@@theBucketshallnotbeinfringed Also ordered the books about Finnish Mosin Nagant rifles and Belgian Mauser rifles. Any further firearms related books, that you can recommend?
I am to please. Make sure to hit share on this video I would like to help this author out. 149.00 seems like alot for a book till you see it. Thanks for supporting the channel!
Looking forward to get mine soon. 🤩
You will not be disappointed. The most amazing book/s I have ever ordered period!
@@theBucketshallnotbeinfringed Also ordered the books about Finnish Mosin Nagant rifles and Belgian Mauser rifles. Any further firearms related books, that you can recommend?
Luck of the draw, just went to check the time..... and it's bucket time
I am to please. Make sure to hit share on this video I would like to help this author out. 149.00 seems like alot for a book till you see it. Thanks for supporting the channel!