I'm 52, have almost never skipped a weekly crippling leg day workout (squat predominant, accessory additions) in the past 8 years, and still have good natural testosterone production as a result. 8 hours of sleep in addition to this has kept me good so far. Maybe later I'll need supplementation, but a great leg day keeps me going strong at this age 👍
@@ClarkPotter Everybody's needs are different, I prefer not to spend more days in the gym than necessary, and I just like to get legs over with in 1 day vice spread out because it is the most challenging of all my workouts both mentally & physically. I only hit specific muscle groups once a week because that's what works for me and I like it that way. My point was getting a good lower body workout consistently instead of the traditional arms , abs & chest focus helps maintain my natural testosterone levels without the need for supplementation.
@@johnmadden6065 establish a set schedule. Turn tv off, read a good book before bed. I also take magnesium. Have a blood panel done. Check vitamin B levels. Dismal vitamin B will screw with sleep.
Being on test is one of the best choices I've made for my health, physical and mental. All of the precautions he stated reverse once you decrease the amount of test. There's even a better chance that you won't even have any side effects at all.
I have been on TRT therapy for 15 years,what a life changer. With proper blood panels done quarterly and a good TRT doctor there is nothing but positive results!
If you cannot take Testo anymore (e.g. bc you got cancer or severe metabolic diseases) you will be fcked up! Your own testo production is gone forever and you will turn into a walking death!
I can say my testosterone went up with IF and keto. Not as much as with steroids but ok i guess. From the 100s to the 400s but thats it. And the testosterone gives me gyno.
I'm on TRT and comply with my Endocrinologist for completing blood work to ensure all is safe, I am a mature guy and don't care about lower fertility or smaller balls. It is night and day difference. I tried everything before going on TRT and nothing really made any significant difference. I would recommend taking it!
TLDR: This video discusses the potential downsides of taking testosterone, including worsened sleep apnea, mood swings, and testicular atrophy. Factors affecting testicular health are explored, such as insulin resistance and deficiencies in zinc, vitamins A or D. The presenter suggests supporting testosterone health through weight training, adequate zinc and vitamin D intake, a diet rich in healthy fats, and prioritizing REM sleep. Additionally, natural methods for enhancing testosterone levels include weight loss, a ketogenic diet, intermittent fasting, and ensuring sufficient protein intake. 00:00 🚨 Testosterone can have positive benefits like increased libido and energy, but there are potential negative effects to be aware of. 01:09 🛌 Negative effects include worsened sleep apnea, mood swings, acne, dizziness, potential heart attack, decreased fertility, and testicular atrophy. 02:05 🤔 Factors contributing to testicular issues include insulin resistance, low zinc, protein deficiency, low-fat diets, statins, high soy diet, and low vitamins A or D. 03:25 💪 To support testosterone health: weight training, zinc intake, sufficient vitamin D, and a diet with enough healthy fats are recommended. 04:19 😴 Ensuring adequate REM sleep is crucial for maintaining testosterone levels. 04:59 🏋️♂️ Losing weight, optimizing blood sugars through ketogenic diet and intermittent fasting, and having sufficient protein can naturally enhance testosterone levels.
In my mid 60s my testosterone was low; I went carnivore, eating 18 raw egg yolks every day. After 7 months (3700 egg yolks later) I got a blood test and my testosterone had gone from 300 to 800. Now it is at 873. No medications of any kind.
I've been on 150mg/week for one year and the difference has been life-changing. I do worry about thicker blood and high hematocrit and possible heart issues down the road, but we run labs every few months and monitor everything closely. I'm 44yo.
150 won't create those issues in healthy men. Just maintain a healthy lifestyle. Nih has done plenty of studies of doses up to 500 mg per week. 300mg is safe for healthy adults. 150 poses very little risk based on literature.
My husband has been on injections twice a week since October and its been a night and day difference. Not only for him, but our marriage. His libido is a lot higher now. His levels were very low. I also got mine checked because i had all the symptoms. Mine was low as well, so i got put on a testosterone cream that was compounded at the pharmacy. So far so good. Will do labs again in 5 weeks.
No. He doesn't work out at the gym, but works long hours in the oilfield. His mood used to be horrible and had no patience. He had no motivation. Now, it's completely changed. He was doing one shot a week, and then had labs done again after 6 weeks, and is now at 2 shots a week. Taking the shot once a week on Friday, he noticed around Wednesday or Thursday, he was slipping back to the moods and such. Now at twice a week, it's been great for him.
If he stays on this long term and he will need to, it will give him polycythemia, and the dr will tell you to do blood donations. There will be all kinds of problems I went through this now for 25 years with my husband. I found a pellet that is supposed to be bioidentical and not give those side effects as the synthetic injections do, and it is inserted under your skin so it gives a steady dosage for 4 months instead of the up and down of the shots. The brand I got was BIOTE I think they are others, but not sure about them. I cannot tell you how much this has changed my life since finding it. For YEARS my husband struggled with these issues and sucked out lives away and that whole time the dr did not say ONE word about any other products, we didn't even know this existed. They will with hold information, as well as lie to you, don't trust them.
What is wrong with someones body in the first place that would cause them to need TRT ? Berg is about fixing the problem instead of treating the symptoms with drugs.
@@jonsmith7356 You should do some research about testosterone as it pertains to mental health, physical health, our current way of life and way of living that affect this important hormone and the aging process. Testosterone is the elixir of youth.
I took testosterone for 12 months because my testosterone blood test was well below normal ( it was100). My energy and mood improved so much but the most important was my type 2 diabetes blood sugar improved by 50%. I'm not overweight, I'm a 64 year old ex boxer. My diabetes is improving daily. My doctor didn't believe me 😂
Yeah no problem, sometimes we need replacement therapy but people in their 30s 40s should try to boost it naturally, West just have exercise and lifestyle but they can try homeopathy, East has traditional medicine which has so many testosterone boosters... In old India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Middle East, even 70 years old man can impregnate women, there is an old man in Pakistani kashmir who had baby when he was 80 because they were on natural lifestyle free from processed and refined items, pollution, etc he might have taken herbs like shilajit, ashwagandha, etc
18 years on TRT, one shot per week every week with ZERO problems at all. Only issue I have is elevated Red Blood Cells which I monitor closely and get a therapeutic phlebotomy when needed.
Same here its been a game changer I out work all my men. I started TRT in my late 50s and im in better shape now than when I was in my 20s. I now shoot twice a week as low of a dose as I can I like to be in and around the 700s at the end of week.and it also keeps MY H&H in check. Your on TRT you know what I mean. Try lowering your dose and shooting more often its a pain the ass but worked for me to get the red bloods back in check. Just trying to help out another TRTer.
I went from 334 to 960 in around 3 months all natural no TRT. This book should be essential reading for all men. Written by a 50s guy with natural T levels higher than most 20s guys Complete guide to testosterone by james Francis
I’m on TRT micro dosing sub Q no problems . That’s the best way to go I have found out . My mood is up and my well being is awesome at 65 . Diet is good. No sugar and low carbs no processed foods . Putting on size and getting leaner . Strength is up and my sleep is great and now not getting up twice every night to go for a pee . It all depends on how much you take of testosterone , mostly it’s best on small doses from my own experience. Large doses you will get health problems and what type of testosterone you take .
I'm 47 and have been weight lifting and exercising for about 29 years. I eat mainly whole foods with lots of meat and tons of eggs. Lots of vegetables and some fruit. I rarely eat processed food, bread, sugar, etc. I do take a small zinc supplement as well. I just had my Testosterone tested a couple months ago and it tested pretty close to the middle in the range for my age at 597 total and 102 free. The most important part is my libido is good LOL.
My experience was the same and I train and eat clean as well........but, when I hit 51 my T level drop to 310! I could feel my body melting away and it was almost overnight. My doc looked for the cause for about 6 months before I decided on TRT. I keep my levels at about 1000 and I am training and recovering like I was 17 again!
I’ve been on TRT for 7 years and I was able to come off SSRIs and BP meds. Benefits are superior, just get regular blood work done frequently and couple it with a good diet and exercise. I appreciate the Docs words and he is absolutely correct.
TRT saved my life. I’m 37 and was experiencing low libido, low energy, depression, anxiety/panic attacks and my sleep was terrible. My levels were under 300. I inject once weekly and my levels hover around 800 now. Night and day difference. I feel like I’m in my early twenties again.
@@DUES_EX What a crazy assumption. You don’t have to be old to have issues with testosterone. It’s my pituitary gland that is dysfunctional. I lift 5 times a week, run 2 miles a day, don’t drink/smoke and eat a high protein/low carb diet. I’m 12% body fat.
Exactly same symptoms as me, I think I suffered almost a decade of my 30’s with too low testosterone until one day the symptoms overcame me. Doctor ran hormone panel and found I was hypo gonadal. On TRT, life changer, keep TT around 800 (high normal), literally in the best shape I have ever been.
Dr. Berg changed my wife and I's lives. This is spot on. I am 3 years deep in TRT. I have experienced the blood thickening and testicle shrinkage (I don't care there). I donate blood every other month to remedy the blood thickening. I've had too many positives to not do it. I followed his health advice prior to TRT and lost 150 lbs. Still on that journey. My wife's issues are completely gone after following his advice. He's a smart one. You should try what he describes. My doctor told me whatever you are doing, keep going. She later asked me what I'm doing and said I inspired her to start it. These doctors these days are trained to push meds. You can fix yourself with the proper diet.
My testosterone is at 100 and my doctor said its supposed to be at 700. Next week I will be start taking testosterone. I just want to be myself again. Right now I struggle with anxiety, i dont feel like a man, I have no sexual desire, I'm always tired and sleepy, I can't even work out anymore because I get palpitations.
You won't regret it. Just make your way through the initial period where your natural production shuts down, and you feel a little strange. The Testosterone will eventually replace the lost natural production and you'll start to feel the difference.
Yeah, everyone is deficient in magnesium so do supplement with a lot of it. I’d recommend the BioTe pellets that get implanted in your buttocks every five months or so as they are bio-identical so don’t have risks that the synthetic hormones do. And be sure to take a aromatase inhibitor such as DIM or i3c which are made from cruciferous vegetables and will definitely prevent the conversion of testosterone into estrogens. You don’t want to get man-boobs, right?! I’ve been on this therapy for over ten years now and it has changed my life 1000% for the better. I was a broken down and crumbling person before going on the therapy and I am totally revitalized person full of go and happy, helpful energy now. I wish you all the best in the world. !! 😃
Been on test for 5 years. Had to switch to HCG to have a couple of kids. I now have left ventricular hypertrophy from working out while on T. I recommend cycling the keto diet, taking Shilajit & Ashwagandha together, two kiwis per day, cold showers, intermittent fasting, and giving a pint of whole blood every 8 weeks. These things have kept my T levels cycling to a minimum, as well as most other sides.
Ive been on testosterone (TRT) now for over 10 yrs now with the help of a GOOD doctor. I started in my late 50s when my levels were low. Brain fog was terrible lack of labito and just sluggish. It's been a game changer. I can still run a 10 minute mile to this day push ups all day long and my wife has been happy in the bedroom for years. When prescribed you get your blood tested every (3) months and a complete panel of blood labs. Most normal people don't get their blood tested for years apart or until something is wrong. They run FULL labs every 3 months. The labs show everything. It tells you how your liver kidneys ect are doing. You monitor your hemoglobin and hemocrit ( your red blood cells) The goal is to only take what you need to get to your happy place. It's funny how they will prescribe a young girl hormones in a second but not a man. TRT has to be prescribed thru a good doc who knows about TRT. Lots of them are just figuring it out. It will give you your life back. As far as memory testosterone is a must. If you're older and under 300 when tested go find a good doctor and talk to them about getting helped.
Yup, 100% true. I’m 44 - test levels VERY low so I started TRT 14 months ago under care of a hormone doc. Virtually everything in my life improved DRASTICALLY since that point. I feel better than I did in my early 20’s. Men- if you don’t feel like you used to, get tested!
Great Information, Thank you. I'm 43, normal weight, healthy and my Total T was ONLY 87 (Free only 2.8)! Wow. Now I know why my libido has been terrible for so long. Plus the brain fog and low energy. Last month, my Primary doctor started me out with 200mg injection ONCE PER MONTH. Seems low from what I have read online. I guess we'll start low and see what happens. So far, after two injections, I've noticed a very small increase in libido, buy only for a few days. As Dr. Berg said, I also had mood swings which are uncommon for me. Seems like taking a smaller does more frequently is better. Does anyone have experience with a monthly dose?
@@roberttamm131 That’s a horrible protocol, and unfortunately most primary care doctors have no idea what they’re doing when it comes to TRT. You’re better off going through a clinic that specializes in it.
My test was at 100. Started TRT and now I’m at 800 lol I’m 44 years old and feel 22 again! Bursting with energy and fast recovery in gym like I once was… Never coming off this my body is changing fast and I feel great again
Truly stellar video Eric! I’m a doctor myself (hang my head in shame a mere dentist) but I just subscribed to you. I’ve been on TRT for about 6 months. I’m 67, had gotten to very low blood levels of t, super athletic, avid rock climber, could go on and on. Dialing in trt doses, how to and how often to administer, whether to use Pregnyl (Hcg), aromatase inhibitor, blood tests…. It’s super complicated at first and you better actually need it. I’m the rare perfect patient and am happy with my decision If yer not, run away
My stance is that men should optimize their T levels naturally for as long as possible, because TRT doesn’t fix the underlying problems that led to low T in the first place
exactly, i can see some really need it but for the majority its all about the lifestyle, go ask the seniors of today and ask them if they had to take testosterone in their 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's and now, most of them will say no.
Age is the biggest factor including diet .... you can't beat father time ... before TRT my level was 160... that's pretty close to a females normal level....900 to 1100 is optimum level...you're not gonna eat enough foods or juices or smoothies to get to an optimum level..
@IDontEvenOwnA9mm if diet, training and other lifestyle factors are on point, T levels can be naturally high for a very long time... but Father time comes for us all eventually
@@sergiolandz6056Yeah because it wasn’t as widely available back then. You’re correct, it is a lifestlye. A lifestyle of feeling the best you can and running optimally, who wouldn’t someone want that?
Very interesting topic for me. I have self injected 200 units testosterone for decades every two weeks. Your symptoms are all present in me. And I do the countermeasures too. But benefits outweigh risks for me. I am pushing 76.
Hi I'm 65 and on trt. What are your counter measures? I take Zinc and dhea as well as vitamins D 3 with K2 as well as some other supps. Also giving Enclomiphene a try to keep the testes somewhat active.
I am 42, tried to do a great diet and exercise for 14 years, blood work was always perfect, at 40 I was told I have the heart of a 28 year old during a suggested check up (anxiety caused a odd test) and now I've been on TES for a few years. It literally changed my life. Turns out my number had been low all those years, like super low. Nothing I did ever increased it or helped it. I take zinc and D, I couldn't imagine living like I was, now I'm able to do a lot more physical work like I did when I was 20.
You'd do yourself a favor symptom wise if you switched to 100units per week. Or even better 50 units twice a week. Your symptoms and mood will stabilize.
@@WereAllThatBored Agreed. Depending on the kind of testosterone Enanthate (4-5)/Cypionate (7-8) or propionate (2-3) the half-life differs significantly. So even though 200 is not that high as such, it does give you long peaks and long troughs.
I've been on it for 8 months, saved my life!! As long as you have a Dr monitoring you, keep doing it!! And everything is possible, but the heart issue was studied for 10 years and they found nothing!
I got on Testosterone and I feel like I'm 18 again. Best decision of my life 🙏 Doctor Berg can you please make a video on the side effects of getting a vasectomy this information needs to be known big medical Doctor's told me absolutely nothing
I told my husband the side effects of not getting a vasectomy and he was in line for one right away. NO way on this earth am I stupid enough to go through that twice.
I experimented with TRT for 4 months couple years ago (I was 29), here is my experience: First of all I do heavy lifting + have very high protein diet for 15 years so Iam quite muscular and strong (but never tried T or any other steroids), had zero intention to improve my physique or strenght from T, it was all about feeling bc I was feeling little bit down at that time. Did all my bloodwork before (T, free T, prolactin, E2 etc), my T was at 310 so very low. Started doing 1x weekly 200mg Enanthate injections into my quads, after week or so holy cow I felt great, literally everything got better, my sleep, my mood (drastically, I had great mood all day everyday), energy levels, libido, confidence etc...After month I did bloodwork again, my T was 1500 which is too high, I was aiming for 800-1200 (more natural levels), decided to try doing it little bit differently bc those quad injections hurted as hell sometimes. So Ive tried subcutaneous injections into belly fat and shoulders with little insulin needle - this is literally pain-free. Did only 30mg enanthate 3x weekly. I felt even better even though smaller doses, but I would attribute it to the longer usage time. After next month my T was 980 so exactly where I wanted to be, and again, continuited 3x30mg/w for next 2 months. I was feeling extremely good like I mentioned before, also my stress tolerance was amazing, I was just so calm for whole time. Now the bad stuff - I felt my prostate is getting bigger, had urge to pee everytime, weaker flow. Balls shrinkage, yes thats real, after 1-2 months they were maybe 20% smaller and you can even feel it not just see it 😂 And the most important - you are sterile on T, your balls just shut off, thats also reason why I stopped, wanted to try it, yes it works, those adverse effects could be managed little bit but Iam planning kids in near future. Did PCT with clomid and HCG after this, felt really shitty for like 2-3 weeks but then you will normal again, your balls will start again if you are not very long on T and everything gets back to normal. Iam from EU so official TRT is almost non existent here, my doctor even laughed at me when I mentioned I want my T tested "you cant have low T with your muscles", apparently thats BS. Had to do it my own way, but it was great experience, I dont know if I felt that good even in my 20s 😂 I certainly plan to go on TRT again after my 40-50s and kids, I hope it will be common here then. Also very important thing, I studied this for like 50hrs, read a lot of studies, wrote a lot of notes, dont do it if you dont know what are you doing.
I can almost guarantee you that your Testosterone was never 980 naturally, that is the trap most people get into when they get TRT. Many/most guys were never over 450/500 and now at a later age they are at 1000, not natural for most, meaning you may feel better and now have muscle you never could achive when you were younger, if you now weight train. Now the side effects will sneak up and potentially make you wish you never touched it.
Great post! Thanks for the effort! I am 52 and have been watching my T levels closely for 10 years. At 42 my T level was 550 and I was lifting, running, eating clean and martial arts....but It slowly became harder and harder to recover and eventually but T levels crashed and I could feel my body melting away! Started TRT and KABOOM! Life got good again at 52!!!!!
I've been on it for almost 8 years. I stopped once for 1 year and I deteriorated greatly. I couldn't think straight or work much. I can never stop testosterone.
Anecdotal data here, I know but, I took trt for a year. My prostate grew to the point of affecting urinary flow. I found a urologist who put me on antibiotics. I had symptoms during and after antibiotic use. I asked if there could be a connection and he said that testosterone doesn’t do that and I’m just one of the unlucky men who experience bhp early in life. I wasn’t buying it so I stopped trt and formulated a supplement protocol based on information gleaned from Dr Berg and others for prostate health. Symptoms immediately went away and improved over the next year. Getting the boys to restart test was another story. I had imaging done which involved being violated through the front and back. I won’t get into details but just imagine an alien abduction. Prostate was normal size and my psa was normal. Huge nightmare.
@@Karmazov Nothing but the supplements used to help the prostate. If they had benefits on test production, I can’t attest to it. A little background… Ive pretty yoked since I was a kid. Big lifter but definitely an endomorphic body type. I also have two kids and zero libido issues. So when my dr tested and said my levels were on the ground, I was surprised. Trt was amazing almost immediately. Lifts increased, I shredded up like I was 28. When I got off, my levels plummeted below what I was originally. For months I didn’t want to do anything. Left foot, right foot. Now I’m a couple years out and everything is back to normal.
Im 25yo. I had a terrible bout with a thyroid condition that fried my adrenals and gave me hypogonadism. I was 260ng/dl for 2 years. Ive been on 140mg/wk for 4 months. What an absolute gift from god. Its been life changing. Ive been grinding hard in all areas of life and the test just further aids that.
At 65, it improved my heart health, solved my sleep apnea, improved my sleep, increased my libido, increased muscle volume improved energy and mood. I also supplement with HCG to avoid testicular atrophy. 100% perfect health after $ years on T … my T was a miserable 100 now 1,000 Testosterone and 24 Free Testosterone. This treatment was life changing. ❤️👍🙏
This would come up, I’m 42 in decent shape. Just had my T levels tested and was at 86!! No wonder I’ve been feeling all jacked up. Cognitive problems, tired, fatigue, sleep issues, moody, muscle loss, hard to gain muscle and always sore! Legs always hurt and are super tight. But getting on synthetic T scares me. My Brother started taking T, anti-depressants, and Sleep meds the week he took his life. He was messed up and felt like if a little is good, a lot is better, so I’m sure he wasn’t taking things slow.
Look up BIOTE it is supposed to be a bio-identical testosterone that is an implant. I use it and love it , and my husband does too. I think there may be other brands too depending on where you live, what is available to you.
Please try carnivore first. Once you start T shots you’re stuck for life dependent on a doctors whims. Quitting high oxylate foods like nuts and spinach will help the brain fog. Fatty Beef, salt and eggs - no nuts. No greens. Get better. Don’t skimp on the fat. It’s key.
20 yrs ago diagnosed low T, applied ANDROGEL topical application. It was like spinach to Popee! However after 15 yrs of use, PROSTATE CANCER so my doctor took me off of TRT. i started binge watching LIFETIME tv channel.......I am working with a doctor on line to determine IF i can restart TRT. I will risk increasing prostate cancer for quality of life.
I haven’t ever tested my levels, but I’m 45 and I can feel the difference that spinach extract makes when I take it. Always start with the natural remedies first.
I did testosterone pellets for 4 years. I got fat, high blood pressure and very lethargic. I quit the pellets. (Did not get my next scheduled insertion) and immediately saw improvement in every area the testosterone was supposed to help. I had regular blood work over this time, every 3 months. I have been off 4 months now. I have more energy. I work out now and weight and blood pressure have dropped. Also I look better because the thinner blood doesn’t make me look like an alcoholic. I was trying to maintain my levels at about 800. I am 62
I was told to increase my testosterone, to ward off aging problems (I am 63), but now you are telling me that I should NOT be taking my T-supplement. This leaves me a little perplexed. My last T-test, one year ago, at age 62, was 523. I was told that is good for a man my age. I did make notes of your 9 points of suggestion, and will be incorporating some of them into my regiment, that I am not already doing. It is always good to eat right, get rest, and exercise. Since taking my T-supplement, I do feel stronger and more energetic than I did a few years ago.
Taking testosterone is not just taking testosterone. 1. Take boron, this block testosterone receptors so your free testosterone stays high (super important). 2. Blood work. Check estrogen (E2) levels. If high, get arimidex. Stops testosterone conversion to estrogen. One you get these in balance, watch out!! You will be off the charts. My cholesterol went down, body fat down, energy high. Hematocrit went up a bit. Give blood, lowers hematocrit. All easy fixes. Well worth it, trust me. The high estrogen is what kills everything. Just like a woman, LoL
I would never ever recommend an AI such as arimidex. Its a breast cancer medication. It's freaking toxic and introduces all types of complications in your TRT protocol.
Hey Dr. Im a 35 year old male, about two years ago i got really sick with two autoimmune diseases. Adult on set still A.p.s. I have zero sex drive. Put on about 30kgs of weight. I am extremely fatigued and not sleeping well at night. I'm seeing my Dr in another month for a check up, I'll definitely be asking him to check my blood work and see where my TEST is at.
Doctor Berg, I’m a long time sub of your channel and enjoy all of your videos I’m 35 and had my testosterone levels checked about 4 months ago. My total testosterone was VERY low and I was initially on the fence in regards to taking testosterone but I’ve found a very professional clinic with a very good doctor who monitors the situation and it takes them a few weeks or more to get the amount of testosterone you need dialed in. These are weekly testosterone cypionate shots that are administered to the glutes (butt cheeks) I’ve never had a beard but now have a full beard which I’ve been enjoying lol 😝 I’ve also been ad avid weightlifter for the last 6 years or so (which is what prompted me to get my testosterone levels checked to begin with as my strength gains were regressing and I did not know why) and I’ve seen tremendous strength increases from being given a small weekly dose of testosterone. This clinic pulls blood every 6 weeks to check blood thickness, enzyme levels around the prostate. They perform EKG’s and so forth and closely monitor the situation. I am leaner and stronger and look & feel better 💪 I highly recommend TRT for anyone who truly needs it. Also if you do suffer from clinically low testosterone, then your insurance will cover this therapy. It’s a win win 🥇
I'm glad to hear you're doing better I'm on the same boat as you. Weightlifter and such. My doctors lab check it every three months but I'm going to ask if it can be done every 2 months just to make sure.
The biggest issue with TRT is how easily and quickly men turn to it before changing their lifestyle to improve their natural hormone levels. Pharmaceutical shortcuts for everyone before even knowing why they have low testosterone to begin with. Why make an effort when you can reach for pills and needles? I am seeing men in their 30s taking TRT. This is insane, and only reflects how badly they managed their health through lifestyle choices. STOP BEING LAZY! They will find out the impacts of pharmaceutical addiction later in life, and it won't be pretty. And don't turn your physical training into yet another addiction and be competitive and over train without recovery, or your hormone levels will tank yet again.
they are not taking TRT - they just take Test for getting jacked. TRT is an excuse - I know because I see plenty of people as I myself am on TRT due to many factors including clinically proved hypogonadism, one question is enough to see if someone's bullshitting me about TRT - and 99% of people do. Same as girls in gym claiming being natural and taking actually meds for diabetes like metformin, growth hormone or oxandrolone. but I'm not surprised why people reach for supplements like those - you get your body faster to the point you're happy about, so you achieve your physical goal faster, and also it makes you feel good, etc. especially in this cesspool known as "citylife" where everyone are running like racing rats and get depressed on every corner. Aleo side-effects are much lower than taking coke, amfetamine, etc.
Been on TRT for 5 years now (48 yrs old) It's changed my life. Before I started I was @ 186. Felt shitty all the time, no energy, beer gut. Now I'm on 200mg every 10 days with .25 mg anastrazole every 3 days for estrogen control and feel fabulous. Labs are perfect. 380 at the trough and 1100 peak. It's really a game changer. 👌
I’m interested in more information about testosterone for women- many women are beginning to use it for energy, libido, anti aging etc. Low amounts- not to transition
I wouldn't recommend it for women. But I've heard they are using it. I think it should be done only as needed. We all wanna stay young though. For women I would recommend diet and exercises.
I find myself looking at these videos wondering should I try but just putting in the work the hard way is best for me. Fasting. Protein intake. Cardio. Weight lifting. All the hormones work you just gotta put in the work. Now I’m not sure if you’re gonna get jacked but definitely gotta put in the work. It’s a life style.
At 63 been on for a year. Monitor blood every three months. So much more active now lost weight brought my cholesterol down and allows me to recover from work outs better. Pre TRT my test was in the basement. Just lethargic as can be
This is the basic "don't take testosterone" warning signs. I've been taking testosterone for 20 years. I'm very healthy, 58 years old, 6-1, 195lbs, 32" waist. Imo if you have low testosterone, raising it naturally will have little results to your wellbeing.
Good stuff Doc. Dosing is the key. And it takes trail and error to get to the right dosage. The clinic really needs to know what they are doing AND you need to be an advocate for your own care and dosing. In my experience, they tend to over-estimate the dosage at first and you get T results that are like an 18 year old kid...Which has its own issues. Get the dosage right and then you only need to address the hair loss.... yeah, it can happen due to a by product. But, for those of us w/ naturally low T, its been a game changer.
I take a supplement that has shilajit, boron, ashwaganda, and tongkat ali. But my question is, by taking these supplements, will they decrease my bodies ability to naturally produce testosterone, similarly to taking steroids.
I think testosterone naturally ebbs & flows. Factors to consider - Genes, Weight, Age, Sleep. Diet, nutrition and exercise seem to have the most impact.
I tried testosterone and felt amazing for about two days, but the side effects after that were horrible. Insomnia, anger, paranoia, and horrible acid reflux. I was only taking 0.25mg per day. Wish I could take it.
Consider updating a video for us... Testosterone can be important in women for bone density and muscle mass, cognitive function, mood, sexual function, and energy. 1. Adequate levels of testosterone are important for the maintenance of musculoskeletal health and possibly vascular and brain function.
But do not do keto or IF if you’re adrenals are suffering and you have autoimmune. I did this very low carb and IF for months and it made my insomnia even worse! I could hardly sleep and it dawned on me that when I ate every 3 hours my sleep was so much better so I quit. I now eat fat,fiber and protein almost every snack and meal and my sleep has done a 180 in just a short time! Fasting and low carb stresses out your adrenals even more!!
@@Drberg this is a terrible video filled with old incorrect knowledge on TRT, it’s clear you haven’t read any studies in the last 10 years and just got your info for the content from the media lol, pretty poor effort all round to be honest
I have squirrel nuts now but I am also healthier and happier since starting TRT. With that, I also have a responsibility to my health, so I work out much more and take care of my cardiovascular system.
My Urologist said that low T increases your chance of having prostate cancer. He told me to get my testosterone levels tested and if it was low he would begin testosterone therapy. I got a male hormone panel that tested 5 different things. One of the test results was in the high range for normal, one was in the middle and 3 were in the low range. I don't take any prescription drugs now and don't want to start now but I've lost some muscle tissue and strength in the last 2 years (I'm 81). I've got a lot of projects going on that require more strength than I currently have.
Maybe check out Dr Bergs iodine videos. Iodine deficiency is very common and can cause muscle weakness. Low zinc is also very common and can cause low testosterone.
The video I needed to see! I knew I wasn't myself when I felt moody. I stopped taking injected testosterone after 3 weeks. Facial hair is a big no, no for me! No. Thank you. I won't try it again. It did help my libido. I knicked a thigh vein which made me worried, my fault, so that was the way another reason that I chose to not continue taking it. I was taking a very small dose each week. Note: I am a thyroid cancer survivor, no thyroid, hypothyroidism, so low libido among some other symptoms that go in hand with hypothyroidism. I tend to be on the lower end of testosterone, plus I had a total hysterectomy, kept my ovaries.
Slightly different perspective: Organic chemistry processes such as producing testosterone is always a balance between "raw material" and "product," testosterone. If you have an abundance of raw materials, your body will produce more product, BUT...if you have an abundance of product, testosterone, that will shut down the process until the body senses it needs more. Works just like ketosis vs insulin. If I get out of shape for a long period of time, then start exercising, I hit a very hard wall after about 20 min when my glucose reserves are used up and my body is shocked because it is not set up to use my fat reserves. Takes a while to re-establish those processes.
The problem would've been that he increased his estrogen too much as a side effect of taking more testosterone than his body could keep up with, he needed to either take a lesser dosage, or use a estrogen blocker.
I am on TRT since a year,my sex drive, increased tremendously, muscle mass , energy level,my hba1c improved, I think TRT is great experience,I wish I could start it earlier
Dr Berg, I've recently discovered the negative health effects of EMF exposure. One thing it does is lower your hemoglobin which is linked to testosterone.
Dr Berg, if I take beef organ and beef liver supplements everyday, do I still have to take Zinc? I want to kniw if the ratio of Zinc to Copper is good in liver. Thanks.
Most guys even after twebty five years will say their libido and that part of their life is great .I was on it for 11 months and realized it had very little benefit compared to before I was on .My body composition remained the same including my endurance and strength .
SHBG, Free test, E2, Prolactine are all factors that should frequently be checked and used as marks to determine dose and dose frequency. SubQ injections daily are optimal mostly. Too lower shbg one can take for instance Proviron or Masteron, to elevate Free test one can take Boron
Do you have to continue using it throughout the years or can you try it for a few months and then stay permanently at a higher level without having to use anymore?
I'm not a doctor. I've watched this channel a very long time. However, I am on TRT for secondary hypogonadism and I've researched the daylights out of this topic. To say testosterone can "cause a heart attack" is blatantly misleading without providing any context comparing therapeutic doses vs ILLEGAL steroid abuse - show me the study where staying in range causes cardiovascular risk. Not even to mention showing oral tablets that destroy your liver - you missed the mark on this video and it is just lazy. You are doing a disservice to us that are on TRT equal to saying insulin is bad for a diabetic. Seriously..... you're better than this.
RyanJ, I have been on TRT for years. I think I was insulin resistant. I went on Keto dropped 40 lbs. I am 6’3” 230 lbs before Keto got to 190 lbs but felt I was losing strength, started weight training 3 to 4 day per week about 30 sets per day. I am now 205 lbs fairly lean my pulse is 60-70 bpm at work on a computer resting heart rate high 40’s, cholesterol 160, testosterone about 470 after 10 days. IM 070 ml every 10 days I feel and look great at 63 years old. Some doctor wanted to put me on a preventative statin, what the hell for? Reduce heart attack I do not think I have any risk factors, not every medical study applies to an individual. I also take Vascepa 2 capsules twice daily.
Testosterone is actually important for women too. I had gone to my soctor who also does natural hormones and my progesterone was 0. My t was 20 and my estrogen was low, but im not on that currently. Im only 39!! Not obese, workout, keto diet. No matter what i could not change it. I also have lots of autoimmune problems right now and she said getting my dhea up to 600 is very beneficial for that. I also have narcolepsy so getting proper sleep will never be something I can achieve in life, which also works against me.
I used to watch his videos a year ago ...He mostly prescribed animal based foods , Now he is ageing fast ..I believe Vegitarian diet is good for overall health .
It's probably not because of the meat. All the carnivore diet doctors 10 plus years on the diet all look like mens health cover models. Some in there 50s and 60s and have had kids in the last 10 years. I seriously doubt vegan or vegetarian is the way to go. My buddy did carnivore for a year and I hadn't seen him in a very long time. He reversed aged. He looked 15 plus years younger. Now he added plants and sugar back in. He's looking older again.
I am sticking with Jay Campbell and my Dr guidance on Testosterone, Supplements, exercise, sleep, diet, etc… They actually practice using all of the above and have learned much from trial and error..
Jay and his trt book are top notch also peptides info is great too he has done the research and the work too and works with the best performance drs out there imo
I took it for a year when I didn't really NEED to, but had an accommodating Doc. I was only taking a relatively small amount yet it pushed me to the top of reference range. Ended up making me basically have a second puberty. Got body acne that still occasionally shows up 2 years later after stopping. Had to stop because my HR while SLEEPING was 100! If I ever start again, definitely will be taking a much much smaller dosage and it will be when I'm like 80. Oh, and the 2 months after I quit were so bad. My body wasn't making T for a while there, so I had very low T, I was getting claustrophobia from just being in my dark bedroom.
@@richardbaptiste6939What??? Women’s bodies produce testosterone also. It decreased sharply (along with estrogen) after menopause, leading to decreased muscle mass and loss of bone density, among many other things. It stands to reason that a normal, non-transgender woman would enquire about this. It’s a good question to which I would love to see an answer.
Yes please address menopausal women taking testosterone for bone density etc. drawback? We don’t seem to make enough on our own to begin with once we reach menopause, so is it worth taking?
Everyone’s different but i had a long acute hospital stay very ill etc I asked the food service rep to put me on a carnivore diet all meat baked chicken turkey fish etc..! Immediately did this to help my body heal and boost my testosterone levels .. from my hospital bed unable to stand walk shower in bad shape I dropped 25lbs.. it took 2 mos but I became adapted to the protein fat fr carnivore diet vs my lifestyle before where my system burned glucose sugar carbs etc.. carnivore boosted my test levels double what it was and dropped my A1C levels and I stopped taking metformin… I did this with no ability to exercise etc Food for thought just my 2 cents
Funny, seems like no one in the comment section watched this video. Everyone is raving about how great TRT is rather than taking the tough more satisfying journey of doing it naturally and changing your lifestyle. Not surprising though, everyone wants the easy way out, and right now it’s TRT for men.
exactly, but i see a lot of comments of people who say they eat healthy and workout but have low test.. I dont get it, they either have a genetic problem or they are lying.
That's not true for everyone. I was able to get my body producing testosterone again. And it took me cutting out the ultra processed foods, IF, and eating red meat.
False, your natural T will go right back to where it was but it takes about 6 months and during those 6 months while recovering natural T levels, you’ll have all the symptoms of low T.
I was recommended to go on testosterone replacement. I instead opted for using 12,5 mg Clomid daily, 500 IU of hCG twice a week, and ,5 mg of Arimidex - an aromatase inhibitor twice weekly. I additionally train 4 times a week in the gym, eat carnivore/keto, use a CPAP, take sink supplements and try get 8 hours a night sleep. I also worked to reduce stress. I packed on a ton of muscle, lost about 30lbs of fat and trippled my testosterone without TrT. My body is producing sufficient testosterone itself now.
@@micahmclaurin6144 Just curious... what is the purpose for taking a rest from the clomid? Also, have you considered adding an aromatase inhibitor in low doses to stop your testosterone from converting?
My testosterone crashed after my vasectomy. I have been injecting 1/wk for the last 10 years. It makes a big difference. I've not always been the best at once a week. If I don't stay on it , I can tell my wife can tell that i'm low. This is a happened a few times over the ten years. It makes a big difference in many aspects of your life. Ask me anything. *I am not a Dr., This is not medical advice. Just my experience.
I'm 52, have almost never skipped a weekly crippling leg day workout (squat predominant, accessory additions) in the past 8 years, and still have good natural testosterone production as a result. 8 hours of sleep in addition to this has kept me good so far. Maybe later I'll need supplementation, but a great leg day keeps me going strong at this age 👍
Why not just spread your leg exercises across the week?
I am 47 and started doing TRT. My levels are optimal and lift 5-6 days per week. Definitely has made a difference in energy and sleep. No regerts
@@ClarkPotter Everybody's needs are different, I prefer not to spend more days in the gym than necessary, and I just like to get legs over with in 1 day vice spread out because it is the most challenging of all my workouts both mentally & physically. I only hit specific muscle groups once a week because that's what works for me and I like it that way. My point was getting a good lower body workout consistently instead of the traditional arms , abs & chest focus helps maintain my natural testosterone levels without the need for supplementation.
Any tips for gud nite sleep?
@@johnmadden6065 establish a set schedule. Turn tv off, read a good book before bed. I also take magnesium. Have a blood panel done. Check vitamin B levels. Dismal vitamin B will screw with sleep.
Being on test is one of the best choices I've made for my health, physical and mental. All of the precautions he stated reverse once you decrease the amount of test. There's even a better chance that you won't even have any side effects at all.
Agree 100%. Same here
Is he talking about the testosterone boosters? Like prime test?
How long do you have on test ?
@@samivoila no, hes talking about TRT
@@TheRealTJErnie Thank you for your answer, So the testosterone boosters like prime test are safe?
I have been on TRT therapy for 15 years,what a life changer. With proper blood panels done quarterly and a good TRT doctor there is nothing but positive results!
exactly, there is nothing wrong with testosterone therapy, life changer for men
If you cannot take Testo anymore (e.g. bc you got cancer or severe metabolic diseases) you will be fcked up! Your own testo production is gone forever and you will turn into a walking death!
Were you initially low? How has it changed your life?
I don't think Dr Berg understands this area of expertise as well as other areas
I can say my testosterone went up with IF and keto. Not as much as with steroids but ok i guess. From the 100s to the 400s but thats it. And the testosterone gives me gyno.
I'm on TRT and comply with my Endocrinologist for completing blood work to ensure all is safe, I am a mature guy and don't care about lower fertility or smaller balls. It is night and day difference. I tried everything before going on TRT and nothing really made any significant difference. I would recommend taking it!
that's crazy that you tried everything and that's the only thing that worked joe rogan gives it very positive reviews.
@@chipwilliams6236 Joe wrong is a very reasonable guy though he can also fall to bias from time to time.
TLDR: This video discusses the potential downsides of taking testosterone, including worsened sleep apnea, mood swings, and testicular atrophy. Factors affecting testicular health are explored, such as insulin resistance and deficiencies in zinc, vitamins A or D. The presenter suggests supporting testosterone health through weight training, adequate zinc and vitamin D intake, a diet rich in healthy fats, and prioritizing REM sleep. Additionally, natural methods for enhancing testosterone levels include weight loss, a ketogenic diet, intermittent fasting, and ensuring sufficient protein intake.
00:00 🚨 Testosterone can have positive benefits like increased libido and energy, but there are potential negative effects to be aware of.
01:09 🛌 Negative effects include worsened sleep apnea, mood swings, acne, dizziness, potential heart attack, decreased fertility, and testicular atrophy.
02:05 🤔 Factors contributing to testicular issues include insulin resistance, low zinc, protein deficiency, low-fat diets, statins, high soy diet, and low vitamins A or D.
03:25 💪 To support testosterone health: weight training, zinc intake, sufficient vitamin D, and a diet with enough healthy fats are recommended.
04:19 😴 Ensuring adequate REM sleep is crucial for maintaining testosterone levels.
04:59 🏋️♂️ Losing weight, optimizing blood sugars through ketogenic diet and intermittent fasting, and having sufficient protein can naturally enhance testosterone levels.
Thank you A.I. bot
Thank you so much I appreciate this clear and fast explanation. I didn’t have time watch the whole video this time. 😅🙏👍
Nuevamente gracias❤❤❤
@@philvelasco1363 np sherlock
It's in the video description already.
In my mid 60s my testosterone was low; I went carnivore, eating 18 raw egg yolks every day. After 7 months (3700 egg yolks later) I got a blood test and my testosterone had gone from 300 to 800. Now it is at 873. No medications of any kind.
Any biotin deficiency and attendant grey hairs ? Or did you throw out the whites ? Well done to you !
@@ronanandersondon't eat raw egg whites
@@ronananderson i started separating the yolks from whites and now i just drink the yolks
@@unknown-vo3di Some YT doctor recently said raw eggs have less available protein
I've been on 150mg/week for one year and the difference has been life-changing. I do worry about thicker blood and high hematocrit and possible heart issues down the road, but we run labs every few months and monitor everything closely. I'm 44yo.
Give blood!
150 won't create those issues in healthy men. Just maintain a healthy lifestyle. Nih has done plenty of studies of doses up to 500 mg per week. 300mg is safe for healthy adults. 150 poses very little risk based on literature.
Bro don’t worry about those sides. Blood and heart issues. You would have to take a significantly higher does for that. 150mgs is a low dose.
@@mtnbums2000 Yup, power red, every 3 months or so
I'm on the gel and my blood gets thick to the point that I give blood every 3 months.
My husband has been on injections twice a week since October and its been a night and day difference. Not only for him, but our marriage. His libido is a lot higher now. His levels were very low.
I also got mine checked because i had all the symptoms. Mine was low as well, so i got put on a testosterone cream that was compounded at the pharmacy. So far so good. Will do labs again in 5 weeks.
Good for you guys. NB: symptoms trump lab tests. If the symptoms go away, the lab test is less relevant.
Has his body changed much? Muscle gain?
No. He doesn't work out at the gym, but works long hours in the oilfield. His mood used to be horrible and had no patience. He had no motivation. Now, it's completely changed. He was doing one shot a week, and then had labs done again after 6 weeks, and is now at 2 shots a week. Taking the shot once a week on Friday, he noticed around Wednesday or Thursday, he was slipping back to the moods and such. Now at twice a week, it's been great for him.
@@jaclyndougherty3271 good to hear 👍🏾
If he stays on this long term and he will need to, it will give him polycythemia, and the dr will tell you to do blood donations. There will be all kinds of problems I went through this now for 25 years with my husband. I found a pellet that is supposed to be bioidentical and not give those side effects as the synthetic injections do, and it is inserted under your skin so it gives a steady dosage for 4 months instead of the up and down of the shots. The brand I got was BIOTE I think they are others, but not sure about them. I cannot tell you how much this has changed my life since finding it. For YEARS my husband struggled with these issues and sucked out lives away and that whole time the dr did not say ONE word about any other products, we didn't even know this existed. They will with hold information, as well as lie to you, don't trust them.
The positive heavily outweighs the bad. I will never stop taking it.
You ok with the little nutts?
@onastick-hu5ssyeah 400mg a week isn’t a safe dosage
400mg a week is not TRT dosage so yeah that's not really a surprise@onastick-hu5ss
What's it like 😁
That's certainly not a TRT dose ... shocker you had issues. @onastick-hu5ss
TRT done correctly can be a lifesaver for men in need ! It's safe to do it long term, when working with a good doctor.
Ya I mean look at stallone that guy been on trt/hgh for a long time
If working with a good doctor is a qualifier that’s a no go imo. That’s rare to me.
Even without a doctor, it is safe if you are taking replacement levels.
What is wrong with someones body in the first place that would cause them to need TRT ? Berg is about fixing the problem instead of treating the symptoms with drugs.
@@jonsmith7356 You should do some research about testosterone as it pertains to mental health, physical health, our current way of life and way of living that affect this important hormone and the aging process. Testosterone is the elixir of youth.
I took testosterone for 12 months because my testosterone blood test was well below normal ( it was100). My energy and mood improved so much but the most important was my type 2 diabetes blood sugar improved by 50%. I'm not overweight, I'm a 64 year old ex boxer. My diabetes is improving daily. My doctor didn't believe me 😂
Yeah no problem, sometimes we need replacement therapy but people in their 30s 40s should try to boost it naturally, West just have exercise and lifestyle but they can try homeopathy, East has traditional medicine which has so many testosterone boosters... In old India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Middle East, even 70 years old man can impregnate women, there is an old man in Pakistani kashmir who had baby when he was 80 because they were on natural lifestyle free from processed and refined items, pollution, etc he might have taken herbs like shilajit, ashwagandha, etc
Well, in your case it makes sense to take steroids. But, majority are healthy yet they take them for a performance boost.
The problem is once you start you cannot stop because your body stops producing it
@@Vasilia4can you help me produce more? 😏
That's what my testosterone level is. I guess I've gotta try some of the doctors suggestions.
18 years on TRT, one shot per week every week with ZERO problems at all. Only issue I have is elevated Red Blood Cells which I monitor closely and get a therapeutic phlebotomy when needed.
Are your nuts tiny ? Mine ain’t huge to start with so I’m worried
Yep. Phlebotomy , which is basically donating blood , is actually good for you and will keep everything in check.
Same here its been a game changer I out work all my men. I started TRT in my late 50s and im in better shape now than when I was in my 20s. I now shoot twice a week as low of a dose as I can I like to be in and around the 700s at the end of week.and it also keeps MY H&H in check. Your on TRT you know what I mean. Try lowering your dose and shooting more often its a pain the ass but worked for me to get the red bloods back in check. Just trying to help out another TRTer.
@@Lloydski try to add BORON 6MG vit d3 6000iu K2 120MCG and see the magic number with no side effects but power of a horse
I went from 334 to 960 in around 3 months all natural no TRT. This book should be essential reading for all men. Written by a 50s guy with natural T levels higher than most 20s guys
Complete guide to testosterone by james Francis
I’m on TRT micro dosing sub Q no problems . That’s the best way to go I have found out . My mood is up and my well being is awesome at 65 . Diet is good. No sugar and low carbs no processed foods . Putting on size and getting leaner . Strength is up and my sleep is great and now not getting up twice every night to go for a pee . It all depends on how much you take of testosterone , mostly it’s best on small doses from my own experience. Large doses you will get health problems and what type of testosterone you take .
I'm 47 and have been weight lifting and exercising for about 29 years. I eat mainly whole foods with lots of meat and tons of eggs. Lots of vegetables and some fruit. I rarely eat processed food, bread, sugar, etc. I do take a small zinc supplement as well. I just had my Testosterone tested a couple months ago and it tested pretty close to the middle in the range for my age at 597 total and 102 free. The most important part is my libido is good LOL.
31 im at 276 started taking testosterone 2 weeks ago kinda nervous i havent felt any chamges yet @@Troyance
Your free testosterone is a little on the light side. Give it another 5 years or so, and your libido will slow down.
My experience was the same and I train and eat clean as well........but, when I hit 51 my T level drop to 310! I could feel my body melting away and it was almost overnight. My doc looked for the cause for about 6 months before I decided on TRT. I keep my levels at about 1000 and I am training and recovering like I was 17 again!
@@Troyance sounds like we may have been misgendering you,young lady.
I’ve been on TRT for 7 years and I was able to come off SSRIs and BP meds. Benefits are superior, just get regular blood work done frequently and couple it with a good diet and exercise. I appreciate the Docs words and he is absolutely correct.
TRT saved my life. I’m 37 and was experiencing low libido, low energy, depression, anxiety/panic attacks and my sleep was terrible. My levels were under 300. I inject once weekly and my levels hover around 800 now. Night and day difference. I feel like I’m in my early twenties again.
If you want to feel even better inject the same amount but more frequently
Try every second day sub q
You are not even old. You just don’t take care of yourself
@@DUES_EX What a crazy assumption. You don’t have to be old to have issues with testosterone. It’s my pituitary gland that is dysfunctional. I lift 5 times a week, run 2 miles a day, don’t drink/smoke and eat a high protein/low carb diet. I’m 12% body fat.
check out pellet therapy
Exactly same symptoms as me, I think I suffered almost a decade of my 30’s with too low testosterone until one day the symptoms overcame me. Doctor ran hormone panel and found I was hypo gonadal. On TRT, life changer, keep TT around 800 (high normal), literally in the best shape I have ever been.
Dr. Berg changed my wife and I's lives. This is spot on. I am 3 years deep in TRT. I have experienced the blood thickening and testicle shrinkage (I don't care there). I donate blood every other month to remedy the blood thickening. I've had too many positives to not do it. I followed his health advice prior to TRT and lost 150 lbs. Still on that journey. My wife's issues are completely gone after following his advice. He's a smart one. You should try what he describes. My doctor told me whatever you are doing, keep going. She later asked me what I'm doing and said I inspired her to start it. These doctors these days are trained to push meds. You can fix yourself with the proper diet.
My testosterone is at 100 and my doctor said its supposed to be at 700. Next week I will be start taking testosterone. I just want to be myself again. Right now I struggle with anxiety, i dont feel like a man, I have no sexual desire, I'm always tired and sleepy, I can't even work out anymore because I get palpitations.
You won't regret it. Just make your way through the initial period where your natural production shuts down, and you feel a little strange. The Testosterone will eventually replace the lost natural production and you'll start to feel the difference.
FATE read my comments
Low testosterone can cause heart palpitations so can low magnesium good luck you'll be fine.
Yeah, everyone is deficient in magnesium so do supplement with a lot of it. I’d recommend the BioTe pellets that get implanted in your buttocks every five months or so as they are bio-identical so don’t have risks that the synthetic hormones do. And be sure to take a aromatase inhibitor such as DIM or i3c which are made from cruciferous vegetables and will definitely prevent the conversion of testosterone into estrogens. You don’t want to get man-boobs, right?!
I’ve been on this therapy for over ten years now and it has changed my life 1000% for the better. I was a broken down and crumbling person before going on the therapy and I am totally revitalized person full of go and happy, helpful energy now.
I wish you all the best in the world. !! 😃
How's it going now
Been on test for 5 years. Had to switch to HCG to have a couple of kids. I now have left ventricular hypertrophy from working out while on T. I recommend cycling the keto diet, taking Shilajit & Ashwagandha together, two kiwis per day, cold showers, intermittent fasting, and giving a pint of whole blood every 8 weeks. These things have kept my T levels cycling to a minimum, as well as most other sides.
Ive been on testosterone (TRT) now for over 10 yrs now with the help of a GOOD doctor. I started in my late 50s when my levels were low. Brain fog was terrible lack of labito and just sluggish. It's been a game changer. I can still run a 10 minute mile to this day push ups all day long and my wife has been happy in the bedroom for years. When prescribed you get your blood tested every (3) months and a complete panel of blood labs. Most normal people don't get their blood tested for years apart or until something is wrong. They run FULL labs every 3 months. The labs show everything. It tells you how your liver kidneys ect are doing. You monitor your hemoglobin and hemocrit ( your red blood cells) The goal is to only take what you need to get to your happy place. It's funny how they will prescribe a young girl hormones in a second but not a man. TRT has to be prescribed thru a good doc who knows about TRT. Lots of them are just figuring it out. It will give you your life back. As far as memory testosterone is a must. If you're older and under 300 when tested go find a good doctor and talk to them about getting helped.
After a lot of study and research in this field, I can confirm your words.
Yup, 100% true. I’m 44 - test levels VERY low so I started TRT 14 months ago under care of a hormone doc. Virtually everything in my life improved DRASTICALLY since that point. I feel better than I did in my early 20’s. Men- if you don’t feel like you used to, get tested!
Great Information, Thank you.
I'm 43, normal weight, healthy and my Total T was ONLY 87 (Free only 2.8)! Wow.
Now I know why my libido has been terrible for so long. Plus the brain fog and low energy.
Last month, my Primary doctor started me out with 200mg injection ONCE PER MONTH.
Seems low from what I have read online. I guess we'll start low and see what happens.
So far, after two injections, I've noticed a very small increase in libido, buy only for a few days. As Dr. Berg said, I also had mood swings which are uncommon for me. Seems like taking a smaller does more frequently is better. Does anyone have experience with a monthly dose?
I don't feel the same without my testosteron 💪
@@roberttamm131 That’s a horrible protocol, and unfortunately most primary care doctors have no idea what they’re doing when it comes to TRT. You’re better off going through a clinic that specializes in it.
My test was at 100. Started TRT and now I’m at 800 lol I’m 44 years old and feel 22 again! Bursting with energy and fast recovery in gym like I once was…
Never coming off this my body is changing fast and I feel great again
Truly stellar video Eric!
I’m a doctor myself (hang my head in shame a mere dentist) but I just subscribed to you.
I’ve been on TRT for about 6 months. I’m 67, had gotten to very low blood levels of t, super athletic, avid rock climber, could go on and on.
Dialing in trt doses, how to and how often to administer, whether to use Pregnyl (Hcg), aromatase inhibitor, blood tests….
It’s super complicated at first and you better actually need it.
I’m the rare perfect patient and am happy with my decision
If yer not, run away
You're more of a doctor than he is. He's a chiropractor!
My stance is that men should optimize their T levels naturally for as long as possible, because TRT doesn’t fix the underlying problems that led to low T in the first place
exactly, i can see some really need it but for the majority its all about the lifestyle, go ask the seniors of today and ask them if they had to take testosterone in their 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's and now, most of them will say no.
Couldn’t have been said better.
Age is the biggest factor including diet .... you can't beat father time ... before TRT my level was 160... that's pretty close to a females normal level....900 to 1100 is optimum level...you're not gonna eat enough foods or juices or smoothies to get to an optimum level..
@IDontEvenOwnA9mm if diet, training and other lifestyle factors are on point, T levels can be naturally high for a very long time... but Father time comes for us all eventually
@@sergiolandz6056Yeah because it wasn’t as widely available back then. You’re correct, it is a lifestlye. A lifestyle of feeling the best you can and running optimally, who wouldn’t someone want that?
Very interesting topic for me. I have self injected 200 units testosterone for decades every two weeks. Your symptoms are all present in me. And I do the countermeasures too. But benefits outweigh risks for me. I am pushing 76.
Hi I'm 65 and on trt. What are your counter measures? I take Zinc and dhea as well as vitamins D 3 with K2 as well as some other supps. Also giving Enclomiphene a try to keep the testes somewhat active.
I am 42, tried to do a great diet and exercise for 14 years, blood work was always perfect, at 40 I was told I have the heart of a 28 year old during a suggested check up (anxiety caused a odd test) and now I've been on TES for a few years. It literally changed my life. Turns out my number had been low all those years, like super low. Nothing I did ever increased it or helped it.
I take zinc and D, I couldn't imagine living like I was, now I'm able to do a lot more physical work like I did when I was 20.
You'd do yourself a favor symptom wise if you switched to 100units per week. Or even better 50 units twice a week. Your symptoms and mood will stabilize.
@@WereAllThatBored Agreed. Depending on the kind of testosterone Enanthate (4-5)/Cypionate (7-8) or propionate (2-3) the half-life differs significantly. So even though 200 is not that high as such, it does give you long peaks and long troughs.
@@wreagfe I was guessing it would be the standard Cyp given out at clinics.
I've been on it for 8 months, saved my life!! As long as you have a Dr monitoring you, keep doing it!! And everything is possible, but the heart issue was studied for 10 years and they found nothing!
I got on Testosterone and I feel like I'm 18 again. Best decision of my life 🙏
Doctor Berg can you please make a video on the side effects of getting a vasectomy this information needs to be known big medical Doctor's told me absolutely nothing
How long now?
@@davidcatlin1970 6 months. Definitely an adjustment period in between and most importantly education about other supplements that go with the trt
Now you can't stop for the next 40 years
@@wifiunove1650 Im not trying to convince you to do anything 🚬😎
I told my husband the side effects of not getting a vasectomy and he was in line for one right away. NO way on this earth am I stupid enough to go through that twice.
I'm 60 been trt, for 16 years it's been very good for me. You need be discipline when your on it. Eat well, exercise, blood work must!! 🎉
I experimented with TRT for 4 months couple years ago (I was 29), here is my experience:
First of all I do heavy lifting + have very high protein diet for 15 years so Iam quite muscular and strong (but never tried T or any other steroids), had zero intention to improve my physique or strenght from T, it was all about feeling bc I was feeling little bit down at that time. Did all my bloodwork before (T, free T, prolactin, E2 etc), my T was at 310 so very low. Started doing 1x weekly 200mg Enanthate injections into my quads, after week or so holy cow I felt great, literally everything got better, my sleep, my mood (drastically, I had great mood all day everyday), energy levels, libido, confidence etc...After month I did bloodwork again, my T was 1500 which is too high, I was aiming for 800-1200 (more natural levels), decided to try doing it little bit differently bc those quad injections hurted as hell sometimes. So Ive tried subcutaneous injections into belly fat and shoulders with little insulin needle - this is literally pain-free. Did only 30mg enanthate 3x weekly. I felt even better even though smaller doses, but I would attribute it to the longer usage time. After next month my T was 980 so exactly where I wanted to be, and again, continuited 3x30mg/w for next 2 months. I was feeling extremely good like I mentioned before, also my stress tolerance was amazing, I was just so calm for whole time.
Now the bad stuff - I felt my prostate is getting bigger, had urge to pee everytime, weaker flow. Balls shrinkage, yes thats real, after 1-2 months they were maybe 20% smaller and you can even feel it not just see it 😂 And the most important - you are sterile on T, your balls just shut off, thats also reason why I stopped, wanted to try it, yes it works, those adverse effects could be managed little bit but Iam planning kids in near future. Did PCT with clomid and HCG after this, felt really shitty for like 2-3 weeks but then you will normal again, your balls will start again if you are not very long on T and everything gets back to normal.
Iam from EU so official TRT is almost non existent here, my doctor even laughed at me when I mentioned I want my T tested "you cant have low T with your muscles", apparently thats BS. Had to do it my own way, but it was great experience, I dont know if I felt that good even in my 20s 😂 I certainly plan to go on TRT again after my 40-50s and kids, I hope it will be common here then. Also very important thing, I studied this for like 50hrs, read a lot of studies, wrote a lot of notes, dont do it if you dont know what are you doing.
I like your experience :) I am on the same path.
you're on steroids if you're injecting T into yourself every week lol and good luck with kids that ain't happening
I can almost guarantee you that your Testosterone was never 980 naturally, that is the trap most people get into when they get TRT. Many/most guys were never over 450/500 and now at a later age they are at 1000, not natural for most, meaning you may feel better and now have muscle you never could achive when you were younger, if you now weight train. Now the side effects will sneak up and potentially make you wish you never touched it.
200 mg a week is not replacement therapy. That’s a light cycle.
Great post! Thanks for the effort! I am 52 and have been watching my T levels closely for 10 years. At 42 my T level was 550 and I was lifting, running, eating clean and martial arts....but It slowly became harder and harder to recover and eventually but T levels crashed and I could feel my body melting away! Started TRT and KABOOM! Life got good again at 52!!!!!
I've been on it for almost 8 years. I stopped once for 1 year and I deteriorated greatly. I couldn't think straight or work much. I can never stop testosterone.
Anecdotal data here, I know but, I took trt for a year. My prostate grew to the point of affecting urinary flow. I found a urologist who put me on antibiotics. I had symptoms during and after antibiotic use. I asked if there could be a connection and he said that testosterone doesn’t do that and I’m just one of the unlucky men who experience bhp early in life.
I wasn’t buying it so I stopped trt and formulated a supplement protocol based on information gleaned from Dr Berg and others for prostate health. Symptoms immediately went away and improved over the next year. Getting the boys to restart test was another story. I had imaging done which involved being violated through the front and back. I won’t get into details but just imagine an alien abduction. Prostate was normal size and my psa was normal. Huge nightmare.
Could you please share that supplement protocol with me?
@@stevesheldon8616 Sure! Zinc, beta sitosterol, pumpkin seed oil, pygeum, saw palmetto, and stinging nettle root extract.
Could you please share your protocol for restarting the boys? Were you able to get close to the levels you were at before starting the TRT?
@@Karmazov Nothing but the supplements used to help the prostate. If they had benefits on test production, I can’t attest to it. A little background… Ive pretty yoked since I was a kid. Big lifter but definitely an endomorphic body type. I also have two kids and zero libido issues. So when my dr tested and said my levels were on the ground, I was surprised. Trt was amazing almost immediately. Lifts increased, I shredded up like I was 28. When I got off, my levels plummeted below what I was originally. For months I didn’t want to do anything. Left foot, right foot. Now I’m a couple years out and everything is back to normal.
Im 37. Been feeling low on energy for a long time. Had mine tested and it's 85! Im about to start TRT
Check the side effects. You can boost naturally.
@@indiglo1971 I know. I've started though.
Im 25yo. I had a terrible bout with a thyroid condition that fried my adrenals and gave me hypogonadism. I was 260ng/dl for 2 years. Ive been on 140mg/wk for 4 months. What an absolute gift from god. Its been life changing. Ive been grinding hard in all areas of life and the test just further aids that.
What symptoms did you have before starting? I’ve been 260/300 for 2 years
At 65, it improved my heart health, solved my sleep apnea, improved my sleep, increased my libido, increased muscle volume improved energy and mood. I also supplement with HCG to avoid testicular atrophy. 100% perfect health after $ years on T … my T was a miserable 100 now 1,000 Testosterone and 24 Free Testosterone. This treatment was life changing. ❤️👍🙏
are you planning to have more kids? or what are you saving them for
@@Ban00 I think he wants them to sag down to his knees by the time he hits 70.
Been on 2 years got a boost in libido at first but now that's in the shutter and my sleep apnea is worse.i don't know what to do
This would come up, I’m 42 in decent shape. Just had my T levels tested and was at 86!! No wonder I’ve been feeling all jacked up. Cognitive problems, tired, fatigue, sleep issues, moody, muscle loss, hard to gain muscle and always sore! Legs always hurt and are super tight.
But getting on synthetic T scares me. My Brother started taking T, anti-depressants, and Sleep meds the week he took his life.
He was messed up and felt like if a little is good, a lot is better, so I’m sure he wasn’t taking things slow.
Look up BIOTE it is supposed to be a bio-identical testosterone that is an implant. I use it and love it , and my husband does too. I think there may be other brands too depending on where you live, what is available to you.
Please try carnivore first. Once you start T shots you’re stuck for life dependent on a doctors whims. Quitting high oxylate foods like nuts and spinach will help the brain fog. Fatty Beef, salt and eggs - no nuts. No greens. Get better. Don’t skimp on the fat. It’s key.
@@BeefNEggs057 interesting i will try that
20 yrs ago diagnosed low T, applied ANDROGEL topical application. It was like spinach to Popee! However after 15 yrs of use, PROSTATE CANCER so my doctor took me off of TRT. i started binge watching LIFETIME tv channel.......I am working with a doctor on line to determine IF i can restart TRT. I will risk increasing prostate cancer for quality of life.
I use it for like 3 to 6 months every few years or so and it works great every single time
I haven’t ever tested my levels, but I’m 45 and I can feel the difference that spinach extract makes when I take it. Always start with the natural remedies first.
EXCELLENT explanation and great advice. Thank you so much Doctor Berg ❤
I did testosterone pellets for 4 years. I got fat, high blood pressure and very lethargic. I quit the pellets. (Did not get my next scheduled insertion) and immediately saw improvement in every area the testosterone was supposed to help. I had regular blood work over this time, every 3 months. I have been off 4 months now. I have more energy. I work out now and weight and blood pressure have dropped. Also I look better because the thinner blood doesn’t make me look like an alcoholic. I was trying to maintain my levels at about 800. I am 62
At 47 I'd rather take the risk with TRT than any jabs the government recommends!
Well stated!!!!
Agreed 💯 the government is okay with testosterone as long as it's for women.
Same here 💯
I was told to increase my testosterone, to ward off aging problems (I am 63), but now you are telling me that I should NOT be taking my T-supplement. This leaves me a little perplexed.
My last T-test, one year ago, at age 62, was 523. I was told that is good for a man my age.
I did make notes of your 9 points of suggestion, and will be incorporating some of them into my regiment, that I am not already doing. It is always good to eat right, get rest, and exercise.
Since taking my T-supplement, I do feel stronger and more energetic than I did a few years ago.
523 is great, what are you now?
Taking testosterone is not just taking testosterone. 1. Take boron, this block testosterone receptors so your free testosterone stays high (super important).
2. Blood work. Check estrogen (E2) levels. If high, get arimidex. Stops testosterone conversion to estrogen. One you get these in balance, watch out!! You will be off the charts. My cholesterol went down, body fat down, energy high. Hematocrit went up a bit. Give blood, lowers hematocrit. All easy fixes. Well worth it, trust me.
The high estrogen is what kills everything. Just like a woman, LoL
My experience is the same...........men have no idea what they are missing!
I tried HCG with it, and didn't feel any different. Read it's mostly for fertility to keep your boys swimming.
I would never ever recommend an AI such as arimidex. Its a breast cancer medication. It's freaking toxic and introduces all types of complications in your TRT protocol.
Hey Dr. Im a 35 year old male, about two years ago i got really sick with two autoimmune diseases.
Adult on set still
I have zero sex drive. Put on about 30kgs of weight. I am extremely fatigued and not sleeping well at night. I'm seeing my Dr in another month for a check up, I'll definitely be asking him to check my blood work and see where my TEST is at.
Doctor Berg, I’m a long time sub of your channel and enjoy all of your videos
I’m 35 and had my testosterone levels checked about 4 months ago. My total testosterone was VERY low and I was initially on the fence in regards to taking testosterone but I’ve found a very professional clinic with a very good doctor who monitors the situation and it takes them a few weeks or more to get the amount of testosterone you need dialed in.
These are weekly testosterone cypionate shots that are administered to the glutes (butt cheeks)
I’ve never had a beard but now have a full beard which I’ve been enjoying lol 😝
I’ve also been ad avid weightlifter for the last 6 years or so (which is what prompted me to get my testosterone levels checked to begin with as my strength gains were regressing and I did not know why) and I’ve seen tremendous strength increases from being given a small weekly dose of testosterone.
This clinic pulls blood every 6 weeks to check blood thickness, enzyme levels around the prostate. They perform EKG’s and so forth and closely monitor the situation.
I am leaner and stronger and look & feel better 💪
I highly recommend TRT for anyone who truly needs it. Also if you do suffer from clinically low testosterone, then your insurance will cover this therapy.
It’s a win win 🥇
I'm glad to hear you're doing better I'm on the same boat as you. Weightlifter and such. My doctors lab check it every three months but I'm going to ask if it can be done every 2 months just to make sure.
Do yall donate blood once a month? If so, did it make a difference in crit?
The biggest issue with TRT is how easily and quickly men turn to it before changing their lifestyle to improve their natural hormone levels. Pharmaceutical shortcuts for everyone before even knowing why they have low testosterone to begin with. Why make an effort when you can reach for pills and needles? I am seeing men in their 30s taking TRT. This is insane, and only reflects how badly they managed their health through lifestyle choices. STOP BEING LAZY! They will find out the impacts of pharmaceutical addiction later in life, and it won't be pretty. And don't turn your physical training into yet another addiction and be competitive and over train without recovery, or your hormone levels will tank yet again.
they are not taking TRT - they just take Test for getting jacked.
TRT is an excuse - I know because I see plenty of people
as I myself am on TRT due to many factors including clinically proved hypogonadism, one question is enough to see if someone's bullshitting me about TRT - and 99% of people do.
Same as girls in gym claiming being natural and taking actually meds for diabetes like metformin, growth hormone or oxandrolone.
but I'm not surprised why people reach for supplements like those - you get your body faster to the point you're happy about, so you achieve your physical goal faster, and also it makes you feel good, etc. especially in this cesspool known as "citylife" where everyone are running like racing rats and get depressed on every corner.
Aleo side-effects are much lower than taking coke, amfetamine, etc.
Been on TRT for 5 years now (48 yrs old) It's changed my life. Before I started I was @ 186. Felt shitty all the time, no energy, beer gut. Now I'm on 200mg every 10 days with .25 mg anastrazole every 3 days for estrogen control and feel fabulous. Labs are perfect. 380 at the trough and 1100 peak. It's really a game changer. 👌
administer twice weekly. it'll help stabilize your mood and avoid those swings
I’m interested in more information about testosterone for women- many women are beginning to use it for energy, libido, anti aging etc.
Low amounts- not to transition
When using I do a natural cream expensive but natural daily first build it up in system then once a week but check how low and what age too
@@NinaBoulton do you notice side effects?
I wouldn't recommend it for women. But I've heard they are using it. I think it should be done only as needed. We all wanna stay young though. For women I would recommend diet and exercises.
I’m a woman in my 50’s taking HRT but I stopped the test cream because it was making me aggressive and irritable.
I find myself looking at these videos wondering should I try but just putting in the work the hard way is best for me.
Fasting. Protein intake. Cardio. Weight lifting. All the hormones work you just gotta put in the work. Now I’m not sure if you’re gonna get jacked but definitely gotta put in the work. It’s a life style.
At 63 been on for a year. Monitor blood every three months. So much more active now lost weight brought my cholesterol down and allows me to recover from work outs better. Pre TRT my test was in the basement. Just lethargic as can be
This is the basic "don't take testosterone" warning signs. I've been taking testosterone for 20 years. I'm very healthy, 58 years old, 6-1, 195lbs, 32" waist. Imo if you have low testosterone, raising it naturally will have little results to your wellbeing.
Nuts the size of marbles 😂
Good stuff Doc.
Dosing is the key. And it takes trail and error to get to the right dosage. The clinic really needs to know what they are doing AND you need to be an advocate for your own care and dosing.
In my experience, they tend to over-estimate the dosage at first and you get T results that are like an 18 year old kid...Which has its own issues.
Get the dosage right and then you only need to address the hair loss.... yeah, it can happen due to a by product. But, for those of us w/ naturally low T, its been a game changer.
Ashwagandha, Shilajit, and Boron work very well too!
Tribulus terrestrial, d-aspartic acid, sink, magnesium glycinate. Raw garlic, ginger.
I take a supplement that has shilajit, boron, ashwaganda, and tongkat ali. But my question is, by taking these supplements, will they decrease my bodies ability to naturally produce testosterone, similarly to taking steroids.
I think testosterone naturally ebbs & flows. Factors to consider - Genes, Weight, Age, Sleep.
Diet, nutrition and exercise seem to have the most impact.
Weightlifting + Zink makes me very horny especially after leg day
If I'm not mistaken they aid your body in producing more testosterone itself and not decrease levels
I tried testosterone and felt amazing for about two days, but the side effects after that were horrible. Insomnia, anger, paranoia, and horrible acid reflux. I was only taking 0.25mg per day. Wish I could take it.
Taking test is a game changer, period
Consider updating a video for us...
Testosterone can be important in women for bone density and muscle mass, cognitive function, mood, sexual function, and energy. 1. Adequate levels of testosterone are important for the maintenance of musculoskeletal health and possibly vascular and brain function.
But do not do keto or IF if you’re adrenals are suffering and you have autoimmune. I did this very low carb and IF for months and it made my insomnia even worse! I could hardly sleep and it dawned on me that when I ate every 3 hours my sleep was so much better so I quit. I now eat fat,fiber and protein almost every snack and meal and my sleep has done a 180 in just a short time! Fasting and low carb stresses out your adrenals even more!!
Too good of a video. Thanks for the info. Happy health to everyone.
Most welcome! Glad you liked it.
@@Drberg this is a terrible video filled with old incorrect knowledge on TRT, it’s clear you haven’t read any studies in the last 10 years and just got your info for the content from the media lol, pretty poor effort all round to be honest
I have squirrel nuts now but I am also healthier and happier since starting TRT. With that, I also have a responsibility to my health, so I work out much more and take care of my cardiovascular system.
Add HCG 500-1000iu weekly
@@anthonypalmer3798Where can you get it? Over the counter?
My Urologist said that low T increases your chance of having prostate cancer. He told me to get my testosterone levels tested and if it was low he would begin testosterone therapy. I got a male hormone panel that tested 5 different things. One of the test results was in the high range for normal, one was in the middle and 3 were in the low range. I don't take any prescription drugs now and don't want to start now but I've lost some muscle tissue and strength in the last 2 years (I'm 81). I've got a lot of projects going on that require more strength than I currently have.
Maybe check out Dr Bergs iodine videos. Iodine deficiency is very common and can cause muscle weakness. Low zinc is also very common and can cause low testosterone.
The video I needed to see! I knew I wasn't myself when I felt moody. I stopped taking injected testosterone after 3 weeks. Facial hair is a big no, no for me! No. Thank you. I won't try it again. It did help my libido. I knicked a thigh vein which made me worried, my fault, so that was the way another reason that I chose to not continue taking it. I was taking a very small dose each week.
Note: I am a thyroid cancer survivor, no thyroid, hypothyroidism, so low libido among some other symptoms that go in hand with hypothyroidism.
I tend to be on the lower end of testosterone, plus I had a total hysterectomy, kept my ovaries.
Where you getting more that 1 mg of testosterone per day? is it possible to get 2mg a day? (as a woman)
Slightly different perspective: Organic chemistry processes such as producing testosterone is always a balance between "raw material" and "product," testosterone. If you have an abundance of raw materials, your body will produce more product, BUT...if you have an abundance of product, testosterone, that will shut down the process until the body senses it needs more. Works just like ketosis vs insulin. If I get out of shape for a long period of time, then start exercising, I hit a very hard wall after about 20 min when my glucose reserves are used up and my body is shocked because it is not set up to use my fat reserves. Takes a while to re-establish those processes.
Same, my boys will begin to shake after a HIIT session.
Taking testosterone injections greatly enlarged my husband's prostate&,now,he's having surgery next week to remove a lot of excessive tissue!
Doubt that was the the only or even main cause. Hope his surgery goes well
The problem would've been that he increased his estrogen too much as a side effect of taking more testosterone than his body could keep up with, he needed to either take a lesser dosage, or use a estrogen blocker.
No doubt it can do that. I have the same problem. It is totally dose dependant. Both prostate size and PSA.
His estradiol got too high. He should have been injecting smaller doses more frequently. He could also take DIM to reduce the estradiol level.
I have suffered from overtraining. It’s real, and it gets worse as you get older. For many of us, the body quits before the mind.
TRT is a god send. It is just replacement from aging and environmental factors
Can you please elaborate on effects of fasting on levels of Testosterone...
I am on TRT since a year,my sex drive, increased tremendously, muscle mass , energy level,my hba1c improved, I think TRT is great experience,I wish I could start it earlier
Dr Berg, I've recently discovered the negative health effects of EMF exposure. One thing it does is lower your hemoglobin which is linked to testosterone.
Dr Berg, if I take beef organ and beef liver supplements everyday, do I still have to take Zinc? I want to kniw if the ratio of Zinc to Copper is good in liver. Thanks.
just eat handfull on pumpkin seed 2wise daily...it is full of copper and zinc and best for prostate health....thanks me later
@@wasimahmed1570 Thanks
Most guys even after twebty five years will say their libido and that part of their life is great .I was on it for 11 months and realized it had very little benefit compared to before I was on .My body composition remained the same including my endurance and strength .
If you micro dose your dose over the week is optimal. One big dose once a week is toxic for you.
Depends on your shbg
When your shbg is too high its better to do once a week for example because the shbg goes lower then.
If your shbg is too low its better to do more frequently e2d or even better every day
SHBG, Free test, E2, Prolactine are all factors that should frequently be checked and used as marks to determine dose and dose frequency. SubQ injections daily are optimal mostly. Too lower shbg one can take for instance Proviron or Masteron, to elevate Free test one can take Boron
Do you have to continue using it throughout the years or can you try it for a few months and then stay permanently at a higher level without having to use anymore?
60 mg sub q on a Monday and on a Thursday
Thanks Dr.Berg....good stuff....as usual!
Thanks for watching!
I'm not a doctor. I've watched this channel a very long time. However, I am on TRT for secondary hypogonadism and I've researched the daylights out of this topic. To say testosterone can "cause a heart attack" is blatantly misleading without providing any context comparing therapeutic doses vs ILLEGAL steroid abuse - show me the study where staying in range causes cardiovascular risk. Not even to mention showing oral tablets that destroy your liver - you missed the mark on this video and it is just lazy. You are doing a disservice to us that are on TRT equal to saying insulin is bad for a diabetic. Seriously..... you're better than this.
RyanJ, I have been on TRT for years. I think I was insulin resistant. I went on Keto dropped 40 lbs. I am 6’3” 230 lbs before Keto got to 190 lbs but felt I was losing strength, started weight training 3 to 4 day per week about 30 sets per day. I am now 205 lbs fairly lean my pulse is 60-70 bpm at work on a computer resting heart rate high 40’s, cholesterol 160, testosterone about 470 after 10 days. IM 070 ml every 10 days I feel and look great at 63 years old. Some doctor wanted to put me on a preventative statin, what the hell for? Reduce heart attack I do not think I have any risk factors, not every medical study applies to an individual. I also take Vascepa 2 capsules twice daily.
@davidleitch3199 so you were able to stop your TRT?
Testosterone is actually important for women too. I had gone to my soctor who also does natural hormones and my progesterone was 0. My t was 20 and my estrogen was low, but im not on that currently. Im only 39!! Not obese, workout, keto diet. No matter what i could not change it. I also have lots of autoimmune problems right now and she said getting my dhea up to 600 is very beneficial for that. I also have narcolepsy so getting proper sleep will never be something I can achieve in life, which also works against me.
I used to watch his videos a year ago ...He mostly prescribed animal based foods , Now he is ageing fast ..I believe Vegitarian diet is good for overall health .
It's probably not because of the meat. All the carnivore diet doctors 10 plus years on the diet all look like mens health cover models. Some in there 50s and 60s and have had kids in the last 10 years. I seriously doubt vegan or vegetarian is the way to go. My buddy did carnivore for a year and I hadn't seen him in a very long time. He reversed aged. He looked 15 plus years younger. Now he added plants and sugar back in. He's looking older again.
Starting TRT at the age of 31, 5 years ago was the best decision of my life
I am sticking with Jay Campbell and my Dr guidance on Testosterone, Supplements, exercise, sleep, diet, etc…
They actually practice using all of the above and have learned much from trial and error..
Jay and his trt book are top notch also peptides info is great too he has done the research and the work too and works with the best performance drs out there imo
@@a1isrising that has been my experience so far!
TRT is a must for men over the age of 36 id say, really helped me out
Testosterone is the very best thing a middle age man can do. Wish i started decade earlier.
I took it for a year when I didn't really NEED to, but had an accommodating Doc. I was only taking a relatively small amount yet it pushed me to the top of reference range. Ended up making me basically have a second puberty. Got body acne that still occasionally shows up 2 years later after stopping. Had to stop because my HR while SLEEPING was 100! If I ever start again, definitely will be taking a much much smaller dosage and it will be when I'm like 80. Oh, and the 2 months after I quit were so bad. My body wasn't making T for a while there, so I had very low T, I was getting claustrophobia from just being in my dark bedroom.
Dr Berg what about Tongat Ali and aswaghanda?
I take Tongkat Ali. I love it. But I also take other natural supplements. Aswaghanda is said to increase and improve t-levels but also great for mood.
Don't take Ashwaghanda if you have hypothyroidism.
Can you address testosterone for women please. Thank you
Testosterone for women as in the FTM?
No. Trt is just as important for women in menopause@@richardbaptiste6939
@@richardbaptiste6939What??? Women’s bodies produce testosterone also. It decreased sharply (along with estrogen) after menopause, leading to decreased muscle mass and loss of bone density, among many other things. It stands to reason that a normal, non-transgender woman would enquire about this. It’s a good question to which I would love to see an answer.
Testosterone replacement for women helps keep your bones strong so you don’t fall and break a hip.
Yes please address menopausal women taking testosterone for bone density etc. drawback? We don’t seem to make enough on our own to begin with once we reach menopause, so is it worth taking?
What do you think about shilajit with brand recommendations?
Cymbiotika Shilajit Black Gold Live Resin
Yes I take the same brand of Shilajit and it works amazing
Everyone’s different but i had a long acute hospital stay very ill etc
I asked the food service rep to put me on a carnivore diet all meat baked chicken turkey fish etc..!
Immediately did this to help my body heal and boost my testosterone levels .. from my hospital bed unable to stand walk shower in bad shape I dropped 25lbs.. it took 2 mos but I became adapted to the protein fat fr carnivore diet vs my lifestyle before where my system burned glucose sugar carbs etc..
carnivore boosted my test levels double what it was and dropped my A1C levels and I stopped taking metformin… I did this with no ability to exercise etc
Food for thought just my 2 cents
I would rather risk my heart with Testosterone and bloodwork than the covid jab 😂
What are your thoughts on Pregnenolone supplements?
Oily hair at best, usually a waste of time.
Funny, seems like no one in the comment section watched this video. Everyone is raving about how great TRT is rather than taking the tough more satisfying journey of doing it naturally and changing your lifestyle. Not surprising though, everyone wants the easy way out, and right now it’s TRT for men.
exactly, but i see a lot of comments of people who say they eat healthy and workout but have low test.. I dont get it, they either have a genetic problem or they are lying.
@@sergiolandz6056 Or maybe we are surrounded by endocrine disruptors that makes raising/maintaining healthy T levels impossible.
The heart issues paper was thrown out and it was found that testosterone is heart and prostate protective
You gotta stay on it forever. Your natural test will never come back.
Well if you are on TRT your natural testosterone was shot to begin with….so it seems like that argument isn’t very strong 🤷♂️
That's not true for everyone. I was able to get my body producing testosterone again. And it took me cutting out the ultra processed foods, IF, and eating red meat.
You are not natural taking something made in a lab from a needle 🤦🏾
False, your natural T will go right back to where it was but it takes about 6 months and during those 6 months while recovering natural T levels, you’ll have all the symptoms of low T.
Actually, TRT can permanently end natural production of testosterone.@@LetterSignedBy51SpiesWasA-Coup
Im 57 now. Started taking testosteron propionate couple weeks ago. Small dose every day, up to 70 mg/week. Dont feel like castrated cat anymore.
Another reason to not take synthetic opioids! They screw up your hormone production. Happy Thursday, everyone! 😎
I agree with Dr berg on this topic 😊
I’d be on trt but my kidneys are in poor shape and don’t want to make it worse
I don’t think T will affect kidney function. Heart? That’s another story.
I have all the symptoms and bloodwork came back at 281 I'm give It a try
Was this video geared to men and women on Testosterone? I am in menopause and just started using T-gel
I did it for 2.5 months 2 years ago. Still feeling low in energy ever since.
For optimum results. Do all the things on his list AND supplement with testosterone and hcg.
I was recommended to go on testosterone replacement. I instead opted for using 12,5 mg Clomid daily, 500 IU of hCG twice a week, and ,5 mg of Arimidex - an aromatase inhibitor twice weekly.
I additionally train 4 times a week in the gym, eat carnivore/keto, use a CPAP, take sink supplements and try get 8 hours a night sleep. I also worked to reduce stress.
I packed on a ton of muscle, lost about 30lbs of fat and trippled my testosterone without TrT. My body is producing sufficient testosterone itself now.
I'm currently on 50mg of clomid for 3 weeks then off one week. It's improved all of my blood work and some symptoms
@@micahmclaurin6144 Just curious... what is the purpose for taking a rest from the clomid? Also, have you considered adding an aromatase inhibitor in low doses to stop your testosterone from converting?
Dr. Berg, please discuss testosterone therapy for women.
My testosterone crashed after my vasectomy. I have been injecting 1/wk for the last 10 years. It makes a big difference. I've not always been the best at once a week. If I don't stay on it , I can tell my wife can tell that i'm low. This is a happened a few times over the ten years. It makes a big difference in many aspects of your life. Ask me anything. *I am not a Dr., This is not medical advice. Just my experience.