There WAS a fact That The Creator, Ben Jones, wanted the Show to be pitched to Adult Swim somewhere around December of 2010 (The show was Previously Named "Neon Knome") but Adult Swim Rejected The Pilot, Saying That it was "Too Cute" for their Network, Which Ended up airing on Cartoon network in 2011
Horace has personality, if you watched the show you would understand hes the level headed neutral one and the team leader, sometimes he even has outburst. How dare you slander my boy Horace
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There WAS a fact That The Creator, Ben Jones, wanted the Show to be pitched to Adult Swim somewhere around December of 2010 (The show was Previously Named "Neon Knome") but Adult Swim Rejected The Pilot, Saying That it was "Too Cute" for their Network, Which Ended up airing on Cartoon network in 2011
Horace has personality, if you watched the show you would understand hes the level headed neutral one and the team leader, sometimes he even has outburst. How dare you slander my boy Horace
I liked the show
No wonder Cartoon Network put this show in a death slot
Screw problem solverz, hated it growing up
Well I love and remember this show on cartoon Network it reminds me of yo gabba gabba
Problem Solverz is awesome buddy