Married Couple REACTION to DUNE (2021) // First Time Watching | Timothée Chalamet on Arrakis! SPICE

  • Опубликовано: 13 сен 2024

Комментарии • 468

  • @PlasticMacele
    @PlasticMacele 2 года назад +168

    Great movie, handsome couple, fun reaction... what more do you want in a reaction video. To clarify this story takes place thousands of years in the future. Computers are outlawed because of a previous war against A.I. It's fatalistic hence the ancient feel. There are various houses and guilds. It's a very complex society but at this point what you need to know is that the Emperor fears house Atreides and the Bene Gesserit are basically space witches pulling the strings behind the scenes.

    • @nerdymarriedcouple
      @nerdymarriedcouple  2 года назад +15

      thanks for your comment and for watching with us :)

    • @sirjohnmara
      @sirjohnmara 2 года назад +8

      Great Comment! I Concur.

    • @Squiffy444
      @Squiffy444 2 года назад +16

      The Bene Gesserit are like Machiavellian Jedi.

    • @PlasticMacele
      @PlasticMacele 2 года назад +8

      @@Squiffy444 Although that is a perfect description, I'm not sure most folks are well acquainted with Machiavelli and may make it a bit inaccessible. But thumbs up never the less.

    • @jlinkous05
      @jlinkous05 2 года назад +6

      "Space Game of Thrones"

  • @KS-xk2so
    @KS-xk2so 2 года назад +152

    She says "Goodbye, young human" to him because he passed the test, proving he was a human, not an animal.

    • @sarahvetoe8134
      @sarahvetoe8134 2 года назад +16

      @Kashgari Not to the Bene Gesserit. Humans can discern right from wrong. Animals can’t without conditioning, training. That scene is multi-layered. It speaks to the audacity of certain institutions that tell plus what constitutes humanity while defiling humanity.

    • @TryingExtraHard
      @TryingExtraHard Год назад +20

      @Inquisitor "You've heard of animals chewing off a leg to escape a trap. There's an animal kind of trick. A human would remain in the trap endure the pain feigning death that he might kill the trapper and remove a threat to his kind." - Gaius Helen Mohaim to Paul Atreides.
      Yes humans are technically animals and they are conditioned to behave in certain ways, but you're pretty willfully ignoring the point of the scene.

    • @davidreyes6080
      @davidreyes6080 Год назад +4

      ​@Kashgarinot in dune universe, if you read the books humankind elevate itself to be more like superhumans

    • @NDTE
      @NDTE Год назад +5

      @Inquisitor 🤡🤡

    • @FragmentOfInfinity
      @FragmentOfInfinity Год назад +5

      ​@Kashgarino, they are not lol.

  • @BlunderMunchkin
    @BlunderMunchkin 2 года назад +219

    Although the year is 10191 in the movie, that's not in our calendar. It's actually roughly 23,000 years from now, not 8,000 years. Civilizations fell and rose and fell and rose again.

    • @ericgrande7155
      @ericgrande7155 2 года назад +22

      Not just fell but this is also post robot uprising which is why there are no computers.

    • @maurer3d
      @maurer3d 2 года назад +30

      10191 AG (After Guild) would be 21,267 A.D.
      The AG calendar starts after the 201 year long Butlerian Jihad. In the year 11000 AD, the Butlerian Jihad began, which was a crusade to eliminate all artificial intelligence (thinking computers).

    • @LemonSte
      @LemonSte Год назад +18

      ​@@ericgrande7155 "thou shalt not make a machine in the likeness of a man's mind" or something to that effect

    • @Neville60001
      @Neville60001 Год назад +1

      @@LemonSte, you got it right the first time.

  • @Wurzelknecht
    @Wurzelknecht 2 года назад +224

    About Jessica knowing all the customs:
    It's briefly talked about when they arrive at Arrakis, but Jessica knows all the customs and prophecies of the Fremen, because they stem from the Bene Gesserit sisterhood spreading fabricated religious myths/propaganda for thousands of years, whenever a new planet was added to the Empire. Thus, they created entire religions and prophecies among the natives of those planets. All Bene Gesserit are taught those legends in detail during their education. So whenever one of them finds herself stranded on such a backwater planet, she can use this information to gain the trust of the natives by knowing exactly what words to say and what to do, to make them believe she's some sort of prophet connected with their religion. In the books they call it the "Missionaria Protectiva", at least in my German edition.
    This means Paul is a deconstruction of the Messiah trope: There was no real prophecy about him. All the moments when Fremen THINK they are recognising the signs about Paul, it's them seeing exactly what the Bene Gesserit intended them to see. Paul was not randomly born with special powers. He was bred to have those powers in a breeding plan that spanned thousands of years and all the legends about him were fabricated. But the Bene Gesserit miscalculated. Paul was born one generation too soon because Jessica disobeyed her order to only birth daughters, and now he's a wildcard who they cannot control. And the known Universe will bleed for this mistake.

    • @ChronosTachyon
      @ChronosTachyon 2 года назад

      While everything you said is true, it's kind of underselling the Fremen prophecies. The Bene Gesserit planted their beliefs, yes, but the Bene Gesserit were accidentally predicting the future when they did so. By the time of the Missionaria Protectiva on Arrakis, the Bene Gesserit had already been using trial-by-poison for millennia to awaken their Reverend Mothers: curing the poison requires that the candidate awaken her memories of her female ancestors, which gives each Reverend Mother the millennia-spanning ancient perspective that lets them plot their organization's course through the future. But when the Empire discovered Arrakis, and Spice, the Bene Gesserit pretty much immediately adopted Spice as the new poison. Unlike the previously used poisons, Spice grants prescience; even though the Reverend Mothers were unable to use that prescience except on a subconscious level, it got incorporated into both the Kwisatz Haderach plan and into the Missionaria Protectiva. Thus, the Kwisatz Haderach and the Lisan al-Gaib were always the same prophecy all along, with the Fremen Reverend Mothers who founded the Missionaria fully aware of the Kwisatz Haderach plan and incorporating it into the Fremen religion as they were creating it.

    • @fakecubed
      @fakecubed Год назад +31

      There's kind of two prophesies at work, both created by the Bene Gesserit. There's the Lisan al Gaib prophesy, which is your standard vague messiah myth planted by the Missionaria Protectiva on Arrakis, and most other harsh worlds in the Imperium. It's completely fake, planted, not real, but there for later exploitation by the Bene Gesserit if they need it. The other one is the Kwisatz Haderach, which is more of a self-fulfilling prophesy because the Bene Gesserit have been actively working to bring it about. But it's probably best described as more of a hypothesis, in their breeding program. Like all good scientists they have come up with a theory and they're hoping to prove it through experimentation. Does that count as a prophesy? Maybe not, in the traditional sense. But anyway, that's what they think is going to happen, and their plan is to fully control and use the Kwisatz Haderach for their own selfish ends.
      I have seen a lot of people mistakenly believe that Paul is basically the white savior trope, cliche messiah story, but as you say it's actually a deconstruction. Paul is not a hero. He's a scared kid trying to survive, and he decides, under his mother's influence, to cynically exploit the false religious beliefs of the locals in order to survive the threats against him and take revenge of his family's enemies. He's not even the Kwisatz Haderach, not really. He's a rogue super-powered boy, very much out of the control over the mad scientists who created him over thousands of years. It's kind of romantic, in a way, because Jessica's genuine love for her Duke Leto caused her to blow up the experiment. But oh boy what a whirlwind of violence and insanity that follows.
      Because people like George Lucas dumbed down the story for kids to sell toys, and played the messiah myth straight, the cultural well has been poisoned a bit, and some people in modern times can't help but get confused by complex stories like Dune. Such a shame. But from everything I've read, Denis Villeneuve does understand the real story from the books, and will do it right in Parts Two and Three. I also hope a lot of people will enjoy the films and go read the books, in which case they'll understand just how cynical and exploitative Jessica and Paul are. Even Leto isn't exactly a great guy, he just has the best propaganda corps in the Imperium. They only seem good in comparison to the likes of the Baron Harkonnen, who truly is a monster.
      One bit I'm really glad they put on film is the meeting between Jessica and Mapes, but there's one part that probably only book readers understood. When she's asked about the meaning of the knife, she starts to answer "it's a maker of death" but Mapes cuts her off at "maker", thinking Jessica knew about the Maker, the sandworm, which the Fremen worship as a physical manifestation of their god. Jessica started to mouth the next couple words when she was cut off, in the film. Jessica is totally just BSing her way through that conversation, but Mapes hears what she wants to hear, and Jessica is not about to correct the misunderstanding if it earns the woman's fanatical devotion to lie by omission. Likewise, with Paul getting his stillsuit on correctly, there's nothing mystical about that. He just watched a lot of those educational holograms about the Fremen, and his nascent mentat brain took in the data more or less at a subconscious level, and processed it so he just knew how to wear it correctly. The books are full of little observational details and careful, cynical manipulations. The film does a pretty good job of at least putting that into the subtext.

    • @diegocastaneda3829
      @diegocastaneda3829 Год назад +9

      @@fakecubed Just commenting to say I appreciated both the original comment and your very eloquent reply.

    • @crabuki1273
      @crabuki1273 Год назад +7

      "Paul was born one generation too soon ... And the known Universe will bleed for this mistake." This is admittedly a quibble with an excellent response, so please don't take this as criticism, more a difference of opinion. The universe is going to bleed, regardless. Humanity is going to fail. All roads the Bene Gesserit can see in their vision of future and past female lives lead to this conclusion. They don't have enough clarity of vision to find a way to avoid it, because they only see half the picture. That's why they've worked to create the Kwisatz, a being with the clarity of vision to find a way for humanity to survive. The Kwisatz did *not* arrive one generation too soon. At the beginning, when Duke Leto is talking about the future of House Atreides, his words infer that it's possible to refuse "the job." Paul took this to heart. The Kwisatz Hadarach pulls into station right on time.

    • @StefanSulistyo
      @StefanSulistyo Год назад +2

      @@crabuki1273well, and then there is Leto II

  • @aiko8321
    @aiko8321 2 года назад +184

    I think it’s 80% accurate to the book, left out details but captured the soul

    • @nerdymarriedcouple
      @nerdymarriedcouple  2 года назад +19

      as it should be

    • @dan32321
      @dan32321 2 года назад +29

      That's a great way to put it. DV obviously excised a lot of plot and world-building details for a more streamlined experience, and many purists were upset about it. (As purists will do. Change a word, and they're pissed.)
      But in terms of vibe and feel and flavor, especially visually, it was just incredible. Being a huge fan of not only the book but DV himself, I had huge, huge expectations for this, and they were exceeded.

    • @lokibro82
      @lokibro82 2 года назад +8

      I felt like he decided to not show certain “scenes” from the book to keep his mood and feel. What was missing still felt implied (green plant room, dinner scene) and there were certain shots and scenes that were exact depictions of certain literary sections of the book.

    • @lokibro82
      @lokibro82 2 года назад +1

      Most succinct way of saying it.

    • @oAPXo
      @oAPXo 2 года назад

      I wanted to see his hand that wasn't in the box, something about him making himself bleed would have hit the pain he was feeling.

  • @perrycarters3113
    @perrycarters3113 2 года назад +131

    Jamis WAS from Paul's vision, and it did come true. Vision!Jamis promised to teach Paul the 'Way of the Desert', and he did just that. He taught Paul that the strong survive, and that in order to be strong, you have to kill or be killed. By robbing Paul of his innocence, of his bloodless hands, Jamis gave Paul the gift of being capable of dealing death again, because his first kill was already behind him. He taught him the necessity of violence on Arrakis.

    • @Concord003
      @Concord003 2 года назад +11

      Very well summarized!

    • @jantekjantek
      @jantekjantek 2 года назад +1

      I think that director did really good job so far at setting up Pauls character and the whole visions/messiah part (but it always could be better....). I hope that director will be up to the task of maintaining the atmosphere, which should gradate, into mayhem.
      I also hope there will be directors cut with banquet scene nad many others. I know that they did shot it and decided to not include.

    • @godlessveteran2431
      @godlessveteran2431 2 года назад

      @@jantekjantek Likely not. Denis Villeneuve has stated he doesn't like directors cuts. The film you see is the film he made in his view. I wish there would be one but I don't see it happening as he considers this his cut.

    • @agresticumbra
      @agresticumbra 2 года назад +6

      Paul also followed him into the desert. It was Jamis’ dead & wrapped body leading the way.

    • @WhiteWolfDarkpaw
      @WhiteWolfDarkpaw 2 года назад +2

      There's also the fact the future is never set in stone. Paul's prescience is still just flickers of the future, of various possible futures.
      When he "found" the drumsand and summoned the worm, that future became closed to him. Had he recognized the drumsand before stepping on it, as a Fremen would have, the Future Jamis he saw would have been more likely.

  • @tritiumH3
    @tritiumH3 2 года назад +69

    For an adaptation, it's remarkably faithful to the book. Even more amazing, it's faithful to the tone of the book.

    • @fakecubed
      @fakecubed Год назад +6

      Only thing is I wish they'd made a much bigger emphasis on the scarcity of water on Arrakis and its importance to everything. I'm sure we'll get a lot more about that in the second film, and hopefully it goes more and more into the ecology of Arrakis, but it would've been nice to make it a bit more clear just how insanely valuable water is, and how it drives basically every other thing on the planet, just as the spice drives basically every other thing in the Imperium.

    • @TheArrowedKnee
      @TheArrowedKnee 11 месяцев назад

      @@fakecubed I mean i think they already did a pretty decent job with that, with how spitting is treated as gesture of respect, since you're giving up moisture from your body, and how the Fremen brought back bodies so they could reclaim it's water.

  • @perrycarters3113
    @perrycarters3113 2 года назад +45

    I knew EXACTLY nothing about Dune before this movie, and my god does it do an absolutely fantastic job at world-building.
    So much is intrinsically understood and set up perfectly with just a few small lines here and there.

    • @QuickstrikeTRU
      @QuickstrikeTRU 6 месяцев назад

      Very easy for people to miss or overlook

  • @Despotic_Waffle
    @Despotic_Waffle 2 года назад +58

    If you realise during the scene the baron has duke leto captured, he says 'you have a wonderful pantry cousin', implying to the viewers the connection of blood between the two houses. This is stated more directly in the book. It's also a fact that Duke Leto and the Emperor are even closer cousins, the Emperor had an inner monologue in the book where he thought if circumstances were different they could have been good allies.

    • @zhorasalome7350
      @zhorasalome7350 2 года назад +3

      And if you want your mind totally blown: Lady Jessica is the Baron's daughter. You're welcome.

    • @rschroev
      @rschroev Год назад +3

      There is some connection of blood, but they're not exactly cousins as most people understand it. Their closest common relative is at least a dozen or so generations ago, if not more.

    • @fakecubed
      @fakecubed Год назад +1

      The Great Houses have been intermarrying for many generations. That's just how it goes. Go back far enough and they're all related to one another. Same with humans here on Earth. All of us are at least cousins (of some degree, and however many levels removed) if we aren't related closer than that. The difference is, in a feudal society like the one they have, inheritance and genealogy are a very big deal, so every Great House would keep very careful records on it. The Duke and Baron are cousins, many generations removed, but they'd both know exactly how much.
      What isn't known is how closely Paul and the Baron are related. Bene Gesserit aren't told who their parents are. The Order knows, of course, as they are carefully breeding people to create their Kwisatz Haderach, but individual girls and women within the Order aren't told usually. Saying any more than that would be a spoiler.

    • @easternlights3155
      @easternlights3155 Год назад +2

      The relation between Leto and the Baron is really distant, they mostly just call each other "cher cousin" to have a way to end letters in a really passive-agressive way.
      Leto and the Emperor is a different thing though. Leto is the great grandson of the Emperor's father, through the Emperor's eldest sister Edwina who is the mother of Helena Atreides, Leto's mother. Since he literally has royal blood and the Emperor has no sons or brothers, with his popularity and competence, Leto could conceivably lay claim to the throne. This is why he had to die.
      Also I believe that in the book, the Emperor is actually wishes Leto were his son so he wouldn't have to destroy him.

    • @Wuichii493
      @Wuichii493 10 месяцев назад

      ​@@zhorasalome7350this guy out here spoiling shit for no reason & saying youre welcome. scum do be scummingb

  • @AniMageNeBy
    @AniMageNeBy 2 года назад +48

    Glad you liked it!
    And to answer your question: Yes, they stayed pretty close to the original story and scenes of the book. Some details were omitted, but that's unavoidable when adapting such a lore-heavy book.
    As to give you some info on the lore and politics of the Duniverse, so it becomes a bit more clear (though the girl there got most of it right already):
    You have 4 major powerblocks in this universe:
    1)The Emperor (and his army, the Sardaukar)
    2)The Landsraad, consisting of a dozen Great Houses (and many Minor Houses, all vying for power). Think Game-of-Thrones here, but in sci-fi setting. ;-)
    3)The Bene Gesserit; a semi-religious Order whom have certain powers (like the Voice, or being a Truthsayer, and some others not shown yet) and exert a lot of behind-the-scenes influence, but mostly stay low-profile
    4) The Guild Navigators and CHOAM; a strong mercantile power, with a monopoly on spacetravel
    It was more or less explained in the beginnings when Paul talked with his dad on Caladan: House Atreides is a growing power, politically and military, and the Emperor feels threatened. But he can't directly attack the House, because otherwise the Landsraad (the ensemble of Great houses) will turn against him. As said, they each constitute a "big power" in this Duniverse. So the Landsraad and the Emperor keep each other in check, as it were.
    Meanwhile, the Bene Gesserit are working from the shadows, on both sides - they primarily are concerned with their own plans and devices, to create the Kwizatsh Haderach. They manipulate from the shadows and actually form the third great power in this universe, but seldom show it openly. They also exert power by political marriages, or become concubines for political advantages - which is why Jessica wasn't married to Leto, though it was done to benefit him and House Atreides, not herself or the Sisterhood.
    The fourth power, which is hardly touched upon in this first part of the movie, is CHOAM and their Spice Guild. They're like a huge mercantile power, and the Guild Navigators are the only ones able to move/teleport between planets, so without them, there would be no viable interstellar Imperium. Which make them essential and an enormous powerhouse as well - though, of course... they are and remain dependent on the Spice. That's why: whom controls Arrakis, controls the Empire.
    So the Emperor can't directly attack a Great House like Artreides, or he risks all-out war with the Landsraad, consisting of the other Great Houses. Instead, he uses an indirect attack, with and through the Harkonnens - who want their fiefplanet back with all the Spice - doing the grunt work for him. It's a sort of proxy war, thus. He does help the Harkonnen to make sure they'll win - hence why he sends a few battalions of Sardaukar, his elite troops. But no-one (especially the Landsraad) may know about that. (That's also why they killed Liet, because she was going to expose the Emperor's meddling).
    Hope that made things more clear!

    • @nerdymarriedcouple
      @nerdymarriedcouple  2 года назад +10

      good explanation 🙌🏼

    • @vampdan
      @vampdan 2 года назад +5

      The political structure of the Imperium is a tripod. The Landsraad are the shareholders of CHOAM (the ultimate mega-corporation turned government), the Emperor is the chairman of the board and majority shareholder. The spacing guild is the union of Navigators that control space travel (imagine the power of a unified union of train engineers, truck drivers, and ship captains would have over politics - just look at the chaos a single ship stuck in the Suez Canal unleashed - now imagine that was weaponized for political power). But without CHOAM there is no need for the guild. So they all work to maintain an equilibrium while still pursuing their own goals (most of which revolve around getting, using, and storing Spice). The third leg are the Bene Gesserit spreading influence and control through the Orange-Catholic Bible and the Missionara Protectiva.
      The feud between houses Atreides and Harkonnen is centuries old. Vladamir Harkonnen has been planning this for decades. He is portrayed as being smarter than his Mentat (human computer) Piter who revels in the opportunity to defeat "the greatest Mentat" Thufir Hawat (Leto's Mentat).

  • @paulblack4172
    @paulblack4172 2 года назад +71

    To add context to the visions. Paul sees multiple futures. The man that Paul fights at the end IS the same man from his vision. There was another possible timeline where they never fight; however, for that timeline to occur Paul and Jessica would have to react differently than they did to their encounter with the Fremen. Even though in Paul's life he never gets to know Jamis, he still gains knowledge from Jamis through his own visions of possible futures. This is one reason why Paul is so powerful. He gains knowledge and experience from possible timelines that he sees, but doesn't live through.

    • @nullunit
      @nullunit Год назад +11

      Totally his visions at this point his aren't reliable or literal. Jamis serves his exact purpose from Paul's vision. He teaches Paul about the Fremen. Honorable, pragmatic, stubborn, superstitious, and quick to anger.

  • @godlessveteran2431
    @godlessveteran2431 2 года назад +27

    An important theme to keep in mind is what Frank Herbert said what he hoped to convey with Dune. That charismatic leaders should all come with a sign that reads "Caution: May be Hazardous to your Health". Dune is very much a cautionary tale about blind faith in leaders and religions.

  • @snarflcat6187
    @snarflcat6187 Год назад +8

    Cousins: ALL the ruling houses are so intermarried (largely the Bene Geserit decide who marries who) that yes all the great lords ARE related.

  • @fakecubed
    @fakecubed Год назад +9

    I wish we got a little more about Yueh in the film. It would be hard to film, so much of it is internal dialogue, as he struggles with the planned betrayal of the Atreides he's going to do. Some details from the first half of the first book:
    Yueh's wife was a Bene Gesserit as well, and she taught him a few tricks, including the ability to sense truth, at least under the right conditions to heighten his senses. The whole thing, betraying the Duke, Yueh did assuming his wife was already dead. He wasn't stupid, and he did have a plan. He did it all just to get in a room with the Baron Harkonnen, where he knew he'd be able to sense the truth about what happened to his wife. Not knowing her fate, it was destroying him, destroying his mind. He needed to get face-to-face with the Baron, and then use that little bit of training from his truthsayer wife to get the confirmation she was truly dead. When the Baron revealed it, Yueh knew that he would sense the truth of it. Then, Yueh fully expected to die as well. The tooth in the Duke's mouth was to be his and his wife's revenge, as much as Duke Leto's. Yueh did everything he could to ensure that at least Paul and Jessica would get away and escape, telling the Harkonnen troops which thopter to use to take them out into the desert, which contained the survival gear, the Duke's ring, and Yueh's letter confessing to what he did and explaining why. In a weird sort of way he remained loyal to the Atreides after all. So yes, he betrayed Duke Leto, but with the Emperor and Baron Harkonnen both plotting against him Leto was already probably doomed regardless, and Yueh's efforts saved his concubine and son when both might have been killed without Yueh's involvement in the plot. Still, Yueh goes down in history as nothing more than a despicable traitor, cursed forever. But, he didn't die for nothing.
    There is a running theme in Dune about people doing things for love that they know they shouldn't do, with all manner of consequences. Jessica gave Duke Leto a son, out of love, instead of a daughter as duty to her Order compelled her (Bene Gesserit can control that, they have very fine control over their bodies and biochemistry). Yueh betrayed his duty to the Atreides and his Suk medical school conditioning, out of love for his wife. More to come in Part Two and beyond?
    Anyway, some great scenes from the book between Yueh and Paul, and Yueh and Jessica, in the first few chapters of the book. I hope you end up reading the books if you haven't yet. The sheer density of lore and complexity in this universe is second only to Tolkien's Middle Earth. Dune is a foundational work in science fiction, and genre fiction generally. So much of what has come since has been inspired in some ways by Frank Herbert's works.

  • @daweedpotrawa3042
    @daweedpotrawa3042 2 года назад +20

    This is the next big thing. I remember when game of thrones season 1 aired and most of the people had no idea what was going on but they absolutely adored it

    • @nerdymarriedcouple
      @nerdymarriedcouple  2 года назад +2

      it definitely seems like a franchise worth the hype!! very excited for the next one 🎉

  • @k3008
    @k3008 2 года назад +34

    The Duke didn't marry Lady Jessica to keep the other houses hopeful for an alliance by marriage, so it kept them at bay and gave house Atreides a political advantage. Dr. Yueh was not expecting the Baron to free his wife, he just wanted them to end her suffering (by killing her); and he knew he was gonna die too.
    The movie is faithful to the book. Obviously they had to skip some parts to fit it into 2.5 hours, so reading the book will definitely help fill in the gaps and provide a lot of background to answer all the questions you had about the history. Reading the book won't take anything away from the movies, but you can always stop when you get to the Jamis fight (at the end of the movie).

    • @nerdymarriedcouple
      @nerdymarriedcouple  2 года назад +5

      Definitely considering checking the book out...

    • @lokibro82
      @lokibro82 2 года назад

      @@nerdymarriedcouple it’s a great read and fills in certain gaps and gives a slightly different sort aspects. Reading it now after seeing this movie gives you a really good image to read off of.

    • @Cissablack708
      @Cissablack708 2 года назад +1

      @@nerdymarriedcouple please please please read the book! It is my favorite book of all time and that's saying something. I'm an incredibly voracious reader and have over a thousand books read under my belt and honestly nothing holds a candle to the first dune book. It. Is. Phenomenal.

    • @abstractnonsense3253
      @abstractnonsense3253 2 года назад +1

      I should add that Duke Leto did not intend to marry any other woman. His availability to marriage was a bluff, and something on the table only for political negotiation. But he wanted to stay faithful to Lady Jessica.

    • @dereknolin5986
      @dereknolin5986 2 года назад +1

      @@nerdymarriedcouple I think if you read the book you should stop at the end of part 1 of the first book, roughly where this movie ends. Then in a couple of years when part II comes out, you'll enjoy it all the more because it will still be a surprise.

  • @jayjaygeez
    @jayjaygeez 2 года назад +25

    Good reaction. Kailyn really "got" the movie quickly which is nice to see. Stoked for Part Two.

  • @persephonebasilissa5109
    @persephonebasilissa5109 2 года назад +16

    What you said about the Dune civilization being adaptations of previous human culture: that's my absolute favorite part about the books!
    Hundreds of thousands of years of human history, endlessly mixing and matching and evolving aspects of our nature. Fascinating!

  • @TetsuoVI
    @TetsuoVI 2 года назад +20

    (no spoilers)
    There is so much to the Dune universe, it is one of the most thorough world building storylines of any scifi. To make it easier to unpack, consider the empire to be more or less a continuation of feudalism of our history with all of the similar complexity and nuance. And like in real life, there is no magic but things advanced so much as to seem like magic. Likewise, the effects of Spice, genetically, physiologically, intellectually, politically, economically, and culturally are incredibly powerful. The 80's Dune spells out much of this including the houses and guilds a bit more clearly.
    There are similarities to Moses and other mythological savior stories, but that is only a fraction of the picture; again just as in real life there is a dark side to acquiring power, and just as it was said explicitly in the movie (and in reality), prophesy has always been controlled by the religious authorities, but that does not make it any less powerful or corruptible.
    "Young human" was a backhanded complement for passing the test. Everyone in Dune is human or at least human derived as you suggested including the Reverend Mother. Also the religions of Dune are no more cults than the major religions of today would be considered. These are some of the power centers of Dune, not unlike today.
    It's important to remember Dune is allegorical of many times in our history and present, exploring where religion, politics, and economics meet and the groups at the top conspiring to affect society to their benefit regardless of individual wellbeing, especially when we think something is supernatural in nature it's really just another method of control.
    Regarding his visions, don't think of them literally so much as metaphorically, it is even suggested as such in the earlier meeting with the Reverend Mother. And think of the people in his visions as landmarks and or representations of other things.
    Leto and Jessica are not married but do love each other intensely. As suggested in the film, they still have greater duties to their houses/guilds. Just like in real life, especially at the tops of the feudalistic ladder, nothing is simple or without politics.
    One of the things not as clear in this movie vs others or the books is the Dr.'s diamond forehead insignia, stands for the highest of imperial conditioning, competence, and trustworthiness, such that anyone certified with the diamond of imperial conditioning could ostensibly be considered to provide care to the Emperor himself. So this betrayal should be an impossibility, that is how serious the betrayal is. The pills should have been a normal occurrence while adjusting to life on a new planet.
    While the movie does not make it clear if there is a true relation of Leto and the Baron, just like real feudalism in days of old, the family tree of the various kingdoms can get quite complicated. Many were related in one way or another and even inbred.
    While the 80's Dune film is fairly different and there are some details which were arguably non-canon, as well as a different scope of this movie, the bulk of the story is roughly correct, give or take. Many hate the 80's version, and many still love it, but what is important to know, while the modern Dune could be considered the best adaptation of some of the books, modern Dune was heavily influenced by 80's Dune, without which we could not have gotten this masterpiece.

  • @jalen2287
    @jalen2287 2 года назад +19

    I like how Kailyn's predictions/insights are more accurate compared to Eric's which were completely off the rails 😂😂

  • @jimamos7984
    @jimamos7984 7 месяцев назад +3

    10,191 is the year after founding of the Spacing Guild. by the time the Spacing Guild was formed, Earth was little more than a legend. Atreides and Harkonnen had been foes for milleninia.

  • @dan32321
    @dan32321 2 года назад +17

    I've said this on a few other reactions, but my interpretation of Paul's visions is that they're as much metaphorical as they are showing actual pathways into the future. In the case of Jamis, the Fremen he bested, he was absolutely a mentor who did teach him the ways of the desert: Total ruthlessness, kill or be killed. Whatever vestiges of his boyhood are now completely gone. His father and, as far as he knows, all of his closest mentors are all dead. His old life is over and he has a new tribe to learn from and lead.
    The dreams were some of my favorite things that Villeneuve did with the film, and it's a long list. It really informs the confusing and terrifying nature of what he's experiencing as his prescience fully explodes into his consciousness. One of the bigger things Herbert struck on in the books is that this was as much a curse as a blessing. And that comes through in the film so well. (Unlike Dune 1984, in which Paul is treated as an unambiguous superhero.)
    As opposed to so many other books and movies in the decades that followed, being the "chosen one" is very much a burden for Paul Atreides. It allows him to survive the obliteration of his house & family, but it only brings an entirely different set of problems and challenges he will have to confront, with the lives of billions and billions of people at stake. Hopefully we will get a Dune Messiah adaptation to further explore those.

  • @WhiteWolfDarkpaw
    @WhiteWolfDarkpaw 2 года назад +3

    The "good bye, young human" line is her accepting that Paul IS human, not a beast. She said "An animal caught in a trap will gnaw off its own leg to escape." The test with the Box is to see if Paul can overcome his instincts.
    In the book the exchange includes ""You've heard of animals chewing off a leg to escape a trap? There's an animal kind of trick. A human would remain in the trap, endure the pain, feigning death that he might kill the trapper and remove a threat to his kind."
    If his instincts are stronger, and he pulls his hand out of the box, he's nothing more than an animal, and has to be terminated because of the abilities he inherits from being Jessica's son.
    Not only did he withstand the Box, he lasted longer than any woman ever tested with it did.
    Edit: Neither Paul nor Jessica have any connection to the Fremen, but the Sisterhood spreads "prophecy" around among the lower castes in the Empire, ensuring if a Bene Gesserit Sister arrives in any form of distress, a path is laid for her to be protected.
    In the case of the Atreides going to Arrakis, the Prophecy worked out in a vastly different way.
    Edit: Drumsand is just one of the natural phenomena on Arrakis. Drumsand is sand that compacted in such a way that it magnifies vibrations.

  • @metalmonk3775
    @metalmonk3775 2 года назад +6

    This was such an unbelievably BADASS movie to see in theaters, the sound design alone gave me chills

  • @samc9516
    @samc9516 2 года назад +21

    Dr Yueh actually knew that his wife was likely dead already, but he asked about her because he wanted to be sure that she wasn't suffering anymore before he died, and he fully expected to die. He didn't really think either of them had a chance. The whole thing was a ploy to get the Baron near the poison, banking on the fact that the Baron's personality would mean he was likely to brag right in front of the Duke - it was all for revenge against the Baron. In the books we see it from his perspective a bit and hear his thoughts so it's more obvious that he knows what he's doing
    [disclaimer: but I've only read it once so I may have misinterpreted, but this is how I understood it].

    • @88michaelandersen
      @88michaelandersen Год назад +6

      You are basically correct.
      However, Yueh's deal with the Baron was to "release her from her suffering." The Baron thought he was being sneaky and that he'd get to reveal that that meant killing her. The Baron loves the feeling of twisting words to take advantage of people, especially if it causes a mixture of physical and emotional pain. The Baron was looking forward to doing this reveal while Yueh was dying.
      Yueh was smart enough to know that the Baron meant to kill her and says something to the effect of "Don't you think I knew what I bought for my dear wife?" which ruins the moment for the Baron. The book says that the Baron felt unsatisfied because Yueh died before the Baron could think of a good response to Yueh's line.

  • @TrashPandaActual
    @TrashPandaActual 2 года назад +15

    All in all, the movie stays pretty faithful to the book.

  • @pseudonymousbeing987
    @pseudonymousbeing987 2 года назад +8

    Adopted? Paul? Timothee could literally genuinely be Rebecca Ferguson and Oscar Isaac's actual biological son. Have you seen her jawline? Have you seen his droopy sleepy eyes?

  • @skoomamuch356
    @skoomamuch356 2 года назад +15

    Love this adaptation. They designed it to make general and newcomers to understand. Took me many years to understand the book. Its like the bible.
    Love the reaction guys. Can't wait for Dune part 2 next year.
    Yes, its set in our future. Scifi story with no computers and AI. Humanity has gone to feudal society and back to swordfighting because of shields.
    The voice only works one person at a time. You have to study the psychology of each person. Its just changing the voice intonation. You see, bene gesserit sisters use almost 100 percent control of thier body. Including reproductive system, they can change the gender of the fetus.

  • @jalen2287
    @jalen2287 2 года назад +3

    Paul is not a native. The "prophecy" promised an outsider that knows their ways (Fremen) and someone that will "lead" them.

  • @RullXov
    @RullXov 8 месяцев назад +2

    One of the main reasons Frank Herbert wrote the Dune series is because he had this idea that charismatic leaders ought to come with a warning label on their forehead: "May be dangerous to your health."

  • @alvhinator
    @alvhinator 2 года назад +41

    The most insightful Dune reaction I've seen from anyone who hasn't read the books. Instant sub, and can't wait to see more reactions from you guys. Thank you.

  • @conraddickinson24
    @conraddickinson24 2 года назад +2

    You are correct in that "The Spice" is an allegory for "oil" in the present day.

  • @joepegel
    @joepegel 2 года назад +8

    Great reaction. Your guys picked up a lot of things that slip past most viewers.
    They'll probably rerelease this in theaters right before part two comes out, and if they do, you should definitely see it on the biggest screen with the biggest sound system you can find.

  • @SubterrelProspector
    @SubterrelProspector 6 месяцев назад +4

    "Why does he need to open his mask and pose."
    It's a vision dude not literal.

  • @jakubfabisiak9810
    @jakubfabisiak9810 2 года назад +2

    Paul's grandfather (the Old Duke) died while fighting a bull for sport. Well, at least his OTHER grandfather is still alive...

  • @aprilrichards762
    @aprilrichards762 2 года назад +4

    I saw this movie in cinema twice! It was amazing!

  • @fakecubed
    @fakecubed Год назад +3

    All the characters in the film are humans. There aren't any sentient aliens in the Dune universe, just alien animals, like the sandworms. There used to be sentient machines but humanity wiped them out in a holy war a really long time ago and now there aren't computers anymore. Humanity instead turned towards trying to perfect humanity mentally and physically instead of taking shortcuts with tools. But they're humans in the very far future, where natural selection on different planets has created some important variations from what humans would be recognizable as today, and then on top of that you have some directed breeding programs, artificially selecting for certain traits. Over tens of thousands of years of evolution and refinement of training in both physical and mental skillsets, humans are capable of some pretty superhuman feats. Duncan Idaho comes from a specific planet that trains extremely good fighters. That's why he's killing even a whole bunch of the Emperor's dreaded Sardaukar. The Sardaukar come from a particularly harsh planet where natural selection and imperial indoctrination has also created very tough fighters. The Fremen have been living for a very long time on an even harsher world, and are tougher still. The mentats, like Thufir Hawat, belong to another training school, focusing on superhuman mental focus and calculation (useful in a society that shuns computers with a religious fanaticism on top of the legal prohibitions). The Bene Gesserit, like Jessica, train in physical abilities and refined observation skills, not only of their own bodies, but also their senses of the external world. This gives them formidable fighting prowess, as Jessica demonstrated on Stilgar, but also abilities like controlling when they get pregnant and even the sex of their children. Some of them become truthsayers, essentially human lie detectors. They learn how to observe the mannerisms and personalities of those around them, figure out what they are susceptible to, in order to manipulate them through the power of their own voices. Think of all the charismatic leaders throughout history, whose speeches inspired (or even seemingly hypnotized) whole nations to either heroism or barbarism, and then imagine such a thing was studied, refined, and taught over tens of thousands of years. That's the Voice.
    There's also some drugs involved. There's the spice. The Guild Navigators use spice to help them calculate and predict safe paths through the universe with their spaceships (before spice was discovered on Arrakis, interstellar travel was possible but very dangerous; now it's expensive but perfectly safe). There's another drug that mentats sometimes use to enhance their mental abilities. The Bene Gesserit use spice to do some other things you'll learn about in the next film. A few other drugs are mentioned throughout the books with various effects.
    It's worth understanding that the books were written at a time when DNA was still a relatively new scientific concept, and hippie drug culture was in full swing and people were thinking they'd gain enlightenment from the right combo of hallucinogenic substances. Combine these ideas with some Holy Roman Empire feudal intrigues, and the various crusades and jihads in the Middle East, mix in plenty of ecology and economics, then ask deep philosophical questions about free will, and you pretty much get Dune.
    Paul has been trained by Duncan Idaho in combat, so he's a really good fighter. He's been trained by his mother in Bene Gesserit skills, even stuff she was not supposed to teach him, so he's got the Voice, among other things. It wasn't mentioned in the film, but he's also been given some preliminary mentat training from Thufir Hawat. He's also been getting training in politics and strategy from his parents and Hawat. None of his training was really completed, he's still just a kid, and he was still learning when the Emperor sent the Atreides to Arrakis. Then on top of that he's the product of a breeding program in the works for many generations, and now he's tripping balls on spice in the desert. Some weird stuff is probably gonna happen. Oh yeah, and he just fell in with some warlike religious fanatics, some of whom think he might be their messiah. What could go wrong?

  • @Despotic_Waffle
    @Despotic_Waffle 2 года назад +2

    It's amazing how much you can catch. Finally souls I resonate with. Archetypes man!

  • @lockeforeer
    @lockeforeer 2 года назад +3

    Just a note about "the chosen one": that's more or less a simplification made for the movie to help people follow the plot. There's nothing prophetic about it (the lisan al-gaib prophecy stuff was planted, as Bene Gesserit always manufacture myths and prophecies on planets to benefit themselves, just in case one of their own ends up there and needs help from the population); Paul was produced by "crossing bloodlines" and they could produce more "chosen ones" by continuing to do so. It's just that Paul is the first one. The first Kwisatz Haderach. You could call him "the chosen first" instead, except the Bene Gesserit didn't choose him; they wanted to continue crossing bloodlines a little longer before trying to produce a Kwisatz Haderach.

    • @Akaeus
      @Akaeus 2 года назад

      Paul wasn't the first but one that showed most promise. The others before him had gone insane or died. Or became twisted like the Emperor's chief advisor and friend Count Fenring

  • @brianm3160
    @brianm3160 2 года назад +2

    Paul was not planned (in Bene Gesserit's grand plan) Jessica was supposed to give birth to a girl that's why the Nun gave Paul's mom the look.
    They also know that she's training him in the way.

  • @williamozier918
    @williamozier918 2 года назад +1

    The subtly of this story is that Paul isnt a Chosen One, he's a Manufactured One.

  • @Machiavelli2pc
    @Machiavelli2pc 2 года назад +8

    The guy he killed *was* the guy in the vision, a good friend in fact- he would have been Paul’s closest friend and ally, but Paul chose a different and potentially more sinister path by killing him

    • @Bog_Dog
      @Bog_Dog 2 года назад +2

      And there are certain moments in the book where Paul feels the future shifting around him, the slightest changes in the minutae of what's going on having vast changes to the future paths he sees. So sometimes like this he ends up on a certain path without much choice (other than letting Jamis kill him) but the future where he befriends him is gone once Jamis calls out Jessica

    • @TheShapingSickness
      @TheShapingSickness 2 года назад

      This is one of my favorite scenes in the movie, it's so bittersweet.

  • @kingscorpion7346
    @kingscorpion7346 Год назад +1

    about the year: it is 10191 A.G. (After Guild). the Spacing Guild was formed around 10,000 A.D. by our calendar, and this takes place 10,000 years after that, making it 20,191 A.D. by our calendar!

  • @axebeard6085
    @axebeard6085 2 года назад +3

    I loved how you made the video more dramatic/interesting by adding closeups of your faces (at 4:19). Thank you for putting in a little extra work.
    As for reading the book(s), here is what I suggest:
    * If you are NOT a reader, try dining on roast desert hare in sauce cepeda:
    A. Watch Dune - Part 1 (2021)
    B. Watch Dune - Part 2 or Dune: The Sisterhood, whichever comes out first.
    * If you are a reader, have a nice sip of coffee with melange:
    1. Watch Dune - Part 1 (2021)
    2. Watch Dune - Part 2 or Dune: The Sisterhood when they are released, regardless of which step you are on. If they aren't out yet, skip to step 3.
    3. Read Dune, but stop when Paul meets Jamis.
    4. Read "Terminology of the Imperium" at the back of the book. DO NOT read the Apendices.
    5. Watch Dune - Part 1 (and Part 2 if it is out).
    6. Read Dune start to finish.
    * If you're still thirsty, follow that up with a flagon of spice beer:
    7. Watch Dune (1984)
    * Become a hadji:
    8. Read the SHORT STORY "The Road to Dune". This short story was included in the novel "Eye". It might be included in the novel "The Road to Dune", but I'm not sure.
    * If you're ready for a touch of the spicebrush:
    9. Read Dune Messiah
    10. Read Children of Dune
    11. Read God Emperor of Dune
    * Now its time to wear a real Fremen stillsuit...
    12. Watch Frank Herbert's Dune (SciFi channel miniseries)
    13. Watch Frank Herbert's Children of Dune (SciFi channel miniseries)
    * ...and earn your own maula pistol:
    14. Read The Dune Encyclopedia by Willis E. McNelly. It was authorized by Frank Herbert, but is considered non-cannon. However, a major plot point of God Emperor of Dune is that historians are often mistaken, and sometimes outright lie about the past. Because of that, I consider The Dune Encyclopedia to be an in-universe book written by fairly ignorant historians. I think The Dune Encyclopedia is out of print, but I've seen it being sold second-hand, and I think there are some digital scans floating around on the internet.
    * Now bless the Maker and receive the Eyes of Ibad:
    15. Read Heretics of Dune
    16. Read Chapterhouse Dune
    * Now hear the words of Korba the Panegyrist:
    17. Read House Atreides
    18. Read House Harkonnen
    19. Read House Corrino
    20. Read The Butlerian Jihad
    21. Read The Machine Crusade
    22. Read The Battle of Corrin
    * Ride Shai-Hulud to Kralizec:
    23. Read Hunters of Dune
    24. Read Sandworms of Dune
    * Drink the Water of Life
    25. Read all the Dune books in chonological order. A list can be found at
    * Enter the Alam al-Mithal
    26. Learn about Frank Herbert's influences.
    You'll find a good list of influential books at
    Here is a list of topics that I think would be helpful to check out on Wikipedia.
    Just keep in mind that these ARE NOT one-to-one parallels to the things in the books. (The Bene Gesserit are not a stand in for the Society of Jesus. But if you understand how the Jesuits played around with politics, you'll have a better sense of how the Bene Gesserit play around with politics.)
    - The Society of Jesus
    - The Caucasian War
    - The various "East India" companies (Dutch East India Company, British East India Company, etc)
    - T.E. Lawrence
    - Atreus
    - Holy Roman Empire
    - Hydraulic empire
    There are lots more, but I've been cobbling together this list for hours, and I'm sleepy...

    • @Mackampackam
      @Mackampackam Год назад

      Wow! This list deserves a lot of love! I have only completed up to 17, except 8 and 14. Now I feel inspired to complete it.

  • @richlisola1
    @richlisola1 Год назад +1

    Shields cannot be worn in the open desert, because they call the worm. The worm will attack anyone with an activated shield relentlessly.
    Thus the Fremen fight without shields. They use swift blades strikes and slices and wield pistols.
    At the Battle Of Arrakean behind the shield wall (a large geological stone formation, sheltering the city) the Sardaukar and the Atreides fought with shields, because the sandworms could not penetrate the rock wall into Arrakean.

  • @jimmyb2655
    @jimmyb2655 8 месяцев назад +1

    10190 is about 20,000 years in our future. The Atreides are direct descendants of ancient Greece. About 10,000 years in our future, all "learning machines" were banned and destroyed across the known galaxy. The outcome from this basically reset the clock to year 0 and our story takes place 10190 years later.

  • @herbertkeithmiller
    @herbertkeithmiller 6 месяцев назад +2

    41:30 he sees possible futures but by seeing the possible future he changes those futures by the decisions he makes based on the future
    In other words Knowing what's going to happen changes what's going to happen
    Sometimes they are multiple choices and the path you take thinking you're creating a new future turns out to be completely different.
    As to why the Fremen Don't just take over the empire is they need space travel to do so and the spacing guild won't let them do that. The Fremem don't control export of the spice And as long as the spacer guild gets the spice they'll support whoever supplies it. They couldn't stop Duke Harcornan from harvesting the spice that all might change now.

  • @VitorMouraoddvtr
    @VitorMouraoddvtr 2 года назад +6

    Loved your reaction, guys! I love when people get really invested in Dune. Here the answer for some questions u had:
    The guy at the final duel was the guys from his visions. He sees possible futures and every action he takes leads into one of them but he doesn't quite know how to control it. That's the power of the Kwisatz Haderach: see past, present and future at the same time, as a navegable expanse, but it's a treacherous sea.
    There's no aliens in Dune, it's all about humanity, but it asks how much our enviroment define us, not only fisicaly, but culturaly. Paul and Jessica are not Fremen, btw. The myth of the Messiah was planted in the Fremen culture milenia ago by the Bene Gesserit (the sick nuns) as a safety measure for them in the case of one of them got stranded in the planet. Paul and Jessica are following this layed path to survive, but Paul can see that it will lead to a holy war in his name and that is his major dilemma, he is frightened by the imensurable ruin it will bring on the galaxy.
    About Jessica and Duke Leto: She is his royal concubine. The Bene Gesserit serve as advisors-concubines to the powerful men of the empire, giving political advise and bearing theirs sucessors. Some of these men end up marrying their concumbine, but Leto didn't because he knew that being a single Duke makes him more politicaly powerful, since the possibility of marrying into house Atreides was a very good prospective for other houses. It's tragic because Leto and Jessica love each other very much, and she gave him a son instead of a daughter out of love, against her training and her order's obective because that's what Leto wished.
    About the sick nuns: No one knows how truly powerful the Bene Gesserit are. People don't have any idea that they can control their own body (to the extreme extent to be able to choose the sex of their babies and much more), or that they can entice, read and manipulate people very easily and efficiently without being noticed**. More importantly: no one knows about their plan to bring forth the Kwisatz Haderach by deliberately crossing bloodlines. It's because of that goal that they chose to put themselves in the position of royal concubines; by doing this, they can be the mothers of every heir in the Imperium. Along with their status as political advisors, it makes them one of the most powerful orders in the known universe. They have been manipulating society from the shadows for milenia at this point, all in the name of creating the Kwisatz Haderach.
    The book goes in detail about how they operate, If you enjoyed the atmosphere of the movie I highly recommend the read. The movie got the vibe perfectly, but didn't elaborate on how a lot of things works in this universe, and truste me, it is RICH with interesting ideas. The movie covers only about half of it, but its divided in three different parts, so reading the first part would not spoil the next movie. The 80's movie covers the whole book, so very spoilery and It also didn't quite capture the vibe of the book, it's very weirdly toned, but It's a cult classic. I enjoy it, although the 2021 movie does it better in my humble opinion.
    ** The voice is the logical extreme of the self knoledge and selfcontrol the Bene Gesserit practice. They are the sect of society that mastered the humanistic sciences, so they use profound and esoteric knoledge of sociology, antropology, linguistics, biology, philosophy and specially psicology to find breaches into the subconscious mind in order to command other people using specific triggers alongside the righ voice pitch. So it's not really magic like The Force, but kind some kind of Human Sciences-sciente fiction. Not that it matters much, but I think the concept is cool.

  • @MrAwsomenoob
    @MrAwsomenoob 2 года назад +4

    You have just taken your first steps onto the golden path. Where God is a worm, fear is the mind killer, and death is more of a guideline then a rule.
    Welcome to the Dune family, your water shall mingle with ours.
    (Also yessssss please read the book. It has so much missed context)

  • @blindazabat9527
    @blindazabat9527 Год назад +2

    Funny how the lady's intuitions are most of the time correct and how the guy is most of the time wrong! :D Great couple ;)

    • @SubterrelProspector
      @SubterrelProspector 6 месяцев назад

      It's because the guy questions EVERYTHING and would rather speculate out loud instead of just allowing the film to provide answers as it goes.

  • @rickchristenham5416
    @rickchristenham5416 2 года назад +2

    Do not watch the '80s movie before part 2 comes out unless you want it spoiled. This is only the first half of the first book. They are all humans in the far future and the lore is extremely deep.

  • @wallykingsborough5811
    @wallykingsborough5811 Год назад +1

    This is the best an adaptation can be. Nothing replaces reading the book.

  • @cliveklg7739
    @cliveklg7739 2 года назад +11

    I highly recommend the books if you get the opportunity. The books are extremely dense in details and thought. It is a definite high level read, but absolutely worth it imo.
    This film cuts A LOT from the novel. But honestly given there is so much time in the books in the thoughts of characters it would be impossible not to. There are some subtle changes to suit how the film transitions, but for the most part the story is accurate.
    I like the film with one small point of contention. The dual at the end, in the books they take the Stilsuits off. The reason being as to not lose the water stored in them through ritual combat. You can't prevent it in war, but you can in duels. I wish the film would have done that.
    In the books Paul's mother tries to prevent the duel using the voice. The Freman stop her saying if she uses it again they both will be killed. Another missed opportunity in the film imo.
    The 80s film is entertaining, but it diverged from the books in a lot of the story. And is kinds of a surreal experience. I'd love to see your reaction to it.
    Personally I recommend the miniseries version despite some of its flaws of the CGI, and limited sets (all the desert scenes were in a studio with obvious painted backgrounds), it does a great job presenting a lot more of the story and the political intrigue. The acting and costume design is fantastic in the miniseries. William Hurt plays Leto, so how could it not.
    Plus the miniseries does the duel complaint I had above correctly.
    They also do another miniseries combining the next two books as well. Susan Sarandon is in that one.
    "from your sweat?" The book Stilsuits recycled water from urine and feces as well. 😮😯😲
    I'd explain what Paul is seeing but it would be spoilery so I won't. Imo the later book "Children of Dune" explains it a bit better.

  • @conraddickinson24
    @conraddickinson24 2 года назад +3

    Another couple of points just to expand your knowledge from book to movie. Space travel was not impossible without Spice. It was just more dangerous. The Guild navigators use Spice to see a path to whatever destination they want to go to. It is the Holtzmann Engines that fold space. And the scene with Jessica and the maid, was not that Jessica is a Freman, she was just educated in many customs by the Bene Gesserit. In fact she didn't know what the knife was or what it represented she was just about to make a guess. In the book she was about to say "It is a maker of death" but when Shadout Mapes heard "it is a maker" it was what she wanted to hear. Because it was from the prophecy that was planted by the Missionaria Protectiva.

  • @stu42000
    @stu42000 2 года назад +2

    One of Paul's gifts is that he can see possible futures, but he isn't always sure which future is true. But the gift may make him powerful and help him lead.

  • @Nihm420
    @Nihm420 7 месяцев назад +1

    10,000 AG. Not AD as we use.
    AG stands for “After Guild”, meaning the Spacing Guild, which is 10,000 years from present day.
    So, this is all happening 20,000 years into our future.

  • @biancablue5730
    @biancablue5730 2 года назад +6

    I have dyslexia and my ability to get into a book doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with how well it’s written. Some of the things that are common issues with readers don’t bother me. I love dune. That said you do have to read the second book. Dune epitomizes the concept a person is a hero or villain depending when you end their story. Frank Herbert was a philosopher more than a writer. When you reread his stories you notice something new each time.

    • @mycroft16
      @mycroft16 2 года назад

      All the people when Dune came out calling this "just another white messiah" trope film made me laugh. They have no clue where this story is going. I love how Herbert builds arguably the most complex and realistic fictional civilization, religions, corporations, entire religions, governments, etc... and uses all of that and the story going on as a means to deconstruct things in our own civilization and history. The books aren't so much meant to tell a story as they are to ask you to question aspects of our own religions, governments, management of world, etc. It's incredible to read.

  • @MercuryCircuit
    @MercuryCircuit 6 месяцев назад +1

    Dune is set 20000+ AD. I forget the exact dates. It's been a while since I read the book and looked in to it in the 1980's. The film starts in 10191 after the creation of the known universe and the death of digital/electronic/technology/Ai etc.

  • @gabsrants
    @gabsrants 2 года назад +4

    The way Frank Herbert explained the voice goes something like this:
    "You are on the phone with someone. You know they have voted republican all their life. Now, in three sentences or less, I want you to make them mad. What do you say?"
    The power of voice comes from a complete understanding of the subjects intentions, wants and needs. The theory goes like this - You can make someone feel something just by what you say, so if you know their motivation completely (which the Bene Gesserit are very adept at, be it by their teaching or perception) you can control their actions completely.
    In the book, Jessica hears the two guards arguing over wether they should rape her before killing her and all she has to say is "there is no need to fight over me" which immediately implants the idea that they HAVE to fight over who gets to go first...
    As for how book-accurate the movie is - it's as close as it gets. The Sci-Fi miniseries might be a bit closer to the text, and I would recommend it above the classic Dune movie for that, although that one is a must-see for many culty, meme-y reasons.

  • @KrazzeeKane
    @KrazzeeKane 6 месяцев назад

    That "You'll always be what I needed you to be. My son." Scene is great. It never fails to amuse me how every single person inmediately says, "Oh he's super dead." lol. A true, kind ruler and father never survives to the credits--its a rule that they have to get Ned Stark'd before the film ends

  • @abstractnonsense3253
    @abstractnonsense3253 2 года назад +2

    It feels ancient and futuristic at the same time. It is a timeless book steeped in a variety of human cultures and religions mixed throughout the millennia.

  • @jono03
    @jono03 2 года назад +2

    I like your reaction. This is one of my favorite books and adaptations. She was right on a lot of times in her gut feelings and understanding of what’s going on. Keep it up you guy’s! 😎👍🏼

  • @gojiramonster2388
    @gojiramonster2388 5 месяцев назад

    funniest part is eric, probably loves to brag about how much he knows about lord of the rings, given how the girl expects him to know denethor's name, and his complete and total panic of not knowing it. so so good.

  • @WhatDayIsItTrumpDay
    @WhatDayIsItTrumpDay Год назад +1

    The original novel was released in 1964. First made into a movie in 1984 by director David Lynch. It was very cool visually, but way too much was left out that it was met with a lot of criticism. The book is something like 800 pages or so. The world building in the book is extremely deep and complicated. So there's no way a single 2+ hour movie could get it all in.
    Then in 2000 the Sci-Fi (SyFy) Network released a 3-part mini-series that was much closer to the book than the 84 film, but suffered from having a TV budget with late 90s Vfx. The live-action footage looks pretty good, but the Vfx were rendered in SD. I just got the new Blu-ray for the series that was released in Nov 2021 when this current film was released, and the PQ was not bad, but the CG is clearly upscaled 480i stuff. The Director's cut of the mini-series runs nearly 5 hours. The sets on the show go from damn good to really cheap green screen sets for the desert scenes.
    In 2003, SyFy released another 3-part mini-series for the two follow-up books, Children of Dune and Dune Messiah. This mini-series is also included on the Region Free Australian release of the Dune mini-series.
    Then of course we have this new 2021 and 2023 Denis Villenueve version that it getting a lot of praise for being both visual and dramatic masterpieces. If Part 2 does good at the B.O. (which it should because Part 1 got day and date release on HBO Max, and it still did pretty well at theaters) then Denis plans on making Dune into a franchise by covering the other books. There's 15 books in the series, btw.
    No filmed version has gotten a full sense of the story, so it's a good idea to watch the 84 movie, and the 2000 mini-series. Because each version has stuff that the others leave out.

  • @user-yn6lk1xv9t
    @user-yn6lk1xv9t Месяц назад

    19:26 in the book duke Leto talked about treating contract workers that are directly working on spice harvesting with much care. he also demonstrated what he was talking.

  • @blitzgirl6522
    @blitzgirl6522 2 года назад +2

    I love this movie and love seeing more people get into Dune! I read the first half of the book before seeing the film and was geeking out about it. I also just love it purely as a film and a piece of sci-fi.

  • @orutakawatenga8820
    @orutakawatenga8820 6 месяцев назад +1

    Y'all are massively overthinking with the Moses comparison, it's far simpler, Pt 2 Paul & others with ability to effect him have prepared him in his youth to survive until his point of thriving.

  • @ravikxavier607
    @ravikxavier607 2 года назад +2

    The movie is very faithful to the book, there were some minor changes but nothing too wild, i love seeing people just confused by the story, btw, a bit unrelated but Kailyn looks so much like Shiv from Succession that is giving you both rich people vibes.

  • @Angela-bm3lp
    @Angela-bm3lp Год назад +2

    Besides the 80s movie, there was another adaptation made called Frank Herbert's Dune (2000). Its a tv miniseries of the entire story so its like 3 movies long. This new movie is only part one. The miniseries is great to me from a story and acting perspective. It has really old and TV budget CGI and somewhat cheesy costuming but I really enjoyed it at the time and every time I rewatch. There is also a sequel called Frank Herbert's Children of Dune (2003).

  • @maurer3d
    @maurer3d 2 года назад +1

    47:45 The movie takes place in 10191 AG (After Guild) which would be 21,267 A.D.
    The AG calendar starts after the 201 year long Butlerian Jihad. Which started In the year 11000 AD, it was a crusade to eliminate all artificial intelligence (thinking computers).

  • @GrumpyOldGuyPlaysGames
    @GrumpyOldGuyPlaysGames Год назад

    According to the background lore given in the books -- and there are more than one book -- the Fremen originally came to Arrakis as the "Zensunni Wanderers," a conservative religious sect based very, very very roughly on the Bedouin tribes of Syria and Jordan combined with the San, a tribal people who live deep in the Kalahari desert. When the Atreides get to Arrakis, the Fremen have been on the planet for close to six thousand years.
    The reason why author Frank Herbert called them Fremen is that in his original outline (which was abandoned), the Fremen were originally "free men" as opposed to convict-slaves that had been transported to Arrakis to mine spice by the Houser Hoskanner (the original name of House Harkonnen). These "free men" had escaped their captors and fled into the deep desert where, over thousands of years, they managed to become a separate people with their own culture. Herbert abandoned the "convict-slave" thing but kept the idea of a hidden tribe living in the deep desert and the name "Fremen."
    The first book is generally held to be one of the greatest science fiction novels of all time, and its absolutely worth the read.

  • @bialynia
    @bialynia Год назад

    Dune takes place in a distant future of our universe. So at one point it was us - killing each other with the use of fire arms. But as force fields were invented and perfected, a shield protecting against bullets became a norm. It is technically possible to make it 100% inpenetrable but it would be unusable. You need to be able to breath and for that you need air to pass through the shield. You also want to be able to touch things while wearing a shield. So the speed is the criterion - fast moving objects are blocked, but those that move below certain treshold speed can pass. And thus guns became ineffective and obsolete and blades are the only weapon that can work. Military training is all about learning to strike slowl enough to pass through shield but at the same time strong enough to harm your opponent.
    When Paul fights Jamis he has triple disadvantage. 1 is what Jessica says - he has never killed another human while Jamis is a seasoned warrior who had shed blood before. 2 is what the visions imply - Paul has memories of an alternative future where Jamis was his friend and mentor, so fighting him is emotionally painful, while for this version of Jamis Paul is just a random stranger. 3 is the whole shield thing - Paul had trained his entire life how to fight an opponent wearing a shield so his moves are slower while Jamis moves at full speed. All three make it seem like Paul is toying with Jamis, especially since it's clear he is not a bad fighter.

  • @tristenvaughan3892
    @tristenvaughan3892 2 года назад +2

    the voice was definitely my favorite aspect of the movie! The Bene Gesserit, the sisterhood ancient society the mother Jessica and the Reverend Mother belonged to, have exclusive use of the voice (among other things, like controlling the sex of their children and perfect muscle control). Jessica taught the skills to Paul in violation of her orders believing he is the “one”. it sounds oddly demonic and feminine because the director Denis Villeneuve, lifelong fan of the books, wanted to achieve an effect as if the ancient Bene Gesserot matriarch ancestors of the user was speaking through them, through the voice. I think this is easiest heard in the first use of the movie, when Paul tries to get his mother to hand him the water. also an incredible effect to have heard in theater surround-sound. also the soundtrack is SO incredible. Thanks for the fun reaction! definitely subscribing

  • @Grenn1471
    @Grenn1471 2 года назад +1

    Paul isn't really a Moses figure at all. He's the product of a eugenics program 1000+ years in the making. His instinctive knowledge of cultural ways wouldn't be unique to the Fremen. He's got mentat training, plus spice usage which gives him visions of potential futures. He's just very, very good at assimilating. Even the prophecy of the Lisan Al-Gaib was invented by the Bene Gesserit. He and his mother are using it to survive.

  • @sameer-fs2ot
    @sameer-fs2ot 2 года назад +3

    Hey guys. Thanks for the awesome reaction! I would recommend you check out the show "Severance". Its a very unique show and we have a very small number of reactions for it.
    I think people have answered all your questions in the comments. I'm soooo excited for part 2!!

  • @KGardner01010
    @KGardner01010 11 месяцев назад +1

    You really just need to read Frank Herbert's series of books to grasp all the full Dune lore (1965+) - and series his ended with Chapter House (which was mainly about the Bene Gesserit) . . . As in, the BG's had bred the various bloodlines between the different houses of the Landsraad for thousands of years . . . The BG's were also trained in many things, languages, politics, and able to do such much with their bodies internally - including nullifying poisons, and also creating the correct child for its birth process . . . their use of Voice is one of their main characteristics though, to allow them to sway power during various struggles . . . His son, naturally, tried to feed off his fathers name and books to bring out more Dune novels in his own name. I haven't bothered reading any that he did, so I don't know if he's any good or not really - For me personally, the books ended with the original writer of them passing away - and who also knew what he was planning and writing about in each one . . .
    From what I've heard since this film came out - after spending $165m on this, Warner Bros wouldn't allow Verhouven to do any more until they saw how the first part went down . . . Needless to say it went down well! So, they asked him to continue . . . But, instead of only doing Part 2 - I think he made sure that he also had the actors he needed to do the Part 3 as well . . . as far as I know, those 3 parts will only complete the 1st Dune book though. (Start/Middle & End) - So, there will be a hell of a lot more to come yet from the following books if he's allowed to continue through the book series - although, it could take him a good 20 years at this rate with separated parts though, lol. The latest news was that Part 2 would be due out Nov 3rd 2023 - but then I also heard that it may have been put back until 2024 instead . . . ??????
    The original Dune 1984, was also wrote the screenplay and directed by another director just like Verhousen who loved the books - David Lynch. However, his work became very controversial due to the producer and film company behind it hampering him all of the time with a small budget already. They said it was too long, so he had to change things and cut large chunks out of it at final edit - stating to him that no-one would sit through up to 3 hours in a cinema. (All before LotR, Marvel, DC, etc, films which did just that! After he'd finished, Lynch swore he'd never work with either of them again (Company or Producer) as they'd ruined the film he was always wanting to make from the book . . . The film is still good for it's time (pre-CGI and amazing graphics) - and still became a cult classic anyway!

  • @crystalscolza1663
    @crystalscolza1663 2 года назад +3

    I wish they had done the scene with the gom jabbar and the box like they did in the original movie in 1984. The way the Reverend mother explained what was happening to him inside the box was both sinister and allowed the audience to be more in tune with what was happening. I felt like something was lost,because the Reverend mother's monologue was cut in that scene.

  • @liamodynsky4871
    @liamodynsky4871 7 месяцев назад

    Yueh knew his wife wouldn't be returned to him alive, but they were torturing him and he had to do this to make him stop. This was also his chance at vengeance against the Baron, hence why he gave the poisoned tooth to Leto, which likely would have killed Yueh if the Baron hadn't.

  • @MsAppeljack
    @MsAppeljack Год назад +1

    Paul Attredes, the reluctant Messiah ...

  • @shadowoftheraven619
    @shadowoftheraven619 2 года назад +5

    While this film is the best adaption of the book so far and is a good film, there is a lot left out but that is to be expected.
    My one nitpick is that lady Jessica ( Paul's mother) is too emotional. Bene Gesserit control their emotions to not reveal any potential secrets or weaknesses. She did feel those powerful fears but didn't display them where anyone may see.

    • @mycroft16
      @mycroft16 2 года назад +2

      My explanation for why she showed so much emotion is that in the 80s film they leaned extremely heavily on internal monologue to showcase characters thoughts. And her fear was shown that way, internally only. In this film we lose the monologue so they have to show it externally. It's a weird tradeoff, but I'm kind of glad the film isn't so heavily narrated by each characters thoughts.

    • @Mackampackam
      @Mackampackam Год назад

      I agree with both of you above. It is very hard to strike the balance exactly right. How do you show these strong emotions on screen when the character is supposed to have perfect outward control? I totally respect the choices made for the movie even if I would have shifted the balance more towards control. (But then again I am not a genius director like Villeneuve so I probably would have made a crappy movie anyway.) Note that Jessica only ever shows fear alone or in front of Paul and reverend mother Mohiam, who was her old teacher that could see through her anyway. She even keeps the mask on in front of Leto.

    • @shadowoftheraven619
      @shadowoftheraven619 Год назад

      @@Mackampackam yes, I understand your points but she breaks down outside the door while her son is being tested. Where any passerby, seen or unseen could have witnessed her breakdown. a Bene Gesserit would never do that.
      But it does indeed make it difficult from a filmmaking point of view.

    • @Mackampackam
      @Mackampackam Год назад

      @@shadowoftheraven619 Totally agree with your last point. I thought the same when I watched the movie. But in hindsight I wonder how else to do it. The perfect solution may be impossible: to display perfect control because you could always be covertly observed, but somehow still magically show the movie audience the inner emotion. I think Jessica is by far the most difficult character to faithfully portray on screen. Under the surface she is very emotional and it is important for the story. Her love for Leto makes her disobey the sisterhood and *MILD SPOILER* her concern for her child leads to questionable or unfortunate choices.
      Given that, I marvel at how well the director and the actor pulled it together. Lynch's Jessica was a disastrous damsel. Villeneuve's Jessica is so much better.

    • @shadowoftheraven619
      @shadowoftheraven619 Год назад

      @@Mackampackam It's a problem for sure. I don't know how it could be done either. But for me her display of strong emotions just doesn't sit right. But what do I know?!

  • @Alejojojo6
    @Alejojojo6 Год назад +1

    The Fremen descended from the Sensunni nomads (intertellar travels that followed a period of chaos among humans in the galaxy), which where a folk of migrants which originally were Sunni Muslims from VERY now gone ancient Old Egypt. At this time Islam has been merged with the other religions to create a new one but some cultural elements still are visible in the Fremen, but which have merge with the local enviromment of Arrakis.

  • @88michaelandersen
    @88michaelandersen Год назад

    I thought the movie was great, but Dr. Yueh's death in the book added the line "Don't you think I knew what I bought for my dear wife?" after Yueh was stabbed.
    It made the Harkonnens so much more menacing that Yueh knew he wasn't going to go free with his wife after the betrayal of the Duke; he did it so that the Baron would kill his wife and end her torture.

  • @billholder1330
    @billholder1330 Год назад

    43:20 or thereabouts - yeah, Paul sees little snippets of all possible futures, all jumbled together, not just what will actually happen (that's not decided yet, of course), it takes him a long time to learn how to make sense of them. And Jamis was his "friend and teacher", in a way - he teaches Paul an important lesson about Arrakis and Death. For one to survive, another may have to die. It's not until Paul takes the Water of Life that he starts being able to see and interpret more cleaerly.

  • @robbieingram7710
    @robbieingram7710 Год назад +1

    Please stop trying to guess where a movie is going. In the case of Dune, this is a complicated story. So no, it isn’t going to follow a common simple story. Dune is full of mythical interaction between many different planets, organizations, and people. You can probably guess the direction of the story of a comic book like Batman etc. but this is a lot deeper than that, which is what people enjoy about the book and movies of Dune. The 1984 production was a problem for trying to fit a 6 hour miniseries into a two hour movie no one could understand. Even with the pamphlet they gave us at the theater to try to understand it all.

  • @daweedpotrawa3042
    @daweedpotrawa3042 2 года назад +1

    Short background. The Dune Saga takes place over 22.000 years in the future (even with a new calculation of time, 10191 A.G.) Humanity sprawled over the universe that they began developing in various kinds of alien evolution. There was a galactic war against the machines which resulted into prohibition of artificial intelligences. Thats the reason why the navigators in Dune need the mind expanding spice to calculate the lightspeed routes for the spaceships because they dont want to be independent on board computers (in classic other sci fi franchises like Star Wars or Star Trek the Computers take over the Lightspeed Calculations). Also absolutely unique in the Dune universe is how on the one side the galactic civilizations is far technologically advanced (Spaceships, Lightspeed Travel, Laser Guns etc. ) but on the other side society evolved kinda back into a medieval feudal totalitarian system in the spirit of like Game of Thrones.

  • @lockeforeer
    @lockeforeer 2 года назад +1

    Ok I have to comment about Yueh. Yes it was obvious - obvious to Yueh too. Yueh knew he would be killed. He just had to know for sure that either his wife was dead (and not still being tortured, which was a constant torment to him and why he seems so morose all the time) or that she would be "delivered from her agony" as in they would finally let her die. So he didn't sell the Atreides out for nothing; he got exactly what he wanted. The Baron saying he could join her let him know that she was dead already.

  • @ibd1977
    @ibd1977 8 месяцев назад

    The book uses a lot of internal monologues which is difficult to adapt to movies. The 84 movie did this and people freaked out on actors standing there with internal voices.

  • @studioarctica
    @studioarctica Год назад

    Talking about this being "the way these stories are told", this is where Star Wars and plenty of other sci Fi got it from.
    Also this movie is almost scene for scene with the book

  • @billholder1330
    @billholder1330 2 года назад +3

    Your Moses analogy doesn''t really work, but there is more than one secret to Paul's heritage - Jessica is secretly the daughter of Baron Harkonnen, meaning Paul is 1/4 Harkonnen. They have no genetic connection to the Fremen beforehand, but they do have the cultural / religious connection through the Bene Gesserit.

  • @Aeolusdallas
    @Aeolusdallas Год назад +1

    It's so far in the future that they don't really know which planet they came from anymore

  • @drkblde
    @drkblde 6 месяцев назад

    The problem with Dune is that the book is 75% internal monologue that’s where almost all of the exposition comes from. For some reason no modern movie maker lets there be internal monologues. The 80s movie tried it but badly.
    The best adaptation IMO is the SciFi channel TV movie/series. It was basically 3 - 2 hour movies which gave it enough space to explain things better and for the story to breathe.
    This movie did a good job with what they did. Honestly this One book is a trilogy of movies, it’s even split into three sections.

  • @mycroft16
    @mycroft16 2 года назад

    Just a couple non-spoiler points from the books to better understand this universe:
    There are no aliens... only humans in the Dune universe. Humanity has spread to occupy a million worlds. There are numerous Great Houses. Families that have risen to great power either through brute force or charisma, technological prowess, good leadership, etc. The heads of the houses form one part of the government set in opposition to the Emperor.. There is also a commercial entity that holds power in the Imperium that isn't dealt with in the film because it doesn't really matter the way they told the story. The Space Guild also holds power as they have a monopoly on faster than light travel through space. Even the Emperor is held in check to an extent by them. They can deny transport to anyone and so everyone kind of plays nice to them. However, faster than light travel depends on the spice for the sort of prescient visions it gives. Navigators of the guild ships use immense amounts of spice to see through time and find a safe path to navigate the ship faster than light without hitting anything. So the guild is kind of limited by whoever controls the planet Dune, only source of spice.
    This takes place about 20,000 years in our future. The timeline in the film is measured in years AG, After Guild, referring to the creating of the spacing guild. So it is 10191 years after the guild was formed. Centuries prior to events in this film humanity had created artificial intelligence that eventually rebelled and fought to destroy us. Humanity eventually won at a significant cost, but it lead to a religious movement, a jihad, against "thinking machines." It became forbidden to create any machine that could be used to replace or mimic a human mind. It's why you see no computers really. This lead to the creation of various schools to train humans to replace the machines. You got the Spacing Guild replacing navigational computers, and the Mentats, human computers capable of computation and data processing and prediction (the guy who rolls his eyes back into his head with the Atreides is a Mentat). There is also a medical school that Dr. Yueh was trained at. And the Bene Gesserit. They train the body and mind to exceptional limits, learning to control every muscle, nerve, cell of their bodies to the utmost. They can change their voice to control others, they can control their own internal body chemistry at will, etc.
    The politics of Dune is immense and always at play and complex. Duke Leto Atreides is extremely well liked. He puts people before things as you mentioned when he want to save the crew of the spice crawler from the worm where any other would have saved the spice and let the crew die. He is a good leader. His popularity among the other Great Houses is rising. His advisors (Duncan Idaho and Gurney Halleck) are among the best fighters in the universe and have trained the Atreides military almost to the point of matching or exceeding the Emperor's forces. He is seen imperially as a huge threat. The Harkkonens and Atreides have an extremely long history together and it's almost exclusively nasty.
    The Fremen were a group of people seen as lower class and were often used as slaves, stolen and raided from their worlds, traded around, killed, mistreated extremely. An accident allowed some to end up on Dune where they decided it would become their planet. They learned the ways of the desert. They disappeared into a world no one really had a use for until spice was discovered and flew under the radar largely even then.
    Regarding the use of shields... they are indeed a kinetic effect... they stop high speed impacts but if you move slow enough you get through. Like with the mix of water and cornstarch. Impact it hard and you can walk on it. Stand still and you sink into it viscously. They do posess laser weaponry as you saw, but an accident at the invention of the shield had a laser weapon used against a shield and it resulted in atomic level explosion. Which lead to everyone keeping shields but now having to use swords and other kinetic weapons.
    You should absolutely read the books. Be warned, there are quite a few of them, and they are incredibly well written. The story of Dune is to Sci Fi what Lord of the Rings is to Fantasy. Everyone mimics them. Star Wars lifted so much from Dune that Herbert thought about suing Lucas. I would say this is the ONLY story that outdoes Lord of the Rings in terms of world building. As insane as that sounds, it is true. Dune sits on another level even from Tolkien.

  • @jeremygrandison4221
    @jeremygrandison4221 Год назад

    Best reaction I’ve seen to Dune, y’all picked up on every little tid bit of the plot. New sub!

  • @videorprologic
    @videorprologic 8 месяцев назад

    Dune is interesting to read, not because of the prose per say, but because of the freakishly grounded prediction of how humans would evolve after millennia of adaptation to the sparsity of a multi-stellar diaspora.

  • @MatthewSmith001
    @MatthewSmith001 Год назад

    You guys should read the books. They're some of the most prominent, well-known, and highly praised sci-fy ever written. Right up there with Ender's Game.... which I still love in spite of OSC's shameful announcement.

  • @abstractnonsense3253
    @abstractnonsense3253 Год назад

    They didn't use the voice on the Fremen for 2 reasons. 1- there were too many of them. 2- in order to use the voice you first have to analyse the person to be targeted in order to find the right "pitch".

  • @wallykingsborough5811
    @wallykingsborough5811 Год назад

    Technology developed laser weapons and personal shields. By some sub-quantum coincidence, lasguns and shield interact with enough force to kill the lasgun operator. So combat is primarily hand-to-hand, and the shields mean that only the slow, hidden attack can penetrate the shield. This type of fighting reflects the politics. An open attack is not the threat. The killing blow will come slowly, hidden, from a direction you did not expect.

  • @deanthemachine8879
    @deanthemachine8879 Год назад

    29:54 Dr Yueh knew in his heart that the Baron was lying. He was hoping that she would at least be freed from her torture of being taken apart like a doll and join her in death. He knew he was fucked, but she was being systemically horrifically tortured and he couldn’t let that happen

  • @johnalley8397
    @johnalley8397 2 года назад +2

    Butlerian Jihad: Thou shalt make no machine in the image of the human mind.
    Human Colonization of the stars: AI gains ascendency: Humans revolt: Butlerian Jihad: Long Collapse: Spice navigation: Rebuilding: Dune.

  • @marcelschroder5474
    @marcelschroder5474 2 года назад +1

    no spoilers: year 10.191 AG (after foundling the spaceguild) is in >23.000 years from now. / the bene gesserit planed the messiah for the next generation. as a child from jessica's daughter and and raban harkonnens brother. so paul has the genetic potential to be the messiah. jessica's plan was not to create the messiah, she only want that the duke become the son he want. / the duke wasn't married because of the chance of a political marriage with an other house. / jamis the guy from paul's vision was the guy he killed in the fight. / the freman life since couple tausend years on arrakis after the zensunni left earth to find a place where they not be persecuted / I have 23 dune books. / many didn't like the first movie, but I love it, even the 3h version with 20 minutes exposition at the beginning. the new movie is near the book as the old one. / I would say read the book after you watched dune part2, because dune part1 is only ~50% of the first book.