You two are Great! I’ve been following you since Mike’s interview with Gadi where Gadi explained the need for judicial reform and introduced us to a new term - "Zeh Loh Bagatz"... Keep up what you’re doing, shedding light on the nuances of a complicated Middle East. You two (Mike & Gadi), along with Caroline Glick are my "go to's" for better understanding. Caroline is correct in stating that much of the problem comes from left leaning elites' (in the West and Israel) determination NOT to listen to what the enemy is stating in plain words: even a postage tamp size Jewish state on the beach of Tel Aviv is unacceptable (M. Kedar’s words). Even if Trump wins on November 5, the Biden/Harris administration is still in power until Inauguration with no concern about losing votes. Like Obama last time, they will have free reign for malign action. We remember UNSC2334 (Obama’s dagger in Israel’s back), and that Obama was planning something worse but Putin threatened a veto. If Harris wins, things become much more scary given her chosen advisors and her animus toward Israel. Oh, BTW, love the banter between you, it's very refreshing, especially when Gadi is right! So, is the headquarters in Israel or DC???
The ‘stoppage time’ part of the show, where you barely have time yet still throw in some not-entirely-related topics-just things you feel you simply can’t leave out-is my favorite. It’s also like a cliffhanger every time, leaving something to discuss in the next show (though you don’t always get to it...).
Here's something I think the two of you will enjoy. In general I'm not a big Gideon Saar fan, but he made an observation recently that is spot on. He pointed out that all of the amazing progress Israel has made in the last several weeks has come after Gantz and Eisenkot pulled out of the "unity government" and resigned from the war cabinet. The comments they made at the time they pulled out of the government complaining that Netanyahu was botching the war effort and derailing Israel's chance for victory seem utterly ridiculous in light of the progress since then.
Never boring Mike. Love listening to you & Gadi. Alway's look forward to hearing your honest analysis on the current ME event's, with an added great sense of humour.
I finally got around to reading the mentioned essays in Mosaic Magazine. Although I agree with most of what Shani Mor wrote, his writing was a bit convoluted. Gadi's response was crisp to the point and very well executed! I will add my own bit of advice going forward to the powers that be in Israel: "Never underestimate the power of a schnook." Thank you, Boris Badanov of the Rocky and Bullwinkle Show. In my own words : Hubris is man's Achilles heel. To be applied in every situation.
Brilliant conversation, as always. Agree with Mike. Netanyahu is not done, only brilliantly reading American politics and the election cycle. Separate problem, decades old, is Israel's contribution to its own delegitimization, i.e.: 1) Granting the Temple Mount to the Wakf, a tacit admission that the Muslims are the true owners of the location and by e,tension
According to Caroline Glick the Parchin undeclared nuclear site was hit. IAEA inspectors are barred because it's a millitary site but one of the buildings apparently is related to the nuclear program.
I never know what episode to ask this but I love Mike and need to understand what his story is in terms of supporting Israel’s success to strongly. He’s part of the family, and I need to understand how hahah
It is absolutely crucial that no agreement be even close to being made before the election in the US. Don’t give anything that will help her in the election. A victory by Trump is crucial for both the United States and Israel, so everything that’s possibly favorable should be awaited until after the election.
I agree, but I also think that there's nobody who doesn't work for MSNBC or The Atlantic who would give her any credit for anything that happens in the Middle East.
and .... nobody listened to those at the coalface - on the ground ... those at the bottom of the hierarchy ... those that saw, heard and knew ... those who tried to communicate their concerns and were ignored - ridiculed or simply excluded.
Love your show Gadi, it is the first real look into Israeli motives and procedure in a politically fierce environment. I don’t see how there can be any negotiation in Lebanon as long as Iran is calling the shots, which seems to be the case. Lebanon has become a deceased state operating as a ghost with no real authority over circumstances beyond the Ayatollah calls and the revolutionary guard.
I was listening to your discussion while in flight. Scant moments after my plane touched down in Panama, I reached your discussion of the final comment. For a brief 16 hour layover, you had one more listener in Panama.
Amazing. Love you guys. Gadi, maybe you can make a shorter klipp if your summary of your piece about the «conceptsia»? Would be good for sharing. Very well put together. Other wise I really wish a whole episode at some point could be reserved for dismantelling the whole never ending demonization of ben gvir, smotrich, the settlers and the messianic crazy right, as though they are just as extreme and dangerous as the the terrorists. This is spewed out from every level of the discourse by almost every analyst outside of israel, because no one, except for israels supportive christian community, and a few others, debunkes the never ending scape goating of this part of society in Haarets and the like… It is so hard to find a moderate and coherent case for the oposite perspective. Maybe you two funny wise men could give us some overview and insight? 🙏🏻 That would be even more amazing.
Once upon a time, before anthropology became reduced to left-wing activism, the idea that the core values of Palestinian Arab culture are very different from Israel and west would not have been so difficult to conceptualize.
As someone with significant anthro education/training, I would agree. In fact, many of us saw this 30, 40, and more years ago when they were just being invented into a new nation by the Soviets (and complicitly by the media and western nations)
I think the reason why gadi and Mike disagree has to do with the Israeli intuition that every diplomatic opportunity we have to strike at our enemies might be our last. If Israel could hit Iran once knowing it could hit Iran again and again and again I would agree with Mike. Mike himself said the strike was enough for now. I think that gadi's intuition, that now maybe the only time we have, is shared by most Israelis.
Like this show - very informative. Question to both - did the attack in Iran have any impact on the ability of the regime to supply drones and missles to Russia. If the answer is yes - how does this play out for the Israeli side on the global chess board ?
You guys should discuss my original solution to the Gaza problem. Gadi will like this. If the US thinks two-states is the solution, three states are better. Think more of a new Gaza for a new Middle East. Gaza as an Abraham Accord Protectorate reconstructed both physically and ideologically by the Abraham Accord partners with the addition of Saudi Arabia leading to not a Palestinian entity but to an independent State of Gaza eventually becoming a member of the UN backed by the AA partners, and leave the corrupt failure of the PA rotting on the vine in Ramallah. If you Gadi would like more details let's meet for coffee and an in depth discussion. Barry Shaw, Israel Institute for Strategic Studies.
Sounds very intriguing, but what to do with all of those and their ideological 'feelings' so desperately yearning for the right of return to their homelands?
GOD'S VIEW on Lebanon...Ezekiel 28:20-24;25-26 ..."When Zidon in Lebanon falls by the Hand of more a pricking brier unto the house of Israel nor any grieving thorn of all that are round about them, that despised them...."
by extension the surrounding territory (a forerunner to UNSC2334) 2) Buying into the concept of a two state solution substantiating the Arab claim to land and a state (even per Robin's something less than a state) 3) Not foreseeing that poor handling of occupation of Yesha and Gaza by default allows the last to be ascribed to a future Pal state. 4) Oslo - no need to elucidate 5) Legitimizing the PA as the representative GOVERNMENT of Palestine. In other words legitimizing the concept of a Palestinian people lends legitimacy to their claim for a state despite the fact that the Kurds any many other don't have a state.
Your point 4 is almost right, but it misses the crucial point - the peace process failed because Israeli leaders (political and military) were ignorant of Islam as an ideology, period.
You presume ignorance, when it was political calculation. Labor knew by supporting it would get more money and more votes and undo the '77 turning of the tide by Herut/Likud. Everyone for hundreds of years knew what the Jews fate was in the hands of the easily-whipped-up, massacre-ready Arab masses there. They also got to solve the socio-political issue which causes empathetic Jews to stay up at night: how do we live with our neighbors without unjustly occupying them and having to have a military occupation. Plus, Oslo was thrust on them by the Nords with Beilin negotiating the secret clauses of the agreement and (along with Ron Pundak, Yair Herskovitz, Uri Savir, Yoel Zinger, and Shimon Peres negotiating much of the rest. However, let's be clear, the Palestinians never ratified such an agreement so it was really more of a unilateral withdrawal by Israel. Since it was never ratified, it never really had much of a chance to flourish. Moreover, you had Arafat who invoked the Treaty of al-Hudaybiya (Koreish Treaty / Quraysh) in Saudi Arabia one week after signing the "agreements".
I genuinely like Shany Mor and his writings on the nature of anti zionism, which is eye opening. I would still emphatically disagree, though, that the settlers caused Oct 7th.
It's a shame you guys don't take the religious element of what is happening in Israel seriously. The return of the Jews to their God given land after WW2 fulfilled a truckload of Biblical prophecies. Daniel 12 contains a prophecy of 1260, 1290 and 1335 "days". However, Numb 14:34 and Eze 4:5-6 show the "day for a year" principle in prophecy, showing that these three periods refer to years. In the year 691AD the Dome of the Rock was built where the Temple had stood. This is the greatest defilement of God's holy place on Earth ever perpetrated. The Scriptures refer to it as "the abomination of desolation". In 1950, the Knesset proclaimed the Law of Return in the 1260th year since the Dome was built, allowing Jews to return to the 90% of Jerusalem captured in the War of Independence. In 1980, the Knesset proclaimed the Jerusalem Law, annexing the remaining 10% of Jerusalem captured in the Six Day War. This was the 1290th year since the Dome. Next year is the 1335th year.
Are you suggesting that next year, the original people of the 'prophet Suleiman' will be refurbushing and redesigning a new temple to put in its place?
@@sababan1226 The return of the Messiah, the resurrection of the saints of God, the destruction of the Dome, and the restoration of true worship on the Temple Mount.
אז מכיוון שמייק לא הקריא תגובה של מישהו שחשב שהוא היה יותר מדויק באותו ויכוח סוער אני מרגיש מחויב להגיב 😊 אני חושב שמייק היה יותר מדויק בגישה החיובית שלו לגבי התקיפה, היא אכן התגלתה כמאוד משמעותית כהכנה לתקיפות הבאות (ואין ביניכם ויכוח על כך שישראל תהיה חייבת להשמיד את הגרעין האיראני), ואני חושב שנתניהו משחק את המשחק העדין של מתי לא להקשיב לאמריקאים ומתי כן בצורה מצוינת, וכך גם כעת. היה אלמנט משמעותי בויכוח שלא ידעתי איפה אני עומד בו והוא האם חייבים לתקוף את הגרעין לפני הבחירות או אחריהן. כאן לגדי היה טיעון חזק מאוד משום שאנחנו לא יודעים את תוצאות הבחירות וזה לא בלתי אפשרי שעכשיו זו ההזדמנות הכי טובה שתהיה לנו לתקוף אם קמאלה תזכה. אבל זה הימור, כי כרגע נראה שהסיכויים לרעתך, ויש כוח גם לטיעון שהמתנה לתקיפה משותפת עם ארצות הברית שיותר סביר שתתרחש תחת טראמפ היא שיקול בפני עצמו.
It seems Mike is still entrenched in a conception, possibly coloured by his knowledge of the US administration perspective. He genuinely doesn’t get it that thanks to Israel’s PM israel is no longer bound by any pressures from within or without nor by any considerations other than what is in its best interests which is utter victory. A creeping thought comes to mind that Mike perhaps also doesn’t want Israel to win? What’s astonishingly worse is that he truly believes he is right and can win the argument. He can’t argue with what’s already been decreed.but still unknown. How embarrassing for him. The destiny of Israel cannot be explained nor debated with those who are lacking both knowledge and prophetic vision. People of conceptions can’t serve any vision by definition. The arrogance has to prostrate first to make room for a real desire to find out.
While your first statement may or may not be true, the latter statement in the first paragraph is in complete disharmony with the published historical literature on every non-empire over the past 5 or so millennia. Be careful not to let your idealism and optimism cloud your understanding of historical, political, economic, financial, military, intelligence, and myriad other forces really work in the world.
@azarianarda: So, who IS a prophet that the Israel Update guys can add to the show and would be a suitable guest, for you and would also be sans conceptions and effusing knowledge and prophetic vision?
how ridiculous you two are! suggesting you 'care' about gazans while bombing & starving them, mike i don't often i agree with you but..your a 100% right when gabi suggest's 'total victory' of hezbollah aint gonna happen and your residents have then no chance of returning, israel's disastrous foreign domestic policy is why we're at this point, israel's PM & defence minister facing the HAGUE no control over border, economy stopped, no defeat of hamas no hostages(sadly) and gabi just spout's 'fact's' with no proof like it's gospel! i would say because israel's all in with trump he better win or could be a bumpy ride, lastly slaughtering ten's of thousands of civilian's doesn't make people think israel's 'strong' and striking iran come's across as laughable & desperate imho shalom love your show
Always appreciate your analysis, thank you! What's the source of Gadi's claim that 12,000 unwra employees have ties to Hamas? The WSJ reported 1,200 - has Gadi added a zero? I'm also curious about the reliability of the original report. If military intelligence has the identities of these 1,200 members, why would the government be suppressing this information while it was waging a diplomatic campaign against the organization?
You two are Great! I’ve been following you since Mike’s interview with Gadi where Gadi explained the need for judicial reform and introduced us to a new term - "Zeh Loh Bagatz"...
Keep up what you’re doing, shedding light on the nuances of a complicated Middle East. You two (Mike & Gadi), along with Caroline Glick are my "go to's" for better understanding.
Caroline is correct in stating that much of the problem comes from left leaning elites' (in the West and Israel) determination NOT to listen to what the enemy is stating in plain words: even a postage tamp size Jewish state on the beach of Tel Aviv is unacceptable (M. Kedar’s words).
Even if Trump wins on November 5, the Biden/Harris administration is still in power until Inauguration with no concern about losing votes.
Like Obama last time, they will have free reign for malign action. We remember UNSC2334 (Obama’s dagger in Israel’s back), and that Obama was planning something worse but Putin threatened a veto.
If Harris wins, things become much more scary given her chosen advisors and her animus toward Israel.
Oh, BTW, love the banter between you, it's very refreshing, especially when Gadi is right!
So, is the headquarters in Israel or DC???
“The barbarians never take the city until someone holds the gates open for them”
Christopher Hitchens on UNRWA and progressive wokes :)🤷♂️
WoW 👌
Trojans are many!
Always uplifting to listen to the two of you !
The ‘stoppage time’ part of the show, where you barely have time yet still throw in some not-entirely-related topics-just things you feel you simply can’t leave out-is my favorite. It’s also like a cliffhanger every time, leaving something to discuss in the next show (though you don’t always get to it...).
בוודאי שאפשר לריב ולהישאר ביחסים טובים. אחרת לא היו זוגות נשואים בעולם. תודה חברים!
האהאהא - לולול
Keeping up the pace, guys! Thanx a lot! "I actually was bored... A little bit" }}}}}}}
Here's something I think the two of you will enjoy. In general I'm not a big Gideon Saar fan, but he made an observation recently that is spot on. He pointed out that all of the amazing progress Israel has made in the last several weeks has come after Gantz and Eisenkot pulled out of the "unity government" and resigned from the war cabinet. The comments they made at the time they pulled out of the government complaining that Netanyahu was botching the war effort and derailing Israel's chance for victory seem utterly ridiculous in light of the progress since then.
Gadi, your teaching spirit is a profound one. Congrats to your students.
איזה כיף עוד פרק 🎉
For the algorithm, ❤️❤️🇺🇲🎗️🎗️🎗️🇮🇱💙💙🇮🇱 I never miss an episode. Please LIKE, SHARE and SUBSCRIBE.
Never boring Mike. Love listening to you & Gadi. Alway's look forward to hearing your honest analysis on the current ME event's, with an added great sense of humour.
Never boring and always insightful.
Thank you both.
I finally got around to reading the mentioned essays in Mosaic Magazine. Although I agree with most of what Shani Mor wrote, his writing was a bit convoluted. Gadi's response was crisp to the point and very well executed! I will add my own bit of advice going forward to the powers that be in Israel: "Never underestimate the power of a schnook." Thank you, Boris Badanov of the Rocky and Bullwinkle Show. In my own words : Hubris is man's Achilles heel. To be applied in every situation.
Two brains one message. The Truth.
Like how these guys can chat and joust with good humour.
Fantastic show! It's becoming an excellent source for staying updated on the political situation in Israel.
Great discussion!
Excellent discussion, thank you both.
Great discussion guys!
Very professional. Love the little roasts between the two of you
Brilliant conversation, as always.
Agree with Mike. Netanyahu is not done, only brilliantly reading American politics and the election cycle.
Separate problem, decades old, is Israel's contribution to its own delegitimization, i.e.:
1) Granting the Temple Mount to the Wakf, a tacit admission that the Muslims are the true owners of the location and by e,tension
According to Caroline Glick the Parchin undeclared nuclear site was hit. IAEA inspectors are barred because it's a millitary site but one of the buildings apparently is related to the nuclear program.
thank you
NEVER boring!
Another wonderful episode!
I never know what episode to ask this but I love Mike and need to understand what his story is in terms of supporting Israel’s success to strongly. He’s part of the family, and I need to understand how hahah
It is absolutely crucial that no agreement be even close to being made before the election in the US. Don’t give anything that will help her in the election. A victory by Trump is crucial for both the United States and Israel, so everything that’s possibly favorable should be awaited until after the election.
So true. My feelings exactly.
She's beyond hope.Trump will win.
And the world!
I agree, but I also think that there's nobody who doesn't work for MSNBC or The Atlantic who would give her any credit for anything that happens in the Middle East.
Trump is a disgrace and a diseased parasite.
When will "it" happen ?
It's like Looove, you will know when it happens.
WoW 👌
and .... nobody listened to those at the coalface - on the ground ... those at the bottom of the hierarchy ... those that saw, heard and knew ... those who tried to communicate their concerns and were ignored - ridiculed or simply excluded.
Yes, unfortunately too much arrogance ! That must change !
Love your show Gadi, it is the first real look into Israeli motives and procedure in a politically fierce environment. I don’t see how there can be any negotiation in Lebanon as long as Iran is calling the shots, which seems to be the case. Lebanon has become a deceased state operating as a ghost with no real authority over circumstances beyond the Ayatollah calls and the revolutionary guard.
Kol hakavod! Always enjoyable & insightful!!! 🇮🇱💙🇮🇱💙
I was listening to your discussion while in flight. Scant moments after my plane touched down in Panama, I reached your discussion of the final comment. For a brief 16 hour layover, you had one more listener in Panama.
Amazing. Love you guys.
Gadi, maybe you can make a shorter klipp if your summary of your piece about the «conceptsia»? Would be good for sharing. Very well put together.
Other wise I really wish a whole episode at some point could be reserved for dismantelling the whole never ending demonization of ben gvir, smotrich, the settlers and the messianic crazy right, as though they are just as extreme and dangerous as the the terrorists.
This is spewed out from every level of the discourse by almost every analyst outside of israel, because no one, except for israels supportive christian community, and a few others, debunkes the never ending scape goating of this part of society in Haarets and the like… It is so hard to find a moderate and coherent case for the oposite perspective.
Maybe you two funny wise men could give us some overview and insight? 🙏🏻 That would be even more amazing.
Love the banter between you two gentlemen!
Thank goodness. Thank God. For your podcast.😊🎉🎉 from nz
Mike, Gadi's analysis was right last time (and this time).
Thank you both
Once upon a time, before anthropology became reduced to left-wing activism, the idea that the core values of Palestinian Arab culture are very different from Israel and west would not have been so difficult to conceptualize.
As someone with significant anthro education/training, I would agree. In fact, many of us saw this 30, 40, and more years ago when they were just being invented into a new nation by the Soviets (and complicitly by the media and western nations)
Must get rid of Gallant.
Great work as always. Shalom from Japan algorithm
I think the reason why gadi and Mike disagree has to do with the Israeli intuition that every diplomatic opportunity we have to strike at our enemies might be our last. If Israel could hit Iran once knowing it could hit Iran again and again and again I would agree with Mike. Mike himself said the strike was enough for now. I think that gadi's intuition, that now maybe the only time we have, is shared by most Israelis.
This program should be called ....The Mike Duran Show!
I love your conversations!
Amazing rapport.
Todah Mike & Gadi, another informative Israel update. I imagine this is the calm before the storm w/ US election, Iran strike v3, etc.
Like this show - very informative. Question to both - did the attack in Iran have any impact on the ability of the regime to supply drones and missles to Russia. If the answer is yes - how does this play out for the Israeli side on the global chess board ?
Best theme music, what is the artist?
Total victory is like love ❤❤❤
Mike, I thought of your Mad Max theme when I read about the IDF’s special ATV combat unit.
Israel Ziv: Mike Duran is a spin. There is nothing in Mike Duran which we haven't already found in Khan Yunis.
That was keff. Well done guys!
לראות אתכם רק בשביל העקיצות ההדדיות, כבר לא בשביל התוכן... אחלה דינמיקה, תמשיכו
I like your channel and enjoy the coherent intelligent prickly discussion.
🇺🇲🇮🇱 ישר כח
מחכה לפרק אחרי הניצחון של טראמפ ופיטוריו של גאלנט 🎉
Always 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🎗️🎗️🎗️
Michael, considering his performance, it would be more embarrassing for you if Biden came to you for advice than for him.
You guys should discuss my original solution to the Gaza problem.
Gadi will like this. If the US thinks two-states is the solution, three states are better. Think more of a new Gaza for a new Middle East. Gaza as an Abraham Accord Protectorate reconstructed both physically and ideologically by the Abraham Accord partners with the addition of Saudi Arabia leading to not a Palestinian entity but to an independent State of Gaza eventually becoming a member of the UN backed by the AA partners, and leave the corrupt failure of the PA rotting on the vine in Ramallah.
If you Gadi would like more details let's meet for coffee and an in depth discussion.
Barry Shaw, Israel Institute for Strategic Studies.
Sounds very intriguing, but what to do with all of those and their ideological 'feelings' so desperately yearning for the right of return to their homelands?
That was way too civilized gentleman
Wynken, Blynken and Nod (Hochshtein)sailing in a wooden shoe in the stratosphere looking for red herrings to deceive and waylay Israel!
איפה התרגום בלי התרגום אין ערך מוסף לעוד תוכנית אקטואליה ועוד ארוכה כל כך....
Good show. Gaming the algorithm ;)
The world could collapse until your next episode. Are we supposed to sit back and wait?
A comment for the algorithm ✍️
GOD'S VIEW on Lebanon...Ezekiel 28:20-24;25-26 ..."When Zidon in Lebanon falls by the Hand of more a pricking brier unto the house of Israel nor any grieving thorn of all that are round about them, that despised them...."
Rabbi Efraim Palmanov does a terrific lecture on the Torah portion from 2 weeks ago give or take that involves Lebanon and Iran intimately
by extension the surrounding territory (a forerunner to UNSC2334)
2) Buying into the concept of a two state solution substantiating
the Arab claim to land and a state (even per Robin's something less than a state)
3) Not foreseeing that poor handling of occupation of Yesha and Gaza by default allows the last to be ascribed to a future Pal state.
4) Oslo - no need to elucidate
5) Legitimizing the PA as the representative GOVERNMENT
of Palestine.
In other words legitimizing the concept of a Palestinian people lends legitimacy to their claim for a state despite the fact that the Kurds any many other don't have a state.
Your point 4 is almost right, but it misses the crucial point - the peace process failed because Israeli leaders (political and military) were ignorant of Islam as an ideology, period.
You presume ignorance, when it was political calculation. Labor knew by supporting it would get more money and more votes and undo the '77 turning of the tide by Herut/Likud. Everyone for hundreds of years knew what the Jews fate was in the hands of the easily-whipped-up, massacre-ready Arab masses there. They also got to solve the socio-political issue which causes empathetic Jews to stay up at night: how do we live with our neighbors without unjustly occupying them and having to have a military occupation.
Plus, Oslo was thrust on them by the Nords with Beilin negotiating the secret clauses of the agreement and (along with Ron Pundak, Yair Herskovitz, Uri Savir, Yoel Zinger, and Shimon Peres negotiating much of the rest. However, let's be clear, the Palestinians never ratified such an agreement so it was really more of a unilateral withdrawal by Israel. Since it was never ratified, it never really had much of a chance to flourish.
Moreover, you had Arafat who invoked the Treaty of al-Hudaybiya (Koreish Treaty / Quraysh) in Saudi Arabia one week after signing the "agreements".
I genuinely like Shany Mor and his writings on the nature of anti zionism, which is eye opening. I would still emphatically disagree, though, that the settlers caused Oct 7th.
An oasis of sanity in the desert of leftism
Hope Mike is right about the strike on Iran…
It's a shame you guys don't take the religious element of what is happening in Israel seriously. The return of the Jews to their God given land after WW2 fulfilled a truckload of Biblical prophecies. Daniel 12 contains a prophecy of 1260, 1290 and 1335 "days". However, Numb 14:34 and Eze 4:5-6 show the "day for a year" principle in prophecy, showing that these three periods refer to years. In the year 691AD the Dome of the Rock was built where the Temple had stood. This is the greatest defilement of God's holy place on Earth ever perpetrated. The Scriptures refer to it as "the abomination of desolation". In 1950, the Knesset proclaimed the Law of Return in the 1260th year since the Dome was built, allowing Jews to return to the 90% of Jerusalem captured in the War of Independence. In 1980, the Knesset proclaimed the Jerusalem Law, annexing the remaining 10% of Jerusalem captured in the Six Day War. This was the 1290th year since the Dome. Next year is the 1335th year.
Are you suggesting that next year, the original people of the 'prophet Suleiman' will be refurbushing and redesigning a new temple to put in its place?
@@sababan1226 No I'm not. Dan 12:13 suggests an event much bigger than that.
@@ronmey7500 And what do you see/expect?
@@sababan1226 The return of the Messiah, the resurrection of the saints of God, the destruction of the Dome, and the restoration of true worship on the Temple Mount.
אז מכיוון שמייק לא הקריא תגובה של מישהו שחשב שהוא היה יותר מדויק באותו ויכוח סוער אני מרגיש מחויב להגיב 😊
אני חושב שמייק היה יותר מדויק בגישה החיובית שלו לגבי התקיפה, היא אכן התגלתה כמאוד משמעותית כהכנה לתקיפות הבאות (ואין ביניכם ויכוח על כך שישראל תהיה חייבת להשמיד את הגרעין האיראני), ואני חושב שנתניהו משחק את המשחק העדין של מתי לא להקשיב לאמריקאים ומתי כן בצורה מצוינת, וכך גם כעת.
היה אלמנט משמעותי בויכוח שלא ידעתי איפה אני עומד בו והוא האם חייבים לתקוף את הגרעין לפני הבחירות או אחריהן. כאן לגדי היה טיעון חזק מאוד משום שאנחנו לא יודעים את תוצאות הבחירות וזה לא בלתי אפשרי שעכשיו זו ההזדמנות הכי טובה שתהיה לנו לתקוף אם קמאלה תזכה. אבל זה הימור, כי כרגע נראה שהסיכויים לרעתך, ויש כוח גם לטיעון שהמתנה לתקיפה משותפת עם ארצות הברית שיותר סביר שתתרחש תחת טראמפ היא שיקול בפני עצמו.
Who is Lebanon?
Take Nadav Eyal’s “report” reverse it 180 degrees, and get the actual reality
I gave a long detailed comment of why I agree with Mike and you missed it… 💔
What if Iran uses Iraqi territory to launch ballistic missiles?
It seems Mike is still entrenched in a conception, possibly coloured by his knowledge of the US administration perspective. He genuinely doesn’t get it that thanks to Israel’s PM israel is no longer bound by any pressures from within or without nor by any considerations other than what is in its best interests which is utter victory.
A creeping thought comes to mind that Mike perhaps also doesn’t want Israel to win? What’s astonishingly worse is that he truly believes he is right and can win the argument. He can’t argue with what’s already been decreed.but still unknown.
How embarrassing for him. The destiny of Israel cannot be explained nor debated with those who are lacking both knowledge and prophetic vision. People of conceptions can’t serve any vision by definition. The arrogance has to prostrate first to make room for a real desire to find out.
While your first statement may or may not be true, the latter statement in the first paragraph is in complete disharmony with the published historical literature on every non-empire over the past 5 or so millennia. Be careful not to let your idealism and optimism cloud your understanding of historical, political, economic, financial, military, intelligence, and myriad other forces really work in the world.
@@sababan1226 Alas, I have no idea what are you on about 🤔
@@azarianarda That was a much pithier way of expressing what I was trying to say. So you got it 🙂
The condescension & pretentiousness in your comments!! And outright delusion. Can't tell if you're serious here🤔
@azarianarda: So, who IS a prophet that the Israel Update guys can add to the show and would be a suitable guest, for you and would also be sans conceptions and effusing knowledge and prophetic vision?
Read my comment please
how ridiculous you two are! suggesting you 'care' about gazans while bombing & starving them, mike i don't often i agree with you but..your a 100% right when gabi suggest's 'total victory' of hezbollah aint gonna happen and your residents have then no chance of returning, israel's disastrous foreign domestic policy is why we're at this point, israel's PM & defence minister facing the HAGUE no control over border, economy stopped, no defeat of hamas no hostages(sadly) and gabi just spout's 'fact's' with no proof like it's gospel! i would say because israel's all in with trump he better win or could be a bumpy ride, lastly slaughtering ten's of thousands of civilian's doesn't make people think israel's 'strong' and striking iran come's across as laughable & desperate imho
shalom love your show
Always appreciate your analysis, thank you! What's the source of Gadi's claim that 12,000 unwra employees have ties to Hamas? The WSJ reported 1,200 - has Gadi added a zero?
I'm also curious about the reliability of the original report. If military intelligence has the identities of these 1,200 members, why would the government be suppressing this information while it was waging a diplomatic campaign against the organization?