibertarianUSA1982
    @LibertarianUSA1982 11 лет назад +1

    Joseph Smith saw an angel, no it was just Jesus, then Joseph Smith saw God and the Father. I love how the story changes.

    • @noodle860
      @noodle860 5 лет назад

      You tell the best fictional story, no facts at all... good one.. you should change your username to CorruptUSA after all it is corrupt

  • @benedictscott
    @benedictscott 12 лет назад +1

    Grew up RLDS and love this version, just the same. . . Thank you

  • @johnnyu2123
    @johnnyu2123 16 лет назад

    We have a hymn in our church, 'Where God is, there love is also'. We both agree that love, combined with faith, are the foundational principles of a discipleship in Christ. Surely it is requisite that all mankind learn these principles and a love for their Savior to attain His promised blessings. What I do not understand is how anyone could come to the belief that God, who is the author of love and all good things, could possibly surmise that the current confusion over doctrine is love!

  • @omiolo
    @omiolo 14 лет назад

    Elder Jay E. Jensen spoke about the Church, family, education and words during Honored College Alumni series address Thursday.
    Elder Jensen, a current member of the Presidency of the Quorum of the Seventy, presented a lecture of his life works he considers “a work of words.”

  • @BlissfulAwareness
    @BlissfulAwareness 15 лет назад

    This is such a beautiful song. It's always been my favorite among the LDS hymns. Even though I left the church a few years back, I still find myself humming this to myself every now and then =).

  • @wolflover1996
    @wolflover1996 16 лет назад

    I totally agree with Icemanwinhalo
    hosanna hosanna to us believers

  • @omiolo
    @omiolo 14 лет назад

    Max Morgan received what he wanted most this week - an opportunity to play football for Colorado State University.
    Morgan, a standout at Greeley West the past two seasons, verbally committed to play for the Rams, who were atop his list of schools he hoped would offer him a chance to play collegiately.

  • @byusis1
    @byusis1 11 лет назад +1

    He would love nothing more than to have you come back :)

  • @davidstarke1
    @davidstarke1 12 лет назад

    Love this song

  • @Trumpetnerd34
    @Trumpetnerd34 14 лет назад

    @ScottyLDS I have and I am LDS too A great many churches have parts of the truth I visited a friend's Church called Fellowship and I felt the spirit. We as Mormons should branch out and have an open mind towards other faiths just because we have the truth does not mean we cannot learn from others