Everyone has 5 minutes!! 🔥 No equipment, no excuses! How did you guys do? Did you complete 2 rounds to make this a 10 minute workout? Let me know down below! 👇 Xx - Maddie
I love how your channel isn’t centred around exercise for weight loss/transformation programs etc. it’s all about making exercise fun because we’ve always been made to see it as a chore/boring. Now doing your workouts are the best + most fun part of my day. Thankyou for making me and so many others love movement and exercise!
Exactly:D. I admit that I attempted to do this workout 4x, just couldn't finish it, today I did, but had to stop for a while while doing burpees. It's strange, I can finish all other workouts, but not this one:D
Already did this a few times, so intense lol. Retrying. Day 1:✅ Day 2:✅ Day 3:✅ Day 4:✅ Day 5:❌ Day 6:❌ Day 7:✅ Results: none i binged Redoing, 7 march Day 1: ✅
Thought I'd add a 5 mins boost workout after one of the 30 mins abs and booty workout, how hard could it be eh? I'm out of breath on the floor now, but it feels sooooooo good thank you Maddie!
The best part about you is that , WHILE DOING WORKOUT WITH YOU I NEVER FEEL BORE OR ENERGYLESS , I FOLLOW YOU STEP BY STEP AND I FEEL LIKE YEAH I'M DOING IT AND SHE'S ALSO DOING TO HER BEST AND THIS FEELING , trust me i've seen a lot of workout videos and channel , i just can't follow with them because it doesn't feel like doing it .
Loving your workouts, as a former ballet dancer it is hard to find workouts that don't build your body in a lean way. Your workouts are challenging, inspiring and don't hurt the next day. Thank you so much for getting me and my girls through this tough time x
Love love love your workouts! 4 months postpartum here. I am killing it everyday with one of your workouts. Your workouts make me feel that my pre pregnancy body is achievable sooner than later! Lots of love..
This was a no nonsense work out! Incredible! The challenging and nonstop movements is just what I needed to jump start my day! Thank you for this video!
I love your content so much. My therapist told me to start exercising so I could burn my extra bipolar energy. Due to lack of spare funds, I decided to visit your channel for short workouts to start again. Your content doesn't only make us healthy, it's helping us recover and heal. Thank you 💗
I woke up late and didn’t have time to fit in an 1 hour workout before work so i went to Maddie’s channel she always has ways of squeezing in a work out even for the busiest bee! ❤️
saw that already in the bed, so it was the first thing I did in the morning and it was so fun! I love how with MadFit exercise is not about punishment, but about pure enjoyment of what you are capable of ❤️
Day 1: I’m not really in good shape but that’s what I’m working for ! Felt the burn hopefully in a day or two it’ll get easier. (No results yet obviously bc it’s day one).
I love the ending do another round 🤣🤣🤣 not after two other of your 15 minute workouts !! Love you Maddie, you give me that motivation after a long day at work I look forward to your motivational words, come guys we can do this!!! ❤
hey! I absoloutly love your channel! i can just scroll through your channel and theres workouts for EVERYTHING! ppl like chloe ting have like intense, long workouts for abs, but i love how u can just have an easy 5 minute workout for your whole body, and you can do it ANYWHERE. when ppl try to do 30 minute workouts, never have the time or space etc.
I am 190 I always been 145 my whole life at one point lower than that I've gained over 50 lbs in the last 4 years and now that I am engaged I am wanting more to be healthy again. ruclips.net/user/postUgkx5VQ5nUzHu6i0O5_u7ipyLnCz0lbsSvr0 I am not fat but I am thick and have muscle. I am very close to how you were but a lil smaller but I am so sick people making comments to me like I'm huge or like you said having shorts that used to be so cute on me and now I can't even find a pair to fit me. I used to love shopping now I don't even want to go to the store and if I do I pick the biggest size don't even try it on and deal with it. I went from size 5 to size idk because I don't even want to know the real number. I hate looking at pics of myself now or me before. thank you for your video it's time to make a change.
I love that you think about short workout. After work it's hard to start working out but thinking "it's only 5 min or 10 min or 15min" makes me start and quite often I then do more than one routine :) !thanks
Thank you so much Maddie! I love you thank you for uploading so frequently!! I respect your dedication and efforts! You are really doing a great job and ur truly amazing You've helped me so much throughout the year!! Lot's of love Stay happy always god bless you❤️
lost weight at 2020 and gained some back at 2021,, decided to work it out again this 2022 by starting slow with a 5 min workout everyday for at least 2-3 weeks and when my body gets used to exercising i would upgrade it to a 10 min workout for another 2-3 weeks everyday until i can run for 1 lap and not die ,, longevity is the key !!
I’ve been doing your videos for a year and this is the hardest one! Props to anyone who can do two rounds. Maybe one day I can finish one round without taking breaks into between moves!
Maddie, I did your workouts until about week 38/39 of pregnancy (low impact of course) but it has taken a while to get back in to fitness after a few complications and new mom life in general. This was a great one to get me back in it!!!
I've been doing this workout lately but I've just been doing regular squats (bad knees) and regular planks (my core is fine i just hate burpees), but today I finally did the mountain climbers instead of a regular plank for the last one! i didn't think i'd be able to do them since i struggle with the half burpees but i did!
I just found your account only 2 weeks ago but I have managed to do one of your videos every single day and I have never workout out in my life! Thank you!
I'm getting out of my depression that lasted more than a year (I still feel shitty). This is my first day that I try to do something, I don't want to give up.
my go to channel for any type of exercise. did her 20 min hiit workout and i stayed consistent that i literally lost weight. now i’m here for this bcs i think 20 mins will have me losing too much weight and its too long so a 5 min is perfect for maintenance ig and its convenient (+im focusing more on my back and arms and the next day would be my lower body. i’ll just have this go with my upper body routine)
Начинаю 5 декабря, буду делать неделю Талия: 62 см Живот: 67 см Бедра: 77 см Ляжки: 48 см Ноги: 38 см Ниже ног: 31 см День 1: было трудно День 2: дышу ухххх День 3: также дышу ноги болят День 4: я не сдамся День 5: сделанно День 6: ух 👍
I'm doing this outside where it's extremely hot and my puppy was outside with me and I was starting to loose my breath bc of how hot it was and my puppy come over to me and sat by me then somehow clicked the back button on my tablet so that I would stop and drink some water. We are going inside now and I'm going to take a shower and praise my pupper. Love your videos, and these are now the only workout videos I do.
This really is handy for those of you who want to lose weight but are unable to workout click here and change your life for the better bit.ly/2QSREOP !💖🖤❤️今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,. 💖🖤在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。. 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木 來調味g食物煮的時候
As someone who have done workouts for 3 years and is a very passionate runner i thought it wouldn't be that hard for me and in comments were just exaggerating. Spoiler: It was hard, never underestimate 5 minutes and Maddie's workouts
It was my first time exercising after a long time. I exercise for mental health and to move. I believe that when you move, your life moves. Thank you so much. I was specifically looking for a short workout and you video delivered. Keep it up.
This was a nice little add-on to keep the sweat going! Super energizing!!!!!! Love you Maddie for all you do! I'm seeing results..lost almost 5 lbs and that's not easy at my age! God Bless!
Doing this everyday for two weeks!! ( comment to remind mee ) DAY ONE: Pretty easy, i was slipping while doing half burpees so I did pushups instead overall intense but easy!! DAY TWO :
I don't get those types of comments on workout videos. People always promise to update "every day", and it usually stops after two or three days. I'm not hating, just genuinely curious ?.. New to the whole fitness culture in general, so I'm trying to grasp the local culture, and I see this happen all the time.
@@Feamelwen yeah it’s quite odd. i was the same back in middle school i’d try to stay consistent but i always just stopped but now that im a rising senior i am a lot more consistent but it took years so it’s quite hard. it takes extensive research as well. it’s a journey with lots of steps it’s not like one giant step.
× made it 1/2 through the video, and you know what as someone who has pots I'm proud of myself! Look at me go :3 I'm taking a break before doing some more, lots of love to everyone else out there 💛 edit: i finished it, and feel great! Will probably adopt this as a morning routine :3
So I’m pretty overweight and new to exercise so this one really helps w what I can actually do . I been doing it every day before work . I wouldn’t mind seeing another one that works out your core and back 😊
Oh God, I hate squat jumps, I despise half burpees, and I loathe Mountain Climbers, what am I doing here?! 😂🥵 Gosh, this was HARD at the end of an hour long workout! 💪
Could up please do more of these 5 min workout videos!! I've been working out with your videos since the beginning of the year now and its the one and only time I've stuck this long to a workout routine :). I'm a mom and just recently started a new full time job and so my free time has significantly reduced but I squeezed this workout in the morning right before work and it felt great!!! THANK YOU
Thank you @madfit for the amazing workout and making the effort to help us live a better healthier life. Grateful to find positive people like you on social media. God bless you. Sending you love and hugs.
Me before this workout: "How sweaty and out of breath am I really gonna get in 5 minutes?" Me now: *on the floor panting and sweaty* Thanks for this workout! I needed something quick to get me out of my head and onto my feet, and this did the trick!
Merry Christmas Maddie from one fellow Canadian to another. Did two rounds of this 5 minute fat burn for a total of 10 minutes, plus I’ve been following your December calendar workouts so I did today’s 6 minute ab workout. Thank you for inspiring me and motivating me to become a stronger & healthier woman. Merry Christmas to all. Wishing you the best in 2022. Joyeux Noël et meilleurs vœux pour l’année 2022. 🎄 🎅🏻 ❄️
This is an awesome workout! I am going to do this later when I work out again :D Okay so now I did it and those were the most exhausting five minutes EVER! XD Was a lot of fun, though^^
My name is Morgan Guttu and I really like this 5 min Fat Burner -Full Body Workout with you and I want to let you know that I never had a abs workout before in my entire life and I just wanted to say thank you for that amazing abs workout.
Everyone has 5 minutes!! 🔥 No equipment, no excuses! How did you guys do? Did you complete 2 rounds to make this a 10 minute workout? Let me know down below! 👇 Xx - Maddie
Doubled up today! Amazing workout!! 🔥❤️ THANKS MADDIE 😊
We love it!!! Good job 🔥💪
No excuses! Loved it!! 😁💛
So intense but love it!!!
I love how your channel isn’t centred around exercise for weight loss/transformation programs etc. it’s all about making exercise fun because we’ve always been made to see it as a chore/boring. Now doing your workouts are the best + most fun part of my day. Thankyou for making me and so many others love movement and exercise!
I agree 1000% I love that this is about having a fun workout and not about being muscular/skinny/having a big booty etc
wdym read the title
same i literally get out of bed to do her workouts and i feel so much better
don't let the 5 minutes fool you, this one is a killer!!
Ik it and ik what i did in the dark(starting with this after 11 months no move
it fooled me 🙃🙂!!!
I can already tell those Elbow to Knee & Half Burpees are going to kill me 😬 lol being on the ground like that always has me dying out of breath.
@@Mr_and_Mrs_Seilersame I can’t get up very easily anymore after that haha
Omg you were RIGHT IM DEAD 💀
Yes getting up and doing this now!!
I legit only do madfit workouts! I’m obsessed.
Anyone else?!
Me too
@@eileen5217 love it!💪🏻
Love them!!
I was dead after squats and she talks about rounds?? I am honestly impressed by anyone who complited more rounds of this. Great job.👍
Exactly:D. I admit that I attempted to do this workout 4x, just couldn't finish it, today I did, but had to stop for a while while doing burpees. It's strange, I can finish all other workouts, but not this one:D
@@MsSofiasWorld Yeah. I have it same. This one is killer.🥵🤣
Fr tho 😭 I had to skip a few parts but I realized that I forgot to choose an apartment friendly video. My home was shaking each time I jumped 😭😔😔
@@squiint6285 same that's why I made up ones without the jumps😭😭
Girl same. 😅
Dude!!! I was looking for a 12-15 min workout and I thought "I'll just do this one twice." NOPE. Cannot do it twice. I'm dead. Thank you!!!!!
You are funny ❤😂
Me too!!!
from someone who hasn't exercised for three months, this was intense
i haven't some exercising for more, than 3 months
and for me its a killer😄
Been exercising everyday, stopped yesterday and MAN today was KILLER.
exactly, I thought I would start off easy after the exam period but nooooopr
You said it
Me: [making up excuses to not workout]
[new MadFit vid notification]
Me: "hold my coffee, I'm going!"
I've been trying to figure out how to get a quick burnout at the end of strength training days! This is perfect!
Hay Ambreen
Omggg yes me too!! More of these plzzzz ♥️
Hey ambreen you look so beautiful god gifted😍😊
Me too especially when you have kids this is legit!
You’re a machine! I finished though lol. My son kept saying mom you’re not going as fast as her 🤣 but I finished! Loved it as a finisher.
great :D
Yaa even my brother does! 😂😂❤️
Awwww I wasn’t go as fast as her too. She’s an expert 😮💨
My son was saying the same thing😂
me (a begginer) thinking "only 5 minutes, it'll probably be okay" 🤡
me (an empath) sensing that this workout will be hard.
@@feliciacatborn3310my legs are shaking
I’m from 10-15 years old (not gonna say my actual age for safety reasons
Just say you're 10
@@Maotaobao i’m not lol otherwise i wouldn’t have it as the lowest number x
@@Maotaobaoor they could not say their age??
@@bigclitenergy if you say 10-15 everyone will believe you're 10.
@@Maotaobao thats not what i thought but ok
this morning i couldn’t finish the workout, but i came through after dinner and finished! i’m so proud of myself
“Definition of a really good workout: when you hate doing it, but you love finishing it.
Already did this a few times, so intense lol. Retrying.
Day 1:✅
Day 2:✅
Day 3:✅
Day 4:✅
Day 5:❌
Day 6:❌
Day 7:✅
Results: none i binged
Redoing, 7 march
Day 1: ✅
How is it? Did u loose weight or have u noticed any changes of ur body??
Exactly what this girl needs after sleeping in this morning! ❤️
That's exactly what I need! A perfect quick burn to do on busy days when we dont have too much time to workout! Thank you Maddie, you're the best ❤❤🥰
Yess right😍 I completely agree with you!
Me too
Thought I'd add a 5 mins boost workout after one of the 30 mins abs and booty workout, how hard could it be eh? I'm out of breath on the floor now, but it feels sooooooo good thank you Maddie!
Same here 🤭
The best part about you is that , WHILE DOING WORKOUT WITH YOU I NEVER FEEL BORE OR ENERGYLESS , I FOLLOW YOU STEP BY STEP AND I FEEL LIKE YEAH I'M DOING IT AND SHE'S ALSO DOING TO HER BEST AND THIS FEELING , trust me i've seen a lot of workout videos and channel , i just can't follow with them because it doesn't feel like doing it .
The camera work, the transitions, my girl is out here.
I found the 5 minutes challenging! Really got my heart pumping!
Loving your workouts, as a former ballet dancer it is hard to find workouts that don't build your body in a lean way. Your workouts are challenging, inspiring and don't hurt the next day. Thank you so much for getting me and my girls through this tough time x
Love love love your workouts! 4 months postpartum here. I am killing it everyday with one of your workouts. Your workouts make me feel that my pre pregnancy body is achievable sooner than later! Lots of love..
This was a no nonsense work out! Incredible! The challenging and nonstop movements is just what I needed to jump start my day! Thank you for this video!
I love your content so much. My therapist told me to start exercising so I could burn my extra bipolar energy. Due to lack of spare funds, I decided to visit your channel for short workouts to start again. Your content doesn't only make us healthy, it's helping us recover and heal. Thank you 💗
2 Weeks in and I am LOVING it!!! Keep on going everyone we got this!
@Mia Rose ya let’s go!! I’m not seeing very many updates today, hopefully everyone’s still going strong!
I woke up late and didn’t have time to fit in an 1 hour workout before work so i went to Maddie’s channel she always has ways of squeezing in a work out even for the busiest bee! ❤️
saw that already in the bed, so it was the first thing I did in the morning and it was so fun! I love how with MadFit exercise is not about punishment, but about pure enjoyment of what you are capable of ❤️
Thank you so much Maddie for making us exercise during quarantine without getting injured😄 Can you please make a calender just like in January?
Day 1: I’m not really in good shape but that’s what I’m working for ! Felt the burn hopefully in a day or two it’ll get easier. (No results yet obviously bc it’s day one).
Did you continue doing this workout and have you seen any results??
Any results
Nothing gets my body more awake than Madis workouts! Glad to have another 5 minute added to my workout list!
I'm just recovering from covid so these short workouts are amazing- thank you!!!!!
Yes! More 5-8 minute workouts please! Being a mom I only have a few minutes sometimes and I have to chop out my workouts throughout the day
I love the ending do another round 🤣🤣🤣 not after two other of your 15 minute workouts !! Love you Maddie, you give me that motivation after a long day at work I look forward to your motivational words, come guys we can do this!!! ❤
hey! I absoloutly love your channel! i can just scroll through your channel and theres workouts for EVERYTHING! ppl like chloe ting have like intense, long workouts for abs, but i love how u can just have an easy 5 minute workout for your whole body, and you can do it ANYWHERE. when ppl try to do 30 minute workouts, never have the time or space etc.
That is intense for just 5 minutes! 😁 It was a great finisher after a long workout. Thanks, Maddie!
I am 190 I always been 145 my whole life at one point lower than that I've gained over 50 lbs in the last 4 years and now that I am engaged I am wanting more to be healthy again. ruclips.net/user/postUgkx5VQ5nUzHu6i0O5_u7ipyLnCz0lbsSvr0 I am not fat but I am thick and have muscle. I am very close to how you were but a lil smaller but I am so sick people making comments to me like I'm huge or like you said having shorts that used to be so cute on me and now I can't even find a pair to fit me. I used to love shopping now I don't even want to go to the store and if I do I pick the biggest size don't even try it on and deal with it. I went from size 5 to size idk because I don't even want to know the real number. I hate looking at pics of myself now or me before. thank you for your video it's time to make a change.
I’ll be cheering you on. Don’t give up because the results will be worth it!!!!!! ❤❤❤
Exercising after a long, long time. I couldn't lift my knees/ legs at the end for high knees! Will be looking forward to doing this everyday!
perfect 5 min burn at the end of a session but i swear i was gonna pass out
I love that you think about short workout. After work it's hard to start working out but thinking "it's only 5 min or 10 min or 15min" makes me start and quite often I then do more than one routine :) !thanks
Thank you so much Maddie!
I love you thank you for uploading so frequently!!
I respect your dedication and efforts!
You are really doing a great job and ur truly amazing
You've helped me so much throughout the year!!
Lot's of love
Stay happy always god bless you❤️
lost weight at 2020 and gained some back at 2021,, decided to work it out again this 2022 by starting slow with a 5 min workout everyday for at least 2-3 weeks and when my body gets used to exercising i would upgrade it to a 10 min workout for another 2-3 weeks everyday until i can run for 1 lap and not die ,, longevity is the key !!
added this to my rest day as I wasn't too sore from previous workouts, loved it
I’ve been doing your videos for a year and this is the hardest one! Props to anyone who can do two rounds. Maybe one day I can finish one round without taking breaks into between moves!
this is sooo good, i haven't been able to exercise due to depression an this really helped me!
Maddie, I did your workouts until about week 38/39 of pregnancy (low impact of course) but it has taken a while to get back in to fitness after a few complications and new mom life in general. This was a great one to get me back in it!!!
Damn this is the hardest 5min workout I've ever come across 😅😅
This entire set is one of my all-time favorites: powerful, quick, well designed... perfect!
Thank you Maddie for this video ! This is so useful ! And thank you for everything you’re doing for us every day ! You’re amazing 💖 !
Yess!!! Exactly what I’ve been looking for, a 5 min HIIT/burn out to add at the end of my work out. Please please more of these 😍
I've been doing this workout lately but I've just been doing regular squats (bad knees) and regular planks (my core is fine i just hate burpees), but today I finally did the mountain climbers instead of a regular plank for the last one! i didn't think i'd be able to do them since i struggle with the half burpees but i did!
I'm starting today and i'll update in a week guys
mad’s work out are so fun and helpful also motivating love u
I just found your account only 2 weeks ago but I have managed to do one of your videos every single day and I have never workout out in my life! Thank you!
@@tommycrocco5815 hello
So good! Would love more of these 4-5 minute intense workouts. So good for a cardio burnout to tack on after a workout. And your music is always 👌
Me: ‘Its only 5 minutes…it will be fine’….
Also me dying
I'm getting out of my depression that lasted more than a year (I still feel shitty). This is my first day that I try to do something, I don't want to give up.
God and Jesus Christ loves you may God bless you Amen Amen :)
U got this !! I usually give up but am really trying, I hope you can achieve what u want ❤️
U got this !! I usually give up but am really trying, I hope you can achieve what u want ❤️
@@mariasantos-ml6hg Thank you! Sometimes I have low days, but I don't give up yet ♥️
@@DecayingCaprisunz777 U r so sweet, thank you and amen hehe
my go to channel for any type of exercise. did her 20 min hiit workout and i stayed consistent that i literally lost weight. now i’m here for this bcs i think 20 mins will have me losing too much weight and its too long so a 5 min is perfect for maintenance ig and its convenient (+im focusing more on my back and arms and the next day would be my lower body. i’ll just have this go with my upper body routine)
Начинаю 5 декабря, буду делать неделю
Талия: 62 см
Живот: 67 см
Бедра: 77 см
Ляжки: 48 см
Ноги: 38 см
Ниже ног: 31 см
День 1: было трудно
День 2: дышу ухххх
День 3: также дышу ноги болят
День 4: я не сдамся
День 5: сделанно
День 6: ух 👍
Умница, не бросай
@@Sylvie86725 результат хорош 👍
that was the hardest 5min of my life
update: its been a month and now i can do it twice + warm up and stretches
I wished that! Thanks! I wish you success, happiness and health in your life. You are a special woman here in Youtoube! Many greetings from Germany!🔥
I'm doing this outside where it's extremely hot and my puppy was outside with me and I was starting to loose my breath bc of how hot it was and my puppy come over to me and sat by me then somehow clicked the back button on my tablet so that I would stop and drink some water. We are going inside now and I'm going to take a shower and praise my pupper. Love your videos, and these are now the only workout videos I do.
as someone who has done your song workouts, i could never underestimate you becauss of the time, but girrlll i died before the third move
The way I was breathing for my life whilst attempting this for the first time LOL! but I'm definitely doing it again until I get it right. thank you.
Lol same here
day 12 of asking her to do a glass animals dreamland album dance workout :)))
Carly Seymour AHAHA IKR
This really is handy for those of you who want to lose weight but are unable to workout click here and change your life for the better bit.ly/2QSREOP
!💖🖤❤️今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,. 💖🖤在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。. 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木 來調味g食物煮的時候
As someone who have done workouts for 3 years and is a very passionate runner i thought it wouldn't be that hard for me and in comments were just exaggerating.
Spoiler: It was hard, never underestimate 5 minutes and Maddie's workouts
0:28 Jump squats
1:01 Jack toe touch
1:33 Squat jump rise
2:03 Jack toe touch
2:38 Half burpees
3:09 elbow touch
3:44 half burpees
4:14 elbow touch
4:46 mountain climbers
5:18 High knees
Happy workout 💗
It was my first time exercising after a long time. I exercise for mental health and to move. I believe that when you move, your life moves. Thank you so much. I was specifically looking for a short workout and you video delivered. Keep it up.
got to 2:01 as a beginner and I quit this video. my heart was beating wayyyy too fast. scared me. 😭
This was a nice little add-on to keep the sweat going! Super energizing!!!!!! Love you Maddie for all you do! I'm seeing results..lost almost 5 lbs and that's not easy at my age! God Bless!
Let me do 5 min first. I'm still sore after your 20 min workout yesterday
Loved it. Didn't have time for a longer cardio. This one did the job 🎉
This has been the longest 5 minutes of my life
my favorite fitness queen! so motivating and inspiring, I love your videos so much
Doing this everyday for two weeks!! ( comment to remind mee )
DAY ONE: Pretty easy, i was slipping while doing half burpees so I did pushups instead overall intense but easy!!
i shall be your daily reminder :) i am also gonna add this to my workout!
@@lovernotafighter6942 tyyy!!
I don't get those types of comments on workout videos. People always promise to update "every day", and it usually stops after two or three days. I'm not hating, just genuinely curious ?.. New to the whole fitness culture in general, so I'm trying to grasp the local culture, and I see this happen all the time.
@@Feamelwen yeah it’s quite odd. i was the same back in middle school i’d try to stay consistent but i always just stopped but now that im a rising senior i am a lot more consistent but it took years so it’s quite hard. it takes extensive research as well. it’s a journey with lots of steps it’s not like one giant step.
Bruhhh does everybody die after day 1 😂😂😂
Your 5 min workouts are literally the bestttt!!!
× made it 1/2 through the video, and you know what as someone who has pots I'm proud of myself! Look at me go :3 I'm taking a break before doing some more, lots of love to everyone else out there 💛
edit: i finished it, and feel great! Will probably adopt this as a morning routine :3
Hi Maddie, what is the tune in this video? It is the perfect complement to this workout.
Heyy maddie hope we are getting a lil workout soon to Little Mix‘s new single Confetti Remix feat Saweetie issa banger gets you really movin 🔥🔥🔥
@@tommycrocco5815 why would you ask something like that?? Thats weird, keep that nonesene to yourself
@@Fairysamirah dont worry I’ve reported a couple times. Why are some people so disgusting
So I’m pretty overweight and new to exercise so this one really helps w what I can actually do . I been doing it every day before work . I wouldn’t mind seeing another one that works out your core and back 😊
thank you i love the quick ones! could we possibly get a Zayn dance workout ? he has lots of songs that i like to workout to!
This is just 5 minutes all now i'm still breathing heavy real sweat
just did this on my break, might keep doing this! good luck everybody
You’re awesome!!👏🏻👏🏻
Thx U...I love seeing this things.
Oh God, I hate squat jumps, I despise half burpees, and I loathe Mountain Climbers, what am I doing here?! 😂🥵 Gosh, this was HARD at the end of an hour long workout! 💪
Could up please do more of these 5 min workout videos!! I've been working out with your videos since the beginning of the year now and its the one and only time I've stuck this long to a workout routine :). I'm a mom and just recently started a new full time job and so my free time has significantly reduced but I squeezed this workout in the morning right before work and it felt great!!! THANK YOU
5 minutes of pure Hell!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥 LOL
Thank you @madfit for the amazing workout and making the effort to help us live a better healthier life. Grateful to find positive people like you on social media. God bless you. Sending you love and hugs.
Me before this workout: "How sweaty and out of breath am I really gonna get in 5 minutes?"
Me now: *on the floor panting and sweaty*
Thanks for this workout! I needed something quick to get me out of my head and onto my feet, and this did the trick!
Merry Christmas Maddie from one fellow Canadian to another. Did two rounds of this 5 minute fat burn for a total of 10 minutes, plus I’ve been following your December calendar workouts so I did today’s 6 minute ab workout. Thank you for inspiring me and motivating me to become a stronger & healthier woman.
Merry Christmas to all. Wishing you the best in 2022.
Joyeux Noël et meilleurs vœux pour l’année 2022. 🎄 🎅🏻 ❄️
This is an awesome workout! I am going to do this later when I work out again :D
Okay so now I did it and those were the most exhausting five minutes EVER! XD Was a lot of fun, though^^
My name is Morgan Guttu and I really like this 5 min Fat Burner -Full Body Workout with you and I want to let you know that I never had a abs workout before in my entire life and I just wanted to say thank you for that amazing abs workout.
haven’t worked out in ages and decided to start it up again. the video’s very easy to follow and already had me sweating after the first minute 😂
the end”thats it guys” i was dying through that 💀
Latinoamerica presente ( perú🇵🇪) 💙
Brasil 🇧🇷
You are our inspiration🥰 Never stop doing what you're doing, you are amazing❤
watches video.. Me : seems easy enough
Starts workout .... dying by second round of jump squats legs on fireee
Trying to lose weight doing this workout for 2 weeks
Day 1 ✅