Ex-Gay Survivors on Tyra

  • Опубликовано: 10 сен 2024
  • Gay Mormon dad, Steven Fales (www.mormonboy.com/) and ex-gay survivor, Peterson Toscano, tell some of their stories on for Tyra Banks

Комментарии • 1,1 тыс.

  • @superstubes
    @superstubes 10 лет назад +18

    Better to be the person you were born to be,than try and kid yourself you are something you're never going to be.

    • @candlecane
      @candlecane 10 лет назад +6

      Something I am learning but it is a challenge. In my case, I've fought the fact that I am an artist. That is my soul and I have been conflicted between getting a 9-5 and following my heart. You wont believe the extent my parents have meddled and it has left me depressed beyond believe. I've lost 10 years of my life kidding myself. Now I just have to accept me for me. It is time to finally live instead of floating in someone else's fantasy.

  • @KingTriton1837
    @KingTriton1837 14 лет назад

    @theshaggyskinhead So simple yet you spoke a thousand words. Love this!!!! Thank you!!!!

  • @777nicole
    @777nicole 10 лет назад +5

    That's stupid and disgusting. I really wish people could see that god loves everyone just the way they are so love yourself because you are worthy to be loved.

  • @Atlavocat
    @Atlavocat 14 лет назад

    @BesACB - Very true, there was no concept of "homosexuality" in St. Augustine's time, but a lot of later translators have altered St. Augustine's Confessions to remove anything that we would today recognize as "homosexual". That happens often. Recently a translator of Socrates took the oldest known version of some of his works (I think they were in Arabic) and translated them as objectively as possible and even he was shocked about how openly Socrates talked about his love for men.

  • @39Mustangman
    @39Mustangman 14 лет назад

    Well all of the transformation, all the heart ache, and all the stuff is over now. I am married, Extremely Happily. I have children, and I have not even had the slightest attraction for anyone, NOT ONE single person, other my wife. Female or male. So, now I am destined to be with her, and that is exactly where I want to stay and be. I know in my heart, and my life I chose the right the path. It was not easy, and I would not wish it on my worst enemy, but I could not have done better!

  • @ChavoMysterio
    @ChavoMysterio 15 лет назад

    Ministries like Exodus and any other ministries are the reason why I was driven to quit my job. When I was in those ministries, I thought that I was completely free from that "sin" until one day, just out of nowhere, they say that I was still not "cured" of it. Even an exorcism happened to me; also told not to tell anybody about it as well. I was also told to pray harder and harder and just stay there on my knees until I was truly "born again" to begin with. Spent the entire month in fear,...

  • @CalloohCalley
    @CalloohCalley 12 лет назад

    I actually got the chance to work a little with Alan, and to my knowledge, he never really bought into the idea that we can change our orientation to begin with. I can understand him saying that he wanted gay people live good lives to be the best we can be. The problem was, he only gave two options within his definition of "best you can be". Those were 1. Abstinence and 2. Suppressing ("healing") your homosexual desires in order to find a heterosexual mate.

  • @Jessecraft1954
    @Jessecraft1954 13 лет назад

    Thanks for posting this video. I remember how little children were punished years ago if they wrote with their left hand. Amazing how some people today still have difficulty accepting people due to differences. I don`t even care to be around people who judge and mistreat others, just because they may be different, whether due to where a person is born, the color of their skin or sexual orientation. If they don`t like me, Fine. I like myself and even better, I accept myself.

  • @39Mustangman
    @39Mustangman 14 лет назад

    I lived your pain. I lived it well. Until I truly became truthful with myself and who I was I could not truly recover. You have to want it more than life itself. It took me nearly 5 years of recovery sessions, that was after I truly opened up to believe it myself. I knew the way I was prior to my teens. Once I accepted the way I was and looked for a way to change this destiny. Then, I got out, and have been better ever since, but to put it in a closet is a living hell, recovery is bliss.

    @DIJITALSON 12 лет назад

    ... There is NOTHING to CHANGE! We are PERFECT as we are!

  • @GilbertGTV
    @GilbertGTV 15 лет назад

    Paul didn't use the word "paiderasste." That was the standard Greek term at the time for sexual behavior between males.
    The term Paul used is "arsenokoitai" in Greek. The exact meaning is lost. It seems to be a term created by Paul for this verse. "Arsen" means "man" in Greek. So there's no way that "arsenokoitai" could refer to both male & female homosexuals. It seems the translators gave in to the temptation to widen Paul's condemnation to include lesbians also. It's at best VAGUE

  • @angelcity6
    @angelcity6 13 лет назад

    @MusicMyWayOfLife Well said my friend, well said!

  • @GilbertGTV
    @GilbertGTV 14 лет назад

    @MrAnnbee "attending service will make you "want" to change because of your love for the true God".. what do you think someone who pays money is doing going to these things??? OF course they WANT to change. The reason they are NOT changing is because God does not change. He is offended and insulted that you are going against His design for your life by trying to be straight!

  • @39Mustangman
    @39Mustangman 14 лет назад

    I do not use slang, and I am myself! Never have I felt better, but I am not destined to be that way. There were other circumstances in my childhood that you can not possibly understand. Therefore, I did what I needed to do get to the point I am now. I hope you are blessed throughout your life, as I am, with greatful people and a great support network. I AM MYSELF, and where is written that I have to be labeled?

  • @UAJAKE82
    @UAJAKE82 14 лет назад

    @schlummieleinchen thank you! i couldn't agree more!

  • @SpiritDreamsInside
    @SpiritDreamsInside 13 лет назад

    @surshot56 I sort of agree. As a Swede, I can't believe that stuff like this is actually happening. Sure, there's a certain amount of homophobia here as well, but even back in middle school (?) there would always be straight people standing up for the gay kid. I'm used to a society that actively tries to combat homophobia and sexism, so this is just... wow.
    I do, however, know that there are LOTS of people in the USA who aren't completely ruled by religion. Thank god for that.

  • @Ghosts1964
    @Ghosts1964 14 лет назад

    @Ghosts1964 that last line should have read who would your decorator & hairdresser be without homosexuals :)
    Fact is, we are all different and that is what makes the human race distinct. It is only ourselves that need to answer to ourselves and our maker for our actions. Be happy with who you are and quit worrying about who everyone else is.

  • @Rossman3000
    @Rossman3000 14 лет назад

    Religious driven hate will destroy us all. It's truly what has divided mankind for all of history. It fragments us, makes us hate each other, makes us fight, and can tear even the closest families apart. Religion supposedly tells us to love, but if we need religion as an excuse to love each other, then we are already lost.

  • @omfgdelaney
    @omfgdelaney 15 лет назад

    I really like the cut scene picture of people walking off a cliff~

  • @love1another777
    @love1another777 13 лет назад

    @unabnats The thing that stood out to me was that only one of these men were said to be mormon and according to my mormon friend their church doesn't do the therapy but refers them to those who do.
    It's sad what both these men had to go through, most therapy is a joke.

  • @foreverhiskitten
    @foreverhiskitten 12 лет назад

    its sad that people beleive that being gay is something to be cured of when in reality its something to be proud of. its something that is a part of some people and that should never be something to be ashamed of. love no matter whether it is between two men two women or a man and a woman is beautiful. and it should be seen as precious.

  • @ChloeMariestaybeautiful
    @ChloeMariestaybeautiful 14 лет назад

    People really don't know the pain inside of us. How much it hurts when your told to change to be more masculine to be a "man". I am a gay man just came out 4 mnths ago after fighting it for 14 years. I thought I could be straight and in doing so hurt a wonderful women. I was depressed sucidal and a cutter because of the repression. I wish for oncepeople could live our pain.

  • @ATamandua
    @ATamandua 11 лет назад

    Dennis Jernigan, growing up, always knew he was attracted to boys as a piano-playing introvert. He was good at basketball, being the only white kid on an all-black high school team in small-town Oklahoma. He didn't start having gay lovers until college. Jesus led him, though, out of gayness. He's now married with 9 (NINE) biological children, and a Christian singer/songwriter.
    I hope our society never gets sick enough where he and those like him can't be allowed to tell their life stories.

  • @a916LEX
    @a916LEX 11 лет назад

    People need to accept themselves for who they are. No one else is going to be accepting if you aren't.

  • @GilbertGTV
    @GilbertGTV 14 лет назад

    @luvyatori to YOU it's those things. Just like to a gay person it's nasty and gross that you are with a member of the opposite sex, but because it is more acceptable by society, no gay person would say those things to you. Please have the same respect.

  • @GilbertGTV
    @GilbertGTV 15 лет назад

    Do you even know WHY Paul wrote what he did to Corinth? Or what he was witnessing in Rome when he wrote Romans? He saw evidence left and right of idolatry and condemned specific acts according to what he saw as evidence of their lustful desires NOT being of our Lord and God in Christianity! These people were wicked, not gay! They were lustful and hateful people... they were not homosexual even if some of them commited specific homosexual acts. You NEED to research as well as read your bible

  • @GilbertGTV
    @GilbertGTV 14 лет назад

    @Sh0nin "Jehovah and Yahweh are different pronunciations of the ancient Hebrew text YHWH". Not true. "Jehovah is Latin, not Hebrew. And no, we do call God "Yahweh", "Jehovah", and Jesus Christ! We do not change our Bibles to match our doctrinces like JWs do. We do not take out scripture that denies the Diety of Jesus as God. You do! Now who is the heretic?!

  • @1985breezegirl
    @1985breezegirl 15 лет назад

    these poor people! no one can change who you are in your heart! why can't this country be more accepting? we are in the 21st century now people!

  • @dabubbsta1
    @dabubbsta1 14 лет назад

    The beginning of this video scared the shit out of me

  • @GilbertGTV
    @GilbertGTV 14 лет назад

    @Sh0nin "So you reject Jehovah for being a Latin adaptation, but the Latin adaptation of Christ is just fine?" Not at all! Now you are putting words into my mouth. I call God Jehovah understanding that it is ANOTHER name for God but not His real name just as I call Jesus, the "Christ" knowing that it means anointed!

  • @VanillaLips
    @VanillaLips 14 лет назад

    Thank GOD she had the montages of random shadowy figures lurking behind frosted glass, I almost didn't understand the severity of the situation there!

  • @BionicV
    @BionicV 14 лет назад

    @Atlavocat : I just don't know how people can claim to know SO much about other people.
    I don't think being religious is the same as being "right"
    and as long as I live, I will never understand how knowing every word of every version of a book written by men makes a person an expert on the very intricate and personal makings that add up to become a personal's sexual orientation

  • @TheMessie27
    @TheMessie27 14 лет назад

    People are not confined by preference or tendency even if that tendency comes naturally. A person can change anything. Whether it's eating habits or even their gender. Their is no absolute.

  • @CalloohCalley
    @CalloohCalley 12 лет назад

    I tried both options, but neither were best for me. I found a better way! I found that I could be myself! By the way, I'm really glad you came out of the ex-gay movement! Congratulations!

  • @Atlavocat
    @Atlavocat 14 лет назад

    @bethdominix - I appreciate your comments. I used to argue with a Gay guy for several years who was also molested by a married man when he was a child. This guy insisted that he was Gay because he was molested. I told him that he needed to give up the guilt - he was not molested because he was Gay, he is not Gay because he was molested. Once he released the guilt, he admitted that I was right.

    @MIKECNW 13 лет назад

    No matter how wrong somebody may think homosexuality is, wrong and think it can be changed, I can't see how doing the things we've seen here is gonna get rid of one's gay feelings.

  • @pirateloveification
    @pirateloveification 11 лет назад

    I want to cry because we humans cannot accept our fellow humans. we are all just people,we all want to be accepted. It really doesn't matter how it came to be, we are who we are and we shouldn't me made to change.

  • @JohnnyBB82
    @JohnnyBB82 15 лет назад

    We're not asking you to "accept the lifestyle" as it isn't a lifestyle, like your being straight isn't a lifestyle, or a choice. I do appreciate the respect being given, as that cannot be understated. All we are asking is to be accepted as who we are... No one needs to think about gay sex, or anything else that makes them uncomfortable, when thinking or talking to or about gays. That would infer more on the person thinking that way than it would on us, the gay community.

  • @BionicV
    @BionicV 14 лет назад

    @brian8793 : you can't say you love someone AND think they're an abomination. Thats a pretty self-righteous thing to say: that even though you think someone is wicked, wrong, blasphemous, whathaveyou, you still love them.
    Well thank you for that. It's so nice to knwo that even an evil, sinful abomination is worth your love.
    That's such an atypical Christian mentality: that all of us heathens want your love.
    You have too much pride and make too many judgements to be a Christian, my friend

  • @Atlavocat
    @Atlavocat 14 лет назад

    @BesACB - I just "googled" St. Augustine and found that there is more controversy about his sexual orientation than I suspected previously. One article said that he had a female concubine for many years, another said he was exclusively homosexual. So you're probably going to assume he was heterosexual, most straights assume everyone is heterosexual.

  • @Jamieishere1
    @Jamieishere1 12 лет назад

    The condemnation of eating lobster as being abominable etc in Lev 11:11 is countered later in the bible when Jesus or some other dude makes it "clean".
    The sanctioning of slavery in Lev 25:44 is however not countered/revoked later and is actually reinforced in verses such as Exodus 21:20-21 and 1 Peter 2:18.

  • @ChavoMysterio
    @ChavoMysterio 15 лет назад

    ...,depression, more like in the state of temporary insanity. Now, I have finally snapped out of it, without a job (mainly being the temporary insanity), without any income whatsoever, etc.

  • @Jamieishere1
    @Jamieishere1 12 лет назад

    The very few studies that have attempted (and failed) to demonstrate that becoming ex-gay is possible, struggled to find that many ex-gays. One of those studies even acknowledges that people are known to lie about their orientation when in the ex-gay movement and many ex-ex-gays claim that they were lying about their orientation change when they claimed to be ex-gay.
    Almost all ex-gays base their claim on their behaviour, not their orientation. Celibacy doesn't = orientation change.

  • @winchesterboyz89
    @winchesterboyz89 14 лет назад

    It is places like this that make people who are gay and who don't know what it means to be gay or to live happily being who they are... afraid that they're doing something wrong. I mean if you're doing something wrong willingly... then odds are you'll stop. But if this is something deeper than that then it can't be changed. People shouldn't have to have that fear. People shouldn't be given a license to make people feel ashamed of who they are. Its morally wrong. Love is love.

  • @KingdomXeiln06
    @KingdomXeiln06 12 лет назад


  • @GodCreatesGays2
    @GodCreatesGays2 13 лет назад

    Sitdownstandup91 pontificates, "If somebody doesnt want to be gay, they should be allowed to have that choice to change."
    That's like saying, "If someone doesn't want to be black they should be allowed to have the choice to change."
    We should not be encouraging what is simply not possible, just because bigots condemn blacks or gays. The problem is the idiocy and prejudice directed against minorities, not the minorities themselves.

  • @redneon06
    @redneon06 15 лет назад

    I know that I started having these gay feeling as far back as I can remember. I didnt know why or that I was "wrong" at all. When I was like 6 this boy first touched me, and kept doing it, then my mother's freind's kids. We were the same age, so nobody worried or knew. As I grew older I just continued to have deeper thoughts. I hid until I in 7th grade. Then I was out in 11th grade. I went through leaving home twice. Now my Mom is ok wit me, and nobody is ever hateful to me. Im real not fake.

  • @RATPT0I
    @RATPT0I 13 лет назад

    The European countries you mentioned are mostly christian or some sort of religion. Japan is America's asia, which was highly religious BEFORE america defeated it. After america "fixed" it, we got today's japan.

  • @Jamieishere1
    @Jamieishere1 12 лет назад

    Thievery and adultery are voluntary actions, not involuntary attractions. A person's sexual orientation is defined chiefly by their attractions, which is why we can and do classify people (and ourselves) as gay/straight prior to any sexual/romantic interACTIONS. A celibate straight person is not an ex-straight.
    Homosexuals aren't generally interested in "pulling ex-gays back in". Many resent the claims made by ex-gays (which are frequently later recanted) as they reinforce heterosexism.

  • @39Mustangman
    @39Mustangman 14 лет назад

    I did accept the fact that I had same sex attraction. When I did, it was easier to get through the recovery process. I am good, for the first time in my life. Once I accepted it I found it easier to get to the goal I set for myself. If I did not totally want to recover it would have been a total waste of time. For once, I am truly at peace with me, and myself. Living in the closet is definately not the answer, I know that! I had to accept it, and move forward to recover, and it took 5 ys

  • @Jamieishere1
    @Jamieishere1 12 лет назад

    This is particularly the case because the preceding and proceeding verses, such as 1:25, below, are geared towards criticizing Roman paganism and so 1:26-27 is simply part of a list of practises associated with paganism.
    In 1 Corinthians 11:14-15 Paul demonstrates that he is incorrect about what is and what isn't natural.
    2 Corinthians 11:17, Paul admits that he does not always speak the word of God but sometimes expresses his own opinion.
    He also sanctions slavery and is sexist.
    Word limit.

  • @BionicV
    @BionicV 14 лет назад

    @Atlavocat : exactly
    I was gay LONG before I ever had sexual relations with anyone.
    I would be gay if I was a virgin.
    I would be gay if I was impotent.
    It's a part of our personalities, not a label to define our actions.

  • @GilbertGTV
    @GilbertGTV 15 лет назад

    "Islamic and Jewish people say the same thing about their texts, too." Um.. it's the same as Christian text.. they just don't believe in the SAVIOR Jesus. Muslims & Jews are trying to make it on "works" and that is something that would terrify the crap outta me seeing as how NOONE is perfect! Jesus says He is the way, the truth and the life, No one gets to the Father (God) but through Him. I feel sorry for people that don't heed that warning and STILL go on living like they know more that Christ

  • @KingdomXeiln06
    @KingdomXeiln06 13 лет назад

    @surfthetube09 wrong. WRONG. I am a gay man, and i have several same-sex friends and i dont see them all as possible romantic choices, nor do i allow myself to care for them romantically. I care for many of them in the brotherly sense that you describe, in fact i call most of them Bubba, a term many people use when talking/referring to their brothers.

  • @soleil0110
    @soleil0110 11 лет назад

    Why are people so mad? Peaceful, loving, and accepting communities do not spread, inflict and damage the world with hate, anger, and oppression. Do we not know to look at our own faults before cursing our neighbor?

  • @Phendraana
    @Phendraana 13 лет назад +1

    "Love in Action" honestly sounds like the name of a gay porno. I-RONY!

  • @lelebeebee
    @lelebeebee 13 лет назад

    the first part of the video with those" flashback" clips are really disturbing!

  • @ixsingxtenor
    @ixsingxtenor 14 лет назад

    You're right, but it was an unwanted ailment for me, so I like to use the word cure

  • @frasaeca
    @frasaeca 12 лет назад

    Im respectful to others because people are who they are whether they can help it or not and just cause we may have different views doesn't mean we should be cut-throat to each other.

  • @BionicV
    @BionicV 14 лет назад

    @Atlavocat: Oh don't you worry
    it's been little more than a decade since I've lived anywhere that didn't have a mass transit system, loud city streets and colorful characters on every block :D
    that little town is far far behind me
    I have to visit every once and a great while to see 1 of my brothers that's still there
    but other than that- far, FAR behind me.

  • @cmdrkoenig67
    @cmdrkoenig67 13 лет назад

    @TheRoyaldiamond I'm not saying you specifically are trying to change your orientation...I meant you in general, meaning anybody who tries to change their orientation.

  • @Atlavocat
    @Atlavocat 14 лет назад

    @NBAGOATS - No respected psychologist or psychiatrist believes that being Gay is a disorder or deficiency. As Sigmund Freud himself said, some of the greatest people who ever lived were homosexual. No one chooses their sexual orientation ever, but some people realize their orientation later in life. People do not change sexual orientation because of a bad relationship - if they did there would be a lot more Lesbians than there actually are.

  • @Jamieishere1
    @Jamieishere1 12 лет назад

    I agree, though the perversion of the bible by translators would seem to reflect rather poorly on it's alleged inerrancy.
    Regarding the "misuse" of something though, it remains to be established that there are a limited number of legitimate ways of using something (such as genitalia).
    What constitutes a "misuse" also doesn't seem clear, which means your definition for perversion really just shifts the requirement now towards a definition of "misuse".

  • @GilbertGTV
    @GilbertGTV 14 лет назад

    My point in this is calling out the false doctrine and arrogant lie of the JW religion! Jesus said "I AM the TRUTH" yet you guys call your doctrine such! It's blashemy because Christ IS God!

  • @tula1433
    @tula1433 2 года назад

    5:50 is what I have been saying for years. Young Feminized boys suffer through a lot of the same treatment that girls and young women do. Being talked down to like our ideas aren’t good enough, being chastised, being sexually abused and told that it’s OUR fault. Most feminine males are terrified of men. Even into adulthood. We were treated alot like girls and were very feminine from a young age, and grown men picked up on this and used it against us. We had to walk around in fear of men and other boys and what they would do to us physically, mentally or sexually ALSO.

    • @p2son
      @p2son  2 года назад

      Yes, it is all about gender policing. IT is cruel and so unnecessary. Thanks for the comment.

  • @39Mustangman
    @39Mustangman 14 лет назад

    Did you read the story? I was an addict, but I guess you can only see one side. Good luck in life and your happiness. May God bless you. I would have done anything to get over the addiction. What I did was far simplier than what you think. Again, since you are completely unable to comprehend my delimna, God bless you, I wish you all the best.

  • @ScaperSteph
    @ScaperSteph 14 лет назад

    It's sad it took so many years and mental anguish for them to finally accept themselves.

  • @Atlavocat
    @Atlavocat 14 лет назад

    @BionicV - I agree with you completely. This is something that almost all Gay people know instinctively, but bigots refuse to accept.

  • @annagitana1
    @annagitana1 13 лет назад

    Babies are pretty much the same as one another, whether male, female, gay or straight. But future, sexual orientation can often be seen in younger, pre-school children. "Straight" kids begin wanting to "kiss" one another or engage in some sort of sexual play with the opp. sex. "Gay" kids begin the years' long torture of being told that the way they act and who they want to love is wrong and not normative. I was a preschool teacher for years. I know. No kid chooses that kind of torment.

  • @KingTriton1837
    @KingTriton1837 14 лет назад

    How sad. Playing sports, changing oil, avoiding retail jobs, does not make you more of a man. It just makes you look stupid. I am a man but I don't play sports. I used to run track, and thats about it. I've never been into the traditional sports, i.e., basketball, football. A man is someone who takes responsibility for himself and is honest and open with himself. A man is someone who loves himself and is able to spread that love to others. A man is independent, in every sense of the word.

  • @39Mustangman
    @39Mustangman 14 лет назад

    I am happy, I was gay once, and I am married, and I do not have to think of guys to have sex with my wife. This is not an easy choice for guys like me. I did what I had to do, and I forcefully went out of my way to become what I needed to be to get over this same sex attraction. I am a much person for it today. I have nothing against the homosexual population. It was just not for me. And, I never want to go back, and I want to make this clear, I have nothing against homosexuals.

  • @MrBenji44
    @MrBenji44 15 лет назад

    "Arsenokoitai" is a Greek word that appears to have been created by Paul when he was writing 1 Corinthians 6:9-10. No record remains of any writer having using the term before Paul. It has been translated as "abusers of themselves with mankind" in the King James Version (KJV):
    "Arsenokoitai" is made up of two parts: "arsen" means "man"; "koitai" means "beds."
    If Paul had meant homosexual, he would have used the word "paiderasste" the Greek term at the time for sexual behavior between males

  • @BionicV
    @BionicV 14 лет назад

    @enemay : what I'm saying is, what makes them gay or ex-gay?
    If they ARE gay, but they choose to ignore, deny, lie to themselves, act straight, play straight, act-and-repent, whatever: who's to say?
    Being gay is something intrinsic to a person's individual genetic and chemical make up, but if they choose to ignore it, does that negate their label?
    like I said before, a left-handed person can be forced to use their right hand their whole lives.....are they still a lefty?

  • @nbagoats4819
    @nbagoats4819 14 лет назад

    @Atlavocat - i'm not saying that bad relationships are strictly the reason. But it is a reason people turn gay. I know about 5 different cases where women were fed up with men and now are lesbians. People are gay due to deficiencies in testosterone and other hormonal issues. In either case it isn't normal. Thats why I say its due to a deficiency,.bad relationships or just a simple matter of choice. You can form love for anything. Even an animal. But before that happens there is a choice

  • @Atlavocat
    @Atlavocat 14 лет назад

    @AlmightyZEDANIUM - It is true that in ancient times there was no concept of "homosexuality" ot "heterosexuality" because everyone engaged in same-sex and opposite sex sex acts on occasion (especially while young). But the biological factors that make people Gay, straight or Bisexual have always beeen there. If you check your history, Caesar had no female lovers - he had female alliances, but his wife died a virgin and Cleopatra was impregnated while Caesar was in Rome.

  • @doc2log
    @doc2log 13 лет назад

    I know of a pair of young Mormon missionaries here in the Philippines who had arelationship with one another...I think they were thinking that no one knew them here anyway so they can be really their true selves.....

  • @SaltineGirl
    @SaltineGirl 12 лет назад

    Yes, never said I disagreed with that.

  • @GodCreatesGays2
    @GodCreatesGays2 12 лет назад

    @blueberrykissesxox, thank you. The truth usually is flawless. :)

  • @Jamieishere1
    @Jamieishere1 12 лет назад

    Regarding Romans 1:26-27,
    In 1st century Rome, bisexuality was considered to be the cultural norm and was especially practiced in orgies as part of Pagan fertility rituals.
    Verses 26 and 27 may actually refer to heterosexuals who behave homosexually in accordance with their culture and pagan rituals, despite being heterosexual, rather than actual to homosexuals. By doing this they defy their God-given nature (while a homosexual would not be doing so).

  • @StevenJKpower
    @StevenJKpower 14 лет назад

    A large percentage of religions also believed, and some still believe, that women shouldn't be viewed in the same light as males. I saw your comment towards RespectTheHair, and all I really have is this to say- The disorder you speak of (kleptomania) is actually a disorder that has people victimize other people. Who are you victimizing when you are being a homosexual?

  • @DontLikeDontWatch
    @DontLikeDontWatch 13 лет назад

    @HackFlashGamer Very compelling argument.

  • @Ranokian
    @Ranokian 13 лет назад

    @SuperParamorefan13 It's called: creating your own enemy. Someone to look down on, and if you look down on people, you will get a constant reminder of how blessed and you good you are. its the same old trick repeated over and over again.

  • @GilbertGTV
    @GilbertGTV 15 лет назад

    Christianity IS the only way to God! HOWEVER a true Christian who actually KNOWS their bible and Jesus, they would know that being gay is NOT a choice and the orientation itself is NOT condemned in the bible!

  • @MrRayBnz
    @MrRayBnz 14 лет назад

    Actually it depends on the individual. Therapy is useless if someone doesn't really want to change. They shouldn't have spent that much money for the therapy.

  • @vorpal22
    @vorpal22 11 лет назад

    He was made when people wrote the bible, just like every other god was made at some point in history, and just like the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy were made.
    My homosexuality is a gift. Indeed, my homosexuality has brought me and my husband immeasurable joy through the love and companionship we share together and with my family (not his as they are Christian and rejected him in their ever loving way) through our wonderful nine year gay marriage.

  • @Jmpv94
    @Jmpv94 12 лет назад

    Lol, it looks like their personal stories got mixed in with the sci-fi channel.

  • @lurconis666
    @lurconis666 14 лет назад

    It sickens me that there are actually people out there willing to take advantage of desperate and vulnerable people by completely indoctrinating and dehumanizing them whilst taking the money. But also that some people are actually that ignorant and unwilling to change their negative perspectives to something that really is no affair of them.

  • @Armaniwazhere
    @Armaniwazhere 11 лет назад

    tyra's hair looks amazing

  • @ghostofthespire
    @ghostofthespire 14 лет назад

    I'm a mormon. It just so happens my best friend is gay. Mormonism does not endorse that being gay is bad. It is up to each individual member to choose that for themselves. I love my friend and for those people who are saying ALL mormons hate homosexuality, your wrong. That's all I'm going to say.

  • @subarianEra
    @subarianEra 15 лет назад

    Best quote ever

  • @amyglass9897
    @amyglass9897 11 лет назад

    That's why I say that even if the fictional paranoia displayed by homophobes were to come true and the whole world "turned" gay, life will still continue and babies will still be made. Heterosexual intercourse isn't needed for the propagation of the species

  • @kimakotrotman6860
    @kimakotrotman6860 4 года назад

    John Smid eventually came out.

  • @BionicV
    @BionicV 14 лет назад

    @Atlavocat : Why would I have chosen to be spit at, attacked, belittled, ridiculed, ostracized, shamed and abused?
    So that I could spend 18 years living in a small town, hopeing ONE DAY to have gay sex?
    That's dumb.
    I have 3 brothers who were all raiesd just the same as I was- no abusive dad or overbearing mother, no dance classes or playing with dolls....and yet, I'm gay and they aren't.
    Gee, it's almost like we're all just whoever we were meant to be.
    How crazy is that???????

  • @SethAndrews111
    @SethAndrews111 11 лет назад +1

    What are you talking about? There's no double standard. Since when did anyone say straight people can 'turn' gay? that's boloney. If you're gay your gay if your straight your straight. If your bisexual you are bisexual. It's really not that hard to understand.

  • @Atlavocat
    @Atlavocat 14 лет назад

    @jmbhottie23 Being Gay is a lot more than "who fucks who". Considering that we make up about ten percent of the general population, Gay people make up more than fifty percent of the most creative people who have ever lived. Socrates, Sappho, Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Emperor Hadrian, St. Augustine, Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Rene Descartes, Christopher Marlowe, Moliere, Sir Isaac Newton, Edward II, James I, Byron, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, Alan Turing, etc..

  • @BionicV
    @BionicV 14 лет назад

    @enemay :
    I don't think they're liars, I just think they're living a lie.
    If you're left handed, you can FORCE Yourself to use your rigth hand to write with,
    It won't feel right and it won't be natural, but you can make your hand go through the motions.
    Religion is a powerful thing- the MOST powerful
    people lay down their live in service of their belifes
    I think that's powerful enough to make people do and say all kinds of things that might not necessarily be fundemental truths

  • @fenderchick1977
    @fenderchick1977 13 лет назад

    @SuperSuzy89 The problem is....you can kind of say that about homosexuality, too. Two-way street in which there seems to be zero mutual respect.

  • @RLPizI
    @RLPizI 14 лет назад

    The opening was kinda scary...may make a good horror movie...

  • @o0th3Jok3R0o
    @o0th3Jok3R0o 13 лет назад

    @CountessKitty18 oh then according to that, you can't choose which species you fall in love with either, so tomorrow if someone says he's in love with his dog & wants to marry it, it's okay? i see, that is VERY wise...
    NOT! -_-

  • @YuhGee
    @YuhGee 14 лет назад

    "sexual addiction and sexual orientation are not the same thing " -- thats true
    I'm a Christian and I find that the rules they had to follow were sooo dumb . The whole treatment thing was dumb too . Its good they learned to love themselves for who they are .