This is BAD For the Future of Star Wars! The Acolyte Ratings, Media Critics vs Fans & More!

  • Опубликовано: 16 июн 2024
  • Star Wars The Acolyte is not good for the Star Wars fandom and the future of Disney+ Lucasfilm Star Wars shows. Will viewership and interest on Andor Season 2, Ahsoka, The Mandalorian and Grogu and Skeleton Crew suffer as a result of the fan backlash?
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  • @StarWarsMeg
    @StarWarsMeg  17 дней назад +32

    Predictions for episode 4? ❤

    • @JohnFourtyTwo
      @JohnFourtyTwo 17 дней назад +6

      Trandoshians hunting Wookies and a Jedi fight according to Chris Gore who’s seen the episode. Basically another nail in the coffin.
      Be on the lookout for an emergency meeting at Disney this week. This is where the fun begins.

    • @alexflores-gu8zf
      @alexflores-gu8zf 17 дней назад +2

      alex flores

    • @PaletteWIngs
      @PaletteWIngs 16 дней назад +4

      Well, it's been leaked that episode 4 is going to have pronoun virtue signalling so that's not going to help with the audience score.
      Aside from that, I'd like to see writing that isn't so contradictory and themes that are explored beyond the surface level. The derivative writing and narrative displayed so far is indicative of AI chatbot writing, and I'm hoping the jarring editing will be explained somewhat when the twist is revealed. I guess I'm cautiously pessimistic, because I don't think all these aspects are suddenly going to improve.
      So far I'm enjoying the theories around and about the show more than the show itself. I also remember there being no live action star wars series for the longest time, so at least we've got something. Hopefully they'll improve over time.

    • @empireofengland6039
      @empireofengland6039 16 дней назад

      I think we will revisit Kelnaca ,sorry,I don't know how his name is written. I guess we will know something from him about past event. Because before flashback episode we actually had points of Mae ,Osha and Sol. Also Torbin had his vision of events ,of course he didn't shared much, killing himself. Kelnaca may also tell us,the audience, something, I guess it will happen through the dialog where we will understand something. I don't know whether he will be killed or not. It's mostly depends,as I see it,whether Sol listens to Venestra and goes to the council meeting ,or he ignores her and goes to save his old friend. As we see with Torbin ,still not guaranteed that he will be saved. Also ,i may see that sith appears in this episode, the same forest,as I see. But that also might be long after ,after revisiting Brendark. So far I loved series,I'm very much into mystery,and I'm open to next episode

    • @rodrigodiazdevivar6183
      @rodrigodiazdevivar6183 16 дней назад +5


  • @theGrouch74
    @theGrouch74 16 дней назад +50

    Honestly, I think the biggest problem nowadays is people's patience lol As a star wars fan I'm going to watch the season an then I'll judge, rate, and review it once I've seen it. The show's barely revealed anything yet so how can you dislike it so much? Let's see where it goes before the pitchforks come out

    • @ernstfrutphlinguhr2494
      @ernstfrutphlinguhr2494 16 дней назад +12

      Yes, the lack of patience and an inability to handle indirect plotting. It’s frankly depressing.

    • @LordNeros
      @LordNeros 16 дней назад +4

      to be fair, it's legitimate criticism if people don't like the fact that the show "barely revealed anything" as it is over 1/3 done already. people have seen 37,5% of the show and if at this point they aren't invested in it, I belive the writers did not do a good job getting the audience attention. That is a major problem with shows with a slow start, so often you hear people say, oh you stopped at that point? it gets better at episode X trust me, just keep watching. The problem with that is, do you really want to suffer throu the x amount of episodes not enjoying oneself just to get to the good part, or rather search for an series that catches you right from the beginning. I for one put my hopes on Andor season 2 to get back into star wars

    • @randomflagg7331
      @randomflagg7331 16 дней назад

      though I agree it took me some time to assume the mindset fighting this thing. and we're not talking a few people. this could be considered their entire fan base. it behooves them to listen and not piss them off. since the actual conversation won't be had because there is a "take it or leave it" attitude from the film makers that reminded me of something that occurred last summer. and what occurred was a big one. I think people forget just how much of a shift occurred thanks to barbie, it made money but what was lost was the ability to sell BS ever again and pretend that you're not using your medium for it's intended purpose which is to not use it to attempt to pervert our reality. so it's ironic that the discussion in question contains witchcraft. I believe man's greatest flaw was salem. they should had leveled the town. now we see good and evil being re-positioned and they just sit back, "it's just entertainment," nah no no. that's when it was 1984. we're in 2016 and we're being lectured into believing some a;alternate reality and i started asking myself, what's with the hostility? and how come women are incapable of having an authentic conversation outside the confines of the cinema. why are they sneakily manipulating entertainment media on the level of a full court press? and I thought we were totally respectful what's with the disrespectful language and just viciousness?
      it's because they'd prefer to use film to project their versions of reality and distort this one. that's the problem. I think we've learned female nature much better in the last 3 years when we were granted the power of the internet and pie charts. case studies and real investigative science.
      what I've learned is if you want to get answers to questions about female nature. don't ask women. they were comfortable with us spinning our wheels the past 47 years and every time we get closer to what we assumed was the single most pressing need for females feminism was refinanced no question and they grunt and groan that nothing works and we need to go back to the drawing board. there is a level of deception going on here. and it's not an isolated incident either. in fact it's penetrated every level of our society. it's very coordinated for something that is dismissed as coincidence. and the freakiest part is in just how similar the female mindset is. remember when they use to say, "not all women are the same you're generalizing," I always thought that was odd. they'd say they aren't all alike yet they all say that. without hesitation.
      I;ll be honest I don't know what to make of it I just know that the closer that I started studying the problem I started backing further and further away from them. now, they can call that sexist all they want. I'm not ignoring my base reasoning it's served me well all my life. I know that if I don't trust women and I don't like what they are insinuating it's because they've given me a reason to not trust a word they say. if they want to blame the fans for their writing they can go right ahead... but you have to admit that's the first time in history the writer blamed the fan for not doing what they were told. but it's how it was said that I still can't get over.
      backing up

    • @techinrl9869
      @techinrl9869 16 дней назад

      While most people consider Andor to be a good show, I couldn’t get past episode 2. It’s just boring. I wouldn’t be surprised if it gets a lot better, but if it doesn’t grab you right away, you don’t get to the good parts.

    • @jamescarabini9053
      @jamescarabini9053 16 дней назад +3

      Personally I can judge based on what I have seen (or not seen) up to now.
      First. The deaths of the Jedi in Ep1 were meaningless. Not having a story line before watching gives me a Sense of nothing. I am all about revenge, but revenge for what? They are filling it in now but the flashbacks I think are being overdone. Maybe I will have an ohhh moment tonight. With Ep4.
      Ep3 seemed rushed. With one sister ready to kill the other, for what? Seems like a Weak premise. Then some stupidity of a metal, rock and brick catching fire. 🔥
      So, yeah it’s pretty bad so far. 15% sounds about right.
      Perhaps 🤔 don’t put self proclaimed non Star Wars fans in charge of writing this.

  • @rexw2203
    @rexw2203 16 дней назад +29

    They call the Fan base: "the Fandom Menace" for a reason. People in a large mass can be as fickle as the wind. Disney DOES need to pay attention. People also need to realize that just because they have watched some media that this doesn't make them "The Gatekeepers" of said media. Just because something doesn't suit them it is suddenly the starting bell for people to spout out all the hate they can stir up in themselves.

    • @user-kz5gw7xe4o
      @user-kz5gw7xe4o 16 дней назад +8

      People like what they like. You can make what they like or not.
      Also, if you open a restaurant and make great burgers, why not stick to giving people what they expect? If you want to turn McDonald's into a sushi joint, sorry, that's just not going to go over well. If you want to make sushi, nothing is stopping you. Why turn McDonald's into a sushi joint? Why not just make a sushi joint? If you want to make Harry Potter but without the mythological creatures, make your own IP. Why mess with something people already love?

    • @Ruylopez778
      @Ruylopez778 16 дней назад +6

      Mando S1 & S2, Rogue One and the animated shows make it pretty obvious it's not that hard to please SW fans, or at least not drive them away.

    • @chidubemimari9015
      @chidubemimari9015 16 дней назад +5

      At the end of the day, it's a business. If you open a restaurant and establish loyalty among your customer base for decades, then all of a sudden establish an entirely different menu with advertisements mainly catering to an entirely different target market, it's pretty obvious you're going to alienate your former patrons. This was well understood not too long ago, but for some strange reason, in this modern age, directors and executives think resorting to shaming or deeming their critics morally bankrupt is the answer.

    • @bsmithhammer
      @bsmithhammer 16 дней назад

      @@chidubemimari9015 Well said.

    • @Darth.Shredder
      @Darth.Shredder 16 дней назад +1

      @@user-kz5gw7xe4o SW fans want fast food service with a 5 star menu. The truth is SW never catered to adults. Kids who love to eat at Chuck E Cheese eventually grow up. Like always, SW targets kids and nostalgia. We're grown up and the new characters, new direction and lore are no longer familiar, so the nostalgia factor is lost. We hold on to "our" SW too tightly. It's the same thing I experienced with the OT. I saw the first film in 1977 as a kid and loved everything about it - but 6 years later when ROTJ came out I hated the Ewoks. George wasn't selling toys to outspoken manbabies making youtube videos in their bedrooms, he was targeting the youth. Today's youth were raised on the internet, streaming and diversity. I bet many like what's going on and consider it "their SW". I hate the prequels but I guarantee many will defend it because it's "their SW".

  • @benyedder1295
    @benyedder1295 17 дней назад +86

    Asking for trouble with a rey movie

    • @swrpggm
      @swrpggm 16 дней назад

      Anything that is not male centric this will happen to. The toxic beta males who hate women will always scream if the series doesn't do what they want.

    • @conscientiousobjector5988
      @conscientiousobjector5988 16 дней назад +5

      You'll get it and you'll like it.

    • @bsmithhammer
      @bsmithhammer 16 дней назад +14

      @@conscientiousobjector5988 ...And if you say anything bad about it, it's your own fault.

    • @daves9355
      @daves9355 16 дней назад +9

      Any chance that movie had just went out the window with this pathetic show.

    • @SecondBreakfastAndThreeH-zo3jp
      @SecondBreakfastAndThreeH-zo3jp 16 дней назад +6

      It honestly won’t surprise me if they axe the Rey movie and Skeleton Crew after this. Filoni will keep his cruddy Mandoverse movie of course even though Favreau was the brains and talent behind the first 2 Seasons of The Mandalorian. Filoni has been flat out exposed these past couple of years as a complete fraud. Ruined Thrawn, ghosts Boba in everything, turned Ahsoka into an emotionless turd, made Sabine into a Rey 2.0, and backed and supported all of this going on in The Acolyte. Filoni is just as bad as Kennedy. Period. George Lucas was 100% behind the greatness of The Clone Wars.

  • @droidekat
    @droidekat 16 дней назад +19

    I think we should not pay much attention to that audience score cause anyone can write a review, no matter if they really watched. There have been a "political" campaign against the show even before it started. There are many guys posting memes and messages against the series without watching it, copypasting like bots. If it's about lesbians...who knows, but comparing this show with Andor (where we can see a more developed lesbian relationship)...I compared the viewers: Andor's premiere got 2,7 millions of viewers....but The Acolyte got 11.1 million views. I'm not saying no one viewed Andor compared to The Acolyte but the difference is notable and it should be taking in account. The complexity of Andor made it more difficult to see, not addressed to all publics. The Acolyte is "more simple", more for families. Some conservative sectors could take the inclusion of lesbians in a familiar show like "agression" to them, although it was very "naive" with a short touch of face and a couple of phrases about mothers. I believe the show is suffering an unfair campaign mixing lies with exagerations: the Force hasn't been created by lesbian witches to reproduce them without men...C'mon!!! I think the show is good for now, not the best but neither the worst. And I feel it will be better near the end. I hope the Dark Side of the Force shows its face as it should be. You know about the tragedy of Darth Plagueis....

    • @short11000
      @short11000 16 дней назад

      That is a good point of view.

    • @Pennywise505
      @Pennywise505 16 дней назад +2

      I loved Rogue One, which had a female lead, and I also liked The Force Awakens. I also liked the first two seasons of The Mandalorian and Andor. Hated the Kenobi show, The Last Jedi, Rise of Skywalker and The Acolyte. I was excited about Ahsoka, but was left underwhelmed in the end. The sequel trilogy had no real connective tissue and was basically derailed by The Last Jedi. TBH the sequel trilogy should’ve just been an adapted version of the EU’s saga involving Luke, Leia, and their kids - which had Leia’s daughter, Jaina, as the main protagonist (who btw was even trained by Boba Fett). That would’ve been a major blockbuster. What we got instead, was a bastardized version from Disney that you can tell had no real over-arching plan. Ahsoka was a missed opportunity to really develop a beloved female protagonist into a rather boring series that seemed to be more about Sabine, who was already badass enough as a Mandalorian - but made into a Jedi. No real character development, not to mention the whole surviving being impaled by a lightsaber. It was a shame, because that show had a great cast who did the best they could with the lousy hand they were dealt. Mandolarian season 3 felt as mush-mashed as the sequel trilogy, and I feel they should’ve just made a Bo Katan show (which I would’ve loved to have seen over the idea of a Kenobi show). Book of Boba Fett was another missed opportunity that did the character a disservice. Which brings me to The Acolyte. A show set during the high republic is an exciting concept. However, Leslie Hedlynd was the absolute worst person to put in-charge of it. Has nothing to do with her sexual orientation or the fact that she’s a woman - it has to do with the fact that she doesn’t know much about the source content nor does she respect the lore. I want a good story, but that’s not what we got here. The dialogue was atrocious, sustained fires in space (it’s a vacuum), the whole deal about how Mae infiltrated that Jedi temple, not to mention how the overall story poses a huge conflict to the sith rule of two and Darth Plageius. Even more egregious was how Carrie Ann Moss was used in most of the promotional stuff only to get killed off in the first few minutes (I was like whatever with the flashback scene in the 3rd episode). There’s just way too much wrong with The Acolyte in my eyes to warrant me sticking with the show. I gave it a chance, but I just can’t bring myself to watch it anymore.

    • @craigmarlow2194
      @craigmarlow2194 16 дней назад

      It’s not about a female. This is about being trash. This is not starwars.make a connection anyone?

    • @MeanMrMustard1
      @MeanMrMustard1 16 дней назад +2

      @@Pennywise505 It seems there is more SW you hate than love. Might be time to move on to something else. The times have changed and there are certain people who can't stand it. Bob Dylan has a famous line about this. Maybe get cultured.

    • @droidekat
      @droidekat 16 дней назад

      Nothing is perfect. Every show can have things we love or not. What I saw in this show doesn't really deserve a 16%. I would say 65 or 70%. I was shocked with Indara's death, but I don't think it was wrong. It was surprising. The fire in space? A classical complain in Star Wars. We saw that many times. Perhaps it's not a fair complain, so space is not a VACUUM...there is a gradient of gases more concentrated near planets and ships contain gases. For me, the real problem with this series is repeating concepts or some actings. That's why I didn't give It more punctuation, but I think the show have some interesting things and I'll gladly continue watching it. But I would never critizise something I didn't see as many ppl is doing. It's really unfair.

  • @JAF729
    @JAF729 16 дней назад +41

    What really hits hard is House of The Dragon season 2 just started again with a great episode. A show with a similar budget even though it has more episodes that are twice the length of The Acolyte. If you put those two shows side by side The Acolyte looks like a fan made film. Also House of The Dragon's ratings are through the roof. Lucasfilm needs to clean house and hire quality writers, directors etc. with a new fresh approach.

    • @gornallbell5459
      @gornallbell5459 16 дней назад +2

      I watched the first few episodes of HOTD and couldn't continue, it was just shite, even worse than the final season of GOT's.

    • @user-kz5gw7xe4o
      @user-kz5gw7xe4o 16 дней назад +6

      Lucasfilm cares more about DEI than quality writing.

    • @user-kz5gw7xe4o
      @user-kz5gw7xe4o 16 дней назад +1

      @@gornallbell5459 HOTD takes a while to get going. The final episode is great and ties it all together. The first season is about a family and how it ended up turning on itself and leading to a war. But it's not about the war--just what caused it.
      In season two, the war is underway. The first episode is quite good.

    • @SecondBreakfastAndThreeH-zo3jp
      @SecondBreakfastAndThreeH-zo3jp 16 дней назад

      House of the Dragon is alright. Definitely not on par with the first 4 Seasons of GOT, but still good. Kind of like The Hobbit Trilogy of GOT. Flawed and not on par with the OG, but still has some iconic moments, is a fun watch, and is still better than most of the other stuff being released.

    • @Darth.Shredder
      @Darth.Shredder 16 дней назад +6

      House of the Dragon is geared towards mature adults. Star Wars caters to kids and nostalgia.

  • @michielwouda
    @michielwouda 16 дней назад +9

    I think half of those so called 'audience reviews' are from people who haven't even seen it. Hence the reviews dropping for everything with the name Acolyte in it.

    • @michielwouda
      @michielwouda 16 дней назад +1

      Not that most of the shows from Star Wars are mediocre in quality like Obi-Wan, Boba Fett & Mando#3.
      Ahsoka was alright, not great.
      The only good shows were Mado 1 and 2 and Andor (and even that had some terrible slow episodes)

    • @skabrask8938
      @skabrask8938 11 дней назад

      I've watched it and I think 1/10 is generous.

    • @skabrask8938
      @skabrask8938 11 дней назад

      But you are correct in my opinion only Mando 1 and 2 and Andor were good the rest were garbage

  • @michielwouda
    @michielwouda 16 дней назад +22

    I really wish that Star Wars would focus on quality stuff. Like the high quality of Game of Thrones and Shogun. It's totally possible. Quite a few episodes of Disneys star wars look very low budget like the scene in Ahsoka where Sabine should give a speech to the people but she didn't show up. It looks terrible.
    If Disney could focus on the Mandalorian and only occasionally do something new it would be great. Not too many spin offs and deep cuts. Don't oversaturate the market with medium quality material.
    The animated shows are nice though and Id love if they revisit the Clone Wars, I heard there were more seasons in pre-production that haven't been finalised.

    • @tyronleung5276
      @tyronleung5276 16 дней назад +1

      That's what's star wars is and shogun is boring

    • @Darth.Shredder
      @Darth.Shredder 16 дней назад +2

      Game of Thrones and Shogun are geared towards adults with mature content, mature stories and plots... Star Wars is geared towards kids and nostalgia. It's like comparing chess to checkers. The problem is the fandom matures and grow up but Star Wars doesn't. It was always geared towards kids first. It's we, the fans who grow out of it once that nostalgic tickle isn't scratched anymore (new characters, new lifeforms, new lore, etc.). I saw the OT in theaters and between the time of the first film and ROTJ I grew up enough to hate the Ewoks.

    • @tyronleung5276
      @tyronleung5276 16 дней назад

      @@Darth.Shredder star wars was never soft core porn or that violent

    • @Darth.Shredder
      @Darth.Shredder 16 дней назад +1

      @@tyronleung5276 I never said it was.

    • @buck342443
      @buck342443 16 дней назад

      ​@@Darth.Shredder To say something is bad because it's meant for children is a poor excuse and I for one am sick to death of all this nostalgia baiting, I'd like some new characters and a new worlds to explore and not the same places and people all the damn time.

  • @SWDemocracy
    @SWDemocracy 16 дней назад +12

    I have hope in this show, I’m still curious to see where it goes.

  • @gr8tbigtreehugger
    @gr8tbigtreehugger 16 дней назад +11

    The current drama is not specifically a Star Wars thing. Culture wars have overtaken Star Wars. We can't put it all on the franchise.

    • @jcraftgaming76
      @jcraftgaming76 16 дней назад

      while you’re not incorrect it doesn’t change the fact that one side is pushing their agenda harder than anyone else. legitimately act like tyrants, if you disagree you’re an ENEMY. even if you have ACTUAL nuanced criticisms these people just call you racist, homophobic etc.
      these people must be purged from Lucasfilm or we won’t get ANY good projects in the foreseeable future.

  • @cmdrvex
    @cmdrvex 16 дней назад +61

    Andor was also diverse, a mix of plenty of different colours and backgrounds, women as leaders and a lesbian couple as well. Do you notice how nobody raised or complained about those aspects? I think we all know why. It was totally irrelevant when compared with the QUALITY of the writing and execution.

    • @abstractjwl806
      @abstractjwl806 16 дней назад +18

      Correct. These things don’t make a good story. Diversity isn’t a substitute for character and world building.

    • @marco2709djr
      @marco2709djr 16 дней назад +9

      umm...many people hated it, still b*tch about it and call it woke

    • @jameshill4900
      @jameshill4900 16 дней назад +11

      Andor was amazing and well done. The Acolyte is bad but likely getting extra hate due to the cumulative frustration of fans especially when the media and Disney lashes out at them for not liking it.

    • @emchamberlain
      @emchamberlain 16 дней назад +4

      Well some folk complained about bricks but its a fair point … quality stories sell themselves.

    • @cameronreeley8935
      @cameronreeley8935 16 дней назад +4

      No, people definitely complained about the lesbian couple and they only liked it because the main cast is predominantly white. Seriously, have a look at the cast list, there's a few brown people but even most of those are ethically ambiguous enough to not be offensive.
      Star Wars fans are only okay with racial diversity and only if the different coloured humans are in the background or token side characters.

  • @Grommok
    @Grommok 16 дней назад +2

    As I said earlier, I am 52 years old and have been watching Star Wars since 1977, in fact Star Wars was the first movie I saw in the theatre. I have thoroughly enjoyed almost all of the Disney+ shows. Most serious Star Wars fans were disappointed with the Last Jedi as was I. When my wife and I saw the first trailers for the Acolyte, I felt nothing, no great anticipation and we have tried to give it a chance but for various reasons, some you pointed out in prior breakdowns we are dissatisfied with the series so far.

  • @mitchellpayne8988
    @mitchellpayne8988 16 дней назад +2

    The Acolyte needs a really good “Oh shit!” moment, as in a scene or character that makes us jump out of our seats.

  • @enceladus3318
    @enceladus3318 16 дней назад +3

    It's not about ratings or toppled popcorn buckets and angry fan boys, it is all about subscriptions, add revenue and box office. The fact you are all subscribed to watch and complain has Disney laughing all the way to the bank.

  • @fazbrogaming7776
    @fazbrogaming7776 16 дней назад +29

    Idk but for me personally I didn’t have much of an issue with episode 3, it me the whole force bejng a thread concept is just these witches intepretiaon of the force, no different to how the Zeffo from fallen order vied it as the life wind, the NightSisters as Magick, or Magina from that Star Wars vision episode.
    Different religions have different inerpretions of the force. Nothing Mother Anasaya said retcons anything Yoda said to Luke about the force in ep 6.

    • @notesfrommateriality7572
      @notesfrommateriality7572 16 дней назад +3

      cope. it's trash

    • @PaletteWIngs
      @PaletteWIngs 16 дней назад

      If the witches had always understood it as and called it the thread, that would've landed better. But the witches say "some call it the force."
      So if you know it's the force, why are you calling it a thread? That's just arbitrary nonsense.

      @MrTHEJERRYFILMS 16 дней назад +2


    • @NateJones10
      @NateJones10 16 дней назад

      @@PaletteWIngs the whole culture with the witches was badly designed. Lots of weak elements like this. I don't buy that they put work into the witch culture.

    • @stevenclubb7718
      @stevenclubb7718 16 дней назад +4

      @PaletteWIngs you find stuff like this is various belief systems, as words can alter how we perceive things. Force has strong associations with power, which can alter our perception. Thread introduces another way of thinking about something that binds, as pulling on a thread can create unintended consequences by unraveling the entire garment.
      Both convey very similar things (a thread can be used to influence, a power can have unanticipated consequences), but each word emphasizes something different.
      Could the writing have been better? Yes, but if the Force really existed, I'd expect a whole lot of different sects, each with a different focus on what the Force actually is based on their belief structure. We would all be blind men describing an elephant.

  • @JimGallant
    @JimGallant 16 дней назад +10

    I like the show. I'm no critic, writer or producer, but it feels like Star Wars to me. I've read damn near every novel since 1978, most of the comics and many fan productions. I remember in Starlog how Empire got bad reviews in 1980 for having a puppet in it. Imagine they kept the monkey in. There have been always gatekeepers, especially since 1999. Lucas got so hated on during the Prequel era, and now the same fans want him to buy Lucasfilm back. I've received threats for liking the Prequels and whatever is currently hated on. I've largely stayed out of it since. I like your videos because despite the negativity for this show, you have hope, and that's what Star Wars is about. Hope. Star Wars has never been universally loved, and never will be. If I have to enjoy it alone, I will, because Star Wars has never given up on me, unlike many humans who did. And if anyone wants to come at me with an opinion or a comment about my failures as a fan, don't. I've heard it all, and none of you can hurt me more than I can hurt myself.

    • @katiemcleod
      @katiemcleod 16 дней назад +2

      Well said! ❤

    • @ashleighelizabeth5916
      @ashleighelizabeth5916 16 дней назад +2

      Couldn't agree more with all of this. As somebody who saw ANH in the theater with my parents as a 5 year old this accurately summarizes the history trolling Star Wars fans....

  • @mrvoltar
    @mrvoltar 16 дней назад +12

    I might be interested in a video addressing the actual concerns about canon or something. I haven't seen anything yet to be concerned about...but I've seen the internet throw a tantrum about 'first-world problems' before and that always looks the same and I'm all good on seeing more of that.

    • @davidstratton9918
      @davidstratton9918 16 дней назад +3

      Agreed. Every time I see someone say that I’m like….an example please?

    • @alexanderpetrow8668
      @alexanderpetrow8668 16 дней назад +2

      Well the witches creating kids breaks cannon by the kids existence. Anakin was a virgence as in the 1st and only ever to be born using the force to create life. Any attempt before was a documented failure and abortion that came out with like space cancer and immediately 💀. Lh said light Saber blades have no significance as to color but cannon is very clear that they play a role in time-line and sect if force users and are very distinct ti them. They changed the complete story on Solo and how he got his ship. TLJ broke how the force works not to mention this abortion. Messed up the mandalorian stories and history. Destroyed Liea's role. The wills of the force that work as guardians/tenders of the force and its will have been completely written out. The use of the knites of Ren was just stupid and not Canon. I could type for a year on all the errors to cannon. Making the jedi groomer cops is broken. Then all the garbage retcons and agenda driven changes have made it a train wreck. You can't blame the fans just for being phobic because all those same fans ate up Fallout and are begging for more as star wars has become the most dispised series in history and it was the most beloved. It's runy diaper dumpster juice now.

    • @alexanderpetrow8668
      @alexanderpetrow8668 16 дней назад

      Critical drinker does a couple good ones

    • @kikstand2011
      @kikstand2011 16 дней назад +2

      Yeah you can type forever, but nothing you said was true.
      The kids being made by a witch, has absolutely nothing to do with Anakin being "made" by the force, or with the fact no other SITH accomplished that.
      All the other stuff you listed, was EU content, not canon, so no canon was broken.
      The whils are still canon, see CW season 5.
      Leia meeting Obiwan didn't break canon or retcon anything. Her message to Obiwan clearly has a familiarity to it in the last line, and Leia instantly knew who "Ben Kenobi" was when she shouted it back at Luke in the jail cell.
      Just because you don't like things (tlj, knights of ren,) does mean they aren't canon or retcon anything. You do not own the IP.
      The only thing Disney has done in canon that is questionable continuity wise, is the fact that several people know that Obiwan is alive on tatooine- like the entire ghost crew, and Reeva.
      Can you provide any actual canon/retcon stuff that doesn't actually just retcon EU material that was never canon anyway?

    • @alexanderpetrow8668
      @alexanderpetrow8668 16 дней назад +1

      @kikstand2011 Anakin was a virgence/ 1st ever. 1st/ virgin birth. 90% of the fan base agrees with me. Sorry but try coping harder. If believe hard enough one day it'll be true. Nah, haha. It won't

  • @genreartwithjb5095
    @genreartwithjb5095 16 дней назад +4

    The fan backlash is an absolutely out of control. And I thought Andor was just boring as hell. No Jedi, characters I don’t care about etc etc. I don’t want more shows about rebel agents just want to see different eras of the Jedi, the Sith or even a new threat like The Krath? The fans are as absolutely insane as

    • @pituk8913
      @pituk8913 16 дней назад +5

      Andor is boring if you are a tik tok kid with a 5 second attention span.

    • @truth_e-lectric50
      @truth_e-lectric50 16 дней назад +2

      I didn't think Andor was bad. But yeah, the fan backlash is really getting out of control. That I agree with.

    • @nwfashionmedia
      @nwfashionmedia 16 дней назад +1

      You'll enjoy Andor more once you have gone through puberty.

    • @genreartwithjb5095
      @genreartwithjb5095 16 дней назад

      @@nwfashionmedia your projecting

    • @genreartwithjb5095
      @genreartwithjb5095 16 дней назад

      @@pituk8913 I don’t need a treatise on fascism and no exploration of the force no lightsaber duels, the whole point of Star wars from Lucas perspective was escapist space fantasy. It was a snooze fest

  • @Riiickyy
    @Riiickyy 16 дней назад +19

    It bums me out that you’re not enjoying the Acolyte as much as some other fans. Still love your content! Hoping the show turns it around for my favorite Star Wars RUclipsr!

  • @mjjfilms4597
    @mjjfilms4597 16 дней назад +1

    Star Wars’s retention problem is mostly because it is has been so long since there has been a Star Wars movie in theaters, and the last movie was a disaster. Disney+ keeps getting more expensive and casual fans have become less interested in all of the shows. I’m not sure where this viewership decline in recent years is though. Original shows like the Acolyte are simply not going to be able to compete with shows with fan favorite characters like Obi Wan and Boba Fett. The Acolyte is doing very well considering the hate it has been receiving for years.

  • @unclebozo9845
    @unclebozo9845 16 дней назад +3

    It's that Acolyte EP3 undermines ROTS that irks me the most.

    • @edenton1974
      @edenton1974 16 дней назад +1

      How so?

    • @unclebozo9845
      @unclebozo9845 16 дней назад

      @@edenton1974 in the Darth Plagueis story, Plagueis was trying to figure out how to use the force to influence the midichlorians to create life, which was thought to be impossible. These witches in Acolyte just trivialized the whole thing. The sith not knowing this, especially with Mae supposedly working with them a century before Plagueis and Sidious, makes little sense.

  • @BrentStewart
    @BrentStewart 16 дней назад +3

    Not a fan of Headland for some of the things she said early on. I went in with low expectation but willing to give it a chance. I'm actually enjoying this show and its been very refreshing. Does it have some technical issues, definitely. But the only thing I absolutely hated about the episode was that chant. The chant had nothing wrong with it per se. It just felt like something that belonged in Hocus Pocus or Halloween Town, not Star Wars. Outside of that nothing has really been deal breaking and I welcome the lore changes. I'm not really married to any of the printed content nor hold any of the games as canon -- Legends or Disney era. When I was a kid I used to dabble in the early comics when Marvel was writing and a few of the earlier Dark Horse runs. For me the only true canon are the live action films and shows followed by the animated series CW, Rebels, and TBB. While some say episode 3 was lopsided, I'm firmly in the Rashomon camp with the episode being from Osha's point of view - I think we have two more flashbacks to go: one from Mae's point of view and the latter either from the Sith or Master Sol's point of view or perhaps all three.

  • @davidroberts4219
    @davidroberts4219 16 дней назад +33

    This stuff literally writes itself but Disney over thinks it and turns it into a hot mess every time.

    • @evilsimeon
      @evilsimeon 16 дней назад

      I wish they over thought it.

    • @sphere117gaming
      @sphere117gaming 16 дней назад +3

      @@evilsimeonwish? they already do. That’s why stuff is like this, the over think put in DEI stuff and ruin things. They design the story around race, gender and sex instead of around a actual story or series of events. They think to much and think all movies shows and games needs perfect representation of all people.

    • @superjohngoldsmith8406
      @superjohngoldsmith8406 16 дней назад

      "George Lucas Star Wars sucks: Holiday Special, Ewok TV Movies - all cringe crap!" screamed the YT comments of 1988

    • @mjjfilms4597
      @mjjfilms4597 16 дней назад

      @@sphere117gamingImagine unironically using “DEI”, which has become the new n word. DEI has been in Star Wars since 1980. Chuds like you have no place in the fan base.

  • @adrianrhodes2816
    @adrianrhodes2816 12 дней назад +1

    I generally used to enjoy sites and commentary like yours, but I have said this since 1999: what has ALWAYS been true, is that it will be the "fans" who will destroy Star Wars. "The most polarizing Star Wars show ever..." Really?? Star Wars fandom is a case study in the minority who make the loudest noise online being perceived as the majority. Companies like Disney then panic to try to cater to that faction, only to get in their own way of telling good, sophisticated stories. And for what? For a group of "fans" that have already made their minds up about the product they think they're going to receive, and who have already made their minds up that they are going to destroy any attempt for that content to flourish and be enjoyed by the rest of us.
    I'd be happy to have an actual direct dialogue and debate these issues because I have loved Star Wars since 1977 in all its various mediums. My position is quite nuanced, and I don't think that a forum such as this does Justice to what I truly believe or think. What I do know is that I enjoy this galaxy far, far away and appreciate--every day--the opportunity to see it proliferate and to see stories continue. I would have been happy forever for things to end at 'Return of the Jedi', but I'm even happier to have all of the new media and outlets for continued storytelling and world building.

  • @dainperrault585
    @dainperrault585 16 дней назад +3

    cant wait for andor season 2

  • @kevthepoet
    @kevthepoet 16 дней назад +13

    Man... The Star-Wars creative teams are great, it's the Disney execs that are ruining everything. The first scene of Mando season 1 he cuts someone in half with an automatic door. THAT was the tone. Not Jack Blacks silly jokes. But the executives are trying to Disneyfy everything, make Mando a cute cameo fest, make Boba Fett a good guy. It's just spoiling everything by spoiling the tone.
    Disney Star Wars has been a let down more than anything else. I'm not "Go woke go broke" brigade and I love more women and brown people. And I don't hate everything Disney, I love Rogue One, I love Andor, I love Bad Batch and Rebels. I love Mando seasons 1 and 2.
    But the sequel trilogy was trash, they literally admitted to not knowing what they were doing and making it up as they went along so all 3 movies retcon each other. It's terrible. Mando season 3 wasn't trash but it wasn't that good. And every single live action series has been disappointing apart from Andor and Mando seasons 1 and 2. And I'm sure its all the executives fault. Mando was fine. Why did they change the vibe so much for season 3? Less Mando, more celebrity cameos. That feels like an executive decision.
    Why make Boba Fett a good guy?
    Why make Obi Wan juvenile and cheesy?
    Why, why, why? Disney execs seeing dollar signs in corny cheesy childish stuff.
    Meanwhile the projects the executives left alone like Bad Batch were amazing. How was Bad Batch more grown up, more gritty, and better written than an Obi Wan project? WTF are they thinking?
    The Acolyte is just the latest in a series of increasingly cheesy TV shows, they're trying to capitalise on Mando which succeeded because it was originally gritty and dark with a cute undertone due to Grogu. The first scene of Mando he cuts someone in half with an automatic door. THAT was the tone. Not Jack Blacks silly jokes.
    Star-Wars may be kids movies. But they're kids movies where Darth Vader blows up whole planets and the teddy bears (Ewoks) boil people alive. Let it stay gritty.

    • @nigelfisher6594
      @nigelfisher6594 16 дней назад +1

      I wholeheartedly agree with every point you have said … we cant be alone….

    • @nwfashionmedia
      @nwfashionmedia 16 дней назад

      I'm curious how you know for a fact that the character changes have come from executives as opposed to bad writers. Are executives coming up with the (bad) plots for the stories? Are they writing the (bad) dialogue? Are they giving the (bad) acting performances? Why should I give the writers, producers, and directors a pass on all that?

    • @kevthepoet
      @kevthepoet 16 дней назад

      @@nwfashionmedia I don't KNOW. I suspect. Because Mando was fine then it changed. But it's a bit of both. Executives are hiring bad writers.
      And the sequel trilogy was clearly written by committee according to what focus groups and marketing thought rather than by a creative storyteller with a cohesive plan.
      You can see the difference in decisions made by creatives and the decisions made by suits and accountants.

    • @scottbaldry74
      @scottbaldry74 16 дней назад +1

      Why make Boba Fett a good guy? This I'm ok with. The redemption arc of a previous villian or old gunslinger is a classic story. The outsider going native is as well (man called horse etc) It just wasn't handled as well as it could have been. Obi wan, i really enjoyed the patteson cut. Its just tighter and removes alot of the goofyness. The acolyte would be an instantly forgettable generic sci fi fantasy show were it not for it star wars skin.

    • @kevthepoet
      @kevthepoet 16 дней назад

      @@scottbaldry74 we were promised a star wars gangsta tale. we got a cute story and boba fest the youth club leader. don't get me wrong, I enjoyed seeing him ride a rancor and I enjoyed the show overall but the direction it went in was stupid. The first time we met boba fest he was shooting at luke skywalker and freezing han, let's not try to act like he's the good guy now. it's just so obviously just Disney trying to sell action figures and rewrite history.

  • @MxPotato84
    @MxPotato84 16 дней назад +20

    Im still enjoying the Acolyte. So far i have nothing bad to say about this show.

    • @user-mk8el1yk3r
      @user-mk8el1yk3r 16 дней назад +3

      I agree. Some fans have went in with a preconceived notion and are not allowing the show to succeed. That’s assuming they are actually watching at all.

    • @Fedaygin
      @Fedaygin 16 дней назад +1

      Same 💯% ^^ I Like & Dislike Star Wars Telly shows that have come out so far ✅ I'll review S01 in 2x parts at couple websites & at my own blog page. First day after S01E04 & 2nd day after S01E08 🙂 It's dumb to add review & bigger thoughts after 1 or 3x episodes when season has 8x episodes. That article by Forbes is written by non Star Wars follower. Just as the review from them was. ✅ Enjoy S01 via D+ & I wish good adventure into Galaxy Far Far Away 🧘‍♂

  • @Lilac-and-Gooseberries
    @Lilac-and-Gooseberries 16 дней назад +3

    Episode Three seems like a mess, it might make sense later. So many people have already checked out though so I doubt most will care.

  • @coreyian2854
    @coreyian2854 16 дней назад +3

    There’s been a “boycott Disney” order ever since the sequels. Everyone acts like George knew what he was doing. Really… the Luke leia kiss? Who shot first? Medichlorines? It’s a universe and can have many stories. Not all will be good. But at least someone is making them. Bitch when they’re done and their arch is finished. But boycotting because Disney is screwing it up…. Andor was amazing. They’ve already exceeded what Lucas put out for quantity. But quality does need to be addressed. But after the fact. Nobody craps on the independent stuff. Plus… who else would fork out billions to take it over. After all this is just Dune for 12 year olds. Or at least that how it started. It’s not like Lucas’s dialogue and writing was any better.

    • @ashleighelizabeth5916
      @ashleighelizabeth5916 16 дней назад +1

      Preach! Most people look at the OT like it's the freakin word of God and untouchable. And it just isn't. To me ROTJ is among the weakest of the first 6 movies. I didn't like the Sequels at all but I love most of what has come out on the small screen and in the Mandoverse.

  • @ianhenry1031
    @ianhenry1031 16 дней назад +5

    Hi Meg, awesome news update, I am hoping that Acolyte will improve by the end and I will wait till then to give my score, I am still excited for Skelton Crew and Andor, and Ahsoka, the movies aswell I am sure they will live up to our expectations, thank you SWM.
    I have not watched the Xmas special where can I find it please?

    • @autecheee
      @autecheee 15 дней назад +1

      Star Wars Holiday Special
      and I recall Disney+ had it or select portions of it??
      I could not get through it and had to skip through it to the Boba Fett cartoon.

  • @victoriaclowater7723
    @victoriaclowater7723 16 дней назад +3

    I’m enjoying the new content!

  • @jahjah7495
    @jahjah7495 16 дней назад +2

    First I am upset over the Acolyte because I want to like it. Bad Batch and Andor were very good, I watched some of Ahsoka then gave up I thought it was very poor.
    Star Wars I think is going down. For me I do not understand how they can make great shows like the Bad Batch which is not really aimed for a mature ??? group and Andor which is. Then Ahsoka which I thought was not that good then The Acolyte which for me has failed.

  • @canadaphil6068
    @canadaphil6068 16 дней назад +1

    $22 MILLION average cost PER 35-ish minute EPISODE my Ayyyyyyarsssss

  • @CTDjevin
    @CTDjevin 16 дней назад +12

    I've kept an open mind. I want to like it. I heard all the hype (good and bad) and I said that I would watch it with a blank slate and see how it goes. It isn't wow-ing me, quite the opposite. They are so fixated on preaching an agenda that they forgot to tell a compelling story.

    • @user-du9md6ux8m
      @user-du9md6ux8m 16 дней назад +1

      There’s literally no agenda in the show

    • @JohnHall623
      @JohnHall623 16 дней назад +1

      I must admit…I just don’t see the agenda preaching a lot of people are talking about and seem to be bothered by. I mean maybe I’m more exposed to LGBT+ activism, being an ally I guess…but I feel like the activism in Star Wars is blurry at best. Again just my perspective. Basically I don’t feel I’m watching Queer Eye or Tales of the City, and admittedly that’s not what I look for in Star Wars show anyway…but hence I’m just confused as to what people consider agenda preaching here.
      Anyway, I do agree though that the story could be better but maybe it just takes time to unfold. Personally, I think it would just be best to batch release the series in that case, because that’s how most people consume media now. You know, binge watching.
      Hopefully the next few episodes will vibe for you despite the start or that otherwise another show does it for you!

    • @CTDjevin
      @CTDjevin 16 дней назад +4

      @@JohnHall623 Fair enough. The agenda I'm referencing is the narrative of unmaking our heroes and objective right/wrong. If that is the story someone wants to tell, by all means tell it but please do it well. The Acolyte hasn't. Like Ahsoka or Kenobi, there is a missed opportunity.

    • @JohnHall623
      @JohnHall623 16 дней назад

      @@CTDjevin ah yes I agree, and I apologise for jumping to the conclusion you were referring to an LGBT+ agenda of some sorts. My bad 😅 it’s unfortunately another heated point at the moment
      But Yeah, personally I feel there’s been a piece missing in Luke’s story since the Last Jedi into how he became so sceptical…this can definitely happen to someone after many wars but I’ve yet to see some media telling that part of Luke’s story? Maybe in the comics, I’m not as well versed there…
      I was also a bit surprised that they came up with an artificial birth for Mae and Osha. But admittedly it’s not the force that did it on its own so I guess the prophecy is safe? I’ll wait to see what the rest of the series will tell us 🙂

    • @alexanderpetrow8668
      @alexanderpetrow8668 16 дней назад

      @@user-du9md6ux8m 😆🤭😆🤭🤣😂🤣😅🤣

  • @davidstratton9918
    @davidstratton9918 16 дней назад +11

    I think the issue actually is people who use the term “woke” and vote a certain way, putting their agenda into action…and the fact other shows with similar names got bombed too…proves this. I think that is majority of the hate and bad reviews. That being said, yes of course.. this show has issues_ just like kenobi and bobf had. Lazy writing and wasted opportunities.
    But if you took all the “reviews” away that used the term woke, leftist, gay, women bashing, etc and just had reviews with genuine dislikes of the content, you’d have ratings far closer to other d+ series…and not the apocalyptic rhetoric that we’re seeing here.

    • @ashleighelizabeth5916
      @ashleighelizabeth5916 16 дней назад +3

      That's exactly what it is. There will always be those unhappy with any entertainment ever made. But we I see "woke" or DEI or some other IRL political BS in the comments I know that the person writing it has no objectivity left and they are just bashing and trolling because of their personal IRL political or social beliefs.

    • @mjjfilms4597
      @mjjfilms4597 16 дней назад

      People who have never even watched Star Wars are review bombing and complaining online because their favorite chud podcaster told them it was “woke”.

    • @xtrafunk
      @xtrafunk 16 дней назад

      maybe people wouldn't complain so much about the cultural messaging if the showrunners had taken the time to blend it with some kind of story. we probably agree politically on most core issues, but if you can't see how the activism is layered thick and undiluted here idk what to tell you.

    • @MeanMrMustard1
      @MeanMrMustard1 16 дней назад

      @@xtrafunk We got exactly what you said. I don't know what show you're watching.

    • @xtrafunk
      @xtrafunk 16 дней назад

      @@MeanMrMustard1 ... yes, we got activism layered thick and undiluted... and that's the problem

  • @datguy3581
    @datguy3581 15 дней назад +1

    Can't wait for Andor. It's gonna be so good.

  • @franzliszt8195
    @franzliszt8195 16 дней назад +1

    Chad Vader working as a store manager is most interesting than this Disney junk

  • @QuestionMan
    @QuestionMan 16 дней назад +8

    I genuinely can't trust Rotten Tomatoes because I don't believe it can be an accurate metric of anything. Many of the critic reviewers are industry shills and many of the fan reviewers are spiteful rage monsters. If there's a lot of money and controversy behind a project, it's best to stay away from RT for honest reviews.

  • @GenjiAkira
    @GenjiAkira 16 дней назад +7

    After those "fans" have review-bombed some random movie called "Acolytes" from 2008, how can anyone take them seriously?

    • @Himmiefan
      @Himmiefan 16 дней назад +2

      The "fans" are impacting SWs overall and giving the whole frachise a negative image. I saw last week on an unrelated site people openly laughing at SWs fans.

  • @insanogeddon
    @insanogeddon 16 дней назад +1

    The Firing of ONE... The Firing of TWO... The Firing of MANY ...

  • @JohanMsWorld
    @JohanMsWorld 16 дней назад +2

    This is social media at it worst and severel interacting factors has created a ”perfect storm” on social media that drives channels towards an extreme negativism for this show that really sadden me.
    I dont know if its the showrunner, her comments, big channels dislike for certain aspects of the show or all of it but it come to a point where algoritms hurt channels who does not express negativism towards it.
    I give everyone theyre rights to diskike this show but at this point it feels like every channel who cares for its viewing numbers has to express negative emotions on the show to not get hit and its not just right - And even more so if the negativism hur other unrelated projects.
    That makes me worry for those actors in both the show and this episode.
    There are sure question marks but given its a mystery show we are supposed to be uncertain of certain aspects of individual episodes - Not take one or two lines as upfront value for ”oh my god tge ruined Anakins story!” Cries.
    Just chill and give it some slack, at least through it finale.

  • @Stormtrooper_Elias
    @Stormtrooper_Elias 16 дней назад +3

    This will ensure that in the future series and movies will be made much cheaper or with a low budget and SW will really row back. They cut their own knees at the end, so to speak. Well... What can you say about that... I believe that Andor will be the last series that it will have such a high budget

    • @bsmithhammer
      @bsmithhammer 16 дней назад +3

      Well if this series has proven anything thus far, it's that a massive budget has zero to do with actual quality.

    • @Stormtrooper_Elias
      @Stormtrooper_Elias 16 дней назад +1

      @@bsmithhammer Well... only that Hollywood works like that... Disney won't care in the end. Such are the rules in this business, whether someone likes it or not. In the end, it will only be turned for the worse, even if you believe that it cannot get worse. Wait...

    • @bsmithhammer
      @bsmithhammer 16 дней назад +1

      @@Stormtrooper_Elias Agreed. And Headland will likely "fail up" to be given a larger budget to direct some feature-length disaster.

    • @Crocthunder
      @Crocthunder 16 дней назад +1

      @@bsmithhammer You guys say this and continue to be kings of making up scenarios to be mad at , literally man let it go, every comment is just desperation for validation of your views when literally they havnt given shows to people who did kenobi/boba either and its been years with zero information about a follow up so there is NO precedence for this stupid thought you had

    • @Stormtrooper_Elias
      @Stormtrooper_Elias 16 дней назад +1

      @@bsmithhammer It's a pity, however, that it has become popular to hate things, when I look at some of the ratings of The Boys new season, there are people who rate it just as badly as Acolyte. For this reason, nothing can be taken seriously anymore..

  • @jburnscna
    @jburnscna 16 дней назад +25

    It's the Canon ruining that's turned me off with Disney star wars unfortunately

    • @AKABoondock19
      @AKABoondock19 16 дней назад


    • @edenton1974
      @edenton1974 16 дней назад +7

      You can’t say they’ve ruined any canon if you haven’t seen the entire story.

    • @davidstratton9918
      @davidstratton9918 16 дней назад +3

      Like? Example?

    • @Darth.Shredder
      @Darth.Shredder 16 дней назад +3

      I'm not defending The Acolyte (it's bad) but George did plenty of his own meddling with the canon as far back as the OT and especially during the Prequels.

    • @AKABoondock19
      @AKABoondock19 16 дней назад

      @@Darth.Shredder That is completely untrue

  • @meatballsaucey
    @meatballsaucey 16 дней назад

    I don't actually follow the Star Wars Fandom. That is why I watch your daily videos. I am a Star Wars fan and I enjoy your optimism and positivity towards Star Wars. I get to understand different points of views from other Star Wars fans in the fandom as you report them. I never bother watching ratings or reviews until I have viewed the content for myself. I have enjoyed much of the Disney + content. There have been good and bad episodes in every story presented to us. The Mandalorian included. That being said I don't understand who these "Witches" are. I only know the Nightsisters "Witches of Dathomir". I was told many stories and played several games that included the Nightsisters before I accepted them as a part of Star Wars. I could look at the Acolyte episode 3 much differently if this clan of witches were an early branch of the clan that becomes the "Witches I know". Instead we get a very poor introduction to a new Force user group that hopefully will make sense by the end. I could tell you were frustrated by the generalization of reviewers. Keep your chin up and keep doin' what you do best.

  • @merkarion7883
    @merkarion7883 16 дней назад +1

    The Problem is that most of the Disney StarWars Series are more 8 Part Movies and not a Series with 8 Episodes...

  • @per-olafengen7838
    @per-olafengen7838 16 дней назад +8

    Meg❤ you are one of the very few that actually looks at all new Star Wars from every side without prejudice and hate. You analyze what’s on screen and what different fans might think. ❤ thank for keeping an open mind as I do. ❤

    • @emchamberlain
      @emchamberlain 16 дней назад

      Well said.

    • @deadred80
      @deadred80 16 дней назад

      @@emchamberlain Agreed , You're take on the direction of these series has always come from a place of hope and place of truth . Calling the starwars fandom toxic is the wrong move and worse writing a series that will appeal to a minority of fair weather fans rather than the hardcore starwars nerd or even the average viewer . I'm just gonna put it out there .This is a starwars for LGBTQ fans and pronoun fans . Good job alienating your fan base with this garbage .

    • @deadred80
      @deadred80 16 дней назад

      I also would like to ad. When a company sells a product or service it is better for them to reach a broader customer base rather than a narrow one . Like the toy industry and video games for example . Are moving more towards that feeling of nostalgia with also being new to a younger audience . Hence why transformers are still being made and movies are still being made about them . They are selling to a broader base . Kid wants it and dad likes it so will probably get bought . Just saying. I don't care what others identify as .. If you don't identify as a Starwars fan then this is the wrong franchise for you and you are in the minority . We don't want to cater to you period . There is no compromise.. There is the force ..

    • @Saiyan485
      @Saiyan485 16 дней назад

      ​@@deadred80 You have validated everything everyone is thinking who is a TRUE star wars fan. The cannon running. The shit character designs (like ffs that wookie thats had more in common with Sasquash than Chewbacca and his kin), even the Sets used have no love put into them, I've seen better sets on the Hub with more care and thought put into them. This just isn't star wars, not anymore. This channel is so disingenuous trying to cite woke articles claiming "Oh, Acolyte isn't so bad, actually many fans are review bombing the wrong series. It's an accident you see. Yeah like we can't tell which one is from 2008 and which ones from 2024 🙄. Meg is a drone

    • @deadred80
      @deadred80 15 дней назад

      @@Saiyan485 No I have been watching Meg for years so I don't get the same vibe . I genuinely believe Meg is a true starwars fan as am I . So she is trying to be objective while critiquing the series . Just like me she will watch the entire series before passing final judgement . However the first 3 episodes in it's not looking optimistic and I think Lesley should be blacklisted from any other project on any streaming service or in Hollywood .Infact I don't think she is talented enough to direct on pornhub .

  • @exknoll4755
    @exknoll4755 16 дней назад +18

    Quality and micromanagement. It does not need a movie. It needs to stop being greedy.

  • @JohnHall623
    @JohnHall623 16 дней назад +2

    I agree with you.
    Personally I enjoy the show and Disney Star Wars in general (not everything but most of it) but can see how some people might not vibe with it. However, it’s so hard to just be a fan and just discuss your opinions online…just the last few days I got laughed at for saying that a poster looked ace, then got called a “woke activist” for telling someone that if they don’t like the Disney shows they can go to other lores and leave people who enjoy it in peace 🤷‍♂️
    Constructive criticism IMO is welcome and usually gives way to interesting discussion, it honestly does…but there’s none of that at the moment. At least not where I’m looking. All I see in comment sections is people ripping each other apart for their own values, instead of going “did you notice in the episode?” “I didn’t enjoy such moment, but prefer that moment” “the moth at the start was cute” etc.
    Anyway rant over, I’m just glad there are spaces where we can talk about the show and lore in a civilised manner!
    Oh and Thanks for the video! 😊

    • @michelvanderweide8542
      @michelvanderweide8542 16 дней назад +2

      I completely agree with you. In fact I made a similar comment on another channel recently. The respect is gone. Discussions that used to go back and forth in a civilised manner, these days just go on like complete rants without any respect for the other one’s opinion. We don’t all have to like the same things, but why on Earth would I rip someone apart that has a different opinion as myself? A lot of fans, including me, didn’t like The Last Jedi. But I never became mad at someone who liked it. Why would I really.
      Another thing I saw earlier today was that people are now turning on Dave Filoni. Similar like what happened to George Lucas in the past. Dave gave us so much good stuff, and now simply because he also had a say in this, people are actively attacking him. Really…doesn’t anyone learn from the past? Anyways, like you said rant over. Luckily not everyone is like this, and I will continue to be respectful to anyone else’s opinion, as I have always done :)

    • @JohnHall623
      @JohnHall623 16 дней назад +1

      @@michelvanderweide8542 yeah…for some reason people are passionate to a fault on Star Wars. Passion is great but can lead to getting enraged when issues / disagreements come out. I mean this is literally the theme of the prequels 🤭
      An analogy I’ve made is if there was a great restaurant that a lot of people loved. Then the restaurant changes ownership and management, and starts a new menu as a result. Some people love the new menu some people don’t. Now…it wouldn’t be acceptable for those who don’t like it to come into that restaurant every week and start screaming the food is “sh¡t” nor would it be okay for those who like it to tell them they have no taste…and meanwhile there’s the management trying to do business and the majority of customers who just want to go in and have some food.
      It would just be an absurd situation yet it really much feels that’s what the Star Wars fandom is like 😮‍💨

    • @michelvanderweide8542
      @michelvanderweide8542 16 дней назад +1

      @@JohnHall623 that’s a good analogy and it’s true as well. I have been a fan of Star Wars for 35 years now, and can be pretty passionate about it myself. Heck I definitely fumed with anger after leaving the theatre having seen The Last Jedi back in the day. But there is a limit to my anger and that is that I would never discourage anyone to watching that film. Or even chew someone out for loving that movie.
      It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever to do that. We all have different opinions on things we watch, read, types of food, etc. And that’s fine that’s how it’s meant to be. But there are limits to things. When I go on RUclips now in the past half hour I only come across vids that proclaim Star Wars is dead, Dave Filoni needs to go, fans are uniting in how bad things are, and even other channels promoting these hate videos. And that’s where I draw the line.
      I always look at it in a way you have a favorite television show that has run for many seasons. There are bound to be episodes that you don’t like. It’s inevitable. But to condemn a franchise simply because of that, or start disrespecting fans that do like it, is just mindblowing to me. This show has been torn down and destroyed from the start, and the amount of hate it’s receiving is absolutely nuts. Is it really that bad? I think not. Now I’m not saying this show is great either, it certainly has it’s flaws, but it also has it’s good points and especially some good characters like Sol. If you don’t like it, hey that’s fine. But stop going on a rampage or crusade to actively destroy people’s enjoyment or attacking fans that do not think as you. Star Wars like all franchises is for everyone, but at the same time it will always contain things that you will like and dislike. And there is nothing wrong with that at all :)

  • @hotfroganimations
    @hotfroganimations 16 дней назад

    Remember, it doesn't have to be canon if we don't tune in.

  • @dezhobin2356
    @dezhobin2356 16 дней назад +6

    We haven't even seen half of the story, FFS. I'm so sick of the negativity.
    They should have put this up all at once. Whether it comes together as a whole or not, most of the audience lacks the patience or the attention span to keep up week to week & if you do something that triggers them or challenges them, they cry about it for a full week.

  • @ICU1337
    @ICU1337 16 дней назад +12

    Yoiu talk about viewership numbers and yet neglect to mention that _The Acroylte's_ numbers went up from the previous week... And _Andor's_ viewerships numbers were low yet you put that up on a pedestal...
    Make it make sense...

    • @Ruylopez778
      @Ruylopez778 16 дней назад +1

      Where does it say that Acolyte viewership went up?

    • @ICU1337
      @ICU1337 16 дней назад

      @@Ruylopez778 Variety weekly. Viewership almost doubled week-to-week. Andors on the other hand...

    • @Ruylopez778
      @Ruylopez778 16 дней назад +1

      @@ICU1337 Debut was 20% down on Ahsoka. Nearly double that is nothing to brag about. I expect they just pushed the show harder on D+ home screens than they did with Andor.

    • @ICU1337
      @ICU1337 16 дней назад

      @@Ruylopez778 you're going to have to clean that statement up for me to give any kind of valid response. You talked about Ahsoka (never brought it up) jumped to, I'm assuming, The Acolyte, and then talked about marketing, in relation to, I'm assuming, Andor, The Acolyte, and Ashoka.
      Your comment has no focus, brings in new vectors, and is just jumbled 🥴

    • @Ruylopez778
      @Ruylopez778 16 дней назад +1

      Andor gets a pass because even though it's niche it was critically praised. I mentioned Ahsoka because it's the second worse show after Andor. I don't care what you brought up or didn't. Context is important, unlike your weird little narrative. You can type as many emojis as you like, viewership was still poor, and it's going to look worse on Nielsen because that's about minutes not views, and Acolyte is short episodes. If you can't keep up with a perfectly logical response then that's your problem. Many fans said they didn't see Andor being pushed on the platform. You already know this show will bomb.

  • @DarkroomZombie
    @DarkroomZombie 16 дней назад

    The big screen is dead, 98% of all movie theaters where I live have closed since 2020. The interest in going to a movie theater for many is no longer a thing. Almost everyone streams everything now, including movies. I do not see how a movie will make more money in this day in age when most movie theaters have closed for good.

  • @pedromassabie3600
    @pedromassabie3600 15 дней назад

    A dividing show would be around 50%, a 15% viewership is a blunt rejection, someone needs to be fired over this. But seems like they think we don’t know what we want.

  • @xathlak
    @xathlak 16 дней назад +19

    I love when people blame the audience for not liking something.

    • @bsmithhammer
      @bsmithhammer 16 дней назад +7

      It's really hilarious to watch - they release a complete turd of a series, and then when people don't like it, it's that "Star Wars fans are "toxic" and "impossible to please." 🙄

    • @artdogg50
      @artdogg50 16 дней назад

      ​@@bsmithhammeris Two things I've never been. In fact there has been little they've produced that I flat out didn't like. I liked the Mandalorian, Andor, Boba Fett, and Ahsoka. This one just isn't doing it for me. 🤷🏿‍♂️

    • @bsmithhammer
      @bsmithhammer 16 дней назад

      @@artdogg50 Same for me. Even when they weren't particularly great (ahem....Boba...) I could still enjoy them. This isn't even remotely enjoyable, inspired or creative.

  • @beymax77
    @beymax77 16 дней назад +12

    I wanted to like it. But… it sucks. Time for a clean out at LFL.

  • @debbralehrman5957
    @debbralehrman5957 16 дней назад +2

    I'm still watching. Thanks Meg 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼

  • @jamesverrier3618
    @jamesverrier3618 16 дней назад

    Another great video, Meg. I really appreciate how balanced and fair your perspective is. I'm really hoping that they can turn this show around and will also hold out hope but am not sure if they can.

  • @stevenshanks8221
    @stevenshanks8221 16 дней назад +3

    At three episodes in, this is definitely not landing for me. What I found shocking was when friends who typically have enjoyed all Star Wars projects started telling me how much they dislike it.
    Critics based their reviews on the first 4 episodes, so I’m hoping something game changing happens in that 4th episode.
    If it doesn’t, it doesn’t take away from the fact that Bad Batch stuck the landing and ended up being one of my all time favorite Star Wars projects.
    I think what will tell us the most about the success of Acolyte is the merchandise sales. If a year from now, all related merchandise is clearanced and not moving from store shelves then we know it wasn’t well received.

  • @davidmacdonald7679
    @davidmacdonald7679 15 дней назад

    The downward trend isn’t in fans’ interest, it’s in the quality of the new content being released!

  • @jamiestar3362
    @jamiestar3362 16 дней назад +1

    Also thank you Meg… I went into it open minded for 2 episodes were mid… the 3rd was dreadful… I won’t be watch the 4th episode and have cancelled my d plus membership for the first time since it lunched… still looking forward to skeleton crew tho

  • @gitarboi6760
    @gitarboi6760 16 дней назад +12

    I’m optimistic
    But an evil twin !?
    Carrie Anne moss bait and switch ???
    The time for better writing is now

    • @artdogg50
      @artdogg50 16 дней назад

      Yes I agree with you.

  • @bjturon
    @bjturon 16 дней назад +5

    Star Wars fans are the worst, I say this as a Star Trek fan who has not liked much of "NuTrek" (JJ films, Disco, and Picard) and thus has sympathy for people who think studios are trashing their favorite franchise as they try to cash in. Yet, compared to Star Trek, the new content on Disney+ is just so much superior in storytelling, art design, and building on canon. Star Wars still looks like it exists in the timeline and universe of the Original Films, while Star Trek shows like Discovery ignored both visual and narrative canon, so much that some fans state that the show must exist in a parallel timeline. I have enjoyed every new Star Wars show after giving up on the franchise after the JJ films, and I wish I could say that about Star Trek. Don't get me wrong, Strange New Worlds is actually pretty good and even innovative, and the animated Lower Decks is much fun with great artwork; neither show is "perfect" but at least they are "good enough". The world building in Star Trek, while never perfect, has really been badly handled. Sure, not every Disney+ Star Wars show is the best thing ever, but they are all certainly "good enough" and I find them very enjoyable and thought provoking in terms of story, world building, and art design. The Acolyte for em is fun and interesting, I look forward to seeing more!

  • @kronnickusrex7832
    @kronnickusrex7832 16 дней назад +2

    It's not fans. It's absolute haters that have pre dedicated themselves to crapping all over this show. All the bs noise has even affected normal people. I have heard complaints that are completely fabricated or extremely intellectually dishonest that do nothing but muddy the waters and gives more fuel to the people who never will watch it and only hate it. We, as a whole, have failed the litmus test of can we be objective. This shows we can't it shows we already live in a world where fact literally don't matter because people prefer the lies that make them feel good.

  • @apeman505
    @apeman505 16 дней назад

    You know the episode is actually bad if Meg doesn't like it.

  • @bluesky05555
    @bluesky05555 16 дней назад +4

    As a long time Star Wars Meg watcher, I’m honestly rlly disappointed you haven’t called out the misogyny racism and homophobia that this show and it’s actors are dealing with, as well it being the main reason for all these negative reviews. I expected more from u Meg :(

    • @katiemcleod
      @katiemcleod 16 дней назад +2

      Agreed to an extent. But I'm more disappointed that Meg's headlines are getting increasingly negative and clickbaity. She's feeding the AI hate machine. Negative content is more divisive and generates more views, and therefore more revenue. It feels like Meg is selling out.

    • @TheEbonyEngineer
      @TheEbonyEngineer 16 дней назад +2

      It does feel like shes kind of jumping into it. I know the ritual chant was kind of cringe. Other than that I haven idea why people are making hating this show their hobby. Not against the idea that a majority of the negativity is just manufactured.

    • @katiemcleod
      @katiemcleod 16 дней назад +1

      @@TheEbonyEngineer yeah, the chant was cringe, and the episodes are too short. Those are my ONLY complaints thus far.

    • @TheEbonyEngineer
      @TheEbonyEngineer 16 дней назад +2

      @@katiemcleod Exactly the same.

    • @the.claash8119
      @the.claash8119 16 дней назад

      Agree. I like the acolyte. It likely won't become my favorite sw show but I like it and am still curious where the story will go. And: Its the 1st sw show since mando s2 that all of my family like.

  • @ErroneousTheory
    @ErroneousTheory 16 дней назад +9

    This isn't about external bad actors, it's about bad writing. No one cares anymore. TLJ was the start. Once they stumbled with Ahsoka I just can't get back onboard.

    • @ricardokojin7
      @ricardokojin7 16 дней назад +1

      TLJ was the start for some, but a lot of people could see this coming wayyyy before that.

  • @user-jt3vq5or6g
    @user-jt3vq5or6g 16 дней назад

    Part of the problem with Disney’s SW series in general is that aside from the Bad Batch and Andor, most seasons of series have only run about 8 episodes, then you have to wait a year or more to see the next season. I think people are wary about getting invested in something which took two episodes of exposition to do a flashback only at the third-so, similar to what folks have been saying about it moving too slow. How much more can they fit into five episodes, which would make people excited to wait 2 years for another season, when you’re not even sure which characters you like yet. If they wanted this to be the flagship show, they should’ve started with a film that set up the major issue/conflict of the era, either central characters who were lovable/memorable. Then you can go from there. Frankly, I think there are too many cooks in the kitchen. I like different perspectives from directors, but I have a feeling there’s a LOT of conflict at the top in Lucasfilm, which has the creatives at odds with the money people.

  • @FlyingDiIdo55
    @FlyingDiIdo55 15 дней назад

    StarWars Meg, you're the best! Just because we dislike this shoe does not mean we're haters. You're absolutely right

  • @craigmoffitt2374
    @craigmoffitt2374 16 дней назад +3

    The haters have been poisoning the scene for years.

    • @andrewprice8940
      @andrewprice8940 16 дней назад +1

      Disney and activists have poisoned the franchise, not the fans.

  • @vaazig
    @vaazig 17 дней назад +24

    It's okay. It's isn't andor, but it doesn't stink either

    • @salzysisters5799
      @salzysisters5799 16 дней назад

      I think you need a new nose

    • @bsmithhammer
      @bsmithhammer 16 дней назад +12

      No, it most definitely stinks.

    • @pituk8913
      @pituk8913 16 дней назад +11

      @@TorbinDidNothingWrong Instead of saying "Andor is trash" you could just say "I'm a tik tok kid with 5 second attention span."

    • @stevenclubb7718
      @stevenclubb7718 16 дней назад +1

      If they can deliver the promise of spinning this on its head, I might end up loving it (as they did with Russian Doll)... but so far it's just okay. I keep waiting for a shoe to drop, but so far it unfolds exactly as everyone on the show said it did.
      As for the audience score, if people are monetizing their hatred of a show long, long, long before it's release, I can't trust the audience score. It's way too easy to manipulate audience scores, both good and bad. They just add a ton of noise to the discussion that distorts whatever the real reaction is.

    • @salzysisters5799
      @salzysisters5799 16 дней назад

      @@stevenclubb7718 that's a fair thing to say on the surface. Until you come across someone like me who had absolutely no idea what the show was even about or any other amplifying information about it. And it still is 🗑️

  • @user-yc9vv9xb8s
    @user-yc9vv9xb8s 16 дней назад +1

    That’s right, whether it’s a good or bad it’s a great show to us and it serves to be a success like every Star Wars show and movie remember have faith Hope trust , believe and pray to GOD always and forever and remember the force will be with you always and forever

  • @thefool8094
    @thefool8094 16 дней назад

    Thanks for the video and your work Meg. You wonder if future series are going to e affected by the ratings of the Acolyte? I find it odd you should ask this question considering the state of the franchise since Disney has taken over. Honestly this started before the take over as it started with the prequels and has only grown since Disney took over. It grows more and more with each new release. I will ask you just one question? Find me one content creator that is for ANY of the new content from the prequels going forward who is consistently knocking it out of the park with their content? Is the Acolyte the greatest Star Wars ever created? Not by a long shot. Is it a different take going in a completely different direction? Absolutely! How can something completely different go against everything before it when it’s different? I could sit here for hours with comparisons and points but I won’t waste my time because this tone has been set for a long time now and it only grows as any new content is released. There is NO WAY possible that any new Star Wars can and will be liked by ALL of the fans. Remember it’s Star Wars not Gone With The Wind or any other theatrical masterpiece anyone would like to compare it with. We live in a world now where it is much easier to complain and bash than it is to compliment and accept. No where here have I said the Acolyte is the greatest Star Wars ever. No where here am I saying it’s the worse Star Wars I have ever seen. What I am and will say is how can anyone pass judgement 3 episodes in out of 8? I don’t want to hear about lore and canon. I don’t want to hear about bad acting, I don’t want to hear about budgets, I don’t want to hear about comparisons to what was and all the other SAME cries. Go back to the prequels Meg remember the hate, remember the cries of poor storytelling and so on. Where have those SO MANY who hated, disliked, didn’t agree with and so on have gone? Remember the backlash? Is it not funny to anyone that something which was so hated has become so loved? Give this 20 or 30 years it will change I promise you.

  • @martenwirthmann880
    @martenwirthmann880 17 дней назад +23

    I always thought Disney would kill Star wars but I come to realise those who kill it are the "fans" who hate on everything new to come no matter what

    • @Stormtrooper_Elias
      @Stormtrooper_Elias 16 дней назад

      This will ensure that in the future series and films will be made much cheaper or with a low budget and SW will really row back. They cut their own knees at the end, so to speak. Well... What can you say about that

    • @pituk8913
      @pituk8913 16 дней назад +11

      Hate on everything new? Then why fans love Andor, Mando, Ahsoka, Bad Batch, Clone Wars season 7, Tales of the Jedi etc?

    • @Perspectiv3690
      @Perspectiv3690 16 дней назад +6

      Sure. Fans are sometimes the problem, but in this case it’s the writing, screenplay, directing, acting etc that are the problem.

    • @Stormtrooper_Elias
      @Stormtrooper_Elias 16 дней назад

      @@Perspectiv3690 Is everything valid... only that the review bombing will hit back like a boomerang in the end... Just wait and see

    • @bsmithhammer
      @bsmithhammer 16 дней назад +6

      Blaming the fans for this disaster is ludicrous, and involves some serious mental gymnastics.

  • @schroder1972utrecht
    @schroder1972utrecht 17 дней назад +3

    Its sad that ratings aren't good, i actually like the series thusfar,.... But with the money thrown at it, there could be more world, like show cities instead of just a castle or a jungle or farm village, that they could have done better

  • @ElChris816
    @ElChris816 16 дней назад

    "It's an exhausting time in the fandom right now." Yes, yes it is.

  • @KhonsurasBalancedWaytoWellness
    @KhonsurasBalancedWaytoWellness 16 дней назад +1

    4 will go down in flames too 😂😂😂

  • @pikedagger
    @pikedagger 17 дней назад +3

    The problem is Kennedy, directors and writers are as creative as driftwood.

  • @smm72
    @smm72 17 дней назад +4

    Anyone who judges a story that's only 37% done is stupid period good or bad. Judging individual episodes is fine. I didn't enjoy the lack of action in episode 3, which found it slow compared to the first 2 episodes. Judging a story that's not even halfway through is kinda crazy.

    • @pikedagger
      @pikedagger 17 дней назад +1

      Uhm you can basically tell how it’s gonna go. Super bad writing

    • @mustardeater5162
      @mustardeater5162 16 дней назад


    • @Ruylopez778
      @Ruylopez778 16 дней назад

      Firstly recent LF projects have eroded that good faith, not to mention bait and switch marketing. Yes, people are hating on this show because they're still annoyed about Kenobi and BoBF and especially how cheap they looked, while this gets double the budget, like with Andor. It's like they think fans will like any old crap if it has characters they saw before. But LF created that situation.
      No, if you're not invested in a show, don't relate to the characters and don't get hooked, you won't give a show a chance. That's how it works. Nobody forces themselves to watch things they don't care about to the end in order to judge it fairly. And it's the show's fault if it can't hook an audience. ANH hooked the audience without any prior knowledge of the characters. If a show can't do that, it doesn't deserve praise. Sure, art is subjective. And subjectively, it seems many are not interested for the reasons I listed.

  • @DareBear2099
    @DareBear2099 16 дней назад

    I’d also think you should mention how access media works, because I think it’s reason why the critic score is that high. Yes review bombing is a thing, but access media hurts future projects. Disney and other big studios reaching out to media outlets, giving them access to special events, interviews with cast/crew, world premier invites, press screenings and early screeners for shows. That stuff generates a lot of views and content for media outlets and you kind of have to say nice things if you are a smaller RUclipsr in order to generate more content and to keep the lights on. The critic score on RT is kinda tied to the access media alumni. So we can’t really get 100% honest responses all the time. There are also very toxic fans on Threads that will attack fans that didn’t care the The Acolyte, it happened to me and after posting about it, about a dozen more users experienced the same thing. Even if you are enjoying the show, the Acolyte is a huge net negative for the brand and I’m deeply concerned it’s going to hurt projects moving forward. Blaming fans isn’t going to do anything but drive more division. We as fans deserve better I feel, both in terms of content and treatment.

  • @kevine455
    @kevine455 16 дней назад +1

    This is what a rebellion sounds like! This is generic Star Wars.

  • @georgea8352
    @georgea8352 17 дней назад +3

    No hate at all just basically doesn't feel like Star Wars anymore.

  • @Sheepblagger
    @Sheepblagger 16 дней назад +9

    I actually thought the third episode was ok and better than the first two.

    • @Darklighter75
      @Darklighter75 16 дней назад


    • @2apocalypsex
      @2apocalypsex 16 дней назад +1

      ​@@Darklighter75You are exactly what's wrong with some star wars fans. All he said was that he liked the episode, and instead of asking what he liked about it you laugh at him simply for liking something that you don't. But anyway have a blessed day, and May the Force be with you.

    • @Sheepblagger
      @Sheepblagger 16 дней назад

      @@2apocalypsex yeah I thought it was ok. That chant was cringe but there's quite a few things I don't like about Star Wars but I can just laugh at how crap that it was. I thought the episode was much better structured than the first two. The writing isn't particularly good on the show I think. It seems like they are trying to write profound/ powerful statements that sound like Star Wars. But it doesn't work when the character coming out with the deep and meaningfulls contradicts the dialogue with their actions. I'm talking about the daft stuff about it not being a weapon and then using it as a weapon and so on. But the episode flowed ok. I hear what a lot are saying about all the agendas and activism in Star Wars with show runners and writers and I do agree with a lot of it. But in this case it I didn't feel like I was being hammered with a director or producers ideology. I just think that Star Wars over the last few years has concentrated on quantity over quality as well as spectacle over story. There has always been a good balance of these in past but I don't think that the majority of fans think it's as good as it was. These issues and the fact that almost any creative involved has to come out and use Star Wars as a platform for their own personal ideological's so narcissistic. It's not about them! Even if the messages within the media agree with my politics. I just don't want that in Star Wars. And then this brings the divide in. There are some toxic fans on both sides of the argument but most of these arguments wouldn't happen if in the build up, it's not brought up. Because the fans with differing opinions feel instantly justified in saying that it's all about social justice these days. So battle lines are drawn by the creators right from the off. And now a number of fans are arguing about Star Wars because current social issues are being shoehorned in or actually driving the narrative. I liked it much better when we just presented our cases for whether Jar Jar binks is shit or not.

  • @TheHypersonic55
    @TheHypersonic55 16 дней назад

    I've been a little jaded by SW material in recent years except for Andor, the animated material and the Jedi games with Cal. I think I've just become more aware of bad writing and on a good few occasions, I'm seeing interesting ideas on paper that are not executed well on-screen.
    The Acolyte has some interesting ideas and with some reworking, I could see this show being pretty good, as it stands, it has tiny moments of intrigue but so far it is mostly underwhelming with questionable decision-making when it comes to the plot, characters and presentation.

  • @MarkHardKnox
    @MarkHardKnox 16 дней назад

    All of the Star Wars TV Shows that follow this show will definitely suffer because of the Acolyte.

  • @LeslyeDestroyStarWarsHeadland
    @LeslyeDestroyStarWarsHeadland 16 дней назад +20

    Keep watching to discover the twins aren’t really girls, no boys for witches, and that Kelnacca identifies as an Ewok. Also I retconned Tenebrous and Plagueis because they weren’t gay enough.

  • @KelbornXx
    @KelbornXx 16 дней назад +11

    All you have to do is ask a Star Wars fan, who you respect, what they think of The Acolyte. 99% of Star Wars fans I know either hate it or are hopefully waiting for it to get good. I'm still hopeful it can get good but its not looking likely. What Disney don't seem to understand is to never disrespect your core audience. Not only have they disrespected the lore, they've done so whilst sticking their fingers up to the fans and then blaming them for the show's failure. Kathleen Kennedy simply has to go from Lucasfilm or the whole franchise is sinking and there's no rescue boat in sight!

  • @stephenrodwell
    @stephenrodwell 16 дней назад

    Thanks Meg! 🙏

  • @kdr2079
    @kdr2079 16 дней назад

    Good sober and somewhat neutral video @StarwarsMeg. Im not on social media like that to see what all the “Fandom menace” is saying, the show is not all that terrible. I don’t understand all the uproar but i appreciate you reporting on this.

  • @JoffreyKimbotay
    @JoffreyKimbotay 16 дней назад +3

    Disney somehow made Stars not fun. They forgot it's supposed to be FUN. An escape from the real world. They also forgot the sense of awe that Star Wars used to provide.

    • @bsmithhammer
      @bsmithhammer 16 дней назад

      Fun must take a back seat to The Agenda. if you suggest otherwise then you need to "check your privilege."

  • @melkuen5223
    @melkuen5223 16 дней назад +3

    3:38 It's not really the most divisive show, which would imply that there was also a larger base of fans who do like it. Instead that base is very small and the part of the fans who dislike the show is the majority.

    • @susanerickson4676
      @susanerickson4676 16 дней назад +2

      Or they don’t care for contention in texting snippets so don’t participate in the negativity culture.

    • @katiemcleod
      @katiemcleod 16 дней назад +2

      ​@@susanerickson4676Very much this! I spend almost as much time clicking "don't recommend this channel" as I do actually watching videos anymore, because I receive to contribute to the profitability of all this toxic, hateful content. Unfortunately it looks like Meg is starting to cash in on that negativity as well.

  • @marinam9091
    @marinam9091 15 дней назад

    I agree with the view that The Acolyte is just not a Star Wars show.

  • @OswaldPHaygood
    @OswaldPHaygood 16 дней назад

    If you don't like it, I believe your views are genuine. You always give everything the benefit of the doubt.

  • @jayjackson85
    @jayjackson85 16 дней назад +18

    I have defended starwars until now.. this series is shocking

  • @kurt7996
    @kurt7996 17 дней назад +8

    If majority of the fandom arent happy its a complete fail....end of story.

    • @bsmithhammer
      @bsmithhammer 16 дней назад

      Exactly. Arguing otherwise is delusional. They can come up with whatever elaborate rationalizations they want to, but if the fandom largely can't stand it, then things are off track, period.

    • @troubleondemand7703
      @troubleondemand7703 16 дней назад

      But is it the majority? And if so, can that majority be happy about anything at this point? The only thing they seem to like is when young(ish) Luke somehow returns.

    • @bsmithhammer
      @bsmithhammer 16 дней назад

      @@troubleondemand7703 Yeah, it is a majority, by all metrics. And I don't think it's true at all that most fans would only be happy with a young Luke redux. There have been a number of things that the fandom has been happy with since those days. But things are clearly headed in the wrong direction.

    • @troubleondemand7703
      @troubleondemand7703 16 дней назад

      @@bsmithhammer Like what? A large chunk hated Andor. They hated BoBF. They started hating on The Madalorian last season. What do they like? What do they want? I am not even sure if they know at this point.

    • @bsmithhammer
      @bsmithhammer 16 дней назад

      @@troubleondemand7703 The first two seasons of Mando were massively popular. Andor also attracted a significant segment of the loyal fanbase - it's the general public and the dabblers who didn't "get" Andor. Making it sound like it's impossible to please fans is a delusional deflection from the truth.

  • @StarshipYorktown
    @StarshipYorktown 16 дней назад

    I expect a huge ratings spike for Andor season 2, as well as a spike for it's first season. At the end of the day, story matters.

  • @sniperic1
    @sniperic1 16 дней назад +17

    I don't believe people can be that stupid to review the wrong thing, that dog don't hunt, and to say its happening is a big load of bs. The writing for this show is just horrible, the acting is not that great. Killing Trinity was bad enough, having the one sister letting the other sister go bad. Having the jedi arrest her, then put her on a prison transport without ray shielding to keep her from using the force just stupid, and then that chant, the power of one, the power of two, and that is when I just turned it off, and said I am done. I not reviewed the show, but its horrible, I was put off because of the cast and all the sayings before hand like Anikin blew up the death star? OH well I am done until Disney can get better writers, better actors. I just done. Hopefully we will get Andor and it will wash the taste of vomit out of our mouths that the Acolyte gave us.

    • @UncleGhoulieTv313
      @UncleGhoulieTv313 16 дней назад

      Disney's PR team did that on purpose to throw shade.

    • @994pt4
      @994pt4 16 дней назад

      When their #1 SELF-PROFESSED PRIORITY is DEI you know it's a FAILURE from the get go.
      That's NOT Star Wars!

    • @teejay1035
      @teejay1035 16 дней назад

      Who is Trinity? Isn't that a character from some other franchise?

    • @sniperic1
      @sniperic1 16 дней назад

      @@teejay1035 you must have never watched the matrix, I could not remember her character name on the show master indra or something like that. but if you don't know who Trinity is then you must not have any brain cells.

    • @teejay1035
      @teejay1035 16 дней назад

      @@sniperic1 I know exactly who Trinity is am fully aware of the Marix. My point was disdain for this mindless, infantile conflation of characters from across franchises that grows more irritating by the day. If you can't remember a key character from a show you watched less than a week ago, perhaps it's not my brain cells you should be concerned with.

  • @michaelcurtis925
    @michaelcurtis925 16 дней назад +3

    Meg turning into one of the negative grifters has been tough to watch.

    • @andrewprice8940
      @andrewprice8940 16 дней назад

      Go watch the fake grifters like Blind Wave.

    • @katiemcleod
      @katiemcleod 16 дней назад

      Agreed. 😥

    • @willrock8194
      @willrock8194 16 дней назад

      It is amazing how there is literaly nobody defending this show, nobody among the audience that is.

    • @katiemcleod
      @katiemcleod 16 дней назад +1

      @@willrock8194 wanna take your blinders off there bud? I've been scrolling through these comments for a while and I've seen plenty defending it. At the moment I'm watching a podcast reviewing the 3rd episode and talking about how much they loved it. So maybe you don't know what the word "nobody" means. 🙄

    • @willrock8194
      @willrock8194 16 дней назад

      @@katiemcleod The disparity between amount of people who defend the show and the amount of people who attack it is extreme. The channels attacking Acolyte are so successful that they are basically a small industry here on youtube. They have accumulated millions and millions of views collectively. The comparison to the opposite of the spectrum is severe; I can't even find a single youtuber making pro-Acolyte content! The conclusion I make from this is that virtually nobody who is in the business of independent critique likes the show, and this is likely a reflection of the majority of the fanbase and viewers of the show. If the best you can do suggest that this is not the case is tout some podcast that probably can't even break 5000 views per episode, then "Nobody" was completely justified hyperbole.

  • @alansharpe2577
    @alansharpe2577 13 дней назад

    Im an open minded Star Wars Fan and l must say I'm struggling with The Acolyte too. I just find the plots, dialogue and the cheap look and feel of the production. All the TV shows have struggled with this in my opinion. I love Ahsoka as a character and was so pumped for it coming out, same with Kenobi but overall I was so disappointed. There were moments of brilliance, scenes, fights, little story arcs but overall I think everything looks cheap

  • @maartendew
    @maartendew 16 дней назад

    Well said. Their management (Disney) of the crisis is terrible. You don't yell at a crowd that don't dance. You play better song, there's no other way...

  • @user-tv7gl3mu9s
    @user-tv7gl3mu9s 17 дней назад +3

    And 3 episodes is hardly a basis for making a decision but oh well, they'll see..

    • @PaletteWIngs
      @PaletteWIngs 16 дней назад

      3 episodes of 8 total and $67.5mil in production costs when the critic scores are based on 4 episodes, is a is a pretty solid basis for a critique. The show has given no indication of improving over time and even most people defending it admit the writing and editing is clunky.
      We are 100 minutes in which is the length of an entire movie.