Reputation Is Key To Star Citizen’s Player Progression & Missions | Launch Sequence Podcast

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024

Комментарии • 67

  • @SpaceTomatoToo
    @SpaceTomatoToo  Месяц назад +10

    Apologies for the video quality on this one, y'all! We had some sneaky technical difficulties with OBS!

    • @k0mm4nd3r_k3n
      @k0mm4nd3r_k3n Месяц назад

      I'm 6 mins in and it's all good so far!

    • @loneventhorizon
      @loneventhorizon Месяц назад

      @@k0mm4nd3r_k3n 18:56 the picture drops out

  • @tombeckhauser
    @tombeckhauser Месяц назад +10

    It was an absolute blast talking to you! Thank you for having me and see you next time o7

    • @NuttyRob1775
      @NuttyRob1775 Месяц назад +1

      Great show, guys. Good conversation.

    • @seanLeprechaun
      @seanLeprechaun Месяц назад

      As a WoW player for 10 years, I REALLY connected with your comparison. I was one of those WoW players that usually read the quest giver's story and lore. Made playing with my partner frustrating because he's just click click accept go LOL But I miss that with SC. There's supposedly this rich lore but where do I experience it if not through contracts and personalities. Starfield did this part really well.

  • @staceybertran52
    @staceybertran52 Месяц назад +3

    I love this conversation for a few things. 1. He's a race car driver. 2. He understands MMO's and the structures that we MMO players are used to interacting with. Some are good and some are annoying. 3. The both of you touched on the key points of what the reputation system could be and perhaps should be. In the frame of experienced MMO players coming to Star Citizen. These type of mechanics would feel familiar and allow people to understand quicker, what to do. Have a built in comfort zone at their entry point. Allowing the players to get (achieve) special abilities once they get super high in rep or whatever. Gives the player something to shoot for. Something to set as a goal. Great conversation.

  • @havocnchaos
    @havocnchaos Месяц назад +4

    51:17 Elite Dangerous has three options for payout for most missions. It's usually some combination of credits, reputation, and faction items. So, for instance, you could choose to be paid mostly UEC with a slight reputation buff, or you could get just barely enough to cover costs but with a big bump in reputation, or even more interestingly, perhaps they only give you a gun or shield generator that cannot be aquired somewhere else, etc. Having options like this would be amazing and could make missions replayable to a degree they are not now.

    • @Joseph-wh5of
      @Joseph-wh5of Месяц назад

      I wish we could combine elite and star citizen.

    • @havocnchaos
      @havocnchaos Месяц назад

      ​@Joseph-wh5of Some combination between Elite Dangerous, EVE Online and Factorio would be my ideal game, and SC has the potential to get there, but that would be a very long and specific evolution...

  • @MichaelDBruce
    @MichaelDBruce Месяц назад

    I think there's a lot of opportunity for reputation in this game. While you were talking, I thought about a couple examples
    One. You're a transportation company. When you have neutral or negative reputation in crusader, you're going to get scanned every time you pull into the stations there to drop off your load. When you have positive reputation or like the highest reputation with that group, the guys know you and you don't get scanned when you pull in. That means later a syndicate could look you up and say hey. Could you smuggle something into seraphim station for us because they never scan your cargo. What you got to do is get this small box of maze into the cargo elevator, and our agent will come pick it up.
    For the longest time some armor sets have been really hard to find. When you see a guy walking around in black armitex armor, you know that that guy got that armor by killing guards in the bunker. But what if you were issued that armor as a reward for doing x number of missions with hurston Dynamics ?
    I think the last one for me comes down to personal reputation in the same way. You get it from the beacons currently. If I'm a criminal, and I want to hijack a passenger flight on whatever the RSI ship is. I bored the ship, wait till they're in quantum, take all the possessions away from the passengers, drop the ship out of quantum, and my friend picks me up and we escape. On the flip side of that that person now gets marked as somebody who can't be trusted on a commercial flight. So when you're operating and org that does commercial transportation, you can look at that person, see their reputation is negative and refused a ticket. Maybe that person has to take a less reputable mode of transportation.
    On that note, I think that this is how you get transportation to be a legitimate profession in this game. Yes, everybody has their own ships. Why would they ever want to board somebody else's ship to go from a to B? Maybe they have a negative reputation with the ATC on microtech, so they have to have somebody else bring them in. I don't know about that last example but that kind of thing...
    The last example for me that's really interesting, is around repair. I want to run The crucible and do like search and rescue and repair and salvage work. Let's say that you are a pirate org that has damaged your Idris, and can't go to a planet to get repairs because you're going to get hunted down. So you put a call out to a repair dude who helps your friend get repairs last week and you know they work with pirates. I pick up the contract I go out. I do the repairs, and they have to keep me safe because otherwise nobody is going to touch them in the future. Maybe at some point I get such a high reputation with pirates doing repairs, that the uee Navy starts to look into my business and they call me in, put me into some kind of interrogation room, and tell me that either I need to stop doing these repairs or I am going to be flagged as a criminal myself or I need to wear some kind of wire on my next job and then then the next time I go out to help Ohio get fixed up. There's a contract for all of the uee aligned organizations and contractors to go bust these pirates down and now you have a giant space battle between a pirate Idris and whatever forces could be mustered to bring them to Justice.
    I think there's a lot of opportunity here. It's just a matter of creativity on how to use them in the game

  • @erigby8318
    @erigby8318 Месяц назад

    For the discussion at 33:00 about cargo, Having “proof of ownership” would be a super interesting mechanic, make it so if you give cargo to a friend you also have to like “transfer ownership” via mobiglass or it’s stolen
    This opens up an interesting piracy dynamic where if they interdict you and make you give up ownership (in return for living/not taking all the cargo) then they can sell it for way more

  • @DennisGourmetski
    @DennisGourmetski Месяц назад

    WOW wasn't the only game which had such intricate reputation system.
    I still recall Guild Wars which had a similar system where they also had 2 versions of the game which dictated which side of 2 factions you started out on.
    Similarly Lord of the Rings Online also has such system where sometimes you need to choose and can lose reputation with 1 faction while gaining with another.

  • @StarshipCaptainNemo
    @StarshipCaptainNemo Месяц назад +2

    Awesome! Cool T-Shirt :D Some minutes in you talked about not being 100% safe and consequences. I fully agree that there should be possibilities for stealth routes into a landing zone and if you want to be the bad guy for that faction running the show, you need to stay out of sight of authorities or face the consequences and they should be severe. I like to play stealth in Deus Ex or Batman Arkham Series, but up to now Stealth in MMOs has never been implemented in a way that is fun for me. I hope SC can pull it off.

  • @scifrygaming
    @scifrygaming Месяц назад

    One of my favorite things about EVE online that kept me playing for over 15 years was that I was never 100% safe if I undocked. Now matter where I was in the game, I could get killed if someone else was determined enough and was willing to deal with the consequences. I want SC to be like this.

  • @RatikusuCh
    @RatikusuCh Месяц назад

    I want there to be a point where these paid ships are only base models and there should be better versions of these ships available depending on your rep with ship manufacturers, the UEEN in general, and their contractors.
    they may have better size guns, exclusive weaponry/modules, fine tuned components, higher durability "EX-fuses", etc. Significant changes worthy of the reputation you bring to the vendors/orgs/military.
    I also want to see emergency raid contracts unlocked at certain reputation levels, which can be accepted during a time window.

  • @Joseph-wh5of
    @Joseph-wh5of Месяц назад

    I think the passive perks makes a lot of sense.
    If in real life, I were to compare my speed at reloading a gun or aiming down sights compared to a military personnel who's been on active duty for over a decade. I'm sure that military person would be far more proficient at reloading a gun and aiming down the sights than I ever would be. So, having a 25% or 30% passive buff for someone who's been playing the game for a long time and doing a lot of fps combat makes sense.
    Even the spaceship G's that a player can withhold makes sense. If you're a fighter pilot and you've been playing for 100 hours. It makes sense that your character could withstand more Gs than a brand new character who just started playing in an aurora delivery human waste.
    I don't understand why people get so salty about this.

  • @space-pille
    @space-pille Месяц назад +1

    I am normally listening to your Podcast on Spotify. Is there a reason it is not uploaded there? :-)

  • @Johnjohnthejohn
    @Johnjohnthejohn Месяц назад

    Ships and ship modules being locked behind rep would be a good thing imo

  • @wesgreen1491
    @wesgreen1491 Месяц назад

    So for rep without contracts. Small story.
    We took an 890 jump mission with intention to not finish it and just scrape the 890. That was successful. But an MT security ship came buy and started shooting us. So we killed it.
    The guards in my hanger as well as inside new babbage all shot at me. Didn't chase me, but shots fired and some hit. I did *not* have a crimestat. So there is some element of reputation (or bug, can't rule that out) in the game currently.

  • @Nosdeblack
    @Nosdeblack Месяц назад +2

    CIG should hire you two to the mission teams.

  • @Lestat070707
    @Lestat070707 Месяц назад +1

    Spacetomato you need to check out a game called Once Human. It bloody rocks! Pretty chilled too and SC could do with stealing All of it for its Fps gameplay on planets. Just saying. God's I hope the devs see this and play the game to rob it lol

    • @SpaceTomatoToo
      @SpaceTomatoToo  Месяц назад

      @@Lestat070707 been hearing good things. I'll look into it!

  • @gearsamp92
    @gearsamp92 Месяц назад

    As they've said. Most of our interactions within the game are supposed to be with AI/NPCs/PvE while PvP is meant to be an option. A threat on top of the rest of the game world. I hope that they have a "Terrorist" reputation that is just a rep on its own. As you kill players this reputation ticks up and only time will make it go down. I think this should be outside of things such as events that have a PvP component and perhaps even include ORG's individual reputation in the future. If one ORG declares war on another the terrorist reputation won't go up for killing members of that opposing org.
    I don't think this should be something obscenely punishing for accidents or something easy to manipulate on someone else but be a curve that increases faster the higher it gets with various thresholds with different negatives. Perhaps at the first and largest tier there is no negative. Second tier is slightly smaller, but you are a known problem for others so you get less early contracts from entities you don't have reputation with. T3 could lower your reputation across the board as different companies and contract providers find out you are a terrorist. T4 multiplies your prison time and you lose all reputation gains with lawful contacts and some rep with criminal contacts as even criminals don't really want to be associated with known terrorists. Final tier labels you as a major terrorist threat and places a large bounty on your head. If caught you are placed in solitary confinement for an extended period unable to leave your cell if you log in.
    The only way to lower this would be time. Perhaps the guy you accidentally landed on while he was waiting for you is forgiven from the terrorist rep in a day. But the player you shot for walking up to your loading elevator is forgiven in 2. Whereas the players you've been killing coming out of their hangars in New Babbage for the last 2 hours is forgiven in a month due to the amount you've been slaughtering and the curve up in terrorist rep to T4. T5 should be really hard to get to but there for people who somehow found a way to cheat or majorly disrupt many other players ability to enjoy the game.
    As much as we want to get rid of green zones and have the threat of PvP ever prevalent. There should be incentives for players to prefer not to kill one another on sight if you can help it but not punish relatively normal instances of PvP. Piracy should be a gameplay loop that players can partake in. But actual piracy isn't something that will constantly have you killing other players. Killing a player crew to take their cargo is something that you should have to consider long and hard about before committing to it.
    I don't think the Terrorist reputation should include AI kills as that will naturally affect NPC orgs and things on its own as punishment enough.

    • @midriffzero
      @midriffzero Месяц назад

      A "terrorist" in a online game is called a griefer they are the murder hobos everyone hates(both in real life and online games) so we don't need to incentives that kind of game play with rep progression. We will have criminal/pirate rep and we are getting a form of that with the Pyro gangs.

  • @kwcnasa
    @kwcnasa 5 дней назад

    Resume @20:00

  • @valorunkommon799
    @valorunkommon799 Месяц назад

    If we are truly going to support multi-player only content for this game, then it MUST have a better match making system for those solo players to find people to play with. You can't just force orgs down everyone's throats and even big orgs still have trouble coordinating 10+ people towards a common goal

    • @midriffzero
      @midriffzero Месяц назад

      We don't need "matchmaking" we just need a "job board" An app on the mobi to post current openings for crew jobs(ie pilot, copilot, engineer, turret operators, ect) or that you are looking to crew for someone and what you want to do. We will need a similar system for NPC crew as well so it will come.

  • @RandomiNationTTV
    @RandomiNationTTV Месяц назад

    They need reputation drops.
    From fps, from ship combat, from loot boxes, from mined materials.
    Items that Npc factions want like encrypted data pads or relics or fossils and you can choose which faction’s reputation quartermaster to give it to.

  • @theforgottenguise7971
    @theforgottenguise7971 Месяц назад +1

    I hope that you will be able to crew most things with AI to an extent, I don't expect to be able to take a kraken into combat against an ORG in similar or the same ships and be comparable at all but I would be disappointed not to be able use one as a mobile industrial base with smaller mining and salvage ships operating from it, or something like that, with at least enough options as far as AI crew is concerned to make it and ships like it functional at a base level, not everybody wants to or is indeed always capable of playing with others or the people they would normally play with for a multitude of scheduling reasons etc and it would take a sizeable chunk from their potential player base to lock too much content behind a multiplayer wall of sorts, I dont mind not being as effective, but I dont want to be shut out of significant portions of the game because I prefer to play alone, it doesn't/wouldnt bother me at all to see the game development create perks for multiplayer orientated people but its super frustrating when those people advocate for systems that will reduce the content for solo orientated people, especially when it affects them so little in reality, if I want the opportunity to be less effective and essentially pirate bait, bloody well let me haha

  • @1R3TR01
    @1R3TR01 Месяц назад

    Im no pirate I have no desire to potentially ruin someone's day.... BUT the game definitely needs them (creates that edge), and always will!
    On the ship chat... I totally agree that there should be ships that are unobtainable without Rep, One of the biggest regrets I have is buying the BMM when it first came out, not the money I put in but once it is in game (if ever) I don't have much to work towards. I don't want to melt as its CCU value is soo much more than what I payed. I may CCU it into some alien ship I don't already own but it would have to be over $650.
    Mining/Salvaging - I disagree I think you get payed way too much, I can salvage with a vulture, say 2 hr a day and buy a Reclaimer within 2/3 weeks play. Ships need to be more expensive (in-game) or pay less for salvage. Again though I think the Reclaimer should be behind a Rep wall.

    • @midriffzero
      @midriffzero Месяц назад

      I disagree with ships needing to be more expensive. If you make ships in game ships expensive to buy with UEC then it incentivizes people buying them with IRL money which then creates a Pay-to-Win game. UEC shouldn't be hard to earn either this also causes the same problem of incentivizing pay-to-win.
      What should be done is balancing the ships so that payouts for a single player are about equal regardless of ship. And what I mean by that is UEC per hour for a single player is the sameish. So the Reclaimer can do more in a single trip but after you calculate time spent doing it solo or profit sharing/paying for a crew the UEC per hour earned would be about the same or only slightly more then what you could make if you where in a vulture solo doing multiple trips.

  • @C4R1TON
    @C4R1TON Месяц назад

    Wow, this gives me a headache thinking of the dev(s) who would have to program these rep ideas into the game 😅

  • @RatikusuCh
    @RatikusuCh Месяц назад

    Another idea is in the super-super-super safe systems as Tom indicated, there should be other missions of importance like spying on political figures to get footage to Spectrum News etc.

  • @Crivicus
    @Crivicus Месяц назад

    Some great ideas in this video. Which made me think of some points of my own.
    As part of the reputation system it would be cool if you go somewhere with low rep, but not so bad they shoot you, they instead give you a hangar that is nearly to small to land in for your ship size or a shared hangar/landing pad where you need to worry about your ship security.
    Rep should also be company based. We have a lot of mining landing zones but as a miner you cant report to them for specific mining missions or gain mining rep for bringing in ore to them for example. You could then lock the better mining lasers or gadgets behind having enough rep with a company. They then might give you better rates on specific refining methods which would then make miners need to determine what the best refining method is for your current rep with that refining company. This could also tie into the security aspect. AI/ Mining companies should be quicker to protect the best miners from potential pirates or pvpers or give them safe havens when they have a crime stat.
    The guns should be disabled if you go through the security scanners. If you have the rep with either local security or the right gang you get a different side door allowing you through with an active weapon. Cities should have instant powerful EMPs to disable ships that do something wrong but would potentially allow people to drop into the city in a disabled ship and have to avoid security teams.
    Paying for ships wont matter nearly so much if rep makes a difference to what personal items you can buy or what components you can buy for your ship. You want a top tier military component? well you had better join the military and complete their missions or at least an associated organisation like the bounty hunters. That or find a ship you can steal them off which will last only until your ship is destroyed. Buying should allow the return of things with insurance reclaims, stealing should not. This makes the rep more important but also by-passable for when players want their friends to have a go with something.
    Character skills are pointless. There is always better ways to improve things for players that do something a lot, make players build their own skills. Need a faster reload? well have a timing on your reload button that as a player you have to hit for the improved reload speed. New players would eventually learn as they play that mechanic enough.
    Solo players shouldn't be disincentivised from playing so nothing should be completely locked behind multiplayer - it should just be significantly harder, just as in WoW some players would try, and even succeed, to solo the 10 or 25 man raids and even the 50 man raids but it took extremely capable players pushing the limits of the game mechanics to do it. Outright locking it to multiplayer is an invisible wall which is just annoying.

  • @MotherNature26
    @MotherNature26 Месяц назад

    Bro has never heard of customs apparently, or heard of stamping a box with a logo, or receipts

    • @SpaceTomatoToo
      @SpaceTomatoToo  Месяц назад

      @@MotherNature26 what's a receipt??

    • @MotherNature26
      @MotherNature26 Месяц назад

      You know, the tree that CVS prints out to verify you bought something in store. We probably killed all the trees by 23rd century doing just this, so maybe they really don’t have them in the verse anymore

  • @loneventhorizon
    @loneventhorizon Месяц назад +13

    In game virtue signalling is pretty bad rn. People trying to implement their own law in chat through bullying and insults. I took a bounty contract on a player flying around Grim Hex and by the time I found the contract in the mobiglass, he was approching the hanger and I gave a couple of shots to give him the opportunity to pull out, and he just continued to land so I smoked him. Then all of chat just started abusing tf out of me cause i killed him on the landing. I paid a lot of money for the game, and the rules are very clear. If you can do it, it's allowed. The salt definitely gets heavy in this game.

    • @vamperic
      @vamperic Месяц назад +4

      It's the same in every game, some people are really delusional with the made up rules in their heads I just totally ignore them don't respond

    • @velocitymg
      @velocitymg Месяц назад +7

      Boohoo, he dead, you got paid, anything else is just noise

    • @adamw2497
      @adamw2497 Месяц назад +7

      I just use F12 to remove chat when I play these days.

    • @BC-vv3ot
      @BC-vv3ot Месяц назад +3

      Who the heck cares about a red player getting bountied? I wouldn’t even give them a chance. Even waiting until they buy and stealing their cargo is on the table. I think they need to make it obvious where to go to clear your crime stat for newer players. Accidentally shooting people is a thing.

    • @androssthered1157
      @androssthered1157 Месяц назад

      I feel the same way about blue players 😂
      If I kill them and chat erupts then oh well.

  • @wraith511802003
    @wraith511802003 Месяц назад

    NPC crews will be mandatory to actually crew ships an have them do the mundane jobs that no player wants to sit in do for hrs. Routine maintenance is one them what ever that looks like.
    Gun crews should be trainable NPC that you can pay to keep an improve an they become loyal over time.
    However a lot of this can be done by DROIDS an or Gun Computers.
    Players should not expect a javlin or capital ship of any kind ot be player ran. It should be NOC for the most part an 10% players in all the important an fun jobs

  • @kal9214
    @kal9214 Месяц назад

    Let's link and loot some erts

  • @Kimlorentz
    @Kimlorentz Месяц назад +1

    Removing ships from web store is a bad idea, no idea why he thinks that’s a good idea.
    That means people that got ships now will always be ahead of the new ones that does not get to buy ships.
    I don’t see your logic but again you own ships so you get ahead of the new people and you maybe don’t care due to you got what you needed to get ahead.

    • @sniper00691
      @sniper00691 Месяц назад +1

      CIG already said when 1.0 launches they are going to stop selling ships for money but when they are all in game they will sale UEC so people with just buy that to get in game ships but I guess we will see

    • @SpaceTomatoToo
      @SpaceTomatoToo  Месяц назад

      @@Kimlorentz not sure who you mean, but shoot I'd be ready to give up en very ship in my hangar for a more fun game. I think people are way too obsessed with having ships. The game is more fun on other people's ships, in my opinion.

    • @Kimlorentz
      @Kimlorentz Месяц назад

      Maybe I miss understood what he mentioned with ship sale, 17:09-17:17.
      Maybe the sale meaning is different then what I use, my main language is not English.
      Selling ships and ships sell at a lower price at a limited time is maybe what I mixed up.
      In the end it’s up to people to do what they want.
      If people want to buy ship more power to them, but they need to understand it’s a game so don’t over do it.
      I my self own some ship, but that was after I used them for a long time and decided to make that my main ship, I don’t have time to grind over and over after all the wips they are doing and only have 2-3 hours before bed to play around.
      And yes I know they talk about stopping wips, but don’t see that end any day soon

    • @SpaceTomatoToo
      @SpaceTomatoToo  Месяц назад

      @@Kimlorentz we're all definitely in the camp of waiting until things are permanent before wrapping up ship sales. But they explain that the ship sales are there to fund the game. If there are other ways to fund the game that are healthier for the overall game itself I'd hope they pursue that!

    • @Kimlorentz
      @Kimlorentz Месяц назад

      Hmm ye.
      One way to get money without only getting it from the users are using advertising on the monitors you see on every station, city’s and jump gates. Like give companies a rent options on these screens. One way to get stable income.
      And subscription gives access to custom cosmetics but not weapons and items.
      And give them some cosmetics or gear every month, but not gear that turns it into a pay to win.
      And I know you can buy guns now in the store, but you can easily find them in-game too. That what I do. I fill up my ships with guns to use for party missions and stuff or people in my org don’t have the guns I have it.

  • @PursauntYapper
    @PursauntYapper 28 дней назад

    The take on buying progression/power/advancement is a poor take and a bad direction for the game and gaming in general.
    Ship sales especially with how its marketed is already predatory and if you enable actual pay to win is a terrible step.
    Even if its weaker than 1000 hours it skips out on so much and gives you so much advantage on all those who haven't up until that point.

  • @nopoiseallowed5675
    @nopoiseallowed5675 Месяц назад

    3 Weeks into 3rd quarter: WHERE 4.0?!?!?!? DELAYED 2026?!?!

    • @SpaceTomatoToo
      @SpaceTomatoToo  Месяц назад

      @@nopoiseallowed5675 delayed 2030!
      They are still aiming for "the next few months", we'll see!

  • @ESC_907
    @ESC_907 Месяц назад

    “How do they know my cargo is stolen?” … RFID. “How do they know I murdered someone?” … RFID.
    Is this kid just an in-game psychopath that wants zero accountability for his criminal activity?

  • @SgtHack802
    @SgtHack802 Месяц назад

    Early backer, this game has always been pay to win. The military ships and carrier should have never been sold. When these ships are released to the players, game over. Idris wins.. A real shame.

    • @midriffzero
      @midriffzero Месяц назад

      Idris only wins if said Idris owner has 7+ friends or can pay for NPC crew(which wont be cheap). Otherwise he is an easy target for an Ares fighter or Retaliator torpedoes. So in that case its pay to lose. Also its going to cost a lot to repair, refuel and rearm so unless he is making money doing something else he isn't going to be able to use it after the fuel tanks run dry or it gets shot to sh!t.
      Just cause someone can buy An Idris it doesn't translate into always winning. So its not pay to win. An Org should be able to purchase an Idris with UEC in a day and they would have the crew to man it fully and the money to repair, refuel and rearm. Capitals aren't going to be solo friendly they are meant for Orgs. I guarantee that the people that think like you and bought a capital ship are going to be regretting it if they didn't buy it for Org use. The time and money sinks are the main balance not the fire power.

  • @caseyw216
    @caseyw216 Месяц назад

    I think if someone actually works 1000 hours to make the money to spend…. Is no different then someone spending 10000 hour in game. Shit in this game isn’t cheap. People who can afford that obviously work hard for their money. You guys are all playing in moms basement upset someone in real life get where you are at cause they are productive in real life. 😂🤣😂

  • @emoney7472
    @emoney7472 Месяц назад

    I'm not watching this. Are they trying to say star citizen is not pay to win. I can't

  • @vamperic
    @vamperic Месяц назад

    If they ever make reputation buyable I'd probably just point playing if they did that bullshit

  • @Jiberiel
    @Jiberiel Месяц назад +1

    An idea i had for reputation rewards, for example: If you maxed out rep with Crusader Industries Security, you get access to their ships paintjob. Maybe even be able to buy the armor of Crusader Security. Think it would be nice when you're committed to one corp and then "fly their colors" so to say ^^
    P:S. I've found myself disagreeing in many points with your podcast guest ^^"