I once saw a meme that said: How many Christians does it take to change a lightbulb? Charismatic: 1, hands already in the air Pentecostal: Ten. One to change the bulb, and nine to pray against the spirit of darkness. Presbyterians: None: Lights will go on and off at predestined times. Roman Catholic: None. Candles only. Baptists: At least 15, one to change the light bulb, and three committees to approve the change and decide who brings the potato salad and fried chicken. Episcopalians: Three. One to call the electrician, one to mix the drinks, and one to talk about how much better the old one was. Methodists: Undetermined. Whether your light is bright, dull, or completely out, you are loved. You can be a light bulb, turnip bulb, or tulip bulb. Church0wide lighting service is planned for Sunday, Bring bulb of your choice and a covered dish. Mormons: Six. Five wives to replace the bulbs while husband reviews church lighting policy Lutherans: None. Lutherans don't believe in change Amish: What's a light bulb?
No but as a Baptist, we would totally have to get the committees to approve of a change in lights before buying and making the action. And then we totally WOULD have a dinner follow it/because of it. lol
@@aname4390 It isn't a part of Nicene Christianity, but it is certainly Christian. To say otherwise is to beg the question and presuppose which denomination is right, which is clearly a matter of bias, not fact.
@@Tijaxtolan Quakers traditionally have "unprogrammed" worship where they pray/meditate in silence together and anyone can interrupt the silence to preach about anything they want if they feel "moved" to do so. This isn't the case for all Quakers nowadays since, like Judaism, Quakerism is very decentralized and you could probably find a ton of different Quakers with a ton of different beliefs (from incredibly liberal to fairly conservative) and practices, so there are modern Quakers with a more "traditional" form of church.
As a former unitarian universalist this was very accurate 😂 it's basically your easy segway from atheism to Christianity without needing too much of a jump
same its unfortunate what happened to my own UU church I was part of many of the actually religious left especially after the woke virus came in and they started pushing out families and straight white men. I had been at my UU all my life since I was a child and then suddenly I was looked on as evil and I pointed out they were all bigots as they were now having to sell the church given they couldn't keep up with payments some bigotted lesbian woman took over as pastor and has completely destroyed it
Sometimes I wish this wasn't the case, as a Baptist and recent fan of this channel and others. Taking things too literal out of the Bible really takes away from its truth. I'm sticking with my grape juice though.
I know it was kind of a joke, but i don't really see this. I assume he's referring to taking Genesis 1-11 literally? But that's just one hotly debated section, no baptist takes psalms, proverbs, or revelation literally, for example
@@cephandrius5281 My pastor equated the European Union to Rome, Germany to Gomer, and had a whole series on the nations that would fight a war, whether official or otherwise, against Israel. My pastor is an overall alright guy, but from my overall experience, this kind of stuff makes Baptists (and henceforth Christians) as crazy. I also don't believe Baptists are historically so bad (Zoomer here still considers us Christians). I also don't believe that Baptists are all like this, especially considering our nature of being wildly decentralized/low church. But man, some Baptists have done way more than argue with Genesis 1: 1-11
Well Catholic would also claim "We were here first." It's a debatable point obviously, but as a Catholic, it's pretty hard to miss the fact that our primary pride is believing we are the original Christians. But then I guess the Orthodox and Catholic statements would be the same...
@@j.prt.979 It would definitely be funnier. It also makes sense that we would be the same, because I'm pretty sure the Catholic and Orthodox churches are the only ones that have ever discussed reunification, even if it's never going to happen.
@@gunsgalore7571 the Catholic Church have also discussed reunification with the Oriental Orthodox, which just like the Eastern Orthodox, accept a reunion in the Council of Florence but later rejected the union, and the Assyrian Church of the East. There were indeed bishops from the Church of the East who entered in communion with Rome in Florence, but from what I read ot was only the ones from Cyprus. A reunification with those two may even be more likely than with the Eastern Orthodox, since there's less history with bad blood with them, even though still unlikely. The EO and OO have also discussed and got quite close to reunification not too long ago, but but it didn't happen.
@@gokutricolor1914 That's a good point, come to think of it I have heard in article somewhere that Catholic-Oriental Orthodox relations are even better than Catholic-Eastern Orthodox relations. I think an important point of Catholic-Orthodox reunification in general is that while the Catholic Church is all under one authority, different Orthodox churches have a little more leeway, and so you sometimes have specific Orthodox churches in specific countries reuniting with Rome while others do not. So Orthodox-Catholic reunifications do happen from time to time, but it's almost always individual churches. Of course, the biggest problem with any Orthodox-Catholic reunification is that the Orthodox church in question effectively has to agree to become Eastern Catholic and submit to the Pope's authority, and not wanting to be under the Pope and not wanting to be Catholic was one of the main reasons schism happened in the first place. But it is easier than reunification with most forms of Protestantism, because with Orthodoxy the structures and beliefs are so similar to Catholicism that whole churches can effectively switch their affiliation, priests and bishops intact, whereas this could just not happen with something like the Southern Baptist Church, which has no priests, sacraments, or churches resembling anything like in Catholicism.
EO that I've talked to like to say their traditions, liturgy especially, are more in line with the original church. Fewer 'accretions' as a Protestant might say.
Hey, thanks for including the Amish in this! Just so you know, Amish are part of the greater family of Anabaptists, which is itself a whole denominational family--and is separate from Baptists! If you do a quick historical search on this it is pretty evident. Anabaptism definitely deserves to have its own place in your denominational videos. But I appreciate you including the Amish in this!
As an Anglican, yes I agree this is true! I see a missed opportunity for most of the sentence to say girl priest or mention divorce though. We Anglicans sure love our girl priests yes.
This channel has made me realise how important we lutherans take communion. I have always just gone to Lutheran churches so I’ve had nothing to compare it to
@icarojose6316 Im a catholic. And we believe the same. Its literally him, who else would it be there?? Muhammed? I hope not... (well actually i know its not him, ofcourse its Jesus Christ)
I was surprised when I first found out that Baptists don’t do communion. Like, how do they take everything else so literally but they don’t do communion? XD
@@TurtleShroom3grew up Nazarene and that is the way I was taught also. Do this in REMEMBRANCE of me. Now I am part of the Evangelical Friends (Bible believing Quakers) and Communion is inward. It's a state in which we are supposed to maintain at all times with the Holy Spirit. We do have the Lord's Supper a few times a year.
@@betsywoolbright8059 I actually believe on Consubstantiation, despite official Baptist doctrine. Our Lord says this *IS* my Body/Blood, and says elsewhere that if you refuse to drink of MY BLOOD and eat of MY FLESH, you have no part IN ME. The original Greek has the same literal meaning. We always insist on taking the Bible as it is written, so why don't we take this part as Jesus said? Clearly, there must be an indwelling on the bread amd juice of some sort, otherwise Jesus would not say that it IS Him.
The love for icons almost went 360 when Leo III the Isaurian thought the reason the empire is declining is because there's too much religious imagery lmfao.
As a liberal Anglo-Catholic, I just love your videos. Some of these descriptions made me chuckle, especially the one about Anglicanism. Ask ten different Anglicans a question and you will get eleven different answers! You could lay every single Anglican down on the ground end-to-end in a line and you still wouldn’t reach agreement! Still, I love it. Despite the differences between and within denominations I try to adhere to St Augustine’s dictum: in essentials, unity. In non-essentials, liberty. In all things, charity.
@@aussiegodx8629It's over 9000 kind of cringe meme. It’s one of those jokes that could have been funny but, you look and no ones laughing and you're standing there awkwardly. You’re like damn these people are serious.
@icarojose6316 By “liberal” I mean that reason and modern science must be taken into account, and that faith and reason must be in perfect concord. Scripture must be interpreted in light of reason, evidence and the historical record.
It's also the more liberal baptists, not the strict ones. The non-denominational Christian church in Troy, MI that I attended was more Roman Catholic than Baptist. The music was all genres metal, rock, classical, Jazz, hip-hop, etc.
The pentecostalism is kinda right. I was almost an official in a church, and aside from the interview to see if your life fits the description of a christian, the pastor wanted me to speak in tongues out of the blue as proof that I had been baptized in the Holy Spirit.
im atheist. but I love your videos. there is some bias sometimes, but you mostly present the info about the different denominations and its really interesting. great content
I mean, he often admits to them and says to take some things with a grain of salt. If you are consciously a part of one denomination, you have your reasons to why you chose this one above all others
@filiprohn1643 yeah, I mean bias isn't bad at all, it's that people make assumptions around it. If they think your bias is due to being uninformed, it's bad, but if you don't have that problem, then you're just being honest and to the point.
While volunteering for communion setup in my teens, I learned that chalice wine is almost always the dirt cheapest merlot available haha.. the Welch’s is the best choice honestly
I’m an evangelical. Let me take a shot at us. “We really care about Biblical truth. Unless of course a song sounds really cool, then we couldn’t care less about it.”
Ive been going to a Baptist church for a few weeks now and im starting to believe that our communal is just tea and biscuits. As a Brit, I heavily approve.
As a Catholic, I feel offended that you didn't talk about us being the one true church with the orthodox being sorta cool as well. It's literally so funny(and a bit embarrassing) about the different ways the EO and the CC talk about each other. Like the CC are always like, "we're the true church, but the EO are our other half who are right in their doctrine but really should recognise the pope." While the EO are like, "I guess they have valid sacraments, but they're just a slightly less heretical version of protestants."
There is an interesting denomination of Hungarians (in Hungary and in Hungarian-speaking areas of neighboring countries), calling themselves "Reformed", basically a variant of Calvinism which is not so strict about predestination as other branches are presented to be. Basically a mixture of Presbyterian, Dutch Reformed, and Moravians, I've seen the usage of both the the symbols and the ideas of all three of them. Their theology, while based somewhat on Calvin, was more influenced by Ulrich Zwingli.
When I found progressives have infiltrated my church, I realized I loved my outward boring (actually peaceful), conservative Dutch Reformed Church too much not to fight for it. Please pray for us❤
As a Nondenominational (former Catholic), he is right about us being similar to Baptists. We use Grape Juice instead of Wine because we don't want to encourage alcoholism. But yeah, i think we try way to hard on the music.
shouldn't the catholic say instead of _"our leader is the coolest"_ something like _"our leader is the descendant of St. Peter"_ as Matthew 16:18 stated?
Zoomer, I feel like Anglicanism isn't nearly as mysterious as you make it out to be. We're basically Catholics who don't believe in the Papacy, and we use the BCP to guide worship. There's more/less liberal flavors of Anglicanism but that's true for any denomination these days.
The joke is that we've had great variety since the beginning so it's kinda hard to pin down what exactly the Anglican Church is about, precisely because it's been about several different things since the beginning.
I appreciate this channel. Please have an open mind about what I'm going to say. While many of us believe that God is almighty and all-loving, it is not easy to understand what that means really, let alone wrap our minds around the idea that God is infinite and omnipresent, because by definition that would mean that He is without form or gender, and is within us and all around us. Yet it clearly states in the Christian and other scriptures that we are to seek God within us... Let us put forth to you that there is a link between what is one of the most important ideas in almost all the major religions: In Christianity it is "In the beginning was the Word...and the Word is God." -"Word" in the original Aramaic can mean light, sound, or vibration. In Buddhism it is "Buddha-nature." In Shikism it is Shabd, or inner light and sound. Whenever a Christ-like being (one who is completely one with God while having a human form) visits Earth, he would stress the impermanence of this world and the need to go within and seek this inner divine Word, or Light, or Sound. They are all talking about the same God, just different terminology and parables based on the culture of the time. One notable thing about a true Christ, or Prophet, or Master, by whichever name you call them, is that they all had disciples. Disciples are different from other followers in that they go through a rite of initiation, like the rite rendered by John the Baptist to Jesus. Through this rite of initiation they receive a transmission of divine Light and instructions on how to further experience God. These transmissions and intructions unfortunately cannot be written down because the Light is too powerful for the masses to absorb safely, and because it is just the law of the universe that the Master has to be on Earth to initiate people, otherwise there is no compelling reason they have to come in person. Note that they will all say that one has to find God through them and them alone, because that is true - in their times they are the only gateways to God. Based on a reliable source, Prophet Mohamed was also a true Master. It is unfortunate that the teachings of Masters are often misinterpreted by later generations. Fortunately, God in His infinite compassion ensures that there is always at least one true Master in every age. Why do I bother to tell you all this? Because God is truely wondrous - as another commentator mentioned, He is Ecstacy without the downside of drugs. Best of luck. Currently, believe it or not, the Master of the highest order is in a female body: godsdirectcontact.org
As a Presbyterian I don't care if someone believes in pre-destination or not. It's a very hard theology to follow even I'm still trying to understand and study it more. Just please don't criticize our lack of dancing skills it's not our preferred skill. ;_;
Catholic should also be “RESPECT MAH AUTHORITAH!” (I’m a Catholic so please don’t feel offended) Btw, that Lutheran one I believe only applies to WELS Lutherans
@@PolarisStar5 in terms of American denoms, ELCA is the big Mainline one who doesn't hold to traditional Lutheran beliefs (they are really only Lutheran in name), while the other denoms are mostly offshoots or regional synods connected to either the LCMS or WELS, the two big confessional synods.
1:14 Mar Mari Emmanuel and the bottom right picture is not from Assyrian church of the East. He’s Syriac orthodox, but he’s from Iraq, and Syriacs in Iraq call themselves Assyrians, they can be mistaken for Assyrian church of the East sometimes
JP2 was the coolest; conservative yet left right and center respected him and felt at ease talking to him. Francis just wants to please the leftist types while making everyone ask ''is this pope even catholic?"
I'm pretty sure the media overexaggerates whatever the Pope says. Eg.: Pope Francis: Maybe we should not murder gay people News headlines: OMG THE POPE SAYS THERE SHOULD BE MORE GAY SEX IN THE CHURCH????
Wait, aren’t Hillsong Worship and Hillsong UNITED non-denominational? They make amazing music! Listen to Oceans live, that is music that is godly and beautiful, What a Beautiful Name is good too.
Whether it was intended or deliberated on or not, the absence of JWs, LDSes, and SDAs is appreciated! And as a side note, how do you personally answer a statement or question someone gives you regarding the exclusion of unitarians as Christian being a No True Scotsman fallacy? In my mind it's not a difficult question to answer, but it's a tough one to answer graciously.
I would counter by saying it is in no way a "no true scotsman" fallacy, to argue God is somehow inconsistent or unreliable is Blasphemy. Simply point to the biblical basis for the Trinity, and leave it at that. Even though the bible never _explicitly_ says "trinity", it is more than apparent that God is 1 God, but that 1 God is in 3 distinct persons. All the way from Genesis to Revelations, there is ample evidence to the historical and orthodox belief in the trinity. If you are fighting a Unitarian or other such heretic, do not cite the Church fathers or anything non-biblical, they are EXTREMELY anti-intellectual and Solo-Scriptura by virtue, they will not except anything but biblical proofs, many of which you can find in this Dr. Jordan B. Cooper video: ruclips.net/video/xDARMGpOcRw/видео.html
A Christian is someone who believes that Jesus is the eternal untreated Son of God and the "second person of the trinity," to put it in theological terminology. Someone who does not believe this is either an Arian or other type of sect related to Christianity. They are non-Christian by definition.
As a non denominational Christian you are saved if you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and repent of your sins, which means to turn away from them. I respect all denominations, and also we should interpret the Bible using the Bible, and as long as music is God honoring and with a Christian foundation it is Christian music.
You're confusing Quakers with Shakers, Quakerism is still alive and well. Also, Quakers lived mainly in Pennsylvania and were strongly persecuted in New England (e.g. Mary Dyer).
As a pentacostal, we don't really speak in tongues. Maybe some individuals do at some time but its not really a thing in most churches, contrary to opinion. Its probably closer to non-denominational at this point
Now that you bring it up I’m Pentecostal and I haven’t heard tongues in a minute 🧐 interesting… a lot of apostolic I know speak in tongues a whole lot more than we do tho
Quakers: “We began as one of the most radical and progressive forms of Christianity. Now we’re a mascot for a porridge company”
I only eat old fashioned oats 😂
it's their lot in life i suppose, from grain ships they emerged, to grain silos they will return. Grain to Grain, Whole Wheat to Whole Wheat.
@@toilet_cleaner_manFrom oats thou camest and unto oats shalt thou return.
They're a mascot for what the protestant work ethic got us: consumerism!
This is such an underrated comment.
As an orthodox I feel offended. You didn’t mention that we love beards.
You also love simping for the Russian government
Yeah, missed opportunity. Orthodox beards rock.
Dude im Orthodox and Im gonna start groving a beard
beards indeed
for real 🤣
I once saw a meme that said:
How many Christians does it take to change a lightbulb?
Charismatic: 1, hands already in the air
Pentecostal: Ten. One to change the bulb, and nine to pray against the spirit of darkness.
Presbyterians: None: Lights will go on and off at predestined times.
Roman Catholic: None. Candles only.
Baptists: At least 15, one to change the light bulb, and three committees to approve the change and decide who brings the potato salad and fried chicken.
Episcopalians: Three. One to call the electrician, one to mix the drinks, and one to talk about how much better the old one was.
Methodists: Undetermined. Whether your light is bright, dull, or completely out, you are loved. You can be a light bulb, turnip bulb, or tulip bulb. Church0wide lighting service is planned for Sunday, Bring bulb of your choice and a covered dish.
Mormons: Six. Five wives to replace the bulbs while husband reviews church lighting policy
Lutherans: None. Lutherans don't believe in change
Amish: What's a light bulb?
No but as a Baptist, we would totally have to get the committees to approve of a change in lights before buying and making the action.
And then we totally WOULD have a dinner follow it/because of it. lol
The Mormon religion isn't a Christian denomination, but funny nonetheless.
@@aname4390 It isn't a part of Nicene Christianity, but it is certainly Christian. To say otherwise is to beg the question and presuppose which denomination is right, which is clearly a matter of bias, not fact.
@@aname4390"We believe in God, the Eternal Father, in His son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost"
It actually takes four Episcopalians. One of us has to stay behind to make sure the coffee is ready after everyone else is done.
Now imagine - starterpack of every christian denomination
that would be nice if redeemed zoomer did that
Zoomer ? Please?
The Methodist one has changed in recent times. To start out you now need 20 different Pride flags. 😒
"choose your skin"
The "FOR THE LAST TIME, WE ARE NOT MUSLIM" killeddd me! 🤣 And the Quaker part lol.
These two were my favourites xd
i dont get the quaker part
@@flextape467 Most of the quaker meetings are in complete silence in order to connect deeply with the Holy Ghost.
@@mesquijoanpius5644 ok thx
@@mesquijoanpius5644I’ve read about that, and it actually seems kinda cool
Love that the Quaker one was just silent
Why was it silent
@@Tijaxtolan Quakers traditionally have "unprogrammed" worship where they pray/meditate in silence together and anyone can interrupt the silence to preach about anything they want if they feel "moved" to do so. This isn't the case for all Quakers nowadays since, like Judaism, Quakerism is very decentralized and you could probably find a ton of different Quakers with a ton of different beliefs (from incredibly liberal to fairly conservative) and practices, so there are modern Quakers with a more "traditional" form of church.
@@TheWatchersDance interesting, thanks
@@TheWatchersDancequaker oats
The screen should have, you know, quaked.
As a former unitarian universalist this was very accurate 😂 it's basically your easy segway from atheism to Christianity without needing too much of a jump
Always thought it was omnism
@Fychf so funny to see a comment like this on a Christian video 😂
same its unfortunate what happened to my own UU church I was part of many of the actually religious left especially after the woke virus came in and they started pushing out families and straight white men. I had been at my UU all my life since I was a child and then suddenly I was looked on as evil and I pointed out they were all bigots as they were now having to sell the church given they couldn't keep up with payments some bigotted lesbian woman took over as pastor and has completely destroyed it
@@Rolando_Cueva It is lol
@@Rolando_CuevaIf anything it is relevant. Well received
As a Baptist, lol you aren’t wrong.
Yeah it's spot on
Sometimes I wish this wasn't the case, as a Baptist and recent fan of this channel and others.
Taking things too literal out of the Bible really takes away from its truth.
I'm sticking with my grape juice though.
I know it was kind of a joke, but i don't really see this. I assume he's referring to taking Genesis 1-11 literally? But that's just one hotly debated section, no baptist takes psalms, proverbs, or revelation literally, for example
Are you being literal with that statement or is it symbolic? 😂
My pastor equated the European Union to Rome, Germany to Gomer, and had a whole series on the nations that would fight a war, whether official or otherwise, against Israel.
My pastor is an overall alright guy, but from my overall experience, this kind of stuff makes Baptists (and henceforth Christians) as crazy.
I also don't believe Baptists are historically so bad (Zoomer here still considers us Christians). I also don't believe that Baptists are all like this, especially considering our nature of being wildly decentralized/low church.
But man, some Baptists have done way more than argue with Genesis 1: 1-11
As a Polish Catholic, I can confirm that John Paul II was the coolest 💪🇵🇱✝️
based jp2 enjoyer
I moved to Krakow to study, and was suprised by all of the references to JP2, even the airport is named after him. Based pope, coming from a lutheran.
Łooo, Papaj
Poles trying not to talk about John Paul II for 5 seconds challenge (impossible)
He is a heretic and an apostate
Well Catholic would also claim "We were here first." It's a debatable point obviously, but as a Catholic, it's pretty hard to miss the fact that our primary pride is believing we are the original Christians. But then I guess the Orthodox and Catholic statements would be the same...
They should’ve been the same. That would’ve been funnier and historically accurate
@@j.prt.979 It would definitely be funnier. It also makes sense that we would be the same, because I'm pretty sure the Catholic and Orthodox churches are the only ones that have ever discussed reunification, even if it's never going to happen.
@@gunsgalore7571 the Catholic Church have also discussed reunification with the Oriental Orthodox, which just like the Eastern Orthodox, accept a reunion in the Council of Florence but later rejected the union, and the Assyrian Church of the East. There were indeed bishops from the Church of the East who entered in communion with Rome in Florence, but from what I read ot was only the ones from Cyprus. A reunification with those two may even be more likely than with the Eastern Orthodox, since there's less history with bad blood with them, even though still unlikely.
The EO and OO have also discussed and got quite close to reunification not too long ago, but but it didn't happen.
@@gokutricolor1914 That's a good point, come to think of it I have heard in article somewhere that Catholic-Oriental Orthodox relations are even better than Catholic-Eastern Orthodox relations. I think an important point of Catholic-Orthodox reunification in general is that while the Catholic Church is all under one authority, different Orthodox churches have a little more leeway, and so you sometimes have specific Orthodox churches in specific countries reuniting with Rome while others do not. So Orthodox-Catholic reunifications do happen from time to time, but it's almost always individual churches.
Of course, the biggest problem with any Orthodox-Catholic reunification is that the Orthodox church in question effectively has to agree to become Eastern Catholic and submit to the Pope's authority, and not wanting to be under the Pope and not wanting to be Catholic was one of the main reasons schism happened in the first place. But it is easier than reunification with most forms of Protestantism, because with Orthodoxy the structures and beliefs are so similar to Catholicism that whole churches can effectively switch their affiliation, priests and bishops intact, whereas this could just not happen with something like the Southern Baptist Church, which has no priests, sacraments, or churches resembling anything like in Catholicism.
EO that I've talked to like to say their traditions, liturgy especially, are more in line with the original church. Fewer 'accretions' as a Protestant might say.
I love this guy, god bless his church for no matter what denomination you are, if you accept that Christ is lord you are my brother.
you too
He is presbiteryan (sorry, idk how to type it)
I know he is, I am saying that anyone that calls Jesus lord is my brother.
@@brianbellic2714 Didnt Jesus say that EVERYONE (no exceptions) is your brother or sister?
Hey, thanks for including the Amish in this! Just so you know, Amish are part of the greater family of Anabaptists, which is itself a whole denominational family--and is separate from Baptists! If you do a quick historical search on this it is pretty evident. Anabaptism definitely deserves to have its own place in your denominational videos. But I appreciate you including the Amish in this!
Guarantee he already knows this, Amish is simply a buzz word more people will recognize.
You are Amish, and yet you have youtube?
Also Weird Al from "Amish Paradise"
@@ArtyomLensky they didn't say they were Amish.
I'm aware of the pacifism difference... Are there other major doctrinal differences between Anabaptist and Baptist?
As a non denominational, that hit home lol.
God bless y’all.
Edit: I started a warzone
You worship Mary 😈
my thoughts exactly, he missed a key part of your theology
Lol 😂
Y’all literally do lmao
@@ryanchain9746 tbh we dont but its a funny joke until its overused
As an Anglican…the Anglican one was pretty accurate 😂
Sad but true-at least as far as world-wide ‘Anglicanism’ looks on the ground.
It is honestly
"Whatever that is" in the pictures at least is worthy to be Anglican
@@sameash3153 Amen brother
As an Anglican, yes I agree this is true! I see a missed opportunity for most of the sentence to say girl priest or mention divorce though. We Anglicans sure love our girl priests yes.
This channel has made me realise how important we lutherans take communion. I have always just gone to Lutheran churches so I’ve had nothing to compare it to
I’ll not receiving communion until I pass my membership course :(
But I guess that’s right, really makes you to understand the importance of communion
@icarojose6316 Im a catholic. And we believe the same. Its literally him, who else would it be there?? Muhammed? I hope not... (well actually i know its not him, ofcourse its Jesus Christ)
As an Anglican, I also take communion seriously. My Baptist friends say communion is a Catholic thing, but no it isn’t just that.
@@weziaka lot of people think it's just metaphorical and Jesus isn't there spiritually or physically
“Church for atheists” 😂
This is hilarious. The heavy breath at Quaker made me rewind and watch again. lol it’s great :-)
Gotta love the Quaker one.
“Non-Denominationals are just baptists with a better website and worst music.”
-Redeemed Zoomer, 2023
Is he wrong tho?
Pentecostal are just Baptist but with focus on tongues. And Baptist are just Amish but developed with technology.
As a Baptist that became non denominational I can confirm that nothings actually changed besides the music… you got us down
As a Church of Christ member you got it spot on 😭
Suprised to see that we made the video lol
As a Methodist, I can confirm we are proud to be the South America of Christain Denominations 🫡✝️
You guys created suicide hotlines.
So you did have a purpose.
@@polishherowitoldpilecki5521I didn't know that. Goosebumps. How many lives have been saved?!?! Thank you, Methodists.
As a Baptist, you forgot to mention we don’t take baptism literally either, that’s just a symbol to us.
I was surprised when I first found out that Baptists don’t do communion. Like, how do they take everything else so literally but they don’t do communion? XD
We DO take Communion, but we don't believe it is anything but a symbol, as opposed to Consubstantation or Transubstantiation.
@@TurtleShroom3grew up Nazarene and that is the way I was taught also. Do this in REMEMBRANCE of me. Now I am part of the Evangelical Friends (Bible believing Quakers) and Communion is inward. It's a state in which we are supposed to maintain at all times with the Holy Spirit. We do have the Lord's Supper a few times a year.
I actually believe on Consubstantiation, despite official Baptist doctrine. Our Lord says this *IS* my Body/Blood, and says elsewhere that if you refuse to drink of MY BLOOD and eat of MY FLESH, you have no part IN ME. The original Greek has the same literal meaning.
We always insist on taking the Bible as it is written, so why don't we take this part as Jesus said? Clearly, there must be an indwelling on the bread amd juice of some sort, otherwise Jesus would not say that it IS Him.
@@TurtleShroom3Matter is spirit. Jesus is in the Eucharist.
As a Catholic, I can confirm your description of Catholicism is 100% accurate.
I’m one’a them Pentecostals . . . Thank you, just THANK YOU! God is doing amazing work thru you brother! Whooo!!
As an orthodox I feel so offended and personally attacked for not mentions how much we love icons.
@@eliegbert8121”You like kissing Icons, don’t you Squidward?”
Thou shalt not take unto thee any graven image.
The love for icons almost went 360 when Leo III the Isaurian thought the reason the empire is declining is because there's too much religious imagery lmfao.
@@sireawfulthe1st291180 or are you meming
As a liberal Anglo-Catholic, I just love your videos. Some of these descriptions made me chuckle, especially the one about Anglicanism.
Ask ten different Anglicans a question and you will get eleven different answers!
You could lay every single Anglican down on the ground end-to-end in a line and you still wouldn’t reach agreement!
Still, I love it. Despite the differences between and within denominations I try to adhere to St Augustine’s dictum: in essentials, unity. In non-essentials, liberty. In all things, charity.
What even is a liberal Anglo-Catholic? Or is this a meme
@@aussiegodx8629It's over 9000 kind of cringe meme. It’s one of those jokes that could have been funny but, you look and no ones laughing and you're standing there awkwardly. You’re like damn these people are serious.
@icarojose6316 By “liberal” I mean that reason and modern science must be taken into account, and that faith and reason must be in perfect concord. Scripture must be interpreted in light of reason, evidence and the historical record.
@@HumeHwy Let's hope this comment section doesn't devolve into bickering
as a quaker i laughed harder than i should’ve💀
This video shows me why we can't simplify complicated stuff. The original message can't be explained in one sentences. Good video.
As a sacramental Reformed non-denom former Anglican, I can confirm a number of these are correct! The Quaker one had me creased 😂
I briefly interacted with a unitarian church and the main takeaway I got from it was literally, "church for atheists"
As a non-denominational, I'm dying 🤣
It's also the more liberal baptists, not the strict ones.
The non-denominational Christian church in Troy, MI that I attended was more Roman Catholic than Baptist. The music was all genres metal, rock, classical, Jazz, hip-hop, etc.
@@marijakurosaki3967 You got a point there.
@@marijakurosaki3967 how do you manage to make metal church music?
@@flextape467 the same way you make hip-hop church music, apostasy
How is that apostasy?
This channel is both unique and refreshing.
The pentecostalism is kinda right. I was almost an official in a church, and aside from the interview to see if your life fits the description of a christian, the pastor wanted me to speak in tongues out of the blue as proof that I had been baptized in the Holy Spirit.
Finally you did Quakers. I’d like to see them in more videos
We need more! Do Mennonites, Mormons (you included unitarians, so...), newer demons like Sovereign Grace, etc.
I love that Weird Al was there for the Amish.
As an Oriental Orthodox i can confirm that we are the real Orthodox
I concur
As part of the non-denomination , very accurate.
Except our music slaps and everyone knows it
This truly is the most Denominational video of all times
Ah neat, you covered Nazarenes! Thank you for sharing this video with us.
"We're not exactly sure what we are, but whatever that is, we're happy to be that". 🤣
im atheist. but I love your videos. there is some bias sometimes, but you mostly present the info about the different denominations and its really interesting. great content
Same here. Biases leak out some times but this is good
I mean, he often admits to them and says to take some things with a grain of salt. If you are consciously a part of one denomination, you have your reasons to why you chose this one above all others
@filiprohn1643 yeah, I mean bias isn't bad at all, it's that people make assumptions around it. If they think your bias is due to being uninformed, it's bad, but if you don't have that problem, then you're just being honest and to the point.
please come to Christ
stfu, i just said im atheist respect my beliefs like i respect yours lol@@shrimp7229
As a punk rocker, I can do it in one word. But I won't. God bless and Shana Tova
As a former Quaker I died laughing at this. Well done sir
While volunteering for communion setup in my teens, I learned that chalice wine is almost always the dirt cheapest merlot available haha.. the Welch’s is the best choice honestly
Hey, as a Church of Christ attendee, it feels nice not to be forgotten on these lists 😂
I’m an evangelical. Let me take a shot at us. “We really care about Biblical truth. Unless of course a song sounds really cool, then we couldn’t care less about it.”
You got a point but then again uf you were totally right it would only be U2 from now on and not all rhe cheap copies
Day 5 asking for a Christian College Tier List
(Include Grove City, Pensicola, Master's, Patrick Henry)
As a Catholic I feel offended. You forgot we have cool hats an architecture
Ngl, the silence when it came time for the Quakers’ one-sentence-summary was amazing
OMG former UU here and I laughed out loud at the last line. Now I’m Lutheran and I take communion at any non-grape-juice demom that lets me.
Ive been going to a Baptist church for a few weeks now and im starting to believe that our communal is just tea and biscuits. As a Brit, I heavily approve.
I've learnt more about The Quakers in this video than in all my 20 years so far.
😂😂🙌🙌 Very informative video 🤝
It’s 3am and I can’t stop laughing about the Quaker part
As a Catholic, I feel offended that you didn't talk about us being the one true church with the orthodox being sorta cool as well.
It's literally so funny(and a bit embarrassing) about the different ways the EO and the CC talk about each other. Like the CC are always like, "we're the true church, but the EO are our other half who are right in their doctrine but really should recognise the pope." While the EO are like, "I guess they have valid sacraments, but they're just a slightly less heretical version of protestants."
By your description the true one church is the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church which is basically the combination of both.😂
@@cmelinoe isn't that virtually most Eastern Catholic churches?
@@Urfavigbo Yea, you're right) I've just mentioned the one I certainly know about.
I love how the Quaker one was silent
There is an interesting denomination of Hungarians (in Hungary and in Hungarian-speaking areas of neighboring countries), calling themselves "Reformed", basically a variant of Calvinism which is not so strict about predestination as other branches are presented to be. Basically a mixture of Presbyterian, Dutch Reformed, and Moravians, I've seen the usage of both the the symbols and the ideas of all three of them. Their theology, while based somewhat on Calvin, was more influenced by Ulrich Zwingli.
Are they Swabians?
@@longiusaescius2537 No. Maybe some of them were, but most of the German-speaking community tended to be Lutheran.
I love how Calvin robinson was included
I should have realized the red flag that this video was at the time I watched it. Very disappointing.
Quaker here. Thanks for thinking of us!
It's crazy how Non-denominational has become a denomination.
I wouldn't completely die of shock if they split into separate denominations at some point in the future, either.
Man, I go to a non-denominational church that isn't a concert hall, and it makes me sad looking at the rest of the non-denominationals.
When I found progressives have infiltrated my church, I realized I loved my outward boring (actually peaceful), conservative Dutch Reformed Church too much not to fight for it.
Please pray for us❤
Praying for you, would you like to join our Reconquista discord community?
Stay strong brother. God is with you.
As a Nondenominational (former Catholic), he is right about us being similar to Baptists. We use Grape Juice instead of Wine because we don't want to encourage alcoholism. But yeah, i think we try way to hard on the music.
shouldn't the catholic say instead of _"our leader is the coolest"_ something like _"our leader is the descendant of St. Peter"_ as Matthew 16:18 stated?
I like it when RZ uploads, I learn from this guy…
Zoomer, I feel like Anglicanism isn't nearly as mysterious as you make it out to be. We're basically Catholics who don't believe in the Papacy, and we use the BCP to guide worship. There's more/less liberal flavors of Anglicanism but that's true for any denomination these days.
The joke is that we've had great variety since the beginning so it's kinda hard to pin down what exactly the Anglican Church is about, precisely because it's been about several different things since the beginning.
The Quaker pause was brilliant!
I love this!! 😂❤
I love Pastor Steven Anderson. He's so based and is not afraid to tell what he believes
Catholic: "No, I was here first!"
Orthodox: "No, I was here first!"
Coptic: "No, I was here first!"
Hey as a Swedenborgian/New Church member I'm disappointed and unsurprised that you didn't include us.
Lutheran: not smart or first but still best
I disagree with "not smart" but still based.
I appreciate this channel. Please have an open mind about what I'm going to say. While many of us believe that God is almighty and all-loving, it is not easy to understand what that means really, let alone wrap our minds around the idea that God is infinite and omnipresent, because by definition that would mean that He is without form or gender, and is within us and all around us. Yet it clearly states in the Christian and other scriptures that we are to seek God within us... Let us put forth to you that there is a link between what is one of the most important ideas in almost all the major religions: In Christianity it is "In the beginning was the Word...and the Word is God." -"Word" in the original Aramaic can mean light, sound, or vibration. In Buddhism it is "Buddha-nature." In Shikism it is Shabd, or inner light and sound. Whenever a Christ-like being (one who is completely one with God while having a human form) visits Earth, he would stress the impermanence of this world and the need to go within and seek this inner divine Word, or Light, or Sound. They are all talking about the same God, just different terminology and parables based on the culture of the time. One notable thing about a true Christ, or Prophet, or Master, by whichever name you call them, is that they all had disciples. Disciples are different from other followers in that they go through a rite of initiation, like the rite rendered by John the Baptist to Jesus. Through this rite of initiation they receive a transmission of divine Light and instructions on how to further experience God. These transmissions and intructions unfortunately cannot be written down because the Light is too powerful for the masses to absorb safely, and because it is just the law of the universe that the Master has to be on Earth to initiate people, otherwise there is no compelling reason they have to come in person. Note that they will all say that one has to find God through them and them alone, because that is true - in their times they are the only gateways to God. Based on a reliable source, Prophet Mohamed was also a true Master. It is unfortunate that the teachings of Masters are often misinterpreted by later generations. Fortunately, God in His infinite compassion ensures that there is always at least one true Master in every age. Why do I bother to tell you all this? Because God is truely wondrous - as another commentator mentioned, He is Ecstacy without the downside of drugs. Best of luck. Currently, believe it or not, the Master of the highest order is in a female body: godsdirectcontact.org
As a Catholic I gotta say, St. Pope John Paul II is pretty cool ngl
As a pentecostal, I need to mention that you offended us for saying normally, and not screaming in a way that people can hear you a mile away.
Wasn't Catholicism first and the Orthodox split away during the schism or am I remembering wrong?
well yes , but orthodox likes to say the opposite, otherwise what argument could they have ?
@@planteruines5619 Good point lol
Other way around. It was the Roman church that stated making changes, not the east.
@@sirnetflix7162 see , look , there is already one that is angry about the filioque
Both claim to be the one true Church that Christ founded, and each believes the other to be in schism, but still maintaining apostolic succession
As a Presbyterian I don't care if someone believes in pre-destination or not. It's a very hard theology to follow even I'm still trying to understand and study it more.
Just please don't criticize our lack of dancing skills it's not our preferred skill. ;_;
Catholic should also be “RESPECT MAH AUTHORITAH!” (I’m a Catholic so please don’t feel offended)
Btw, that Lutheran one I believe only applies to WELS Lutherans
It applies to all confession Lutherans (LCMS, ELS, WELS, AALC, etc), we're the ones who aren't supposed to pray at other churches.
@@toilet_cleaner_manThat's insane
@@toilet_cleaner_man I see, so everything but ELCA?
@@PolarisStar5 in Germany, the Lutheran church doesn't care at all where we're praying or taking communion :)
@@PolarisStar5 in terms of American denoms, ELCA is the big Mainline one who doesn't hold to traditional Lutheran beliefs (they are really only Lutheran in name), while the other denoms are mostly offshoots or regional synods connected to either the LCMS or WELS, the two big confessional synods.
Good next topic suggestion: Holy Bible translation evolution.
Cries in South American 😢
1:14 Mar Mari Emmanuel and the bottom right picture is not from Assyrian church of the East.
He’s Syriac orthodox, but he’s from Iraq, and Syriacs in Iraq call themselves Assyrians, they can be mistaken for Assyrian church of the East sometimes
Really? I looked it up and it said he at least was on-and-off affiliated with Assyrian Church of the East
JP2 was the coolest; conservative yet left right and center respected him and felt at ease talking to him.
Francis just wants to please the leftist types while making everyone ask ''is this pope even catholic?"
I'm pretty sure the media overexaggerates whatever the Pope says. Eg.:
Pope Francis: Maybe we should not murder gay people
As one of the non existent Quakers, your kind words of " " Really touched my soul
Continental Reformese here, hi brothers! ❤️❤️
Wait, aren’t Hillsong Worship and Hillsong UNITED non-denominational? They make amazing music!
Listen to Oceans live, that is music that is godly and beautiful, What a Beautiful Name is good too.
Hillsong is exactly what he has in mind when talking about terrible music.
@MAMoreno they are fine, they aren't good but they aren't bad.
They have their moments, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves lol
Yea...Hillsong is quite heretical and should not be sung at all.
Whether it was intended or deliberated on or not, the absence of JWs, LDSes, and SDAs is appreciated!
And as a side note, how do you personally answer a statement or question someone gives you regarding the exclusion of unitarians as Christian being a No True Scotsman fallacy? In my mind it's not a difficult question to answer, but it's a tough one to answer graciously.
I would counter by saying it is in no way a "no true scotsman" fallacy, to argue God is somehow inconsistent or unreliable is Blasphemy. Simply point to the biblical basis for the Trinity, and leave it at that. Even though the bible never _explicitly_ says "trinity", it is more than apparent that God is 1 God, but that 1 God is in 3 distinct persons. All the way from Genesis to Revelations, there is ample evidence to the historical and orthodox belief in the trinity. If you are fighting a Unitarian or other such heretic, do not cite the Church fathers or anything non-biblical, they are EXTREMELY anti-intellectual and Solo-Scriptura by virtue, they will not except anything but biblical proofs, many of which you can find in this Dr. Jordan B. Cooper video: ruclips.net/video/xDARMGpOcRw/видео.html
A Christian is someone who believes that Jesus is the eternal untreated Son of God and the "second person of the trinity," to put it in theological terminology. Someone who does not believe this is either an Arian or other type of sect related to Christianity. They are non-Christian by definition.
Pentecostal: “WOLOLOLOLOLOL!”
As a non denominational Christian you are saved if you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and repent of your sins, which means to turn away from them. I respect all denominations, and also we should interpret the Bible using the Bible, and as long as music is God honoring and with a Christian foundation it is Christian music.
Zoomer has been hypnotized by the Orthodox propaganda. Everyone knows the Catholic Church was first!
Church of Christ where we at?
I thought the Lutheran one would be "Is means is and baptism saves"
Helpful and entertaining, i recommend this
Quaker : We were once the dominant religion in New England, but now we are 2 people in maine
You're confusing Quakers with Shakers, Quakerism is still alive and well. Also, Quakers lived mainly in Pennsylvania and were strongly persecuted in New England (e.g. Mary Dyer).
As a pentacostal, we don't really speak in tongues.
Maybe some individuals do at some time but its not really a thing in most churches, contrary to opinion.
Its probably closer to non-denominational at this point
Now that you bring it up I’m Pentecostal and I haven’t heard tongues in a minute 🧐 interesting… a lot of apostolic I know speak in tongues a whole lot more than we do tho