Jordan Peterson - Myers Briggs personality test in comparison to the Big Five

  • Опубликовано: 27 сен 2021
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  • @shemac1482
    @shemac1482 11 месяцев назад +76

    I've found that my Big 5 results vary in extremes depending on whether or not I'm going through depression and how extreme that depression is. My MBTI type, however, remains pretty consistent despite those factors.

    • @exploremylocalarea946
      @exploremylocalarea946 10 месяцев назад +2

      Deuteronomy 18:9-12
      New International Version
      Occult Practices
      9 When you enter the land the Lord your God is giving you, do not learn to imitate the detestable ways of the nations there. 10 Let no one be found among you who sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, 11 or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. 12 Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord; because of these same detestable practices the Lord your God will drive out those nations before you.

    • @ShinachiHChan
      @ShinachiHChan 9 месяцев назад +7

      It's very interesting how MBTI is a very accurate indicator of our Temperamental Nature.
      While the Big Five is a very accurate Indicator of our Behavioral Nurture.
      The researchers over at 16Personalities are currently studying the correlations between the two, and making a more solid foundation of our understanding of Personality in general.

    • @Bay2LeQue
      @Bay2LeQue 9 месяцев назад +1

      That’s neuroticism

    • @Bay2LeQue
      @Bay2LeQue 9 месяцев назад

      @@ShinachiHChan Temperament’s disrupted in different degrees of neuroticism.

    • @novelkars835
      @novelkars835 7 месяцев назад +1

      Since your comment talks about personal perspective: From my experience it is usually the opposite. My mbti result and those of people I know changes quite a bit, while the big five profiles remain fairly consistent.

  • @mrtichar
    @mrtichar Год назад +73

    Different assessments measure different personality traits. The MBTI, the Big 5, GallupStrengths, the Enneagram, and The Holland Code provide a different view and insight of the individual. We are complex beings - we need more than one view. Therapists find various assessments extremely helpful for helping clients reach their goals; each providing insight to understanding their unique challenges and pain.

    • @retrothingz
      @retrothingz Год назад

      My experience ...exactly

    • @kaitb07
      @kaitb07 Год назад +3

      They are interesting and as long as people don't take it so far as to assume that's just their box now. Most personality programs do encourage growth and improvement, but I've seen some people just kinda get stuck in the "I'm just that way" cycle.

    • @382u3uuej
      @382u3uuej Год назад

      This just makes it sounds as pseudo-science in which you can make people take 15 different tests and get a bunch of different results lol, I guess this is why people on the left love psychology so much, because you can talk about non-sense all day pretending that you are an educated person and at the end of the day no one is right.

    • @djjiang3718
      @djjiang3718 7 месяцев назад

      Totally agree! They are not perfect! It's a great way to learn more about ourselves and each other!

    • @zitloeng8713
      @zitloeng8713 Месяц назад

      can I measure my personality with a thermometer?

  • @chaddabad
    @chaddabad Год назад +25

    I did the big 5 test, i was honest with my answers and people that are around me all the time agreed with some things but found other things to be highly innaccurate. However, when they read what an ENTP 8w7 is, they almost all agree that it matches me almost perfectly

    • @Marcospaloss
      @Marcospaloss Год назад +8

      Big 5 is much more stable over time and predicts many things later on in life. The reason most people don't like the Big 5 and like the MBTI is because the MBTI does not go over potentially negative traits meaning it's easier to process your MBTI model than it is to face yout BIG 5 results

    • @Cybersomnia
      @Cybersomnia 11 месяцев назад +12

      ​@@MarcospalossMBTI definitely goes over negative traits, they're inherent to the positive ones by contrast

    • @BLoodyEx
      @BLoodyEx 10 месяцев назад

      ​@@Marcospaloss Ofc it goes over negative traits oO U just have to do ur research after the test for like half an hour and u'll uncover a shitton of ur weaknesses. It even goes into huge depth, deciphering different periods of ur life and struggles u'll face in each of them. I'm 100 % certain of this, done the MBTI 3 times in my life, since then I've also read 3 books on my type and researched a lot on Google and RUclips. Oh and I've also done the Big 5 twice in my life, which only left me with a shitty diagram, zeroooo background or specifically tailored information in here for me personally, so yeahhhh... But I totally get it, if u are one of those totally unselfaware, unreflected and simple-minded persons, and that's probably the majority of people... U do better with the Big5, sure. Sorry for the harsh statement, but I believe it's absolutely true, u need certain characteristics to even be able to think about urself that deeply. I could give u 40-50 examples where the MBTI relates to my personal life and experience 100 % and in pretty accurate detail. But I truly believe it's because of how self-reflected u are, I know a shitton of people that took it and couldn't figure out anything about themselves, really the majority. I'd really suggest doing both and researching both urself... Both could be helpful and human beings are complex, sooo
      Just some examples for my type, if u simply buy the book from 16personalities afterwards and read it and reflect on it:
      - ​Prospecting trait may push me toward too many diverse interests (absolutely true, could give u 30+ examples of the struggle, cannot focus well on one thing)
      - ​ When a subject at school comes easily to them, I may not apply myself to learning (absolutely true, always relied on my base intelligence and knowledge there)
      - I'm not bound by conventional rules and structure (absolutely true, always had problems with deadlines, homework, punctuality, never cared for, I lack discipline - also confirmed by low consc. at Big5)
      - May blame myself for not being smart enough/working hard enough (I know it's the laziness 100%)
      - My learning style doesn't fit the school mold (absolutely true, waaay too individual)
      - Aversion of risk (absolutely, waaay to much of a perfectionist)
      - Doesn't see a career as end-goal (absolutely, had huge struggle finding a path for myself, quit several jobs in different areas in my 20s)
      - Putting in minimal effort at university (absolutely true, still struggling with discipline, even though I like the field)
      - Needs a job with a purpose (absolutely, that's why I quit many), hates routine tasks / gets easily bored by monotone stuff
      - Gets confused when people disagree/are unkind at work (totally, sends me into negative feedback loops)
      - Bad at following orders (so true, had to reject military service after I entered)
      I could go on and on and on.
      The Big5 didn't give me any of this, u only get "well u score low on conscientousness for example... well, duhhh? What a broad statement with zero detail where and how exactly

    • @ShinachiHChan
      @ShinachiHChan 9 месяцев назад +1

      @@Cybersomnia Could've said it better my self.
      I wish the depth of the MBTI and its Cognitive Functions and Enneagram was more public knowledge than it currently is.

    • @xsanez_
      @xsanez_ 6 месяцев назад +6

      Because the MBTI personality description makes use of the Forer effect - it writes statements that appear very specific but can actually apply to a very general audience and is very easy to relate to, even in different ways/interpretations.

  • @leehilborn8118
    @leehilborn8118 2 года назад +148

    I still think myers briggs aligns with the jungian perspective pretty well, big 5 is good too. Just seems like they both have their place; same problem attacked from wildly different angles. Side note, I've consistently tested as INTP for atleast 15 years and it describes me to the core of my being. The big 5 comes out as interesting and wildly accurate but it doesn't have the same texture to it.

    • @alrosenblum2274
      @alrosenblum2274 2 года назад +19

      MB measures how you consistently process and interact with the world rather than personal characteristics of neuroticism or creativity. Both have value. I am more familiar with MB and understand it enough to use it in my ministry.

    • @santiagor.z3708
      @santiagor.z3708 2 года назад +3

      In what website do you recommend I take the big five test?

    • @amalksuresh2538
      @amalksuresh2538 Год назад +15

      True.People get different results bcus of taking silly online tests.The only real way to know your type is to study cognitive functions.I am constantly tested as Infp due but realised Im an Isfp.I think online tests are skewed towards intuitive s.

    • @okwatever3582
      @okwatever3582 Год назад +4

      I think personality tests are a way to look at our personalities, however, it shouldn’t be the only way we understand personalities since there are lots of aspects of a person that a test can’t reflect. I was tested INTJ for the last 3 years. Though, a couple friends have had drastically different results in the last 3 years. So, lets not fall into the trap of only believing in the tests, however, believe your own feelings of something, for we all change as time goes on.

    • @pearlydiamond
      @pearlydiamond Год назад +4

      Love the Meyers Briggs. It answered questions of problems I struggled within myself and didn't quite understand. I felt like someone just read my mind and understood the way I viewed the world. It was a mapway of the mind-my mind. Maps are golden. Everyone needs them. That's how impactful the MB has been to me.
      All types are valuable to society. You begin to appreciate all the different approaches. It's useful to understand the language of others, and just grow amongst your different peers. Life is less isolating when there is a community of people like you somewhere that speak and operate in the same language.

  • @BLoodyEx
    @BLoodyEx 10 месяцев назад +42

    I took both. Aaaand tbh: The MBTI gave me muuuch more clearance of who I am and what my strengths and weaknesses are, because it goes into soooo many details and uses so many everyday examples I can relate to 100 %, it was also structured into different areas like childhood, school, career, considering all age groups and struggles during each period etc, which helped A LOT. The Big Five on the other hand was kinda wishy washy, leaving me only with infos like "Okay I score above average on neuroticism" - but I couldn't connect any dots with it. So sorry Jordan, u r pretty wrong on this one. But imo this also depends heavily on how deep u dig into it. After the MBTI I took my time to study 2 or 3 books on my type and research various channels on it, comparing what I found to all my personal experiences. This took quite a lot of time. But it gave me a pretty clear picture of myself and how I am viewed in general.

    • @exploremylocalarea946
      @exploremylocalarea946 10 месяцев назад +3

      Deuteronomy 18:9-12
      New International Version
      Occult Practices
      9 When you enter the land the Lord your God is giving you, do not learn to imitate the detestable ways of the nations there. 10 Let no one be found among you who sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, 11 or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. 12 Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord; because of these same detestable practices the Lord your God will drive out those nations before you.

    • @miranda718
      @miranda718 8 месяцев назад +4

      @@exploremylocalarea946sorry have to disagree on this. If it’s horoscope reading yes this scripture aligns because how would someone be identified through mainly by birthdate that’s just nonsense. But mbti is a bunch of quiz u have to do to give u an accurate answer of your personality. Bible says my people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. So we have to make sure we have enough knowledge on the subjects before giving a judgement or the judgement will be bias. Conclusion: there’s a big difference between knowing ur personality VS future prediction readings. Horoscope leads people to prediction reading which end up on witchcraft reading but mbti is just for u to know ur strength and weakness (Something like r u an extravert or introvert). Hope this give u a clear understanding on what’s going on.

    • @marydoogan2486
      @marydoogan2486 7 месяцев назад +3

      ​@@exploremylocalarea946I absolutely love reading God's Word! However, learning one's personality type is NOT an occult practice. It is merely understanding yourself to hopefully be a better person.

    • @jamminjay9534
      @jamminjay9534 7 месяцев назад

      ​@@exploremylocalarea946 wow! Don't see how this applies at all. Dario nardi has don't some neuroscience which supports MBTI. Also. The Bible says be quick about listening, slow about speaking. It also says the insight of a man slows down his anger. Asking someone questions about themself and understanding them isn't condemned in the Bible. It's actually admirable. We arnt able to read hearts or minds, so we have to talk to people. Even Jesus said out of the hearts abundance the mouth speaks.

    • @exploremylocalarea946
      @exploremylocalarea946 7 месяцев назад

      Even Palm readers, Astrologists, witches etc. will ask you questions about yourself. The witch of Endor asked Saul what he wants.

  • @SyvilMedia
    @SyvilMedia 6 месяцев назад +5

    I think he’s right and wrong at the same time. One of them base your personality type from a bio-neurological perspective such as temperament, neurological attributes and the other goes off of your psychological development from being exposed to the environment. One of them can help you determine things like Neuroticism while the other focuses on the archetypal evolution of an individual. Which helps you compare yourself with others of that same type of mental condition other than what you may have inherited biologically from your parents. He may have said that and I just missed it but I did both and I like both.
    Only thing is Myers Briggs showed me the likelihood of falling into an archetypal category and the other basically showed me what is stopping me neurologically from expressing that type of mentality and things I need to work on to overcome certain issues. Being high an openness , creative and neurotic was something I already knew, so disciple and a schedule greatly benefits me, but then learning that my “Jack of all trades” type of life also greatly coincided with others that had my same myers briggs type and it was incredibly accurate. Which I often try to deny but I’m always proved wrong

  • @retrothingz
    @retrothingz Год назад +60

    Having done both of them, each one provided useful information. In fact, all they really do is confirm what any reasonably self aware individual already knows. However, I found the MBTI results to be far more comprehensive . Just my two cents worth

    • @Allahuma.sali.ala.muhammad.
      @Allahuma.sali.ala.muhammad. Год назад +4

      totally agree.

    • @Wessel-dc4uw
      @Wessel-dc4uw Год назад +12

      Though the MBTI is a fun test, statistically speaking it is inferior. The MBTI has low test-retest reliability (up to 76% of people have a different MBTI type when they take it for the second time), it lacks construct validity, and may be subject to the Barnum-effect (the same way horoscopes apply to everyone). The Big Five or the HEXACO yield far better statistical evidence.

    • @Kapullus
      @Kapullus Год назад +4

      @@Wessel-dc4uw cognitive functions

    • @kaitb07
      @kaitb07 Год назад +3

      I appreciate how personality hacker breaks the personalities down further. Doing a test and getting a result..doesn't work quite the same for myer briggs. It doesn't break down introvert sensor vs extroverted sensor and so on. You can dive pretty deep! I know it helped me understand my friends (a strong female intj) manner of speaking (bluntness lol) better :)

    • @followufollowme
      @followufollowme Год назад

      @@Wessel-dc4uw so it`s about the question...

  • @michaelciocca216
    @michaelciocca216 Год назад

    I see you JP…happy you’re able to enjoy your success my friend. Always respect your thoughts.

  • @ericwedin4154
    @ericwedin4154 Год назад +3

    I find it mostly useful for the individual to better understand why one tend to react and act in certain ways, rather than being used when recruiting. I would never employ anybody on their category.

  • @chriscox5142
    @chriscox5142 2 года назад +50

    My generalized view:
    MBTI gives you a template (not mold) for "what" you are.
    Big 5 tells how you, currently, use "what" you are.
    Though neither seem to be really good for understanding applicants or employees.

    • @MichaelDamianPHD
      @MichaelDamianPHD 7 месяцев назад +1

      MBTI absolutely does help you understand employees. Big 5 tells you almost nothing about how you use anything. It's just a few numbers.

  • @michaelciocca216
    @michaelciocca216 Год назад +1

    Personality is the biggest and most underrated consideration to what an employees role should start as. Start is the key, developing into the culture and business is a different story.

  • @emanuelbankhead1887
    @emanuelbankhead1887 Год назад +19

    To me Myers Briggs is a better assessment of a diverse personality. But the big 5 is easier to assess if that make sense. It's hard to test ppl the first time correctly with Myers Briggs

  • @brucesabatoni3410
    @brucesabatoni3410 2 года назад +11

    "Pedagogical" that's my new word for the day!

  • @tomasvetrak
    @tomasvetrak 2 года назад +23

    Just learn the cognitive functions...

  • @TheBittenBullet
    @TheBittenBullet 10 месяцев назад +13

    I don't get why people believe Big Five offends people, and that MBTI doesn't. I found my results of both equally triggering.

  • @justme8108
    @justme8108 Год назад +20

    I did the Big 5 before I did Myers Briggs, and the MB was spot on, but didn't define the personality to a pinpoint as well as the Big 5. I rely on them both, and have never found any other study/tests that were any good.

    • @MichaelDamianPHD
      @MichaelDamianPHD 7 месяцев назад

      The Big 5 does not pinpoint the personality. It just offers numbers. That's not a description of how your personality functions as a whole --- which is what MBTI offers.

    • @immers2410
      @immers2410 2 месяца назад

      You probably think your daily horoscopes are spot on

    • @zitloeng8713
      @zitloeng8713 Месяц назад +1

      ​@@MichaelDamianPHD Can’t a PhD judge the personality of a point in a five-dimensional space?

    • @raposojogadorgf8761
      @raposojogadorgf8761 21 день назад

      @@immers2410 How dumb can you be to compare Jungian Functions to horoscope haha. What a joke.

  • @ashwinshekar7317
    @ashwinshekar7317 Год назад +35

    This reminds me of a typical problem with academia. When a lot of people say something is working instead of trying to understand why it seems to work , the academics say it's not supposed to work as it was not devised by us or following rules devised by us. 😂

    • @burninhell7555
      @burninhell7555 Год назад +15

      It's their ego defense most of the time. And pathetic.

    • @imperialguy3
      @imperialguy3 Год назад +3


    • @she-wolfshe-witch5237
      @she-wolfshe-witch5237 5 месяцев назад +1

      omg that's exactly it🧐😂

    • @user-ov4mk9ox8y
      @user-ov4mk9ox8y 3 месяца назад

      @@burninhell7555 Which is why the term 'Ivory Tower" resonates so much with me: if WE didn't come up with it, we're not going to recognize it, plus we're a protected "Class" that have all the answers to the questions, Just Ask US.

  • @Coneman3
    @Coneman3 Год назад +20

    Big 5 to MBTI is like Te to Ti.

  • @flabbybum9562
    @flabbybum9562 6 месяцев назад +1

    Perhaps not having high conscientiousness, I'm biased, but I've noticed in my 40 years in different work and voluntary roles, that the high conscientious people were prone to being rather accepting of anything which came from someone with authority. What I mean, is they didn't question underlying assumptions, and were vulnerable to being blindsided. People like me, though annoying the daylights out of them, could offset these weaknesses. I can think of a number of occasions, where, but for my discordant notes, they would have screwed up, or missed a massive trick.

  • @Twoyutes74
    @Twoyutes74 2 года назад +30

    Me at 16 y/o: Why does my MBA, Engineer father dislike me? We both like political talk radio. We both like and play the same sports. I'm intelligent like him, go to a wolrd renowned high-school as a result.
    Ohhh, he is super high in conscientiousness and I am satisfied with comfortably earning a B+. Ohhh, highly conscientious people have a strong DISGUST factor with ppl low in that trait?
    This understanding hit me at 27. 10 years of MBTI never gave me such substantive interpersonal insight. My layperson 2 cents.

    • @leonelfederico245
      @leonelfederico245 Год назад +1

      I hope you kept your room clean. lol

    • @themysteryofbluebirdboulevard
      @themysteryofbluebirdboulevard Год назад +3

      @@leonelfederico245 sounds like "clean enough, sometimes"

    • @leonelfederico245
      @leonelfederico245 Год назад +1

      @@themysteryofbluebirdboulevard Touche’

    • @raposojogadorgf8761
      @raposojogadorgf8761 21 день назад

      No it's just that your dad is an asshole that dislikes his own son for such a stupid reason. There's no deep psychology behind that, he just doesn't love you as a father should.

  • @Qwmp-
    @Qwmp- 4 месяца назад +2

    Currently gaslighting myself into believing MBTI is nonsense despite it perfectly describing every aspect of my life and personality in a way I've never been able to express

    • @KriegerIngarten
      @KriegerIngarten 21 день назад

      Start a journal. You will be able to express yourself better so you wont be boxed in by a vague fortune teller test

    • @raposojogadorgf8761
      @raposojogadorgf8761 21 день назад

      @@KriegerIngarten Fortune teller lol. Tell me you don't know about Jungian Functions without telling me you don't know Jungian Functions.

  • @mishell4906
    @mishell4906 2 года назад +16

    Ouch😆too many big words for me.

  • @DarkFoxV
    @DarkFoxV 2 года назад +19

    2:00 the 16-Personalities variant of the mbti addresses something "close to neuroticism" with a fifth hanging t/a attribute.

  • @zephy0910
    @zephy0910 2 месяца назад

    MBTI and socionics are fantastic for what they are for, which is understanding oneself and others in terms of diversity in perspective in the world as mentioned, but in terms of quantifying mental health level or qualification for work or relationships there is MUCH more to it, likely better covered by the big five etc.

  • @punodelgato9001
    @punodelgato9001 Год назад +10

    One thing I notice is people especially online, are quick to say "you're not an XXXX be7cauae you show a lot of Ti or Ne in this statement." That kind of statement sums up what's wrong with the test.
    If so many people are "mistyping" themselves, then is the test even reliable? And often times, people will say so and so isn't whatever type because it's over some kind of disagreement, followed by some ad hominem attack or further strawman fallacies. I find it funny that you'd be able to say someone isn't an INFJ for example, based on reading a few paragraphs or hearing a few things that they said, in such cases within a short timeframe.
    You administer something like the MMPI and that has a high degree of test-retest reliability. It even is put together in a way that allows the examiner to pick up on dishonest or inconsistent responses.

    • @raposojogadorgf8761
      @raposojogadorgf8761 21 день назад

      On another note, I don't give a damn about the test itself, the concerning part is: Is the theory behind it reliable? Is the flaw on the test or on the theory behind it?

  • @ArbitraryZer0101
    @ArbitraryZer0101 Год назад +17

    MBTI is watered down version, but looking into Carl Jungian functions is ridiculously useful and say Ni, is clearly JP's leading function and the wisdom as a fellow INFJ, best among the INFJs.

    • @xarastewartmusic
      @xarastewartmusic Год назад +5

      He's an INTP actually

    • @Ascn07
      @Ascn07 Год назад +1


    • @ajka7667
      @ajka7667 11 месяцев назад +1

      too emotional for intp

    • @xarastewartmusic
      @xarastewartmusic 11 месяцев назад

      @@ajka7667 No, he's just in his demon function

    • @ajka7667
      @ajka7667 11 месяцев назад

      @@xarastewartmusic to me, that is his angelic function

  • @amosonyoutube
    @amosonyoutube Год назад +3

    I find the mbit quite accurate but bear in mind people are complex and are going to be multiple or even change depending on circumstances. But this is completely anecdotal

    • @MichaelDamianPHD
      @MichaelDamianPHD 7 месяцев назад +1

      Personality type isn't multiple and doesn't change with circumstances.

    • @raposojogadorgf8761
      @raposojogadorgf8761 21 день назад

      @@MichaelDamianPHD Says who?

  • @TheOriginal_Unaleska
    @TheOriginal_Unaleska 5 месяцев назад +3

    I find myself a mixed bag in response to this: Debate between myersbriggs and the big 5.
    I am an INFP (I find to be highly accurate for me). I did the Big 5 --twice, and came up with two different results. Both (as far as I am aware) are common types for INFP. I was either 9w1 or 4w5.
    I was informed that 9w1 often mistake themselves (or others mistake them) as 4w5, however I have read a summary of both 9w1 and 4w5 and I can relate to both. So I feel like I can be in a space between either 9w1 or 4w5 but not knowing if I am actually either.
    My external persona feels like a 9w1, however my internal persona is more 4w5. *shrug*

    • @jayden8357
      @jayden8357 4 месяца назад

      Thats the Enneagram, not the Big 5. I would definitely recommend you to get into enneagram tritypes. For example, my tritype is 459, meaning that I share traits from both type 4 and type 5. That could also be the case for you. Your tritype could consist of both 4 and 9. In regards to whether your external or internal persona matters the most in this case, I would say your internal persona is the one you should go for. The enneagram is a tool that asseses your deepest fears, desires and coping mechanisms. It should be used to understand the underlying layer of who you are. Thats why your internal persona is more in alignment with your true enneagram type

    • @raposojogadorgf8761
      @raposojogadorgf8761 21 день назад

      You need to study Jungian Functions

  • @DivinePearl
    @DivinePearl 2 месяца назад

    I found Taylor Hartmans Color Code to be the most accurate personality test. It's based on motives rather than introversion vs extroversion, etc

  • @GetYossedLol
    @GetYossedLol Год назад +12

    Mbti defines your personality using universal metrics such as thinking, feeling, intuition and sensation. It tells you exactly how you work. Big 5 just measures you using arbitrary scales that were chosen based on what is relevant to the current context. The reason it tells everyone that they're good at something is because that is the universal truth. Everyone is good at something and bad at something else, what he often refers to as universally ineffective qualities are just ineffective relative to the current context. For example, not all personalities are built for capitalism. There are altruistic and very people focused personalities that would probably thrive in communism. They aren't "objectively" or "universally" inferior. They just don't fit into society, while some personalities are lucky to be born in a society that rewards them for being themselves. Mbti does not claim that we're all equal in a hierarchy or that there is no hierarchy. The qualities that thrive in the hierarchy are just decided by whichever personality is in the majority.

    • @jayden8357
      @jayden8357 4 месяца назад +1

      perfectly explained

  • @raysacassanelli500
    @raysacassanelli500 Месяц назад

    I will say with some others, my MBTI type has been consistent since I was a 12-24 Intj. It was my first result. In trying to understand I went around the other types but ultimately confirmed that Intj was the most accurate 😊

  • @davidhunt313
    @davidhunt313 5 месяцев назад +1

    One of the big 5 is conscientiousness: Question; do conscientious people hold the Truth to be more important than feelings or feelings more so than Truth? The distinction between analytical and empathetic thinking is fairly essential... especially in terms of political and economic thought!

    • @davidhunt313
      @davidhunt313 5 месяцев назад +1

      *_Does the Truth derive from Authority or_*
      *_Does Authority derive from the Truth?_*
      People who hold Truth as a higher value than Authority and who trust their own ability to think for themselves are overwhelmingly NT Rationalists. Note that some 70%+ of Libertarians self identify as NT Rationalists while Progressives are predominantly NF Idealists. Social Conservatives tend to be SJ Guardians. Pragmatists are SP Artisans.

  • @coreymetcalf3170
    @coreymetcalf3170 7 дней назад

    I value your intellect and mind what are your thoughts on those who share the attributes of the architect type

  • @termitesc.aardwolf3644
    @termitesc.aardwolf3644 11 месяцев назад

    I have the cognitive functions of INTP yet test as RLOEI on Big 5, not RLUEI. Mistyped as INTJ before thanks to this.

  • @timiddrake
    @timiddrake Год назад +8

    MBTI is more useful day to day to categorize and understand people, because it uses stereotypes more. Big5 is more useful when you want to be more exact or when the MBTI doesn't give any insight but it is not suited for day to day. MBTI also doesn't work well for people that don't know themselves well or that imagine themselves in very specific situation.

  • @HalloikbenJim
    @HalloikbenJim 4 месяца назад

    One of the more robust assessments, on par with the Big Five, is the AEM-Cube, which is based on the theories of Lorenz and Bowlby. I wonder what Dr. Peterson's view is on this assessment tool

  • @bradleymosman8325
    @bradleymosman8325 2 месяца назад +1

    In the fourth century C.E.,Saint Augustine of Hippo said, "I cannot grasp all that I am." Big Five might tell us who YOU are (and might hurt your feelings somehow). It seems that Big Five can tell us the estimated behaviors of very large numbers of people based on best-fit curves. But Augustine didn't say, "We cannot grasp all that we are." He was interested in his own personal nature. It seems MBTI would be the tool Augustine would need.

  • @tyronewong6337
    @tyronewong6337 Год назад +3

    what is that test that JP created? Where can we get it to use it for personal development?

    • @tyronewong6337
      @tyronewong6337 Год назад +2

      Here is a link to the paper he referred to in the vid:
      The assessment JP used based on 15 years of research would be interesting to try.
      NEO-PI and Five Factor Model (FFM) is JP might be referring to in the vid according to ChatGPT. No idea what "the hexical model" is that JP is referring to.

  • @VoxPopulasse
    @VoxPopulasse Месяц назад

    What about the personality test of the Process Communication Model?

  • @Coneman3
    @Coneman3 Месяц назад +1

    Big 5 is more about observable behaviour. MBTI is what’s going on on the inside.

  • @justme8108
    @justme8108 Год назад +4

    I have paid to have my employees take the Big 5, and had them do the MB (which is non-cost), and would never hire without first using these two tests. I will begin to use them for dating.

  • @solomonsurmounter_
    @solomonsurmounter_ Год назад +7

    'No one gets offended by their myers-briggs categorization' people who are in the MBTI community online here know that's not true. People fight tooth and nail to be labelled an intuitive type and will insult you by calling you a sensor, lol.

    • @andytinganyang4706
      @andytinganyang4706 6 месяцев назад

      Sensors are cool, I don’t understand the hate

  • @jamiecobb7874
    @jamiecobb7874 Год назад +7

    Please, someone tell me what JP himself thinks is his MBTI!

    • @DRK0114
      @DRK0114 Месяц назад +1

      He’s an ENTP

  • @djdosado
    @djdosado 2 месяца назад

    Jordan is absolutely right here! Big 5 is very useful…

  • @Ailsworth
    @Ailsworth Год назад +3

    Myers/Briggs, in case you were wondering, will never go away. It isn't crackpot nonsense, and it has some practical use. MBTI was the first such system, was it not?
    By "system" I mean a test with apparently random questions, by which a personality type may be determined.

    • @iswaloh7441
      @iswaloh7441 8 месяцев назад +4

      The only reason the Myers Briggs Company exists is to make a profit. Its board members have publicly come out and said they reject usage of MBTI for legitimate psychological research. Yet they're still sitting on the board of the company because of the money. Nothing wrong with people enjoying taking the tests, but Myers Briggs is primarily motivated by profiting off of name recognition rather than advancing genuine study of personality.

    • @Ailsworth
      @Ailsworth 8 месяцев назад +1

      @@iswaloh7441 Well that is obvious. Who the hell would ever wish to publish a book that sells no copies?
      "Genuine study of personality" is the issue. Myers/Briggs deserve credit for being the first to go about this scientifically. Sure, the Egyptians did not know geometry perfectly, but good enough to get everybody started.
      Can you tell me who, before Myers/Briggs, arranged these far-flung, disparate, splintered aspects of personality into a coherent system, especially one that clumps similar emotions into groups from which a personality type may be drawn?
      If there is anyone at all, I would love to know, and I would love to read his/her book.

    • @MichaelDamianPHD
      @MichaelDamianPHD 7 месяцев назад

      @@iswaloh7441 What bullshit.

  • @Whimsy_muse
    @Whimsy_muse Год назад +2

    I have did both of the tests and I found the Myers Briggs test way better. Although it's pretty simple, it is accurate! So I definitely prefer the Myers Briggs test.

  • @sohamubashir4562
    @sohamubashir4562 5 месяцев назад

    I've found mbti much easier and relatable than big five, myers brigs has helped me through growth periods, its hated it because of all the stereo types that have been created by false tests on the internet, if noted through the eyes of psychologists who have studied Myers Briggs, it is very accurate

  • @thorburnjschwegler
    @thorburnjschwegler Год назад +3

    As an ISTP I see the Myers Brigg is like at least 80% accurate as a Baseline and I work from there because when I look deeper into it I keep on thinking to myself how is this so damn accurate but that's just me though others might have different experiences

  • @VE11
    @VE11 2 года назад +19

    Very glad to hear his thoughts on the subject
    In summary
    MBTI categorizes people into archetypes (hence the loss of precision)
    BIG 5 categories people on an individual basis (greatest precision)
    I wonder if there would be any correlation between a particular MBTI personality type and the members of the said personality types' BIG 5 scores

    • @OneManArmy144
      @OneManArmy144 2 года назад +9

      Completely wrong understanding of the MBTI, LoL

    • @DarkFoxV
      @DarkFoxV 2 года назад +3

      @@OneManArmy144 very true.
      This misconception, probably comes from simplified framing of the results by companies who put out the test. It's easier for general people to conceptualise, but, not the more accurate view.
      "A general hierarchy of dominant functions" is how I would describe it.

  • @yamum6498
    @yamum6498 2 года назад +4

    Yes, words... words are words

  • @turbanheadless
    @turbanheadless Год назад

    8:00 this is why education doesnt improve as much as it should. Every teacher is threatened if you bring inovation or betterment. So they just decline you preemptively

  • @wagfinpis
    @wagfinpis 4 месяца назад

    The way the questions are phrased drives me nuts! I can not agree with the score I paid for. I'm sure none of this is an issue for the people that matter though. 😂

  • @anonomyss
    @anonomyss 5 месяцев назад

    I get the same vibe from people who use their MBTIs to justify their actions as I do from people who use astrology to do the same thing.

  • @arthritisankle
    @arthritisankle Год назад

    MBTI is also FREE

  • @katja6332
    @katja6332 2 года назад +11

    100%, people are threatened to face the truth, especially in a non protected environment like companies. Hence they prefer wishy washy mbti, because nobody gets hurt. I know people whose company uses mbti and every time they have a different profile.
    The validity and reliability is really low, except for the non psychological self claimed mbti youtube experts. And the prediction they make is very simple or not accurate.

    • @raposojogadorgf8761
      @raposojogadorgf8761 21 день назад

      I don't get what's so hurting about BIG 5 test results. As a main Fi I was actually disappointed and underwhelmed, I already knew all of that about myself.

  • @joelalmon3088
    @joelalmon3088 Год назад +6

    Big Five MUST be 20% better than MBTI, it's simple math.

  • @davidfitcher2953
    @davidfitcher2953 4 месяца назад +1

    Neuroticism 54
    Extraversion 96
    Openness 71
    Agreeableness 79
    Conscientiousness 106
    What am I?

    • @lhta9550
      @lhta9550 28 дней назад

      ENFJ or agreeable ENTJ (they don’t exist, so…)

    • @davidfitcher2953
      @davidfitcher2953 28 дней назад

      @@lhta9550 You're right, I'm ENTJ

  • @fppro1679
    @fppro1679 5 месяцев назад +2

    He's pretty kind to the Myers-Briggs. He also recognizes that it actually produces very little real data and that the values in it are intuitively derived. This is probably the best clip I've ever seen on it compared to the big five.

  • @somaligamerfreefire
    @somaligamerfreefire 2 месяца назад

    Big 5 is so depressing when I found out my rluai personality 😢

  • @elnogo9196
    @elnogo9196 2 года назад +5

    hi Kermit!

  • @alexmogg2692
    @alexmogg2692 2 года назад +2

    Sounds like the " NIELS BORE & ALFRED EINSTEIN argument about string theory & quantum particle alignment .
    Both are necessary as together they give ,better defined results.

  • @PetertheGreatest1
    @PetertheGreatest1 Год назад +4

    My company wants me to take the eneagram. I'm going to say that it's against my religion.

  • @Toimeme612
    @Toimeme612 Год назад +1

    The most known MBTI test is a Big five test...

  • @baasiaaz
    @baasiaaz 7 месяцев назад +1

    Thanks. I think that people often times are cultivating narcissistic self-love with this Meyers Briggs test. And it's so far from objectivity. 🤔

  • @rangerjaxmaxmay7742
    @rangerjaxmaxmay7742 Год назад

    Ah!! Inference!! Not actually the truth of the matter. Sociopaths do a lot of inferencing which dupes so many.

  • @sangmadewira4726
    @sangmadewira4726 8 месяцев назад +1

    When you get down to it, im pretty sure that
    Mbti is just what you think your personality is,
    And big 5 is what your personality seems like compared to others.

  • @Duraz
    @Duraz Год назад +1

    Does JBP know anything about cognitive functions or Psychology Types? Cognitive functions really only greatky differ from Jung in the sense that MBTI says we use all 4 functions instead of 1 or 2.

    • @TheCookieNetwork
      @TheCookieNetwork 4 месяца назад

      He knows more than you that’s for sure!

    • @Duraz
      @Duraz 4 месяца назад

      @TheCookieNetwork on this topic specifically? No, he does not, lol, not even close. Idk who tf you are.

    • @TheCookieNetwork
      @TheCookieNetwork 4 месяца назад

      @@Duraz tell us how you know more than Dr. Peterson. You’re also a psychology professor that went to Harvard?

    • @Duraz
      @Duraz 4 месяца назад +1

      @TheCookieNetwork Im talking about this very specific, niche topic, just because he is a professor of psychology doesn't mean he is familiar with every single psychological theory that exists, I am 100% more knowledgable on this one than him.

    • @TheCookieNetwork
      @TheCookieNetwork 4 месяца назад

      @@Duraz So you are more knowledgeable than someone who is a professor of psychology and has done research on personality? That makes perfect sense!

  • @MichaelDamianPHD
    @MichaelDamianPHD 7 месяцев назад

    Big 5 explains very little in terms of overall structure and nature of personality

    • @zitloeng8713
      @zitloeng8713 Месяц назад

      Ptolemaic geocentrism required many epicycles

  • @Anonymous_Anon882
    @Anonymous_Anon882 Год назад

    I don’t mind big-5 (and apparently the real-deal test is a lot more certi. than the pop psychology on the Internet) but it’s a description of behavioural traits, not the deeper psychology of introversion and extroversion are about. I. and E. are Jungian-coined terms but the way he talked about them (attitude of cognitive functions) was closer to M.B.T.I., if a little less boxed and more heightened. MBTI is far from perfect but it does better conceptual justice to Jung than the watered-down, common understanding of extro/intro-version (which is all-in-all something quite different).

    • @zitloeng8713
      @zitloeng8713 Месяц назад

      Wikipedia: Extraversion has been linked to higher sensitivity of the mesolimbic dopamine system to potentially rewarding stimuli. One study found that introverts have more blood flow in the frontal lobes of their brain and the anterior or frontal thalamus, which are areas dealing with internal processing, such as planning and problem solving. Extraverts have more blood flow in the anterior cingulate gyrus, temporal lobes, and posterior thalamus, which are involved in sensory and emotional experience.

  • @joshmcinnesart
    @joshmcinnesart 3 месяца назад +1

    Mbti is such a cult.

    • @raposojogadorgf8761
      @raposojogadorgf8761 21 день назад

      No, cults are made out of MBTI a neutral and amoral personality typing tool.
      Anything can become a cult, blame the cultists not the object of idolization.

  • @studiosingyourstyle
    @studiosingyourstyle Год назад

    Isn’t sensing the same thing as intuition? I wish I knew what the difference was? When I sense something it’s from my intuition. ( I have not studied this in depth)

    • @Shoopdawoop3486
      @Shoopdawoop3486 Год назад +2

      Sensing refers to your actial senses See, smell, Touch whereas Intuition refers to your inner world View and gut Feeling about an ideal or future.

    • @studiosingyourstyle
      @studiosingyourstyle Год назад

      Oh Thank You! 😂

  • @Erick.RushXI
    @Erick.RushXI 2 месяца назад

    This was dissapointing. Theres no way someone as bright at JP would recommend Big Five over Myers. I did both of them, and Found that the Big Five is just like Myers Briggs, But with less insight and a Fee. It feels like one of those Personality test you took on the internet during the school days lol

  • @AI-ch3if
    @AI-ch3if 5 месяцев назад

    The MBTI has a truly creepy origin story. Let's just say that Carl Jung did not use particularly scientific methods to gather his information. As a Christian, I would not recommend this test.

    • @mikelheron20
      @mikelheron20 3 месяца назад

      That's a recommendation as far as I'm concerned. When I find myself in agreement with Christians I start to worry.

  • @williamloree905
    @williamloree905 16 дней назад

    The big five is so negative - I like the Meyers Briggs better.

  • @jarrodyuki7081
    @jarrodyuki7081 Год назад +1

    He’s an infj.

  • @Wizard_Sony
    @Wizard_Sony Год назад +1

    MBTI is literally the same as big five
    Extroversion = Extroversion
    Intuition = Openness
    Feeling = Agreeableness
    Perceiving = Conscientousness
    Turbulent = Neuroticism

    • @Marcospaloss
      @Marcospaloss Год назад +4

      I don't think you are understanding the differences. The MBTI is Binary while the Big 5 is continumm. With MBTI you get Extraversion-Introversion, Sensing-Intuition, Thinking-Feeling, and Judging-Perceiving All which are good, not useful to understand who you really are, it also does not measure negative emotionallity. The MBTI gives you specific set of letter for you to identify with, that's not how humans work, we are a spectrum. And lastly, If you think of a way to validate both of those tests, you would come up with experiments, like testing an open person (Intuition) in some sort of creativity test you would see that people do better than others and they are not simply a letter and also you would see which of the two is more valid. Thousands of those experiments have been conducted and the MBTI pales in comparisson with the Five factor model which is how you would find it in google Scholar if you want to validate what i'm saying with research.

    • @termitesc.aardwolf3644
      @termitesc.aardwolf3644 11 месяцев назад +2

      As an INTP who is high in conscientiousness, I beg to disagree.

  • @mm7846
    @mm7846 10 месяцев назад

    Does he make a profit off big 5?

    • @MindVersusMisery
      @MindVersusMisery 9 дней назад

      I believe he does. He sells the test, and I guess that he keeps the profit.

  • @LOSTfan420Locke
    @LOSTfan420Locke Год назад +2

    Shameless self promotion

  • @OneManArmy144
    @OneManArmy144 2 года назад +15

    Well, he clearly doesn't understand Jung. Jungian personality types are for one purpose: individuation (maturity) of the personality. They are not discernments to profit or guess who's more well suited to rot in an office cubicle. Jung did spoke about neuroticism, he called it to some degree "neurosis". Neuroticism dissolves as the personality matures, you can clearly see that children are far more neurotic than adults. A neurotic adult (according to Jung) suffers from inner disagreements and is suppressing parts of his psyche in a unjustifiable and unskillfull way. The assimilation of psychic contents makes the personality whole, with less tension and far less inner disagreement. The big 5 is useful for the herd animals, while Jungian discernment is for animals who want to become individuals.

    • @Jackson_Roch
      @Jackson_Roch 2 года назад +3

      Love this

    • @Sam-xd9xt
      @Sam-xd9xt 2 года назад +3

      Ha. Interesting.

    • @VashS.
      @VashS. 2 года назад +3

      Wrong. Neuroticism = big part genetics. The Brain works observable different. You will find Kids with low and high neuroticism. Neuroscience matters

    • @OneManArmy144
      @OneManArmy144 2 года назад

      @@VashS. Wrong, it can be fully surpassed, hence not a personality trait. The nervous system can be fully matured through meditation, they've literally scanned the brains of monks. Sam Harris is a neuroscientists who advocates buddhism mainly because it objectively makes your brain less attached to small problems and negative emotions, hence maturing and literally changing your life, mainly by not identifying with small or big nervous overloads, it literally restructures your brain to fully overcome what we call neuroticism. Neuroscience matters.

    • @VashS.
      @VashS. 2 года назад +2

      @@OneManArmy144 i didnt find a single Study that supports what you said. Do you know any source, name or journel? "it can be fully surpassed" i dont think that would be a good thing. Neuroticism isnt negative only. (Sorry for my english -> dyslexic + 3rd language)

  • @manuelr7121
    @manuelr7121 9 месяцев назад

    how to try and sound smart by saying nonsense

  • @Udodelig1
    @Udodelig1 2 года назад +9

    There is no difference between mbti and the big five, except the lack of neuroticism

    • @Dan-bc5in
      @Dan-bc5in Год назад +1

      @Marcus You're both wrong. Although they aren't exactly the same, there's a lot of overlap.

  • @exploremylocalarea946
    @exploremylocalarea946 10 месяцев назад

    Deuteronomy 18:9-12
    New International Version
    Occult Practices
    9 When you enter the land the Lord your God is giving you, do not learn to imitate the detestable ways of the nations there. 10 Let no one be found among you who sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, 11 or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. 12 Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord; because of these same detestable practices the Lord your God will drive out those nations before you.

  • @studiosingyourstyle
    @studiosingyourstyle Год назад +3

    Myers Briggs would need to revisit the chalkboard, there’s no type for me.
    I’m ALL types & so much more. They can never categorize me. Some ppl are not CHARTable as we understand it’s OUR choice to be who we want to be, and how we choose to show up in the world.
    I really believe this testing lacks intelligence, why would anyone want to label themselves as if they don’t have choice to be something different. I’m sorry to say the Sag in me says this is stupid.

    • @Ab-ub2ii
      @Ab-ub2ii Год назад

      YOU are an introverted feeling Fi user , you lack in introverted thinking and extroverted thinking department. You are some kind of FP , probably ENFP or ISFP. Just by reading your comment I can tell that

    • @mirzajelacic961
      @mirzajelacic961 Год назад

      Seems you are very high in trait openness and have not catalysed an identity (no judgement here mind you).

    • @TheBittenBullet
      @TheBittenBullet 10 месяцев назад

      This is pretty much what Dr. Beebe did. He revisited Jung's cognitive functions and discovered that we actually have 4 personality types living in each of us. I don't get why JBP never mentions Beebe in his criticism of MBTI.

  • @kimberlyl3727
    @kimberlyl3727 Год назад +1

    So basically his beef w/ MBTI is that a) he tried and failed to market an alternative test and b) MBTI is not hierarchical. Lol. Of course it always comes down to heirarchies with this guy.

  • @franxx8
    @franxx8 2 года назад +14

    People just don't get it. MBTI is just a ton of bullshit. I love anime, i love fandom and the exquisite art of explore characters written using the MBTI indicator. But there's a reason why MBTI would never go mainstream, it lacks theoritecal validation.
    Big 5 results aren't unmutable, and i bet are bullshit too, but lets be honest: companies don't wan't to hire 99th percentile neurotics.

    • @dativo6593
      @dativo6593 2 года назад

      tru, they‘re fun to do in private tho😁

    • @akpade
      @akpade 2 года назад +10

      MBTI is not as inaccurate as you're saying, why you're that mad ?

    • @xalian17
      @xalian17 2 года назад +4

      False -highly neurotic people have the potential to be successful in a business setting due to fear of failure. A warped sense of perfection and fear of backlash can make a product, workflow, or business approach lucrative. I’d be more concerned with management who selects one trait then disqualifies all people who are high in it. He’s talking about personality “bio-diversity” as something that has merit. An inherently nervous person would be a canary in the coal mine to judge direction, department movement, relationships, etc. has to too much risk or danger. I think a better response is: “it’s best not to hire a team with one dominate trait” like conscientiousness which would poison creativity or agreeably which would never discipline employees.

    • @litfiana5417
      @litfiana5417 Год назад

      depend on the job i guess, some job can required high negative emotion, like military maybe

    • @amalksuresh2538
      @amalksuresh2538 Год назад +1

      I said so at first based on letter typing style of online mbti.But after studying deeply about cognitive functions I now know why people get wrong results in online tests.Mbti is very much useful.It could predict accurately more than 90% of someones psyche .