The Richest Caveman - The Doug Batchelor Story

  • Опубликовано: 3 окт 2024
  • [Quoted From: ]
    Pastor Doug Batchelor
    As a teenager, Doug Batchelor had everything money could buy-everything but happiness. His search led him to drugs, fights, and suicidal fantasies, but he still was convinced that life held no purpose. Before his search ended, a cave in the hills above Palm Springs became his home, and he eventually had to scavenge for food in garbage bins.
    The happiness Doug wanted eluded him until the day he began reading the dust-covered Bible a fellow "searcher" had left in his cave. What happened next can only be described as a miracle!
    His down-to-earth approach to living the Christian life stems from his own experiences. Pastor Doug is now President and Speaker for Amazing Facts Ministries, an international evangelistic organization incorporated as a denominational television ministry within the North American Division territory.
    He is an energetic man of vision and deep spirituality with an unusual ability to communicate not only to church oriented people, but also to the millions of secular-minded people of today.
    He is the author of five books and has a wife, Karen, and five children. View Doug Batchelor's testimony! "The Richest Caveman: The Doug Batchelor Story"
    Full Streaming Video: www.amazingfact...

Комментарии • 224

  • @Hillbilly1959
    @Hillbilly1959 11 лет назад +3

    What a blessing this was. Thank you for posting

  • @troystory5913
    @troystory5913 10 лет назад +9

    Amazing what The Lord can do in such a miserable an sinful life

  • @luvalwaysfree
    @luvalwaysfree 14 лет назад +3

    his story is amazing! i would love to meet him one day...

  • @DArtiz33
    @DArtiz33 13 лет назад +1

    This was a very good story, my mum and daughter told me about it and I finally was able to see and hear it.

  • @dremcintyre
    @dremcintyre 11 лет назад +2

    Why is there an argument about the Sabbath? God said to keep it..Jesus kept it...the disciples kept it, the gentiles kept it..God sanctified it before the Jews were even a's in the eternal 10 commandments...God didnt' state He changed it. God is so wise! He did say Remember before this particular commandment. If we really want to do what is right research rather than arguing our traditions on here.

  • @BrettFavre107
    @BrettFavre107 12 лет назад +2

    We don't worship Ellen White. We believe she was a prophet, like a modern day Daniel. Also, we don't worship the sabbath, we worship ON the sabbath, as all christians should.

  • @Serafinos
    @Serafinos 13 лет назад

    @Mr28chance Agree! Nice meeting you. Christ has had His hands full with me thru life. Dougs abillity to bring scripture to life & understanding was none other than God sent. So grateful he serves the Lord during my lifetime. :)

  • @Serafinos
    @Serafinos 13 лет назад

    @Mr28chance LOL My hubby tried that route - Sunday vs Sabbath... when asked to show any scripture that proved GOD threw out the 10 Commandments, especially the 4th, but including the 1st, which was totally removed by Papacy .... he came up with the one he was taught in Theology class at Temple Univ. Where the Disciples went to visit someone on Sunday. Otherwise, he found none. Now baptized SDA... but does struggle with Daniel/Revelation... but don't we all.:) He truly enjoys Doug Batchelors

  • @game11221
    @game11221 13 лет назад

    We all have fallen short of the glory of God, for there is 1 that God gave all power & authority to, 1 that is glorified
    Christ died out side of us, it is reckoned! Our salvation is in Heaven. That is why we can not loose it! As long 1 keeps his eye on Christ
    Our Lord, our God, our King came to serve us, died 4 us, so we could have life ALL GLORY TO OUR LORD! Christ is what love is We are not good enough to wash His feet, yet He washed ours!

  • @MaranathaAgain
    @MaranathaAgain 13 лет назад

    Yes, she did and she did not hide this fact. She clearly, and so do the publishers of her work, state that she took information from other authors of her time and used their material to clarify or highlight what she was trying to convey. This was very common in her day and she was not the only one who did this. As stated before, copyright laws were not in effect in her day so she did not, in the legal sense plagiarize anything.

  • @game11221
    @game11221 13 лет назад

    When our Lord died as our representative, He took our place. In my place He stood, sealed me with His blood Justified is the open door to the temple beautiful He became what He was not, so I could become what I am not. It is not a matter of who u are, but who's u are, the devils or Christs
    Sins of yesterday, today,& tomorrow, I am in Him by faith! I have been crucified with Him, I have been buried w Him Rom 6:4 I have been raised w him(Col 3:1 Do U believe this?
    Can I get an Amen

  • @helicopterpilot007
    @helicopterpilot007 16 лет назад

    Like I said, I'm all for separation of church and state. I don't want anyone passing any laws telling me that I have to observe Sunday as the Sabbath if I want to worship on Saturday.
    I don't want to take God out of our country 'cause I agree that God would take himself out if we did that.

  • @Serafinos
    @Serafinos 13 лет назад +1

    @FatTonyAU... (Rev 22:14 KJV) Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.
    Pretty simple. It would mean Gods 10 Commandments & not the 10 which the first commandment was totally removed; 2nd split into 1st & 2nd; and 4th cut down from Remember the 7th day to keep it holy... etc -- downsized only to read "Remember the Lords Day". In Daniel it warns "They think they can change the times & the Laws"

  • @game11221
    @game11221 13 лет назад

    To take the cross from the Christian is like blotting the sun out of the ski We are saved by grace by faith Our Lords blood covers us like a cloud over u all ur days. Long as u keep ur eye on Him u can not be lost. He died for me,
    He represented for me. I am accepted in the beloved by the grace of God.
    For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son By the merits of Christ we are looked upon. If we hold to him by faith we are held as spotless as His Son

  • @windiboi
    @windiboi 15 лет назад +1

    well i think, no i believe, no know He exist...
    Jesus came from Heaven to earth, to love, heal, and forgive, He lived and died to buy your, my pardon...
    He loves you, us all!

  • @TheForefrontRadio
    @TheForefrontRadio 15 лет назад

    thanks for the post

  • @MaranathaAgain
    @MaranathaAgain 13 лет назад

    White was neither a plagiarist nor lunatic. It was customary during her time to quote other writers material without giving credit to the original author. This was common practice and is easily verified by doing a bit of historical research into what was customary during her day. Also, copyright laws were not in effect at that time. Her physical state during those visions were well recorded by many a prominent physician. Again, a bit of historical research will dispel any doubt.

  • @Inspirewear
    @Inspirewear 9 лет назад +10

    One of the most touching & powerful testimonies ever: :)

  • @jing031378
    @jing031378 13 лет назад

    Where is the Bible that you found in the cave now? Pr. Bachelor thank you for the message I have just heard.

  • @GodzzzSon
    @GodzzzSon 13 лет назад +2

    Beautiful story Doug. The Lord is coming soon my people, prepare your hearts and souls today!

  • @globalmission316
    @globalmission316 11 лет назад +2

    GOD is good and GOD is love .... IF not we already all burned and melted away forever and ever ,,,,,,

  • @mlreynolds49
    @mlreynolds49 12 лет назад

    Jesus said He is Lord of the Sabbath! So any day that I worship is sabbath when I am doing it unto Christ. No Bondage!

  • @sk71m
    @sk71m 15 лет назад +3

    What a testimony! Thank God for saving mercy!!

  • @samrayiii
    @samrayiii 14 лет назад +2

    WOOOOOOW! I always enjoyed listening to Doug's messages but this one hit me hard. With how knowledgable he is with the scriptures you'd assume he was in the church his whole life, You never know till you really sit down and hear someone's testimony. Awesome story!

  • @AniLutu
    @AniLutu 16 лет назад +2

    I read his book about 7 yrs. ago and I absolutely loved it! Really awe-inspiring and funny. He puts things into perspective w/ his faith in God and his storytelling is very humorous to say the least.
    May God bless you and you family, Dr. Batchelor.

  • @inbyhisgrace
    @inbyhisgrace 12 лет назад

    although many have eaten freely, once again, from the "tree of life". Why do so many still insist on feeding from that "forbidden tree" of the law and works?

  • @OU8121ST
    @OU8121ST 14 лет назад +2

    This Man speaks the truth of GOD

  • @constancecollier7269
    @constancecollier7269 10 лет назад

    Wow, what a life.

  • @eppingmelb
    @eppingmelb 7 лет назад

    Salvation Prayer for Everlasting Life in Heaven
    Jesus Christ I believe You are the Son of God and that You died on the cross to save me. I invite You into my life to be my Lord and Savior forever. Please forgive me of all my sins and cleanse me with Your precious Blood. Help me to turn from any sin that comes my way.
    Please fill me with Your Holy Spirit and help me to bring glory to You and bring others also to salvation.
    I want to Love You, ServeYou and Obey You everyday of my life.
    Father God, Thank You, that through coming to Jesus, I have become Your child
    If you prayed this prayer and meant it
    * go to Church
    * read from the Bible every day, study it
    * pray many times a day
    * listen to worship music
    * have a relationship with Jesus

  • @dconklin58
    @dconklin58 14 лет назад

    @Jesus4Truth: "They use spiritual threatening sermons to motivate people to tithe and to remain a member of the SDA."
    In 45 years I never heard a single sermon of that type. Now maybe they do things differently in Australia--but that is not the norm.

  • @Bencat1832
    @Bencat1832 17 лет назад

    Speaking for myself, I don't and never had worship nor believe in EGW writings. There's only one true,genuine, spirit of the prophecy and word of God,and that the BIBLE.
    BIBLE and BIBLE alone.

  • @johnstumph
    @johnstumph 14 лет назад

    @FatTonyAU "If you love Me, keep My commandments." John 14:15 Can we keep it perfectly? No. But thank God, we have the grace of God through Jesus Christ who covers our sinnfulness. We are therefore looked upon as sinless.

  • @johnstumph
    @johnstumph 14 лет назад

    @FatTonyAU 1 John 3:4 is right but please read all of 1 John Chapter 3 to get the context and not muddle the issue. "We do not earn our salvation by our obedience; for salvation is a free gift of God, to be recived by faith. But obedince is the fruit of faith... here is the true test. If we abide in Christ, if the love of God dwells in us, our feelings, our thoughts, our purposes, our actions will be in harmony with the will of God as expressed in the precepts of His holy law." SC 61

  • @mlreynolds49
    @mlreynolds49 12 лет назад

    Hi..was unable to reply back using the email. it came back to me..I know many believe that going to a building is the best thing to do: however when Jesus reprimanded the Pharisees for this very thing, He was letting them know that I am the fulfilling of the Law...The day we congregate is not nearly as important as the fact that we do. We must remember that Jesus said I am the Lord of the Sabbath...if we look at His life did he only meet with people willing to following Him on Saturdays?

  • @Myhopeisinhim
    @Myhopeisinhim 13 лет назад

    If it has anything to do with sunday, you can sure bet that part of the law will be to worship the false christ in his own name. The day of sunday in and of itself is not enough and will not cause someone to receive the mark of the beast. It does not denote rejection of Jesus, for if it did than anyone, even the disciples by gathering on the first day, and every other day of the week, would have spent more time rejecting him than accepting him.

  • @jesus1208sda
    @jesus1208sda 13 лет назад

    @FatTonyAU idea. i try my best to honor God and spend my time with Him as much as i can
    2. well the bible says if you even look at a women to lust after her you are committing adultery so i would have to say no. i struggle sometimes. by Gods grace i can overcome though
    3. most likely not. but by God's grace i can make it there
    4.of course i sin. what kind of question is that. do i like to sin...not at all. its a struggle. but im trying hard not to...with Gods help i can be victorious

  • @jesus1208sda
    @jesus1208sda 13 лет назад

    @FatTonyAU i cant give you a direct answer to an indirect question. if the bible tell us to worship God on Sabbaths, and no where in the bible does it say to keep sunday. then i would want to obey my Lord Jesus and worship Him on the day that he has made for me to worship Him. so your saying, if one kept the 4th commandment and then decided to permenantley break it would they be saved? 1John2:4He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him

  • @johnstumph
    @johnstumph 13 лет назад

    @Jesus4Truth Did not Jesus say "...go and sin no more..."? John 8:11 If you believe that the Holy Law of God has been done away with. Bestbuy has a lot of nice things that I am sure thay will let you have for free... and the Red Corvette in you neighbors driveway is really yours, along with his wife. You see you can not break up the Law of God. See Matthew 5:17-19 "If ye LOVE ME, KEEP MY commandments." John 14:15 So yes arin't we all suppost to be legalists?

  • @johnstumph
    @johnstumph 13 лет назад

    @Jesus4Truth So let us turn the table here...? Do you, "Jesus4Truth", keep the Perfect Law of God? Yes or No?
    If no, then you too are a law breaker.
    You can not keep only nine of the Law and choose to not keep one. The Law was in effect at creation. "This is the message you heard from the beginning: We should love one another. Do not be like cain, who belonged to the evil one and murdered his brother, and why did he murder him? Becuase his own actions were evil..." 1 John 3:11

  • @johnstumph
    @johnstumph 14 лет назад

    @FatTonyAU 1 John 3:4 is right but please read all of 1 John Chapter 3 to get the context and not muddle the issue. "We do not earn our salvation by our obedience; for salvation is a free gift of God, to be recived by faith. But obedince is the fruit of faith... here is the true test. If we abide in Christ, if the love of God dwells in us, our feelings, our thoughts, our purposes, our actions will be in harmony with the will of God as expressed in the precepts of His holy law." SC 61

  • @Lysimachus78
    @Lysimachus78 17 лет назад

    Utter foolishness. The Bible can be interpreted by anyone who has a contrite and submissive heart. If you humble yourself to God, he will teach you and guide you. The Bible was purposely not written for dummies to help weed out the wheat from the tares. Everyone would worship God out of fear and duty, but not genuine Love. Bible written in code = being able to judge who is who.

  • @Myhopeisinhim
    @Myhopeisinhim 13 лет назад

    The law will never show you obedient. The more people learn of the law, the more they realize how far they've come from the presence of God, not the other way around. If people think they are becoming more and more obedient by following the law they have moved away from the true purpose of the law, which was to show you your sin and lead you to the cross of Christ.

  • @MaranathaAgain
    @MaranathaAgain 12 лет назад

    @imax1971 "An SDA member comparing Ellen to Jesus Christ.."
    You seem to have a penchant for twisting words around. "By their fruits you shall know them." You certainly show yours.
    So as to clarify; I do not compare Ellen White, nor anyone else, for that matter, to Christ. Secondly, while Christ is soon to return, you would do well to focus on that fact and stop trying to discredit the means by which God has chosen to reveal himself, whether you believe or not. Have a good day.

  • @pluto15xyz
    @pluto15xyz 12 лет назад

    Fellow Christians, test the spirit of this pastor, thru his words!!! Research & even find fault if you like... If its necessary to satisfy yourselves... Post it here... I will be waiting for it. This pastor is also challenging you to test or compare DEEPER your belief system to his.... Matthew 13:3-17.... It's a parable from Jesus... Know where do you STAND.... Godbless. Amen

  • @GamerDude573
    @GamerDude573 13 лет назад

    @imax1971 Sorry, I forgot to address that part. All I'm going to say is that you should judge someone based on the bible not based on what other people have said about them. People can be biased, but the bible is never biased.
    I rarely use The Clear Word. It's supposed to be used as a devotional bible; we never use it in church - we use the NKJV or NIV usually. Do you have a problem with using the living/message bible etc.? We never use TCW as a substitute to the other versions.

  • @PlantiPal
    @PlantiPal 13 лет назад

    Claims can be made to defend or condemn Doug's words. But one thing you cannot deny is his personal encounter with the Lord. My experience was similar and like him I can attest that the Lord is real and that He pleads with us to come to Him for freedom from the sin that ensnares us. Don't over estimate the power of your mind and its rationality, remember that Lucifer was created intellectually superior to the brightest of us and his thoughts still led him astray. Trust God and His proven Word.

  • @Serafinos
    @Serafinos 13 лет назад

    @FatTonyAU Scripture teaches that we study the Bible precept upon precept & scripture upon scripture.
    "Come, let us REASON together." Come before Him with humbled & contrite hearts seeking TRUTH... not to put others down.
    Several posts appear to have attempted in answering your questions... but also request studying further, on your own, from the Word, in order to allow truth spoken from scripture to bear it's own Witness. It's the only way my husband & I study, including along side EGW.

  • @Serafinos
    @Serafinos 13 лет назад

    @BibleJesusChristian Please, provide a link to the video in Pastor Batchelors own words.
    I've listened to majority of his videos; most of his Sabbath School classes, every week; and read many of his books. What you claim is either taken out of context &/or completely misquoted.
    You remind me of a very angry Baptist minister, here, that thrives on arguing the Bible & hating any Christian of other faiths. Sad!

  • @Serafinos
    @Serafinos 13 лет назад

    @PreparetomeetthyGod God doesn't forgive an "intentional" sin?
    Then why should anyone bother to be "reborn again" and go to Him as little children? Was the thief on the cross saved... as Christ told him He was surely forgiven & would be in heaven? Did the thief not intentionally steal? The God we read of in scripture, as He shows especially thru David & Paul -- is a loving God. Turn from our wicked ways (intentional or unintentional) ... and follow Me! What GREAT HOPE & amazing promise! :)

  • @Serafinos
    @Serafinos 13 лет назад

    @FatTonyAU Please share a reference book/page/paragraph which you find EGW teaching that a "person must become sinless before the can invite Jesus into their hearts."
    Considering the fact -- she fully teaches, as scripture teaches... come as you are... sinful, broken & down trodden. She never wrote nor believed those attending church on Sundays are lost.
    Perhaps actually reading her material would help. Praying for your anger.

  • @HarlanLovestone
    @HarlanLovestone 13 лет назад

    To answer your question further i believe Christian who are sincere and worship on Sunday may be saved if they don't know better. But I'd rather be on the safe side and worship on Saturday cause it is truly the Lord's day. Faith and Grace don't erase the Law. If your speeding on a highway and a cop stops you but doesnt give you a ticket that's what grace is like. But it doesn't mean the law has changed and you can keep going 90 miles an hour.

  • @HarlanLovestone
    @HarlanLovestone 13 лет назад

    @BibleJesusChristian EG White is a religious writer. She is not the bible. However i have never heard her contradict the bible. She is simply saying that Because Jesus dies for our sins his blood cleanses us and makes us pure from all sins. And that those sins of the saints are gong to be attributed to Satan and he will be destroyed by Christ. How is that blasphemy??? It follows the same history and archetype Jesus is the innocent lamb and Satan is the goat!

  • @game11221
    @game11221 13 лет назад

    Christ became what He was not, so I could become what I am not
    He was treated as I deserve so I can be treated as He deserves
    In my place He stood sealed me with His blood
    Barabbas, ur 2nd name & mine, condemned to death, a very bad man Nothing he could do & Jesus takes his place. Friends we are Barabbas, Jesus has taken our place
    He was flogged & by His stripes our wounds would be healed
    He was condemned so we could be justified
    He was striped so we could be clothed
    What a savior!

  • @beedip84
    @beedip84 13 лет назад

    @CitySerendipity so basically what u are saying is that your relation with Jesus is wats gonna determing if u get into the kingdom or not?
    ok, how would you like to have a friend that does things to hurt you ever though you have told him or her what makes you happy?
    its the same with jesus bro, he stated in the BIBLE what he expects us to do on his behalf and things we should bring our selves in subjection to; so when you have a True close personal relation ship with Jesus, u do what he says.

  • @Godrick34
    @Godrick34 13 лет назад

    I wonder why I am not convinced that many of you here are ready to go to heaven. It seems to me that most of you here are just praising your dogma. You get hot over issues that leads not unto salvation. Leave the people's husbands, leave their wives, speak the truth, be obedient to your parents, stop worshiping your countries, currencies, colors and names. Stop thinking that you can walk dirty footed into heaven either..better straighten up and fly right or keep blogging your way to hell.

  • @csc333
    @csc333 13 лет назад

    How does doing something good (keeping God`s commandments) equate to something bad (saving oneself). So... logically extending this argument, in order to be saved, one should break God`s commandments in order to avoid "saving themselves" ?
    So, who is living more correctly, a person who does their best to follow God`s laws or one who kills, rapes and steals?

  • @GamerDude573
    @GamerDude573 13 лет назад

    1. No, no one except God is perfect.
    2. We try our best, but do break them just like everyone else.
    3. No, you are only lost if you don't have faith in Jesus and accept him.
    4. I believe many people who go to church on Sundays will be saved through faith in Jesus if they are sincere Christians and have never heard about the truth. However, this is between you and God. Only He can answer truly answer this question correctly.

  • @athealovesu
    @athealovesu 14 лет назад

    @Jesus4Truth Let me educate you a bit about a few of the beliefs that SDA's have. First of all they do NOT believe that they will be saved solely on the basis that they are sabbath keepers. Because I think you are smart enought to know that being a christian doesn't revolve only around that one commandment. SDA people believe that it is Grace through FAITH by which you are saved. And by no other way.

  • @maimbobubble
    @maimbobubble 14 лет назад

    @Jesus4Truth i challenge u to search for yourself what SDAs believe in. The wonderful thing about being a Christian is that we the have opportunity to search the bible for ourselves and judge whether what we hear is true or not. scripture is the only infallible source of truth, belief no.1, we are saved only thru Christ, belief nos. 9 10, Christ said 'if u love me keep my commandments "Jn14;15, belief no.19 of which the Sabbath is.

  • @Barsanalina
    @Barsanalina 14 лет назад

    You want to enter life?
    Mat 19:17 ...but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments.
    Rev 22:14 Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life,...
    What if I tell you not to obey the commandments (Including Sabbath)?
    Mat 5:19 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven:...

  • @Barsanalina
    @Barsanalina 14 лет назад

    But who gave the Ten Commandments to Moses?(Yes, that Lord who saved Jews from Egypt was Jesus.. and wrote the LAW with His own finger}
    Jud 1:5 I will therefore admonish you, though ye once knew all things, that Jesus, having saved the people out of the land of Egypt, did afterwards destroy them that believed not.(DRB)
    (Here is the heading of the TEN COMMANDMENTS)
    Exo 20:2 I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.

  • @lurasman
    @lurasman 15 лет назад

    I can certainly read it and it's discribing what is an abomination to God. And it's not surpising that you see that same kind of sin so rampid in today's world. Movies, TV Shows, music, pornography have all promoted this kind of "prostitution" the bible talks about. I too have been guilty of this kind of lust, one night stands, etc. But God makes it very clear where he stands on these kinds of sins, anyone would be wise learn from it.

  • @HelloEiko
    @HelloEiko 16 лет назад

    when you say that the longings for God disappear It makes me wonder whether or not you are questioning God or the thirst for God
    people often try to depend on themselves and truly that isnt possible you cant stand on your own. i guess you good look at it like this whenever i have to perform infront of a huge crowd i tend to get really nervous but after im off stage the nervousness is gone. and if i go back and use my fears and turn my fear into a sort of adrenaline it can be a good thing.

  • @helicopterpilot007
    @helicopterpilot007 16 лет назад

    Yes it is Paul talking. He is talking about the YEARLY sabbaths. He explains it if you will just read it ALL. Does the phrase "which are a shadow of things to come" ring a bell???There is no "version" here. The best way to understand a subject in the Bible is to get all of the verses that talk about a particular subject and compare them (and don't forget to keep them in their context)

  • @jtz0
    @jtz0 16 лет назад

    in my opinion,"keep the seventh day holy" is one of the ten commandments, and they are all as important as each other.
    sabbath might be seen as a burden to some, but for me, i'm glad God set aside a day when i can just relax, go surfing, fishing, whatever, just spend time with God

  • @MaranathaAgain
    @MaranathaAgain 13 лет назад

    Also, IMAX, she clearly states that she did not quote the original author for the sole reason that she wanted the reader to stay focused on the content and not the author. Let me, also, draw your attention to the fact that Christ, when preaching, quoted many an Old Testament writer without giving credit to the author. Does this make Him a plagarist, too? Not at all!

  • @Godrick34
    @Godrick34 13 лет назад

    Some people can't even figure out their lives, but have the audacity to dismiss God. You don't fully understand your beginning from your end, but you are so certain there is no God..I know I won't be surprised, because there is One God. He is the creator God. He left his seal in the bible..spend sometime to find it.

  • @tickmann
    @tickmann 14 лет назад

    @djbaudoin I believe the creeds of the Church regarding the Trinity. Apostles creed, Niciene creed, Athanasian creed... the qoute from Ellen White clearly reads that she did not. It was only in 1931 that Adventism started to use 'trinitarian' language..yet many still don't accept orthodox Christian doctrines, including that of the Trinity.

  • @Barsanalina
    @Barsanalina 14 лет назад

    About obedience:
    1. Who is the LIAR?
    1Jn 2:4 He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.
    1Jn 2:3 ... we do know that we know him, if we keep his commandments.
    Who don't Love God?
    Joh 14:15 If ye love me, keep my commandments.
    1Jn 5:3 For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments...

  • @helicopterpilot007
    @helicopterpilot007 16 лет назад

    I would rather have the guy that believes that God created the heavens and the Earth. I believe that we need to keep church and state separate at ALL costs though. I don't think we need an atheist to achieve that. This is in NO WAY an endorsement for that Huckabee guy. I don't like any of the candidates, actually.

  • @helicopterpilot007
    @helicopterpilot007 16 лет назад

    Good for you. EGW didn't want anyone to worship her. I don't know why anyone would anyway.
    Every book of the Bible was written by a prophet. Not all prophets have a book in the Bible. EGW was definitely a prophet. So if you believe in the "BIBLE and BIBLE alone", and the Bible says to "believe his prophets" (see II Chronicles 20:20), then you're in a bind, I guess.

  • @helicopterpilot007
    @helicopterpilot007 16 лет назад

    Well then, if Christ is a myth, it was predicted by someone who wrote it down as if Jesus was real long before the 30,000 denominations existed. OH NO!!! SOMEONE FORETOLD THE FUTURE PRETENDING TO BE CHRIST! THIS MUST MEAN MY FAITH IS CRUMBLING!! Sorry for the sarcasm, I just think you have ignored all evidence and common sense that doesn't support what you WANT to believe.

  • @juliad.6372
    @juliad.6372 11 лет назад +1

    you can say all you wish, but remember me anonymous, when he will be seen bygreat ans small, and it will be to late for you to repent.May God give you the light before ti is to late. I would never argue with anyone about this issue, it is available for all human very clear, only your choice will determine your destiny.Yes John Anthony,it is evident if you would have read the entire prophecy you would have the iluminare" in your soul long time ago.Wish you a timely awakening Amen!!

  • @josephinemerlan4501
    @josephinemerlan4501 11 лет назад

    May I say that you have a lot to learn. Get on the path. Get a light to find your way and a lot of prayers in your pockets. Often, salvation comes with
    maturity. Once you reach Jesus, he'll take your hand and pilot your way.
    You sound like you have your info kind of twisted. Ask God.

  • @GamerDude573
    @GamerDude573 13 лет назад

    @imax1971 This was done in the middle or his prophecy series. He had an audience way before he said all of that stuff. I don't find it that hard to believe his story. You'd only have trouble believing it if you had an initial bias towards the man or his denomination.

  • @GamerDude573
    @GamerDude573 13 лет назад

    @imax1971 The Clear Word isn't the SDA Bible. Sure it was written by an Adventist, but on the front cover it clearly states that it is a paraphrased version of the bible like the Living Bible or the Message Bible. We don't even use it in church at all. We use either the NIV or NKJV mainly.

  • @Serafinos
    @Serafinos 13 лет назад

    @BibleJesusChristian Bottom line -- each individual is judged by God & God alone. He judges each of our hearts and by the KNOWLEDGE each has acquired. A new believer is not less a Christian, nor less likely to be saved than a biblical scholar. Why do you hate, so much?

  • @Barsanalina
    @Barsanalina 14 лет назад

    Back then the writers have no Gregorian Calendar.
    They use the old HEBREW Calendar... in which the Seventh Day is Simply called...
    Yom Shabbat (יום שבת or more usually שבת - Shabbat), abbr. יום ש׳ = "Sabbath day (Rest day)" = Saturday

  • @seriousvideofreak
    @seriousvideofreak 16 лет назад

    Not saying this to be impolite. I just want to know why you feel that way and say that the bible is full of "nasty stuff" seem so sure that God doesn't exist and that we are genetically related to apes. Were you there in the beginning? If not, did you know someone who was?

  • @raykemoo7984
    @raykemoo7984 11 лет назад +1

    The Bible say's is in Matthew 7:6 "Not to give what is Holy to the dogs"because they will only trample over it and turn and rend you. So I will not explain further, you may ask whatever question which Bible can give the right answers bro (just like the above question), but since you will not understand it will be a waste to explain what is Holy. So love you and goodnight.

  • @inbyhisgrace
    @inbyhisgrace 11 лет назад

    Do you have to build this "path/relationship" or did Jesus already build it?...the faith is what produces the works, not vice versa! Holy Spirit is who produces the "work/s"...the works comes only by resting, never ever by striving :)

  • @stephimarie317
    @stephimarie317 12 лет назад

    Egw is just a prophet we don't worship her like we don't worship Samuel or Daniel they are just prophets to tell us more of the word of God we don't worship her get your facts straight or better yet take it up with God he'l tell u

  • @imax1971
    @imax1971 13 лет назад

    @GamerDude573 I said the founder of your religion was a lunatic and plagiarist... Funny how you didn't respond to that... As far as the Clear Word Bible is concerned, you have no problem with a paraphrased version of the Holy Bible??? Are you kidding me???

  • @Serafinos
    @Serafinos 13 лет назад

    @Serafinos (continued) The Pope changed the law, as signed by another 'man' Constantine.
    The Bible says that not one jot or tittle will pass from the Law until it is all fulfilled.
    Much rather follow the finger of God in stone than MAN's law. No? :)

  • @HarlanLovestone
    @HarlanLovestone 13 лет назад

    Not everyone in the SDA church will be saved if that's what you are implying. But I believe Jesus is going to save his people and anoint them with wisdom so they come to realize sunday is the man made day, not God's weekly Sabbath day.

  • @Barsanalina
    @Barsanalina 14 лет назад

    Can obedience to the Law forgive us our sin?... NO!
    Gal 2:16 ...a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ,... that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law...

  • @imax1971
    @imax1971 13 лет назад

    @GamerDude573 Hey listen. I apologize for being mean. I hope you accept my apology. We believe what we believe. Although our religions have differences, we both agree that Jesus is our savior. I wish you the best. Peace.

  • @maicoolfly
    @maicoolfly 13 лет назад

    i dont go to church on sunday or saturday,their will be the day their will be no tommor sunday nor saturday...same to religion as well all i have is Christ wont live me....he know how politic like religion is...

  • @michaeloxley20112010
    @michaeloxley20112010 12 лет назад

    watch my testimony, just search michael oxley to find out how Jesus took me from drugs, gambling and living on the streets to being baptized into the Seventh-Day Adventist church. praise God

  • @Serafinos
    @Serafinos 13 лет назад

    @BibleJesusChristian You didn't ask if he was a sinner. You asked if he 'kept' the 10 Commandments.
    Quite haughty for a professed BibleJesusChristian. The 'gotchya' questions; demonizing; hatefullness, misleading, misquoting & then attempting to judge via a few pixels here & there.
    I believe in the 10 ORIGINAL Commandments and ATTEMPT to keep them, however, fall short, often.
    Do you keep the original 10 or Constantines 10?

  • @maicoolfly
    @maicoolfly 13 лет назад

    @bigblueunited9 if you have faith their is hope...former SDA i still respect them...but i dont like their teaching anymore....their will be a time you will see what SDA is really is....

  • @maicoolfly
    @maicoolfly 13 лет назад

    @bigblueunited9 you wont be blind as long you have faith....dont depend from other thoughts....who is right or is really disappointing...religion can make you astray

  • @helicopterpilot007
    @helicopterpilot007 16 лет назад

    So you're going to stay in a church that teaches that you don't need to worry about all those verses that tell us to keep the Sabbath holy... over and over and over again???

  • @HarlanLovestone
    @HarlanLovestone 13 лет назад

    @Mr28chance God judges people based on what they know. If you know that Saturday is the sabbath but still choose to worship on Sunday that does not please God.

  • @dconklin58
    @dconklin58 14 лет назад

    @Jesus4Truth: "The religious legalistic people have always persecuted those who teach grace. "
    And they will do it again at the close of time.

  • @csc333
    @csc333 13 лет назад

    Do I perfectly keep the commandments always? No, is this a serious question? What did I write that could possibly have implied this?

  • @jocoolshow
    @jocoolshow 13 лет назад

    @FatTonyAU 1 no 2 no 3 no 4 yes Its not possible for a human to be perfect. we are supposed to try not to sin

  • @HarlanLovestone
    @HarlanLovestone 13 лет назад

    @HarlanLovestone Satan does not have to burn for every person he can get to die in sin. They will burn for those sin and satan does not have to suffer for them, but satan has to burn for every saint that repents and chooses Christ..

  • @tickmann
    @tickmann 14 лет назад

    “The man Christ was not the Lord God Almighty, yet Christ and the Father are one” (183-184; LHU 235 & 5BC 1129 - 1956 ed.). EGW

  • @MrRockbody
    @MrRockbody 14 лет назад +2

    Happy Sabbath from Hawaii.