I agree that the F18 can do just about everything, while not being the best at any particular thing. Thats not necessarily a strength though. I find myself using different modules for every situation that just flat out do 1 job better.
indeed, no disagreement and a very fair statement. I mainly fly PVP air to air competitions and dogifghts , with the F-18 it can just do sooo much.. Launch a Harpoon and then get into a low speed dogfight. pretty dope.
JF-17 Block 1.5 in game is easily right there with the F-16 in rating only because of its massive options if weapons. And aside from the F/A-18C it is the only one with the cruise missiles options
On the F-16 AG you did not acknowledged the upcoming TALD, the HTS pod, the CBU-105 and the fact that it can carry more Mavericks and more dumb bombs. Considering the fuel economy, the Viper needs to be driven very carefully but you can get an actually very good mileage. You could think that the Hornet can carry more but you have to consider the fuel you burn on launch and recovery. In DCS, having 2 engines is not really a plus since most of the time we cannot play with random failures. Jamming. The pods on the Viper are working a little better against SAM sites and you can chose what priority you prefer (radar or jamming) when the Hornet kills your own radar when jamming. The Datalink is far more better on the Hornet and CAS can be a little bit fiddly on the Viper. Dogfighting is definitely at the advantage for the Hornet with the HCMS datas, acquisition modes, auto IFF and the FLCS override. Note that on the Viper has something awesome on the HSD page in dogfight mode : you can see where your HCMS is pointing at. So, if you lose sight you can have a quick look on your HSD and point the helmet in the direction of the Datalink contact. Lastly, the Slam. It's ok to fire from very long range but if your target is that well defended that you need the Slam(ER), then it will most likely have a couple of Thors that will shoot down your missiles. On a personal preference, I absolutely hate the RWR logic on the Hornet. The HUD is becoming crowded in hostile environment and I cannot use the RWR page as often. The standbye RWR screen is difficult to read. On the Viper, it is classic but just under your nose and has more modes. It does not require to use one your screens.
As much as I like the Mirage, IMO it doesn't come close to the F-16 in capability. Datalink, Fox-3s, self designated smart weapons, it's not even close. But that being said, I love flying the Mirage.
The Mirage falls out of the sky after 1 turn. The radar is bad, no helmet mount cueing system. and the twin cannons' rate of fire is too slow. Only carries 4 missiles. It can't bomb accurately above 15,000 ft. Even the F-5E is a better dogfighter
I would have tied the F-16 in with the JF-17. Unfortunately the JF lacks in fuel capacity and armament restrictions. You either get the bags or the toys not both lol
if we're talking about multirole, the f18 is the best of those planes, it can carry almost every weapon the navy has to offer and it has exceptional bvr capabilities and amazing dogfighting capabilities. for air to air combat, i would say the f16 is the best as it is super fast, very useful in a bvr fight and fields very good missiles for both bvr and within visual range. the f16 is a monster in the rate fight, even able to keep up with the f22 but if you want to do some bombing alongside your air to air combat, the f18 is the way to go
The F-16 is definitely my pick. What puts it over the Hornet to me, even though the Hornet has some solid advantages, such as having all wing pylons GPS-plumbed and having all , is I far and away prefer the F-16's avionics. Entering data, controlling autopilot, HUD symbology - I prefer most of the F-16's features over their counterparts in the F-18, which feels clunky in terms of its avionics at times. Even if it does have more datalink capabilities and a more robust HMCS implementation (datalink contacts always on HMCS without having to be hooked, and direct HMCS-TGP cueing without needing markpoints), I can more quickly enter in new waypoints with better precision (entering in DDM is faster than DMDS and more precise than DMS) and the seamless transitions between Dogfight Mode and Missile Override vs the selected master mode are superb. Some very important intangibles that I don't think were covered in this video - maybe because the creator is opting for a condensed format, which is understandable - are the possibilities with a Viper over those with a Hornet. There are a lot of subtle advantages a Viper can leverage over the Hornet, as the simple stuff is already well known: • Unlike the Hornet, all four of the Viper's air-to-air hardpoints can mount AAMRAMs. And all of these mounts are dedicated, carrying them doesn't affect the rest of your loadout. • The Viper has a dedicated hardpoint for TGP. The Hornet must sacrifice either an AAMRAM (leaving a fully air-to-ground Hornet that uses the fuselage pod with only one AAMRAM), or sacrifice the belly spot (more bombs, or fuel tank, even if the fuel tank isn't as necessary). • While the Hornet gets the excellent JSOW-C, and cruise missiles (I'm still sore that ED walked back on giving the Viper the JASSM...), the Viper boasts cluster munitions that actually work. Nothing the Hornet carries can compare to the WCMDs. In at least a slight majority of air-to-ground situations, a Viper can be as destructive - if not more so - with four CBU-105s than eight JDAMs. To say nothing of the additional 6 CBU-97s that Viper would still have room for. Even the CBU-87/103s can be deadlier than Rockeyes/CBU-99s now. • The Viper can also carry Mavericks on TERs, meaning it can have more missiles (I'd argue more numerous Mavericks are generally better than larger-warhead Mavericks), on only two pylons vs four, leaving two available for bags (did I mention the F-16 drops its pylons when dropping wing bags? Cleaner jet!) or more weapons. And TERs means the Viper can even beat the Hornet in dumb bombs, too. • While in many situations, the two are equal in HARM employment... the Hornet has no answer to the Viper's HAD. Not only locating emitters unassisted, but also handing off to TGP and other weapons systems. It's easier to do SEAD without HARMs, sometimes easier still to cut to the chase and perform DEAD, all without prior intelligence pinpointing SAM location and type. The Hornet is a bird to be respected. Her more robust foundation for munition carriage, her better range, her being happier at high altitude, means she's never a bad guest to bring to the party. And I've recommended the Hornet over the Viper for most of my friends getting into DCS. But for most of the situations one will find in DCS and for those of us who learn its ways, team Viper! And for criticisms of the rating methodology in this video: • The F-18's "Murder Hornet" loadout of 10 AAMRAMs plus two AIM-9Xs is also worthy of mention. No other aircraft in DCS has that level of BVR firepower, and I think the comparison should have reflected that somehow. • I do disagree with giving the M2K a higher BVR rating than the Viper. The Viper lost here simply because it doesn't have Fox 1s; lacking Fox 1s is better than lacking Fox 3s, and it carries way more than the M2K. It should have been, at the very least, a tie: you can't give an extra 0.5 points for a nicer Fox 1, when a Fox 3 is generally superior. • I think the F-16's "turn" ability is sold short in this video. It probably deserved a bit more than 0.5 points, and I think the Tomcat also deserved at least 1.5 points in this category. The Jeff wouldn't have won, no, but it is still worthy of consideration. It lacks in quantity, but makes up for it in quality and variety. LJDAMs with better range than the GBU-54s? Yum. Laser-guided rockets that can kill modern MBTs and come in chunky pods? Yes please. An SFW glide bomb with functional terminal parameters? Heck yeah! I think the Jeff probably could have edged out the Flanker and the Fulcrum in this video, especially considering that it's Chinese origins can justify it as a REDFOR plane, sort of. +1 BVR SD-10 Fox 3. No Fox 1s +1 PL-5, no HOBS or long range. +10 A2G for bombs, GPS bombs, LJDAMs, ASCMs and LACMs, AGMs, ARMs, laser-guided rockets and glide bombs. The high score reflects three unique capabilities among the other aircraft here. +1 for speed, +1.5 for maneuvering. Not super fast, only agile under some circumstances (though it can be quite agile, I'd rather undersell than oversell its turning ability) 16.5 points right there. It lacks overall payload compared to the other aircraft here, but overall payload wasn't a factor, just capability. That's my (probably more than) two cents.
Harrier clearly gets a zero for BVR, but in a sidewinder fight it's only beaten by aircraft with helmet sights. A2G however. It's got LJDAMs which are without doubt the most useful weapon in DCS and also APKWS - probably the second most useful weapon in DCS - none of which are carried by any of the other aircraft in the video. Even more important for ground attack is its FLIR hotspots so can find targets within 5 miles really easily and it's TPOD is way better than that of the F16... and the Vipers is in turn way better than the Hornets whose pod is appalling. Even when it comes to Anti ship the harrier is way better than the Viper and at worst is almost a match for the Hornet as in DCS the Harpoon is quite useless at attacking most warships. Overall for ground attack nothing comes close.
The Viper's pod is gonna get even better when ED finally gets around to putting in the Sniper XR, too! On top of to the Harrier things you mentioned, can't forget about the ATHS Handoff. No aircraft in DCS vanilla can convert F10 marks to usable target points mid-flight with a keypress and assigning target numbers. The Harrier is the king of JDAMs in DCS, and likely will continue to be after the Mudhen drops (because the Mudhen can't carry JDAMs on its upper CFT mounts) thanks to its GPS-plumbed TERs. In no other flyable aircraft can you stage huge JDAM drops that looks like carpet bombing. Hornets bragging about carrier ops? I raise you with LHA ops! Harrier love!
There are so many subjective variables it is probably impossible to make a definitive choice. For instance the F18 yes doesn't accelerate like a Mirage but has more sustainable engine power. They fight differently. The F16 is an awesome dogfighter and can make life horrible for both the Mirage and the F18 if turn rates are maintained. The Mirage and F18 have instantaneous turn rates that balance that out. There are a lot of swings and roundabouts even down to pilot skill and experience that can skew the results. I would say you are probably right about the F18 but I certainly wouldn't rest on my laurels if I were to meet an F16 or Mirage in a merge.
Kind of late, but still applies, but the F18 still outrates the f16 in a 2 circle fight, the f16 is genuinely the worst dogfighter on this list, it makes one turn and loses more energy than the f18
The F18 can carry only 2 Mavericks and 2 HARMs at the same time while F16 can carry 6 Mavericks and 2 HARMs at the same time. the huge difference in points between them for A2G is unjust IMHO
F/A aircraft wins the multi-role competition? Unforseeable! I do agree that if you're going to count the A2G capabilities and score them, that's where the Hornet pushes ahead, making up for A2A speed/drag/acceleration shortcomings. Certainly for new players of DCS, other than buying FC3 to see if you even want to do this sim, the Hornet is a good all round choice: bang for buck very high return due to being able to have fun in carrier ops while still able to do all the A2A, A2G stuffs.
i love the Mirage in Fox-1 era scenarios but man...only 4 AAMs is tough. I do so wish they would offer the Mirage-2000-5 in a similar fashion to the F-1 or F-14 variants
I love the Mirage, but honestly, when objectively looking at this approach and 'best jet' / 'best multirole' the M2000 shouldn't even be on this list. You have the M2000 and F16 on the same spot, but the F16 can carry 4 AIM120 + 6 Maveriks + 6 cluster bombs. It can kill 12+ ground targets easily +still shoot 4x the best A2A missile and have datalink, targeting pod etc etc. In the same situation, the M2000 can't carry the Fox1 with any A2G weapons and it is limited to max 4 missiles. Take any A2G and you are left with 2 fox2's. M2000 has no maverik, no datalink, and max 500lbs bombs. M2000 comes nowhere close to F16 in multirole capability (unfortunately). I love my M2000 but I often leave it home if the mission asks for Multirole. I even take the F14 over the M2000 cause it can carry the same 2x fox2 but still have 6 1000lbs + 2 2000lbs bombs and 4 rocket pods (with bigger rockets than the M2000). I don't fly the Russian stuff, but from this list it should objectively be: F18 F16 (closely behind F18 depending on targets and mission. F16 can carry more Maveriks and clusters but no anti ship) F14 (quite far behind the 2 above) M2000 (far far behind the F18 and F16 and also quite a bit behind the F14.. and should not even be here really)
@@plazma1945 I went and elaborated elsewhere, but specifically to CBUs and SEAD: • CBU-87/103 and CBU-97/105 are almost unparalleled. The submunitions on the 87/103, after a buff earlier this year, are better at killing vehicles than Rockeyes/CBU-99s. And the SFWs of the 97/105? Unparalleled, they will kill any ground vehicle, and the submunitions are capable of targeting things rather than depending on random distribution as all the other CBUs I mentioned here are. • Both the F-16 and the F-18 carry the HARM... both have comparable capabilities on pre-briefed targets... however, the F-16's HAD pod allows it to locate radar emitters precisely. That allows an F-16 to create a SPI off a radar emission, automatically cueing your TGP, making it easier to bring other A-G weapons to bear. A Hornet can target emitters based off the HARM seeker, even cue from its RWR... but none of this produces the range to target, it only has bearing, and that limits how much the HARM can loft as it needs to keep its seeker on the radar at all times as opposed to just the terminal phase of flight. You can achieve similar performance to a pre-briefed shot with the F-16's HAD pod's Equation of Motion. The F-16 is the USAF's premiere SEAD platform, while the US Navy used the EA-6 and the EA-18G for that, which is why the Hornet has a capability but not as robust of one.
i dont know why u put only 1 point into mig29 in turn and burn section, but this aircraft can win a 1 circle fight against kings of aoa (f18, mirage), dogfights are where mig29 shines in my opinion.
Kinda, but it's not its sustained rate. If you yank hard on stick and lose speed the 29 will tumbke where as the 18 like the flanker can stay slow and turn. Take a peek here, the f-18 is just a tad above the flanker www.lockon.ru/img/devjournal/MiG29at200m.gif
And I forgot a very imortant point : Multirole capabilities. The Viper is by far superior to any other jets in that matter. You can carry 2 AIM-9x, 2 AIM-120C (or 4x 120s) your AG loadout, 2 pods, 2 bags and a jamming pod (or 3 bags) Meaning you can unleash hell on the ground, then climb to top cover or CAP with 2/4 BVR missiles or 2 BVR + 2 WVR missiles. The Hornet won't let you carry more than 1x 120C (unless you ditch the pod) and will have a way more limited loadout.
I haven't flown the 16 in awhile but I mark targets with the jhmcs then fine tune with tpod. Maybe I'm misunderstanding the question. Make a stpt with jhcms then change the tpod to target that stpt. Again been a few months but that's the simplified version.
@@commanderstud2417 Absolutely. First get into VIS mode in the SMS page. Then DMS short up one time to make your HUD SOI and DMS up long. Now in your helmet you should see a pointing cross. TMS up short to drop a lock where you look and then you'll be able to slew the TGP around to fine tune. I strongly advise to create a Markpoint on your target, then press 0 and then CZ to make your markpoint your active steerpoint and erase all the TGP deltas.
If you don’t know what the fight is gonna be like the F/A-18 would be my choice. But if I knew it was going to be air to air, and I don’t expect swarms of enemies. I’d prefer the F-16. The acceleration is magic. But saying that, if it’s just down to flying, the Mirage 2000 and the Mig-29 both always feel like putting on a favourite jumper to me. But I’d prefer to not be in either of those if fox-3 missiles are heading my way. Don’t get me started on gen 2 and other older stuff. I love the F1. To me, it has all the benefits of the mig-21 (which I still love) without the Russian ‘agricultural’ vibe. TLDR? It’s complicated.
ahh indeed, and its a good way to think about it most people ask what is the best. here they can look and say.. i want to do .. AIR to GROUND.. here is what is best for that .. hard to say THIS IS THE BEST.. or that is the best.. its really the pilot in the box as they say in Top Gun Maverick
In BFM, the tomcat has the highest sustained turn rate, so it can drag anything to the deck and kill it. meanwhile the F-16 has the highest Thrust to Weight Ratio, so it is best in the vertical and raw accelleration... meanwhile the Mirage and the F-18 have the nose authority to point and kill something if it gets an opportunity... I know that if I am in any jet, I know the Hornet will be the easiest for me to kill because of its horribly underpowered engines.
Hornet’s not underpowered by any stretch. I’ll show you myself anytime you’d like. Problem is the hornet can carry so much fuel and weapons that makes it seem like it’s underpowered but the fact is that it’s completely unstoppable on the dogfight servers.
From my experience, tomcat can't hold its own in a dogfight when r73/9x show in. Sure, I've won dogfights against su27/hornets in massive pvp engagements, but in every merge against somewhat descent pilot with high off boresight fox2 it looses dramatically. It can evade one or two r73 shots because if its excellent roll but that's it, you are basically trying to survive until your buddy shows up
With the way I 'fly', I rate usability as fairly important. Factors like - the reliability of the autopilot, how easy it is to maintain speed and how complex it is to do stuff. With this, I'd rate the F/A-18 at the top. Autothrottle, an A/P that puts the plane on rails and, despite it's 1980s interface, it has one of the simplest digital type ones to use, once understood anyway. I'd love the F-16 to rate better but it's A/P can be decidedly flaky (you can't go heads down for too long when doing ground attack as you might find yourself pointed where you don't want to go) and it's interface is just slightly less intuitive than the F/A-18. I have high hopes for the sniper pod, though. Still, I do love flying it. Now the Mirage-2000. If it had Fox-3, it would rate top for me, although it probably is my favourite of all these to jump into. It also has a solid A/P, and it has an acceleration indicator on the HUD although no autothrottle. It's lesser capabilities actually makes the interface easier to use. Saying all that, I've been really enjoying the F-1. It's definitely inferior in many ways to the more modern planes, but it feels like I'm flying it at all times. It took a while for me to 'get', but I've been flying it fairly heavily recently and it feels like a machine more than a computer that flies, which the FBW stuff can at times. I'm expecting the Phantom to be similar, if not as responsive in the turn as the F-1 can be if flown right.
I'd vote for f14 to be the most all-rounded plane in dcs, but I'm biased towards direct controls and analog gauges too much)). But at the moment, it can perform well in the most servers present, from early cold War enigma to modern fox3 stuff, and does well everywhere, both in pvp cap and strike missions
Thanks for doing this in English! I understand now that the F-15C does not do A/G mode, but how do you think it stacks up against the top 4 at the end (6:20)? I have been flying the 27 because it is easy to fly and control (A/A). Is the F-15C just as easy but is better than the 27 in the A/A role? I have FC3 so I need to get into the F-15C myself and try it out. The F-15C radar is more work...
Omg, if you get Into the f-15 it's like driving a car vs a unicycle. No need to trim, the plane auto levels, you have 120c which you can shoot at 50 miles almost 80-85km if you are fast enough. You can save all your controls and export to F15 most will work Only different is no EO and radar works different, it's cone altitude window changes on range
I was reading up this last week on the 15's radar. There is a great tool to use posted on the DCS forum that helps a user to visualize how the radar works. I have been playing with that to get used to it. But, the 27 is so comfortable and easy! Thats good to know the controls export/import into the 27. Thanks, Mate! Great videos. Keep up the good work!
For favorite jet I'm a mig 29 fanboy through and through. Yeah it isn't as great as the others but given that I'm not great at BvR and a/g stuff I'm more than happy to be flying around in a small, fast, agile and really good looking plane. Maybe when i finally get better I'll finally move on to the 27
Yupppp. I felt bad for the flanker and mig in this video. Stupid f18.... Did you see the latest Russian glide bombs (real life) they kinda look like jdams
@@plazma1945 oh I didn't yet, but still, dcs Redfor really need some extras( weapons, tech and planes). I would pay serious money for an upgraded mig with proper fox3, datalink and everything else
Lol you do know I fly su27 all the time right , I’m saying without proper fox3 missiles it’s at a disadvantage but yes hit me up on discord plazma1945 we can do a friendly fly off and compare tactics
Thank you for the effort and quality of your video so I hope you don't take offense to a bit of constructive criticism. First of all, I would not even consider F3 aircraft. Flight models are suspect at best, radar is super simplified, and were intended as intro to DCS to ease nubee's into the sim rather than serious models. Secondly, I think the question is not really appropriate because each of the aircraft were designed for specific roles and generally excel at those roles...so flown in those contexts, what is needed is the right question. Let me give a simple example from an earlier generation... The F-104 was a great interceptor and flown like one with GCI support it was probably one of the best of the time....but was it a dogfighter...no way....was it a good ground support aircraft...it was garbage at that...could it carry a nuclear warhead at very high speed low to the ground an be nearly unstoppable....absolutely (ask me how I know). So it's important to ask the right question: What characteristics make a good multirole aircraft?...What aircraft modeled in DCS meet those criteria. Those are the type of linked questions to ask I believe. Keep up the good work, and as I said, I hope you take this as constructive criticism.
Heya, and yes I want to know about how it could carry the nuke low ans fast. We should do an interview on that topic. Would you ingress high, to save fuel then get low and dash 200km over the soviet border or to facilities or troop buildup areas say just behind the main front line? What would be the fuel expectations and would you be expected to come back at all? Would love to chat! But back to topic,indeed and with grain for salt and reality in place, yes it's hard to compare and stack all aircraft. I tried a general, here is what a plane can do, and what you can do with it type video. People ask me what's the plane that's best, this was the best way I could explain it. Want to do air to ground, get an f18 or 16 want to get into the "shit" and weave turn n bob get a mirage. Want to fly RedFor, good luck here is a flanker or Fulcrum from late 80s
@@plazma1945 We trained to carry the B-28RE on the fuselage with a high low low profile. The 104 was incredibly fast at very low level and even carrying the 28, you could reach speeds in excess of 700 Ikts. We practiced approaches at 300 feet, popup and release in a ballistic arc as we pulled through and exited over the top and headed for the ground in full re-heat. Fuel was always an issue so a lot of pre flight planning went into every mission. The 28RE version had stabilizing fins that retarded the bomb fall and gave you some extra time to exit the area. The device could yield up to 1 megaton and would be set according to target type and could be set to different altitudes for busting....which I don't need to go into. The plan was to be at least 10 miles away at detonation, going at least 10 miles per minute (ie 600+ Ikts) away from the blast zone. No one figured we would survive 🙂 but it wasn't tested....thank god. It was another era for sure....and when you're young 20ish, single, and feeling immortal...you didn't really think about it.....
@@haedubabaganush man oh man.. thats brilliant. Hey, I wonder if (you do not mind) we / I can recreate that profile ingress with in a Mig-21 I know there is a F104 mod. but I maybe mig 21 with its nuke :) ! would be a cool video - of course keeping opsec quiet, shoot me an email plasma@redstardcs.com ! or
While I agree this is subjective, I don’t understand certain subjective criteria, mostly with the F-16 which is the fighter I know best: - penalizing it for not having Fox1? If there were no Fox 3, sure… but go see SATAL or other competitive arenas, the F-16 dominates the BVR by a considerable margin. - The F-16 does have JDAMS and JSOW. The JDAMS full identical capability to the F-18 if I understand them correctly. The JSOW ED decided to exclude the C unitary broach variant, so yeah, that is a hit. The Harpoon certainly gets a little extra for the F-18 as well as the remote self-powered missiles, but not that huge margin Still, I agree that the F-18 is the more complete within DCS, you didn’t even mention Carrier ops as part of the bonuses… but some info is wrong, the BVR penalty is questionable, so don’t think it that much below the f/a-18.
I agree with you on the Fox1 point. It causes the F16 to take a hit relative to the F18 in the BVR category. The implication is that the Viper is somehow at a disadvantage in a BVR fight vs a Hornet because the Hornet can equip older tech Sparows vs. the more modern AMRAAM missile which both jets can use. That's simply not true. The Viper actually has a slight edge due to it's faster speed granting the ability to impart higher kinetic energy to the missile (extend the maximum range or reach the target faster) vs the Hornet. However, the Hornet can carry more missiles, so that sort of balances it out. With that said, the scoring might be a bit closer with some tweaking of the criteria, but the final overall ranking would still be the same. The Hornet is the best all-around multi-role jet we have in DCS at the moment as far as I can tell and its popularity is deserved. But hey, people are going to fly what they like no matter what, and that's how it should be.
@@takeoffwithjakesoft yup yup and thank you for the very constructive response. its hard to make everyone happy all the time. REDFOR will never be happy since our stuff kinda sucks right now :) .. lol.. But again thank you for the balanced and fair response, I tried my best tto grant points rather than substract. When it comes to the speed and turn.. i gave props to the F-18 because it is likely to end up in a dogfight with more missiles (or fox 2s) and dogfights will usuaally get into slow speeds, scissors and circle fights where that F-18 is a bit more magical, and can collapse a circle and pull the nose authority a bit better. again thank you for a great comment !
That +1 point comes from a wider variety of scenarios and servers when a plane can shine. Take blue flag 80s or tempest for example. F18 is a capable plane there, because of the ability to use aim7, while f16 is limited to mountain ambushes and air to ground missions
@@plazma1945 what do you think about razbam modules overall, on their page on steam there're a lot of negative reviews not to buy them because of ED situation. Do you agree that their modules except f15 are okay and completed
You can always tell f16 guys who only fly single player or at least dont fly on the dogfight server against the best because they think the 16 can dogfight against hornets.
@@simonhouel1984 ummmm good question, maybe the a10 and the su25 I think can but I'm not an air to Ground guy, flanker Fulcrum and F15 definitely no laser guided
The best plane in DCS is the JF-17, the best modeled module and one of the most complete. Another different thing is that he is the best in a specific role. and above all because ED doesn't even allow a red plane to be really well modeled, no module is allowed to be good above natural planes. This is so true whether you like it or not.
Well, kinda usaf wanted interoperability with f-15 fleet so it liked the same engine on the 16. Navy didn't care and wanted landing on carriers, salt water etc.
@@plazma1945 None of that is true. The navy had a requirment for two engines. The air force has bases literally on the beach. Anything within 30 miles of the ocean is assumed to get salt spray on and in it for aviation purposes. I did flight testing in the air force on the beach in Florida for many years. The original F16 did not have the same engine as the F15 that came later on.
Made about a video game set of airplanes, using the stats and capabilities of In game weapons and equipment. Soooo.. Great video game for video game dorks who play a game/sim. Glad you watched it, and I suggest you keep your mouth shhhhhut on the real weapons / equipment and capabilities to prevent yourself from going to prison. Much love,. Video game dorks.
As for understandings don't assume to know what I know or what I don't know or what other people know or don't know. That is a sad and pathetic attitude of an uneducated person who knows a very limited slice of something and has no expertise beyond his little slice, but thinks he knows all.
disagree: of course the f-18 its the best MULTIROLE fighter but in combat or in practic i think the su-27 its better i think the top tier will be like this: su-27, f-16, miragge 2000, f-18, mig-29, f-14 but this is only my opinion and im talking about air to air because thats my style of fighting, nice video👍
no no great great point.. and yes>> but also, for multi purpose thats where the F-18 gets its points ,, the guided bombs, laser guided, jdam, and harpoon missiles.. otherwise, Flanker f14 F16 mirage! I am with you on it..
Hang on Su27 does not have R77. By the way As I am a chopper player, JF is most dangerous opponent. Because once the radar lock me up It never let me go even if I land and not move at all. Mostly.. the JF pilots are all veterang.
Well by Su-27 I meant the Flanker Family.. but yes JF guys are deadly. IM SORRY MISSED IT - i failed.. i realized i missed JF when I finished most work. mainly because, Ive been last 3 months in SATAL competitions, no JF-17 there SD 10 not allowed
👍👍So to be sure we are talking dcs world.. In dcs 9x is a bit better than 73, which is definitely better than aim9m Ergo both 9x and 73 planes get a half Point extra. Also agreed on mirage, can't self designate but can carry and drop, something a flanker in dcs cannot
@@plazma1945 Yes, we are talking DCS, the 9X in DCS is the R-73's junior by 19 years, it's closest equivalent would be the R-73M. 9X has a greater seeker boresight (90deg vs 60deg) to begin with and is a lot less prone to jamming. They are nowhere near comparable even by your own rules.
Don’t know why you left out the JF-17, while not as fast, the fox 3 missiles good and has one of the best SA suites of all the jets to me with the MAW. Not to mention carry’s lot of ground goodness. While I agree the F/A-18 is the overall king Swiss army and the best plane to start with, given the ease of the basic learning curve. Even though is does get harder as it goes. That said, if I’m covering the top five, i would cover all that fit in that category.
hehe i kinda forgot about the jeff when i made the data points.... ;) so I am making it look like i left it out on purpose.. :) I think the jeff with its multi role would sit easily between the Mirage/F16 and the Flanker/Tomcat. it has less speed but it has lots of various weapons INCLUDING smart weapons it can carry.
forgive me.. i started working on the video, then realized i forgot the JF and then had all the data and stuff so said. .ill release this and put out a Jeff appendix later on :) .. there IS A LOT of SMART ground goodness the JF can shoot and carry. and the SD10s are dope.
you forgot to mention that only the su33, f14, and f18 are capable of carrier operations, also why didn't you include the jf17?, and I would argue that the su27 family do not deserve to be considered very fast, sure if you give them time to gain speed then yea, but most the time you cant get past Mach 1.5 in these things
i feel like putting the f16 below the f18 in regards to bvr is a mistake no? and if handled correctly the F16 will dominate the f18 in a dogfight. im a hornet main myself but i recognize that the F16 is a beast in a close in dogfight like the f18 and close to unbeatable in the bvr fight
I think I good thing to mention is the amount of munitions or pylons of weapons aircraft can carry because I know damn well I'm not going to bother doing a bombing run in a M-2000 if I could instead choose a Flanker
yeah, that's why I especially love multirole in the F-16 4 hardpoints for ground attack AND still 4 hardpoints for whatever combination of Fox3 or Fox2 you like
@@pd28cat My usual loadout is 2 bags, 3 pods, 2 AG points and 4 AA points (usually 2 Fox3 and 2 Fox 2 but can be 4x Fox3 if the bandits are exprected fom afar)
A good camparison between the listed modules. I love the M2000 it's my favourite module in the game and feels the most complete. However, the fact that you decided to leave out the awesome JF-17 module (for no apparant reason..... maybe you just don't like it?) makes this comparison, and the result, incomplete. I know towards the end you mention that it sits somewhere in 4 or 5th place (something to that effect) but it's absence for no objective reason is a fail for the video and your effort.
@@plazma1945 All good mate. It's a great video! It's just that it would've been nice to get your take on the JF-17's capabilites in comparison to the other modules : )
I was going to take you seriously, then I saw you completely disregarded the fact that the F-16 can out rate pretty much everything in a dog fight. Also, you're going to sit there with a straight face and tell me that if a F4 Phantom fired an Aim-7 sparrow, and a F-22 Raptor couldn't, you'd give the Phantom more points??? I'm having an extremely hard time believing this isn't satirical. In all honesty, not only do I disagree with your rankings of the aircraft, I disagree with the manner in which you have ranked them. It would have been more honest to say "Ranking hardpoints and which military branch uses the aircraft!" In my personal, subjective opinion, it would be more objective to rank the planes 5-4-3-2-1, and give reasoning for why they are above/below other planes.
no problem, my goal is to educate please see the sustained turn rates here: ruclips.net/channel/UCpKNoOzCuSK_qSQbZ1Ds1qwcommunity Mig29 J11 F18 ALL outrate the F16. and do it during slow speed fights. unless there is a good pilot who can extend and jink I am going to get on his six and stay there in my flanker or mig29 until i shoot him down or he / or I run out of fuel. also.. I was listing capabilities and weapons in a multi role setup.. NOT giving points, I am saying here is what the plane CAN do, what you do with it is up to you ❤❤
@@kreiker8902 Hahaha, I get frustrated when my subjective video gets said to be disregarded, and also maybe you will try other fighters since they can rate the f16 too. I like the 16.a lot and did dogfights in it (beat mirages and f18s in it!).. But also maybe others will use the chart to one look up their jets performance and rates and compare to enemies to know when to speed up when to slow down etc.💜💜✌️ Maximum DCS my Viper brother!
The fact that the f16 is the lowest ranked BVR platform tells me this list is silly. The f16 in dcs is currently one of the best BVR platforms due to its speed and speed at altitude allowing it to throw AIM120s with insane speed that become extremely difficult to counter. Its genuinely absurd to rank it how you did. This list is literally just taking into account what it can equip to a pylon, which is grossly oversimplified. Bad list, i hope nobody bases their jet purchase off of this lol
Sorry pal, but the MiG-29 (unlike Su-27) can take an F-18 in a dogfight any day of the week, unless its fuel burns out. The only proper challenger against the MiG-29 is the F-16, although in real life, the MiG still has better sustained turn rate by a negligible 0.2 deg/s. In real life, it also outclimbed the F-15 during tests with German Migs against the US F-15s. In DCS, it is on par with them, slightly worse acceleration than F-16 and lower speed than F-15, but WVR close-range dogfights, look no further than the mighty MiG-29. Terrible BVR capability, impotent fox 1, excellent close-range fox 2 (the AA-11 Archer; R-73), second-to-none nose authority. MiG-29, the only plane that outturns an F-16 and outclimbs an F-15. In a way, it succeeded its original mission to counter these aircraft.
In dcs world, not as much in guns dogfight f18 wins. In sustained fight. Iam fully supportive and love my flankers n migs. But when you have an f18 from early 2000s vs mig from 1985_88
@@plazma1945 In a dogfight, how does a MiG-29 lose against a Hornet if it has superior sustained and instantaneous turn rate, better low-speed characteristics, etc. unless you play exactly in their hand?
Fair assessment. Should be F/A-16 due to its ground attack ability. We will conceit defeat to the F-18 however, there is one way to make it better... can we put a Red Star on it? I do have an argument for the Flanker being #1; its ability to carry many, MANY gallons of hearty Russian borscht to the frontline, delivering it to the enemy. Westerns have not experienced delicious, authentic Russian borscht and when the Flanker drops buckets of it "Snake-eye" style, in low-drag bucket form, along with white bread, thickly covered with butter, the Western forces will be totally occupied consuming this scrumptious soup. Russian forces will easily overrun the borscht eating Western forces, making for not only an easy victory, but an extremely inexpensive one too, especially if the Russian soup kitchen commanders add a little bit of smoked sausage (Kielbasa) to the recipe like I do. NOW WE ARE TALKING BORSCHT! And if the Russian soup kitchen commanders are wise enough to include sour cream as a side, the victory will be effortless. But they cannot use just any sour cream. Only sour cream from near the Black Sea will do! Best in the world hands down. But seriously, excellent video Plazma. High quality video content. Keep up the great work!
@@265justy Yes, the majority of the missions the F-16 has flown is air to ground, ditto for the F-18. The F-18 is corrected titled F/A-18 (Fighter/Attack). A more correct title for the F-16 is the F/A-16. Using this "logic", the F-15E can be titled the F/A-15. The original title for the Raptor, because of its "multirole" capability, was going to be F/A-22. Just imagine how terrible the Phantom would have been to call it the F/A-4 is it too had ground attack capability. A play of letters, that's all.
@@knightonwarbeck1969 You creating your own titles for aircraft. 🙄.. You do realise the F-16 is credited with over 80 air to air kills.. Its not all about ground attack. As matter afact it was built originally to be a dogfighter and it evolved into a multirole fighter..
@@265justy Yes I am. You can also create your own titles. Permission granted. 80 kills... Understood, and WAY more bomb drops than this hence the F/A-16. You proved my point perfectly. F-111 or B-111? See? See? Does that one Gulf War maneuver kill earn the F title or B or F/A/B-111? Merely pointing out the inconsistent nomenclature of US jets. Thanks for playing.
@@knightonwarbeck1969In your little world... 🤣 You do know the F/A-16 designation was already tried and dropped in the late 1980s. A few Block 30s were painted in the Euro green camo and mounted with a 30mm Cannon pod. They were going to replace the A-10s, but the whole thing got shelfed.. The gun was too brutal when fired on the F-16s light airframe. So call it what you want. Nobody else does.
Just because an aircraft can do something, doesn't mean it can do it well. The F18 can carry about everything, but is only average at eveverything. It doesn't excel at anything. Your list sounds more biased than scientific. Bottom line, most aircraft in DCS are decent, but most importantly they are balanced for the most part. Otherwise you would only see one aircraft in the air. It's going to take more than a good aircraft to do well in DCS. Also carrying Aim 7's should be negative points, not positive. You are more likely to hit a friendly than an enemy aircraft if you hit anything at all.
Based on a single air frame and it's capabilities for a virtual pilot. In the air frame mentioned : Can you air to air bvr, wvr, cold war (using fox1?)? can you win in Dogfights? , do you have stand off air to ground and not just dumb bombs? . This is a rating of an air frame capability. Which the f18 takes as a win in, My, rating yes it's subjective but based on what can an air frame do it makes sense. Now... Fox1... if you have not flown on cold war servers where there are no fox3s or have never entered a merge to save a friend who is anchored, defensive, in a dogfight... and can get a good lock and fire a sparrow to shoot a guaranteed hostile.... and not roll fifty fifty dice if a fox 2 or fox 3 will choose enemy or friend you don't know what you are missing. Yes sparrows are not fox 3 but you dismissing them as an argument shows you do not understand them and their capabilities and when they are very useful. Therefore you may have limited understandings of platforms and other weapons. Let me know if I can explain more and happy to hear your opinions as well. Cheers!
@@plazma1945 yes, I've played on cold war. And I stand by the statement on Sparrows. On multiple occasions I've had a bad guy locked and fire a 7 within range and fire. Then watch the missile take a left turn and hit a friendly not even within my sight. And as far as the 18 goes. It's good at bvr average at two circle, terrible at one circle, and it's only OK at SEAD. People love it, because of carrier landings. Sorry that doesn't make it good. You can land a 16 on a carrier too. LOL.
so in DCS world once a target is locked and a sparrow is fired it will track that specific target - it can go home on jam, if you DROP lock but it will target the jamming target you fired on initially, you can drop and re lock with a sparrow and it can reacquire.. however, i have never seen a sparrow fired on a target choose a different target. and our team was champion in the House of SARH competition which was FOX competition only. fox1 is the only missile to use (after a verified lock) to shoot into a merge ... as for the F18 can you confirm your numbers as the F18 has one of the best instant and sustained turn rates (I think only the mirage 2000 is better, and F16 is getting closer) but for dogfighting, the F18 is king.. check my channel for the dogfight competitions I hosted, only a skilled tomcat pilot came out on top, in each fight of an 18 vs 16 the f16 lost every time in a dogfight.. mirage could hold its own and safe with the tomcat.. f16 was wiped out almost every time
@@bkpickell not just me but stats are there check out stats at justdogfight.com/top-planes/ for the F18 its at the top for top 10 planes guns for dogfighting. ps yes the F16 kicks ass.. and thats the plane I fly, i dont even own the F18 so I have no bias towards it.. but it can do more and a little better than the viper for an all around plane.. just a bit more but yes it can just a bit :)
Left it out since I have never flown it I think it would Make Top five probably near the flanker and f14 since it has great SD 10 and great air to ground Agreeed?
Su27 cannot have R77 only J11, F16 is better for BVR hornet is slow, air to ground i would say hornet is better, F16 is easier to manage in hornet you must say that jet everything like to little child. F18 has advantage because its also navy jet, but its radar is weird. cannot properly hold lock in certain situations. Even tomcat holds it better. But for overall experience hornet can do cold war and modern times good F16 doesnt have sparrows so only in modern envinronment. But mirage is not on same level as F16. F16 has greater AG capability i think highest T/W ratio from full fidelity modules and has great datalink + freat SEAD capabilities not mentioning AIM120 and be able to throw it further than mirage or hornet + can take 6 of them while mirage can have only 2 fox 1s + You must be really dumb F16 pilot to catch yourself in dogfight with mirage when you have aim120s.
I disagree and also thumbs down for not including the JF-17. There is no „best aircraft“. The F-18 is undoubtedly the king of strike but that’s about it and at least for me the most boring aircraft to fly, followed by the JF-17. The Viper is the King of SEAD and the Viggen the king of anti ship.
Ultimately, it is not the plane. It is the pilot. Growling Sidewinder has shown he can still defeat an F-22 whilst flying Grandpa’s F-86 Sabre and even defeated a Fulcrum whilst flying the F-5 Tiger
In dogfight yes, but not in BVR, ground attack etc. Even a noob should win vs a 'pro' if the noob is in an F16 at 40NM from an F5. F5 should be dead 3 times at least, before he can get within weapon deployment range.
Whaaaat his video does not make any sense at all, how the hech the f16 has less points than everybody in with the best missile and best speed? the r27ER is a bad missile, the R-27R is even worse, and the 27Ts even more worse, looks like you dont play this game at wall, came from war thunder ou ace combat.
Best missile! You mean same missile like F15 and f18? Not only do I fly but I also participate in competition in this sim. 😉. And no the Er does not suck.
@@plazma1945 of course i dont whatched the whole thing, in the beginning you sad that the mirage is better than the f-16 cause que f-16 has no fox 1 a thing that does not make any sense
@@plazma1945 I dont mean to offend of nothing men, is just strange way of thinking. The f-16 is extremaly fast and has the aim-102c, ok. butt is worse than the flanker because does not have the useless aim-7 sparrow? meanwhile the flanker has the 27-ER that is longer range, and the worser version the 27-R that no one really uses, and is best then the f-16 HOW???? what logic is this? Not mentioning that the ERs were completed nerfed during all this years and just this last year he became somewhat realistic.
@@victor-crow hey no worry no problem I live the f16 and fly it to. It's great, fast and has Soo many air to ground weapons too! Look at total numbers, the f16 is near the top. Yup I heard the ers were nefed but the video is now two weeks old. I will. Update it in a while, 🙏❤️, not denying f16 is great.
Fox one is good when you have a friendly and enemy in a merge. And if you shoot your fox 3 may track a friendly. If you shoot Fox1 I will guarantee kill enemy
Mirage and Falcon are the fastest?!? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha laughs in Tomcat. Also has a better turn rate than every aircraft here other than one variant of the SU-27.
@@plazma1945 sorry, I was speaking objectively, not subjectively. And you eliminated the Eagle, why bring it up? What you meant to say was “quicker,” or has a greater acceleration rate. But that’s only in certain regimes, not every one.
⚠️⚠️⚠️ Hey guys hit the, 👍Like on the video and✅ Comment your fav plane below 👇👇👇 thanks!!! ⚠️⚠️⚠️
I agree that the F18 can do just about everything, while not being the best at any particular thing. Thats not necessarily a strength though. I find myself using different modules for every situation that just flat out do 1 job better.
indeed, no disagreement and a very fair statement. I mainly fly PVP air to air competitions and dogifghts , with the F-18 it can just do sooo much.. Launch a Harpoon and then get into a low speed dogfight. pretty dope.
Nobody ever acknowledges jf-17’s 😂
JF-17 Block 1.5 in game is easily right there with the F-16 in rating only because of its massive options if weapons. And aside from the F/A-18C it is the only one with the cruise missiles options
On the F-16 AG you did not acknowledged the upcoming TALD, the HTS pod, the CBU-105 and the fact that it can carry more Mavericks and more dumb bombs.
Considering the fuel economy, the Viper needs to be driven very carefully but you can get an actually very good mileage.
You could think that the Hornet can carry more but you have to consider the fuel you burn on launch and recovery.
In DCS, having 2 engines is not really a plus since most of the time we cannot play with random failures.
Jamming. The pods on the Viper are working a little better against SAM sites and you can chose what priority you prefer (radar or jamming) when the Hornet kills your own radar when jamming.
The Datalink is far more better on the Hornet and CAS can be a little bit fiddly on the Viper.
Dogfighting is definitely at the advantage for the Hornet with the HCMS datas, acquisition modes, auto IFF and the FLCS override.
Note that on the Viper has something awesome on the HSD page in dogfight mode : you can see where your HCMS is pointing at.
So, if you lose sight you can have a quick look on your HSD and point the helmet in the direction of the Datalink contact.
Lastly, the Slam. It's ok to fire from very long range but if your target is that well defended that you need the Slam(ER), then it will most likely have a couple of Thors that will shoot down your missiles.
On a personal preference, I absolutely hate the RWR logic on the Hornet.
The HUD is becoming crowded in hostile environment and I cannot use the RWR page as often.
The standbye RWR screen is difficult to read.
On the Viper, it is classic but just under your nose and has more modes.
It does not require to use one your screens.
As much as I like the Mirage, IMO it doesn't come close to the F-16 in capability. Datalink, Fox-3s, self designated smart weapons, it's not even close.
But that being said, I love flying the Mirage.
Mirage is great that's why it shares that spot with the 16 what it can do in dogfights the f16 matches in multirole capabilities
The Mirage falls out of the sky after 1 turn. The radar is bad, no helmet mount cueing system. and the twin cannons' rate of fire is too slow. Only carries 4 missiles. It can't bomb accurately above 15,000 ft. Even the F-5E is a better dogfighter
I would have tied the F-16 in with the JF-17. Unfortunately the JF lacks in fuel capacity and armament restrictions. You either get the bags or the toys not both lol
if we're talking about multirole, the f18 is the best of those planes, it can carry almost every weapon the navy has to offer and it has exceptional bvr capabilities and amazing dogfighting capabilities. for air to air combat, i would say the f16 is the best as it is super fast, very useful in a bvr fight and fields very good missiles for both bvr and within visual range. the f16 is a monster in the rate fight, even able to keep up with the f22 but if you want to do some bombing alongside your air to air combat, the f18 is the way to go
The F-16 is definitely my pick. What puts it over the Hornet to me, even though the Hornet has some solid advantages, such as having all wing pylons GPS-plumbed and having all , is I far and away prefer the F-16's avionics. Entering data, controlling autopilot, HUD symbology - I prefer most of the F-16's features over their counterparts in the F-18, which feels clunky in terms of its avionics at times. Even if it does have more datalink capabilities and a more robust HMCS implementation (datalink contacts always on HMCS without having to be hooked, and direct HMCS-TGP cueing without needing markpoints), I can more quickly enter in new waypoints with better precision (entering in DDM is faster than DMDS and more precise than DMS) and the seamless transitions between Dogfight Mode and Missile Override vs the selected master mode are superb.
Some very important intangibles that I don't think were covered in this video - maybe because the creator is opting for a condensed format, which is understandable - are the possibilities with a Viper over those with a Hornet. There are a lot of subtle advantages a Viper can leverage over the Hornet, as the simple stuff is already well known:
• Unlike the Hornet, all four of the Viper's air-to-air hardpoints can mount AAMRAMs. And all of these mounts are dedicated, carrying them doesn't affect the rest of your loadout.
• The Viper has a dedicated hardpoint for TGP. The Hornet must sacrifice either an AAMRAM (leaving a fully air-to-ground Hornet that uses the fuselage pod with only one AAMRAM), or sacrifice the belly spot (more bombs, or fuel tank, even if the fuel tank isn't as necessary).
• While the Hornet gets the excellent JSOW-C, and cruise missiles (I'm still sore that ED walked back on giving the Viper the JASSM...), the Viper boasts cluster munitions that actually work. Nothing the Hornet carries can compare to the WCMDs. In at least a slight majority of air-to-ground situations, a Viper can be as destructive - if not more so - with four CBU-105s than eight JDAMs. To say nothing of the additional 6 CBU-97s that Viper would still have room for. Even the CBU-87/103s can be deadlier than Rockeyes/CBU-99s now.
• The Viper can also carry Mavericks on TERs, meaning it can have more missiles (I'd argue more numerous Mavericks are generally better than larger-warhead Mavericks), on only two pylons vs four, leaving two available for bags (did I mention the F-16 drops its pylons when dropping wing bags? Cleaner jet!) or more weapons. And TERs means the Viper can even beat the Hornet in dumb bombs, too.
• While in many situations, the two are equal in HARM employment... the Hornet has no answer to the Viper's HAD. Not only locating emitters unassisted, but also handing off to TGP and other weapons systems. It's easier to do SEAD without HARMs, sometimes easier still to cut to the chase and perform DEAD, all without prior intelligence pinpointing SAM location and type.
The Hornet is a bird to be respected. Her more robust foundation for munition carriage, her better range, her being happier at high altitude, means she's never a bad guest to bring to the party. And I've recommended the Hornet over the Viper for most of my friends getting into DCS. But for most of the situations one will find in DCS and for those of us who learn its ways, team Viper!
And for criticisms of the rating methodology in this video:
• The F-18's "Murder Hornet" loadout of 10 AAMRAMs plus two AIM-9Xs is also worthy of mention. No other aircraft in DCS has that level of BVR firepower, and I think the comparison should have reflected that somehow.
• I do disagree with giving the M2K a higher BVR rating than the Viper. The Viper lost here simply because it doesn't have Fox 1s; lacking Fox 1s is better than lacking Fox 3s, and it carries way more than the M2K. It should have been, at the very least, a tie: you can't give an extra 0.5 points for a nicer Fox 1, when a Fox 3 is generally superior.
• I think the F-16's "turn" ability is sold short in this video. It probably deserved a bit more than 0.5 points, and I think the Tomcat also deserved at least 1.5 points in this category.
The Jeff wouldn't have won, no, but it is still worthy of consideration. It lacks in quantity, but makes up for it in quality and variety. LJDAMs with better range than the GBU-54s? Yum. Laser-guided rockets that can kill modern MBTs and come in chunky pods? Yes please. An SFW glide bomb with functional terminal parameters? Heck yeah! I think the Jeff probably could have edged out the Flanker and the Fulcrum in this video, especially considering that it's Chinese origins can justify it as a REDFOR plane, sort of.
+1 BVR SD-10 Fox 3. No Fox 1s
+1 PL-5, no HOBS or long range.
+10 A2G for bombs, GPS bombs, LJDAMs, ASCMs and LACMs, AGMs, ARMs, laser-guided rockets and glide bombs. The high score reflects three unique capabilities among the other aircraft here.
+1 for speed, +1.5 for maneuvering. Not super fast, only agile under some circumstances (though it can be quite agile, I'd rather undersell than oversell its turning ability)
16.5 points right there. It lacks overall payload compared to the other aircraft here, but overall payload wasn't a factor, just capability.
That's my (probably more than) two cents.
R77 always does well with me 🤷♂️
I like how you almost roll over that Soldier there right at the end xD
Harrier clearly gets a zero for BVR, but in a sidewinder fight it's only beaten by aircraft with helmet sights. A2G however. It's got LJDAMs which are without doubt the most useful weapon in DCS and also APKWS - probably the second most useful weapon in DCS - none of which are carried by any of the other aircraft in the video. Even more important for ground attack is its FLIR hotspots so can find targets within 5 miles really easily and it's TPOD is way better than that of the F16... and the Vipers is in turn way better than the Hornets whose pod is appalling. Even when it comes to Anti ship the harrier is way better than the Viper and at worst is almost a match for the Hornet as in DCS the Harpoon is quite useless at attacking most warships. Overall for ground attack nothing comes close.
I'll make a video about harrier I promise!
The Viper's pod is gonna get even better when ED finally gets around to putting in the Sniper XR, too!
On top of to the Harrier things you mentioned, can't forget about the ATHS Handoff. No aircraft in DCS vanilla can convert F10 marks to usable target points mid-flight with a keypress and assigning target numbers. The Harrier is the king of JDAMs in DCS, and likely will continue to be after the Mudhen drops (because the Mudhen can't carry JDAMs on its upper CFT mounts) thanks to its GPS-plumbed TERs. In no other flyable aircraft can you stage huge JDAM drops that looks like carpet bombing. Hornets bragging about carrier ops? I raise you with LHA ops! Harrier love!
@@5TARC0MMAND3R a harrier pilot I know who will agree with you, and also he keeps saying where is my aim120. 😉
@@plazma1945 in real life I think I'd wanna be in a hornet...but in dcs harrier all day long
@@5TARC0MMAND3R Hell yeah. 10 targets in a single pickle. Have you seem my channel BTW?
There are so many subjective variables it is probably impossible to make a definitive choice. For instance the F18 yes doesn't accelerate like a Mirage but has more sustainable engine power. They fight differently. The F16 is an awesome dogfighter and can make life horrible for both the Mirage and the F18 if turn rates are maintained. The Mirage and F18 have instantaneous turn rates that balance that out. There are a lot of swings and roundabouts even down to pilot skill and experience that can skew the results. I would say you are probably right about the F18 but I certainly wouldn't rest on my laurels if I were to meet an F16 or Mirage in a merge.
Kind of late, but still applies, but the F18 still outrates the f16 in a 2 circle fight, the f16 is genuinely the worst dogfighter on this list, it makes one turn and loses more energy than the f18
Ultimate and only realistic answer to this question is simply “it depends”
Thats why I figured let me drop the what can it do, and subjective turn speed facts and let folks decide. Featureset is there, for sure!
The F18 can carry only 2 Mavericks and 2 HARMs at the same time while F16 can carry 6 Mavericks and 2 HARMs at the same time. the huge difference in points between them for A2G is unjust IMHO
F/A aircraft wins the multi-role competition? Unforseeable! I do agree that if you're going to count the A2G capabilities and score them, that's where the Hornet pushes ahead, making up for A2A speed/drag/acceleration shortcomings. Certainly for new players of DCS, other than buying FC3 to see if you even want to do this sim, the Hornet is a good all round choice: bang for buck very high return due to being able to have fun in carrier ops while still able to do all the A2A, A2G stuffs.
Thanks I will update this since the F15e was added and add the Jf17 the eagle would closely compete with the f18 for an all around Er
about 4 days now hard studying of mirage 2000c and I feel in love with it and maybe after a month i will feel obsessed with it lol
It feels great to fly it
Nice video!
i love the Mirage in Fox-1 era scenarios but man...only 4 AAMs is tough. I do so wish they would offer the Mirage-2000-5 in a similar fashion to the F-1 or F-14 variants
That would be sick can you image the mirage with a few more air to air missiles and datalink jeebus
I love the Mirage, but honestly, when objectively looking at this approach and 'best jet' / 'best multirole' the M2000 shouldn't even be on this list. You have the M2000 and F16 on the same spot, but the F16 can carry 4 AIM120 + 6 Maveriks + 6 cluster bombs. It can kill 12+ ground targets easily +still shoot 4x the best A2A missile and have datalink, targeting pod etc etc.
In the same situation, the M2000 can't carry the Fox1 with any A2G weapons and it is limited to max 4 missiles. Take any A2G and you are left with 2 fox2's. M2000 has no maverik, no datalink, and max 500lbs bombs.
M2000 comes nowhere close to F16 in multirole capability (unfortunately). I love my M2000 but I often leave it home if the mission asks for Multirole. I even take the F14 over the M2000 cause it can carry the same 2x fox2 but still have 6 1000lbs + 2 2000lbs bombs and 4 rocket pods (with bigger rockets than the M2000).
I don't fly the Russian stuff, but from this list it should objectively be:
F16 (closely behind F18 depending on targets and mission. F16 can carry more Maveriks and clusters but no anti ship)
F14 (quite far behind the 2 above)
M2000 (far far behind the F18 and F16 and also quite a bit behind the F14.. and should not even be here really)
What about the Cluster munitions and the SEAD capabilities? The F-16 has the best cluster and SAM triangulation.
isnt it same on f18
@@plazma1945 I went and elaborated elsewhere, but specifically to CBUs and SEAD:
• CBU-87/103 and CBU-97/105 are almost unparalleled. The submunitions on the 87/103, after a buff earlier this year, are better at killing vehicles than Rockeyes/CBU-99s. And the SFWs of the 97/105? Unparalleled, they will kill any ground vehicle, and the submunitions are capable of targeting things rather than depending on random distribution as all the other CBUs I mentioned here are.
• Both the F-16 and the F-18 carry the HARM... both have comparable capabilities on pre-briefed targets... however, the F-16's HAD pod allows it to locate radar emitters precisely. That allows an F-16 to create a SPI off a radar emission, automatically cueing your TGP, making it easier to bring other A-G weapons to bear. A Hornet can target emitters based off the HARM seeker, even cue from its RWR... but none of this produces the range to target, it only has bearing, and that limits how much the HARM can loft as it needs to keep its seeker on the radar at all times as opposed to just the terminal phase of flight. You can achieve similar performance to a pre-briefed shot with the F-16's HAD pod's Equation of Motion. The F-16 is the USAF's premiere SEAD platform, while the US Navy used the EA-6 and the EA-18G for that, which is why the Hornet has a capability but not as robust of one.
Why not reddit the video and add the jf as well?
I will maybe another one for air to ground missiles and weapons
Also to make all the Jeff pilots angry ✌️😜 _ just joking
@plazma not a Jeff pilot but I saw the guys in the vcomments 😂
i dont know why u put only 1 point into mig29 in turn and burn section, but this aircraft can win a 1 circle fight against kings of aoa (f18, mirage), dogfights are where mig29 shines in my opinion.
Kinda, but it's not its sustained rate. If you yank hard on stick and lose speed the 29 will tumbke where as the 18 like the flanker can stay slow and turn. Take a peek here, the f-18 is just a tad above the flanker
And I forgot a very imortant point :
Multirole capabilities.
The Viper is by far superior to any other jets in that matter.
You can carry 2 AIM-9x, 2 AIM-120C (or 4x 120s) your AG loadout, 2 pods, 2 bags and a jamming pod (or 3 bags)
Meaning you can unleash hell on the ground, then climb to top cover or CAP with 2/4 BVR missiles or 2 BVR + 2 WVR missiles.
The Hornet won't let you carry more than 1x 120C (unless you ditch the pod) and will have a way more limited loadout.
I just got the f16. Question. Am I able to use the jhmcs to mark targets on the ground and slew the tgp to unleash a maverick?
not with JHMCS.. with the tpod yes
I haven't flown the 16 in awhile but I mark targets with the jhmcs then fine tune with tpod. Maybe I'm misunderstanding the question.
Make a stpt with jhcms then change the tpod to target that stpt. Again been a few months but that's the simplified version.
First get into VIS mode in the SMS page.
Then DMS short up one time to make your HUD SOI and DMS up long.
Now in your helmet you should see a pointing cross.
TMS up short to drop a lock where you look and then you'll be able to slew the TGP around to fine tune.
I strongly advise to create a Markpoint on your target, then press 0 and then CZ to make your markpoint your active steerpoint and erase all the TGP deltas.
If you don’t know what the fight is gonna be like the F/A-18 would be my choice. But if I knew it was going to be air to air, and I don’t expect swarms of enemies. I’d prefer the F-16. The acceleration is magic.
But saying that, if it’s just down to flying, the Mirage 2000 and the Mig-29 both always feel like putting on a favourite jumper to me. But I’d prefer to not be in either of those if fox-3 missiles are heading my way. Don’t get me started on gen 2 and other older stuff. I love the F1. To me, it has all the benefits of the mig-21 (which I still love) without the Russian ‘agricultural’ vibe.
TLDR? It’s complicated.
F16 can really haul ass
I would say this video is more or less not what the best jet in the game is but more what the most versatile jet in the game is...
ahh indeed, and its a good way to think about it most people ask what is the best. here they can look and say.. i want to do .. AIR to GROUND.. here is what is best for that .. hard to say THIS IS THE BEST.. or that is the best.. its really the pilot in the box as they say in Top Gun Maverick
How could you leave out the JF-17? It's easily one of the best modules in DCS.
Nice, while my Russian studies will eventually let me watch your videos in both languages I'm not there yet lol
And you will be like hmm. His Russian is really falling apart
@@plazma1945 hey, you learned a complete different language from your own( based on what you said) so that alone is already great
I agree and I just love the M2000
Ps. Batelube u've got the best name lol.. I was like Ba-tey-lew-b what a name.. Oh damn it's ewww
@@plazma1945 lol thanks it is not my real name of course and it means something else in my launguage but i get it :D.
@@batelube3241 the language of love 💜❤️💜
lol sure
The F16 doesn't have that canopy bar in front giving a fantastic view: +10
I must agree it's the best canopy ever
In BFM, the tomcat has the highest sustained turn rate, so it can drag anything to the deck and kill it. meanwhile the F-16 has the highest Thrust to Weight Ratio, so it is best in the vertical and raw accelleration... meanwhile the Mirage and the F-18 have the nose authority to point and kill something if it gets an opportunity...
I know that if I am in any jet, I know the Hornet will be the easiest for me to kill because of its horribly underpowered engines.
Hornet’s not underpowered by any stretch. I’ll show you myself anytime you’d like. Problem is the hornet can carry so much fuel and weapons that makes it seem like it’s underpowered but the fact is that it’s completely unstoppable on the dogfight servers.
From my experience, tomcat can't hold its own in a dogfight when r73/9x show in. Sure, I've won dogfights against su27/hornets in massive pvp engagements, but in every merge against somewhat descent pilot with high off boresight fox2 it looses dramatically. It can evade one or two r73 shots because if its excellent roll but that's it, you are basically trying to survive until your buddy shows up
With the way I 'fly', I rate usability as fairly important. Factors like - the reliability of the autopilot, how easy it is to maintain speed and how complex it is to do stuff. With this, I'd rate the F/A-18 at the top. Autothrottle, an A/P that puts the plane on rails and, despite it's 1980s interface, it has one of the simplest digital type ones to use, once understood anyway. I'd love the F-16 to rate better but it's A/P can be decidedly flaky (you can't go heads down for too long when doing ground attack as you might find yourself pointed where you don't want to go) and it's interface is just slightly less intuitive than the F/A-18. I have high hopes for the sniper pod, though. Still, I do love flying it.
Now the Mirage-2000. If it had Fox-3, it would rate top for me, although it probably is my favourite of all these to jump into. It also has a solid A/P, and it has an acceleration indicator on the HUD although no autothrottle. It's lesser capabilities actually makes the interface easier to use.
Saying all that, I've been really enjoying the F-1. It's definitely inferior in many ways to the more modern planes, but it feels like I'm flying it at all times. It took a while for me to 'get', but I've been flying it fairly heavily recently and it feels like a machine more than a computer that flies, which the FBW stuff can at times. I'm expecting the Phantom to be similar, if not as responsive in the turn as the F-1 can be if flown right.
I'd vote for f14 to be the most all-rounded plane in dcs, but I'm biased towards direct controls and analog gauges too much)). But at the moment, it can perform well in the most servers present, from early cold War enigma to modern fox3 stuff, and does well everywhere, both in pvp cap and strike missions
Good call, I'm a big fan of f14 only as a Rio, let me know if you ever need a Rio 👍
Thanks for doing this in English!
I understand now that the F-15C does not do A/G mode, but how do you think it stacks up against the top 4 at the end (6:20)? I have been flying the 27 because it is easy to fly and control (A/A). Is the F-15C just as easy but is better than the 27 in the A/A role? I have FC3 so I need to get into the F-15C myself and try it out. The F-15C radar is more work...
Omg, if you get Into the f-15 it's like driving a car vs a unicycle. No need to trim, the plane auto levels, you have 120c which you can shoot at 50 miles almost 80-85km if you are fast enough. You can save all your controls and export to F15 most will work
Only different is no EO and radar works different, it's cone altitude window changes on range
I was reading up this last week on the 15's radar. There is a great tool to use posted on the DCS forum that helps a user to visualize how the radar works. I have been playing with that to get used to it. But, the 27 is so comfortable and easy! Thats good to know the controls export/import into the 27. Thanks, Mate! Great videos. Keep up the good work!
@@RobertHopkinsArt two three days in F15 and you will get it maybe I can make a quick on it!
Su-33: “am I a joke to you?”
its a flanker
For favorite jet I'm a mig 29 fanboy through and through. Yeah it isn't as great as the others but given that I'm not great at BvR and a/g stuff I'm more than happy to be flying around in a small, fast, agile and really good looking plane. Maybe when i finally get better I'll finally move on to the 27
Yupppp. I felt bad for the flanker and mig in this video. Stupid f18.... Did you see the latest Russian glide bombs (real life) they kinda look like jdams
@@plazma1945 oh I didn't yet, but still, dcs Redfor really need some extras( weapons, tech and planes). I would pay serious money for an upgraded mig with proper fox3, datalink and everything else
@@lucasZr113 Redfor weapons would have to have a serious overhaul for me to consider a FF Mig 29 despite how much I adore her.
@@andreparadis6076 fair enough, but as I said before I'm a fanboy lol
I challenge you to a su27 BVR fight, since you claim that it "sucks". Use anything...
Lol you do know I fly su27 all the time right , I’m saying without proper fox3 missiles it’s at a disadvantage but yes hit me up on discord plazma1945 we can do a friendly fly off and compare tactics
Thank you for the effort and quality of your video so I hope you don't take offense to a bit of constructive criticism. First of all, I would not even consider F3 aircraft. Flight models are suspect at best, radar is super simplified, and were intended as intro to DCS to ease nubee's into the sim rather than serious models. Secondly, I think the question is not really appropriate because each of the aircraft were designed for specific roles and generally excel at those roles...so flown in those contexts, what is needed is the right question. Let me give a simple example from an earlier generation... The F-104 was a great interceptor and flown like one with GCI support it was probably one of the best of the time....but was it a dogfighter...no way....was it a good ground support aircraft...it was garbage at that...could it carry a nuclear warhead at very high speed low to the ground an be nearly unstoppable....absolutely (ask me how I know). So it's important to ask the right question: What characteristics make a good multirole aircraft?...What aircraft modeled in DCS meet those criteria. Those are the type of linked questions to ask I believe. Keep up the good work, and as I said, I hope you take this as constructive criticism.
Heya, and yes I want to know about how it could carry the nuke low ans fast. We should do an interview on that topic. Would you ingress high, to save fuel then get low and dash 200km over the soviet border or to facilities or troop buildup areas say just behind the main front line? What would be the fuel expectations and would you be expected to come back at all? Would love to chat!
But back to topic,indeed and with grain for salt and reality in place, yes it's hard to compare and stack all aircraft. I tried a general, here is what a plane can do, and what you can do with it type video. People ask me what's the plane that's best, this was the best way I could explain it. Want to do air to ground, get an f18 or 16 want to get into the "shit" and weave turn n bob get a mirage. Want to fly RedFor, good luck here is a flanker or Fulcrum from late 80s
@@plazma1945 We trained to carry the B-28RE on the fuselage with a high low low profile. The 104 was incredibly fast at very low level and even carrying the 28, you could reach speeds in excess of 700 Ikts. We practiced approaches at 300 feet, popup and release in a ballistic arc as we pulled through and exited over the top and headed for the ground in full re-heat. Fuel was always an issue so a lot of pre flight planning went into every mission. The 28RE version had stabilizing fins that retarded the bomb fall and gave you some extra time to exit the area. The device could yield up to 1 megaton and would be set according to target type and could be set to different altitudes for busting....which I don't need to go into. The plan was to be at least 10 miles away at detonation, going at least 10 miles per minute (ie 600+ Ikts) away from the blast zone. No one figured we would survive 🙂 but it wasn't tested....thank god. It was another era for sure....and when you're young 20ish, single, and feeling immortal...you didn't really think about it.....
@@haedubabaganush man oh man.. thats brilliant. Hey, I wonder if (you do not mind) we / I can recreate that profile ingress with in a Mig-21
I know there is a F104 mod. but I maybe mig 21 with its nuke :) !
would be a cool video - of course keeping opsec quiet, shoot me an email plasma@redstardcs.com ! or
The M2000c I like better. It feel's more like flying.
Many many people say that M2000 feels most like a real plane
@@plazma1945 once you get use to the French. It's even more a blast.
@@shaneduc it sounds like an Atari having sex with a Nintendo in that plane
@@plazma1945 It may sound like that but that coupling has produced one of if not the best dogfighter in the game.
@@andreparadis6076 BWAHAHAH its true.. beep boop beeep booop bap beep
While I agree this is subjective, I don’t understand certain subjective criteria, mostly with the F-16 which is the fighter I know best:
- penalizing it for not having Fox1? If there were no Fox 3, sure… but go see SATAL or other competitive arenas, the F-16 dominates the BVR by a considerable margin.
- The F-16 does have JDAMS and JSOW. The JDAMS full identical capability to the F-18 if I understand them correctly. The JSOW ED decided to exclude the C unitary broach variant, so yeah, that is a hit. The Harpoon certainly gets a little extra for the F-18 as well as the remote self-powered missiles, but not that huge margin
Still, I agree that the F-18 is the more complete within DCS, you didn’t even mention Carrier ops as part of the bonuses… but some info is wrong, the BVR penalty is questionable, so don’t think it that much below the f/a-18.
not penalizing.. but not giving it a POINT for no fox1. so not taking anything away, rather not giving it a point.
I agree with you on the Fox1 point. It causes the F16 to take a hit relative to the F18 in the BVR category. The implication is that the Viper is somehow at a disadvantage in a BVR fight vs a Hornet because the Hornet can equip older tech Sparows vs. the more modern AMRAAM missile which both jets can use. That's simply not true. The Viper actually has a slight edge due to it's faster speed granting the ability to impart higher kinetic energy to the missile (extend the maximum range or reach the target faster) vs the Hornet. However, the Hornet can carry more missiles, so that sort of balances it out.
With that said, the scoring might be a bit closer with some tweaking of the criteria, but the final overall ranking would still be the same. The Hornet is the best all-around multi-role jet we have in DCS at the moment as far as I can tell and its popularity is deserved. But hey, people are going to fly what they like no matter what, and that's how it should be.
@@takeoffwithjakesoft yup yup and thank you for the very constructive response. its hard to make everyone happy all the time. REDFOR will never be happy since our stuff kinda sucks right now :) .. lol.. But again thank you for the balanced and fair response, I tried my best tto grant points rather than substract. When it comes to the speed and turn.. i gave props to the F-18 because it is likely to end up in a dogfight with more missiles (or fox 2s) and dogfights will usuaally get into slow speeds, scissors and circle fights where that F-18 is a bit more magical, and can collapse a circle and pull the nose authority a bit better.
again thank you for a great comment !
That +1 point comes from a wider variety of scenarios and servers when a plane can shine. Take blue flag 80s or tempest for example. F18 is a capable plane there, because of the ability to use aim7, while f16 is limited to mountain ambushes and air to ground missions
Hey, thank you for that. What about JF17? It seems that this jet has been ignored
Yup I'm gonna update it now that the 15 is out
@@plazma1945 great to know, thank you :)
yeah, f18 are the best multi role, but me personally, i like mirage more for it speed and maneuverability for aa and harrier for ag
mirage feels like butter and magical 100% agreed
@@plazma1945 what do you think about razbam modules overall, on their page on steam there're a lot of negative reviews not to buy them because of ED situation. Do you agree that their modules except f15 are okay and completed
I'm still having a hard time with mastering the r 27 er use against f 15 c engaging 3 f15 fpr example
You need a wingman in a flanker since you can't run away or go cold. It's hard to Fight fox3 planes alone
Mirage Gang where you at
You can always tell f16 guys who only fly single player or at least dont fly on the dogfight server against the best because they think the 16 can dogfight against hornets.
It do be like that... 👆I need to Update this to reference the f-15e and j17 now
Yeah, I see you didn't review the F-15C, but it's no point since it's better than all these planes combined
The Mirage cannot carry a laser pod.
Plus it cannot carry AA and AG loadout at the same time ...
But it can drop LgB if they are lased by another plane or Jtac
Is that something that can be done with FC3 planes in DCS ?
@@simonhouel1984 ummmm good question, maybe the a10 and the su25 I think can but I'm not an air to Ground guy, flanker Fulcrum and F15 definitely no laser guided
the F-15E radar does need to be nerfed you just cant break their lock its hands down the best
The best Jet will always be the Christen Eagle III
That's two for eagle
Where is the Christen Eagle on that list?
Hey!! Hey!! I have you the f18 lol
Dude, could you imagine the BM on chat if you got an A/A kill with a biplane, specially if it was a gun kill
@@lucasZr113 I have seen an A10 gun kill an SU27 so not beyond the realms of possibility 😉 I have gun killed F5s in a Huey 😁
@@andreparadis6076 i can hear the su-27 rage quitting all the over here
@@lucasZr113 does it even has guns?
The best plane in DCS is the JF-17, the best modeled module and one of the most complete. Another different thing is that he is the best in a specific role. and above all because ED doesn't even allow a red plane to be really well modeled, no module is allowed to be good above natural planes. This is so true whether you like it or not.
... above NATO planes, nor natural planes
When the 18 was the scorpion it lost to the F16 in head to head fly off.
Well, kinda usaf wanted interoperability with f-15 fleet so it liked the same engine on the 16. Navy didn't care and wanted landing on carriers, salt water etc.
@@plazma1945 None of that is true. The navy had a requirment for two engines. The air force has bases literally on the beach. Anything within 30 miles of the ocean is assumed to get salt spray on and in it for aviation purposes. I did flight testing in the air force on the beach in Florida for many years. The original F16 did not have the same engine as the F15 that came later on.
@@jamieaulbach5120 that's a good point makes sense, and yup navy dual engine very good point. That's key! 👍
+1 on the turn and kill section for f-14? at least a 2, but the overall performance is still pretty much the same hahaha
i was thinking about that. yes.. in good hands the tomcat is deadly in a dogfight.. but needs to be in really good hands
Nothing better than video game dorks giving opinions on equipment they’ll never have an understanding of lmao
Made about a video game set of airplanes, using the stats and capabilities of In game weapons and equipment.
Soooo.. Great video game for video game dorks who play a game/sim. Glad you watched it, and I suggest you keep your mouth shhhhhut on the real weapons / equipment and capabilities to prevent yourself from going to prison. Much love,. Video game dorks.
As for understandings don't assume to know what I know or what I don't know or what other people know or don't know. That is a sad and pathetic attitude of an uneducated person who knows a very limited slice of something and has no expertise beyond his little slice, but thinks he knows all.
disagree: of course the f-18 its the best MULTIROLE fighter but in combat or in practic i think the su-27 its better i think the top tier will be like this: su-27, f-16, miragge 2000, f-18, mig-29, f-14 but this is only my opinion and im talking about air to air because thats my style of fighting, nice video👍
no no great great point.. and yes>> but also, for multi purpose thats where the F-18 gets its points ,, the guided bombs, laser guided, jdam, and harpoon missiles.. otherwise, Flanker f14 F16 mirage! I am with you on it..
JF17 why not included
Not going to wait 2 weeks for the f15e
F18 or f16 then!
Hang on Su27 does not have R77. By the way As I am a chopper player, JF is most dangerous opponent. Because once the radar lock me up It never let me go even if I land and not move at all. Mostly.. the JF pilots are all veterang.
Well by Su-27 I meant the Flanker Family.. but yes JF guys are deadly. IM SORRY MISSED IT - i failed.. i realized i missed JF when I finished most work. mainly because, Ive been last 3 months in SATAL competitions, no JF-17 there SD 10 not allowed
The Best jet is the one that RS Plazma flies in the black livery variant
@@plazma1945 the red star beckons
@@squid11160 I would question if there is a red star without @plazma 1945 in it. But that's just me.
@@andreparadis6076 that option is not on the table. People need a break is all
Hmm...don't mix the 9X (2003) and the R-73 (1984), they are about 20 years apart. Also, M 2k can't laser designate.
👍👍So to be sure we are talking dcs world..
In dcs 9x is a bit better than 73, which is definitely better than aim9m
Ergo both 9x and 73 planes get a half Point extra.
Also agreed on mirage, can't self designate but can carry and drop, something a flanker in dcs cannot
@@plazma1945 Yes, we are talking DCS, the 9X in DCS is the R-73's junior by 19 years, it's closest equivalent would be the R-73M. 9X has a greater seeker boresight (90deg vs 60deg) to begin with and is a lot less prone to jamming. They are nowhere near comparable even by your own rules.
doesn't DCS have the F22 or F35?
Not as actual planes as mods but those are just a copy an paste skin on top of a f15
@@plazma1945oh right. is the reason they don't have them because the controls etc are not actually public knowledge yet?
Don’t know why you left out the JF-17, while not as fast, the fox 3 missiles good and has one of the best SA suites of all the jets to me with the MAW. Not to mention carry’s lot of ground goodness. While I agree the F/A-18 is the overall king Swiss army and the best plane to start with, given the ease of the basic learning curve. Even though is does get harder as it goes. That said, if I’m covering the top five, i would cover all that fit in that category.
hehe i kinda forgot about the jeff when i made the data points.... ;) so I am making it look like i left it out on purpose.. :) I think the jeff with its multi role would sit easily between the Mirage/F16 and the Flanker/Tomcat. it has less speed but it has lots of various weapons INCLUDING smart weapons it can carry.
Yup. He dropped the ball here. The JF17 is the only choice for red full fidelity.
forgive me.. i started working on the video, then realized i forgot the JF and then had all the data and stuff so said. .ill release this and put out a Jeff appendix later on :) .. there IS A LOT of SMART ground goodness the JF can shoot and carry. and the SD10s are dope.
you forgot to mention that only the su33, f14, and f18 are capable of carrier operations, also why didn't you include the jf17?, and I would argue that the su27 family do not deserve to be considered very fast, sure if you give them time to gain speed then yea, but most the time you cant get past Mach 1.5 in these things
i feel like putting the f16 below the f18 in regards to bvr is a mistake no? and if handled correctly the F16 will dominate the f18 in a dogfight. im a hornet main myself but i recognize that the F16 is a beast in a close in dogfight like the f18 and close to unbeatable in the bvr fight
i would say the other way around no f18 with aoa should always win close up
@@plazma1945 yeah maybe, but its so much easier for the f16 to turn the fight into a 2 circle if the pilot is competent
No Jeff’s feelings were hurt in making this video.
😜 Naw Jeff is great too
shoulda mentioned APKWS with the rockets
Aye! Yes I wanted to dig in deeper but flaked was too much stuff. Tried to keep it high level
Where would the f15e be on this list
right next to the F-18 I think, it will have the speed, and weapons but maybe not as much AOA as the F-18 but RIGHT up there!
I think I good thing to mention is the amount of munitions or pylons of weapons aircraft can carry
because I know damn well I'm not going to bother doing a bombing run in a M-2000 if I could instead choose a Flanker
Aye. That's a valid point. I was shocked that the mirage can carry GBU laser guided bombs. Can't laze but can drop
yeah, that's why I especially love multirole in the F-16
4 hardpoints for ground attack AND still 4 hardpoints for whatever combination of Fox3 or Fox2 you like
@@MADDOG-sq9oj actually 2 points for air 4 points for ground or air and 3 points for FUEL
My usual loadout is 2 bags, 3 pods, 2 AG points and 4 AA points (usually 2 Fox3 and 2 Fox 2 but can be 4x Fox3 if the bandits are exprected fom afar)
F15 is just A2A?
Did I miss something?
F15c is air to air only
Ah ok. I was with the e model@@plazma1945
#Миг21 самый крутой и #су27ск самый продвинутый👍👍👍👍
ты мой милый дорогой добрый патриот :D
A good camparison between the listed modules. I love the M2000 it's my favourite module in the game and feels the most complete. However, the fact that you decided to leave out the awesome JF-17 module (for no apparant reason..... maybe you just don't like it?) makes this comparison, and the result, incomplete. I know towards the end you mention that it sits somewhere in 4 or 5th place (something to that effect) but it's absence for no objective reason is a fail for the video and your effort.
Thank you and I'm sorry... my failure I did all the stats and video and then realized I missed the JF, 😔😔😔 I'm sorryyyy..
@@plazma1945 All good mate. It's a great video! It's just that it would've been nice to get your take on the JF-17's capabilites in comparison to the other modules : )
Working on new version
I was going to take you seriously, then I saw you completely disregarded the fact that the F-16 can out rate pretty much everything in a dog fight.
Also, you're going to sit there with a straight face and tell me that if a F4 Phantom fired an Aim-7 sparrow, and a F-22 Raptor couldn't, you'd give the Phantom more points??? I'm having an extremely hard time believing this isn't satirical.
In all honesty, not only do I disagree with your rankings of the aircraft, I disagree with the manner in which you have ranked them. It would have been more honest to say "Ranking hardpoints and which military branch uses the aircraft!"
In my personal, subjective opinion, it would be more objective to rank the planes 5-4-3-2-1, and give reasoning for why they are above/below other planes.
no problem, my goal is to educate please see the sustained turn rates here: ruclips.net/channel/UCpKNoOzCuSK_qSQbZ1Ds1qwcommunity
Mig29 J11 F18 ALL outrate the F16. and do it during slow speed fights. unless there is a good pilot who can extend and jink I am going to get on his six and stay there in my flanker or mig29 until i shoot him down or he / or I run out of fuel.
also.. I was listing capabilities and weapons in a multi role setup.. NOT giving points, I am saying here is what the plane CAN do, what you do with it is up to you ❤❤
@@plazma1945 Damn! A whole post about it? Almost like you **wanted** someone to bring up F-16 rate performance.
@@kreiker8902 Hahaha, I get frustrated when my subjective video gets said to be disregarded, and also maybe you will try other fighters since they can rate the f16 too. I like the 16.a lot and did dogfights in it (beat mirages and f18s in it!).. But also maybe others will use the chart to one look up their jets performance and rates and compare to enemies to know when to speed up when to slow down etc.💜💜✌️ Maximum DCS my Viper brother!
The fact that the f16 is the lowest ranked BVR platform tells me this list is silly. The f16 in dcs is currently one of the best BVR platforms due to its speed and speed at altitude allowing it to throw AIM120s with insane speed that become extremely difficult to counter. Its genuinely absurd to rank it how you did. This list is literally just taking into account what it can equip to a pylon, which is grossly oversimplified. Bad list, i hope nobody bases their jet purchase off of this lol
Gen 3 plus what hell is this classification?
When you start adding advanced avionics into an older airframe. Say late mig21s
Sorry pal, but the MiG-29 (unlike Su-27) can take an F-18 in a dogfight any day of the week, unless its fuel burns out. The only proper challenger against the MiG-29 is the F-16, although in real life, the MiG still has better sustained turn rate by a negligible 0.2 deg/s. In real life, it also outclimbed the F-15 during tests with German Migs against the US F-15s. In DCS, it is on par with them, slightly worse acceleration than F-16 and lower speed than F-15, but WVR close-range dogfights, look no further than the mighty MiG-29. Terrible BVR capability, impotent fox 1, excellent close-range fox 2 (the AA-11 Archer; R-73), second-to-none nose authority. MiG-29, the only plane that outturns an F-16 and outclimbs an F-15. In a way, it succeeded its original mission to counter these aircraft.
In dcs world, not as much in guns dogfight f18 wins. In sustained fight. Iam fully supportive and love my flankers n migs. But when you have an f18 from early 2000s vs mig from 1985_88
@@plazma1945 In a dogfight, how does a MiG-29 lose against a Hornet if it has superior sustained and instantaneous turn rate, better low-speed characteristics, etc. unless you play exactly in their hand?
Fair assessment. Should be F/A-16 due to its ground attack ability. We will conceit defeat to the F-18 however, there is one way to make it better... can we put a Red Star on it? I do have an argument for the Flanker being #1; its ability to carry many, MANY gallons of hearty Russian borscht to the frontline, delivering it to the enemy. Westerns have not experienced delicious, authentic Russian borscht and when the Flanker drops buckets of it "Snake-eye" style, in low-drag bucket form, along with white bread, thickly covered with butter, the Western forces will be totally occupied consuming this scrumptious soup. Russian forces will easily overrun the borscht eating Western forces, making for not only an easy victory, but an extremely inexpensive one too, especially if the Russian soup kitchen commanders add a little bit of smoked sausage (Kielbasa) to the recipe like I do. NOW WE ARE TALKING BORSCHT! And if the Russian soup kitchen commanders are wise enough to include sour cream as a side, the victory will be effortless. But they cannot use just any sour cream. Only sour cream from near the Black Sea will do! Best in the world hands down. But seriously, excellent video Plazma. High quality video content. Keep up the great work!
@@265justy Yes, the majority of the missions the F-16 has flown is air to ground, ditto for the F-18. The F-18 is corrected titled F/A-18 (Fighter/Attack). A more correct title for the F-16 is the F/A-16. Using this "logic", the F-15E can be titled the F/A-15. The original title for the Raptor, because of its "multirole" capability, was going to be F/A-22. Just imagine how terrible the Phantom would have been to call it the F/A-4 is it too had ground attack capability. A play of letters, that's all.
@@knightonwarbeck1969 You creating your own titles for aircraft. 🙄.. You do realise the F-16 is credited with over 80 air to air kills.. Its not all about ground attack. As matter afact it was built originally to be a dogfighter and it evolved into a multirole fighter..
@@265justy Yes I am. You can also create your own titles. Permission granted. 80 kills... Understood, and WAY more bomb drops than this hence the F/A-16. You proved my point perfectly. F-111 or B-111? See? See? Does that one Gulf War maneuver kill earn the F title or B or F/A/B-111? Merely pointing out the inconsistent nomenclature of US jets. Thanks for playing.
@@knightonwarbeck1969In your little world... 🤣 You do know the F/A-16 designation was already tried and dropped in the late 1980s. A few Block 30s were painted in the Euro green camo and mounted with a 30mm Cannon pod. They were going to replace the A-10s, but the whole thing got shelfed.. The gun was too brutal when fired on the F-16s light airframe. So call it what you want. Nobody else does.
Good lineup I think we are aligned.. Mirage probably in 3rd area for me
Would take a 16 over the 18 any day.
Why, 16 vs 18? Speed over load and maneuvers? Not a navy fan
@@plazma1945 Load and maneuvers are mutually exclusive on the 18🤣
Just because an aircraft can do something, doesn't mean it can do it well. The F18 can carry about everything, but is only average at eveverything. It doesn't excel at anything. Your list sounds more biased than scientific.
Bottom line, most aircraft in DCS are decent, but most importantly they are balanced for the most part. Otherwise you would only see one aircraft in the air. It's going to take more than a good aircraft to do well in DCS.
Also carrying Aim 7's should be negative points, not positive. You are more likely to hit a friendly than an enemy aircraft if you hit anything at all.
Based on a single air frame and it's capabilities for a virtual pilot.
In the air frame mentioned : Can you air to air bvr, wvr, cold war (using fox1?)? can you win in Dogfights? , do you have stand off air to ground and not just dumb bombs?
. This is a rating of an air frame capability. Which the f18 takes as a win in, My, rating yes it's subjective but based on what can an air frame do it makes sense.
Now... Fox1... if you have not flown on cold war servers where there are no fox3s or have never entered a merge to save a friend who is anchored, defensive, in a dogfight... and can get a good lock and fire a sparrow to shoot a guaranteed hostile.... and not roll fifty fifty dice if a fox 2 or fox 3 will choose enemy or friend you don't know what you are missing.
Yes sparrows are not fox 3 but you dismissing them as an argument shows you do not understand them and their capabilities and when they are very useful. Therefore you may have limited understandings of platforms and other weapons. Let me know if I can explain more and happy to hear your opinions as well. Cheers!
@@plazma1945 yes, I've played on cold war. And I stand by the statement on Sparrows. On multiple occasions I've had a bad guy locked and fire a 7 within range and fire. Then watch the missile take a left turn and hit a friendly not even within my sight.
And as far as the 18 goes. It's good at bvr average at two circle, terrible at one circle, and it's only OK at SEAD. People love it, because of carrier landings. Sorry that doesn't make it good. You can land a 16 on a carrier too. LOL.
so in DCS world once a target is locked and a sparrow is fired it will track that specific target - it can go home on jam, if you DROP lock but it will target the jamming target you fired on initially, you can drop and re lock with a sparrow and it can reacquire.. however, i have never seen a sparrow fired on a target choose a different target.
and our team was champion in the House of SARH competition which was FOX competition only. fox1 is the only missile to use (after a verified lock) to shoot into a merge ...
as for the F18 can you confirm your numbers as the F18 has one of the best instant and sustained turn rates (I think only the mirage 2000 is better, and F16 is getting closer) but for dogfighting, the F18 is king..
check my channel for the dogfight competitions I hosted, only a skilled tomcat pilot came out on top, in each fight of an 18 vs 16 the f16 lost every time in a dogfight.. mirage could hold its own and safe with the tomcat.. f16 was wiped out almost every time
@@bkpickell not just me but stats are there check out stats at justdogfight.com/top-planes/ for the F18 its at the top for top 10 planes guns for dogfighting.
ps yes the F16 kicks ass.. and thats the plane I fly, i dont even own the F18 so I have no bias towards it.. but it can do more and a little better than the viper for an all around plane.. just a bit more but yes it can just a bit :)
when you said R77 are not good ! i stop the video !! because you just give your opinion !! not a scientific evidence !!!
R77 In dcs performs like an early aim120b it has shorter burn and less range. So compared to 120c its worse,
Where’s the Jeff?? 😢
i will make a jeff specific video
F-16 and F-18 can carry AIM-9X. Those are superior compared with R-73.
What about jeff
Left it out since I have never flown it I think it would Make Top five probably near the flanker and f14 since it has great SD 10 and great air to ground
Exactly. What about it ?
@@plazma1945 its would be on par with hornet, or maybe i bit worse. so 2nd best.
Su27 cannot have R77 only J11, F16 is better for BVR hornet is slow, air to ground i would say hornet is better, F16 is easier to manage in hornet you must say that jet everything like to little child. F18 has advantage because its also navy jet, but its radar is weird. cannot properly hold lock in certain situations. Even tomcat holds it better. But for overall experience hornet can do cold war and modern times good F16 doesnt have sparrows so only in modern envinronment. But mirage is not on same level as F16. F16 has greater AG capability i think highest T/W ratio from full fidelity modules and has great datalink + freat SEAD capabilities not mentioning AIM120 and be able to throw it further than mirage or hornet + can take 6 of them while mirage can have only 2 fox 1s + You must be really dumb F16 pilot to catch yourself in dogfight with mirage when you have aim120s.
I disagree and also thumbs down for not including the JF-17. There is no „best aircraft“. The F-18 is undoubtedly the king of strike but that’s about it and at least for me the most boring aircraft to fly, followed by the JF-17. The Viper is the King of SEAD and the Viggen the king of anti ship.
Yup. I missed the Jf17 and F15 was not yet out. I'll build out a new update list
Ultimately, it is not the plane. It is the pilot.
Growling Sidewinder has shown he can still defeat an F-22 whilst flying Grandpa’s F-86 Sabre and even defeated a Fulcrum whilst flying the F-5 Tiger
In dogfight yes, but not in BVR, ground attack etc. Even a noob should win vs a 'pro' if the noob is in an F16 at 40NM from an F5.
F5 should be dead 3 times at least, before he can get within weapon deployment range.
Whaaaat his video does not make any sense at all, how the hech the f16 has less points than everybody in with the best missile and best speed? the r27ER is a bad missile, the R-27R is even worse, and the 27Ts even more worse, looks like you dont play this game at wall, came from war
thunder ou ace combat.
Best missile! You mean same missile like F15 and f18? Not only do I fly but I also participate in competition in this sim. 😉. And no the Er does not suck.
F-16 is ahead of the flanker but behind the f-18 did u watch the whole Video
@@plazma1945 of course i dont whatched the whole thing, in the beginning you sad that the mirage is better than the f-16 cause que f-16 has no fox 1 a thing that does not make any sense
@@plazma1945 I dont mean to offend of nothing men, is just strange way of thinking.
The f-16 is extremaly fast and has the aim-102c, ok. butt is worse than the flanker because does not have the useless aim-7 sparrow?
meanwhile the flanker has the 27-ER that is longer range, and the worser version the 27-R that no one really uses, and is best then the f-16 HOW???? what logic is this?
Not mentioning that the ERs were completed nerfed during all this years and just this last year he became somewhat realistic.
@@victor-crow hey no worry no problem I live the f16 and fly it to. It's great, fast and has Soo many air to ground weapons too! Look at total numbers, the f16 is near the top.
Yup I heard the ers were nefed but the video is now two weeks old. I will. Update it in a while, 🙏❤️, not denying f16 is great.
fox on dont mater if you have fox 3.
Fox one is good when you have a friendly and enemy in a merge. And if you shoot your fox 3 may track a friendly. If you shoot Fox1 I will guarantee kill enemy
Personaly im biased towards the mig 29 id say
The r-77 is a for sure trash though
its not the plane its the pilot
you were right, classic American propaganda 🤬🤬
Capitalists!!! ☭☭☭☭☭☭
Na, Jf-17 slapps hard. Some BS
Mirage and Falcon are the fastest?!? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha laughs in Tomcat. Also has a better turn rate than every aircraft here other than one variant of the SU-27.
Not fastest but speed gain and build yes they are.. Eagle also but not with a weapon loadout
Tomcat rocks but it's not easy to fly and fight in at low speeds rider control etc mirage is much more forgiving as is the f-18
@@plazma1945 sorry, I was speaking objectively, not subjectively. And you eliminated the Eagle, why bring it up? What you meant to say was “quicker,” or has a greater acceleration rate. But that’s only in certain regimes, not every one.
f-16 wins versus F-18, especially in dogfights, F-16 can easily beat it
ummmmmmmm.. are you sure? turn rate and turn speed of the 16 is much lower / higher than the 18.. the F18 has superior AOA and low speed maneuvering.
Bwahahaha. Now that's funny. Bravo.
yeah the R-77 is sadly trash
The F16 the worst.