Supernatural 5.18 - Dean's Apology

  • Опубликовано: 4 сен 2024
  • I loved this scene too, but I'm not getting my hopes up. It's still a few episodes left so... I'm pessimistic, BUT I did love the scene nonetheless and they're still brothers so... Weey!
    From Supernatural's 100th episode, "Point of No Return" 5.18
    Belongs to Eric Kripke and CW

Комментарии • 28

  • @shrutimahant
    @shrutimahant 4 года назад +117

    Dean may have lost faith in Sam a few times, but Sam never lost faith in Dean, even when he was an actually demon. He never stopped looking up to his big brother, always believed in him, way more than he ever believed in himself. People who think Dean loves Sam more than Sam loves Dean always forget this very crucial aspect of their relationship that easily disproves that entire argument. Their love for each other is equally strong.

    • @acoat4701
      @acoat4701 3 года назад +5

      Wow oh wow….. thank you, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU

    • @chelecovers6893
      @chelecovers6893 3 года назад +11

      I disagree. Your point speaks to the fact that Sam is a person filled with faith in the goodness of people. Dean has never been that way, he has always been distrusting. Sam believes in people, Dean doesn't. Sam believed in God, he believed in angels, he believed in Nick, he believed in Jack, he believed in fake ghoul adam, in fact the very first time Sam died was because he trusted that a guy he just met wouldn't stab him in the back. So why wouldn't Sam believe in his own brother? Dean even said it once, that he didn't believe in anything, so he needed Sam to have enough faith for the both of them. Sam delivered. And all the times Dean lost faith in Sam was really because Dean lost faith in himself and his ability to save Sam.
      While it's clear Sam loves Dean very much, Dean has always loved Sam more. I don't know why it's even a debate at this point. Dean literally went to hell for Sam and spent the majority of his last year not even caring that he was going to die. This is all while Sam didn't even look for Dean while he was in purgatory. On that alone, Dean loves Sam more.
      When sam and dean went to heaven the first time, dean's heaven was just hanging out with his bro and his mom, while sam's heaven was filled with all the times he had ran away from dean. when dean was so desperate to save sam that he got kevin killed, sam said that they were no longer brothers and never took it back, when sam got charlie killed for the same reason dean never said anything near close to that.
      Sam said if the roles were reversed he never would've done the same to bring dean back and proved it, yet after this in season 11 when Sam's body when into shock, Dean was not even in the hospital 5 minutes before he, learning no lessons over the years, killed himself to speak to billie trying to bring him back, and Sam wasn't even dead. Because he just does not know how to live without him, he just can't. He killed Benny for Sam, he killed DEATH for Sam, I still can't get over that.
      When Dean finally met his mother after 33 years and was trying to get through to her, he said nothing about what he went through; going to hell, purgatory, becoming a demon, having to spend his entire life "thriving on trauma," none of it. All he could do is cry to her about SAM'S agonies, SAM'S struggles, how because of her, Sam lost his very soul. And he told the mother he has always loved very much that he hated her for what her choices did to his brother.
      Sam and dean both know why dean loves him more. Sam says dean raised him, Dean says he had to become a father and a mother to Sam to keep him safe. Dean is more than just a brother to sam, he's like a parent to him too. And parents know that they love their children more. That's why the show had to end the way it did because it never would've ended the other way around. Dean would never and could never let him go. If he couldn't learn his lesson by season 11 he certainly wasn't going to learn it by season 15. He was gonna have sam live a long full life old and grey and "chugging viagra" or die drying.
      And maybe I'm biased because I'm the eldest in my family but I know I love my siblings more than they love me (it's no contest actually) and that's ok.

    • @acoat4701
      @acoat4701 3 года назад +6

      Or maybe…. Just maybe…… we could agree that they love each other equally?
      Okay, I get it. Let me just… Kinda unpack it.
      Yes, Dean went to hell to save Sam. He sold his soul, lied to him to save him, got himself in danger millions of times to save Sam, and killed himself freakin like a hundred times trying to save Sam.
      Yes, Sam unleashed the darkness for Dean. He tried to sell his soul when Dean went to hell, he didn’t give up on him when he was a demon, he was literally willing to let all of the world perish and die to save his brother.
      Dean killed Benny and freakin Death to save Sam!
      Sam found a faith healer for him, he refused to accept the fact that Dean died, went to Michael and Lucifer’s cage to save Dean (kinda to save Dean but also to save the world but he did say and I quote his last words as, “it’s gonna be okay, Dean. It’s all gonna be okay.” So imma count it as he did it for him)
      BUT, also, both of them made mistakes.
      Dean told Sam he should’ve been the one that died instead of Charlie. He said that Sam was holding him back and was inconvenient (or at least that’s how I interpreted it). He treated Sam like a freak and actually called him a freak multiple times, and he would sometimes just give up (and I mean, I can’t blame him)
      Sam also made mistakes. He didn’t look for Dean or even tried to do something when Dean went to purgatory, legit got jealous because Dean had a close friend (Benny), yelled at Dean for literally just saying that Sam should’ve looked for him when he went to purgatory when of course he should’ve looked for him, threatened to leave Dean if he ever brought purgatory up again, tried to limit Dean’s talks about his experiences in purgatory even tho he had every right to be traumatized, lied to Dean, basically told Dean that he wasn’t his brother and that he wouldn’t do anything for him, etc.
      But they’re the freakin Winchesters man!
      Just look at how reckless Dean gets when Sam’s in danger. He kills Death for Sam, he lets an angel possess him, he goes to hell for him, all for Sam! And look at how he CAN live without his brother, but it sucks and he’s freakin depressed. He can survive Sam’s death, but it will hurt like a bitch. Like the fact that still after a year, he still had nightmares about Sam in the beginning of season 6 before he found out that Sam was alive (without a soul but you get the point)
      AND. Look at how insane Sam goes when Dean’s in danger or is dead. Like the scene where he summons the crossroads demon and tries to switch places with Dean after Dean goes to hell. And when the demon refuses, he legit goes, “JUST TAKE ME! ITS A FAIR TRADE!” And proceeds to kill the poor demon. Or the time he just tortures the fuck out of a demon and makes the man sell his soul when Dean died in season 9 and went missing in season 10. He legit goes, “WHERE’S MY BROTHER?!” Poor guy’s legit gone insane without mommy Dean here to keep him in check. Like for example, Sam usually doesn’t drink. But when Dean died in season 3, and he tries to summon the demon, he’s drunk. Or when Dean dies in season 9 (dude dies too many damn times HJAKF-) and you can see Sam also get drunk before trying to summon Crowley.
      The point is, they’re the freakin Winchesters.
      They can shoot, stab, burn, drown, cut, eat, torture, annoy, threat, kill, bury, electrocute, fight, punch, kick, choke each other, or anything else, and they’d still love each other!
      And they’d still always be willing to have another Apocalypse to save the other one’s life.
      They can pretend to hate each other all they want.
      They can pretend they don’t care about each other all they want.
      But the truth is, they’re Sam and Dean. There is nothing, nothing in this universe, that can ever stop them from loving each other.
      Because at the end, it’s always just the two of them against the world.
      (I mean unless they’re season 2 Dean or season 8 Sam. They were kinda both asses)
      Anyway, sorry for the long comment. Hope this changed your perspective.
      Sorry for any errors.
      Good day!

    • @chelecovers6893
      @chelecovers6893 3 года назад +6

      @@acoat4701 no I don't agree with you at all. Because the question wasn't do they love each other. Of course they do. The original question was does dean love sam more than sam loves him and why people think that's the case. Because to sam dean is his big brother but to dean sam is his brother, his child, and his entire world. That doesn't mean sam doesn't love him very much, but Dean has proven that he loves him more.
      Each time the boys tried to sacrifice themselves for each other these demons and reapers would tell them about themselves. Remember when sam went to make a deal to get dean out of hell, remember what demon told him? She said that he was just going through the motions, and that he didn't really want him "sloppy needy weight of the world" brother that was keeping him from the life he wanted. And then he proved it by not even looking for dean when he went to purgatory, and living the life he always wanted.
      And she wasn't the only one, Sam said this himself. That if the shoe was on the other foot and Dean was dying from the trials he would've let Dean go. That he never would've talked him out of boarding up hell. That he would've let him go because Sam can learn how to live without him while Dean said that letting Sam die was "just not in him."
      What did the crossroads demons tell dean? what did billie tell dean when it was the other way around? The world doesn't need sam, the only one who needs Sam is Dean, that he was nothing without him, and that he didn't know how to live without his brother. Dean killed himself 3 whole times to save his brother and one of those times Sam wasn't even dead. Even Sam said it, that Dean was always willing to do the sacrificing cause he couldn't stand to be without him.
      It's so telling how Dean's original heaven was shooting fireworks with his brother and Sam's was all the times he ran away from his brother. There is nothing equal about that. Even if they ended up in heaven together in the end, that was always dean's heaven while Sam had to get there. Nobody can look at all the things that have happened throughout the series and think their love is equal. Cause it's not. That's why the series had to end the way it did because Dean would've never able to let sam go. the only reason why the show lasted 15 seasons was because of all the times Dean couldn't let his brother go.

    • @acoat4701
      @acoat4701 3 года назад +1

      @@chelecovers6893 I respect your opinion :)

  • @amberxv4777
    @amberxv4777 5 лет назад +78

    This is one of the best scenes between them. Dean finally realized how he was wrong for not having faith in Sam which caused the rift between them in s4. Also it shows his deep love for his brother, he was about to let them get killed rather than disappoint Sam. A look at Sam pulled him back from his worst desperation.

    • @odile8701
      @odile8701 3 года назад +4

      My favorite part of this, is; Dean is in (almost) the same position as Sam was at the end of season 4. And Sam knows how it feels.
      So here, every step of the way, he makes the exact opposite choices from the ones Dean made.
      “You know, tables were turned, I’d let you rot in here. Hell, I have let you rot in here.”
      “Yeah, well. Guess I’m not that smart.”
      He refuses to give up on his brother. Offers him faith, even when it’s explicitly not being returned. Believes in Dean, in spite of everything (including Dean himself) saying that he shouldn’t. Tells him he’s still his brother, not that he’s a monster.
      And things turn out quite differently this time around.
      It’s kinda beautiful.

  • @tarny11
    @tarny11 5 лет назад +48

    Loved the show back in these days .

  • @alanrodickgriffin6151
    @alanrodickgriffin6151 5 лет назад +42

    I dont know how these 2 ever fight. Maybe in the earlier seasons I could see them "questioning each other's loyalty" but as time progressed both should have known that in the end, they always have each other.

  • @CastleBravo17
    @CastleBravo17 11 лет назад +42

    I love the music that they start playing at the end it just makes you agree with Dean 50% more and say "Hell ya!"

  • @7livelaughlove
    @7livelaughlove 14 лет назад +22

    this episode was AMAZING

  • @celinewinchester4763
    @celinewinchester4763 5 лет назад +11

    Sam and Dean forever 💖

  • @Primo0897
    @Primo0897 5 лет назад +17

    I could relate to this
    Since I’m the oldest brother

    • @llaverick7739
      @llaverick7739 3 года назад

      Yo i remeber I saw you in the comment section of Prison Break, I see you got good taste in shows.

  • @crystalair81
    @crystalair81 14 лет назад +7

    I like scenes like this, so thanks for posting. I am hoping to have them back like they were in S2/3 or the caring Dean from S4. As long as they dont keep going round in circles as the end of Ep 4 and Ep 5 they said they same kind of thing.

  • @nataliee.parker2873
    @nataliee.parker2873 11 месяцев назад +1

    Truth is that if the Devil doesnt take Sam over, those sideburns will...

  • @Yellowbulma
    @Yellowbulma 14 лет назад

    Thank you for posting didnt get to see this scene before.

  • @ImAlexGoodwin
    @ImAlexGoodwin 13 лет назад +3

    @Just1the2boy its kind of hard not to be bipolar considering all the stuff he's had to deal with.

  • @bobflame5679
    @bobflame5679 7 лет назад +5

    Does this mean you trust Sam after what happened last season or in season 4 because in episode 1 of season 5 he said he doesn't trust me anymore so does this mean he does now

    • @amberxv4777
      @amberxv4777 5 лет назад +6

      Yeah. Dean can't give up on Sam no matter how what he does. He trusts him again here. Loses faith later after purgatory, regains it after a while.

  • @arielle1121
    @arielle1121 2 года назад

    If destiny's kind...

  • @Alecramsay1227
    @Alecramsay1227 14 лет назад

    Please tell me you have that episode in avi format :( :(:( I really need it for doing a video ..but I only found in flv format :(:(

  • @peters206
    @peters206 14 лет назад

    @crystalair81 I agree.