dunno about you guys, but I find M993 every other raid. In fact, I usually find it very quickly, roughly at 910 m/s passing through my skull approximately 14 seconds into my raid
One thing I've come to realise in tarky is that I don't like taking chances. If I can run something that provides the guarantee of a higher performance, I don't particularly mind forking the extra money, especially when the real thing you feel like you're losing is the time spent loading in/gearing for raid as opposed to the gear or the money loss it represents. If the cost of M62 is really that much of an issue for you however, Reserve raiders often have RFB's with around 110 rounds of the stuff, each!
I mean thats really nice to know but as far as Im concerned the reserve raiders are an urban legend. Ive went to the bunker 10 times (for the quest), pressed the D2 lever half of the time and never saw a single raider. Also not in my other raids being overground.
@@CrissCrossCA Yeah if there are none underneath after lever pull, they're more than likely going to spawn with the Weewoo alarm or coming in with the train. So if you've got to bunker and have found none but raiders are what you're after, I recommend heading over there to the back of K's top of the hermetic ramp hills to clear them. It's often worth it as there can be up to about 7 over there if you get a lever and train spawn. They're also IMO significantly easier to kill over in that direction, to the point where you can even easily do it on your scav. Just shoot them all in the eyes and profit.
@@CrissCrossCA I second this, im still on the quest and out of the 20 raids I got a good spawn and pushed down there to search and hit the switch for NOTHING to spawn. im 3/5 kills STILL and I TRY regularly to go down and get them. idk what the deal is.
@@jackassmonkeyninja Okay thats good to know. Ive only been to reserve for quests and Ive only been going for raiders for the prapor quest and for this quest they have to be in the bunker to count so I just went to D2 if none spawned. I will keep it in mind for future raids and M62 though, thanks
I typically run M62 if I'm planning on really long engagements, so long that my scope zero won't go that far, and I want to track which dot to use. Otherwise, M80 in DMRs, M61 in bolt actions, unless I have some M993, and M62 if I'm running FA on labs or factory, where the slight recoil reduction feels like it matters.
Thanks so much for this video gigabeef! This was something I've been wondering a lot about myself. However after seeing the data I must say that personally I think it's not worth it at all, for multiple reasons. The main one being that it's just too little a stat improvement over M80 to justify the significantly higher cost. I'd rather run M80 a few times on some more budegety raids and spend the saved money on M61 for more serious raids, because M61 ist just THAT good. A(n almost) guaranteed 2 hit-kill to the chest, what more could you ask for. For example: M80 = 300 roubles M62 = 1.200 M61 = 2.400 (once wet job 6 is complete) For 10 M62 raids, you'd spend 12.000 roubles (times average number of rounds fired). I'd rather go on 6 M80 raids and 4 M61 raids for 6*300 + 4*2.400 = 11.400 roubles. And still have some change left. Plus this is assuming that I'd be running exclusively M61 in those raids. Realistically I'd of course mix my mags similar to what you described, resulting in probably closer to 3 M80 raids and 7 M61/M80 mix raids. Both M80 and M61 are just really really REALLY good for their price, while M62 is only okay. Plus I don't like tracers in general as I think the increased risk of being spotted because of them is just not worth it. For me there's only really 1 use case for M62, and only if I have some lying around that I looted from another player: If I'm going into a raid with a medium probability of getting into a close range fight where I might have to spray, to utilize the recoil reduction. If I'm expecting a low probability (e.g. cause I'm going sniping) I don't wanna be spotted because of the tracers, and if I'm expecting a high probablity (e.g. Factory or D2) I'm not going in with a .308 gun anyway as there are many others better fit for the job. Customs is a map where I might play M62 for example, because there are both close range fights (crackhouse, dorms) as well as higher range engagements to be had.
i always just looked at m62 as the tracer version of m80.. I like to pack my night raid mags with m62 every 3 - 4 round... similarly, if I'm running an 556 full auto, the last 5 rounds of my 855a1 mags will be 856a1, in case I lose track of where im at in the mag, as sometimes in heated battles you end up reloading mid fight a few times..
Hey Gigabeef and friends. A cost analysis I WISH people would take more into consideration is the total cost of getting to a kill in the first place with rounds, as well as overall kit consideration. Ignoring the increase in survivability (and heck maybe even the weight of extra rounds and mags), I think the total cost from moving up rounds isn't as bad as people think, and let me explain why. My most comfortable example is sniping within this wipe. I top load 61 like you suggest on typically m62 mags, sometimes m80 if I'm being frugal. Because of this, I feel very confident to use just 5 round mags. This means I take in less ammo overall, proportionally more is in my container, and also having 3 mags in total weighing less. I feel like such a limit isn't so bad because m61 can typically two tap. I work on the presumption I'm not having a bad day because if I miss, its not like the rounds matter in the first place anyway. So in my example of rocking 3 mags, a couple m61, with m62 below, and a '93 in the chamber thats about 30k+ roubles (presuming '93 ~5k), if you compared that to 3 10-rounders top loaded with maybe an m62 or two thats at least 15k before a round in the chamber. 15k, especially when considering you can just drop one ergo on a grip to make up for that does not seem like as big of a deal because proportionally its only double the cost of your total ammunition, when the cost of m62 roudns indiviually appears to be over 4x times as much (and 7x for m61). As well as this, if you presume most kills you're getting with 2-3 shots of m62 and 4 shots with m80 the cost comparison is at most 4k vs at least 1.2k to achieve a kill, it might be about 3 times as much but again its not as steep as the 4 times greater cost suggests. A very 'extra' consideration is also more rounds equal more durability burn, but that might be me overthinking things now so I'll stop there! Hopefully this makes sense, I know its not my job to give clear aruegments (when compared to your videos it shows!). Where suitable I would love to see this kind of added consideration in future videos where its appropriate!
If you want to be frugal and efficient you can cut out the mags outside of the gun and just take a stack of awesome ammo in your pouch. Things like the M700 can all get top loaded and allow you to run M61 without worry, just drag 5 rounds to your pockets for use top loading and you're good to go in low stress environments. Sure the reload time isn't amazing but if you fire 10 rounds of M61 and don't drop the enemy, the reload time likely isn't to be the thing that's getting you killed and the time topping off your mags should be considered too. (Also bonus sniper XP for reloading the weapon round by round as opposed to mag by mag.)
@@jackassmonkeyninja Thanks for the reply!The bonus for sniper xp there is legit. I think this is maybe too frugal of a choice though. Unless maybe you're headshotting rogues I think it's not reliable to get headshots on players and scavs which like to spazz about. Don't get me wrong that's not a bad idea but I think you lose too much survivability then the cost of the rest of your kit becomes a liability. Maybe good on super budget no armor runs on woods/lighthouse but not my playstyle imo.
@@101survivalist I agree tbh, often in those cases where I do run snipers I will actually top load but keep a 10 rounder of M62 in the bag but a SR-1MP Sidearm, swapping to it lets me insta reload a ten rounder through the tab menu and keeps an actual weapon in my hands should someone push.
I actually rather needed this information, I have been experimenting with using the .308 ammo this wipe for certain things, and when I get the chance, it's been going well
With the SR-25 and M1A banned from the flea I have been running the Ash-12 a lot. PS12B is 300 rounds per reset at under ₽700 a round. Yeah it’s not as good at long range because it’s subsonic, but my god does it hit like a truck.
Now you’ve got me excited for this armor damage video that I can sense on the horizon. If you actually figured out what armor damage does and how it all connects to the bullet’s stats, that’s gonna be nuts and may even change the meta.
I don't think anyone can reliably test what ammo does to armor because ammo stats are so bugged put and whack that weird shit happens. Take onepegs video on frag chance for example.
The price matters less with 7.62x51 since you rarely dump more than 10 rounds to kill people. SMG AP costs like $8 a round and you definitely mag dump people with 9x19 and 45 in comparison.
@@alarminglyfastmovingskelet7289 the 45 ap craft is pretty much useless since it takes like 8 hours for less than 1 raid of ammo, and the 9mm ap craft isn't much better either
As someone who mains snipers and DMR's, I find that since most helmets are lvl 3-4, M80 works out for me. If I'm sniping and I hit the throax, the guy usually gets to cover and I reposition. That, and sniping with a tracer is a bad idea in my opinion. It is very hard for someone to know where they get shot from after a single impact. If I'm shooting M62, the tracer can give away what direction I am in. The M61 craft is god tier, as I often find Hawk GP in stashes and helix's are in toolboxes and such. If I'm bringing an M1A, I bring M80. If I 'm bringing a DVL, I bring M61. I start the M61 craft pretty much every time I go to bed, and I've almost got half an ammo case of the stuff.
do you remember when we could sell our FIR thicc item case, become super rich and use an actually usable SA58 full-auto with drums of m62 because it was cheap ? good times.
I always just buy the m61 every restock, so whenever im not using 762x51 or using m62 instead of m61, im always stocking up on m61 so I can use it whenever I want without worrying about running out. Yes over 2000 roubles a round is expensive, but you guaranteed 2 shot thorax and 1 shot head, so its well worth it and you dont really burn through it because no matter what you cant tank 61. An enemies kit will always be worth more than very few m61 rounds you use to kill them, geared or not. I think people should stop focusing on price so much unless its absurd like 9000 per round or something like that, you can go in a scav factory match and just extract with the scav's kit alone at it will be worth enough to buy you a mag of m61!
I agree, the price of a cartridge does not always affect, but the price of m62 is clearly overpriced, although it should be a maximum of 2 times higher than m80
@@ОСЕНЬ-з2ч I dont really think m62 is overpriced, I'd pay double the money for a round that only has a quarter better performance. You cant really look at rounds like they should give you immense value, because the rounds matter more than the gun almost everytime. So even the slightest better performance is what can decide who wins a fight, Id easily spend more money on rounds then the gun itself if I had a very limited budget. I think that people are too focused on trying to save every last rouble rather than thinking about the success than can stem from spending, I always spend as much money on possible on kits, and if I really get down bad on money thats why scav raids are a thing, because I spend so much money I notice I survive raids much more often than if I didnt.
@@fyfoxx def don't work like that for me. I die the same regardless of the expense of my kit and ammo. So in my position there's literally no point in throwing the most roubles at a kit for a raid that I'm more than 50% gonna die anyways. Different for different people as I just suck apparently at surviving. But it doesn't make sense for someone who doesn't consistently survive to throw roubles away as you say. Clearly skill issues between players like you and me lmao
@@gtanerd1999 if you level the sniper skill early, the sniper skill level rewards you get from some quests is usually enough to bump you right up to sniper skill 7, also a quick tip for speed leveling it, bring a VPO bolty along with your normal kit and when you run into a scav, shoot it in the leg a couple times, that will give you plenty of points and you can do this passively when your playing out your normal raids doing whatever else!
I now have over a thousand rounds of M61s in the stash, I just use the income from the bitcoin / super water / grenade case / green powder craft to either buy or get the material to craft them over time. Until I have so many M61s, I found there to be little reason to use 7.62x51s in semi/bolt action rifles, the new SV98 has excellent stats, with cheap SNB access, and likewise with an SVD, the rounds hit so much harder than M80s while being very cheap. Sticking to the topic though. M62s is something I absolutely never use, for me it's the BCP FMJ early wipe, then it's M80 all the way, finished off with M61s in the end. For me the extra 3 pen trade for giving your position away is the worst deal ever, even if I get an extra 10 pen with M62s, unless I'm going to factory with an MDR on full auto, I might still not consider using it for that reason given the majority of people still only wear level 4 helmets where M80 is sufficient to pen.
I really like to use M62 in weapons like the SCAR-H (any full auto), because fully modded the gun feels like an 50 recoil akm with M62 loaded, which i highly prefer to the m80 'shoot in the ceiling' feel
Suggestion for future videos like this: If it kills garuenteed on 4, make it 100% kill chance for 4, 5, 6 shots. Its confusing to see 53% to kill on 4th shot, while in reality you're garuanteed to die on the 4th
night raid I never take m62, get spotted pretty fast. , if you play alot of wood, m80 also perform well and you want to go for headshot anyway. the ammo is forgiving enough due to its being 1/4 the price of M62 and also promote trigger discipline for anyone understanding the limitation of going for thorax/stomach shots. For CQB, an SA-58 and Scar-H being 20 rounders m80 is scary stuff. regardless of the outcome of the fight. I would not want to be on the receiving end of 20 m80 rounds, i would be hurt bad. anything they manage to hit on my body is gone. Arm 60 , leg 65, stomach 70.
Hi an idea struck me while watching your condor ricochet video, why not for future data collecting videos use more than one partner to test the armour/bullets or other stuff if i am not mistaken you could use more than 1 other pmc partner in offline coop and thus reducing the time needed to restart the raid, i really appreciate what u are doing and keep on going you are great!!!
i dont even touch sniper rifles until i can craft m61. its just the only ammo that is reliable for long range shots. like there are alot of situations where you can get 400+ meter shots on lighthouse and the lower tier ammos just cant penetrate at that range. but m61 always works
Thanks for doing the math that I never want to do! I just use m61 because I'm rich and only use bolt actions lol. If I bring a DMR into raid I will probably use m62 for the close up effectiveness.
@@PartyCrasher04 I'm saying that since DMR's tend to carry much more ammo than a bolty, it doesnt make much sense fiscally to carry 100 rounds of m61 on my body for my m1a when I can carry 100 rounds m62 for half the price. When I run a bolt action I only have 20 rounds outside of my butthole at any given time and I carry a sidearm, so I can afford the loss of 20 m61 if I die.
@@fewny2691 OK that clears things up and makes a lot more sense, personally im never running m61 unless i have thousands because 8’d rather run it in a crazy sa58 build or something, its cool to see people do though.
If am using m80 more than likely am keeping distance and going for headshots or mag dumping cuz they are right on top of me, I really haven't noticed a difference between it and m62 besides everyone am shooting at knows am using m62 cuz of the tracer, But there is a massive difference between it and M61 so if u can't or don't have M61 just use M80 ur still going to drop whoever ur shooting at
Before I watch this video, I’d like to say I use to think m62 was miles ahead of m80, I knew m80 was good, but I thought m62 was the “tracer step down” from the m61 similar to how M856A1 is to M855A1, but just recently I looked at a ammo chart for 7.62x51 and I was absolutely shocked when I saw the pen difference, M61 can pen class 6 while M62 is right next to M80 in the 40’s for pen... for the cost of 12$ per round of M62 instead of 3$ for M80 I’m going to say no, I don’t think M62 is worth it at all, if you would have asked me this before seeing the ammo chart I would have believed you if you told me M62 had above 50 pen and was a considerable upgrade over M80, but that simply just isn’t the case. Now to see if you agree with me in your video :)
"I used to think that M62 was a tracer step down from M61" That's exactly what it used to be. BSG has modified the damage and penetration values of a lot of the popular loads over the years. Some have had multiple buffs, some have had multiple nerfs, and others have had both at different times.
if people are running around in tier 6 armor you can also assume that they are running stims like propital that will be passively healing them. m80 will not kill on the 4th shot in this scenario.
I don't get the bit about m61 being too expensive to craft, by the time I can craft m61 I have already looted enough of the materials to craft a few hundred rounds which gives me time to loot more materials to craft more, and by that time I'm usually rolling in rubles that I'll never be able to spend all of so even if I have to pay to craft or buy more it doesn't bother me, all the while I am building up a healthy stock of FiR m62
I zeroed a guy's class 6 thor on labs yesterday with m62 in what felt like 4 shots. I think with m80 there's a good chance I lost that fight. Just real application and what not. Avid m62 MDR enjoyer
People also underestimate the recoil reduction M62 offers. Similar to the FMJ vs Subsonic 4.6 argument, more shots on target is always better. This is especially true if you run a gun that goes full auto like the MDR or SCAR. Realistically, unless you’re sniping night raids, tracers will never be the reason someone finds and kills you. People complaining about the price are also the people that run diaper rigs and MBSS packs every raid. I’d rather increase my combat effectiveness and win more fights than skimp out and lose.
Ill swing for m62 for boltys but otherwise idt its worth 4x the price. Also, not exactly relevant to the contents of the video but how insane is it that ap 6.3 costs 3x as much as m80
I've had too many M80s eaten by class 4 helmets sniping from Sniper Rock into Lumber Mill. If I'm running the M700 AICS it can be top loaded with loose M61. SNB is pretty much the king of full powered rifle rounds. Not locked by any quest, cheap to buy, even cheaper to craft.
U should consider whether your gun is suppressed or not. When shooting unsuppressed I would take m62 since my position is already compromised from the loud shooting, while m80 could make players struggle that much more to find your position if you're using a suppressed gun.
Great comparison. But an idea from me as a stylechoice. instead of giving only the chance to kill in X hits you could also give the overall chance to kill. E.g. : 1hit 0% 2hit 20% 3hit 35% 4hit 40% would become 1hit 0%(0%), 2hit 20%(20%), 3 hit 35%(55%), 4hit 40%(95%). Since the accumulated chance to kill is the final information we need to judge.
Only use M62 if I'm going to pass by some heated CQC PVP areas, like Dorms, or D2 in reserve, and I always put it in something automatic like a SCAR or a MDR, and even then, onlyt he top half is M62, the bottom is M80. For sniping, M80 is king. Good damage, good pen, good speed, not a tracer. I already killed so many people on Lighthouse sniping Rogues because of tracers it's not even funny. And sniping at over 200m is somewhat rare unless you're farming Rogues, or you're a hardcore Woods/Shoreline sniper, so I don't see a reason to worry about it. That, and I rarely get ricochets because I tend to aim for the lower face, not the middle of the head
@@_fissure1441 If both rounds were for the same gun, I'd pick SNB over even M61, mate. The problem with SNB isn't the round itself, it's the platforms it has to use. Mosins CAN BE cheap, but worse than everything else, in every possible way, and in no way good guns. SV-98s are good, but the decent attachments come after some heavy trader progression, it's kinda heavy, and very long. SVDs are just too heavy, and you can't mod them to be good for cheap. They can be the absolutely kings in whatever role you want them to fill, with 20 rounders full of SNB, but they weigh a ton, have low ergo, are really long, and to mod them means spending a big, FAT wad of cash. We don't talk about the MP-18. Honestly, if we had a SR-25 that shot 7.62x54R, it would, without a doubt, be the best gun in game.
@@vinisardagna thanks for the awesome breakdown! I've been using the SVD and SV-98 OV with SNB for long range and sniping missions. Really been enjoying them, but haven't given M80 a try yet. I have a G28; just need to dust it off and give it a shot. Thanks!
@@_fissure1441 Highly recommend you sell that G28 and grab a RFB. G28s are actually worse than SR-25s, and they cost a hell of a lot more. RFB is cheap, decent ergo, and the mags are easy to come by, since they use FAL mags. And you're welcome! Always happy to help other people!
Game is hard. It's always best if you're a noob/mediocre player to take better ammo and and take every slight advantage that you can get. Making money is easy in this game so people really shouldn't complain about the cost difference. I know when I first started playing and losing close gun fights, I'd always regret not using better ammo when I was able.
i just come here because i killed a guy that was using m62, the only reason i got the kill was because i saw where the tracer came from, if he was shooting m80 then he might of survived the raid.
@@pierce9104 depends on how you setup on lighthouse my average engagement id say is 2-600m but I snipe the water treatment plant heavy pn woods my average engagement is like 25m and I do main it haha
M62 isn’t worth it imo. At 5x the cost for being 1-2 shots better isn’t worth it. Plus you give yourself away with tracers. If you’re running an expensive enough kit you’re worried about it. Just run m61 if it’s a budget kit. Shot 2 more times with m80
I won't run M80, it's just not worth it. Just wait for M62/M61 or run something else. You also have to consider the price of the weapon as well. Whatever is shooting M80 isn't cheap unless it's a bolty. Sure it might take a little to unlock it but there's nothing worse than beating the hell out of class 4 armor just to get shotgunned down.
Idk. Its all about shot placement imo. I value having something that can one tap players and that depends on running the right gun and ammo for the scenario. Warmageddon is cheaper than dirt and kills just as easily with a one tap to the good old head eyes as any round. If you are going to spray and pray i guess the higher armor pen rounds will be beneficial but in the end the ammo base dmg is all that matters when you hit unarmored targets(faces, limbs). Bad marksmanship skill can be compensated with armor pen i guess but if we are worried about price points we can go with the cheap alternative every time. If you have a minmax mentality every point increase counts from gun stats to ammo stats. Every slight advantage makes a meta player meta. I run trash and if i lose my gear and ammo so be it but the risk/reward is worth it to me. I feel extra happy when i kill someone with my shitty ammo and see their gearset being extra sweaty. I doubt they enjoy seeing warmageddon or fmj on their deathscreens either.
Let's play never have i ever. Besides yesterday taking 7 rounds in half a second to the chest of bcp fmj ive never died to trash ammo besides 9x18 leg meta. Last wipe had a hacker with warmaggedon hit me 15 times and I made it to exfil
@@1APM-28 The Problem with 7.62 is, that it is practically uncapable of long Range shots. The Bulletdrop will be insane after like 130+m or something. So every 51 or 54r will outperform even the best 7.62x39 dropwise
@@laurentweyandt realistically you’re not shooting sniper type shots every raid, realistically m80/m62 should be better but the bullet speed is pretty lack luster, compare it to 556. You’re going to have to compensate either way with every gun
@@1APM-28 yes, but all i said was if there is range, the 7.62x39 will be a very bad choice. On Customs for example, i rock a lot of 7.62x39 weapons, but Shoreline, Lighthouse, Woods, and if you dont play Bunker, then also reserve, then a 51 or 54r will be superior.
as is usual the real question imo is why you'd run m62 when bp is the same price and why you'd ever run m61 when bp is cheaper. part of what makes m80 great is it's a great bridge between ps and bp
@@garrettmarshall9285 that's true but 90 percent of the time for me I'm not shooting far enough where that matters and I have seen some people snipe rogues with a mutant not as effective but it works
As a solo and esp a night rat I just can't trust tracers. Even during the day I notice enemies seemingly spotting my location much faster when I shoot them with tracers, even from a bush
Why does everyone think that the trooper and slick armors are strong? Or any armor that protects thorax only for that matter? Go ahead and wear a slick I can still two shot you with 7m buck with stomach shots which c'mon that is was easier to hit than the head. I would rather wear a korund or an AVS versus a hex or slick. That stomach protection helps a lot
Next up: Do Condors Really Ricochet? ruclips.net/video/x26N83iKIxQ/видео.html
dunno about you guys, but I find M993 every other raid. In fact, I usually find it very quickly, roughly at 910 m/s passing through my skull approximately 14 seconds into my raid
Gold my boy
Good one!
So... you went to Labs?
They had us in the first half im not gona lie
Ah so you play reserve
One thing I've come to realise in tarky is that I don't like taking chances. If I can run something that provides the guarantee of a higher performance, I don't particularly mind forking the extra money, especially when the real thing you feel like you're losing is the time spent loading in/gearing for raid as opposed to the gear or the money loss it represents. If the cost of M62 is really that much of an issue for you however, Reserve raiders often have RFB's with around 110 rounds of the stuff, each!
I mean thats really nice to know but as far as Im concerned the reserve raiders are an urban legend. Ive went to the bunker 10 times (for the quest), pressed the D2 lever half of the time and never saw a single raider. Also not in my other raids being overground.
@@CrissCrossCA you’re just seemingly unlucky then my man reserve raiders are there often
@@CrissCrossCA Yeah if there are none underneath after lever pull, they're more than likely going to spawn with the Weewoo alarm or coming in with the train. So if you've got to bunker and have found none but raiders are what you're after, I recommend heading over there to the back of K's top of the hermetic ramp hills to clear them. It's often worth it as there can be up to about 7 over there if you get a lever and train spawn. They're also IMO significantly easier to kill over in that direction, to the point where you can even easily do it on your scav. Just shoot them all in the eyes and profit.
@@CrissCrossCA I second this, im still on the quest and out of the 20 raids I got a good spawn and pushed down there to search and hit the switch for NOTHING to spawn. im 3/5 kills STILL and I TRY regularly to go down and get them. idk what the deal is.
@@jackassmonkeyninja Okay thats good to know. Ive only been to reserve for quests and Ive only been going for raiders for the prapor quest and for this quest they have to be in the bunker to count so I just went to D2 if none spawned. I will keep it in mind for future raids and M62 though, thanks
One thing I would add is the recoil buff M62 gives us pretty significant, especially on the MDR.
I typically run M62 if I'm planning on really long engagements, so long that my scope zero won't go that far, and I want to track which dot to use. Otherwise, M80 in DMRs, M61 in bolt actions, unless I have some M993, and M62 if I'm running FA on labs or factory, where the slight recoil reduction feels like it matters.
Great idea will use
Consistent informative uploads. Keep it up! You're my go to info content creator.
I was just struggling with this choice. Thank you for making the video.
Thank you so much for this! I was wondering this all week
Thanks so much for this video gigabeef! This was something I've been wondering a lot about myself.
However after seeing the data I must say that personally I think it's not worth it at all, for multiple reasons. The main one being that it's just too little a stat improvement over M80 to justify the significantly higher cost. I'd rather run M80 a few times on some more budegety raids and spend the saved money on M61 for more serious raids, because M61 ist just THAT good. A(n almost) guaranteed 2 hit-kill to the chest, what more could you ask for.
For example:
M80 = 300 roubles
M62 = 1.200
M61 = 2.400 (once wet job 6 is complete)
For 10 M62 raids, you'd spend 12.000 roubles (times average number of rounds fired).
I'd rather go on 6 M80 raids and 4 M61 raids for 6*300 + 4*2.400 = 11.400 roubles. And still have some change left. Plus this is assuming that I'd be running exclusively M61 in those raids. Realistically I'd of course mix my mags similar to what you described, resulting in probably closer to 3 M80 raids and 7 M61/M80 mix raids.
Both M80 and M61 are just really really REALLY good for their price, while M62 is only okay.
Plus I don't like tracers in general as I think the increased risk of being spotted because of them is just not worth it.
For me there's only really 1 use case for M62, and only if I have some lying around that I looted from another player: If I'm going into a raid with a medium probability of getting into a close range fight where I might have to spray, to utilize the recoil reduction.
If I'm expecting a low probability (e.g. cause I'm going sniping) I don't wanna be spotted because of the tracers, and if I'm expecting a high probablity (e.g. Factory or D2) I'm not going in with a .308 gun anyway as there are many others better fit for the job.
Customs is a map where I might play M62 for example, because there are both close range fights (crackhouse, dorms) as well as higher range engagements to be had.
i always just looked at m62 as the tracer version of m80.. I like to pack my night raid mags with m62 every 3 - 4 round... similarly, if I'm running an 556 full auto, the last 5 rounds of my 855a1 mags will be 856a1, in case I lose track of where im at in the mag, as sometimes in heated battles you end up reloading mid fight a few times..
I heard that doing that to your mags makes you have a much higher chance of your weapons jamming because you are mixing the ammo.
You say a lot and you say it all quickly, and I appreciate that. But it would be absolutely golden if you gave us a TLDR up front.
Hey Gigabeef and friends. A cost analysis I WISH people would take more into consideration is the total cost of getting to a kill in the first place with rounds, as well as overall kit consideration. Ignoring the increase in survivability (and heck maybe even the weight of extra rounds and mags), I think the total cost from moving up rounds isn't as bad as people think, and let me explain why.
My most comfortable example is sniping within this wipe. I top load 61 like you suggest on typically m62 mags, sometimes m80 if I'm being frugal. Because of this, I feel very confident to use just 5 round mags. This means I take in less ammo overall, proportionally more is in my container, and also having 3 mags in total weighing less. I feel like such a limit isn't so bad because m61 can typically two tap. I work on the presumption I'm not having a bad day because if I miss, its not like the rounds matter in the first place anyway.
So in my example of rocking 3 mags, a couple m61, with m62 below, and a '93 in the chamber thats about 30k+ roubles (presuming '93 ~5k), if you compared that to 3 10-rounders top loaded with maybe an m62 or two thats at least 15k before a round in the chamber. 15k, especially when considering you can just drop one ergo on a grip to make up for that does not seem like as big of a deal because proportionally its only double the cost of your total ammunition, when the cost of m62 roudns indiviually appears to be over 4x times as much (and 7x for m61). As well as this, if you presume most kills you're getting with 2-3 shots of m62 and 4 shots with m80 the cost comparison is at most 4k vs at least 1.2k to achieve a kill, it might be about 3 times as much but again its not as steep as the 4 times greater cost suggests. A very 'extra' consideration is also more rounds equal more durability burn, but that might be me overthinking things now so I'll stop there!
Hopefully this makes sense, I know its not my job to give clear aruegments (when compared to your videos it shows!). Where suitable I would love to see this kind of added consideration in future videos where its appropriate!
If you want to be frugal and efficient you can cut out the mags outside of the gun and just take a stack of awesome ammo in your pouch. Things like the M700 can all get top loaded and allow you to run M61 without worry, just drag 5 rounds to your pockets for use top loading and you're good to go in low stress environments. Sure the reload time isn't amazing but if you fire 10 rounds of M61 and don't drop the enemy, the reload time likely isn't to be the thing that's getting you killed and the time topping off your mags should be considered too. (Also bonus sniper XP for reloading the weapon round by round as opposed to mag by mag.)
@@jackassmonkeyninja Thanks for the reply!The bonus for sniper xp there is legit.
I think this is maybe too frugal of a choice though. Unless maybe you're headshotting rogues I think it's not reliable to get headshots on players and scavs which like to spazz about. Don't get me wrong that's not a bad idea but I think you lose too much survivability then the cost of the rest of your kit becomes a liability. Maybe good on super budget no armor runs on woods/lighthouse but not my playstyle imo.
@@101survivalist I agree tbh, often in those cases where I do run snipers I will actually top load but keep a 10 rounder of M62 in the bag but a SR-1MP Sidearm, swapping to it lets me insta reload a ten rounder through the tab menu and keeps an actual weapon in my hands should someone push.
I actually rather needed this information, I have been experimenting with using the .308 ammo this wipe for certain things, and when I get the chance, it's been going well
With the SR-25 and M1A banned from the flea I have been running the Ash-12 a lot. PS12B is 300 rounds per reset at under ₽700 a round. Yeah it’s not as good at long range because it’s subsonic, but my god does it hit like a truck.
Plus Ash-12 is basically budget with vodka barter. I've been trying to use that and like two mags to hunt killa without breaking the bank
@@emmettdraz212 yeah mags are the only real expense at ₽27K a piece. Even the barter for an MCB and wires for the suppressed Ash works out to ₽75K
Shhh don’t tell them
@@ayovenom9906 lol :)
Great video. I split probably every good ammo in my mags and just pack them works great like you said
Great info in this vid as always
Love the vids as always.
Now you’ve got me excited for this armor damage video that I can sense on the horizon. If you actually figured out what armor damage does and how it all connects to the bullet’s stats, that’s gonna be nuts and may even change the meta.
I don't think anyone can reliably test what ammo does to armor because ammo stats are so bugged put and whack that weird shit happens. Take onepegs video on frag chance for example.
I've kinda got stuck tbh... blunt and mitigation is another layer more complicated XD
The price matters less with 7.62x51 since you rarely dump more than 10 rounds to kill people. SMG AP costs like $8 a round and you definitely mag dump people with 9x19 and 45 in comparison.
Yeah but atleast you can craft .45 ACP AP and 9mm AP 6.3
@@alarminglyfastmovingskelet7289 the 45 ap craft is pretty much useless since it takes like 8 hours for less than 1 raid of ammo, and the 9mm ap craft isn't much better either
@@pierce9104 bro that's a full day at work, just turn that shit on before you leave
Wonderful stuff as per MrBeef.
You shound definately make a video with tips on how to level up sniper skill and unlock m61, unless you aren’t already working on one!
I farmed rogues on nighttime lighthouse for a week, headshots only with bolt action to level up my sniper skill. Now I can buy gl’s:)
Great video watched the whole thing
I think the dude who shot my exfil two times with M80 and lost his reap-ir might know better now
If I'm running hi caliber I'm mainly going to aim for longer range engagements, I feel like recoil makes it less than ideal for anything else.
As someone who mains snipers and DMR's, I find that since most helmets are lvl 3-4, M80 works out for me. If I'm sniping and I hit the throax, the guy usually gets to cover and I reposition.
That, and sniping with a tracer is a bad idea in my opinion. It is very hard for someone to know where they get shot from after a single impact. If I'm shooting M62, the tracer can give away what direction I am in.
The M61 craft is god tier, as I often find Hawk GP in stashes and helix's are in toolboxes and such. If I'm bringing an M1A, I bring M80. If I 'm bringing a DVL, I bring M61.
I start the M61 craft pretty much every time I go to bed, and I've almost got half an ammo case of the stuff.
do you remember when we could sell our FIR thicc item case, become super rich and use an actually usable SA58 full-auto with drums of m62 because it was cheap ? good times.
I've ran a few this wipe. Money is still easy to get. I'm thinking about another thicc case to buy
@@shuunanigans show off ^^
They call me tarkov dad for a reason
I always just buy the m61 every restock, so whenever im not using 762x51 or using m62 instead of m61, im always stocking up on m61 so I can use it whenever I want without worrying about running out. Yes over 2000 roubles a round is expensive, but you guaranteed 2 shot thorax and 1 shot head, so its well worth it and you dont really burn through it because no matter what you cant tank 61.
An enemies kit will always be worth more than very few m61 rounds you use to kill them, geared or not. I think people should stop focusing on price so much unless its absurd like 9000 per round or something like that, you can go in a scav factory match and just extract with the scav's kit alone at it will be worth enough to buy you a mag of m61!
I agree, the price of a cartridge does not always affect, but the price of m62 is clearly overpriced, although it should be a maximum of 2 times higher than m80
@@ОСЕНЬ-з2ч I dont really think m62 is overpriced, I'd pay double the money for a round that only has a quarter better performance. You cant really look at rounds like they should give you immense value, because the rounds matter more than the gun almost everytime. So even the slightest better performance is what can decide who wins a fight, Id easily spend more money on rounds then the gun itself if I had a very limited budget.
I think that people are too focused on trying to save every last rouble rather than thinking about the success than can stem from spending, I always spend as much money on possible on kits, and if I really get down bad on money thats why scav raids are a thing, because I spend so much money I notice I survive raids much more often than if I didnt.
@@fyfoxx def don't work like that for me. I die the same regardless of the expense of my kit and ammo. So in my position there's literally no point in throwing the most roubles at a kit for a raid that I'm more than 50% gonna die anyways. Different for different people as I just suck apparently at surviving. But it doesn't make sense for someone who doesn't consistently survive to throw roubles away as you say. Clearly skill issues between players like you and me lmao
Meh, who has snipers 7? I never get that far, bolty's just fucking suck
i'm always stuck at 6
@@gtanerd1999 if you level the sniper skill early, the sniper skill level rewards you get from some quests is usually enough to bump you right up to sniper skill 7, also a quick tip for speed leveling it, bring a VPO bolty along with your normal kit and when you run into a scav, shoot it in the leg a couple times, that will give you plenty of points and you can do this passively when your playing out your normal raids doing whatever else!
Sniping or dmr work gets m62, closer range dirty fighting gets m80.
For Pmcs m61 is my go to ofc but I dont want to use m61s on scavs/raiders etc. This is why i use .338 fmj or svd (ps or snb) for sniping
M80 is perfectly sufficient imo. 62 is if I'm really feeling REALLY SLIGHTED that day!
I now have over a thousand rounds of M61s in the stash, I just use the income from the bitcoin / super water / grenade case / green powder craft to either buy or get the material to craft them over time.
Until I have so many M61s, I found there to be little reason to use 7.62x51s in semi/bolt action rifles, the new SV98 has excellent stats, with cheap SNB access, and likewise with an SVD, the rounds hit so much harder than M80s while being very cheap.
Sticking to the topic though. M62s is something I absolutely never use, for me it's the BCP FMJ early wipe, then it's M80 all the way, finished off with M61s in the end. For me the extra 3 pen trade for giving your position away is the worst deal ever, even if I get an extra 10 pen with M62s, unless I'm going to factory with an MDR on full auto, I might still not consider using it for that reason given the majority of people still only wear level 4 helmets where M80 is sufficient to pen.
I really like to use M62 in weapons like the SCAR-H (any full auto), because fully modded the gun feels like an 50 recoil akm with M62 loaded, which i highly prefer to the m80 'shoot in the ceiling' feel
Suggestion for future videos like this: If it kills garuenteed on 4, make it 100% kill chance for 4, 5, 6 shots. Its confusing to see 53% to kill on 4th shot, while in reality you're garuanteed to die on the 4th
mayb the algo gods bless you! thank you!
night raid I never take m62, get spotted pretty fast. , if you play alot of wood, m80 also perform well and you want to go for headshot anyway. the ammo is forgiving enough due to its being 1/4 the price of M62 and also promote trigger discipline for anyone understanding the limitation of going for thorax/stomach shots. For CQB, an SA-58 and Scar-H being 20 rounders m80 is scary stuff. regardless of the outcome of the fight. I would not want to be on the receiving end of 20 m80 rounds, i would be hurt bad. anything they manage to hit on my body is gone. Arm 60 , leg 65, stomach 70.
Hi an idea struck me while watching your condor ricochet video, why not for future data collecting videos use more than one partner to test the armour/bullets or other stuff if i am not mistaken you could use more than 1 other pmc partner in offline coop and thus reducing the time needed to restart the raid, i really appreciate what u are doing and keep on going you are great!!!
Thanks :)
i dont even touch sniper rifles until i can craft m61. its just the only ammo that is reliable for long range shots. like there are alot of situations where you can get 400+ meter shots on lighthouse and the lower tier ammos just cant penetrate at that range. but m61 always works
Thanks for doing the math that I never want to do! I just use m61 because I'm rich and only use bolt actions lol. If I bring a DMR into raid I will probably use m62 for the close up effectiveness.
M62 for close range when m61 can 2 tap every body armor? Ur crazy
@@PartyCrasher04 I'm saying that since DMR's tend to carry much more ammo than a bolty, it doesnt make much sense fiscally to carry 100 rounds of m61 on my body for my m1a when I can carry 100 rounds m62 for half the price. When I run a bolt action I only have 20 rounds outside of my butthole at any given time and I carry a sidearm, so I can afford the loss of 20 m61 if I die.
@@fewny2691 OK that clears things up and makes a lot more sense, personally im never running m61 unless i have thousands because 8’d rather run it in a crazy sa58 build or something, its cool to see people do though.
3:45 nice
Load 10 M62s then top up with 10 M61, in combat as soon as you start to see tracers it’s time to reload
That is so freaking clever, thanks I'm definately considering that one.
*Laughs in .338 FMJ*
I’m still gonna run a 9x18 sp6 kedr. Pen doesn’t matter when it comes to legs
If am using m80 more than likely am keeping distance and going for headshots or mag dumping cuz they are right on top of me, I really haven't noticed a difference between it and m62 besides everyone am shooting at knows am using m62 cuz of the tracer, But there is a massive difference between it and M61 so if u can't or don't have M61 just use M80 ur still going to drop whoever ur shooting at
New to tarkov. Can someone explain to me why it took 4 shots to the chest on a scav with no armor. M80 round
must have been a God nikita blessed Scav, with a RNJESUS luck on its side hahaha.
Before I watch this video, I’d like to say I use to think m62 was miles ahead of m80, I knew m80 was good, but I thought m62 was the “tracer step down” from the m61 similar to how M856A1 is to M855A1, but just recently I looked at a ammo chart for 7.62x51 and I was absolutely shocked when I saw the pen difference, M61 can pen class 6 while M62 is right next to M80 in the 40’s for pen... for the cost of 12$ per round of M62 instead of 3$ for M80 I’m going to say no, I don’t think M62 is worth it at all, if you would have asked me this before seeing the ammo chart I would have believed you if you told me M62 had above 50 pen and was a considerable upgrade over M80, but that simply just isn’t the case. Now to see if you agree with me in your video :)
"I used to think that M62 was a tracer step down from M61"
That's exactly what it used to be. BSG has modified the damage and penetration values of a lot of the popular loads over the years. Some have had multiple buffs, some have had multiple nerfs, and others have had both at different times.
if people are running around in tier 6 armor you can also assume that they are running stims like propital that will be passively healing them. m80 will not kill on the 4th shot in this scenario.
I don't get the bit about m61 being too expensive to craft, by the time I can craft m61 I have already looted enough of the materials to craft a few hundred rounds which gives me time to loot more materials to craft more, and by that time I'm usually rolling in rubles that I'll never be able to spend all of so even if I have to pay to craft or buy more it doesn't bother me, all the while I am building up a healthy stock of FiR m62
I zeroed a guy's class 6 thor on labs yesterday with m62 in what felt like 4 shots. I think with m80 there's a good chance I lost that fight. Just real application and what not. Avid m62 MDR enjoyer
loud MDR with M62 is the way to go for me in cqc to mid range 😎
People also underestimate the recoil reduction M62 offers. Similar to the FMJ vs Subsonic 4.6 argument, more shots on target is always better. This is especially true if you run a gun that goes full auto like the MDR or SCAR.
Realistically, unless you’re sniping night raids, tracers will never be the reason someone finds and kills you. People complaining about the price are also the people that run diaper rigs and MBSS packs every raid. I’d rather increase my combat effectiveness and win more fights than skimp out and lose.
Ill swing for m62 for boltys but otherwise idt its worth 4x the price.
Also, not exactly relevant to the contents of the video but how insane is it that ap 6.3 costs 3x as much as m80
Meanwhile, my SVD weights above 8kg xd but i usually pick slots with lying positions
I've had too many M80s eaten by class 4 helmets sniping from Sniper Rock into Lumber Mill. If I'm running the M700 AICS it can be top loaded with loose M61.
SNB is pretty much the king of full powered rifle rounds. Not locked by any quest, cheap to buy, even cheaper to craft.
U should consider whether your gun is suppressed or not. When shooting unsuppressed I would take m62 since my position is already compromised from the loud shooting, while m80 could make players struggle that much more to find your position if you're using a suppressed gun.
Great comparison. But an idea from me as a stylechoice. instead of giving only the chance to kill in X hits you could also give the overall chance to kill. E.g. : 1hit 0% 2hit 20% 3hit 35% 4hit 40% would become 1hit 0%(0%), 2hit 20%(20%), 3 hit 35%(55%), 4hit 40%(95%). Since the accumulated chance to kill is the final information we need to judge.
I would say no, cause they are tracers, and you can spot someone using it before getting killed off.
Having 3000 bullets of M61... I think I should just use M61 :D
the thing that turns me off about m62 is obviously the price. why buy that when i can buy lapua FMJ for double that price?
Lap FMJ only goes in 2 guns
It’s so annoying how bp is so much better than even m80 I feel like and can literally put it in a sks
Only use M62 if I'm going to pass by some heated CQC PVP areas, like Dorms, or D2 in reserve, and I always put it in something automatic like a SCAR or a MDR, and even then, onlyt he top half is M62, the bottom is M80.
For sniping, M80 is king. Good damage, good pen, good speed, not a tracer. I already killed so many people on Lighthouse sniping Rogues because of tracers it's not even funny.
And sniping at over 200m is somewhat rare unless you're farming Rogues, or you're a hardcore Woods/Shoreline sniper, so I don't see a reason to worry about it. That, and I rarely get ricochets because I tend to aim for the lower face, not the middle of the head
Question: would you pick M80 over SNB (I know they're different calibers). SNB has higher pen for a negligible loss in damage.
@@_fissure1441 If both rounds were for the same gun, I'd pick SNB over even M61, mate.
The problem with SNB isn't the round itself, it's the platforms it has to use.
Mosins CAN BE cheap, but worse than everything else, in every possible way, and in no way good guns.
SV-98s are good, but the decent attachments come after some heavy trader progression, it's kinda heavy, and very long.
SVDs are just too heavy, and you can't mod them to be good for cheap. They can be the absolutely kings in whatever role you want them to fill, with 20 rounders full of SNB, but they weigh a ton, have low ergo, are really long, and to mod them means spending a big, FAT wad of cash.
We don't talk about the MP-18.
Honestly, if we had a SR-25 that shot 7.62x54R, it would, without a doubt, be the best gun in game.
@@vinisardagna thanks for the awesome breakdown! I've been using the SVD and SV-98 OV with SNB for long range and sniping missions. Really been enjoying them, but haven't given M80 a try yet. I have a G28; just need to dust it off and give it a shot. Thanks!
@@_fissure1441 Highly recommend you sell that G28 and grab a RFB. G28s are actually worse than SR-25s, and they cost a hell of a lot more.
RFB is cheap, decent ergo, and the mags are easy to come by, since they use FAL mags.
And you're welcome! Always happy to help other people!
@@vinisardagna good to know; I'll give that a shot!
Video idea: test out layered armor and see if it has any affect compared to one or the other
He went over that a little bit on a video about Condor glasses iirc
idk about you but when i run M80 it takes 4-5 shots hit count to the thorax
m62 is kinda better but since i only snipe using it often gives me away if i miss the headshot so i avoid it like the plague.
A ulach ate an m80 i sent it at 150m. I use m61 for sniping and m62 for everything else.
I have a video of one rogue at 600m eating 4 m62 over a 3 minute period since then its been 7.62x54 for long distance
My stock of M62 is way more than M80, so I often use M62.
M62 is a must late while.
What is the game name ??
Escape from Tarkov
Game is hard. It's always best if you're a noob/mediocre player to take better ammo and and take every slight advantage that you can get. Making money is easy in this game so people really shouldn't complain about the cost difference. I know when I first started playing and losing close gun fights, I'd always regret not using better ammo when I was able.
i just come here because i killed a guy that was using m62, the only reason i got the kill was because i saw where the tracer came from, if he was shooting m80 then he might of survived the raid.
and i have a dog tag with the name "gigabeefgeorge", could that be yours? or are you not a George?
73 vs 92% chance to pen a ulach, after learning that, I’ll never touch m80 again
M80 ULACH pen chance is 91.4%
What this is showing me is bp is the way to go
Bp is bad at a distance its damage drop-off isn't great for past 200m
@@shuunanigans very few fights are at 200m+ unless you're a woods main, and even then most will be less than 200m.
@@pierce9104 depends on how you setup on lighthouse my average engagement id say is 2-600m but I snipe the water treatment plant heavy pn woods my average engagement is like 25m and I do main it haha
Just for the recoil reduction m62 is the best
You know that the game has become stale, if these calculations are more exciting than gameplay ^^
I'm just a nerd
I think for the price gap the m62 should be wayyyyyy better
M80 bounces of helmets consistently. Never seen such bull. I rely on chest shots when using m80.
Some idiot dumped 80 m80 and 23 m993 rounds on a hidden stash to make room for repellent
M62 isn’t worth it imo. At 5x the cost for being 1-2 shots better isn’t worth it. Plus you give yourself away with tracers.
If you’re running an expensive enough kit you’re worried about it. Just run m61 if it’s a budget kit. Shot 2 more times with m80
Dude I literally shot an m62 at a fucking t3 6b helmet and it ricocheted
Bruh, wipe just started like yesterday. How are y'all so far ahead
Just do quests. It's easy friend.
We're 3 months in :)
I won't run M80, it's just not worth it. Just wait for M62/M61 or run something else. You also have to consider the price of the weapon as well. Whatever is shooting M80 isn't cheap unless it's a bolty.
Sure it might take a little to unlock it but there's nothing worse than beating the hell out of class 4 armor just to get shotgunned down.
Idk. Its all about shot placement imo. I value having something that can one tap players and that depends on running the right gun and ammo for the scenario. Warmageddon is cheaper than dirt and kills just as easily with a one tap to the good old head eyes as any round. If you are going to spray and pray i guess the higher armor pen rounds will be beneficial but in the end the ammo base dmg is all that matters when you hit unarmored targets(faces, limbs). Bad marksmanship skill can be compensated with armor pen i guess but if we are worried about price points we can go with the cheap alternative every time. If you have a minmax mentality every point increase counts from gun stats to ammo stats. Every slight advantage makes a meta player meta. I run trash and if i lose my gear and ammo so be it but the risk/reward is worth it to me. I feel extra happy when i kill someone with my shitty ammo and see their gearset being extra sweaty. I doubt they enjoy seeing warmageddon or fmj on their deathscreens either.
Let's play never have i ever. Besides yesterday taking 7 rounds in half a second to the chest of bcp fmj ive never died to trash ammo besides 9x18 leg meta. Last wipe had a hacker with warmaggedon hit me 15 times and I made it to exfil
@@shuunanigans never have i ever died to a toz head eyes
@@shuunanigans sounds like shot placement to me imo
I think realistically in my opinion just use bp
BP? in which caliber?
@@laurentweyandt 7.62
@@1APM-28 The Problem with 7.62 is, that it is practically uncapable of long Range shots. The Bulletdrop will be insane after like 130+m or something. So every 51 or 54r will outperform even the best 7.62x39 dropwise
@@laurentweyandt realistically you’re not shooting sniper type shots every raid, realistically m80/m62 should be better but the bullet speed is pretty lack luster, compare it to 556. You’re going to have to compensate either way with every gun
@@1APM-28 yes, but all i said was if there is range, the 7.62x39 will be a very bad choice. On Customs for example, i rock a lot of 7.62x39 weapons, but Shoreline, Lighthouse, Woods, and if you dont play Bunker, then also reserve, then a 51 or 54r will be superior.
M62 = M80 + tracer
M80 vs BP
I’ve come to be an M80 enjoyer as I don’t really see that much if a difference and the tracer is a big downside depending on situation
Difference is huge. First M80 has around 5% chance to penetrate lvl5. M62 has around 35% and has more armour damage.
as is usual the real question imo is why you'd run m62 when bp is the same price and why you'd ever run m61 when bp is cheaper. part of what makes m80 great is it's a great bridge between ps and bp
I've always thought this if you use m62 its about the same effectiveness as bp but the same price and the guns are going to have a lot more recoil
@@joshluedtke512 bullet velocity and gun MOA is better on m62 than bp
Cuz BP gets stopped by lvl5 armor. And m61 does not.
@@garrettmarshall9285 that's true but 90 percent of the time for me I'm not shooting far enough where that matters and I have seen some people snipe rogues with a mutant not as effective but it works
As a solo and esp a night rat I just can't trust tracers. Even during the day I notice enemies seemingly spotting my location much faster when I shoot them with tracers, even from a bush
m993 only
Late in the wipe, only newbs use M80s. Don't be a noob.
I never had a problem with running m80
Why does everyone think that the trooper and slick armors are strong? Or any armor that protects thorax only for that matter? Go ahead and wear a slick I can still two shot you with 7m buck with stomach shots which c'mon that is was easier to hit than the head. I would rather wear a korund or an AVS versus a hex or slick. That stomach protection helps a lot
useless video 🤡 all bullets dont function as intended, didnt even talk about the m62 recoil aswell lmao
m62 do be kinda expensive