A very good objective review. Many golfers will let their "feelings" about a shaft change their performance to suit (confirmation bias), but that didn't appear to come into this review at all. In most cases, I've found that any big differences seen between shafts is down to the preferences of the golfer in looks, weight, balance, or "reputation" of a shaft rather than any objective physical performance differences. The golfer believes one is better, therefore it performs that way. If that's the case, then fine. But, the real performance differences between shafts is fairly marginal for the vast majority of golfers. Spending our energy working on our swing and delivery is far more productive than arguing in forums in pursuit of that driver shaft that will magically turn us into Dustin Johnson.
Nice to see a shaft video using shafts that the normal person would get fitted for as opposed to the expensive aftermarket ones that other youtubers are using for their tests. Suppose it just depends on which one you like the feel of better.
Strike pattern and feel is the best way to pick a shaft. Smooth transition golfers don't stress the shaft much. More violent "hitters" may see bigger variations between shafts.
Michael Newton Golf my ACL is only just back to normal, so I'll book I'm for some much needed lessons again but with a new plan for my broken body I think.
Lesson here is use the shaft that provides the best feel for you. I have a couple of aldila rogue silver shafts.One is the I/O tip and the other just the previous year model. Love the original and don't like the I/O version at all.All about feel baby!
I just purchased the M6 10.5 with the Atmos Black in R flex. It’s around 66 grams. It just doesn’t feel right. Feels cheap in a way. I still have my M3 with the Hazardous Smoke 5.5 at 62 grams. I may switch them out and see if that works better.
Recently I was having a little problem with Fujikura mid-launch shafts for fairway woods. Fujikura has a 2.5 in. tip section, other companies have 3 in. section. Unless you get a Fujikura shaft with stiff tip, T/S shaft, the tip is soft & feels light. I have Project X red, mid-launch. I am putting that shaft in the fairway woods, that shaft has a great tip section, resists face deflection & does not have excessive forward deflection, but has higher launch than black or yellow Project X Hazardous. I recommend 75 gram,6.0 for most stronger golfers. Good video, the shaft world is very deceptive these days, especially when you make a $300 mistake.
Mike... you may not be the best person to test high or low launching shafts given your silky smooth damn near perfect tempo. Others that are super quick in transition may experience VERY different results between different shafts.
When reviewers compare shafts they always compare shaft flex as marked. My understanding is that there is no standard for flex, so one manufacturer's stiff is another's regular. Perhaps I am wrong or perhaps there is not enough difference but I am still surprised that nobody mentions it in reviews.
Love your videos. If I am not mistaken, the HZRDUS Yellow is more mid-low in launch and spin- vs their HZRDUS Black, which is low-low. Not to nitpick- I have tested both shafts and the black is definitely much lower launching/spinning. Your main point is dead on- everyones’ swing is different and the same shaft can do polar opposites from one to another. Thanks for your awesome work!
If you want to do a real comparison of Taylormade’s new driver, Sam Max-D along with it’s standard shafts.. you must compare them to this driver Taylormade SLDR driver.. And compare the Sim Max driver & shaft to the Max 3 driver Then we can find out if there is an improvement in technology across-the-board..
Could you conclude that the biggest variable remains the performance of the individual golfer? I often struggle to see a lot of difference when people do shaft reviews on RUclips. Does a good fitting generally come down to setting up the most appropriate loft and weight bias in the head with an appropriate shaft flex?
Have an Aldila Alpha x 70 gram in my 5 wood for years , very low launching shaft supposedly ,but it pops the ball up really high and lands very soft ,easy to hit of the deck too ,even my Mrs can hit it nice and high with a low swing speed .Weight and length are more important I think .
Really? The "stock" quality Atmos performed identically to the HZRDUS Yellow shaft in nearly every way. It was even more consistent with the launch angle. How would a "better" shaft perform differently when the HZRDUS is arguably the "better" shaft.
The results would be very different for a golfer who loads the shaft a lot and hits it very hard vs one who swings it very smoothly with tempo. Go to txg for better analysis of shafts and equipment. Crossfield is crap and a waste of time - how can equipment don’t matter.
Shaft flex has little to do with swing speed. Go by looks, sound and feel when you're trying clubs. A 50 gram senior flex might feel and produce the best for you, however, your ego will likely still want you to go with the 89 gram triple X death shaft.
A very good objective review. Many golfers will let their "feelings" about a shaft change their performance to suit (confirmation bias), but that didn't appear to come into this review at all. In most cases, I've found that any big differences seen between shafts is down to the preferences of the golfer in looks, weight, balance, or "reputation" of a shaft rather than any objective physical performance differences. The golfer believes one is better, therefore it performs that way. If that's the case, then fine. But, the real performance differences between shafts is fairly marginal for the vast majority of golfers. Spending our energy working on our swing and delivery is far more productive than arguing in forums in pursuit of that driver shaft that will magically turn us into Dustin Johnson.
Nice to see a shaft video using shafts that the normal person would get fitted for as opposed to the expensive aftermarket ones that other youtubers are using for their tests. Suppose it just depends on which one you like the feel of better.
Strike pattern and feel is the best way to pick a shaft. Smooth transition golfers don't stress the shaft much. More violent "hitters" may see bigger variations between shafts.
These are exactly the kind of video I need. So much information and, seeing the info like this is quality
glad you enjoyed!
Michael Newton Golf my ACL is only just back to normal, so I'll book I'm for some much needed lessons again but with a new plan for my broken body I think.
Lesson here is use the shaft that provides the best feel for you. I have a couple of aldila rogue silver shafts.One is the I/O tip and the other just the previous year model. Love the original and don't like the I/O version at all.All about feel baby!
mike is the best head to head comparison analyst.
Great honest here. Mark Crossfield said the same. Your feel and your strike tendencies will drive the result more than anything
I just purchased the M6 10.5 with the Atmos Black in R flex. It’s around 66 grams. It just doesn’t feel right. Feels cheap in a way. I still have my M3 with the Hazardous Smoke 5.5 at 62 grams. I may switch them out and see if that works better.
Did it work out? I just put a 5.5 Smoke on a brand new Taylormade RBZ 9.5 head. I’m playing it for the first time today.
Recently I was having a little problem with Fujikura mid-launch shafts for fairway woods. Fujikura has a 2.5 in. tip section, other companies have 3 in. section. Unless you get a Fujikura shaft with stiff tip, T/S shaft, the tip is soft & feels light. I have Project X red, mid-launch. I am putting that shaft in the fairway woods, that shaft has a great tip section, resists face deflection & does not have excessive forward deflection, but has higher launch than black or yellow Project X Hazardous. I recommend 75 gram,6.0 for most stronger golfers. Good video, the shaft world is very deceptive these days, especially when you make a $300 mistake.
Mike... you may not be the best person to test high or low launching shafts given your silky smooth damn near perfect tempo. Others that are super quick in transition may experience VERY different results between different shafts.
Great video bud! I just got 2017 M1 with that exact Hazardous shaft and love it 👍🏻
When reviewers compare shafts they always compare shaft flex as marked. My understanding is that there is no standard for flex, so one manufacturer's stiff is another's regular. Perhaps I am wrong or perhaps there is not enough difference but I am still surprised that nobody mentions it in reviews.
The atmos had better dispersion.
How do you hit it 300, it doesn't look like you swing hard at all lol
Lol.....i just bought an atmos blue and a hzardus yellow to play around with :)
Love your videos. If I am not mistaken, the HZRDUS Yellow is more mid-low in launch and spin- vs their HZRDUS Black, which is low-low. Not to nitpick- I have tested both shafts and the black is definitely much lower launching/spinning. Your main point is dead on- everyones’ swing is different and the same shaft can do polar opposites from one to another. Thanks for your awesome work!
Drew Johann yeh just didn’t have a Black to hand so used the Yellow
Yellow is the lowest
So which is the lowest? Black or yellow? And what designates the color? I mean the shaft is black, letters are yellow?
what about dispersion? how did that turn out?
This coming from a hardcore "shaftoid", you've really opened my eyes here. Thanks for the great analysis.
Yep, shafts really don't matter like people think they do.
If you want to do a real comparison of Taylormade’s new driver, Sam Max-D along with it’s standard shafts.. you must compare them to this driver Taylormade SLDR driver..
And compare the Sim Max driver & shaft to the Max 3 driver
Then we can find out if there is an improvement in technology across-the-board..
Could you conclude that the biggest variable remains the performance of the individual golfer? I often struggle to see a lot of difference when people do shaft reviews on RUclips. Does a good fitting generally come down to setting up the most appropriate loft and weight bias in the head with an appropriate shaft flex?
yes combination of all of those factors
Like how you don’t jack up those numbers. Some guys would be getting 300 carry with your 112-116 club head speed!
Have an Aldila Alpha x 70 gram in my 5 wood for years , very low launching shaft supposedly ,but it pops the ball up really high and lands very soft ,easy to hit of the deck too ,even my Mrs can hit it nice and high with a low swing speed .Weight and length are more important I think .
@@mikebest634 completely irrelevant
Hzrdus shaft doesn't seem to be working with you
To many variables here. Probably should have picked a better shaft than the 'stock' atmos red.....
Really? The "stock" quality Atmos performed identically to the HZRDUS Yellow shaft in nearly every way. It was even more consistent with the launch angle. How would a "better" shaft perform differently when the HZRDUS is arguably the "better" shaft.
Good test but way too small of sample size. One bad swing will skew the averages.
uhoh your going to piss off the shaftoids lol
75plag haha
That’s the worst I’ve seen you hit, with the yellow. Kind of a skewed test don’t you think?
The results would be very different for a golfer who loads the shaft a lot and hits it very hard vs one who swings it very smoothly with tempo. Go to txg for better analysis of shafts and equipment. Crossfield is crap and a waste of time - how can equipment don’t matter.
winston yong go troll somewhere else.
Shaft flex has little to do with swing speed. Go by looks, sound and feel when you're trying clubs. A 50 gram senior flex might feel and produce the best for you, however, your ego will likely still want you to go with the 89 gram triple X death shaft.
Last strike was not great big effect on numbers
Then he should take the 3500 out with atmos. Taking worst strike out with both. 2737 atmos 2666 hzrdus. Difference is negligible
Gonzalez Kenneth Taylor Sharon Taylor Sharon
Harris Elizabeth Lopez Michelle Jones Jennifer
Come on Mike I find myself having to FF too much superfluous talk.
All made in the same chinese factory lol
Well there's 15 of my life I won't get back. This guy is as slow as a week in jail. And the end result is F All
Thanks for watching
So, you watched the WHOLE THING without fast forward, then complain that it was too slow. Classy.